Water System Regulation and Compliance
Well Source Approval Guidance
For Group A Public Water Systems
331-674 Updated 11/10/2022
Adding a new source of water supply to a public water system requires approval by Washington
Department of Health (DOH) Office of Drinking Water. WAC 246-290-130(1) states:
Every purveyor shall obtain drinking water from the highest quality source
feasible. No new source, previously unapproved source, or modification of an
existing source shall be used as a public water supply without department
approval. No intake or other connection shall be maintained between a public
water system and a source of water not approved by the department.
For Group B public drinking water supplies, you will find guidance on obtaining DOH approval
for using a ground water source in the Group B Water System Design Guidelines 331-467 and
Group B Design Workbook 331-468. Please note that your local health jurisdiction may have
responsibility to approve Group B drinking water supplies; check with them if you’re unsure.
This guidance document intends to assist public water systems in gaining DOH source approval
for adding a ground water well to a Group A public drinking water system. We want to alert you
to some of the more important steps in the process, give you a general outline for the
completion order, and provide you with forms and other resources to efficiently complete the
Drinking water regulations specific to source approval are found in WAC 246-290-130. Our
Water System Design Manual 331-123 contains guidance on designing public water system
sources in Chapter 5, checklists for the source approval package and construction document
submittals in Appendix A.3.2, and guidance on conducting pump tests in Appendix E.
Converting an existing well for use in a public water system is possible if the well meets the
same sanitary control area requirements as would a newly drilled well. There must also be
enough information available about the construction details and current condition of the well
and casing from well logs and a video log. Existing wells need to meet all source approval
requirements in WAC 246-290-130.
Below is a recommended typical sequence of steps to pursue approval of your planned water
Hire a licensed professional engineer
You are required to hire a professional engineer (PE), licensed in Washignton State, to prepare
and submit the source approval documents and associated construction documents. The
submittals must bear the PE’s stamp and signature. It is a good idea to bring on the PE as early
as possible in the project so they can help make good design decisions and start the project off
If the needed pumping rate of the new well has not been determined through some other
process such as a water system planning document, have your PE provide analysis and
calculations that identify the needed pumping rate. That analysis along with documentation
such as water rights and the well site inspection needs to be included with the source approval
documents as described below.
Assemble water right documents
Unless the new well falls under the water rights exemption (discuss this with Washington
Department of Ecology (Ecology) or visit their Groundwater Permit Exemption website). You
must provide Ecology documentation that permits the planned withdrawal. This documentation
must include a Water Rights Self-Assessment Form 331-372. If you are claiming that the well is
permit exempt, you must provide documentation of water system usage demands to
demonstrate that permit exemption criteria are met.
Well site inspection
Schedule a well site inspection with your local health jurisdiction (LHJ) or DOH before drilling
your well. Most LHJs contract with DOH to conduct well site inspections. The well site inspection
identifies any potential contaminant sources (existing or planned) that are near the proposed
well. See the Sanitary Control Area Protection 331-453 regarding keeping the sanitary control
area around the well free of potential sources of contamination. If the well is drilled before the
well site is approved, DOH is under no obligation to approve the new well as a public water
Drill the well and conduct testing
The Water System Design Manual 331-123 explains the required water quality testing in Section
5.1.1, and provides guidance for pump testing in Appendix E. We recommend that you collect
the needed water quality samples at the end of the pump test, to assure a representative
sampling of the aquifer water quality. See the required source approval analyses needed for
different public water system classifications in Attachment 2 of this document.
Complete the source approval documents package
In addition to the above items, complete all other documentation necessary (see the checklist in
Appendix A.3.2 of the Water System Design Manual 331-123. Other documents needed to
complete the source approval package include:
Susceptibility Assessment Form 331-274-F and instructions (see Appendix F of the
Wellhead Protection Program Guidance Document 331-018). For more
information on source water protection, see Section 5.2 in the Water System
Design Manual 331-123, and also see our Source Water Protection webpage.
Covenants for Public Water Supply Protection 331-048a fact sheet that explains
how to establish land use protection for the sanitary control area of the well.
Template forms for Declaration of Covenant and Restrictive Covenantincluded
as attachments to this guidance document
The source approval documentation needs to include an evaluation of the
corrosion potential of the new source’s water quality on the system, or
alternatively the system’s lead and copper sampling may be reset to initial
Design infrastructure improvements
Design construction documents for all improvements associated with the new well; including
pipes, valves, controls, treatment (if necessary), buildings, and the like (see the checklist in
Appendix A.3.2 of the Water System Design Manual 331-123). Please reference Water Systems
Council Standard PAS-97 (2019) in selecting the pitless unit and well cap. Include specifications
for the disinfection and testing once construction of the new facilities is complete.
Submit source approval and construction documents
Submit a Project Approval Application Form 331-149 and source documents package under the
stamp and signature of the PE to DOH for written approval. DOH will forward the water rights
portion of your submittal to Ecology for their review and comment.
After obtaining approval, begin construction of well improvements
Before starting construction on the physical improvements needed to connect the well to the
water system and make it operational, you need to have received written DOH approval of
construction documents. This is required by WAC 246-290-120(2).
Submit the construction completion report and revise water facilities
Upon completing construction of the new source infrastructure, but prior to use, submit to us a
Construction Completion Report 331-121 and an updated water facilities inventory with the new
well and any other relevant updates.
If you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to contact your DOH regional
engineer, see our staff contact information web page.
For more information
Our publications are online at doh.wa.gov/drinkingwater.
Contact our nearest regional office from 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. If you have an
after-hours emergency, call 877-481-4901.
Eastern Region, Spokane Valley 509-329-2100.
Northwest Region, Kent 253-395-6750.
Southwest Region, Tumwater 360-236-3030.
To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127. Deaf
or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or
Attachment 1: Source Approval Checklist
Adapted From Appendix A.3.2 of the
Water System Design Manual
123 (WSDM).
Appendix A.3.2 Groundwater Source of Supply Checklist
Address these design elements in source of supply project report and construction document
submittals. Refer to WSDM Chapter 5, WSDM Appendix E, and WAC 246-290-130 and -135, for
further design guidance and requirements. If the new groundwater source requires treatment,
refer to WSDM Appendix A.3.8.
The following guidance also applies to sources serving existing, unapproved water systems. If
the source is an existing well the project proposes to convert into an "approved" water source,
the water system or engineer should inform the DOH engineer about any DOH-requested
information that is not available (such as a missing well log).
For new surface water supplies, contact your regional engineer for further guidance. Applicable
design references include WSDM Chapters 5, 10, and 11, and Appendix A.3.8.
Project Report
Source of supply analysis that justifies the need for a new or expanded source of supply
and the alternative source options evaluated.
Water right permit or certificate issued by the Department of Ecology plus a completed
Water Right Self-Assessment Form.
Copies of legal documents (easements or covenants) for the sanitary control area (WAC
246-290-135). See Sanitary Control Areas 331-453 and Covenents for Public Water Supply
Protection 331-048.
Water quality test results for each source, see Attachment 2 of this document for the
sampling requirements for various public water system classifications.
Assess potential effects of the new source of supply on water quality in the distribution
system, especially with respect to corrosion and compliance with the Lead and Copper
Rule (WAC 246-290-110(4)(d)).
Assess adequacy of each reservoir overflow capacity to safely discharge the total
possible flow to the reservoir (all sources, booster pump station discharges and flow
through PRVs) to ensure the structural integrity of each reservoir in the event of control
system failure.
Well site inspection that DOH or the local health jurisdiction did.
Susceptibility assessment, wellhead protection area (WHPA) delineation, and
contaminant inventory within the WHPA (WAC 246-290-130 and -135). See Groundwater
Contamination Susceptibility Assessment Form 331-274-F.
Update the Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP). See Wellhead Protection Program
Guidance 331-018 and Wellhead Protection Requirements 331-106.
Well log including unique well identification tag number, surface seal, depth to open
interval or top of screened interval, overall depth from well the top of the casing, and
elevation of top of casing.
DOH well pumping test results following procedures in WSDM Appendix E.
Source pump control logic and pump cycle protection. WSDM Chapter 9 has pressure
tank sizing requirements and WSDM Chapter 7 has appropriate pump control levels for
Alarm conditions.
Given the triggers for mandatory CT6 and 4-log virus inactivation treatment of
groundwater sources (see WAC 246-290-451 and -453, respectively) after being placed
into operation, we believe it is advantageous to assess and, given construction cost and
other constraints, design and install facilities capable of providing 4-log virus inactivation
treatment prior to the first connection at each new groundwater source. Submit such
assessment. See WSDM Appendix F.1 for hypochlorination submittal outline.
Report on the evaluation of a potential groundwater under the direct influence of
surface water source. See WAC 246-290-135.
Natural and geotechnical hazards analysis of the well site and well house building.
Construction Documents
Site piping plans including:
o Source meter set according to manufacturer's minimum required upstream and
downstream pipe configuration.
o Valves (i.e., isolation, check, well pump control, air/vacuum, pressure relief). Show
screen secured on each valve discharge outlet.
o Sample taps for raw and finished water.
o Location, size, type and class of pipe.
Pumping equipment specifications including:
o Horsepower, GPM, head, pump controls, and alarm system.
o Specific pump curve being used, and operation range of head and flow conditions
clearly indicated on pump curve.
o Narrative discussion of ability of the source and pumping system to supply peak daily
water volumes.
Well construction details, including general design and construction standards, casing
specifications, general sealing requirements and material specifications, adequately sized
and screened inverted well casing vent constructed to prevent entry of contaminants,
and access port for measuring water level. See Policy M.01 for information on pitless
units and well caps.
Map of the site and vicinity drawn to scale, including well location (township, range, and
latitude-longitude), pump house, water lines, site topography, sanitary protection area,
and location of potential sources of contamination including septic systems, sanitary
sewers, buildings, roads, and driveways.
Well house details including security measures, casing and pump house slab elevations,
ventilation, room for future disinfection equipment if and when it's needed (if not
currently being designed), and electrical connections allowing the use of emergency
Building equipment and instrument layout demonstrating adequate clearance to safely
enter, operate, and maintain all well house components.
Attachment 2: DOH Source Approval Water Quality Sampling
Washington DOH Water Quality Monitoring Requirements for Source Approval
Group A-TNC
Group A Community
Satisfactory coli
Complete IOC
Complete VOC
Satisfactory coli
Complete IOC
Complete VOC
General pesticides
Note: Collect source approval water quality samples after the well has been pumped extensively enough
that the water being pumped is representative of the aquifer. We recommend that these samples be
collected at the end of the pump test. We also recommend that you deliver the samples to the lab on the
same day they were collected. If that is not feasible, be sure to meet all sample preservation and hold time
*Per- and Polyflueroalkyl Substances. Either EPA Method 533 or EPA Method 537.1 may be used.
**Fumigants are required for all new sources in Adams, Benton, Franklin, Grant and Walla Walla Counties.
***Radionuclide monitoring is gross alpha and radium 228 if gross alpha + radium 228 is greater than
5 pCi/L, the system must test for radium 226; if gross alpha + radium 228 is greater than 15 pCi/L, the
system must also test for radium 226 and uranium. If the system has another source with a history of
high results of radionuclide constituents, we recommend that the sample from the proposed new source
be analyzed for the particular radionuclide constituent that were elevated in the other well.
I (we) the undersigned, owner(s) in fee simple of the land described herein, hereby declare this covenant and place
same on record.
I (we) the grantor(s) herein, am (are) the owner(s) in fee simple of (an interest in) the following described real
estate situated in _____________________ County, State of Washington; to wit:
___________________________________________________________________________ __________________
___________________________________________________________________________ __________________
on which the grantor(s) owns and operates a well and waterworks supplying water for public use located on said real
estate, at:
___________________________________________________________________________ __________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________________________
and grantor(s) is (are) required to keep the water supplied from said well free from impurities which might be injurious
to the public health.
It is the purpose of these grants and covenants to prevent certain practices hereinafter enumerated in the use of said
grantor(s) water supply.
NOW, THEREFORE, the grantor(s) agree(s) and covenant(s) that said grantor(s), his (her) (their) heirs, successors
and assigns will not construct, maintain, or suffer to be constructed or maintained upon the said land of the grantor(s)
and within 100 (One Hundred) feet of the well herein described, so long as the same is operated to furnish water for
public consumption, any potential source of contamination, such as septic tanks and drainfields, sewerlines,
underground storage tanks, roads, railroad tracks, vehicles, structures, barns, feed stations, grazing animals, enclosures
for maintaining fowl or animal manure, liquid or dry chemical storage, herbicides, insecticides, hazardous waste, or
garbage of any kind or description.
These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding to all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest
in the land described herein or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof.
WITNESS _______________hand ____________this _______________day of _____________, 19______.
State of Washington )
County of_______________________)
I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the above named County and State, do hereby certify that on this
_______________ day of ________________________, 19_______, personally appeared before me
________________________________________________________ to me known to be the individual described in
and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledge that he (they) signed and sealed the same as free and
voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
GIVEN under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at _____________________
My Commission Expires: _________________________________________________
Return Address:
Attachment 3: Template Declaration of Covenant and
Restrictive Covenant Forms
The grantor(s) herein is (are) the owner(s) of (an interest in) the following described real estate situated in
_______________________________ County, State of Washington:
____________________________________________________________________________________ _________
The grantee(s) herein, own(s) and operate(s) a well and waterworks supplying water for public use, located upon the
following described real estate situated in ______________ ____________ County, State of Washington:
which well and waterworks are in close proximity to the land of the grantor(s), and said grantee(s) is (are) required to
keep the water supplied from said well free from impurities which might be injurious to the public health.
It is the purpose of these grants and covenants to prevent certain practices hereinafter enumerated in the use of the
said grantor(s) land which might contaminate said water supply.
NOW, THEREFORE, the grantor(s) agree(s) and covenant(s) with said grantee(s), its successors and assigns, said
covenants to run with the land for the benefit of the land of the grantee(s), that said grantor(s), his (her) (their) heirs,
successors and assigns will not construct, maintain, or suffer to be constructed or maintained upon the said land of the
grantor(s) and within 100 (One Hundred) feet of the well herein described, so long as the same is operated to furnish
water for public consumption, any potential source of contamination, such as septic tanks and drainfields, sewerlines,
underground storage tanks, roads, railroad tracks, vehicles, structures, barns, feed stations, grazing animals, enclosures
for maintaining fowl or animal manure, liquid or dry chemical storage, herbicides, insecticides, hazardous waste, or
garbage of any kind or description.
These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding to all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest
in the land described herein or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof.
WITNESS _______________hand ____________this _______________day of _____________, 19______.
State of Washington )
County of_______________________)
I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the above named County and State, do hereby certify that on this
_______________ day of ________________________, 19_______, personally appeared before me
________________________________________________________ to me known to be the individual(s) described
in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledge that he (she) (they) signed and sealed the same as free
and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
GIVEN under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at _____________________
My Commission Expires: _________________________________________________
Return Address: