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Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Release 11.5(1) ES02 COP
February 2017
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
Pre-requisites for Installing the COP .............................................................................................. 2
Contents of COP .............................................................................................................................. 2
Downloading the COP File .............................................................................................................. 3
Installing the COP............................................................................................................................ 3
Resolved Caveat in this COP File ..................................................................................................... 4
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Page 2
The COP (Cisco Options Package) file provides a way to deploy software outside of the normal
maintenance release processes.
This document describes how to download and apply the cop file ciscocuic-
Pre-requisites for Installing the COP
You can only apply this COP file to systems that have Unified Intelligence Center Release 11.5(1) FCS build installed.
Unified Intelligence
Center Standalone
Center and Live
Data Coresident
Live Data
Live Data
with Gateway
PG support COP1
Contents of COP
This COP includes:
In the legacy UI, dashboards with chart reports will now display the new charts
Defect fixes as listed in the Resolved Caveats section.
For a Report, any view type can be set as default view.
A banner that displays the following message when you log in to Cisco Unified Intelligence Center
legacy UI from IE, “A few interfaces in the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center like, Dashboards,
Report Definitions, Security, Datasources, Value Lists and Collections, and Scheduler are not
supported running in a non-compatibility view. Contact your administrator to change the browser
settings to a compatibility view.”
Note: Report permalinks added to a dashboard will not work when IE browser is running in
compatibility view.
To enable MediaSense reports, refer to the section MediaSense Data Source in Report
Customization Guide for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Release 11.5(1).
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Downloading the COP File
Download the COP file ciscocuic. from the Software Download Areas Unified
Intelligence Center 11.5(1) Place the COP file on an SFTP server that can be accessed from your Cisco
Unified Intelligence Center 11.5 (1) servers.
Installing the COP
The following procedure describes how to use the Unified Intelligence Center Command line interface
(CLI) to install the COP file.
IMPORTANT: You must use the CLI to perform this upgrade. Do not use the Cisco Unified Operating System
Administration page to perform this upgrade as the installation may hang.
Step 1: Log in to the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center CLI. To log in to the CLI, specify the System
Administration username and password.
Step 2: Enter the command utils system upgrade initiate to start the COP installation.
Step 3: Select source 1) Remote Filesystem via SFTP.
Step 4: Enter the remote path to the directory on the SFTP server where you downloaded the COP file.
Note: If the COP file is located on a Linux or UNIX server, enter a forward slash (/) at the beginning
of the directory path. For example, if the COP file is in the patches directory, enter /patches. If the
COP file is located on a Windows server, check with your system administrator for the correct
directory path.
Step 5: Enter the SFTP server name or IP address.
Step 6: Enter the username and password to the SFTP server.
Step 7: Press Enter to skip the prompt Please enter SMTP Host Server (optional).”
Step 8: Wait until the system displays a list of COP files available at the SFTP location. Select the number
corresponding to the COP file that you want to install.
Step 9: Type Yes to continue the installation.
Step 10: Reboot the machine using the command utils system restart after the COP installation is
Step 11: If this deployment is a single-node cluster, your installation ends here. If this deployment is not a
single-node cluster, proceed with the same installation procedure (from Step 1) on other nodes.
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Page 4
Note: Post the COP installation, to use the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) interface in a language
other than English, you have to download and install the language pack cop.
Resolved Caveat in this COP File
This COP file resolves the following caveats. The defects in Table 1 apply to Live Data deployments.
Note: Install this COP on both Cisco Unified Intelligence Center and Live Data virtual machine instances.
Table 1: Live Data Caveats
Two instances of the same LD service could get started
Table 2: Unified Intelligence Center Caveats - Resolved in CUIC 11.5(1) ES02
Reports page blank after logging in as SSO user
Cannot delete DRS backup device from CLI
Session Time out is not handled appropriately
UCCX: CUIC Reporting User unable to Save As for Stock reports
The input box for adding fields in views page is not fixed when moving fields
inside it
Report execution fails when a threshold with DateTime field is added with
option set as between set as between
User is logged out of CUIC when running a report if he doesn't have
permissions on the collections
CUIC: Grouped By dropdowns in the new UI present fields in unsorted manner
"Choose Filter" is random, and keeps changing each time it is refreshed
The status bar at the bottom is not displaying any status information on
pausing LD report
UCCX: CUIC Reporting User unable to Save As for Stock reports
Threshold on duration field for live data report not working
CUIC real time report with grouping produces error after auto-refresh
LD PQ messages coming every second even though there is no change
Create Folder and Move folder operations fail
LDAP user login always logging as a different user when "Default UserName
Identifier" ends with CCE
ALL-LANG: CUIC: Language list is hardcoded
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Page 5
Table 3: Unified Intelligence Center Caveats - Resolved in CUIC 11.5(1) ES01
CUIC License reload fails
JPN:localization: IE only: "Japanese" is truncated in language selection
Automatic failover of data source fails in CUIC 11
CUIC Unable to save chart view even after removing the symbol () in axis title
Report save after filter modification fails with HTTP 404 error
Grid misalignment in the views list page
RD and Scheduler OLH is not working
UK date format cannot be selected in report filter
Order-by is not working as expected in report-viewer
ALL-LANG: CUIC: Truncated strings in Thresholds area
ALL-LANG: CUIC: View types are hardcoded
Button graphic not visible in IE 11.x
Localized display names for params not displayed in the filter page
Threshold is not working for the fields defined with % format
Changing Historical Reporting User Password Breaks CUIC
HR reports shows the value as undefined for empty fields
CUIC save report function doesn't resize to folder names
UCCX: real time data counters increase abnormally when the browser is
Thresholds issues observed in the new UI
Unable to delete active CUIC session via CLI
Issues with charts when run from the new CUIC UI
IE11 - User is logged out often and after login, user is taken to security check
UCCX 11.5 CUIC - Report type in threshold section not correctly localized
Agent Login Logout Activity Report Can't be Exported to SFTP Using the
Selected items are still showing up in "Available" list in Report Filter
Links are not working properly in CUIC admin pages
UCCX: CUIC's 'Configure' Button Options Will Not Close Unless One is Selected
CUIC 11.5 unable to configure users in the "User List" page if the user's name
start with "u"
UCCX: "Reports" links on 11.5 Legacy CUIC "Getting Started" Page do Not
UCCX: Version 11.5 CUIC Legacy UI Help button returns 404 error
UCCX 11.5 CUIC - IE11 is unusable for CUIC administration
HTML permalink fails to render if browser locale is set and CUIC locale is not
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