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FedRAMP Training - How to Write a Control
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How to Write a Control
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FedRAMP Online Training; How to Write a Control. Presented by: FedRAMP PMO.
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1.3 Today’s Training
Transcript Title
Today’s Training
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Video covering Today’s Training
Welcome to Part Four of the FedRAMP Training Series:
1.Introduction to the Federal Risk and Authorization Program (FedRAMP) - 100A
2.FedRAMP System Security Plan (SSP) Required Documents - 200A
3.Security Assessment Plan (SAP) Overview - 200B
4.Security Assessment Report (SAR) Overview - 200C
5.How to Write a Control - 201B
6.Continuous Monitoring (ConMon) Overview - 200D
Welcome to the FedRAMP online training series. I am <name> your instructor for this training. In this course,
we’re going to talk about how to write a control. The FedRAMP PMO developed this training series to help
FedRAMP CSP applicants properly prepare for a FedRAMP assessment by providing a detailed
understanding of the program and the level of effort required to satisfactorily complete a FedRAMP
assessment. This training module is tailored to a CSP that is documenting the security of the Cloud System
and will assist with writing compliant control implementation descriptions in the System Security Plan or SSP.
By providing insight into what to expect when going through the FedRAMP assessment process, we want to
ensure CSPs have the knowledge and resources to successfully achieve FedRAMP authorization.
1.4 Training Objectives
Transcript Title
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Training Objectives
Video covering Training Objectives
At the conclusion of this training session, you should understand:
Document acceptance criteria
Technical acceptance criteria
What is expected in a control implementation description
The difference between a good control implementation and a poor control implementation
At the conclusion of this training session, you should understand:
Document acceptance criteria
Technical acceptance criteria
What is expected in a control implementation description
The difference between a good control implementation and a poor control implementation
We are going to review specific tips for writing the SSP; however, the majority of these principles can be
applied Document acceptance criteria to all documentation submitted to the FedRAMP PMO for review.
1.5 FedRAMP Mindset for SSP Development
Transcript Title
FedRAMP Mindset for SSP Development
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FedRAMP Mindset for SSP Development
1. Allocate Sufficient Time and Effort for Writing
2. Strongly and Clearly Articulate Security Architecture and Implementations
3. Tell a Story
4. Answer Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
5. Answer 100 percent of the Controls
6. Be Clear, Concise, Consistent, and Complete
7. Adequately Reference all Documentation
8. Ensure Compliance with FedRAMP Policy
The System Security Plan is a document that requires an eye for detail. A few small mistakes can create a
lot of questions following the review by the FedRAMP PMO, Agency, or JAB and slow down the assessment
process. Before beginning documentation, it is important to understand the full scope of creating the SSP
and level of effort required to make it good.
It is important to understand writing the SSP takes time, effort, careful thinking, and strong, clear articulation
of your system's functionality. The SSP is required to be complete and well-structured,
Make sure that you have the required expertise and knowledge of NIST and FedRAMP security controls.
Make sure you have enough resources - often one writer is not enough and you may have to allocate
additional resources and subject matter experts to complete the SSP (or System Security Plan).
Make sure that the writers have technical knowledge of the system or can obtain the information from the
System Owners.
For the writers, we want you to tell your story and present the who, what, when, where, why and how of
the system.
When filling out the SSP, be sure to answer 100% of the controls but, keep in mind that a strong SSP is
tailored to fit the mission and system environment. If a specific control is inherited or not applicable provide
a risk based justification as to why.
We will touch more on these next points in a later slide but be clear, concise, consistent, and complete when
writing and make sure you adequately reference all documentation and that your system is compliant with
FedRAMP Requirements.
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1.6 Basic Writing Tips
Transcript Title
Basic Writing Tips
Video covering Basic Writing Tips
Use the correct FedRAMP SSP template and do not modify or remove sections
Use consistent terminology throughout the SSP
Refer to any system element or document cited in the text, in exactly the same way throughout the
SSP, such as:
System name and system abbreviation
Hardware or software elements
Document cites, which must contain document title, version, and date
Be direct and to the point - avoid run-on sentences and use of the passive voice
After all descriptions are written; run grammar/spell check
After all descriptions are written, also read through the control implementation descriptions to check for:
Errors not discovered by grammar/spell check
Checkboxes that have not been appropriately marked
Every control part (Part a, Part b, Part c , etc.) should contain a focused discussion on the specific control
Use the correct FedRAMP SSP template and do not modify or remove sections. However, you may add
sections if relevant to addressing the full scope of the System Security Implementations. The latest version
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of the SSP template and all required attachments can be found at
Use consistent terminology throughout the SSP.
Refer to any system element, or document cited in the text, in exactly the same way throughout the
SSP, such as:
System Name and System Abbreviation
Hardware or software elements
Document cites, which must contain document title, version, and date:
When citing other sections of the SSP document, use MS Word cross references. That
way, as the document changes, any section references can be updated automatically
(much like how the SSP author can generate the table of contents automatically as the
document changes). This will ensure that, if sections change, references stays relevant
with a minimal level of effort.
Be direct and to the point. Avoid run-on sentences and use of the passive voice.
After all descriptions are written, run grammar/spell check.
After all descriptions are written, also read through the control implementation descriptions to check for:
Errors not discovered by grammar/spell check
That all appropriate checkboxes have been marked
Focus discussion: Every control part (e.g., Part a, Part b, Part c etc.) should contain a focused discussion
on the specific control requirement. Avoid information that is not directly relevant to the control requirement
as this can "muddy the water". Overviews of control families can and are recommended for inclusion in the
beginning parts of the SSP.
1.7 Document Acceptance Criteria
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Transcript Title
Document Acceptance Criteria
Video covering Document Acceptance Criteria
Clear; Concise; Consistent, and Complete
Many of the general principles in writing a quality control implementation for document acceptance criteria
are centered around the 4C’s… Clear, Concise, Consistent, and Complete. These will be the key points that
the FedRAMP PMO will look for when you submit your Security Package. If these points are not met, then
the documents will not be accepted and the CSP will be asked to make updates.
Clear - straightforward, avoiding convoluted phrases or over-long phrases;
Concise - pack the most meaning into your words;
Consistent - ensure terms have the same meaning throughout the document and items are referred to by
the same name or description. The level of detail and presentation style should also remain the same
throughout the document; and finally,
Complete - be responsive to all applicable FedRAMP requirements and include all appropriate sections of
the FedRAMP templates.
1.8 Technical Acceptance Criteria
Transcript Title
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Document Acceptance Criteria
Readable, Relevant, Sufficient; Complete
Refers to the Four Cs for text - Clear, Concise, Complete, and Consistent.
Is there a clear understanding of what was written?
Refers to the control implementation description addressing the specific control requirement(s), including
any parameters.
Did the statement address the control requirement?
Refers to the detail and thoroughness contained in the control implementation description; it should be
sufficient to allow a reader to understand what is done and how it is done. (Build out talking point of HOW)
Is there enough detail to fully address all portions of the requirement, and to meet any security related
Refers to both the control implementation description’s agreement with the marked control template
checkboxes and its consistency with other SSP text.
Do the implementation statements and the control template checkboxes match?
1.9 A Poor Control Implementation Description
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Transcript Title
A Poor Control Implementation Description
Video covering A Poor Control Implementation Description
Repeats or rephrases the control requirement instead of describing how it is addressed in the system
Uses “boilerplate” text copied and pasted over and over again
Contains text not directly relevant to describing how the control is implemented
Is left blank for example no control implementation description has been written
Is marked N/A when it is not, or is marked N/A without a risk based justification of why it is considered N/A
The following points are common mistakes and need to be addressed to effectively address Control
Implementation statements
Customer Responsibility
The customer specific responsibility should be addressed explicitly and consistently (e.g. addressed under a
"Customer Responsibility" heading). This is so that customers know exactly what their responsibilities are
with regard to meeting the control requirement exclusively or in partnership with the CSP.
Control Scope
There are multiple platforms in a system identified by the inventory. At minimum each device category has
access controls and likely audit logging, sometimes session lock etc. Platforms may have those controls
configured uniquely for each device type. It is expected that unique implementations would be addressed by
platform for the following controls/control families where applicable: AC, IA, AU, CM, SI-2, SI-3, SI-5, SI-11.
Recommend using a standard format for addressing controls by platform (e.g., have a sub header within the
control part/parts for "Cisco", "Brocade", “Windows”, “Linux”, “Oracle” etc).
Where applicable each facility should be addressed including alternate, backup and operational facilities.
Document References
Policies and procedures as well as supporting documents should be explicitly referenced (Title, date and
version) so it is clear which is active.
If the entire referenced document does not apply, specific sections references should be provided so the
applicable sections can be located easily.
Reviewers should not have to rely solely on following the references to understand the control
implementation. An overview of what the referenced document addresses and direct relevancy to the control
requirement should be provided so the SSP can stand on its own.
You can have a table at the end of the SSP that specifies all referenced documents, their title, date, and
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version. Then reference that table when a document is cited. That way you only have to maintain date and
version in one place.
Repeats or rephrases the control requirement instead of describing how it is addressed in the system.
Uses “boilerplate” text, copied and pasted over and over again
Contains text not directly relevant to describing how the control is implemented
Is left blank for example no control implementation description has been written
Is marked N/A when it is not, or is marked N/A without a risk based justification of why it is considered N/A
Inappropriately cites a document or does not contain details and specifics that demonstrate to a limited
extent that the control is implemented and compliant. Where a document cite is appropriate to indicate
some part of implementation, give title, version, date (and section or page of the document containing the
Does not identify all persons responsible (by role) for implementing/enforcing the solution to the security
control. A role defined for a control should also be included in the Roles and Privileges table of the SSP.
Does not describe all possible places where a control is implemented (e.g., only discusses access for non-
privileged users and excludes privileged users; only discusses access control for some platforms and not
others; only discusses audit logging, maintenance, flaw remediation, configuration management etc for
some platforms and not others; only discusses physical controls at one facility.)
Where a single control contains multiple requirements, does not address all requirements.
The wrong Implementation Status is checked. For example, Is marked Planned but does not identify
planned date or where it is marked Alternative Implementation it does not clearly describe the alternative.
As general guidance If all or part of the control is an alternative implementation then the status "Partially
Implemented" and "Alternative Implementation" are both checked. If all or part of the control is planned
then the status "Partially Implemented" and "Planned" are both checked. If selecting a status of Planned,
Alternative Implementation, and/or Not Applicable, the aspects of the control that are Planned, Alternative,
and/or Not Applicable should be clearly explained in the implementation description. If the control is solely
a customer responsibility and the CSP has no responsibility for the implementation of the control, then
"Implemented" is checked and the appropriate customer related control origination is checked.
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1.10 A Poor Control Implementation Description
Transcript Title
A Poor Control Implementation Description
Video covering A Poor Control Implementation Description
Does not identify all persons responsible (by role) for implementing/enforcing the solution to the security
Does not describe all possible places where a control is implemented
Where a single control contains multiple requirements, does not address all requirements
The wrong Implementation status is checked
The following points are common mistakes and need to be addressed to effectively address Control
Implementation statements
Customer Responsibility
The customer specific responsibility should be addressed explicitly and consistently (e.g. addressed under a
"Customer Responsibility" heading). This is so that customers know exactly what their responsibilities are
with regard to meeting the control requirement exclusively or in partnership with the CSP.
Control Scope
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There are multiple platforms in a system identified by the inventory. At minimum each device category has
access controls and likely audit logging, sometimes session lock etc. Platforms may have those controls
configured uniquely for each device type. It is expected that unique implementations would be addressed by
platform for the following controls/control families where applicable: AC, IA, AU, CM, SI-2, SI-3, SI-5, SI-11.
Recommend using a standard format for addressing controls by platform (e.g. have a sub header within the
control part/parts for "Cisco", "Brocade", “Windows”, “Linux”, “Oracle” etc).
Where applicable each facility should be addressed including alternate, backup and operational facilities.
Document References
Policies and procedures as well as supporting documents should be explicitly referenced (Title, date and
version) so it is clear which is active.
If the entire referenced document does not apply, specific sections references should be provided so the
applicable sections can be located easily.
Reviewer should not have to rely solely on following the references to understand the control implementation.
An overview of what the referenced document addresses and direct relevancy to the control requirement
should be provided so the SSP can stand on its own.
You can have a table at the end of the SSP that specifies all referenced documents, their title, date, and
version. Then reference that table when a document is cited. That way you only have to maintain date and
version in one place.
Repeats or rephrases the control requirement instead of describing how it is addressed in the system
Uses “boilerplate” text, copied and pasted over and over again
Contains text not directly relevant to describing how the control is implemented
Is left blank for example no control implementation description has been written
Is marked N/A when it is not, or is marked N/A without a risk based justification of why it is considered
Inappropriately cites a document or Does not contain details and specifics that demonstrate to a
limited extent that the control is implemented and compliant.
Where a document cite is appropriate to indicate some part of implementation, give title, version, date
(and section or page of the document containing the specifics). Does not identify all persons
responsible (by role) for implementing/enforcing the solution to the security control. A role defined for a
control should also be included in the Roles and Privileges table of the SSP.
Does not describe all possible places where a control is implemented (e.g. Only discusses access for non-
privileged users and excludes privileged users; only discusses access control for some platforms and not
others; only discusses audit logging, maintenance, flaw remediation, configuration management etc for
some platforms and not others; only discusses physical controls at one facility.)
Where a single control contains multiple requirements, does not address all requirements.
The wrong Implementation Status is checked
For example, Is marked Planned but does not identify planned date or where it is marked
Alternative Implementation it does not clearly describe the alternative.
As general guidance If all or part of the control is an alternative implementation then the status
"Partially Implemented" and "Alternative Implementation" are both checked. If all or part of the
control is planned then the status "Partially Implemented" and "Planned" are both checked. If
selecting a status of Planned, Alternative Implementation, and/or Not Applicable, the aspects of
the control that are Planned, Alternative, and/or Not Applicable should be clearly explained in the
implementation description. If the control is solely a customer responsibility and the CSP has no
responsibility for the implementation of the control, then "Implemented" is checked and the
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appropriate customer related control origination is checked.
1.11 Readability Example
Transcript Title
Readability Example
Video covering Readability Example
AC-17, Part a
Asks for establishment and documentation of usage restrictions, configuration/ connection requirements,
and implementation guidance for each type of remote access allowed
Poor Example - AC-17, Part a:
Remote access for privileged functions be permitted only for compelling operational needs, shall be strictly
controlled, and must be approved in writing by <role named> . . . The number of users who can access
<system name> remotely is limited and approval for such access is documented.
The example above is difficult to read and understand because:
The text “meanders” around the point of what the control requires, is off-topic, and is non-specific; this
makes it difficult for a reviewer to understand what was meant.
Insufficient because it does not address all of the specific requirements of the control.
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Point out that there is a grammar error (or you correct it) in the first sentence (use "is", not "be").
You can point out that there is heavy use of passive voice (four times).
The heavy use of passive voice fails to give specific information. So "what" and "how" are not answered.
Not all the requirements are addressed.
Save words, and omit "this makes it difficult for a reviewer to understand what was meant." You are
explaining that concept with your detailed comments.
1.12 Relevancy Example
Transcript Title
Relevancy Example
Video covering Relevancy Example
The policy is reviewed and updated [every three years] and
The procedures are reviewed and updated [at least annually]
Poor Example - CA-1, Part b
Certification, authorization, and security assessment procedures address all areas in the policy and policy-
compliant implementations of related security controls.
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The example is not relevant because it does not address the specifics of CA-1, Part b; a better example
might be:
<System Name> certification, authorization, and security assessment policies are reviewed and updated by
<role(s)> at least every three years using <describe process>; the associated procedures are reviewed and
updated by <role(s)> at least annually using <describe process>.
"This example does not provide the required relevant information. No policy review and update period is
stated. No review and update period for procedures is stated."
1.13 Sufficiency Example
Transcript Title
Sufficiency Example
Video covering Sufficiency Example
CP-9: Part c:
Requirements include backup of system documentation (daily incremental, weekly full), and at least three
backup copies
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Poor Example - CP-9, Part c
The XYZ system has data backup procedures in accordance with control requirements. Daily incremental
and weekly full backups are performed . . . (sufficient technical details about which backup procedures are
then provided in the control implementation description).
This example control implementation description is insufficient because it does not specifically mention
backup of system documentation, and does not address the FedRAMP requirement for at least three
backup copies at all.
First, understand exactly what information the control is asking you to provide before you start writing it.
Tip #1: If you experience difficulty understanding the requirement, NIST supplemental guidance for the
control may help.
Tip #2: If you find the control text itself difficult to parse, just pick out the subject-verb-object of each
sentence; this should make the control specifics clearer.
Keep all of the review parameters in mind when writing (Readability, Relevancy, Sufficiency, and
Sufficiency is the “how” of the writing process (as appropriate, consider “who, what, when, where, why,
how” for each control element to assure sufficiency is addressed in your writing).
1.14 Consistency Example
Transcript Title
Consistency Example
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Video covering Consistency Example
SA-11 (1)
Includes requirements that the developer (of the IS, component, or service) employ static code analysis
tools to identify common flaws, and documents analysis results
Poor Example - SA-11 (1)
Implemented is checked.
The control implementation description text states: XYZ system does not develop or code applications
which would require such analysis . . .
The example above is inconsistent because the control implementation text appears to imply the CSP
deems this requirement not applicable, but the control is marked as implemented.
Includes requirements that the developer (of the IS, component, or service) employ static code analysis
tools to identify common flaws, and documents analysis results
1.15 Case Study: Account Management (AC-2)
Transcript Title
Case Study: Account Management (AC-2)
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Video of Case Study: Account Management (AC - 2)
The organization:
a)Identifies and selects the following types of information system accounts to support organizational
missions/business functions: [Assignment: organization-defined information system account types];
b)Assigns account managers for information system accounts;
c)Establishes conditions for group and role membership;
d)Specifies authorized users of the information system, group and role membership, and access
authorizations (i.e., privileges) and other attributes (as required) for each account;
Requires approvals by [Assignment: organization-defined personnel or roles] for requests to create
information system accounts;
Creates, enables, modifies, disables, and removes information system accounts in accordance with
[Assignment: organization-defined procedures or conditions];
Monitors the use of information system accounts;
Notifies account managers:
When accounts are no longer required;
When users are terminated or transferred; and
When individual information system usage or need-to-know changes.
Authorizes access to the information system based on:
A valid access authorization;
Intended system usage; and
Other attributes as required by the organization or associated missions/business functions.
Reviews accounts for compliance with account management requirements [FedRAMP Assignment: at
least annually]; and
Establishes a process for reissuing shared/group account credentials (if deployed) when individuals are
removed from the group.
In analyzing a proper response to a control, let’s look at a control in the Access Control family. AC 2
addresses Account Management. It is the CSPs responsibility to describe the information security control as
it is implemented on the system. All controls originate from a system or from a business process. It is
important to describe where the control originates from so that it is clear whose responsibility it is to
implement, manage, and monitor the control. In some cases, the responsibility is shared by a CSP and by
the customer.
With regards to Account Management specifically, Information system account types include, for example,
individual, shared, group, system, temporary, and service. The identification of authorized users of the
information system and the specification of access privileges reflects the requirements in other security
controls in the security plan. Users requiring administrative privileges on information system accounts
receive additional scrutiny by appropriate organizational personnel (e.g., system owner, mission/business
owner, or chief information security officer) responsible for approving such accounts and privileged access.
Organizations may choose to define access privileges or other attributes by account, by type of account, or
a combination of both. Other attributes required for authorizing access include, for example, restrictions on
time-of-day, day-of-week, and point-of origin. In defining other account attributes, organizations consider
system-related requirements (e.g., scheduled maintenance, system upgrades) and mission/business
requirements, (e.g., time zone differences, customer requirements, remote access to support travel
requirements). Failure to consider these factors could affect information system availability.
So let’s look further at how to specifically write to this control.
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1.16 Control Definition
Transcript Title
Control Definition
Let’s break the example of AC-2 down to a basic form.
First, each control objective (a-k) will need to be answered individually.
As a guide to understanding the requirements for each control, the NIST SP 800-53 Rev 4 Test Cases
may be reviewed. The Test Case workbook provides a standard risk and controls template for assessing
baseline controls and helps to drive consistency in the annual assessment testing performed by Third
Party Assessor Organizations (3PAOs). 3PAOs use this workbook to test selected baseline controls per
required test procedures and document any control deficiencies and findings.
Use the control as a cascading point to the rest of the definition
“The organization…” Assigns account managers for information system accounts.
“The organization…” Establishes conditions for group and role membership.
Look at the verb in the control requirement: Assigns
The verbs in each control explain the action to be implemented and must be used in the description.
Here is where the story-telling begins:
Who (from your types of user list) assigns account managers?
How and when are account managers assigned? Tell us how this is done. What is the process? Who is
informed? When? How are they informed? What records are kept?
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Walk the reader through it like writing a story (beginning, middle, and end)
Keep in Mind
A 3PAO must be able to test this control and examine the evidence provided by the CSP.
1.17 Control Writing Tips
Transcript Title
Control Writing Tips
Let’s review what is meant by Organization defined assignments and use AC-2 objective (a) as an
example. In this case the control is asking the CSP to Identifies and selects the following types of
information system accounts to support organizational missions/business functions.
This definition and assignment may come from SOPs, Policy Documents, or ConOps guides.
From the requirement, the control is asking the CSP to identify and select the following types of
information system accounts to support organizational missions/business functions.
The CSP can choose to include a reference to the policies where these accounts are identified, as long as
the reference includes the name, date, and version of the policies, and the section number where these
accounts can be located.
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1.18 Control Writing Tips
Transcript Title
Control Writing Tips
Video of Control Writing Tips
FedRAMP Assignments
These follow the same logic as organization-defined assignments and must be treated as such
The assignments are also documented in the “Parameter” sections of the Control Summary Information
following the requirements
Requirements with multiple items (AC-2f)
The organization: Creates, enables, modifies, disables, and removes information system accounts in
accordance with [Assignment: organization-defined procedures or conditions];
Each action must be addressed individually with the same level of detail to satisfy the control, so that it is
FedRAMP Assignments follow the same logic as organization-defined assignments. The assignments are
also documented in the “Parameter” sections of the Control Summary Information following the
When multiple requirements are presented as in the case with AC-2 objective (f) each action needs to be
addressed individually with the same level of detail to satisfy the control, so that it is testable.
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Make sure that you write to the how and why for how your organization Creates System Accounts,
Enables System Accounts, Modifies System Accounts, Disables System Accounts and Removes System
1.19 Information that Can Help You
Transcript Title
Information That Can Help You
Video of Information that Can Help You
Use the FedRAMP website,, to:
Obtain the SSP template
Read “Tips and Cues”
Read the FedRAMP Newsletter
Access FedRAMP reference and training materials
Reference NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 4, which contains supplemental guidance for each
NIST control
For questions about FedRAMP, email
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Additional information and guidance documents can be found on
FedRAMP Continuous Monitoring Strategy and Guide
Vulnerability Scanning Requirements
ATO Management and Revocation Guide
FedRAMP Plan of Action & Milestones (POA&M) Template Completion Guide
NIST SP 800-137 - Information Security Continuous Monitoring for Federal Information Systems and Organizations
For questions about FedRAMP, email [email protected]
1.20 Untitled Slide
Title <N/A>
Image of FedRAMP logo.
For more information, please contact us or visit us at any of the following websites:
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Penetration Guidance
NIST 800 53
A2LA Website
SAP Template
Rev 4 Test Case Workbook