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School of Music Programs Music
Spring Choral Concert: Treble Choir, University Glee and Belle Voix; Spring Choral Concert: Treble Choir, University Glee and Belle Voix;
April 28, 2024 April 28, 2024
Illinois State University School of Music
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Illinois State University
Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts
School of Music
Spring Choral Concert
Treble Choir
University Glee
Belle Voix
Center for the Performing Arts
April 28, 2024
Sunday Afternoon
3:00 p.m.
This is the two hundred and first program of the 2023-2024 season.
Please silence all electronics for the duration of the concert. Thank you.
~ Treble Choir ~
Mark Grizzard, director
Younhee Choi, piano
This Little Light of Mine Traditional
arr. Mark Grizzard
William Hussey, bass guitar; Jonathan Frattini, drum set
Spark of Light Andrew Steffen
(born 1990)
Where the Light Begins Susan LaBarr
(born 1982)
Little Blue Jacob Collier
(born 1994)
arr. Mark Grizzard
Maddie Muhvic, solo
William Hussey, bass guitar; Jonathan Frattini, drum set
The Halcyon Quartet
Natalie Pearson, soprano sax; Caitlin Fallert, tenor sax;
Chloe West, alto sax; Frankie Scarpelli, baritone sax
Cikala Le Pong Pong Indonesian folk song
arr. Ken Steven
Hannah Schroeder, solo
Josie Peters, Hannah Schroeder, Natalie Subgrunski,
Jessica Wenc, and Marlie Woolever, soli small group
~ University Glee ~
Tim Fredstrom, director
Aerim Kim, piano
Exultate Pacifica Randall Johnson
(born 1959)
Sicut Cervus Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Sea Fever Nancy Cobb
(born 1951)
I Dreamed of Rain Jan Garrett
(born 1945)
arr. Larry Nickel
Muddy Water from Big River Roger Miller
arr. John Leavitt
Presentation of Scholarships
~ Belle Voix ~
Andrew Bruhn, director
Joanne Tung, piano
Songbird Sarah Quartel
(born 1982)
In Time of Silver Rain Victor C. Johnson
(born 1978)
Ave Regina Caelorum Isabella Leonarda
Ellie Capraro and Athena King, soloists
Dr. Adriana Ransom, cello
Crowded Table Natalie Hemby, Lori McKennam and Brandi Carlile
arr. Andrea Ramsey
Allie Rosenfeld, soloist
Amanda Tauch, violin
Sigue Ivette Herryman
(born 1982)
~ Treble Choir ~
This Little Light of Mine
arr. Mark Grizzard
This little light of mine,
I’m gonna let it shine!
Everywhere I go,
I’m gonna let it shine!
Spark of Light
Andrew Steffen (born 1990)
I am the speeding spark of light
flung by God from the forge of Chaos.
I soar on wings swifter than wind
above the paths of the pulsing stars.
Faster! faster! to find the place
where cosmic waves crash ashore
on the edge of heaven.
I watched the stars
rise from the still streams of heaven,
eager to make their million year race
through the thin ethereal blue.
Faster! faster! to find the place
where Nothingness reigns
and Chaos wending my way.
Jónas Halgrímmson
Where the Light Begins
Susan LaBarr (born 1981)
Perhaps it does not begin.
Perhaps it is always.
Perhaps it takes a lifetime
to open our eyes, to learn to see
the luminous line
of the map in the dark,
the vigil flame in the house of the
the love so searing
we can’t keep from singing,
from crying out.
Perhaps this day the light begins.
We are where the light begins.
Jan Richardson
Little Blue
Jacob Collier (born 1994)
arr. Mark Grizzard
Little blue, be my shelter;
Be my cradle, be my womb.
Be my boat, be my river.
Be the stillness of the moon.
If I could, I'd go with you
To a place I never knew.
In your eyes, so dark and open
There's a light that leads me back to
‘Cause you're not so far away;
I hear you say: You'll never walk
Singing: Don't be afraid of the dark.
In your heart you're gonna find a way
To carry the weight of the world
On your shoulders.
You're gonna find a way home.
Little blue, be my anchor;
Be my light, my compass star.
Be my darkness, be my danger,
Be the strings of my guitar.
Little blue, how I love you,
Something strong and something true.
In your arms, so dear and gentle
There's a hope that leads me back to
Don't be afraid of the light.
It's all right, you're gonna find a way
To carry the weight of the world
On your shoulders.
You're gonna find a way home.
Jacob Collier
Cikala le Pong Pong
Indonesian folk song
arr. Ken Steven
Cikala le pongpong -
(imitating the sound of a drum)
Ue merbuah si Nangka bari. Le oe!
Yes, yesterday the tree bore
jackfruit. Hi, friends!
Si manguda bagendari en dak
The girls today always go out and stay
up late.
Mela mo cituk kene male!
Please behave!
Ulang ulaken kene male;
Do not do it anymore;
Ulah-ulah nde neidi bagi.
Do not do things like that.
Ulang dak bagi.
Please do not do it anymore.
Kade mo lemlem pagemu pucuk
bincoli mo Kabir-kabiren
(text defies translation)
Kade mo keleng ate mu?
What do you actually want?
Anak maholi man pabing-abingen?
Is it a handsome boy to hug?
Pong kirpong lepong kirpong
(imitating the sound of a drum)
Indonesian folk song
~ University Glee ~
Exultate Pacifica
Randall Johnson (b. 1959)
Exultate justi in Domino
Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous
Rectos decet collaudatio,
It is fitting for the upright ones to
give praise.
Cantate ei canticum novum.
Sing to him a new song.
Bene psallite ei in vociferatione.
Sing praises to him well with a loud
Jisas yu holem han blong mi yu tekem
Jesus, you hold my hand you take my
Blong mi Aba mi kraeaot fo yu.
Father, I cry out for you,
Yu nao faen evri gud samting long
disfala wol
You find every good thing in this
Aba mi kraeaot fo yu. Wo oh ...
Father, I cry out for you,
Jisas mi kam long yu nao, oh oo oh, yu
tekem mi distaem.
Jesus, I come to you now, you take
me now.
Exultate justi in Domino, Laudamus te!
Rejoice all ye righteous in the Lord,
we praise you!
Traditional Latin and
Solomon Islands hymn
Sicut Cervus
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
(c. 1525-1594)
Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes
Like as the hart desireth the
Ita desiderat anima mea ad te deus.
So longeth my soul after thee, O
Psalm 42
Sea Fever
Music by Nancy Hill Cobb (b. 1951)
I must go down to the seas again, to
the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to
steer her by;
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s
song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and
a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for
the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may
not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the
white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown
spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to
the vagrant [seafaring] life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way
where the wind’s like a whetted
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a
laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream
when the long trick’s over.
John Masefield
I Dreamed of Rain
Jan Garrett (b. 1945)
arr. Larry Nickel
I dreamed of rain, and the rains came
Soft and easy, sweet and clear
I dreamed of rain, and the rains came,
And peace spread over the land
I dreamed of summer, and the winds
And the green was easy, and the rivers ran
I dreamed of summer, and the winds
And peace spread over the land
And the flowers bloom in the desert,
And the air is fresh and clear
I dreamed of rain, and the rains came,
And peace spread over the land
I dreamed of freedom, and the moon rose
And the way was easy, and the path was
I dreamed of freedom, and the moon rose,
And peace spread over the land
And the guardian stars are shining
And the night is bright and clear
I dreamed of freedom, and the moon rose,
And peace spread over the land
I dreamed of heaven, and the earth sang
And the sound was easy, and the song was
I dreamed of heaven, and the earth sang,
And peace spread over the land
And the ancient pain is forgotten
And the father’s debts are clear
I dreamed of heaven, and the earth
And peace spread over the land
Jan Garrett
Muddy Water from Big River
Roger Miller (1936-1992)
arr. John Leavitt
Look out for me, oh muddy water
Your mysteries are deep and wide
And I got a need for going some
And I got a need to climb upon your
and ride
You can look for me when you see me
I may be runnin' I don't know
I may be tired and runnin' fever
But I'll be headed south to the mouth
of the Ohio
Look out for me, oh muddy water
Your mysteries are deep and wide
And I got a need for going some
And I got a need to climb upon your
back and ride
Roger Miller
~ Belle Voix ~
Sarah Quartel (born 1982)
I am a Songbird; I will sing anything. Give me a tune, I will spin you gold.
Closer you come to the Songbird weaving, Stronger the thread of the music’s hold,
Feel in the breeze a breath, a soaring Song to you, and hear me say:
‘I am a Songbird; I will sing anything. Follow the breeze and come my way!’
One little bird on a branch sits fanning Amber wings to the passers by.
Two little birds in flight are threading Webs of gold in an endless sky.
Three little birds with brushes painting Moonlit sighs in the heart of day.
Four little birds with voices gleaming Breathe to the wind singing ‘come my way!’
Sing little bird so sweetly. Drown my fears completely.
Five little birds with feathers fluffing Stretch and spread in the midday sun. Six
little birds are cooing, humming, Drawing the eyes of ev’ryone.
Seven little birds in fountains splashing. Droplets soar, they fawn and play.
Eight little birds raise voices higher, Breathe to the wind singing, ‘come my way!’
Sing little bird so sweetly. Drown my fears completely.
Fly, little Songbirds, to the horizon.
Land meets sky and sky meets sea. Dance, little Songbirds, flick your feathers,
Move the current, carry me!
Sing, little Songbirds, call to your lovers. Draw them in completely.
You, little Songbirds, you can sing anything. I follow the wind and I come your
Sarah Quartel
In Time of Silver Rain
Victor C. Johnson (born 1978)
In time of silver rain
The earth puts forth new life again,
Green grasses grow
And flowers lift their heads,
And over all the plain
The wonder spreads
Of life!
In time of silver rain
The butterflies lift their silken wings
To catch a rainbow cry,
And trees put forth new leaves to sing
In joy beneath the sky
As down the roadway
Passing girls and boys
Go singing, too,
In time of silver rain
When spring
And life
Are new.
Langston Hughes
Ave Regina Caelorum
Isabella Leonarda (1620-1704)
Ave, Regina caelorum,
Hail, Queen of Heaven!
Ave, Domina Angelorum:
Hail, Mistress of Angels!
Salve, radix, salve, porta
Hail, root, hail, portal
Ex qua mundo lux est orta:
From which the Light for the
world has risen.
Gaude, Virgo gloriosa,
Rejoice, glorious Virgin,
Super omnes speciosa,
Beautiful above all others.
Vale, o valde decora,
Farewell, most gracious,
Et pro nobis Christum exora
And pray for us to Christ.
Marian Antiphon
Crowded Table
Natalie Hemby, Lori McKennam and
Brandi Carlile
arr. Andrea Ramsey
You can hold my hand
When you need to let go
I can be your mountain
When you're feeling valley-low
I can be your streetlight
Showing you the way home
You can hold my hand
When you need to let go
I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we're young
and able
And bring us back together when the day is
If we want a garden
We're gonna have to sow the seed
Plant a little happiness
Let the roots run deep
If it's love that we give
Then it's love that we reap
If we want a garden
We're gonna have to sow the seed
Yeah I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we're young
and able
And bring us back together when the day is
The door is always open
Your picture's on my wall
Everyone's a little broken
And everyone belongs
Yeah, everyone belongs
I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we're young
and able
And bring us back together when the day is
And bring us back together when the day is
Natalie Hemby,
Lori McKennam and
Brandi Carlile
Ivette Herryman (born 1982)
Camina, caminante,
Walk traveler,
Continue walking;
Camina y no te pare,
Walk and do not stop,
Continue walking.
Cuando pase po su casa
When you pass by her house
No le diga
Do not tell her
Que me bite,
That you saw me,
Camina, caminante,
Walk traveler,
Continue walking.
Sigue y no te pare,
Continue and do not stop,
Continue walking.
No la mire sit e llama,
Do not look if she calls out for you,
Continue walking.
Acuérdate que ella es mala,
Remember that she is bad,
Continue walking.
Nicolás Guillén
Treble Choir
Mark Grizzard, director
Younhee Choi, piano
Jessica Bedell
Alexis Besich
Nevaeh Bos
Breonna Bower
Callista Brown
Ayla Budak
Gwen Burkhard
Brooke Calvert
Arianna Colgrove
Anna Collins
Judah Crowder
Sara Cummings
Ashley DiDomenico
Alyssa Escobedo
Becca Evans
Caitlin Fallert
Denise Flores
Katherine Georges
Ella Gilmore
Makenzie Glass
Kendall Griggs
Archer Johnson
Miranda Kane
Hana Knuffman
Marin Leng
Amanda Lesley
Lily Linden
Samantha Lopatowski
Alli McCall
Sarah Mehret
Kayla Milano
Maddie Muhvic
Jess Noga
Josie Peters
Wendie Yesenia Porras
Layla Quillen
Miranda Robles
Hannah Schroeder
Alyx Schupp
Stephanie Sendra
Alyssa Spanroff
Natalie Subgrunski
Emma Susami
Elizabeth Tirado
Cyena Ulloa
Kelsi Vandermaiden
Angelina Vera
Victoria Walsh
Jessica Wenc
Marlie Woolever
University Glee
Tim Fredstrom, director
Aerim Kim, piano
Ethan Blume
Landon Boger
Ben Breithaupt
Joshua Dahmm
RJ De Guzman
Aiden Delzell
Sja'Lell Downing-Mims
Liam Duffy*
Nathan Enright
Kat Garza
Alex Gorrill
Jack Harding
Perry Jackson
Graham Kinley
Noah Kuehl
Ryan Lease
Eve Linke
Mason Linke
T. J. Marko
Connor McDonnell
Nick Medina
Jackie Mickle
Graham Miller
Daniel Montoya
Justyn Olson
Juvenal Perez
Nicholas Pillsbury
Keoni Plaza*
Quinn Pleskovitch
Joe Polizzi
Nikos Poulos
Preston Pratali
Isaac Richards
Carter Riggs
Josue Rivera
Alec Robinson
Carson Steele
Logan Van Lerberghe
Spencer Vang
Miguel Vazquez-Barragan
Ethan Vogel
Austin Wanner
* Student teaching, internship,
or last semester on campus
Belle Voix
Andrew Bruhn, director
Joanne Tung, piano
Kate Almquist
Dominica Battaglia*
Emma Beddow
Bree Bowers
Naomi Boyd
Ellie Capraro
Kennedy Carico
Michaela Chapman
Mahika Charles
Audrey Dahlman
Alina Dukala
Nina Feathergill
Izzi Figarelli
Alondra Gamboa
Olivia Garcia
Bella Green
Anna Haage
Amina Hatanaka
Joanie Hitt
Symone Jackson
Athena King
Alyssa Kleinmaier
Skylar Loeb-Stanko
Alanya Martin
Ya’Natika Morgan
Kacey Myerscough
Kaithleen Nieves
Jazlyn Pineda
Ellie Postregna
Laila Powers-Kinder
Allie Rosenfeld
Morgan Schoebel
Megan Steinbach
Amanda Tauch
Haley Thies
Alysse Tocco*
Danielle Vasquez
Annie Wagner
Olivia Wexler
Illinois State University
Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts
Jean Miller, dean
Polly Bedford, director of development
Adriana Ransom, director, School of Music
Nick Benson, CPA Manager, Center for Performing Arts
Sara Semonis, associate dean of research and planning
Janet Tulley, assistant dean for enrollment and student services
Ann Haugo, director, School of Theatre and Dance
Tyler Lotz, director, Wonsook Kim School of Art
Rose Marshack, director, Creative Technologies
Kendra Paitz, director and chief curator, University Galleries
Stephanie Kohl Ringle, business communications associate
Eric Yeager, director, CFAIT
Illinois State University School of Music
A. Oforiwaa Aduonum, Ethnomusicology
Allison Alcorn, Musicology
Debra Austin, Voice
Mark Babbitt, Trombone
Daniel Baer, Piano
Emily Beinborn, Music Therapy
Chelsey Belt, Musicology
Glenn Block, Orchestra and Conducting
Andrew Bruhn, Director of Choral Activities
Renee Chernick, Group Piano
David Collier, Percussion and Assoc. Director
Andrea Crimmins, Music Therapy
Peggy Dehaven, Office Support Specialist/Scheduling
Benjamin de Kock, String Bass
Anne Dervin, Clarinet and General Education
Geoffrey Duce, Piano
Tom Faux, Ethnomusicology
Angelo Favis, Guitar and Graduate Coordinator
Tim Fredstrom, Choral Music Education
Trevor Gould, Facilities Manager
David Gresham, Clarinet
Mark Grizzard, Theory and Choral Music
Christine Hansen, Music Academic Advisor
Kevin Hart, Jazz Piano and Theory
Phillip Hash, Music Education
Megan Hildebrandt, Music Therapy
Rachel Hockenberry, Horn
Martha Horst, Theory and Composition
Mona Hubbard, Office Manager
Igor Kalnin, Violin
John Koch, Voice
Jillian Kouzel, Oboe
Marie Labonville, Musicology
Apollo Lee, General Education
Katherine J. Lewis, Viola
Caleb Liddell, Theory
TJ Mack, Assist. Director of Bands/Athletic Bands
Roy D. Magnuson, Theory and Composition and CTK*
Anthony Marinello III, Director of Bands
Thomas Marko, Director of Jazz Studies
Rose Marshack, Music Business and Director of CTK*
Anne McNamara, Trumpet
Shawn McNamara, Music Education
Thornton Miller, General Education
Matthew Muneses, Jazz
Paul Nolen, Saxophone
Kim Risinger, Flute
Cindy Ropp, Music Therapy
Andy Rummel, Euphonium and Tuba
Midori Samson, Bassoon
Carl Schimmel, Theory and Composition
Daniel Schuetz, Voice
Lydia Sheehan, Bands Office Administrator
Matthew Smith, Creative Technologies
David Snyder, Music Education
Alex Stephenson, Theory and Composition
Ben Stiers, Percussion and Theory
Erik Swanson, Jazz Guitar
Cora Swenson Lee, Cello
Elizabeth Thompson, Voice
Kaitlyn Tossie, Business Administrative Associate
Matthew Vala, Musical Theatre Pit
Rick Valentin, Creative Technologies
Justin Vickers, Voice
Michelle Vought, Voice
Mack Wood, Associate Director of Bands/BRMM
*Creative Technologies Program (CTK)