Contract Cheating occurs when a student arranges for another student to complete (in part or total)
their assignment or exam on their behalf.
Why This Can Be Considered
Limitations of this Evidence
Suggested Types of Questions
Making Sense of the
Strange paper properties such
as no or few minutes of
editing time, no author name
or an author name different
from the student’s or even a
different author name on
each assessment
If the properties are blank,
this means that they could
have been purposefully
stripped from the document.
It is highly unusual for the
author information to change
if one person wrote all of the
If the student wrote their
paper in Google Docs and
then downloaded it to Word
to submit, there will be no
properties indicated. If the
student doesn’t own their
own computer and has to
borrow others’ computers,
the author information might
In what platform did you write
this paper?
Whose computer did you use?
If they answer Word or
their own computer, it
may suggest that they
didn’t write the paper
themselves. If they
answer Google Docs, ask
them to show you their
Google Doc including all
of the versions as they
worked on the paper.
The assessment is “too good
to be true” because it is
written at a higher level than
expected (for that individual
student or for students in that
While students can improve
their writing over the course
of a quarter, big jumps in
improvement from one
assessment to another (e.g.,
whole letter grades) or large
gaps in understanding from
one assessment (out-of-class)
to another (in-class) is
The student could have:
a) worked really hard on one
paper, making it better than
their other papers;
b) had legitimate help on the
paper from the Writing Hub;
c) had a stellar secondary
education which puts them
heads above the rest.
Your use of language and your
writing ability are surprising for
someone at your level, I’d like
to hear more about your
process of writing this
a) and why it differs so
much from your other
b) Including if you
received help from
anyone on this
c) and how you learned to
write this well!
If the student cannot
describe their process or
explain the differences, it
may suggest that they
didn’t write the paper
If they said that they
received “help” from
someone, you will need
to probe more about that
“help”. Who helped
them? What kind of
things did they do to help
(e.g., translate your
paper, rewrite sentences,
add material, correct
Contract Cheating occurs when a student arranges for another student to complete (in part or total)
their assignment or exam on their behalf.
Why This Can Be Considered
Limitations of this Evidence
Suggested Types of Questions
Making Sense of the
The language, ideas and/or
readings used in the
assessment were not covered
in class
It is not uncommon for
Contract Cheating providers
to use materials that they
know, rather than the
materials the student was
supposed to use in writing the
The student could have
studied this topic in another
class or on their own
It’s a very interesting
topic/theme/angle you chose
to explore, how did you go
about choosing it?
I find it odd that you didn’t use
any of the readings assigned to
you in this class, choosing
instead to only use other
sources. Please tell us your
process for choosing your
sources, including your
If the student cannot
explain the sources or
how they chose them, it
may suggest that they
didn’t write the paper
The specific word choices
used in the assessment are
unusual or particularly
When a Contract Cheating
provider writes another
person’s paper, they often
use words that are not
common for the class
(because they didn’t attend
the class) or are more
sophisticated because the
student asked for a high grade
on the paper.
If there is only one
assessment as evidence, this
could just be indicative of the
student’s style.
In the assessment, you used X
word and it was just a unique
choice. Can you tell me more
about your use of that word
and how you decided to use it?
If the student cannot
define or describe their
word choices, or use
them again in a sentence,
it may suggest that they
didn’t write the paper
The assessment doesn’t
address the prompt
If a student buys a pre-written
essay (cheaper than a custom
essay), the paper may not
fully address the prompt.
Even if it was a custom essay,
often times Contract Cheating
providers will not fully attend
to the assignment prompt.
Students who are
academically struggling with
the course content could
write a paper that does not
address the prompt.
Professor you mention that
the paper doesn’t address the
prompt accurately can you
tell us more about how you
came to that assessment?
If the student cannot
adequately explain to
your satisfaction why they
wrote a paper that
doesn’t address the
prompt, it may suggest
that they didn’t write the
paper themselves.
Contract Cheating occurs when a student arranges for another student to complete (in part or total)
their assignment or exam on their behalf.
Why This Can Be Considered
Limitations of this Evidence
Suggested Types of Questions
Making Sense of the
Student can you address this
issue of your paper not
addressing the prompt?
The handwriting differs from
assessment to assessment
A person’s handwriting
doesn’t change significantly
from occasion to occasion. If
the ways in which the person
writes their numbers in their
PID or the letters in their
name, for example, change
from one assessment to
another, this suggests two
different writers.
Perhaps the student is
ambidextrous and wrote one
assessment with their left
hand and one with their
right! (definitely not “more
likely than not” though)
Please write out your name and
Can you tell me why your
handwriting is so different
between these two
Choose a concept from the
assessment and ask the student
to explain it.
This piece of evidence
may be easy to “fake”
because a student could
practice writing to match
or study the concepts
ahead of the Review.