Chronic Nonbacterial
Osteomyelitis and Chronic
Recurrent Multifocal
Osteomyelitis in Children
Yongdong Zhao, MD, PhD
, Polly J. Ferguson, MD
Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO; a.k.a., chronic recurrent multifocal oste-
omyelitis) is an inflammatory disorder that presents with bone pain arising from sterile
osteomyelitis. It is primarily a pediatric disorder but can persist into adulthood or have
an adult-onset presentation. The condition is difficult to diagnose, most commonly
suspected to be infectious osteomyelitis or malignancy, with milder cases resembling
growing pains. Children may have decreased physical function and poor school
Disclosure: Dr Y. Zhao received research funding from CARRA and Bristol-Myers Squibb (IM101-691_
Zhao). Dr P.J. Fergusons work is supported by R01AR059703 from NIH/NIAMS.
Pediatric Rheumatology, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, MA 7.110,
4800 Sand Point Way Northeast, Seattle, WA 98105, USA;
Department of Pediatrics, University
of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, 200 Hawkins Drive, 4038 Boyd Tower, Iowa City, IA
52242, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
Majeed syndrome
Whole-body MRI
Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO; also known as chronic recurrent multifocal oste-
omyelitis) is an inflammatory/autoinflammatory bone disease that primarily affects chil-
dren and adolescents. It is a diagnosis of exclusion.
Often the diagnosis of CNO in children is delayed because of a lack of awareness and the
occult nature of CNO. Prompt referral to pediatric rheumatology can help establish a diag-
nosis and determine appropriate treatment.
Imaging studies, especially MRI with short tau inversion recovery, are essential diagnostic
Whole-body MRI is the gold standard for disease monitoring.
Long-term treatment and follow-up are needed to prevent complications, such as vertebral
compression fractures and leg-length discrepancies.
Pediatr Clin N Am 65 (2018) 783–800
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attendance when bone pain and inflammation are not controlled adequately. Delays in
diagnosis can lead to permanent skeletal damage. The cause of the disease remains
unknown for most but involves immune dysregulation resulting in inflammation of the
bone and sometimes of other tissues, including skin, joints, and the intestine.
The disease has gone by many names, making nomenclature complicated (Box 1). It
was first described as a symmetric multifocal osteomyelitis and later given the name
chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO).
However, because the disease
may begin or stay unifocal, CRMO may not be an accurate term for these patients.
Thus, the term CNO has been proposed as an umbrella term.
In 2011, the annual incidence of CNO in Germany was reported to be 0.4 per 100,000
as compared with the reported incidence range of infectious osteomyelitis
of 10 to 80 per 100,000 children per year.
However, during 2004 to 2014 in a single
center in Germany, of the 109 children seen for osteomyelitis, 53% were categorized
as infectious and 47% as noninfectious, unexpectedly similar proportions.
A single
center in Britain reported increased patient referral for CNO after a letter was sent
to all orthopedic centers to enhance recognition of the disease.
Although the actual
incidence of CNO is likely to vary from one region to another, these studies suggest
that it is more common than previously appreciated and underscore the importance
of raising awareness of CNO.
The average age of disease onset is 9 to 10 years.
Rarely, disease onset oc-
curs before 3 years of age.
Girls are more likely to be affected, with a female to male ratio of 2:1.
Box 1
Reported terms of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis
Bone lesions of acne fulminans
Chronic multifocal cleidometaphyseal osteomyelitis
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
Chronic sclerosing osteitis
Chronic symmetric osteomyelitis
Clavicular hyperostosis and acne arthritis
Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis
Pustulotic arthro-osteitis
Sclerosing osteomyelitis of Garre
Sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis
Sternoclavicular pustulotic osteitis
Synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis osteitis
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Race and Ethnicity
Most reported cases are of European ancestry, although it has been reported in
all races.
Prevalence among different ethnicities has not been described.
Cutaneous involvement in children is not as common as in adults.
Common bone sites affected are long bones in children compared with the
sternum and c lavicles in adul ts.
The median time between initial symptoms and diagnosis of CNO is 2 years.
eight percent of children were not evaluated by a pediatric rheumatologist until at least
12 months after their first symptom occurred. The delay of diagnosis was likely related
to the insidious development of pain, minimal findings on clinical examination, rela-
tively normal laboratory studies, and lack of awareness of this condition. A patient sur-
vey study discussed delays in diagnosis for 21 patients who had a single symptomatic
site and were initially misdiagnosed as bacterial osteomyelitis; 55% of these patients
did not have whole-body imaging, and this was hypothesized to contribute to the
delay in the diagnosis of CNO.
CNO should be considered in a child who has intermittent or persistent focal bone or
joint pain of the lower extremities, clavicle, spine, and/or mandible. The pain is worse
at night and may interfere with sleep, and the child usually has point tenderness of the
affected site. Children with more superficially affected bones (eg, tibia, fibula, clavicle,
and mandible) can also have local swelling and warmth ( Fig. 1).
CNO typically presents as insidious bone pain with or without systemic features;
however, it can also present as acute onset of pain. Young children may stop using
an affected limb. Common features of CNO ar e shown in Box 2. Often there are min-
imal to no objective changes overlying the lesions, but point tenderness is common
when the disease is active. The pain often results in reduced physical activities;
Fig. 1. (A) Left mandibular CNO with facial swelling and asymmetry in a child. (B) Swelling
of right medial clavicle in a child with CNO.
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school attendance may be affected, particula rly if lower extremities and/or axial
bones are involved.
Approximately 40% of patients present with or develop arthritis with their CNO,
which is associated with joint swelling and stiffness.
These symptoms often occur
in joints adjacent to active areas of osteomyelitis of the long bones but can occur in
areas without bone involvement. Even without arthritis, many patients have functional
limitation of the joints.
Patients may present with constitutional symptoms, such as fever (20%)
weight loss; however, most patients with CNO appear well. Fatigue is common in chil-
dren with CNO.
Pattern of bone involvement (Fig. 2)
It most commonly affects the metaphyseal regions of long bones.
Diaphyseal regions of the long bones are rarely affected.
Box 2
Clues to the diagnosis of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis
Point tenderness with or without swelling or warmth
Pain worse at night
Limited function/use of affected limb
Coexisting psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, or inflammatory arthritis
Absence of constitutional symptoms
Fig. 2. Common sites affected in CNO. Metaphysis is indicated as the ending of long bones
and diaphysis is indicated as the middle part of long bones. (Adapted from
with free license. Accessed February 1, 2018.)
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The commonly affected sites are lower extremity long bones, vertebrae, clavicles,
and mandible
In these sites, the trabecular bone is enriched and bone turnover is higher.
There is asymmetric involvement in approximately 60% and symmetric involve-
ment in approximately 40%.
Unifocal bony involvement at presentation is up to 30%.
Over time, most develop multifocal disease (93% in one study after mean of
4 years).
Clavicular and mandibular lesions are more likely to present as unifocal lesions
and remain so throughout the disease course.
Asymptomatic bone lesions are common.
The most common complications of CNO are fractures in affected bones (especially of
the vertebrae) and deformities due to growth alterations. Kyphosis may occur in pa-
tients with multiple vertebral compression fractures. Pathologic fractures in the long
bones may occur when there is accelerated bone resorption. Leg-length discrepancy
may result after the growth plate is damaged by CNO (Fig. 3A) or due to bony over-
growth of the epiphysis from excess inflammation. Angulation of a joint may occur
when the growth plate is damaged asymmetrically, and often this complication re-
quires surgical intervention (Fig. 3B). Aggressive treatment of patients with physeal
damage before closure may reduce the risk of leg-length discrepancy or joint angula-
tion. Untreated or inadequately treated patients may have increasing bony expansion
(see Fig. 3B). One large study reported that 26% of children with CNO have compli-
cations, including localized deformation (particularly of the clavicle) (15%), vertebral
fractures (4%), and growth asymmetry (6%).
CNO causes a significant impact on the quality of life in affected children. School
absence due to pain, fatigue, and frequent medical visits are common. Assistive devices
may be needed in some children. Inability to participate in desired sports activity
because of limited function is frequent. Based on a family survey, most parents reported
that their child with CNO was challenged to perform daily tasks or hobbies because of
pain, fatigue, and physical limitation.
Another family survey study in Germany also re-
ported a negative influence on family life in 80% of children with CNO.
support should be considered to improve the quality of life for these children and their
families. Nearly half of these families reported a desire to contact other patients/families
for mutual support.
A pamphlet for families of children with CRMO has been developed
by a parent group and can be accessed on the Web site (
Other sites that allow families to seek further information and connect have been devel-
oped (,
In a minority of patients, other coexisting conditions, including psoriasis vulgaris,
palmar plantar pustulosis, and inflammatory bowel disease, may occur before,
concurrently with, or after the diagnosis of CNO. Psoriasis has been reported in 2%
to 17% (Fig. 4), palmar plantar pustulosis (PPP) in 3% to 20%, and inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD) in 3% to 7% of patients with CNO.
One proposed diagnostic
criterion considers the presence of one of these comorbid conditions to help support
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Fig. 3. (A) Radiograph s of a child with CNO show a 1.5-cm discrepancy between the total
lengths of 2 legs (right > left) due to growth plate damage in left proximal tibia. (B) Radiograph
of a child with CNO shows persistent angulation of left knee a year after stapling of the medial
proximal tibia.
Fig. 4. (A) Plaque psoriasis on the scalp of a child with CNO. (B) Plantar psoriasis on heel of a
child with CNO.
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the diagnosis of CNO.
These comorbid conditions are also present in a high propor-
tion of close relatives of patients with CNO. Up to 50% of patients with CNO have a
first- or second-degree family member with psoriasis, PPP, Crohn disease, ulcerative
colitis, or inflammatory arthritis. Family history of these diseases increases the positive
predictive value of a diagnosis of CNO.
One category of treatments used for CNO,
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–alpha inhibitors, has also been associated with the devel-
opment of psoriasis in patients with CNO.
The differential diagnosis of CNO is broad and includes infections of the bone or joint,
malignancy, benign bone lesions, metabolic bone disease, amplified pain syndromes,
and nutritional deficiencies.
The common differential diagnosis of CNO includes the following
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Primary malignant bone disease
Benign bone tumor (osteoma, endo-chondroma)
Infectious osteomyelitis
Septic arthritis
Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis)
Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy with bony changes)
Enthesitis-related arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
Amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome/complex regional pain syndrome
Occult fracture
Benign limb pain of childhood (growing pains)
A thorough physical examination is essential to help differentiate CNO from malig-
nancy and infection, assessing for the presence of other areas of bone or joint swelling,
lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, mass, or rash. Lesions in the diaphysis should
prompt evaluation for alternative diagnosis, including benign and malignant bone tu-
mors. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and uric acid are useful to screen for increased
cell turnover in children with leukemia and lymphoid malignancies. Alkaline phospha-
tase and serum phosphorus are useful to screen for hypophosphatasia.
Biopsy of multiple bone sites or repeated bone biopsies may need to be performed,
especially when there is a concern of a CNO-mimicking disease, such as intraosseous
Bone marrow biopsy may also be obtained in patients with strong sus-
picion of leukemia (cytopenia, episodic pain, nocturnal pain, elevated LDH, raised uric
acid). Infectious workup is routinely performed on the biopsied bone samples, and
additional blood culture is needed when the concern for infection is high.
Jansson and colleagues
developed a scoring system to guide the diagnostic
workup based on the presence or absence of 7 components (Table 1). This scoring
system was intended to distinguish nonbacterial osteomyelitis from infectious osteo-
myelitis as well as from benign and malignant bone tumor in adults and children. A to-
tal score of 28 or less had a negative predictive value of 97% for CNO, whereas a total
score of 39 or greater had a positive predictive value of 97% or greater for CNO.
The pattern of pain may also help differentiate CNO from other diseases. Pain is
often worse at night and interferes with sleep. This pattern is also seen in children
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who have growing pains (also known as benign limb pain of childhood, see Jennifer E.
Weiss and Jennifer N. Stinson’s article, Pediatric Pain Syndromes and Non-
inflammatory Musculoskeletal Pain,” in this issue). Episodic severe bone pain with
significantly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein
(CRP) should raise concerns for osseous infiltration from leukemia or lymphoma.
Diffuse body pain and tenderness to touch (allodynia) may be an indication of ampli-
fied musculoskeletal pain syndrome (discussed in Chapter 10) rather than active CNO.
Some children with CNO may also have amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome,
which can make it challenging to determine if they have active disease; in such cases,
MRI can be helpful.
Whole-body MRI is considered the gold standard imaging modality by experts. Pa-
tients almost always have a radiograph taken initially. However, MRI is preferred for
its sensitivity and lack of radiation. Typical findings of CNO from each imaging modal-
ity are listed next.
Most common findings
Lytic lesion during early phase (Fig. 5A)
Sclerosis, bony expansion, or mixed picture during later stage (Fig. 5B)
Normal in 80% of patients
Other findings
Pathologic fracture during acute lytic phase (rare)
Compression fracture of vertebrae
- Can lead to kyphosis or vertebra plana (Fig. 5C)
Least expensive
Least sensitive with a high false-negative rate
Table 1
Diagnostic scoring system of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis by Jansson and colleagues
Clinical, Laboratory, and Imaging Findings Points
Normal blood cell count 13
Symmetric lesions 10
Lesions with marginal sclerosis 10
Normal body temperature 9
Vertebral, clavicular, or sternal lesions 8
Radiologically proven lesions 27
C-reactive protein 1 mg/dL 6
Total possible score is 63. This scoring system was intended to distinguish nonbacterial osteomye-
litis from infectious osteomyelitis as well as from benign and malignant bone tumor in adults and
children. A total score of 28 or less had a negative predictive value of 97% for CNO, whereas a total
score of 39 or greater had a positive predictive value of 97% or greater for CNO.
Data from Jansson AF, Muller TH, Gliera L, et al. Clinical score for nonbacterial osteitis in children
and adults. Arthritis Rheum 2009;60:1152–9.
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Computed tomography
Common findings
Lytic lesions, sclerosis, bony expansion, or mixed pattern
Three-dimensional rendering of affected bone to guide the biopsy
Limited use in determining disease activity
Bone scintigraphy
Common findings
Increased uptake at affected sites (Fig. 6)
Whole-body level scanning when whole-body MRI is not available
Not as sensitive as MRI
Challenging to distinguish inflamed sites from the physiologic increased up-
take at the growth plates
PET–computed tomography
Common findings
Increased tracer uptake
Fig. 5. (A) CNO lytic lesion (arrow) in fibula. (B) Sclerosis (arrow) of tibia. (C) Height loss of
T3 to T6 and plana of T7 due to CNO on MRI, which resulted in 47
of kyphosis.
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Correlates with disease activity based on increased metabolism
Detailed localization of inflamed sites
Common findings
Hyperintensity within bone marrow in short tau inversion recovery (STIR) or T2
fat saturation sequences
Hyperintensity within surrounding soft tissue in STIR or T2 fat saturation
Bony expansion during late stages
Other findings
Physis irregularity or complete bony bar
Fig. 6. Bone scintigraphy of a child with CNO reveals increased uptake of radioisotope
(arrows) in the left third and eleventh ribs, left ilium, and left ischium indicating active
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Compression vertebral fracture
Most sensitive in detecting inflamed sites (Figs. 7 and 8)
Assesses both disease activity and skeletal damage
Requires sedation in young children
Whole body MRI
Useful protocol of whole-body MRI (Fig. 9)
Coronal STIR of total body in 4 to 5 stations
Sagittal STIR of entire spine
Sagittal STIR of feet
Axial STIR of pelvis and knee
Whole-body screening
Most sensitive in detecting inflamed sites
Assesses both disease activity and skeletal damage
Requires sedation in young children
Frequency of imaging monitoring
There is no consensus on how often imaging should be performed to monitor disease
activity of CNO. In North America, about half of the surveyed pediatric rheumatologists
use imaging regularly, with 54% of them repeating imaging every 6 months and 25%
every 12 months.
Because of the occult nature of the disease and lack of reliable
biomarkers or physical findings, more frequent radiation-free imaging may be neces-
sary to provide an accurate estimate of disease activity in order to guide the treatment.
In general, early in the disease, repeating MRI 3 to 6 months after initiation of the treat-
ment is reasonable. In patients who have a completely normal MRI and remain on sta-
ble medications or are off medications, repeating MRI every 6 to 12 months is
Fig. 7. (A) Normal bone scintigraphy of a child. (B) Abnormal STIR signal (arrow) on MRI
within left distal tibia of the same child. (C) Abnormal STIR signal (arrow) on MRI within
right distal fibula of the same child.
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Laboratory Evaluation
There is no diagnostic test for CNO. Most children have a normal complete blood
cell count (CBC) at presentation.
Because of the broad differential diagnoses
for CNO, laboratory tests are most useful to rule out alternative diagnoses. In-
flammatory markers, such as ESR and CRP, are elevated in some patients with
CNO, but most have normal levels at presentation.
The use of urinary
N-terminal telope ptide (NTx) as a disease-monitoring tool in CNO has been re-
ported in a small cohort,
with the test found able to identify some children
with disease flares. More study is needed to determine the normal range of
NTx in healthy children and evaluate the sensitivity a nd specificity of NTx for
screening children for CNO. HLA-B27 positivity and low titer antinuclear antibody
positivity have been reported in only a small fraction of these patients.
TNF-a was increased in 66% of patients in one study.
Total immunoglobulin (Ig)
G and its subclasses, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, as well as IgD were elevated in 7% to
33% in one cohort.
Fig. 8. ( A) Normal leg radiograph of a child. (B) Abnormal STIR signal (arrow) on MRI within
distal tibia and fibula of the same child.
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Initial screening laboratory tests in a child with typical chronic nonbacterial
osteomyelitis usually show
Normal CBC; sometimes anemia from chronic disease
Normal or mildly elevated ESR, CRP
Normal LDH, uric acid
Normal serum calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase
Bone Biopsy
It may be necessary to obtain a bone specimen to exclude infection and malignancy.
Most rheumatologists request a bone biopsy when there are constitutional symptoms
or a single bone lesion or an atypical presentation. Conversely, patients with the
following characteristics may not need a bone biopsy because of the higher confi-
dence in the likelihood of CNO:
Bone lesion at a typical site (clavicle, metaphysis of long bones, vertebral body)
with normal laboratory test results and no constitutional symptoms
Multiple bone lesions
CNO-associated conditions (ie, psoriasis or Crohn disease)
When indicated, bone biopsy can be obtained via an open biopsy or needle biopsy
depending on the affected sites. Usually a decision of how to obtain biopsy is left to
Fig. 9. Whole body MRI of a child with CNO includes coronal STIR of total body in 4 to 5 sta-
tions (A)withstitchedimage(B), sagittal STIR of entire spine (C), axial STIR of pelvis (D),
sagittal STIR of feet (E), and axial STIR of the knee (F). It demonstrates active inflammation
in right proximal tibia and left talus.
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the discretion of the surgeon. Common histologic findings include acute and/or
chronic inflammation, marrow fibrosis, osteonecrosis or normal bone.
specific staining can confirm the diagnosis of CNO but may exclude other diagnoses.
Adequate sample should be obtained to allow for pathologic review as well as for an
infectious workup including stains and cultures for bacteria, fungi and mycobacteria.
CNO is considered an autoinflammatory disease. Components of the innate immune
system, including neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, and associated cytokines,
contribute to disease pathogenesis. Increased proinflammatory cytokines, such as
TNF-a and interleukin (IL)-6, and decreased antiinflammatory cytokines, especially
IL-10, were reported in children with CNO.
IL-6 and C-C motif chemokine 11/eotaxin
have been shown to sufficiently differentiate patients with CNO from healthy children
and those with other inflammatory diseases in a German cohort.
Recently, a serum
cytokine profile has been proposed as a marker for CNO.
Persistently elevated mono-
cyte chemoattractant protein-1, IL-12, and soluble interleukin-2 receptor were associ-
ated with refractory CNO in one cohort; but their use as biomarkers needs to be
Imbalanced cytokines cause increased osteoclast activity that results in
accelerated bone breakdown during the early phase of disease. Overall bone turnover
is increased, and excessive bone formation occurs as a response during the later stage.
There is evidence of a genetic component to CNO, including reports of clustering in
some families and a reported association of CNO with a rare allele of marker D18S60
on chromosome 18.
For a small minority of patients, CNO may be genetically driven.
There are 2 monogenic autoinflammatory bone diseases called deficiency of IL-1 re-
ceptor antagonist (DIRA) and Majeed syndrome in which sterile osteomyelitis is a
prominent phenotype. These two diseases have distinct clinical features, which can
aid in diagnosis. DIRA presents as neonatal onset of sterile multifocal osteomyelitis,
periostitis, and pustulosis. Clinical symptoms typically start within the first month of
DIRA is due to recessive mutations in IL1RN, which encodes the IL-1 receptor
antagonist, a regulatory protein that binds IL-1 receptors on cells and blocks the bind-
ing and activity of IL-1. Affected children respond only partially to glucocorticoids and
disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) but respond very well to replace-
ment treatment with recombinant human IL-1 receptor antagonist, anakinra.
syndrome presents with sterile multifocal osteomyelitis with onset in the first 2 years of
life and is associated with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia; a few patients with
Majeed syndrome also have a neutrophilic dermatosis resembling Sweet syn-
Majeed syndrome is due to recessive mutations in LPIN2 . Recently a ho-
mozygous missense mutation in the gene FBLIM1 was reported by Cox and
as the cause of CNO and psoriasis in 2 unrelated children.
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often used as the first-line treatment of
children with CNO.
Naproxen at 10 mg/kg (maximum 500 mg) twice daily is the
most commonly used NSAID. Other NSAIDs used for treatment are indomethacin and
meloxicam. Based on the study of Beck and colleagues,
responders have significant
pain relief and a decrease in the number of bone lesions on MRI by as early as 3 months.
Patients who have persistent bone pain and hyperintense signal within bone marrow on
STIR imaging after 3 months of NSAID treatment are considered NSAID treatment fail-
ures. These patients need treatment with a second-line agent.
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Second-line treatments include methotrexate, TNF inhibitors (TNFi; most commonly
monoclonal antibodies), and bisphosphonates.
Depending on the
severity of disease, one or more of the aforementioned medications may be used
sequentially or concurrently after a child fails to achieve a favorable response to
NSAIDs. Comparative effectiveness studies have not been done to determine relative
efficacy. Retrospective studies suggest that nonbiological DMARDs (such as metho-
trexate or sulfasalazine) have lower efficacy than TNFi and bisphosphonates.
other associated conditions, such as IBD or enthesitis-related arthritis, are present,
TNFi with or without DMARDs are more appropriate to treat both CNO and
these coexisting conditions. When spinal lesions are present, bisphosphonates may
prevent further compression and allow some recovery of vertebral body height.
Combining TNFi and bisphosphonates has been reported to provide substantial dis-
ease control in children with CNO and a poor response to NSAIDs.
There have been limited reports of the use of other biological medications. The IL-1 in-
hibitor anakinra has beenreported to be effective in 2 small cohortsof patients, associated
with a decrease in the CRP after 6 to 8 months of treatment.
Pardeo and colleagues
reported a favorable response in 5 of 9 patients who had refractory CNO (failing NSAIDs,
glucocorticoids, pamidronate). After 6 months of anakinra at a median dosage of
2 mg/kg/d, 5 of 9 patients had normalized CRP and ESR. The total number of bone lesions
detected by bone scintigraphy at baseline decreased from 77 to 35, although 20 new
asymptomatic lesions were identified. At a median of 1.7 years of follow-up, 6 of 9 patients
maintained a zero or minimal physician global assessment score.
Of note, glucocorticoids are not recommended during the initial workup or as long-
term treatment due to adverse long-term side effects and the potential for harm should
the child turn out to have a lymphoid malignancy. Short-term use (up to 6 weeks) in
patients with a well-established diagnosis of CNO as a transitional medication may
be appropriate.
Without treatment guidelines, there is variability in which medications are used for
NSAID failures. The selection and dosing of second-line medications differs among
rheumatologists. However, consensus treatment plans (CTPs) have been developed
based on the best available evidence and current treatment practices of North Amer-
ican pediatric rheumatologists for the treatment of pediatric CNO refractory to NSAIDs
and/or with active spinal lesions.
These CTPs will allow future comparative effective-
ness studies to identify the most effective therapies.
In a CNO cohort, aggressive combination treatment with a TNFi plus methotrexate
with or without bisphosphonate induced clinical remission along with significantly
decreased active lesions on MRI compared to treatment with NSAIDs.
Further study
is needed to determine if early aggressive treatment of children with CNO results in
better long-term outcomes
and to determine the optimal treatment duration.
Different criteria have been reported to define clinical responses to treatments in CNO.
Most of these criteria included 3 main components: pain due to CNO, inflammatory
markers (ESR and CRP), and imaging findings. Effective treatments may lead to com-
plete resolution of pain and normalized ESR and CRP, which may precede the com-
plete resolution of lesions on MRI. A composite score, PedsCNO score, includes ESR,
number of lesions on MRI, physician global assessment of disease activity, patient/
parent global assessment of disease activity, and childhood health assessment ques-
PedsCNO 30, 50, and 70 were defined as 30%, 50%, and 70% improve-
ment in at least 3 of 5 variables with no more than one of the remaining variables
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deteriorating by more than 30%, 50%, and 70%. Recently, proposed criteria of treat-
ment failure were suggested
as no improvement in more than 50% of available
criteria or at least 4 of the following 6 criteria: patient pain; total number of clinically
active lesions; total number of radiological lesions by whole body MRI or bone scintig-
raphy; size and degree of marrow edema of CNO lesions; and/or presence of soft tis-
sue swelling/inflammation related to CNO lesion on imaging, physician global
assessment, abnormal ESR, and/or CRP after exclusion of other potential causes.
Asymptomatic lesions have often been reported, and their clinical significance has not
been fully elucidated.
Currently, most physicians do not make clinical decisions
based on asymptomatic lesions unless vertebral bodies are affected, which potentially
poses a high risk of spinal fracture.
Long-term observational studies have reported an average 40% rate of clinical remis-
sion (defined as absence of bone pain) in children with CNO after 1 to 5 years of follow-
The only long-term follow-up study done on adult patients with childhood
onset of CNO showed a persistent presence of active bone lesions, defined as
increased signal intensity on STIR images, in 10 of 17 patients who were available
for a median of 15-year follow-up.
Among these 10 patients, 6 had ongoing clinical
symptoms, whereas the other 4 patients were completely asymptomatic. This study
underscores the importance of regular imaging monitoring in patients with CNO and
demonstrates that, for some, the disease may persist into adulthood. Pediatric rheu-
matologists manage these patients in collaboration with other specialists (eg, orthope-
dic surgeon, oral surgeon, neurosurgeon, dermatologist) and assist these patients in
their transition into adult rheumatologists for the optimal care.
Recurrence of disease is very common, with 50% of patients relapsing after a me-
dian of 2.4 years in a large German cohort study.
The relapse rate was even higher
(83%) in a large cohort from North America after a median of 1.8 years of follow-up.
In a large cohort study, factors associated with severe disease and a poor outcome
include male sex, multifocal disease, extrarheumatologic manifestations, family his-
tory of associated disease, and CRP greater than 1 mg/dL.
These patients were
more likely to receive bisphosphonates and/or TNFi as a result of refractory disease.
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