Uniform Construction Code
Revised March 2018
Code Ref Update June 2023
Municipal Procedures Manual
State of New Jersey
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Codes and Standards
P.O. Box 802
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0802
Phone 609.292.7899 • Fax 609.633.6729
1.0.0 Table of Contents
2.0.0 Introduction 5
2.1.0 Purpose 5
2.2.0 Revision Log 6
3.0.0 Application and Permit 7
3.1.0 Process Application
3.1.1 Major Work 9
3.1.2 Minor Work 12
3.1.3 Plan Review and Fee Calculation 14
3.1.4 Plan Review Status Check 15
3.2.0 Issue Construction Permit
3.2.1 Permit Preparation 16
3.2.2 Permit Issuance 17
3.2.3 Permit Update Issuance 18
4.0.0 Inspection 21
4.1.0 Inspections
4.1.1 Inspection Request 22
4.1.2 Inspection Conducted 23
4.1.3 Final Inspection Approval 25
4.1.4 Final Inspection Processing 26
4.2.0 Daily/Weekly Inspection Reporting
4.2.1 Daily/Weekly Inspection Report Preparation 27
4.2.2 Inspection Log Update 28
4.3.0 Post-Certificate of Occupancy Enforcement Action Inspections
4.3.1 Inspection Conducted 29
4.3.2 Post-CO Inspection Fee Calculation/Collection 30
5.0.0 CertificatesOccupancy, Approval, Continued Occupancy, Compliance,
Temporary Occupancy, Temporary Compliance 31
5.1.0 Issue Certificate
5.1.1 Certificate Preparation 32
5.1.2 Certificate Issued 33
5.2.0 Issue Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO)
5.2.1 TCO Preparation and Issuance 35
5.2.2 TCO Compliance Monitoring 38
6.0.0 End of Month Reporting 39
6.1.0 Local Reporting
6.1.1 Town Report Preparation 40
6.2.0 State Reporting
6.2.1 Municipal Monthly Activity Report Preparation (Permits) 41
6.2.2 Municipal Monthly Activity Report Preparation (Certificates) 43
6.2.3 Census Report Preparation 44
6.2.4 NJ State Permit Surcharge (Training) Quarterly Report 45
7.0.0 On-Going Inspection 46
7.1.0 Log Maintenance
7.1.1 Log UpdateRequired Inspections 47
7.1.2 On-Going Inspections Monitoring 48
7.1.3 Log Update-Inspection Results 49
7.2.0 Cyclical Inspections
7.2.1 Inspection Conducted-Elevator 50
7.2.2 Inspection Conducted Bonding & Grounding 54
7.2.3 Inspection Conducted Backflow Preventers 56
8.0.0 Notices, Orders and Appeals 57
8.1.0 Notices and Orders
8.1.1 Stop Construction Order 59
8.1.2 Replaced by 8.1. 5 and 8.1.6
8.1.3 Replaced by 8.1.4 and 8.1.7
8.1.4 Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate 61
8.1.5 Notice of Unsafe Structure 63
8.1.6 Notice of Imminent Hazard 65
8.1.7 Notice and Order of Penalty 67
8.1.8 Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate 69
(Post Certificate of Occupancy Residential Construction)
8.1.9 Notice and Order of Penalty 72
(Post Certificate of Occupancy Residential Construction)
8.2.0 Appeals
8.2.1 Application for a Variation 74
8.2.2 Application to Construction Board of Appeals 75
8.2.3 Decision of the Construction Board of Appeals 76
A. Construction Permit Application Instructions 77
B. UCC Standard Forms 85
C. UCC Standard Forms Print Specifications 149
D. The Construction Process, flowcharted 155
2.0.0 Introduction
This procedures manual is for use by Municipal personnel responsible for local
operation and enforcement of the N.J. Uniform Construction Code. This section
explains the manual’s purpose and provides a log for recording manual updates.
2.1.0 Purpose
This Procedures Manual documents a statewide comprehensive system for
recordkeeping and administration of the Uniform Construction Code. The system
was developed through extensive studies and was tested in several pilot locations
throughout the State. As it is uniform statewide, any deviations from this process
must be approved.
This is a “how-to” manual. It includes all the steps necessary to process an
application from the time it is received until a certificate is issued. The manual is
organized into major events in the application and permit process. They are:
Application and Permit
End-of-Month Reporting
On-Going Inspection
Notices and Appeals
The manual is a valuable reference document and training tool for both new and
current employees.
The actual procedures are written in a manner designed to be used by
individuals as they perform their daily operations. The procedures are written in a
concise and easily understood format known as “Playscript.” The individual
(Performer) who is responsible to carry out the action is listed. This designation
occurs at the first action that is to be handled. Thus, the Performer is provided a
step-by-step guide that walks him/her through the system’s requirements.
As mentioned before, it is important not to deviate from this uniform statewide
processing. However, a particular municipality may find it advantageous to
supplement these procedures with additional ones designed to address unique local
needs. Should any additional internal (i.e., not completed by Applicant) forms be
required, remember that these forms cannot be substituted for the system’s forms.
This is a dynamic system. As the construction industry in the State evolves, the
procedures in this manual will need to change. As change bulletins are received,
they should be incorporated into the manual immediately.
Finally, this Manual is organized around four key performers - - Construction
Official, Subcode Official/Inspector, Applicant and Technical Assistant. The first
three players are well known. The Technical Assistant is the individual employee
(or employees) chosen by the Construction Official, who is responsible for much of
the paperwork in this system. This individual (who may in fact be the Construction
Official) will be asked to perform many steps in this manual. It should be
understood that the Technical Assistant’s actions are always under the supervision
of the Construction Official.
3.0.0 Application and Permit
This section describes the administrative processing of an application and the
issuance of the Construction Permit. These procedures will act as a guide in the
preparation of forms, the collection of proper documentation and the maintenance of
accurate records.
The Technical Assistant to the Construction Official and Inspector are the key
players in this process. Their activities are supported by the Construction Official
and involve significant participation by the Applicant.
The major activities and responsibilities of the performers are:
Construction Official
Monitors and supervises the application and permit processing.
When requested, assists the Technical Assistant to the
Construction Official in determining what prior approvals and plan
reviews are required.
Reviews and authorizes the completed Permit document.
Subcode Official/Inspector
Conducts plan review and calculates fees for his/her subcode
Offers technical advice when determining if plan review is required.
When requested, assists Technical Assistant to the Construction
Official in calculating fees for minor work and/or jobs without plan
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
Determines what category of work the job falls into, using the
following guidelines:
Major Work - all jobs that do not fit into the category of minor
Minor work - does not require prior approvals or plan review.
3.0.0 Application and Permit continued.
Verifies prior approvals and plan reviews required.
Collects fees.
Assists the Applicant in properly completing forms.
Logs in/out documents received from Owner/Agent.
Monitors the plan review deadlines.
Performs Technical Section fee calculations for minor work
and/or applications not requiring plan review.
Performs summary fee calculations for all applications.
Maintains accurate logs and records of Permits issued and fees
Completes application.
Provides prior approval documentation and plans, as required
for job.
Takes appropriate action if plans are not approved.
Pays fees.
Fee Schedule
Must be posted in the office.
All municipal fee schedules must be submitted to:
Department of Community Affairs
Office of Regulatory Affairs
PO Box 818
Trenton, NJ 08625-0818
Any changes to the fee schedule must be submitted to DCA.
3.1.0 Process Application
3.1.1 Major Work
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Determines that the proposed work requires prior approval.
2. Gives applicant Construction Permit Application Folder (CPA) (F100)
and Technical Sections (F110 -F150) (package called “Application").
3. Responds to applicant's questions about completing the application.
1. Reviews checklists and completes applications.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Officialcontinued.
4. Collects application, prior approval documentation, and plans.
5. Reviews submittal for completeness.
a. If not complete, advises Applicant to properly complete the
6. Reviews with Construction Official and Subcode Official what, if any,
prior approvals are required for Permit and indicates on the CPA. (It
may not be possible to determine the extent of prior approvals
required at this time.)
7. Indicates on CPA which approvals have been obtained.
a. If required prior approvals have not been obtained, informs
Applicant which approvals are still needed.
8. Indicates in CPA section II which plan reviews are required. Checks
Partial Releases box in CPA section III if Applicant will submit his/her
plans in parts.
3.1.1 Major Work continued.
a. If proper plans are not submitted, informs Applicant of
required action.
9. Determines overall status of Applicant's documentation and plans.
a. If incomplete, returns all documentation to Applicant
and instructs him/her to resubmit application when all prior
approvals and/ or proper plans have been obtained. The remaining
procedural steps are not completed.
b. If complete, informs Applicant that application will be
10. Determines need for plan review.
a. If plan review is done by Enforcing Agency:
Assigns plan review number.
Prepares Tickler/X-Ref Card (F-375) indicating:
Plan Review due dates -not to exceed 20 business days;
Plans received date;
Owner name, address, telephone number;
Work site address, (if different from above);
Block and lot.
Files Tickler/X-Ref Card in Tickler File, by plan review
due date;
Forwards plans and Technical Sections to appropriate
Subcode Officials (SCO). The SCO performs the procedure
"Plan Review and Fee Calculation” (3.1.3);
Records that plans were received on the CPA, section II;
Files CPA in Central File, by block and lot.
b. If plan review is not done by Enforcing Agency (i.e., prototype plans
on file, review conducted by DCA or no plan review required):
Prepares X-Ref card (F-375) indicating:
Owners name, address, telephone number;
Work site address (if different from above);
Block and lot.
Files X-Ref card in X-Ref File, by owner name;
Calculates subcode fee and records on Technical Section; for
more complex calculations, consults with Subcode Official;
3.1.1 Major Work continued.
If applicable, updates CPA with exact location and number of
prototype plans;
Continues at step 11.
Subcode Official
1. Assures that plans have been reviewed.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Officialcontinued.
11. Receives approved plans and Technical Section from
Subcode Official.
12. Removes CPA from Central File.
13. Files plans in CPA or, if required, files plans in bins attaches note of
exact location to CPA.
14. If plan review was conducted, records initials of who approved plans
or State agency on CPA, section II.
15. Records fee (calculated by Subcode Official) from Technical Section,
to CPA section V.
16. Reviews plan review status on CPA, section II.
a. If all required plan reviews are not complete:
Checks plan review deadline;
Takes appropriate action if deadline is near;
Files Technical Section in CPA in Central file, by block and lot.
b. If all required plan reviews are complete:
Reviews CPA for completeness (i.e., prior approvals);
Calculates training and other fees ( i.e., Certificate, etc.);
Calculates total fees;
Records fee summary on CPA, section V;
If plan review was conducted by State agency reduces Permit
fee by 20 %;
If plan is released prototype, reduces Permit fee by amount of
plan review fee established by ordinance; if no plan review fee
established by ordinance, reduces Permit fee by 20%;
Performs procedure "Permit Preparation" (3.2.1);
Removes Tickler/X-Ref Card from Tickler File and re-files in X-
Ref file.
3.1.2 Minor Work
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Receives Technical Section(s) (UCC-F110, -F120, -F130, -F140,
-F145, or -F 150) and fee from Applicant, either in person or by mail.
2. Determines that proposed work will not require any prior approvals,
and that no plan review is needed.
a. If the proposed work does not meet these conditions, refers to
“Major Work" (3.1.1).
3. Reviews Technical Sections for completeness.
11. If not complete, advises Applicant to properly complete form(s).
4. Prepares Construction Permit Application (CPA) (UCC-F100) for job
completing, sections I, II, III, IV, VI, and VII.
5. Prepares X-Ref Card (F375) indicating:
Owners name, address, telephone number;
Work site address ( if different from above);
Block, lot.
6. Files X-Ref Card in X-Ref File, by Owner's name.
7. Calculates subcode fee and records on Technical Section,
referencing Fee Schedule, as necessary (for more complex
calculations, consults with Subcode Official).
8. Records subcode fee in CPA, section V.
9. Calculates State Permit Surcharge (Training) and other fees
applicable, records in CPA, section V.
10. Calculates total fees, records in CPA, section V.
11. Collect fees.
3.1.2 Minor Work continued.
12. Compares fee remitted with fee calculated.
a. If different, contacts Applicant to resolve difference.
13. Performs procedure "Permit Preparation" (3.2.1.)
Note: For Minor Work, which is clearly defined in NJAC 5:23 2.17A, the
code enforcement office must be notified in person, by mail or by phone
prior to any work beginning.
3.1.3 Plan Review and Fee Calculation
Inspector/Subcode Official
1. Receives completed Technical Section and plans from
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official or Owner/agent if
plans were initially rejected.
2. Reviews for code compliance and proper detail level.
a. After plans are reviewed, they must be forwarded to the subcode
official for signature:
Inspector must indicate initials on Technical Section (UCC-
F110 thru -F150) with the date of review.
b. If plans are rejected:
Indicates review date and problem on Technical Section;
Marks plans "Not Approved" and records signature, date and
Contacts Owner/agent to discuss, modify, or correct plans. This
time may be appropriate to issue a Denial of Permit (UCC-
If Owner/agent seeks an exception to the Regulations,
performs procedure, "Application for a Variation" (8.2.1);
If Owner/agent seeks to appeal the decision, performs
procedure, "Application to Construction Board of Appeals"
Subcode Official
1. Determines individual activity or fixture fee and calculates total
subcode fee. Records fee calculation on Technical Section, in
Technical Site Data, referencing Town Fee Schedule may be required.
2. Forwards Technical Section and plans to Technical Assistant to the
Construction Official.
3.1.4 Plan Review Status Check
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Periodically checks Plan Review Tickler Card (UCC-F375).
2. Identifies job whose plans must be reviewed within the next three (3)
3. Removes the corresponding Construction Permit Application (CPA,
UCC-F100) from the Central File.
4. Reviews CPA, section II to determine what plan reviews are missing.
5. Advises Subcode Official(s) and Construction Official of
outstanding plan review(s).
3.2.0 Issue Construction Permit
3.2.1 Permit Preparation
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Determine if a Construction Permit (F170) has been issued.
a. If initial Permit, prepares Construction Permit using the following
information contained on Construction Permit Application (CPA)
Owner/agent and work site identification data
Type(s) of work authorized
Permit fee
Estimated cost of work
Note: The Construction Official's signature is not obtained at this point.
b. If a Construction Permit already exists for this job, prepares a
Notice of Permit Update (UCC-F190). using the same information
as step 1a, and the Construction Permit number. Omit step 2.
2. Prepares Construction Permit Notice (UCC-F180) for initial Permit.
3. Provides applicant with required Inspections list.
4. Notifies Applicant that Construction Permit (or Permit Update) is ready,
and the fee amount (if any) due.
5. Files Permit document(s) in Permit Holding File, by owner name.
3.2.2 Permit Issuance
1. Enters office and requests Permit.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Removes Permit document(s) from Permit Holding File.
2. Removes Construction Permit Application (CPA) (UCC-F100) and all
completed Technical Sections (UCC-F110 thru -F150) from Central
3. Collects fee from Applicant, as noted on Construction Permit (UCC-
4. Records fee payment data on Permit document.
5. Presents Permit document to Construction Official for signature.
Note: Obtains Subcode Officials' approvals prior to presenting for
Construction Official's signature.
6. Updates Permit document with today's date and Permit number,
referring to Permit Log and other documents for next available
7. Gives Copy of Construction Permit, Notice, Required inspections and
Technical Sections to the Applicant.
8. Distributes Permit copy to Tax Assessor; retains Office Copy.
9. Records Construction Permit number and date of issuance in upper
right-hand corner of Technical Section(s).
10. Distributes Technical Section(s) copy to Inspector(s). Retains Office
3.2.2 Permit Issuance continued.
11. Updates CPA, section V entering fees collected
12. Records information in Permit Fee Log (UCC-L700) referring, as
necessary, to CPA, Technical Section(s) and Census Information
booklet for appropriate Census category number.
13. Updates X-Ref Card (UCC-F375) with Construction Permit number
and date issued.
14. Files CPA, Technical Section(s) and Permit document in
Central File.
3.2.3 Permit Update Issuance
1. Enters office and requests Permit.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Removes Permit document(s) from Permit Holding File.
2. Removes Construction Permit Application (CPA) (UCC-F100) and all
completed Technical Sections (UCC-F110 thru -F150) from Central
3. Collects from Applicant, all fees as noted on Construction Permit
Update (UCC-F190).
4. Records fee payment data on Permit document.
5. Obtains Construction Official's signature on Permit document.
6. Updates Permit document with today's date and the original Permit
number referencing the CPA.
7. Gives copy of Construction Permit Update to Applicant. Retains
Office Copy.
8. Records Construction Permit number and date of issuance in upper
right-hand corner of Technical Section(s).
Note: Some Technical Sections will already have the date and number
9. Gives copy of the Technical Section(s) to Applicant.
Note: Some Technical Sections will already have the date and number
10. Distributes Technical Section(s) copy to Inspector(s). Retains Office
3.2.3 Permit Update Issuance continued.
11. Updates CPA, section V entering fees collected.
12. Records information in Permit Fee Log (UCC-L700) referring, as
necessary, to CPA, Office Copies of Permit document, Technical
Section(s) and Census Information booklet for appropriate Census
category number.
13. Updates X-Ref Card (F375) with Construction Permit Update and date
14. Files CPA and Technical Section(s) by block and lot in Central File.
The Permit Update should be attached to the Construction Permit for
the same job.
4.0.0 Inspection
This section describes the administrative process for conducting
inspections and reporting the results. These procedures will act as a guide
conducting inspections and processing final subcode approvals, and for
maintaining an inspecting log.
The Inspector and Technical Assistant to the Construction Official are the
key players in this process. Their activities are supported by the Construction
Official and involve participation by the Applicant.
The major activities and responsibilities of the performers are:
Construction Official
Monitors and supervises the inspection process.
Reviews Daily Inspection Report.
Subcode Official/Inspector
Inspects the construction site for Code compliance.
Takes appropriate action when discovering a Code violation.
Maintain record of inspection results on Technical Sections.
Informs Subcode Official and/or Technical Assistant when final
subcode approval is granted on a project.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
Maintains a log of inspection requests and results.
Notifies appropriate Inspector of a request for inspection.
Updates the files when final approvals are granted.
Notes when all final approvals are secured and conditions to be
resolved are met.
Verifies with the Construction Official the type of Certificate
required for approved jobs.
Requests an on-site inspection.
Takes appropriate action if inspection is not approved.
4.1.0 Inspections
4.1.1 Inspection Request
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Receives call or message for inspection from Owner/agent.
a. Schedules inspections of Minor Work within thirty (30) days of
2. Records the following information in the Inspection Log (UCC-L710) for
the appropriate subcode area:
Date of phone call;
Construction Permit number;
Owner/agent name;
Work site location;
Type of inspection requested.
3. Prepares Inspection Notice (UCC-F200), including the following
Subcode Official name;
Time and date of call;
Person receiving call;
Owner/agent name and telephone number;
Block, lot, and address at work site;
Type of inspection requested.
4. Gives Inspection Notice to Inspector. Inspection must be conducted
within three (3) days (or thirty (30) days for Minor Work) of the
requested appointment.
If more convenient, telephone message to Inspector.
4.1.2 Inspection Conducted
1. Receives Inspection Notice (UCC-F200) from Technical Assistant to
the Construction Official.
2. Refers to Technical Section (UCC-F110 thru -F150) in Subcode Official
File to insure that inspections are being requested in the proper order.
a. If required inspections are omitted or bypassed,
contacts Owner/agent and requests Subcode
Official/Construction Official to issue a Notice and Order of Penalty
(UCC-F212), by performing procedure "Notice and Order of
Penalty" (8.1.6.).
3. Inspects work site, referring to Technical Section, as needed.
a. If inspection passes, talks to Owner/agent directly and/or
posts appropriate Inspection Approval Sticker (UCC-F221
thru -F225) at work site, filling in all necessary information,
including the telephone number to call for additional information.
b. If inspection fails, talks to Owner/agent directly and/or posts
inspection Not Approved Sticker (UCC-F230) at work site
filling in all necessary information, including the telephone number
to call for additional information.
c. Records results on inspection log.
At Inspector's discretion, the Subcode Official/Construction
Official is requested to issue Notice of Violation and Order to
Terminate (UCC-F211) by performing procedure "Notice of
Violation and Order to Terminate" (8.1.3).
If necessary, the Subcode Official/Construction
Official is requested to issue Stop Construction Order (UCC-
F250), by performing procedure, "Stop
Construction Order" (8.1.1).
4. Updates job summary/inspections on Technical Section with inspection
5. Performs procedure, "Daily Inspection Report Preparation" (4.2.1).
4.1.2 Inspection Conducted continued.
6. Determines status of inspections.
a. If no final approval granted, no action required.
b. If final approval granted, performs procedure, "Final Inspection
Approval" (4.1.3).
4.1.3 Final Inspection Approval
1. Indicates final approval on the Inspector Copy of the Technical
Section (UCC-F110 thru -F150).
a. Checks "Inspections Final" in the job summary area.
b. Records date and signature in the job summary area.
2. Forwards Inspector Copy of Technical Section to Subcode Official
for final inspection.
Subcode Official
1. Checks to see if all required inspections were performed and that no
outstanding violations exist.
2. Indicates final approval and forwards to Technical Assistant to the
Construction Official for necessary action.
4.1.4 Final Inspection Processing
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Receives copy of Technical Section(s) (UCC-F110 thru -F150) from
Inspector/Subcode Official.
2. Removes Construction Permit Application (CPA) (UCC-F100) and
Office Copy of appropriate Technical Section from Central File.
3. Files inspection reports.
4. Reviews inspections to determine work status.
a. If all Subcode final inspections are approved and all
outstanding conditions for prior approvals are met,
performs procedure, "Certificate Preparation" (5.1.1).
b. If all necessary Subcode final inspections are not approved, or all
outstanding conditions for prior approvals are not met, puts CPA
and Inspector Copy of the Technical Section(s) back in Central File.
Notifies Applicant of requirements.
4.2.0 Daily/Weekly Inspection Reporting
4.2.1 Daily/Weekly Inspection Report Preparation
1. Updates Daily/Weekly Inspection Report (UCC-R800) after performing
inspection, listing the following data in the report:
Time of inspection;
Permit number;
Owner/agent name;
Construction location;
Inspection results;
Comments, as needed.
2. Gives Daily/Weekly Inspection Report to Technical Assistant at end of
day or week.
4.2.2 Inspection Log Update
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Receives Daily/Weekly Inspection Report (UCC-R800) from Inspector.
2. Updates Inspection Log (UCC-L710) with date inspection conducted,
Inspector identification, and inspection results.
3. Gives Daily/Weekly Inspection Report to Construction Official for
4. Reviews Inspection log periodically for overdue inspections and
takes appropriate action.
4.3.0 Post-Certificate of Occupancy Enforcement Action Inspections
4.3.1 Inspection Conducted
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Receives complaint of possible Code violation(s) and the building is
one of a residential development and a Certificate of Occupancy on the
building has already been issued.
2. Refers complaint to appropriate subcode Inspector/Official.
Inspector/Subcode Official
1. Receives post-CO complaint from Technical Assistant.
2. Removes Construction Permit file from Central File and reviews with
specific attention to Technical Section (UCC-F110 thru -F150)
applicable to alleged violation.
3. Schedules Inspection.
4. Inspects work site, referring to Technical Section and/or plans, as
5. If inspection reveals violation, performs or advises appropriate
Subcode Official to perform procedure 8.1.8 “Notice of Violation and
Order to Terminate (Post-Certificate of Occupancy Residential
6. Refers to N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.35(a)1. For any violation of a Code section
listed, makes necessary arrangements for inspection of all units within
the development that might have similar violations.
7. Where violations found in other units, performs or advises appropriate
Subcode Official to perform procedure 8.1.8 “Notice of Violation and
Order to Terminate (Post-Certificate of Occupancy Residential
4.3.2 Post-CO Inspection Fee Calculated
Construction Official
1. Receives notice from Subcode Official(s) of development-wide Post-
CO violations.
2. Calculates required developer’s escrow in accordance with N.J.A.C.
3. Notifies developer of escrow requirements in accordance with same.
4. Charges shall be made to the escrow account, also as described in
N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.17(d), and paid by the municipality’s Chief Financial
Office in accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraphs c and d
of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.2.
5.0.0 Certificate
This section describes the preparation, distribution, and control of
Certificates. The Technical Assistant to the Construction Official is the key player
in this process. His/her activities are supported by the Construction Official and
involve minimal participation by the Applicant.
The major activities and responsibilities of the performers are:
Construction Official
Monitors and supervises the processing and issuance of
Authorizes issuance of Temporary Certificates of Occupancy
(TCO) and notes unresolved conditions.
Reviews and authorizes the completed Certificate.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
Prepares the Certificate.
Maintains controls for TCOs and Temporary Certificates of
Compliance, including monitoring the compliance deadlines.
Collects fees; NOTE: There are no fees for Certificates of
Compliance, Approval or Temporary Certificates of Compliance.
Maintains logs records of Certificates issued and fees collected.
Updates files when Certificate is issued.
Applies for Certificate.
Pays fees.
If TCO is issued, resolved conditions of Certificate.
5.1.0 Issue Certificate
5.1.1 Certificate Preparation
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Reviews Construction Permit Application (CPA) (UCC-F100), section X
to determine which Certificate is required for the job.
2. Prepares Certificate (Occupancy, Compliance, Continued Occupancy,
Approval, or Lead Hazard Clearance) (UCC-F260) recording the
following information:
Owner and site identification data
Type of Certificate being issued
Brief description of work
Note: The Construction Official's signature is not obtained at this point.
a. If this is a Certificate of Occupancy, obtains from appropriate
Subcode Officials and records the home warranty number and type
of warranty plan, use group, maximum live load, construction
classification, and maximum occupancy load.
3. Files Certificate in Certificate Holding File, by Owner’s name or by
block and lot.
4. Optional: Notifies Applicant that Certificate is ready, and the fee
amount, if any, due.
5.1.2 Certificate Issued
1. Enters office; requests Certificate.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Asks owner/agent to complete Application for Certificate of Occupancy
2. Checks Application for type of Certificate desired.
a. If Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is desired, performs
procedure, "Temporary Certificate Preparation" (5.2.1) and does
not perform the remainder of this procedure.
b. If Certificate of Continued Occupancy is desired and it is being
issued under the municipality’s maintenance code, follow local
requirements. Do not use UCC-F260.
3. Removes Certificate from Certificate Holding File.
a. If Certificate not found, performs, "Certificate Preparation" (5.1.1),
steps 1 and 2.
Note: Certificate should normally be prepared after all final inspections
are completed, any outstanding Prior Approval conditions are met,
and before Applicant files Application for Certificate.
4. If Certificate requested differs form the type of Certificate
prepared, resolves difference with Applicant and, if necessary,
Construction Official.
5. Calculates and collects fees due from Applicant.
6. Records fee collection data on Certificate.
5.1.2 Certificate Issued continued.
Note: If the construction project is new non-residential development or an
addition to non-residential development, then you may be responsible for
ensuring the payment of the Statewide Non-residential Development Fee
before issuing the Certificate of Occupancy. Refer to the latest information
on the Statewide Non-residential Development Fee provided to
Construction Officials before proceeding.
7. Obtains Construction Official's signature on Certificate.
8. Assigns Certificate number in upper right-hand corner of
document using numbering sequence as described in
9. Records information in Certificate Log (UCC-L720) including:
Certificate number;
Date issued;
Description of Work;
Use Group;
Type of Certificate;
New or Addition area and volume;
Housing units gained or lost;
Census number;
10. Gives copy of Certificate to Applicant.
11. Distributes copy to Tax Assessor. Retains Office Copy.
12. Removes CPA form Central File and updates sections V and X with
Certificate Data.
13. Files CPA and office copy of Certificate in Central File.
5.2.0 Issue Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) or Compliance (TCC)
5.2.1 TCO/TCC Preparation and Issuance
1. Completes Application for Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy/Compliance (UCC-F270).
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Reviews Application with appropriate Construction or Subcode Official
to determine if Temporary Certificate may be granted.
a. If not authorized, informs Applicant of reasons for rejection. No
further action required.
b. If authorized, obtains the following from Construction or Subcode
Official, noting:
List of conditions to be resolved;
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance expiration
Penalty for non-compliance.
2. Prepares Certificate (TCO/TCC) (F260), recording the following
Owner and site identification data;
Type of Certificate being issued;
Brief description of work;
Date issued;
List of conditions to be resolved;
Expiration date;
Penalty for non-compliance.
3. Collects fees due from Applicant.
4. Records fee collection data on Certificate.
5.2.1 TCO/TCC Preparation and Issuance continued.
Note: If the construction project is new non-residential development or an
addition to non-residential development, then you may be responsible for
ensuring the payment of the Statewide Non-residential Development Fee
before issuing the Certificate of Occupancy. Refer to the latest information
on the Statewide Non-residential Development Fee provided to
Construction Officials before proceeding.
5. Obtains Construction Official's signature on Certificate.
6. Places Certificate number in upper right-hand corner of document
using number sequence as described in Appendix.
7. Records information in Certificate Log (L720), including:
Certificate Number;
Date issued;
Description of Work;
Use Group;
Type of Certificate(s);
New or Additional area and volume;
Housing Units Gained or Lost;
Total Value of Construction;
Census Number;
8. Gives copy of certificate (Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or
Compliance) to Applicant.
9. Distributes copy to Tax Assessor. Retains Office Copy.
10. Removes Construction Permit Application (CPA)(UCC-F100) from
Central File and updates section V (Fee collection data) and section X
(Temporary Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance data).
5.2.1 TCO/TCC Preparation and Issuance continued.
11. Prepares TCO/TCC Control Card (F280) with the following
Compliance deadline (expiration date of TCO/TCC);
Construction Permit Number;
Date of TCO/TCC issuance;
Owner/agent name;
Work site address;
Telephone number of Owner/agent;
Conditions to be resolved.
Note: This card is prepared to monitor Temporary Certificates and their
expiration dates.
12. Files TCO/TCC Control Card in TCO/TCC Tickler file, by compliance
13. Files CPA and Office Copy of Certificate (Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy/Compliance) in Central File.
5.2.2 TCO/TCC Compliance Monitoring
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Checks TCO/TCC Tickler File periodically for upcoming compliance
due dates.
a. If no Temporary Certificates expire within three (3) days, no
further action required.
2. Removes CPA (UCC-F100) from Central File.
3. Checks inspection summary to identify if all required Subcode officials
have given final approvals.
a. If all finals have not been given, notifies Inspector to check for
possible violation;
b. If all final approvals have been given:
Discards TCO/TCC Control Card;
Performs procedure, "Certificate Preparation" (5.1.1);
Notifies Applicant that a final Certificate of Occupancy must be
obtained. Re-files CPA in Central File.
6.0.0 End-of-Month Reporting
This section contains procedures for end-of-month reporting. These
procedures will act as a guide in preparing the Town Report, the Municipal
Monthly Activity Report, and the Census Report.
The Key Player in these Activities is the Technical Assistant to the
Construction Official. His/her activities are supported by the Construction Official.
The major activities and responsibilities of the performers are:
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
Tabulates each category reported in the Log and transcribes the
data onto the appropriate monthly report.
Gives report copies to the appropriate officials.
Maintains the report files.
Construction Official
Reviews each report for critical indicators and trends in
Reviews each report for accuracy prior to issuance.
6.1.0 Local Reporting
6.1.1 Town Report Preparation
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Obtains the Permit Fee Log (UCC-L700) and the Certificate Log
(UCC-L720) for the reporting month.
2. Prepares the Town Report in format suitable for Town use, using
information recorded in both logs.
3. Copies Town Report and distributes to appropriate officials.
NOTE: If municipality will accept a copy of the "Monthly Municipal
Activity Report" as prepared in procedure 6.2.1 in place of the
above, this procedure may be omitted.
6.2.0 State Reporting
6.2.1 Municipal Monthly Activity Report Preparation (Permits)
Technical Assistant to the Construction official
1. Obtains the Permit Fee Log (UCC-L700) for the reporting month.
2. Fills out the reporting month and year on the Municipal Monthly Activity
Report--Permits (UCC-R812).
3. Calculates totals of the following items for each Use Group, using the
Permit Fee Log:
New Construction (New or Addition)
Number of Permits and Updates;
Square and cubic footage gained;
Private or public ownership;
Housing units gained or lost by sale or rental;
Total value of construction.
Number of Permits and Updates;
Private or public ownership;
Housing units gained or lost.
Number of Permits and Updates;
Private or public ownership;
Housing units lost.
4. Records fees collected for:
Fire Protection;
5. Records the use group totals on the Municipal Monthly Activity Report
6.2.1 Municipal Monthly Activity Report Preparation (Permits)continued.
6. Calculates total for each item and records on Activity Report,
with signature and date.
7. Distributes copies of the Municipal Monthly Activity report to:
Department of Community Affairs*
Town Officials, as required;
Town Departments as required.
8. Files copy of Municipal Monthly Activity Report (Permits).
* Those municipalities using the NJDCA's UCCARS software or any
UCCARS-like software need only transmit data electronically on or
before the 7th calendar day of the following month. Municipalities
participating in the NJDCA’s PermitsNJ need do nothing.
6.2.2 Municipal Monthly Activity Report Preparation (Certificates)
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Obtains the Certificate Log (UCC-L720) for the reporting month.
2. Fills out the reporting month and year on the Municipal Monthly Activity
Report- Certificates (UCC-R811).
3. Calculates totals of the following items for each Use Group using the
Certificate Log:
Number of certificates;
Square and cubic footage gained for new and addition;
Public or private ownership;
Housing units gained or lost;
Value of construction;
Records totals of certificate fees collected that were not previously
reported with Permit activity.
4. Records the Use Group total on the Municipal Activity Report
5. Signs and dates.
6. Distributes copies of the Municipal Activity Report to:
Department of Community Affairs*
Town Officials, as requested
Town Departments, as required
7. Files copy of Municipal Monthly Activity Report (Certificates).
* Those municipalities using the NJDCA's UCCARS software or any
UCCARS-like software need only transmit data electronically on or
before the 7th calendar day of the following month. Municipalities
participating in the NJDCA’s PermitsNJ need do nothing.
6.2.3 Census Report Preparation
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Obtains the Permit Fee Log (UCC-L700) for the reporting month.
2. Completes the Census Report using information recorded on the
Permit Fee Log.
3. Makes a copy of the Census Report.
4. Files copy, by month, in Census Report File.
5. Sends original to the US Census Bureau.*
*If you are transmitting your municipality’s monthly Permit and Certificate
data to DCA electronically, or if your municipality participates in
PermitsNJ, your Federal Census reporting requirement is automatically
fulfilled as well. Please notify the US Census Bureau of your
transmitting electronically and you will not be required to submit the
paper report.
6.2.4 NJ State Permit Surcharge (Training) Quarterly Report
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
1. Obtains the Permit Fee Logs (UCC-L700) for the reporting quarter.
2. Completes the report (R840B) by using the information recorded on
each Permit Fee Log and totaling the amounts for the quarter.
3. Inserts the dollar amount submitted, the total cubic volume (residential
and nonresidential new construction and additions) and the total cost
of rehabilitation projects (both residential and nonresidential), where
4. Indicates the quarter of the year for which the report is being sent.
Signs and dates the report.
5. Indicates work that is fee exempt.
6. Sends this report along with a Municipal check for the NJ State Permit
Surcharge (Training) Fee made, payable to ‘Treasurer, State of New
Jersey.’ Vouchers cannot be accepted.
Note: Those municipalities using the NJDCA’s UCCARS software or
participating in PermitsNJ need only include the computer copy of this
report along with the check.
7.0.0 On-Going Inspections
This section describes the administrative process related to cyclical
inspections. These procedures will serve as a guide to the Construction and
Subcode Officials, Inspectors and Technical Assistants in the maintenance of on-
going inspection logs and the reporting of inspection results.
The major activities and responsibilities of the performers are:
Construction Official
Supervises cyclical inspection process.
Issues Penalty Orders, Certificates, etc, applicable to the on-going
inspection process.
Inspector/Subcode Official
Establishes cycle of inspections. Monitors and supervises cyclical
Conducts inspections and witnesses tests where applicable.
Takes appropriate action(s) if device inspected is in violation of
Takes appropriate action(s) when Owner appeals agency’s decision(s).
Calculates inspection fees.
Prepares forms applicable to the process and forwards such to the
Technical Assistant within five (5) working days of the inspection
(except in emergency situations).
Maintains an on-going inspection log.
Maintains a schedule of device inspections within an established cycle
of inspections.
Technical Assistant to the Construction Official
Reviews for completeness, the forms forwarded by the
Inspector/Subcode Official/Construction Official for completeness.
Prepares Certificates as recommend by the Inspector.
Ensures that all forms issued by the municipality are signed, dated,
etc., and forwards same to device owners.
Files copies of forms in device files.
Maintains up-to-date device files, and files of Inspection and Certificate
Monitors inspection deadlines and the expiration dates of the
Certificates under which the devices operate.
Device Owner
Takes appropriate action if device is in violation of the regulations.
Arranges for necessary tests (through scheduling) upon notification by
the Inspector/Subcode Official.
7.1.0 Log Maintenance
7.1.1 Log Update Required Inspections
Technical Assistant
1. Reviews all incoming Construction Permit Applications (CPA) and
relevant Technical Section(s) to determine whether any aspect of the
construction project for which a Permit is sought will require future on-
going inspections.
a. Verifies information recorded in CPA section IV.
If data does not agree with information on Technical Section(s),
updates the CPA as appropriate.
b. If future on-going inspections will be required, proceeds to next step
(step 2).
c. If future on-going inspections will not be required, files CPA and
Technical Section(s) in Central file, by block and lot, and stops
does not perform remainder of procedure.
2. Records type of required future on-going inspections on CPA, section
Note: this is not to say a Permit should be issued for the purpose of
conducting an annual inspection, it is simply the mechanism by which
additional devices requiring on-going inspections are added to the periodic
inspections registry!
3. Reviews On-going Inspections Log(s) (UCC-L730) to determine if
device is already recorded in log.
a. If information is already recorded in log does not perform
remainder of procedure.
4. Enters device information in appropriate On-going Inspection Log:
Owner’s name;
Building site:
Phone number;
Type of device;
Date of initial service.
a. If information is not complete, advises Subcode Official to obtain
necessary data.
5. Determines month(es) in which on-going inspection is required.
6. Prepares On-Going Inspection control card (UCC-F290) for each
calendar month inspection is required (i.e., if semi-annual inspections
are required, two cards are completed), recording necessary site and
owner/agent identification, description of device and month in which
inspection is due.
7. Files On-Going Inspection control card, by inspection month, in On-
Going Inspection tickler file.
7.1.2 On-Going Inspections Monitoring
Technical Assistant
1. Reviews On-going Inspection tickler file six weeks prior to start of new
inspection month.
2. Identifies inspections required for the month.
a. Refers to On-going Inspections Log for additional information as
3. Notifies appropriate Inspector of required inspections.
7.1.3 Log Update Inspection Results
1. Locates entry for inspected item in On-going Inspection Log (UCC-
2. Records date of final passed inspection.
7.2.0 Cyclical (On-going) Inspections
7.2.1 Inspection Conducted Elevator Device
1. Receives notice from Technical Assistant of on-going inspection due.
2. Contacts Owner/agent to schedule periodic elevator device inspection
(schedules cyclical inspection within the established cycle).
3. Schedules date and records on On-Going Inspection Schedule (UCC-
Inspector’s Name;
Owner/Agent name;
Building location and registration number;
Number and type of equipment to be inspected;
Type of inspection (Periodic, Reinspection);
Date inspection scheduled.
4. Calculates inspection fee (per device); records on On-going Inspection
5. Prepares Elevator Inspection form (UCC-F310) in duplicate, recording
building address, block and lot.
6. Conducts or witnesses inspection and records inspection data on form.
a. If unable to conduct or complete inspections/witnesses:
Updates schedule and Elevator Inspection form to indicate
inspection not done;
Reschedules inspection;
Records new inspection date on schedule.
7. Completes Elevator Inspection form (UCC-F310) by recording all
required data, date and type of the inspection, applicable codes,
results of the inspection/tests including citation of violations when
noted, recommendation, for certificate when appropriate, inspector’s
name, signature and license number.
7.2.1 Inspection Conducted Elevator Device continued.
8. Upon completion of inspection/ witnessing of tests, determines whether
device passes inspection.
a. If elevator device passes inspection:
Updates Elevator Inspection form to indicate approval;
Prepares, if not already present, Elevator Notice (UCC F320)
placard; posts in Machine room;
Signs and dates Elevator Notice placard after every
Prepares Certificate of Compliance (UCC-F260).
b. If elevator device does not pass inspection:
Notifies Owner/agent of required action;
Updates Elevator Inspection Form to indicate disapproval;
Schedules reinspection of elevator device; records date on On-
going Inspection Schedule.
c. Requests the Subcode Official to issue a Notice of Violation and
Order to Terminate (UCC-F211) (see procedure 8.1.3) with any
violation cited as a result of the inspection test and determines the
due date of compliance. In cases when a Private Onsite Agency
enforces the Subcode, the Notice shall be issued through the
Construction Official’s office.
d. May recommend that Construction Official issue a Notice and Order
of Penalty (see procedure 8.1.6) when violations cited repeatedly
are not brought into compliance.
e. May determine that device poses an immediate danger to riders.
f. Submits Elevator Inspection form to Technical Assistant within five
(5) working days of the inspection, and within two (2) working days
of inspection in the case of shut-down of the device or any other
emergency situation discovered.
g. Notifies Subcode Official and the NJDCA Elevator Safety unit of
any: non-registered buildings/devices, devices removed from
service, or devices placed back in service discovered during the
inspection process.
7.2.1 Inspection Conducted Elevator Device continued.
Inspector and Construction Official
1. When it is determined that an existing device poses an immediate
danger to the riders, places device Out of Operation and notifies the
owner of the same.
A device is considered Out of Operation when the main line power
supply disconnecting means are pulled. The placard, “Notice, This
Elevator Device is Declared Unsafe” (UCC-F325) is affixed to the
main entrance(s) of the affected device and to the disconnecting
means. All necessary forms, Notices, Orders are issued and sent to
the device owner.
Elevator Subcode Official
1. Establishes cycle of inspections.
2. Verifies list of Registered Building/Devices provided by the NJDCA
Elevator Safety unit; notifies the NJDCA of any discrepancies.
3. Monitors inspections process.
4. Ensures that the Certificates (TTC,CC) are issued as recommended
and that all UCC forms issued in relation to the inspection/test are
properly prepared, signed, issued timely, distributed accordingly and
on time, and filed in the device’s file.
5. Monitors and takes appropriate actions if devices are not inspected/re-
inspected on time.
6. If requested to issue violation notice by Inspector in step 7c above, and
a violation notice is warranted, issues Notice of Violation and Order to
Terminate (UCC-F211) by following procedure 8.1.3.
7.2.1 Inspection Conducted Elevator Device continued.
Technical Assistant
1. Receives and reviews forms/notices, etc, for completeness.
2. Prepares Certificates according to the Inspector’s recommendations.
a. Records all applicable data including but not limited to Certificate
type, date issued and the expiration date of the Certificate.
b. Records information applicable to the cyclical inspection process in
Certificate Log (UCC-L720). Information shall include but not be
limited to the Certificate’s type, date issued, and the expiration date
of the Certificate.
3. Obtains Construction Official’s signature on forms as required by the
4. Forwards all forms issued for the inspection/test performed to the
device owner within five (5) working days of their receipt and within two
(2) working days in case of a shut-down of the device or any other
emergency situation as indicated by the Inspector/Subcode Official.
5. Files copies of the forms forwarded to the device owner in the device’s
file within two (2) weeks of distribution.
6. Monitors the expiration dates of the Certificates (CC/TCC) under which
the device operates.
a. In the absence of the required information for the new Certificate to
be issued, notifies the Subcode Official/Inspector about the
upcoming expiration date.
7. Maintains files of Inspection and Certificate Logs.
Device Owner
1. Takes appropriate actions to arrange for tests requested by the
Inspector/Subcode Official.
2. Takes appropriate actions (as listed in 8.1.0) when ordered to comply
with the Notices/Orders issued by the agency.
7.2.2 Inspection Conducted Bonding and Grounding
Electrical Subcode Official or Inspector
1. Receives notice from Technical Assistant of on-going inspection due.
2. Contacts swimming pool/spa/hot tub owner. Advises that Certificate of
Compliance is expiring; schedules annual inspection (schedules
cyclical inspection within the established cycle). Uses model
Pool/Spa/Hot Tub Annual Notice, if desired.
3. Records on On-Going Inspection Schedule (UCC-F300):
Inspector’s Name
Owner name
Swimming pool/spa/hot tub location
Number and type of equipment to be inspected
Type of inspection (Periodic, Reinspection)
Date inspection scheduled.
4. Calculates inspection fee; records on On-going Inspection schedule.
5. The Electrical Subcode Technical Section may be used for the purpose
of recording inspection fee, inspection and results; its use, however, is
not required
6. Performs visual (nondestructive) inspection of the electrical equipment
and wiring associated with each pool, spa or hot tub, to ensure that the
installation continues to be safe and meets applicable requirements of
the Electrical Subcode.
a. Inspection must address all visible safety items covered by the
Electrical Subcode, such as (but not limited to):
Condition of connections and terminations;
GFCI protection for motors;
GFCI protection for receptacles;
GFCI protection for underwater lights;
Location of receptacles and switches;
Location and sealing of junction boxes and deck boxes, etc.
7. Obtains copy of valid bonding and grounding certificate.
7.2.2 Inspection Conducted Bonding and Grounding continued.
8. Returns Electrical Subcode Technical Section (if used) completed with
fee calculation and inspection results, and copy of valid bonding and
grounding certificate to Technical Assistant.
Technical Assistant
1. Receives forms from Subcode Official or Inspector.
2. Prepares Certificate (CC/TCC) according to the Subcode Official or
Inspector’s recommendations.
a. Records all applicable data including but not limited to Certificate
type, date issued and the expiration date of the Certificate,
indicating “Pool/Spa/Hot Tub Bonding and Grounding” and any
other pertinent and necessary detail in the Description of Work/Use
space on the Certificate form.
Note: A Certificate may encompass more than one swimming
pool/spa/hot tub if those devices are in the same vicinity, accessible to
an inspector in the same inspection visit, and are covered by the same
bonding and grounding certificate.
b. Records information applicable to the cyclical inspection process in
Certificate Log (UCC-L720). Information shall include but not be
limited to the Certificate’s type, date issued, and the expiration date
of the Certificate.
3. Obtains Construction Official’s signature on Certificate as required by
the UCC.
4. Forwards all forms issued for the inspection/test performed to the
swimming pool/spa/hot tub owner within five (5) working days of their
receipt, and within two (2) working days in case of a Notice of Unsafe
Structure being issued (see procedure 8.1.2).
5. Files copies of the forms forwarded to the swimming pool/spa/hot tub
owner in the swimming pool/spa/hot tub’s file in the central file system
within two (2) weeks of distribution.
6. Monitors the expiration dates of the Certificates (CC/TCC) under which
the swimming pool/spa/hot tub operates.
7.2.2 Inspection Conducted Bonding and Grounding continued.
a. In the absence of the required information for the new Certificate to
be issued, notifies the Subcode Official/Inspector about the
upcoming expiration date.
7. Maintains files of Inspection and Certificate Logs.
Device Owner
1. Takes appropriate actions to arrange for tests requested by the
Inspector/Subcode Official.
2. Takes appropriate actions (as listed in 8.1.0) when ordered to comply
with the Notices/Orders issued by the agency.
7.2.3 Ongoing InspectionBackflow Preventer Re-Testing
Plumbing Subcode Official or Inspector
1. Receives notice from Technical Assistant of annual re-testing due.
2. Contacts backflow preventer device owner; advises that Certificate of
Compliance is expiring, performance test certification is required and
payment of fee is due. Uses model Testing of Backflow Preventers
Annual Reminder, if desired.
Note: At his or her discretion, the Plumbing Inspector or Subcode
Official may elect to witness the test.
3. Calculates backflow preventer annual fee based upon the fee
established by municipal ordinance.
4. Obtains copy of valid performance test certificate.
5. The Plumbing Subcode Technical Section may be used for the
purpose of recording the annual fee, witnessing of the test and test
results; its use, however, is not required.
6. Returns Plumbing Subcode Technical Section (if used) completed with
fee calculation and copy of valid performance test certification to
Technical Assistant.
Technical Assistant
1. Receives forms from Subcode Official or Inspector.
2. Prepares Certificate (CC/TCC) according to the Subcode Official or
Inspector’s recommendations.
a. Records all applicable data including but not limited to Certificate
type, date issued and the expiration date of the Certificate,
indicating “Backflow Preventer” and any other pertinent and
necessary detail such as location in the building, model no., etc., in
the Description of Work/Use space on the Certificate form.
7.2.3 Ongoing InspectionBackflow Preventer Re-Testingcontinued.
Note: Issues one CC per building/structure, reflective of the flat fee
calculation per building/structure and not per device.
b. Records information applicable to the cyclical inspection process in
Certificate Log (UCC-L720). Information shall include but not be
limited to the Certificate’s type, date issued, and the expiration date
of the Certificate.
3. Collects fee.
4. Obtains Construction Official’s signature on Certificate of Compliance
as required by the UCC.
5. Forwards all forms issued for the inspection/test performed to the
backflow preventer device owner within five (5) working days of their
receipt, and within two (2) working days in case of a Notice of Unsafe
Structure being issued (see procedure 8.1.2).
6. Files copies of the forms forwarded to the backflow preventer device
owner in the backflow preventer’s file in the central file system within
two (2) weeks of distribution.
7. Monitors the expiration dates of the Certificates (CC/TCC) under which
the backflow preventer operates.
a. In the absence of the required information for the new Certificate to
be issued, notifies the Subcode Official/Inspector about the
upcoming expiration date.
8. Maintains files of Inspection and Certificate Logs.
Device Owner
1. Takes appropriate actions to arrange for tests requested by the
Inspector/Subcode Official.
2. Takes appropriate actions (as listed in 8.1.0) when ordered to comply
with the Notices/Orders issued by the agency.
8.0.0 Notices, Orders, and Appeals
The section describes the processing of special legal Notices, Orders and
applications for Appeal. These Notices, Orders and applications are an integral
part of enforcing the Uniform Construction Code.
The Construction Official and Subcode Official are the key players in this
process. Their activities are supported by the Technical Assistant and involve
the participation of the Applicant.
The major activities and responsibilities of the performers are:
Construction Official
Monitors and supervises the processing of Notices.
Reviews and authorizes when appropriate, Notices and Orders. As
per N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.14(e)2 the Construction Official shall sign UCC-
F250, UCC-F211 and UCC-F213 when a private on-site inspection
agency enforces the subcode(s).
Reviews and authorizes variation decisions made by the Subcode
Takes appropriate action in response to a decision of the Construction
Bd. of Appeals.
Forwards Notices, Orders and Variations to Technical Assistant for
distribution and proper filing.
Subcode Official
Prepares and forwards Notices/Orders to the Construction Official as
Subcode Official employed by the municipality, prepares and issues
Stop Construction Orders and Notices of Violations and Order to
Terminate and forwards them to Technical Assistant for distribution as
required, and filing.
Assures that site is re-inspected when Owner/agent complies with
terms of the Notice/Order.
Takes appropriate action if Owner/agent does not comply with
Assures that a history of notices issued is maintained in the
appropriate files.
Determines the merit of the Code variation requested; prepares a
response and forwards in the Construction Official for necessary
8.0.0 Notices, Orders, and Appeals continued.
Technical Assistant
Receives, distributes as required, and files Notices, Orders,
applications and decisions on variations.
Provides appropriate forms and assists Owner/agent in completing an
appeal to the Construction Bd. of Appeals.
Takes appropriate action when ordered to comply with a Notice/Order.
Takes appropriate actions to implement the alternatives of the
variations granted by the agency.
Files an appeal with the Construction Bd. of Appeals when disputing a
decision of the Enforcing Agency.
Takes appropriate action in response to a decision of the Construction
Bd. of Appeals.
8.1.0 Notices/Orders
8.1.1 Stop Construction Order
The Stop Construction Order may be used as a notice of any violation,
however, it stops all work of a specific subcode or subcodes, or all work
entirely on the construction project. It also carries a daily rather than
weekly penalty, when a subsequent Notice and Order of Penalty is
Immediate penalty must be ordered in conjunction with if used to stop
work without a Permit.
If used to stop legitimate job in progress, must list what’s wrong.
Issued to Permit holder or the person performing the work; if the Permit
holder or person performing the work is not the Owner in fee, must issue
to Owner in fee as well.
Provides ability to seek injunctive relief, i.e., a court order, to stop the
person(s) performing the work from violating the Stop Construction Order.
Subcode Official
1. Prepares a Stop Construction Order (UCC-F250) in duplicate, and a Stop
Construction Placard (UCC-F255).
a. Records the following Identification information:
Construction Permit number;
Date Permit issued;
Note: where construction has commenced without a Construction
Permit, simply leave the Permit number and date issued fields
Stop Construction Order number, if required by town;
Work site location;
Block/lot of construction site;
Owner and Agent (if any) name and address;
Name and address of Other Party receiving Order if not Owner or
b. Indicates dates:
Date of inspection that led to Order;
Date of Notice and Order.
c. Describes action to be taken:
Indicates work under which subcode(s) is required to stop;
Indicates date by which construction must stop.
8.1.1 Stop Construction Order continued.
d. Indicates exact section of regulations of which Owner/agent or
other party is in violation.
e. Quotes the above sections of the regulations.
f. States the condition upon which construction may resume.
g. Fills in appeal information:
Construction Bd. of Appeals name.
Appeal fee;
Construction Bd. of Appeals address.
h. Provides contact telephone number.
i. Subcode Official signs and dates.
2. Delivers original Order to Owner/agent or to Other Party (see N.J.A.C.
5:23-2.31(d) for service requirements).
3. Noted issuance of Order on Technical Section(s) (UCC-F110 thru -
F150), if applicable.
4. Files copy of Order with (or without) Construction Permit Application
(CPA) (UCC-F100) in Central File.
5. Responds to Owner/agent or Other Party’s actions.
a. If construction stops and conditions are met, re-inspects site and
informs Owner/agent or Other Party that he/she has permission to
continue work; notes compliance on back of Order.
b. If construction does not stop:
Issues a Notice and Order of Penalty by performing procedure,
Notice and Order of Penalty” (8.1.7).
Advises the Construction Official to seek the Order of a court of
competent jurisdiction, as needed, restraining further work at the
c. If appeal is made to the Construction Bd. of Appeals, provide board
with full record of the construction project in question.
8.1.4 Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate
The Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate is used most often to cite
violations of a technical nature.
Subsequent Notice and Order of Penalty issued carries weekly penalty.
Issued to Permit holder or the person performing the work; if the Permit
holder or person performing the work is not the Owner in fee, must issue
to Owner in fee as well.
Specifies timeframe in which violation must be corrected.
Subcode Official
1. Prepares a Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate (UCC-F211) in
a. Records the following Identification information:
Construction Permit number;
Date of Permit issuance;
Notice number, if required by Town;
Work site location;
Block/lot of construction site;
Owner and Agent (if any) name and address;
Indication of to whom the Notice is addressed;
Name and address of Other Party receiving Notice is not Owner or
b. Indicates dates:
Date of inspection;
Date of this Notice;
Compliance due date, i.e., date by which recipient must comply with
terms of Notice.
c. Indicates type of action that must be taken:
Describes violation(s) found, quoting from section of Code violated.
Repeats compliance due date.
d. Fills in appeal information:
Construction Bd. of Appeals name;
Appeal fee;
Construction Bd. of Appeals address.
e. Provides contact telephone number.
f. Subcode Official signs and dates.
2. Delivers original Notice to Owner/agent or to Other Party (see N.J.A.C.
5:23-2.33 for service requirements).
8.1.4 Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate continued.
3. Files copy of Order with (or without) Construction Permit Application
(CPA) (UCC-F100) in Central File.
4. Notes issuance of Notice & Order in Technical Sections(s) (UCC-F110
thru F150).
5. Responds to request for extension of compliance due date, if applicable.
6. Responds to Owner/agent or Other Party’s actions.
a. If Notice is not complied with in a timely fashion, takes appropriate
action (see N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.31)
b. If appeal to Construction Bd. of Appeals is made, provides board with
full record of the construction project in question.
8.1.5 Notice of Unsafe Structure
The Notice of Unsafe Structure is used in more urgent circumstances
than the Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate. See N.J.A.C. 5:23-
Results from inspection, describes an unsafe condition, and orders the
recipient to vacate by a specified date and/or demolish or make
prescribed repairs by a specified date.
The Notice of Unsafe Structure is issued to the Owner in fee, but may
also be served upon the Owner’s agent as specified in the Construction
Permit application, the person responsible for work, or any agent or
person in control of the building.
Construction Official
1. Prepares a Notice of Unsafe Structure (UCC-F241) in duplicate, and an
Unsafe Structure Placard (UCC-F245).
a. Records the following Identification information:
Construction Permit number, if applicable;
Date of Permit issuance, if applicable;
Notice number, if required by Town;
Building/structure site location;
Block/lot of building/structure site;
Owner and Agent (if any) name and address;
Indication of to whom the Notice is addressed;
Name and address of Other Party receiving Notice if not Owner or
b. Indicates dates:
Date of inspection that led to Notice;
Date Notice was issued.
c. Reiterates inspection date and describes unsafe condition found.
d. Indicates type of action Owner/agent is required to take:
If structure must be vacated, check and indicate date by which
must be vacated;
If structure must be demolished or unsafe conditions otherwise
corrected, check and indicate the date by which the structure must
8.1.5 Notice of Unsafe Structure continued.
e. Fills in appeal information:
Construction Bd. of Appeals name;
Appeal fee;
Construction Bd. of Appeals address.
f. Provides contact telephone number.
g. Construction Official signs and dates.
2. Delivers original Notice to Owner/agent or to Other Party (see N.J.A.C.
5:23-2.33 for service requirements).
3. Files copy of Notice with (or without) Construction Permit Application
(CPA) (UCC-F100) in Central File.
4. Notes issuance of Notice on Technical Section(s) (UCC-F110 thru F150).
5. Responds to Owner/agent or Other Party’s actions.
a. If repairs are made, evaluates whether structure is restored to within
Code requirements.
b. If Owner/agent or Other Party neglects or refuses to comply with
Notice, forwards matter to appropriate legal counsel.
8.1.6 Notice of Imminent Hazard
The Notice of Imminent Hazard is used for the most serious
circumstances and where immediate life safety concerns are present.
See N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.32(b).
Results from inspection, describes the imminent hazard, and orders the
recipient to vacate forthwith, i.e., at once.
The Notice of Imminent Hazard further orders to make the prescribed
repairs by a specified date or to demolish the structure by a specified
The Notice of Imminent Hazard is issued to the Owner in fee, but may
also be served upon the Owner’s agent as specified in the Construction
Permit application, the person responsible for work, or any agent or
person in control of the building.
Order to Vacate placards (UCC-F245) must be posted. (Note: While
UCC-F245 continues to be commonly referred to as the Unsafe Structure
Notice, it is the Order to Vacate placard)
Construction Official
1. Prepares a Notice of Imminent Hazard (UCC-F242) in duplicate, and the
necessary number of Order to Vacate Placards (UCC-F245).
a. Records the following Identification information:
Construction Permit number, if applicable;
Date of Permit issuance, if applicable;
Notice number, if required by Town;
Building/structure site location;
Block/lot of building/structure site;
Owner and Agent (if any) name and address;
Indication of to whom the Notice is addressed;
Name and address of Other Party receiving Notice if not Owner or
b. Indicates dates:
Date of inspection that led to Notice;
Date Notice was issued.
c. Reiterates inspection date and describes imminent hazard condition
8.1.6 Notice of Imminent Hazard continued.
d. Indicates type of action Owner/agent is required to take:
If structure may be rendered temporarily safe, so indicate by
checking the “Immediately correct…” box;
If structure must be demolished, check and indicate the date by
which the structure must be demolished.
e. Provides contact telephone number.
f. Construction Official signs and dates.
2. Delivers original Notice to Owner/agent or to Other Party (see N.J.A.C.
5:23-2.33 for service requirements).
3. Posts each entrance of the building/structure with the placards prepared in
step 1 above.
4. Files copy of Notice with (or without) Construction Permit Application
(CPA) (UCC-F100) in Central File.
5. Notes issuance of Notice on Technical Section(s) (UCC-F110 thru F150),
if applicable.
6. Employs temporary safeguards, closing of streets, etc. as prescribed at
N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.32(b) 2., 3., 4., and 5.
7. Responds to Owner/agent or Other Party’s actions.
a. If measures taken to temporarily render structure safe and secure,
b. If Owner/agent or Other Party neglects or refuses to comply with
Notice, forwards matter to appropriate legal counsel.
8.1.7 Notice and Order of Penalty
The Notice and Order of Penalty is used to assess weekly penalties for
failure to terminate violations as prescribed in: 1) a Notice of Violation and
Order to Terminate (UCC-F211); b) a Notice of Unsafe Structure (UCC-
F241); and c) a Notice of Imminent Hazard (UCC-F242).
The Notice and Order of Penalty is also used to assess daily penalties for
failure to comply with a Stop Construction Order (UCC-F250).
The Notice and Order of Penalty is also used to assess immediate
penalties for: 1) Making a false or misleading written statement or
omitting required information in an application or request for approval; 2)
Failing to obtain a Construction Permit; 3) Failing to request required
inspections; and 4) Allowing occupancy prior to receiving a Certificate of
The UCC authorizes up to a $2,000 penalty for each cited violation .See
N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.31(e) for specifics.
Construction Official
1. Prepares a Notice and Order of Penalty (UCC-F212) in duplicate.
a. Records the following Identification information:
Construction Permit number, if applicable;
Date of Permit issuance, if applicable;
Notice number, if required by Town;
Building/structure site location;
Block/lot of building/structure site;
Owner and Agent (if any) name and address;
Indication of to whom the Notice is addressed;
Name and address of Other Party receiving Notice if not Owner or
b. Indicates by checking, the circumstances of the violation leading to a
i. If penalty is for failure to terminate violation(s) previously cited with
UCC-F211, -F241 or F242:
Records date of previous notice;
Indicates by checking, previous notice type;
Records reinspection date;
Quotes violation(s) remaining.
8.1.7 Notice and Order of Penalty continued.
ii. If penalty is immediate for 1) Making a false or misleading written
statement or omitting required information in an application or
request for approval; 2) Failing to obtain a Construction Permit; 3)
Failing to request required inspections; and 4) Allowing occupancy
prior to receiving a Certificate of Occupancy:
Records date of violation discovered;
Indicates by checking, the specific violation type.
iii. If penalty is for failure to comply with Stop Construction Order:
Records date of Stop Construction Order;
Records reinspection date.
c. Records penalty:
Indicates amount for each violation;
Indicates total penalty amount;
Indicates by checking, period over which additional penalties will be
Records new reinspection date;
Records additional penalty amount;
Indicates by checking daily or weekly assessment of additional
d. Fills in appeal information:
Construction Bd. of Appeals name;
Appeal fee;
Construction Bd. of Appeals address.
e. Provides contact telephone number.
f. Construction Official signs and dates.
2. Delivers original Notice to Owner/agent or to Other Party (see N.J.A.C.
5:23-2.33 for service requirements).
3. Files copy of Notice & Order with (or without) Construction Permit
Application (CPA) (UCC-F100) in Central File.
4. Notes issuance of Notice on Technical Section(s) (UCC-F110 thru F150).
5. Responds to Owner/agent or Other Party’s actions.
6. If Owner/agent or Other Party neglects or refuses to settle penalties
assessed, collects pursuant to the Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999
(N.J.S.A. 2A:58-10 et seq.).
8.1.8 Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate (Post-Certificate of
Occupancy Residential Construction)
In the Supreme Court decision, DKM Residential Properties Corporation
v. The Township of Montgomery and the Construction Board of Appeals
of the Township of Montgomery, the Court held that local code
enforcement agencies may issue Notices of Violation to the builder after
the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) has been issued and the builder has
transferred title to the property. The decision requires that any violation
that would have caused the CO to be withheld must be cited. Because
no CO would be issued when there are any known violations, this means
that a Notice of Violation should be issued for any and all code violations
found by or brought to the attention of the local enforcing agency.
This procedure is based upon the guidance provided in UCC Bulletin No.
Subcode Official
1. Before preparing the Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate (Post-
Certificate of Occupancy Residential Construction), UCC-F213, advise
homeowner to go through homeowner’s warranty first for items known to
be covered under warranty because builder is obligated to correct
warranted defects; if builder fails to do so, warranty company pays for the
correction. This avenue affords better protection to the homeowner than
the issuance of a Violation Notice & Order.
a. If warranty claim denied, obtain copy of letter of denial.
b. If violation involves item(s) not covered by warranty or out of warranted
period, issue Violation Notice & Order without obtaining warranty
company denial.
c. If homeowner wishes to pursue correction through UCC rather than
warranty claim, issue Violation Notice & Order without warranty
company denial.
d. If unsure of warranty coverage, issue Violation Notice & Order without
warranty company denial.
2. Prepares a post-CO Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate (UCC-
F213) in triplicate.
a. Records the following Identification information:
Order number;
Work site location;
Block/lot of construction site;
8.1.8 Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate (Post-Certificate of
Occupancy Residential Construction)continued.
Contractor/Builder name and address; and
Owner in fee name and address;
b. Indicates dates:
Date of inspection;
Date of this Notice;
Compliance due date, i.e., date by which recipient must comply with
terms of Notice & Order.
c. Indicates type of action that must be taken:
Describes violation(s) found, quoting from section of Code violated -
include any and all violations;
Base upon model codes in effect at time of building’s construction;
To preserve the homeowner’s appeal rights, make separate list in
space provided of item(s) a part of homeowner’s complaint but not a
violation of UCC.
Repeats compliance due date.
d. Fills in appeal information:
Construction Bd. of Appeals name;
Appeal fee;
Construction Bd. of Appeals address.
e. Provides contact telephone number.
f. Subcode Official signs and dates.
3. Serves one copy of the Notice & Order on the contractor/builder and one
copy of the Notice & Order on the homeowner (see N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.33 for
service requirements).
4. Require development-wide action on certain deficiencies.
a. Certain violations involving life safety and serious enough to warrant
citing every home in the development found to have such violations
must be cited and must require abatement.
Owner may be obligated if builder is unwilling, unable or unavailable
to do so;
Refer to N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.35 for list of code sections requiring global
and absolute action.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 as necessary.
5. Files third copy of Notice & Order Central File.
6. Responds to request for extension of compliance due date, if applicable.
8.1.8 Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate (Post-Certificate of
Occupancy Residential Construction)continued.
7. Responds to Contractor/Builder and Owner actions.
a. If Notice is not complied with in a timely fashion, takes appropriate
action (see N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.31)
b. If appeal to Construction Bd. of Appeals is made, provides board with
full record of the construction project in question.
For additional information, refer to the latest edition of UCC Bulletin No. 05-1,
Issuance of Notice of Violation After Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy and
Transfer of Title,
8.1.9 Notice and Order of Penalty (Post-Certificate of Occupancy
Residential Construction)
When the time allowed in the original post-Certificate of Occupancy
Violation Notice & Order has expired and the violations remain unabated,
a Notice and Order of Penalty (Post-Certificate of Occupancy
Residential Construction), UCC-F214, should be issued to the builder,
and a copy provided to the homeowner.
This procedure is based upon the guidance provided in UCC Bulletin No.
Construction Official
1. Prepares a Post-CO Notice and Order of Penalty (UCC-F214) in triplicate.
a. Records the following Identification information:
Order number;
Building/structure site location;
Block/lot of building/structure site;
Contractor/Builder name and address; with copy to
Owner in fee name and address;
b. Indicates date of inspection as recorded on Post-CO Notice of
c. Indicates date of reinspection (the reinspection date generally
correlates to the compliance due date reflected on the original Post-CO
Notice of Violation);
d. Records violations cited on the original Post-CO Notice of Violation
remaining unabated.
e. Records penalty:
Indicates amount for each violation;
Indicates total penalty amount;
Records new reinspection date;
Records additional penalty amount;
f. Fills in appeal information:
Construction Bd. of Appeals name;
Appeal fee;
Construction Bd. of Appeals address.
g. Provides contact telephone number.
h. Construction Official signs and dates.
8.1.9 Notice and Order of Penalty (Post-Certificate of Occupancy
Residential Construction) continued.
2. Serves one copy of the Notice & Order on the contractor/builder and one
copy of the Notice & Order on the homeowner (see N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.33 for
service requirements)
3. Files third copy of Notice & Order in Central File.
4. Responds to Contractor/Builder or Owner’s actions.
5. If Contractor/Builder neglects or refuses to settle penalties assessed,
collects pursuant to the Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999 (N.J.S.A.
2A:58-10 et seq.).
For additional information, refer to the latest edition of UCC Bulletin No. 05-1,
Issuance of Notice of Violation After Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy and
Transfer of Title,
8.2.0 Appeals
8.2.1 Application for a Variation
Construction Official or Subcode Official
1. Gives Owner/agent a blank Application for Variation (UCC-F160).
2. Assists Owner/agent in completing application.
a. Determines and collects fees.
3. Reviews completed Application for Variation.
4. After reviewing, contacts Owner/agent for additional information, as
5. Makes decision on application within twenty (20) days of receipt by CCE
a. If office falls to respond within twenty (20) business days, application is
automatically denied.
6. Checks at the bottom of the Application for a Variation, Denied or Granted,
as appropriate.
7. Signs and dates the application, obtaining all pertinent Subcode Officials’,
as well as the Construction Official’s signature.
8. States reason(s) for the decision made, attaching statement to application.
9. Makes copy and files application and statement with CPA in Central File.
10. Delivers original statement and application to Owner/agent (see N.J.A.C.
5:23-2.33 for service requirements).
11. Takes appropriate follow-up action.
a. If variation granted, performs procedure “Plan Review and Fee
Calculation (3.1.3).
b. If variation is not granted:
i. Performs procedure, “Plan Review and Fee Calculation” (3.1.3)
when Applicant submits revised plans.
ii. If Applicant wishes to appeal decisions, performs procedure
“Application to Construction Board of Appeals” (8.2.2)
8.2.2 Application to Construction Board of Appeals
Technical Assistant
1. Gives Owner/agent blank Application to Construction Board of Appeals
2. Assists Owner/agent in completing application.
3. Responds to board as needed,
8.2.3 Decision of the Construction Board of Appeals
Technical Assistant
1. Receives decision of the Construction Bd. of Appeals from the board.
2. Reviews decision and takes appropriate action.
3. Files decision with CPA in Central File.
Appendix A.Construction Permit Application Instructions
Instructions for completing Construction Permit Applications and Technical
Sections are as follows:
UCC-F100, Construction Permit Applicationpg. 1.
Applicant completes sections I, II, III, IV, VI and VII. CCE Office completes
sections V.
I. Identification
1. Work site. Record the address at which the construction project will
2. Name of Owner in Fee. Record the property owner’s name, telephone
no. e-mail address (if any), and traditional mailing address; include
municipality and zip code.
3. Ownership in Fee. Indicate whether ownership is Public or Private.
4. Principal Contractor. Record the name, telephone no., traditional
address and e-mail address of the principal contractor. If the project is
new residential construction, record the contractor’s Builder Registration
No. If the project involves a single subcode, and the subcode contractor
and principal contractor are one in the same, and the project is for:
Electrical, Plumbing or HVACR work only, then record the
contractor’s Electrical, Master Plumber, or HVACR license no.
Fire protection equipment, then record the contractor’s certification
Burglar alarm, fire alarm or electronic security systems, then record
the contractor’s license no.
A home improvement project, then record the contractor’s Home
Improvement Contractor registration no., or reason for exemption.
A landscape irrigation system, then record the contractor’s
Landscape Irrigation Contractors certification.
See N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.15(b) for licensing, registration,
certification requirements.
If you are a homeowner performing your own work, record
Homeowner in section I-5.
Note: Contractor information must include License or Builder
Registration number, where applicable, and Federal Employer Number.
5. Architect or Engineer. Record the architect or engineer’s firm name,
contact person, traditional address, e-mail address, telephone and Fax
6. Responsible Person in Charge once Work has Begun. Record the
name, telephone no. and Fax no. (if available) of the person who is
responsible to the owner for ensuring that all work is installed and
completed in conformity with the regulations. This person may be the
design architect or engineer, the contractor or a 3
party acceptable to
the Construction Official.
II. Proposed work
1. Indicate what type of work will be preformed.
Minor work construction work undertaken in existing structures,
requiring no prior approvals and no plan review, not altering in any
way the structural members of a building and meeting the definition
set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.17A.
New building the building of a structure where previously there was
Additionthe increase in area and volume of an existing structure.
Repair the restoration to a good or sound condition of materials,
systems and/or components that are worn, deteriorated or broken
using materials or components identical to or closely similar to the
Renovation the removal and replacement or covering of existing
interior or exterior finish, trim, doors, windows, or other materials with
new materials that serve the same purpose and do not change the
configuration of space.
Alteration the rearrangement of any space by the construction of
walls or partitions, the addition or elimination of any door or window,
the extension or rearrangement of any system, the installation of any
additional equipment or fixtures and any work which affects a primary
structural component.
Reconstruction any project where the extent and nature of the work
is such that the work area cannot be occupied while the work is in
progress and where a new certificate of occupancy is required before
the work area can be reoccupied.
Asbestos Abatement (Subch. 8).
Lead Hazard Abatement.
Radon Remediation.
Annual Permitan annual Permit may be issued to an educational,
industrial, institutional, mercantile, business or government facility;
see N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.14(c) thru (e) for specifics.
2. Subcodescheck all that apply. Estimate the labor and equipment costs
of the work to be performed, by subcode, and then total.
III. Plan Review
1. Indicate whether partial releases on plan review is desired.
2. Indicate whether prototype processing is in order; see N.J.A.C. 5:23-
IV. Does or will this building contain…indicate by checkmark, all that apply.
V. Fee Summaryfor Office use only.
VI. Building/Site Characteristicsif proposed work is New Building, Addition or
Demolition, items 1 thru 12 in section VI must be completed.
VII. Description of Building UseComplete section VII-A if the structure’s
primary use is residential; complete section VII-B if the structure’s primary
use is non-residential. All applicants must complete sections VII-C and
Construction Permit Application pg. 2. Certification in Lieu of Oath
Complete section I if applicant is owner in fee of the property listed on
page 1 as the proposed work site.
Complete section II if the applicant is anybody other than the property’s
owner in fee.
Complete section III if applicable to your construction project.
Construction Permit Application pg. 3.
CCE Office completes sections VIII, IX and X.
UCC-F110, Building Subcode Technical Section
Applicant completes sections A, B, C and D. CCE Office completes Job
Summary and Fee sections.
A. Identification
Work site. Record the Block, Lot, Qualification Code and street address of
the proposed work site location.
Owner. Record the property owner’s name, telephone no. e-mail address,
if any, and traditional mailing address; include municipality and zip code.
Contractor. Record the name, telephone no., traditional mailing address
and e-mail address, if any, of the contractor. If the project is new
residential construction, record the contractor’s Builder Registration no. If
the project is a home improvement project, record the contractor’s Home
Improvement Contractor Registration no. or reason he/she is exempt for
this project. Record the contractor’s Federal Employer ID no. and FAX no.,
if any. If you are a homeowner performing your own work, record
Homeowner in the Contractor section.
B. Building Characteristics
Indicate the structure’s present and proposed use group.
Indicate the structure’s present and proposed construction
Indicate the structure’s:
Number of stories.
Height of structure.
Area of largest floor.
New building area.
Volume of new structure.
Total land area disturbed.
Indicate the estimated cost of the building work:
1. New building
2. Alteration
3. Total (1&2).
C. Certification in Lieu of Oath
Please sign accordingly and emboss if Contractor.
D. Technical Site Data
Description of Work. Briefly describe activity to take place, with
Type of Work. Indicate by checking, the type of work to be
E. CCE Office completes Job Summary and Fee sections.
UCC-F120, Electrical Subcode Technical Section
Applicant completes sections A, B, C and D. CCE Office completes Job
Summary and Fee sections.
A. Identification
Work site. Record the Block, Lot, Qualification Code and street
address of the proposed work site location.
Owner. Record the property owner’s name, telephone no. e-mail
address, if any, and traditional mailing address; include municipality
and zip code.
Contractor. Record the name, telephone no., traditional mailing
address and e-mail address, if any, of the contractor. Record the
contractor’s Electrical Contractor license no. If the project is a home
improvement project, record the contractor’s Home Improvement
Contractor Registration no. or reason he/she is exempt for this project.
Record the contractor’s Federal Employer ID no. and FAX no., if any. If
you are a homeowner performing your own work, record Homeowner
in the Contractor section.
B. Electrical Characteristics
Indicate the structure’s present and proposed use group.
Indicate Pole/Pad no. The pole or pad number is a reference number
the utility company uses to determine the electrical service cut-in
location; it may be found on a metal plate mounted on the pole for
overhead service, or on the pad-mounted transformer for underground
service. Providing the pole or pad number is required if your
construction project affects the electrical service.
Indicate if electrical service is temporary or other; if service is other
than permanent or temporary, indicate type, e.g., diesel-powered
Indicate how the building is occupied.
Indicate the utility company.
Estimate the total labor and materials cost of your electrical work.
C. Certification in Lieu of Oath
Sign in the space provided; check the appropriate box.
If you are a contractor, emboss with your license seal.
D. Technical Site Data
Description of Work. Briefly describe activity to take place, with
Type of Work. Indicate the quantity and size, where applicable, of all
fixtures and equipment that are a part of this construction project.
E. CCE Office completes Job Summary and Fee sections.
UCC-F130, Plumbing Subcode Technical Section
Applicant completes sections A, B, C and D. CCE Office completes Job
Summary and Fee sections.
A. Identification
Work site. Record the Block, Lot, Qualification Code and street
address of the proposed work site location.
Owner. Record the property owner’s name, telephone no. e-mail
address, if any, and traditional mailing address; include municipality
and zip code.
Contractor. Record the name, telephone no., traditional mailing
address and e-mail address, if any, of the contractor. Record the
contractor’s Master Plumber’s Contractor license no. If the project is a
home improvement project, record the contractor’s Home Improvement
Contractor Registration no. or reason he/she is exempt for this project.
Record the contractor’s Federal Employer ID no. and FAX no., if any. If
you are a homeowner performing your own work, record Homeowner
in the Contractor section.
B. Plumbing Characteristics
Indicate the structure’s present and proposed use group.
Indicate the building’s sanitary sewer line size; indicate whether
sanitary sewer is Public sewer or Private septic.
Indicate the building’s water service line size; indicate whether water
service is Public water or Private well.
Estimate the total labor and materials cost of your plumbing work.
C. Certification in Lieu of Oath
Sign in the space provided; check the appropriate box.
If you are a contractor, emboss with your license seal.
D. Technical Site Data
Description of Work. Briefly describe activity to take place, with
Type of Work. Indicate the quantity of all fixtures and equipment that
are a part of this construction project.
E. CCE Office completes Job Summary and Fee sections.
UCC-F140, Fire Protection Subcode Technical Section
Applicant completes sections A, B, C and D. CCE Office completes Job
Summary and Fee sections.
A. Identification
Work site. Record the Block, Lot, Qualification Code and street
address of the proposed work site location.
Owner. Record the property owner’s name, telephone no. e-mail
address, if any, and traditional mailing address; include municipality
and zip code.
Contractor. Record the name, telephone no., traditional mailing
address and e-mail address, if any, of the contractor. For fire
protection equipment, record the NJ Div. of Fire Safety Permit number;
record the NJ Div. of Fire Safety Installer number. Record the
contractor’s Fire Alarm Contractor no. If the project is a home
improvement project, record the contractor’s Home Improvement
Contractor Registration no. or reason he/she is exempt for this project.
Record the contractor’s Federal Employer ID no. and FAX no., if any. If
you are a homeowner performing your own work, record Homeowner
in the Contractor section.
B. Fire Protection Characteristics
Indicate the structure’s present and proposed use group.
Indicate the structure’s present and proposed construction
Indicate whether work being done to the building’s heating system is
new, a modification to an existing system, a conversion or replacement
system; indicate its fuel type and location.
Indicate the fuel type and capacity of any fuel storage tanks present.
Indicate whether the fire alarm system is new or existing and the
location of its panel.
Indicate whether the fire suppression/standpipe system is new or
existing and the location of the main control valve.
Estimate the total labor and materials cost of your fire protection work.
C. Certification in Lieu of Oath
Sign in the space provided; check the appropriate box.
D. Technical Site Data
Description of Work. Briefly describe activity to take place, with
Indicate the water supply source and method of alarm or suppression
system supervision.
Type of Work. Indicate the quantity of all fixtures and equipment that
are a part of this construction project.
E. CCE Office completes Job Summary and Fee sections.
UCC-F145, Mechanical Inspector Technical Section
Applicant completes sections A, B, C and D. CCE Office completes Job
Summary and Fee sections.
Important Note: the Mechanical Inspection Technical Section is to be used for the
inspection of mechanical equipment for projects in existing Use Group R-3 or R-5
A. Identification
Work site. Record the Block, Lot, Qualification Code and street
address of the proposed work site location.
Owner. Record the property owner’s name, telephone no. e-mail
address, if any, and traditional mailing address; include municipality
and zip code.
Contractor. Record the name, telephone no., traditional mailing
address and e-mail address, if any, of the contractor. If the project is
new residential construction, record the contractor’s Builder
Registration no. If the project is a home improvement project, record
the contractor’s Home Improvement Contractor Registration no. or
reason he/she is exempt for this project. Record the contractor’s
Federal Employer ID no. and FAX no., if any. If you are a homeowner
performing your own work, record Homeowner in the Contractor
B. Mechanical Characteristics
Indicate the structure’s present and proposed use group. Note: can
only be R-3 or R-5.
Indicate the building’s sanitary sewer line size; indicate whether
sanitary sewer is Public sewer or Private septic.
When applicable, indicate whether the system work is new,
modification of existing system, conversion or replacement.
Indicate type of equipment/appliance and type of fuel.
Estimate the total labor and materials cost of your mechanical work.
C. Certification in Lieu of Oath
Sign in the space provided.
D. Technical Site Data
Description of Work. Briefly describe activity to take place, with
Type of Work. Indicate the quantity of all fixtures and equipment that
are a part of this construction project.
E. CCE Office completes Job Summary and Fee sections.
UCC-F150, Elevator Subcode Technical Section
Applicant completes sections A, B, C and D. CCE Office completes Job
Summary and Fee sections.
A. Identification
Work site. Record the Block, Lot, Qualification Code and street
address of the proposed work site location.
Owner. Record the property owner’s name, telephone no. e-mail
address, if any, and traditional mailing address; include municipality
and zip code.
Contractor/Installer. Record the name, telephone no., traditional
mailing address and e-mail address, if any, of the contractor/installer.
If the project is a home improvement project, record the
contractor/installer’s Home Improvement Contractor Registration no. or
reason he/she is exempt for this project. Record the
contractor/installer’s Federal Employer ID no. and FAX no., if any.
Maintenance/Service Contractor. Record the name, traditional mailing
address and e-mail address, if any, telephone and FAX no., if any, of
the maintenance/service contractor.
If you are a homeowner performing your own work, record
Homeowner in the Contractor section.
B. Elevator Characteristics
Indicate the structure’s use group.
Indicate the building’s NJDCA Elevator Safety registration number.
Indicate the elevator device manufacturer, device ID and machine
room location.
Indicate the number of stops, number of openings, travel in feet, speed
in feet per minute, type of control, type of operation and capacity in
Indicate whether the elevator device is passenger or freight.
Indicate its year of installation, the standard applied, its year of
alteration, if applicable, and the standard applied.
Estimate the total labor and materials cost of your elevator work.
C. Certification in Lieu of Oath
Sign and date in the space provided.
D. Technical Site Data
Description of Work. Briefly describe activity to take place, with
Type of Work. Indicate the quantity of all elevator devices by type. If
more than one elevator device is present, use UCC-F155, Supplement
for Multiple Equipment, to provide elevator characteristics information
(section B) for additional devices.
E. CCE Office completes Job Summary and Fee sections.