Arkansas State Archives
Publication Permission
1 Capitol Mall, Little Rock, AR 72201
I, ______________________________, request authorization to reproduce the items from the
collections of the Arkansas State Archives (ASA) enumerated below, for the following use:
Research: ______________________________
Academic Lecture: _______________________
Personal: ______________________________
Student Project or Paper: _________________
Film/Video: __________________________
Electronic Media: _____________________
Print Media: _________________________
Other: ______________________________
Title of Project: ____________________________________________________________________
Publisher: ________________________________________________________________________
Call Number
Description of Material
I agree to abide by the following conditions:
Adherence to Use
The attached listed copy(ies) of materials from the collections of the ASA will be considered for non-
exclusive, one-time use only in the publication, project, production, or personal use detailed on this
agreement. I understand that any alternate or additional uses, including but not limited to subsequent
editions, reprints, re-releases, dust jackets, covers, print or broadcast advertisement, companion
formats, and distribution in other markets, constitute a new use which must be documented and
approved by the ASA.
Fair Use
I confirm that I am aware of the portion of the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States
Code), which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material,
summarized as follows: Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are
authorized to furnish a photocopy, or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the
photocopy or other reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study,
scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for
purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution
reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would
involve violation of copyright law.
Copyright, Libel and Slander
I assume responsibility for any copyright violation, issues of invasion of privacy, libel, and/or slander that
may result from my use of these materials.
I understand that the materials are not to be used to assert or imply that the ASA endorses any product
or enterprise, concurs with the opinions expressed in, or confirms the accuracy of any content of the
described publication, project, or production.
Identification/Credit Line
I agree to correctly identify the content of the materials provided by the ASA and to not use them in a
way that falsifies or misrepresents the information they present. Furthermore, I agree to credit the ASA
for the materials used in completed paper or project as follows:
[Title of Item], [Title of Collection], [Identifying Number, if provided], [Agency Name]
I understand that, while the ASA will allow close-ups of portions of the original and adjustments to
contrast, sharpness, and cropping where the original content is not changed, it will NOT allow inversion
of the original or change in resolution of digital files, or the removal or addition of content. The ASA’s
primary interest is to protect the content of the original. The ASA may enhance the original to allow for
better interpretation and understanding of the content. I understand that any manipulation beyond
that allowed by the ASA must be approved by the ASA in advance of use, as an addendum to this
Passing Copies
I understand that the rights to the provided materials cannot be sub-leased or sold, nor may I permit
others to reproduce the materials or any facsimiles of them by any means for any purpose. Likewise, I
understand that these materials may not be donated or sold to another person or organization.
Destruction or Return of Electronic Media
I agree to DESTROY or RETURN to the ASA any copies of materials provided to me on electronic media
by the ASA upon the completion of the project, publication, production, or personal use detailed in the
A copy of the product, production, or project shall be provided to the ASA as part of this agreement.
____________________________________ _____________________________
Signature Date
_________________________________ ___________________________
Archives Director Date