Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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his FAQ outlines the goal of the Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program
(NATCEP), explains how certified nurse aides (CNA) may be reimbursed for the costs of
participating in this program, and provides resources for additional information. The FAQ and
related NATCEP documents will be made available for your review on the MDHHS website at
www.michigan.gov/medicaidproviders. The NATCEP webpage
can be accessed through the
following links:
www.michigan.gov/medicaidproviders >> Billing and Reimbursement >> Provider Specific
Information >> Nursing Facilities >> Nurse Aide Training and Testing Reimbursement
The FAQ was last updated October 2018.
What is the NATCEP
NATCEP is a program that supports CNA training and testing
for nursing facility employment.
Does an individual have to
complete the program to
work as a CNA in a
nursing facility?
Yes, all individuals who will be or are working as nurse aides in
a nursing facility must complete the competency evaluation
Can a CNA be reimbursed
for funds spent on
participation in the
Yes, CNAs can be reimbursed for their training and testing
costs by their employer if they:
1. C
omplete the competency evaluation program; and
2. Are hired by or working for a Medicaid certified nursing
acility within twelve months of the completion of their
How can a CNA request
reimbursement from his or
her employer?
The CNA should retain the receipts and documentation from the
training and testing program. The CNA should request
reimbursement from his or her employer within the six month
time period. The CNA should complete form
MSA-1326, which
can be found on the website, and submit it to his or her
What are the “six month”
and “twelve month” time
A nursing facility has six months after the CNA’s hire date to
reimburse them for training and testing costs. A CNA must
secure employment with a certified nursing facility within twelve
months of completing his or her testing to be eligible for
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Is a CNA who works for a
hospital, hospice provider,
Home and Community-
Based Service provider, or
independent living setting
eligible for reimbursement?
No, only nursing facilities are obligated to reimburse CNAs
under NATCEP.
How will a CNA be
reimbursed by his or her
The employer may either reimburse the CNA through a lump
sum payment or installments.
How much will a CNA be
reimbursed for training and
testing costs?
For training costs, a Medicaid certified nursing facility will be
paid to reimburse a CNA up to the current limit for training
costs, which can be reviewed through the
Reimbursement Limit
document on the website.
testing costs, a Medicaid certified nursing facility will be paid
based on the fees charged by the testing center. The testing
center fees can be viewed in the
Nurse Aide Testing Fee
Schedule document located on the website.
A nursing facility may reimburse a CNA for more than the
specified amounts for training and testing costs, but the facility
will not receive additional reimbursement from Medicaid.
How long does an
employer have to
reimburse a CNA?
The employer has six months from the CNA’s hire date to
reimburse the individual if the employer would like to be
reimbursed by Medicaid.
If a CNA leaves a nursing
facility before the six
month time period expires,
is the employer still
obligated to reimburse the
No, a nursing facility is not obligated to reimburse a CNA who
leaves the nursing facility for any reason before the six month
time period expires.
If a nursing facility has not
reimbursed a CNA after
the six month time period
has expired and the CNA
is still employed with the
same facility, what can the
CNA do?
Please contact the LTC Services Division at 517-241-4079 for
additional assistance.
If a CNA is hired by a
facility after the twelve
month time period has
expired, is the CNA eligible
for reimbursement?
No, a nursing facility is not obligated to reimburse a CNA who is
hired after the twelve month time period expires.
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If a CNA leaves one
nursing facility without
receiving full
reimbursement and is
hired by another facility,
can the CNA be
reimbursed for the rest of
the training and testing
Yes, a CNA can request reimbursement from the second facility
1. T
he CNA is hired by the second facility within the twelve
month time period;
2. T
he CNA has not been reimbursed for the full amount of
his or her training and testing costs by the first facility;
The CNA can provide documentation to the second facility
showing that the CNA has not been fully reimbursed by the first
Can a CNA submit the
form for reimbursement to
the MDHHS and receive
reimbursement directly
from the department?
No, MDHHS does not directly reimburse CNAs training and
testing costs associated with NATCEP. Facilities are
responsible for reimbursing CNAs, and participating Medicaid
facilities will be reimbursed by Medicaid through their annual
cost report settlement.
How soon after being hired
should a CNA turn in the
MSA-1326 and any
documentation to their
While not required, it is recommended that the CNA turn in a
completed MSA-1326 and any supplemental documentation
(i.e. receipts, etc.) to their employer as soon as possible after
being hired. This will help ensure that the facility reimburses the
CNA within the required six month time frame.
Does the nursing facility
have to reimburse the CNA
for NATCEP costs?
Yes, a Medicaid certified nursing facility must reimburse a CNA
for their training and testing costs. This is required by Section
9.9.C of the Nursing Facility Cost Reporting & Reimbursement
Appendix in the Medicaid Provider Manual. A provider that does
not comply with the Medicaid Provider Manual is in direct
violation of their Provider Enrollment agreement. The only
exception to this policy is if a CNA has not secured employment
within twelve months of their testing date or they have already
been fully reimbursed for their NATCEP costs.
Does a nursing facility
reimburse CNAs for
NATCEP costs if the
facility is in a NAT lockout?
Yes, a facility under a NAT lockout is still required to reimburse
CNAs for their training and testing costs outside the facility.
These costs are still allowable and reimbursable to the facility
though their Medicaid per diem. A NAT lockout only prevents a
facility from conducting and being reimbursed for facility-based
In order for a CNA to be
reimbursed by a nursing
facility do they need to be
employed full time?
No, a CNA who is employed full time, part time, or per diem
should be reimbursed for their training and testing costs.
If a CNA took out a loan to
pay for their NATCEP
costs what does the
nursing facility reimburse
the CNA for?
In this situation the nursing facility would reimburse the CNA for
the NATCEP costs charged by the training and testing centers
only. The facility is not required to reimburse the CNA for
interest expense on the loan or their monthly loan payments.
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Can a nursing facility bill
any costs to a CNA for
facility-based training
No, a facility cannot bill a CNA for facility-based NATCEP
training costs under any circumstance.
If a person hired by a
facility fails to pass the
CEP does the nursing
facility have to reimburse
No, a nursing facility is only required to reimburse CNAs. If an
individual fails to pass the CEP after the maximum number of
retests the facility is under no obligation to reimburse them.
Can a nursing facility offset
a CNA’s wages in order to
reimburse their NATCEP
No, this practice is strictly prohibited by paragraph six of Section
9.9.C. of the Nursing Facility Cost Reporting & Reimbursement
Appendix of the Medicaid Provider Manual. If the facility is
offsetting the CNA’s wages they aren’t truly reimbursing their
NATCEP costs.
Is a nursing facility
obligated to reimburse a
CNA for fees associated
with the Michigan Nurse
Aide Registry?
Yes, Section 9.9.A. of the Nursing Facility Cost Reporting &
Reimbursement Appendix of the Medicaid Provider Manual
requires facilities to reimburse CNAs for their initial registration
and biennial registry fees. These fees are an allowable cost for
nursing facility Medicaid reimbursement.
Can a nursing facility
require a CNA to remain
employed with that facility
for a specific period of time
greater than six months as
a condition of
No, a facility must reimburse a CNA within six months for
NATCEP related costs. Any reimbursed costs past six months
are unallowable for nursing facility reimbursement purposes,
and a facility cannot require a CNA to reimburse them if their
employment is terminated.
Are there additional
resources on NATCEP
reimbursement? Where
are they located?
CNAs can check to see if his or her employer has a published
NATCEP reimbursement policy that may show how their
employer fulfills the requirements of the program.
NAs and nursing facilities can review the entire State of
Michigan policy on NATCEP reimbursement in the
Provider Manual. The policy can be found in the Nurse Aide
Training and Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP) and
Competency Evaluation Program (CEP) Section of the Nursing
Facility Cost Reporting & Reimbursement Appendix, which can
be found on the website.
If CNAs or nursing facilities have other questions about
NATCEP reimbursement after reviewing this FAQ and other
resources, they may contact the LTC Services Division at 517-