CIBC Annual Accountability Report 200612
CIBC Functional Groups
Administration, Technology and Operations (AT&O)
The AT&O group is comprised of more than 10,000 employees in the areas of technology
infrastructure and solutions, operations, human resources, and communications and public
affairs. These people manage and enhance the technology and operational processes that run
CIBC’s businesses worldwide, as well as providing specialized service and advice to our business
partners. In addition, our subsidiary company, INTRIA Items Inc., provides items processing,
currency and print services to CIBC and to other Canadian companies. The AT&O team made a
meaningful contribution
to CIBC’s productivity improvements in 2006, while sustaining a robust
and controlled operating environment. We also supported the continued reinforcement of CIBC’s
business strategy, and vision, mission and values with employees around the world.
Corporate Development
Corporate Development is a key participant in creating long-term value and directing CIBC’s
strategic planning processes. The group works to maximize the value of CIBC’s portfolio of
businesses through the identification, assessment and execution of strategic transactions. During
2006, in addition to managing the existing relationship with FirstCaribbean International Bank,
Corporate Development was integral to the proposed acquisition of Barclays Bank PLC’s
stake in
FirstCaribbean, giving CIBC majority control of the largest regionally-listed bank in the
English-speaking Caribbean. In addition, the group assisted in the disposition of CIBC’s interest in
Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. Corporate Development continued to partner with CIBC’s lines of
business to identify opportunities for growth and to increase the value of existing businesses.
Corporate Development also manages CIBC’s strategic relationship with CIBC Mellon.
The Finance group provides financial services to CIBC’s businesses through effective governance
and decision support processes. These services include financial, management and regulatory
reporting, maintenance of accounting records and internal controls, financial analysis and
planning, tax planning and compliance, global sourcing and payment processing, regular reviews
of business line performance, corporate real estate and liaison with CIBC’s investors. In addition,
Finance provides financial advice regarding CIBC’s business opportunities and transactions. During
the year, Finance continued to make progress on CIBC’s business priorities by leading bank-wide
cost management initiatives, enhancing corporate and financial disclosure to investors, and
integrating and strengthening control processes.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
The Legal and Regulatory Compliance group handles the legal, compliance, corporate secretary,
internal audit, corporate security, ombudsman, and privacy functions within CIBC. Collectively, this
group provides leadership on governance and regulatory requirements and engages in a wide
range of support services. During the year, the group led a number of initiatives designed to further
reduce operating risks, comply with expanded regulatory oversight, improve efficiency of client
dispute resolution, and further improve the quality of support provided to other areas within CIBC.
Treasury and Risk Management (TRM)
TRM’s management of risk is a fundamental element of CIBC’s objective of consistent and
sustainable performance over the long term. In 2006, TRM actively managed exposures in CIBC’s
corporate loan and merchant banking investment portfolios. In addition, TRM enhanced the
bank’s infrastructure for managing retail credit risk, and corporate and commercial small business
credit risk. TRM managed bank funding and also worked successfully to strengthen CIBC’s capital
position, while maintaining capital ratios and preserving market risk exposures at low levels. TRM
continued to measure, monitor and control interest rate and liquidity resources, and operational,
reputation and legal risks. TRM, together with AT&O, also led CIBC’s Basel II Capital Accord
Program efforts.
- Deliver better service at lower cost
- Maintain robust and secure operating
platforms for all of our clients
- Foster a corporate culture that enhances
CIBC’s reputation and supports our vision,
mission and values
- Invest in people and leadership
- Continue to team with CIBC’s strategic
business lines to further enhance the
value of CIBC’s business
- Drive strategic planning and major
transaction execution
Enhance CIBC’s earnings from its investments
in FirstCaribbean and CIBC Mellon
Develop options and opportunities for future
acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures
- Continue to improve and strengthen
control systems and processes
- Develop and lead initiatives across CIBC
to achieve long-term cost efficiencies
- Continue to enhance the level and quality
of disclosure to investors
- Maintain focus on mitigating
future risks for CIBC
Work across CIBC to help further safeguard
our clients’ information and provide an
effective process for client dispute resolution
- Manage and re-allocate risk resources
to higher return and/or strategic growth
activities to support CIBC’s objectives
Maintain CIBC Tier 1 capital ratio objective
of not less than 8.5% and total capital ratio
objective of not less than 11.5%
Ongoing measurement, monitoring and control
of credit, market, liquidity and operational
(including reputation and legal) risks
Functional Groups Our Priorities