National Security, Technology, and Law
Attribution of Malicious
Cyber Incidents
Attribution of malicious cyber activities is a deep issue about which confusion and disquiet can
be found in abundance. Attribution has many aspects—technical, political, legal, policy, and so
on. A number of well-researched and well-executed papers cover one or more of these aspects, but
integration of these aspects is usually left as an exercise for the analyst. This paper distinguishes
between attribution of malicious cyber activity to a machine, to a specific human being pressing
the keys that initiate that activity, and to a party that is deemed ultimately responsible for that
activity. Which type of attribution is relevant depends on the goals of the relevant decision-
maker. Further, attribution is a multidimensional issue that draws on all sources of information
available, including technical forensics, human intelligence, signals intelligence, history, and
geopolitics, among others. From the perspective of the victim, some degree of factual uncertainty
attaches to any of these types of attribution, although the last typeattribution to an ultimately
responsible partyalso implicates to a very large degree legal, policy, and political questions. But
from the perspective of the adversary, the ability to conceal its identity from the victim with high
confidence is also uncertain. It is the very existence of such risk that underpins the possibility of
deterring hostile actions in cyberspace.
Herbert Lin Aegis Paper Series No. 1607
Attribution of malicious cyber activities is a deep issue, about which confusion and disquiet
can be found in abundance. Attribution has many aspects, and a variety of well-researched
and well-executed papers cover one or more of these aspects; these papers are referenced
in the body of the paper and are called out again in the Acknowledgments section. This
paper tries to synthesize the best aspects of these works with some original thoughts of the
author’s own into a coherent picture of how attribution works, why it is both important and
difficult, and how the entire process relates to policymaking.
The primary takeaway messages of this paper are that (1) attribution has a different
meaning depending on what a relevant decision-maker wants to do (i.e., attribution of
malicious cyber activity can be to a machine, to a specific human being pressing the keys
that initiate that activity, and to a party that is deemed ultimately responsible for that
activity); (2) attribution is a multidimensional issue that draws on all sources of information
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
available, including technical forensics, human intelligence, signals intelligence, history,
and geopolitics, among others; (3) all attribution judgments are necessarily accompanied by
some measure of uncertainty; and (4) an adversary cannot be fully confident of its ability
to conceal its identity from the victim.
What Is Attribution About?
Every parent who has ever broken up a fight between two children and tried to figure
out what happened has asked, “Who started this?” The question expresses our very basic
concerns about responsibility for actions that lead to conflict or harm.
Concerns about responsibility for actions or for events are embedded in domestic law.
A person is found on the street with a bullet through his head, and we want to know who
fired that shot. Much of our criminal justice system is devoted to “fair” processes that we
believe can determine the identity of that person with sufficient certainty to mete out an
appropriate punishment. International law is concerned with questions of responsibility as
well, especially as it relates to matters involving conflict. With a number of important (and
controversial) exceptions, states are usually regarded as accountable for actions that emanate
from within their borders.
Similar concerns about responsibility are also present in cyberspace, but just how they play
out is often quite different, for reasons both technical and historical. Usually captured under
the rubric of attribution, concerns about responsibility generally arise when a malicious
cyber activity or incident is known to have happened.
“Who (or what) is responsible?” is
then often the question of interest.
If this question cannot be answered, it may be hard for victims to mitigate ongoing harm: to
do so would require the victim to be able to quickly and correctly identify the instrument or
mechanism causing the harm and find a way to stop its malicious activities. Further, it would
be impossible to punish the parties responsible for causing the incident. And, if punishment
is impossible, deterrence of malicious activity in the future is also difficult to achieve.
We begin with a working definition of a cyber incident. We recognize a cyber incident
when something “bad” happens to an information technology-based system. In this
context, badness involves errant behavior of the victim’s computer (or a system involving
a computer)that is, the computer or system behaves in a way that it should not behave.
Examples abound: the computer freezes; commands given to the computer do not have
the expected result; the printer spews out paper with gibberish.
More serious examples
of badness include the following: a drive-by-wire car does not slow down when the driver
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presses the brake pedal; the computer-controlled missile misses a target when it should have
hit it; or the ATM machine at the corner bank dispenses hundreds of $20 bills onto the street.
Investigations are usually (but, alas, not always) triggered by errant computer (or system)
behavior. But apart from routine inspections, investigations will not occur if the errant
behavior occurs and we have no clues that it has occurred. Similarly, clues may be noticed
only long after the precipitating actions or events have occurred, making investigations
much more difficult.
The first part of the investigation is determining that something “errant” has happened at
all. In all of the examples above, it is pretty clear that an undesirable outcome has occurred,
and the undesirability demonstrates (or at least suggests) a breakdown in the program’s
functionality. But consider the case in which a computer system (and anything that is
controlled or affected by that system) produces an undesirable result or outcome that is what
would be expected given the inputs. (Most people who have tried to balance a checkbook by
hand, or even with a calculator, can speak to such an experience.) In such cases, it is far more
likely that the resultthough undesirableis correct and inevitable because the user has
provided bad inputs than it is that the program used to calculate that result is in error.
Similarly, if the missile misses its target or the car does not slow down when the driver
presses the brake pedal, it is possible that a human operator aimed the missile at a shadow
or the driver pressed the accelerator when he thought he pressed the brake. In such cases, it
is hard to associate “errant” behavior with the computer or system per se, since the system
was given the wrong input.
It is also possible that the errant behavior is the result of a flaw
in the program, introduced by accident rather than intentionally.
Errant behavior resulting from factors other than foul play does not usually play a part in
traditional attribution concerns. Attribution usually arises as a concern when an incident is
determined to have resulted from foul play (i.e., intentional harm). When the determination is
made that foul play was involved, what was previously a cyber incident involving errant system
behavior becomes a malicious cyber incident (or, equivalently, an intrusion)and attribution
is the process by which it is determined who or what is responsible for the intrusion.
Attribution sometimes goes hand in hand with determining if a cyber incident is
malicious, a descriptor that usually implies bad intention on the part of some actor. That is,
an investigation regarding the cause of errant system behavior may (or may not) reveal it to
be the deliberate and intentional action of an actor. But identification of the specific actor
is not necessarily required to infer bad intentionin many cases, a particular behavior
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of the system is so likely to be the result of an intentional bad action that investigators
presume maliciousness.
Suppose that Bill is the legitimate user of a computer in the human resources department
of a large defense contracting firm. He has been putting together a spreadsheet with all of
the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and salaries of the other employees of this firm. One
day, he opens his computer to discover that the spreadsheet has been deleted from his hard
drive. He reports this to IT support, which then begins an investigation. What happened?
How did the file get deleted?
The IT support staff may begin by examining who had access to the file. Susan, Bill’s direct
supervisor, also had access to the file. Susan, however, claims that she did nothing to the
file. Network records demonstrate that Susans computer did access and delete the file the
evening before Bill reported it missing. Is Susan forgetful or lying? Or was she somehow
tricked into deleting the file? Or did someone else access Bill’s file, pretending to be Susan?
Perhaps the investigators determine or make an educated guessthat Susan is indeed
telling the truth, and that she inadvertently deleted the file without knowing it. Who set
this action in motion? In this case, misdirection is involved: on the surface, Susan appears
responsible, but she did not wish for the file to be deleted and does not actually bear any
meaningful responsibility for ill intent.
But the IT support staff may determine that an intruder engineered this attack through
Susans computer. Attribution has two goals: to distinguish between errant behavior that
is malicious and deliberate and errant behavior that is accidental and, if the former, to
distinguish between intentional, real, and meaningful responsibility on one hand and
apparent responsibility on the other. The latter goal focuses on the question of who set this
event in motion. However, determining “real” responsibility is much more difficult than
it may initially seem. This paper explores different ways of understanding attribution and,
subsequently, responsibility for a malicious cyber incident.
What Does Attribution Mean?
Ascertaining responsibility for malicious cyber activity can be understood in a variety of
different ways because the term “responsibility” has a number of possible meanings, any or
all of which may (or may not) be relevant in any given situation.
Working through a concrete scenario helps to unpack the meaning of “responsibility.” The
following scenario, as known from a God’s-eye perspective,
involves Tony, the systems
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administrator for a Department of Defense (DOD) computer system in San Francisco. This
computer system is attacked (and, in this instance, has been the subject of a remote-access
attack in which an unauthorized partyGeorgetook direct control of it as if he were
sitting at the keyboard in San Francisco). The attack traffic came from a computer based
in Arkansas, owned by Karen, an 84-year-old woman. The computer in Arkansas, however,
was compromised through a computer in Greece. George sat at the keyboard in Greece and
pressed the keys that set into motion the attack against the DOD computer in San Francisco.
George is a citizen of China. However, he is also a member of a Russian organized crime
group. The head of that crime group, Sergey, is a close personal friend of a senior operative
named Ivan in the Federal Security Service (FSB) in Russia. Ivan and Sergey had dinner two
weeks ago, and while Ivan and Sergey did not talk about computers or hacking, Ivan did
tell his close friend that he was having problems with some activity happening at a DOD
facility in San Francisco.
Who is “responsible” for the attack on the US computer in San Francisco?
Three meanings of attribution
In principle, the question of “who is responsible?” can be answered in three ways,
which are not mutually exclusive. The possible types of answers are a machine, a specific
human being pressing the keys or otherwise setting the intrusion into motion, and an
ultimately responsible party.
To distinguish between the human being and the ultimately
responsible party, the reader should understand the term “intruder” (or, equivalently and
interchangeably, “perpetrator”) to mean the former and the term “adversary” to mean the
latter. Some degree of uncertainty attaches to any specific answers. Which possible type of
answer should be sought depends on the goal of the relevant decision-maker.
Attributing malicious cyber activity to a machine (or machines) In the above example,
attributing the intrusion to a machine would require identifying the computers used to
perpetrate it on the DOD computer in San Francisco. The easiest machine to identify is
Karen’s computer, since that computer is proximate (in cyberspace) to the DOD computer.
Any other computers through which the intrusion was routed are also of interest because
each computer in the path points to one or more additional links. The trail will eventually
stop somewhere, either at George’s computer because the evidence collected along the
way suggests that George’s computer is in fact the originating point of the attack (a good
outcome) or somewhere else because the trail peters out (a bad outcome). Following Clark
and Landau,
an intrusion in which multiple computers are used in a chain to reach the
intended target is called a multi-stage intrusion.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
Ascertaining the machines associated with a malicious cyber incident usually involves
technical forensicsthe art and science of looking for technical clues left behind in an
In tracing the origin of the activity, it may be necessary to gain access to Karen’s
computer to obtain any relevant information it might have. Technical forensics could also
be performed at the network level without needing direct access to Karen’s computer,
e.g., by examining various logfiles that document what has been happening on the servers
in the network. (In general, technical forensics at the network level must examine large
volumes of mostly irrelevant information to find the fewif anyrelevant entries.)
For example, technical forensics applied to the DOD computer may reveal the IP address
of Karen’s computer, which was the one most immediately and proximately connected
to the DOD computer in San Francisco. By consulting a service that provides geocoded
IP addresses, investigators may learn that this computer is in Arkansas. Internet address
assignment authorities will show the name of the Internet service provider associated with
that specific IP address call the ISP in question Castcom. Using a subpoena, investigators
may then ask Castcom to reveal the name of the subscriber using that IP address at that
time. Castcom may or may not be able to provide that information. For example, the logs
containing a dynamic assignment of their customers to IP addresses may only be retained
by them for a brief time, or they may be using a technology called Carrier Grade NAT
(Network Address Translation) that shares a single IPv4 address among a multiplicity of
customers. Should Castcom reveal that the name of the subscriber is Karen, and that her
address is 132 Main Street in Little Rock, Karen may receive a visit from investigators armed
with a search warrant who demand access to her computer to gather further information.
On the other hand, if Karen’s computer is found in another country rather than in the
United States, it is likely that a different set of procedures would obtain. Under some
circumstances, investigators may ask law enforcement authorities in that country for
assistance. Under other circumstances (such as the refusal of that country’s authorities to
cooperate), they may simply find a technical way to gain access (e.g., they hack into it by
sending an authorized user of the computer an e-mail that grants them access when the
victim clicks on a link in the e-mail).
In either case, the proximate computer may well hold additional clues that help to identify
the next link in the chain. For example, the investigators may find malware on Karen’s
computer that periodically contacts a particular IP address in Greece.
Technical forensics can be challenging,
especially in an environment in which multi-
stage cyber intrusions are conducted. Complicating the technical forensics job even more,
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anonymity-enhancing tools can be used; such tools obscure technical information that
might be used for forensics. Impeding technical forensics may serve a socially desirable goal
when it protects people who engage in politically controversial dialogue, but anonymity-
enhancing tools can also be problematic when they help malicious cyber actors to evade
responsibility for their actions and get in the way of identifying the actual machines
involved in perpetrating an intrusion.
TOR is a good example. TOR is a system that enables users to communicate more
anonymously across the Internet with ease.
TOR traffic is automatically encrypted and
routed through many different nodes around the world rather than being routed directly.
A list of anonymity-enhancing tools is maintained by the Electronic Privacy Information
the proper use of such tools increases the difficulty of performing technical forensics.
At the same time, anonymity-enhancing tools are only one side of the coin. Efforts to
improve technical forensics are also underway. A contemporary example is described in
Box 1 entitled “DARPAs Efforts on Enhanced Attribution.
In April 2016, DARPA announced a solicitation for proposals related to enhanced attribution. The
announced program aims to make currently opaque malicious cyber adversary actions and individual
cyber operator attribution transparent by providing high-fidelity visibility into all aspects of malicious
cyber operator actions and to increase the government’s ability to publicly reveal the actions of
individual malicious cyber operators without damaging sources and methods.
The program will develop techniques and tools for generating operationally and tactically relevant
information about multiple concurrent independent malicious cyber campaigns, each involving several
operators, and the means to share such information with any of a number of interested parties (e.g., as
part of a response option). The program seeks to develop:
• technologiestoextractbehavioralandphysicalbiometricsfromarangeofdevicesandvantage
points to consistently identify virtual personas and individual malicious cyber operators over
time and across dierent endpoint devices and C2 infrastructures
• techniquestodecomposethesowaretoolsandactionsofmaliciouscyberoperatorsinto
semantically rich and compressed knowledge representations
• scalabletechniquestofuse,manage,andprojectsuchground-truthinformationovertime,
toward developing a full historical and current picture of malicious activity
• algorithmsfordevelopingpredictivebehavioralprofileswithinthecontextofcybercampaigns
• technologiesforvalidatingandperhapsenrichingthisknowledgebasewithothersourcesofdata,
including public and commercial sources of information
Broad Agency Announcement on Enhanced Attribution, DARPA-BAA-16-34, April22, 2016, https:// www
. fbo . gov / utils / view ? id = 138959e641d75afda40b9bedb5ec8d2b
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
A second source of information that can contribute to an attribution judgment is
honeypots. A honeypot is, in essence, a decoy configured to look attractive to an intruder
but instrumented so that the intruder’s behavior can be clandestinely observed and
monitored. If and when the same intruder returns to the targeted installation, his behavior
can be recognized more easily.
A third source of information useful for machine attribution consists of pre-positioned
instrumentation. In some cases, pre-positioning of instrumentation occurs in systems
and networks that an adversary might use to launch an intrusion. Thus, if that adversary
initiates an intrusion, the pre-positioned instrumentation can record data streams that, when
properly interpreted, indicate the nature and source of malicious activity underway. Such
instrumentation was reportedly part of the attribution to North Korea of the attack against Sony
Pictures Entertainment in 2014.
Use of pre-positioned instrumentation obviously presumes
a prior policy decision that a particular adversary may launch future intrusions and that an
investment in anticipatory emplacement of such instrumentation is therefore justified.
In other cases, instrumentation is pre-positioned as a matter of good security practice on
the part of others or even good luck. In the first instance, consider the possibility that
an intruder is able to successfully launch an intrusion that appears to be coming from
Institution A. If Institution A has installed instrumentation that monitors traffic in and
out of its networks (a good security practice of A), Institution A may be able to show that it
was not in fact the source of the intrusion. That fact may in turn provide information on
the techniques used by the intruder. Good luck may contribute if the intruder unwittingly
reveals actions that may be preparatory to the intrusion. In both cases, information
potentially relevant to attribution is uncovered; if shared among the relevant parties, that
information may actually be relevant.
Two observations about this process are noteworthy. First, attributing to a machine or an
IP address is not the same as identifying the human being who perpetrated the attack.
Technical information can point to a computer located at IP address and note
that this particular IP address is associated with someone calling himself George.
that piece of information is suggestive, it does not imply that George was necessarily the
individual who pressed the keys initiating the attack.
Second, as Clark and Landau point out, the use of one or more intermediaries (in this case,
Karen’s computer) through which to route an intrusion greatly complicates the technical
forensics task. Investigators start with information found on the DOD computer, and this
information points to Karen’s computer. They need information from Karens computer, but
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their access rights to that privately owned computer in Arkansas are more limited than if they
had full control over it (which they would have if it were a DOD computer). In addition to
their technical tasks, they now also face tasks based on law and policy about how and to what
extent, if any, they may access Karen’s computer. If the law and policy are clear in any given
instance, those tasks may be relatively easy to complete. But if they are not (e.g., what if Karen’s
computer is in Brazil rather than Arkansas and the investigators need Brazilian permission to
access Karen’s computer due to a bilateral agreement between the two nations?),
carrying out
the full range of technical forensics needed may be much more difficult.
Attributing malicious cyber activity to a human intruder Attributing malicious cyber
activity to a human intruder means ascertaining the identity of the person or persons
directly involved in perpetrating it. In the example above, attributing the activity to its
human intruder means identifying George as the person who pressed the keys on the
keyboard located in Greece needed to launch it.
Since anyone could be sitting at that keyboard in Greece, technical forensics alone cannot
definitively determine the identity of that person because technical forensics usually look
only at information that may have been left behind on the various computers in the wake of
an intrusion.
However, someone else may have stolen George’s login credentials to pretend
that she is George, and the identity of the credentials thief may not be discoverable using only
technical forensics. (A non-cyber analogy: the fact that John Doe’s car may have been the car
that killed a pedestrian does not mean that John Doe was the one driving the car.)
In the example above, investigators might consult historical records and find that this
particular Greek IP address has been identified many times in the past as an originating
point for a variety of Chinese and Romanian hackers. But the particular malware found on
Karen’s computer has been used primarily by Chinese hackers in the past, thus suggesting
that Chinese rather than Romanian involvement in this attack is more likely.
Yet another clue might be found in a Chinese online discussion forum that is ostensibly
private but that has been secretly infiltrated by a US intelligence agency for a number of years.
In this forum is a question from George asking for the most recent information about security
measures taken at the DOD computer facility in San Franciscoand the date on which this
question was posted is eight days before the attack on the San Francisco computer.
If enough such clues can be accumulated, the investigators may have sufficient confidence
to point to George as the most likely perpetrator of the intrusion on the DOD computer in
San Francisco. Of course, how many and what kinds of clues are “enough” is an important
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
question and is the focus of a later section of this paper entitled “How Attribution Judgments
Are Made.” Another important question is the strength of these clues, since no one clue is
likely to be definitive (i.e., investigators of such incidents rarely, if ever, find a “smoking gun”).
For purposes of attribution, investigators may require a large number of clues that point only
weakly to a given person or a fewer number of clues that point strongly to that person.
There are many instances in which technology can help facilitate attribution to a human
intruder. Authentication is the process through which specific individuals can be better
tied to technical online activities and actions. Most people are familiar with the ritual of
entering a login name followed by a secret password. If the login process is successful (and
the users login credentials have not been compromised), the user is granted access to a
variety of privileges on the relevant computer system, and many of that user’s actions on
the system can be associated with him or her personally.
If the user goes beyond the local computer system onto the Internet, an Internet service
provider (ISP) will have provided Internet access. That ISP will often have information on file
about the individual to provide access (e.g., where the individual is) and to receive payment
(e.g., through the individual’s credit card). Thus, the ISP may have some insight into the
Internet activities of its subscriber as individuals. (The ISP may not have complete insight
into activities carried out on its networks. For example, if the individual sends e-mails with
attachments encrypted locally, the ISP will know about their recipients, but not know about
their contents. But such information might not be necessary for an attribution judgment,
depending on the particular pattern of facts and circumstances that obtain at the time.) Using
the ISPs records on its subscribers, an investigator would be in a better position to attribute
some activity carried on its network to a particular individual.
And technical means do sometimes point directly to specific individuals. For example,
the way an individual types on a keyboard may be sufficient to specify that individual
uniquelythat is, no other person in the world would type a particular passage of text
with the same timing of keystrokes.
If the human intruder is using a remote-access tool
to explore the victims computer system or network, a keystroke monitor may be able
to capture such data. (Indeed, the DARPA program on enhanced attribution described
above uses keyboard dynamics as one aspect of identifying virtual personas of intruders.)
Similarly, hacking into the computer in Greece to turn on its camera and capture a picture
of the person at the keyboard would also yield useful information.
Such means can indeed provide useful information about an individual’s identity, just as a
DNA signature (a specific genomic sequence of As, Ts, Cs, and Gs belonging to an individual)
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or fingerprints can point to specific individuals. But none of these signatureskeyboard,
pictures, DNA, or fingerprintsis of any value in identifying the individual unless there is
some database against which the given signature can be compared and an identity uncovered.
That database is the essential link between specifying an individual and identifying that
individual, and technical forensics applied to any one incident, cyber or otherwise, cannot
populate that database. In the absence of such a database, the most that can be said is that the
same individual perpetrated two or more intrusions, but this individual will not be identifiable.
Compromising this link is also the intent of stealing credentials. Someone may have used
George’s credentials to gain access to the computer in Greece, but how do we know if that
someone was actually George? Two-factor authentication is a stronger form of authentication
than a username-and-password combination that calls for the user to present something he or
she knows (e.g., a password) with something he or she has (e.g., a token or a smartphone). The
use of two-factor authentication reduces the likelihood that an attempt to impersonate George
will succeed. But two-factor authentication is not foolproof, as a gun held to George’s head
will also probably serve the same purpose for someone determined to use George’s credentials.
More generally, even if George can be identified as the human perpetrator of the intrusion,
it is often important to know why George did it and who asked him to do it. That is, for
many purposes, the identity of the party responsible for setting the intrusion into motion is
quite important. Who is the party that is ultimately responsible for the intrusion?
Attributing malicious cyber activity to the ultimate responsible party On whose behalf
was George acting? George may be acting on his ownthat is, he alone chose to carry out
the intrusion and acted accordingly. But in the most general case, George acts on behalf of
another partyusually an organization, such as his employer, his gang, or his government.
Attributing malicious cyber activity to a specific adversary as the ultimate responsible party
answers the question “who is to blame?” rather than “who did it?” (which is the focus of
attributing an intrusion to its human perpetrator).
Considered in this light, it is clear that the party on whose behalf George is acting cannot
be determined by technical forensics alone. Indeed, in some cases it is possible that
technical forensics play only a minimal role in making this determination.
A non-cyber example is a good place to start. If a missile fired from an Elbonian navy ship
caused damage to a US Navy ship during peacetime in the Atlantic Ocean, the United States
would hold Elbonia responsible. If Elbonia asserted that the ships captain was a rogue actor
and not acting on orders from the Elbonian government, it would be up to the Elbonian
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
government to demonstrate that this claim were true. For example, in no particular order,
the Elbonian government could prosecute and punish the captain; allow the United States
to interview the captain and members of the crew; pay reparations; formally apologize;
show the United States the orders under which the captain was operating; or share the
message traffic to and from the ship to Elbonian authorities before and after the incident or
recordings made on the bridge of the Elbonian ship during the incident.
Some combination of these (and/or other steps) might suffice to persuade the United States
that the missile firing was the act of a rogue captain and that the Elbonian government
should not be held responsible for what would otherwise be an illegal use of force. But
the reason that the Elbonian government would be required to demonstrate its lack of
culpability in such an incident is the international convention that states that, in general,
states are responsible for the acts of their armed forces.
Units of these forces are clearly
marked with national insignias, partly for this reason. The rationale for this presumption is
that, historically, only states have had the wherewithal to build and use weapons that are
capable of threatening national security.
But it is unclear how to apply present conventions for state responsibility to cyber incidents
and the extent to which, if any, cyber-specific rules would be needed for such application.
Is Greece the responsible party because George launched the attack from Greece? Is China
the responsible party because George is a Chinese citizen? Is the Russian organized crime
group the responsible party because of George’s involvement with the group? Is Russia the
responsible party because of ties between the FSB and the organized crime group of which
George is a part? In principle, a plausible case could be made for any of these possibilities.
But in the absence of a broad political agreement or convention that argues for one over the
other, the determination of “the responsible party” is necessarily based on policy and political
judgments that take into account the relevant facts known from all sources.
The relationship among the three types of attribution As noted above, the question of “who
is responsible?” can be answered by pointing to a specific machine (or machines), a specific
human being pressing the keys, and a specific adversary as the ultimately responsible party.
But the discussion above should make clear that the last kind of attribution is different
from the first two in that the notion of a party that is “ultimately responsible” implicates
legal, policy, or political issues to a much greater degree. Sections below on nation states and
subnational entities as the ultimately responsible entity will build on this point.
There is not necessarily a direct connection between these different types of attribution.
Knowing the machine responsible (i.e., the machine causing the damage being suffered
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by the victim) does not necessarily provide the identity of the human perpetrator, and
knowing the identity of the human perpetrator does not necessarily reveal the party that is
ultimately responsible, i.e., the adversary.
Nevertheless, although these three types of attribution are conceptually distinct, they are
often related in practice. Knowing the machine from which the intrusion initially emanated
may provide some clues that can help uncover the identity of the human perpetrator, and
knowing the human perpetrator may provide some clues that can help identify the party
ultimately responsible for setting the entire intrusion into motion.
For example, if the machine originating an intrusion is definitively located in Nation A, it
suggests that the human perpetrator has access to machines in Nation A. If Nation A is a
country in which only a small segment of the population has easy access to computers, the
search for the perpetrator’s identity may entail examining fewer possible suspects than if
Nation A made it easy for large segments of the population to access computers. A common
clue picked up by technical forensics is the language setting for the keyboard of a particular
computer. Despite the fact that many people in the world are multilingual, such a clue
is nevertheless suggestive and raises the likelihood that the human perpetrator is from a
nation in which that language is used.
It may also be the case that responsibility cannot be allocated cleanly to a specific party.
For example, in decentralized organizations, it is common for the leader to express his or
her intent and then leave it to subordinates to execute in accordance with that intent. A
subordinate operator may well do something that he believes is consistent with that intent
but in fact may be “too much” from the perspective of the leader. In such a situation,
responsibility is diffused among the individuals involved in an unclear manner.
A worked example of attribution In 2013, Mandiant released a report called “APT1:
Exposing One of China’s Cyber Espionage Units,
identifying a group it called “APT1” as
a single organization of operators that conducted a cyber espionage campaign against a
broad range of victims between 2006 and 2013. Mandiant concluded that APT1 was most
likely sponsored by the Chinese government. Mandiant was also able to develop profiles
(“personas”) on several individuals within APT1, though it was not able to determine with
any certainty their real names or identities.
The attribution process in which Mandiant engaged touched on all three meanings of
attribution: specific machines, specific human beings (perpetrators) pressing the keys, and
an ultimately responsible party.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
For example, the Mandiant report notes:
[C]yber intruders leave behind various digital “fingerprints.” They may send spear-
phishing emails [in this case, emails to specific individuals within the targeted company
containing malicious links or files] from a specific IP address or email address. Their
emails may contain certain patterns of subject lines. Their files have specific names, MD5
hashes, timestamps, custom functions, and encryption algorithms. Their backdoors may
have command and control IP addresses or domain names embedded.
All of these indicators were used by Mandiant in its identification of the specific machines
used by APT1 in its intrusions.
Mandiant used a variety of other information to associate these machines with Chinese
actors. For example, it noted large volumes of intrusion traffic associated with blocks of IP
addresses known to be assigned to Chinese Internet service providers operating in Shanghai.
APT1 hackers also used a remote desktop client from Microsoft to manage its remote access
to targeted systems; in the majority of such cases, the keyboard language setting was
simplified Chinese.
Public domain registration information (e.g., who is the registered owner of the domain
example . com) also helps to identify specific individuals; such information includes names,
addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Of course, an intruder may provide false
registration information when asked, but systematic errors (e.g., misspellings) can provide
valuable clues as well.
To identify individuals, Mandiant searched the web for various e-mail addresses uncovered
through domain registration and other sources. In many cases, these e-mail addresses were
also found on other sites providing additional information about the individual, often
apparently supplied by the individual. Mandiant was confident in its identification of
personas, but far less certain about the actual names associated with those personas.
As for an ultimately responsible party, Mandiant pointed to a specific unit of the People’s
Liberation Army (PLA). Mandiant first identified a group of operators who perpetrated a
large number of intrusions, resulting in the exfiltration of large volumes of information. It
found that the industries targeted matched industries that China has identified as strategic
to its growth. Mandiant then identified a unit of the PLA (Unit 61398) that was similar to
this group in its mission, capabilities, and resources, as well as being located in the same
geographical area from which many APT1 activities appeared to have originated. Mandiant
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identified individuals with a connection to Unit 61398, which appears to be actively
soliciting and training English-speaking personnel specializing in a wide variety of cyber
topics, such as covert communications, operating system internals, digital signal processing,
and network security. Unit 61398 also recruits new talent from the science and engineering
departments of Chinese universities and associates various “profession codes” describing
positions within Unit 61398 with competence in highly technical computer skills. Lastly,
Mandiant found a memo describing a special fiber optic communication infrastructure
provided by the state-owned enterprise China Telecom in the name of national defense.
In sum, Mandiant asserted high confidence that APT1 should be associated with Unit
61398 of the PLA. But it also acknowledged the possibility that “a secret, resourced
organization full of mainland Chinese speakers with direct access to Shanghai-based
telecommunications infrastructure [had] engaged in a multi-year, enterprise scale computer
espionage campaign right outside of Unit 61398’s gates, performing tasks similar to Unit
61398’s known mission.
Attribution for dierent types of intrusion For simplicity of discussion, this section uses a
particular scenario involving an intrusion on a DOD computer in San Francisco to illustrate
some aspects of the attribution process. But although the scenario is based on a multi-stage
intrusion in which intermediate computers are used to mask the computer from which a
remote-access intrusion originated, other types of intrusion are possible and, indeed, as
commonor even more commonthan that depicted. In practice, the attribution process
unfolds differently with different types of intrusion.
For example, intrusions result from the sending of an e-mail to a user, who then clicks on
a malicious link or attachment and inadvertently launches malware that takes destructive
action in his computer. That e-mail may be sent from a Gmail address, and it is well known
that a Gmail address can be created from anywhere (e.g., a WiFi-equipped coffee shop) with
near total anonymity. In this case, there are no intermediate stepping stones that will lead
back to an originating computer. Technical forensics may thus of necessity focus more on
characteristics of the malware being used.
Intrusions can occur when a user merely surfs the web on ostensibly safe sites. Because
many sites display advertisements, the content that a user sees on his or her screen is not
entirely under the control of the operator of the website to which the user navigated.
Ad content can be poisoned, so that when the image from the ad is displayed, malware is
downloaded to the user’s computer. Investigation in this instance may require approaching
the party who obtained ad display rights on that website.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
Other types of intrusion may not involve the Internet at all. An adversary may be able to
compromise the hardware supply chain, leading to the delivery to the intended victim of a
clandestinely modified computer that is never connected to the Internet. The modification
might cause the computer to destroy itself on a specific date. In this case, technical forensics
would focus on the characteristics of the compromised hardware that was delivered to the user,
which is not the focus in investigations involving malware. Another scenario involves inducing
a user to insert into his computer a USB key that is contaminated with malware and runs upon
insertion. In such cases, technical forensics directed at Internet activity may not reveal useful
information, depending on what the malware did (e.g., if it destroyed files without accessing
Internet services), but the manufacturer of the USB key may be able to provide insight. In such
scenarios, technical forensics coupled to other investigations might yield useful information
about the human perpetrator immediately responsible for the intrusion.
Legal authorities for gathering information related to attribution
For the United States and its various law enforcement and intelligence agencies, gathering
information that might be used to make an attribution judgment does not take place in a
vacuumthat is, US law and policy govern the information-gathering activities of US law
enforcement and intelligence agencies, and in particular recognize several key distinctions.
These include information-gathering undertaken domestically versus that undertaken on
foreign soil; information-gathering undertaken to investigate domestic criminal activity
versus that undertaken for national security and foreign intelligence purposes; and
information-gathering involving US citizens versus foreigners.
In todays security environment, the activities of adversaries often blur these lines. The
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were
clearly matters of national security, but they were criminal acts as well. Terrorists may seek
to fund their operations by engaging in criminal activity such as human or drug trafficking.
Foreign terrorists may operate from US territory, thereby gaining some of the default
protections afforded to US citizens on US soil. And US citizens may undertake criminal
activity on behalf of foreign governments or terrorist movements. Operating in cyberspace
further complicates these distinctions, as communications trafc (and intrusions) freely
transit national borders, while jurisdiction and legal authorities to gather information do not.
Describing existing law relevant to gathering information useful for attribution, John
Carlin, assistant attorney general for national security in the Obama administration, writes
in a recent article that “online” investigations are in fact conducted mostly offline and thus
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use investigative tools for obtaining information related to attribution such as physical
examination of servers, conversations with network users, and requests foror compelled
production ofcopies of records from service providers.
(He also notes, somewhat
cryptically and no doubt constrained by classification, “the important (and sensitive)
tools that the IC [Intelligence Community], beyond just the FBI, brings to the effort to
attribute . . . cyber activity.) Carlin points to several legal instruments governing the
domestic use of these tools by the law enforcement community, including:
• TheStoredCommunicationsAct(SCA),whichsetsouttheproceduresforlaw
enforcement agencies to obtain voluntary or compelled disclosure of stored
communications from domestic communications-service providers, e.g., whether a
search warrant or a subpoena is necessary in a given instance to compel disclosure of
the information sought.
• TheForeignIntelligenceSurveillanceActof1978,whichallowselectronicsurveillance
conducted in the United States for national security or foreign intelligence
investigations. In such instances, the target of surveillance must be a foreign power or
an agent of a foreign power; the facilities or places at which the electronic surveillance
is directed must be used, or must be about to be used, by a foreign power or an agent
of a foreign power; and a significant purpose of the surveillance must be to obtain
foreign intelligence information.
• Searchwarrants(or,inthecaseofnationalsecurityandforeignintelligence
investigations, FISA orders) for the search and seizure of physical devicese.g., phones,
computers, or servers.
Outside the United States, activities of the intelligence community (as opposed to the law
enforcement community
) are governed by Executive Order 12333,
which is intended to
“provide for the effective conduct of United States intelligence activities and the protection
of constitutional rights.” Because constitutional rights do not attach at all to foreigners
unless they are within the United States, intelligence collection activities directed against
foreigners are largely unconstrained by US law and policy except to the extent that US
may be involved.
(When US persons are involved, the executive order and
other lawsnotably the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act do place some constraints
on US intelligence agencies.) International law has traditionally placed no constraints on
intelligence collection activities (aka espionage),
though such activities against foreigners
abroad may violate the domestic laws of other nations.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
US law enforcement agencies also operate outside the United States in cooperation with
their counterparts abroad by “exchanging information, investigating attacks or crimes,
preventing or stopping harmful conduct, providing evidence, and even arranging for
the rendition of individuals from a foreign state to the United States.
Sometimes such
cooperation is governed by treaty, e.g., extradition treaties or mutual legal assistance treaties
(MLATs) that generally apply to a list of agreed crimes. MLATs also require “state parties
to assist one another by providing information, evidence, and other forms of cooperation
when requested to do so in such situations.
The Budapest Convention, also known as the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime,
is an international agreement that seeks to harmonize national laws explicating offenses that
constitute cybercrimes, to improve national capabilities for investigating such crimes, and to
increase international cooperation among the signatories on investigations.
The Convention’s
provisions on cooperation are a rough substitute for pairs of signatory nations that do not
have an MLAT in place, but existing MLATs between other pairs of nations supersede the
Conventions provisions. Increased international cooperation on investigations may well
increase the amount and quality of useful information available for attribution judgments.
Nation-states as the ultimately responsible party?
As noted earlier, the consensus that exists for the presumed responsibility of states for the
acts of their armed forces does not necessarily apply when a state is associated in some way
with or somehow connected tomalicious cyber activity.
Identifying a particular nation-state as the party ultimately responsible for a cyber
intrusion hinges on what it means to be “responsible.” A variety of different forms of
state responsibility can be imagined. The following hierarchy of national involvement
as it corresponds to responsibility closely follows Jason Healey’s taxonomy in “Beyond
Attribution: Seeking National Responsibility for Cyber Attacks.
• Astatecouldprohibit hacking activities (defined here as conducting cyber intrusions of
various kinds), but have no ability to enforce this prohibition against third-party actors.
• Astatecouldtolerate hacking activities. States could decide not to outlaw these actions,
or not to prosecute those who launch attacks.
• Astatecouldencourage hacking activities. In this scenario, a state may provide under-
the-table support (intelligence, operational guidance, or “suggestions”), or simply
promote a culture whereby these actions are lauded.
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• Astatecoulddirect hacking activities. For example, a state could ask organizations
within its jurisdictional reach or contract with non-state organizations to conduct
specific hacking activities.
• Astatecouldconduct hacking activities. A state uses its military or intelligence assets to
conduct offensive cyber operations, perhaps integrated with third-party hackers.
A refinement on the above list is that these different types of responsibility might vary by
the specific kind of hacking activity involved. For example, a state might conduct cyber-
enabled espionage but prohibit destructive cyberattacks.
A second related dimension along which to characterize state responsibility is the actor
conducting any of the hacking activities described above. Responsibility could in principle
also attach to hacking activities initiated by parties within the state’s geographic borders and/
or by parties who owe some form of allegiance or loyalty to the state (e.g., citizens of that state).
With respect to the case of responsibility attaching to activities initiated by parties within
the state’s geographic borders, a body of international law related to terrorism may be
Prior to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, a nation-state
was responsible for the acts of private groups inside its territory over which it exercised
effective control.
In the aftermath of those attacks, the United States took the position
that the mere harboring of these actors, even in the absence of control over them, suffices
to make the state where the terrorists are located responsible for their actions.
parts of the international community, including the UN Security Council, concurred
with this position.
How and to what extent, if any, such a law applies to subnational or
transnational groups perpetrating acts of cyber intrusion is uncertain, but the law as it
relates to its original context of terrorism is at least suggestive.
To the best of this author’s knowledge, there is no body of international law that holds a
nation accountable for the actions of its citizens per se. On the other hand, various nations
can and do assert jurisdiction over their own citizens in many instances even when these
citizens are abroad; in such cases, a citizen of Nation A is subject to the domestic law of
Nation A even if he or she is located in Nation B. Moreover, various Nation Bs have from time
to time sought, using diplomatic and other means, to influence or persuade Nation A to exert
more control or influence over As citizens when As citizens are responsible for harm to B.
This paper does not seek to resolve the “proper” definition for state responsibility, but three
observations are pertinent.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
• Technologyhasverylittletosayabouttheproperdenitionforstateresponsibility.
No amount of technical forensic information will point to the proper definition.
• Forallpracticalpurposes,thedenitionthatanation-statewilladoptinanygiven
instance will almost certainly depend on the facts and circumstances of that instance.
It may be that, over time, an international consensus or norm may develop for the
level in the Healey hierarchy that corresponds to the minimum level of involvement
needed to declare that a state is “responsible.” But we are not there yet.
• Multiplepartiescouldberesponsibledependingonhownormsforassigning
responsibility evolve. For example, if citizenship and the geographic location from
which an intrusion was initiated both become important norms in determining
a responsible state party, then perhaps China and Greece would both bear some
responsibility for the intrusion.
Subnational entities as the ultimately responsible party?
As a general rule, nations are the subject of international law. However, from time to
time, the UN Security Council has identified particular subnational entities engaged
in international terrorism as threats to the maintenance of international peace and
security. For example, UN Security Council resolution 1267 called out Osama bin
Laden and others associated with him as terrorists who were being protected by the
Taliban, and called upon member nations to deny permission for Taliban-operated
aircraft to take off from or land in their territory and to freeze Taliban funds and
other financial resources.
Such actions suggest that under international law, subnational entities could at some point
be recognized as the ultimately responsible party for serious cyber intrusions in a way that
certain subnational entities are held responsible for terrorism. But there is no history that is
directly on point regarding this matter.
Arguments have also been made that individuals could even be responsible under
international law for cyber “war crimes.” For example, Fidler has argued that the videos
showing the killing of human beings by the Islamic State are themselves violations of
international humanitarian law (IHL) and constitute war crimes.
Under the Rome
Statute (which establishes the International Criminal Court and gives it jurisdiction over
individuals charged with war crimes),
Fidler argues that “those making and posting the
Islamic State’s videos are criminally accountable” under IHL.
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How Attribution Judgments Are Made
In a 2014 paper on attribution,
Rid and Buchanan argue that thinking about attribution
is currently based on three assumptions, two of which are relevant to the discussion of
this section: first, that attribution is a largely intractable problem because of the technical
characteristics and the geography of the Internet (as described in Box 2 entitled “The Design
of the Internet and the Difficulty of Attribution), and second, that attribution is either
possible or not possible in any given case of interest. The third assumptionthat the main
challenge in attribution is finding the evidence itself and not in interpreting or using itis
relevant to the section below on “The Relationship between Attribution and Action.
In short, the conventional wisdom holds that one cannot attribute a malicious cyber
activity to its perpetrator with high confidence.
A saying in the technology community
is that “electrons don’t wear uniformsthere’s no inherent binding of any given IT
and Landau note that “there have been calls for a stronger form of personal identification that can be
observed in the network. A non-technical version of this view was put forward as: ‘Why don’t packets
have license plates?’ which they describe as ‘the attribution problem.
Hunker etal. assert, “The
Internet’s architecture and its evolving administrative and governance systems make the attribution of
A sophisticated user can modify information in IP packets and, in particular, forge the source addresses
stepping stones where compromised intermediate hosts are used to launder malicious packets. Packets
can also be changed at hops between hosts; thus, attempting a traceback by correlating similar packets is
ineective when sophisticated attackers are involved.
relevant to the threat environment of today, they relate primarily to the technical forensics dimension
of attribution. Also, it should be noted that many kinds of cyberattack were propagated even before the
and computers using modems to connect to dial-up bulletin boards; both floppy disks and bulletin
boards could be (and were) contaminated with malware of various kinds from time to time. Analysts
trying to find the origin of a given instance of malware still faced the problem that malware did not
generally carry the signatures of individuals. Intrusions can also originate in a supply chain compromise,
in which a security vulnerability can be introduced into a product or service at any point from initial
design and manufacture to delivery or use at the customer’s door.
packet-level (or, equivalently, network-level) attributionthat is, association of sender identity with the
content carried on the network in packet form. It is silent on application-level attribution (e.g., between
a bank and its customers), which is discussed above (“Attributing malicious cyber activity to a human
intruder”;) and can be carried out regardless of whether packet-level authentication is in place.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
activity to specific actors. Anyone could be at the computer in Greece that launched
the attack against the DOD computer in San Francisco, evidence could have been planted to
mislead investigators, and the perpetrator could even have been a computer program, set by
someone to run autonomously.
The conventional wisdom has a grain of truth to ittechnical forensics alone cannot
lead to high-confidence attribution.
Caloyannides goes so far as to assert that “forensics’
presumed usefulness against anyone with computer savvy is minimal because such persons
can readily defeat forensics techniques. Because computer forensics can’t show who put the
data where forensics found it, it can be evidence of nothing.
At the same time, that grain of truth does not come close to being the full story of how
attribution judgments can beand aremade. One important point to consider is that while
an intruder may have many counter-forensics measures at his or her disposal, he or she may not
take all of the necessary measures; we return to this point below. Most importantly, only when
the goal is attributionto a machineare technical forensics the primary source of evidence.
In trying to attribute an intrusion to a human perpetrator or an ultimately responsible
party, technical forensics by themselves are generally inconclusive and the information they
provide must often be combined with other sources to be genuinely useful.
For example, a given intrusion may be similar or even identical to a previous intrusionthe
same code could be executed, the same IP addresses used, the same technical signatures
found. Such similarity would suggest that the same party could be behind the intrusion at
If that party had been previously identified, that identification might be carried over
to the present caseor perhaps allies or associates of that other party might be implicated.
Is such similarity conclusive or dispositive? Absolutely not. But neither should the clue it
provides be thrown away.
Behavioral information can also contribute to attribution judgments. For example, Carlin
notes that useful clues may be found in the kinds of malware that intruders use and in the
way they communicate with their victims.
Behavioral patterns have been used in criminal
investigations for a wide variety of offenses, and many of the analytical techniques used to
understand these patterns have proven useful in attribution.
In the case of the 2014 Sony hack, the perpetrators left a “splash screen” on infected Sony
computers with the name “Guardians of Peace” and various logos. Carlin points out that the
perpetrators behaved in ways that were similar to the behavior of criminals like serial killers
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who “stage” the crime scene, arranging it to send a message or conceal involvement. Such
staging goes beyond what is necessary to commit the crime, and they thus provide extra
information that can be helpful in attribution.
An intruder can also make errors of tradecraft. For example, text stings can sometimes be
extracted from the binaries used in an intrusion. When an investigator examines the binary
used in the intrusion on the DOD computer in San Francisco, she finds the text string
“Linsong9862.” An Internet search reveals that this string is also the user name associated with
a dating profile of a Chinese computer scientist who says he lives in Greece. Another indicator
may be the time of day that certain malicious cyber incidents occura time, possibly, that
correlates with working hours in Greece. In neither case is such evidence conclusive, but that
evidence constitutes additional data points that may point to the human intruder.
Sometimes intruders make mistakes of operational security. For example, an intruder
may discuss his or her plans on insecure channels that are monitored. A hacker may look
to others for advice, or seek recognition for his or her bravado and skill in perpetrating
a successful intrusion, or upload or download files to or from known, previously used
locations. Because intelligence agencies collect information from a variety of different
sources in different parts of the world, sometimes such information is available; if so, such
information could prove useful in identifying the human intruder.
The style and methodology of an intrusion may be helpful. For example, a cyberattack
aimed at destroying or disrupting cyber physical systems that are part of a nation’s physical
infrastructure is likely to require significantly more expertise than one directed at deleting
files on computer systems; while both require expertise in penetration techniques, only
the former requires expertise regarding the specific cyber physical systems involved. One
reason the Stuxnet attack on Irans nuclear program was attributed to state actors was the
sophistication of the attack in precisely targeting particular configurations of Siemens
controllers (and leaving others alone), in concealing from centrifuge operators what was
happening to the targeted centrifuges, and in the profligate use of zero-day vulnerabilities,
which are usually regarded as a resource to be conserved and used sparingly.
Other intelligence and information-gathering activities may also provide information useful
for attribution. According to the CIA,
human intelligence (HUMINT)information that
can be gathered from human sourcesis collected through “clandestine acquisition of
photography, documents, and other material, overt collection by people overseas, debriefing
of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens who travel abroad, and official contacts with foreign
governments.” For example, a spy in the office of a senior political leader in another nation
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
could provide information that the intrusion was ordered by that nations leadershipsuch
information could well be conclusive when coupled with technical forensics. Information
about adversary plans and capabilities for cyber operations may be found in a dumpster and
used later to investigate an intrusion.
HUMINT is not necessarily clandestine. As suggested in the section above on legal
authorities, informal conversations or formal interviews with operators, service providers,
and other users can also generate useful information. Debriefing a US citizen who had
conversations with foreign network operators on a recent trip abroad can provide useful tips.
Interviews with victims of cyber intrusions can provide valuable context for an intrusion, as
investigators might learn more about why the intruders wanted to do what they did when
they did it. For example, investigators might learn of demands that the intruder made of the
victim in connection with the intrusion. Sharing information about similar intrusions might
be useful as well; one victim might have one part of the information necessary to attribute
an intrusion and a second victim might have another part.
Pre-positioned implants for cyber-enabled intelligence collection may provide useful
information regarding the connection between the intrusion and agencies of the nations
governmentfor example, these implants may have revealed communications regarding
an intrusion between decision-makers in that government’s military department. Such
implants were mentioned in the above section on attributing activity to a machine.
Geopolitical circumstances could provide clues as to who would want to launch a particular
intrusion. What nation would most benefit from gaining access to the DOD computer in
San Francisco? Are there particular tensions between a company and a state, or between
the United States and another international actor? Is another international actor making
demands of the United States, demands that are serious enough to warrant the use of force or
cyber force? Who would benefit most from this intrusion? This information could provide a
helpful lens for determining who would be most motivated to launch a certain attack.
Finally, historical relationships help to frame the attribution process. It is less likely that a
non-adversarial nation would conduct, support, or tolerate malicious cyber activity against
the United States as compared to an adversarial nation.
None of these methods or sources of evidence alone can be used to determine the responsible
party. However, together, these pieces of data could pull together into a compelling analysis.
A useful analogy is that of big data analytics, in which no individual datum is by itself
significant, but instead large volumes of data are analyzed to draw conclusions.
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In short, attribution is an all-source issueno one method or source of information can be
used to point fingers, but multiple sources taken as a whole may paint a convincing picture.
Box 3 entitled “All-Source Analysis and the Sinking of the Cheonan” illustrates how the all-
source intelligence process can be applied to attributing putatively anonymous non-cyber
The fact that attribution judgments draw on many different sources of information has one
major temporal implication: early judgments made with less information are generally less
believable than later judgments made with more information. That is, more investigation
may reveal additional useful information, which may (or may not) reinforce attribution
judgments made earlier.
Outside of cyberspace, consider a radar-based surveillance and reconnaissance system involving
several dierent independent radars, each of which detects a target in the same location and at the
same time but with low confidence. Even though each individual sighting has a low probability that
a target is actually present, the likelihood that all of them are incorrectif the radars truly operate
independently of each otheris very low.
In the language of this paper, each sighting is merely a suggestive clue. Aggregating these clues provides
higher confidence that a collective sighting is correct. Although radar target sightings are usually
brought to the attention of system operators with a probability of detection associated with them, the
same principle applies to any process of evaluating independent threads of evidence.
domain, consider the investigation of the sinking of the Cheonan, a South Korean corvette, on
Kingdom, and Sweden, one international report on this incident noted the collection of “propulsion
parts [from a torpedo], including propulsion motor with propellers and a steering section from the site
ofthe sinking” and noted that “the evidence matched in size and shape with the specifications on the
purposes. The marking in Hangul, which reads ‘1 (or No. 1in English),’ found inside the end of the
propulsion section, is consistent with the marking of a previously obtained North Korean torpedo.
The above evidence allowed the JIG [the investigators] to confirm that the recovered parts were made
in North Korea.
On this basis, the investigators concluded that the Cheonan was sunk by a torpedo
made in North Korea.
The report further noted that the North Korean military had a variety of submarines and torpedoes
capable of causing the same level of damage suered by the Cheonan, and that a few small submarines
submarines from neighboring countries were either in or near their respective home bases at the time of
the incident. They thus concluded that the torpedo was fired by a North Korean submarine.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
One important reason for the improvement in capabilities for attribution over the past several
years is that as the importance of cybersecurity has grown, more people are paying attention.
Given the likelihood of malicious cyber activity in the future, they are more willing to make
investments in intelligence and to build investigative capacity that will pay off in the future.
Put differently, capabilities for attribution are partly a function of the investment a nation
(or, indeed, third parties, such as private cybersecurity companies) is willing to make in those
capabilities, both in infrastructure and in the effort that any given case demands.
Lastly, it is important to understand that the all-source intelligence process described in
this section has a different focus than the discussion of the ultimate responsibility of states
and non-state actors in the sections above on nation-states and subnational entities as
ultimately responsible parties. The all-source intelligence process seeks to approximate the
God’s-eye understanding of an intrusion, whereas the discussions of those sections are legal
and policy discussions. In short, understanding who did what (the focus of the intelligence
process) is different, though relevant to, who is to blame.
EvolvingUS Government Views on Attribution
US government views of attribution have evolved over the past half-dozen years.
In 2010, then-deputy secretary of defense William Lynn emphasized the difficulties of
attribution in cyberspace.
He said that “whereas a missile comes with a return address,
a computer virus generally does not. The forensic work necessary to identify an attacker may
take months, if identification is possible at all.
In 2012, then-secretary of defense Leon Panetta said that the DOD “has made significant
advances in solving a problem that makes deterring cyber adversaries more complex: the
difficulty of identifying the origins of an attack. Over the last two years, DOD has made
significant investments in forensics to address this problem of attribution and we’re seeing
the returns on that investment. Potential aggressors should be aware that the United States
has the capacity to locate them and to hold them accountable for their actions that may try
to harm America.
In 2015, the DOD Cyber Strategy stated, “Attribution is a fundamental part of an
effective cyber deterrence strategy as anonymity enables malicious cyber activity by
state and non-state groups. On matters of intelligence, attribution, and warning, DOD
and the intelligence community have invested significantly in all source collection,
analysis, and dissemination capabilities, all of which reduce the anonymity of state and
non-state actor activity in cyberspace. Intelligence and attribution capabilities help to
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unmask an actor’s cyber persona, identify the attack’s point of origin, and determine
tactics, techniques, and procedures. Attribution enables the Defense Department or other
agencies to conduct response and denial operations against an incoming cyberattack.
The 2015 articulation is thus more measured and moderate in tone than the Panetta
comments of 2012.
Also in 2015, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified, “Although cyber
operators can infiltrate or disrupt targeted ICT [information and communications
technology] networks, most can no longer assume that their activities will remain
undetected. Nor can they assume that if detected, they will be able to conceal their
identities. Governmental and private-sector security professionals have made significant
advances in detecting and attributing cyber intrusions.
He testified in 2016 that
“Information security professionals will continue to make progress in attributing cyber
operations and tying events to previously identified infrastructure or tools that might
enable rapid attribution in some cases. However, improving offensive tradecraft, the use
of proxies, and the creation of cover organizations will hinder timely, high-confidence
attribution of responsibility for state-sponsored cyber operations.
One significant development in the attribution landscape in the past several years is
the increasing involvement by private-sector firms in rendering attribution judgments.
Regarding the value of private-sector attribution, the DOD cyber strategy of 2015 notes that
private-sector parties (e.g., security firms) reporting on attribution “can play a significant
role in dissuading cyber actors from conducting attacks in the first place” and states that
“The Defense Department will continue to collaborate closely with the private sector and
other agencies of the U.S. government to strengthen attribution. This work will be especially
important for deterrence as activist groups, criminal organizations, and other actors acquire
advanced cyber capabilities over time.
In addition to the Mandiant APT1 report described above, examples of private-sector
involvement in attribution include:
• FireEye’sreport,“APT28:AWindowIntoRussia’sCyberEspionageOperations,
indicating Russian involvement in a variety of espionage activities against private-
sector and government actors.
• Novetta’sreport,“OperationSNM:AxiomThreatActorGroupReport,
Chinese government involvement in cyber espionage against a variety of private
companies, governments, journalists, and pro-democracy groups.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
• CrowdStrike’sreport,“CrowdStrikeIntelligenceReport:PutterPanda,
identifying Unit
61486 in the Chinese PLA as being responsible for the cyber-enabled theft of corporate
trade secrets primarily relating to the satellite, aerospace, and communication industries.
Private-sector involvement in attribution has advantages and disadvantages.
Among the
advantages are:
• Theunclassiednatureofsuchreports.Becausesuchareunclassiedintheirentirety,
they can be used by government officials in responding to questions about the
attribution of any given cyber incident. They also make available to independent
analysts substantial information that would not otherwise be available and thus
contribute to a more informed public debate about such matters.
• Thepotentialincreaseinanalyticalandcollectionresourcesthatcanbebrought
to bear on tracing the origin of hostile cyber operations. Additional resources will
be necessary as the volume of hostile cyber operations conducted by parties with
advanced cyber capabilities increases.
• Continuingconcealmentofsensitivesourcesandmethodsofgovernmentintelligence,
which are not revealed in private-sector attribution reports.
• Theattenuationofgovernmentresponsibilityforanattributionjudgment.Whenthe
actual judgment is associated with a private party, government officials can distance
themselves from it, even if they point unofficially to that analysis when questioned
about a given incident. The resulting ambiguity may have diplomatic benefits.
Some of the disadvantages include the following:
• Themarketingaspectofprivate-sectorattributionreports.Suchreportsoftengain
considerable media attention, especially if government officials have not been
particularly forthcoming about cyber incidents. These reports are thus valuable
marketing tools that elevate the authoring firms in the public eye, and the incentives
motivating these firms to produce such reports quickly and ahead of their competitors
may degrade the quality of their research and analysis.
• Lackofindependentqualitycontrolandindependentoversight.Authoritative
government reports are usually subject to an interagency process that challenges
evidence and conclusions. The private-sector security market is robust enough to
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provide some independent scrutiny, and since each firm has its professional reputation
to uphold, all firms have incentives to produce high-quality work. Whether market
forces are sufficient to uphold quality in such reports remains to be seen.
• Thepossiblelackoftrueindependenceofprivate-sectorreports.Giventhesemi-
permeable membrane between private-sector security firms and government authorities,
it would not be surprising if, from time to time, government officials talking to their
colleagues in the private sector suggest that looking for X rather than Y in their
investigative efforts could prove more fruitful. That is, such reports may be produced
with some measure of government input, even if such input is not apparent.
Finally, nations other than the United States often do not appreciate fully the separation
between the public and private sectors that operates in the United States. In particular, more
authoritarian regimes that exert a high degree of control and influence over civil society
may well regard private-sector entities as being willing to speak or act in accordance with
US government wishes under many or most circumstances.
How Attribution Relates to Policy
The discussion up to this point has presumed that the attribution task is to determine as
best as possible the machine, human intruder, and/or ultimately responsible parties that are
behind a given malicious cyber incident. In this context, the word “determine” is relative
to a God’s-eye perspectiveto determine the machine, intruder, and/or party that was/
were actually involved in and responsible for undertaking the intrusion. As noted earlier,
attribution to a machine or a perpetrator turns on factual issues, whereas attribution to an
ultimately responsible party strongly depends on the legal, policy, and political definition of
“ultimately responsible.
Determining factual realityimportant as it isis only the beginning of the attribution
process from a policy perspective. Three key points need to be made.
• A“determination”israrelydenitive.Godmayknowwho“really”didit,butour
determinations of who did it will be associated with some degree of uncertainty
or confidence about itand it is very hard to be 100 percent confident about a
determination. The use of the word “judgment” underscores this point.
• Thenecessarydegreeofcondenceinanattributionjudgmentdependsonthe
nature of the malicious activity being attributed and the action that is contemplated
in its aftermath.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
• Theaudiencethatanattributionjudgmentseekstopersuadehasasignicantimpact
on how subsequent aspects of the attribution process unfold.
These points are fundamentally policy points rather than technical ones, and are at the
heart of the political challenges of attribution.
Confidence in attribution
An attribution judgment is a statement with an inherent degree of uncertainty. To
describe that uncertainty, different professions use different sets of words to convey such
uncer taint y.
For example, in the US legal community, the following words are used
regarding the persuasiveness of evidence that a given person is in fact responsible for an
event (e.g., “There is evidence that John Doe robbed the bank yesterday,” where the italicized
words refer to the event in question.)
• Reasonablesuspicion:Thereisreasonablesuspicionthat...
• Probablecause:Thepoliceofcerhadprobablecausetobelievethat...
• Substantialevidence:Thereissubstantialevidencethat...
• Preponderanceoftheevidence:Thepreponderanceoftheevidenceindicatesthat...
• Clearandconvincingevidence:Thereisclearandconvincingevidencethat...
• Beyondreasonabledoubt:Theevidenceindicatesbeyondareasonabledoubtthat...
The audience in question for these statements is an impartial and unbiased judge or jury,
and advocates for each side try to persuade this audience to draw some conclusion about
the responsibility of the alleged perpetrator of some event that happened in the past. The
relevant standard of evidence that the judge or jury applies depends on the nature of
the case. If the event in question is a criminal matter, the judge or jury must be convinced
beyond a reasonable doubt about the party responsible, whereas in a civil matter the judge
or jury need only be convinced by a preponderance of the evidence.
The legal process of ascertaining responsibility is also intended to be fair. Due process
requirements seek to ensure that state action occurs only in accordance with law and that
justice is administered fairly, i.e., that prejudicial or unequal treatment does not occur.
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process also protects the rights of an accused party, e.g., by excluding improperly gathered
evidence from a trial.
In short, if a malicious cyber incident is regarded as a matter for domestic law enforcement
authorities to address, then legal requirements for process, standards of evidence, and degrees
of certainty about attribution obtain. But outside this context, there is much less clarity.
Consider, for example, the attribution issue from the standpoint of international law.
International law operates in an environment of sovereign nations. Nations sometimes
have interests in using international bodies such as the International Court of Justice or the
United Nations to adjudicate their political and diplomatic positions with respect to other
nations, and thus they grant these bodies jurisdiction in certain contexts. But few if any of
these nations are willing to subordinate important national interests to the judgments of
such bodies. Moreover, unlike domestic courts that are backed by police forces, these bodies
generally lack the enforcement authorities associated with the use of force. (It is true in
principle that the UN Security Council may authorize the use of force to enforce a judgment,
but it is exceedingly rare in practice and any one of the Permanent Five can veto a resolution
containing such authorization.)
An important legal lacuna in the ability of an international tribunal to make attribution
judgments is underscored by Tsagourias,
who argues that the nations that may be involved
may for security reasons be unwilling to make relevant information available or may make
it available only in truncated or abstracted form. For example, in the 1986 Nicaragua case,
the International Court of Justice noted:
One of the Courts chief difficulties in the present case has been the determination of
the facts relevant to the dispute. First of all, there is marked disagreement between the
Parties not only on the interpretation of the facts, but even on the existence or nature of
at least some of them. . . . Thirdly, there is the secrecy in which some of the conduct attributed
to one or other of the Parties has been carried on. This makes it more difficult for the Court
not only to decide on the imputability of the facts, but also to establish what are the facts
(emphasis added). Sometimes there is no question . . . that an act was done, but there are
conflicting reports, or a lack of evidence, as to who did it. The problem is then . . . the prior
process of tracing material proof of the identity of the perpetrator.
Tsagourias also argues that “International law does not lay down any specific standards of
evidence with regard to issues involving the use of force or self-defence,” citing the separate
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
opinion of a judge in the Oil Platforms case of the ICJ.
He suggests (but does not defend)
a generic threshold that “claims against a State involving charges of exceptional gravity
must be proved by evidence that is fully conclusive. The same standard applies to the
proof of attribution for such acts.” He notes that this standard is less strict than “beyond a
reasonable doubt” but is higher than the “balance of evidence.
Tsagourias’s overall conclusion: “standards concerning the availability and probity of
evidence in cases involving armed attacks, uses of force or interventions are rather lax.
Nevertheless, he argues, “even if the standard of proof is not the same as the one required
for the criminal prosecution of individuals and even if ‘a more political approach to
attribution . . . might accept less exacting standards,’ it should be stressed that a State should
not resort to self-defence on the basis of casual evidence or wild political inferences.
No national policymakers would agree that any action of theirs, let alone actions related to
self-defense, can or should ever be justified “on the basis of casual evidence or wild political
inferences.” Nevertheless, if the malicious cyber incident in question is regarded as a national
security matter, determining the necessary degree of certainty is more complex. When
national security is at stake, policymakers may have to make decisions that have a wide range
of potentially significant and nation-transforming consequences. But unlike the unbiased
judge or jury that is the linchpin of decision-making in the legal community, national security
policymakers are highly biased in the sense that they are predisposed to make decisions that
they believe best protect and advance national interests. Nor does national security decision-
making recognize good analogs to “rights of the accused” or “due process.” To take one obvious
example, information is not excluded from consideration if it has been gathered “improperly.
To support national security decision-making, the intelligence community provides
information, often in the form of assessments. For example, the National Intelligence
Estimate for Irans nuclear intentions and capabilities stated:
We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons
program; we also assess with moderate-to-high confidence that Tehran at a minimum
is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons. . . . We assess with moderate
confidence Tehran had not restarted its nuclear weapons program as of mid-2007, but we do
not know whether it currently intends to develop nuclear weapons. . . . We continue to assess
with low confidence that Iran probably has imported at least some weapons-usable fissile
material, but still judge with moderate-to-high confidence it has not obtained enough for a
nuclear weapon. We cannot rule out that Iran has acquired from abroador will acquire in
the futurea nuclear weapon or enough fissile material for a weapon (emphasis added).
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The words in bold above are words of estimative probability that are intended to convey the
degree of uncertainty (or, conversely, the degree of confidence) in various assessments and
judgments made by analysts.
Assessment guidelines call for ascribing high, moderate, or
low levels of confidence to assessment as follows:
• “Highcondencegenerallyindicatesthatourjudgmentsarebasedonhigh-quality
information, and/or that the nature of the issue makes it possible to render a solid
judgment. A ‘high confidence’ judgment is not a fact or a certainty, however, and such
judgments still carry a risk of being wrong.
• “Moderatecondencegenerallymeansthattheinformationiscrediblysourcedand
plausible but not of sufficient quality or corroborated sufficiently to warrant a higher
level of confidence.
• “Lowcondencegenerallymeansthattheinformationscredibilityand/orplausibility
is questionable, or that the information is too fragmented or poorly corroborated to
make solid analytic inferences, or that we have significant concerns or problems with
the sources.
This background on how the intelligence community operates is important because it
frames how the policymaker approaches attribution judgments in a national security context.
Given that national security decisions are a matter of sovereignty (i.e., there is no world
government body that serves the role of impartial judge or jury, and there are no due process
requirements on national decision-making imposed by international law), the standard that
governs national security decision-making is not controlled by legal terms such as “beyond a
reasonable doubt” or “preponderance of the evidence” but is rather one of reasonableness
taking everything that is known into account, is the decision a reasonable one?
Policymakers are also quite often in the position of having to take a responsive action,
even when only low or moderate confidence assessments are available. And a further
complicating factor is that the degree of confidence required to take any given action
depends on the nature of the actionand the putative actorinvolved. This point
is discussed further in the section below on “The Relationship between Attribution and
The persuasiveness of attribution judgments
Based on intelligence information and shaped by their own biases and judgments
about what is best for the national interest, policymakers need to satisfy themselves about
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
attribution. But it is a differentand often more difficulttask to persuade others who may
be skeptical about official US positions.
One major reason for such difficulty is that much of the public believes that legal standards
of evidence are applicable for national security decision-making. These individuals thus
conclude that because publicly offered evidence (which in practice cannot include all
sources of information) would not “stand up in a court of law,” the US government does not
have a legitimate basis for acting. For example, in the wake of the Sony hack in December
2014, public critics of the US government, which had attributed the hack to North Korea,
asserted that the evidence presented in favor of the attribution to North Korea was weak and
that the available evidence pointed instead to a disgruntled insider at Sony.
In a telling
commentary, one security expert said:
[C]alling out a foreign nation over a cybercrime of this magnitude should never have
been undertaken on such weak evidence. The evidence used to attribute a nation state
in such a case should be solid enough that it would be both admissible and effective
in a court of law. As it stands, I do not believe we are anywhere close to meeting that
This stance is somewhat ironic, given that even international courts have ruled that the
standards for evidence in disputes between nations may not be as stringent as disputes aired
in domestic courts. For example, in the 1949 Corfu Channel case, even an international
courtthe International Court of Justicerecognized the difficulties in providing evidence
if that evidence had to be obtained from territory under the control of another state that
was unwilling to cooperate. The court wrote:
By reason of this exclusive control, the other State, the victim of a breach of international
law, is often unable to furnish direct proof of facts giving rise to responsibility. Such a
State should be allowed a more liberal recourse to inferences of fact and circumstantial
evidence. This indirect evidence . . . must be regarded as of special weight when it is based
on a series of facts linked together and leading logically to a single conclusion.
Other nations are also a potential audience for an attribution judgment. In the wake of
a malicious cyber incident, a state may want to persuade allies and unaligned nations
that it has been wronged. To do so, the victimized state will not follow legally prescribed
procedures, but instead will use tools of diplomacy and persuasion to convince necessary
actors that a particular event occurred. Individual states may require different levels of
evidence before siding with the supposed victim state.
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In this context, it is worth recalling that during the Cuban missile crisis in 1963, President
Kennedy asked former secretary of state Dean Acheson to seek French support for the US
position. He traveled to Paris and offered to show French President Charles de Gaulle the
CIA’s surveillance photos of the Cuban missiles. According to Theodore Sorenson, then
counselor to Kennedy, de Gaulle declined to view the photographs, saying, “The word of the
president of the United States is good enough for me.
Today, in the wake of the Edward
Snowden disclosures and a history of public failure such as US government claims of
“yellow rain” in Southeast Asia and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a similar scenario
of trust, either between the US government and other nationseven friendly nationsor
even between the US government and its citizens, seems unlikely in the future under most
circumstances. Yet, diplomatic dealings often necessitate a different interpretation of trust
and evidence.
Against this backdrop, it is fair to say that whether or not the public does mistakenly apply
domestic legal standards to the national security decision-making process (it does, but it
should not), skepticism about attribution judgments increases pressures on policymakers
to make public more evidence for attribution judgments than they might otherwise prefer.
Jack Goldsmith said it well on Lawfare:
[E]ven if the attribution problem is solved in the basement of Ft. Meade and in other dark
places in the government, that does not mean the attribution problem is solved as far as
public justificationand defense of legalityis concerned.
Policymakers are not legally constrained in their freedom of action by such considerations,
but politically they may very well beand in the long run, they will almost certainly
have to reveal some amount of hitherto secret information relating sources and methods
for gathering evidence used in attribution judgments. Goldsmith notes further that we
will almost certainly see in the future an increase “in the demand for publicly verifiable
attribution before countermeasures (or other responses) are deemed legitimate. In this small
but significant sense, the United States has lost a battle in the early days of cyber conflict.
Similarly, Paul Rosenzweig argued, “In the post-Watergate post-Snowden world, the USG
can no longer simply say ‘trust us.’ Not with the U.S. public and not with other countries.
Though the skepticism may not be warranted, it is real.
In this context, it is not without irony that private-sector entities such as Google and
Facebook are also sensitive to the need to protect sources and methods of information
used to attribute compromises of user accounts to nation-states.
These entities warn
users if they believe a nation-state compromise has occurred, but also do not provide the
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
evidence underlying such a judgment. For example, Google tells compromised users, “You
might ask how we know this activity is state-sponsored [but] we can’t go into the details
without giving away information that would be helpful to these bad actors.
tells compromised users, “To protect the integrity of our methods and processes, we often
won’t be able to explain how we attribute certain attacks to suspected attackers. That said,
we plan to use this warning only in situations where the evidence strongly supports
our conclusion.
Lastly, it is highly unlikely that any amount of evidence made public would persuade a
nation to publicly acknowledge its own responsibility for an untoward event, cyber or
otherwise, if such an acknowledgment would not be in its interests. Demands for such
public acknowledgment are common,
but are unrealistic and are not a matter of “sufficient
evidence” in any case. These demands are again rooted in an expectation derived from a
legal system in which an impartial court standing in judgment of an individual can require
such acknowledgment from a party found responsible for some misdeed. (Box 4 entitled “A
Possible Attribution “Court” describes proposals for such a court.)
Note that even if an adversary has openly claimed responsibility for an incident, decision-
makers would still have to ascertain the scope and nature of that claimand intelligence
analysts would go through exactly the same process of gathering and sifting evidence to arrive
at a judgment with low, medium, or high confidence.
This point is addressed further below.
The Relationship between Attribution and Action
Attribution is a key element of taking responsive action, but attribution and responsive
action are not independent variables. Indeed, and as noted earlier, even the type of
attribution at issue in any given instancethat is, whether attribution should be to a
specific machine, to a specific human perpetrator, or to a specific adversary depends on
the goal of the relevant decision-maker.
The section titled “What Does Attribution Mean” began with a specific scenario. If the
goal of the decision-maker faced with that scenario is action to stop or mitigate the pain
being caused by the intrusion as soon as possible, then what is most relevant is machine
attributionto find the machine causing the pain as quickly as possible and to take action
against it. If Tonythe operator of the targeted computer discovers that files are being
deleted from his computer mid-attack, his immediate concern may be to simply stop this
from happening further. In this moment, he may not care that Karenthe owner of the
attacking computer in Arkansasis not truly responsible for initiating the attack. Instead,
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At least two noteworthy proposals for an attribution court have surfaced in the past few years. In 2012,
Council (MCAAC) that would “provide an international mechanism for arriving at a consensus attribution
threshold of consequence.
Both proposals emphasize the importance of strong technical competence and multilateral
Council should be represented, while the Atlantic Council argues for states with “higher cyber
Energy Agency (IAEA) as precedent for an international non-governmental body that addresses disputes
of a highly technical nature and note the value that the IAEA has had in verifying compliance with the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Whether nation-states themselves would be willing participants in such a body remains to be seen.
that may be both politically important and politically charged. (An even more sensitive issue would be
granting such a body any enforcement powers.) The Atlantic Council raises state (and private-sector)
concerns about protecting intelligence sources and methods or indicators that could be used in making
information, investigators may not be able to follow the chain of evidence in its totality. And, of course,
there is a problem with scale on what basis would this body accept cases for review, given the
plethora of cyberattacks seen every day?
legitimacy that the IAEA has with respect to nuclear proliferation matters, it could address in part many
of the diiculties in “the attribution problem” that today stem from the lack of a widely recognized
responsibility for actions undertaken by non-state actors operating from national territories.
Jason Healey, JohnC. Mallery, Klara Tothova Jordan, and NathanielV. Youd, “Confidence-Building
Measures in Cyberspace: A Multistakeholder Approach for Stability and Security,” Atlantic Council,
/ images / publications / Confidence - Building _ Measures _ in _ Cyberspace . pdf
C o r p o r a t i o n , J u n e 2 0 1 6 , h t t p s : / / m s c o r p m e d i a . a z u r e e d g e . n e t / m s c o r p m e d i a / 2 0 1 6 / 0 6 / M i c r o s o
- C y b e r s e c u r i t y - N o r m s _ v F i n a l . p d f .
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
Tony simply is concerned that a computer in Arkansas is deleting files from his computer,
and intends to disrupt further inltration by said computer. The human perpetrator or the
specific adversary ultimately responsible is not important.
If the goal of the decision-maker is action to prosecute someone for an attack that has
occurred, then he will care about human attributionto ascertain the identity of
the human perpetrator as the first step in taking the person into custody. In this case,
identifying George as the perpetrator is crucial: as the actor who set the attack in motion,
he is the person who can be charged with committing an actual crime. Of course, the
ability to prosecute someone depends on the relevant legal regime that governs his or her
actionsand the ultimately responsible party may have some influence over the specifics
of that legal regime. Note also that Tony is most likely not the one who will decide that
prosecution is the appropriate path to take. Someone else, higher in the chain of command,
will almost certainly make that decision.
If the goal of the decision-maker is action to deter malicious cyber activity in the
future from being perpetrated against him, then he cares most about the party that is
ultimately responsible for motivating and initiating the activity. Identification of the
responsible party is a prerequisite for administering the punishment that is required to
dissuade it from conducting similar actions in the future. Identification of the responsible
party is also a prerequisite in convincing an adversary that not undertaking the action to
be deterred will result in an outcome acceptable to him.
The human perpetrator is not
the most relevant party in deterring future malicious activity, because anyone with sufficient
technical skill can be hired, persuaded, or amused enough to press the right keysthat is,
the individual person is likely to simply be one cog in the machine. Because the ultimately
responsible party could easily act through other humans or machines in the future, only
the ultimately responsible party can actually be meaningfully deterred from initiating and
conducting further malicious activity. Moreover, a decision to pursue deterrence rather than
prosecution will be made at an even higher level up the chain of commandvery much
removed from Tony, the person operating the computer that suffered the attack.
Regardless of the type of attribution involved, the confidence required of an attribution
judgment depends on the nature and target of that action. For example, policymakers
would usually require a higher degree of confidence if the action contemplated were
a kinetically destructive action than if the action were a diplomatic démarchein
general and all else being equal, the more “severe” or “serious” the action, the higher the
confidence in an attribution judgment would have to be. Under some circumstances, the
response action may simply be a public announcement pointing the finger at an ultimately
Hoover Institution Stanford University
responsible partypublic “naming and shaming” may be effective in deterring future
action, especially if the ultimately responsible party conducted its actions believing it could
do so anonymously.
Similarlyand, again, all else being equalpolicymakers would usually require a higher
degree of confidence if the putative actor involved were a powerful nation or one with
whom the United States had a relationship with multiple important threads than if it were a
relatively weak or relatively isolated nation.
The connection between attribution and action also has a temporal dimension. As noted
above, attribution judgments are made on the basis of multiple sources of information, and
integrating multiple sources of information takes time. Filtering through technical forensic
details, comparing a given incident to previous incidents, extracting information obtained
from human and signals intelligence sources, and so on are not easy tasks. Attributing a cyber
incident may take weeks or months under some circumstances even when the analytical skills
are available. Put differently, what is hard is prompt high-confidence attribution.
What is the significance of the difference between prompt and delayed attribution? For
what purposes and under what circumstances is prompt attribution necessary (and by
implication delayed attribution inadequate)? The answer depends on the nature of the
response at issue for policymakers.
Consider first the tactical response to a malicious cyber incident. As noted above, machine
attribution will be needed to mitigate the immediate harm being caused by the intrusion;
the malicious operation of the machines involved in the intrusion must be blocked or
disrupted. (Mitigation may well only be temporary if other machines are available to the
adversary.) Choosing which courses of action would be most appropriate or wise is another
If a response is to arrest the perpetrator(s) or hold them criminally responsible for the
incident, the conventions and rules of law enforcement hold sway. Because we hold
individuals responsible for criminal acts, attribution to specific individual human beings is
needed. Under these circumstances, rapid response may be desirable, but law enforcement
authorities may work for years to identify, pursue, and take into custody individuals
believed to be responsible for criminal acts.
If the response is to impose costs on a nation-state ultimately responsible for an intrusion,
the conventions and rules of national decision-making are relevant, especially those of
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
making such decisions in a security context. In the aftermath of a cyberattack, national
security decision-makers may respond to punish or to retaliate for an adversarys attack.
There are limits on such responsesretaliation or punishment for a hostile act once the
act has stopped is prohibited under UN Charter Section 2(4) if it rises to the level of a use
of force. Nevertheless, forceful actions are allowable under Article 51 of the UN Charter if
they can be regarded as acts of self-defense in the face of an armed attack. Such actions are
often justified as acts of self-defense that deter future attacksand it is a matter of stated US
policy that a sufficiently severe cyberattack would indeed qualify as an armed attack under
the UN Charter.
Note also that responses even to an armed attack may not entail the use of military force.
As noted in the “International Strategy for Cyberspace,
the United States reserves the
right to use “all necessary meansdiplomatic, informational, military, and economicas
appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our Nation,
our allies, our partners, and our interests” in response to hostile acts in cyberspace.
Appropriate responses are a central element of deterrence, but what makes a response
appropriate? US Strategic Command identifies three important factors for achieving
deterrent effects; one is the US Strategic Command’s “Deterrence Operations: Joint
Operating Concept,” and the other two factors are credibility of a threat to impose costs
on a would-be adversary and costs that the adversary regards as too painful to incur.
(Credibility is equivalent to certaintya more credible response is one that an adversary
regards as more certain, and painful costs are equivalent to severity of response.) These two
factors are also identified in the traditional deterrence literature in international relations.
If these conditions are met, an adversary faced with a credible threat to impose too-painful
costs should the adversary act in a certain way will choose not to act in that way, i.e., will
be deterred from that action.
By definition, an action that has already happened cannot be deterred. But future actions
can be deterred, and an appropriate response to an action that has already happened serves
to reinforce the credibility of a deterrent threat in the future. Thus, when faced with a
decision about how to respond to a given hostile action, decision-makers must identify
the party against which to respond (i.e., they must attribute the hostile action correctly)
and then respond in a sufficiently painful way so that the adversary will be deterred from
similar actions in the future.
Curiously, the temporal element is missing from this calculus. Traditional theories of
deterrence in international relations as well as the US Strategic Command’s construct
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for deterrence are silent on the impact on deterrence, if any, of the elapsed time between
the hostile action and the response. It is intuitively plausible that long delays between
hostile action and response will change the deterrent effect of a response, but whether this
intuition is in fact true is not at all clear.
For example, consider that an attribution effort
that requires many months may cover the transition from one political administration to
another, and a second administration may well have different policy preferences, some
of which might drive different responses with different costs. A “tougher” administration
might choose to impose costs that are even more painful than a “softer” one, or vice versa.
Delays in attribution may implicate international law as well.
An extended period of
time passing after an intrusion likely weakens the case for forceful responsive actions
being regarded as legitimately acting in self-defense, since actions taken in self-defense are
supposed to be only the minimum necessary to restore the status quo. A similar argument
holds true for countermeasures, which are acts that would be forbidden under international
law except for the fact that they are taken in response to a prior illegal act by another nation
and are intended to induce the cessation of that illegal act. For a sufficiently extended
period of time (imagine in the limit a decade or two), a forceful “response” would likely be
regarded as a new (and illegal) use of force in its own right.
Perhaps of greatest significance are the political dimensions. In some cases, the speed of a
responsesuch as publicly calling out an adversaryis important for geopolitical reasons,
since other events in the world will continue to play out and silence regarding an important
intrusion will have negative consequences. Under such circumstances, policymakers are
likely to accept a higher degree of uncertainty in an attribution judgment than they would
prefer, especially if history suggests that a suspected adversary would benefit from silence.
An overt signal to that adversary (or perhaps to an influential ally) sent promptly could help
to forestall those negative consequences.
In other cases, policy makers may have an attribution of a malicious cyber incident in
hand (indeed, perhaps a high-confidence attribution) and choose not to make it public. One
obvious reason for not “going public” is the reality that a public attribution will generate
demands for public evidence, a point discussed earlier. But another reason for not going public
is that the relationships between many nations that act against each other in cyberspace are
complex and multidimensional. “Going public” may result in demands to take retaliatory
action that, in the view of senior policy makers, may be unwise given the range of interests at
stake. The consequences of any retaliatory action—i.e., the significance of a possible adversary
responsemust be taken into account, and before policy makers decide to retaliate, they
must be willing to face the consequences of any such action.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
Lastly, the effects of the intrusion may manifest themselves quickly and force
political leaders to face public pressures to “do something” even in the face of incomplete
information. If one accepts that active cyber defense is likely to be technically ineffective,
pressures for rapid response are in the end political in nature. Under these circumstances, the
consequence of this conclusion is unpleasant for political leadersthey must be prepared to
resist public pressures until the necessary judgments are in hand and to communicate to the
public their rationales for waiting (Box 5: Risk Communications with the Public).
by reporters or they may use inappropriate analogies that undermine public confidence in their
about and/or understanding of their audiences’ knowledge and needs and don’t know how to
communicate eectively with the public.
Scientific approaches to such communications have been developed over the past forty years.
general, these approaches call for developing and vetting a strategic approach to communication, a
defensible risk/benefit analysis in advance of any controversy, and communication activities that are
both audience-driven and interactive.
This process calls for:
• Identifyingtheinformationregardingcontextandscientificbackgroundthatismostcriticalto
members of the audience.
• Conductingempiricalresearchtoidentifyaudiencemembers’currentbeliefs,includingthetermsthey
• Designingmessagesthatclosethecriticalgapsbetweenwhatpeopleknowandwhattheyneed
particular kinds of information (e.g., uncertainty).
• Evaluatingthosemessagesuntiltheaudiencereachesacceptablelevelsofunderstanding.
• Developinginadvancemultiplechannelsofcommunicationtotherelevantaudiences,including
channels based on media contacts, opinion leaders, and Internet-based and more traditional
social networks, and avoiding undue dependence on traditional media and public authorities for
such communication.
• Ensuringthatmessagesreachtheintendedaudiencesinapromptandtimelyfashion.Controversies
can emerge and grow on the time scale of a day, requiring responses on similar time scales.
• Persistinginsuchpublicengagementsoverlongperiodsoftime.
Lin, eds., Emerging and Readily Available Technologies and National Security: A Framework for Addressing
Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues, National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2014, pp 158–159.
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Attribution from the Standpoint of the Adversary
Up to this point, this paper has focused on the victim’s perspective in attribution. But it
is also necessary to consider the adversary’s perspective on attribution. For example, most
discussions of attribution (including this one) assume that the adversary wishes to conceal
its involvement in an intrusion. This assumption may not always be validan adversary
(Nation A) may conduct an intrusion and deliberately engage in sloppy tradecraft to signal
the victim (Nation B) that it has the ability to conduct such an intrusion. A may send such
a signal to B in the hope that knowledge of As capabilities would deter B from taking some
action that would be undesirable to A.
Assuming the adversary wishes to conceal its involvement in an intrusion, it is important
to consider any given intrusion in a larger context. Specifically, any given intrusion may
be only one in a set of intrusions,
and an adversary may well change its approach to later
intrusions depending on the defending victim’s actions in attempting to attribute and/or
thwart earlier intrusions. That is, the adversary’s techniques, tactics, and procedures may be
adaptive to the defense’s actions.
Thus, if the adversarys personnel make mistakes of tradecraft that give the victim enough
information to attribute the intrusion publicly, they will try not to make those mistakes
again if they can figure out what those mistakes are. They may use different tools to
conduct future intrusions to frustrate historical comparisons. Such actions may make the
attribution judgment more difficult for the victim.
On the other hand, the adversary may not know what mistakes he made that revealed
useful information to the victim. New tools may be unfamiliar to the adversarys human
perpetrators, thus increasing the likelihood of making a mistake in using them. Such
actions may increase the likelihood that an attribution judgment will be successful.
In short, while the victim faces a number of uncertainties in reaching an attribution
judgment, the adversary faces a number of uncertainties in seeking to mask its responsibility.
It is true that the victim cannot always be highly confident in the success of its attribution
process, but although the cyber terrain favors the adversary under many circumstances, the
adversary still cannot always be confident that it will remain anonymous. Put differently,
even if the victim cannot always have high confidence in its ability to attribute an intrusion
to a specific adversary, the adversary always runs some risk that the victim will be able to
attribute hostile intrusions successfully. It is the very existence of such risk that underpins
the possibility of deterring hostile actions in cyberspace.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
If an adversary afrmatively wants its use of cyber weapons to be attributed to it for some
reason, a somewhat different set of considerations applies. In this scenario, Nation A uses
its cyber weapons against Nation B, but also wants B to know that A is responsible. In this
context, one would usually speak of As taking credit for the cyberattack.
A could persuasively take credit simply by informing B that it was responsible for the
cyberattack on target X belonging to B on a particular time and date, and providing B
with details that only A would know about that particular attack. In this case, B would
almost certainly want to verify As claimsand B would have to go through the all-source
intelligence process described above to confirm As involvement. However, seeking to
confirm As involvement is an easier task than determining As involvement, because in the
former case, A has provided information that would not be available in the latter case.
In principle, it is also possible for A to use “loud” cyber weapons that self-attribute, much
like nationality markings on aircraft assert that an airplane using the US nationality
marking is in fact a US military airplane and national uniforms worn by soldiers assert that
a soldier wearing a US military uniform is in fact a member of the US armed forces. But
even if such cyber weapons are used (and US Cyber Command has expressed an interest
in obtaining such weapons), B might still have to go through the process of determining A
was indeed responsible, even if the weapon was eminently traceable to A.
(The technical
challenge for self-attributing cyber weapons is two-fold. First, the self-attributing characteristic
must not enable an adversarys defenses to identify the weapon as hostile before it acts.
Second, the self-attributing characteristic must not be usable by another Nation C.)
This paper began with the observation that attribution is a deep issue. In 2009, the National
Research Council wrote, “The bottom line [on attribution] is that it is too strong a statement
to say that plausible attribution of an adversarys cyberattack is impossible, but it is also too
strong to say that definitive and certain attribution of an adversarys cyberattack will always
be possible.
Fast forwarding to 2016, Clapper’s observation above is consistent with that
viewin some ways attribution is becoming easier, and in other ways it is becoming harder.
On one hand, attribution capabilities are increasing because more attention and resources
are being devoted to the topic. Indeed, attribution capabilities are better than they were
a decade ago in large part because nations are more attentive to the possibility of malicious
cyber activity. They are thus more likely than before to collect data that might be useful in
the investigation of a present or a futureintrusion, and collection efforts have resulted
Hoover Institution Stanford University
in a decade’s worth of data, providing a historical corpus against which to compare future
cyber intrusions.. The tools for attribution are better, and analysts are more experienced. Put
differentlygiven the likelihood of malicious cyber activity in the future, many nations are
more willing to make investments in intelligence and to build investigative capacity that
will pay off in the future, and capabilities for attribution are in large part a function of the
investment a nation is willing to make in those capabilities, both in infrastructure and in
the effort that any given case demands.
On the other hand, adversaries are more aware than ever that they are being tracked, and
given the ease with which false clues can be planted and false-flag operations conducted,
they may well be more likely to carry out countermeasures to throw investigators off the
attribution trail, especially as the stakes grow larger. And the number of skilled adversaries
is growing. Adversaries that are identified can also exploit the uncertainty inherent in an
attribution judgment. An adversary can deny its activities outright, secure in the knowledge
that even if the information underlying the judgment is publicly revealed, that information
is highly unlikely to contain any “smoking guns” pointing to its involvement.
It can
discredit each individual inference and piece of circumstantial evidence by pointing to
alternative story lines. Such an approach to discrediting an attribution judgment may be
especially valuable in the court of public opinion, in which individuals have little expertise
on which to base their own judgments.
Policymakers are accustomed to making decisions about what to do or not to do under
conditions of uncertaintythis is the reality of their daily lives. But the reality of some
degree of irreducible uncertainty about attribution judgments has important political
ramifications. If policymakers are forced to “go public” with an attribution judgment,
skeptics and adversaries alike will pounce on any expressed uncertainty to dispute it and to
set forth alternative theories and conclusions. Thus, they may be forced to assume a public
posture that appears to be more certain than the actual evidence warrants.
The center of gravity of informed judgment seems to indicate greater confidence in
attribution overall today than was true a decade ago, but the future remains cloudy as
intruders and attributers advance their respective capabilities. Nevertheless, and regardless
of how these competing factors compare in the future, a number of fundamental
propositions will remain. To be successful, attribution will always entail an all-source
proposition, and technical forensics will be only one part of an attribution judgment.
Attribution judgments will always have some degree of uncertainty associated with them,
and the significance of such uncertainty is a political and policy matter rather than a
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
technical one. Victims will have to live with the possibility that they will not be able to
arrive at accurate attribution judgments with high confidence, and adversaries will have
to live with the possibility that their victims will be able to attribute their malicious cyber
activities to them.
I am grateful to Taylor Grossman’s services as research associate for this paper. Steven
Bellovin, Eileen Donahoe, Kristen Eichensehr, David Elliott, John Gerth, Jack Goldsmith,
Chris Jacobi, Alex Keller, Susan Landau, Hal Murray, Joseph Nye, Mark Seiden, Ashwin
Sreenivas, Eli Sugarman, Wesley Tiu, and Benjamin Wittes provided valuable comments on
an early version of this paper that helped to improve it.
Furthermore, this paper drew heavily on and built on work by W. Earl Boebert,
David Clark and Susan Landau,
Clement Guitton and Elaine Korzak,
Thomas Rid and Ben Buchanan,
Jon Lindsay,
Nicholas Tsagourias,
David Wheeler and Gregory Larsen.
1 Malicious cyber activities or incidents are also sometimes known as “intrusions”; these terms are meant to
to destroy, degrade, damage, disrupt, manipulate, usurp, or reduce the availability of information and/or the
Owens, Kenneth Dam, and Herbert Lin, eds., Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics RegardingU.S. Acquisition and Use
of Cyberattack Capabilities, Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2009, Chapter1.
2 Many conceptualizations of deterrence include deterrence by denial, a strategy that seeks to deny an adversary
the benefits it may realize by conducting malicious or hostile activities. According to the logic of deterrence by
denial, an adversary will refrain from malicious actions if he knows he will not gain the benefits of those actions.
In cyberspace, this approach is essentially equivalent to having cyber defenses that are suicient to make it not
worth the adversary’s while to act maliciously. The problem today is that we don’t know how to design, build, or
operate cyber defenses that are suiciently eective to deter.
3 Sometimes, the misbehavior or badness is not apparent. A computer can be compromised in a way that allows
it to be misused in ways that cause no change in the computer’s behavior that is apparent to the userthat is,
a machine can be compromised and still be fully and properly functional from the user’s standpoint. Such a
compromise can nevertheless cause the machine to behave in a way that the user would not like if he or she
being used for nefarious purposes without his or her knowledge.
4 Forexample,whenalongtimeelapsesbetweenintrusionandthemanifestationofacluethatsomethingis
Hoover Institution Stanford University
to the initial intrusion. Or multiple system updates performed during this time may have destroyed information
that could have been useful.
5 A complementary point of view is that computers or computer-based systems that allow the user to do the
wrong thing are in fact defective in some sense themselves, even if the computers per se worked properly.
error or computer error becomes harder. And if the problem is “computer error,” we won’t know what the cause
of the error isand in particular whether it’s due to a malicious actor or some unanticipated quirk from a big
data analysis or something similar. This point, for which the author has considerable sympathy, will not be
further addressed in this paper because it is not usually regarded as falling within the ambit of attribution
as a security concern.
6 Whether she bears responsibility for being careless in her security precautions is a dierent questionand
if she does, it would be fair to call her carelessness an indirect cause of or a contributing factor to the incident.
(On the other hand, a system that makes it easy to inadvertently delete a file and not know it is poorly designed,
and thus a deletion of a file could arguably reflect a system design problem rather than foul play.)
7 A God’s-eye perspective describes what actually happened. The attribution process is intended to reveal to
investigators as much of that perspective as possible.
8 This particular way of formulating answers to this question owes much to a discussion found in David Clark and
SusanLandau,“UntanglingAttribution,”Harvard National Security Journal 2(1):323352,2011,http://harvardnsj
. org / 2011 / 03 / untangling - attribution - 2 / .
9 ClarkandLandau,“UntanglingAttribution.”
10 Theterm“steppingstones”isalsousedintheliterature.SeeYinZhangandVernPaxson,“DetectingStepping
Stones,” Proceedings of the 9
USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 171184,August2000,https://www.cs.utexas.edu
/ ~yzhang / papers / stepping - sec00 . pdf.
11 A good, if dated, treatment of technical means that can yield information useful for attribution can be found
in David Wheeler and Gregory Larsen, “Techniques for Cyber Attack Attribution,” Institute for Defense Analyses,
O c t o b e r 2 0 0 3 , h t t p : / / w w w . d t i c . m i l / c g i - b i n / G e t T R D o c ? A D = A D A 4 6 8 8 5 9 & L o c a t i o n = U 2 & d o c = G e t T R D o c . p d f . T h i s
report presages a number of the conclusions drawn in the present paper.
12 See,forexample,W.EarlBoebert,“ASurveyofChallengesinAttribution,”inProceedings of a Workshop on
Deterring Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, Washington DC: National
Academies Press, pp.4152, 2010, http:// www . nap . edu / catalog / 12997 / proceedings - of - a - workshop - on - deterring
- cyberattacks - informing - strategies - and.
1 3  S e e T O R w e b s i t e , w w w . t o r p r o j e c t . o r g / .
14 See EPIC guide at www . epic . org / privacy / tools . html.
15 DavidE.SangerandMartinFackler,“N.S.A.BreachedNorthKoreanNetworksBeforeSonyAttack,”New
York Times, January18, 2015, http:// www . nytimes . com / 2015 / 01 / 19 / world / asia / nsa - tapped - into - north - korean
- networks - before - sony - attack - oicials - say . html.
16 Given the capability to pre-position instrumentation to surveil traic in a potential adversary’s network,
an interesting question is why one could not also pre-position other tools to shut down an intrusion by that
adversary as it is being launched. A full answer to this question is beyond the scope of this paper; for now, two
of an intrusion as such, especially if that information is collected and analyzed without knowledge of what is
about to happen. Second, even if it were possible to do so, the scope and nature of the intrusion’s negative eects
negative eects of the intrusion versus maintaining the secrecy of the intelligence capability in place) is not
something that policymakers would do quickly or leave to an automated system to decide.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
17 Andatworst,anadversarymaybeabletohijackanIPaddresssothatintrusiontraicappearstooriginate
from that address, making the IP address much less useful as evidence for attribution. A similar outcome may
result under circumstances in which IP addresses are assigned dynamically.
18 Similarissuesevenariseinapurelydomesticcontextthatcrossesstatelines.Forexample,a2013decision
o u t s i d e o f t h e i r j u r i s d i c t i o n ( w w w . c a 5 . u s c o u r t s . g o v / o p i n i o n s / p u b / 1 1 / 1 1 - 6 0 7 6 3 - C R 0 . w p d . p d f ) . T h i s r u l i n g
a u t h o r i t y t o d o s o u n d e r c e r t a i n c i r c u m s t a n c e s ( h t t p s : / / l a w . r e s o u r c e . o r g / p u b / u s / c a s e / r e p o r t e r / F 3 / 1 1 2 / 1 1 2 . F 3 d
Curbs Authority to Issue Wiretap Warrants,Wall Street Journal,August27,2013,http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2013
/ 0 8 / 2 7 / c o u r t - r e s t r i c t s - j u d i c i a l - a u t h o r t i t y - t o - i s s u e - w i r e t a p - w a r r a n t s / . M o r e r e c e n t l y , c o n t r o v e r s y h a s a r i s e n o v e r
authority to “issue a search warrant to remotely access, seize, or copy data relevant to a crime when a computer
was using privacy-protective tools to safeguard one’s location.” See Rainey Reitman, “With Rule 41, Little-Known
April30, 2016, www . e . org / deeplinks / 2016 / 04 / rule - 41 - little - known - committee - proposes - grant - new - hacking
- powers - government.
19 Whether actions such as turning on a web camera to capture a picture of the person sitting at the keyboard
should count as technical forensics is an interesting edge case.
20 It has been observed that the same “neuro-physiological factors that make written signatures unique, are
keystrokes, keystroke durations, finger placement and applied pressure on the keys can be used to construct
authentication,Future Generation Computer Systems 16(4):351359,February2000,www.cs.columbia.edu/4180
/ hw / keystroke . pdf.
21 This formulation (“who is to blame”versus “who did it”) is due to Jason Healey, Beyond Attribution: Seeking
National Responsibility in Cyberspace,AtlanticCouncilissuebrief,February22,2012,www.atlanticcouncil.org
/ publications / issue - briefs / beyond - attribution - seeking - national - responsibility - in - cyberspace.
22 Article4ofTheInternationalLawCommission’sDraArticlesonStateResponsibilitystatesthat“The
conductof any State organ shall be considered an act of that State under international law, whether the organ
R e s o l u t i o n i n D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 1 ( h t t p s : / / d o c u m e n t s - d d s - n y . u n . o r g / d o c / U N D O C / G E N / N 0 1 / 4 7 7 / 9 7 / P D F / N 0 1 4 7 7 9 7 . p d f )
question of their future adoption or other appropriate action, no further action has been taken on these articles.
23 Mandiant,“APT1:ExposingOneofChina’sCyberEspionageUnits,”www.fireeye.com/content/dam/fireeye
- www / services / pdfs / mandiant - apt1 - report . pdf.
24 Mandiant, “APT1,” 62.
25 JohnP. Carlin, “Detect, Disrupt, Deter: A Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security Cyber Threats,”
Harvard National Security Journal 7(2): 391 4 3 6 , 2 0 1 6 , h t t p : / / h a r v a r d n s j . o r g / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 6 / 0 6 / C a r l i n
- F I N A L . p d f .
26 TheFederalBureauofInvestigationandtheDrugEnforcementAgencyarebothfederallawenforcement
agencies and members of the intelligence community. See Oice of the Director of National Intelligence,
w w w . d n i . g o v / i n d e x . p h p / i n t e l l i g e n c e - c o m m u n i t y / m e m b e r s - o f - t h e - i c .
Hoover Institution Stanford University
27 FederalRegister,ExecutiveOrder12333—UnitedStatesintelligenceactivities,www.archives.gov/federal
- r e g i s t e r / c o d i f i c a t i o n / e x e c u t i v e - o r d e r / 1 2 3 3 3 . h t m l .
28 EO12333definesUSpersonsasUScitizens,USpermanentresidentaliens,anunincorporatedassociation
. org / irp / odocs / eo / eo - 12333 - 2008 . pdf.
29 TheonlyknownpublicandexplicitconstraintonUSintelligenceactivitiesregardingforeignersiscontained
and procedures [in this PPD] are to be applied equally to the personal information of all persons, regardless of
nationality.” In other words, PPD-28 states that foreigners dohavesomelegitimateprivacyinterestsagainstUS
intelligence agencies, and that these agencies will treat that data (in the absence of national security concerns) as it
AGuideforthePerplexed,”Lawfare b l o g , w w w . l a w f a r e b l o g . c o m / p r e s i d e n t s - s p e e c h - a n d - p p d - 2 8 - g u i d e - p e r p l e x e d .
order, they may not be undertaken. Also, other international law not specifically related to intelligence collection
could prohibit certain collection activitiesforexample,tortureisprohibitedasamatterofinternationallaw
paper doesnot address the distinction between torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, but for more
information on this point, see Anne Daugherty, Congressional Research Service, “Perspectives on Enhanced
Interrogation Techniques, Library of Congress, Washington DC, January 8, 2016, www . fas . org / sgp / crs / intel
/ R43906 . pdf.
30 A May 2015 blog post on Lawfare by Ashley Deeks, “The Increasing State Practice and Opinio Juris on Spying,
process of understanding how intelligence activities are and should be regulated by international law.” See www
“adopting a number of procedural norms to regulate foreign surveillance would help states and their citizens
begin to balance the competing equities of privacy and security in concrete and observable ways.” See Ashley
Deeks,“AnInternationalLawFrameworkforSurveillance,”Virginia Journal of International Law 55(2):291368,
A u g u s t 2 0 1 5 , h t t p : / / w w w . v j i l . o r g / a r t i c l e s / a n - i n t e r n a t i o n a l - l e g a l - f r a m e w o r k - f o r - s u r v e i l l a n c e .
31 Abraham Sofaer, “Cyber Security and International Agreements,” in Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring
Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, National Academies Press, Washington,
DC, pp.179207, 2010, http:// www . nap . edu / catalog / 12997 / proceedings - of - a - workshop - on - deterring - cyberattacks
- informing - strategies - and.
32 Abraham Sofaer, “Cyber Security and International Agreements,” in Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring
Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, National Academies Press, Washington,
DC, pp.179206, 2010, www . nap . edu / catalog / 12997 / proceedings - of - a - workshop - on - deterring - cyberattacks
- informing - strategies - and.
33 Michael Vatis, “The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime,” in Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring
Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, National Academies Press, Washington,
DC, pp.207223, 2010, www . nap . edu / catalog / 12997 / proceedings - of - a - workshop - on - deterring - cyberattacks
- informing - strategies - and.
34 Jason Healey, “Beyond Attribution: Seeking National Responsibility for Cyber Attacks,” Atlantic Council issue
b r i e f , F e b r u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 1 2 , w w w . a t l a n t i c c o u n c i l . o r g / p u b l i c a t i o n s / i s s u e - b r i e f s / b e y o n d - a t t r i b u t i o n - s e e k i n g - n a t i o n a l
- responsibility - in - cyberspace.
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
35 I am indebted to Chris Jacoby for this point.
36 The discussion of this paragraph is taken from William Owens, Kenneth Dam, and Herbert Lin, eds.,
Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics RegardingU.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities, National
Academies Press, Washington DC, 2009, p.186, footnote 30.
37 See,forexample,Article8oftheILC(InternationalLawCommission)StateResponsibilityArticles,available
(International Court of Justice) Nicaragua decision (arguing for “eective control”) and the ICTY (International
Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia) Tadic decision (arguing for “overall control”).
38 UNSecurityCouncil,“LetterDated7October2001FromthePermanentRepresentativeoftheUnitedStatesof
39 Derek Jinks, “State Responsibility for the Acts of Private Armed Groups,Chicago Journal of International
Law4(1):8396, Spring 2003, http:// papers . ssrn . com / sol3 / papers . cfm ? abstract _ id = 391641.
40 ClarkeandKnakeproposeanexplicittreatyassigningresponsibilitytonationsforcyberactivitiesemanating
from their territories. See Richard Clarke and Robert Knake, Cyber War: the Next Threat to National Security and
What to Do About It, New York: Harper Collins, 2010.
4 1  U N S e c u r i t y C o u n c i l , R e s o l u t i o n 1 2 6 7 , w w w . u n . o r g / g a / s e a r c h / v i e w _ d o c . a s p ? s y m b o l = S / R E S / 1 2 6 7 ( 1 9 9 9 ) .
42 DavidFidler,“CyberWarCrimes:IslamicStateAtrocityVideosViolatetheLawsofWar,”blogpostonNet
Politics, April 8, 2015, http:// blogs . cfr . org / cyber / 2015 / 04 / 08 / cyber - war - crimes - islamic - state - atrocity - videos
- violate - the - laws - of - war / .
43 International Criminal Court, “How the Court Works, www . icc - cpi . int / about / how - the - court - works / Pages
/ d e f a u l t . a s p x # l e g a l P r o c e s s .
44 Thomas Rid and Ben Buchanan, “Attributing Cyber Attacks,” Journal of Strategic Studies 38(12):437,
December23, 2014, www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10 . 1080 / 01402390 . 2014 . 977382.
45 Foracanonicalexpressionofthisperspective,seeJereyCarr,“ResponsibleAttribution:APrerequisiteFor
https:// ccdcoe . org / sites / default / files / multimedia / pdf / Tallinn%20Paper%20No%20%206%20Carr . pdf.
46 DavidClarkandSusanLandau,“UntanglingAttribution,”inProceedings of a Workshop on Deterring
Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, Washington DC: National Academies
Press, pp.25 40, 2010, http:// www . nap . edu / catalog / 12997 / proceedings - of - a - workshop - on - deterring
- cyberattacks - informing - strategies - and.
47 Jerey Hunker, Robert Hutchinson, and Jonathan Marguiles, “Attribution of Cyber Attacks on Process Control
Systems,” in Critical Information Protection II,InternationalFederationforInformationProcessing,Volume290,
48 Aviewoenheardinthetechnicalcommunityandpresentedhereinoversimplifiedformholdsthatdefinitive
attribution is essentially impossible. Many in the technical community believe that only technical evidence speaks
for itself, and that it is somehow “purer” and “less tainted” than information gained from some source whose
motives were suspect and who could lie. They further assert that “a mountain of weak or poor-quality evidence”
is inherently unpersuasive and non-authoritative. As someone who once held this view, I (the author of this
and, because it was weak, I would throw it away. At the end of the process, because I insisted on throwing away
course, with no evidence, attribution is impossible. This is not to say that conclusions that emerge from analyzing
weak evidence are necessarily reliable. An important caveat is that pieces of weak evidence collectively point to
Hoover Institution Stanford University
investigators will plant a variety of false clues. Thus, at the moment of collection, the investigator cannot presume
the independence of any given clue, and he or she must take into account the probability that a newly gathered
clue is not in fact independent. On the other hand, that probability is not unity, and it would have to be probability
1.0 to discard the new clue entirely. In general, the higher the probability of non-independence, the greater the
necessity of obtaining other corroborating sources that are not technical in nature.
49 MichaelCaloyannides.“Forensicsisso‘yesterday,’”IEEE Security & Privacy 7(2):1825, March/April 2009,
https:// www . computer . org / csdl / mags / sp / 2009 / 02 / msp2009020018 - abs . html. Some empirical work undertaken
misidentifications of an intruder resulted from deceptive activities. See Eric Nunes, Nimish Kulkarni, Paulo
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM ’15, August2528,
2 0 1 5 , P a r i s , F r a n c e , h t t p : / / d l . a c m . o r g / c i t a t i o n . c f m ? d o i d = 2 8 0 8 7 9 7 . 2 8 0 9 3 6 2 .
50 Similarities between the malware used in the 2014 hack on Sony Pictures Entertainment and malware used
51 JohnP. Carlin, “Detect, Disrupt, Deter.
52 Guitton and Korzak elaborate on this point, arguing that the correlation between “sophistication” and
likelihood of a nation-state actor being involved is not perfect, at least in part because “the lack of clarity and
an unreliable guide to associating a nation-state with any given intrusion. See Clement Guitton and Elaine
Korzak,“The Sophistication Criterion for Attribution: Identifying the Perpetrators of Cyber-Attack,The RUSI
Journal 158(4):6268, 2013, www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10 . 1080 / 03071847 . 2013 . 826509.
53 Central Intelligence Agency, “Human Intelligence, www . cia . gov / news - information / featured - story - archive
/ 2010 - featured - story - archive / intelligence - human - intelligence . html.
54 The Joint Civilian-Military Investigation Group, “Investigation Result on the Sinking of ROKS ‘Cheonan,’
M a y 2 0 , 2 0 1 0 , h t t p : / / n e w s . b b c . c o . u k / n o l / s h a r e d / b s p / h i / p d f s / 2 0 _ 0 5 _ 1 0 j i g r e p o r t . p d f ( a m o r e r e a d a b l e f o r m c a n b e
f o u n d a t h t t p : / / w w w . g l o b a l s e c u r i t y . o r g / m i l i t a r y / l i b r a r y / r e p o r t / 2 0 1 0 / 1 0 0 5 2 0 _ j c m i g - r o k s - c h e o n a n / 1 0 0 5 2 0 _ j c m i g
- roks - cheonan . htm).
55 Formoreonthispoint,seeJonR.Lindsay,“Tippingthescales:theattributionproblemandthefeasibilityof
deterrence against cyberattack,” Journal of Cybersecurity 1(1): 115,2015,http://cybersecurity.oxfordjournals
. org / content / 1 / 1 / 53.
56 William Lynn III, “Defending a New Domain: The Pentagon’s Cyberstrategy,Foreign Aairs 89(5): 97108,
September/October 2010, www . foreignaairs . com / articles / united - states / 2010 - 09 - 01 / defending - new - domain.
57 LeonPanetta,“DefendingtheNationfromCyberAttack,”remarksoncybersecuritytotheBusinessExecutivesfor
58 JamesClapper,“WorldwideThreatAssessmentoftheUSIntelligenceCommunity,”testimonytotheSenate
_ S F R _ - _ S A S C _ F I N A L . p d f .
59 JamesClapper,“WorldwideThreatAssessmentoftheUSIntelligenceCommunity,”testimonytotheSenate
_ F I N A L . p d f .
60 USDepartmentofDefense,“TheDoDCyberStrategy,”Washington,DC,April2015,http://www.defense.gov
/ P o r t a l s / 1 / f e a t u r e s / 2 0 1 5 / 0 4 1 5 _ c y b e r - s t r a t e g y / F i n a l _ 2 0 1 5 _ D o D _ C Y B E R _ S T R A T E G Y _ f o r _ w e b . p d f .
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
61 TheexamplesdescribedherearetakenfromKristenEichensehr’sblogpost,“ThePrivateFrontline
- cybersecurity - oense - defense / .
62 www2 . fireeye . com / apt28 . html.
6 3  w w w . n o v e t t a . c o m / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 4 / 1 1 / E x e c u t i v e _ S u m m a r y - F i n a l _ 1 . p d f .
6 4  h t t p s : / / c d n 0 . v o x - c d n . c o m / a s s e t s / 4 5 8 9 8 5 3 / c r o w d s t r i k e - i n t e l l i g e n c e - r e p o r t - p u t t e r - p a n d a . o r i g i n a l . p d f .
65 The discussion below of private-sector attribution is derived from Herbert Lin, “Reflections on the New
DOD Cyber Strategy: What It Says, What It Doesn’t Say,Georgetown Journal of International Relations,
forthcoming 2016.
66 This point relates only to process, and should not be read to imply that private-sector analyses are necessarily
less accurate or rigorous than government analyses.
67 In the annals of intelligence, these words are called “words of estimative probability.” See Central Intelligence
Agency, “Words of Estimative Probability, https:// www . cia . gov / library / center - for - the - study - of - intelligence / csi
- publications / books - and - monographs / sherman - kent - and - the - board - of - national - estimates - collected - essays
/ 6words . html.
6 8  S e e w w w . l a w . c o r n e l l . e d u / w e x / d u e _ p r o c e s s a n d h t t p : / / d i c t i o n a r y . l a w . c o m / D e f a u l t . a s p x ? s e l e c t e d
69 Nicholas Tsagourias , “Cyber attacks, self-defence and the problem of attribution,” Journal of Conflict and
Security Law 17 (2): 229244, 2012.
71 SeparateOpinionofJudgeHigginsinCaseConcerningOilPlatforms(IslamicRepublicofIranvUSA)(Merits)
[2003] ICJ Rep 161, paragraph 30; cited in Tsagourias, note 24.
72 https:// www . dni . gov / files / documents / Newsroom / Reports%20and%20Pubs / 20071203 _ release . pdf.
73 The term “words of estimative probability” comes from Sherman Kent’s classic 1964 piece “Words of
Estimative Probability, https:// www . cia . gov / library / center - for - the - study - of - intelligence / csi - publications / books
- and - monographs / sherman - kent - and - the - board - of - national - estimates - collected - essays / 6words . html.
74 See https:// www . dni . gov / files / documents / Newsroom / Reports%20and%20Pubs / 20071203 _ release . pdf.
75 See https:// www . washingtonpost . com / world / national - security / why - the - sony - hack - drew - an - unprecedented
- us - response - against - north - korea / 2015 / 01 / 14 / 679185d4 - 9a63 - 11e4 - 96cc - e858eba91ced _ story . html.
76 Even assuming that a disgruntled insider at Sony was involved, there is no reason in principle that government
operatives from North Korea might not have compromised such an individual. Indeed, when asked whether other
individuals may have assisted North Korea or were involved in the assault on Sony, but not ultimately responsible
about the responsible party and others being involved.” See www . thedailybeast . com / articles / 2014 / 12 / 30 / fbi
- w o n - t - r e j e c t - a - s o n y - i n s i d e r - h a c k . h t m l a n d h t t p : / / d a i l y c a l l e r . c o m / 2 0 1 4 / 1 2 / 2 9 / c y b e r s e c u r i t y - f i r m - i d e n t i f i e s - s i x - i n
- sony - hack - one - a - former - company - insider / .
77 Marc Rogers, “No, North Korea Didn’t Hack Sony,The Daily Beast, December24, 2014, www . thedailybeast
. com / articles / 2014 / 12 / 24 / no - north - korea - didn - t - hack - sony . html,
78 CorfuChannelcase,JudgmentofApril8,1949:I.C.J.Reports1949,p.18,http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/1
/ 1645 . pdf .
Hoover Institution Stanford University
79 Theodore Sorenson, Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History, New York: Harper Collins, 2008, p.291.
80 Jack Goldsmith, “The Sony Hack: Attribution Problems, and the Connection to Domestic Surveillance”,
December19, 2014, https:// www . lawfareblog . com / sony - hack - attribution - problems - and - connection - domestic
- surveillance.
81 JackGoldsmith,“TheConsequencesofCredibleDoubtAbouttheUSGAttributionintheSonyHack,”
December30, 2014, https:// www . lawfareblog . com / consequences - credible - doubt - about - usg - attribution
-sony - hack.
82 Paul Rosenzweig, Was it North Korea? December24, 2014, https:// www . lawfareblog . com / was - it - north - korea.
83 I am grateful to a blog post by Kristen Eichensehr on this point; see Kristen Eichensehr, “ Your Account May
Have Been Targeted by State-Sponsored Actors: Attribution and Evidence of State-Sponsored Cyberattacks,
Just Security b l o g , J a n u a r y 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 , h t t p s : / / w w w . j u s t s e c u r i t y . o r g / 2 8 7 3 1 / y o u r - a c c o u n t - t a r g e t e d - s t a t e - s p o n s o r e d
blog post as well.
84 https:// security . googleblog . com / 2012 / 06 / security - warnings - for - suspected - state . html.
85 https:// www . facebook . com / notes / facebook - security / notifications - for - targeted - attacks / 10153092994615766 / .
8 6  S e e , f o r e x a m p l e , h t t p : / / f r e e b e a c o n . c o m / n a t i o n a l - s e c u r i t y / c h i n a - s a y s - o p m - h a c k - w a s - n o t - s t a t e - s p o n s o r e d / .
87 It is not coincidental that the same process occurs when various groups claim credit for an act of terrorism.
88 ThisisoneofthreefactorsinUSStrategicCommand’sformulationoftherequirementsfordeterrence.See
w w w . d t i c . m i l / d o c t r i n e / c o n c e p t s / j o i n t _ c o n c e p t s / j o c _ d e t e r r e n c e . p d f .
89 Certaintypesofactivecyberdefensecallforjustsuchaction,andanumberofanalyseshaveassertedthe
value of such action. This particular author is skeptical about the actual value of such action, but this point will
not be addressed in this paper.
90 HaroldHongjuKoh,legaladvisor,USDepartmentofState,“RemarksonInternationalLawinCyberspace,”
. state . gov / s / l / releases / remarks / 197924 . htm.
91 White House, “International Strategy for Cyberspace, 2011, https:// www . whitehouse . gov / sites / default / files
/ rss _ viewer / international _ strategy _ for _ cyberspace . pdf.
92 USStrategicCommand,“DeterrenceOperations.
93 See,forexample,ThomasSchelling,Arms and Influence,NewHaven,CT:YaleUniversityPress,2008(originally
printed 1966).
94 Thecriminaldeterrenceliteraturedoesaddresstheimpactofcelerity(orswinessofpunishment)on
Paternoster (Raymond Paternoster, “How Much Do We Really Know about Criminal Deterrence,” The Journal of
Criminal Law and Criminology 100(3):765 824,2010,availableathttp://www.jstor.org/stable/25766109)cites
early theories of criminal deterrence (where “early” refers to theories of 1764!) arguing that punishment must be
would like to get their punishment over as quickly as possible and that punishment delayed is seen as more costly
than if given immediately”that is, dread induced by delay increases rather than decreases the perceived cost
of punishment. Paternoster concludes that the criminal deterrence literature has no real knowledge base about
of would-be criminals driving their cost estimates are applicable to how nations account for potential costs. As an
Herbert Lin Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents
ExtraditesSuspecttoU.S.,”New York Times, May 5, 2001, http:// www . nytimes . com / 2001 / 05 / 05 / world / under - new
KingpinArellanoFelixGets25-YearPrisonTerm,”Los Angeles Times, April 3, 2012, http:// articles . latimes . com / 2012
95 I am grateful to Kristen Eichensehr for this point.
96 JosephS. Nye Jr., “Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace,International Security 41(3), Winter 2016/17.
97 Some notable sources include National Research Council, “ Improving Risk Communication” (1989), and
. com / publication / ? i = 174803.
98 Nye, “Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace.
99 Itisoenthecasethatoneintrusionisconductedtoestablishcontinuingaccess,thusfacilitatinglater
100 ChrisBing,“USCyberCommandDirector:WeWant‘Loud,’OensiveCyberTools,”August16,2016,
http:// www . fedscoop . com / us - cyber - command - oensive - cybersecurity - nsa - august - 2016.
101 William Owens, Kenneth Dam, and Herbert Lin, eds., Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics RegardingU.S.
Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities, Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2009.
102 Formoreonthispoint,seeJonR.Lindsay,“Tippingthescales:theattributionproblemandthefeasibilityof
deterrence against cyberattack,” Journal of Cybersecurity 1(1): 115,2015,http://cybersecurity.oxfordjournals
. org / content / 1 / 1 / 53.
103 Forexample,NorthKoreaexplicitlydeniedthatitwasresponsiblefortheSonyhack.Seehttp://www.reuters
. c o m / a r t i c l e / u s - s o n y - c y b e r s e c u r i t y - n k o r e a - i d U S K C N 0 J I 1 N Z 2 0 1 4 1 2 0 4 .
104 W. Earl Boebert, “A Survey of Challenges in Attribution,” in Proceedings of a Workshop on Deterring
Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, Washington DC: National Academies
Press, pp.4152, 2010, http:// www . nap . edu / catalog / 12997 / proceedings - of - a - workshop - on - deterring
- cyberattacks - informing - strategies - and.
105 Carlin, “Detect, Disrupt, Deter.
106 ClarkandLandau,“UntanglingAttribution.
107 Clement Guitton and Elaine Korzak, “The Sophistication Criterion for Attribution: Identifying the
Perpetrators of Cyber-Attack,” The RUSI Journal 158(4):62 68, 2013, http://www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10 . 1080
/ 03071847 . 2013 . 826509.
108 Jason Healey, Beyond Attribution: Seeking National Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, Atlantic Council issue
b r i e f , F e b r u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 1 2 , h t t p : / / w w w . a t l a n t i c c o u n c i l . o r g / p u b l i c a t i o n s / i s s u e - b r i e f s / b e y o n d - a t t r i b u t i o n - s e e k i n g
- national - responsibility - in - cyberspace.
109 Thomas Rid and Ben Buchanan, “Attributing Cyber Attacks,” Journal of Strategic Studies 38(12):437,
December23,2014, http:// www . tandfonline . com / doi / abs / 10 . 1080 / 01402390 . 2014 . 977382.
110 JonR. Lindsay, “Tipping the scales: the attribution problem and the feasibility of deterrence against
cyberattack,Journal of Cybersecurity 1(1): 11 5 , 2 0 1 5 , h t t p : / / c y b e r s e c u r i t y . o x f o r d j o u r n a l s . o r g / c o n t e n t / 1 / 1 / 5 3 .
111 Nicholas Tsagourias , “Cyber attacks, self-defence and the problem of attribution,Journal of Conflict and
Security Law 17 (2): 229244, 2012.
112 David Wheeler and Gregory Larsen, Techniques for Cyber Attack Attribution, Institute for Defense Analyses,
O c t o b e r 2 0 0 3 , h t t p : / / w w w . d t i c . m i l / c g i - b i n / G e t T R D o c ? A D = A D A 4 6 8 8 5 9 & L o c a t i o n = U 2 & d o c = G e t T R D o c . p d f .
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The preferred citation for this publication is:
Herbert Lin, “Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents,” Hoover Working Group on National Security, Technology, and
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The group focuses on a broad range of interests, from
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that rapid technological change—digitalization,
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Topics include cybersecurity, the rise of drones and
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About the Author
Herb Lin is Research Fellow at
the Hoover Institution and Senior
Research Scholar at the Center
for International Security and
Cooperation at Stanford University.
He also served at the Computer
Science and Telecommunications
Board of the National Academies
directing major projects on public
policy and information technology.
Previously he was a staff scientist
for the House Armed Services
Committee. He received his
doctorate in physics from MIT.