Resource Online
provides fast
access to the
payment data you
need, including
your monthly
All you need to
view your reporting
details is a Chase
an Internet
connection and a
web browser – it’s
that easy.
Resource Online Quick Reference Guide
Use this guide to help you understand how to log in, view the dashboard,
access your statements and run reports.
Click the log out link to exit Resource Online.
Click the admin link to change account or report settings.
Click the bank lookup link to research bank contact information.
Click the help link to access support material.
Log In
Visit chasepaymentech.com and click Merchant Login.
Select Resource Online and click the Go button.
Enter your Chase Paymentech user name and password.
Click Secure Login.
Click the Forgot Your Password link if you need assistance.
View the Dashboard
The Instant Dashboard provides small business users with a
snapshot of the business’s daily sales and settlement figures.
Each panel offers a quick glance of recent data and the
opportunity to explore.
Sales Summary – Displays your recent batch totals by day
Settlement Summary - Displays net amount deposited
into your bank account each day, after any fees have been
Card Summary - Displays daily sales totals by payment
brand so you can view amounts that will be paid by a third
Recap Summary - Provides a calculated summary of your
merchant activity deposits and adjustements so you can
easily determine the bottom line.
Other panels quickly provide
you with needed information:
Quick Search
Quick Reference Guide
Panel Menu Options
Download (PDF)
Download (CSV)
Download (Excel)
Navigate the Classic Home Page
This home page is available to a small portion of users, who must track a large volume of
transactions and locations. Each user account is subscribed to a specific set of modules
and reports, which are displayed in the body of the classic home page as links, and across
the top of the page as menus.
Need Help Click this image to open a technical support contact form.
Quick Links – On the right side of the home page are quick links to Adobe Reader
(.pdf) versions of user guides for the reporting systems.
Did You Know? – This box contains tips about Resource Online and its applications.
* Merchant account subject to credit approval
For Additional
For training or
assistance in
report data,
you can contact
support or call
For technical
support, call
or email
Resource Online Quick Reference Guide cont.
Run Reports
1. Click on a dashboard panel to see more details, or select from the navigation menu to
open a report’s input page.
2. Select the hierarchy or merchant level for the data you wish to view (you are
automatically at the highest level by default when logging in).
3. Enter your report criteria and click Generate Report.
4. The results page displays the data records that match your specified criteria.
Use Virtual Transaction Manager Reports
The reports on this menu give you 24/7 real-time access to your transaction and batch authorization data.
Availability of some reports will vary depending on your account setup.
Batch and Transaction Reports sub-menu:
Batch Summary report - Provides a summary for each group of transactions in open or closed batches,
with counts and amounts of the batch total, including sales, returns and errors with drill down from each
batch to view underlying batch and transaction detail records.
Card Type Summary report - Provides a summary of net deposit amounts and transaction counts for
closed batches by merchant by card type.
All Transactions report - Includes settled transactions in closed batches for the selected date range.
Transaction Search report - Allows you to find transactions that meet the selected criteria.
Suspension Batch Summary report - Contains information on batches that failed to meet the required
edited criteria at the time of submission, and have been placed in suspense and not processed for
If You Need to... You Should Use This Module / Report...
View transactions in open or closed batches Virtual Transaction Manager (VTM): Batch Summary, Transaction Search
Find duplicate transactions VTM: All Transactions, Transaction Search; Recon Solution: All Transactions
Identify keyed, swiped or contactless transactions VTM: Transaction Search, All Transactions
View error, credit (return) or void transactions VTM: Transaction Search
Find missing deposits Recon Solution: Batch Summary, Settlement Summary Select
Manage rejected transactions, budgeting and annual reporting Recon Solution: Settlement Summary Select
Research retrievals and chargebacks Recon Solution: Outstanding Retrievals, Expired Retrievals, Dispositions
Search for a merchant location Merchant Search
Identify batches not transmitted properly or rejected VTM: Suspense Batch Summary
Quick Tips
Resource Online Quick Reference Guide cont.
User accounts with
rights have
the option to
select from the
Admin menu and
accomplish the
following tasks:
Set up users
Delete users
Edit user details
Change report
Report Icons
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Go To End
Page Size
Use Recon Solution Reports
The reports on this menu assist you in reviewing and reconciling your settled transactions. Availability of some
reports will vary depending on your account setup.
Daily Report Review sub-menu:
Recap Summary report - Provides a summary of the total dollar amount paid, including submitted batches
of amounts, exceptions and fees.
Batch Summary report - Provides a summary for each batch of transactions submitted, with counts and
amounts of the batch total, including settled, non-settled and adjustment amounts, with drill down from
each batch to view underlying transaction detail records.
Batch Exception report - Displays information on batches that were closed more than two days after they
were opened.
All Transactions report - Contains records of every transaction processed.
Card Type Summary report - Provides a summary of submitted deposit totals paid by card type.
Card Type Summary by Merchant report - Provides a summary of submtted deposit totals including item
counts and dollar amounts, by merchant by card type.
Settlement Review sub-menu:
Settlement Summary report - Summary of daily funding and adjustment amounts by category by
merchant to help you reconcile your daily bank deposits.
Settlement Summary Select report - Similar to Settlement Summary but allows you to select the
hierarchy level and date range to be viewed.
Settlement Fees Summary report - Total fees assessed by Chase Paymentech by merchant location.
Settlement Fees Detail report - Displays fee data by category: Discount/Service Charge, Fees (auth fees,
equipment charges, report usage and misc) and Interchange/Assessment by merchant.
Summary of Fees report - Displays fee data by individual fee type by merchant.
Deposit Rejection report - Provides detail of deposit correction notices that occur when transactions reject
and adjustments are made to the dollar amount of a batch.
Summary of Fees report - Displays fee data by individual fee type by merchant.
Transaction Research sub-menu:
Card Number Search tool - Search by full or partial card number to get detail on processed transactions.
Card Number History tool - Search by full or partial card number to get detail on authorizations,
transaction detail, retrievals and chargebacks.
Authorization Search tool - Search for detail on processed transactions.
Qualification Summary report - Summarizes activity by qualification level by merchant. This report can
help you identify locations that are experiencing excessive downgrades that may indicate equipment
failures or training issues.
Non-Qualified Transactions report - Displays transactional detail for those items that downgraded and
did not meet the payment brands’ requirements for the best interchange rate.
Qualified Transactions report - Displays transactional detail for those items that met the payment brands’
requirements for the best interchange rate.
Chargeback Review sub-menu:
Exceptions Summary report - Summarizes exception items for all locations. Use this report to track and
monitor exception items processing and identify those exceptions that have a financial impact.
Dispositions report - Lists chargebacks that were disputed and settled in favor of the cardholder, with a
financial impact to the merchant.
Reversals report - Lists chargebacks that were originally settled as dispositions, but were disputed and
settled in favor of the merchant.
Denied Reversals report - Lists chargebacks that were originally settled as dispositions, for which
rebuttals were submitted, but were proved to be insufficient to reverse the original chargebacks. This data
is informational only and has no financial impact.
Representments report - Lists chargebacks that Chase Paymentech represented to the issuing bank on
the merchant’s behalf. This data is informational only and has no financial impact.
Pending Chargebacks report - Lists chargebacks with a pending status that may occur during arbitration
conditions. These chargebacks have no financial impact until the cases are resolved.
Retrieval Review sub-menu:
Outstanding Retrievals report - Displays retrievals that have yet to be fulfilled and for which the due
date has not been reached.
Expired Retrievals report - Displays retrievals that were not fulfilled in the time allotted.
Fulfilled Retrievals report - Displays retrievals that you or your staff have responded to with a copy of
the original sales transaction documentation.
Statements sub-menu:
View Statements option - Get instant, online access to view, save or print 13 months of past statements.
Merchant Information sub-menu:
Hierarchy Structure report - View your business’s hierarchy levels and their corresponding hierarchy, or
merchant names and numbers.
Location Search tool - Search for merchant detail by merchant name, merchant number, address,
telephone number and fax number.
Trending and Analysis sub-menu:
Card Type Analysis report - Provides a summary of submitted deposit totals by merchant by card type,
including dollar amounts, item counts, corresponding percentages and average ticket amounts.
Debit Card Analysis report - Provides item counts and dollar amounts of online (PIN-based) and offline
(signature-based) debit activity with corresponding percentages by merchant number.
Debit Card Monthly Analysis report - Similar to Debit Card Analysis, provides data on a monthly basis
with graphs to help identify trends.
Deposit Rejection Analysis report - Summarizes deposit correction notices, including submitted batch
codes and amounts, and corresponding percentages by merchant.
Dispositions Analysis report - Provides dispositioned chargeback amounts as a percentage of submitted
batch amounts by merchant on a monthly basis, with a graph to help identify trends.
Reversals Analysis report - Provides reversed chargeback amounts as a percentage of dispositioned
chargeback amounts by merchant on a monthly basis, with a graph to help identify trends.
Resource Online Quick Reference Guide cont.
Visit the How
To Videos &
Reference Guides
page on www.
com to access:
Resource Online
instructions and
how-to videos
Resource Online
User Guides
How to Read
Your Statement
Interactive Tool
Reader Guide
Use Gift Card Reports
Available to subscribers of the Chase Paymentech Gift Card program, these reports help you monitor and
analyze gift card activity.
Activity Report sub-menu:
Transaction Summary report - Search for issuance, redemptions and other card data by hierarchy level or
by merchant location. This report uses a two-tabbed interface and is an ad hoc report.
Transaction Summary by Bin/Card Range report - Identical to the Transaction Summary report, but
includes the field/column Bin/Card Range in the results set.
Transaction Detail report - Lists all authorized stored value transactions. This is an ad hoc, query-based
report. It is sub-totaled by transaction type for the selected merchant hierarchy and is available either on-
screen or as a data file.
Settlement Reports sub-menu (optional):
Inter-Store Settlement reports - Provide summary and cross-transactional detail information on the
transfer of funds/liability from store-to-store (cross store) or chain-to-chain (cross group) when cards are
used across different store locations, chains or custom hierarchy levels.
Central Account Settlement reports - Summarize all the transaction activity going to and from the central
IRS Transaction Summary reports - Available only at the merchant level, this report displays summary
information reported to the IRS for based on specific transaction criteria at the time of funds movement.
Research Tools sub-menu:
Cardholder Lookup tool - Search for transaction detail by entering a partial or complete card number.
Redemptions/Non-Redemptions Search report - Search for transaction detail for cards that have been
redeemed or not redeemed within 0-99 days from the date the cards were issued.
Trending and Analysis sub-menu:
Outstanding Liabilities report - Provides card balance information at the hierarchy and merchant levels,
for a snapshot of the outstanding gift card liability on any given day of the report period. This report
includes the beginning and ending balances by day.
Outstanding Liabilities by Bin/Card Range report - Identical to the Outstanding Liabilities report, but
includes the field/column Bin/Card Range in the results set.
Resource Online Quick Reference Guide cont.
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