760 ILCS 55/4
Three Illinois statutes, the Charitable Trust Act (760 ILCS 55/1), the Solicitation for Charity Act
(225 ILCS 460/1), and Section 17-2 of the Criminal Code (720 ILCS 5/17-2) govern the
activities of Illinois charitable organizations. The Illinois Attorney General administers these
statutes both as a source of public information and as an aid in fulfilling his common law duty
to protect charitable funds. The Charitable Trust Act and Section 17-2 of the Criminal Code
became law in 1961 and the Solicitation Act became law in 1963. The legislature has
amended these statutes; the most recent amendment to the Charitable Trust Act taking effect
July 27, 2015; the most recent amendment to Section 17-2 of the Criminal Code taking effect
August 18, 2017; and the most recent amendment to the Solicitation Act taking effect July
27, 2015. This booklet contains the complete text of the Charitable Trust Act, the Solicitation
for Charity Act and Section 17-2 of the Criminal Code, current as of January 1, 2019.
If you have any specific questions please write to the Office of the Illinois Attorney General,
Charitable Trust Bureau, 100 W. Randolph St., 11th Floor Chicago, Illinois 60601; telephone
(312) 814-2595; TTY (312) 814-3374.
Attorney General Kwame Raoul
Sec. 4. (a) This Act does not apply to the United
States, any State, territory or possession of the
United States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or to any of their
agencies or to any governmental subdivision; or
to a corporation sole, or other religious
corporation, trust or organization which holds
property for religious, charitable, hospital or
educational purposes or for the purpose of
operating cemeteries or a home or homes for the
aged; nor to any agency or organization,
incorporated or unincorporated, affiliated with and
directly supervised by such a religious corporation
or organization; or to an officer, director or trustee
of any such religious corporation, trust or
organization who holds property in his official
capacity for like purposes; or to a charitable
organization foundation, trust or corporation
organized for the purpose of and engaged in the
operation of schools or hospitals.
As an alternative means of satisfying the
duties and obligations otherwise imposed by this
Act, any veterans organization chartered or
incorporated under federal law and any veterans
organization which is affiliated with and
Table of Contents*
Text of the Charitable Trust Act,
760 ILCS 55/1 et seq. ..............................
Definitions ................................................. 1
Exemptions............................................... 1
Registration .............................................. 1
Annual Reports ......................................... 2
Charitable Trust for the Benefit of a Minor
or Person with a Disability; Report.............3
Administrative Subpoenas………………....3
Public Records………………………………3
Duties of Trustees…………………………..3
Termination and Transfer
of Certain Trusts ....................................... 3
Misuse of Charitable Assets ..................... 4
Terrorist Acts………………………………...4
Penalties for Personal Use
of Charitable Assets ................................. 4
Text of the Solicitation for Charity Act,
225 ILCS 460/1 et seq. .......................... 4-13
Definitions................................................. 5
Registration of Charities ........................... 5
Exemptions ............................................... 6
Annual Reports of Charities ...................... 7
Service of Process .................................... 8
Professional Fund Raiser Registration……8
Professional Fundraising Consultant
Registration .............................................. 9
Professional Fund Raiser Contracts ......... 9
Public Safety Personnel Organization . . . 10
Professional Solicitor Registration .......... 10
Civil Actions by the Attorney General ... 10
Administrative Subpoenas ...................... 11
Unauthorized Solicitations ...................... 11
Registration not an Endorsement ............ 11
Fundraising Requirements ...................... 12
Misuse of Charitable Assets ................... 12
Terrorist Acts .......................................... 12
Public Disclosure in Solicitations ............. 13
Statutory Misrepresentations .................. 13
Penalties for Personal Use of
Charitable Assets ................................... 13
Text of Sec. 17-2 of the Criminal Code,
720 ILCS 5/17-2……………………………13-15
False Personation .......................................
* The categories in this Table of Contents are
included in the text of this booklet for information
purposes only, and are not part of the actual text
of the statute.
An Act providing for the reporting of and the
enforcement of certain charitable trusts. 760
ILCS 55/1 et seq.
760 ILCS 55/1
Sec. 1. This Act may be cited as Charitable
Trust Act.
760 ILCS 55/2
Sec. 2. This Act applies to any and all trustees,
as defined in Section 3 [760 ILCS 55/3], holding
property of a value in excess of $4,000.
760 ILCS 55/3
Sec. 3. "Trustee" means any person, individual,
group of individuals, association, corporation,
not-for-profit corporation, estate representative, or
other legal entity holding property for or solicited
for any charitable purpose; or any chief operating
officer, director, executive director or owner of a
corporation soliciting or holding property for a
charitable purpose.
recognized in the bylaws of a congressionally
chartered or incorporated veterans organization
may register with the Attorney General as
provided in Section 5 of this Act [760 ILCS 55/5]
and comply with the filing requirements set forth
in subsection (d) of Section 4 of the Solicitation
for Charity Act [225 ILCS 460/4].
Any person who would be subject to the
provisions of Section 2 of this Act [760 ILCS 55/2]
solely by virtue of acting as agent in receiving,
collecting, holding or transporting used or second
hand personal property for a charitable
organization, a veterans organization or an
affiliate as described in subsection (b) shall be
relieved of all duties and obligations otherwise
imposed by this Act upon filing with the Attorney
General the documents required under subsection
(e) of Section 4 of the Solicitation for Charity Act
[225 ILCS 460/4].
760 ILCS 55/5
Sec. 5. Registration requirement.
The Attorney General shall establish and
maintain a register of trustees subject to this Act
and of the particular trust or other relationship
under which they hold property for charitable
purposes and, to that end, shall conduct whatever
investigation is necessary, and shall obtain from
public records, court officers, taxing authorities,
trustees and other sources, copies of instruments,
reports and records and whatever information is
needed for the establishment and maintenance of
the register.
A registration statement shall be signed and
verified under penalty of perjury by 2 officers of a
corporate charitable organization or by 2 trustees
if not a corporate organization. One signature will
be accepted if there is only one officer or one
trustee. A registration fee of $15 shall be paid
with each initial registration. If a person, trustee or
organization fails to maintain a registration of a
trust or organization as required by this Act,
and its registration is cancelled as provided in
this Act, and if that trust or organization
remains in existence and by law is required to
be registered, in order to re-register, a new
registration must be filed accompanied by
required financial reports, and in all instances
where re-registration is required, submitted,
and allowed, the new re-registration materials
must be filed, accompanied by a re-registration
fee of $200.
If a person or trustee fails to register or
maintain registration of a trust or organization
or fails to file reports as provided in this Act, the
person or trustee is subject to injunction, to
removal, to account, and to appropriate other
relief before a court of competent jurisdiction
exercising chancery jurisdiction. In the event of
such action, the court may impose a civil
penalty of not less than $500 nor more than
$1,000 against the organization or trust estate
that failed to maintain a registration required
under this Act. The collected penalty shall be
used for charitable trust enforcement and for
providing charitable trust information to the
760 ILCS 55/5A
Sec. 5A. Organizations that have been
approved for participation under the Voluntary
Payroll Deductions Act of 1983 [5 ILCS 340/1
et seq.] shall be reported to the Attorney
General by the Comptroller no later than May 1
of each year.
760 ILCS 55/6
Sec. 6. (a) Every trustee subject to this Act
who has received property for charitable
purposes shall file and register with the
Attorney General, within 6 months after any
part of the income or principal is received for
application to the charitable purpose, and prior
to disbursements, a copy of the trust
agreement, articles of incorporation or other
written instrument, if any, providing for his title,
powers or duties. In the event a trustee subject
to this Act is holding property for charitable
purposes under no such written instrument,
such trustee nevertheless shall file, in lieu of
such instrument, a statement in writing setting
forth his title, powers and duties with respect to
the property he is so holding. If any part of the
income or principal is authorized or required to
be applied to a charitable purpose, whether a
remainder interest or charitable lead interest, at
the time this Act takes effect, the filing shall be
made within 6 months after the effective date of
this Act. Upon complying with the requirement
of this Section, banks and trust companies,
authorized to accept and execute trusts in this
State, and an individual or individuals duly
appointed, qualified and acting as cofiduciary
or cofiduciaries with any such bank or trust
company, shall be exempt from all other
provisions and requirements of this Act, but
shall be required to annually file a copy of the
federal Internal Revenue report or return for the
trust within the time of its federal due date, with
the Attorney General in lieu of other reporting.
(b) If the settlor is still living, any trust which is
merely registered because it is a charitable
remainder interest or charitable lead interest trust,
and the charitable interest is not matured, whether
revocable or irrevocable, the trust may upon
written request be registered as a confidential
registration. A confidential registration shall mean
the Attorney General shall hold the file
confidentially and not make any filings therein
public, unless necessary and pursuant to
litigation. The Attorney General may, however,
disclose a confidential registration file for
statistical reasons if all indications of name and
identity are blocked out, but at all times
maintaining the confidentiality as required in this
Annual Reports
760 ILCS 55/7
Sec. 7. (a) Except as otherwise provided, every
trustee subject to this Act shall, in addition to filing
copies of the instruments previously required, file
with the Attorney General periodic annual written
reports under oath, setting forth information as to
the nature of the assets held for charitable
purposes and the administration thereof by the
trustee, in accordance with rules and regulations
of the Attorney General.
The Attorney General shall make rules and
regulations as to the time for filing reports, the
contents thereof, and the manner of executing
and filing them. He may classify trusts and other
relationships concerning property held for a
charitable purpose as to purpose, nature of
assets, duration of the trust or other relationship,
amount of assets, amounts to be devoted to
charitable purposes, nature of trustee, or
otherwise, and may establish different rules for
the different classes as to time and nature of the
reports required to the ends (1) that he shall
receive reasonably current, annual reports as to
all charitable trusts or other relationships of a
similar nature, which will enable him to ascertain
whether they are being properly administered,
and (2) that periodic reports shall not
unreasonably add to the expense of the
administration of charitable trusts and similar
relationships. The Attorney General may suspend
the filing of reports as to a particular charitable
trust or relationship for a reasonable, specifically
designated time upon written application of the
trustee filed with the Attorney General and after
the Attorney General has filed in the register of
charitable trusts a written statement that the
interests of the beneficiaries will not be prejudiced
thereby and that periodic reports are not required
for proper supervision by his office.
A copy of an account filed by the trustee in any
court having jurisdiction of the trust or other
relationship; if the account has been approved by
the court in which it was filed and notice given to
the Attorney General as an interested party, may
be filed as a report required by this Section.
The first report for a trust or similar relationship
hereafter established, unless the filing thereof is
suspended as herein provided, shall be filed not
later than one year after any part of the income or
principal is authorized or required to be applied to
a charitable purpose. If any part of the income or
principal of a trust previously established is
authorized or required to be applied to a
charitable purpose at the time this Act takes
effect, the first report, unless the filing thereof is
suspended, shall be filed within 6 months after the
effective date of this Act. In addition, every
trustee registered hereunder that received more
than $25,000 in revenue during a trust fiscal year
or has possession of more than $25,000 of assets
at any time during a fiscal year shall file an annual
financial report within 6 months of the close of the
trust's or organization's fiscal year, and if a
calendar year the report shall be due on each
June 30 of the following year. Every trustee
registered hereunder that did not receive more
than $25,000 in revenue or hold more than
$25,000 in assets during a fiscal year shall file
only a simplified summary financial statement
disclosing only the gross receipts, total
disbursements, and assets on hand at the end of
the year, on forms prescribed by the Attorney
The periodic reporting provisions of this Act do
not apply to any trustee of a trust which is the
subject matter of an adversary proceeding
pending in the circuit court in this State. However,
upon commencement of the proceeding the
trustee shall file a report with the Attorney General
informing him of that fact together with the title
and number of the cause and the name of the
court. Upon entry of final judgment in the cause
the trustee shall in like manner report that fact to
the Attorney General and fully account for all
periods of suspension.
The Attorney General in his discretion may,
pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by
the Attorney General, accept executed copies of
federal Internal Revenue returns and reports as a
portion of the annual reporting. The report shall
include a statement of any changes in purpose or
any other information required to be contained in
the registration form filed on behalf of the
organization. The report shall be signed under
penalty of perjury by the president and the chief
fiscal officer of any corporate organization or by 2
trustees if not a corporation. One signature shall
be accepted if there is only one officer or trustee.
The Attorney General shall cancel the
registration of any trust or organization that willfully
fails to comply with subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d)
of this Section within the time prescribed, and the
assets of the organization may through court
proceedings be collected, debts paid and
proceeds distributed under court supervision to
other charitable purposes upon an action filed by
the Attorney General as law and equity allow.
Upon timely written request, the due date for filing
may be extended by the Attorney General for a
period of 60 days. Notice of registration
cancellation shall be mailed by regular mail to the
registrant at the registration file address or to its
registered agent or president 21 days before the
effective date of the cancellation. Reports
submitted after registration is canceled shall
require reregistration.
Every trustee registered hereunder that
received in any fiscal year more than $25,000 in
revenue or held more than $25,000 in assets shall
pay a fee of $15 along with each annual financial
report filed pursuant to this Act. If an annual
report is not timely filed, a late filing fee of an
additional $100 is imposed and shall be paid as a
condition of filing a late report. Reports submitted
without the proper fee shall not be accepted for
Charitable Trust for the Benefit of a
Minor or Person with a Disability;
760 ILCS 55/7.5
Sec. 7.5. Charitable trust for the benefit of
a minor or person with a disability; report.
(a) In the case of a charitable trust established
for the benefit of a minor or person with a
disability, the person or trustee responsible for
the trust, if not the guardian or parent, shall
report its existence by certified or registered
United States mail to the parent or guardian of
the minor or person with a disability within 30
days after formation of the trust and every 6
months thereafter. The written report shall
include the name and address of the trustee or
trustees responsible for the trust, the name
and address of the financial institution at which
funds for the trust are held, the amount of
funds raised for the trust, and an itemized list
of expenses for administration of the trust.
The guardian of the estate of the minor or
person with a disability shall report the
existence of the trust as part of the ward's
estate to the court that appointed the guardian
as part of its responsibility to manage the
ward's estate as established under Section 11-
13 of the Probate Act of 1975. Compliance
with this Section in no way affects other
requirements for trustee registration and
reporting under this Act or any accountings or
authorizations required by the court handling
the ward's estate.
(b) If a person or trustee fails to report the
existence of the trust to the minor's parent or
guardian or to the parent or guardian of the
person with a disability as required in this
Section, the person or trustee is subject to
injunction, to removal, to account, and to other
appropriate relief before a court of competent
jurisdiction exercising chancery jurisdiction.
(c) For the purpose of this Section, a charitable
trust for the benefit of a minor or person with a
disability is a trust, including a special needs
trust, that receives funds solicited from the
public under representations that such will (i)
benefit a needy minor or person with a
disability, (ii) pay the medical or living
expenses of the minor or person with a
disability, or (iii) be used to assist in family
expenses of the minor or person with a
(d) Each and every trustee of a charitable trust
for the benefit of a minor or person with a
disability must register under this Act and in
addition must file an annual report as required
by Section 7 of this Act.
760 ILCS 55/8
Sec. 8. The Attorney General may make
additional rules and regulations necessary for
the administration of this Act.
Administrative Subpoenas
760 ILCS 55/9
Sec. 9. The Attorney General may investigate
transactions and relationships of trustees subject
to this Act for the purpose of determining whether
the property held for charitable purposes is
properly administered. He may require any agent,
trustee, fiduciary, beneficiary, institution,
association, or corporation, or other person to
appear, at a named time and place, in the county
designated by the Attorney General, where the
person resides or is found, to give information
under oath and to produce books, memoranda,
papers, documents of title and evidence of
assets, liability, receipts, or disbursements in the
possession or control of the person ordered to
760 ILCS 55/10
Sec. 10. When the Attorney General requires
the attendance of any person, as provided in
Section 9 [760 ILCS 55/9], he shall issue an order
setting forth the time when and the place where
attendance is required and shall cause the same
to be served upon the person in the manner
provided for service of process in civil cases at
least 14 days before the date fixed for attendance.
Such order shall have the same force and effect
as a subpoena and, upon application of the
Attorney General, obedience to the order may be
enforced by the circuit court in the county where
the person receiving it resides or is found, in the
same manner as though the notice were a
subpoena. Such court may, in case of contumacy
or refusal to obey the order issued by the Attorney
General, issue an order requiring such person to
appear before the Attorney General or to produce
documentary evidence, if so ordered, or to give
evidence touching the matter in question, and any
failure to obey such order of the court may be
punished by that court as a contempt upon itself.
The investigation or hearing may be made by or
before any Assistant Attorney General designated
in writing by the Attorney General to conduct such
investigation or hearing on his behalf. Witnesses
ordered to appear shall be paid the same fees
and mileage as are paid witnesses in the circuit
courts of this State, and witnesses whose
depositions are taken and the persons taking the
same shall severally be entitled to the same fees
as are paid for like services in the circuit courts of
this State. The Attorney General or the Assistant
Attorney General acting in his behalf is
empowered to administer the necessary oath or
affirmation to such witnesses.
Public Records
760 ILCS 55/11
Sec. 11. Subject to reasonable rules and
regulations adopted by the Attorney General, the
register, copies of instruments and reports filed
with the Attorney General shall be open to public
760 ILCS 55/12
Sec. 12. The Attorney General may institute
appropriate proceedings to secure compliance
with this Act and to secure the proper
administration of any trust or other relationship to
which this Act applies. Venue shall be proper in
any county where the Attorney General accepts
and maintains the list of registrations. In
furtherance of judicial economy, actions filed for
violation of this Act may name multiple trustees,
trusts, and organizations in a joint action where
each has engaged in similar conduct in violation
of this Act or where similar relief is sought against
those defendants for violation of this Act.
760 ILCS 55/13
Sec. 13. This Act shall apply regardless of any
contrary provisions of any instrument.
760 ILCS 55/14
Sec. 14. If any provision of this Act or the
application thereof to any person or circumstance
is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other
provisions or applications of the Act which can be
given effect without the invalid provision or
application, and to this end the provisions of this
Act are severable.
Duties of Trustees
760 ILCS 55/15
Sec. 15. (a) Charitable trustees are subject to
certain duties otherwise defined in Illinois statutes
and case law, which include but are not limited to
the following:
To avoid "self-dealing" and conflicts of interest;
To avoid wasting charitable assets;
To avoid incurring penalties, fines, and
unnecessary taxes;
To adhere and conform the charitable
organization to its charitable purpose;
To not make non-program loans, gifts, or
advances to any person, except as allowed by the
General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986
[805 ILCS 105/101.01 et seq.];
To utilize the trust in conformity with its
purposes for the best interest of the beneficiaries;
To timely file registration and financial reports
required by this Act; and
To comply and to cause the charitable
organization to comply with this Act and, if
incorporated, the General Not For Profit
Corporation Act of 1986 [805 ILCS 105/101.01 et
(b) Every person subject to this Act shall maintain
accurate and detailed books and records at the
principal office of the organization to provide the
information required in this Act. All books and
records shall be open for inspection at all
reasonable times by the Attorney General or his
authorized representative.
Termination and Transfer of Certain
760 ILCS 55/15.5
Sec. 15.5. Termination and transfer of certain
If a trustee who is subject to this Act
determines that the continued administration of
a trust has become impractical because of the
trust's small size or because of changed
circumstances that adversely affect the
charitable purpose or purposes of the trust,
then after notifying each named charitable
organization, if any, for the benefit of which the
trust was created and after obtaining the
consent of the Attorney General, the trustee
may amend the terms of the governing
instrument of the trust to the extent necessary
to terminate the trust and to transfer the trust
assets as provided in subsection (c) or (d). The
Attorney General shall consent to the
termination of the trust and the transfer of the
trust assets only after having determined that
the termination and transfer are necessary or
appropriate, in the case of termination because
of the trust's small size, to implement the
charitable purpose or purposes of the trust or,
in the case of termination because of changed
circumstances, to fulfill the general intent of the
donor of the trust as expressed in the
governing instrument of the trust.
For purposes of subsection (a), the term
"small size" shall mean a trust for which the
annual expenses of administration, including
the trustee's fees, the investment management
and accounting fees and excise taxes would, if
charged entirely against income, exceed 25%
of the income of the trust, and the term
"changed circumstances" shall mean a
condition in which the charitable purpose or
purposes of the trust shall, in the judgment of
the trustee, have become illegal, unnecessary,
incapable of fulfillment, or inconsistent with the
charitable needs of the community.
Subject to subsection (d) with respect to a
trust terminated because of the trust's small
size, the trustee shall transfer the trust assets
of the terminated trust to a community
foundation or similar publicly-supported
organization described in Section 170
(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 [26 U.S.C. § 170], to be administered, in
the case of termination because of the trust's
small size, in implementation of the charitable
purpose or purposes of the trust or, in the case
of termination because of changed
circumstances, in accordance with the general
intent of the donor of the trust as expressed in
the governing instrument of the trust.
If a trust terminated because of the trust's
small size was created for the benefit of a
named charitable organization which has
established an endowment fund and if the
principal of the endowment fund is under its
irrevocable terms no more expendable by the
organization than is the principal of the trust
under the terms of the governing instrument of
the trust, the charitable organization may direct
the trustee to transfer the trust assets of the
trust to the endowment fund, to be
administered in implementation of the
charitable purpose or purposes of the trust.
A trustee need not obtain the approval of
any court in order to terminate a trust and to
transfer the trust assets as provided in this
The provisions of this Section are an
alternative to and not in abrogation of any other
course of action provided by law. A trustee shall
not incur any civil or criminal liability by reason of
acting in accordance with this Section.
Misuse of Charitable Assets
760 ILCS 55/16
Sec. 16. (a) Any person who, intentionally and
in breach of fiduciary duty with malice, misuses
charitable assets is subject to punitive damages
in an appropriate amount upon a trial on the
(b) Upon an application to the chancery division of
the circuit court in which the Attorney General
alleges that a charitable trust needs to be
protected or the trustees of a charitable
organization or trust have engaged in a breach of
fiduciary duty toward the organization, and
injunctive relief and removal of the trustees is
sought, the Court shall exercise its discretion as
the equities require and may, as part of the
injunctive relief, and after a hearing where the
trustees shall have an opportunity to be heard,
appoint temporarily or permanently a receiver or
additional trustees to protect and operate the
organization and may temporarily, or as ultimate
relief for breach of duty or to protect the trust,
permanently remove any charitable organization's
trustees, corporate officers, directors and
members from office and appoint replacements to
protect the public interest.
Terrorist Acts
760 ILCS 55/16.5
Sec. 16.5. Terrorist acts.
Any person or organization subject to
registration under this Act, who knowingly acts to
further, directly or indirectly, or knowingly uses
charitable assets to conduct or further, directly or
indirectly, an act or actions as set forth in Article
29D of the Criminal Code of 1961[720 ILCS
5/29D-5 et seq.], is thereby engaged in an act or
actions contrary to public policy and antithetical to
charity, and all funds, assets, and records of the
person or organization shall be subject to
temporary and permanent injunction from use or
expenditure and the appointment of a temporary
and permanent receiver to take possession of all
of the assets and related records.
An ex parte action may be commenced by the
Attorney General, and, upon a showing of
probable cause of a violation of this Section or
Article 29D of the Criminal Code of 1961, an
immediate seizure of books and records by the
Attorney General by and through his or her
assistants or investigators or the Department of
State Police and freezing of all assets shall be
made by order of a court to protect the public,
protect the assets, and allow a full review of the
Upon a finding by a court after a hearing that
a person or organization has acted or is in
violation of this Section, the person or
organization shall be permanently enjoined from
soliciting funds from the public, holding charitable
funds, or acting as a trustee or fiduciary within
Illinois. Upon a finding of violation all assets and
funds held by the person or organization shall be
forfeited to the People of the State of Illinois or
otherwise ordered by the court to be accounted
for and marshaled and then delivered to
charitable causes and uses within the State of
Illinois by court order.
A determination under this Section may be
made by any court separate and apart from any
criminal proceedings and the standard of proof
shall be that for civil proceedings.
Any knowing use of charitable assets to
conduct or further, directly or indirectly, an act or
actions set forth in Article 29D of the Criminal
Code of 1961 shall be a misuse of charitable
assets and breach of fiduciary duty relative to all
other Sections of this Act.
Penalties for Personal Use of
Charitable Assets
760 ILCS 55/17
Sec. 17. Any trustee who with malice and
without lawful authority, in violation of the trust
purposes or by intentional breach of fiduciary
duty, intentionally disburses or causes charitable
trust funds to be used for his personal benefit or
personal use in an amount in excess of $1,000
within a 5 year period is guilty of a Class 2 felony
and is subject to punitive damages up to or equal
to the amount misused and is subject to a civil
penalty of up to $50,000 for each intentional
knowing violation.
760 ILCS 55/18
Sec. 18. All copies of registration materials or
financial documents filed with the Attorney
General pursuant to the provisions of this Act
shall, when certified by him or by his designated
Assistant Attorney General, be taken and
received in all courts, public offices and official
bodies as business records of the filer.
760 ILCS 55/19
Sec. 19. There is created in the State Treasury
the Illinois Charity Bureau Fund. All fees and
penalties collected by the Attorney General
pursuant to this Act shall be deposited in the
Illinois Charity Bureau Fund in the State Treasury.
Moneys in the Fund shall be appropriated to the
Attorney General for charitable trust enforcement
purposes and dissemination of public information.
An Act to regulate solicitation and collection of
funds for charitable purposes, providing for
violations thereof, and making an appropriation
therefor. 225 ILCS 460/1 et seq.
225 ILCS 460/0.01
Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited
as the Solicitation for Charity Act.
225 ILCS 460/1
Sec. 1. The following words and phrases as
used in this Act shall have the following
meanings unless a different meaning is
required by the context.
"Charitable organization" means any
benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, or
eleemosynary person or one purporting to be
such which solicits and collects funds for
charitable purposes and includes each local,
county, or area division within this State of
such charitable organization, provided such
local, county or area division has authority and
discretion to disburse funds or property
otherwise than by transfer to any parent
"Contribution" means the promise or grant
of any money or property of any kind or value,
including the promise to pay, except payments
by union members of an organization.
Reference to the dollar amount of
"contributions" in this Act means in the case of
promises to pay, or payments for merchandise
or rights of any other description, the value of
the total amount promised to be paid or paid for
such merchandise or rights and not merely that
portion of the purchase price to be applied to a
charitable purpose. Contribution shall not
include the proceeds from the sale of
admission tickets by any not-for-profit music or
dramatic arts organization which establishes,
by such proof as the Attorney General may
require, that it has received an exemption
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code [26 U.S.C. § 501 et seq.] and
which is organized and operated for the
presentation of live public performances of
musical or theatrical works on a regular basis.
For purposes of this subsection, union member
dues and donated services shall not be
deemed contributions.
"Person" means any individual,
organization, group, association, partnership,
corporation, trust or any combination of them.
"Professional fund raiser" means any
person who for compensation or other
consideration, conducts, manages, or carries
on any solicitation or fund raising drive or
campaign in this State or from this State or on
behalf of a charitable organization residing
within this State for the purpose of soliciting,
receiving, or collecting contributions for or on
behalf of any charitable organization or any
other person, or who engages in the business
of, or holds himself out to persons in this State
as independently engaged in the business of
soliciting, receiving, or collecting contributions
for such purposes. A bona fide director, officer,
employee or unpaid volunteer of a charitable
organization shall not be deemed a
professional fund raiser unless the person is in
a management position and the majority of the
individual's salary or other compensation is
computed on a percentage basis of funds to be
raised, or actually raised.
"Professional fund raising consultant" means
any person who is retained by a charitable
organization or trustee for a fixed fee or rate that
is not computed on a percentage of funds to be
raised, or actually raised, under a written
agreement, to only plan, advise, consult, or
prepare materials for a solicitation of contributions
in this State, but who does not manage, conduct
or carry on a fundraising campaign and who does
not solicit contributions or employ, procure, or
engage any compensated person to solicit
contributions and who does not at any time have
custody or control of contributions. A volunteer,
employee or salaried officer of a charitable
organization or trustee maintaining a permanent
establishment or office in this State is not a
professional fundraising consultant. An attorney,
investment counselor, or banker who advises an
individual, corporation or association to make a
charitable contribution is not a professional
fundraising consultant as a result of the advice.
"Charitable purpose" means any charitable,
benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, or
eleemosynary purpose.
"Charitable Trust" means any relationship
whereby property is held by a person for a
charitable purpose.
"Education Program Service" means any
activity which provides information to the public of
a nature that is not commonly known or facts
which are not universally regarded as obvious or
as established by common understanding and
which informs the public of what it can or should
do about a particular issue.
"Primary Program Service" means the program
service upon which an organization spends more
than 50% of its program service funds or the
program activity which represents the largest
expenditure of funds in the fiscal period.
"Professional solicitor" means any natural
person who is employed or retained for
compensation by a professional fund raiser to
solicit, receive, or collect contributions for
charitable purposes from persons in this State or
from this State or on behalf of a charitable
organization residing within this State.
"Program Service Activity" means the actual
charitable program activities of a charitable
organization for which it expends its resources.
"Program Service Expense" means the
expenses of charitable program activity and not
management expenses or fund raising expenses.
In determining Program Service Expense,
management and fund raising expenses may not
be included.
"Public Safety Personnel Organization" means
any person who uses any of the words "officer",
"police", "policeman", "policemen", "troopers",
"sheriff", "law enforcement", "fireman",
"firemen", "paramedic", or similar words in its
name or in conjunction with solicitations, or in
the title or name of a magazine, newspaper,
periodical, advertisement book, or any other
medium of electronic or print publication, and is
not a governmental entity. No organization may
be a Public Safety Personnel Organization
unless 80% or more of its voting members or
trustees are active or retired police officers,
police officers with disabilities, peace officers,
firemen, fire fighters, emergency medical
technicians - ambulance, emergency medical
technicians - intermediate, emergency medical
technicians - paramedic, ambulance drivers, or
other medical assistance or first aid personnel.
(M-5) "Public Safety Personnel" includes police
officers, peace officers, firemen, fire fighters,
emergency medical technicians - ambulance,
emergency medical technicians - intermediate,
emergency medical technicians - paramedic,
ambulance drivers, and other medical assistance
or first aid personnel.
"Trustee" means any person, individual,
group of individuals, association, corporation, not
for profit corporation, or other legal entity holding
property for or solicited for any charitable
purpose; or any officer, director, executive director
or other controlling persons of a corporation
soliciting or holding property for a charitable
Registration of Charities
225 ILCS 460/2
Sec. 2. Registration; rules; penalties.
Every charitable organization, except as
otherwise provided in Section 3 of this Act [225
ILCS 460/3], which solicits or intends to solicit
contributions from persons in this State or which
is located in this State, by any means whatsoever
shall, prior to any solicitation, file with the Attorney
General upon forms prescribed by him, a
registration statement, accompanied by a
registration fee of $15, which statement shall
include the following certified information:
The name of the organization and the name or
names under which it intends to solicit
The names and addresses of the officers,
directors, trustees, and chief executive officer of
the organization.
The addresses of the organization and the
addresses of any offices in this State. If the
organization does not maintain a principal office,
the name and address of the person having
custody of its financial records.
Where and when the organization was legally
established, the form of its organization and its
tax exempt status.
The purpose for which the organization is
organized and the purpose or purposes for which
the contributions to be solicited will be used.
The date on which the fiscal year of the
organization ends.
Whether the organization is authorized by any
other governmental authority to solicit
contributions and whether it is or has ever been
enjoined by any court from soliciting contributions.
The names and addresses of any professional
fund raisers who are acting or have agreed to act
on behalf of the organization.
Methods by which solicitation will be made.
Copies of contracts between charitable
organizations and professional fund raisers
relating to financial compensation or profit to be
derived by the professional fund raisers. Where
any such contract is executed after filing of
registration statement, a copy thereof shall be
filed within 10 days of the date of execution.
Board, group, or individual having final
discretion as to the distribution and use of
contributions received.
The registration statement shall be signed
by the president or other authorized officer and
the chief fiscal officer of the organization.
Such registration shall remain in effect
unless it is either cancelled as provided in this
Act or withdrawn by the organization.
Every registered organization shall notify
the Attorney General within 10 days of any
change in the information required to be
furnished by such organization under
paragraphs 1 through 11 of subdivision (a) of
this Section.
In no event shall a registration of a
charitable organization continue, or be
continued, in effect after the date such
organization should have filed, but failed to file,
an annual report in accordance with the
requirements of Section 4 of this Act [225 ILCS
460/4], and such organization shall not be
eligible to file a new registration until it shall
have filed the required annual report with the
Attorney General. If such report is
subsequently filed and accepted by the
Attorney General such organization may file a
new registration. If a person, trustee, or
organization fails to timely register or maintain
a registration of a trust or organization as
required by this Act or if its registration is
cancelled as provided in this Act, and if that
trust or organization remains in existence and
by law is required to be registered, in order to
re-register or file a late registration a current
registration statement must be filed
accompanied by financial reports in the form
required herein for all past years. In all
instances where re-registration and late
registration are allowed, the new registration
materials must be filed, accompanied by a
penalty registration fee of $200.
Subject to reasonable rules and regulations
adopted by the Attorney General, the register,
registration statements, annual reports,
financial statements, professional fund raisers'
contracts, bonds, applications for registration
and re-registration, and other documents
required to be filed with the Attorney General
shall be open to public inspection.
Every person subject to this Act shall
maintain accurate and detailed books and
records at the principal office of the
organization to provide the information required
herein. All such books and records shall be
open to inspection at all reasonable times by
the Attorney General or his duly authorized
Where any local, county or area division of
a charitable organization is supervised and
controlled by a superior or parent organization,
incorporated, qualified to do business, or doing
business within this State, such local, county or
area division shall not be required to register
under this Section if the superior or parent
organization files a registration statement on
behalf of the local, county or area division in
addition to or as part of its own registration
statement. Where a registration statement has
been filed by a superior or parent organization as
provided in Section 2(g) of this Act [225 ILCS
460/2], it shall file the annual report required
under Section 4 of this Act [225 ILCS 460/4] on
behalf of the local, county or area division in
addition to or as part of its own report, but the
accounting information required under Section 4
of this Act [225 ILCS 460/4] shall be set forth
separately and not in consolidated form with
respect to every local, county or area division
which raises or expends more than $4,000.
The Attorney General may make rules of
procedure and regulations necessary for the
administration of this Act. Copies of all such rules
of procedure and regulations and of all changes
therein, duly certified by the Attorney General,
shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of
If a person, organization, or trustee fails to
register or if registration of a trust or organization
is cancelled as provided in this Act, the person,
organization, or trustee is subject to injunction, to
removal, to account, and to appropriate other
relief before the circuit court exercising chancery
jurisdiction. In addition to any other relief granted
under this Act, the court may impose a civil
penalty of not less than $500 nor more than
$1,000 against the organization or trust estate
that failed to register or failed to maintain a
registration required under this Act. The collected
penalty funds shall be used for charitable trust
enforcement and for providing charitable trust
information to the public.
225 ILCS 460/3
Sec. 3. Exemptions.
Upon initial filing of a registration statement
pursuant to Section 2 of this Act and notification
by the Attorney General of his determination that
the organizational purposes or circumstances
specified in this paragraph for exemption are
actual and genuine, the following entities shall be
exempt from all the report filing provisions of this
Act, except for the requirements set forth in
Section 2 of this Act [225 ILCS 460/2]:
A corporation sole or other religious
corporation, trust or organization incorporated or
established for religious purposes, nor to any
agency or organization incorporated or
established for charitable, hospital or educational
purposes and engaged in effectuating one or
more of such purposes, that is affiliated with,
operated by, or supervised or controlled by a
corporation sole or other religious corporation,
trust or organization incorporated or established
for religious purposes, nor to other religious
agencies or organizations which serve religion by
the preservation of religious rights and freedom
from persecution or prejudice or by fostering
religion, including the moral and ethical aspects of
a particular religious faith.
Any charitable organization which does not
intend to solicit and receive and does not actually
receive contributions in excess of $15,000 during
any 12 month period ending December 31 of any
year. However, if the gross contributions received
by such charitable organization during any 12
month period ending December 31 of any year
shall be in excess of $15,000, it shall file reports
as required under this Act and the provisions of
this Act shall apply.
The following persons shall not be required to
register with the Attorney General:
The University of Illinois, Southern Illinois
University, Eastern Illinois University, Illinois State
Normal University, Northern Illinois University,
Western Illinois University, all educational
institutions that are recognized by the State Board
of Education or that are accredited by a regional
accrediting association or by an organization
affiliated with the National Commission on
Accrediting, any foundation having an established
identity with any of the aforementioned
educational institutions, any other educational
institution confining its solicitation of contributions
to its student body, alumni, faculty and trustees,
and their families, or a library established under
the laws of this State, provided that the annual
financial report of such institution or library shall
be filed with the State Board of Education,
Governor, Illinois State Library, County Library
Board or County Board, as provided by law.
Fraternal, patriotic, social, educational, alumni
organizations and historical societies when
solicitation of contributions is confined to their
membership. This exemption shall be extended to
any subsidiary of a parent or superior organization
exempted by Sub-paragraph 2 of Paragraph (b) of
Section 3 of this Act [225 ILCS 460/3] where such
solicitation is confined to the membership of the
subsidiary, parent or superior organization.
Persons requesting any contributions for the
relief or benefit of any individual, specified by
name at the time of the solicitation, if the
contributions collected are turned over to the
named beneficiary, first deducting reasonable
expenses for costs of banquets, or social
gatherings, if any, provided all fund raising
functions are carried on by persons who are
unpaid, directly or indirectly, for such services.
Any bona fide union, bona fide political
organization or bona fide political action
committee, which does not solicit funds for a
charitable purpose.
Any charitable organization receiving an
allocation from an incorporated community chest
or united fund, provided such chest or fund is
complying with the provisions of this Act relating
to registration and filing of annual reports with the
Attorney General, and provided such organization
does not actually receive, in addition to such
allocation, contributions in excess of $4,000
during any 12 month period ending June 30th of
any year, and provided further that all the fund
raising functions of such organization are carried
on by persons who are unpaid for such services.
However, if the gross contributions other than
such allocation received by such charitable
organization during any 12 month period ending
June 30th of any year shall be in excess of
$4,000, it shall within 30 days after the date it
shall have received such contributions in excess
of $4,000 register with the Attorney General as
required by Section 2 [225 ILCS 460/2].
A bona fide organization of volunteer
firemen, or a bona fide auxiliary or affiliate of
such organization, provided all its fund raising
activities are carried on by members of such an
organization or an affiliate thereof and such
members receive no compensation, directly or
indirectly, therefor.
Any charitable organization operating a
nursery for infants awaiting adoption providing
that all its fund raising activities are carried on
by members of such an organization or an
affiliate thereof and such members receive no
compensation, directly or indirectly therefor.
Any corporation established by the Federal
Congress that is required by federal law to
submit annual reports of its activities to
Congress containing itemized accounts of all
receipts and expenditures after being duly
Any boys' club which is affiliated with the
Boys' Club of America, a corporation chartered
by Congress; provided, however, that such an
affiliate properly files the reports required by
the Boys' Club of America and that the Boys'
Club of America files with the Government of
the United States the reports required by its
federal charter.
Any veterans organization chartered or
incorporated under federal law and any
veterans organization which is affiliated with,
and recognized in the bylaws of, a
congressionally chartered or incorporated
veterans organization; provided, however, that
the affiliate properly files the reports required
by the congressionally chartered or
incorporated veterans organization, that the
congressionally chartered or incorporated
veterans organization files with the government
of the United States the reports required by its
federal charter, and that copies of such
federally required reports are filed with the
Attorney General.
Any parent-teacher organization that is
controlled by teachers and parents of children
attending a particular public or private school
for which the organization is named and solicits
contributions for the benefit of that particular
school; provided that:
(i) the school is specified by name at the time
the solicitation is made;
(ii) all of the contributions are turned over to the
school, after first deducting reasonable
expenses for fundraising and parent-teacher
(iii) all fundraising functions are carried on by
persons who are not paid, either directly or
indirectly, for their fundraising services;
(iv) the total contributions, less reasonable
fundraising expenses, do not exceed $50,000
in any calendar year;
(v) the organization provides the school at
least annually with a complete accounting of all
contributions received; and
(vi) the governing board of the school certifies to
the Attorney General, if the Attorney General
makes a request for certification, that the parent-
teacher organization has provided the school with
a full accounting and that the organization has
provided benefits and contributions to the school.
Annual Reports of Charities
225 ILCS 460/4
Sec. 4. (a) Every charitable organization
registered pursuant to Section 2 of this Act [225
ILCS 460/2] which shall receive in any 12 month
period ending upon its established fiscal or
calendar year contributions in excess of
$300,000, and every charitable organization
whose fund raising functions are not carried on
solely by staff employees or persons who are
unpaid for such services, if the organization shall
receive in any 12 month period ending upon its
established fiscal or calendar year contributions in
excess of $25,000, shall file a written report with
the Attorney General upon forms prescribed by
him, on or before June 30 of each year if its books
are kept on a calendar basis, or within 6 months
after the close of its fiscal year if its books are
kept on a fiscal year basis, which written report
shall include a financial statement covering the
immediately preceding 12 month period of
operation. Such financial statement shall include
a balance sheet and statement of income and
expense, and shall be consistent with forms
furnished by the Attorney General clearly setting
forth the following: gross receipts and gross
income from all sources, broken down into total
receipts and income from each separate
solicitation project or source; cost of
administration; cost of solicitation; cost of
programs designed to inform or educate the
public; funds or properties transferred out of this
State, with explanation as to recipient and
purpose; cost of fundraising; compensation paid
to trustees; and total net amount disbursed or
dedicated for each major purpose, charitable or
otherwise. Such report shall also include a
statement of any changes in the information
required to be contained in the registration form
filed on behalf of such organization. The report
shall be signed by the president or other
authorized officer and the chief fiscal officer of the
organization who shall certify that the statements
therein are true and correct to the best of their
knowledge, and shall be accompanied by an
opinion signed by an independent certified public
accountant that the financial statement therein
fairly represents the financial operations of the
organization in sufficient detail to permit public
evaluation of its operations. Said opinion may be
relied upon by the Attorney General.
Every organization registered pursuant to
Section 2 of this Act [225 ILCS 460/2] which shall
receive in any 12 month period ending upon its
established fiscal or calendar year of any year
in excess of $15,000, but not in excess of
$25,000, during a fiscal year shall file only a
simplified summary financial statement disclosing
only the gross receipts, total disbursements, and
assets on hand at the end of the year on forms
prescribed by the Attorney General; or
in excess of $25,000, but not in excess of
$300,000, if it is not required to submit a report
under subsection (a) of this Section, shall file a
written report with the Attorney General upon
forms prescribed by him, on or before June 30 of
each year if its books are kept on a calendar
basis, or within 6 months after the close of its
fiscal year if its books are kept on a fiscal year
basis, which shall include a financial statement
covering the immediately preceding 12-month
period of operation limited to a statement of such
organization's gross receipts from contributions,
the gross amount expended for charitable
educational programs, other charitable programs,
management expense, and fund raising expenses
including a separate statement of the cost of any
goods, services or admissions supplied as part of
its solicitations, and the disposition of the net
proceeds from contributions, including
compensation paid to trustees, consistent with
forms furnished by the Attorney General. Such
report shall also include a statement of any
changes in the information required to be
contained in the registration form filed on behalf of
such organization. The report shall be signed by
the president or other authorized officer and the
chief fiscal officer of the organization who shall
certify that the statements therein are true and
correct to the best of their knowledge.
For any fiscal or calendar year of any
organization registered pursuant to Section 2 of
this Act [225 ILCS 460/2] in which such
organization would have been exempt from
registration pursuant to Section 3 of this Act [225
ILCS 460/3] if it had not been so registered, or in
which it did not solicit or receive contributions,
such organization shall file, on or before June 30
of each year if its books are kept on a calendar
basis, or within 6 months after the close of its
fiscal year if its books are kept on a fiscal year
basis, instead of the reports required by
subdivisions (a) or (b) of this Section, a statement
certified under penalty of perjury by its president
and chief fiscal officer stating the exemption and
the facts upon which it is based or that such
organization did not solicit or receive contributions
in such fiscal year. The statement shall also
include a statement of any changes in the
information required to be contained in the
registration form filed on behalf of such
As an alternative means of satisfying the
duties and obligations otherwise imposed by this
Section, any veterans organization chartered or
incorporated under federal law and any veterans
organization which is affiliated with, and
recognized in the bylaws of, a congressionally
chartered or incorporated organization may, at its
option, annually file with the Attorney General the
following documents:
A copy of its Form 990, as filed with the
Internal Revenue Service.
Copies of any reports required to be filed by
the affiliate with the congressionally chartered or
incorporated veterans organization, as well as
copies of any reports filed by the congressionally
chartered or incorporated veterans organization
with the government of the United States pursuant
to federal law.
Copies of all contracts entered into by the
congressionally chartered or incorporated
veterans organization or its affiliate for purposes
of raising funds in this State, such copies to be
filed with the Attorney General no more than 30
days after execution of the contracts.
As an alternative means of satisfying all of
the duties and obligations otherwise imposed
by this Section, any person, pursuant to a
contract with a charitable organization, a
veterans organization or an affiliate described
or referred to in subsection (d), who receives,
collects, holds or transports as the agent of the
organization or affiliate for purposes of resale
any used or second hand personal property,
including but not limited to household goods,
furniture or clothing donated to the organization
or affiliate may, at its option, annually file with
the Attorney General the following documents,
accompanied by an annual filing fee of $15:
A notarized report including the number of
donations of personal property it has received
on behalf of the charitable organization,
veterans organization or affiliate during the
proceeding year. For purposes of this report,
the number of donations of personal property
shall refer to the number of stops or pickups
made regardless of the number of items
received at each stop or pickup. The report
may cover the person's fiscal year, in which
case it shall be filed with the Attorney General
no later than 90 days after the close of that
fiscal year.
All contracts with the charitable
organization, veterans organization or affiliate
under which the person has acted as an agent
for the purposes listed above.
All contracts by which the person agreed to
pay the charitable organization, veterans
organization or affiliate a fixed amount for, or a
fixed percentage of the value of, each donation
of used or second hand personal property.
Copies of all such contracts shall be filed no
later than 30 days after they are executed.
The Attorney General may seek appropriate
equitable relief from a court or, in his discretion,
cancel the registration of any organization
which fails to comply with subdivision (a), (b) or
(c) of this Section within the time therein
prescribed, or fails to furnish such additional
information as is requested by the Attorney
General within the required time; except that
the time may be extended by the Attorney
General for a period not to exceed 60 days
upon a timely written request and for good
cause stated. Unless otherwise stated herein,
the Attorney General shall, by rule, set forth the
standards used to determine whether a
registration shall be cancelled as authorized by
this subsection. Such standards shall be stated
as precisely and clearly as practicable, to
inform fully those persons affected. Notice of
such cancellation shall be mailed to the
registrant at least 15 days before the effective
date thereof.
The Attorney General in his discretion may,
pursuant to rule, accept executed copies of
federal Internal Revenue returns and reports as
a portion of the foregoing annual reporting in
the interest of minimizing paperwork, except
there shall be no substitute for the independent
certified public accountant audit opinion
required by this Act.
The Attorney General after canceling the
registration of any trust or organization which
fails to comply with this Section within the time
therein prescribed may by court proceedings, in
addition to all other relief, seek to collect the
assets and distribute such under court
supervision to other charitable purposes.
Every trustee, person, and organization
required to file an annual report shall pay a filing
fee of $15 with each annual financial report filed
pursuant to this Section. If a proper and complete
annual report is not timely filed, a late filing fee of
an additional $100 is imposed and shall be paid
as a condition of filing a late report. Reports
submitted without the proper fee shall not be
accepted for filing. Payment of the late filing fee
and acceptance by the Attorney General shall
both be conditions of filing a late report. All late
filing fees shall be used to provide charitable trust
enforcement and dissemination of charitable trust
information to the public and shall be maintained
in a separate fund for such purpose known as the
Illinois Charity Bureau Fund.
There is created hereby a separate special
fund in the State Treasury to be known as the
Illinois Charity Bureau Fund. That Fund shall be
under the control of the Attorney General, and the
funds, fees, and penalties deposited therein shall
be used by the Attorney General to enforce the
provisions of this Act and to gather and
disseminate information about charitable trustees
and organizations to the public.
Service of Process
225 ILCS 460/5
Sec. 5. Any charitable organization, trustee,
person, professional fund raiser or professional
solicitor, which or who solicits, receives, or
collects contributions in this State, but does not
maintain an office within the State or cannot be
located within the State shall be subject to service
of process, as follows:
By service thereof on its registered agent
within the State, or if there be no such registered
agent, then upon the person who has been
designated in the registration statement as having
custody of books and records within this State;
where service is effected upon the person so
designated in the registration statement a copy of
the process shall, in addition, be mailed to the
registrant's last known address;
When any corporate person has solicited,
received, or collected contributions in this State,
but maintains no office within the State, has no
registered agent within the State, and no
designated person having custody of its books
and records within the State, or when a registered
agent or person having custody of its books and
records within the State cannot be found as
shown by the return of the sheriff of the county in
which such registered agent or person having
custody of books and records has been
represented by the charitable organization or
person as maintaining an office, service may be
made by delivering to and leaving with the
Secretary of State, or with any deputy or clerk in
the corporation department of his office, three
copies thereof;
Following service upon the Secretary of State
the provisions of law relating to service of process
on foreign corporations shall thereafter govern;
Long arm service in accordance with law;
The solicitation, receipt, or collection of any
contribution within this State by any charitable
organization or any person shall be deemed to be
their agreement that any process against it or him
which is so served in accordance with the
provisions of this Section shall be of the same
legal force and effect as if served personally
within this State and that the courts of this State
shall have personal jurisdiction over such
organizations, persons and trustees;
Venue over persons required to be registered
under this Act shall be proper in any county where
the Attorney General accepts and maintains the
list of registrations. In furtherance of judicial
economy, actions filed for violation of this Act may
name multiple trustees, trusts, and organizations
in a single or joint action where those joined have
each engaged in similar conduct in violation of
this Act or where similar relief is sought against
those defendants for violation of this Act.
Professional Fund Raiser
225 ILCS 460/6
Sec. 6. Professional fund raiser registration.
No person shall act as a professional fund
raiser or allow a professional fund raiser entity he
owns, manages or controls to act for a charitable
organization required to register pursuant to
Section 2 of this Act [ 225 ILCS 460/2], or for any
organization as described in Section 3 of this Act
[225 ILCS 460/3] before he has registered himself
or the entity with the Attorney General or after the
expiration or cancellation of such registration or
any renewal thereof. Applications for registration
and re-registration shall be in writing, under oath,
in the form prescribed by the Attorney General. A
registration fee of $100 shall be paid with each
registration and upon each re-registration.
Registration and re-registration can proceed only
if all financial reports have been filed in proper
form and all fees have been paid in full. If the
applicant intends to or does take control or
possession of charitable funds, the applicant shall
at the time of making application, file with, and
have approved by, the Attorney General a bond in
which the applicant shall be the principal obligor,
in the sum of $10,000, with one or more corporate
sureties licensed to do business in this State
whose liability in the aggregate will at least equal
such sum. The bond shall run to the Attorney
General for the use of the State and to any person
who may have a cause of action against the
obligor of the bond for any malfeasance or
misfeasance in the conduct of such solicitation;
provided, that the aggregate limit of liability of the
surety to the State and to all such persons shall,
in no event, exceed the sum of such bond.
Registration or re-registration when effected shall
be for a period of one year, or a part thereof,
expiring on the 30th day of June, and may be
renewed upon written application, under oath, in
the form prescribed by the Attorney General and
the filing of the bond for additional one year
periods. Every professional fund raiser required to
register pursuant to this Act shall file an annual
written report with the Attorney General containing
such information as he may require by rule.
Certification shall be required for only information
within the professional fund raiser's knowledge.
Upon filing a complete registration
statement, a professional fund raiser shall be
given a registration number and shall be
considered registered. If the materials
submitted are determined to be inaccurate or
incomplete, the Attorney General shall notify
the professional fund raiser of his findings and
the defect and that within 30 days his
registration will be cancelled unless the defect
is cured within said time.
Every professional fund raiser registered
under this Act who takes possession or control
of charitable funds directly, indirectly, or
through an escrow shall submit a full written
accounting to the charitable organization of all
funds it or its agents collected on behalf of the
charitable organization during the 6 month
period ended June 30 of each year, and file a
copy of the accounting with the Attorney
General. The accounting shall be in writing
under oath and be signed and made on forms
as prescribed by the Attorney General and
shall be filed by the following September 30 of
each year; however, within the time prescribed,
and for good cause, the Attorney General may
grant a 60 day extension of the due date.
Every professional fund raiser registered
pursuant to this Act shall also file calendar year
written financial reports with the Attorney
General containing such information as he may
require, on forms prescribed by him, as well as
separate financial reports for each separate
fund raising campaign conducted. The written
report, including all required schedules, shall
be filed under oath on or before April 30 of the
following calendar year and be signed and
verified under penalty of perjury within the time
prescribed. An annual report fee of $25 shall
be paid to the Attorney General with the filing of
that report. If the report is not timely filed, a late
filing fee shall result and must be paid prior to
re-registration. The late filing fee shall be
calculated at $200 for each and every separate
fundraising campaign conducted during the
report year. For good cause, the Attorney
General may grant a 30 day extension of the
due date, in which case a late filing fee shall
not be imposed until the expiration of the
extension period. A copy of the report shall
also be given to the charitable organization by
the due date of filing. A professional fund raiser
shall only be required to verify information
actually available to the professional fund
raiser, but in any event an annual report must
be timely filed.
(d-5) The calendar year written financial report
of every professional fund raiser who conducts,
manages, or carries on a fund raising
campaign involving the collection or resale of
any automobiles, motorcycles, other motor
vehicles, boats, yachts, or other water craft
collected in Illinois during the report year, and
the distribution of funds from the collection or
resale of such motor vehicles and water crafts
to the charitable organization, must include a
schedule detailing the following information for
each motor vehicle and water craft collected or
(1) The vehicle or hull identification number.
(2) The gross resale amount of the vehicle.
(3) The total amount distributed to the
charitable organization from the collection or
resale of the motor vehicle or water craft.
(4) Any and all fees, compensation, or other
consideration paid to or retained by the
professional fund raiser from the collection or
resale of the motor vehicle or water craft.
(5) The identity of any other professional fund
raiser that participated in the collection or resale
of the vehicle and any fees, compensation, or
other consideration paid to or retained by that
other professional fund raiser from the collection
or resale of the motor vehicle or water craft.
The calendar year written financial report of
every professional fund raiser who conducts,
manages, or carries on a fund raising campaign
involving the collection or resale of any
automobile, motorcycle, other motor vehicle, boat,
yacht, or other water craft collected in Illinois
during the report year, but who does not distribute
funds from such collection or resale to the
charitable organization, must include a schedule
detailing the following information for each motor
vehicle and water craft collected or resold:
(1) The vehicle or hull identification number.
(2) Any and all fees, compensation, or other
consideration paid to or retained by the
professional fund raiser from the collection or
resale of the motor vehicle or water craft.
(3) The identity of the person or entity involved in
the fund raising campaign who does distribute
funds from the collection or resale of the vehicle
to the charitable organization.
No person convicted of a felony may register
as a professional fund raiser, and no person
convicted of a misdemeanor involving fiscal
wrongdoing, breach of fiduciary duty or a violation
of this Act may register as a professional fund
raiser for a period of 5 years from the date of the
conviction or the date of termination of the
sentence or probation, if any, whichever is later.
This subsection shall not apply to charitable
organizations that have as their primary purpose
the rehabilitation of criminal offenders, the
reintegration of criminal offenders into society, the
improvement of the criminal justice system or the
improvement of conditions within penal
A professional fund raiser may not cause or
allow independent contractors to act on its behalf
in soliciting charitable contributions other than
registered professional solicitors. A professional
fund raiser must maintain the names, addresses
and social security numbers of all of its
professional solicitors for a period of at least 2
Any person who knowingly violates the
provisions of subsections (a), (e), and (f) of this
Section is guilty of a Class 4 felony. Any person
who fails after being given notice of delinquency
to file written financial reports required by
subsections (c), (d), and (d-5) of this Section
which is more than 2 months past its due date is
guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
Any person who violates any of the provisions
of this Section shall be subject to civil penalties of
$5,000 for each violation and shall not be entitled
to keep or receive fees, salaries, commissions or
any compensation as a result or on account of the
solicitations or fund raising campaigns, and at the
request of the Attorney General or the charitable
organization, a court may order that such be
forfeited and paid toward and used for a
charitable purpose as the court in its discretion
determines is appropriate or placed in the Illinois
Charity Bureau Fund.
Professional Fundraising
Consultant Registration
225 ILCS 460/6.5
Sec. 6.5. Each person or entity that undertakes
activities as a professional fundraising consultant,
and that is not subject to the requirement to
register or report as a professional fund raiser,
shall register with the Attorney General, and
reconfirm the registration every 2 years or upon
such longer period as the Attorney General shall
prescribe. Application for registration or re-
registration shall be in writing, under oath in the
form prescribed by the Attorney General, and the
Attorney General shall mail registration forms to
the address of any registered professional
fundraising consultant. Such form shall contain an
affidavit to the effect that the professional
fundraising consultant has not or will not at any
time have custody or control of charitable
contributions. Failure to register pursuant to this
Section shall subject the party to a fine in an
amount not to exceed $100.
Professional Fund Raiser Contracts
225 ILCS 460/7
Sec. 7. (a) All contracts entered into by a
professional fund raiser to conduct a fundraising
campaign for a charitable purpose or charitable
organization must be in writing in conformity with
this Act. A true and correct copy of each contract
shall be filed by the professional fund raiser and
the charitable trustee or organization who is party
thereto with the Attorney General prior to the
conduct of a fundraising campaign under the
contract and annually by the professional fund
raiser at and with each reregistration. Each
professional fund raiser shall pay an annual filing
fee of $25 for each active contract filed or on file
under this Act. The fee shall be paid at initial and
annual re-registration. True and correct copies of
such contracts shall be kept on file in the offices
of the charitable organization and the professional
fund raiser during the term thereof and until the
expiration of a period of 3 years subsequent to the
date the solicitation of contributions provided for
therein actually terminates. Any person who
violates the provisions of this Section is guilty of
a Class A misdemeanor.
Any contract between a trust or charitable
organization and a professional fund raiser must
contain an estimated reasonable budget
disclosing the target amount of funds to be raised
over the contract period, the type and amount of
projected expenses related thereto, and the
amount projected to be paid to the charitable
organization. In addition, the contract shall
disclose the period of its duration, the geographic
scope for fundraising, describe the methods of
fundraising to be employed and provide
assurance of record keeping and accountability.
If the contract provides that the professional fund
raiser will retain or be paid a stated percentage of
the gross amount raised, an estimate of the target
gross amount to be raised and to be paid to
charity shall be stated in the contract. If the
contract provides for payment on an hourly rate
for fund raising, the total estimated hourly amount,
as well as the estimated number of hours to be
spent in fund raising, shall be stated.
All professional fund raiser contracts shall
be approved and accepted by a majority of the
charitable organization's trustees, and in the
case of a not for profit charitable corporation,
by its president and at least one member of its
Board of Directors, and the contract shall recite
said approval and acceptance by certification
by a trustee or the corporation's president.
All professional fund raiser contracts shall
disclose the amounts of all commissions,
salaries and fees charged by the fund raiser, its
agents, employees and solicitors and the
method used for computing such.
If the professional fund raiser, its agents,
solicitors or employees or members of the
families thereof own an interest in, manage or
are a supplier or vendor of fund raising goods
or services, the relationship shall be fully
disclosed in the contract, as well as the method
of determining the related supplier's or vendor's
If the professional fund raiser, in the course
of raising funds, is also providing charitable
education program services to the public, the
charitable organization shall approve or provide
to the fund raiser a written text of all public
educational program materials to be
disseminated when fund raising, copies of
which shall be maintained by the parties.
Any person who knowingly violates any
provision of this Section may be subject to
injunctive relief and removal from office.
Failure to file a contract and pay the prescribed
annual contract filing fee prior to conducting a
fund raiser for an organization shall in addition
to other relief subject the professional fund
raiser to a late filing fee of $1,000 for each
contract not timely filed.
A professional fund raiser or professional
solicitor that materially fails to comply with this
Section shall not be entitled to collect or retain
any compensation, commission, fee or salary
received in any campaign in which the violation
occurs. Upon application, by the Attorney
General to a court of competent jurisdiction, the
court may apply equitable considerations in
enforcing this Section.
Public Safety Personnel
225 ILCS 460/7.5
Sec. 7.5. Public Safety Personnel
Every public safety personnel organization
that solicits contributions from the public shall,
in addition to other provisions of this Act:
Have as a condition of public solicitation a
provision included in every professional fund
raiser contract providing that the professional
fund raiser shall: (A) maintain and deliver to the
organization a list of the names and addresses
of all contributors and purchasers of
merchandise, goods, services, memberships,
and advertisements; (B) deliver the list of the
current year semiannually of each contribution
or purchase and specify the amount of the
contribution or purchase and the date of the
transaction; and (C) assign ownership of the
list to the public safety personnel organization.
The obligation required by this subdivision (1)
does not apply to a professional fund raiser under
the following conditions:
the professional fund raiser does not have
access to information to create and maintain the
list and the public safety personnel organization
obtained the information to create and maintain
the list under the fund raising campaign by other
means; or
the public safety personnel organization and
the professional fund raiser agree to waive the
obligation required by this subdivision (1).
Act in accordance with Section 17-2 of the
criminal code of 1961 [720 ILCS 5/17-2], and
violation of this Section shall also be subject to
separate civil remedy hereunder.
Any professional fund raiser who willfully
violates the provisions of this Section may in
addition to other remedies be subject to a fine of
$2,000 for each violation, forfeiture of all
solicitation fees, and enjoined from operating and
soliciting the public.
This Section does not apply to a contract that
is in effect on the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly
(unless the contract is extended, renewed, or
revised on or after the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, in
which case this Section applies to the contract on
and after the date on which the extension,
renewal, or revision takes place).
Professional Solicitor Registration
225 ILCS 460/8
Sec. 8. (a) No person shall act as a professional
solicitor in the employ of a professional fund
raiser required to register pursuant to Section 6 of
this Act [225 ILCS 460/6] before he has registered
with the Attorney General or after the expiration or
cancellation of such registration or any renewal
thereof. Application for registration or re-
registration shall be in writing, under oath, in the
form prescribed by the Attorney General. It shall
describe the method and amount the solicitor will
be paid and the charities for which the solicitor will
be soliciting. Such registration or re-registration
when effected shall be for a period of one year, or
a part thereof, expiring on the 30th day of June,
and may be renewed upon written application,
under oath, in the form prescribed by the Attorney
General for additional one year periods.
Any person who violates the provisions of this
Section is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
No person convicted of a felony may register
as a professional solicitor. No person convicted of
a misdemeanor involving fiscal wrongdoing,
breach of fiduciary duty, or a violation of this Act
may register as a professional solicitor.
Any person who violates the provisions of this
Section shall not be entitled to keep or receive
fees, salaries, commissions, or any compensation
as a result or on account of the solicitations or
fund raising campaigns, and at the request of the
Attorney General a court may order that such
fees, salaries, commissions, or compensation
shall be forfeited and distributed for charitable
Civil Actions by the Attorney General
225 ILCS 460/9
Sec. 9. (a) An action for violation of this Act may
be prosecuted by the Attorney General in the
name of the people of the State, and in any such
action, the Attorney General shall exercise all the
powers and perform all duties which the State's
Attorney would otherwise be authorized to
exercise or to perform therein.
This Act shall not be construed to limit or
restrict the exercise of the powers or the
performance of the duties of the Attorney General
which he otherwise is authorized to exercise or
perform under any other provision of law by
statute or otherwise.
Whenever the Attorney General shall have
reason to believe that any charitable organization,
professional fund raiser, or professional solicitor
is operating in violation of the provisions of this
Act, or if any of the principal officers of any
charitable organization has refused or failed, after
notice, to produce any records of such
organization or there is employed or is about to be
employed in any solicitation or collection of
contributions for a charitable organization any
device, scheme, or artifice to defraud or for
obtaining money or property by means of any
false pretense, representation or promise, or any
false statement has been made in any
application, registration or statement required to
be filed pursuant to this Act, in addition to any
other action authorized by law, he may bring in
the circuit court an action in the name, and on
behalf of the people of the State of Illinois against
such charitable organization and any other person
who has participated or is about to participate in
such solicitation or collection by employing such
device, scheme, artifice, false representation or
promise, to enjoin such charitable organization or
other person from continuing such solicitation or
collection or engaging therein or doing any acts in
furtherance thereof, or to cancel any registration
statement previously filed with the Attorney
In connection with such proposed action the
Attorney General is authorized to take proof in the
manner provided in Section 2-1003 of the Code of
Civil Procedure [735 ILCS 5/2-1003].
Upon a showing by the Attorney General in an
application for an injunction that any person
engaged in the solicitation or collection of funds
for charitable purposes, either as an individual or
as a member of a copartnership, or as an officer
of a corporation or as an agent for some other
person, or copartnership or corporation, has been
convicted in this State or elsewhere of a felony or
of a misdemeanor where such felony or
misdemeanor involved the misappropriation,
misapplication or misuse of the money or property
of another, he may enjoin such persons from
engaging in any solicitation or collection of funds
for charitable purposes.
The Attorney General may exercise the
authority granted in this Section against any
charitable organization or person which or who
operates under the guise or pretense of being
an organization exempted by the provisions of
Section 3 and is not in fact an organization
entitled to such an exemption.
In any action brought under the provisions of
this Act, the Attorney General is entitled to
recover costs for the use of this State.
Any person who knowingly violates this
Section may be enjoined from such conduct,
removed from office, enjoined from acting for
charity and subject to punitive damages as
deemed appropriate by the circuit court.
Any person who violates this Section shall
not be entitled to keep or receive monies, fees,
salaries, commissions or any compensation, as
a result of the solicitations or fund raising
campaigns, and at the request of the Attorney
General such monies, fees, salaries,
commissions or any compensation shall be
forfeited and subject to distribution to charitable
use as a court of equity determines.
The Attorney General may publish an annual
report of all charitable organizations based on
information contained in reports filed hereunder
stating the amount of money each organization
received through solicitation and the amount of
money which was expended on program
service activity and the percentage of the
solicited assets that were expended on
charitable activity.
The Attorney General shall cancel the
registration of any organization, professional
fund raiser, or professional solicitor who
violates the provisions of this Section.
Any person who solicits financial
contributions or the sale of merchandise,
goods, services, memberships, or
advertisements in violation of the prohibitions
of subsection (d-1) of Section 11 of this Act, or
commits false personation, use of title, or
solicitation as defined by Section 17-2 of the
Criminal Code of 1961 [720 ILCS 5/17-2] shall,
in addition to any other penalties provided for
by law, be subject to civil remedy by cause of
action brought by the Attorney General or a
Public Safety Personnel Organization affected
by the violation.
In addition to equitable relief, a successful
claimant or the Attorney General shall recover
damages of triple the amount collected as a
result of solicitations made in violation of this
Act, plus reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
A plaintiff in any suit filed under this Section
shall serve a copy of all pleadings on the
Attorney General and the State's Attorney for
the county in which the suit is filed.
Administrative Subpoenas
225 ILCS 460/10
Sec. 10. When the Attorney General requires
the attendance of any persons, as provided in
Section 9 [225 ILCS 460/9], he shall issue an
order setting forth the time when and the place
where attendance is required and shall cause
the same to be served upon the person in the
manner provided for service of process in civil
cases at least 14 days before the date fixed for
attendance. Such order shall have the same force
and effect as a subpoena and, upon application of
the Attorney General, obedience to the order may
be enforced by any court having jurisdiction in the
county where the person receiving it resides or is
found, in the same manner as though the notice
were a subpoena. Such court may, in case of
contumacy or refusal to obey the order issued by
the Attorney General, issue an order requiring
such person to appear before the Attorney
General or to produce documentary evidence, if
so ordered, or to give evidence touching the
matter in question, and any failure to obey such
order of the court may be punished by that court
as a contempt upon itself. The investigation or
hearing may be made by or before any Assistant
Attorney General designated in writing by the
Attorney General to conduct such investigation or
hearing on his behalf. Witnesses ordered to
appear shall be paid the same fees and mileage
as are paid witnesses in the circuit courts of this
State, and witnesses whose depositions are taken
and the persons taking the same shall severally
be entitled to the same fees as are paid for like
services in the circuit courts of this State. The
Attorney General or the Assistant Attorney
General acting in his behalf is empowered to
administer the necessary oath or affirmation to
such witnesses.
Unauthorized Solicitations
225 ILCS 460/11
Sec. 11. (a) No person shall for the purpose of
soliciting contributions from persons in this State,
use the name of any other person, except that of
an officer, director or trustee of the charitable
organization by or for which contributions are
solicited, without the written consent of such other
A person shall be deemed to have used the
name of another person for the purpose of
soliciting contributions if such latter person's
name is listed on any stationery, advertisement,
brochure or correspondence in or by which a
contribution is solicited by or on behalf of a
charitable organization or his name is listed or
referred to in connection with a request for a
contribution as one who has contributed to,
sponsored or endorsed the charitable
organization or its activities.
Nothing contained in this Section shall prevent
the publication of names of contributors without
their written consents, in an annual or other
periodic report issued by a charitable organization
for the purpose of reporting on its operations and
affairs to its membership or for the purpose of
reporting contributions to contributors.
No charitable organization or professional fund
raiser soliciting contributions shall use a name,
symbol, or statement so closely related or similar
to that used by another charitable organization or
governmental agency that the use thereof would
tend to confuse or mislead the public.
(d-1) No Public Safety Personnel Organization
may by words in its name or in its solicitations
claim to be representing, acting on behalf of,
assisting, or affiliated with the public safety
personnel of a particular municipal, regional, or
other geographical area, unless: (1) 80% or
more of the organization's voting members and
trustees are persons who are actively
employed or retired or disabled from employment
within the particular municipal, regional, or other
geographical area stated in the name or
solicitation; (2) all of these members are vested
with the right to vote in the election of the
managing or controlling officers of the
organization either directly or through delegates;
and (3) the organization includes in any
solicitation the actual number of active or retired
police officers, or police officers with disabilities,
peace officers, firemen, fire fighters, emergency
medical technicians - ambulance, emergency
medical technicians - intermediate, emergency
medical technicians - paramedic, ambulance
drivers, or other medical assistance or first aid
personnel who are members of the organization
who are actively employed, retired, or disabled
from employment within the particular municipal,
regional, or other geographical area referenced
in the solicitation.
(d-2) No person or organization may have a
name or use a name using the words "officer",
"police", "policeman", "policemen", "trooper",
"sheriff", "law enforcement officer", "deputy",
"chief of police", or similar words therein unless
80% or more of its trustees and voting members
are active or retired law enforcement personnel
or law enforcement personnel with disabilities.
(d-3) No person or organization may have a
name or use a name using the words "fireman",
"firemen", "fire fighter", "fire chief", "paramedic",
or similar words therein unless 80% or more of
its trustees and voting members are active or
retired fire fighters or fire fighters with disabilities,
firemen, emergency medical technicians -
ambulance, emergency medical technicians -
intermediate, emergency medical technicians -
paramedic, ambulance drivers, or other medical
assistance or first aid personnel.
(d-4) No person by words in a Public Safety
Personnel Organization name or in solicitations
made therefor shall state he or she or his or her
organization is assisting or affiliated with a local,
municipal, regional, or other governmental body
or geographical area unless 80% of its trustees
and voting members are active or retired police
officers or police officers with disabilities, law
enforcement officials, firemen, fire fighters,
emergency medical technicians - ambulance,
emergency medical technicians - intermediate,
emergency medical technicians - paramedic,
ambulance drivers, or other medical assistance
or first aid personnel of the local, municipal,
regional, or other geographical area so named or
stated. Nothing in this Act shall prohibit a Public
Safety Personnel Organization from stating the
actual number of members it has in any
geographical area.
Any person or organization that willfully
violates the provisions of this Section is guilty of
a Class A misdemeanor. Any person or
organization that willfully violates the provisions of
this Section may in addition to other remedies be
subject to a fine of $2,000 for each violation, shall
be subject to forfeiture of all solicitation fees, and
shall be enjoined from operating as a fund raiser
and soliciting the public for fundraising purposes.
Registration not an Endorsement
225 ILCS 460/12
Sec. 12. Registration under this Act shall not be
deemed to constitute an endorsement by the
State of Illinois of the charitable organization,
professional fund raiser, or professional
solicitor so registered. It shall be unlawful for
any charitable organization, professional fund
raiser, or professional solicitor to represent,
directly or indirectly, for the purpose of
solicitation and collection of funds for charitable
purposes, in any form or manner whatsoever
by advertising or otherwise, that it has
registered or otherwise complied with the
provisions of this Act. The Attorney General
may, in his discretion, cancel the registration of
any organization, professional fund raiser, or
professional solicitor which or who violates the
provisions of this Section. The Attorney
General shall, by rule, set forth the standards
by which he shall make this determination.
Such standards shall be stated as precisely
and clearly as practicable, to inform fully those
persons affected.
225 ILCS 460/13
Sec. 13. The Attorney General may enter
into reciprocal agreements with a like authority
of any other State or States for the purpose of
exchanging information made available to the
Attorney General or to such other like authority.
225 ILCS 460/14
Sec. 14. If any provision of this Act, or the
application of such provision to any persons,
body or circumstances shall be held invalid, the
remainder of this Act, or the application of such
provision to persons, bodies or circumstances
other than those as to which it shall have been
held invalid, shall not be affected thereby.
Fundraising Requirements
225 ILCS 460/15
Sec. 15. (a) Trustees of charitable trusts,
organizations and corporations have a duty to
supervise fund raising activities to ensure that
contributions are adequately protected and
devoted to the proper purpose and that
statements or representations made during
solicitations to the public are true and correct.
If any person, including a charitable
organization, a professional fund raiser or a
professional solicitor, in conducting a fund
raising campaign for a charitable organization
or for charitable or ostensibly charitable
Represents that tickets for a show or goods
or services shall be made available to children,
disadvantaged persons or for a like charitable
purpose, and that such will be distributed by
the persons soliciting or the organization, the
tickets shall be held in trust for the use as a
charitable trust and adequate records and
accounting for same maintained.
Disseminates an educational message or
materials to the public with or in the course of
fund raising activities and allocates the costs
between fund raising and education programs,
he shall prepare and maintain written
worksheets of how the allocation is made and the
reasoning behind the allocation.
Sells or offers for sale advertising space in a
publication or ad book or periodical, he shall
maintain adequate records for all ads sold and
written document receipts shall provide the name
of the organization involved, the publication's
name, and its proposed date of publication, as
well as the number of copies proposed to be
printed or a reasonable estimate.
Engages in the dissemination of education
program services as a part of or in physical
conjunction with its solicitation of charitable
contributions, it shall record and report all
expenses incurred as fund raising unless it
allocates the expenses between fund raising and
other functions pursuant to professional
accounting standards and provisions as
promulgated and set forth by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants or the
Financial Accounting Standards Board from time
to time in their official publications. For purposes
of making all such allocations, the factors and
considerations utilized must be reduced to writing.
Engages in any public solicitation and therein
purports to relate the purpose or purposes for
which the funds are solicited, such shall then be
fully and accurately identified to the prospective
donor. If a charitable organization whose
purposes include the rendering of noneducational
program services intends to expend or budget
more than 50% of its program service
expenditures for informing or educating the public
and the funds being solicited will be used for such
purpose, the donor at his or her request must be
told that a primary use of the program funds will
be for public education.
Collects and takes control or possession of
contributions made for a charitable purpose or to
a charitable organization, they owe a fiduciary
duty to the public to deal with the said
contributions in an appropriate fiduciary manner,
to keep complete books and records for at least 3
years, to keep records in a comprehensive
manner to permit accurate reporting and auditing
as required by law, and to not commingle funds
with noncharitable funds and to be able to
account for the funds, and will be subject to
surcharge for any funds not accounted for or
wasted, in addition to other remedies available at
equity. A presumption shall exist that
expenditures not properly documented and
disclosed by records were not properly spent.
Any person who violates this Section may be
enjoined from continuing to act on behalf of the
charity for a period of up to 5 years and if the
violation is intentional or willful they shall not be
entitled to keep or receive fees, salaries,
commissions or any compensation as a result of
or on account of the solicitations or fund raising
campaigns. At the request of the Attorney General
a court shall order that the fees, salaries,
commissions, or compensation shall be forfeited
and used for a charitable use as the court
Misuse of Charitable Assets
225 ILCS 460/16
Sec. 16. (a) Any person who intentionally in
breach of fiduciary duty misuses charitable assets
is subject to punitive damages in an appropriate
amount upon a trial on the issue.
(b) Upon an application to a court of competent
jurisdiction, in which the Attorney General alleges
that a charitable trust needs to be protected or the
trustees of a charitable organization or trust have
engaged in a breach of fiduciary duty toward the
organization, and he seeks injunctive relief and
removal of such trustees, the Court may, as part
of the injunctive relief, and after a hearing where
such trustees shall have an opportunity to be
heard, appoint temporarily or permanently a
receiver or additional trustees to protect and
operate the organization and may temporarily, or
as ultimate relief for breach of duty or to protect
the trust, permanently remove any charitable
organization's trustees, corporate officers,
directors and members from office and appoint
replacements to protect the public interest.
Terrorist Acts
225 ILCS 460/16.5
Sec. 16.5. Terrorist acts.
Any person or organization subject to
registration under this Act, who knowingly acts to
further, directly or indirectly, or knowingly uses
charitable assets to conduct or further, directly or
indirectly, an act or actions as set forth in Article
29D of the Criminal Code of 1961[720 ILCS
5/29D-5 et seq.], is thereby engaged in an act or
actions contrary to public policy and antithetical to
charity, and all funds, assets, and records of the
person or organization shall be subject to
temporary and permanent injunction from use or
expenditure and the appointment of a temporary
and permanent receiver to take possession of all
of the assets and related records.
An ex parte action may be commenced by the
Attorney General, and, upon a showing of
probable cause of a violation of this Section or
Article 29D of the Criminal Code of 1961, an
immediate seizure of books and records by the
Attorney General by and through his or her
assistants or investigators or the Department of
State Police and freezing of all assets shall be
made by order of a court to protect the public,
protect the assets, and allow a full review of the
Upon a finding by a court after a hearing that
a person or organization has acted or is in
violation of this Section, the person or
organization shall be permanently enjoined from
soliciting funds from the public, holding charitable
funds, or acting as a trustee or fiduciary within
Illinois. Upon a finding of violation all assets and
funds held by the person or organization shall be
forfeited to the People of the State of Illinois or
otherwise ordered by the court to be accounted
for and marshaled and then delivered to
charitable causes and uses within the State of
Illinois by court order.
A determination under this Section may be
made by any court separate and apart from any
criminal proceedings and the standard of proof
shall be that for civil proceedings.
Any knowing use of charitable assets to
conduct or further, directly or indirectly, an act or
actions set forth in Article 29D of the Criminal
Code of 1961 shall be a misuse of charitable
assets and breach of fiduciary duty relative to
all other Sections of this Act.
Public Disclosure in Solicitations
225 ILCS 460/17
Sec. 17. In any solicitation to the public for a
charitable organization by a professional fund
raiser or professional solicitor:
The public member shall be promptly
informed by statement in verbal
communications and by clear and
unambiguous disclosure in written materials
that the solicitation is being made by a paid
professional fund raiser. The fund raiser,
solicitor, and materials used shall also provide
the professional fund raiser's name and a
statement that contracts and reports regarding
the charity are on file with the Illinois Attorney
General and additionally, in verbal
communications, the solicitor's true name must
be provided.
If the professional fund raiser employs or
uses a contract which provides that it will be
paid or retain a certain percentage of the gross
amount of each contribution or shall be paid an
hourly rate for solicitation, or the contract
provides the charity will receive a fixed amount
or a fixed percentage of each contribution, the
professional fund raiser and person soliciting
shall disclose to persons being solicited the
percentage amount retained or hourly rate paid
to the professional fund raiser and solicitor
pursuant to the contract, and the amount or the
percentage to be received by the charitable
organization from each contribution, if such
disclosure is requested by the person solicited.
Any person or professional fund raiser,
professional solicitor soliciting charitable
contributions from the public on behalf of a
public safety personnel organization shall not
misrepresent that they are in fact a law
enforcement person, firefighter, or member of
the organization for whom the contributions are
being raised and if requested by the person
solicited they shall promptly provide their actual
name, the exact legal name of the organization
with which they are employed and its correct
address, as well as, the exact name of the
charitable organization.
Statutory Misrepresentations
225 ILCS 460/18
Sec. 18. In any solicitation of contributions
for a charitable organization it shall be deemed
a misrepresentation of fact if any person:
Who is a professional fund raiser or
professional solicitor fails in any solicitations to
state and disclose to persons solicited that they
are paid professional fund raisers or solicitors
if the person being solicited asks if they are
paid callers;
Who is relating the projected use of
solicited charitable funds and knowingly falsely
states in a material fashion the charitable
purposes for which the charitable funds collected
are to be used or are being used or fails to
disclose the primary program service to which
such funds are known to be devoted;
Who is a professional fund raiser or
professional solicitor and refuses or fails to
supply, upon the request of a person being
solicited, the hourly rate charge or the estimated
percentage or actual percentage, if known, which
is to be paid to or retained by the professional
fund raiser and solicitor and the amount to be
paid to the charitable organization under the fund
raising contract then in effect and the amount to
be paid to the charitable organizations;
Falsely states or represents that they are a
member of a charitable organization or that they
are a policeman, sheriff, law enforcement person,
or fireman;
Who by use of an organization's name or by its
appeal, represents that solicited funds are for
research or relates or implies that they will be
used to alleviate conditions or to eliminate a
condition, or for another specified purpose, but in
fact the funds being solicited are used primarily in
educating the public and the person soliciting fails
therewith also to disclose that the primary
purpose of the solicited funds is education;
Who is a professional fund raiser or
professional solicitor and who makes a solicitation
for a contribution for or on behalf of a charitable
organization without authorization by or a contract
with the charitable organization;
Any paid person who is soliciting charitable
funds who makes an intentional
misrepresentation as to the use of solicited funds
is subject to punitive damages upon a trial on the
Penalties for Personal Use of
Charitable Assets
225 ILCS 460/19
Sec. 19. Any trustee or person who without
lawful authority intentionally disburses or causes
the use of charitable trust funds over which he is
a fiduciary to be used for his personal benefit or
for his own personal use in an amount in excess
of $1,000 within a 3 year period is guilty of a
Class 2 felony and is subject to civil punitive
damages up to or equal to the amount used and
a civil penalty fine of up to $50,000 for each
intentional violation.
225 ILCS 460/20
Sec. 20. All copies of registration materials or
financial documents filed with the Attorney
General pursuant to the provisions of this Act
shall, when certified by him or by his designated
Assistant Attorney General, be taken and
received in all courts, public offices and official
bodies as business records of the filer.
225 ILCS 460/21
Sec. 21. Illinois Charity Bureau Fund. The
court in its discretion may place costs, fines, and
penalties collected pursuant to this Act into the
Illinois Charity Bureau Fund created in Section 19
of the Charitable Trust Act [760 ILCS 55/19] and
such shall be expended by the Attorney General
for the enforcement and administration of this Act
to protect the public interest in charitable funds
and subject to transfer by appropriation of said
funds to the Attorney General's Grant Fund at the
Attorney General's direction.
225 ILCS 460/22
Sec. 22. All fees and penalties collected by the
Attorney General pursuant to this Act shall be
paid and deposited into the Illinois Charity Bureau
Fund in the State Treasury. Moneys in the Fund
shall be appropriated to the Attorney General for
charitable trust enforcement purposes as an
addition to other appropriated funds and be used
by the Attorney General to provide the public with
information concerning charitable trusts and
organizations and for charitable trust enforcement
225 ILCS 460/23
Sec. 23. Charitable Advisory Council.
As a part of charitable trust enforcement and
public disclosure, a task force composed of
citizens chosen by the Attorney General to be
known as the Attorney General's Charitable
Advisory Council shall be and is hereby formed as
a permanent body. Members shall serve at the
pleasure of the Attorney General or for such terms
as the Attorney General may designate. This
Advisory Council shall study issues of charitable
giving, volunteerism, and fundraising in this State.
The Advisory Council members shall serve
without compensation, and the expenses of the
Council may be paid for out of the Illinois Charity
Bureau Fund in an amount not to exceed $10,000
per year and in the discretion of the Attorney
720 ILCS 5/17-2
Sec. 17-2. False personation; solicitation.
(a) False personation; solicitation.
(1) A person commits a false personation when he
or she knowingly and falsely represents himself or
herself to be a member or representative of any
veterans' or public safety personnel organization or
a representative of any charitable organization, or
when he or she knowingly exhibits or uses in any
manner any decal, badge or insignia of any
charitable, public safety personnel, or veterans'
organization when not authorized to do so by the
charitable, public safety personnel, or veterans'
organization. "Public safety personnel organization"
has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 1
of the Solicitation for Charity Act.
(2) A person commits a false personation when he
or she knowingly and falsely represents himself or
herself to be a veteran in seeking employment or
public office. In this paragraph, "veteran" means a
person who has served in the Armed Services or
Reserve Forces of the United States.
(2.1) A person commits a false personation
when he or she knowingly and falsely
represents himself or herself to be:
(A) an active-duty member of the Armed
Services or Reserve Forces of the United
States or the National Guard or a veteran of
the Armed Services or Reserve Forces of the
United States or the National Guard; and
(B) obtains money, property, or another
tangible benefit through that false
representation. In this paragraph, "member
of the Armed Services or Reserve Forces of
the United States" means a member of the
United States Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine
Corps, or Coast Guard; and "veteran" means
a person who has served in the Armed
Services or Reserve Forces of the United
States or the National Guard.
(2.5) A person commits a false personation
when he or she knowingly and falsely
represents himself or herself to be:
(A) another actual person and does an act in
such assumed character with intent to
intimidate, threaten, injure, defraud, or to
obtain a benefit from another; or
(B) a representative of an actual person or
organization and does an act in such false
capacity with intent to obtain a benefit or to
injure or defraud another.
(3) No person shall knowingly use the words
"Police", "Police Department", "Patrolman",
"Sergeant", "Lieutenant", "Peace Officer",
"Sheriff's Police", "Sheriff", "Officer", "Law
Enforcement", "Trooper", "Deputy", "Deputy
Sheriff", "State Police", or any other words to the
same effect (i) in the title of any organization,
magazine, or other publication without the
express approval of the named public safety
personnel organization's governing board or (ii)
in combination with the name of any state, state
agency, public university, or unit of local
government without the express written
authorization of that state, state agency, public
university, or unit of local government.
(4) No person may knowingly claim or
represent that he or she is acting on behalf of
any public safety personnel organization when
soliciting financial contributions or selling or
delivering or offering to sell or deliver any
merchandise, goods, services, memberships,
or advertisements unless the chief of the police
department, fire department, and the corporate
or municipal authority thereof, or the sheriff has
first entered into a written agreement with the
person or with an organization with which the
person is affiliated and the agreement permits
the activity and specifies and states clearly and
fully the purpose for which the proceeds of the
solicitation, contribution, or sale will be used.
(5) No person when soliciting financial
contributions or selling or delivering or offering
to sell or deliver any merchandise, goods,
services, memberships, or advertisements may
claim or represent that he or she is representing
or acting on behalf of any nongovernmental
organization by any name which includes
"officer", "peace officer", "police", "law
enforcement", "trooper", "sheriff", "deputy",
"deputy sheriff", "State police", or any other word
or words which would reasonably be understood to
imply that the organization is composed of law
enforcement personnel unless:
(A) the person is actually representing or acting
on behalf of the nongovernmental organization;
(B) the nongovernmental organization is
controlled by and governed by a membership of
and represents a group or association of active
duty peace officers, retired peace officers, or
injured peace officers; and
(C) before commencing the solicitation or the
sale or the offers to sell any merchandise,
goods, services, memberships, or
advertisements, a written contract between the
soliciting or selling person and the
nongovernmental organization, which specifies
and states clearly and fully the purposes for
which the proceeds of the solicitation,
contribution, or sale will be used, has been
entered into.
(6) No person, when soliciting financial
contributions or selling or delivering or offering to
sell or deliver any merchandise, goods, services,
memberships, or advertisements, may knowingly
claim or represent that he or she is representing or
acting on behalf of any nongovernmental
organization by any name which includes the term
"fireman", "fire fighter", "paramedic", or any other
word or words which would reasonably be
understood to imply that the organization is
composed of fire fighter or paramedic personnel
(A) the person is actually representing or acting
on behalf of the nongovernmental organization;
(B) the nongovernmental organization is
controlled by and governed by a membership of
and represents a group or association of active
duty, retired, or injured fire fighters (for the
purposes of this Section, "fire fighter" has the
meaning ascribed to that term in Section 2 of the
Illinois Fire Protection Training Act) or active
duty, retired, or injured emergency medical
technicians - ambulance, emergency medical
technicians - intermediate, emergency medical
technicians - paramedic, ambulance drivers, or
other medical assistance or first aid personnel;
(C) before commencing the solicitation or the
sale or delivery or the offers to sell or deliver any
merchandise, goods, services, memberships, or
advertisements, the soliciting or selling person
and the nongovernmental organization have
entered into a written contract that specifies and
states clearly and fully the purposes for which
the proceeds of the solicitation, contribution, or
sale will be used.
(7) No person may knowingly claim or represent
that he or she is an airman, airline employee,
airport employee, or contractor at an airport in
order to obtain the uniform, identification card,
license, or other identification paraphernalia of an
airman, airline employee, airport employee, or
contractor at an airport.
(8) No person, firm, copartnership, or corporation
(except corporations organized and doing
business under the Pawners Societies Act) shall
knowingly use a name that contains in it the words
"Pawners' Society".
(b) False personation; public officials and
employees. A person commits a false personation if
he or she knowingly and falsely represents himself
or herself to be any of the following:
(1) An attorney authorized to practice law for
purposes of compensation or consideration. This
paragraph (b)(1) does not apply to a person who
unintentionally fails to pay attorney registration fees
established by Supreme Court Rule.
(2) A public officer or a public employee or an
official or employee of the federal government.
(2.3) A public officer, a public employee, or an
official or employee of the federal government, and
the false representation is made in furtherance of
the commission of felony.
(2.7) A public officer or a public employee, and the
false representation is for the purpose of
effectuating identity theft as defined in Section 16-
30 of this Code.
(3) A peace officer.
(4) A peace officer while carrying a deadly
(5) A peace officer in attempting or committing a
(6) A peace officer in attempting or committing a
forcible felony.
(7) The parent, legal guardian, or other relation of
a minor child to any public official, public employee,
or elementary or secondary school employee or
(7.5) The legal guardian, including any
representative of a State or public guardian, of a
person with a disability appointed under Article XIa
of the Probate Act of 1975.
(8) A fire fighter.
(9) A fire fighter while carrying a deadly weapon.
(10) A fire fighter in attempting or committing a
(11) An emergency management worker of any
jurisdiction in this State.
(12) An emergency management worker of any
jurisdiction in this State in attempting or committing
a felony. For the purposes of this subsection (b),
"emergency management worker" has the meaning
provided under Section 2-6.6 of this Code.
(b-5) The trier of fact may infer that a person falsely
represents himself or herself to be a public officer or
a public employee or an official or employee of the
federal government if the person:
(1) wears or displays without authority any
uniform, badge, insignia, or facsimile thereof by
which a public officer or public employee or official
or employee of the federal government is lawfully
distinguished; or
(2) falsely expresses by word or action that he or
she is a public officer or public employee or official
or employee of the federal government and is acting
with approval or authority of a public agency or
(c) Fraudulent advertisement of a corporate
(1) A company, association, or individual
commits fraudulent advertisement of a
corporate name if he, she, or it, not being
incorporated, puts forth a sign or advertisement
and assumes, for the purpose of soliciting
business, a corporate name.
(2) Nothing contained in this subsection (c)
prohibits a corporation, company, association,
or person from using a divisional designation or
trade name in conjunction with its corporate
name or assumed name under Section 4.05 of
the Business Corporation Act of 1983 or, if it is
a member of a partnership or joint venture, from
doing partnership or joint venture business
under the partnership or joint venture name.
The name under which the joint venture or
partnership does business may differ from the
names of the members. Business may not be
conducted or transacted under that joint venture
or partnership name, however, unless all
provisions of the Assumed Business Name Act
have been complied with. Nothing in this
subsection (c) permits a foreign corporation to
do business in this State without complying with
all Illinois laws regulating the doing of business
by foreign corporations. No foreign corporation
may conduct or transact business in this State
as a member of a partnership or joint venture
that violates any Illinois law regulating or
pertaining to the doing of business by foreign
corporations in Illinois.
(3) The provisions of this subsection (c) do
not apply to limited partnerships formed under
the Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act or
under the Uniform Limited Partnership Act
(d) False law enforcement badges.
(1) A person commits false law enforcement
badges if he or she knowingly produces, sells,
or distributes a law enforcement badge without
the express written consent of the law
enforcement agency represented on the badge
or, in case of a reorganized or defunct law
enforcement agency, its successor law
enforcement agency.
(2) It is a defense to false law enforcement
badges that the law enforcement badge is used
or is intended to be used exclusively: (i) as a
memento or in a collection or exhibit; (ii) for
decorative purposes; or (iii) for a dramatic
presentation, such as a theatrical, film, or
television production.
(e) False medals.
(1) A person commits a false personation if he
or she knowingly and falsely represents himself
or herself to be a recipient of, or wears on his or
her person, any of the following medals if that
medal was not awarded to that person by the
United States Government, irrespective of
branch of service: The Congressional Medal of
Honor, The Distinguished Service Cross, The
Navy Cross, The Air Force Cross, The Silver
Star, The Bronze Star, or the Purple Heart.
(2) It is a defense to a prosecution under
paragraph (e)(1) that the medal is used, or is
intended to be used, exclusively:
(A) for a dramatic presentation, such as a
theatrical, film, or television production, or a
historical re-enactment; or
(B) for a costume worn, or intended to be worn,
by a person under 18 years of age.
(f) Sentence.
(1) A violation of paragraph (a)(8) is a petty
offense subject to a fine of not less than $5 nor
more than $100, and the person, firm,
copartnership, or corporation commits an
additional petty offense for each day he, she, or it
continues to commit the violation. A violation of
paragraph (c)(1) is a petty offense, and the
company, association, or person commits an
additional petty offense for each day he, she, or it
continues to commit the violation. A violation of
paragraph (a)(2.1) or subsection (e) is a petty
offense for which the offender shall be fined at
least $100 and not more than $200.
(2) A violation of paragraph (a)(1), (a)(3), or
(b)(7.5) is a Class C misdemeanor.
(3) A violation of paragraph (a)(2), (a)(2.5),
(a)(7), (b)(2), or (b)(7) or subsection (d) is a Class
A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent violation
of subsection (d) is a Class 3 felony.
(4) A violation of paragraph (a)(4), (a)(5), (a)(6),
(b)(1), (b)(2.3), (b)(2.7), (b)(3), (b)(8), or (b)(11) is
a Class 4 felony.
(5) A violation of paragraph (b)(4), (b)(9), or
(b)(12) is a Class 3 felony.
(6) A violation of paragraph (b)(5) or (b)(10) is a
Class 2 felony.
(7) A violation of paragraph (b)(6) is a Class 1
(g) A violation of subsection (a)(1) through (a)(7) or
subsection (e) of this Section may be
accomplished in person or by any means of
communication, including but not limited to the use
of an Internet website or any form of electronic
Form AG990-IL.INS
Revised 01/19
A COMPLETE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (AG990-IL with all required attachments and applicable fees) is due within six months
ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT must include the following items:
$15 Annual Filing Fee - Make check or money order payable to "ILLINOIS CHARITY BUREAU FUND." An annual financial report
submitted without proper fees will not be considered filed.
Soliciting Organizations are required to pay a $15 Annual Report Filing Fee if gross contributions are greater than $15,000 or assets are greater than
Trust Organizations registered under the Charitable Trust Act only are required to pay a $15 Annual Report Filing Fee if gross revenues or
assets are greater than $25,000.
Form AG990-IL - Complete all sections and line items applicable to the organization. See 6 below for Simplified Filing Option for Small Organizations.
An annual financial report submitted with an incomplete Form AG 990-IL will not be considered filed.
CO#: Include CO# on the Form AG 990-IL. Correct any incorrect name or address information if using preprinted form and highlight any
SIGNATURES: The Form AG 990-IL must be signed by two different officers (president or other authorized officer and the chief fiscal officer) or
by two trustees. One signature shall be accepted if there is only one trustee. A Form AG 990-IL without required signatures is incomplete.
Part I, Line D: Report "contributions" as defined by the Solicitation for Charity Act. The Solicitation for Charity Act defines "contributions" to include
the gross amounts of cash donations as well as gross sums paid by the public for merchandise, special events, rights or services of the organization. A
Form AG 990-IL that fails to report "contributions" as defined by the Solicitation for Charity Act is incomplete. (A complete definition of
"contribution" under the Solicitation for Charity Act is shown on the back of these instructions.)
Part II, Line J1: Report all program costs associated with a combined fund-raising appeal to the extent such was allocated to Charitable Program Service
Expense and entered on line J as Charitable Program Service Expense. The amount should equal the amount reported on the back of the AG990-IL form,
question 7b(ii). You must have and maintain the documentation to support the allocations made.
Part III, Line S: Report fees paid to all fund-raising consultants during the year. Attach a list identifying each consultant by name and address and
specify the amount paid to each.
Part V, Lines W, X, Y Program Service Codes: Select up to three codes from those on back of these instructions which best describe the program
service(s) for which the organization spent funds.
IRS Return or Report - IRS form 990 (excluding Schedule B), 990EZ (excluding Schedule B), 990PF, 1041, 1120 or other, must be attached if required by
the IRS. If the organization did not file a federal return or report, attach explanation. An annual financial report submitted without the required federal
return or report is incomplete.
Audited Financial Statements must be attached by a public charity if contributions exceeded $300,000 or if the public charity raised contributions in
excess of $25,000 through the services of professional fund-raiser. The Solicitation for Charity Act defines "contributions" to include the gross amounts of cash
donations as well as gross sums paid by the public for merchandise, special events, rights or services of the organization. (A complete definition of
"contribution" under the Solicitation for Charity Act is shown on the back of these instructions.) An annual financial report without required audited
financial statements is incomplete.
Form IFC - Report of Individual Fundraising Campaign - If the organization used a paid professional fund-raiser, a separate Form IFC is required for each
campaign, and each must be signed by both the professional fund-raiser and an officer or director of the organization. An annual financial report without the
required Form IFC is incomplete.
Simplified Filing Option for Small Organizations:
Soliciting Organizations with gross contributions and assets of $25,000 or less during the fiscal year may file an AG990-IL with all required signatures,
disclosing only total revenue, total expenditures, and assets at the fiscal year end (Line A, G and O of the AG990-IL). A $15 annual report filing fee is due
only if gross contributions were more than $15,000.
Trust Organizations registered solely under the Charitable Trust Act with gross revenue and assets of $25,000 or less during the fiscal year may file
an AG990-IL with all required signatures, disclosing only total revenue, total expenditures, and assets at the fiscal year end (Line A, G and O of the
AG990-IL). A $15 annual report filing fee is not due.
A 60 day extension will be granted only upon the filing of a written request with the Attorney General prior to the report due date.
If a proper and complete annual report (AG990-IL with all required attachments and applicable fees) or a written extension request is not received prior to
the due date, a $100 late report filing fee (checks payable to the Illinois Charity Bureau Fund) is required by Illinois law. The report cannot be accepted
and will not be considered filed if it is late and the late fee is not paid.
Submit the complete annual financial report (AG990-IL with all required attachments and applicable fees) or written extension request to:
(312) 814-2595
Section 1(b) of the Solicitation for Charity Act defines contributions as follows: Contribution, means the promise or grant of any money
or property of any kind or value, including the promise to pay, except payments by union members of an organization. Reference to the dollar
amount of "contributions" in this Act means in the case of promises to pay, or payments for merchandise or rights of any other description, the
value of the total amount promised to be paid or paid for such merchandise or rights and not merely that portion of the purchase price to be
applied to a charitable purpose. Contribution shall not include the proceeds from the sale of admission tickets by any not-for-profit music or
dramatic arts organization which establishes, by such proof as the Attorney General may require, that it has received an exemption under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code [26 U.S.C. @ 501 et seq.] and which is organized and operated for the presentation of live public
performances of musical or theatrical works on a regular basis. For purposes of this subsection, union member dues and donated services shall
not be deemed contributions. (225 ILCS 460/1(b))
Part V Lines W, X, Y Program Service Codes: Charitable activity code numbers (select up to three codes which best describe the
activity and/or the program service for which your organization expends funds). Enter in Part V of the first page of the AG 990-
IL. Enter first the code which most accurately identifies you.
001 Pre-School
002 Elementary or High Schools
003 College & Universities
004 Trade Schools, Vocational Schools & Job Training
010 Public Education by Mail
011 Seminars and Conferences
012 Other Educational Materials for the Public
020 Church, Synagogue, etc.
021 Missionary Activities
030 Performing Arts (Ballet, Symphony, Theatre)
031 Art and/or Literature
032 Museum
033 Library
034 Historical Societies
040 Youth
041 Adult
042 Music Groups & Youth Bands
043 Youth Clubs (i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, Boys Club, etc.)
044 Community Recreational facilities
050 Scientific Research
051 Heart Disease Research
052 Cancer Research
053 Other Medical and Disease Research
060 Hospitals
061 Nursing Homes
062 Health Clinics
063 HMO
064 Hospice
070 Animal Shelter, Humane Society and/or Anti-cruelty
071 Wildlife Preservation & Shelter for Wildlife
080 Preservation & Conservation of Natural Resources
081 Prevention of Pollution
090 Legal Services and legal Aid
091 Civil Rights Activities
100 Legislative and Political Activities
101 Lobbying & Advocacy
102 Consumer Interest Group (non-education)
103 Peace
104 Other Public Policy
110 Day Care Centers
111 Family and Individual Services
112 Neighborhood and Community Development
113 Nursing Services (i.e. Home Care)
114 Programs for Minority Advocacy
115 Programs for Needy Children
116 Rescue and Emergency Service
117 Services for the Aged
118 Services for Alcohol or Drug Abuse
119 Services for Blind Adults
120 Services for Blind Children
121 Services for Developmentally Disabled Adults
122 Services for Developmentally Disabled Children
123 Services for Handicapped Adults
124 Services for Handicapped Children
125 Services for the Hearing Impaired
126 Services for the Poor
127 Services for Veterans
130 Housing for Youth
131 Housing for the Poor
132 Housing for the Aged
133 Women Shelter
134 Housing for the Disabled
140 Firemen & Families
141 Law Enforcement Personnel & Families
150 Grants to Other Charitable Organizations
151 Furnished Services or Facilities to Other Organizations
152 Umbrella Parent Organization
200 Scholarships and Student loans
300 (Write in Description)
This is a registration under: Illinois Charitable Trust Act:
Illinois Solicitation for Charity Act;
Both Acts
Name of Organization Telephone Number Federal Employer ID#
Street and Number City County State Zip Code
Type of legal entity (Corporation, Trust, Unincorporated Association or other) and date, method and place organization legally estab-
lished. If a foreign corporation, when was it authorized to do
business in Illinois?
If a corporation, Illinois Secretary of State’s File No.
*A copy of the Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Authority issued by the Secretary of State must be attached.
Name, address and telephone number of Illinois registered agent
Address of all offices in the State of Illinois.
Date on which the annual accounting period of the organization ends. Month Day
State the purposes of the organization and purposes for which contributions are to be used. (Be specific)
If the name under which the organization intends to solicit funds differs from the name listed in No.2 provide name(s) under which
contributions will be solicited, and the reason for the use of such other name(s).
If the organization has previously been registered with the Attorney General under either Act, give the name under which registered (if
different than shown in No. 2), last registration number, and date registered.
Has the organization been registered with any other governmental authority to solicit contributions? Yes No
Name of authority and date of authorization.
Is such registration current? Yes No
Has the organization or any of its officers, directors or trustees ever been enjoined or prohibited by any court or other governmental
agency from soliciting contributions, or is such action pending? Yes No
If “Yes”, attach an explanation.
Do you intend to use the services of a professional fund raiser as defined by “An Act to Regulate Solicitation and Collection of Funds for
Charitable Purposes”? Yes No
If “Yes”, answer a, b, and comply with c below.
Name and address of professional fund raiser(s):
Has the professional fund raiser registered and filed a bond with the Office of the Attorney General as required? Yes No
Attach copies of all contracts with professional fund raiser(s).
Have any of organization’s officers, directors, executive personnel, or have any of the organization’s employees who have access to
funds, ever been charged with or convicted of a misdemeanor involving misapplication or misuse of money of another, or any felony?
Yes No If “Yes”, give the following information: (IRS 1981 ch.. 23, sec. 5109)
State the board, group or individual having final discretion as to the distribution and use of contributions received.
Will you use any of the following methods of solicitation? Unordered Merchandise Distribution or Sale of Seals
Telephone Appeals Coin Collection Containers Special Events Ad Books Direct Mail
Other --- If other, attach an explanation.
List name, mailing address and title of the chief executive or staff officer of the organization.
Attach a list of names, mailing addresses, and daytime phone numbers of all officers and directors, or trustees of the organization.
Has the United States Internal Revenue Service determined that this organization is tax exempt? Yes No
If “Yes”, attach a copy of the determination letter. Is application pending? Yes No
*All organizations with tax exempt status or an application pending must attach a copy of
Federal Form 1023 “Application for Recognition of Exemption” or an exemption letter.
Has organization’s tax exempt status ever been questioned, audited, denied or cancelled at any time by any governmental agency?
Yes No If “Yes”, attach the facts.
Organizations which have been in operation for over one (1) year must attach a copy of the form AG990-IL and Federal return,
or AG990IL if no Federal return was filed for each year the organization was in existence, completed in detail. Organizations
which have been in operation less than one (1) year must attach a completed Financial Information Form CO-2. Please note
charitable organization’s are required to maintain accurate and detailed accounting records.
Approximate amount of contributions solicited or income received from persons in this State during the organization’s last annual
accounting period $
Corporation....................................The Articles of Incorporation and/or Certificate of Authority, Amendments and By-Laws
Unincorporated Association...........Constitution and By-Laws
Testamentary Trust.........................Will, Probate number and Decree of Distribution
Inter Vivos Trust.............................Instrument Creating Trust
Note: The President and the Chief Financial Officer or other authorized officer both are required to sign. This must be two different
individuals. If entity is a Trust, all Trustees must sign.
1. All fees, including the required registration fee ($15.00) or re-registration fee ($200.00), as well as any late registration fee
($200.00), annual report filing fee(s) ($15.00 each report), and/or late report filing fee(s) ($100.00 each late report) due.
2. "Charitable Organization Registration Statement" (Form CO-1).
3. A list of all Officers, Directors and/or Trustees including names, mailing addresses, and day time phone numbers.
4. A copy of the IRS Determination Letter or, if pending, a copy of IRS Form 1023 or 1024. If not available, provide written
5. If applicable, copies of all contracts with Professional Fund Raisers.
6. If applicable, the "Religious Organization Exemption Form" (Form CO-3).
7. IF A CORPORATION: Articles of Incorporation and all amendments to the Articles. If incorporated in a state other than
Illinois, include a Certificate of Authority to do business from the Illinois Secretary of State. Also submit the By-Laws of the
8. IF AN UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATION: Constitution and all amendments and By-Laws of the Association.
9. IF A REPRESENTATIVE OF A PROBATE ESTATE (Containing Charitable Gifts): Will and Letters of Office;
Inventory; Declarations of Trust for any trusts into which the Will pours over and all Amendments thereto.
10. IF A CHARITABLE TRUST OR A LIVING INTER VIVOS TRUST: Declaration of Trust, and all Amendments thereto;
Inventory and recent accounting.
11. A completed Form AG990-IL with all required attachments for each year during the past 3 years in which the organization
has held and/or solicited charitable funds in Illinois. (See instructions for AG990-IL.) If the registrant has held and/or
solicited charitable funds in Illinois for more than three years prior to registration, attach complete AG990-ILs, with all
required attachments, for the most recent 3 years subject to further requests. If the organization has been in existence for less
than 1 year, submit the Form CO-2.
The Solicitation for Charity Act and Charitable Trust Act require a $15.00 registration fee for all initial registrations.
The Solicitation for Charity Act requires a $200.00 late registration fee for any organization that solicits contributions prior to
The Solicitation for Charity Act and Charitable Trust Act require a $200.00 re-registration fee for all re-registrations after
The Solicitation for Charity Act and Charitable Trust Act require a $15.00 filing fee for each annual report due. There is an
additional $100.00 late report fee for each late report due. (See instructions for AG990-IL.)
Charitable Trust Act 760 ILCS 55/1 et seq.
Solicitation for Charity Act 225 ILCS 460/1 et seq.
Submit the above registration materials, along with a check or money order for all required fees payable to the “Illinois Charity Bureau
Fund to:
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
Charitable Trust Bureau
100 West Randolph Street, 11
Chicago, Illinois 60601-3175
(312) 814-2595