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ISBN 978-0-230-48244-9
© Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC
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First published 2014
This revised edition published November 2017
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CAPE® Computer Science Free Resources
CAPE® Computer Science Syllabus Extract
CAPE® Computer Science Syllabus
CAPE® Computer Science Specimen Papers:
Unit 1 Paper 01
Unit 1 Paper 02
Unit 2 Paper 01
Unit 2 Paper 02
CAPE® Computer Science Mark Schemes:
Unit 1 Paper 01
Unit 1 Paper 02
Unit 2 Paper 01
Unit 2 Paper 02
CAPE® Computer Science Subject Reports:
2004 Subject Report
2005 Subject Report
2006 Subject Report
2008 Subject Report Rest of Caribbean
2009 Subject Report
2010 Subject Report
2011 Subject Report
2012 Subject Report
2013 Subject Report
2014 Subject Report
2015 Subject Report
2016 Subject Report
Computer Science
Computer science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and
computation and their implementation and application in computer systems. The CAPE
Computer Science Syllabus provides persons with advanced knowledge, skills and
attitudes to enable them to understand the uses and the impact of computer technologies,
and to use the technology to create new computer applications for all areas of human
activity. This syllabus provides opportunity for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and
attitudes as preparation for further studies in Computer Science and the world of work.
This syllabus consists of two Units, each comprising three Modules.
Unit 1: Fundamentals of Computer Science
Module 1 Computer Architecture and Organisation
Module 2 Problem-Solving with Computers
Module 3 Programming
Unit 2: Further Topics in Computer Science
Module 1 Data Structures
Module 2 Software Engineering
Module 3 Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination
Effective for examinations from May/June 2009
Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior
permission of the author or publisher.
Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to:
The Pro-Registrar
Caribbean Examinations Council
Caenwood Centre
37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.
Telephone: (876) 630-5200
Facsimile Number: (876) 967-4972
E-mail address:
Copyright © 2008 by Caribbean Examinations Council
The Garrison, St Michael BB14038, Barbados
CXC A19/U2/08
RATIONALE ..................................................................................................................................... 1
AIMS .................................................................................................................................................. 2
SKILLS AND ABILITIES TO BE ASSESSED .................................................................................... 2
PRE-REQUISITES OF THE SYLLABUS ........................................................................................... 4
STRUCTURE OF THE SYLLABUS .................................................................................................. 4
MO D U L E 1 : CO M P U T E R AR C H I T E CT U R E AN D O R G AN I S AT I O N ......... 5
MO D U L E 2 : P R O B L E M - SO L VI N G W I T H C O M P U T E R S ....................................... 8
MO D U L E 3 : P R O G R A MMI N G .......................................................................................... 11
MO D U L E 1 : DA T A S T R UC T U R E S ................................................................................... 1 3
MO D U L E 2 : S O F T W A R E E N G I N E E R I N G ................................................................... 15
MO D U L E 3 : O P E R A T I N G S Y S T E MS A N D C O MP U T E R N E T WO R K S .......... 19
OUTLINE OF ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................ 23
REGULATIONS FOR PRIVATE CANDIDATES ............................................................................. 35
REGULATIONS FOR RESIT CANDIDATES .................................................................................. 35
ASSESSMENT GRID ......................................................................................................................... 36
LOGIC SYMBOLS ............................................................................................................................. 36
GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................ 37
CXC A19/U2/08
This document CXC A19/U2/08 replaces CXC A19/U2/03 issued in 2003.
Please note that the syllabus was revised and amendments are indicated by italics.
Revised 2008
Please check the website, for updates on CXC’s syllabuses.
CXC A19/U2/08
he Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) is designed to provide certification of the
academic, vocational and technical achievement of students in the Caribbean who, having completed
a minimum of five years of secondary education, wish to further their studies. The examinations address
the skills and knowledge acquired by students under a flexible and articulated system where subjects are
organised in 1-Unit or 2-Unit courses with each Unit containing three Modules. Subjects examined under
CAPE may be studied concurrently or singly.
The Caribbean Examinations Council offers three types of certification. The first is the award of a certificate
showing each CAPE Unit completed. The second is the CAPE diploma, awarded to candidates who have
satisfactorily completed at least six Units, including Caribbean Studies. The third is the CAPE Associate Degree,
awarded for the satisfactory completion of a prescribed cluster of seven CAPE Units including Caribbean Studies
and Communication Studies. For the CAPE diploma and the CAPE Associate Degree, candidates must complete
the cluster of required Units within a maximum period of five years.
Recognised educational institutions presenting candidates for CAPE Associate Degree in one of the nine categories
must, on registering these candidates at the start of the qualifying year, have them confirm in the required form, the
Associate Degree they wish to be awarded. Candidates will not be awarded any possible alternatives for which they
did not apply.
CXC A19/U2/08
CXC A19/U2/08
Computer Science Syllabus
he widespread application of Computer Science, as embodied in the tools and techniques for gathering,
manipulating, analysing and disseminating information, made possible because of dramatic
improvements in computer and telecommunications technologies, has significantly changed society. A
large proportion of business transactions is performed over computer networks. Multi-media computers have
had a significant impact on the way in which people learn and on the way they seek entertainment. Moreover,
the increased integration of computer and telecommunications technology, exemplified by the Internet
associated technologies, has led to an increased globalisation of the world economy. Computer Science,
including the Internet, has significantly changed personal communication, commerce and the way in which
academic research is conducted. M
oreover, continuing developments in this field, including the increased use of
mobile networks and the further improvement and decreasing cost of computer hardware, mean that the world
has not seen the last of these changes.
The increasing importance of computer-based applications provides an important economic opportunity for
the region. In recognition of this, a number of regional governments have made the provision of information
services, including computer programming and software engineering, an important element in their economic
development plans.
However, in order for the Caribbean to become an integral part of this new world and to take advantage of
the economic opportunities it offers, citizens need to be able to use existing computer-based systems and to
create and maintain them. The latter requires a solid foundation in Computer Science. Thus, Caribbean
students need to acquire advanced knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to understand the uses and
the impact of computer technologies, and to use the technology to create new computer applications for all
areas of human activity. The syllabus is intended primarily for people who want to pursue a professional
career in Computer Science or related disciplines and provides the opportunity for the acquisition of relevant
knowledge, skills and attitudes as preparation for further studies in Computer Science and the world of work.
CXC A19/U2/08
The syllabus aims to:
1. develop a range of cognitive skills, including critical thinking skills;
2. develop an understanding of the components, the architecture and the organisation of a computer system;
3. equip students with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about the selection of components of
computer systems;
4. develop an understanding of the problem-solving process;
5. equip students with skills to create algorithms to solve problems;
6. develop skills to write correct programs to solve problems;
7. develop an understanding of the concepts of software engineering;
8. provide students with an understanding of abstract data types and their usefulness for manipulating data;
9. develop skills in using essential tools and techniques in system development;
10. develop an appreciation for the characteristics of operating systems and their applications;
11. develop an understanding of how computer networks can be used to connect computers together, regardless of
12. equip students with skills to design simple computer networks.
The skills that students are expected to have developed on completion of this syllabus have been grouped
under three headings:
(i) Knowledge and Comprehension;
(ii) Application and Analysis;
(iii) Synthesis and Evaluation.
CXC A19/U2/08
Knowledge and Comprehension
The ability to:
- identify, recall, and grasp the meaning of basic facts, concepts and principles;
- select appropriate ideas, match, compare and cite examples of facts, concepts, and principles in
familiar situations;
explain phenomena in terms of generally applicable principles.
Application and Analysis
The ability to:
use facts, concepts, principles and procedures in unfamiliar situations;
transform data accurately and appropriately and use common characteristics as a basis for
identify and recognise the component parts of a whole and interpret the relationships between those
identify causal factors and show how they interact with each other; infer, predict and draw
recognise the limitations and assumptions of data gathered in an attempt to solve a problem.
Synthesis and Evaluation
The ability to:
- make reasoned judgements and recommendations based on the value of ideas and information and
their implications;
use the computer and computer-based tools to solve problems;
justify the appropriate application of techniques of problem-solving;
- select, justify and apply appropriate techniques and principles to develop data structures and
application programs for the solution of a problem.
CXC A19/U2/08
Any person with a good grasp of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Information
Technology or Mathematics syllabuses, or their equivalent, should be able to pursue the course of study defined
by this syllabus. However, successful participation in the course of study will also depend on the possession of
good verbal and written communication skills.
This syllabus consists of two Units comprising three Modules each of 50 hours. Although the Units are
independent of each other, together they provide a comprehensive introduction to the field of Computer
CXC A19/U2/08
On completion of this Module, students should:
1. understand the workings of the components of computer-based systems;
2. develop an appreciation of the functional components of the computer system, including the characteristics,
performance and interactions.
Students should be able to:
1. state the purpose of the main components of a
computer system;
2. describe the basic building blocks of a computer;
3. explain how data is represented in a computer
Ha r d w a r e C o m p o n e n t s
Input/output devices: port connectivity; speed; quality of
output; specialised devices.
Memory types: ROM; RAM; EPROM; EEPROM.
Memory features: speed; size; word size; volatility.
Storage devices: capacity, access speed, access method,
Security: surge protectors, voltage regulators,
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS).
Types of computers: supercomputer, mainframe,
microcomputer, Laptop, PDA.
Co m p u t e r Ar c h i t e c t u r e
Truth tables (refer to symbols on page 36).
Logic gates; Flip flops; registers; counters; multiplexors;
encoders, decoders.
Da t a R e p r e s e n t a t i o n
Bits; bytes; fixed (signed magnitude, ones and twos
complement) and floating point (sign, mantissa and
exponent) numbers and character representation; number
CXC A19/U2/08
Students should be able to:
4. describe the main characteristics of a processor. Co m p u t e r O r g a n i s a t i o n
CPU components (ALU, CU, Registers), instruction
format (addresses per instruction, fixed length vs variable
length), types (data manipulation control and
input/output) and sets; instruction fetch, decode and
Clock speed, cache memory.
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities
To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives of this Module, teachers are advised to engage students in the teaching
and learning activities listed below.
1. Site visits to computer sales companies to view the various components of a computer system.
2. Invite computer professionals to talk to students on topics relating to the components of a computer
3. Divide class into groups and each group asked to conduct research on a topic related to the
components of a computer system. Each group will then be required to present a report to the class.
Students should be encouraged to gather updated information from various sources such as the
Internet, current computer magazines, books and by interviewing computer p
4. View interactive video tapes and Compact Disc, together with training materials on the components
of a computer system.
5. Provide students with opportunities to talk to the class on a topic relating to the components of a
computer system. Teacher will assign topics to students.
CXC A19/U2/08
Bradley, R. Understanding Computer Science for Advanced Level, London: Stanley
Thornes, 2005.
Heathcote, P. A Level Computing, London: Letts, 2005.
Parsons, J. and Oja, D. Computer Concepts, Albany, New York: International Thomson
Publishing Company, 2004.
Shelly, G., Cashman, T. and
Vermaat, M.
Discovering Computers 2008, Boston: Thomson Course Technology, 2008.
CXC A19/U2/08
On completion of this Module, students should:
1. understand the problem-solving process;
2. appreciate the role and importance of algorithms in the problem-solving process;
3. understand the process of developing algorithms.
Students should be able to:
1. explain the concept of problem-solving; Definition of problem-solving.
2. describe the stages in the problem-solving process; Problem definition; problem analysis; identify and evaluate
possible solutions; select and justify the optimal solutions;
implementation and review.
3. explain the concept of an algorithm; Definition; algorithm as a problem-solving strategy; its role
and importance in the problem-solving process.
4. identify the necessary properties of algorithms
that are well designed;
A general solution to the problem, clearly defined and
unambiguous steps, finite number of steps, and flow of
control from one process to another.
5. identify ways of representing algorithms; Inclusion of narrative, flow charts and pseudocode.
6. explain constructs used in structured
Input and output statements.
Control Structures:
Sequencing; Selection; Iteration or repetition (bounded, for
example, fixed number of iterations and unbounded, for
example, sentinel control); Assignment statement.
7. interpret algorithms from case problems; Determination of output and correctness of a given
algorithm (the algorithm may be expressed in narrative,
flow charts or pseudocode).
CXC A19/U2/08
Students should be able to:
8. correct algorithms from case problems; Determination of whether an algorithm achieves its stated
objective and if not provision of the correct algorithm.
9. develop algorithms from case problems;
10. explain the need for developing the logic of a
computer program.
Algorithms as logically sequenced instructions.
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities
To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives of this Module, teachers are advised to engage students in the teaching
and learning activities listed below.
1. Engage students in a discussion leading to the definition of a problem. The activity should be geared to the
students communicating their perspective of a problem. The teacher should then give feedback on those
perspectives by identifying problems in different scenarios.
2. Encourage students to have an appreciation that not every problem can be solved using the computer. From a list
of problems, the students should distinguish between problems that can be solved by using a computer and those
which cannot be solved using the computer.
3. Give a set of scenarios in which there are either opportunities or problems encountered by an entity such as an
organisation or a school. Students are required to (a) identify a problem, (b) formulate a problem statement, (c)
suggest two possible solutions, and (d) recommend one of the solutions and justify the choice.
4. Use algorithms to solve simple tasks, for example, to compute the sum of a set of numbers.
5. Use different program constructs in developing algorithms.
Bradley, R. Understanding Computer Science for Advanced Level, London: Stanley
Thornes, 2005.
Heathcote, P. A Level Computing, London: Letts, 2005.
CXC A19/U2/08
Kendall, K. and Kendall, J. Systems Analysis and Design, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2007.
Parsons, J. and Oja, D. Computer Concepts, Albany, New York: International Thomson
Publishing Company, 2004.
Shelly, G., Ashman, T. and Vermaat,
Discovering Computers 2008, Boston: Thomson Course Technology,
CXC A19/U2/08
On completion of this Module, students should:
1. appreciate the need for different programming languages and program translation;
2. develop the ability to implement solutions to problems using a programming language.
Students should be able to:
1. identify the characteristics of different
programming paradigms;
Procedural or Imperative, Object-oriented, Functional and
Declarative and others (for example, Aspect and Scripting).
2. explain the need for different programming
Appropriateness to application (web application, games,
formula translation, application for mobile devices).
3. explain how assemblers, compilers, virtual
machines and interpreters are involved in the
execution of High-level programming languages;
Stages in the translation process: lexical analysis; syntax
analysis; semantic analysis; intermediate code generation;
code optimization; code generation.
Role of preprocessors; linkers.
4. assign values to declared variables; Declare variables using appropriate names. Use
appropriate and primitive data types (integer, float,
double, char and enumerated).
5. use input and output statements; Input data into variables; output formatted data from
variables; print headings.
6. choose appropriate conditional and iterative
7. use conditional and iterative control constructs;
8. use arrays in programs; Read data into arrays, output data from arrays,
manipulate or modify data in arrays. Character arrays
CXC A19/U2/08
Students should be able to:
9. apply the techniques of structured decomposition
to reorganise a program into smaller pieces;
Write simple functions; programs should be clear,
orthogonal (small blocks of code) and simple.
10. implement algorithms to solve a given problem; Write, test and debug programs; syntax and semantic
errors; use of range tests and desk checks; code debugging
strategies (trace tables, use of ‘watches’ to examine the
values of variables).
11. use records as a means of grouping related
The concept of ‘struct’ in C.
12. use text files to store data and records; File operations: open, close, read, write, append.
13. develop good programming style. White space (proper spacing), indentation, appropriate
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities
To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives of this Module, teachers are advised to engage students in the teaching
and learning activities listed below.
1. Critique previously written programs focusing, for example, on the use of structure, constructs, comments,
indentation, variable names and error handling.
2. Divide class into groups and ask each group to conduct research on a topic related to the implementation of
different data structures with respect to performance. Each group will then be required to present a report to the
3. Develop test cases to illustrate the importance of testing.
4. Divide students into groups to research different languages, paradigms and translators and to examine the
weaknesses and strengths of each language, paradigm and translator.
Shelly, G., Ashman, T. and Vermaat,
Discovering Computers 2008, Boston: Thomson Course Technology,
CXC A19/U2/08
On completion of this Module, students should:
1. appreciate the use of abstract data types (ADTs) in the efficient manipulation of data;
2. understand basic algorithms for sorting and searching.
Students should be able to:
1. describe the concept of abstract data types
2. distinguish among ADTs; Stacks (LIFO), queues (FIFO), singly linked list
(INSERT and DELETE): definition, structure and
3. perform basic operations on standard ADTs
using diagrams and algorithms;
Stacks: Push, Pop, Empty, Full.
4. implement basic ADTs using one-dimensional
Write programs to implement Stacks, Queues.
5. describe searching and sorting algorithms using
one-dimensional arrays;
Linear search; binary search; simple selection sort; bubble
6. implement searching and sorting algorithms. Linear search; binary search; simple selection sort; bubble
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities
To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives of this Module, teachers are advised to engage students in the teaching
and learning activities listed below.
1. Use scenarios to illustrate the application of Abstract Data Types.
2. Make reference to real-life situations that demonstrate ADTs in action; for example, adding and removing plates
from a stack of plates; customers in a queue (line) in a bank.
CXC A19/U2/08
Heathcote, P. A Level Computing, London: Letts, 2005.
Kendall, K. and Kendall, J. Systems Analysis and Design, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 2005.
Shelly, G., Ashman, T. and Vermaat,
Discovering Computers 2008, Boston: Thomson Course
Technology, 2008.
Sommerville, I. Software Engineering, Harlow: Addison Wesley, 2006.
CXC A19/U2/08
On completion of this Module, students should:
1. understand the phases of the software development life cycle;
2. have an appreciation for the methods, processes, tools and techniques used in software engineering.
Students should be able to:
1. explain the reasons for a structured
approach to the software development
Increased dependence of many organisations on their
computer systems.
Crises in previous developments: for example,
increasing costs of software development;
dissatisfaction of users and management with the
quality and suitability of software; increasing length
and complexity of the software.
Requirements for standard interfaces, both to users
and to other software.
Need for tighter control and management of process;
visibility of the process; risk management.
Importance of the need for the involvement of end
users and management.
2. explain the attributes of a well-engineered
software product;
Properties of well-engineered software:
maintainability; dependability; efficiency; usability;
portability; availability of appropriate documentation.
3. identify different generic software process
models and examine their strengths and
Phases of the Software Development Life Cycle.
Life Cycle Models: waterfall approach; evolutionary
development including rapid prototyping; fountain
approach; formal transformation; reuse-oriented
CXC A19/U2/08
Students should be able to:
4. outline the main activities, tools, techniques
and deliverables of the analysis phase;
Requirements and Specification Process: feasibility study;
requirements analysis.
Tools and Techniques: Interviews, questionnaires,
observations, review internal documents, prototyping, Data
Flow Models (Data Flow Diagrams) and their use to
document the flow of information: use of symbols to depict
data stores, process, data flows and external entities; Data
Dictionaries; Semantic Data Models (Entity-Relationship
Diagrams), Object Models;
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools.
Deliverables: requirements specification (feasibility report,
functional and non-functional specification).
5. outline the main activities, tools, techniques and
deliverables of the design phase;
Design process: architectural design; interface design; data
structure design; algorithm design.
Tools and techniques: Structure charts, HIPO chart,
CASE tools.
Design Methods: top-down, bottom-up, system structuring
(sub-systems, modules, programs); Design Strategies:
functional versus objected-oriented.
Guidelines for screens, reports, user interfaces.
Deliverables: system architecture, design specification.
6. outline the main activities, tools, techniques and
deliverables of the implementation phase;
Coding process.
7. outline the main activities, tools, techniques and
deliverables of the validation phase;
Need for the testing process, test plans; software inspection;
software testing (unit inspection, acceptance test, test case
8. outline the main activities, tools, techniques and
deliverables of the evolution phase.
CXC A19/U2/08
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities
To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives of this Module, teachers are advised to engage students in the teaching
and learning activities listed below.
1. Identify organisations that use custom-built software applications. Students should be divided into
groups and asked to interview both users and management of these organisations to determine the
(i) methodology (Life Cycle model used);
(ii) problems encountered during the development of the application(s);
(iii) level of user involvement;
(iv) lessons learned;
(v) what steps could have been done differently and why;
(vi) other relevant considerations.
Students can present their findings to the class.
2. Divide students into groups to research various Life
Cycle models, tools and techniques used during
the analysis and design phases. Students should report on their findings, including the strengths and
weaknesses of models, tools and techniques.
3. Invite professionals involved in developing software to make presentations to students to give them
additional perspectives on issues relevant to the topics. The professionals should be encouraged to
bring samples of deliverables.
4. Identify a ‘problem and engage students in developing a simple system which could solve the
5. Present poorly-designed” screen layouts, data structures, reports and user interfaces and ask students
to critique them, for exam
ple, focusing on the appropriate use of font type and size; colours, spacing,
labelling or instructions, ease of use.
CXC A19/U2/08
Bradley, R. Understanding Computer Science for Advanced Level, London: Stanley
Thornes, 2005.
Heathcote, P. A Level Computing, London: Letts, 2005.
Parsons, J. and Oja, D. Computer Concepts, Albany, New York: International Thomson
Publishing Company, 2004.
Shelly, G., Ashman, T. and Vermaat,
Discovering Computers 2008, Boston: Thomson Course Technology,
Sommerville, I. Software Engineering, Essex: Pearson Educational Limited, 2006.
CXC A19/U2/08
On completion of this Module, students should:
1. understand the functions of operating systems;
2. develop an appreciation for networking technology and applications.
Students should be able to:
1. explain the main functions of operating systems; Resource manager; interface.
2. describe how operating systems have evolved
over time from primitive batch systems to
sophisticated multi-user systems;
History of operating system development.
3. describe the functions of operating systems; Operating system functions:
Bo o t s t r a p p r o c e s s
Pr o c e s s M a n a g e m e n t
Process states: Running, Ready, Blocked.
How the interrupt mechanism works
Types of interrupt:
- interrupt generated by the running process
- Input/Output Interrupt
- External Interrupt
- Restart Interrupt
Deadlock (what is Deadlock)
The pro
cess control block (process descriptor)
Scheduling Algorithms Pre-emptive (Shortest-Job-First (SJF),
round robin) and Non-pre-emptive (FCFS), Shortest-Job-
First (SJF)
(explain the concepts only)
CXC A19/U2/08
Students should be able to:
Me m o r y Ma n a g e m e n t
Virtual Memory, paging, thrashing
Fi l e M a n a g e m e n t
Directories/Folders, Files
Se c ur i t y ( o f f i l e s )
User IDs, Passwords, Lockwords, Access control list, file
encryption, file compression
Activity logs
In terf a ce (user)
Types of interfaces: Menu, command prompt, GUI and
the manipulation of the interface
De v i c e M a n a g e me n t
Device drivers
Interrupt handling (PCB)
Input/output control
Peripheral control, polling Buffering, Spooling.
Ne t w o r k i n g
Network management (user accounts, access logs)
Networking Protocols (TCP/IP)
4. distinguish among networked, client-server, and
Ne t w o r k A r c h i t e c t u r e : Ethernet, FDDI.
Ne t w o r k t o p o l o g y : Star, Ring, Bus, Hybrid.
Ne t w o r k d e v i c e s : Modems, switches, routers, bridges,
network interface cards (NIC), hubs.
Tr a n s m i s s i o n M e d i a : wired (twisted pair, fiber-optics,
coaxial); wireless (satellite, microwave)
IEE1394 (Firewire) and cable connectors using diagrams.
Pr o t o c o l :
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext
CXC A19/U2/08
Students should be able to:
Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS); IEEE802.11a/b;
IEEE802.16g; characteristics of Voice Over Internet
Open System Interconnection (OSI) model.
Ac c e s s M e t h o d s f o r m o b i l e n e t w o r k s : CDMA,
Ne t w o r k i n g c o n s i d e r a t i o n :
cost, security, management, expandability,
interconnectivity, wired vs wireless
Ne t w o r k C o n f i g u r a t i o n :
Types: Multi-user; client server, centralised vs. distributed
system, peer to peer.
Ne t w o r k S e c u r i t y :
design simple networks.
Use diagrams to design networks.
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activity
To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives of this Module, teachers are advised to engage students in the teaching
and learning activity below.
Divide class into groups and each group asked to conduct research on the functions of one type of operating system with
respect to convenience, efficiency, and the ability to evolve. Each group will then be required to present a report to the
class. Students should be encouraged to gather updated information from various sources such as the Internet, current
computer magazines, books and by interviewing computer professionals.
CXC A19/U2/08
Ritchie, C. Operating Systems Incorporating UNIX and Windows, London:
Letts Educational, 2003.
Shelly, G., Ashman, T. and
Vermaat, M.
Discovering Computers 2008, Boston: Thomson Course
Technology, 2008.
CXC A19/U2/08
Each Unit of the syllabus will be assessed separately. The scheme of assessment for each Unit will be the
same. Candidate’s performance on each Unit will be reported as an overall grade and a grade on each Module
of the Unit. The assessment will comprise two components, one external and one internal.
Paper 01
(1 hour 30 minutes)
Forty-five multiple-choice items, fifteen (15) from each Module.
Each item is worth 1 mark.
Paper 02
(2 hours 30 minutes)
Six questions, two from each Module. Candidates will be
expected to answer all questions.
Paper 03A
The Internal Assessment for each unit is compulsory.
Un i t 1 : F u n d a me n t a l s o f C o m p u te r S c ie n c e
Candidates are expected to choose a problem for which a software solution is appropriate and create an algorithm for the
solution using sequencing, selection, assignments, iteration (bounded and unbounded). They should represent their
algorithms using any combination of narrative, flow charts and pseudocode. Candidates are expected to implement the
algorithm in C using arrays with no less than five functions and create a test plan.
Un i t 2 : F u r t h e r T o p i c s i n C o m p u t e r Sc i e nc e
Candidates are expected to choose a problem for which a software solution exists and then develop the software using
software engineering techniques. In particular, they are expected to demonstrate the tools and techniques used in the analysis
of the software to be developed. They are then expected to design, code, and test their software using appropriate
Paper 03B
Private candidates are required to write an Alternative Paper to the Internal Assessment Paper.
CXC A19/U2/08
An Internal Assessment Record Sheet will be sent each year to schools submitting students for the examinations.
All Internal Assessment Record Sheets must be submitted to CXC by May 31 of each year of the examination. A sample
of assignments will be requested by CXC for moderation purposes. These samples will be re-assessed by CXC Examiners
who moderate the Internal Assessment. Teachers’ marks may be adjusted as a result of moderation. The Examiners’
comments will be sent to teachers.
Copies of the students’ submissions must be retained by the school until three months after publication by CXC of the
examination results.
External Assessment
Paper 01 and Paper 02
The external assessment consists of two written papers. They are externally set and externally assessed. Together they
contribute 80% of the final mark.
P ap e r 0 1 (1 h o u r 3 0 m inu t e s)
Co m p o s i t i o n o f t h e P a p e r
The paper will consist of forty-five (45) multiple-choice items, fifteen (15) from each Module. All
questions are compulsory and knowledge of the entire Syllabus is expected. The paper will assess the
candidate’s knowledge across the breadth of the Syllabus.
M a r k A l l o c a t i o n
The paper is worth 45 marks, with each question being allocated 1 mark.
3 .
Qu e s t i o n T y p e
Questions may be presented using diagrams, data, graphs, prose or other stimulus material.
CXC A19/U2/08
P ap e r 0 2 ( 2 h o u r s 3 0 m inu t e s )
Co m p o s i t i o n o f P a p e r
This paper consists of six questions, two from each Module, arranged in three sections. Candidates are required
to do all questions in each section.
M a r k A l l o c a t i o n
This paper is worth 150 marks, each question is worth 25 marks.
Qu e s t i o n T y p e
Each question may present a situation related to a specific topic in the syllabus and consists of three or four sub-
questions. The required responses to a sub-question may range in length.
A w a r d o f m a r k s
Marks will be awarded for knowledge and comprehension, application and analysis and synthesis and
Internal Assessment (20% of Total Assessment)
Internal Assessment is an integral part of student assessment in the course covered by this syllabus. It is
intended to assist students in acquiring certain knowledge, skills and attitudes that are associated with the
subject. The activities for the Internal Assessment are linked to the syllabus and should form part of the
learning activities to enable the student to achieve the objectives of the syllabus.
During the course of study for the subject, students obtain marks for the competence they develop and
demonstrate in undertaking their Internal Assessment assignments. These marks contribute to the final marks
and grades that are awarded to students for their performance in the examination.
The guidelines provided in this syllabus for selecting appropriate tasks are intended to assist teachers and
students in selecting assignments that are valid for the purpose of Internal Assessment. The guidelines provided
for the assessment of these assignments are intended to assist teachers in awarding marks that are reliable
estimates of the achievement of students in the Internal Assessment component of the course. In order to
ensure that the scores awarded by the teachers are not out of line with the CXC standards, the Council
undertakes the moderation of a sample of the Internal
Assessment assignments marked by each teacher.
Internal Assessment provides an opportunity to individualise a part of the curriculum to meet the needs of
students. It facilitates feedback to the student at various stages of the experience. This helps to build the self-
confidence of students as they proceed with their studies. Internal Assessment also facilitates the
development of critical skills and abilities emphasised by this CAPE subject and enhances the validity of the
examination on which candidate performance is reported. Internal Assessment, therefore, makes a significant
and unique contribution to both the developme
nt of relevant skills and the testing and rewarding of students
for the development of those skills.
CXC A19/U2/08
The Caribbean Examinations Council seeks to ensure that the Internal Assessment scores are valid and
reliable estimates of accomplishment. The guidelines provided in this syllabus are intended to assist in doing
Each candidates total Internal Assessment mark for any Unit should be divided in three and allocated to each
Module equally.
Fractional marks should not be awarded. Wherever the Unit mark is not divisible by three, then
(a) when the remainder is 1 mark, it should be allocated to Module 1
(b) when the remainder is 2, one of the marks should be a
llocated to Module 2 and the other mark to
Module 3.
Paper 03A
UNIT 1: Fundamentals of Computer Science
1. The aims of the project are to:
(i) develop candidate’s personal insights into the fundaments of Computer science;
(ii) provide opportunities for all candidates to show, with confidence, that they have mastered
the syllabus.
2. Requirements
Each candidate is expected to choose a problem for which a software solution is appropriate and
create algorithms for the solution using sequencing, selection, assignments, and iteration (bounded
and unbounded). They should represent their algorithms using narrative format and either flow
charts or pseudocode. Candidates are expected to implement their algorithms as C programs using
arrays with no less than five functions and using at least one file. They must also create a test plan
that is used to test their implemented programs for correctness.
3. Integration of Project into the course
(i) The activities related to Project work should be integrated into the course so as to enable
candidates to learn and practise the skills of undertaking a successful project.
(ii) Some time in class should be allocated for general discussion of project work. For example,
discussion of how data should be collected, how data should
be analysed and how data
should be presented.
(iii) Class time should also be allocated for discussion between teacher and student, and student
and student.
CXC A19/U2/08
4. Management of Project
(i) Planning
An early start to planning project work is highly recommended and the schedule of the dates
for submission should be developed by teachers and candidates.
(ii) Length
The length of the report of the project should be between 1500 and 2000 words excluding
diagrams, graphs, tables and bibliographies.
(iii) Guidance
Each candidate should know the requirements of the project and its assessment process.
Although candidates may consult with resource persons besides the teacher the candidates
submission should be his or her own work.
Candidates are not expected to work on their own. The teacher is expected to give
appropriate guidance at all stages of project work, for example, chapters to read, alternative
procedures to follow and other sources of information.
(iv) Authenticity
Teachers are required to ensure that all projects are the candidates’ work.
A recommended procedure is to:
(a) engage candidates in discussion;
(b) ask candidates to describe procedures used and summarise findings either orally or
(c) ask candidates to explain specific aspects of the analysis.
CXC A19/U2/08
It is recommended that candidates be provided with an assessment criteria before commencing the project.
(i) The following aspects of the project will be assessed:
(a) Definition of problem;
(b) Narrative and flow charts or pseudocode;
(c) Coding of program;
(d) Testing and presentation;
(e) Communication of Information.
(ii) For each component, the aim is to find the level of achievement reached by the candidate.
(iii) For each component, only whole numbers should be awarded.
(iv) It is recommended that the assessment criteria be available to candidates at all times.
CXC A19/U2/08
The project will be graded out of a total of 60 marks and marks will be allocated to each task as outlined
below. Candidates will be awarded marks for communicating information in a logical way using correct grammar. These
marks are awarded under Task 5.0 below.
1. Definition of Problem [4]
Complete and accurate description of the problem
Partial description of the problem
2. Narrative and Flow Charts or Pseudocode [15]
Algorithms expressed in narrative format (4)
Narrative is an accurate description of a solution
Narrative is a partially correct description of a solution
Algorithms expressed as flow charts or pseudocode (6)
Flow chart/Pseudocode is logical, easy to follow and is an accurate
description of a solution using the appropriate symbols or algorithmic
Flow chart/Pseudocode is organised, easy to follow for the most part, and
is a clear description of a solution using the appropriate symbols or
algorithmic structures
Flow chart/Pseudocode is not well organised, and description of solution
lacks clarity
Demonstration of structured programming concepts (5)
Program displays excellent use of structured programming concepts
Program displays good use of structured programming concepts
Program displays limited use of structured programming concepts
3. Coding of Program [25]
Structured decomposition using functions (6)
Overall, program comprises functions as independent units
Program comprises most functions as independent units
Program comprises some functions as independent units
Use of appropriate data structures (6)
Data structure chosen were appropriate for the problem definition
Data structure chosen were reasonable but not appropriate
Data structure chosen were inappropriate
Demonstration of the concept of structured programming (3)
Evidence of looping structures 3
Evidence of conditional statements 2
Evidence of other structures (for example assignment, input, output) 1
Appropriate programming style and documentation (4)
Appropriate document in significant areas
Standard indentation of code
CXC A19/U2/08
Evidence that code matches algorithm (4)
Code matches sequencing of algorithm 4
Code matches MOST of the sequencing of algorithm 3
Code matches SOME of the sequencing of algorithm 2
Sequencing of code inconsistent with algorithm 1
Evidence of file manipulation (2)
Correct file types used, for example, text, binary, sequential, random 2
File used appropriately 1
4. Testing and presentation [11]
Test Plan
Test Plan with exhaustive data set
Test Plan with acceptable data set
Test Plan with minimal data set
Test Results
Normal input giving correct results
Extreme input giving correct results or appropriate error message
Erroneous input (for example, text when number required) giving
appropriate error message
Incomplete input giving appropriate message
Overall presentation
Appropriate cover page
Use of table of contents
Sequencing in document easy to follow
5. Communication of Information [5]
Communicates information in a logical way using correct grammar and
appropriate jargon ALL of the time
Communicates information in a logical way using correct grammar and
appropriate jargon MOST of the time
Communicates information in a logical way using correct grammar and
appropriate jargon MOST of the time
UNIT 2: Further Topics in Computer Science
1. The aims of the project are to:
(i) develop candidate’s personal insights into further topics in Computer Science;
(ii) provide opportunities for all candidates to show, with confidence, that they have mastered
the syllabus.
CXC A19/U2/08
2. Requirements
Each candidate is expected to choose a problem for which a software solution exists and then develop the software
using software engineering techniques. In particular, the candidate is expected to demonstrate appropriate choice
of the tools and techniques used in the analysis of the software to be developed. They are then expected to design,
code, and test their software using appropriate techniques.
The following are examples of the kinds of projects that students can develop for the Internal Assessment:
(i) simple process scheduler for an operating system;
(ii) vehicle parking system to allocate spaces to vehicles in a parking lot;
(iii) system to manage a CD/DVD collection;
(iv) student registration system to keep track of student information, course grades and registration details.
3. Integration of Project into the course
(i) The activities related to Project work should be integrated into the course so as to enable
candidates to learn and practise the skills of undertaking a successful project.
(ii) Some time in class should be allocated for general discussion of project work. For example,
discussion of how data should be collected, how data should be analysed and how data
should be presented.
(iii) Class time should also be allocated for discussion between teacher and student, and student
and student.
4. Management of Project
(i) Planning
An early start to planning project work is highly recommended and the schedule of the dates
for submission should be developed by teachers and candidates.
(ii) Length
The length of the report of the project should be between 1500 and 2000 words excluding
diagrams, graphs, tables and bibliographies.
(iii) Guidance
Each candidate should know the requirements of the project and its assessment process.
Although candidates may consult with resource persons besides the teacher the candidates
submission should be his or her own work.
CXC A19/U2/08
Candidates are not expected to work on their own. The teacher is expected to give
appropriate guidance at all stages of project work, for example, chapters to read, alternative
procedures to follow and other sources of information.
(iv) Authenticity
Teachers are required to ensure that all projects are the candidates’ work.
A recommended procedure is to:
(a) engage candidates in discussion;
(b) ask candidates to describe procedures used and summarise findings either orally or
(c) ask candidates to explain specific aspects of the analysis.
It is recommended that candidates be provided with an assessment criteria before commencing the project.
(i) The following aspects of the project will be assessed:
(a) Specification of requirements;
(b) Design Specification;
(c) Coding and Testing;
(d) Communication of Information.
(v) For each component, the aim is to find the level of achievement reached by the candidate.
(vi) For each component, only whole numbers should be awarded.
(vii) It is recommended that the assessment criteria be available to candidates at all times.
CXC A19/U2/08
Candidates will be awarded a total of 5 marks for communicating information in a logical way using correct
grammar. The marks are awarded as shown in the mark scheme below.
1. Specification of requirements [25]
Definition of problem (5)
Complete accurate description of the problem
Generally accurate description for the problem
Partially accurate description for the problem
Weak description for the problem
Techniques of analysis used (5)
Sound and relevant techniques used
Mostly sound and relevant techniques
Techniques were partially sound and relevance was limited
Use of Data Flow diagrams and E-R diagrams (9)
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
Context Level
Complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities, data flows.
Accurate diagram of most relevant entities, data flows.
Accurate diagram of few relevant entities, data flows.
Level 1 Diagram
Complete and accurate diagram of all relevant processes, data flows and
major data stores
Accurate diagram of most relevant processes, data flows and major data
Accurate diagram of few relevant processes, data flows and major data
Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)
Complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and relationships.
Accurate diagram of most relevant entities and relationships.
Accurate diagram of few relevant entities and relationships
Functional and non-functional requirements (6)
Functional Requirements
Complete and accurate description of all requirements
Complete and accurate description of most requirements
Complete and accurate description of few requirements
CXC A19/U2/08
Non Functional Requirements
Complete and accurate description of all requirements
Accurate description of most requirements
Accurate description of some requirements
2. Design Specification [14]
System structuring (4)
Complete and accurate diagram of all processes 4
Accurate diagram of most processes 3
Accurate diagram of some processes 2
Accurate diagram of few processes 1
User interface design (2)
Thorough analysis and appropriate justification of interface design 2
Partial analysis and justification of interface design 1
Report design (2)
Appropriate and well implemented 2
Generally appropriate and satisfactorily implemented 1
Algorithm design (3)
Appropriate and well implemented algorithm design 3
Generally appropriate algorithm design 2
General understanding of algorithm design 1
Choice of appropriate data structures (3)
Appropriate and well implemented 3
Generally appropriate 2
Partially appropriate and implementation was limited 1
3. Coding and Testing [15]
Code achieves functionality
Code achieved functionality (documentation, error trapping, correct
output, usability and reporting)
Code achieved some functionality (documentation, error trapping,
correct output, usability and reporting)
Functionality was limited
Code corresponds to design
Code achieves all the design specifications
Code achieves most of the design specifications
Code achieves few of the design specifications
Test plans
Test Plan with exhaustive data set
Test Plan with acceptable data set
Test Plan with minimal data set
CXC A19/U2/08
4. Communication and Presentation [6]
Communicates information in a logical way using correct grammar and
appropriate jargon ALL of the time
Communicates information in a logical way using correct grammar and
appropriate jargon MOST of the time
Communicates information in a logical way using correct grammar and
appropriate jargon SOME of the time
Candidates who are registered privately will be required to sit Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03B. Paper 03B will test
the student’s acquisition of the skills in the same areas of the syllabus identified for the internal assessment. Consequently,
candidates are advised to undertake a project similar to the project that the school candidates would normally complete
and submit for internal assessment. It should be noted that private candidates would not be required to submit a project
Resit candidates must rewrite Papers 01 and 02 of the examination for the year in which they re-register. Resit candidates
may elect not to repeat the Internal Assessment component provided they rewrite the examination no later than two years
following their first attempt.
Resit candidates must be entered through a school, approved educational institution, or the Local Registrar’s Office.
CXC A19/U2/08
The Assessment Grid for each Unit showing marks assigned to each paper and to Modules, and the
percentage contribution of each paper to the total scores.
Papers Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Total (%)
External Assessment
Paper 01
Multiple Choice
(1 hour 30 minutes)
Paper 02
(2 hours 30 minutes)
Internal Assessment
Paper 03A
Paper 03B
(1 hour 30 minutes)
p, q, r propositions
(inclusive) disjunction
AND gate
OR gate
NOT gate
T, 1 true
F, false
CXC A19/U2/08
analyse examine in detail
annotate add a brief note to a label Simple phrase or a few words only.
apply use knowledge/principles to solve problems Make inferences/conclusions.
assess present reasons for the importance of particular
structures, relationships or processes
Compare the advantages and
disadvantages or the merits and
demerits of a particular structure,
relationship or process.
calculate arrive at the solution to a numerical problem Steps should be shown; units must be
classify divide into groups according to observable
comment state opinion or view with supporting reasons
compare state similarities and differences An explanation of the significance of
each similarity and difference stated
may be required for comparisons
which are other than structural.
construct use a specific format to make and/or draw a graph,
histogram, pie chart or other representation using
data or material provided or drawn from practical
investigations, build (for example, a model), draw
scale diagram
Such representations should normally
bear a title, appropriate headings and
deduce make a logical connection between two or more
pieces of information; use data to arrive at a
define state concisely the meaning of a word or term This should include the defining
equation/formula where relevant.
demonstrate show; direct attention to...
derive to deduce, determine or extract from data by a set
of logical steps some relationship, formula or result
This relationship etc., may be general
or specific.
CXC A19/U2/08
describe provide detailed factual information of the
appearance or arrangement of a specific structure or
a sequence of a specific process
Description may be in words,
drawings or diagrams or any
appropriate combination. Drawings
or diagrams should be annotated to
show appropriate detail where
determine find the value of a physical quantity
design plan and present with appropriate practical detail Where hypotheses are stated or when
tests are to be conducted, possible
outcomes should be clearly stated
and/or the way in which data will be
analyzed and presented.
develop expand or elaborate an idea or argument with
supporting reasons
diagram simplified representation showing the relationship
between components.
differentiate/ state or explain briefly those
distinguish differences between or among items
(between/ which can be used to define the
among) items or place them into separate categories.
discuss present reasoned argument; consider points both
for and against; explain the relative merits of a case
draw make a line representation from specimens or
apparatus which shows an accurate relation
between the parts
In the case of drawings from
specimens, the magnification must
always be s
estimate make an approximate quantitative judgement
evaluate weigh evidence and make judgements based on
given criteria
The use of logical supporting reasons
for a particular point of view is more
important than the view held; usually
both sides of an argument should be
explain give reasons based on recall; account for
find locate a feature or obtain as from a graph
CXC A19/U2/08
formulate devise a hypothesis
identify name or point out specific components or features
illustrate show clearly by using appropriate examples or
diagrams, sketches
interpret explain the meaning of
justify explain the correctness of
investigate use simple systematic procedures to observe, record
data and draw logical conclusions
label add names to identify structures or parts indicated
by pointers
list itemise without detail
measure take accurate quantitative readings using
appropriate instruments
name give only the name of No additional information is
note write down observations
observe pay attention to details which characterise a
specimen, reaction or change taking place; to
examine and note scientifically
Observations may involve all the
senses and/or extensions of them but
would normally exclude the sense of
outline give basic steps only
plan prepare to conduct an investigation
predict use information provided to arrive at a likely
conclusion or suggest a possible outcome
record write an accurate description of the full range of
observations made during a given procedure
This includes the values for any
variable being investigated; where
appropriate, recorded data may be
depicted in graphs, histograms or
CXC A19/U2/08
relate show connections between; explain how one set of
facts or data depend on others or are determined by
sketch make a simple freehand diagram showing relevant
proportions and any important details
state provide factual information in concise terms
outlining explanations
suggest offer an explanation deduced from information
provided or previous knowledge. (... a hypothesis;
provide a generalization which offers a likely
explanation for a set of data or observations.)
No correct or incorrect solution is
presumed but suggestions must be
acceptable within the limits of
scientific knowledge.
test to find out, following set procedures
Wes t e r n Z o n e O f f i c e
200 8 / 06/02
CXC A19/U2/08
Paper 01
Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are
about to answer and decide which choice is best.
Sample Item
Which of the following is a function of process management in an operating system?
Sample Answer
Repairing disk errors
(C) Error reporting
(D) Partitioning
The best answer to this item is “Scheduling”, so answer space (B) has been shaded.
There are 21 items in this specimen paper. However, the Paper 01 test consists of 45 items.
You will have 120 minutes to answer them.
Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ®.
All rights reserved.
02115010/SPEC 2008
- 2 -
02115010/SPEC 2008
Which of the following descriptions BEST
suits the function of Cache memory?
(A) It gives the CPU more rapid access
to data.
(B) It increases data transfer rate
between computer and printer.
(C) It speeds up access to data on the
hard disk.
(D) It stores the operating system when
the computer “boots”.
Which of the following devices would help
prevent data loss in the event of an electrical
(A) Power strip
(B) Surge protector
(D) Voltage regulator
A computer’s word size is the
(A) length of an instruction
(B) maximum number of characters in a
typed word
(C) storage capacity of the computer’s
(D) number of bits that the CPU can
manipulate at one time
. The 8-bit two’s complement representation
of the decimal numeral -39 is:
(A) 00100110
(B) 10100101
(C) 11011001
(D) 11100110
The 8-bit Sign & Magnitude representation
of the decimal numeral -25 is:
(A) 10011001
(B) 10100101
(C) 11100111
(D) 11100110
What is the purpose of the program counter
in a microcomputer?
(A) To determine how many programs
can be opened at one time
(B) To determine the sequence in which
the program instructions are to be
(C) To hold the number of the last
instruction executed
(D) To keep a count of the number of
instructions in memory
Which of the followingis NOT true of a flip-
(A) It has two inputs.
(B) It has two outputs.
(C) Is a bistable device.
(D) It can function as a 1-bit memory.
. The list I - VI represent steps in the
computer-based problem solving process.
I. Analyze the problem
II. Code the solution
III. Define the problem
IV. Develop an algorithm
V. Maintain the program
VI. Test and debug the program
Which of the following represents the
correct sequence of steps in the computer-
based problem-solving process?
(A) I, II, III, IV, V, VI
(B) III, I, IV, II, VI, V
(C) III, II, VI, IV, V, I
(D) III, I, VI, II, V, VI
- 3 -
02115010/SPEC 2008
Items 9 - 10 refer to the following algorithm.
Num = 5
For I = 1 to Num do
Print I *2
. This algorithm is an example of
(A) unbounded iteration
(B) recursion
(C) selection
(D) bounded iteration
What is the output of the algorithm?
(A) 1 1
(B) 1 2 3 4 5
(C) 2 4 6 8 10
(D) I*2 I*2 I*2 I*2 I*2
What is the technical term for the graphical
representation of an algorithm?
(A) Flowchart
(B) HIPO chart
(C) Narrative
(D) Pseudocode
. Which of the following are properties of a
well-designed algorithm?
I. A finite number of steps
II. Flow of control from one process to
the next
III Correct syntax
IV. Ambiguous instructions
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) I, II and III only
(D) II, III and IV only
. Which of the following statements are true
about programs and algorithms?
I. Every program uses algorithms.
II. All programs are algorithms.
III. Algorithms are derived from
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
. What are the values of p and r after
execution of the following algorithm?
p = 8
q = 4
r = 8
if (p > q) AND (q > r)
p = + 1
r = r - 1
end if
(A) p = 7, r = 8
(B) p = 9, r = 7
(C) p = 7, r = 7
(D) p = 8, r = 7
. What is the error in the following C program
which is intended to print the string constant
‘C programming is fun’?
#include <stdio.h>
{printf(“C programming is fun”); }
(A) The brackets ( and ) should be on
different lines.
(B) The function main is missing.
(C) The braces { and } should be on
different lines.
(D) Single quotation marks ‘ and ‘ should
be used.
02115010/SPEC 2008
- 4 -
. Programming languages may be classified by
Generation and Paradigm among other things.
Which of the following is NOT an example
of a programming language paradigm?
(A) Imperative
(B) Functional
(C) Prerogative
(D) Declarative
refers to the following algorithm.
#include <stdio.h>
main ( )
int a, b, sum;
a = 10;
b = 20;
sum = a + b;
printf(“The sum of the numbers is
%d/n”, sum);
. The program line: sum = a + b is an example
(A) a function call
(B) a C operator
(C) a variable declaration
(D) the C assignment
. What output would you expect from the
following program?
#include <stdio.h>
main ( )
(A) One——Two——Three
(B) One——, Two——, Three
(C) One——
(D) One——, Two——, Three\n
. Which of the following programs translates
all program instructions at one time and
produces a stand-alone object program that
can be executed on its own?
(A) An interpreter
(B) A compiler
(C) An assembler
(D) A generator
. The compilation process can be broken up
into THREE main stages. The CORRECT
order of the stages is
(A) syntax analysis, lexical analysis, code
(B) lexical analysis, code generation,
syntax analysis
(C) lexical analysis, syntax analysis,
code generation
(D) code generation, lexical analysis,
syntax analysis
. Consider the following partial declaration in
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE
main ( )
int k;
int table [SIZE];
Which of the following lines of code will read
FIVE integers from the standard input?
(A) for (k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)
printf (“%d”, table [k]);
(B) for (k = 0; k < SIZE; k--)
printf (“%d”, table [k]);
(C) for (k = 0; k < SIZE; k--)
Scanf (“%d”, table [k]);
(D) for (k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)
scanf (“%d”, table [k]);
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
FORM SPEC 02215010/SPEC/2008
2 ½ hours
Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ®
All rights reserved
1. DO NOT open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
2. Answer ALL questions from the THREE sections
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Answer BOTH questions.
1. (a) Differentiate between EACH of the following pairs as they pertain to
computers and information systems:
(i) ROM and EPROM [2 marks]
(ii) EPROM and EEPROM [2 marks]
(iii) MAN and LAN [2 marks]
(iv) Mainframe computer and microcomputer [2 marks]
(v) Workstation and supercomputer [2 marks]
(vi) Cache memory and RAM [2 marks]
(b) State how EACH of the following devices can help protect and preserve the
resources of a computer:
(i) Surge protector [4 marks]
(ii) (Uninterruptible Power Supply) UPS [2 marks]
(c) Calculate the following:
(i) The eight-bit signed-magnitude representation of +10 using sign +
magnitude. [2 marks]
(iii) The decimal of 00001101 (binary). [1 mark]
(d) Given the number 8.312 x 10
in standard form:
(i) Identify the exponent [1 mark]
(ii) Identify the base or radix [1 mark]
(e) Determine if the result of 0011 + 1100 can be stored as a four bit binary
[2 marks]
Total 25 marks
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
2. (a) Briefly explain what is meant by the term truth table. [2 marks]
(b) Name the THREE primary logic gates. [3 marks]
(c) For TWO of the primary logic gates named in 2(b) sketch the symbol for
EACH gate and give the corresponding two input truth table for the gate.
[6 marks]
(d) Draw the minimum logic diagram to show how these primary logic gates can
be used to build the Exclusive OR. [4 marks]
(e) (i) Name the TWO major components of the Central Processing Unit
(CPU). [2 marks]
(ii) For EACH of the components named in (e) (i) above briefly describe
its function. [4 marks]
(iii) Explain what is meant by EACH of the following terms:
(a) Word length [2 marks]
(b) Clock speed [2 marks]
TOTAL 25 marks
Answer BOTH questions
3. (a) Define the term algorithm. [2 marks]
(b) Structured algorithms and programs are designed using three basic control
constructs. Name and briefly describe EACH of these constructs.
[6 marks]
(c) The problem solving process with computers consists of a sequence of
sections that fit together depending on the type of problem to be fixed.
(i) List FOUR stages of the problem solving process. [4 marks]
(ii) Select THREE of the stages listed in (c) (i) and describe EACH stage.
[9 marks]
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
(d) The following algorithm is supposed to print the squares on the numbers
between 1 and 100 (inclusive). However, it is not generating the derived
output. Find and correct the problem in the algorithm.
Start = 1
x = 1
while start c = 100
print start * start
x = x + 1
endwhile [4 marks]
TOTAL 25 marks
4. (a) A soft-drink manufacturer sells five soft-drink flavours: bananas, cherry,
mango, orange and pineapple. The company knows that banana and pineapple
are the two best-selling flavours and is carrying out a poll to determine which
of these two flavours is the more popular among its customers
Write an algorithm to find the MORE popular flavour and the NUMBER of
votes it obtained. Assume that 100 customers participate in the poll and that
there is NO tie. [15 marks]
(b) Trace through the execution of the following algorithm and draw the output in
your answer booklet exactly as would be generated by the algorithm. You
should carefully note the following;
printSpaces(n) prints n spaces from the current cursor position
print continues output on the current line form the current cursor position
println causes output on the current line to be terminated, and subsequent
output begins on a new line.
set SIZE = 10
for i = 1 to SIZE
print (“*”)
println ()
for i = 1 to 3
print (“*”)
printSpaces (SIZE 2)
printlin (“*”)
for i = 1 to SIZE
print (“*”)
println () [10 marks]
TOTAL 25 marks
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Answer BOTH questions from this section
5 (a) You are employed as a programmer by a software house. You want to learn a
new programming language at a nearby community college. You would like
the company to pay the cost of the course. Unfortunately, your supervisor
sees no reason for the company to pay for the course. His argument is that
you already are well versed in one programming language, say PL. He sees no
reason for you to learn another. However, he has suggested that you write to
the managing director to get approval to do this course. What arguments
could you use to convince the managing director that knowledge of a single
programming language is not sufficient? [10 marks]
(b) Explain the concept of ‘structured programming.’ [5 marks]
(c) State FOUR advantages of using a modular approach in programming.
[4 marks]
(d) Assume that you have been given a library implementing a list of positive
integers. The library supplies you with the following functions:
All functions take a list as input. The first function returns true if the list is
empty (contains no elements) and false otherwise; the second function returns
the first element in the list (assuming of course that the list is not empty); the
third function returns a list consisting of all the elements of the input list
except for the first element. Thus, if we pass the list [1 2 3 4] into the function
rest, then we get the list [2 3 4] as output.
Write an iterative function to count the number of elements in the list.
[6 marks]
Total 25 marks
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
6. (a) Describe FOUR major stages in the compilation process. [12 marks]
(b) An integer array, P, contains m positive integer values. The array is sorted in
ascending order. An integer array, Q, contains n positive integer values. This
array is also sorted in ascending order. Write code in procedural C to merge
the integers in P with the integers in Q. The result of the merge is placed into
another integer array, R, such that the integers in R are in ascending order.
Show ALL relevant declarations. Assume that P and Q are already loaded
with integers. [13 marks]
TOTAL 25 marks
Paper 01
Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are
about to answer and decide which choice is best.
Sample Item
Which of the following statements is true about objects and classes?
(A) Objects may contain only methods, while
Sample Answer
can have both variables and methods
Classes may only contain methods, while
can have both variables and methods
(C) A class is an instance of an object
(D) An object is an instance of a class
The best answer to this item is An object is an instance of a class”, so answer space (D) has been
There are 21 items in this specimen paper. However, the Paper 01 test consists of 45 items.
You will have 120 minutes to answer them.
Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council
All rights reserved.
02215010/SPEC 2008
- 2 -
. An ADT is
(A) the logical properties of data
(B) a combination of data types within a
(C) a combination of data object and
associated operations
(D) a list of variables
. Which ADT is BEST described as a LIFO
(A) A queue
(B) A variable
(C) A stack
(D) A pointer
refers to the following queue of jobs
waiting to be printed.
Front Rear
What would the queue look like when
jobs have been printed and
two new
jobs, Job6
and Job7 have joined the queue?
Front Rear
Front Rear
Front Rear
Front Rear
Consider a circular Q with a pointer
that references the location of the front of
the queue. Assuming that the locations range
from 0 to 4, what is the value of
performing the following operations on the
queue Q?
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
refers to the following pseudocode.
x = 1;
i = 1;
while (x <10)
x = 2x;
i = i + 1;
. What is the value of i at the end of the
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
. Which of the following combinations is a stack
(A) Enqueue; push;
(B) Dequeue; pop;
(C) Pop; enqueue;
(D) Push; pop;
- 3 -
02215010/SPEC 2008
. Which of the following is TRUE of the
waterfall approach to the software
development process?
I. Cascades from one phase of the
process to another.
II. The following stage should not start
before the previous has finished.
III. The following stage starts before the
previous stage has finished.
IV. The project is partitioned into distinct
stages before the phases begin.
V. This approach caters to changing
user requirements.
(A) I, II and IV only
(B) I, II and V only
(C) III, I and V only
(D) III, IV and V only
. The software process model defined by its
approach of refining an initial system based on
customer input is the
(A) waterfall approach
(B) evolutionary development
(C) formal transformation
(D) reuse-oriented approach
. What are the TWO phases of the
requirements engineering process (software
(A) Feasibility study and user and systems
requirements documentation
(B) Feasbility study and production of
interface specification
(C) Interface specification and data
structure specification
(D) Sub-system testing and maintenance
. Which of the following system models depict
data transformation as data is processed?
(A) Data dictionaries
(B) Entity-relationship diagrams
(C) Class diagrams
(D) Data flow diagrams
. The binary search is BEST described as
(A) a search of only a section of a given
list of elements
(B) a search which takes a divide and
conquer approach
(C) being very fast when using a very
short list
(D) a search of un-order elements
. Which of the following terms represents types
of software maintenance?
I. Adaptive
II. Corrective
III. Defective
IV. Perfective
(A) I, II and III only
(B) I, II and IV only
(C) I, III and IV only
(D) II, III and IV only
. The MAIN goal of component testing is to
(A) expose faults in the components
(B) demonstrate that the system meets
its requirements
(C) increase the supplier’s confidence
that the system meets
(D) test how one component interacts
with others in the system
. Which of the following is NOT a tool in a
software testing workbench?
(A) Test data generator
(B) Report generator
(C) Test comparator
(D) Test manager
02215010/SPEC 2008
- 4 -
. Which transmission media is BEST suited for
transfer of large volumes of data over
(A) Fibre optic cables
(B) Microwave
(C) Coaxial cable
(D) Satellite
. Which of the following sequences of terms
are the MOST related to each other?
(A) Coaxial cables, electronic pulses,
strands of glass
(B) Fiber optic cable, light pulses, LAN
(C) Twisted pair cable, conventional
(D) Twisted pair cable, fast and noise
resistant, voice and data
. Which of the following BEST represents
the benefits of ALL types of network?
(A) Sharing of peripheral devices, sharing
of programs and data, better
communication, increased access
to database
(B) Sharing of peripheral devices,
sharing of programs and data,
communication over a wide
geographical area, increased
access to databases
(C) Sharing of peripheral devices,
sharing of programs and data,
improved data security, increased
access to databases
(D) Sharing of programs and data
communication over a wide
geographical area, improved data
security, increased access to
What is the name of the device that uses the
half-duplex method of transmission?
(A) Television
(B) Radio
(C) Walkie talkie
. Accessing a website via a web browser is
an example of which type of network
(A) Peer-to-peer
(B) Client-server
(C) Peer-to-server
(D) Server-to-server
. The use of a switched line for data
communications offers the user
(A) greater flexibility than does the use
of a leased line
(B) the ability to connect to other
computers without a modem
(C) less flexibility than does the use of a
private line
(D) access to more facilities than the use
of dial-up
refers to the following statements.
I. Smaller computer systems
communicate with one another
through the host.
II. A signal is broadcast to all the nodes
but only the destination node
responds to the signal.
III. A disadvantage of this topology is, if
connection is broken, the entire
network stops working.
. To which network topologies does EACH of
the above statements refer?
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
FORM SPEC 02215010/SPEC/2008
2½ hours
Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ®
All rights reserved
1. DO NOT open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
2. Answer ALL questions from the THREE sections.
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Answer BOTH questions.
(a) Define an ‘Abstract Data Type (ADT)’.
[2 marks]
(b) (i) Identify ONE primary characteristic of an Abstract Data Types.
[1 mark]
(ii) Identify ONE specific characteristic of a stack.
[1 mark]
(iii) Identify ONE specific characteristic of a queue.
[1 mark]
(c) Write a function called popStack in the programming language C,
which performs the popping operation of a stack. The
stack is
represented by a one dimensional integer array of 100 elements called
stack, which must be passed to the function as a parameter. An integer
value called number, which identifies (the top number of elements) in
the stack must also be passed to the function as a parameter. In
popping the stack, the function should replace the emptied array
location with the value of “-99-
” and return the value which was
[10 marks]
(d) Write a function called dequeue in the programming language C,
which performs the dequeue operation of a queue. The queue is
represented by a one dimensional integer array of 100 elements called
queue, which must be passed to the function as a parameter. The
function should replace the emptied array location with the value of “-
99” and return the value which was dequeued. The empty location of
the array should be set to “-99”.
[10 marks]
Total 25 marks
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
2. (a)
Explain the principles of EACH of the following techniques.
(i) Bubble sort
(ii) Binary search
Outline in detail, using narrative, an algorithm for bubble sorting
integers into ascending order.
A linear or sequential search involves the examination of EACH
element in an array. This can be very slow if the desired element is
near the end of the list. A better method is to make use of a binary
search. This involves storing the data in order as a binary tree.
Illustrate, with a diagram, how it is possible to search and find any
element in a list of 1000 by examining at most only ten of the
[3 marks]
[3 marks]
[10 marks]
[9 marks]
Total 25 marks
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Answer BOTH questions
(a) (i) Name FOUR attributes of a well-engineered
software product and describe EACH of them.
(ii) For EACH of the FOUR attributes identified in (a)
(i) briefly explain its importance to the software.
[8 marks]
(b) Identify THREE weaknesses of an unstructured approach to
software development.
[3 marks]
(c) State TWO features of a good software design.
[2 marks]
(d) Develop a context level diagram for a DVD rental store
which engages in the following activities: rents DVDs to its
members, receives returned DVDs and purchases new
DVDs from suppliers. The sales cler
k provides monthly
reports to management.
[12 marks]
Total 25 marks
(a) Explain the terms ‘software process and software process
[2 marks]
(b) The Waterfall model and Evolutionary development are two
of many generic process models.
Name and briefly describe FOUR fundamental activities
which are common to ALL process models.
[8 marks]
(c) Differentiate between ‘functional requirements’ and ‘non-
function and requirements’.
[4 marks]
(d) Various types of tests are carried out during the validation
phase of software development.
Briefly describe EACH of the following types of tests.
(i) Unit
(ii) System
(iii) Acceptance.
[6 marks]
(e) List FIVE items which should be included in the structure of
a test plan.
[5 marks]
Total 25 marks
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Answer BOTH questions
(a) Distinguish between ‘intranet’ and ‘extranet’.
[3 marks]
(b) Describe ‘TCP’ and ‘IP’ as they relate to the TCP/IP protocol.
[3 marks]
(c) (i) Draw a diagram to show the layers of the OSI model
for computer communication.
[6 marks]
(ii) Describe the functions of EACH of the bottom THREE
layers of the model drawn in 5 (c) (i) above.
[6 marks]
(d) Explain using an example how deadlock may arise in an
operating system.
[3 marks]
(e) A program called exec1 is being executed by an operating
system before it can be completed. It is interrupted by a small
program exec2, which contains four instructions.
(i) What determines which of exec1 or exec2 will be run?
[1 mark]
(ii) Assume exec2 is allowed to run. Explain what is done
in the operating system to ensure that exec1 can be
properly executed later.
[3 marks]
Total 25 marks
6. (a) Explain in detail how an operating system can execute THREE
processes at the same time.
[8 marks]
(b) Describe the characteristics of EACH of the following transmission
(i) Coaxial cable
[3 marks]
(ii) Twisted pair
[3 marks]
(c) Describe TWO network related problems that can be solved by using
network diagnostic tools.
[4 marks]
(d) Explain TWO reasons why compression utilities are useful.
[4 marks]
(e) Describe ‘radio waves’ as a transmission media.
[3 marks]
Total 25 marks
Item Number
1 A
2 C
3 D
4 C
5 A
6 B
7 A
8 B
9 D
10 C
11 C
12 A
13 A
14 D
15 B
16 C
17 D
18 A
19 B
20 C
FORM SPEC 02115010/SPEC/2008
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 1
(a) (i) Instructions in ROM (1) cannot be changed, but the contents of EPROM can be
erased using special equipment (1).
[2 marks]
(ii) EPROM chips must be removed from the computer to be changed but EEPROM
chips can be changed by using special electrical impulses within the computer (1).
EPROM normally has to b
e removed from a computer before it can be
reprogrammed while EEPROM can be reprogrammed without being removed
from the computer (1).
[2 marks]
(iii) MAN is a network that spans a city area (1) and LAN is a network that spans a
small area like a building. (1)
[2 marks]
(iv) Main frame computers are bigger in size (1), more expensive, have much more
memory than microcomputers. (1)
[2 marks]
(v) A supercomputer is much more powerful than a workstation computer. (1) Which
can handle less complex tasks (1).
[2 marks]
(vi) Cache memory is much faster than RAM (1) and consequently more expensive (1)
while RAM is similar to cache memory.
[2 marks]
(b) (i) Surge protectors protects the computer (1) equipment from surges in power (1).
The protector allows multiple components (1) to be plugged into
one power
outlet. (1)
[4 marks]
(ii) UPS propose is to convert power and store it in a battery OR runs on battery if
the power goes off, to give users time to shut down the computer equipment.
[2 marks]
(c) (i) +10 = 000010140
eight digits
correct answer 00001010
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
(ii) The decimal equivalent of 00001101 is + 13
[1 mark]
(d) (i) exponent: 5
[1 mark]
(ii) base or radix: 10
[1 mark]
(e) 0011
1111 Result
[1 mark]
Yes it can be stored as a from digit binary number
[1 mark]
Module 1 Specific Objectives: 1, 3
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 2
(a) A truth shows the output (1) to various combinations of logic input (1)
[2 marks]
(b) Three primary topic gates are
[3 marks]
(c) A
AND Gate
OR Gate
NOT Gate
1 mark for each symbol
2 marks for correct truth table
1 mark for partial completion of truth table
[6 marks]
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 2 cont’d
[4 marks]
(e) (i) Control Unit (CU) (1) and Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU). (1)
(ii) The CU controls the movement of data (1) and instructions (1) into and out of the
CPU and controls the operation of the ALU (1).
The ALU does the actual computation or processing of data (1). It performs all
arithmetic and logic operations (1).
(iii) (a) Word length the number of bits the CUPCAN process at any one time
[2 marks]
(b) Check speed an internal of time in the processor
[2 marks]
Module 1 Specific Objective: 2
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 3
(a) An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous steps (1) for solving a problem (1).
[2 marks]
(b) Sequential (1): Steps are performed in a strictly sequential manner, each step being
executed exactly once (1).
Selection (1): One of several alternative actions is selected and executed. (1)
Repetition (1): One or more steps is performed repeatedly (1).
[6 marks]
(c) (i) (1) Problem Definition.
(2) Problem Analysis.
(3) Generating possible Solutions.
(4) Analyzing the Solutions.
(5) Selecting and Justify Solutions.
Any four 4 marks
The process is only a guide for problem solving. It is useful to have a structure to follow
to make sure that nothing is overlooked. Nothing here is likely to be brand new to
anyone, but it is the pure acknowledgement and reminding of the process that can help the
problems to be solved.
(ii) 1. Problem Definition
The process for solving a problem will initially involve defining the problem (1)
you want to solve. You need to decide what you want to achieve and write it
down. The first part of the process not only involves writing down the problem
to solve, but also checking that you are answering the right problem (1). It is a
check-step to ensure that you do not answer a side issue or only solve the part of
the problem that is most easy to solve. People use the most immediate solution
to the first problem definition that they find without spending time checking the
problem is the right one to answer (1).
2. Problem Analysis
This step involves determining what are the inputs (1)
, what processing is
involved (1) and what are the outputs (1). The next step in this process is used
to check where we are and what is the current situation. Also determine how
the data and information or results will be stored temporarily or for future use.
3. Generating possible Solutions
In this stage you concentrate on generating many solutions (1) and not evaluate
them at all (1)
. Very often an idea, which would have been discarded
immediately, when evaluated properly, can be developed into a superb solution.
At this stage, you should not pre-judge any potential solutions (1) but should
treat each idea as a new idea in its own right and worthy of consideration.
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 3 cont’d
(c) (ii) 4. Analyzing the Solutions
This section of the problem solving process is where you investigate the various
factors about each of the potential solutions (1). You note down the good and
bad points and other things which are relevant to each solution (1). Even at this
stage you are not evaluating the solution because if you do so then you could
decide not to write down the valid good points about it because overall you
think it will not work. However you might discover that by writing down its
advantages that it has a totally unique advantage (1).
5. Selecting and Justify Solutions
This is the section where you look through the various influencing factors (1)
for each possible and decide which solutions to keep (1) and which to disregard
(1). You look at the solution as a whole and use your judgement as to whether
to use the solution or not. Sometimes pure facts and figures dictate which ideas
will work and which will not.
(d) (i) Infinite loop (1): The number 1 is printed repeatedly (1)
(ii) Replace the statement y = y+1 with x = x+1 (1)
Total 25 marks
Module 2 Specific Objectives: 2, 3, 6, 8
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 4
{ bCount = pCount 0
[1 mark]
for j = 1 to 100 do
input choice
if choice = ‘banana’ then
bCount = bCount + 1
pCount = pCount + 1 {Assumes all choices are valid}
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
if bCount > pCount then
print “The most popular flavour is banana.”
print “Votes:”, bCount
print “The most popular flavour is pineapple.”
print “Votes:”, pCount
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
Total 10 marks
Output generated by the algorithm is as follows:
* * * * * * * * * *
* *
* *
* *
* * * * * * * * * *
If the above diagram is drawn exactly as shown:
If there are variations, use the following mark scheme:
All of top line:
Some of top line:
All of left side of rectangle:
Some of left side of rectangle:
All of right side of rectangle:
Some of right side of rectangle:
All of bottom line:
Some of bottom line:
Top line properly connected to lower part:
Bottom line properly connected to upper part:
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
Total 10 marks
Module 3 Specific Objectives: 7, 9
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 5
(a) The development of a program essentially involves two tasks
(i) Program design designing a solution (1)
(ii) Coding writing code in a programming language (1)
There are several strategies used to develop a design, each strategy required that the
programming language used to code the program support particular features (1).
Therefore knowing just one language locks the programmer into using particular
strategies (1). This is undesirable since the strategy selected to design the program
should be based on the type of programming problem rather than the eventual language
of implementation (1).
Also, once the program is designed a programmer should be able to choose among a
ariety of languages since even within a particular class of languages, individual
language differs. The programmer should be able to choose the most appropriate
language, that is the language that provides:
(i) Ease of programming particular solution (available predefined data structures
and subroutines) (1)
(ii) Run-time efficiency some languages are inherently more efficient than others
(iii) Portability (1)
(iv) Ease of debugging (1)
(v) Maintainability (1)
[10 marks]
(b) Structured programming is an approach to programming with can give higher
productivity (1) and which can produce programs of high quality which are easy to test,
debug, modify and maintain. (1) The approach emphasizes modular development of a
program, that is, a large problem is divided into smaller subdivided and so on. (1) For
each subproblem, a module is developed to solve it. (1) The approach recommends the
use of a few simple control structures in specifying algorithms, also GOTO’s should not
be used so that program would be easier to understand and debug. (1)
[5 marks]
(c) (i) Individual modules can be tested separately (1)
(ii) Modules can be kept in a library and be reused in other programs (1)
(iii) Programs are easier to build, read, debug and maintain (1)
(iii) The modular approach means that several programmers can each work on
separate module, thus shortening the total development time of a large project
[4 marks]
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 5 cont’d
(d) Int number_of_elements (List I)
int ret = 0
while (!is_empty (I))
return ++;
I = rest(I);
return ret;
} }
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[6 marks]
Module 3 Specific Objectives: 1, 9
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 6
Lexical analysis (1) - Lexical analysis scans (1) the characters of the
same program from left to right (1) and builds
the actual symbols of the program integers,
identifiers, reserved words, etc. (1)
Semantic analysis (1)- Takes constructs and checks them for semantic
correctness (1), and stores the necessary
information (1) about the constructs in the
symbol table. (1)
Code optimization (1)-
Reduces execution time (1) for project by
looking at how the code (1) could execute more
efficiently. (1)
Code generation (1) - Actual translation of the internal source program
(1) into assembly language (1) or machine
language. It is the most detailed part of the
compilation. (1)
1 mark for EACH stage
2 marks for EACH explanation
[12 marks]
02115010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 6 cont’d
#include <stdio.h>
void main ( )
{ int a [ ] = {2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12};
int b [ ] = {1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15};
int c [25];
int i = 0;
int m = 10, n = 8;
int j = 0, k = -1;
while (i < m && j < n)
{ k++;
if (a[i] < b [j])
{ c [k] = a [i];
else { c [k] = b [j];
j ++;
int t;
if ( i = = m ) //end of array a
for (t = j; t < n; t++)
{ k++;
c [k] = b [t];
if ( j = = n ) // end of array b
for (t = i; t < m; t++)
{ k++;
c [k] = a [t];
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
TOTAL 13 marks
Module 3 Specific Objectives: 3, 8
Item Number
1 C
2 C
3 A
4 C
5 B
6 D
7 B
8 B
9 A
10 C
11 A
12 B
13 A
14 D
15 D
16 C
17 A
18 C
19 B
20 A
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
FORM TP 02215010/SPEC/2008
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 1
(a) The combination of a data structure and a group of functions or procedures
(1) designed to manipulate the data within the data structure (1).
[2 mark]
(b) (i) An ADT must possess the following characteristics:
1. the facility to create a container to hold the data;
2. the facility to add a new element to the container;
the facility to remove/delete an element which satisfies some
criterion form the container;
4. the facility to find an element which satisfies some criterion within
the container;
5. the facility to destroy the container when it is no longer required.
[Any one 1 mark]
(ii) a stack
The specific
operation which defines a stack is the concept of
“Last-in-first-out”. (1) Data elements which have been added to the
container are removed from the container in the reversed order (1)
to which they were inserted. (1) Typically, this ADT is identified
by a variable called “the head” (1) which identifies the location of
the most recent element (1) added to the container. The functions
of “push” and “pop”
are typically used to describe the process of
inserting and deleting elements respectively, from the stack.
[Any one 1 mark]
(ii) a queue
The specific operation which defines a queue is a concept of “Fist-
in-first-out”. (1) Data elements which have been added
(1) to the
container are removed from the container in exactly the same order
(1) in which they were inserted. Typically, this ADT is identified
by a variable called “the head” (1) which identifies the location of
the longest existing element in the container, (1)
and another
variable called “tail”
which identifies the most recent element
added to the container. (1)
The functions of “enqueue” and
“dequeue” are typically used to
describe the process of inserting
and deleting elements respectively, (1)
from the queue. In the
queue, data elements are inserted through the tail and removed from
the head. (1)
[Any one 1 mark]
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 1 continued
int popStack(int stack[], int number)
int value;
1 mark for data type of return value
1 mark for passing array parameters
1 mark for int parameter number
/* Check for error situation first */
if (number < 1)
1 mark for testing stacks empty
printf(“The stack is already emty”);
return -1;
else if (number > 99)
1 mark for return message
printf(“Elements size is beyond the stack size”);
return -1;
1 mark for testing
1 mark for message
else /*Stack can be popped */
value = stack[number -1];
stack[number-1] = -99;
number = number -1;
return value;
1 mark for assignment
1 mark for replacing value with -99
1 mark for returning value
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 1 continued
int dequeue(int queue[])
int value;
1 mark for data type of value to be returned
1 mark for passing array as parameter
/* Check for error situation first */
if (queue [0] = = -99)
1 mark for test condition
printf(“The queue is already empty”);
return -1;
else /* Queue can be dequeued */
value = queue [0];
/*Shift all the elements one place up */
for (int x = 0; queue [x] !=-99 && x < 100;x++)
3 marks for conditional
queue [x] = queue [ x + 1];
return value;
1 mark for assignment
1 mark for return value
Module 1 Specific Objectives: 2, 3, 4
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 2
(a) (i) A sorting procedure that works by repeatedly stepping through the list of
items to be sorted (1), comparing two items at a time and swapping them
if they are in the wrong order (1). The pass through the list is repeated
until no swaps are needed, which means the list is sorted (1).
(ii) A search technique for finding a particular value in a sorted list (1). The
desired item is compared to the data in the middle of the list (1). The half
that contains the data is then compared in the middle, and so on, either
until the key is located or a small enough group is isolated to be
sequentially searched (1).
(b) An example using N(i), where i is the position of the ith element in the list.
(i) Start with the first pair of numbers in the list (1) and compare them (1),
that is, compare N(i) with N(i+1).
(ii) If N(i) greater than N(i+1), then swap (1). That is, N(i) becomes N(i+1)
and N(i+1) becomes N(i). If a swap occurs, make note of it,that is, set
flag to indicate swap occurred (1).
(iii)Take next pair of numbers, that is, increment i (1) and repeat steps (i)
and (ii), until the last pair if number in list have been compared (1).
(iv) If a swap took place, that is, the flag was set, then clear flag (1) and
repeat the entire procedure (1).
(v) If no swap occurred during any iteration (1), then end (1).
(c) Binary tree (Note: only One part of subtree shown):
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
(10 marks)
[1 mark for each correct search, no more than 9 marks]
(3 x 2 marks = 6 marks)
Module 1 Specific Objectives: 5, 6
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 3
(a) Maintainability: Software should evolve to meet the changing needs
of customers.
Dependability: Software should be reliable, secure and safe.
Efficiency: Software should not make wasteful use of system
Usability: Software should have appropriate user interface and
adequate documentation.
[2 x 4 = 8]
(b) Software is likely to be of poor quality and unsuitable.
Software development cost is likely to be higher that expected.
Software development time is increased.
[3 x 1 = 3]
(c) Correctly implements a specification
Allows efficient code to be developed
Can be adapted to modify functions and to add new functionality.
[Any 2 x 1= 2]
Return date
Member ID Return Date
DVD No. Receipt
Returned DVD
Monthly report
New DVD Details
1 for each labeled entity
1 for each labeled data flow
Module 2 Specific Objectives: 2, 4
[12 marks]
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 4
(a) A software process is a structured set of activities required to develop a
software system. (1)
A software process model is an abstract representation of a software
process. (1)
[2 marks]
(b) Software specification:
The process of establishing what services are required and the constraints
on the system’s operation and development.
Software design:
The process of converting the system specification into an executable
Software validation:
Software is checked to ensure that it does what the customer wants.
Software evolution:
Software is modified to adapt to changing customer needs.
1 mark for Name
1 mark for explanation [2 x 4]
[8 marks]
(c) Functional requirements
Statements of services the system should provide, (1)
how the system
should react to particular inputs and how the syst
em should behave in
particular situations. (1)
Non-functional requirements
The constraints on the services or functions (1) offered by the system such
as timing constraints, constraints on the development process and
standards. (1)
(d) (i) Unit testing: Individual components (1) are tested
independently. (1)
(ii) System testing: Testing of the system as a whole. (1) Testing
of emergent properties is particularly
important. (1)
(iii) Acceptance testing: Testing with customer data to check that the
system meets the customer’s needs. (1)
(e) - The testing process
- Requirements traceability
- Tested items
- Testing schedule
- Test Record procedures
- Hardware and Software requirements
- Constrains
[4 marks]
[6 marks]
[5 marks]
[Any 5 x 1 mark each]
Module 2 Specific Objectives: 3, 7
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 5
(a) (i) An intranet a
llows persons within an organisation to access
information (1). Where as an extranet is an intranet that has been
extended (1) to allow selected external organizations to access
information (1).
[3 marks]
(b) TCP is a reliable transport protocol (1) with retransmissions etc. (1).
Where as the IP is a network layer protocol which can be unreliable (1).
[3 marks]
(c) (i)
One mark for each layer, correctly positioned
[6 marks]
(ii) Network: routing packets (1) congestion control (1).
Data Link: error control (1). Communication between 2 nodes (1).
Physical: bits->cable signals(1). How much volts is a 0/1 (1).
[6 marks]
Process A needs a resource that process B is using (1) while process B
needs a resource that process A is using (1). Neither process can proceed
(1) until the desired resource is obtained, resulting in a deadlock (1).
[3 marks]
(e) (i) Priorities of each program (1).
[1 mark]
(ii) The state of exec1 is saved (1) before switching to exec2 (1). After
completes (1) exec1's state is restored and execution continues(1).
[3 marks]
Total 25 marks
Module 3 Specific Objectives: 3, 4
Data Link
02215010 MS/SPEC/2008
Question 6
(a) (i) Time-slicing in a round-
robin fashion is normally used (1). If
process A is running initially, it is pre-empted (1)
and its state
changed and saved (1). Then process B can be loaded (1) and run
and so on (1). When process
A’s turn comes again, its state and
information is restored (1) and it is executed for a short time again
(1). This continues until all processes are completed (1).
[8 marks]
(b) (i) Coaxial cable has a bandwidth that exceeds 100 Mbps (1). Its
typical use is for transmitting cable TV signals (
1). Coaxial cable
has a copper wire core (1).
[3 marks]
(ii) Twisted pair this cable usually contains 4 wires (1). Each wire is
coated in plastic, so the copper wires do not come in direct contact
with each other (1). It is available as unshielded twisted pair and
shielded twisted pair (1).
[3 marks]
(iii) Fiber-optic cables consist of a bundle of extremely thin tubes of
glass (1). Each tube is much thinner than a human hair. Data is
sent using optical signals (1). These cables are not prone to
electromagnetic interference (1).
[3 marks]
(c) (1) There may be a cut or kink (1) in the cable, and the diagnostic tools
can help locate the location of the fault (1).
[2 marks]
Diagnostic tools can help detect malfunctioning hardware on the
network (1), e.g. network interface cards. (1)
[2 marks]
(d) Compressed files occupy less space (1), so more files can actually be stored
on your hard disk (1).
[2 marks]
Because compressed files occupy less space (1),. They can be transmitted
more quickly across a network than uncompressed files (1).
[2 marks]
(e) Radio waves are omni-
directional, i.e. they spread out in multiple
directions when they are transmitted (1). These signals can cover very long
distances (1). For radio broadcast, you need a transmitter to send the
signals and a receiver to accept the broadcast signal (1).
[3 marks]
Total 25 marks
Module 3 Specific Objectives: 3, 4
Copyright © 2004 Caribbean Examinations Council
St Michael, Barbados
All rights reserved
- 2 -
This is the fourth year of open examinations for the Unit-one course comprising three
papers and the third year for the Unit-two course. Papers 01 and 02 for both units
were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03 was examined internally by the
teacher and moderated by CXC.
Paper 01 consisted of three sections, each corresponding to a module of the sylla-
bus. There were five compulsory short-response questions within each section, for
which a maximum of 50 marks could be obtained, for a total of 150 marks.
There were six questions of equal weighting in Paper 02, two questions per module
and candidates were expected to answer one question from each module. These
extended-response questions required more depth of understanding than the ques-
tions in Paper 01.
The individual contributions of Papers 01, 02 and 03 to the examination remained 50
per cent, 30 per cent and 20 per cent respectively.
Performance in Unit 1 suggests that teachers and candidates are completing the sylla-
bus, and as such candidates are for the most part performing well.
Examiners continue to be very concerned about candidates’ performance in Unit 2; in
particular Modules 2 and 3 where programming knowledge is tested. Candidates
continue to find it extremely difficult to write even simple programs, especially in the
object-oriented languages.
However, it appears that teachers are not completing the syllabus for Unit 2, and
therefore, candidates are coming to the examination having not acquired all the neces-
sary skills. It seems that candidates are not getting the necessary practice during
preparation for the examination. Perhaps this is so because, in many cases, they are
coping with learning a new programming language, whilst simultaneously developing
a system in order to satisfy the requirements for the internal assessment. For Unit 2,
teachers are reminded to have several practical sessions with students before the final
- 3 -
Candidates should be encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read
questions carefully and to respond with sufficient detail to commensurate with the
marks indicated.
SECTION A – Components of Computer Systems
Question 1
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of terms relating to computer hardware.
In general, part (a) was poorly answered. Many candidates described clock speed as
time taken to perform a task. Few candidates were able to mention the function of
cache memory. The main strong point in the responses was the ability of most
candidates to correctly identify two problems that the UPS can prevent. In a few
cases candidates listed features of the UPS as problems that it can prevent.
Question 2
This question examined candidates’ understanding of the resource management func-
tions of an operating system. Candidate response was generally weak. There were
no strong points in the responses. Of particular concern was the candidate’s lack of
knowledge of deadlock, interrupt and channel bandwidth. A bit more depth of cover-
age of this area of the syllabus is recommended so that candidates can express
themselves more clearly.
Question 3
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the reasons why operating system
(OS) software needs to be kept up-to-date and the services offered by disk manage-
ment software.
The average mark for this question was 50 per cent. Most candidates failed to give
correct responses to Part (a). They seemed not to recognize that updates are really
additions or changes to the original software. Updates are needed to fix errors due to
undetected bugs; add new features to the OS; provide new code that can perform
tasks more efficiently. There were generally good responses to Part (b). Generally,
- 4 -
candidates were able to correctly identify the services offered by disk management
Question 4
This question tested candidates’ understanding of the functions of components in a
network. Candidate responses were generally good. The diagrams and explanations
relative to a hub in a network were quite good. The meaning of ‘data encryption’ was
well explained, including the method and reasons. Candidates understood the need
for confidentiality and security. Items that are normally encrypted were correctly
Question 5
This question examined candidates’ knowledge and understanding of transmission
media and network topologies. The overall performance on this question was fairly
good. Parts (a) and (b) (i) were well answered. Candidates seemed not to under-
stand what was required for Part (b) (ii). The main weak point was that many candi-
dates’ descriptions of the FDDI topology were not reflected in the diagrams that they
SECTION B – Application of Computers
Question 6
This question was designed to test candidates’ understanding of the role of comput-
ers within an organization. The majority of candidates seemed to have misinterpreted
the question. They treated the application areas of the business as Word Processing,
Spreadsheets and Database Management. Consequently, responses to Part (b) were
generally meaningless.
Question 7
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the various types of information sys-
tems. This question was generally well done. Part (a) was well known by most
candidates. However a few candidates did not mention at which level in the organiza-
tion the information system was used. The main weaknesses were in Part (b). Few
candidates were able to recognize that an ‘executive information system’ is similar to
a ‘decision support system’.
- 5 -
Question 8
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of issues relating to telecommuting, pi-
racy and data security. Part (a) was not answered well by a lot of candidates. Most
candidates mistook telecommuting for telemarketing and wrote about buying and
selling. Part (b) was well done as most candidates knew the implications of pirating
software and also the use of firewalls and encryption.
Question 9
This question examined the different types of data security and the strategies for
ensuring data security. This seemed to be a popular topic with candidates. The
question was very well done. The security controls were well identified and ex-
Question 10
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the benefits and drawbacks of using a
computer-based system in an organization. This question was generally well-an-
swered. Most candidates were able to give good responses. Candidates should be
encouraged to use examples, descriptions and explanations that are required at this
SECTION C – Computer-based Problem Solving
Question 11
This question assessed candidates’ knowledge of the use of a computer-based tool
in the solution to a real-life problem. The question also tested knowledge of informa-
tion sources. It was answered very well. The only weak point was that a few candi-
dates did not know the features of the tools that were useful in performing the given
Question 12
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the characteristics of information
sources. The responses were for the most part reasonable. Candidates were able to
correctly identify and discuss characteristics such as currency, relevance, cultural
context, bias, accuracy etc. In part (b), even though candidates knew differences
between ‘book and newspaper’, ‘CD-ROM and DVD-ROM’, those differences did
not relate to information. Surprisingly many could not state similarities such as: book
- 6 -
and newspaper – both use a printed medium CD-ROM and DVD-ROM – both
based on optical technology; both can store at least 650 MB.
Question 13
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of issues related to
online/internet publishing. Part (a) was poorly done. Candidates failed to recognize
that the publisher could derive revenue by letting customers pay a fee to subscribe
and then each customer gets a username and password. Parts (b) and (c) were fairly
well done. Candidates were able to correctly describe advantages and disadvantages
to the customer of having the book available online.
Question 14
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the selection of
computer-based tools that are best suited to a given situation. The question was
generally well done. In both Parts (a) and (b), the candidates demonstrated that they
were familiar with the tools and that they knew the appropriateness of the chosen tool
for the task to be performed. In Part (c) there was some doubt as to the precise
functions of the built-in grammar checker. For example some did not know that a
grammar checker also provided the meaning of words.
Question 15
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of issues relating to
different types of information sources. This question was very well done. Candi-
dates were easily able to identify information sources and suggest why they were
suitable choices. The difficulty was with Part (c) where the discussion on the disad-
vantages was limited and most candidates received 2 of the allotted 4 marks for that
SECTION A – Components of Computer Systems
Question 1
This question examined candidates’ knowledge and understanding of different types
of networks, network configurations and protocols. Generally Part (a) was answered
fairly well. Some good diagrams were drawn. However, in some cases candidates’
- 7 -
description of the function of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) was limited. They
omitted the fact that the VPN devices at the branches translated between the packet
format of the Internet and the packet format of the networks at the branches. Part (b)
was well known by most of the candidates. Part (c) was poorly done. Many candi-
dates could not show how the peer-to-peer and client/server configurations could co-
exist on the same network. Most candidates got the OSI model correct. The weaker
candidates were able to draw at most 4 layers in the correct order. The main weak
points in the responses were the major cost associated with VPN and the client/server
– peer-to-peer diagram.
Responses to this type of question can improve with a better understanding of net-
work types, especially VPN and VAN.
Question 2
This question was designed to test candidates’ knowledge of network components
and their understanding of the factors that have to be considered when installing
networks. This question was poorly done. Most of the candidates got less than 30
percent of the marks allocated. For Part (a) very few could identify the factors to be
considered. Even fewer understood what was involved in providing simultaneous
Internet access to a number of computers in a network. For Part (b) again only a few
candidates correctly identified component A as a gateway and component B as a
hub. The majority of candidates obtained the marks for Part (c).
SECTION B – Application of Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of data security is-
sues/problems, and their understanding of expert systems. Responses were gener-
ally good. Part (a) was well answered. Candidates demonstrated a good understand-
ing of the data security problems - and the strategies to deal with those problems -
which a company may face when sensitive data is held on a computer. In response to
Part (b), candidates’ definitions of an expert system were not clear. For Part (c),
some gave advantages of expert systems such as: hospital can save money by hiring
fewer doctors. Those who attempted Part (d), mentioned only one disadvantage,
namely that the expert system could misdiagnose and possibly lead to the death of a
patient. Another disadvantage is that the system is difficult to keep up-to-date with all
recent medical findings.
- 8 -
Question 4
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the use of robots in industry, and
issues relating to the use of Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) in banks. The ques-
tion was for the most part well done. Most candidates were familiar with the use of
the robotics, particularly in a vehicle assembly plant. Part (c) was also well done.
Candidates demonstrated a good understanding of the ATM. The question intended
to ask for one technique that the bank could use to protect a customers account
from disclosure while using the ATM. However, many candidates interpreted the
question to be requiring one technique that the customer can use. Part (a) was the
weak point. Candidates did not understand what an expert system was and therefore
could not properly answer this part. On the whole this was a very popular question.
SECTION C – Computer-Based Problem Solving
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the stages in the
problem-solving process, and their ability to describe types and characteristics of
information sources. Very few candidates answered this question to the satisfaction
of the examiners. Those who attempted Part (a), succeeded only in listing the stages
in the System Development Life Cycle, but were unsure of the deliverables of each
stage. Part (b) was fairly well done. The responses to Part (c) showed that candi-
dates had ideas of what was requited but had difficulty expressing their ideas clearly.
Question 6
This question examined candidates’ knowledge of the features of modern productiv-
ity tools, and their suitability to certain tasks. Overall performance in this question
was fair. Part (a) was well done with most of the candidates obtaining more than 75
percent of the allotted marks. Many candidates did seem to understand the question.
Many wrote of preventing paper wastage by reducing font size and margins. In Parts
(c) and (d), candidates stated the features without full descriptions as to their suitabil-
ity for the given task.
-9 -
SECTION A – Software and System Development
Question 1
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the need for a
structured approach to software development and the activities that are common to
all software development processes. Both sections of the question proved difficult
for the candidates. Part (a) was poorly done. Many candidates wrote the stages of
the System Development Life Cycle. Even though most candidates performed better
in Part (b), the responses given were for the most part verbatim from the recom-
mended texts.
Question 2
This question examined candidates’ knowledge of the attributes of well-engineered
software, and the effect that lack of such attributes will have on the software. This
question was fairly well done by most candidates. Some candidates, however, cor-
rectly identified the attributes of well-engineered software, but gave incorrect descrip-
tions. Responses to Part (b) were in many cases generalized and were not related to
the attributes stated in Part (a). A comparison chart or attribute table may be instruc-
tive in assisting candidates with this area of the syllabus.
Question 3
This question assessed candidates’ knowledge of functional and non-functional re-
quirements and the techniques used in the analysis phase to obtain these require-
ments. This question was very well done.
Question 4
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the use of Data
Flow Diagrams (DFD) during analysis. Part (a) was well done. In Part (b) many
candidates copied the symbols as given in the question, but were unable to identify
the data flows to complete the DFD. More exposure to DFDs should be provided.
-10 -
Question 5
This question examined candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the activities,
tools, techniques and deliverables of the design phase of software development.
Most candidates were able to list the activities of the design phase, but had difficulty
in providing meaningful explanations. For example many candidates did not include
key terms in their responses such as a HIPO chart emphasises the ‘relationships’
among the elements of a system. Most mentioned only that the HIPO chart showed
input, processing and output. Most of the examples used did not reflect a system,
but rather a component of a system. Candidates should have more exposure to
practical examples of the use of HIPO charts and teachers should ensure that proper
annotations are included.
SECTION B – Programming Languages
Question 6
This question assessed candidates’ understanding of the term ‘algorithm’ and their
ability to write a simple algorithm. Most candidates were able to explain what was
meant by the term ‘algorithm’. However, many had difficulty writing the required
‘algorithm’ for Part (b). Candidates need to be given more practice in the writing of
Question 7
This question tested the candidates’ knowledge of the characteristics of program-
ming languages, and the ways in which programming languages differ. The question
was generally well done, however, many candidates attempted to give too much detail
when the question asked for ‘brief descriptions. In their description of the object-
oriented programming paradigm, many candidates omitted the fact that the programs
consist of a set of communicating objects.
Question 8
This question examined the candidates’ knowledge and understanding of program-
ming constructs and tested their ability to describe the function of the constructs
using examples in each case. Most of the candidates were able to describe the
function of the construct and provide appropriate examples. However, surprisingly,
they could not identify the constructs by their names, for example, ‘selection’, ‘itera-
tion’, ‘sequencing’.
Question 9
This question tested the candidates’ understanding of the factors that have to be
considered when choosing a programming language for a given application. The
question was generally well done. The candidates’ main strong points were in identi-
fying the factors to be considered. However, their explanations were far from ad-
equate. Part (b) was poorly done - only a few candidates demonstrated any under-
standing of the functional programming paradigm.
Question 10
This question tested candidates’ understanding of concepts associated with the ob-
ject-oriented and procedural paradigms. Many candidates had a general idea of the
conceptual building blocks of object-oriented design, but only a few demonstrated
real mastery. Almost all candidates were able to explain the term ‘recursion’ with
respect to the procedural paradigm. Part (c) was generally well done.
SECTION C – Program Development
Question 11
This question tested candidates’ ability to draw the layout of a simple Help system
using a Graphical User Interface (GUI), and to identify events that the help system
should anticipate when the user interacts with the system. In Part (a) most candidates
had difficulty identifying the events and it was clear they were not sure what an event
was. For Part (b) it was widely known by candidates that a diagram had to be drawn.
However, many candidates did not properly identify the GUI objects in the layout. In
some cases candidates thought that designing a layout meant writing a description or
writing code.
Question 12
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of abstract data types
(ADT) and operations on ADTs. Parts (a) and (c) were answered well. However,
Part (b) was poorly answered. Generally, candidates demonstrated little knowledge
of ADT operations.
Question 13
This question assessed candidates’ knowledge of the tools typically available in a
programming environment. This question was generally poorly answered. Candi-
-12 -
dates were unable to identify or describe editor features. Some even confused this
development tool with a newspaper editor. In Part (b), candidates were able to state
the tools but could not describe them.
Question 14
This question examined candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the activities of
the implementation phase of software development. This question was fairly well
done. Most candidates knew what code libraries were and the purpose of user
documentation. Some candidates however did not describe the advantages of using
code libraries during the coding process even though they knew what they were.
Many candidates did not realize that the testing required was unit testing, system
testing or dry-run testing.
Question 15
This question tested the candidates’ ability to write code in an object-oriented pro-
gramming language to implement a ‘Square’ class. Many candidates attempted this
question, but the responses were generally very poor. The candidates had particular
difficulty with the writing of constructors. In addition, many candidates did not know
which methods did and did not require parameters.
SECTION A – Software and Systems Development
Question 1
This question tested candidates’ understanding of the software development life cycle
models and the tools and techniques of the analysis phase of software development.
The overall response to the question was for the most part satisfactory. There were
many correct responses to Parts (b) (i) and (c). In Part (a) some candidate confused
the word ‘features’ with ‘steps’ and so most of them simply listed the steps in the
‘waterfall’ approach. Parts (b) (ii), (b) (iii) and (d) were poorly answered. Even
though it is clear that candidates are familiar with evolutionary development, they are
unable to discuss the pros and cons of one development approach viz a viz another.
The responses to Part (d) expose the need for more practice in the use of data flow
models to document the flow of data.
-13 -
Question 2
This question examined candidates’ ability to differentiate between: ‘top down’ and
‘bottom up’ design strategies; functional and object-oriented design strategies; and
to identify the features of good software design. In Part (c), an Entity-Relationship
Diagram (ERD) was needed to capture given information. Candidate responses indi-
cated that this was a less popular question but the responses were generally satisfac-
tory. Some of the strong points in this question were the ability of the candidates to
correctly draw the ERD, and their understanding of the differences among the vari-
ous design strategies. The weak point was that many candidate responses to Part (b)
(i) showed that they were unclear about what was required and consequently they
were unable to answer Part (b) (ii). It seems this was a first exposure to this type of
SECTION B – Programming Languages
Question 3
This question tested candidates’ understanding of the major stages in the compilation
process and their ability to compare the procedural and object-oriented paradigms.
Candidates were also required to write recursive and non-recursive functions that
involved finding the factorial of a non-negative integer. Parts (a) and (b) were gener-
ally well done. However, in Part (a) the candidates did not explain the stages in
sufficient detail. For Parts (c) and (d) few candidates were able to formulate a solu-
tion. The majority simply did not know how to approach the problem. More time
has to be spent on the development of algorithms in the problem solving process.
Question 4
This question assessed candidates’ ability to identify and use programming con-
structs, features and techniques in both the object-oriented and procedural para-
digms. Candidates’ strength was demonstrated in their ability toidentify objects in
an application, state, with type, instance variables for each object and use examples
to differentiate between bounded and unbounded iteration.
Some candidates thought that the use of the word ‘specify’ in Part (d) meant that they
were to write code. The responses to Part (g) indicated that the candidates were
guessing at the role of the linker in a programming language. The candidates per-
formed generally well in this question.
-14 -
SECTION C – Program Development
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ ability to develop an object-oriented application to
keep track of course and student information for a university. Candidates’ under-
standing of abstract data types (ADT) and their operations was also tested. This was
a very popular question among candidates, but the responses were generally poor.
The only strong point was the ability of candidates to declare the class attributes in
Part (a) and to identify the appropriate ADT and operations in Part (b). Writing code
for the class – constructor and methods proved very difficult as candidates did not
understand what was required. In the classroom greater attention needs to be paid to
the syntax of the language which the candidates are expected to use in the examina-
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the operations of the queue abstract
data type (ADT), and their ability to write code to implement the queue ADT as a
class. Few candidates attempted this question. Those that did attempt it were able
only to describe the function of each of the operations. Writing code proved ex-
tremely difficult for the candidates. For the most part there was a clear lack of
understanding of object-oriented language programming. Candidates’ performance
on programming questions can be improved only with practice in the classroom.
Candidates performed well on the Internal Assessment. For the most part the projects
areas were well chosen, covering a variety of areas and the reports were generally of
good quality. Candidates did best when the projects were based on real situations
which they had experienced.
-15 -
There are some concerns which the moderators have with the samples submitted.
Unit 1
The main areas of concern are
· The awarding of marks for work not submitted. In one instance, the teacher
awarded full marks for Networking when the candidate did not present any
work on networking.
· The Data Analysis and Organizational Impact sections of the report were
poorly represented in the project submitted.
Teachers (especially new teachers) are reminded that they should be fully familiar
with the requirements and composition of the Internal Assessment and are to be
guided by the criteria set down in the syllabus.
Unit 2
· Some of the samples submitted were not of the standard expected of candi-
dates at the CAPE level.
· All section of the report must me submitted since moderators must be able to
verify the marks awarded to each candidate.
· Testing of projects was often totally inadequate. Sample output from screens,
must be included as part of the documentation to verify that the program is
· In many cases the user documentation was inadequate.
· The written report is expected to reflect the work done from the beginning of
the project, not simply to concentrate on the finished product.
Copyright © 2005 Caribbean Examinations Council®
St Michael Barbados
All Rights Reserved
This is the fifth year of open examinations for Unit 1 and the fourth year for Unit 2.
There were three examination papers in both units, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02, and
Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and Paper 02 were examined externally by CXC
while Paper 03, the Internal Assessment, was examined internally by teachers and
moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of short-answer questions that were designed to test
candidates breadth of coverage of the syllabus. On the other hand, Paper 02
consisted of essay-type questions that were designed to test their depth of
understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show deeper insight
and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of three sections, each one corresponding to a
module of the syllabus. There were five compulsory questions within each section,
and each question carried 10 marks. The maximum amount of marks that could be
obtained in Paper 01 was therefore 150.
Similarly, Paper 02 of each unit consisted of three sections, each one corresponding
to a module of the syllabus. There were two questions within each section, and each
question carried 30 marks. Candidates were expected to answer one question from
each section. The maximum amount of marks that could be obtained in Paper 02 was
therefore 90.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade
remained 50 percent, 30 percent, and 20 percent, respectively.
In general, performance on both units has continued to improve, compared to
previous years. Performance in Unit 1 suggests that teachers and candidates are
completing the syllabus and are becoming more familiar with what is required.
Even though the performance in Unit 2 has improved, there is still concern about the
level of programming ability being demonstrated in Sections B and C of both written
papers. Candidates continue to find it extremely difficult to write even simple
programs, especially in the object-oriented programming languages.
A major problem detected in the responses to questions in both Units that require the
writing of prose is that of candidatesinability to clearly express their answers.
Candidates need to understand what is required in a question and should learn to
distinguish between key words such as state”, list”, explain”, discuss”,
describe and identify”. Many candidates lose marks by making a simple
statement on a topic and not discussing the topic in sufficient detail. Other candidates
also need to learn to label their responses appropriately and not lump together the
answers to the different parts of a question in an essay. Since this is an advanced
level examination, candidates are also advised of the importance of handwriting and
the need for maturity in their responses.
Finally, candidates are encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read
questions carefully before answering, and to respond with sufficient detail that is
commensurate with the marks indicated in the question.
SECTION A Components of Computer Systems
Question 1
This question examined candidates knowledge of server computers in a computer
network and their ability to distinguish between two different types of cabling used in
a computer network. Most candidates seemed to be quite knowledgeable of the role
of a server in a client/server network and the question was well answered by most of
them. In Part (a)(ii), candidates were generally unable to name specific types of
servers typically found in a computer network (e.g., printer server and mail server).
Some candidates mistakenly believed that peer-to-peer, client-server, hub, and
routers were types of servers and went on to explain the purpose of these terms.
Question 2
This question tested candidatesunderstanding of operating system concepts such as
memory protection, scheduling, and file management. It also required candidates to
identify two applications in which a supercomputer can be used. The responses
indicated that candidates had a very limited understanding of the concepts of memory
protection and scheduling algorithms. Some candidates even wrote that memory
protection refers to physically protecting the hard drive. However, the majority of
candidates gave good responses for Parts (a) and (d).
Question 3
This question tested candidates understanding of the data and processing
requirements that should be considered before purchasing a computer system. This
question was not done well by the majority of the candidates. Data requirements
include considering the volume of data to be stored, sharing data, and securing data.
Processing requirements include considering the speed and type of processing.
Question 4
This question examined candidates knowledge and understanding of local area
networks and different types of network configurations such as distributed, peer-to-
peer, and centralised. The overall performance on this question was quite good, with
an average of almost 6. However, a number of candidates confused the term
configuration with topology and network type’, and gave answers for network
topologies and network types. In Part (b), while it was clear that candidates
understood what is a local area network, their diagrams were badly drawn.
Question 5
This question tested candidates knowledge and understanding of various concepts
related to computer memory, such as volatility’, memory size and word size’. It
also required candidates to describe one specialised feature of a mouse as an input
device. However, it is felt that some candidates could have obtained more marks if
they had not misinterpreted Part (a)(i) to be What is volatile memory”. Volatility of
memory refers to the degree that data in memory can be lost easily, for example,
when electricity goes. Also, in Part (b), instead of describing a specialised feature of
a mouse such as a scroll button, some candidates incorrectly gave examples of
specialised input devices while others described the purpose of a mouse.
SECTION B – Application of Computers
Question 6
This question tested candidates understanding of computer applications in an
organization as well as the implications of computer automation. Most candidates
were able to outline at least one benefit and one negative consequence of using
computers in an organization.
Question 7
This question tested candidates knowledge and understanding of various types of
information systems such as transaction processing systems (TPSs) and data
warehouses. Candidates were also required to discuss what happens during data
mining. As with similar questions in the past, most candidates answered the question
poorly and the average mark was less than 4. Some candidates were unable to give an
actual example of a TPS though they correctly named the inputs and outputs of the
system. Others had difficulty in distinguishing between the inputs/outputs of a
system and the input/output devices for that system. Using automatic teller machines
as an example, some candidates incorrectly identified keyboard/mouse and printer/
monitor as inputs/outputs of the system, respectively. The responses for Part (b) were
generally vague, demonstrating candidates limited knowledge of data warehouses
and data mining. For example, a common response was that a data warehouse is a
location where data is stored.
Question 8
This question required candidates to demonstrate their understanding of special-
purpose computer systems, specifically, expert systems and embedded systems.
Many candidates gave good examples of expert systems and correctly identified the
inputs/outputs of these systems, although some had problems identifying inputs/
outputs as explained in Question 7 above. However, the inference engine was
generally omitted in describing an expert system in Part (a). Some candidates also
confused expert systems with embedded systems. Many candidates incorrectly stated
that an embedded system is a piece of software that is added to another larger piece
of software such as an operating system. Candidates were expected to state that an
embedded system is a computer system placed inside other products to add features
and capabilities that are computer-based (e.g., an embedded system is used inside a
microwave oven).
Question 9
This question tested candidatesunderstanding of the concepts of telecommuting and
videoconferencing and was answered fairly well. Most candidates were able to
correctly explain how communication is achieved in videoconferencing. However,
many candidates confused telecommuting with teleconferencing and telemarketing.
Telecommuting refers to a work arrangement where employees work away from their
offices using personal computers (e.g., at home), communicating with their offices
using email and other forms of communication technology. The advantages of
telecommuting and videoconferencing were also not clearly stated by many
Question 10
This question tested candidates understanding of data security and how to protect
data in an organisation, both from damage and from unauthorised access. In Part (a),
most candidates identified two ways in which data could be accidentally damaged but
did not state exactly what damage was caused. However, in Part (b), most candidates
were knowledgeable about the techniques that could be used to protect data from
unauthorised access.
SECTION C Computer-based Problem Solving
Question 11
This question examined candidatesknowledge of using different computer-based
tools to solve the real-life problems of generating a report on the performance of
candidates in the CSEC Information Technology examinations and maintaining
student information at a school on a day-to-day basis. This question was well
answered by most candidates. . In both Part (a) and Part (b), candidates were able to
correctly identify appropriate software tools (word processor and spreadsheet, and
database management systems, respectively). However, several candidates did not
clearly state the features of these tools that made them appropriate for the task at
hand. As indicated in the question, it is important for candidates to link the features
of the tools to the task that must be performed.
Question 12
This question examined candidatesknowledge of using a software tool to solve the
real-life problem of making a presentation of a companys sales performance.
Candidates were also expected to understand the kinds of problems that could affect
the use of the tool selected and how to solve these problems. This was a fairly easy
question and it is surprising that candidatesperformance was not much better than it
was. The obvious software tool for the problem was presentation software such as
Microsoft Powerpoint. However, some candidates stated that spreadsheet software
could be used and this was also accepted. Similar to Question 11, candidates were
often unable to state three features of the tool that made it appropriate for the task.
Several candidates gave simplistic responses for Part (b) such as the software and
presentation data must be stored on a computer. It should be noted that the questions
in this section deal with Computer-based Problem Solving, so the need for
computers, software, and data is clearly understood. More appropriate responses on
potential problems that can occur when using the software tool are that the vice-
president may not know how to use the software (i.e., training is required) or that the
presentation file may become damaged for some reason (requiring backup measures
to be put in place).
Question 13
This question tested candidates knowledge and understanding of information
sources and their ability to select appropriate knowledge sources for a given
information need. The question was well answered by the majority of the candidates.
Several candidates obtained full marks in this question. However, given its
straightforward nature, a higher average was expected.
Question 14
This question tested candidates knowledge and understanding of the characteristics
of information (with an emphasis on reliability) as well as their ability to analyse a
situation to determine the quality of information that can be obtained. It was
generally answered satisfactorily with many candidates losing marks for not
developing their responses or repeating a source of un/reliable information already
given. Also, the majority of candidates were unable to furnish an example in Part (a)
(i) when they explained the term reliability of information’. In Part (b), the reasons
given for not accepting the information were often quite poor or underdeveloped.
Candidates were expected to give responses such as the receptionist had no authority
to give out the information requested and may also give inaccurate information since
this was not his/her job area.
Question 15
This question tested candidatesknowledge and understanding of a digital library as
an information source. It was clear that many candidates had limited understanding
of a digital library, and many of them opted to answer the question from the point of
view of a CD. A digital library is a database containing documents such as journal
and magazine articles in digital form that can be accessed by users and downloaded
to their own computers. Candidates also gave a general list of advantages and
disadvantages of a digital library, without attempting to elaborate on the points
stated. This may be attributed to their limited understanding of a digital library.
SECTION A Components of Computer Systems
Question 1
This question tested candidatesin-depth knowledge and understanding of a number
of hardware-related and network-related concepts covered in the unit. Generally,
candidates were able to differentiate between ROM and EPROM, MAN and LAN,
and between workstation and supercomputer. However, some displayed weaknesses
in comparing a hub and router and in comparing EPROM and EEPROM. The
characteristics of the transmission media given were also well described. However,
weak responses were obtained for Part (c), when describing network-related
problems that can be solved using diagnostic tools. Many candidates also seemed
unfamiliar with compression utilities. Their discussion of radio waves as a
transmission medium was often poor.
Question 2
This question tested candidates understanding of issues related to purchasing a
mouse, the role of the user interface in an operating system, and various network-
related concepts such as microwave transmission and the FDDI and ring network
topologies. Candidates gave very good responses on the issues related to purchasing
a mouse, but the role of the user interface in an operating system was not clearly
explained. Also, most candidates were unaware that FDDI is composed of two rings
of fibre-optic cable. This caused them to lose marks in the other sections of Part (d).
Candidates generally gave good answers for how data is transmitted in a ring
network, but often failed to mention the presence and purpose of the token.
SECTION B – Application of Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidatesunderstanding of the changing information needs of
an organization over time as well as their understanding of the historical changes in
computer applications over time. Very few candidates (less than 5%) chose to answer
this question. From the responses obtained, it seemed that few candidates understood
what was being asked by the question and their responses were vague and off the
point. Even though candidates were able to identify changes in storage and
processing capabilities, they did not relate these changes to the specific needs of the
business, such as handling an increased number of customers, employees, products,
etc. In Part (c)(i), candidates were generally unable to specify the information
processing activities that would take place at the operational and strategic levels of
the organization. Candidates need to be able to better distinguish between the
operational and strategic aspects of information processing in an organization.
However, it is encouraging to note that in Part (c)(ii), several candidates were able to
correctly identify transaction processing systems, management information systems,
and other systems that could be used at the organization.
Question 4
This question tested candidatesin-depth understanding of data security and how to
protect data in an organisation, both from unforeseen circumstances such as
hurricanes and fire, and from unauthorised access. More than 95% of the candidates
attempted this question and all parts of this question were generally answered well. In
particular, there were very good answers for Part (a)(i) when candidates were asked
to discuss two means by which unauthorised access to data could occur in the bank.
SECTION C Computer-based Problem Solving
Question 5
This question tested candidatesknowledge and understanding of using different
computer-based tools to solve a real-life problem of attracting investors to a
company. Only about 30% of the candidates chose to answer this question instead of
Question 6. Candidates were able to correctly identify software tools and explain
how these could be used in the companys venture to attract investors. However,
marks were often lost because an appropriate discussion was not given.
Question 6
This question tested candidates knowledge and understanding of information
sources and evaluative criteria that can be used to determine the validity of an
information source. It also tested candidates understanding of the problem solving
process required for developing a computer-based solution for a business problem.
About 70% of the candidates opted to answer this question. Part (a)(i) was answered
well by most candidates who correctly identified four other sources of information
that could have been used to confirm the information obtained. Part (b) was also
answered well by most candidates who recognised that many different kinds of
information could be obtained from the Internet. However, candidates were weak in
their understanding of evaluative criteria for information, such as currency and
authorship. Weak responses were also obtained for Part (c) when describing the four
stages of the problem solving process.
Section A – Software and Software Development
Question 1
Candidates answered the question generally well although many of them did not fully
explain their answers. Most candidates had some concept of the answers required
and most stated responses either exactly as required or provided synonyms for the
terms required. A few candidates interpreted the term developmentas design’.
Question 2
This question was poorly answered. One strong point was that candidates knew the
steps for the waterfall model. Some candidates did not understand what was required
for Part (a) and simply stated the phases. Generally, candidates had a poor
understanding of the waterfall model when compared to the evolutionary model of
software development. Those who understood the models emphasized the wrong
points. For Part (c), some candidates needed to understand that stating an advantage/
disadvantage is not enough; it must also be explained.
Question 3
This question was answered fairly well. There were many good responses for Part
(a). Some candidates confused the feasibility study with the steps of the development
Question 4
This question was answered fairly well by most of the candidates. Generally, the
data flow diagrams were well done. However, misconceptions on functional/non-
functional requirements were present.
Question 5
This question was generally done satisfactorily. Candidates had a strong
understanding of user-interface design principles. There were some misinterpretation
and confusing arguments in some of the responses of the candidates.
Section B Programming Languages
Question 6
There was a major misinterpretation of this question by candidates. Some candidates
focused on the systems development life cycle rather than the characteristics of a
program. Generally, the candidates who scored between 6 to 8 (highest) had a good
knowledge of the concepts and theory being examined. A few candidates
misinterpreted the question as the stages of a compiled programand the software
life cycle”.
Question 7
Generally, the performance on this question was good and there were several cases
where candidates got full marks. Most candidates knew how to describe imperative
languages. However, many candidates were unable to describe declarative languages.
For Part (b), some candidates thought that defining a top-down approach was
specifying an advantage.
Question 8
Overall responses for this question were very good but in some cases, groups of
candidates performed very poorly. In many cases candidates achieved full marks.
Candidates did very well at distinguishing between 2GLs and 3GLs. Many
candidates did not relate their explanations of the factors given (such as runtime /
portability / maintainability) to the issue of choice of programming language. In the
context of choice of programming language, the responses were generally vague.
Many candidates could explain the factors given (in isolation), but displayed
confusion when attempting to say how the factors influenced the choice of a
programming language.
Question 9
The performance on this question was fair. Logical thinking by candidate was
generally not displayed. Loops were in the wrong place and many candidates had the
correct logic, but lost marks when printing the required value. The drawing of flow
charts instead of writing an algorithm was one of the weak points. The use of an
array to store the values instead of the use of two variables would have also been a
correct approach to this question. Candidates need to read the question to determine
what is required. More practice on the logical flow of a solution should be done.
Practical coding would benefit both candidates and teachers.
Question 10
This question was not done very well. Many candidates were able to define the term
algorithm. However, some candidates could not distinguish between bounded and
unbounded iteration and it was clear that they were not familiar with the terms. Also,
many candidates did not have a good grasp of classes and objects as well as private
and public methods.
SECTION C Program Development
Question 11
The responses in this question were fairly good. Part (a) and Part (b)(i) were
answered fairly well. However, Part (c) was challenging to candidates. Many
candidates were able to identify the user interface objects and describe the purpose of
these objects quite well except for fonts. Most identified the event in Part (b)(i)
correctly. In Part (b)(ii) many candidates wrote algorithms based on procedural
programming. Some candidates actually wrote programming code for Part (b)(ii), but
an algorithm was required. Future candidates are encouraged to gain practice in
writing algorithms for event-driven programming problems.
Question 12
This question was not well done by most candidates. The candidates who knew the
material scored higher marks and the remainder performed badly. Some candidates
drew the stack and showed the contents or used trace tables. Some candidates did not
show the contents of the stack during each pass of the loop and just wrote the output.
Many candidates did not seem to understand the purpose of the elsestatement. In
the end, many could not figure out the purpose of the algorithm. Future candidates
and teachers are encouraged to gain practice in tracing and understanding algorithms
by using more practical examples of ADTs.
Question 13
The responses to this question were generally not of a high quality. In many cases, it
was clear that candidates did not know the proper syntax for programming statements
and tended to give answers in pseudocode. Candidates need to obtain more practical
experience in programming to answer the questions in this section.
Question 14
The responses to this question were generally good. The strong point of this question
was candidates ability to correctly list four tools typically provided in a
programming environment. However, the explanation of how these tools are used
was often poor, with few candidates being able to differentiate between a tracer and a
stepper. DFDs, HIPO charts etc. were common responses. It is suggested that
candidates make more active use of the tools in a programming environment so that
they can answer questions of this nature.
Question 15
The responses to this question were fairly good. Most candidates were able to list
two types of documentation and describe them properly. More than 50% were able to
get at least 1 out of 2 for Part (a)(i). Some candidates gave the same explanation for
unit testing and system testing. The key difference between unit and system testing
needs to be understood by candidates. A good response should have included a
phrase like integration of moduleswhen describing system testing. More practical
examples should be used in demonstrating to candidates how system testing and unit
testing is done.
Section A – Software and Software Development
Question 1
The question was fairly well answered by candidates. Candidates comfortable with
data flow diagrams (DFDs) gained most of the marks for this question. Most
candidates were able to identify the customer entity in the DFD. Some candidates
were able to explain what is an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) but were unable to
differentiate between an ERD and a data dictionary. Candidates often confused data
flow diagrams with ERDs and flow charts. Hence they were unable to give good
answers for Part (b). Candidates were also unable to give a good example to explain
what is a data dictionary. Future candidates need to gain more practice in drawing
DFDs. The distinction between DFDs and other types of diagrams such as ERDs
should also be carefully made and their respective symbols clearly distinguished.
Question 2
In Part (a), most candidates were unable to properly explain the use of CASE Tools.
Part (c) of the question was answered well by many candidates. The strong points of
candidates in this question were in identifying the attributes and relationships in Part
(b), defining object-oriented design in Part (c), and listing the design process
activities in Part (c). . Candidates also need to know the proper symbols to use when
drawing an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) and the features of function-oriented
design. Future candidates also need to gain more practice in drawing ERDs and
understanding the differences between other types of diagrams such as data flow
Section B Programming Languages
Question 3
Candidates demonstrated a poor grasp of several basic concepts in computer
programming and the only strong point observed was in their explanations for Part
(a), on generations of programming languages. Most candidates had no
understanding of the concept of recursion and how to write a recursive algorithm.
Candidates should spend some more time on the topic of recursion and in
understanding control structures (if-else, loops).
Question 4
The responses to this question were generally good. The concept of an object,
instance variables, and classes were understood by most of the candidates. Parts (b)
and (c) were generally answered well; however, Part (c) had some poor answers. In
Part (a), some candidates were unable to identify the accessor and modification
methods required, so they just wrote any methods that came to mind. Candidates also
demonstrated weakness in explaining the concept of encapsulation. In Part (a)(iv),
they also had some problems in drawing the class diagram for the Plane object. In the
future candidates should practice drawing class diagrams listing the attributes, and
methods of a class.
SECTION C Program Development
Question 5
This question was poorly answered, especially where ADT operations were required.
The best-answered portion of the question was Part (a), which required candidates to
identify different types of GUI controls for the user interface. Candidates need to
develop application and synthesis skills to tackle the problems in this section. Many
candidates are weak at problem solving and algorithm design. To perform well in this
section, future candidates need to improve in these areas.
Question 6
This question was generally not answered well. However, there seemed to be an
improvement in the quality of responses to this type of question, compared to the
examinations of 2004. Some candidates are still not able to write proper
programming statements. In Part (a), many candidates did not understand what
constructorsand accessors were. In Part (b), the addStudent method was
generally poorly done, with incorrect code being written. Part (c) was generally well
done except for section (iii), which involved adding Student objects to a Faculty
object. This operation required the Faculty object to have a data structure such as an
array that could be use to hold the Student objects. The addStudentmethod is then
implemented by inserting the Student object into the array at an appropriate position
(e.g., the end of the array).
The performance on the Internal Assessment was generally good. However,
compared to the performance in 2004, there was a decline in both units, especially in
Unit 2. It was observed that the projects submitted by candidates were deficient in
various aspects and were still being awarded high marks by teachers. There were also
a number of cases where it was clear that candidates did not know exactly what was
required of them in the Internal Assessment and consequently, obtained very low
marks. Better performances on the Internal Assessment should lead to better overall
performances on both units as well as better performances on the other papers.
Candidates need to maximize the opportunity to get higher marks on the Internal
Assessment. Teachers also need to become more closely involved in the supervision
of the projects. This should lead to an improvement in candidates performance on
the Internal Assessment, solidifying their understanding of the theoretical aspects of
the units, which in turn, will lead to an overall improvement in performance.
Generally, most candidates chose appropriate topics for the Internal Assessment. The
topics chosen were relevant to the level of the candidates and the specific objectives
of the respective syllabuses. The treatment of the topics by the candidates was
adequate. A small percentage was comprehensive though some tended to be
superficial. The reports were also generally well presented and teachers complied
with requirements such as ensuring that there was a cover page for each project and
entering the marks on the required form.
Unit 1
Some of the projects submitted demonstrated below average performance in a
number of areas such as description of context, purpose of study and solution
process. In many cases, the responses to these areas and others defined in the
syllabus were non-existent, vague, or poorly expressed. Often, marks were awarded
to areas that were not specified in the syllabus and in those instances teachers were
not adhering to the mark scheme provided. In other cases, full marks were awarded
even though the defined criteria were completely absent.
In the problem identification section, it was clear that a number of candidates did not
understand the term external entities and processes”. The description of the current
system and procedures also needed improvement. Candidates took the purpose of
their study straight from items described in the syllabus. However, these items need
to be tailored to their specific projects. Finally, candidates need to be reminded that
there is a word limit for their projects.
Unit 2
There were a few cases where candidates used the old Unit 2 syllabus to prepare their
Internal Assessment. As a result, irrelevant information was submitted. Similar to
Unit 1, marks were often awarded in a manner that was not consistent with what is
defined in the syllabus.
From the moderation of the Internal Assessment, it is clear that many candidates do
not understand how to write programs in a programming language. In some cases,
candidates wrote pseudocode where program code was required and this was
awarded full marks. In most cases, the functionality of the program written was
poorly described and there were no screen shots of the working system displayed in
the reports (perhaps indicating the inability of the program to work in the first place).
Copyright © 2006 Caribbean Examinations Council ®
St Michael Barbados
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This is the sixth year of open examinations for Unit 1 and the fifth year for Unit 2. There were three
examination papers in both units, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01
and Paper 02 were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the Internal Assessment, was exam-
ined internally by teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of short-answer questions that were designed to test candidates’ breadth
of coverage of the syllabus. On the other hand, Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that were
designed to test their depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show
deeper insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of three sections, each one corresponding to a module of the syllabus.
There were five compulsory questions within each section, and each question carried 10 marks. The
maximum amount of marks that could be obtained in Paper 01 was therefore 150.
Similarly, Paper 02 of each unit consisted of three sections, each one corresponding to a module of the
syllabus. There were two questions within each section, and each question carried 30 marks. Candidates
were expected to answer one question from each section. The maximum amount of marks that could be
obtained in Paper 02 was therefore 90.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade remained 50 per cent,
30 per cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
In general, performance on both units of the syllabus has continued to improve. In Unit 1, more than half of
the candidates are now obtaining grades I to III. In Unit 2, more than 40 per cent of the candidates are
now obtaining grades I to III. However, the performance on the School Based Assessment should have
been better. Better performances on the SBA should lead to better overall performances on both units as
well as better performances on the theory papers. Candidates need to maximize the opportunity to get
higher marks on the SBA.
Even though the performance in Unit 2 has improved, there is still concern about the level of programming
ability being demonstrated in Sections B and C of both written papers. Candidates continue to find it
extremely difficult to write even simple programs, in both the imperative and object-oriented programming
languages. Teachers are encouraged to have several programming labs and exercises done with the
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As recommended last year, candidates are encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read
questions carefully before answering, and to respond with sufficient detail that is commensurate with the
marks indicated in the question.
In general, performance on both units of the syllabus has continued to improve. In Unit 1, more than half of
the candidates are now obtaining grades I to III. In Unit 2, more than 40 per cent of the candidates are
now obtaining grades I to III. However, the performance on the School Based Assessment should have
been better. Better performances on the SBA should lead to better overall performances on both units as
well as better performances on the theory papers. Candidates need to maximize the opportunity to get
higher marks on the SBA.
Even though the performance in Unit 2 has improved, there is still concern about the level of programming
ability being demonstrated in Sections B and C of both written papers. Candidates continue to find it
extremely difficult to write even simple programs, in both the imperative and object-oriented programming
languages. Teachers are encouraged to have several programming labs and exercises done with the
As recommended last year, candidates are encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read
questions carefully before answering, and to respond with sufficient detail that is commensurate with the
marks indicated in the question.
SECTION A – Components of Computer Systems
Question 1
This question tested how a UPS could help protect a computer (part (a)), the concept of port connectivity
(part (b)) and the use of satellites as a transmission medium (part (c)). Several candidates obtained full
marks in this question. However, many candidates ignored the marks available for part (a) and just wrote
one point. A good response for part (a) would have mentioned that a UPS gives users time to close
applications and save their work. Part (b) was generally well answered with many candidates saying that
port connectivity had to do with advances in port design and cable types. For part (c), some candidates
failed to mention that satellite signals propagated to space and then to earth.
Question 2
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the instruction set of a computer, client/server software and
peer-to-peer networks. Some candidates thought that the instruction set was the programming language
statements of a particular language e.g. Pascal. For part b(iii), some candidates did not know that the client
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makes a request which the server attempts to service in the specific applications chosen. For part 2(a), a
good response was ‘the instruction set of a computer refers to the complete set of instructions which are
hard-wired into the micro-processor and which defines the set of instructions the computer will understand
and be able to execute’.
Question 3
Question 3 looked at features of disk management software, memory management in an operating system,
multitasking and multiprocessing. Responses for this question were generally good and many candidates
scored full marks. Weaker candidates mixed up ‘multitasking’ and ‘multiprocessing’ in part (c).
Question 4
This question required the candidates to know about features provided by network operating system
software as well as two utilities typically present in system software. The question attracted some of the
best responses in the examination. Candidates displayed a sound knowledge of most features provided
by network operating system software. Weaker candidates could explain either none or only one of the
utilities typically present in system software.
Question 5
In this question, candidates had to compare extranets to the Internet, explain the term ‘capacity of a
storage device’, explain ‘access speed of a storage device’ and explain ‘portability’. Except for parts a(i)
and a(ii), most of the other parts were generally handled well. In part (a), some candidates confused
‘intranet’ with ‘extranet‘. Part b(i) which referred to the capacity of a storage device was well answered,
with some candidates giving values of actual device capacities e.g. 100 MB.
SECTION B – Application of Computers
Question 6
In this question, candidates had to demonstrate knowledge of expert systems, data warehouses and data
mining. This question was generally poorly done. In Part (a), most candidates did not know what an
expert system was. An expert system stores knowledge of a limited domain in the form of rules and makes
inferences based on those rules, similar to a human expert. Also, many could not describe data warehouses.
However, Part b(ii) was answered better than Part (b)(i).
Question 7
This question examined monitoring and control systems, user interfaces and suitability of a computer
application for an organization. Most candidates were not familiar with monitoring and control systems as
tested in Part (a). Monitoring and control systems use computer technology to track/monitor processes
and take certain courses of action if problems occur. They are typically present in many industrial applications.
Parts (b) and (c) were well-answered.
Question 8
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of data security, system back-up and real time updating of
files. Most candidates answered Part (a) fairly well; however some did not describe, but rather just listed,
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the main points. There are logical and physical approaches to data security. In the logical approach,
programs can have password protected access. In the physical approach, computers can be placed in
enclosed/protected areas. In Part (b), many candidates explained system back up but did not give an
example. An example could be a secretary backing-up her word-processing files on a file server at the end
of the day. Part (c) was done well by most candidates.
Question 9
This question started by asking how firewalls and encryption could protect an organization’s data from
unauthorized access. The other parts required a suggestion of ways in which computers could affect a
financial organization and the distinctions between batch and on-line processing. Responses for this question
were generally of a poor quality although some candidates scored full marks. Part (a) was generally
answered fairly well. One candidate stated that firewalls ‘helped protect an organization’s data from
unauthorized access’. However, this was already stated in the question and gained no marks. Part (c)
contained important types of processing used in information technology but many did not know the meaning
of the terms. Batch processing is where transactions are gathered together into a collection and are used to
update master files at a later time. Online processing is where transactions are executed and changes are
made to master files almost immediately.
Question 10
This question examined telecommuting and the ways in which computers help us entertain ourselves and
facilitate communication. In Part (a), many candidates mixed up telecommuting and teleconferencing.
Telecommuting is where employees can work from one location and communicate their work to the main
office at another location using computer and telecommunication technologies. Parts (b) and (c) were
SECTION C – Computer-based Problem Solving
Question 11
Part (a) of this question asked for similarities and differences between information stored on CD-ROM
and in a digital library. Part (b) pertained to sources of information relevant to monitoring the progress of a
hurricane. Part (a) was generally well answered with many candidates scoring full marks. For Part b(i),
approximately half of the responses stated that newspapers were a good source due to the fact that it was
updated regularly. However, it should be noted that newspapers are not updated regularly enough to
monitor a hurricane. Parts (b)(ii) and b(iii) were generally well answered.
Question 12
This question was about information and characteristics of information sources related to making a
financial decision. The businessman got his initial information from an anonymous email. Part (a) was not
answered very well as candidates did not incorporate certain key words in their responses which should
have related to information characteristics.
For Part (b), many candidates listed sources rather than listing and explaining them.
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Question 13
This question looked at data sources and their characteristics. This question was a fairly simple question,
but many candidates answered it poorly. Questionnaires were a good source of information in this case.
Part (b) attracted some fairly good responses.
Question 14
For this question, candidates had to distinguish between DVD and CD ROMs as information sources.
Part (b) asked about sources of information based on a scenario. Overall, this question was answered well
and some candidates scored full marks. Part (a) was well answered. In Part (b)(i), some candidates used
sources that were not relevant to Francis’ situation. Three good sources of information for Francis were
newspapers, magazines and the Internet.
Question 15
This question was based on software tools appropriate for different tasks performed by a toy store at
Christmas. For Part (a), most candidates did not give a very suitable response and hardly anyone obtained
full marks. Spreadsheet was a good response for Part (a). In Part (b), most candidates were able to
identify the software tool, but there were hardly any reasonable responses for precautions which should be
taken. One precaution was to keep back-up hard-copies of the presentation.
SECTION A – Components of Computer Systems
Question 1
Part (a) required candidates to differentiate between several pairs of computer terms. Part (b) examined
how an operating system could execute three processes at the same time. Part (c) tested candidates’
knowledge of the data requirements and communication requirements of a package.
a) Generally, candidates did not differentiate between the two terms given. Many candidates defined
each term separately without highlighting what made them different. For Part (a) (iii), a good
response was ‘cache memory is much faster than RAM and also more expensive’.
b) Clearly, most candidates knew that the operating system could handle and execute many processes
at the same time. However, only brief explanations of how this was done were given by most
candidates. A good response should have contained a discussion of round-robin allocation of
time-slices, preemption of processes, interrupts and saving and reloading of process states.
c) Some candidates seemed confused in Part (i) and spoke about qualities of information. They did
not read the scenario carefully and answer based on the situation presented. Many also spoke
about “database attributes”. More focus should have been placed on the fact that different
departments were involved.
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Question 2
Part (a) of this question presented a diagram and candidates were asked to identify the network topology
illustrated. Part (b) asked for two advantages of fibre-optic cable over coaxial cable, Part (c) asked about
the OSI model for computer communication and Part (d) looked at data transmission in bus and ring
networks. Overall, this question was answered very well in most instances. For Part (c), some candidates
did not focus on the key functions of the various layers of the OSI model. For example, the main role of the
network layer is to route packets although there are other subordinate functions.
SECTION B – Application of Computers
Question 3
Part (a) required candidates to use examples to distinguish between data loss and data corruption. Part (b)
examined levels of management and the associated information systems. Part (c) asked about precautions
to minimize data loss in the event of a hurricane. Overall, the question was generally well answered although
it was not a popular question. In Part (b)(ii), many candidates knew of the different types of information
systems but had problems relating them to the levels of decision making. Parts (a), (b)(i) and b(iii) were
fairly well done as were Parts 3(c)(i) and 3(c)(ii). Some weak responses for 3(c)(ii) were UPS, surge
protectors and covering computers with plastic bags. One precaution was ‘to move data to a safe storage
location in the building: the safe storage location could be a sturdy cabinet that was waterproof and located
in a sturdy room’.
Question 4
This question looked at techniques to deter unauthorized access to a web based system, software piracy,
ways in which an organization could benefit from automation and three ways in which computer applications
have affected the job market. The question was very popular. Parts (a) and (b) were satisfactorily done.
Many responses for Parts (c) and (d) were similar. For Part (c), some responses were too simple and
involved expressions like “more work done”, “less salaries to pay out” etcetera. There was a clear
indication that some candidates misinterpreted Part (d). Also, positive and negative ways in which
computers affect the job market should have been considered for
Part (d). For example, new jobs have been created, for example,. software developer and computer
applications have caused displacement of a number of clerical employees in some organizations.
SECTION C – Computer-based Problem Solving
Question 5
Part (a) of this question presented a scenario and candidates had to describe three other sources of
information to confirm information found on a web site. A discussion of evaluative criteria for acceptance
or rejection of information was then required. Part (b) asked for the benefits to an organization of using the
Internet as an information source and part (c) required a discussion of three characteristics of information
sources. Part a(i) was fairly well answered. Good responses for part a(i) included valid information from
other related sources, Web sites, experts in the financial sectors, articles in reviewed magazines, newspaper
articles and television programmes. Part a(ii) was badly done. Very few candidates were able to identify all
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three evaluative criteria correctly. Most candidates did not correctly relate their explanations to the stated
criteria. Many candidates did not focus on “using the Internet as an information source”, but rather discussed
the use of the Internet as a way to promote their business. Candidates should pay attention to what the
question is specifically asking and read questions carefully. Part (c) was not well done. Many candidates
were not clear about the definition for each term and hence were not able to obtain all three marks for each
Question 6
The majority of the candidates attempted this question which was based on a University scenario that
required the use of software tools for different tasks. Part a(i) was generally well-answered. A minority of
candidates did not obtain the mark due to lack of familiarity with the names of appropriate software tools.
For example, some cited Microsoft ® Excel as an example of a database software tool. Part a(ii) was
fairly well answered although many candidates failed to explain their answers sufficiently in order to obtain
full marks. Candidates need to pay attention to specific technical terms as it relates to the particular software
tool. Parts b(i) (ii) had similar problems to Parts a (i) and a (ii). In Part (c), a minority of candidates
obtained all six marks. Most candidates did not include in their response, the ‘retrieval of information from
the database and spread sheet programs’, into the presentation. Many of them simply stated that Microsoft
® PowerPoint could be used. Part (d) was not well-answered. Many candidates cited word-processors
as opposed to desktop publishing software as the most appropriate tool for producing the newsletter and
brochures. Many of them were not able to effectively explain the reasons for their selection.
Section A – Software and Software Development
Question 1
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the waterfall model, which is one of the
most widely known models of a software development process. There were good answers to Part (a).
However, many candidates did not properly explain that a software development process is a set of
activities and associated results which lead to the production of a software product, saying instead that it is
a sequence of steps. In Part (b), some candidates did not specify the names of the stages of the waterfall
model or specified the names incorrectly. Poor explanations were sometimes given for the activities that
take place in the three stages, especially for the design stage. Part (c) was generally answered well, though
some candidates indicated that a weakness of the waterfall model is that it is time consuming and costly,
instead of mentioning the inflexibility inherent in the model.
Question 2
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of two information gathering techniques
that can be used during requirements analysis, namely, interviews and questionnaires. It also required
candidates to determine which one was more appropriate for the scenario given. There were good answers
to all three parts of this question and valid reasons were given for choosing one technique over the other in
the situation given. However, there were cases where candidates stated that interviews allowed one to
have face-to-face or direct encounter with stakeholders but did not indicate why this was valuable to the
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information gathering process. Some candidates also failed to state that responses to interview questions
are documented and that responses to questions in a questionnaire are collected and analyzed.
Question 3
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of Computer Aided Software Engineering
(CASE) tools. The question was generally answered well by candidates though some did not answer the
question at all. However, in Part (a), some candidates failed to mention that CASE tools are software
products. Some failed to mention that it is used to support or automate different aspects of the software
development process. In Part (b), some candidates did not identify the stages of the software process
where CASE tools can be used. Few candidates mentioned pertinent terms such as “graphical system
models” and “technical and user documentation”. In Part (c), some candidates incorrectly stated that one
disadvantage of a CASE tool is that software developers would become less skilled by using the tool.
Question 4
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of architectural design which is an important
design process activity. This question was poorly answered by most candidates, indicating inadequate
preparation or understanding of this aspect of the syllabus. In Part (a), few candidates were able to
explain that system structuring in the breaking down of the system into subsystems and some even confused
this term with the software development life cycle. In Part (b), many candidates stated that modular
decomposition is the breaking down of the system. However, this is partially correct; modular decomposition
is the decomposition of sub-systems into modules. In Part (c), candidates were unable to distinguish
between a sub-system and a module. Some of them incorrectly stated that a sub-system performs a single
task. The responses to Part (d) were generally poor and candidates failed to mention that outputs include
graphical representations of system models and diagrams showing the system structuring and modular
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of user interface design guidelines and guidelines for designing
reports. There were fairly good responses to Part (a) of this question. However, guidelines such as “user
familiarity”, “consistency”, and “user guidance and feedback” were rarely mentioned. Also, instead of
stating “recoverability” as the ability to gracefully recover from errors, candidates used a less appropriate
term, “robustness”. The responses to Part (b) were not satisfactory. Guidelines for report design such as
using meaningful titles, presenting relevant information, and balancing the layout of the information were
generally not described. Instead, candidates described the information that the reports should contain and
how they should be prepared.
Section B – Programming Languages
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ understanding of various object-oriented concepts and their ability to
represent a class in a diagram. Candidates were required to explain the concept of inheritance and to
describe how message passing takes place among objects. Part (a) was answered well by most candidates
though data types for the instance variables and the “()” after method names were often omitted. In Part
(b), candidates seemed to understand how message passing took place but did not clearly explain the
process. Some incorrectly indicated that the Customer object would call the Account object using its
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withdraw() method as follows: A.withdraw(). Some candidates missed the point of the question completely
and talked about the physical process of going to the bank to withdraw/deposit money using ATMs and
bank slips. Part (c) was not answered well by most candidates and no response gained full marks. It
should be noted that inheritance is when a class assumes the instance variables and methods of another
class, perhaps adding its own instance variables and methods.
Question 7
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of several fundamental object-oriented
concepts. The answers to Part (a) were generally correct though some of the candidates were unable to
properly distinguish between an object and a class. A class is like a template that describes the behaviour
and attributes of a set of similar objects while an object is an instance of a particular class. Part (b) was not
answered well and many candidates did not explain that encapsulation is the technique of hiding the internal
implementation details of an object from external objects. For Part (c) few candidates explained that
public instance variables can be accessed directly by external objects. Thus, if these variables change in
the future, all the external objects would have to be changed since they were not shielded from the changes
by encapsulation.
Question 8
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of programming languages and the use of
compilers and interpreters. Part (a) was answered well and most candidates were able to classify
programming languages in terms of level such as high-level versus low-level. Some gave examples in cases
where they could not identify specific terms and these were accepted. In Part (b), most candidates only
gained half the marks since they only stated one reason, namely that compiled code executes faster than
interpreted code. Another reason is that compiled code can be distributed and executed without need for
the compiler, unlike interpreted code which always requires the presence of the interpreter. Part (c) was
generally answered well though some candidates lost marks by missing out one or more criteria for selecting
a programming language.
Question 9
This question tested candidates’ ability to trace through an algorithm and to determine the output that it
generates. The majority of candidates gained only partial marks for this question since they only had part
of the output correct. Many candidates had no idea how to trace through the algorithm and simply rewrote
the algorithm in their responses. However, a few candidates gained full marks by correctly drawing the
shape that would be generated by the algorithm. The following is the expected output of the algorithm:
* *
* *
* *
Please note that full marks were awarded for alternative output based on a different valid interpretation of
one of the functions given.
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Question 10
This question tested candidates’ ability to write algorithms using bounded and unbounded iteration.
Part (a) was answered well by many candidates. However, many candidates only obtained partial
marks for Part (b). Several candidates attempted to use the modulus function but used it incorrectly.
Generally, the responses by candidates in this question indicate that they are unable to write simple
algorithms using the basic programming control structures of sequence, selection, and repetition. Nu-
merous responses indicate that candidates do not know how to write a while loop or how to specify
the conditions of a while loop or an if statement. Candidates have difficulty in integrating the different
programming structures into a working algorithm. They also need to appreciate the difference between a
for loop and a while loop.
SECTION C – Program Development
Question 11
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of graphical user interface objects and their ability to choose
appropriate user interface objects to solve a given problem. The question was answered well by most
candidates, many of them getting full marks. While there were a few candidates who designed the dialog
box with inappropriate graphical user interface objects, the majority designed the dialog box consisting of
the following objects:
Fonts that were used to create labels and the window title
Text field to enter the first number, labelled with a label object
Text field to enter the second number, labelled with a label object
Text field to display the larger of the two numbers, labelled with a label object
A Button that causes the program to display the larger of the two numbers
A Window to contain all the other objects
Question 12
This question was designed to test candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the queue abstract data
type (ADT). The queue ADT removes elements from the top of the queue using a dequeue() operation
while elements are added to the end of the queue using an enqueue(Object) operation. The question was
generally answered badly by most candidates with Part (a) and Part (b) being answered better than Part
(c) and Part (d). Since new elements are added to the end of the queue, clearly 10 is the answer for Part
(a). Two ADT operations for a queue are enqueue (Object) and dequeue(). An algorithm to remove the
elements of Q1 and place them in Q2 is given below:
while not Q1.isEmpty() do
set element to Q1.dequeue()
end while
In the future candidates are encouraged to gain practice in writing algorithms that employ ADTs such as
queues, stacks, and linked lists.
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Question 13
This question was designed to test candidates’ ability to write the source code for a class in an object-
oriented programming language. It required candidates to declare three instance variables of different data
types and to code two methods with simple functionality. Candidates were also expected to write a
constructor for the class given. The majority of candidates performed very badly in this question indicating
that most of them are not getting adequate exposure to practical object-oriented programming. Nevertheless,
a few candidates performed quite well and obtained high marks in this question. A number of candidates
mixed and matched language features from different programming languages. In the future, candidates
should indicate which language they are using and use only the features of this language in their responses.
Question 14
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of tools that can be used to simplify the process of creating
computer programs. The tracer was given as an example. Other tools include editor, stepper, linker, and
debugger. Most candidates answered this question reasonably well. However, some candidates identified
software engineering tools although from the example of the tracer, it was clear that programming tools
were required.
Question 15
This question was designed to test candidates’ knowledge and understanding of the stack abstract data
type (ADT). Candidates were required to find the sum of every other element in a stack using only stack
ADT operations. Like Question 12 involving the queue ADT, most candidates answered this question very
poorly. However, there were a few rare responses that specified a correct algorithm such as the following:
set sum to 0
while not S.isEmpty() do
set element to S.pop()
add element to sum
if not S.isEmpty() then
end if
end while
A few candidates attempted to define the stack ADT operations in their responses to this question. However,
the question required candidates to use the ADT operations to solve the problem given. It was also clear
that many candidates had great difficulty in writing algorithms involving the fundamental programming
constructs of sequence, selection, and iteration. If candidates do not master these concepts, it will be
impossible for them to perform well in the questions involving the writing of algorithms or programming
Section A – Software and Software Development
Question 1
This question was designed to test candidates’ in-depth knowledge and understanding of two software
process models, evolutionary development and the reuse-oriented approach. The question also tested
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candidates’ ability to draw a level-0 data flow diagram from a given narrative. The question was answered
fairly satisfactorily by most candidates; however, there is considerable room for improvement in answering
this type of question. For example, in the data flow diagram, symbols were often mixed up, indicating that
candidates did not fully understand the notation used in data flow diagrams or they lacked experience in
applying the notation. The numbers of the processes were often omitted and the data flows were generally
incorrect especially with respect to their direction or description of data.
In Parts (b) and (c), candidates demonstrated a good understanding of the evolutionary approach and the
reuse-oriented approach for developing software. However, the weaknesses of the evolutionary approach
were not properly discussed in Part (b). Similarly, in Part (c), the discussion of the reuse-oriented approach
was often not as thorough as was expected. Candidates are reminded that in answering the questions of
Paper 2, they are expected to give detailed responses to questions having keywords such as “discuss” or
Question 2
This question was designed to test candidates’ in-depth knowledge and understanding of tools that are
typically used in the analysis phase of software development. In particular, it focused on entity-relationship
modeling and the use of data dictionaries to formally define data in an organization. Part (a)(i) of the
question was fairly well answered by most candidates who attempted this question. Few candidates
described the attributes of entities as being a component of the model and some incorrectly stated that the
cardinality of relationships is a main component of the model. Part (a)(ii) was poorly done by most candidates.
Sources of information to draw an entity-relationship model include computer displays, reports, data flow
diagrams, and business documents such as forms. The performance in Part (a)(iii) was fair. Most candidates
were able to identify at least three entities from the scenario given. Relationships between entities were
generally drawn correctly with a straight line connecting the entities; however, in some cases, no name was
given to the relationship.
Part (b) was generally well done by most candidates. They correctly explained that a data dictionary is like
a database or repository of data that is important to the organization (that is, a database of metadata).
Many candidates obtained full marks for correctly describing the contents of an entry in the data dictionary.
Question 3
This question was designed to test candidates’ knowledge and understanding of programming languages
and the steps of the object-oriented process. It also tested candidates’ ability to write and use recursive
functions. Part (a) was badly done by most candidates. Most of them were unable to write the function
properly with the necessary arguments or call the function with the right parameters and capture the value
returned. They were also unable to return the value of -1 if the search was unsuccessful. Candidates need
to improve their skills in defining and calling functions with the appropriate parameters. They also need to
understand how to design a recursive function.
Parts (b) and (c) were generally well done. However, in Part (b), there were candidates who described the
stages of the general software process instead of the specific stages of the object-oriented process. Also,
even though good answers were given for the maintainability aspect of Part (c), many candidates failed to
mention that the ripple effect of errors is minimized in a maintainable program and that new changes would
not usually cause existing code to malfunction.
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Question 4
This question was designed to test candidates’ knowledge of various aspects of programming languages.
It also tested candidates’ ability to write procedural algorithms involving repetition statements (such as for
loops) and simple data structures such as arrays. The majority of candidates who answered this question
omitted Parts (a) and (b), indicating their inability to write algorithms to solve a given problem. Those who
attempted Parts (a) and (b) incorrectly specified the for loop. They were also unable to iterate through the
array (by using the loop index variable) to move or swap the elements. Part (c) was bookwork and was
fairly well done by most candidates. However, in Part (d), a large number of candidates described the
software development life cycle instead of describing the hierarchical decomposition of programs into
modules and the use of the fundamental control structures of sequence, selection, and iteration. Finally, in
Part (e), it was expected that candidates would describe the use of the compiler or interpreter to translate
a program and the subsequent execution of the compiled or interpreted code on the computer.
Question 5
This question required candidates to identify the graphical user interface (GUI) objects that would be used
in a simple program as well as to identify the GUI events that the program needs to anticipate and explain
how these events would be handled when they occur. In Part (a), candidates were able to identify
the GUI objects that would be used, but many of them had difficulty explaining the purpose of the different
GUI objects. In Part (b), several candidates were unable to draw an appropriate GUI with a pleasing
layout that one would expect from a modern GUI application. A few candidates even drew several GUI
objects without placing them on a window. In Part (c), many candidates were unable to describe two
events that the program should anticipate. One event that the program should anticipate is the user clicking
on a “Calculate” (or similar) button when he/she is ready to perform the interest calculation. Another event
is the user pressing the “Return” or “Enter” key in one of the text fields.
In general, Parts (d) and (e) were badly done and many candidates did not answer Part (f) at all. The code
written in these Parts was of a very poor quality, highlighting candidates’ inability to write code for fairly
straightforward problems. In Part (d), most candidates were unable to write the code to populate L with
the required numbers. In Part (e), many candidates did not retrieve the data entered by the user in the text
fields before doing the calculation of simple interest. For example, in Java, a getText() method would be
called to obtain the data entered in the different text fields and this data would then be converted to the
required type such as int or double before calculating the simple interest. In Part (f), after calculating the
monthly installment, a setText() method (in Java) would be used to put the value calculated in the relevant
text field.
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ ability to write code for an object-oriented program. Candidates were
required to write the code for a Product class with given instance variables and methods. They were also
required to write code to create instances of the Product class and to store these instances in an appropriate
data structure such as an ArrayList or Vector (in Java). Many candidates were unable to correctly write
the code for the Product class. Some candidates did not know how to write an accessor, a method that
simply returns the value of an instance variable. Many candidates were unable to correctly reference the
Product objects created in Part (b) and put them into the data structure specified. An iterator would then
be used to access the Product objects in the data structure. By invoking the reorder() method on each
Product, it can be known whether a certain product has to be reordered. In Part (c), candidates were
expected to describe how the technique of inheritance could be used to create a subclass of the Product
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class. This subclass would automatically inherit the instance variables and methods of Product. Inheritance
allows additional instance variables to be declared and it also allows the reorder() method to be implemented
differently in the subclass.
The quality of the Internal Assessments for Unit I in the 2006 examinations was much better than last year.
In Unit 2, most candidates made at least a fair attempt at the Internal Assessment. A few schools used the
old syllabus and this presented some problems.
Generally, most candidates chose appropriate topics for the Internal Assessment. The topics chosen were
relevant to the level of the candidates and the specific objectives of the respective syllabuses.
One centre submitted samples that were based on the same scenario for a batch of candidates. Teachers
should note that each candidate should generally use a different scenario from others for their projects.
Unit 1
Many candidates did not identify a problem in the ‘Problem Identification/Situational Analysis’ section but
rather in the ‘Description of the current system and procedures’ section. Candidates are asked to desist
from including information meant for one section in another section. Teachers should carefully apply the
marking scheme when marking candidates’ internal assessment reports. They were many instances where
full marks were awarded to sections that were not present in the report, for example, some candidates
omitted the ‘Problem Identification/Situational Analysis’ section and still obtained full marks in that section.
Description of the purpose of the study
In this area, many candidates did not address the purpose of the study properly especially with regard to
the guidelines given in the syllabus, for. example, response times, volume of data to be stored and processed,
and tolerance levels. Descriptions of tolerance levels were particularly weak.
Solution Process
Many candidates used data collection such as interviews and questionnaires but most did not analyze the
responses from the questionnaires.
Analysis of Solution
o Hardware Specification: Many candidates stated instead of describing the systems specifications,
for example, instead of describing hardware components, some candidates simply provided a
listing and many teachers awarded full marks.
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o Software Specification: Many candidates simply listed examples of various types of software and
provided no descriptions. Network layout diagrams were generally missing.
o Evaluation of Solution: Some candidates attempted to justify their choice of networking components/
hardware/software absolutely rather than relative to other possibilities. In the case of networking,
a good response was that a bus network is generally cheaper to set up than a star. Justification of
compatibility of network, hardware and software was virtually non-existent.
o Presentation: Diagrams were fairly ok.
Organizational Impact
o Enhancements: Much research was not done on other software that existed on the market. Too
many candidates used Microsoft Access® for databases rather than software with a “proven”
track-record for the specific functions required.
o Negative Impact: Fairly well-done
o Identification of strategies for addressing issues: While some candidates were able to address this
area fairly well, the ‘public relations’ and ‘advertising’ sections were either misunderstood or not
attempted at all.
o Justification: Some candidates seemed to have been oblivious to the fact that they needed to justify
strategies used in the section above.
o Presentation: Many candidates did either an inadequate executive summary or none at all. Quite a
few failed to produce a proper contents page and some manually numbered the pages with a pen.
o Communication of information: Candidates need to proof-read their work since there were
grammatical errors in many reports.
Internal Assessment reports should be typed in black ink using a suitable font with double line spacing.
Unit 2
Most parts of the project had at least fair attempts. The ‘System Models’ section was not properly done.
It should be noted that the ‘System Models’ section of the internal assessment is an important area in
Computer Science. This section shows candidates’ ability to apply rules to a given situation to create
models for analysis. In many cases the rules for drawing entity-relationship diagrams and data flow diagrams
were violated. Many context diagrams included data stores, which is a major error. Some candidates
mixed up level 1 and context data flow diagrams. It is also clear that some candidates have not been using
the recommended texts from the syllabus. Projects were generally well-presented except for a few cases
where the overall project presentation could be improved by the use of double spacing and the use of
black (not colored) ink for text. In most cases, candidates were unable to give appropriate responses for
the non-functional requirements of the project. This information can be found in books such as the Software
Engineering text by I. Sommerville.
Teachers need to provide more guidance for candidates as they work through the SBA. For example,
teachers can teach the material for the various parts of the SBA and then see how the candidates apply
Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ®
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved
This is the eighth year of open examinations for Unit 1 and the fifth year for Unit 2. There were three
examination papers in both units, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and
Paper 02 were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the Internal Assessment, was examined by
teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of multiple choice questions that were designed to test candidates‟
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. On the other hand, Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that
were designed to test their depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to
show deeper insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade remained 50 per cent,
30 per cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
In general, performance on both units of the syllabus has continued to improve. In Unit 1, 80 per cent of
the candidates obtained grades I to III. In Unit 2, 70 per cent of the candidates obtained grades I to III.
However, the performance on the School Based Assessment should have been better. Better
performances on the SBA would lead to better overall performances on both units as well as better
performances on the theory papers. Candidates need to maximize the opportunity to get higher marks on
the SBA.
Even though the performance in Unit 2 has improved, there is still concern about the level of
programming ability being demonstrated in Sections B and C of both written papers. Candidates continue
to find it extremely difficult to write even simple programs, in both the imperative and object-oriented
programming languages. Teachers are encouraged to have several programming labs and exercises done
with the candidates.
As recommended last year, candidates are encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read
questions carefully before answering, and to respond with sufficient detail that is commensurate with the
marks indicated in the question.
SECTION A Components of Computer Systems
Question 1
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of extranets, intranets, ROM, RAM, deadlocks and system
For Part (a) most candidates obtained only half of the allotted marks. They understood the difference
between internet and extranet but they did not adequately differentiate between the two.
For Part (b) while the candidates were able to identify the importance of ROM and RAM, they confused
both and as a result they mostly obtained half the mark. They did not adequately identify the software
associated with each type.
In Part (c) most candidates obtained more than half the mark. Most answers showed that the student
applied their knowledge appropriately and gave several responses that demonstrated a higher level of
Part (d) was generally well done but in some cases they were suggesting categories of software instead of
giving precise examples.
Part (e) was poorly done. Candidates were unable to explain exactly what constituted a deadlock in
computer terms. A possible explanation could have been that a deadlock refers to specific conditions
when two or more processes are waiting for each other to release a resource. Candidates did not provide
adequate examples.
Part (c) (ii) was poorly done. Candidates had a tendency to give definitions of an interrupt but were
unable to explain how an interrupt is handled whenever it occurs in the operating system of a computer.
A typical solution involves stating that the operating system saves the state of the current process, in
execution, stores information related to the new process, runs the process and then restores the original
register values in order to return to the execution of the previous process.
Part (c) was attempted by the majority of but many only obtained two marks out of four. A number of
candidates provided file management utilities as well, and hence did not obtain full marks. A good
response would mention fusing bad disk cluster errors and defragmenting.
Question 2
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of
The role of the OSI model during the transmission of a text file from one computer to the next
HTTP, FTP, client/server and peer-to-peer as it relates to the internet
Part (a) was poorly done. Candidates were able to produce a diagram of the OSI model but showed little
understanding of the workings of the model. Candidates were unable to explain the functions of each
For Part (b), candidates were required to differentiate between „HTTP‟ and „FTP‟. Most candidates
wrote what they stand for instead of giving their functions.
A few candidates understood the concept of the approaches that can be used to share files over the
internet for both client/server and Peer-to-Peer. Most candidates seemed not to understand that the
client/server and Peer-to-Peer are two different network architectures and that the terms are not
Few candidates were able to explain that distributed network configurations are fault tolerant and that
they have extensive processing power. Most confused the distributed network configuration with the
centralised configuration.
SECTION B - Application of Computers
Question 3
Part (a) of this question presented a scenario and candidates had to discuss economic and social
implications of using vending machines in a business. Part (b) of this question also presented a scenario
and candidates had to suggest advantages of using computer applications to store customer records.
For Part (a) (i) and (ii). These parts were generally fairly well done. However, a number of candidates
seemed not to know the difference between economic implications and social implications. Most
candidates did not “Discuss” the implication.
For Part (b)(i) Most candidates were able to respond adequately to this part.
For Part (b)(ii) The majority of candidates were able to identify advantages of computer applications but
did not go on to discuss these advantages and so were unable to gain full marks. The two main
advantages identified were quick retrieval of data and easy boot up of data.
Responses to part (c) varied due to the fact that it was subjective. As a result, most candidates
comfortably gained marks.
Almost all responses to part (d) identified two ways to control unauthorised disclosure but most were
lacking when it came to the discussion.
The majority of candidates did not gain marks for part d (ii) because they failed to identify an additional
strategy other than password or what was identified in d (i). A possible strategy is the use of remote
biometric scan e.g. retina scan with remote validation.
Question 4
For Part (a) Candidates were required to explain what is meant by real-time updating of files in a
computer application and outline one situation where this approach is necessary. This was well done by
most of the candidates. However:
- Some candidates did explain what real-time updating of files is but failed to give any
example where this approach to updating is necessary.
- Some candidates‟ definitions of real-time file update were incorrect. However, the examples
given were correct and therefore candidates were awarded some of the marks.
- There were few candidates who did not understand the concept by the reflection of their
answers which were totally inappropriate or incorrect.
For Part (b) candidates were required to explain the meaning of data loss, data corruption and
unauthorised access as it relates to problems with the computer system at the retail store.
Most candidates did not explain what unauthorised access is, however, some candidates had problems
differentiating data loss from data corruption and simply gave answers such as “Data loss as it suggests is
loss of data in a computer system.”
For Part (b) (ii) in each of the problems, candidates were required to suggest one way in which the
computer consultant may have determined the existence of that problem. For data corruption if it could
have been determined if the contents of a file were changed.
Some candidates redefined data loss, data corruption and unauthorised access, instead of showing how
the consultant might have determined the existence of that problem.
For Part (c) (i) Candidates were required to describe two strategies that can be used to back-up critical
data in a government organization that is located in a country in a region prone to hurricanes.
Most candidates just stated the two strategies and did not describe them and therefore could only gain a
fraction of the marks awarded.
In Part (c) As a problem solving exercise, candidates were required to determine the steps required to be
taken after a hurricane in order to restore the computer systems and data. A vast number of candidates
made no reference to the problem solving steps but demonstrated their understanding of the step by the
solution they provided.
SETTING - Computer based Problem Solving
Question 5
The majority of candidates scored between 20 and 30 marks. Part (a) was generally well done. Parts (b)
and (c) sought to test candidates appreciation of the qualities and characteristics of information and
information sources; these parts were reasonably well done. For part (a) possible responses could have
(i) It is much more convenient for readers to access articles from their office or home computers
instead of having to wait on the mail or go to the library.
Readers have access to a wider range of articles at a very reasonable price compares to paper
subscriptions or library subscriptions which are limited by cost.
(ii) Managing subscription and distributing articles is more convenient with digital technology.
Articles are placed in the library and readers only have to download articles from the library.
Publishers reduce time and cost by not having the traditional long delays of publishing. The articles are
more attractive to read since they are less out-of-date by the time they are published online.
Question 6
This question tested candidates‟ depth of knowledge of database and spreadsheet applications software,
architecture and usages.
Candidates would have had to read widely and pay attention to formulae to answer the question. Many
candidates seemed to have relied on the auto sum function and were not current with the formulae.
SECTION A Software and Software Development
Question 1
Part (a) of this question tested candidates‟ ability to draw a data flow diagram (DFD) and their
understanding of the different features of the rules governing the creation of DFD‟s. Part (b) tested
candidates‟ knowledge of the properties of well-engineered software. Part(c) tested candidates‟
knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of evolutionary development over the waterfall
A significant number of candidates attempted part (a) of the question but many candidates were not able
to differentiate between a context diagram and a level-o diagram.
A context diagram is an overview of flow of information to and from the external entities to the system.
The context diagram contains no data stores and only one process which is the system.
The level-o diagram contains more details and is a more detailed view of the context diagram. Here the
flow of information between the external entities, data stores and processes are shown.
Candidates also had problems correctly labelling data flows where data flows were labeled using verbs
rather than nouns and adjectives.
Many candidates seemed to have been exposed to only one data flow model and therefore incorrectly
identified the error in the diagrams as being an incorrect symbol rather than the presence of a process in
Figure and the absence of input to the process in Figure 1.
In Parts (b) most candidates did a very good job at discussing the two properties of well-organised
For Part (c) answers given by candidates, for one advantage and one disadvantage of evolutionary
development over the waterfall approach were satisfactorily answered. However, some candidates
ignored the word discuss
and therefore were not able to gain full marks as they did not explain their
Question 2
In Part (a)(i), most candidates were unable to identify the two sources of information for drawing an
In Part (a)(ii), most candidates were able to construct a proper ERD. In some instances they were unable
to establish proper cardinality and relationships. This was rare however. Few candidates drew a DFD
instead of an ERD but were still able to identify the entities.
Part (b) which tested candidates knowledge of graphical over interface, was fairly well done by most
candidates. However, there were instances where candidates tended not to answer the question within
the context of the given scenario. Instead, they attempted to discuss general features of a user interface.
In Part (c), most candidates obtained 2-3 marks out of 6. This was due to the fact that they often gave
three reasons why users and management needed to be involved in the development of a software
product, which amounted to the same point. They mainly discussed the point that “managers and users
are able to specify their needs”, in different ways.
SECTION B Programming Languages
Question 3
Part (a) tested candidates ability to write on algorithm to reverse the order of the content of an array.
Many candidates were not able to gain full marks, due to the size of the dataset. Candidates were able to
give a specific solution rather than a general solution. They were not able to swap the elements from
location 5 to 9 correctly.
Part (b) was also poorly answered. Candidates were unable to manipulate the indices of the given array.
This followed the candidates in arranging even numbers to the front of the array and adding numbers to
the back of the array. They were unable to write a proper statement determining whether an integer is
odd or even.
Part (c) which tested candidates‟ knowledge of First and Second generation programming languages was
generally well answered.
Part (d) was also well answered, candidates were able to identify control constructs in structured
programming but were unable to give proper examples.
Question 4
This question tested the candidates‟ ability to:
(a) manipulate predefined functions to produce desired output.
(b) manipulate a list of values to produce the largest values using recursion.
(c) apply programming languages to particular situations.
Part (a) was generally well done. Most candidates did not assign values to the parameters and output
Part (b) posed a great deal of difficulty for most candidates. Candidates focused on programming
languages rather than what the applications created would be used for (cell phone and desktop computer).
In Part (c), most candidates did not attempt this part of the question. Responses reviewed showed limited
programming skills and lack of knowledge of recursive functions.
Part (d) was generally well done by the candidates, but most were not able to fully explain how objects
communicate by working methods on other objects to which they have no reference. A possible solution
for part d (ii) is:
Objects communicate in an object oriented program by message passing. If an object, A, of a certain class
needs to communicate with an object, B, of another class, it first obtains a reference to B. A then
communicates with B by sending messages.
SECTION C Program Development
Question 5
Part (a) of the question tested candidates‟ knowledge of graphical user interface objects. Candidates for
the most part were able to identify correctly the different objects that were used, but many of them had
difficulty explaining the purpose of the different GUI objects.
In Part (b) and (c), many candidates demonstrated that they were not aware of what an event is in Event
Drives Programming. A satisfactory answer would include description of clicking the calculate button to
trigger tax calculation, clicking the exit button to trigger exiting of the window or pressing the enter key
in a text field. Simply typing words in a text field is not considered an event as the API would take care
of this.
In part (d) (i) many candidates were able to distinguish between unit testing and system testing.
For Part d (ii) candidates were unable to outline the tests that could be performed to unit test the Account
class. One of the test that candidates could have given is:
Create a new account with a certain balance. Invoke the get balance method right afterwards and ensure
that the amount returned is the same as that used to create the account.
Question 6
Part (a) tested candidates ability to write source code for a class in object oriented programming
language, it also required candidates to declare instance variables of different data types and code two
methods with simple functionality. Many candidates were unable to correctly write the code for
Employee class. Some candidates did not know how to write an accessor, a method that simply returns
the value of an instance variable.
In Part (b) candidates were expected to write a fragment of a code to perform a given test. The majority
of candidates performed poorly in this question indicating that most of them are not getting adequate
exposure to practical object oriented programming.
Part (c) required candidates to explain how the Manger class could be derived from the Employee class.
This was poorly done by candidates. Candidates could have stated that the easiest way to create the
Manager class is to reuse the functionality of the Employee class by using inheritance to automatically
have the instance variables and methods of Employee. In the subclass, additional instance variables such
as secretary are simply declared as instance variables in the subclass. Additional functionality is
implemented as new methods in the subclass, perhaps by overriding methods such as raise Salary.
The performance on the Internal Assessment was generally good. The projects submitted by some
candidates were deficient in various aspects and were still being awarded high marks by teacher.
Teachers need to become more closely involved in the supervision of the projects.
Generally, most candidates chose appropriate topics for the Internal Assessment. The topics chosen were
relevant to the level of the candidates‟ ability and the specific objectives of the syllabus. The treatment
of the topics by candidates was adequate. A small percentage was comprehensive though some tended to
be superficial. The reports were also generally well presented.
Candidates should make more of an effort to follow the layout given in the syllabus. This allows the
candidates to clearly identify which parts of the SBA are being responded to. Teachers need to pay
particular attention to the symbols that are used in the respective diagrams.
Teachers also need to ensure that the candidate‟s code is printed and included in the SBA response.
The use of an object oriented language in a non object-oriented fashion should be avoided. Marks are
awarded for the use of appropriate classes and class method, thus the use of an object-oriented style of
Few candidates are confusing and mixing functional and non functional requirements.
Any soft copy that is submitted should be given in CD format. Avoid using 3 ½ floppy disks.
There were a few cases where candidates used the old Unit 2 syllabus to prepare their internal
assessment. As a result, irrelevant information was submitted.
In some cases, the functionality of the program written was poorly described and there were no screen
shots of the working system producing stated functionality displayed in the reports. The scope of the
programs was too large, thus the stated functionality seldom matched the actual program produced.
Teachers should encourage their candidates to produce programs that focus on simpler more specific
problems from the start, allowing candidates to realistically produce what is proposed in the early
(i) A workshop review of the 2008 examination should be done in each school to assess and detail
the concerns and challenges of candidates with particular topics.
(ii) Schools need to carefully compare the new information technology syllabus with the computer
science syllabus and decide which of these subjects to offer based on the resources they have
available and the interests of students. Schools are advised not to offer computer science if
adequate teaching resources are not available.
Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ®
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved
The revised syllabus was followed this year for the first time. There were three examination papers in
both Units 1 and 2, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and Paper 02
were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the Internal Assessment, was examined by
teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of multiple-choice questions that were designed to test candidates‟
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that were designed to
test their depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show deeper
insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50
per cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
In Unit 1, eighty-three per cent of the candidates obtained Grades I to IV. In Unit 2, sixty-four per
cent of the candidates obtained Grades I to IV. However, the performance on the School Based
Assessment should have been better. Better performances on the SBA should lead to better overall
performances on both units as well as enhanced performances on the theory papers. Candidates need
to maximize the opportunity to get higher marks on the SBA.
Overall, there is concern about the level of programming ability being demonstrated in both Units.
Candidates continue to find it extremely difficult to write even simple programs. Teachers are
encouraged to have several programming labs and exercises done with the candidates.
Candidates are also encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read questions carefully
before answering, and to respond with sufficient detail that is commensurate with the marks indicated
for the question.
Fundamentals of Computer Science
Paper 01
The performance on the forty-five multiple choice items on this paper produced a mean of 53 out of
90 with scores ranging between zero to eighty-six.
Paper 02
Section A Computer Architecture and Organisation
Question 1
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of logic gates, truth tables, multiplexers, and internal
Part (a) was fairly well done. However, some candidates failed to include inputs and outputs for the
gates. There was also some confusion between AND as well as OR gates. There were some
incomplete truth tables and misunderstanding of the NOT gate as well.
Part (b) was poorly done with only a few candidates being able to show the necessary combination of
gates. Some gave truth tables instead of the circuit diagram required.
Part (c) was not attempted by many candidates. Teachers need to spend more time on multiplexer
In Part (d) (i), some candidates showed a lack of understanding of the binary place values. Part (d)
(ii) was fairly well done but some had problems completing the addition. Many did not respond to
whether the result could actually be stored. Signed magnitude given in Part (d) (iii) was hardly
understood. More practice is needed with these types of numerical questions.
Part (d) (iv) was poorly done and most candidates were unable to get the one‟s complement so that the
subsequent two‟s complement representation was also incorrect.
Question 2
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of word size, cache memory, clock speed, ROM and
Part (a) tested candidates‟ knowledge of word size, cache memory and clock speed. Most candidates
were able to explain cache memory, but word size and clock speed were not generally well explained.
These are concepts that should be reviewed. Additional definitions can be obtained via the Internet.
In Part (b), candidates were asked to distinguish between the computer memory concepts ROM and
RAM, access speed and access method and volatility and capacity. The ROM and RAM distinction
was well answered by most candidates. The access speed and access method distinction as well as the
volatility/capacity distinction were not well answered. However, many candidates were able to
indicate that capacity involved storage space.
In Part (c) (i), most candidates did not identify the instruction set as a collection of different
instructions that the CPU could execute. Many candidates did not know that the instruction format
involved the layout of the instruction into fields corresponding to the constituent elements of the
Part (c) (ii) was fairly well done. The main problem was that some candidates gave examples instead
of stating the types of instructions included in the instruction set.
In Part (c) (iii), some candidates neglected to show the OPCODE as part of the 2-address instruction.
For Part (c) (iv), no candidate scored full marks. Many candidates omitted the storage part of the
cycle. Few candidates paid attention to the use of direct addressing.
Section B - Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of algorithms.
Most candidates attempted Part (a) but some were unable to give proper definitions. Some key words
omitted included „unambiguous‟, „precise‟ and „logical‟.
Part (b) was fairly well done, however some candidates gave examples rather than listing the actual
Part (c) (i) was based on an algorithm that was given to the candidates. This part was poorly done.
Most candidates had difficulty in identifying the concepts „dry runs‟ and „trace tables‟.
Part (c) (ii) was fairly well done. Some identified the correct line but were unable to correct the
Part (d) was attempted by many candidates. Many candidates did not identify the correct symbols for
flowcharts. There was also some mix-up in the logical sequence of instructions. Some did not show
the looping in the flowchart as required for the „while‟ construct. Candidates need to have more
practice in moving from algorithm to flowcharts and flowcharts to algorithm. One suggestion is to
use partial flowcharts of the correct response and ask candidates to fill in the missing parts during
class exercises.
Question 4
Part (a) asked candidates to discuss what the „Identifying and evaluating possible solutions‟ stage of
problem solving would involve for BuyLo. Part (b) required candidates to trace through the execution
of a given algorithm and draw the output. Part (c) required candidates to write an algorithm that used
repetition to find the sum of all multiples of 7 between 14 (inclusive) and 126 (inclusive).
In Part (a), most candidates listed Buy Lo‟s actions through all of the stages of the problem solving
process, instead of addressing just the stage identified in the question. Some candidates elaborated on
what actions (generally) take place during this stage, but did not give the associated examples
necessary to be awarded full marks for this question. As a result, candidates responded poorly to this
question overall.
In Part (b), candidates generally responded well and most earned more than half the marks.
In Part (c), candidates generally responded well and most of the candidates who attempted this
question got at least 3 marks. Different approaches were also taken towards the solution which
usually resulted in a correct response. However, some candidates left out “print” statements at the
end of their response.
Section C Programming
Question 5
The question tested candidates‟ knowledge of the translation process and their ability to write code
using if-then-else and loop constructs. Generally, all parts of this question were poorly done.
In Part (a), only a few candidates were able to describe the steps involved in the lexical and semantic
analysis stages. In describing the lexical analysis stage, candidates mentioned that tokens are
derived but did not adequately explain how these tokens are derived. Many confused syntactic and
semantic analysis.
In Part (b), most candidates omitted the signature of the function (there was no indication of the return
type or list of arguments) and prompted the user to enter the two values to be compared, rather than
pass them as parameters. A significant number of candidates were unaware of the syntax associated
with the if-then-else construct.
In Part (c), candidates did not recognize that the use of loops was required. Some candidates were
unable to work with files; their attempts to open, read from and write to the file were syntactically
incorrect. Very few candidates used the correct data type (float) to store the average.
Question 6
Part (a) asked candidates to describe declarative, imperative and scripting programming paradigms.
Part (b) required candidates to distinguish between syntax and semantics. Part (c) tested candidates‟
ability to implement loops and update records. This question was poorly done by most candidates.
In Part (a), while most candidates were able to describe the imperative paradigm, very few were able
to do so for declarative and even less for scripting, with many of them suggesting that scripting is
In Part (b), many candidates did not distinguish between the two terms. Most candidates described
syntax and some semantics but they did not go on to say what makes them different.
In Part (c), many candidates opted not to respond. Most of the candidates who attempted to respond
were able to prompt for and read the input data as well as calculate the pay. Beyond that, some
candidates attempted to implement loops for reading data for one employee and used if statements for
updating the required fields. Some also did not update the required fields but simply assigned the new
values to a variable. Most candidates were able to print the required information although not always
in the required format.
Further Topics in Computer Science
Paper 01
The performance on the forty-five multiple choice items on this paper produced a mean of 50 out of
90 with scores ranging between zero to eighty-four. Candidates need to familiarize themselves with
Network Architecture, Client Servers and protocol, in particular IEEE802.11 a/b and IEEE802.16g.
Paper 02
Section A Data Structures
Question 1
This question tested ADTs and associated operations. Overall, it was not well answered.
For Part (a) (i), most candidates misinterpreted what was required and most responses focused on
discussing the THREE stack operations without paying attention to „static computer storage‟.
Part (a) (ii) was not well answered. The function prototype was missing in many cases. Very often,
the top of the stack was not defined.
In Part (b), many candidates were able to give the correct output for the first three iterations of the for
loop. Some did not know how to draw a proper diagram of a stack.
In Part (c), many candidates provided general responses that did not address the question given.
Some explained the LIFO concept instead of indicating how
the stack could be used to determine if a
string is a palindrome. Determining whether a string is a palindrome is a popular exercise which
candidates should be familiar with.
Question 2
This question tested the candidates‟ knowledge of two search methods: linear search and binary
This question was poorly done by most candidates.
In Part (a), some candidates had a basic idea of linear search but had problems expressing the
response as a function. There was regularly a lack of knowledge of the C programming language.
Many candidates could not show return type, parameters, function prototypes or return a value from
the function.
In Part (b), most candidates had no knowledge of the binary search method. Some candidates
attempted this question but most of them had the wrong concept of calculating the midpoint. Some
used the number of elements divided by two, rather than using low and high.
Section B Software Engineering
Question 3
Part (a) (i) had fairly good responses with most candidates obtaining maximum marks. Some
candidates incorrectly focused on dealing with the phases of the SDLC rather than discussing
prototyping and the frequent adjustments made to the prototype by the users in order to develop a
final product.
Part (a) (ii) was satisfactorily answered by most candidates with approximately 80 per cent of the
candidates being able to give at least one problem of using the evolutionary development approach.
The majority of responses dealt with the costs associated with this approach, but other acceptable
responses included process visibility, poor structure and special tools and techniques required for
rapid prototyping.
In Part (b), the data flow diagram was poorly drawn with many candidates confusing a DFD with an
ERD. Many candidates used the incorrect symbol for process, file and entity. Some candidates gave
a context diagram rather than a more detailed diagram as was expected by the examiners. Candidates
are therefore advised to only give a context diagram where explicitly indicated by the question,
otherwise give a detailed diagram inclusive of files, entities and the necessary processes. Many
candidates had DFD with data flows not labeled or labeled but direction of flow not shown. Exercises
are required to help candidates improve on the drawing of DFDs.
Part (c) was poorly answered by candidates, with many candidates clearly not knowing what a CASE
tool is, and its advantages and disadvantages. Many candidates misinterpreted 3 (c) (i) as asking
about the advantages of CASE tools rather than the ways in which a CASE tool can be used in
software development.
Question 4
Part (a) (i) was a knowledge based question that tested to see how much candidates know on
functional requirements. Most of the candidates were able to describe how the system behaves‟.
However, candidates were still unable to identify the services the software should provide and how
the system should react to particular inputs.
In Part (a) (ii), few candidates were able to give complete explanations to this part of the question.
Most candidates were able to write about fact-finding techniques or feasibility studies but were not
able to also mention examination of documents.
Part (b) tested the candidate‟s ability to draw an ERD based on a particular scenario. Some
candidates were able to construct the ERD. What seemed challenging was differentiating between
entity and attributes. Some candidates were actually drawing processes which are found in DFD
instead of entities. A few candidates however managed to construct a good ERD.
Part (c) dealt with testing based on a scenario. Some candidates ignored the scenario and spoke about
general testing procedures. Most were able to score a few marks.
Section C Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
Part (a) (i) was fairly well answered as candidates were able to recognise that user accounts can help
track user behaviours; use of username and password for authorized users to protect unauthorized
user entry into the system, and to identify each user.
Part (a) (ii) was well answered. Candidates who understood the answer to Part (i) were able to
distinguish access logs from files that recorded users on the network.
Part (b) (i) was also well answered. Most candidates gained marks in this part.
Part (b) (ii) was poorly answered, most of the candidates had no idea how two out of the four layers
transmitted a file.
Part (c) was not well answered. Candidates generally identified IEEE 802.11b as some wireless
standard, giving responses such as the use for satellite, and Wi-Fi. Candidates could not demonstrate
properly in a topology how data is passed to and from nodes using a wireless medium such as a
wireless router and how to depict this properly in a diagram.
Part (d) was also poorly answered. Candidates were able to identify what the acronyms CDMA and
TDMA stand for, but were unable to outline the difference between the two access methods. Many
gave incorrect responses relating it to mobile phones. Candidates could not link the idea of different
ways of accessing the network by the users on transmission channel, frequency range and spectrum.
Question 6
In Part (a), candidates were not clear about the concepts of device drivers although they may actually
use device drivers everyday. Most knew that it was some sort of interface between the OS and the
device, but few stated that it was a translator/convertor of instructions for the device to understand.
Overall - fairly well done.
In Part (b), most candidates knew that a hybrid network was a combination of two or more network
topologies, but a few stated only „two or more networks‟ and did not state topologies. It was well
done by most candidates
In Part (c) (i), not many candidates knew the proper purpose of spooling. Most only stated that the
document would be put into a buffer/queue, but few stated further points, for example, that the printer
would take control of the printing process from there on. Overall - fairly well done.
In Part (c) (ii), most candidates knew that spooling helps the computer to function efficiently by not
using up resources, but few stated that this was as a result of data being stored elsewhere in a buffer.
Overall - fairly well done.
Part (d) (i), most candidates knew that the menu interface was easier to use due to a list of options, but
not many stated that this would make it easier for novice users. Overall - fairly well done.
In Part (d) (ii) most candidates knew that the command interface would function faster due to
instructions being typed in directly, but few stated that this would only be beneficial to users who
were knowledgeable or versed in using the interface. Overall - fairly well done.
In Part (e), not many candidates were able to correctly identify two interrupts. Most gave graphic
card or video card and RAM problems which would affect game installation but not during game
play. Most failed to state I/O interrupts and external interrupts, as well as most did not give proper
explanations of the interrupts. Overall not well done.
In Part (f), most candidates were able to state that paging used virtual memory from the hard disk and
that some form of swapping between RAM and virtual memory takes place, but few were able to
properly describe the process of paging. Not well done by most candidates.
Paper 03 - Internal Assessment
In general, performance of the candidates was good. However, there were still some inconsistencies
arising from candidates and teachers not paying attention to the details of the new syllabus.
Teachers need to work closely with candidates on the requirements for the new syllabus, as well
as the specific mark scheme given in the syllabus. Teachers must avoid using old mark schemes
when a syllabus has been revised.
Internal Assessment
Problem Definitions
Problem definitions were not well done in some samples. The provision of a brief context and clear
ideas of how the problems were manifested in the organization, along with supporting evidence were
often not shown. Many candidates provided extensive backgrounds of the organization instead of the
problem description. Most candidates did not pay attention to the requirements when they were
writing their problem definition.
Narrative and Flowcharts or Pseudo-code
The narrative description of the algorithms was not well interpreted by some candidates. Narratives
were supposed to describe what was designed in the flowchart or pseudo-code algorithm. Some
algorithms were not properly designed. Candidates seemed to know the structures, but some were
unable to use them to produce good flowchart and pseudo code algorithms. Candidates need to pay
attention to correctly designing flowchart algorithms. Teacher practice in this area is recommended.
The majority of the candidates attempted either flowchart or pseudo code algorithms in the internal
assessment, however, some of the programs designed did not match the algorithms.
Candidates were asked to write programs using procedural C only. Some candidates chose to use
such languages as JAVA, PASCAL, C++ or Visual Basic. This is deviating from the aim of the
syllabus. It is imperative that teachers and candidates pay close attention to the syllabus to avoid
being penalized during moderation. Candidates are also advised to print code from the compiler
directly and not from a word processor.
In general performance throughout was good. However, there were a few candidates who used the
old syllabus instead of the one prescribed by CXC effective for examination May/June 2009.
Candidates were required to write programs using procedural C only. Some candidates chose to use
languages such as JAVA, PASCAL, C++ or Visual Basic. This is deviating from the aim of the
syllabus. It is imperative that teachers and candidates pay close attention to the syllabus prescribed in
order to achieve its goal.
Problem Definitions
Some candidates focused on providing background information and description of the organization
instead of concentrating on the requirements (See syllabus Page 31).
Techniques of Analysis
Most candidates were able to name the techniques of data collection and describe how each was
performed. However, some failed to give relevant ones.
Data-Flow and E-R Diagrams
Incorrect symbols were often used within these diagrams. As a result, candidates were unable to
produce relevant diagrams. In a few cases, the diagrams did not correctly represent solutions to the
problems identified.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Most candidates were able to correctly identify functional and non-functional requirements of the
system. However, a few candidates used Hardware and Software requirements‟ (for example,
Processor speeds or Operating Systems) for this section which was incorrect.
System Structuring
Most candidates produced a system structure but failed to give ones that were relevant to the project
they pursued.
User Interface Design
Most interfaces were relevant. Many candidates were able to correctly state the type of interface they
would implement but rarely stated the appropriate justification for its use.
Algorithm Design
Some algorithms were not properly designed. Some candidates seemed to know the structures but
some were unable to use them to produce good flowchart and pseudo-code algorithms. Candidates
need to pay attention to correctly designing flowchart algorithms. Use of symbols should be
Some used languages other than C. Some samples were submitted without printed programming code
and/or screen shots to verify program functionality and a softcopy was submitted in its place.
Generally, this part was well done.
Candidates are advised to print code from the compiler directly and not from a word processor.
Testing usually focused on normal data and tended not to test abnormal or extreme cases.
Each school should review the syllabus in order to assess and detail the concerns and challenges with
particular topics. Schools need to network with each other to utilize the resources available to achieve
the aims of the syllabus.
Copyright © 2010 Caribbean Examinations Council
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved.
This was the second year for which the revised syllabus was followed. There were three examination
papers in each of Units 1 and 2, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and
Paper 02 were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the Internal Assessment, was examined by
teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of multiple-choice questions that were designed to test candidates’
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that were designed to test
candidates’ depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show deeper
insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50 per
cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
In Unit 1, 73 per cent of the candidates obtained Grades IV. In Unit 2, 92 per cent of the candidates
obtained Grades IV. Performance on the School Based Assessment for Unit 1 was roughly the same as
in 2009. However, performance on the School Based Assessment for Unit 2 increased by more than 10
per cent compared with 2009.
Performance on questions involving computing programming continues to be poor; however, there have
been small improvements in certain types of programming questions. It is clear that many candidates are
still not getting the experience they need in writing and testing real computer programs on their own.
Of particular concern is the fact that performance on other types of questions such as those on Computer
Architecture and Organization has also been very poor. This indicates a lack of adequate preparation on
all aspects of the syllabus.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 51 out of 90 with scores
ranging from 16 to 86.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Computer Architecture and Organization
Question 1
This question examined candidates’ knowledge of logic gates, truth tables, binary counters, line decoders,
and the internal representation of data on a computer.
Overall, the question was poorly done. It is clear that candidates did not master the basics of computer
architecture and organization. Some candidates ignored Part (d) which involved the representation of
data on a computer. Several others did not attempt the questions on truth tables. This is cause for
concern since the representation of data on a computer and truth tables are the most basic and
straightforward items in the syllabus.
In Part (a) of the question, most of the candidates correctly identified the logic gates and gave the required
truth tables. However, some candidates mixed up the gates or identified the gates as NAND and/or NOR
Part (b) was poorly done by most candidates. Of the candidates who attempted the question, about 98 per
cent of the responses were incorrect. It should be noted that the binary counter goes through a prescribed
set of states (015) upon application of an input pulse such as a clock pulse. After the counter reaches 15,
it goes back to 0.
A fair attempt was made at Part (c) (i). However, most candidates did not label the block diagram
properly. In Part (c) (ii), candidates demonstrated a clear lack of knowledge of the truth table of a 2-to-4
line decoder. Part (c) (iii) was also poorly done. Most candidates did not attempt this part. Of those who
attempted this part, the majority of them gave incorrect responses.
Part (d) (i) was fairly well done. In Part (d) (ii), most candidates were able to perform the calculation but
several of them had difficulty in explaining why the result of the calculation could be stored as a 4-bit
binary number. Most candidates attempted Part (d) (iii); however, their calculations were incorrect
resulting in incorrect responses. Part (d) (iv) was well done indicating that candidates have a very good
grasp of two’s complement representation.
Question 2
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of storage devices, cache memory, instruction set, instruction
formats and instruction cycle. It was misinterpreted by most candidates and answers were vague.
In Part (a), most candidates gave qualitative responses such as moderate, low and high when comparing
the capacities of ROM, RAM, hard disk and CD-RW. Similar responses were given when comparing the
access speeds of the devices. Very few candidates gave a quantitative response in terms of numeric
capacities and placing them in order (ascending/descending). Also, instead of comparing the devices
based on access speed, many candidates compared the devices based on access method.
Part (b) was poorly done. Most candidates were unable to explain how cache memory works and to
correctly describe one benefit of its use. In Part (c), candidates focused mostly on the activities of the
instruction cycle. Most of them were unable to explain what the instruction set of a CPU is, and to
describe types of instructions and typical instruction formats.
Section B Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the basic control structures used in computer programming
and the use of these control structures in a given algorithm. The question also examined candidates’
knowledge of representing algorithms using graphical techniques such as flow charts and their ability to
understand and modify an algorithm based on given specifications. Overall, the question was not done
very well and it appeared that many candidates misinterpreted what was required.
In Part (a), some candidates were unable to identify the three basic control structures of sequence,
selection and repetition. Some candidates identified them as input, output and processing. This is cause
for concern since the three control structures are the building blocks of computer programs which account
for roughly half of the Computer Science syllabus. Most of the candidates misunderstood Part (b) and
attempted to explain the control structures without making reference to the algorithm given, as instructed
in the question.
In Part (c), some candidates interpreted graphical representation to mean drawing images of actual
bananas, pineapples etc. It was expected that candidates would draw a suitably labelled flow chart
corresponding exactly to the algorithm specified. One problem with the flow charts given was that the
flow lines between components were often missing. In some instances, incorrect symbols were used.
Many candidates wrote for j = 1 to 100 in the decision box, which was incorrect; it should have been, is j
equal to 100? The loop is achieved by an arrow returning to a previous point in the flow chart.
The responses that were given in Part (d) demonstrated that candidates did not have a very good
understanding of tracing through the logic of a fairly straightforward algorithm expressed in pseudocode.
As a result, they were not able to make the required modifications to the algorithm resulting in this part
being done badly by most candidates.
Question 4
This question tested candidatesability to trace through a given algorithm to determine its output and to
develop an algorithm from a given specification. The question also examined candidates’ knowledge of
the Implementation and Review stage of the problem solving process. Overall, this question was poorly
In Part (a), candidates were able to trace through most of the algorithm. However, many of them were
unable to produce the correct diagram of an arrow pointing upwards. In general, Part (b) was done fairly
well. Most of the candidates who attempted the question scored at least three marks. This is a good sign
since it indicates that candidates’ problem-solving abilities are improving.
In Part (c), it was clear that many candidates did not read the question thoroughly. They focused on the
actual question and ignored the preamble. Hence, they did not answer the question within the context of
the video club. As a result, many of the candidates achieved low scores on this part. Also, some
candidates described the entire problem-solving process which was not required.
Section C Programming
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ ability to take a specification of a program and to write a C program
which achieves the desired functionality. It also examined candidates’ knowledge of programming
language features and the appropriateness of programming languages for different types of applications.
Part (a) of the question was generally answered poorly by candidates. Most of their responses described
types of programming languages and the generations of programming languages. Few candidates gave
the correct response that mobile devices have limited graphical capabilities and processing power so the
programming language will offer less graphical features and smaller libraries.
Part (b) was fairly well done. Most of the candidates were able to correctly differentiate between a
character variable and a string variable. Part (c) was poorly done by most of the candidates. Many of the
responses demonstrated poor programming skills and an inability to manipulate files in the C
programming language. Some candidates attempted to answer the question using arrays. However, this
was unnecessary since the data for each employee could be read and processed in a while loop without
saving the data on all the employees.
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ ability to write functions in the C programming language. It also
examined their understanding of what constitutes good programming style.
In Part (a), the majority of candidates were able to correctly identify spacing and indentation as two ways
of improving programming style. The use of consistent case (for example, lowercase) when naming
variables is another way to improve programming style.
For Part (b), most candidates were able to explain the purpose of a struct in C. However, in many of the
responses, the idea of a record was not mentioned.
Responses to Part (c) demonstrated a clear lack of knowledge of modular programming in C using
functions. Many candidates did not write the function prototype correctly (return type, name of function,
followed by parameter list). The code given in their responses often did not have return statements and
many of them were not able to call the functions properly; some candidates even specified the types of the
variables when making the function call.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple choice items on this paper produced a mean of 54 out of 90 with scores
ranging from 22 to 84.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Data Structures
Question 1
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of abstract data types and their implementation. It also
examined candidates’ knowledge of manipulating abstract data types to achieve a desired outcome. Most
candidates attempted this question. However, the quality of the responses was generally poor.
In Part (a), most candidates had a general idea of what an abstract data type (ADT) is but most of them
could not define it as a specification of a set of data and the operations that can be performed on the data.
In Part (b) (i), some candidates confused the singly linked list ADT with other abstract data types such as
a queue or a stack. The ADT operation could have been insertFirst (LinkedList, data) or insertLast
(LinkedList, data) or something similar. In Part (b) (ii), most candidates responded well. However, a few
candidates omitted the pointers to indicate the beginning and end of the list.
In Part (c) (i), most candidates did not realize that the computer storage they were asked to describe was
simply the data structures associated with the implementation of a queue (an array and several integer
variables to keep track of the beginning and end of the list).
Part (c) (ii) was generally well done. Part (d) was attempted by most of the candidates. However, some of
the candidates did not demonstrate the skills required to reverse the elements of the queue using the stack
for temporary storage.
In Part (e), most candidates described the attributes of either a stack or a queue. However, few candidates
were able to explain that a stack can contain an embedded linked list and thus, operations such as pop()
can be implemented by calling the linked list operation, deleteFront().
Question 2
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of sorting and searching algorithms. It was generally
answered poorly by most candidates. However, there were very good responses from a few candidates.
In Part (a) (i), most candidates did not give a detailed description of how the selection sort algorithm
works. It was important to specify how the minimum element from 0 to 9 would first be found and
swapped with the element at position 0. It was also important to specify that succeeding iterations would
go from 1 to 9, 2 to 9 and so on, until no more elements are out of place, that is, when the 8 element has
been put in its correct position.
In Part (a) (ii), most candidates skipped the second pass in which no swap was made. However, this is a
valid pass even though the array remains the same as it was at the end of the first pass.
The responses to Part (b) were of a poor quality. The question required candidates to write a program that
performs a linear search. Many candidates incorrectly put the ‘if not found’ test within the for loop,
instead of the outside. This would cause the message to be printed every time the element in the array is
different from target.
In Part (c), explanations of binary search were given but this was not required. Candidates were expected
to answer that the binary search should be used when the elements of the array are sorted in ascending or
descending order.
Section B Software Engineering
Question 3
This question tested candidates understanding of various software engineering concepts as well as their
ability to draw data flow diagrams corresponding to a given narrative. It was done fairly well by most
In Part (a), many candidates were able to correctly discuss the attributes of well-engineered software.
However, some of them were unable to list the names of the attributes correctly, for example, reliability
was often used instead of dependability as one of the attributes. Also, many candidates listed portability
as an attribute but were unable to say what it was.
Most of the candidates correctly discussed the need for user involvement in the software development
process in Part (b). However, several of them failed to differentiate between the role of users and
managers in the development process. In many cases, the manager’s role was simply omitted.
In Part (c), many candidates were not able to clearly explain why a software system needed to be
upgraded. The expected response was that the needs of a business change all the time since the business
environment is changing and thus the software must be able to adapt to accommodate these changes.
In Part (d), a few candidates did not know which symbols to use when drawing a data flow diagram. At
times, entity-relationship diagram symbols were used. Also, several candidates gave a context diagram
instead of the Level-0 diagram requested.
Question 4
This question tested candidates knowledge of the feasibility study and the requirements specification
document in software engineering. It also tested candidates’ ability to draw an entity-relationship diagram
from a narrative and to specify ways in which a piece of program code can be tested. The question was
well-attempted. However, it was poorly answered.
In Part (a), most candidates identified economic and technical feasibility as reasons for undertaking the
feasibility study. Few candidates recognized that it may be possible for user needs to be satisfied with
existing software and hardware.
Many candidates were able to gain most of their marks in Part (b) of the question. However, several of
them omitted the identification of the primary key, for example, underlining the employee number in
some notations.
Many candidates did not seem to have read Part (c) of the question properly and so did not relate their
responses to the parameters of the function lsearch. Many candidates simply described general forms of
testing and did not apply the principles of testing to the function given. For example, one test is to call
lsearch with an array of integers which does not contain the given key; if lsearch is working correctly, it
should return -1.
Section C Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the OSI model for computer communication and various
operating system concepts such as page fault and process states. It also tested candidates’ knowledge of
GPRS. It was generally poorly attempted by most candidates, most of whom obtained under 10 marks,
with a significant number obtaining 05 marks.
In Part (a), most candidates were able to correctly identify the seven layers of the OSI level. However, a
few candidates mixed up the transport and network layers. Some candidates also labelled the layers in the
reverse order which resulted in them obtaining fewer marks. Part (a) (ii) was poorly done. Approximately
5 per cent of the candidates were able to correctly describe the purpose of the three layers.
In Part (b), only a few candidates were able to accurately define a page fault and describe how it was
handled by the operating system. Most candidates described the paging process and did not answer the
question. Many of the responses incorrectly stated that a page fault occurs when there is an error on the
page. The correct answer is that a page fault occurs when a program tries to access a page that is not
currently mapped to RAM.
In Part (c), candidates generally confused GPRS with GPS and consequently answered the question
incorrectly. GPRS is a technology used to connect wirelessly to the Internet and can be used by point-of-
sale devices or other devices needing wireless connectivity to the Internet. Part (d) was fairly well-
attempted. However, many candidates did not clearly describe the steps involved when a process moves
from the running state to the ready state.
Question 6
This question tested candidates understanding of various networking and operating system concepts. It
was attempted by most candidates. Responses were fair with average scores between 11 and 15 marks. A
few candidates got 21 25 marks.
Parts (a) to (g) and (k) (iii) were well done by most candidates. Parts (h), (i), (j), k (i) and k (ii) were not
answered well by most candidates. They were unable to provide proper explanations which indicate the
need for greater depth of knowledge in these areas, for example, client-server versus peer-to-peer
Based on the responses obtained for this question, it is clear that candidates need to become more familiar
with the technical terms used in the syllabus.
Paper 03 - Internal Assessment
In general, performance on the School-Based Assessment was very good. The performance on Unit 1 was
roughly the same as in 2009. However, the performance on Unit 2 increased by more than 10 per cent
compared with 2009.
Some candidates wrote their programs using separate program files which were saved and printed
individually rather than using separate functions within the same program. There were candidates who did
not provide printed evidence for the headings which were included in their submissions, for example, a
heading stating 'PSEUDOCODE' often had no printout showing an algorithm
in pseudocode.
Some candidates included trace tables which were not required. Teachers need to pay careful attention to
the requirements of the syllabus. Other candidates used data flow diagrams instead of narratives for
describing algorithms. There were also candidates who utilised one main function and no function
decomposition was seen in some samples.
Some candidates submitted a pseudocode which was identical to their programs. A pseudocode should be
produced before the program is written and will generally look different from the source code of the
program. In some samples, pseudocode algorithms were not written using correct logic, for example,
variables controlling iterations were not incremented and while statements were not closed with Endwhile.
There were candidates who submitted the same pseudocode, program code and test data. Subheadings
were often missing in some of the documents submitted and the word limit was exceeded in some
instances. Flow charts in many samples made use of system symbols rather than the normal flowchart
symbols and some test plans did not use erroneous and extreme data for testing. Screen images (screen
shots) to illustrate the program output were not shown in many samples. These are important for verifying
the output of the program.
The problem statements in some samples were either very trivial or too detailed. Candidates are reminded
that the source code for programs must be printed from the C development environment and that a
narrative must be given which is related to the problem solution.
Unit 1 samples often included entity-relationship diagrams and data flow diagrams; however, these are
only relevant to Unit 2.
Some candidates were unable to differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements.
Functional requirements are features the system must provide. Non-functional requirements are
constraints that apply to the system, for example, it must perform a transaction in less than two seconds.
Attributes of entities were not included in the entity-relationship diagram by most candidates the entity-
relationship diagrams and data flow diagrams were often inconsistent with the problem definition.
It should be noted that user technical manuals are not required and that background information and
abstract information should be kept to a minimum.
Some problem definitions were often too wordy, and, in some instances, made no sense in the context of
the system developed.
Candidates are reminded that all design diagrams must be drawn electronically, for example, system
structuring and user interface design. Programs must be written in C code and printed output must be
done from the C development environment.
When preparing their reports, candidates should use subheadings which are specified in the syllabus. The
ordering of the headings should also be followed.
Candidates are encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read questions carefully before
answering, and to respond with sufficient detail that is commensurate with the marks indicated for each
question. Candidates need to answer questions in the context given instead of simply regurgitating notes.
Past-paper questions should be carefully studied to understand how syllabus items can be tested.
Teachers need to prepare students adequately for the three modules of each unit. Algorithm Development,
Computer Programming, and Data Structures account for three of the six modules of the Computer
Science syllabus so teachers need to cover these modules in more detail, scheduling as many practical
sessions as possible. This can take the form of
classroom discussions geared to solving specific problems or developing algorithms to solve
given problems
laboratory exercises involving the writing and testing of computer programs and experimentation
with buggyprograms
using the Internet to download tutorials on programming and sample code to experiment with.
The poor performance by candidates on the Computer Architecture and Organization module can be
handled by adequate coverage of the syllabus items. This module does not involve computer
programming. Candidates need more practice with numerical problems such as those involving decimal to
binary conversion and vice versa, as well as problems involving one’s and two’s complement.
With respect to the School-Based Assessment, teachers need to provide better feedback to studentss. The
School-Based Assessment should be viewed as a process with well-defined milestones. As students
submit work for these milestones, teachers need to provide adequate guidance, correcting errors made and
indicating clearly what is required for the next milestone.
Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved
This was the third year in which the revised syllabus was examined. There were three examination papers
in each of Units 1 and 2, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and Paper 02
were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment (SBA), was examined
by teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of 45 multiple-choice questions that were designed to test candidates‟
breadth of understanding of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of six essay-type questions that were
designed to test candidates‟ depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to
show deeper insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50 per
cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
In Unit 1, 87 per cent of the candidates obtained Grades I to V, a 12 per cent improvement over 2010. In
Unit 2, 87 per cent of the candidates obtained Grades I to V, a five per cent decline compared with 2010.
In general, performance on the SBA was very good. In Unit 1, there was a slight decline in the
performance on the SBA compared to 2010. The average mark was 68 per cent compared to 70 per cent
in 2010. However, there was a significant decline in the performance on the School Based Assessment in
Unit 2 compared with 2010. The average mark was 57 per cent compared with 66 percent in 2010.
Nevertheless, in both units, the average mark was an improvement on the corresponding 2009 average.
Performance on questions involving computing programming continues to be poor. However, there was a
reasonable improvement in scores for most of the programming questions in Unit 1 compared with 2010.
Performance on the programming questions in Unit 2 was roughly the same as in 2010. Despite the
improvements noted, it is clear that many candidates still need to get more experience in writing and
testing real computer programs on their own.
Of particular concern is the fact that performance on other types of questions such as those on computer
architecture and organization has also been very poor. This indicates a lack of adequate preparation on all
aspects of the syllabus.
UNIT 1 Fundamentals of Computer Science
Paper 01- Multiple Choice Questions
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 54 out of 90 with scores
ranging from 18 to 86.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Computer Architecture and Organization
Question 1
This question examined candidates‟ knowledge of truth tables, logic gates, circuit diagrams, flip-flops,
multiplexors, decoders, and the internal representation of data on a computer. It also required candidates
to apply their understanding of a decoder to solve a simple problem.
Overall performance on this question was poor and the majority of candidates obtained less than 10
In Part (a), only a few candidates were able to correctly convert the truth table to a circuit diagram. Some
candidates even used secondary logic gates (NOR, NAND) in their responses which were unnecessary. In
Part (b), most candidates performed well and got full marks or at least half of the marks allocated for this
In Part (c), many candidates stated that a flip-flop can be used to store one bit of data. However, only a
few of them went on to fully explain what is a flip-flop and hence did not obtain full marks. Many
candidates obtained full marks for their explanation of the multiplexor.
Part (d) (i) was generally well done. Most candidates gave a correct diagram for the decoder; however,
some candidates did not label the diagram and a few attempted to draw a circuit diagram. The
performance on Part (d) (ii) was fair. A few candidates drew circuit diagrams instead of using the block
diagram of the decoder. Most candidates did not explicitly state that there are two inputs and that the
bulbs have to be connected to the outputs. Also, some candidates did not explain how the two inputs were
connected to the four outputs (the bulbs).
Part (e) was fairly well done. The majority of candidates were able to convert the decimal value to binary,
but a number of them had difficulty finding the two‟s complement. Part (f) was poorly done. Many
candidates simply converted the binary representation to its decimal value. Some of them correctly
converted the 3-bit exponent to decimal but were unable to use this value to correctly complete the
calculation. A few candidates assumed that the decimal point was to the right (00101.) rather than the left
There is cause for concern with candidatesperformance on this question, particularly on Parts (e) and (f)
since the representation of data on a computer is one of the most basic and straightforward items in the
Question 2
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of registers, Central Processing Unit components, storage
devices, cache memory, instruction formats and addressing modes.
The question was answered fairly well and there was an improvement in responses compared with to
those given for a similar question in 2010.
In Part (a), candidates‟ were generally weak in their understanding of registers found in the CPU.
Candidates were expected to mention registers such as the MAR, MBR, PC, AC and IR.
The responses to Part (b) were generally fair. However, many candidates only compared main memory
and the two given storage devices in terms of capacity or access speed alone. They thus lost half of the
marks for this question.
Part (c) was generally well done since this is a topic well understood by most candidates. The Arithmetic
and Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU) were popular responses for this question. However, the
function of the components stated (e.g. the CU) was not properly stated in many responses.
The responses to Part (d) were generally fair. However, many candidates could not clearly explain how
cache memory increases the efficiency of data retrieval (by keeping frequently accessed portions of main
memory in the cache).
The responses to Part (e) were generally poor. Candidates need to spend more time understanding the
various types of addressing modes specified in the syllabus.
Section B Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of the stages in the problem-solving process and their skills in
constructing a flow chart from an algorithm as well as tracing through and identifying errors in an
algorithm. The question also examined candidates‟ ability to understand and modify an algorithm based
on given specifications.
Overall, the question was well done and it appeared that many candidates understood what was required.
The mean performance on this question was the best of all the questions in Paper 02.
In Part (a), most candidates were able to identify three stages in the problem-solving process. The stages
were sometimes incorrectly given as the stages of the systems development life cycle. Candidates were
often unable to clearly describe each stage, particularly the analysis stage (which seeks to determine how
the problem manifests itself).
Most of the candidates gave good responses for Part (b). However, some of them drew incorrect symbols
to represent input/output and processing steps and some were uncertain about how to represent a loop in
the flow chart. In a few cases, programming code was included with the symbols. Candidates need to
spend more time constructing flow charts and should make sure that they understand the purpose of each
symbol used in a flow chart.
In Part (c), candidates were able to correctly trace through and identify the lines of the algorithm
containing the errors. However, many were unable to correct the errors. It is recommended that candidates
trace through an algorithm after modifying it to ensure its correctness.
Question 4
This question tested candidates‟ ability to trace through a given algorithm to determine its output and to
develop an algorithm from a given specification. The question also examined candidates‟ knowledge of
the properties of a well-designed algorithm.
In Part (a), many candidates were unable to identify three properties of a well-designed algorithm. This
was rather unfortunate since it involved straightforward recall of a syllabus item.
In Part (b), many candidates were unable to trace through the while loop correctly and generate the
triangular shape of asterisks. In addition, there was some confusion between the use of print and println.
However, the question clearly stated that println did the same thing as print except that subsequent output
started on a new line. Only a few candidates were able to correctly calculate the values for y on each
repetition of the while loop. This indicates a weakness in basic arithmetic skills. Candidates need to spend
more time tracing through algorithms since this is a fundamental skill in computer science.
In Part (c), some candidates were unable to write correct algorithms in terms of looping constructs,
accumulating the sum, and finding multiples of 11. It was clear from their responses that many candidates
were unaware that a while loop can be bounded or had a misconception that a while loop is always
unbounded. A loop is bounded if the number of iterations is known beforehand or can be calculated
beforehand. It is sometimes possible to calculate the number of iterations of a while loop before it is
executed; thus, in these situations, the while loop is bounded.
Section C Programming
Question 5
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of the stages of the translation process and of the advantages
of using a modular approach in programming. Candidates were required to write a C function which took
two parameters, one of which was an integer array. The question also tested candidates‟ ability to take a
specification of a program and write a C program which achieves the desired functionality. The program
required candidates to know how to read and write from text files.
Part (a) was answered fairly well by candidates. Most of them were able to list the stages of the
translation process.
Part (b) was fairly done. However, a few candidates confused the term modular with the modulus
operation. Also, several candidates were vague or overly general in their responses.
Part (c) was poorly answered. Many candidates gave a program in their response rather than a function
and lost marks because of this. It is fairly straightforward to find the sum of the numbers in an integer
array and the code for this functionality should have been placed in the body of the function. In addition,
candidates were expected to specify the parameter list and return type of the function as well as return the
sum of the values after it was calculated inside the function.
Part (d) was also poorly answered. Candidates seemed to lack skills of analysis to understand the
functionality that the program was required to provide. For those who were able to write a reasonable
program, it was clear that most of them were unable to manipulate text files. Many of the candidates did
not adhere to the syntax of the C language, particularly in the use of semicolons, ampersands, format
specifiers and appropriate quotation marks. Candidates need to spend more time writing programs from a
given specification using the programming language features outlined in the syllabus.
Question 6
This question tested candidates‟ understanding of good programming style such as the use of white space
and proper indentation. It also tested their understanding of the term debugging. Candidates were required
to write a program to determine what type of triangle is present given three integers representing the sides
of a triangle. The key component of the solution consisted of an if-then-else-if statement. Finally,
candidates were required to trace through a segment of C code to determine its output and to modify the C
code to give a different set of output.
In Part (a), the majority of candidates did not obtain full marks since they did not clearly explain white
In Part (b), most candidates were able to define the term debugging using their own words. The concept
of debugging seems to be well understood among candidates.
In Part (c), most candidates had a general concept of indentation being associated with the appearance or
presentation of a program. However, the basic idea of maintenance was not present in their responses.
In Part (d), the responses indicated that candidates lacked the ability to properly sequence code in order to
achieve the required results. Thus, for example, the check for equilateral triangle should have preceded
the check for isosceles triangle. Many candidates were unable to maintain the use of correct syntax
throughout their programs. Program code often lacked logical operators in the condition part of the nested
if statement and several candidates opted to use a series of if statements to avoid the use of a nested if
statement. However, this resulted in incorrect code since one if statement would flow into another one. It
should also be mentioned that some candidates gave their responses in C++. Candidates need to use the C
language in the present Computer Science syllabus.
In Part (e), a number of candidates lacked the ability to trace through the for loop so they were unable to
generate the output. Some responses ignored the inner for loop indicating that these candidates did not
understand nested loops. Of those who correctly traced the required output, only a few were able adjust
the loop to generate the required output in Part (e) (ii). Again, candidates need to spend more time writing
and tracing through programs in order to answer questions like these.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment
In general, performance on the Internal Assessment was very good. In Unit 1, there was a slight decline in
the performance on the Internal Assessment compared to 2010. The average mark was sixty-eight per
cent compared to seventy per cent in 2010. However, there was a significant decline in the performance
on the Internal Assessment in Unit 2 compared to 2010. The average mark was fifty-seven per cent
compared to sixty-six percent in 2010. Nevertheless, in both units, the average mark was an improvement
on the corresponding 2009 average.
Many students ` included documentation which was not required for the Unit 1 SBA including structure
charts, Gantt charts, data-flow diagrams, questionnaires and entity-relationship diagrams. Many of the
projects contained flowchart algorithms; however, system flowchart symbols were incorrectly used
instead of programming flowchart symbols.
There were many instances where full marks were awarded for problem descriptions that were either
superficial or overly detailed.
Many students did not provide enough detail in the narratives when describing a solution to the problem
Generally, the presentation of pseudocode algorithms showed improvement in logic compared with
previous years and were also easy to follow for many of the projects. However, many students provided a
pseudocode algorithm that was identical to their C programs. In some projects, the algorithms were
written using incorrect logic. For example, variables were often not initialized before being used and
repetition statements did not show variables being incremented correctly.
Students often provided programs containing logical steps that were not included in their algorithms.
Some students made use of alternative programming languages such as C++ and Pascal for writing their
programs. Schools and students are reminded that C is the language of the Computer Science syllabus.
Programs were often not printed directly from the C development environment and this made it difficult
to properly verify the documentation and modularization of the source code. Many students did not make
use of comments and did not indent their C code.
Teachers should ensure that programming projects sufficiently cover items in the syllabus such as the use
of arrays and record structures as well as the manipulation of external data files.
Trace tables were used in many instances but these were not required for program testing. Program testing
by many students often did not show the use of normal, extreme and erroneous data. The test results were
often described but not shown by means of screen images. The screen images are required to verify that
the program produces the output as described in the report.
Candidate projects should make use of the section headings given in the Criteria for Marking the Internal
Assessment in the syllabus. Many projects often did not include any section headings.
The use of GOTO statements should not be encouraged in structured programming.
Storage media such as CDs should not be included with the submission of the samples.
Care should be taken when preparing the SBA document to ensure the following:
The table of contents is accurate
Pages are numbered
Text size, font style and line spacing are legible for reading and moderation.
Teachers should also ensure that each sample has a completed CSCI1-5 form detailing the marks awarded
for the assessment criteria.
UNIT 2 Further Topics in Computer Science
Paper 01
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 58 out of 90 with
candidates‟ scores ranging from 18 to 86.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Data Structures
Question 1
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of abstract data types (ADTs) and their implementation. It
required candidates to use the Stack ADT to remove the element at the bottom of a stack. The question
also examined candidates‟ knowledge of manipulating ADTs to achieve a desired outcome. In addition,
the question tested candidatesunderstanding of the implementation of a circular queue as well as their
understanding of the bubble sort algorithm.
Part (a) required candidates to define the term abstract data type (ADT) and to explain how the Stack
ADT is implemented. Most candidates had some knowledge of the ADT but were unable to define it
properly. In Part (a)(ii), many candidates listed the operations of the Stack ADT but did not explain how
the stack would be implemented in code (e.g. by using an array and a top pointer and manipulating these
data items in the push and pop operations).
In Part (b), many candidates did not recognize that this was a problem to be solved using the operations of
the Stack ADT (e.g., push, pop, isEmpty). Consequently, they wrote unnecessary code to manipulate the
internal data of the stack. Thus, they ended up writing code to push and pop the elements from the stack
which was not required.
Performance on Part (c) was generally poor. It was clear that many candidates did not understand how a
circular queue operates. Some candidates were able to perform the insertions correctly. However, when
an element was deleted, many candidates simply shifted the remaining elements one position to the left.
In some responses, the size of the array increased or decreased when elements were inserted or deleted,
respectively. It should be mentioned that a circular queue operates on an array of fixed size by
maintaining pointers to the first and last elements in the queue. Elements are not shifted when inserting or
deleting another element.
The quality of the responses for Part (d) was also generally poor. It seems that the majority of candidates
did not have a clear understanding of the bubble sort algorithm. Several candidates described the first pass
correctly but did not go on to explain what happens after the first pass. They simply concluded their
responses by saying that the algorithm is repeated until the entire array is in sorted order. But, getting the
array in sorted order is the purpose of the sort algorithm in the first place. Some candidates wrote C code
in their responses. However, the question did not require the writing of code.
Question 2
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge and understanding of linked lists as well as their ability to
implement the selection sort algorithm in C. The question also required candidates to demonstrate their
understanding of what happens in the linear and binary search algorithms.
In Part (a), most of the linked list diagrams drawn were incorrect. Many candidates gave tables instead of
the standard representation of a linked list (a set of nodes pointing to each other with a special pointer to
the top of the list and a terminator symbol at the last node). Of those who drew a diagram containing
nodes with each one pointing to the next node in the linked list, many did not did not use a terminating
symbol at the last node in the list. In terms of the explanation, many candidates described advantages of
the storage characteristics of a linked list instead of simply describing its main features.
In Part (b), the implementation of the selection sort algorithm was poorly done. Candidates demonstrated
weaknesses in storing values in the array at the beginning of the algorithm, in writing the nested for loops
properly (especially with regard to the initial and terminal values of the loop variables), in swapping
elements in the array; they generally did not know how the selection sort algorithm works.
The responses for Part (c) were generally good. However, many candidates did not clearly state the
conditions under which the linear search algorithm would terminate. Several candidates also did not
properly describe what happens in each execution of the loop in the binary search algorithm.
This question required a significant number of narrative responses from candidates. The level of English
was very poor and it was often difficult to decipher what a candidate was trying to say. Many candidates
did not answer the questions directly, but tended to write down everything they knew on the specific
topic. The level of programming was also very poor indicating that candidates have not developed their
programming skills sufficiently in Unit 1 to master the syllabus items in this module.
Section B Software Engineering
Question 3
This question tested candidate‟s understanding of various software engineering concepts as well as their
ability to draw a Level-0 dataflow diagram corresponding to a given narrative.
In Part (a), candidates were required to explain the waterfall approach to system development. Candidates
were expected to identify the stages of the waterfall approach and explain how one stage fed into the
subsequent stage. However, very few candidates associated the waterfall model with the systems
development life cycle (SDLC) even though this is one of the most popular approaches for the SDLC.
The minority of candidates who made the link did not identify the phases of the waterfall approach.
In Part (b), candidates were required to describe four tasks which must be performed during the design
phase of systems development (e.g. architectural design, interface design, data structure design and
algorithm design). Only a few of the candidates who attempted this question were able to describe these
Part (c) required candidates to draw a Level-0 dataflow diagram for a given scenario involving a mail
order company. Most candidates attempted this question. However, it seems that many of them were not
equipped with “drawing tools”. Consequently, many of the diagrams were drawn free hand and ended up
being very ugly and unsightly for advanced proficiency candidates. Also, on many occasions, the standard
symbols for drawing data flow diagrams were not used.
Question 4
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of the techniques used for fact-finding during the analysis
phase of systems development as well as the deliverables of the analysis phase. It also tested candidates‟
understanding of the use of CASE tools in software development as well as their ability to use entity-
relationship models for data modelling.
Part (a) (i) was well done overall. Most candidates were able to identify three fact-finding techniques such
as interviews, observation and questionnaires. In contrast, Part (a) (ii) was poorly done by most
candidates. It was clear that many candidates did not understand the term deliverables and as a result only
a small percentage were able to accurately state two deliverables.
In Part (b), the responses were generally poor. It was clear that most candidates did not know what a
CASE tool is and consequently, their responses for both parts of the question were poor.
Part (c) was fairly well done overall. However, many candidates did not use the correct symbol to denote
an attribute of an entity and consequently lost marks for drawing the attributes. Also, candidates had
difficulty accurately identifying the many-to-many relationships in the scenario (e.g. a lecturer is hired by
many departments and a department hires many lecturers). Many candidates drew lines connecting
entities (to represent relationships) but did not label the lines or give the cardinality of the relationships.
Several candidates also used non-standard notations to represent cardinality. In the future, candidates are
advised to use a standard for their entity-relationship models (such as the Unified Modelling Language or
the more dated Chen‟s notation).
Section C Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge and understanding of various networking concepts such as
network media, network configuration, networking devices, transmission media and access to data and
resources on a network
Some parts of the question were answered fairly well by many candidates. However, the responses to the
other parts were often very poor.
Part (a) was not answered well by most candidates. Most of them were unable to correctly identify and
explain a difference between an analogue signal and a digital signal. Some rather interesting responses
stated that an analogue signal is understood by computers while a digital signal is not.
Most candidates answered Part (b) correctly. However, some candidates gave incorrect answers such as
telephone, radio and fax machines. This suggests that these candidates may not be familiar with the
concept of transmission media.
In Part (c), some candidates gave good responses by explaining the layout of a client-server network with
the aid of a labelled diagram. However, some candidates did not understand what the client-server model
is and instead gave answers related to the peer-to-peer model or to network topology such as star or ring.
Part (d) (i) tested candidates knowledge of network connectivity devices such as bridges, repeaters,
routers, and gateways. Some candidates described network types instead of network devices, while a few
described devices that are used in a network such as UPS, server. A few candidates also described a
network topology such as star, ring, or bus. This suggested that candidates did not know what network
connectivity devices were or did not know the difference between network topology and network devices.
Part (d) (ii) tested candidates‟ ability to apply knowledge of transmission media to a specific situation.
Responses from candidates revealed that some of them did not know what transmission media is and were
thus unable to answer the question correctly. Some candidates even gave responses like cell-phones,
server and pager.
Part (d) (iii) tested candidates‟ knowledge of the different ways that users may be granted access to
resources on a network. Many candidates confused the granting of access to resources on the network
with preventing access to a network and incorrectly gave responses such as encrypting files and using
firewalls. Some candidates also stated that access can be granted by using the Internet, an intranet or an
Question 6
This question tested candidates understanding of various networking and operating system concepts.
Performance was generally fair.
In Part (a), candidates were often unable to properly or clearly distinguish between a batch processing
system and a multi-user system. For example, some candidates stated that in a batch processing system,
only one user used the system at a time. The examples provided in Part (a) (ii) and Part (a) (iii) were often
not representative enough of the type of system.
The responses for Part (b) were generally good with most candidates giving answers such as passwords
and encryption.
The responses for Part (c) were very poor. It is clear that most candidates do not understand the concept
of an interrupt and the interrupt processing mechanism.
The responses for Part (d) were also poor. Many candidates did not recognize that the diagram
represented a deadlock situation and gave interesting answers such as hold ups, event interrupt, round
robin or even parallel processing.
In Part (e), many candidates were unable to completely describe how the round-robin scheduling
algorithm works. It also seemed that weaker candidates had no idea of what was involved in the
PAPER 03 School-Based Assessment
For the Unit 2 SBA, students are expected to choose a problem for which a software solution exists and
then develop the software using software engineering techniques. In particular, they are expected to
demonstrate the tools and techniques used in the analysis of the software to be developed. They are then
expected to design, code and test their software using appropriate techniques.
Performance on the SBA was generally fair. It was observed that the projects submitted by Students were
deficient in various aspects and were still being awarded high marks. Teachers also need to become more
closely involved in the supervision of the projects.
Generally, most students chose appropriate topics for the SBA. The topics chosen were relevant to the
level of the students and the specific objectives of the syllabus. Diagrams were generally done well;
however, they were very inconsistent and did not flow (as they should) from one to the other. The
treatment of the topics by students was adequate. A small percentage was comprehensive though some
tended to be superficial. The reports were also generally well presented.
Students should put more effort in following the layout of the SBA given in the syllabus. This enables
students to clearly identify which parts of the SBA are being addressed by which sections of the report.
Teachers should instruct students to use the requirements in the mark scheme as sub-headings within their
reports. This ensures that students will have a section corresponding to each requirement.
Teachers need to advise students to restrict the scope of their SBA Reducing the scope of the project or
focusing on a single aspect will give students a better chance of completing what is set out in their
problem definition.
SBA reports should be well secured and bounded to avoid the mixing up or loss of parts of the reports
Teachers should not assume that marks are given for things not printed. Only visual/printed elements can
be marked so anything not included in printed form within the SBA will not receive marks. Teachers also
need to ensure that each candidate's code is printed and included in the SBA report. A soft copy of a
candidate‟s code is not accepted.
Teachers should ensure that students clearly state the problem being tackled in the problem definition.
Simply stating that a system is manual or paper-based is insufficient. A manual or paper-based system is
not in itself a problem, as stated by many students. The fact that it may be time consuming, error prone,
tedious and so on are problems that may exist in a particular manual or paper-based system. Not all
manual or paper-based systems suffer from these problems; thus, students should identify the problems
clearly in order to be awarded full marks.
In describing the techniques used for analysis of the problem, many students did not say why the
techniques were relevant.
It should be noted that a few teachers and students continue to confuse the terms functional requirements
and non-functional requirements. Special attention should be paid to the listing of functional requirements
as this was generally done poorly.
Students need to extend their system structuring diagram beyond the elements of the main menu in order
to be awarded full marks for this requirement.
Students seldom included justifications for their choice of user interface. Also, some of them were
confused as to the difference between menu-driven and command-driven interfaces.
Students in general left out the report design; teachers should ensure that this is included and not assume
that marks will be awarded based on screen shots.
Test plans were not done well in general. Students should include an exhaustive set of data to be tested
which includes all forms of data entry. Many students only tested the menu selections. Expected results
and actual results obtained from testing should be included in tests. Tests should also include normal,
abnormal and extreme data.
In most cases, the functionality of the program written was poorly described and there were no screen
shots of the working program producing the functionality described in the reports. The scope of the
programs was often too large; as a result, the stated functionality seldom matched the actual programs
submitted. Teachers should encourage students to develop programs that focus on simpler, more specific
problems from the start. This would allow students to realistically develop what is proposed early in the
There were a few cases where students used the old Unit 2 syllabus to prepare their SBA. As a result,
irrelevant information was submitted. Teachers should ensure they are using the syllabus marked
Effective for examinations from May/June 2009.
Students are encouraged, as part of their examination technique, to read questions carefully before
answering, and to respond with sufficient detail that is commensurate with the marks indicated for each
question. Students need to answer questions in the context given instead of simply regurgitating notes.
Past-paper questions should be carefully studied to understand how syllabus items can be tested.
Teachers need to prepare students adequately for the three modules of each unit. Algorithm Development,
Computer Programming and Data Structures account for three of the six modules of the Computer
Science syllabus so teachers need to cover these modules in more detail, scheduling as many practical
sessions as possible. This can take the form of
classroom discussions geared to solving specific problems or developing algorithms to solve
given problems
laboratory exercises involving the writing and testing of computer programs and experimentation
with “buggy” programs
using the Internet to download tutorials on programming and sample code to experiment with.
The poor performance by students on the Computer Architecture and Organization module can be
handled by adequate coverage of the syllabus items. This module does not involve computer
programming. Students need more practice with numerical problems such as those involving decimal to
binary conversion and vice versa, as well as problems involving one‟s and two‟s complement.
With respect to the SBA, teachers need to provide better feedback to students. The SBA should be viewed
as a process with well-defined milestones. As students submit work for these milestones, teachers need to
provide adequate guidance, correcting errors made and indicating clearly what is required for the next
milestone. It should also be mentioned that the SBA provides an invaluable opportunity to gain hands-on
experience with the items in the Computer Science syllabus which ultimately leads to better performance
on the written papers. Thus, the SBA should be viewed not as a goal in itself but as a framework for
mastering the contents of the syllabus.
Copyright © 2012 Caribbean Examinations Council
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved.
This was the fourth year for which the revised syllabus was followed. There were three examination
papers in each of Units 1 and 2, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03. In each unit, Papers 01 and
Paper 02 were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment, was
examined by teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of multiple-choice questions that were designed to test candidates‟
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that were designed to test
candidates‟ depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show deeper
insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50 per
cent and 20 per cent, respectively.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice Questions
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 61 out of 90 with scores
ranging between 20 and 90.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Computer Architecture and Organization
Question 1
This question tested candidates' knowledge of truth tables, logic gates, circuit diagrams, multiplexors, and
the internal representation of data on a computer. It also required candidates to apply their understanding
of a multiplexor to solve a simple problem.
For Part (a) (i), most candidates were awarded the marks for the input column combinations, however
many of them failed to correctly work out the values for the output, F.
In Part (a) (ii), many candidates did not demonstrate a clear understanding of logic gates. Many of them
confused the AND and OR gates, or did not understand how to place the NOT gates in the circuit design.
For Part (b) (i), some candidates were able to draw the block structure with four inputs and one output.
However, most candidates did not include the two selection lines and sufficient labelling.
There were many non-responses for Part (b) (ii). This part was generally poorly answered. While some
candidates were able to explain how a multiplexer works generally, they were unable to apply that
knowledge to the specific use in the security system.
Part (c) (i) was generally answered well. Many candidates were able to correctly identify the largest and
smallest integers as 7 and -7 respectively.
Many candidates who attempted Part (c) (ii) were able to recognize the sign bit as negative. Few were
able to convert the binary string representing the mantissa to its decimal equivalent. Even fewer
candidates were able to correctly identify the decimal equivalent of the 5-bit mantissa.
Question 2
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of instruction set, instruction types, instruction formats, cache
memory and storage devices. Overall, the question was answered poorly with a modal score of 6.
In Part (a) (i), candidates were able to define the instruction set but most of them failed to mention that
the operation of the CPU is determined by the instructions it executes.
For Part (a) (ii), many candidates were unable to specifically identify the types of instructions (that is,
data processing, data storage, data movement and control) however, accurate explanations were given for
the aforementioned. In some instances, candidates misinterpreted the question and identified the
instruction cycle (that is, fetch, decode, execute) rather than the types of instructions.
The responses for Part (a) (iii) were generally good but some candidates omitted the fact that a copy of
frequently accessed RAM is stored in cache memory.
Part (b) (i) was well done as the majority of candidates were able to differentiate between the opcode and
the operand of an instruction.
Part (b) (ii) was answered poorly. Many candidates gave no response. From the responses given, a few
candidates were able to identify that the result of the operation of a one-address instruction format is
stored in the accumulator. Candidates were also able to identify that there were two operands in a two-
address instruction format.
The majority of candidates misinterpreted Part (c) (i). Very few candidates were able to differentiate
between the access method of a hard disk (moving arm over a spinning disk) and RAM (electrical
pathways). They were however able to correctly state that RAM had a faster access speed than a hard
Part (c) (ii) was well done by the majority of candidates.
Section B Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of algorithms, iterations within algorithms, and writing an
algorithm based on the narrative of a given problem.
Most candidates scored between 13 and 17 for this question.
Part (a) tested candidates knowledge of the role of algorithms in problem solving. All of the candidates
attempted this part and were able to identify the role of algorithms in the problem solving process. Some
candidates, however, were giving the definition of an algorithm instead of its role.
Most candidates attempted Parts (b) (i) and (ii) and showed some knowledge of iterations. Many of them
could not justify their responses as they related to which algorithm illustrated bounded iteration and
which illustrated unbounded iteration. Few candidates were able to differentiate between bounded and
unbounded iterations.
Part (c) tested candidates' knowledge of the use of sequencing, selection and iteration in programming.
Candidates did not understand the need to initialize the variables needed for the cumulated totals. Some
candidates used a WHILE instead of the FOR statement but were unable to give accurate limits for the
condition. Almost all candidates used the IF statement to select the correct option, however the condition
was not clearly written. The calculation for the cumulative totals for each colour was fairly well done in
most instances. The totalwas calculated and printed well by most candidates.
Part (d) tested candidates knowledge of the use of iteration and selection in programming. Most
candidates did not understand how to intialize variables and as result they scored zero. They also did not
use the limits well in the WHILE loop and failed to increment the counter variable. Candidates did not
use the modulus well, instead they simply divided in most instances.
Question 4
This question tested candidates‟ ability to represent an algorithm as a flow chart. It also examined their
skills in tracing through an algorithm to determine its output.
Part (a) was fairly well done. Most candidates gave good responses. However, some of them drew
incorrect symbols to represent initialization of variables. Some were uncertain about how to represent a
loop in the flow chart. In a few cases, programming code was included with the symbols. The flow of
logic was also not clearly shown for in many instances arrows were left out. More importance should be
placed on constructing flow charts and candidates should make sure that they understand the purpose of
each symbol used in a flow chart.
Part (b) was generally poorly answered. Many candidates were able to list the values of the variable
„sum‟ and output the answer, but they did not state what would be printed by the algorithm as was
required. Additionally, candidates do not appear to understand how a condition is tested in order to
terminate a loop. Candidates continued to test the loop even after the value 5 was entered, thereby
generating output for the value 4 in the test data. While they recognized that the values of 5 and 7 in the
test data would not be executed by the loop, they did not appear to understand that the value 5 would have
ended the loop.
Part (c) was also fairly well done. Most candidates were able to trace through the algorithm. However,
many of them were unable to produce the triangular shape consisting of $, + and &. In addition, there
was some confusion with the use of “println”, with some candidates placing the cursor on a new line and
then placing the output on the new line. In general, most candidates who attempted scored at least five
Responses to Parts (b) and (c) indicate that more emphasis needs to be paid to the tracing of algorithms,
with special attention being given to the behaviour of loops.
Section C Programming
Question 5
This question tested candidates‟ ability to write simple functions; manipulate files, create, read from, and
write to files; and their knowledge of the stages in the translation process.
Part (a) was fairly well done. Candidates were asked to describe three of the stages of the program
translation process. Some candidates were able to fully answer this part while others were at least able to
correctly identify three stages. However, several candidates listed either the stages in the problem-solving
process (problem definition, analysis, etc.) or steps in the instruction cycle (fetch, decode, transfer, etc.).
Part (b) was generally well done. Candidates were required to write a C function to calculate 2
given n.
Many candidates were able to obtain the majority of marks allocated but failed to state the relevant
Part (c) was poorly done. Candidates were required to write a C function to write data to a file and then
read the data stored, manipulate it and display the result. Most candidates were only able to establish the
file pointer and open the file in the correct mode. Many were unable to properly form the loop to write to
or read from the file.
Question 6
This question tested candidates‟ understanding of what constitutes good programming style. Candidates
were also required to write C code to create and manipulate records consisting of different data types. The
question also tested candidates' ability to take a specification of a problem and write a C program using an
array which achieves the desired functionality. The key component of the solution was the if-then-else
Part (a) tested the basic understanding of good programming techniques which candidates should have
learnt at the CSEC level. The fact that so few candidates were able to obtain full marks for this question
clearly indicates a lack of knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in programming. While
many candidates were able to identify three aspects of good programming style, few were able to offer a
fair explanation as to why each was indicative of good programming.
Again being able to recognize what the question is asking in an important examination strategy that
candidates seemed to lack. Candidates need to pay attention to key operational words which indicate the
level of skill expected. Since candidates were asked to explain, simply identifying three ways would not
gain them full marks.
Those who answered the question were able to identify the use of indentation, documentation,
modularization, use of white spaces and meaningful variable names as techniques of good programming.
Part (b) tested candidates‟ ability to declare a record structure in C and to store and manipulate data in
that structure.
The majority of candidates were unable to make the distinction between a record declaration tested in Part
(b) (i) and the variable declaration tested in Part (b) (ii). As a result, few candidates were able to obtain
full marks for this part.
Most candidates demonstrated knowledge of the Struct declaration in C but failed to use proper
punctuation semicolon and curly brackets.
Declaring variables for record structures and storing data in those variables also proved to be challenging
for most candidates. Most candidates declared the variables as type int or char rather than the record
structure productRec.
Part (b) (iv) required candidates to exchange the values stored in two records. The logic to perform this
operation should have been acquired at the CSEC level. Again most candidates demonstrated a lack of
understanding of this logic. As a result, this part of the question was not answered by most candidates or
the answer written was not the most efficient code. Only a few candidates, therefore, were able to obtain
maximum marks for this part.
Most candidates who answered the question copied the data „field to field‟ rather than „record to record.‟
This of course cost them valuable time in the exam and resulted in code that was long and cumbersome
rather than simple and elegant.
For Part (c), many candidates were able to write C code that produced correct output. The efficiency of
the solutions provided, however, needs to be improved. Very few candidates demonstrated an
understanding of how to test multiple conditions in one IF statement. Instead most produced a nested-If
While most candidates met the requirements for printing the number of occurrences of the vowel „A‟ and
the presence of a given vowel, few included code which tested for the absence of a vowel.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
Students must be commended for their creativity when choosing an SBA project. Although most topics
were recycled, students were able to be innovative in their delivery.
Many students were able to accurately describe the problem complete with the description of the current
system and to give examples of what takes place when the problems arise. Some projects only included
what activities the proposed system would perform without completely describing the current system and
the problems which we are to be solved using software.
Narratives were fairly well written in most samples. However, some samples did not provide a
completely accurate description of the algorithm. Pseudocode algorithms were generally well done.
Samples which included flow charts in some instances incorrectly used system flow chart symbols and in
others, diagrams were poorly presented and were difficult to follow. In the many samples using
pseudocode algorithms, some were clearly modified copies of the programming source code. Students
should be encouraged to develop their algorithms independent of the programming code.
It was quite evident that students were comfortable with procedural C programming language. This year‟s
programs were logically written and properly decomposed. Nevertheless, some students disregarded the
SBA requirement of using procedural C and used C++. A few samples did not make use of the key data
structures (struct, files and arrays). Students must remember to print their source code directly from the
compiler as transferring to a word processor changes the spacing of the code. Generally, most students
did not include adequate comments at key areas of their code.
This year, the majority of samples provided a suitable range of test data, but a few students did not
include all four testing criteria (normal, extreme, erroneous and incomplete) in their test plan. Test results
must include actual screen shots of the working program and testing must be done using the test data
outlined in the test plan.
Generally, this year‟s SBA projects were well presented. Teachers need to ensure that students use the
headings outlined in the Criteria For Marking Internal Assessment Project in the syllabus, as well as
follow the order in which these heading occurs. They should also ensure that students check that the
numbering of their table of contents corresponds to the numbering in the document.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
The performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 57 out of 90 with
scores ranging between 14 and 90.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Data Structures
Question 1
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of abstract data types and their implementation. It also
examined candidates‟ knowledge of manipulating abstract data types to achieve a desired outcome. The
question required candidates to manipulate a Stack ADT, a Linked List ADT, and a Queue ADT. It was
attempted by more than 95 per cent of the candidates, however approximately 20 per cent gave
satisfactory responses.
Part (a) (i) was poorly done. Candidates identified operations used with the Stack ADT (push, pop) but
they did not answer the question by stating the difference between the Stack ADT and the C
implementation of the Stack.
Part (a) (ii) was generally poorly done. Weaker candidates did not know the meaning of the word
variable and listed operations push and pop in their answers.
Part (a) (iii) was poorly done. Candidates knew how to use the operations but could not write C code to
implement them. Some candidates mixed up the conditions for underflow and overflow.
Part (b) was, surprisingly, poorly done. Most candidates identified the top and end of the linked list but
placed the elements in the same order as given (indicating 43 as the top and 25 as the end)
Part (c) was generally well done. Candidates ignored the last statement in the question and used top, rear,
front and other variables to write the algorithm.
Question 2
This question required that candidates show an understanding of how to manipulate a one-dimensional
array structure using the C programming language. The question also tested candidates‟ knowledge of
searching and sorting algorithms.
Part (a) required candidates to write C programming code in their responses, however many candidates
provided pseudocode solutions. Generally, candidates knew that they had to use a loop to traverse the
array; however, the condition that determined if the mark was within the range given was either poorly
done or left out.
Part (b) required candidates to describe how the binary search algorithm may be used to locate an item
that was in the list and one that was not in the list. Most candidates understood the general concept of the
algorithm but there were two common mistakes. Firstly, when locating the „middle‟ location the majority
of candidates „rounded up‟ instead of truncating and using the integer section, that is given 4.5 candidates
used 5 instead of 4. The other common error occurred in the final „divide and conquer for an item that
was not in the list. Candidates were unable to give an accurate description that determines when the item
was not present.
Part (c) required candidates to draw an array after three passes of the selection sort algorithm. This part
was fairly well done. However, a noticeable number of candidates sorted the entire array.
Section B Software Engineering
Question 3
This question required candidates to construct a level-0 data flow diagram (DFD), and to demonstrate an
understanding of the evolutionary and waterfall approaches to software development.
For Part (a), candidates were required to draw a level-0 DFD to depict the scenario of a registration
system in a university. The DFD was poorly developed with many candidates confusing a DFD with an
entity-relationship diagram (ERD). Many candidates did not use the correct symbols for the process, file
and entity. Some candidates gave a context diagram rather than a more detailed diagram. Many
candidates had DFD with data flows not labelled or labelled but with the direction of flow not shown.
Exercises are required to help candidates improve on the drawing of DFDs.
Part (b) was poorly answered by candidates. Many candidates seemed to have studied the waterfall
approach, and gave advantages and disadvantages of that approach.
In Part (c), candidates were required to describe four phases in the waterfall approach to software
development (that is, analysis, design, coding and testing, maintenance). This part was generally well
done. Most candidates who attempted this question were able to describe four phases.
Part (d) was satisfactorily answered by most candidates. Many cnadidates were able to give one reason
for the involvement of the user in the software development process.
Question 4
This question tested candidates' knowledge of entity relationship models and their ability to draw the
model from a given narrative of a system. The question also tested the candidates' knowledge of tests
involved in binary search.
For Part (a) (i), most candidates were able to correctly identify the components of an entity-relationship
diagram but in many cases they were not able to properly describe them, particularly the entity
In Part (a) (ii), candidates were generally able to draw the correct entity with only very few using the
wrong symbol. Most candidates were also able to name the correct relationships. However, many were
not able to represent the correct relationship cardinalities.
It was noted that with the exception of a few candidates those who used the Chen notations (1:1, 1:m,
m:n) did not know the correct symbols for many to many , that is, m:n.
For Part (b), a large number of candidates were not able to describe a suitable test. Many described
various aspects of unit testing. In cases where candidates described suitable tests for the binary search,
most were only able to describe two of the three tests. Very few candidates were able to describe a
suitable third test.
Section C Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
This question tested candidates‟ knowledge of networking concepts such as network transmission media,
network configurations, connectivity devices, transmission standards, and the role of the open systems
interconnection (OSI) model in network communication. The least marks were scored in Part (d) wireless
and Part (f) the OSI model.
From all indications, this section of the syllabus was not thoroughly covered as evidenced by the quality
of candidates' answers.
Part (a) dealt with transmission media. Despite an attempt by most candidates to answer this question, it
was not answered correctly. Many candidates were unable to adequately describe the characteristic of
each for example, physical description, transmission capacity and mode of data transmission.
Part (b) tested candidates' knowledge of the ring topology. Most candidates who attempted this question
had some knowledge of this topology. However, they could not represent it diagrammatically, for
example, many drew a star topology instead of a ring when outlining the before and after situations, and
the solution in their response.
This question also tested the candidates' ability to troubleshoot this topology. Most candidates changed
the topology to a „star‟ instead of maintaining the ring topology with the addition of a device or simply
removing the malfunctioning computer to maintain the topology. Many candidates indicated the use of a
hub or switch but some indicated router or gateway which showed that they did not fully understand the
uses of these devices. There were those who converted the ring to a fibre distributed data interface
(FDDI) which was not an appropriate solution.
In Part (c), only a few candidates were able to describe the role of a hub. They showed some knowledge
of the device but lacked understanding of its purpose in a network. Diagrams were not well done, there
were many missing labels.
Part (d) tested candidates‟ knowledge of wireless networking. The question was poorly done and in many
cases was not attempted. Mainly, candidates did not know that IEEE802.11a is the established standard
for wireless networks. Many candidates had difficulty identifying the devices needed and the transmission
medium used in wireless networks. The diagrams were in many cases omitted or totally incorrect.
Part (e) which tested candidates' knowledge of firewalls was not well done, with most scoring one mark
out of the three marks. Candidates only outlined the role, without including the aspects of security,
hardware and/or software solutions, and blocking of IP addresses.
Part (f) assessed candidates' knowledge of the layers of the OSI and their corresponding functions.
Though it was well attempted, knowledge of the names of the layer, order of Layers and purpose of each
layer was lacking overall. The key to this question was to identify layers 1-5 only; Layer 1 being the
physical layer and 5 the session layer. A few candidates labelled the application layer as Layer 1, which
made the answer partially incorrect.
Question 6
This question tested candidates understanding of various operating system conceptsdeadlock, interrupt,
process states, process control block, and user interfaces.
For Part (a), candidates generally responded well, with most providing a „wait for graph representing
deadlock along with a correct description of what causes deadlock. The outcome however, stating that
both processes must wait indefinitely, was often omitted.
In Part (b), most candidates provided at least a partially correct answer for how an interrupt is handled.
Most candidates who attempted Part (c) did not always define the process states by name, that is, ready,
running and blocked, but gave partial descriptions for the states.
Part (d), was poorly done, with many candidates unable to correctly identify the components of a process
control block. Some candidates stated components such as the program counter, accounting information
and process state information.
Part (e), was well done. Only a few candidates had difficulty identifying an advantage of a menu
interface over a command line interface.
Teachers should ensure that a thorough explanation of the printed circuit board (PCB) and its components
be provided to students as this was the area with the highest omissions and margins of error for Question
Teachers should also ensure that whilst they use visual aids to help students understand topics covered in
class, they should make students aware that only computer related diagrams are acceptable and they
should not provide those concept aids as responses to questions.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
Students are reminded of the following:
All programming language code should be printed from the C compiler (not from word
Examiners can only mark programming code from printed output and, therefore, to show that the
program works, students need to print screen shots of the program in the testing phase and should
not send soft copies.
Only one form of algorithm is required that is either
Pseudocode OR
Flow chart
Students are not required to describe the results of the analysis techniques.
Marking Criteria
Definition of Problem
Students were required to state the shortcomings of the existing system, and generally this section was
well done by most of them. However, some students failed to identify a problem in the problem
statement and therefore full marks were not awarded.
Techniques of Analysis
Students were required to identify techniques of data collection and analysis. Most of them were able to
state the various techniques of data collection; however, they must be able to justify the reason for their
selection as well as show proof of analysis. For example questionnaires and/or interview transcripts
should be included in an appendix.
Context Level Diagram
In some instances, incorrect symbols were used for entities and processes. Some data flows were not
labelled, and data store/file were incorrectly included in the context level diagram.
Level 1 Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram with all relevant processes, data flows
and major data stores; however, some of them had links between files and entities which is incorrect.
ER Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and relationships.
This was generally well done by most students; however, some of the cardinalities and also the
description of the relationships were not done correctly.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of all requirements. This was done
well by some of them; however, some students sometimes confused or misinterpreted functional and non-
functional requirements. Some students described project limitations for non-functional requirements.
Design Specification
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of:
System structuring
User interface
Report design
Algorithm design
Appropriate data structures
Some students did most of the design specifications, however:
some of them went into too much detail in the systems structure by including modules or
branches that were not necessary
some of them did not name or justify the type of user interface they used
some of them had no evidence of report design but were given marks by teacher
some of them did not produce any algorithm.
some of them were not awarded any marks by the teacher for appropriate data structure even
though the program clearly showed the use of Struct, Array, Queues and Files declaration
and manipulations. This suggests that either the teachers did not know or needed
clarification on what to look for in this section.
Coding and Testing
Students were required to produce a complete and accurate program with:
code that achieves functionalities such as documentations, outputs, usability and reporting
code that corresponds to the design specification
a test plan with exhaustive data set, (including unit testing, integrated testing and systems
Most students produced programs that achieved good functionality. However, some of them did not
produce proper test plans to cover unit testing, integrated testing and systems testing. Some students only
produced test results and screen shots but NO test plan.
Teachers should ensure that students are fully prepared for the examinations in both units. The poor
performance in some modules of the syllabus indicates that more time needs to be spent on some areas.
Copyright © 2013 Caribbean Examinations Council ®
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved.
This was the fifth year in which the revised syllabus was examined. There were three examination papers
in each of Units 1 and 2, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and Paper 02
were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment, was examined by
teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of multiple-choice questions that were designed to test candidates’
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that were designed to test
candidates’ depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show deeper
insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50 per
cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
Approximately 93 per cent of the candidates obtained Grades IV in Unit 1 and approximately 93 per
cent of the candidates in Unit 2 obtained Grades IV. Overall, there is still need for improvement in the
quality of responses for the programming questions in both units.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of approximately 60.51 out
of 90, standard deviation of 13.87 and scores ranging from 16 to 90.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Computer Architecture and Organization
Question 1
This question tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of logic gates, circuits and binary
representation of negative integers and floating point numbers.
The question was generally well done with the majority of the candidates obtaining more than 50 per cent
of the marks available for this question.
Part (a) (i) was satisfactorily done. A few candidates either attempted a circuit diagram instead of a block
diagram or did not include selector lines.
Part (a) (ii) was fairly well done. Many candidates were able to partially explain how the multiplexer
operates but did not go on to disclose the values of selector lines used to obtain the signals in l
and l
Part (a) (iii) was generally well done. The majority of candidates was able to state one property and one
use of flip flops.
Part (b) (i) was well done. A few candidates were unable to convert 5 to binary.
Part (b) (ii) was fairly well done. However, a number of candidates found the one’s complement of the
sign and magnitude representation from Part b (i).
Part (b) (iii) was also fairly well done because candidates went on to find the two’s complement using the
sign and magnitude value from Part (a) (i).
Part (c) was generally poorly done, with a significant number of candidates being unable to obtain any of
the three marks available. Many candidates simply converted the entire representation to decimal to
obtain a value of 165
Part (d) was exceptionally well done with the majority of candidates being able to obtain full marks for
drawing the truth tables for the NOT, AND and OR logic gates respectively. Weaker candidates did not
correctly map each truth table to its corresponding logic gate.
Common Misconceptions
Several candidates stated that a property of a flip flop is the ability to store one bit of data
when this is in fact a use of flip flops.
Many candidates identified examples of bistable devices such as light switches, alarm
systems etc. instead of stating a use of a flip flop.
Question 2
This question mainly tested candidates knowledge of port connectivity, instruction sets and direct
Part (a) was done relatively well. However, many candidates either did not explain the term port
connectivity as it related to the given situation or misunderstood the term and explained it in terms of the
ports malfunctioning due to rust, dust and general physical deterioration over time.
Candidates answered Part (b) well. Some, however, simply stated what the acronyms meant, as a way of
differentiating between the items given.
For Part (c), most candidates were able to arrange the given computers in order of size from smallest to
Part (d) was poorly answered overall. In Part (d) (i), most candidates were able to explain what is meant
by the instruction set of a computer.
In Part (d) (ii), many candidates were unable to accurately identify the three types of instructions and
often confused the examples given.
In Part (d) (iii), most candidates were unable to explain the term direct addressing and many explained
indirect addressing instead.
Part (e) was also poorly answered overall, with candidates having problems adequately explaining how
the fetch, decode and execute cycles work in a computer. The majority of candidates misused the terms
'data' and 'information' in their explanation. They also reused the terms fetch, decode and execute, to
explain the cycle on the computer.
Section B Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidates’ ability to
identify and describe the stages in the problem-solving process
generate algorithms based on a given scenario
construct a flow chart based on a scenario
While the majority of the candidates was able to confidently attempt the question, there were a few who
demonstrated little knowledge of the subject content.
Part (a) was generally well done. A few candidates were only able to identify the problem-solving phase
but could not give an appropriate description.
Part (b) asked candidates to write an algorithm based on the given scenario. This question could have
been answered by using pseudocode, flow chart or narrative as examples of algorithms. Many candidates
wrote pseudocode and it was generally well done. A few candidates used a flow chart or a narrative. The
majority of candidates was able to write the algorithm using the constructs correctly and appropriately.
Only a few candidates wrote the algorithm using code-like statements and calculated the cost of the calls
Part (c) required candidates to construct a flow chart based on the given scenario. It was generally well
done by the majority of the candidates. However, a few were not able to correctly and appropriately use
the flow chart symbols. For example, some candidates used the input/output symbol for processing and
vice versa.
Greater focus must be given to the following areas:
Correct use of technical terms and giving appropriate descriptions of each
Correct flow charting principles. For example,
Correct and appropriate use of symbols
Correct and appropriate representation of constructs such as loops (repetition)
Question 4
This question tested candidates’ ability to trace through an algorithm to determine its output. It also
examined their ability to write an algorithm for a particular case.
Part (a) was fairly well done. Most candidates attempted the question and were able to trace through the
algorithm. However, few candidates produced the correct pattern. Some candidates are still having
problems distinguishing between the write and writeln statements. The majority of candidates scored
between 5 and 6 out of a maximum of 11 marks for this part.
Part (b) was generally well done. Many candidates were able to produce an algorithm using either the
while or the for construct.
Part (c) was fairly well done. While most candidates were able to provide three properties of well-
designed algorithms, the difficulty came in accompanying them with examples in each case. This
suggests a lack of thorough understanding of properties of algorithms.
Section C Programming
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ ability to unite a function swap and also write a C program based on
particular instructions.
Part (a) was generally well done. Candidates were required to explain two differences between compilers
and interpreters. Most candidates were able to properly explain at least one difference.
Part (b) was well done overall. Candidates showed good understanding of the need to introduce a
temporary variable in order to successfully execute the swap function.
Part (c) was generally well done. Most candidates were able to correctly write statements to compute and
output the integers in reverse order, along with the sum and product. However, in some cases, the actual
C code was not syntactically correct.
Part (d) was not well done. This question required candidates to write a recursive or non-recursive
program to output the factorial of an integer. Responses suggest that more practice is needed on questions
of this type.
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of different programming paradigms and their ability to write
C code to manipulate records consisting of different data types.
Part (a) tested the basic knowledge of different programming paradigms. Most candidates did not
demonstrate understanding of the term paradigm, and hence could not answer the question satisfactorily.
Part (b) was attempted by most candidates. However, candidates gave differences between a mobile
device and a desktop instead of a reason for the difference in language implementation.
Part (c) was attempted by most candidates and was fairly well done. Most candidates correctly provided
the first four lines of the output. There seemed to be some difficulty coming to terms with the variable j as
a control variable in the outer for loop, and then being changed internally by the while construct. Many
candidates were able to score four out of six marks for this part.
Performance on Part (d) was satisfactory. For Part (d) (i), some candidates were unable to clearly define a
structure with fields. Many candidates were able to place values into the proper variables for Part (d) (ii)
but some did not use meaningful variable names based on the context of the question. The discount for
Part (d) (iii) was not properly applied generally because candidates were unable to access the structure
variables properly. Part (d) (iv) was fairly well done; some candidates did not use a temporary variable to
handle the swapping process.
Paper 03 School- Based Assessment (SBA)
Students must be commended for their creativity in choosing an SBA project. Although most topics were
recycled, students were able to be innovative in their delivery.
Definition of Problem
Many students were able to accurately describe the problem complete with the description of the current
system, giving examples of what takes place when the problems arise. However, some students’ projects
only included partial definitions of activities of the proposed system that they intended to create and did
not completely describe the current system and the problems which are to be solved using software.
Narrative and Flow Charts or Pseudocode
Narratives were fairly well written in most samples. However, some samples did not provide:
A completely accurate description of the algorithm
A description of the step by step procedure that will solve the problem as required by an
Pseudocode algorithms were generally well done. Samples which included flow charts in some instances
incorrectly used some symbols, for example, system flow chart symbols and in others cases, diagrams
were poorly presented, had symbols with no labels (such as yes/no for the decision symbol), no connector
symbols to connect diagrams to the next page and therefore were difficult to follow. In the samples using
pseudocode algorithms, some were clearly modified copies of the programming source code, with a few
being an almost identical copy of the source code. Students should be encouraged to develop their
algorithms independent of the programming code.
Coding of Program
Students’ projects demonstrated that they were comfortable with procedural C programming language.
This was quite evident in the various projects. Most programs were logically written and properly
decomposed. Nevertheless, some students sample
did not comprise functions as independent units and were still awarded full marks by the teacher
had few data structure in the program
only had evidence of sequence and selection but no loops for the concept of structured
did not make use of the key data structures (struct, files and arrays)
Students are reminded to print their source code directly from the compiler as transferring to a word
processor changes the spacing of the code. This may lead to students losing marks for appropriate
programming style and documentation. Generally, most students did not include adequate comments at
key areas of their code and a few were not properly indented. However, this section was done well by
most students.
Evidence that Code Matches Algorithm
Most students were able to obtain full marks on this section.
Evidence of File Manipulation
Students were required to provide code that include file and show evidence of file manipulation (open
file, write to file, read from file, append file and close file). Most students demonstrated evidence of this.
However, some students were awarded marks by the teacher even though there was no evidence of file
manipulation and in some cases the use of file was non-existent.
Testing and Presentation
This year the majority of samples provided a suitable range of test data, but a few students:
Did not have a test plan, but had screen shots only
Did not include all four testing criteria (normal, extreme, erroneous and incomplete) in their test
Had test results but did not have a clear test plan
Had test which results did not include actual screen shots of the working program and testing
must be done using the test data outlined in the test plan
Generally, this year’s SBA projects were well presented.
Teachers need to ensure that the students use the headings outlined in the Criteria for Marking Internal
Assessment Project in the syllabus, as well as follow the order in which these heading occurs. They
should also ensure that students check that the numbering of their table of contents corresponds to the
numbering in the document and that they provide information in a logical way using correct grammar and
appropriate jargon at all times in the presentation of their projects.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 63.35 out of 90, standard
deviation of 11.78 and scores ranging from 25 to 88.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A
Data Structures
Question 1
The question tested the stack ADT, linked lists and associated operations. It was attempted by most
candidates. Overall, candidates performed better in Part (a) compared with Part (b).
In Part (a) (i), candidates were expected to declare the stack variables using C syntax. Some syntactic
errors were found in responses. Some candidates declared the stack with an incorrect type. Overall, many
candidates generally gave proper declarations.
Parts (a) (ii) and (iii) required functions for push and pop respectively. Some candidates, although their
push and pop functions were not completely correct, were able to increment and decrement the top
variable properly.
In Part (b) (i), the linked list diagram needed to clearly illustrate the head/start and null positions, the
composition of a simple node and the direction of the link. Most candidates showed an understanding of
the linked list structure. In Part (b) (ii), candidates were expected to explain the actions involved when
inserting a node to the front and back of a linked list. Many candidates did not explain how the pointer
references would change during the insertion of nodes. Overall, more practice is needed with these types
of questions.
Question 2
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of sorting and searching concepts.
Part (a) tested candidates ability to interpret, explain and use a bubble sort function written in C. Most
candidates recognized that a swap was being performed in the inner for loop. They were also able to
determine the content of the array after one stage of the bubble sort. Some candidates had trouble
explaining the purpose of the for loops in the bubble sort.
Part (b) tested candidates’ ability to sort a given array using selection sort. Responses were satisfactory
but some candidates did not know what a pass was.
Part (c) tested candidates’ ability to describe the principle of the binary search. Most candidates knew the
basic concept of the binary search. The idea of a divide and conquer approach of binary search was
familiar to many candidates. Some confused binary search with linear search.
Part (d) tested candidates’ understanding of the operation of a linear and binary search. Most candidates
were able to determine the number of comparisons needed to determine if a key was not present using
both binary search and linear search. Although the basic concept of the binary search was well
understood, most candidates did not have a detailed understanding of its operations. Therefore, most were
not able to correctly trace a search.
Section B
Software Engineering
Question 3
Part (a) (i) was fairly well done. Most candidates were able to link prototyping with building a system or
software testing and refining. However, some candidates failed to mention that the end-user was
responsible for testing and providing feedback. Also, a number of candidates incorrectly described beta
testing instead of prototyping.
Part (a) (ii) was generally well answered. A substantial number of candidates scored 34 marks out of a
maximum of 4. Candidates were able to describe the iterative process of building software, allowing users
to test and provide feedback and then refining the software, as beneficial to creating a system that meets
the needs of the user.
In Part (a) (iii), many candidates simply stated the weakness of prototyping as being time consuming and
expensive. While some candidates described how time consuming the iterative process of evolutionary
prototyping is and how expensive it is to constantly build prototypes, many candidates did not provide
any justification for their responses and lost marks as a result.
For Part (b), some candidates did very well to create an entity relationship diagram. Most candidates were
able to identify and draw the entities correctly. Candidates were also generally able to identify the
relationships between the entities, with a few candidates having duplicate entities and relationships. Some
of the errors candidates made included using improper notation for the entities and representation of
cardinalities. Also, many candidates failed to properly represent the attributes and the primary key for
Patient. Generally, candidates generally demonstrated an understanding of what entities are as well as the
cardinalities and relationships between these entities but the ability to represent this understanding in a
diagram using standard notation seemed to be an issue for some.
Many of the responses from candidates for Part (c) indicated that they did not understand what was being
asked. Consequently, many candidates scored zero because most of them wrote about different forms of
testing such as integration testing and abnormal testing. While some candidates were able to correctly
identify two appropriate tests by searching for a key that is known to be in the array and a key that is not
known to be in the array, many of these candidates failed to get the third test correct since they tested for
an inappropriate data type (for example, string or chart) rather than testing an empty or null array.
Question 4
This question mainly tested candidates’ knowledge of data flow diagrams (DFDs.) Part (a) was generally
well done. It tested the traditional methods of determining the requirements of a new system and the
advantages and disadvantages of each. Most candidates generally answered correctly by stating
questionnaire, interview, etc. However, some candidates misinterpreted the question and gave answers
related to a system development life cycle (for example, waterfall approach and prototyping).
Part (b) tested candidates’ knowledge of DFDs. Most candidates provided good responses. Many
candidates did not clearly state that an entity is a source of data external to the system. Many candidates
also stated the purpose of a data flow which was not specifically asked for. This part of the question
specifically asked for three separate diagrams for each of the symbols. It tested the drawing and the use of
the symbols. Some candidates used one diagram but labelled it correctly. However, some candidates drew
one diagram but did not label it so no marks could be awarded. In addition, some candidates drew
separate diagrams but did not label them. Some candidates also gave the correct symbol but no data flow.
Many candidates gave a context diagram when the question clearly asked for a level 0 DFD. Candidates
lost marks for the data flow in the diagram because they used verbs to describe the flow of data. Also, the
warehouse was placed as an entity in some DFDs when in fact the warehouse was not an external entity.
For Part (c), few candidates were able to correctly distinguish between functional and non-functional
requirements and give correct examples. Others gave correct definitions but the wrong examples and vice
Overall, most candidates attempted all parts of this question.
Section C
Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of networking concepts such as network transmission media,
network configurations, connectivity devices, transmission standards, and the role of the OSI model in
network communication.
Part (a) dealt with a peer-to-to peer network. Despite an attempt by most candidates to answer this
question, it was generally not answered correctly. Many of them were unable to adequately mention that
the roles can interchange.
Part (b) (i) tested candidates' knowledge of network security. Most candidates understood the concept
very well and earned high marks.
Part (b) (ii) tested candidates’ ability to explain the network issue of expandability. Most candidates
understood that more devices or users would need to be added. However, some were not aware how to
modify to the network.
Part (b) (iii) tested candidates` knowledge of interconnectivity of the network. Most candidates wrote
about connecting within the network rather than with other networks. This part of the question was
generally poorly done by candidates.
In Part (c), only a few candidates were able to list the correct order of the OSI layers. Many candidates
listed layers starting from 7 to 3. Most candidates were unable to describe the role of three layers. They
did not understand the role of the different layers.
Part (d) tested knowledge of a network topology. Most candidates drew and labelled the diagram
correctly. However, some candidates had the server as the central device rather than the switch.
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of process management, in particular their knowledge of
process states and process control blocks. It also examined their understanding of the different types of
operation systems and device management.
Parts (a) and (b) were poorly done. Most candidates recognized state of process and process identification
but could not identify the other components. Candidates could have stated that the process control black
(PCB) contains important information about specific processes. Some components of the PCB are:
The current state of the process, for example, ready runway
Priority of process which CPU can use for scheduling
Register information where data can be stored
In Part (c), most candidates provided a partially correct answer for a device driver. The full response
expected was: divide drivers contain instructions to control the hardware components that are linked to
the operating system code used.
Part (d) was well done with candidates giving satisfactory answers for types of operating systems.
Paper 03 School- Based Assessment (SBA)
Students performed very well, with many following the marking guidelines.
Definition of Problem
Students were required to state the shortcomings of the existing system, and generally this section was
well done by most of them. However, some students failed to clearly describe the problem symptoms
evident in the existing system. There was too much description of the current system but not enough
explanations of the problems staff/clients face.
Techniques of Analysis
Students were required to identify techniques of data collection and analysis. Most of them were able to
state the various techniques of data collection. However, students must be able to justify the reason for
their selection as well as show proof of analysis. For example, questionnaires and/or interview transcripts
should be included in an appendix. The proper usage of the techniques was not described in the context in
which the problem was encountered.
Context Level Diagram
In some instances, incorrect symbols were used for entities and processes. Some data flows were not
labelled, and data store/file were incorrectly included in the context level diagram.
Level 1 Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram with all relevant processes, data flows
and major data stores; however, some of them had links between files and entities which were incorrect.
ER Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and relationships.
This was generally done well by most of them; however, some of the cardinalities and also the description
of the relationships were not done correctly.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of all requirements. This was done
well by some of them. However, some students confused or misinterpreted the difference between
functional and non-functional requirements. Some of them described project limitations for non-
functional requirements.
Design Specification
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of:
System structuring
User interface
Report design
Algorithm design
Appropriate data structures
Some students did most of the design specifications; however, some of them
went into too much detail in the systems structure by including modules or branches that
were not necessary
did not name or justify the type of user interface they used
had no evidence of report design but were given marks by teachers
did not produce any algorithm
were not awarded any marks by the teacher for appropriate data structure even though the
program clearly showed the use of struct, array, queues and files declarations and
manipulations. This suggests that either the teachers did not know or, needed clarification
on what to look for in this section.
Coding and Testing
Students were required to produce a complete and accurate program with
code that achieves functionalities such as documentations, outputs, usability and reporting
code that corresponds to the design specification
a test plan with exhaustive data set (including unit testing, integrated testing and systems testing).
Most students produced programs that achieved good functionality. However, some of them did not
produce proper test plans to cover unit testing, integrated testing and systems testing.
Teachers should ensure that students are fully prepared for the examinations in both units. The
poor performance on some modules of the syllabus indicates that more time needs to be spent on
these areas.
All programming language code should be printed from the C compiler (not from word
Examiners can only mark programming code from printed output and therefore, to show that the
program works, students need to print screen shots of the program in the testing phase and should
not send soft copies.
Only one form of algorithm is required that is, either
Pseudocode OR
Students are not required to describe the results of the analysis techniques.
Copyright © 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved.
This was the sixth year in which the revised syllabus was examined. There were three examination
papers in each of Units 1 and 2, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and
Paper 02 were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment (SBA),
was examined by teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of multiple-choice questions which were designed to test candidates
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that were designed to
test candidates’ depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show
deeper insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50
per cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
Approximately 93 per cent of candidates obtained Grades IV in Unit 1 and approximately 92 per
cent of candidates in Unit 2 obtained Grades IV. Overall, there is still need for improvement in the
quality of responses for the programming questions in both units.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of approximately 61.20
out of 90, standard deviation of 14.64 and scores ranging from 24 to 90.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Computer Architecture and Organization
Question 1
Part (a) tested candidates’ ability to draw a clearly labelled block diagram of a 2-to-1 line multiplexer.
Most candidates attempted this question gaining at least three of the five marks. Many candidates lost
marks mostly through failing to realize that a 2-to-1 line multiplexer has one select line. Candidates
also lost marks via omission of the select line and improper labelling.
Part (b) required candidates to define the term logic gate. Most candidates wrote that logic gates take
inputs and provide outputs according to their logical rules. Candidates did, however, lose marks by
failing to note that logic gates are elementary building blocks/components of digital circuits.
Part (c) provided a circuit diagram and asked candidates to provide the truth table associated with the
diagram. This part was fairly well done. Candidates are however encouraged to maintain order when
displaying the input values for the truth table (for example, 0 0, 0 1, 1 0, 1 1).
Part (d) required candidates to indicate which of decoder, flip-flop and multiplexor are associated with
a single input. Most candidates were able to identify at least one out of the two correct devices (flip
flop and multiplexor). Candidates were not required to provide definitions for the structures
For Part (e) (i), candidates were required to provide the number of digits that a 3-bit decoder would
display. Many candidates lost marks by answering 6 (2 x 3). A decoder can provide 2” outputs where
n is the amount of different inputs. Therefore the number of outputs would be 8.
For Part (e) (ii), candidates were required to examine the digital figure provided and list the segment
letters that must be switched on to display the number 5. This part was well done. Candidates
provided most or all of the segments needed. Some candidates provided the segments that should be
off and were awarded no marks for their response.
For Part (f), the responses provided by candidates were mostly correct although some candidates
included sign and magnitude alongside the complement process and added a sign bit before inverting
the value. Candidates must be mindful of the number of bits required for the question as those whose
final responses were not represented using 4 bits lost marks as a result.
Part (g) asked candidates to determine what decimal number was being represented by the given
binary string. Many candidates did not seem to have knowledge of this process and some candidates
simply treated the binary as an absolute value and converted it to its decimal equivalent. Candidates
were expected to have displayed the component parts of the string showing 0 for the sign, 011 = 3 for
the exponent and 10110 for the mantissa. Many candidates failed to recognize that the mantissa is a
fraction and should be written as 0.10110.
Question 2
Part (a) tested candidates ability to describe in the correct order, the three main activities in an
instruction cycle. Candidates were able to correctly identify- in the correct order- the three main
activities that take place in an instruction cycle as fetch, decode and execute. Many candidates
attempted to discuss the activities outlined but gave vague explanations of each.
In Part (b) (i), candidates were required to give one similarity and one difference between RAM and
hard disks. This part was well done.
Part (b) (ii) tested candidates’ knowledge of registers used in the CPU of a computer. Few candidates
were able to provide the correct responses to this part. Most neglected to thoroughly explain the
reasons for including registers in the CPU.
For Part (c), almost all candidates attempted to describe situations where a Supercomputer, PDA and
Mainframe can be used. However, many candidates gave definitions or explanations of these
categories of computers rather than their uses.
Part (d) was very well done.
For Part (e), whilst the majority of candidates correctly identified port connectivity, speed and
software incompatibility as reasons why current computers may not be able to work efficiently with
new storage devices, very few adequately discussed these points resulting in their inability to obtain
full marks.
Section B Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
This question tested candidates’ ability to:
Identify and give examples of the main control constructs used in programming.
Generate an algorithm to select the favourite subjects of 100 students.
Generate an algorithm to calculate the sum of the multiples of six and seven between 100 and
For Part (a), the majority of candidates described the control constructs and gave an example of each.
This part was fairly well done.
Part (b) was done well by the majority of candidates. A few candidates did not initialize the variables
needed to perform the counting operation. Some candidates also used the selection construct
Part (c) proved challenging for some candidates. Those who did not complete the question had
difficulty testing correctly for the multiples of the given numbers.
More attention should be focused on the following:
correctly using the sequence, selection and iteration control constructs
using functions such as modulus to test numbers for specific properties
correctly selecting the limits of loops based on given scenarios
Question 4
Part (a) tested candidates’ ability to write an algorithm using the iterative control construct to solve a
given problem; Part (b) required candidates to represent the algorithm with the use of a flowchart and
Part (c) tested candidates’ ability to trace an algorithm to determine its output.
More than 90 per cent of the candidates attempted this question and gave satisfactory responses.
Part (a) was fairly well done. The weaker candidates confused the data in the example given as a
solution to their algorithm. Some candidates used the iterative control construct improperly, using the
“$” in the IF statement as well as failing to initialize the variable for the running total. Some
candidates also answered the question using the C programming language rather than the construction
of the algorithm.
Part (b) was attempted by most candidates and was generally well done. Some of the weaker
candidates used the flowchart symbols incorrectly and some excluded the iterative statement in the
Part (c) was also attempted by the majority of candidates and they performed very well. In most
cases, they scored full marks. Some candidates did not change the value of the variable x for the
trace table which resulted in incorrect values.
Section C Programming
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of the stages in the translation process of a program, and
the purpose of the watch window in the C compiler. Candidates were also required to write a C
function based on a given scenario and apply knowledge of FILE processing.
Part (a) was poorly done by most candidates. Candidates attempting this part seemed to be familiar
with the lexical analysis stage only.
Part (b) was poorly done. Most candidates simply did not know the purpose of the watch window in
the C compiler.
Part (c) was poorly done. Candidates seemed not to know the difference between a main function and
a programmer defined function, hence many wrote their solution using main. Those candidates who
did well were able to write a proper function header, sum the elements of an array and return its total.
Candidates lost marks if they did not declare and initialize their variables.
Part (d) was poorly answered. Most candidates who attempted this part of the question knew how to
create a FILE pointer. However, candidates had difficulty writing the appropriate structure of fscanf,
fprintf, and fopen statements. Candidates seemed not to know when to use the different modes of
opening a file, for example, (r, w, a, r+, w+, a+).
Question 6
This question was designed to test candidates’ ability to:
Explain the importance of good programming style.
Interpret source code and utilize their knowledge to formulate the output of given code.
Write a C program that tests their knowledge of program structure, variable declarations,
input and output of variables, and their ability to formulate an equation to solve the addition
of taxes on an existing price.
Write C code that tests their ability to read and print numerical values after performing an
arithmetic calculation to solve the average of those numbers.
Part (a) was generally well done. Some candidates failed to explain the importance of indentation
clearly and lost marks. A few candidates confused the purpose of indentation and associated it with a
benefit towards the computer or compiler.
Part (b) was well answered; only a few candidates did not elaborate their answers properly.
Part (c) was not clearly understood by many candidates; the majority failed to provide the actual
output that was being requested. The majority of candidates took the approach of providing a trace
table and some simply attempted to show some sort of calculation to arrive at their answers.
Most candidates failed to analyse the loops properly. Upon entering the while loop, candidates
performed well in obtaining the result of the first stage but failed to re-enter the for loop with the
appropriate data hence, obtaining wrong data thereafter.
Part (d) was generally well understood by most candidates but some failed to write correct syntax
either in the form of program structure: missing out # or braces; variable declarations: declaring as int;
reading of inputs: missing out the &; and in their output: not formatting their result as %6.2f. Some
candidates failed to analyse the mathematical problem as most failed to divide the tax by 100.
Part (e) seemed to be unclear to most candidates as it pertains to the required result. Most candidates
read variables properly and solved the result but failed to provide their answer as a valid average of
type float. Some candidates failed to apply proper precedence of operations by omitting brackets and
some even ended up dividing the sum of all numbers read by values such as 2 and 3 when the
question clearly asked for 4 numbers. The majority of candidates failed to provide their result as a
float data type.
Candidates are encouraged to pay close attention to the use of proper coding syntax when asked to
write C programming code. Candidates are also encouraged to carefully read and analyse the
questions to fully understand what is being requested of them.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
General Requirements
Students were expected to choose a problem for which a software solution was appropriate; develop
and present the solution in a logical way using correct grammar and appropriate jargon at all times by
doing the following:
Create an algorithm for the solution using modules, sequencing, selection, assignments, and
iteration (bounded and unbounded).
Represent their algorithms using narrative format and also as either a flow chart or pseudo-
Implement the algorithm in C using various data structures such as arrays, struct, strings and
files, with no less than five functions as independent units.
Ensure that the source code produced, matches the algorithm.
Create a test plan with exhaustive data set, test and produce test results and appropriate error
The following specific aspects of the project were assessed:
Definition of problem;
Narrative and flow charts or pseudocode;
Coding of program;
Testing and presentation;
Communication of information.
For each component, the aim was to find the level of achievement reached by the student. It is
recommended that teachers make the assessment criteria available to students at all times.
Definition of problem
Many students were able to accurately describe the problem complete with the description of the
current system and giving background to the problem, the issue or problem, recommended solution
and examples of what takes place when the problem arises. However, some students’ projects only
included partial definition of activities of the proposed system that they intended to create without
completely describing the current system and the problems which are to be solved using software. In
addition, some problems that were identified could not be solved by using a computer program. For
example, filling out of a form is a time-consuming and error-prone process for both paper-based and
computer-based systems. However, there are advantages of using computer-based forms that were
not identified.
Narrative and flow charts or pseudocode
Narratives were fairly well written in most samples. However some samples:
Provided only a partially correct description of the algorithm as a solution.
Provided descriptions of an intended module or unit instead of describing the step by step
procedure that would solve the problem as required by an algorithm.
Pseudocode algorithms were generally well done. Samples which included flowcharts in some
instances incorrectly used some symbols. For example, system flowchart symbols were used. In
others cases, diagrams were poorly presented, had symbols with no labels (such as yes/no for the
decision symbol), had no connector symbols to connect diagrams to the next page. Charts were
therefore difficult to follow. Most students produced samples using pseudo-code algorithms. Some
samples were clearly modified copies of the programming source code, and a few almost identical
copies of the source code. It is therefore recommended that in the future, students be encouraged to
develop their algorithms independent of the programming code.
Coding of program
Students’ projects demonstrated that they were comfortable with procedural C programming
language. This was quite evident by the responses of the various projects. Most programs were
logically written and properly decomposed. Nevertheless, some students:
Did not use functions as independent units in their programs and yet some teachers still
awarded full marks.
Used too few data structures in their programs.
Did not demonstrate appropriate use of the concept of structured programming.
Some students did not print their programs from the C compiler, instead choosing to make print
screen copies of their projects. Students are therefore reminded to print their source code directly
from the C compiler as transferring the code to a word processor often changes the code. For
example, transferring to a word processor may cause adjustments to the spacing and cause strange
symbols to occur in the code, making it difficult to read. This may also lead to students losing marks
for inappropriate programming style and documentation. In addition, marks were lost because some
students did not include adequate comments at key areas in their source code, and they used a poor
indentation style that did not make the code easier to read. However, this section was generally done
well by most students.
Evidence that code matches algorithm
Most students were able to obtain full marks on this section as this was well done.
Evidence of file manipulation
Students were required to provide code that included a file and show evidence of file manipulation
that is, open file; write to file; read from file; append file and close file.
This section was well done. However, some students were awarded marks by the teacher even though
there was no evidence of file manipulation and in some cases the use of files was non-existent or was
declared but not used, and the teacher still awarded full marks. Projects that showed screenshots of
the file data being added, edited and deleted were awarded full marks.
Testing and presentation
Students were required to prepare a test plan with an exhaustive data set (test data) to test their
programs. Students were also expected to use the test data set to produce test results with normal
input giving correct results, extreme input giving correct results and erroneous (abnormal) input
giving appropriate error messages. The majority of samples moderated this year did not have a
suitable range of test data. However, a few students:
Did have a test plan and screen shots while others provided screen shots without any test
Did not include all testing criteria (normal, extreme and erroneous) in their test plan.
Had test results but did not have a clear test plan.
Had no test results but were awarded marks by teacher.
Showed test results but did not include actual screen shots of the working program. Testing
was not done using the test data outlined in the test plan.
Tested their menus with the appropriate test data, but all input must be tested in the same
Generally, this year’s SBA projects were well presented.
Teachers need to ensure that students use the headings as outlined in the syllabus. In addition,
students should follow the order in which these heading occur in the Form CSCI 1-3. They should
also ensure that students check that the numbering in the table of contents corresponds to the
numbering in the document and that students provide information in a logical way using correct
grammar and appropriate jargon at all times in the presentation of their projects.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of approximately 62.19
out of 90, standard deviation of 13.09 and scores ranging from 17 to 86.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Data Structures
Question 1
Part (a) tested candidates knowledge of the creation and deletion of a STACK (ADT). The majority
of candidates was able to correctly identify that a stack only needed to exist in order to execute the
Destroy Stack function. The modal mark was two in this section.
For Part (b) (i), candidates were expected to perform the basic PUSH and POP operations on a stack;
(Module 1: Specific Objective 3). This question tested analysis and interpretation of the given
operations. Generally, candidates were able to acquire total marks when they clearly illustrated the
contents of the stack at various stages as the operations progressed. In a few cases candidates focused
on the computation and neglected to show the contents of the stack. Marks were not awarded in those
The responses to Part (b) (ii) were generally accurate. Most candidates were able to identify that there
should be at least two elements in the stack in order for the MULT and ADD operations to work
effectively. It should be noted that there were cases where candidates gave a vague response, for
example, Stack should not be empty. Marks were not awarded in these cases.
For Part (b) (iii), candidates were expected to analyse the above scenario and deduce that the contents
of the stack would be reduced to one element and eventually the ADD operation will attempt to POP
from an empty stack.
For Part (c) (i), the majority of candidates obtained four out of five marks because they were able to
accurately identify that the ENQUEUE operation adds an element to the rear/tail of a queue and the
DEQUEUE operation removes/retrieves an element from the front of the queue.
Candidates performed poorly on Part (c) (ii). The majority of their algorithms were incomplete and
incoherent. The DEQUEUE function was not implemented properly and the iterative construct and its
condition were in most cases incorrect or omitted. Generally, candidates were expected to:
Initialize a count variable
Implement an iterative construct which will terminate when the queue is empty (Dequeue
the queue correctly and Increment count)
Return/Display count
Question 2
Part (a) tested candidates’ ability to explain how two numbers, 5 and 15, would be inserted into a
singly linked list and then to represent the final list in the form of a diagram. Most candidates were
able to give some level of explanation, however many were somewhat vague. In most cases they
demonstrated the concept of a link between nodes but often were not clear on the sequence of steps
involved in inserting items into the linked list. Candidates needed to clearly indicate in their
explanation that a head was present and linked to either a node or null. Additionally, candidates
needed to indicate that a new node must be created first then the number is stored in it and not merely
insert the number into the list.
About 80 per cent of the candidates were able to produce reasonable diagrams to represent the nodes,
however many did not correctly represent key components. For example, some candidates omitted
arrow heads, while others had the head pointer arrow in the wrong direction. In some cases, the head
pointer was drawn to look like a node; candidates needed to demonstrate some distinction between
them. In other cases the notation used for the node was incorrect in that it did not clearly show the
two parts, that is, the data and the address fields.
Part (b) tested candidates’ ability to declare an integer array, read values into it and then search for the
presence of a particular value.
The majority of candidates were able to correctly declare an array. Candidates almost always
indicated the correct data type as well as the array size. However, some candidates used the wrong
name for the array although a specific one was given in the question.
In terms of storing items in the array which was the second requirement of this part of the question,
most candidates demonstrated the need for a loop in order to perform this task efficiently. They were
also able to produce the correct or near correct code to accept values and assign them to the array
locations. However, many candidates omitted one or two key components such as the ampersand or
the index. In some cases they also used the wrong format specifier instead of %d.
In the final section of Part (b), most candidates were able to produce C code to accept the search key.
Some of them were able to write reasonable code to conduct the search, however quite a few used the
wrong upper limit for the loop. They could have used < 100 since the C programming language starts
to index an array from 0 causing index value 99 to represent the 100
For the comparison many used incorrect notation for equal to. Candidates should note that two equal
signs == are used for this purpose while a single = is used for assignment.
For the last statement which should state Key Not Found, many candidates placed it within the loop
so that the error message would be printed repeatedly. Other candidates did not have a statement to
allow the program to break out of the loop after the key was found. This meant that the loop would
continue processing unnecessarily after the key was found.
Section B Software Engineering
Question 3
In general, almost all candidates attempted this question.
For Part (a), many candidates incorrectly wrote that a deliverable was the end product of the Systems
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to be ‘delivered’ to the customers. The majority of candidates did
however identify a deliverable as some form of documentation or tangible/intangible result of each
phase of the SDLC. Candidates lost marks for not indicating that a deliverable needed to be signed
off and used as input for subsequent phases.
In Part (b), candidates responded well to the reasons why an information system may need to be
changed. Candidates easily identified issues that would cause a system to change including change in
requirements, inefficiency and outdated systems. Yet candidates could have done better by
suggesting how a new system with modern updated technology would alleviate these issues.
In Part (c), while some candidates were able to correctly identify the factors: operational, technical,
economic and legal, in some cases candidates’ responses lacked proper explanation of the terms and
often candidates would confuse operational feasibility with technical feasibility.
For Part (d), the ERD was done quite well by most candidates. It should be noted that many
candidates who should have received 12 marks lost marks for simple errors including:
Plural entities (ending with ‘s’)
Not indicating the primary key by underlining the attribute
Incorrect cardinalities including the notation
Question 4
This question generally tested candidates knowledge of the design of input forms and of data flow
diagrams (DFDs). Part (a) (i) was generally well done. However, some candidates provided one
example only of data in the required formats.
Part (a) (ii) asked candidates to justify their selection of one of four input options. However, many
candidates did not match the input option to a specific data item. Others misinterpreted the question
and recommended different types of user interfaces for instance command-line or menu based.
Part (a) (iii) was poorly done. Most candidates incorrectly described range verification checks and
did not relate this part of the question to the previous parts.
Part (b) tested candidates’ ability to create a data flow diagram based on a given scenario. Most
candidates provided satisfactory responses, however many candidates incorrectly labelled the
processes as departments; drew context diagrams which included each department listed as a
source/external entity; and included departments along with their processes as separate symbols.
Candidates also lost marks for the data flow in the diagram because they incorrectly used verbs to
describe the flow of data. Additionally, marks were not awarded when candidates used incorrect
symbols for the four data flow diagramming objects (source/sink, data store, data flow, process).
Section C Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of network devices, including: router, switch and modem
along with their roles; hybrid network topologies, fibre optic cables, the IEEE802.11b network, VOIP,
and GPRS.
Part (a) (i) dealt with setting up a small network using the following network devices: modem, router,
and switch. Most candidates attempted this question, however, even though the devices were shown,
some of them did not connect the devices correctly and critical ports were not shown.
Part (a) (ii) tested candidates’ knowledge of the role of the modem, switch and router. Most
candidates demonstrated an understanding of the role of the modem being analog to digital conversion
and vice versa. However, many candidates failed to adequately state the role of the router and switch.
Part (b) tested candidates’ knowledge of the hybrid network topology. This question was well done.
Almost all candidates were able to provide a correct definition of a hybrid network topology.
Part (c) tested candidates’ knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of fibre optic cables. This
part was poorly done since candidates failed to adequately describe the advantages and disadvantages.
Part (d) was poorly done since many candidates failed to clearly explain how data is communicated in
an IEEE802.11b network. Many of them did not demonstrate understanding of the use of wireless
access points in this kind of network.
Part (e) required candidates to explain why the quality of voice over IP (VOIP) communication might
be different from telephone communication service as offered by a telephone company. Most
candidates demonstrated understanding that VOIP uses the Internet but failed to discuss the
deterioration of the quality of the call where there are Internet problems or data packet delays.
Part (f) tested candidates’ knowledge of the main purpose of GPRS. This question was fairly well
done. Many of the candidates were able to link the term GPRS with the transmission of internet
packets through a cellular network.
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of operating systems, security of data and device
management. In addition it tested their knowledge of
process management and in particular, process states
interrupts and their application to scenarios
scheduling processes with emphasis on pre-emptive scheduling.
For Part (a), most candidates were able to correctly identify that batch systems compiled jobs in
groups. However, they were unable to specify that these jobs would be processed at a later time. The
majority of candidates was also able to say that multi-user systems allow the use of many users at the
same time but failed to identify their processing power.
For Part (b), most candidates recognized that a process may be blocked but were unable to define
a blocked process as a process that is paused, pending an event. Candidates also failed to specify that
a running process is one where instructions were being executed by the CPU. This part of the
question was poorly answered by most candidates. Many candidates understood that the game would
be halted to process the interrupt but most candidates did not identify the type of interrupt.
Candidates also failed to recognize that a context switch occurs, that is, saving the state of the running
process in registers for later resumption, and that the game process resumes after the processing of the
Part (c) was poorly answered. While some candidates recognized that pre-emptive scheduling meant
that the scheduler had the power to pre-empt the tasks, they did not specify that the processor would
resume the previously running tasks.
In Part (d), the majority of candidates was able to correctly identify three ways of protecting data.
However, some candidates were not able to sufficiently discuss their methods in order to gain full
In Part (d), candidates were able to identify the type of software being used as device drivers.
However, most candidates did not give the definition of a device driver as the set of instructions used
to communicate with the device. They also neglected to mention that each device driver uses the same
protocol to communicate with the OS.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
Each student was expected to choose a problem for which a software solution exists and then develop
the software using software engineering techniques. In particular, the student was expected to
demonstrate appropriate choice of the tools and techniques used in the analysis of the software to be
developed. They were then expected to design, code, and test their software using appropriate
General Comments
Students should follow the order laid out in the criteria for marking when arranging the
sections of the SBAs.
Teachers should avoid using red ink pens to correct SBAs.
Teachers should ensure that each SBA is clearly labelled with the students name and
centre number.
Marking Criteria
Specification of Requirements
Definition of Problem
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of the problem. Most students
handled this section fairly well but there were a few students still unclear as to what to include in their
definition of the problem. A brief description of the context in which the problem occurred is
required but details about actual problems staff/clients face and proposed steps to correct such
problems must be emphasized.
Techniques of Analysis
Students were required to identify techniques of data collection and analyse the data collected.
Most students were able to state the various techniques of data collection; however, some
students were not able to justify their selections. Several students misinterpreted justification
to mean definition. This is incorrect. Students should clearly explain why the chosen
technique was used as it relates to the business/company/institution and not regurgitate
advantages of the technique.
Proof of analysis should also be given. All proof must be included directly after the analysis
not in the appendix. For example, sample questions from the questionnaires and/or interviews
should be included. It is understood that it may be difficult to include proof of observation;
hence, if this technique is used, students should clearly describe what was observed.
Use of Data Flow Diagrams and E-R Diagrams
This section of the SBA was poorly done by most students.
Context Level Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and data flows.
In some instances, incorrect symbols were used for entities and processes.
Some data flows were not labelled.
Data stores/files were incorrectly included in the Context Level Diagram.
Level 1 Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram with all relevant processes, data
flows and major data stores.
Most students are unaware that the Level 1 diagram is an expansion of the context level
diagram. Hence, new external entities were created for the Level 1 diagram, as well as new
data flows were created for previously used entities.
Students had links between
o data stores and entities
o data stores and data stores
o entities and entities
ER Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and
Most students did not use the correct symbol for a relationship (a diamond).
Some students did not include attributes for the entities.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of all requirements.
For the functional requirements, students did not clearly state what the system is expected to
do; instead, they stated what the user will be doing. An example of a good functional
requirement is the system will be able to delete a patient’s record.
For the non-functional requirements, students did not state the limitations of the system. An
example of a good non-functional requirement is the system can only store 1000 patient
Design Specification
Students were required to give a complete and accurate system structuring diagram containing all
processes and a description of the user interface, report design, algorithm design and appropriate data
structures. Most students handled this section fairly well. However, the following should be noted:
Students should not just include screens shots of interface and report design but also a
justification in order to gain maximum marks.
Narratives will not be accepted as an algorithm. Students are reminded to submit
Coding and Testing
Students were required to produce a complete and accurate C program solution for the problem stated
in the Definition of Problem section. Most students produced programs that achieved good
functionality. Students should be aware that:
All code must be written in procedural C. No other programming language will be accepted.
Code must also be printed from the compiler, NOT transferred to a word processor before
Soft copies will not be marked.
Most students did not include enough screen shots (and in some cases none at all) to support
their functioning of the code.
Some codes presented did not match the screen shots given. In such cases students were not
awarded any marks.
Test plans should be written in a tabular format and it should include normal, extreme,
erroneous and incompatible data.
All input data must be tested.
Test results without related test plans will not be awarded any marks.
Communication and Presentation
This section of the SBA is often overlooked by students. Teachers and students are urged to pay close
attention to their use of grammar and the overall presentation of the SBA.
Teachers should ensure that students are fully prepared for the examinations in both units. Poor
performance in some modules of the syllabus indicates that more time needs to be allocated to these
Copyright © 2015 Caribbean Examinations Council ®
St Michael Barbados
All rights reserved.
This was the seventh year in which the revised syllabus was examined. There were three examination
papers in each of Units 1 and 2, namely, Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and
Paper 02 were examined externally by CXC while Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment, was
examined by teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of multiple-choice questions that were designed to test candidates’
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of essay-type questions that were designed to
test candidates’ depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to show deeper
insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50
per cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
Approximately 94 per cent of the candidates obtained Grades IV in Unit 1 and approximately 94 per
cent of the candidates in Unit 2 obtained Grades IV. Overall, there is still need for improvement in
the quality of responses for the programming questions in both units.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of approximately 64.3 out
of 90, standard deviation of 13.9 and scores ranging from 24 to 90.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Computer Architecture and Organization
Question 1
Part (a) (i) required candidates to write down the truth table for a given security alarm system scenario.
Most candidates attempted this part but many failed to use three inputs, using only two instead. Most
candidates also failed to indicate clearly what labels represented, that is, switch, door or window. While
most candidates produced a table with bit patterns, a few used phrases in their table, which were
Part (a) (ii) required candidates to use primary logic gates to design and draw circuit associated with (a)
(i). Most candidates attempted this part but complicated their diagrams by using several gates, including
NOT gates. Only two gates an OR and an AND gate were required. Some accurately produced diagrams
were not labelled resulting in the loss of marks. In some instances, candidates’ representation of the OR
gate was unclear, closely resembling the NOT gate.
Part (b) required candidates to explain the term demultiplexer’. Most candidates attempted this part
but some chose to simply say that it was the opposite of a multiplexor. Others gave long definitions of
multiplexors and did not focus on the definition of the demultiplexer. In many cases, candidates
incorrectly stated that it accepts one output signal to produce several input signals.
Part (c) required candidates to draw a clearly labelled block diagram of a 3 to 8 line decoder. Most
candidates attempted this part successfully with some losing marks only for inadequate labelling. It was
expected that all input and output lines, as well as the diagram itself be properly labelled.
Part (d) required candidates to determine the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number 1A53.
Most candidates attempted this part, but the quality of the responses was generally unsatisfactory. While
most of the candidates were able to identify the base as 16, many could not identify the value of A as
10 and some did not apply the weighting of the first digit correctly.
Part (e) required candidates to find the 8 bit two’s complement of -21. Most candidates attempted this
part, but the quality of responses was generally unsatisfactory. While most candidates were able to
correctly convert the number to binary, many were unable to go on to find the correct two’s complement.
Part (f) required candidates to calculate the decimal equivalent of a given floating point representation.
Most candidates attempted this part. While most candidates were able to identify the exponent correctly,
some were unable to determine the correct position of the decimal point by moving the point three
spaces to the right, causing them to get an incorrect answer. Only a few candidates failed to recognize
the number as being positive. Also, many candidates did not clearly separate and label the sign,
exponent and mantissa components of the given binary representation.
Question 2
This question was attempted by the majority of candidates however the majority of them obtained
between 11 and 15 marks with only about 5 per cent earning between 20 and 25 marks.
Part (a) tested candidates ability to define the CPU and describe TWO of its main functions. Almost
all candidates omitted to clearly define the CPU as hardware though they noted that it carries out the
instructions of a computer programme. Candidates were able to identify the two major components of
the CPU as the ALU and CU but the descriptions of the functions of each were often incomplete.
Part (b) (i) required candidates to state the purpose of the fetch operation while Part (b) (ii) required
candidates to state the purpose of decode and execute operations. Candidates were generally correct in
explaining the purpose of each operation, clearly stating that:
The fetch operation is used to get data and instructions from main memory
The decode operation determines what the given instruction means,
The execute operation performs the instructions.
Part (b) (iii) required candidates to define the term instruction set. Part (b) (iii) was poorly answered as
candidates failed to define the instruction set as a specific set of commands which the CPU is designed
to understand.
Part (c) (i) required candidates to differentiate between ROM and RAM. The majority of candidates
was able to identify two differences between ROM and RAM but some candidates confused the two
and did not identify RAM as volatile and ROM as non-volatile.
Part (c) (ii) tested candidatesknowledge of different types of computer memory. Many candidates were
unable to distinguish between cache and RAM and, hence, inadequately discussed the advantages and
disadvantages of each option. Whilst many candidates indicated as an advantage, that for Option 1
having more cache would increase the speed of the computer as an advantage they did not identify being
expensive as a disadvantage. For Option 2, many candidates did not recognize multitasking or cheaper
costs as advantages of RAM but stated slower processing speeds as a disadvantage of having less cache.
Part (d) tested candidates’ knowledge of the purpose and functions of registers found in the CPU. The
majority of candidates correctly stated that registers hold all the data currently being handled by the
CPU. However, about 70% of candidates were unable to correctly identify and describe registers such
as the instruction register, program counter, memory address register and memory data registers.
Section B Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
Part (a) required candidates to explain what happens during the implementation and review phase of
the problem-solving process. This question was poorly done by many candidates as they failed to
correctly describe each phase. The, implementation phase was generally incorrectly described as
identifying and selecting possible solutions. Reviewing was generally incorrectly described as the phase
which involves the testing of the solutions. Much greater focus is needed in understanding and
explaining the main activities in each stage of the problem-solving process.
Part (b) presented candidates with two algorithms and required them to identify which illustrated
bounded and unbounded iteration. Candidates were also required to explain how the loops in the two
algorithms would terminate. The majority of candidates was able to correctly identify the algorithm
which were bounded and unbounded. However, many candidates were unable to correctly explain how
the loops were terminated. For example, candidates incorrectly explained that the ‘for’ loop terminated
on the 20th repetition. The ‘for loop terminates after the limit has been reached and on the final
repetition when the limit is checked and is found to be outside of the range. The majority of the
candidates correctly described how the While loop was terminated. More focus in general must be
given to understanding how loops are implemented.
Part (c) required that candidates identify and correct errors in a given algorithm. This question was
generally well done by most candidates. However, greater focus is needed in writing the correct
statements when errors are identified.
In Part (d), the candidates were required to write an algorithm which used iteration to find the sum of
all multiples of 8 and all multiples of 11 between two positive integers. Candidates were required to
sum the multiples of 8 and 11 within a given range. Many candidates were able to write statements to
control the lower and upper limits of the range, as well as to determine the multiples of 8 and 11.
However, more focus must be given to understanding the proper use of ‘DIV’ and division ‘/ ‘. These
statements were used incorrectly on many occasions in an effort to determine if a given value is a
multiple of 8 or 11.
Question 4
Part (a) tested candidatesability to trace through the execution of a given algorithm and draw the output
exactly as it would be generated by the algorithm. In particular, it tested candidates' ability to
differentiate between functions which continue output on the current line and those which begin output
on a new line. A key skill tested was the ability to traverse a loop accurately and determine the exit
values of loop variables.
This question was attempted by most candidates, however, many candidates failed to attain
more than 50 per cent of the marks.
Candidates failed to interpret the function of the output functions accurately even though they
were clearly defined in the question paper.
Many candidates iterated the loops too many times producing too many lines of output for
each loop.
Many candidates misinterpreted the end of the ‘for’ statement and included the next output
statement as a loop statement even though indentation was used.
- Inaccuracies produced were clearly linked to candidates’ inability to calculate loop
variables correctly.
Part (b) required candidates to construct a flowchart to represent a given algorithm. It tested candidates'
ability to represent different control structures using flowcharts. Many candidates answered this
question well gaining full marks. However, some candidates failed to demonstrate credible flowcharting
skills. For example they:
failed to accurately and consistently use the basic flowchart symbols
included the use of the preparation symbol for initialization of variables and the display
symbol for output
used a circle as a start/stop or termination symbol
neglected to use connection symbols completely
often used the decision symbol without either the two flow lines proceeding from the symbol
or did not label the flow lines y/n or t/f
used flow lines without no arrows.
incorrectly placed flow lines to show looping which also did not flow back to the decision in
the structure.
Section C Programming
Question 5
Part (a) tested candidates’ knowledge of the lexical analysis process. Part (a)(i) tested knowledge of the
purpose of the lexical analysis stage and Part (a)(ii) asked candidates to comment on the existence of
error detection during the lexical analysis phase.
Part (a) most candidates did fairly well. Candidates were required to describe the process the lexical
analysis goes through to convert a program from sources code to machine language. Most candidates
failed to mention that during the lexical analysis process it converts a sequence of characters into a
sequence of tokens which is read from left to right.
Part (b) was done well by most candidates. Those candidates who scored full marks were able to state
what modulariation is and one of its benefits.
Part (c) was attempted by most candidates and was generally well done. Most candidates knew how to
declare a file pointer, open a file in read mode and read from a file. Candidates who did well on this
question were able to evaluate the grades using the appropriate selection control structure while
accumulating each category.
Most candidates lost marks when they did not use an accumulator to track the number of grades for
each category. Candidates also lost marks when they utilized a sentinel value instead of an end of file
character in their looping condition.
Part (d) was poorly done. Most candidates who attempted the question used a string function to
determine whether the string entered was a palindrome or not. Candidates lost marks when they made
reference a single character instead of a string inside their string function.
Candidates lost mark when they requested the length of the string entered instead of determining the
length. Also, some candidates found it difficult to traverse the string to determine whether it is a
Question 6
In general the question was poorly done with approximately 80% of the candidates scoring in the lowest
range, that is, between 0 and 5 marks.
It was noted that while many candidates had a general sense of the logic, they were challenged with
regard to the syntax of the language.
Part (a) required candidates to describe three types of programming languages. While most candidates
attempted this section, most appear to be unclear in their understanding particularly of the scripting
language. Most definitions were only partly correct.
Part (b) required candidates to trace through a program and record the output that would be produced.
A large number of candidates were able to produce some part or all of the output. However, a significant
number either could not do so or recorded the data in a trace table but did not display the results in the
order they would appear on the screen.
Part (c) required candidates to write segments of code for an application that would allow a vendor to
store data about some fruits that he sells. Each fruit was given an ID, cost price, selling price and
quantity in stock. In writing the code candidates were expected to declare and use a C struct for the
storage of data.
In Part (c) (i), while about 60 per cent of the candidates were able to declare the struct correctly many
included items in the declaration that were not necessary or incorrect.
In Part (c) (ii) candidates had a fair understanding of how to declare the struct variables but often did
not note the difference in syntax that was necessary for this section if they had used “typedef” in Part
(c) (i).
For Part (c) (iii), candidates were required to assign values to the previously declared variable. Some
did it through assignment while others prompted the user to enter from the keyboard as the question did
not explicitly say how it should be done. Again, candidates had the logic in place but were challenged
by the syntax of the language.
In Part (c) (iv), candidate were required to write code to exchange values that were previously loaded
into the struct mango and pine. It was very clear that candidates could do the exchange if given an
algorithm but many had difficulty doing so in the format that governs the C structure. This difficulty
indicates a lack in their understanding of the language.
Finally in Part (c) (v), candidates were required to calculate and print the total profit to be made from
the sales of the two fruits with preloaded data. Although candidates were quite creative in their
solutions, many lost marks because their solution did not conform to C or were not logically sound.
In conclusion, candidates need to become more familiar with the language and in particular the use of
structs for storing data.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
General Requirements
Students were expected to choose a problem for which a software solution was appropriate; develop
and present the solution in a logical way using correct grammar and appropriate jargon at all times by
doing the following:
Creating an algorithm for the solution using modules, sequencing, selection, assignments, and
iteration (bounded and unbounded).
Representing their algorithms using narrative format and also as either a flowchart or pseudo-
Implementing the algorithm in C using various data structures such as arrays, struct, strings and
files, with no less than five functions as independent units.
Ensuring that the source code produced matched the algorithm.
Createinga test plan with exhaustive data set, testing and producing test results with normal
inputs giving correct results, extreme input giving correct results and erroneous input giving
appropriate error message.
The following specific aspects of the project were assessed:
(a) Definition of problem
(b) Narrative and flowcharts or pseudocode
(c) Coding of program
(d) Testing and presentation
(e) Communication of information
For each component, the aim was to find the level of achievement reached by the student. It is
recommended that the assessment criteria be available to student at all times.
Definition of Problem
Many students were able to accurately describe the problem complete with the description of the current
system and giving background to the problem, the issue or problem, recommend solutions and examples
of what takes place when the problems arise. However some students projects only included partial
definitions of activities of the proposed system that they intended to create without complete
descriptions of the current system and the problems which are to be solved using software. In addition,
some problems that were identified would not be solved by using a computer program. For example,
filling out of a form is a time consuming and error prone process for both a paper and computer-based
form, however, there are advantage of using computer-based forms that were not identified.
Narrative and Flowcharts or Pseudocode
Narratives were fairly well written in most samples. However some samples:
Provide only a partially correct description of the algorithm as a solution
Provide description of an intended module or unit instead of describing the step-by-step
procedure that would solve the problem as required by an algorithm
Pseudocode algorithms were generally well done. Samples which included flowcharts in some
instances incorrectly used some symbols. For example, system flowchart symbols were used and in
others cases, diagrams were poorly presented, had symbols with no labels such as (yes/no for the
decision symbol), no connector symbols to connect diagrams to the next page and, therefore, the charts
were difficult to follow. Most students produced samples using pseudocode algorithms, some samples
were clearly modified copies of the programming source code, with a few almost identical copied of
the source code. It is therefore recommended that in the future, students be encouraged to develop their
algorithms independent of the programming code.
Coding of Program
Studentsprojects demonstrate that they were comfortable with procedural C programming language.
This was quite evident by the response of the various projects. Most programs were logically written
and properly decomposed. Nevertheless, some candidates sample did not
comprise functions as independent units and some teachers still awarded full marks
provide sufficient data structure in the program
demonstrate appropriate use of the concept of structured programming using evidence of
sequence and selection but no loops
use appropriate data structure (struct, files and arrays). Only a few samples made use of all or
most of the key data structures.
Some students did not print their project from the C compiler, instead choosing to make print screen
copies of their projects. Students are therefore reminded to print their source code directly from the C
compiler as transferring the code to a word processor often changes the code. For example, it can adjust
the spacing and strange symbols to occur in the code, making it difficult to read. This may also cause
students losing marks for appropriate programming style and documentation. In addition, marks were
lost because some students did not include adequate comments at key areas of their source code and
used a poor indentation style that did not make the code easier to read. However this section was done
well by most students.
Evidence that Code Matches Algorithm:
Most students were able to obtained full marks on this section for this was well done.
Evidence of File Manipulation:
Students were required to provide code that included a file and show evidence of file manipulation, that
is, open file, write to file, read from file, append file and close file. Most students demonstrated evidence
of this, however some students were awarded marks by teachers even though there was no evidence of
file manipulation and in some cases the use of file was none existent or was declared but not used,
non-existent but teachers awarded full marks. Projects that showed screenshots of the file data being
added, edited and deleted were awarded full marks.
Testing and Presentation:
Students were required to prepare a test plan with an exhaustive data set (test data) to test their program.
They were also expected to use the test data set to produce test results with normal input giving correct
results, extreme input giving correct results and erroneous (abnormal) input giving appropriate error
messages. The majority of samples provided this year did not have a suitable range of test data, but a
few candidates:
Had a test plan and screenshots while others provide screenshots without any test plan
Did not include all testing criteria (normal, extreme and erroneous) in their test plan
Had test results but did not have a clear test plan
Had no test results but candidate were awarded marks by the teacher
Had test results which did not include actual screenshots of the working program and testing
was not done using the test data outlined in the test plan
Were awarded marks for a test plan, when they had no plan
Therefore teachers may have not understood the marking criteria or did not understand what a
test plan should be
Only tested their menus with the appropriate test data, but all input must be tested in the same
Generally, this year’s IA projects were well presented. Twenty-five per cent of the candidates gained
marks between 51 to 60, twenty eight per cent had marks between 41 to 50, twenty two per cent had
marks between 31 to 40 and only twenty five made less than 31.That is about 75 per cent of the
candidates made a mark of over 30, this demonstrates that most IA were satisfactorily done.
Teachers need to ensure that the students use the headings outlined in the criteria for marking the SBA
Project in the syllabus, as well as follow the order in which these headings occur on Form CSCI 13.
They should also ensure that students, check that the numbering in their table of contents numbering
correspond to the numbering in the document and candidates provide information in a logical way using
correct grammar and appropriate jargon at all times in the presentation of their projects.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 64.4 out of 90, standard
deviation of 12.3 and scores ranging from 21 to 88.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Data Structures
Question 1
Part (a) required candidates to describe the concept of ADTs (Abstract Data Types). Most candidates
interpreted the ‘D’ to mean dynamic and spoke about changes in the size of the stack or queue during
program execution. Some candidates were able to give basic explanations but could not expand further.
Part (b) required candidates to describe the differences between stacks and queues and give real world
examples. This question was very well done and most candidates were able to identify and describe the
differences; however, a few candidates struggled to give correct real world examples of stacks. Most
candidates got full marks for this question.
Part (c) (i) required candidates to write C code for a stack’s PUSH function. The logic suggest that the
function must first check that the stock is full then increment the top position before storing the value.
These steps were often confused. Candidates struggled to write correct function prototypes (arguments
and return type) and write valid C code. Some candidates assumed the existence of a separate function
(isFull) when the question specified not to use predefined functions.
Part (c) (ii) required candidates to write C code for a queue’s ENQUEUE function. Most candidates did
not consider a circular queue. The logic suggest that the function must first check that the queue is full
then increment the tail position before storing the value. These steps were often confused. Candidates
struggled to write correct function prototypes (arguments and return type) and valid C code. Some
candidates assumed the existence of a separate function (isFull) which the question specified not to do.
Some candidates gave the same function as Part (c) (i) which added to the top and not the rear/tail.
Part (d) required candidates to demonstrate how a stack’s POP operation works on a stack containing
four letters. The majority of candidates was able to answer this question completely. Some candidates
began popping (removing letters) the stack from the incorrect end. Some candidates did not show the
final contents of the stack after all the POP operations were completed.
Question 2
Part (a) tested candidates’ ability to sort a given array using the selection sort algorithm, but only
displaying the first three passes. Many candidates did not perform the swap correctly by displaying two
integers exchanging places, instead many showed one move of an integer which did not earn them the
full two marks. Some candidates did not realize that on the 3 pass, the position of the integers remained
in place and no swapping took place. Some candidates misunderstood what was required from the
question and chose instead to draw 3 instances of the array on the 4, 5 and 6 pass, thus earning
themselves no marks. Some candidates did not comprehend the selection sort algorithm at all, gave
erroneous responses and so scored no marks. About 6 per cent of the candidates earned full marks on
this part.
Part (b) (i) tested candidates’ ability to draw a linked list containing three nodes. In Part (b) (i), the
majority of responses earned the candidates one or more marks, but many did not correctly indicate
nodes as having two parts: data and pointer and that between two nodes an arrow (not just a line)
pointed to the other node. Some candidates’ indicated two arrows flowing in opposite directions
between the nodes (a doubly linked list), which was acceptable and earned them the mark. The head is
a pointer (and not a node) and was not indicated as such in many candidates’ responses. Some
candidates incorrectly indicated the end node (node containing integer 5) as pointing to a null node.
Acceptable responses indicating the end node were the word NULL, the earth or ground symbol, an X,
0 or Ø.
In Part (b) (ii) candidates were asked to explain how the first integer from the linked list could be
deleted. This was not well done; in that about 90 per cent of candidates’ responses did not earn them
full marks. Candidates needed to search for the node (node 3), set a temporary pointer to point to the
head node (node 3), set the original head to point to 4, then free the memory allocated to 3.
Part (c) had two parts and required that candidates write code to obtain a value (target) entered by the
user, and to perform a search, given a sorted array (numbers). Most candidates scored full marks for
writing their code, correctly using scanf, and &target. In Part (c) (ii), however, about 10% of the
responses earned full marks, many candidates did not understanding the binary search concept.
Teachers should be reminded that C is the required language for CAPE Computer Science, and that
other languages including pseudocode are unacceptable. Candidates should also note that where the
question posed refers to a specific variable, the use of these variables is mandatory in the required
Section B Software Engineering
Question 3
For Part (a), candidates were required to explain the rapid prototyping approach (RAD to systems
development. The majority of candidates was able to describe RAD as a model/simulation of a system.
Candidates lost marks for not specifying that it was a quick fabrication of what the real system might
be like.
In Part (b), candidates were required to describe the main challenge which RAD seeks to overcome.
While some candidates were able to identify that the RAD approach helped clarify customer
requirements, other candidates responded that the process was time consuming and a waste of resources.
For Part (c), candidates were required to give FOUR reasons why it is believed that the SDLC may be
initiated and completed during the maintenance. Some candidates were able to correctly identify the
four major points that is, analysis, design, coding and testing which are conducted during the
maintenance phase of SDLC. However candidates’ responses lacked proper explanation of how each
point could be integrated in the maintenance cycle. For example, when maintenance is conducted the
analysis phase is initiated as new requirements must be gathered; feasibility tests and scheduling and so
on must be carried out.
For Part (d), candidates were required to draw a Level0 DFD to describe the flow of data in a given
scenario. The Level0 diagram was very poorly drawn as the rules for constructing these diagrams
were often ignored. Many candidates:
Confused Level0 with Context diagrams
Used inconsistent and incorrect symbols to represent sources, data stores and processes
Used verbs for data flows
Connected sources directly to each other
Drew processes with data in-flows only
Question 4
Part (a) tested candidates’ knowledge of the significance of data flow diagrams (DFDs) in the Analysis
and design phases of the SDLC. Most candidates were unable to distinguish between the purposes of
the DFDs in these phases, incorrectly stating that DFDs in the analysis phase depict how the system
‘should’ operate. However, some candidates were able to explain that DFDs can be used in comparative
analysis which can in turn lead to business process re-engineering.
Part (b) required that candidates state three benefits of the objectoriented approach to software design
such as reusability, maintainability and scalability. Many candidates did not answer this question well;
most candidates provided answers that were too vague, for example, objects are easier to use and code.
In Part (c) candidates were asked to describe two (2) of the major deliverables from the design phase of
the SDLC. Many candidates either omitted this part of the question or incorrectly identified various
components, tools and techniques (including HIPO charts, DFDs, algorithms, interface design and
prototypes) as major deliverables. Many responses included the feasibility study or report which was
incorrect, as this is done in the analysis phase. Few candidates were able to correctly identify and
describe the system architecture and design specification as major deliverables resulting from the design
Part (d) required that candidates draw an ERD based on a given scenario. Candidates were able to gain
most of their marks for this subpart as opposed to Parts (a), (b) or (c). Though most candidates showed
major improvements when compared with last year’s ERD diagram question, additional emphasis
should be placed on the consistency of the symbology. Common errors included the following:
Pluralization of individual entity names: EMPLOYEE not EMPLOYEES.
Vague relationship descriptions: has, is
Section C Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of types of networks, network architectures, the OSI model,
routers and GPRS.
Part (a) required that candidates describe two advantages of a client/server network over a peer to peer
network. This question was poorly answered as many candidates were vague in their responses.
Candidates confused the client/server network and the peer-to-peer network with network topologies.
They also failed to indicate that the centralized nature of the client/server network allowed for easier
management. While many candidates mentioned security as an advantage, few included that special
software would be needed for better security control.
In Part (b) (i) candidates were asked to define the term firewall. Most candidates acknowledged that it
was a hardware/software security measure but were unable to specify that it protects against external
network threats.
In Part (b) (ii) candidates were asked to explain why firewall software needs to be updated frequently.
This question was well answered with the majority of candidates correctly identifying that since new
malware, viruses and threats are created daily via the Internet, firewall software must be updated.
Part (c) required that candidates state two differences between FDDI and Ethernet network
architectures. Many opted not to answer this question and those who did failed to describe the
architecture of FDDI and Ethernet, instead they described the speeds and physical cabling. Few
candidates gave the correct answer in their response, that is, FDDI has a dual ring layout with the second
ring acting as a back-up while Ethernet does not have a back-up configuration like the secondary ring
of FDDI.
Part (d) dealt with the role of the network and transport layer of the OSI model. Some candidates failed
to differentiate between the layers and did not include the role of the network layer in path determination
and IP addressing. They also failed to discuss the transport layer’s role in breaking up a file into parts
and the reliability of packages in transport. Few candidates specified the particular protocol associated
with each layer.
Part (e) was well answered by most candidates. This question required that candidates outline three
benefits of wireless routers over wired routers. Few candidates confused the mobility of the devices on
the network with the mobility of the router. However, most were able to correctly identify the portability
of the devices, the inconvenience of installation, the compatibility issues with newer devices and the
susceptibility of cables to damage as valid answers.
Part (f) (i) dealt with the purpose of GPRS. Most candidates were able to identify that GPRS was used
in the transmission of data but failed to elaborate that it is a wireless technology used for data
transmission through a cellular network. A few candidates mistook GPRS for GPS.
In Part (f) (ii) required candidates to name and describe two applications of GPRS. Most candidates
were able to gain marks by correctly identifying applications such as point-of-sale terminals, MMS,
tracking and navigation devices, web browsers and wireless electricity meters as solutions. However,
they failed to describe fully how they operate in order to gain full marks. For example, POS devices are
portable devices which allow customers to make payments without the use of a phone line. This device
uses a spectrum that one of the carriers has licensed and a fee has to be paid.
Question 6
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of device management, file security and user interfaces. In
addition it tested their knowledge of:
Process management and in particular components in a process control block (PCB)
Scheduling algorithms with emphasis on round-robin scheduling algorithms
Part (a) required that candidates explain the role of a device driver in an operating system. Most
candidates recognized that a driver was software that allowed the operating system to communicate
with a device but failed to note that drivers provided the operating system with instructions on how to
control the device.
Part (b) tested candidates’ knowledge of spooling. This question was generally well done as many
candidates noted this was where documents where loaded into temporary storage location pending an
I/O device availability.
Part (c) was also generally well done as many candidates were able to outline TWO advantages of a
menu interface over a command interface. However, candidates frequently made mention of ‘lines of
code’ or a ‘machine language’ instead of commands when referencing typing instructions in a command
Part (d) asked candidates to describe TWO components of a process control block (PCB) in an operating
system. Many of them supplied suitable components that is, process ID, process state, and registers.
However, many candidates correctly identified the program counter by itself as a component.
In Part (e) candidates correctly mentioned encryption, access control lists and firewalls as suitable ways
in which files can be protected from unauthorized access. However, many failed to explain how a
firewall prevents access to files.
Candidates also made mentioned of activity logs and file compression, methods which by themselves
would not protect files from unauthorised access to a file.
Part (f) was generally well done, with the majority of candidates recognizing that each process is given
a certain amount of CPU time (time slice or quantum). They were also able to provide adequate details
of how the scheduling algorithm functioned.
In Part (g), candidates were asked to explain how an interrupt is handled by the process in the computer.
Many candidates provided generally suitable answers. However, quite a few of them instead described
what an interrupt is or identified instances that would cause an interrupt in the system as opposed to
focusing on what happens in the processor when an interrupt occurs. Namely, a context switch occurs
or the running process is saved in registers for later resumption, after the processing of the interrupt.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
Each student was expected to choose a problem for which a software solution exists and then develop
the software using software engineering techniques. In particular, students were expected to
demonstrate appropriate choice of the tools and techniques used in the analysis of the software to be
developed. They were then expected to design, code, and test their software using appropriate
Definition of Problem:
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of the problem. Most students
handled this section fairly well but there are a few students who are still unclear of what to include in
their definition of the problem. A brief description of the context in which the problem occurred is
required but details about actual problems staff/clients face and proposed steps to correct such problems
should be emphasized.
Techniques of Analysis:
Students were required to identify techniques of data collection and analyse the data collected.
Most students were able to state the various techniques of data collection; however, some students were
not able to justify the reasoning for their selection. Several students misinterpreted justification to mean
definition. This is incorrect. Students should clearly explain why the chosen technique was used as it
relates to the business/company/institution and not regurgitate advantages of the technique.
Proof of analysis should also be given. All proof must be included directly after the analysis and not in
the appendix. For example sample questions from the questionnaires and/or interviews should be
included. It is understood that it may be difficult to include proof of observation; hence, if this technique
is used, students should clearly describe what was observed.
Use of Data Flow Diagrams and ER Diagrams
This section of the SBA has improved significantly. Students were able to properly draw relevant
diagrams that correctly mapped to their problem statement.
Context Level Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and data flows.
The weaker students generally failed to label their data flows.
Level-1 Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram with all relevant processes, data flows
and major data stores.
Most students are unaware that the level 1 diagram is an expansion of the context level diagram. Hence,
new external entities were created for the level 1 diagram, as well as new data flows were created for
previously used entities.
Students had links between (1) data stores and entities, (2) data stores and data stores, (3) entities and
entities, which are all incorrect.
Some students’ diagrams were too small, which made reading and marking difficult.
ER Diagram
Students were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and relationships.
Most students did not use the correct symbol for a relationship (a diamond). Some students did not
include attributes for the entities.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:
Students were required to give a complete and accurate description of all requirements. For the
functional requirements, students did not clearly state what the system is supposed to do but instead
stated what the user will be doing. An example of a good functional requirement is the system will be
able to delete a patient’s record. For the non-functional requirements students did not state the
limitations of the system. An example of a good non-functional requirement is the system can only store
1000 patient records.
Design Specification
Students were required to give a complete and accurate system structuring diagram containing all
processes and a description of the user interface, report design, algorithm design and appropriate data
structures. Most students handled this section fairly well.
Most students were unaware of how to correctly draw a system structuring diagram. Students should
note that this diagram is similar to the HIPO chart as it shows the breakdown of the system into its
submodules and the submodules into its further components.
Students should not just include screenshots of interface and report design but also a justification in
order to gain maximum marks.
Narratives will not be accepted as an algorithm. Students are reminded to submit pseudocodes.
Coding and Testing
Students were required to produce a complete and accurate C program solution for the problem stated
in the Definition of Problem stage. Most students produced programs that achieved good functionality.
Only procedural C is accepted as the programming code. No other programming language will be
accepted. Code must also be printed from the compiler, not transferred to a word processor before
printing. Students should not include soft copies of their SBA. Soft copies will not be marked.
Most students did not include enough screenshots (and in some cases no screenshots) to support their
functioning of the code. Some codes presented did not match the screenshots given. In such cases
students were not awarded any marks.
Test plans should be written in a tabular format. It should include normal, extreme, erroneous and
incompatible data. All input data must be tested. Test results without related test plans will not be
awarded any marks.
Communication and Presentation
This section of the SBA is often over looked by students. Lectures/teachers and students are urged to
pay close attention to the use of grammar and the overall presentation of the SBA.
Further Comments
i. Students should follow the order and the headings laid out in the criteria for marking
when compiling the SBA.
ii. Students should avoid using watermarks when printing the SBA as it makes it difficult
for the examiner to read and assess their work.
iii. Lecturers/teachers should avoid using red ink pens to correct the SBA.
iv. Lectures/teachers should ensure that each SBA is clearly labelled with the candidate’s
name and centre number.
Teachers should ensure that students are fully prepared for the examinations in both units. The poor
performance in some modules of the syllabus indicates that more time needs to be these areas.
Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Examinations Council
St Michael, Barbados
All rights reserved.
This was the eighth year in which the revised syllabus was examined. There were three examination
papers each in Units 1 and 2; namely, Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03. In each unit, Paper 01 and Paper
02 were examined externally by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) while Paper 03, the School-
Based Assessment, was examined by teachers and moderated by CXC.
In each unit, Paper 01 consisted of 45 multiple-choice questions that were designed to test candidates’
breadth of coverage of the syllabus. Paper 02 consisted of six compulsory essay-type questions that were
designed to test candidates’ depth of understanding of the syllabus. Thus, candidates were expected to
show deeper insight and understanding of the topics examined in Paper 02.
The individual contributions of Paper 01, Paper 02, and Paper 03 to the final grade are 30 per cent, 50 per
cent, and 20 per cent, respectively.
Approximately 91 per cent of the candidates obtained Grades IV in Unit 1 and approximately 95 per cent
of the candidates in Unit 2 obtained Grades IV. Overall, there is still need for improvement in the quality
of responses for the programming questions in both units.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of approximately 64.26 out
of 90, standard deviation of 13.57 and scores ranging from 18 to 90.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Computer Architecture and Organization
Question 1
Part (a) required candidates to write down the truth table for a given combination of switches. Most
candidates attempted this part of the question but many did not interpret the switches correctly and
often noted the wrong combination of bit patterns. In many cases the columns representing the inputs
were not correctly labelled.
Part (b) required candidates to write down the truth table for a given proposition. Most candidates
attempted this part of the question but it was clear that many confused the operand ‘AND’ with ‘OR’ or
did not understand the proposition at all.
Part (c) required candidates to define the term ‘program counter’. Most candidates attempted this part
of the question but were not always clear in stating that a program counter is a register that stores the
address of the next instruction in memory. Some candidates confused this term with a loop counter and
in these cases marks were not awarded.
Part (d) required candidates to add two 8-bit binary numbers stored in Registers 1 and 2 respectively.
Most candidates were correct in adding the two numbers together but marks were lost in explaining what
would be stored in Register 3. While the calculation generated a 9-bit binary number, Register 3 would
store 8-bits only. As a consequence, an overflow error would occur and the overflow bit on the left would
be truncated. Alternatively, candidates could indicate that nothing would be stored because of the
overflow error.
Part (e) required candidates to determine the binary equivalent of the decimal number 13.25. Most
candidates attempted this part of the question but lost marks for lack of working despite this being clearly
requested in the question posed. Many candidates successfully converted the whole number part of the
given decimal number but failed to correctly convert the fractional part. In some cases, the same
conversion technique used for the whole number component was used to convert the fractional
component thus yielding the wrong answer.
Part (f) required candidates to define the term ‘multiplexor’ and draw a block diagram to support the
answer. Most candidates attempted this part of the question by defining a multiplexor as a device which
selects one of several input signals and forwards the selected input into a single line. Though the
supporting diagram was accurately presented and many candidates correctly illustrated 1 output channel,
several candidates failed to correctly represent 2
input channels.
Part (g) required candidates to explain why multiplexing was important. The question challenged
candidates to apply their knowledge of multiplexing by providing a real-world example. In general this
question was poorly answered. Central to the solution was the understanding that multiplexing makes
better use of available bandwidth across a communication network. Specific scenarios included the
provisioning of cable TV and telephones as well as CCTV cameras. A further explanation to illustrate the
use of multiple inputs versus a single output was required to support the given scenario.
Question 2
Candidates were presented with a diagram in Part (a) and asked to provide examples of non-volatile and
secondary memory. This question was generally well answered by all candidates, with various versions of
ROM presented as examples of non-volatile memory, and hard disks, floppy disks, USB drives, CDs, DVDs
and SSDs (Solid State Disks) presented as examples of secondary memory.
Part (b) described a scenario in a fictitious community where electricity was available but inconsistent.
The details of a cell phone were provided and candidates were asked to explain the purpose and benefit
of the using each of three devices in the scenario. It was therefore important to link the use of the devices
to the given scenario. Most candidates attempted this question but many were not clear in stating the
benefit of the device in the context of the scenario.
In Part b (i), candidates were expected to note that a surge protector would limit any unwanted voltage
above a safe threshold, thus protecting the cell phone in the case of a power spike. In Part b (ii), candidates
were expected to note that a voltage regulator automatically maintains a constant voltage and is a
proactive device that provides clean electricity regardless of changes to its input voltage. In Part b (iii),
candidates were expected to note that an uninterruptible power supply is a device that allows the cell
phone to keep running for a short time when the primary power source is lost. The device could therefore
be charged by the UPS for a limited time.
Part (c) required candidates to define the term ‘clock speed’ as it relates to the processor and give
examples of CPU clock speeds using different units of measure. In general, most candidates attempted
this question and stated that the clock speed is the speed at which the processor executes each
instruction. Candidates were expected to give two distinct examples, such as 2.5 MHz and 1.8 GHz to
demonstrate their knowledge of the different units. Candidates lost 1 mark where distinct units of
measure were illustrated but no quantifying speed was given.
Part (d) required that candidates apply their knowledge of input/output devices by providing examples of
devices that would be appropriate for a person who is visually impaired. Candidates were expected to
identify the device and describe how it would be useful in this case. Most candidates attempted this
question, with many scoring full marks. The notion of voice to text and text to voice were important to
note as these points indicated a clear knowledge of the requirements of a visually impaired person.
In Part (e), candidates were asked to explain, with the use of examples, the main difference between a
supercomputer and a mainframe computer. Most candidates attempted this question and gave
reasonable examples of the use of these systems though many failed to highlight the main difference
clearly. Candidates were expected to note that the main difference between the two systems was the
type of problems each tries to solve. Candidates were able to achieve only partial credit when the cost
difference between the two types of systems was emphasized. In general, candidates were expected to
note that supercomputers are ideal for complex calculations such as weather forecasting/predictions
while mainframe computers focus on problems which are limited by input/output and demand reliability.
Part (f) asked that candidates use the processor’s instruction set to write a set of instructions to perform
a mathematical calculation. This question was poorly answered as many candidates did not demonstrate
a knowledge of appropriate instructions that could be used. Candidates were expected to use an
appropriate mnemonic to represent instructions which included specific operands (registers) as is
expected for calculations. For example,
Here LOAD, MULTIPLY and STORE are the instructions used while R1 and R2 refer to registers.
Section B Problem Solving with Computers
Question 3
The scores on this particular question were not as evenly distributed as those recorded for previous
questions. That is, though a reasonable number of candidates scored between 15 and 25 inclusive, almost
10 per cent of the total number of candidates scored 0, while many did not attempt this question at all.
Part (a) required candidates to write an algorithm to read a given set of data related to library fines. The
data comprised a customer ID, number of books outstanding and a category corresponding to the rate at
which each fine was charged. Results required included the total outstanding fine for each customer, total
amount of fines paid by category, total amount of fines, number of customers and customer id for the
highest fine paid. Many candidates recognized the need for an unbounded looping structure in this case
but at times confused the loop condition that should be used (customer ID < > 9999). Many candidates
did not include the input statement before the start of the looping structure and often omitted the input
at the end of the loop. IF statements within the looping structure were generally well used, as were
cumulative variables. Many candidates did not recognize, however, that outputting the ID of the customer
with the highest fine would require both the customer ID and customer fine to be stored in order for the
correct comparison to be made.
Part (b) asked that candidates distinguish between ‘bounded’ and ‘unbounded iteration’. Many
candidates noted examples only and this was not sufficient to answer the question. In distinguishing
between the two terms, it was important for candidates to note that though both terms referred to a
looping structure with bounded iteration, the number of passes through a loop is known beforehand while
with unbounded iteration the number of passes through the loop is not known beforehand.
Part (c) required that candidates write an algorithm to find the sum of all multiples of 7 between 21 and
210 inclusive. Many candidates recognized the need for a looping structure in this case and, though not
required, demonstrated their knowledge of the modulus function and this was commendable. Several
candidates did not initialise the counter variables used and therefore failed to earn the maximum marks
on this part of the question. There were a few candidates who did not understand the caveat to include
21 and 210 in the summation and thus provided an incorrect loop condition.
Question 4
Part (a) presented an algorithm and required candidates to construct a flowchart to represent it.
Candidates were assessed on appropriate signals, as well as the ability to accurately represent the logic.
A few candidates satisfied all the assessment requirements and achieved the maximum score available
for this part. Often, however, candidates made a few common mistakes, such as:
Failing to recognize that two separate conditions are represented in the algorithm
Failing to place correct labelling on decision outputs.
In addition, a few candidates had no arrows on flow lines and many candidates did not use arrows to
properly represent the loop structure.
Part (b) required candidates to write an algorithm to perform a calculation that finds the cost based on
an input variable and a condition that specifies whether one formula or another will be applied. Some of
the errors observed were:
Many candidates achieved full marks on this question.
A high number of candidates represented one or more formulae inaccurately.
A few candidates did not print the output.
A few candidates did not recognize that a condition structure was to be applied.
Part (c) required that candidates describe four steps in the software development process. Many
candidates were able to state four steps, but only a few followed through properly with a description of
all the mentioned steps. Some candidates stated the steps, but did not provide a description.
Section C Programming
Question 5
Part (a) described the requirements for a system that generates a random number and then allows a user
to repeatedly guess the number until the guess is correct.
A few candidates scored fairly well. A high number of candidates, however, provided answers that
contained minor syntax errors. Many candidates described syntactically incorrect loop conditions. Some
of the candidates did not provide appropriate output and omitted the loop structure. A small number of
candidates generated the random number in the wrong part of the program (for example, in the loop).
Part (b) (i) asked candidates to explain what a procedural language is. A high number of candidates
correctly indicated step-by-step operation of a computer program; however, some candidates did not give
a sufficient explanation.
Part (b) (ii) required candidates to describe object oriented programming. Some candidates scored full
marks, but an inordinately high number of candidates did not give a satisfactory answer.
Part (c) required that candidates write a program that opened a formatted file, read the contents, and
printed some summary information. Few candidates scored full marks on this question. Some candidates
did not properly open the file. Some candidates did not initialize variables properly. Many candidates used
an improper loop condition (for example, using the equality test to compare the contents of a string).
Many candidates did not read the data properly from the file. Many candidates did not properly test for
the exit condition for the program. A few candidates did not properly aggregate the summary data, and a
few candidates did not print the output properly.
Question 6
Part (a) of the question required candidates to state three differences between applications for mobile
devices and those developed for desktop computers. A large number of candidates were able to properly
describe two differences, the most common ones being the design for smaller screens, the design with
limited memory, and the differences in input devices. A few candidates misinterpreted the question and
provided solutions that described differences in the devices, rather than applications for the devices.
Part (b) required candidates to write down the output of a program that was presented. Few candidates
provided a complete answer to this question. Most candidates, however, were able to produce some
correct values generated on the first line.
Part (c) required candidates to write code that defined and manipulated a structure that stored
information on books.
Part (c) (i) required candidates to declare the structure, and a large number of candidates declared the
structure properly. Some candidates used the typedef command correctly, which affects where the
structure name “BookRec” is expected, and also affects manipulation in other sections. Some candidates
who did not use the typedef command did not name the structure before specifying contents.
Part (c) (ii) required candidates to populate the structure. A large number of candidates completed this
task properly, but some candidates did not reference the data in the structures correctly.
Part (c) (iii) required candidates to increase a numeric data item by a percentage. Many candidates
answered this question properly. Some candidates did not reference the data item properly. Some
candidates also did not use the correct formula when increasing the percentage.
Part (c) (iv) expected candidates to write a code that would swap the values in two records. Candidates
who completed the task properly would have taken on two primary approaches, namely, using an auxiliary
record and swapping the entire record, or using auxiliary data items to swap individual items within the
record. Some candidates presented incorrect swap logic. Some candidates did not reference data
correctly. Some candidates did not declare auxiliary data structures or variables properly.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
General Requirements
Candidates were expected to choose a problem for which a software solution was appropriate and
develop and present the solution in a logical way, using correct grammar and appropriate jargon at all
times. In accomplishing this they were required to do the following:
Create an algorithm for the solution, using modules, sequencing, selection, assignments, and
iteration (bounded and unbounded).
Represent their algorithms, using narrative format and also as either a flow chart or pseudo-code.
Implement the algorithm in C, using various data structures such as arrays, struct, strings and files,
with no less than five functions as independent units.
Ensure that the source code produced matched the algorithm.
Create a test plan with exhaustive data set; test and produce test results with normal inputs giving
correct results, extreme input giving correct results, and erroneous input giving appropriate error
The following were specific aspects of the project that were assessed:
(a) Definition of problem
(b) Narrative and flow charts or pseudocode
(c) Coding of program
(d) Testing and presentation
(e) Communication of information.
For each component, the aim was to find the level of achievement reached by the candidates. It was
recommended that the assessment criteria be available to candidates at all times.
Definition of Problem
Many candidates were able to accurately describe the problem complete with the description of the
current system, and give examples of what takes place when the problems arise. However, some
candidates’ projects only included partial definition of activities of the proposed system that they
intended to create without completely describing the current system and the problems or issues which
are to be solved using software.
Narrative and Flow Charts or Pseudocode
Narratives were fairly well written in most samples. However, some samples did not provide a completely
accurate description of the algorithm. Proper algorithm structure was not used. For example, many
algorithms submitted had no name. Some only provided descriptions of each intended module or unit
instead of describing the step-by-step procedure that would solve the problem as required by an
Pseudocode algorithms were generally well done. Samples which included flowcharts in some instances
incorrectly used some symbols, for example, system flowchart symbols, and in other cases diagrams were
poorly presented, had symbols with no labels (such as yes/no for the decision symbol) or no connector
symbols to connect diagrams to the next page and therefore were difficult to follow.
In the many samples using pseudo-code algorithms, some were clearly modified copies of the
programming source code, with a few being almost identical copies of the source code. Candidates should
be encouraged to develop their algorithms independent of the programming code, using proper algorithm
structure and design.
Coding of Program
Candidates’ projects demonstrated that they were comfortable with procedural C programming language.
Most programs were logically written and properly decomposed. Nevertheless, some candidates
samples did not comprise functions as independent units and, despite this, were still inappropriately
awarded full marks by the teacher, while some projects had few data structures in the program. Further,
some projects showed evidence of sequence and selection only, but no loops for the concept of structured
programming, while a few samples did not make use of the key data structures (struct, files and arrays).
Candidates are reminded to print their source code directly from the compiler as transferring to a word
processor changes the spacing of the code. This may lead to candidates losing marks for appropriate
programming style and documentation.
Generally, most candidates did not include adequate comments at key areas of their code and a few were
not properly indented. However, this section was done well by most candidates.
Evidence that Code Matches Algorithm
This section for this was well done as most candidates were able to obtain full marks.
Evidence of FILE Manipulation
Candidates were required to provide a code that included FILE and showed evidence of FILE manipulation
(open file, write to file, read from file, append file and close file).
Most candidates demonstrated evidence of this. However, some candidates were awarded marks by the
teacher even though there was no evidence of FILE manipulation, and in some cases the use of FILE was
non-existent yet marks were awarded.
Testing and Presentation
This year the majority of samples provided a suitable range of test data, but a few candidates
did not have a test plan, but had screen shots only
did not include all four testing criteria (normal, extreme, erroneous and incomplete) in their test
had test results but did not have a clear test plan
were awarded marks but had no test results
did not include actual screen shots of the working program and testing was not done using the
test data outlined in the test plan.
In one example a candidate was awarded marks for test results, when the candidate had not produced
a test plan or any results. Therefore, the teacher might not have understood the marking criteria or
did not understand what a test plan should be like.
Generally, the SBA projects this year were well presented. Most candidates gained marks between 41 and
50, followed by marks between 51 and 60, then marks between 31 and 40 marks and few candidates
gained under 20 marks .This demonstrated that most SBAs were satisfactorily done.
Teachers need to ensure that the candidates use the headings outlined in the criteria for marking the
School-Based Assessment Project in the syllabus, and that they also follow the order in which these
headings occur. They should also ensure that candidates check that the numbering in their Table of
Contents corresponds to the numbering in the body of the document and that candidates provide
information in a logical way, using correct grammar and appropriate jargon at all times in the presentation
of their projects. Teachers also need to use the correct forms recommended by CXC to mark and/or submit
candidates’ marks.
Paper 01 Multiple Choice
Performance on the 45 multiple-choice items on this paper produced a mean of 64.26 out of 90, a
standard deviation of 13.57 and scores ranging from 22 to 90.
Paper 02 Essay Questions
Section A Data Structures
Question 1
Part (a) required candidates to suggest possible data structures that would fit applications that were
described. Most candidates were able to score full marks on this part of the question.
Part (b) expected candidates to insert a string value into a linked list node and insert the node at the
beginning of a linked list. Very few candidates scored full marks on this part, due to failure to place the
string value in a linked list node, and failure to execute the pointer manipulations required to place the
node at the beginning of the list.
Part (c) required candidates to diagrammatically represent a queue as data is inserted into it and deleted
from it. Most candidates answered this part properly. Some candidates, however, confused the operation
of a stack and a queue.
Part (d) expected candidates to describe three operations of a stack. Many candidates scored full marks
on this part of the question; however, an inordinately high number described an operation not in the set
of operations for a stack, such as a display operation that shows all the contents of the stack.
Part (e) required candidates to reverse a queue. Few candidates scored high marks on this part of the
question, and those with better scores used an auxiliary structure or a swap to achieve this objective.
Question 2
Part (a) tested candidates’ ability to perform linked list manipulations that delete data. This question was
generally poorly answered. A large number of candidates did not appear to comprehend the importance
of preserving a pointer location, and then executing pointer manipulations to achieve an objective.
Part (b) (i) tested the ability to declare an array of a specified size, and was fairly well answered. Most
candidates scored full marks on this question, but there was a minority who specified an incorrect array
size or had syntax errors.
Part (b) (ii) required that candidates populate the array with user-entered data. A high number of
candidates scored full marks on this section. Some candidates, however, presented solutions with errors
in the loop condition, or syntax errors while reading data.
Part (b) (iii) required candidates to write a program that uses a sequential search to look within the array
for a user-entered value. Most candidates provided a fairly good answer to this question; however,
common problems included errors in the loop condition, errors in reading the user value, or errors in
output. A small number of candidates provided a solution that was not related to the sequential search.
Section B Software Engineering
Question 3
For Part (a) candidates were expected to state two factors for risk assessment in software development,
apart from time and costs. Most candidates answered this part of the question correctly, but a few
provided only one appropriate answer.
Part (b) required candidates to describe CASE tools. Few candidates scored full marks on this part. Some
did not mention that the tools were computer based, or that the tools were designed to aid the software
development process, or explain the acronym.
Part (c) asked candidates to describe four weaknesses of the waterfall model. Few candidates scored full
marks on this part. Common mistakes included repeating points in the response, and simply stating a
property of the waterfall model without highlighting why that point could be a weakness.
Part (d) asked candidates to explain two weaknesses of rapid prototyping. Candidates who scored full
marks stated two valid weaknesses with supporting information. Other candidates omitted supporting
information, stated a property of rapid prototyping without stating why it was a weakness, or repeated a
previously stated point.
Part (e) assessed candidates on the ability to draw a Level-0 DFD to describe information flow in a school
registration system. A large number of candidates provided satisfactory responses; however, common
errors included incorrect symbols to represent sources, data stores and processes, use of verbs for data
flows, and nouns for processes, and neglecting the flows between processes as described in the
registration system.
Question 4
This question tested candidates’ knowledge of software development and database design. Part (a)
required that candidates define the term cardinality and provide one example. Whereas many
candidates were able to give an appropriate example of cardinalities, that is, one to one, one to many,
and many to many, the large majority of candidates failed to give an appropriate definition. Cardinality is
the number of instances of an entity that may exist between two related entities.
Part (b) required that candidates list three characteristics of a well-engineered software product. This
question was generally well answered with candidates noting that a well-engineered software product is
maintainable, dependable, efficient, usable, portable, scalable and appropriately documented, among
other qualities.
In Part (c), candidates were asked to differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements
and to give one example of each term. The responses to this question were fair; many candidates were
correct in distinguishing that functional requirements describe what the system should do but many
candidates were not clear in stating that non-functional requirements are requirements that judge the
operations of a system or constraints on how the system should work. In many cases, correct examples
were not given to support the given definition. A good example of a functional requirement is that the
system should reject character entries in the data field. A good example of a non-functional requirement
is the response times the system must guarantee.
Part (d) asked that candidates explain two types of tests which could be completed during the testing
phase, other than white box and black box testing. Most candidates attempted this question and correctly
noted various types of tests, namely unit testing, which is used to validate that individual units of code or
modules operate as intended, and integration testing, which combines software modules as a group to
ensure that the program operates as intended. Other types of tests include stress/performance testing,
recovery, usability, alpha testing and beta testing.
In Part (e), candidates were required to draw an entity relationship diagram for a given scenario related
to a university called the Science College. Whereas weaker candidates did not score high marks in Parts
(a) through (d), many were able to gain reasonable marks in this part of the question. In general, it appears
that candidate performance on this topic is showing improvement based on the comments in the report
for 2015. Once again common errors included the following:
Pluralisation of individual entity names; LECTURER not LECTURERS, COURSE not COURSES
Inconsistent ERD notation denoting cardinalities; Crow’s Foot or UML accepted.
Section C Operating Systems and Computer Networks
Question 5
This question tested the candidates’ knowledge of types of networks, network architectures, the OSI
model, routers and GPRS. Part (a) required candidates to describe the characteristics of coaxial cable and
fibre-optic cable transmission media. Physical characteristics were the main focus here. For coaxial cable,
there is a single centre copper wire symmetrically surrounded by a braided or foil conductor while fibre-
optic cables consist of a bundle of extremely thin tubes of glass transmitting optical signals in the form of
light. Though several candidates attempted this question, many opted to compare the given terms as
opposed to what was required.
In Part (b), candidates were asked to explain what an IEEE 802.16 network is. In general, this part of the
question was poorly answered. Many candidates appeared not to understand that this type of network
caters for long-range wireless, broadband networks. Though several candidates noted that this type of
network allowed for wireless communication, this was not sufficient as the notion of long-range wireless,
WAN or MAN was important to differentiate the 802.16 standard from other wireless network standards.
Part (c) required candidates to explain the role of a switch in a local area network and accompany this
explanation with a diagram. Many candidates attempted this question and were able to draw the
supporting diagram correctly. Candidates lost marks for failing to note that the switch acts as a
connectivity device on the network and sends signals from node to node efficiently without broadcasting
messages to every node on the network.
Part (d) required candidates to describe how data is communicated in an IEEE 802.11b network, using a
diagram to support the response. Candidates were required to note that the medium for transmission is
wireless. Nodes must first associate with the access point, then for a node to transmit to another node
the communication must pass through the access point. Though in many cases wireless transmission was
noted, the details regarding the access point were omitted. As far as the diagram was concerned,
candidates were expected to clearly depict the access point along with the wireless node while using the
appropriate symbol to represent wireless communication.
In Part (e), candidates were asked to briefly explain specific factors that should be considered when
building a network. These factors included cost, security, management, expandability and
interconnectivity. Though many candidates attempted this question, several candidates did not clearly
expand on the given factors. For example, where security is concerned, issues of encryption, protection
of data and resources, firewalls, and virus protection are some of the detailed considerations, while in
terms of management, it is important to oversee the network and fix the problem while routinely
maintaining the network. Many candidates did not provide correct responses where expandability and
interconnectivity were concerned. Expandability is concerned with ensuring that the addition of new
nodes is easy while interconnectivity ensures that connecting to other networks and the Internet is
Finally, Part (f) dealt with the OSI model for network communication and asked that candidates explain
the role of any two of the first five layers of this model. Correct responses would include the physical, data
link, network, transport and session layer. Though this question was generally well answered, some
candidates only noted the actual layer without a supporting explanation. This indicated that the purpose
of the layer was not clearly understood.
Question 6
This question tested the candidates’ knowledge of operating systems, namely, memory management,
device management, interrupts, types of operating systems, file security and the process control block.
Part (a) required candidates to explain the terms virtual memory, paging and thrashing. This question
was poorly answered. Candidates were expected to note that virtual memory is disk space used to
maximize the amount of RAM available to programs, while paging is a memory management scheme used
by operating systems where data is copied from secondary storage in blocks for use in main memory. On
the other hand, thrashing occurs when a computer’s virtual memory subsystem is in a constant state of
paging, rapidly exchanging data in memory for data on disk.
Part (b) required candidates to explain how excessive paging affects a computer. Many candidates
attempted this question and were able to state that excessive paging causes degradation in the
computer’s performance. However, many candidates did not note that this degradation could lead to the
collapse of the system.
Part (c) tested candidates’ knowledge of device drivers in an operating system. Though this question was
widely attempted, it was not always clear that a device driver contains a special code which the operating
system uses to connect to the device.
Candidates were provided with a short scenario in Part (d) and asked to explain how the operating system
uses interrupts in the given scenario. Few candidates identified the type of interrupt that occurred as an
i/o interrupt though many were able to describe the subsequent context switch, reading from the file
followed by another interrupt in order to continue the previous process.
In Part (e) candidates were asked to distinguish between a multi-user system and a batch processing
system. This question was generally well answered, with candidates stating that a multi-user system is a
computer with an operating system that supports multiple users at once or at different times. In contrast,
jobs can be stored/accumulated and later executed in batches in a batch processing system.
In Part (f), candidates were asked to outline one way, besides passwords, in which files can be protected.
Several candidates correctly noted encryption or the encoding of data in their solution while other
candidates noted access control lists which specify permissions for users. Though lock words were also
noted, these are recognized as a type of password.
Finally, in Part (g), candidates were asked to identify three components of a process control block. Many
candidates answered this question successfully by noting the process state, process ID, program counter,
CPU registers, memory management information and accounting information as components of a process
control block.
This subject is now marked using the on-screen marking system and as such when scripts are
scanned, care is taken to scan only those areas provided for writing. Teachers should emphasize
that candidates should write their solutions only in the boxes/lines provided. Where this space
appears insufficient, the extra pages provided should be used. Candidates should avoid writing in
the white spaces surrounding the boxes/lines provided, as there is a risk of truncation during the
scanning exercise.
Candidates’ ability to express themselves clearly in writing is at times weak. This makes the
process of assessment difficult. Candidates should be mindful that clear and succinct answers are
best, ensuring that the solution matches the question posed.
Teachers should ensure that candidates are fully prepared for the examinations in both units. The
poor performance in some modules of the syllabus indicates that more time is needed or that
different pedagogical strategies should be utilised when teaching these subject areas.
Paper 03 School-Based Assessment (SBA)
Each candidate was expected to choose a problem for which a software solution exists and then use
software engineering techniques to develop the software. In particular, the candidate was expected to
demonstrate appropriate choice of the tools and techniques used in the analysis of the software to be
developed. They were then expected to design, code and test their software, using appropriate
General Comments
Candidates should follow the order and the headings laid out in the criteria for marking when
compiling the SBA report.
Candidates should avoid using water marks when printing the SBA as it makes it difficult for the
examiner to read and assess their work.
Teachers should avoid using red ink pens to correct SBA.
Teachers should ensure that each SBA is clearly labelled with the candidate’s name and centre
Marking Criteria
1. Specification of Requirements
- Definition of Problem:
Candidates were required to give a complete and accurate description of the problem. Most candidates
handled this section fairly well but there were a few candidates who were still unclear of what to include
in their definition of the problem. A brief description of the context in which the problem occurred is
required but details about actual problems staff and/or clients face and proposed steps to correct such
problems should be emphasised. Most candidates focused on the proposed system instead of adequately
describing the problem to be solved, while some omitted a proposal altogether.
- Techniques of Analysis:
Candidates were required to identify techniques of data collection and to analyse the data collected.
i. Some candidates were able to state the various techniques of data collection; however, most
candidates did not provide a justification for their selection. Those candidates misinterpreted
justification to mean definition. Marks are not awarded for definitions. Candidates should clearly
explain why the chosen technique was used as it relates to the organisation and should not
regurgitate advantages of the technique in order to gain marks.
ii. Proof of analysis should also be given. All proof must be included directly after the analysis and
not in the appendix. For example, sample questions from the questionnaires and/or interviews
should be included. It is understood that it may be difficult to include proof of observation; hence,
if this technique is used, candidates should clearly describe what was observed.
- Use of Data Flow Diagrams and E-R Diagrams
This section of the School-Based Assessment has improved significantly. Candidates were able to
properly draw relevant diagrams that correctly mapped to their problem statement.
Context Level Diagram
Candidates were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and data flows.
The weaker candidates generally failed to label their data flows.
Level 1 Diagram
Candidates were required to give a complete and accurate diagram with all relevant processes, data flows
and major data stores.
In this regard, the following points are to be noted:
i. Only one level 1 diagram is required.
ii. Most candidates are unaware that the level 1 diagram is an expansion of the context level
diagram. Hence, new external entities were created for the level 1 diagram, and new data flows
were created for previously used entities.
iii. Candidates had links between data stores and entities; data stores and data stores; entities and
entities, which are all incorrect.
iv. Some candidates’ diagrams were too small, which made reading and marking difficult.
ER Diagram
Candidates were required to give a complete and accurate diagram of all relevant entities and
i. Most candidates did use the correct symbol for a relationship (a diamond). Nevertheless, there
were still candidates who did not use a symbol but wrote on the line instead. This is not
ii. Some candidates did not include attributes for the entities.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:
Candidates were required to give a complete and accurate description of all requirements.
i. For the functional requirements, candidates did not clearly state what the system is supposed to
do. Instead they stated what the user would be doing. An example of a good functional
requirement is the system will be able to delete a patient’s record.
ii. For the non-functional requirements candidates did not state the limitations of the system. An
example of a good non-functional requirement is the system can only store 1000 patient records.
iii. Candidates are encouraged to use bullets or number their functional and non-functional
2. Design Specification
Candidates were required to give a complete and accurate system structuring diagram containing all
processes and a description of the user interface, report design, algorithm design and appropriate data
structures. Most candidates handled this section fairly well.
i. Most candidates were unaware of how to correctly draw a system structuring diagram.
Candidates should note that this diagram is similar to the HIPO chart as it shows the breakdown
of the system into its submodules and the submodules into its further components.
ii. Candidates should not just include screens shots of interface and report design but also a
justification in order to gain maximum marks.
iii. Narratives will not be accepted as an algorithm. Candidates are reminded to submit either
pseudocodes or flow charts. They must not submit both.
3. Coding and Testing
Candidates were required to produce a complete and accurate C program solution for the problem stated
in the Definition of Problem stage. Most candidates produced programs that achieved good functionality.
i. Only procedural C is accepted as the programming code. No other programming language will be
accepted. Code must also be printed from the compiler, not transferred to a word processor
before printing.
ii. Candidates should not include soft copies of their School-Based Assessment report. Soft copies
will NOT be marked.
iii. Most candidates did not include enough screen shots and in some cases no screen shots were
included. Since a soft copy is not required, the screen shots are very important in allocating marks
for the functionality of the code.
iv. Some codes presented did not match the screen shots given. In such cases candidates were not
awarded any marks.
v. Test plans should be written in a tabular format. They should include normal, extreme and
vi. All input data must be tested using the three testing criteria mentioned above.
vii. Test results submitted without related test plans will not be awarded any marks.
4. Communication and Presentation
This section of the School-Based Assessment is often overlooked by candidates. Teachers and candidates
are urged to pay close attention to their use of grammar and the overall presentation of the SBA report.
Candidates often lose marks due to poor sentence structure and failure to use appropriate technical
jargon in their reports
Teachers should ensure that candidates are fully prepared for the examinations in both units. The poor
performance in some modules of the syllabus may indicate that more time needs to be allocated to these
areas. Encouraging students to review this subject report can be very helpful in improving performance.