Return application a minimum of 7 business days prior to event to:
aytown City Hall-City Clerk’s Office, 10000 E. 59
Street, Raytown, MO 64133 Phone 816-737-6004
pplicant’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
ddress: ___________________________________________City/State/Zip _________________________
Phone (Day) _____________________ (Evening) ____________________ (Fax) _____________________
(Mobile)_______________________________E-mail __________________________________________
Additional Contact Person____________________________________ Phone) _______________________________
Event Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Event Date __________________________________ Event Time: From _________ To: __________
Total Anticipated Attendanc
e: ____________
Public Property
General des
cription of the planned event:
Is the event open to the general public? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, will spectator fees
be charged? Yes____ No ____
Will the event be advertised to the general public? Yes____ No ____ If yes, how and when:
What special equipment will be brought onto the property:
List any street(s) requiring closure as a result of this event (include street name(s), dates and time of closing and street
reopening): ______________________________________________________________________________________
Types of barricade(s) to be utilized:____________________________________________________________________
(Fees may apply if utilizing City-Owned Barricades)
Does this event involve the sale or use of alcoholic beverages? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, please describe:
If yes, hours during which alcohol will be served: From _______ To _______
Attach a detailed site map showing:
1) All streets affected by traffic rerouting or street closure.
Attach a description of:
1) How you plan to notify nearby residents impacted by this event.
Other Comments:
Permittee assumes all risk of all damage, loss and expense and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of
Raytown, and/or its agents and employees from and against any and all liability which may accrue to or be
sustained by the City or Raytown on account of any claim, suit or action made or brought against the City of
Raytown for the death or injury to persons or the destruction of property involving the permittee and its
employees sustained in connection with the performance of the permit except the sole negligence and willful
misconduct of the City of Raytown, its employees acting within the scope of their employment, and such
indemnification shall extend to and include attorney’s fees and the cost of establishing the right to
indemnification hereunder in favor of the City of Raytown.
I am aware of the terms and conditions of the permit and will advise the participants of the event of these terms
and conditions. The undersigned, does hereby state the above information is true and complete and that they
have received a copy of the Block Party/Event Permit Conditions that may apply to a Block Party/Event Permit, if
approved by the City of Raytown.
Applicant______________________________________________ Date ___________________
Approved as submitted:_____________________________________
Approved w
ith the following revisions:_________________________________________________________
Equipment/Personnel Provided:_______________________________
Approved as submitted:_____________________________________
Approved with the following revisions:_________________________________________________________
Equipment/Personnel Provided:_______________________________
Any person and/or organization requesting the use of City or Public Property for certain types of
events shall submit an application for a Block Party/Event Permit to the City of Raytown-City Clerk’s
Office, at least 7 business days in advance of the event date.
The City of Raytown reserves the right to deny any request which is 1) not an appropriate use of a
public property or 2) which may violate the privacy of the surrounding neighborhood or 3) endangers
the public’s safety in some way. The City of Raytown reserves the right to cancel and/or terminate an
event 1) for violation of City Ordinance and policies 2) imminent severe or potentially dangerous
weather conditions, or 3) if there is a clear and present health, welfare or safety danger to the public.
The following examples of the types of events requiring a Block Party/Event Permit is not intended to
be totally inclusive. Generally, if an event is 1) held outdoors, 2) open to the public, 3) held on public
property will require a Block Party/Event Permit. If there is a question about the appropriateness of the
planned event, a Block Party/Event Permit application must be submitted.
Where the general public is invited to participate.
Which includes amplified music/sound at levels which could be a potential nuisance to other
members of the public.
Which may endanger the health and welfare of the general public. (horseshoe pitching in an
uncontrolled area, bringing in exotic animals for public contact, use of unsupervised mechanized
equipment of a potentially dangerous type)
Which requires special equipment to be brought into the property temporarily. Excludes common
picnic equipment such as: croquet, badminton, etc. (car shows, art festivals, carnival, concert,
run/walk, tents, trailer-mounted grills or cooking equipment, etc.)
Which utilizes public property in an unconventional manner which is inconsistent with its typical
everyday use. (square dancing in a shelter house, volleyball on a tennis court, political activity,
street fair, dance, parade)
Which is designed to raise funds including tournaments of all descriptions, regardless of the status
of the sponsor. (for profit or not-for-profit)
Exceptions-Programs including Remembrances, Observances, Worship Services, Military
Ceremonies and Wedding Ceremonies are exempt from these requirements except when a private
subcontractor is being utilitized. (caterer, tent rental co., etc.)
If approved by the City of Raytown, the permit holder will be required to meet the following requirements:
l. Trash Removal-The permit holder is responsible for insuring that the grounds are left clean and in
“as found” condition immediately following the event. Permit holder is responsible to provide
additional trash services needed for the event.
2. Fireworks-Special restrictions apply to pyrotechnics displays. Displays must be approved in
advance by the Raytown Fire Marshal.
3. Amplified Music-Includes voice, recorded music, live band, or DJ. Permit holder is responsible to
insure that all event activities comply with local laws applicable to noise abatement. Loud and
unreasonable noise levels are a violation of Raytown city ordinance. A police officer will determine if
volume levels are offensive to others.
4. Street Closures, Traffic Control and Parking Plan-The permit holder is required to provide a
detailed event parking and traffic control plan to the City of Raytown. If street closures are required,
the permit holder will be required to submit a description of all streets affected by traffic rerouting or
street closure, how and what kind of traffic routing and control devices will be used for the event,
who will be directing traffic, a description of parking plans, plans for handicapped accessible
parking, and a description of how your organization plans to notify residents, businesses, and
churches impacted by this event.
5. Code Compliance-Permit holder agrees to comply with all city, county, state and federal
government regulations that may apply to the event.
6. Indemnification-Permit holder is required to sign a hold harmless agreement releasing the City of
Raytown from any claims or liability for the event.
7. Failure to comply with all requirements and scheduling deadlines may result in denial or
revocation of the Block Party/Event Permit.