Option D Beneficiary Selection Form
(If Member Dies Before Retirement)
Last Revision: May 2016
Boston City Hall, Room 816 Fax: 617-635-4318
Boston, MA 02201 Website: cityofboston.gov/retirement
The Option D Beneficiary Selection Form allows a member to select one eligible beneficiary to receive a
retirement allowance for life, should the member die before retirement.
Keep in mind:
An eligible beneficiary- for benefits under G.L c. 32, § 12(2)(d) (“Option D”) is a spouse, former spouse
who has not remarried, child, father, mother, sister or brother of the member.
Your selection on this form may be superseded by an eligible spouse under the provisions of G.L. c. 32,
§ 12(2)(d) if you die before retirement.
Should you nominate a person for an Option D benefit, they are ineligible for a lump sum benefit under
§ 11(2).
You may update or change this beneficiary selection at any time.
If you have any questions regarding this option, please contact a member services representative.
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Option D Beneficiary Selection Form
Last Revision: May 2016
_________________________________________ _______________________ ______ ________________________
Member’s Last Name First M.I. Member ID#
I, (Print Name): , hereby nominate the beneficiary* listed below to
receive from the Boston Retirement System, pursuant to G.L c. 32, § 12(2)(d), a benefit equal to the Option C
retirement allowance, which would otherwise have been payable to me, in the event that I die before being
retired. I understand that I may change my beneficiary designation at any time prior to my retirement and that
upon my retirement this form becomes void.
I further understand that this choice of Option D Beneficiary may be superseded if I leave a spouse to whom I
have been married for at least one year and with whom I am living with on the date of my death, or if living
apart for justifiable cause, and I have at least two years of creditable service.
Choose ONE Eligible Beneficiary:
Former Spouse (not remarried)
Name of Eligible Beneficiary
______________________________________________ _________________________________________
Beneficiary Date of Birth (Attach birth record) Beneficiary SSN
Beneficiary Address
______________________________________________ _________________________________________
Beneficiary Email Beneficiary Phone
Member Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Member Email: ________________________________________ Member Phone: _____________________
To be completed by witness to member signature above. The designated beneficiary may not witness.
Witness’ Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Witness’ Name (Print): ________________________________________
*An eligible beneficiary is defined as the spouse, former spouse who has not remarried, child, parent or sibling
of the member.