Contact: Administrator (812) 285-6287 or Cdenison@clarkcounty.in.gov
Clark County Planning & Zoning / 300 Corporate Drive, Room 208, Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Version: April 2021
This application packet is for petitions under the jurisdiction of the Clark County Plan Commission (PC) and includes:
Step 1: Pre-Plat/Pre-Application Conference. (optional but highly recommended)
The applicant may discuss the potential application with the Administrator for the purpose of becoming familiar with
requirements, submittals, procedures, deadlines, and hearings. Contact the Administrator at (812) 285-6287 or
Step 2: Complete & Submit the Application.
A complete application and all required attachments must be submitted by the date shown on the Application Schedule
to be considered at the specified hearing date. At the time of application, the Administrator will review the application
to determine whether the application is complete. If the application is not complete, it will be returned to the applicant
with the deficiencies identified.
The following submittal checklist identifies the required items for each type of application.
1. MINOR RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION preliminary & secondary approval of a minor
residential subdivision of six (6) or less lots that does not include the opening or creation of a new public
2. PRIMARY PLAT preliminary approval of a subdivision layout.
3. SECONDARY PLAT final approval of a subdivision layout including the plat and detailed
construction drawings.
DEVELOPMENT PLAN a specific plan for new development of a property including new
commercial, industrial, and multi-family projects.
ZONE MAP CHANGE a change from one zoning district to another.
accompanied by PUD District Ordinance.
PC Submittal Checklist
Minor Subdivision
Primary Plat
Secondary Plat
Development Plan
Zone Map Change
1. Application Fee
2. Electronic Copy All Checklist Items
3. Narrative
4. Agency Submittals-Water Sewer
5. Development Plans
6. Plat Drawings
7. Construction Plans
8. Legal Description, Deed, Recorded Restrictions (if
applicable), & Title Search
9. Proof of Sewage Disposal/Water Service
10. PC Form 1: PC Application Form
11. PC Form 2: Notice for Public Hearing
12. PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing
13. PC Form 4: Waiver Request (if applicable)
14. PC Form 5: PUD Ordinance Outline Guide
15. PC Form 6: Development Plan Checklist
16. PC Form 7: Plat Application Checklist
1. Application Fee. Make checks payable to “Clark County Planning and Zoning (CCPZ)”.
2. Electronic Copy. Submit a USB flash drive or email (Cdenison@clarkcounty.in.gov
) with ALL of the items on the
submittal checklist on Page 2. File format should be PDF and each item should be saved as an individual file.
3. Narrative. A narrative describing the nature of the application, land use, reason for request, and/or proposed
development including number of lots, hours of operation, number of employees, anticipated traffic generation, and
the dates/details of previous construction/permits if applicable. Also include a bulleted statement of the history of
the project (annexation, rezoning, platting, amendments, approvals, etc.). Any additional evidence or information
the applicant would consider necessary to support the application can be included in the narrative. Please be
specific and include details.
4. Agency Submittals. Submit copy(s) of the submitted plat and/or approval(s) from Clark County Drainage Board,
Clark County Health Department, Indiana State Department of Health, and Indiana Department of Environmental
Management, as applicable.
5. Development Plans. Submit one (1) full-size copy of each of the following items for all development plans: Site Plan,
Landscape Plan, Sign Plan, Parking Plan, Lighting Plan, Drainage Plan, Erosion Control Plan, any include the applicable
standards included in Chapter 3: Site Development Standards of the Clark County UDO, and any additional
information per the Administrator. It is recommended that these plans be combined as much as possible to reduce
the number of sheets submitted.
6. Plat Drawings. Submit one PDF file by email (Cdenison@clarkcounty.in.gov
) or flash drive. Plans MUST be prepared
in accordance with Chapter 7, Section C: Document and Drawing Specifications of the Clark County UDO.
7. Construction Plans. Submit one PDF file by email (Cdenison@clarkcounty.in.gov) or flash drive. Plans MUST be
prepared in accordance with Chapter 7, Section C: Document and Drawing Specifications of the Clark County UDO.
8. Legal Description, Deed, Recorded Restrictions (if applicable), and Title Search. Submit a copy of the following:
legal description (the written words delineating the property and a corresponding drawing with dimensions and
bearings), deed, any recorded restrictions or covenants, and any relevant title searches (if applicable).
9. Proof of Sewage Disposal/Water Service. Provide written verification that sewer and water service are available for
the site and that the utility is willing to serve the site. If the development is not served by a public utility for sewage
disposal and water, include verification of approval from the Clark County Health Department and/or Indiana State
Department of Health.
10. PC Form 1: PC Application Form. This form is required for all PC applications. All items must be fully completed and
either typewritten or printed in ink. The application must be signed by the applicant(s) and notarized or signed by
the applicant(s) in the presence of the Administrator. If the property owner(s) is not the applicant, then the
application must also be signed and notarized by the property owner(s).
11. PC Form 2: Notice for Public Hearing. This notice is required for PC application for Minor Residential Subdivisions,
Primary Plats, Zone Map Changes, and PUD Districts. This provides the language required to be published in the
identified newspaper and also provided to adjacent property owners. Details for public notice are included in Step 3
of this application.
12. PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice for Public Hearing. This notice is required for PC application for Minor Residential
Subdivisions, Primary Plats, Zone Map Changes, and PUD Districts. Applicant must complete and provide
documentation to show proof of public notice for public hearings as outlined in Step 3 of this application.
o List of Adjacent Property Owners. Applicant must obtain an official list of adjacent property owners as
outlined in Step 3 of this application. The list must be obtained from the County GIS website, Elevate, or
through the Clark County Auditor’s Office (300 Corporate Drive, Room 106 Jeffersonville, IN 47130; (812)
13. PC Form 4: Wavier Request. This form should be used for waivers as outlined in Chapter 7: Subdivision
Administration and Procedures, Section 4 of the Clark County UDO.
14. PC Form 5: PUD District Ordinance Guide. Provide the “detailed terms” for development in the form of written
standards (development standards, covenants/recorded restrictions, etc.) used to govern the development of a PUD
in accordance with the Chapter 8: Section D.3: PUD District Procedures of the Clark County UDO.
15. PC Form 6: Development Plan Checklist. The checklist provides a guide for applicants in identifying the information
to show compliance with the regulations of the Clark County UDO for Development Plans.
16. PC Form 7: Plat Checklist. The checklist provides a guide for applicants in identifying the information required for
Primary Plats and Secondary Plats in accordance with the regulations of the Clark County UDO.
Step 3: Notifying the Public. (not applicable to Secondary Plat or Development Plan)
State Law and the Rules and Procedures for the Clark County PC and BZA require you to notify the public of the hearing
in three (3) different ways: by newspaper, by notifying surrounding property owners, and by an on-site Notification Sign.
Signing and submitting PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing verifies this notification. Both PC Form 2: Notice
for Public Hearing and PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing must be completed and returned for all Special
Exceptions, Development Standards Variances, and Use Variances, at least one (1) week prior to the Hearing. The
applicant must complete the three (3) following types of public notice:
The Applicant MUST:
1. Publish the legal notice included in PC Form 2: Notice for Public Hearing one time in the newspaper(s)
listed below at least ten (10) days prior to the Hearing (see Application Schedule). Public Notice language
in PC Form 2: Notice for Public Hearing should not be altered. The applicant should be aware that the
newspaper has deadlines for submittal of public notices and it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to
meet these deadlines. Failure to meet the publishing deadlines will delay the hearing of your petition.
The News & Tribune. 221 Spring Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, (812) 283-6636,
2. Submit a “Proof-of-Publication” affidavit from the newspaper for your advertisement and PC Form 3:
Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing to the Administrator at least one (1) week prior to the hearing (see
Application Schedule).
The applicant MUST:
1. Send the legal notice included in PC Form 2: Notice for Public Hearing via Certified Mail or Certificate of
Mailing to each abutting property owners. The list of owner names and addresses must be obtained from
the County GIS website, Elevate, or through the Clark County Auditor’s Office (300 Corporate Drive, Room
106, Jeffersonville, IN 47130; (812) 285-6211). All letters must be postmarked at least ten (10) days prior
to the hearing (see Application Schedule).
All abutting property owners must be notified. If there are less than five (5) abutting property
owners, the petitioner must notify the five (5) closest property owners. If the subject property abuts
a county roadway along a County line, the petitioner must notify two (2) properties in depth or one-
eighth (1/8) of a mile (whichever is less), in the adjoining county in addition to the abutting property
owners in Clark County.
Notification must be mailed by Certified Mail or Certificate of Mailing.
i. Certified Mail or “green cards” provides the sender with a mailing receipt and proof of delivery.
The Post Office provides the certified mailing cards and stickers for addressing letters sent by
Certified Mail.
ii. Certificate of Mailing provides evidence that mail has been presented to the post office for
mailing. The Post Offices affixes a stamp with the postmarked date of receipt that the letters
were mailed on a specified date.
2. Submit proof of mailing (which includes the “green cards” and Certified Mail Receipt for Certified Mail for
letters that were not claimed or Certificate of Mailing Stamped Form) and PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice of
Public Hearing to the Administrator at least one week prior to the hearing (see Application Schedule).
The applicant MUST:
1. Post on-site notification sign(s) in a conspicuous place on the subject property (at least every five hundred
(500) feet) and at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing.
Signs shall be no smaller than twenty-two inches (22”) in height and twenty-eight inches (28”) in
width and shall bear lettering large and bold enough to be read from the road frontage.
At a minimum, each notice shall state: “The owner of this property has made a request before the
Clark County Plan Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals on a proposed (subdivision, zone map
change, variance, etc.). A public hearing will be held on the request at “TIME, DATE, PLACE.”
Signs are available for purchase from the Planning & Zoning Office at the time of filing but still must
be placed by the applicant as indicated above.
2. Submit a photo of the sign(s) posted on the subject property as part of PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice of
Public Hearing.
2024 Application Schedule
The following table depicts the deadlines for petitions before the Clark County Plan Commission (PC). Deviations from
this schedule are not permitted without requesting approval from the Administrator.
Application Submittal Deadline Public Notice Deadline
PC Hearing
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 Monday, January 01, 2024 Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Monday, February 05, 2024 Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 Monday, March 04, 2024 Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Monday, April 01, 2024 Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Monday, April 29, 2024 Wednesday, May 08, 2024
Wednesday, May 08, 2024 Monday, June 03, 2024 Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Monday, July 01, 2024 Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Monday, August 05, 2024 Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Monday, September 02, 2024 Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Monday, September 30, 2024 Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Wednesday, October 09, 2024 Monday, November 04, 2024 Tuesday, November 13, 2024
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Monday, December 02, 2024 Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Application Submittal: The filing deadline is 4:00 PM on the date indicated. An appointment can be made with the
Administrator if desired by calling (812) 285-6287 or Cdenison@clarkcounty.in.gov
Public Notice Deadline: Deadline for public notice to be published in the newspaper and postmarked mailings to surrounding
property owners.
PC Hearing: Unless otherwise noticed, PC Meetings are held at 5:00pm on the first floor Conference Room 103, in the Clark
County Government Center, 300 Corporate Drive, Room 103 Jeffersonville, IN, 47130.
PC Form 1: Application Form
This application is being submitted for (check all that apply):
Minor Residential Subdivision Development Plan
Primary Plat Zone Map Change
Secondary Plat PUD District
Full Legal Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Applicant is (choose one): Corporation LLC Partnership Individual(s) Other (specify)
Primary Contact Person Name: Phone: Email:
Surveyor/Engineer Name: Phone: Email:
Will the Project Use A Temporary Work Trailer: Yes No
Full Legal Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone: Email:
Property Owner is (choose one): Corporation LLC Partnership Individual(s) Other (specify)
10-digit Parcel Number:
Property Address (Actual/approximate address or location from major streets) :
County Road Serving Property: Township:
Subdivision Name (if applicable): Lot Number(s) (if applicable):
Total Acreage: Property Located in Floodway or Floodplain: Yes No
Development will be served by: Septic Sewer (specify provider:___________________)
Current Zoning of Subject Property: Current Use of Subject Property:
Proposed Zoning: Proposed Land Use:
CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER(S): Complete if the applicant is different from the property owner
I (we), _____________________________, after being first duly sworn, depose and say that I/we are
the owner(s) of the real estate located the above address; that I/we have read and examined the
Application, and are familiar with its contents; that I/we have no objection to and consent to such
request as set forth in the application; and that such request being made by the applicant (_____is)
(_____is not) a condition to the sale or lease of the above referenced property.
Property Owner(s):
Printed Name(s):
Notary Public’s Name (printed): Signature of Notary:
My Commission Expires: Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of
State/County of Residence: _________________________, 20________.
NOTARIZATION: The above information and attached exhibits, to my knowledge and belief, are true and correct.
Signature of Applicant: Date:
Notary Public’s Name (printed): Signature of Notary:
My Commission Expires: Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of
State/County of Residence: _________________________, 20________.
For Office Use Only
Petition #
Filing Date
Hearing Date
Staff Review Checkpoint Agencies Review
Favorable Unfavorable No Rec.
Approved Approved w/ commitments/conditions
PC Form 2: Notice of Public Hearing
Publish this language in the required newspaper and mail notification with this language to surrounding
property owners at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing (see Step 3 of PC Application Packet).
The Plan Commission will meet on ____ day of____, 20____ at 5:00 p.m. at the Clark County Government Center located
at 300 Corporate Drive, Room 208, Jeffersonville, IN, 47130 for the purpose of holding a public hearing and acting on the
following petition (Petition #__________):
Requested Action: The applicant, [INSERT APPLICANT LEGAL NAME], is requesting a [INCLUDE ALL THAT APPLY: Minor
Residential Subdivision, Primary Plat, Zone Map Change, PUD District] to do the following:
At the following commonly known address: _____________________________________________________
The petition is available for public review at the Planning & Zoning Department, 300 Corporate Drive, Room 208,
Jeffersonville, IN, 47130 between the hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or by contacting the Administrator at (812) 285-6287
or [Cdenison@clarkcounty.in.gov
In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, if anyone wishes to attend the public hearing on the above
referenced matter and is in need of reasonable accommodation in order to hear, present evidence, or participate in the
proceedings at the public hearing on this matter, please contact the Administrator so accommodation can be made.
Oral comments concerning the proposal will be heard at the meeting. Written objections to the proposal that are filed
with the Secretary of the Commission before the hearing will be considered. Written objections may be mailed or hand
delivered to the Planning and Zoning Office at 300 Corporate Drive, Room 208, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 or sent via email
). The hearing may be continued from time to time, as may be found necessary.
Clark County Plan Commission
PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing
Submit this form to the Administrator at least one (1) week prior to the hearing date along with proof of
publication and proof of mailing (see Step 3 of PC Application Packet).
I (we) _________________________________________certify that notice of public hearing to consider Petition #
_______________ pertaining to the ____________________________________ was provided by:
1) Newspaper Notification: I have notified the public per the required newspaper notification and proof of
notification is attached from said newspaper showing publication at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing;
2) Mail Notification: I have notified all owners of adjacent property per requirements as listed in the attached list.
Proof of mailing(s) is attached showing a postmark at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing by:
Certified Mail, or
Certificate of Mailing
3) On-site Notice Sign: That a notification sign(s) was properly posted on the in a conspicuous place on the subject
property (at least every five hundred (500) feet) for at least ten (10) consecutive days prior to the hearing. A
photo of the sign(s) posted on the subject property is attached as proof of posting on-site sign(s) per the
_______________________________________________ _______________
Applicant, Attorney, or Authorized Signature Date
Printed Name
STATE OF _______ )
) SS:
COUNTY OF _______ )
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of _______________________, __________.
Notary Public
My Commission expires: ________________________ County of Residence: ________________________________
PC Form 3: Affidavit of Notice of Public Hearing (Continued)
Attached List of Property Owners Notified (Attach additional copies as necessary):
Name and Address of Sender
Type of Mail:
Certified Mail; or
Certificate of Mailing
Property Owner’s Name
Mailing Address
Total number of pieces listed by
Total number of pieces received at
Post Office:
POSTMASTER (name of receiving employee):
Affix stamp here if issued as certificate of mailing or for additional copies of
Page ________ of ________
PC Form 4: Waiver Request
Use the following form for all Wavier Requests from regulations in Chapter 5: Subdivision Types and/or
Chapter 6: Subdivision Design Standards.
Where the PC finds that extraordinary hardships or practical difficulties may result from strict compliance with the
regulations contained in Chapter 5: Subdivision Types or Chapter 6: Subdivision Design Standards of the UDO and/or the
purpose and intent of these regulations may be served to a greater extent by an alternative proposal, it may approve
waivers so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured. Waivers shall not have the effect of
nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations.
Use the form below for each waiver requested. Attach a separate sheet if necessary.
Ordinance Citation(s):
Ordinance Language to be waived:
Alternative/Substitute to be offered:
Standards for Evaluation:
1. The approval of the waiver request will not be detrimental to the public safety/health/welfare or injurious to
property within a reasonable proximity to the subject property involved in the waiver request.
True False Explanation/Justification:
2. The strict application of the applicable ordinance standard will result in practical difficulties in the development due
to the particular physical surroundings, unique constraints, or topographical conditions of the subject property.
These conditions will not substantially alter the character of the subject district or neighborhood
True False Explanation/Justification:
3. The practical difficulties were not self-imposed and cannot be overcome by reasonable design alternatives (Note:
financial hardship does not constitute grounds for a waiver).
True False Explanation/Justification:
4. The waiver request is necessary and represents a minimal deviation from explicit ordinance standards.
True False Explanation/Justification:
PC Form 5: PUD District Ordinance Guide
Use the following ordinance guide for all Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposals.
Per Chapter 8, Section D.3: PUD District Procedures, a PUD District Ordinance shall be submitted with the “detailed
terms” for development in accordance with IC 36-7-4-1509(a)(2). This PUD District Ordinance shall address all of the
details of development utilizing the outline and formatting below so that it parallels the Clark County UDO. Utilizing this
format enables Staff to have a familiar and clear understanding in the administration and enforcement of the PUD
District Ordinance. Note that procedures and regulations that are NOT contained in the PUD District Ordinance shall
default to the procedures and regulations contained in the Clark County UDO as best interpreted by the
SECTION 1. Introductory Provisions. All of the enabling language for the PUD District Ordinance as well as the
purpose, intent, jurisdiction, administration, and effective date.
SECTION 2. Districts. A profile of each land use district within the PUD and its purpose as well as a summary of
permitted land uses and basic development standards. The following table/template shall be utilized to outline this
information for each land use district:
Primary Uses
Accessory Uses
Primary Uses
Accessory Uses
An * shall be used to Indicate that the use where specific development standards apply. See Section 4: Use Development
Maximum height of structure
Primary structure
Accessory structure
Minimum living area
Minimum width of primary structure
Minimum lot width
With sewer
Without sewer
Maximum lot width to depth ratio
With sewer
Without sewer
Minimum lot area
With sewer
Without sewer
Minimum front yard setback
Minimum side yard setback
Primary structure
Accessory structure
Minimum rear yard setback
Primary structure
Accessory structure
Maximum impervious surface coverage
PC Form 5: PUD District Ordinance Guide (Continued)
SECTION 3. Site Development Standards. An alphabetical list of all of the standards that apply to development. At a
minimum the development standards shall include:
Accessory Structure Standards.
Bufferyard Standards.
Driveway Standards.
Lighting Standards.
Lot and Setback Standards.
Parking and Loading Standards.
Sign Standards.
Storage Standards.
Structure Standards.
Trash Receptacle Standards.
SECTION 4. Use Development Standards. An itemized list of any uses that have additional development standards
above and beyond the minimums listed in Section 2: Districts above.
SECTION 5. Administration and Procedures. This chapter explains all of the administration and procedures for the
PUD including amendments, variances, and appeals. Note that procedures for the subdivision of land within the PUD
shall follow Chapter 7: Subdivision Administration and Procedures of the Clark County UDO.
SECTION 6. Definitions. Any terms that are specific to the PUD shall be listed to aid in the interpretation of the
PC Form 6: Development Plan Checklist
Use the following checklist for all Development Plan applications.
Per Chapter 8, Section D.2: Development Plan Procedures, a Development Plan shall be submitted that demonstrates the
proposed development is in compliance with the regulations and the satisfies the development requirements of the
Clark County UDO. The following checklist provides a guide for applicants in identifying the information required by the
In addition to the PC Submittal Checklist on Page 2 of this Application Packet, applications for Development Plans shall
include, but not limited to, the following information:
Site Plan, including, but not limited, to all use and dimensional standards (Chapter 2); site development
standards (Chapter 3); and use development standards (Chapter 4) that are not included below.
Landscape Plan, including, but not limited, all planting and bufferyard standards.
Sign Plan, including, but not limited, all sign locations (if applicable).
Parking Plan, including, but not limited, all parking and loading standards.
Drainage Plan, including, but not limited, all drainage and stormwater standards.
Erosion Control Plan.
Secondary Plat (only for commercial and industrial subdivisions that were completed as an Individual Lot with
Development Plan as outlined in Chapter 7, Section B.1).
Additional Information (to demonstrate compliance with the UDO) Per Administrator.
NOTE: Improvement Location Permits (ILPs), which are commonly referred to as building permits, are required prior to
beginning any construction activities. Following the approval of a Development Plan, the applicant will need to complete
an ILP application for all building permits, including sign permits.
PC Form 7: Plat Application Checklist
Use the following checklist for Primary Plat and Secondary Plat applications.
Per Chapter 7, Section C.1: Document and Drawing Specifications, a Primary Plat and Secondary Plat shall be submitted
that is in compliance with the regulations and the satisfies the requirements of the Clark County UDO. The following
checklist provides a guide for applicants in identifying the information required by the UDO.
In addition to the PC Submittal Checklist on Page 2 of this Application Packet, applications for Primary Plats and
Secondary Plats shall include, but not limited to, the following information:
Copy of any title searches, recorded easements, or other items that may affect development.
Be prepared and signed by a Registered Land Surveyor.
Shown on one 18”x24” sheet.
Drawn to scale.
Tied to state plane for horizontal controls.
All Primary Plat must include the following information on one sheet:
Project Information:
A location map with north arrow at a scale of one-inch equals four hundred feet (1”=400’) or less
showing the boundaries of the proposed project and covering the general area within which it is to be
Boundaries of the tract with accurate dimensions and bearings, as determined by an accurate survey
conforming with 865 IAC 1-12, in the field which has been balanced and closed, as well as physically
located by monumentation.
Location and description of all monuments with references by distance to bearings to both ¼ section
corners, section corners, grant corners, or recorded subdivisions.
Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of land, showing owners of record and names of adjoining
Existing zoning of the subject property and all adjacent properties.
Name of the project/subdivision.
Name and address of the owner, developer, and land surveyor and/or engineer.
If non-residential, a statement of the proposed uses, stating the type of buildings, and the type of
business, commercial, or industrial uses so as to reveal the effect of the project on traffic, fire, and
Total acreage within the project and the number of lots.
Site Conditions:
Existing contours based in NAVD 1988 datum with vertical intervals of two (2) feet if the general slope of
the site is less than two percent (2%) and vertical intervals of five (5) feet if the general slop is greater
than two percent (2%). A benchmark, which is easily accessible and re-locatable, shall be shown. The
benchmark shall be determined by use of NAVD 88 datum (vertical), which are based on sea level
Existing buildings/structures and their placement on the lots.
Existing and proposed water mains, fire hydrants, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, culverts, bridges, and
other utility structures or facilities within, adjacent to, or serving the subject land, including pipe sizes,
grades, and exact locations, as can best be obtained from public or private records.
PC Form 7: Plat Application Checklist (Continued)
Location, widths, and type of construction of all existing streets, street names, alleys, or other public
ways and easements, street classifications as per the Comprehensive Plan, railroad and utility rights-of-
way or easements, parks, wooded areas, trails, cemeteries, watercourses, drainage ditches, designated
wetlands, floodplain per FEMA/DNR maps, and bridges. Other structures shall be located by dimensions
on the plans, in relation to surrounding physical features. Other data may be added which is considered
pertinent by the PC or the Administrator for the subject land. Existing site conditions shall include all
land within one hundred (100) feet of the proposed project.
The water elevation at the date of the survey of lakes, stream flow, or designated wetlands within the
project or affecting it.
The regulatory flood (100-year flood) elevation based on NAVD 1988.
Proposed Development:
Basic layout of the proposed project/subdivision showing lot/block lines, lot/block numbers, and streets
that show length, width, depth, and area of all lots.
Building and thoroughfare (if applicable) setback lines, showing dimensions.
All lots or blocks/outlots intended for sale or lease shall be designated with boundary lines shall be
identified with letters and be in alphabetical order. Lots shall be numbered consecutively within each
Private areas, common areas, or other excluded parcels shall be designated as such and clearly labeled
on the plans.
Note stating: No buildings, structures, fences, shrubs, or trees shall be placed in the public right-of-way
without prior written review and approval by the appropriate agency.
Internal and perimeter sidewalk system/pedestrian circulation plan, if any.
Such other information as may be deemed necessary for proper review of the Primary Plat by the
Administrator, the Engineer/Surveyor, or PC.
Title Block:
The proposed name by which the project shall be legally and commonly known.
Date of survey, scale, and north point.
Revision dates.
PC Form 7: Plat Application Checklist (Continued)
Be prepared and signed by a Registered Land Surveyor.
Shown on one 18”x24” sheet.
Drawn to scale.
Tied to state plane coordinates for horizontal controls.
Covenants and Restrictions, if applicable.
Note stating monuments shall be set on all lot corners in accordance with 865 IAC.
All Primary Plat must include the following information on one sheet:
Proposed Development:
Name of the project.
All lots or outlots intended for sale or lease shall be designated with boundary lines and numbered or
labeled for identification purposes.
Private areas, common areas, or other excluded parcels shall be designated as such and clearly labeled
on the plat and plans.
Building setback lines, showing dimensions.
Monument sign location, including dedicated easement or dedicated common area.
The notes outlined in Chapter 7, Section C.2.ii.(a) shall be included on the secondary plat before
Notation of any self-imposed restrictions.
Endorsement by every person having a security interest in the property that they are subordinating their
liens to all covenants, servitudes, and easements imposed on the property.
NOTE: Approval of construction drawings is required before the construction and development process may begin and
before approval of the Secondary Plat as outlined in Chapter 7, Section D: Construction and Development Process.