Attendance Handbook
2020 - 2021
The Board of Trustees (“Board”) requires that students enrolled at the Chester
Community Charter School (“Charter School”) attend school daily and on time in
accordance with the compulsory attendance laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Parents or guardians are required to ensure that their children attend school every day
that school is in session through the procedures required by the Charter School.
The education program offered by the Charter School is based upon the presence of the
student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation.
The Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee shall have the responsibility to develop
procedures following the guidelines developed by the Board to assure that students
attend school regularly and that said procedures comply with all Federal, State and local
A component of the procedures shall be an early intervention process to assure that
assistance is given to students who are experiencing problems in attending school.
Attendance and punctuality procedures will be delineated in the Student Handbook and
distributed to every student.
Said attendance and punctuality guidelines are subject to periodic review by the entire
Board of Trustees.
Chester Community Charter School
Attendance Guidelines
Students who attend CCCS as virtual learners will meet attendance requirements by
logging into the (Schoology) learning portal each school day. Once in Schoology,
students will have access to their classes and will be able to engage in live video
lessons with their teachers and complete class assignments.
The Chester Community Charter School hours are 8:30 am 3:30 pm. Any student
who comes to school after 8:45 a.m. is considered late, including students who are
learning virtually. At 10:30 a.m. the automatic dialing system will begin to notify parents
that students are absent.
It is expected that parents will turn in excuse notes on the day a child returns to school
following an absence. Three or more absences that are NOT followed with an excuse
note from a parent will lead to truancy. For students receiving virtual instruction, parents
must submit excuse notes via through the
FAMILIESportal drop down tab on our schools’ website and complete the absent &
tardy form for submission. Attendance department will respond to the inquiry within 24
Please Note: Excessive absences can result in retention in grade. Such decisions
at the discretion of the CEO in consultation with teachers and administrators.
Excused absences include:
Failure of the bus to arrive at the bus stop
Personal illness
Medical and dental examination and/or treatment of the student when
such appointments cannot be scheduled other than during school hours
Death in the family of the parent/guardian or close family member
Observation of a religious holiday
Emergency conditions in the student’s home (upon students
return, documentation is necessary)
Ex: Major Utility Failure
Power Outage
Excused absences DO NOT include:
Uniform issues
Anything that is not considered “excused” as noted above
Extended Medical Absences: For any student absent for medical reasons for 10
consecutive days, the parent/guardian must provide a written note/certification from
a doctors office.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has laws in place that compel children to attend
school and impose potential sanctions upon parents who have truant children. The
following list explains CCCS’ unexcused absence procedures.
1. All absences are unexcused unless a written excuse is received explaining
the reason specific to the absence.
2. Upon returning to school, parents/guardians should submit (either in person
or through their student) a written explanation of the absence.
3. If parents do not provide a written excuse within three days of the student
returning to school, reasonable allowances may be made to accept a parent’s
explanations for the absence without initiating any punitive response. Some
notes may not be accepted, depending on the excuse and/or format.
Examples include absent notes submitted by anybody outside of the
parent/legal guardian and also submitting online absent forms where all
required fields are not completed properly before submission.
4. If a third unexcused absence occurs, the school will notify the parents in writing
within ten (10) days of the third unexcused absence sent as a First Notice”.
5. After the First Notice has been served, and if no improvement has occurred
in student attendance, and after a 6
unexcused absence, a Student
Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) conference will be initiated. The school
will initiate the SAIP conference and will contact the parent/guardian regarding
the date and time of the meeting. The parent/guardian’s presence at this
conference is strongly encouraged. However, if a parent is unable to attend,
the conference will be held without the parent/guardian’s presence, and the
outcomes mailed to them. The SAIP represents a collaborative effort between
school officials and the parent/guardian to improve student attendance.
3 unexcused absences - a student is TRUANT.
6 unexcused absences - a student is HABITUALLY
TRUANT. The student will be referred to either school or
community-based attendance improvement programs or
Children and Youth Agency. CCCS may file a citation which
would result in a proceeding before a magisterial district judge,
provided a School Attendance Improvement Conference
(Conference) has already been held and is not pending.
10 unexcused absences Students who miss ten school days without
a valid excuse will be referred to the county Children and Youth
Agency, and the Chester Community Charter School Social
Worker will be contacted. CCCS will file a citation, which will
result in a proceeding before a magisterial district judge.
Online/Remote Learning Attendance Expectations
Attendance in our Distance Learning Program is defined as evidence of
“engaging with
the assigned material.”
Virtual Classroom (VC) - Live Session Attendance in assigned live virtual
classrooms is mandatory for any student enrolled in virtual learning. Failure to
attend an assigned virtual class session in any given subject area may result in
an unexcused absence for the individual course session unless a valid excuse
is provided within three (3) calendar days to:
1. The homeroom teacher
2. The attendance department
No Internet Access, Power Outage, or Technology Failure Internet access -
Computer access is essential for all virtual learners. In the event of internet
failure, power outage, or computer failure, and there are no feasible options
available, notification to the following must be made within 24 hours:
1. The homeroom teacher
2. The students assigned building
3. The attendance Department
Evidence of attendance will be measured in multiple ways: (including, but
not limited to):
1. Logging into Schoology by 8:30 am and attending all remote
learning sessions
2. Interaction with a teacher/instructor on an instructional day
3. Google Check-in forms
4. Assignments submitted that were due on that day
5. Questions to answer on Google Classroom
6. Participation in an online discussion
7. Google Form requesting receipt of assignment or instructions
8. Class participation during the scheduled class time
9. Student participation during scheduled related services
It is expected that parent/guardians shall, to the maximum extent
possible, ensure that their child participates in the distance learning
program. If a student will not be able to participate in any learning
activities that day, a parent can email or use all appropriate contact
methods to the students homeroom teacher and the students
assigned building.
Note: If a
does not
in the
of the
for the day or has not
teacher and has
by the
marked absent
for the
CCCS Virtual Learning Attendance Protocols
The CCCS virtual learning plan includes requirements related to school attendance,
including how the school will document participation in learning opportunities. CCCS
will be reporting attendance within the learning sessions and platforms utilized by
teachers and students. Attendance tracking will comprise several approaches to
account for the differences between in-school activities, teacher-led virtual learning,
and self-directed virtual learning.
1. Teacher-led virtual learning: Active participation in virtual classroom activities
and discussions in all assigned live or recorded sessions are mandatory for any
student enrolled in virtual learning. Failure to attend assigned virtual class
sessions in any given subject area may result in an unexcused absence for the
individual course session or the entire school day unless a valid excuse is
provided within three (3) calendar days to the homeroom teacher and the
Attendance Department.
2. Self-directed virtual learning: Evidence of participation in assignments and
schoolwork outside the live virtual classrooms may include, but is not be limited
Daily login to the (Schoology) learning portal each school day.
Daily interactions with the teacher(s)
o Examples of daily interactions between teachers and students
could include, but are not limited to, messages, emails,
telephone calls, video chats or other formats that enable
teachers to engage with students.
Tracking Absences:
1. Excused absences: Any circumstances for which an excuse note is received,
regardless of whether the particular time frame covered by the excuse is part of
an in-school experience or a virtual experience, should be recorded based on
past practice and policy.
2. No evidence of exposure, engagement or participation: If there is no
evidence that the student participated or engaged in any way in virtual learning,
then the student will be marked absent.
Online/Remote Learning Attendance Expectations
It is expected that parents/guardians shall, to the maximum extent possible, ensure that
their child participates in the virtual learning program. If a student will not be able to
participate in any learning activities that day, a parent can email or use all appropriate
contact methods to communicate with the student’s homeroom teacher and/or the
student’s assigned building.
Students who attend CCCS as Virtual learners will meet attendance requirements by
logging into the (Schoology) learning portal each school by 8:30 am and attending all
remote learning sessions.
Elementary Buildings K-5:
Monday through Thursday
1. Daily morning attendance will be taken between 8:30 am and 9:30 am and
reported by teachers in eschool by 10:15 am. Attendance will then be
monitored by teachers throughout the school day.
2. Afternoon “check-in” attendance is re-taken between 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm. If
a student was marked present in the morning and then was not present
throughout the day, the teacher is expected to go back into eschool and correct
the attendance record to absent before 5:00 pm that day. Likewise, if a
student misses the morning check-in, but then attends the majority of
classroom sessions across the day, the teacher is expected to go back into
eschool before 5:00 pm and correct the originally entered “absence to
Flipped Friday
3. Every Friday, a “Touch-Base Meeting” will be scheduled between 8:30am and
9:00am to review the remote work for the day with their homeroom teacher. It
will be an opportunity to briefly review the day’s assignments, work due by the
end of the day, and to ensure all students understand the assignments.
This “Touch-Base Meeting” will be used to enter attendance in
Before 5:00pm, teachers should have corrected any attendance issues
in e-school cases where they have evidence that students who were
not present at the morning “Touch Base Meeting” have completed the
daily assignments.
Middle School 6-8
Monday through Thursday
1. Daily morning attendance will be taken between 8:30 am and 9:30 am and
reported by homeroom teachers in eschool by 10:15 am. Attendance should
be recorded by period throughout the school day.
Flipped Friday
2. Every Friday, a homeroom “Touch-Base Meeting with students will be scheduled
between 8:30 am and 9:00 am (the responsibility of the homeroom teacher) to
review the remote work for the day. It will be an opportunity to briefly review the
day’s assignments, work due by the end of the day, ensure all students
understand the assignments, etc.
Homeroom teachers will need to coordinate with their students’ subject-specific
teachers during the afternoon before or morning before the “Touch-Base
Meeting to ensure that students are given all relevant information regarding the
day’s assignments in each of the courses.
Based on attendance during this “Touch-Base Meeting, attendance
should be recorded in e-school
Before 5:00 pm, teachers should correct attendance in e-school in
cases where they have evidence that students who were not present
at the morning session completed the daily assignments. They will
need to communicate with students’ subject-specific teachers to
make this determination