March 2008
Revised March 2011
Revised April 2012
Revised February 2013
Revised March 2016
Revised January 2018
Revised April 2022
Revised April 2023
Revised August 2023
1 Table of Contents
Article I: Name
Article II: Affiliation
Article III: Purpose
Article IV: Membership
Article V: Powers
Article VI: Member Requirements and Privileges
Article VII: Meetings
Article VIII: Officers
Article IX: USG Senate Votes
Article X: Paperwork Handling
Article XI: Unlawful Discrimination Policy
Article XII: Amendments
The name of the organization shall be the Board of Student Organizations, hereafter referred to as BSO.
The leadership of BSO will be referred to as the Executive Board.
The Board of Student Organizations is a Governing Body of the Undergraduate Student Government of
the Colorado School of Mines, hereafter referred to as USG. The Board of Student Organizations shall
observe all mandates set forth in the bylaws of USG for Governing Bodies.
BSO is formed with the purpose of:
A. Promoting longevity and success of student organizations
B. Assisting student organizations in self-development
C. Providing a place for students to go to ask for assistance in club functions and activities
D. Representing student organizations to USG, Graduate Student Government (hereafter known as
GSG), and the campus community to provide a voice for student organization concerns/needs
within the representative student governments
i. Acting as an intermediary/mediator/advocate with the campus community
E. Promoting collaboration and providing mediation for student organizations
Mission Statement: The Board of Student Organizations is a governing body whose purpose is to promote
longevity and success for the over 150 student organizations. We serve as student advocates and the
pipeline between student organizations and the institutions at large (Ex. SAIL, USG). By engaging with
our organizations, we utilize our advocacy to responsibly allocate student fee funds to support
organizations to build their career and institutional impact.
A. Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
a. BSO shall comprise two Representatives of Committees (as defined in the USG Bylaws
and herein referred to as student organizations) USG that wishes to be represented.
i. The Representative should generally be the President and Director of Finance.
ii. Each member of the executive board can attend USG meetings as a proxy to
either the President or Director of Finance.
b. Representatives to BSO shall serve one academic year as determined by their
representative organizations.
c. Graduate Student organizations are held in the same regard as Undergraduate student
d. BSO President shall serve as a member of the USG Internal Affairs committee, per their
BSO holds the power to:
A. Appoint officers of the Executive Board.
B. Give feedback to the Executive Board on any issue pertaining to community, faculty, alumni, or
student affairs that it so chooses.
C. Remove any officer of the Executive Board per article VIII, Section G.
The Executive Board holds the power to:
A. Prescribe the duties of the offices, to transfer the duties of one officer to any other officer(s), and
to require from any officer the faithful performance of their particular duties.
B. Establish, manage, and revise the official stance of the student organization population (i.e., Tier
C. Vote on any issue pertaining to community, faculty, alumni, or student affairs that it so chooses,
accurately representing their subsection of affiliated groups.
D. Make final decisions on financial allocations for BSO affiliated student groups.
Affiliated Groups (student clubs and organizations) are organized within a tier structure (outlined in
Appendix A) and must meet the listed requirements to retain tier status and organization recognition. The
purpose of the tier structure is to prioritize organizations for financial allocations based on service to the
campus community and community involvement (i.e., higher tier organizations are able to request more
funding). All tier requirements may be altered yearly by the BSO Executive Board before the first
requirement is due. At that date, all criteria are final for that allocation year with variable date
A. Organization Recognition
Official recognition allows organizations to receive funding through USG (re-allocated by BSO)
and utilize campus resources. For administrative purposes, all governing bodies and GSG
organizations are also required to register and be approved by Student Activities, Involvement,
and Leadership Office (hereafter referred to as the SAIL Office) via online club database system.
1. In order for an organization to be officially recognized as a campus group, each
organization must update their information on their website at the beginning of the
fall and spring semester each year and maintain updated officer contact information
and meeting day/time information.
2. In order for an organization to be considered active under BSO, they must also be
active with the SAIL office.
3. Every organization is required to have a faculty or administrative advisor as it is
important for organizations to have some support from a member of the campus
community. An advisor also establishes a sense of organizational continuity between
academic years. The advisor’s level of commitment depends on the needs of the
organization. This advisor’s role shall be of support, all activities shall be planned
and operated by the student board.
4. Every organization must submit Bylaws via the online club database system to be
reviewed and approved by the SAIL Office. These Bylaws must be maintained and
adhered to.
5. Each organization must start with a minimum of ten (10) people of interest to be
eligible for recognized status.
6. If the affiliated group plans to request and receive money, they must demonstrate
financial transparency and responsibility.
B. Tier Structure
Specific Tier Structure Requirements for all organizations are to be reviewed by the incoming
Executive Board and any changes, updates, or additions are to be voted on by the existing and
incoming Executive Boards. These requirements are then outlined and submitted with the Bylaws
in Appendix A.
C. Changing Tiers
1. If an organization misses a single requirement (not including the final allocations
form), they will only be eligible for fifty percent (50%) funding at your tier level.
a. Not applicable to Tier 1 Organizations, they will lose all funding.
2. If an organization misses two or more requirements, they will drop in tier status and
in funding.
3. For BSO purposes, the allocation form counts as tier requirements for all
organizations. Not turning one of these in will not count as a missing requirement.
However, missing this form will render the organization ineligible for BSO funding
for the upcoming year.
4. If an organization wishes to move up a tier, they must meet the requirements of their
current tier and their desired tier. An organization may only move up one tier per
allocation year.
a. If a new organization, functionally a Tier 1, joins during the fall semester
they may work towards the Tier 2 status for the next fiscal year, pending
their completion of all Tier 2 requirements.
5. If a governing body that allocates to clubs' dissolves, they will default to Tier 4
organization, and therefore be required to complete all the requirements to be a Tier 4
organization in their first year of existence as an organization to remain in Tier 4
a. If a club organization that is held under a governing body falls under BSO
because the associated governing body dissolves, the club organization will
default to Tier 3, and therefore be required to complete all the requirements
to be a Tier 3 organization in their first year of existence as an organization
to remain in Tier 3 standing.
D. Tier Structure Review
1. The Executive Board will review the Tier Structure yearly and make updates
i. All updates in Tier Structure (or Bylaws) must be available for feedback
from BSO.
ii. All updates in Tier Structure (or Bylaws) must be communicated with BSO
at least TWO weeks before the changes are implemented.
A. General Business and Meetings
1. Executive Board Meetings
i. The President shall set meeting times throughout the semester for the
Executive Board to meet. They must meet at least once per month.
ii. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President, or
in the President’s absence, by the Vice President, or by any three (3)
members of the Board, by giving twenty-four (24) hours written, electronic
or oral notices stating the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. Business
shall be transacted at the special meeting only if the provision for quorum is
iii. Quorum is met by having at least ¾ of the Executive Board present. Voting
will only occur if the quorum is met.
i. This is prevalent when making decisions about club requirements,
situational voting, and the acceptance of new organizations into the
BSO Tier Structure.
2. BSO Meetings
i. There are no general body meetings for the larger BSO. All communication
with organizations, including the collection of their feedback, will be done
electronically (through email or online club database system).
A. Positions
1. The Officers on the Executive Board are:
i. President
ii. Vice-President
iii. Director of Finance
iv. Director of Tier Structure
v. Director of Communications
vi. Director of Community Development
2. Executive Board
i. Composition
The Executive Board shall be composed of the Executive Officers.
a. Responsibilities
1. All Officers must fulfill their specific duties as described in
Article VIII, Section B.
2. All Officers are required to hold at least one (1) office hour
each week in a specified location.
3. All Officers must attend the meetings of the Executive
4. All Officers must complete at least one training through the
DI&A Department at Mines in some capacity
b. Votes
1. All Officers shall have one (1) vote on the Executive Board.
c. Meetings
1. All meetings of the Executive Board are private. Minutes of
all meetings of the Executive Board must be kept and made
available to the Board within one (1) day of the meeting.
d. Salaried Positions
1. Each member of the Executive Board shall be paid as a
stipend for the duration of the school year the position is
held. This shall be voted on by USG yearly.
B. Officer Duties
1. BSO President
i. Shall perform the duties customarily pertaining to the office
ii. Shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Board
iii. Shall conduct all official correspondence of the Executive Board
iv. Shall handle all business concerning the calendar and scheduled events
including, but not limited to, determining meeting dates for the Executive
Board, scheduling meeting rooms, and delegating responsibilities to other
v. Shall be a primary contact for student organizations
vi. Shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board of BSO shall assign
vii. Shall serve as one of the BSO representatives during USG Senate meetings
viii. Shall oversee BSO election proceedings
2. BSO Vice-President
i. Shall perform the duties customarily pertaining to the office
ii. Shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Board in the absence of the
iii. Shall record the Executive Board meeting attendance
iv. Shall perform those duties assigned by the President
v. Shall be a primary contact for student organizations
vi. Shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board or BSO shall assign
3. BSO Director of Finance
i. Shall perform the duties customarily pertaining to the office
ii. Shall perform such duties as the Executive Board may assign
iii. Shall be available to the student organizations to answer questions regarding
their budgets or allocations forms.
iv. Shall create and maintain the operating budget for the Executive Board
v. Shall train the student organizations on the BSO budget request process and
present a budget request to USG
vi. Shall be primary contact for student organizations inquiry about finances
i. They are not available for consultation about requirements other
than the USG Meeting Requirement or Final Allocations Form.
vii. Shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board or BSO shall assign
viii. Shall serve as one of the BSO representatives during USG Senate meetings
ix. Shall also serve as an employee of the SAIL office
4. BSO Director of Tier Structure
i. Oversee all business relating to the Tier Structure
ii. Keep an updated record of all student organizations
iii. Shall maintain an un-editable, regularly updated spreadsheet detailing the
requirement status of each student organization
iv. Shall make forms available through online club database system
v. Shall be primary contact for student organizations
vi. Shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board or BSO shall assign
5. BSO Director of Communications
i. Shall perform the duties customarily pertaining to the office
ii. Shall maintain a schedule/calendar detailing events/meetings and
correspondence to student organizations
iii. Shall draft all correspondence to BSO members
iv. Shall act as secretary of all meetings of the Executive Board and record the
minutes thereof
v. Shall be primary contact for student organizations
vi. Shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board or BSO shall assign
vii. Shall update the BSO website and Instagram pages with current officer
information, tier structure information, and due dates
6. BSO Director of Community Development
i. Shall plan transitions, retreats, and team bonding with the President and
ii. Shall plan at least one professional development opportunity for the board
per semester
iii. Shall plan group office hours and additional events for orgs to connect with
iv. Shall be primary contact for connecting student orgs to outside opportunities,
I.e. Connecting orgs to each other for partnership events, connecting
organizations to local nonprofits for service events.
v. Shall be a primary contact for student organizations
vi. Shall perform such other duties as the Executive Board or BSO shall assign
7. BSO Advisor
Even though the advisor is not an officer of BSO nor do they vote, they have specific
responsibilities to complete on behalf of the Executive Board. The responsibilities are
as follows:
i. Shall act as primary contact for the campus community and administration
with regard to student organizations
i. Must be an employee of the SAIL office
ii. Shall be responsible for publicizing the Board to the School and community
iii. Shall act as primary contact, aid, and advocate for new organizations and
standing organizations not changing tiers
iv. Shall update and approve all new clubs through the online club database
v. Have general oversight of BSO, student organizations, and the main point of
contact for all university processes for organizations
C. Qualifications
All Officers shall hold the status of undergraduate or graduate student, full-time students of the
Colorado School of Mines, and not on academic probation.
1. Members may not hold any leaderships positions within the other governing bodies and a
position on the BSO executive board.
D. Officer Elections
1. Time of Election
i. Election of BSO Officers for the following year shall be completed at least
one week prior to the second-to-last meeting of the spring semester.
2. Election Procedure
i. An electronic correspondence shall be sent out through the online club
database system to all active student organizations detailing the open
positions and the associated responsibilities
a. This shall be done by the current BSO President.
b. Returning members get a choice to the position they would like to hold
for the following year. With the majority vote of the Executive Board,
they will hold that position the following year.
c. The other members of the board as appointed through an interview
1. The remaining Executive Board will be interviewed and
appointed by the previous year’s Executive Board.
E. Terms of Office
1. The term of office shall begin sometime after allocations during the end of the spring
semester and shall end with the transition of new officers. The transition date will be
determined by the previous year’s Executive Board.
i. All newly appointed members must attend ONE of the weekly meetings and at
least ONE hour of the reallocations process during the prior board’s activities.
F. Vacancies
1. Executive Officers
i. In the event that an Officer position is not filled during the normal election, the
Executive Board may, by a two-thirds vote, fill the position, subject to approval
by the Advisor.
2. In the event that an Officer position becomes vacant sometime during the year, the
Executive Board may fill the position with an interim officer. This appointment will only
be valid until the next meeting of the Executive Board, where a new officer must be
elected by the procedure set out in Article VIII, Section D.
3. Should a vacancy occur, the election procedure shall be followed as set forth in Article
VIII, within two weeks of vacancy
i. Candidates must be eligible for the office as set forth in Article VIII, Section C.
G. Removal
1. Reason
i. Any Officer may be removed for not fulfilling the obligations of their respective
office, or due to official misconduct.
2. Procedure
i. In the event that a member or Officer of the Board believes that an officer should
be removed, they must provide a written complaint to the President, or, in the
case that the President is the officer against whom the complaint is being made,
to the Advisor.
a. This written complaint must be provided to the Officer against whom it
is being made, and the Officer must be given enough time to put together
a proper response before any other actions can be taken with regard to
this complaint.
1. “Enough time to put together a proper response” is usually a
week, though it can be longer in extenuating circumstances. This
time limit is determined by the President, Advisor, or
disinterested third party, depending on who will chair the
mediation discussions.
ii. The President or the Advisor will schedule a special meeting or series of
meetings with the complainant and the Officer against whom they are
complaining, in order to attempt to mediate a solution. The President or Advisor
may also invite anyone else whose presence, in their sole discretion, is necessary,
important, or advisable.
a. The President or Advisor shall ask a disinterested third party to chair the
mediation discussions if this is requested by either the complainant or the
Officer against whom the complaint is being made. In this case, it is this
disinterested third party whose sole discretion determines whose
presence is necessary, important, or advisable.
iii. In the event that someone is invited, they should only attend the meeting while
their presence is necessary, important, or advisable.
iv. The goal of this meeting is reconciliation and the avoidance of unnecessary
escalation of the conflict.
v. The content of these meetings is confidential, though their occurrence, final
outcome, and the written complaint that prompted them must be recorded,
posted, and made available to the Executive Board in the same place and manner
as the minutes of the Executive Board meetings.
vi. In the event that the mediation discussions produce no resolution, and the
complainant wishes to continue with their complaint, then they must notify the
President or the Advisor in writing. The President must make this item the first
item on the Executive Board agenda, for the next meeting of the Executive
vii. The procedure for any votes taken during this hearing is shown in Article VIII,
viii. The President shall, if so requested by either party, ask a disinterested third party
to chair this hearing.
ix. The Executive Board may, by majority vote, dismiss the complaint. This decision
may be appealed to the Hearing Board, who can overturn the dismissal and
require the Executive Board to hear and vote on the matter. The Hearing Board
can also choose to overturn the vote of the Executive Board and have the matter
brought before the Hearing Board for a hearing.
x. In the event that the Vice President is the complainant or the Officer against
whom the complainant is being made then the person chairing the meeting shall
appoint another individual to record the minutes.
3. Voting
i. The Executive Board may remove an Officer by a vote as outlined below:
a. The Officer whose removal is being recommended may not vote
b. Of the remaining members of the Executive Board who may vote, at
least two-thirds must vote for removal in order for the Officer to be
c. The number of members who may vote includes members who cannot
attend the meeting where the voting occurred.
d. The decision of the Executive Board may be appealed to the Hearing
Board, which can, by a two-thirds vote, overturn the Executive Board’s
decision and reinstate the removed Officer.
ii. The Executive Board may remove an Appointed Officer by majority vote
a. The Officer whose removal is being recommended may not vote
b. Of the voting members of the Executive Board, a majority must vote for
removal in order for the Appointed Officer to be removed
c. The number of members who may vote includes the members who
cannot attend the meeting where the vote occurred
d. The decision of the Executive Board may not be appealed to the Hearing
iii. The Executive Board may remove an Officer by a two-thirds vote. The Executive
Board may not hold a hearing or remove an Officer until a mediation meeting has
been held and the Executive Board has voted to dismiss the complaint or has
voted to remove the Officer.
iv. Written consent or a telephone call can approve Bylaw changes instead of a
member being present.
4. This section (G: Removal) cannot be suspended
The Executive Board has two (2) voting seats on the USG Senate. These seats may be filled by the
President and Treasurer. In the case that one or more of these individuals cannot attend a meeting, they
must abide by USG guidelines in finding a replacement. The Executive Board will represent BSO and its
constituents when voting. This voting power extends to ONE collective vote during the USG allocations
In an effort to fulfill its purposes and simplify operations for member organizations, the Advisor (via the
online club database system, a shared virtual drive and/or a shared physical drive) shall store all
paperwork regarding the registration and operation of any member organization. An exception shall be
financial documents which will remain the domain of the USG Treasurer and Advisor.
A. Organizational registration documents will be submitted directly to the SAIL Office via the
online club database system, who will share the information with the Executive Board.
B. SAIL will be responsible for updating the online club database system with current information
provided by the Executive Board as necessary.
The organization, in conjunction with the Colorado School of Mines, confirms its support of the
principles and practices of nondiscrimination and equality regardless of race, religion, sex, age, sexual
orientation or physical handicap, in its employment and in all its programs, activities, and opportunities
available to its members, except where allowed by law. All actions and policies of the organization,
Associated Students of the Colorado School of Mines, and the Colorado School of Mines Graduate
Student Association shall conform to the policies of the Board of Trustees, State and Federal Laws, such
as 20 USC §1681 and agree to support SAIL’s policies, processes, and guidance.
These operating rules may be amended in whole or in part, subject to the approval of the Advisor of BSO,
by no less than two-thirds of the voting representation of the Executive Board. Amendments made during
the year must be expressed to the Clubs and Organizations under BSO through means of communication
such as Canvas Announcements.
Appendix A
Tier Structure Requirements Outline
I. Fall Summit and BSO Round Table
A. Tiers 2, 3, 4
B. Fall
C. Attend Fall Summit and BSO Round Table
D. Fall Summit is required by SAIL, BSO Roundtable is a separate event within the
same day. Attending Fall Summit sessions in the morning and not attending BSO
Roundtable does not constitute being in attendance. BSO roundtable is
recommended for everyone in club/org leadership positions.
II. Fall Meeting
A. Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4
B. Fall
C. Attend any of the BSO rep’s office hours (except the Treasurer’s) so you can
learn about our requirements, we can answer your questions, and you can tell us
about your Leadership Board within your Club/Org.
D. Meetings with any SAIL representative will not count towards this requirement.
E. Virtual options will be provided if weather is bad or other extenuating
circumstances arise.
III. Spring Meeting
A. Tiers 2, 3, 4
B. Spring
C. Similar to the Fall Meeting, but oriented more towards end of the year type
questions (such as filling out allocations forms or future planning questions).
D. Meetings with any SAIL representative will not count towards this requirement.
E. Virtual options will be provided if weather is bad or other extenuating
circumstances arise.
IV. Final Allocation Request
A. Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4
B. Spring
C. Not completing this requirement won’t negatively impact your Club/Org from a
BSO point of view, but you won’t be receiving funds if it is submitted late or not
D. Submitting one is highly encouraged however, since it allows your club or org to
get more money!
E. Once you turn in the form, you will receive comments on updates that need to be
made to the form. You must review the comments and resubmit the allocation
form with the updates within the grace period. If you do not resubmit, you will not
receive funding.
F. Please use your spring meeting or schedule another meeting to touch base with
any BSO rep for questions/help filling this form out.
V. Goals Form
A. Tiers 2, 3, 4
B. Fall
C. Make Goals for your Club that reflect your clubs mission/purpose
D. Make sure your Goals are in SMART Goals format
E. Please discuss this during your Fall Meeting if you need help forming these goals
VI. Goals Evaluation Form
A. Tiers 2, 3, 4
B. Spring
C. Evaluate how you’ve completed and/or worked towards your goals
D. Completing your goals is not a requirement, although recommended, we just
want to see progress towards them
E. If you don’t have access to your Goals Form from the fall, please reach out to
any BSO representative through Office Hours or email
VII. USG Meeting Form
A. Tier 4
B. Fall and Spring
C. Please have the dates and officer names for when you went to the USG
D. You need to attend 2 meetings per semester with 2 people attending each
1. One of those attending must be an officer, and the other a club member
2. If you are required to attend the USG meeting per USG bylaws, you
cannot count as one of the 2 people
3. Attending these meetings on behalf of USG or proxying for a senate
member will allow you to count for your club’s attendance
VIII. Additional Funding Efforts Form
A. Tiers 3, 4
B. Spring
C. You must do something listed below for it to count, and supply proof for it
1. Item Donations
2. Money Donations ($50+)
3. Discounts
4. Fundraising Attempts (includes above mentions)
IX. Professional Presentation to BSO & USG Representatives
A. Tier 4
B. Spring
C. An in-person presentation isn’t required, but slides must be submitted as an
X. Mines Tradition Form
A. Tier 4
B. Spring
C. Submit for participation one or more of the following with proof
1. Celebration of Mines
2. E-Days
3. M-Climb
XI. Service Events
A. Tiers 2, 3, 4
B. Spring
C. Include information about Tier Status (include what you are as a club), Club
Name(s), etc.
D. A service event is an event your org hosts or manages that will benefit the Mines
campus community or a local community
1. Ideas can be forwarded to a BSO executive member through email and
approved prior to occuring
2. Required to be at least 1 hour in length and split between at least 2
persons, for the whole event
3. Can not be an event that also advertises your club to the Mines campus
or community, i.e. not Celebration of Mines, Discover Mines, etc.
E. What each tier needs to do for this requirement:
1. Tier 2: One Event
a) Choice: Campus or Community
2. Tier 3: Three Events
a) One Campus
b) One Community
c) Choice: Campus or Community
3. Tier 4: Four Events
a) One Partnership
b) One Campus
c) One Community
d) Choice: Campus or Community
F. Campus Event
1. An event designed to help the Campus Community (Mines Students and
possibly Staff as well)
2. Can easily explain that it helps the Campus Community
G. Community Event
1. An event designed to help the Community (Ex. Golden, Colorado, Biking
Community, etc.)
a) The community must be relative to your Club/Org or make the
event relate to it
2. Can easily explain why this would help the desired community without this
event occurring regardless of your Club/Org
H. Partnership Event
1. The event can be either Campus or Community
a) See XIII.I and XIII.J for information, respectively
2. Include both your information and the other club’s information for the
Canvas submission
3. Event hosted by your BSO organization and at least one other BSO
a) Organizations that DO NOT count as a partnership organization
(1) ISC or BSM Org will not constitute a service event
(2) Governing Body will not constitute a service event
(3) CSoM Professional Organization will not constitute a
service event
(a) Ex. SAIL, Residence Life, Mechanical Engineering
b) Tier number does not matter for partnership events
c) The secondary organization must participate as co-hosts, either
financially or organizationally
I. Hosting or Co-Hosting a Service Event
a) Being asked by an internal or external organization to do a service
does not constitute a service event
b) Not contributing anything to a partnership event does not
constitute as a partnership service event for either club/org
J. Advertising
1. Must advertise through 2 means of communication
a) Ex. Daily Blast, SAIL-Approved Posters
b) Word of mouth or on your own Discord/GroupMe/Club-
Communication platform do not count as advertising for BSO
c) All advertisements must meet SAIL Requirements on top of ours
d) Proof of advertisement/ hosting of the event will be submitted
through your Canvas submission
(1) Example Proof of Advertising: Picture of flyer hanging on a
school bulletin board
(2) Example Proof of Hosting: Signature from National Parks
Ranger who witnessed you doing a trail cleanup
(3) The club/org who did complete the event will receive credit
for a service event, if necessary
e) Running a booth/table in an event you were invited to is
acceptable, however you need to manage and run the booth at
your discretion.
(1) Ex: Mitchell Math and Science Night
Notice of Removal of DI&A Event/Training Form
Based on previous feedback, the current development of Minority Student Orgs
governing bodies and our personal concern with the fairness of the requirement, we have
decided as a board to put this requirement on pause for the 2023-2024 FY. We are working on
developing this requirement, with the hopes of implementing it during the 2024-2025 FY.
We would like to continue encouraging clubs/organizations to hold similar types of
events and training within their organizations, despite there not being a requirement. Please
reach out to the BSO executive board if you have any suggestions or feedback on how you feel
this requirement might benefit the Mines campus.