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ISSN No: 2456
“One Indian Girl” by Chetan Bhagat
Indian Values
Dr. Ashwani Rana
Assistant Professor,
Research Guide,
Dept. of English, CT University, Ludhiana
Feminism as a movement gained political importance
in the twentieth century, making the culmination of
two centuries struggle for cultural roles and socio
political rights. Feminism as a movement
women living on equal terms with men and not
pushed down, by law or by culture, into a subservient
role. Post-
independence Indian society has witnessed
massive mobilization in work field. The constitutional
provision of equal rights and privilege
with men, the five-
year plans stressing the vocational
and occupational bias in women’s education and the
modern technological innovations helped in a big way
for the professional development of women.
Empowering the woman within this context,
subvert the western notion of the third world woman.
Chetan Bhagat is seen more as a youth icon than just
an author. Chetan also writes opened columns for
leading newspapers, focusing on youth and national
development. His characters are social re
female protagonists remind us of the female
characters of G. B. Shaw for their vitality viz. Natural
female instinct. The place of action of his novels is set
in the hustle and bustle of Metropolitan Indian cities.
With the growing urbanizatio
n and globalization, a
number of opportunities have opened up all around.
Men and women are no more seen through the old
spectacle which marksmen as superior and women as
inferior. In this global atmosphere, so far belittled
women are given their due place
and respect. With
their own intellect and abilities, they are seen to be
working shoulder to shoulder with men.
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com
| Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-
Dec 2017
ISSN No: 2456
| www.ijtsrd.com | Volume
Journal of Trend in
and Development
International Open Access Journal
“One Indian Girl” by Chetan Bhagat
A Portrayal of a
Successful Modern Girl or a Bitter Criticism o
Indian Values
–A Study
Research Guide,
Dept. of English, CT University, Ludhiana
Ritika Rana
PGT History & Hindi
BLPS, Kapurthala
Feminism as a movement gained political importance
in the twentieth century, making the culmination of
two centuries struggle for cultural roles and socio
political rights. Feminism as a movement
is about
women living on equal terms with men and not
pushed down, by law or by culture, into a subservient
independence Indian society has witnessed
massive mobilization in work field. The constitutional
provision of equal rights and privilege
s for women
year plans stressing the vocational
and occupational bias in women’s education and the
modern technological innovations helped in a big way
for the professional development of women.
Empowering the woman within this context,
goes to
subvert the western notion of the third world woman.
Chetan Bhagat is seen more as a youth icon than just
an author. Chetan also writes opened columns for
leading newspapers, focusing on youth and national
development. His characters are social re
bels and his
female protagonists remind us of the female
characters of G. B. Shaw for their vitality viz. Natural
female instinct. The place of action of his novels is set
in the hustle and bustle of Metropolitan Indian cities.
n and globalization, a
number of opportunities have opened up all around.
Men and women are no more seen through the old
spectacle which marksmen as superior and women as
inferior. In this global atmosphere, so far belittled
and respect. With
their own intellect and abilities, they are seen to be
working shoulder to shoulder with men.
: Feminism, culmination, mobilization,
empower, subvert, protagonist, spectacle
Indian fiction written in English has been impressive
and has attracted attention widely. With the passage
of time, it has witnessed a rapid change, from being
deeply affected by the Raj to being Vernacular. It is,
therefore, very important to know and rea
changes taken place in every field of Indian life and
society and for that a brief history of Indian English
Fiction might be one of the best media of its
expression. These changes from socialism to
individualism, from sharing to winning and from
spiritualism to materialism reveal a various,
reflections of change from tradition to modernity in
Indian society. Though this is a natural process as
history changes with the passage of time and it is
noticed that people are continuously losing their inn
happiness and self-
control inspite of having material
comforts. And, therefore, it reveals an amazing range
of subject matter with social perspective. There is no
second opinion about it that Chetan Bhagat writes in a
very gripping manner. The plot is q
interlinked at times. After reading his eighth book
An Indian Girl, I made out that Chetan Bhagat is quite
closely concerned with sharing stories out of banking
line, IIMS, IIT’s and all that. The chief attention of
the story is sati
sfaction of physical desires, no matter
what level one may stoop to and no matter any
distinction or clear thinking to be maintained to make
sure who is going to be your partner who will be
Dec 2017
Page: 547
| www.ijtsrd.com | Volume
| Issue
International Open Access Journal
A Portrayal of a
Successful Modern Girl or a Bitter Criticism o
Ritika Rana
BLPS, Kapurthala
: Feminism, culmination, mobilization,
empower, subvert, protagonist, spectacle
Indian fiction written in English has been impressive
and has attracted attention widely. With the passage
of time, it has witnessed a rapid change, from being
deeply affected by the Raj to being Vernacular. It is,
therefore, very important to know and rea
lize such
changes taken place in every field of Indian life and
society and for that a brief history of Indian English
Fiction might be one of the best media of its
expression. These changes from socialism to
individualism, from sharing to winning and from
spiritualism to materialism reveal a various,
reflections of change from tradition to modernity in
Indian society. Though this is a natural process as
history changes with the passage of time and it is
noticed that people are continuously losing their inn
control inspite of having material
comforts. And, therefore, it reveals an amazing range
of subject matter with social perspective. There is no
second opinion about it that Chetan Bhagat writes in a
very gripping manner. The plot is q
uite intricate still
interlinked at times. After reading his eighth book
An Indian Girl, I made out that Chetan Bhagat is quite
closely concerned with sharing stories out of banking
line, IIMS, IIT’s and all that. The chief attention of
sfaction of physical desires, no matter
what level one may stoop to and no matter any
distinction or clear thinking to be maintained to make
sure who is going to be your partner who will be
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 548
sharing a bed with you. Firstly a Bengali boy Debu
a worker in an advertisement company. When Debu
learns that Radhika is earning way far better than him,
he starts feeling insecure, leaves her in-between and
runs away. It was partially due to Radhika’s insistence
to make-up his mind for marrying her and chiefly
because of a set-back to the male ego how can a
female surpass him in monetary gains and especially
at that time when they may get married though a
farfetched dream, still, at least Radhika was thinking
so. Debu and Radhika,being the youngsters of an
advanced era and that too in a foreign land, who were
living together in relationship before/without getting
married. Debu could never ever expect his girl friend
to have gone beyond his expectations of earning
money and this was something that he could not
digest and, so, ditches her.
Radhika, now heartbroken plans to quit her job, once
again dejected by Debu, re-thinks and continues her
job at another branch of the same organization in
another country. From New York, she is transferred to
Honk Kong. Here she comes across Neel, the partner
in the company and the boss of her immediate boss.
The circumstances bring Neel and Radhika closer on
professional grounds. Radhika is an efficient and
valued worker. With her dedication and diligence, she
wins Neel’s heart and also wins an opportunity to
work on special projects. Radhika, a frustrated soul,
puts all her energy in focusing on her work and then,
though having flown in emotions, she makes love
with Neel an elderly person, who is approximately
two decades older than her. What makes her do
that?...is a big question.
Thereafter, the things get settled and it becomes a
regular practice that Neel and Radhika visit places on
official grounds for business purpose, of course, and
make love during their stay together on these business
trips. Later on, Neel even begins visiting her home as
well, though they had a kind of understanding not to
reveal their relationship, but now, perhaps both of
them were not much bothered for keeping it a secret
any longer. How can it be? On the other hand
Radhika’s mother is consistently pestering her to get
married. The poor mother never realizes that her
daughter was involved with a Bengali boy and now
she has surrendered herself to her boss. Radhika is
very much aware that Neel is married and a father of
two children. She happens to run into his family as
well - though by chance. Then how could her
conscience allow her to let Neel enter her personal
zone? Was she insane or deprived of Physical
satisfaction?...a hundred million dollar question.
Her mother visits her in Hong Kong and provides her
a moral and emotional support. By now Radhika has
also learned that she needs to get married and be a
mother, a wife and a homemaker. She asks Neel what
may be the future of their relationship and also
expresses her wish to have a family of her own, but
Neel does not understand her and tells her that she is
not family woman stuff, rather she is suitable for
Banking related projects and tasks. Radhika feels bad
and is upset and she no longer allows Neel to be at her
home or be with her. Once again the things get tough
and she wants to resign. Neel is a mature and a wise
fellow. He tells Radhika that she is a valuable
employee and that the company cannot afford to lose
her. He shows her a way out to overcome the problem
of meeting and facing Neel. He suggests her to
transfer to London and to continue her job. Radhika
agrees and moves to London. In the mean time her
mother has found a groom - Brijesh for her. Radhika
interacts with him on skype and, is kind of impressed.
This is followed by her further interactions and a
private meeting with him resulting into her consent
for marriage.
Radhika being a business tycoon now, is minting
million dollars a year and lacs a month, wants to live
her dream of theme based marriage in one of the
costliest hotels of Goa. Her wedding date fixed to take
place within a week. Just then both of her ex-
boyfriends Debu and Neel come there out of the blue
and keep imploring thatthey will handle the situation
once the latter (Radhika) gives her consent to marry
either of the two instead of Brijesh. Now Radhika is
in a fix. She goes to talk to Debu to tell him how she
is helpless and cannot listen to his request now as he
got too late to open up. Likewise she goes to Neel to
show her inability to marry him now. Neel has
realized that his equation with his wife Kusum is not
appropriate. He took a legal divorce with certain
adjustments of kids. He thought it to be a crime to
lose a wife like Radhika. A big confusion, rather a
mess of things in Radhika’s mind. She has had a
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 549
quality time with Brijesh as well and she found him to
be a nice and a genuine person.
Finally she thinks over it a day before her wedding
what she has to do and makes a phone call to both of
her ex-boyfriends to tell them that she would marry
neither of the two. She tells them both, where they
had gone wrong. She clarified that Debu did not want
her to fly high, even though he pretended to and often
showed that he wanted to offer similar rights to
women; but also expected his wife to be a
homemaker. Neel on the other hand wanted Radhika
to fly high but rejected to offer her a family- which is
a dream of every woman. She said, “Debu wanted me
to be encaged, Neel allowed me to fly, but he did not
offer me a nest…”
She defines the real definition of feminism to them
that a woman wants to be a wife and a mother on the
top of everything. But along with this, she wants to be
herself as well. So, on these grounds she cannot marry
either Debu or Neel. She firmly asks them to leave
and there will be no more discussion. She goes to
Brijesh’s family after opening up her mind to the
latter that she cannot marry him. Brijesh is quite
upset. He tries to make her understand that he has
nothing to do with the past life of Radhika but she is
adamant. An emotional breakdown of Radhika’s
mother can be seen here.
After a number of months roll by, Radhika chats with
Brijesh and persuades him for a meeting. She is now
on world-tour in order to deviate her mind and in the
course of her journey she meets Brijesh. She feels
sorry for what she did but Brijesh believes in “Let’s
bygones be bygones.” Both of them plan to attend a
concert and the story ends here. The question arises
why Radhika refused marrying Brijesh when she had
turned down Debu and Neel? Was it due to her state
of mind that she was not stable? Or was it difficult for
her to forget her past altogether? Or she wanted to be
in live-in relationship with Brijesh now?
When will the author learn to quit his obsession of
writing about IIM’s. IIT’s and love and sex only.
There are so many other issues as well which can be
taken up for a novel. Another thing, was there a dearth
of god and suitable girls for Debu that he became a
completely transformed person, realized his mistake
and got ready to marry Radhika when she was about
to be married with someone else. He leaves
everything aside and flies down to India!
It’s perfectly fine that human beings have some
physical desires which need to be satisfied but there is
a way for everything. Radhika was a sensible girl,
who had for ever topped in every class. Her sister on
the other hand was an average student with impressive
looks and lot of fan following. She got married at a
marriageable age and was blessed with children. What
was wrong with Radhika then? Was she jealous of
these achievements of her sister? Did she want to
cross limits to prove that she was no less than Aditi?
At the time of her success being celebrated in her
office, why she wanted to introduce her boyfriend
Debu to her colleagues? Was it that she wanted to
brag that girls with average looks like her can also
have boyfriends? Why Chetan Bhagat highlights this
aspect of females so openly and vividly in his stories?
This novel seems to have crossed the limits of ethics,
values and decency. The way love-making scenes
have been described, one can make out, perhaps the
author wanted to show his creative writing skills or
merely a portrayal of an intimate scene in the story.
What was that Mr. Neel the partner of a world class
company kneels down to beg for love and consent for
marriage?...something beyond comprehension.
The other chap Neel, has he gone nuts?...being a
family man, an elderly man to radhika, what makes
him divorce his wife and leave his children in a total
chaos. He has been shown to be wise, mature and
sensible man. What happens to such a rational man?
His wits have gone wool gathering? And on the top of
that Radhika, even though had an affair with Debu
and Neel, is enjoying smoking joints with Brijeshat
Anjuna resorts, Goa. What does she think herself to
be?...Helen of Troy? Or Cleopatra of Egypt? Or else
Venus of Rome? The whole story is a total mess and
has been left unfinished. There is no genuine climax
to the story. It lets number of questions crop up in the
minds of the readers. The title of the story goes with
the wind. Do Indian girls behave like Radhika?
Getting involved with two men in two different set-
ups and finally bringing a disgrace to the family by
stepping back exactly the same day when marriage is
to take place? In what sense is Radhikas an Indian
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 550
girl? yes, it seems right as soon as good and positive
things are associated and shared about Indian girls
like – to top the institution, to get short-listed in world
class company and to make handsome money. But the
other negative things seem to be out of place.
Something is lacking/missing. Had the story ended at
a happy note that after coming back from the concert
Radhika implores Brijesh to marry her and they
actually get married then perhaps it would have been
far better. The behavior of Radhika is not at all Indian.
She has love, emotions, empathy these all things
make her Indian, rest all are difficult to digest.
Is this story an example on modern thinking of the
Does CB want to convey how the meaning of
marriage a holy / pious school of thought, is
changing these days?
Are physical desires more important than reality?if
yes, then why there’s a repentance later on?
Is it because of too much pressure of the parents? Or
else due to physical beauty of Aditi or may be
favouritism by parents…Radhika crosses her limits?
Does Radhika portray the dual or better to say multi-
personality character? With parents/ colleagues/
Debu/ Neel/ Brijesh…she behaves differently?
Does story conclude that the parents should give an
undue liberty to their daughters?
Towards the end she regains her senses to decide why
Debu is not a right pick…because he wants her to be
confined within four walls of the house and take care
of the kids and family.
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