© SkillsFuture Singapore Agency
SSG-WSQ Effective date: 01 Sep 2022 Version 14
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Instructions to Applicants
You may submit your application for 1 of the following 3 types of courses by filling up the
relevant segments in the Course Proposal Form (CP). Each course application is to be ac-
companied by 1 CP Form.
(A) WSQ Singular Course
(B) WSQ Integrated Course*
(C) WSQ Full Qualification (FQ) Course
Contents are FULLY
mapped to Skills Frame-
work (SFw)
Contents are PARTIALLY
mapped to SFw due to
transition arrangement or
review of SFw
to be com-
pleted and
[Singular /
Integrated] by
appointed TPs
(Sections C, D,
E only)
(Sections C, D,
E only)
Annex A
Annex B
Incomplete submission of information in CP Form will lead to delay in the processing of your course application.
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Important Note for Compliance
Training Provider (TP) shall take note of the following:
TP shall market the course adhering to Marketing Guidelines (Annex A) to SSG Terms for Training Pro-
viders and only upon approval of your course application
TP must develop the courseware in accordance to the course proposal upon accreditation. The following
changes made to an accredited course proposal will warrant a NEW submission of course application for
o Changes in delivery mode (i.e. classroom, e-learning and workplace learning), or
o Changes in assessment methods, or
o Reduction or increase in course duration by more than 50% of the approved duration.
As part of the continuous effort by SSG to help TP improve the robustness and quality of their courses,
post-approval quality checks will be conducted on a regular basis.
*WSQ Integrated course refers to a course application with more than 1 Technical Skills and Competencies
(TSC) but not leading to a full qualification.
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Part 1 Particulars of Course
Application Reference Number as
generated in TPGateway
[Please insert the number (E.g.: TPG-2022xxxxx)
here during CP clarification.]
Type of Course Application you are
(A) WSQ Singular Course
(B) WSQ Integrated Course
(C) WSQ Full Qualification (FQ) Course
[Please select 1 option only]
Name of your Organisation
(As registered with the Accounting and
Corporate Regulatory Authority [ACRA])
Course Title
Technical Skills and Competency (TSC)/Critical Core Skill Title(s)
(CCS) that your Course is being mapped to (As per title in the
TSC/CCS Document)
TSC/CCS code
(Note: For FQ submission, Training Providers are to list the number of modules and to
ensure that at least 1 module is blended. Please indicate which module is blended).
Breakdown of Course Components (in hours
Classroom facilitation
Workplace learning: On-the-Job (OJT)
(Note: Training Providers are to ensure there are at least 2 modes of assessment for
each course application).
Some of the examples include:
Work-related Projects/Assignments/Presentation
Written Assessment
Oral Questioning
Simulation(e.g. Role Play etc)
Total Duration (in hours
(1) Hours indicated must align with Section 3E and Training Partners Gateway application form. For full qualification,
please ensure that there is an inclusion of blended learning. Blended learning is the use of an appropriate mix of
classroom learning, e-learning (e.g., Learning Management System or technology-enabled learning e.g., virtual
reality) and workplace learning (e.g. OJT or practicum) to improve learning efficacy and accessibility.)
(2) Training Providers are only required to submit the OJT Task Analysis form which is downloadable from
https://www.tpgateway.gov.sg/plan-courses/course-accreditation and select “What do I need for the application?”
s/no b to complete the Form.
(3) Practicum training refers to structured supervised training carried out in a controlled environment outside the
workplace that allows trainees to have supervised practical application of the training.
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(4) Practical work is defined as learning through hands-on activities within an environment designed to mirror real
work applications with the intent to improve specific skills. Examples include chefs practising their culinary skills
in a kitchen within the training institution; nursing professionals learning to handle medical equipment within a
simulated healthcare setting; and aircraft engineers learning how to solder.
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Part 2A Background
[This Section is for WSQ Singular/Integrated courses only.]
To provide an overview of the research that was conducted to determine the need for the course. This section must cover:
i. Targeted sector(s) background and needs for the training.
ii. Performance gaps that the course will address. Please elaborate how the performance gaps were identified (e.g., market research,
focus group discussions, surveys etc) and how the attributes gained post training would benefit learners.
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Part 2B Background
[This Section is for WSQ full qualifications only]
Each component of the table below must be filled in. From 1 Aug 2022 onwards, only CET Centres and Programme Partners or Training Providers supported by
Government Agencies to deliver WSQ Full Qualifications (FQ) for regulatory/licensing purposes, national interests, or social needs may submit new WSQ FQ course
applications for SSG’s approval. Please ensure that you have attach the relevant supporting documents in your course application. SSG will reject incomplete course
applications without refund:
a. Documentation of support by SSG to deliver the WSQ FQ (i.e. Letters of Appointment/Funding Agreements); or
b. Documentation of support by Government Agencies with confirmation that the WSQ FQ is required for regulatory/licensing purposes, national interests, or
social needs, including the bundle of Technical Skills and Competencies (TSCs) that make up the WSQ FQ and the validity period for the WSQ FQ and
approval or appointment to deliver the WSQ FQ (e.g. Letters of Appointment/Memorandum of Understanding/Official email or letter of confirmation or approval
from Government Agency)
For Inputs
What will this proposed WSQ Full
Qualification address or achieve?
Please indicate below (you can select more than 1):
At least 1 box below needs to be selected:
Entry into a new/emerging industry (industry: ________)
Lower the barrier of entry to an existing industry (industry: ________)
New legislation/licensing/regulatory requirements:
o Please indicate validity period: _________
o Please attach proof of Sector Agency endorsement for (i) your training organisation to conduct the WSQ full qualification
and (ii) skills bundle e.g., email from Licensing Agency
Deepen or broaden skillsets for vulnerable societal group(s) e.g., persons with disabilities/inmates/for social needs:
o Please attach proof of Government appointment/support for (i) your training organisation to conduct the WSQ full qual-
ification and (ii) skills bundle
Develop skills that support national interests e.g., Progressive Wage Model, SCTP:
o Please indicate validity period: _________
o Pls attach proof of Government appointment/support for (i) your training organisation to conduct the WSQ full qualifi-
cation and (ii) skills bundle _____________________________
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For Inputs
Who are the target group(s)* who
will benefit from this proposed
WSQ Full Qualifications? How will
each group benefit?
Pls indicate below (you may select more than 1):
At least 1 box below needs to be selected
Professions/occupations/job roles
PMET or Rank-and-File
Local or foreign workforce
Mature or general workforce
Vulnerable societal group(s) e.g., persons with disabilities / inmates
Others (please indicate): _________
What is the estimated training
(Provide the 2-year targeted headcount
and SOA / Qualification numbers for the
For WSQ Full Qualifications
referencing Skills Framework
(SFw), please refer to Annex A
to guide you in answering the
following questions:
a. Which is the main SFw that the
proposed qualifications is refer-
encing to?
b. What is the WSQ qualifications
level that the proposed qualifica-
tions will be pegged to?
Name of main SFw of reference:
Target WSQ qualifications level:
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For Inputs
c. Which is the main SFw that the
proposed qualifications is
referencing to?
d. What is the WSQ qualifications
level that the proposed qualifica-
tions will be pegged to?
e. Arising from point b), how does
the proposed qualifications fulfil
the overall learning outcomes of
the WSQ qualifications level de-
scriptors at the intended level?
f. Which are the Technical Skills
and Competencies (TSC) to be
bundled in the proposed
g. Is the proposed qualifications
generic or does it contain a
h. Arising from point e), if the pro-
posed qualifications contain a
specialisation, specify the spe-
cialisation track in the main SFw
of reference.
i. What is the title of the proposed
WSQ qualifications?
j. Which job roles(s) in the main
SFw of reference will the pro-
posed qualifications prepare the
trainee for?
Justifications for how the proposed qualifications meet the overall
learning outcomes of the target WSQ qualifications level:
Which TSCs are bundled in the proposed qualification?
Please indicate the skills bundled for the WSQ FQ in the TGS course
application form.
Generic qualifications or qualifications with a specialisation
Name of specialisation track in main SFw of reference (if applicable)
Title of the proposed WSQ qualifications
Target job role(s) in the main SFw of reference (if applicable)
TSC(s) in the proposed qualifications which deviate from the proficiency
level(s) stipulated in the specific job role’s Skills Map, and justifications (if
Justifications for how qualifications enable the learner to be job-ready (if
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k. Arising from point h), if the pro-
posed qualifications prepare the
trainee for one specific job role
in the main SFw of reference, and
any of the TSCs bundled in the
proposed qualifications reference
this job role’s Skills Map, but any
of these TSCs are not the same
proficiency level as stipulated in
this job role’s Skills Map – please
provide justifications for the devi-
l. Does the proposed qualifications
target at new entrants? If yes,
please explain how the qualifica-
tions would enable the trainee to
be job-ready.
m. Please provide evidence of tripar-
tite partners’ validation and sup-
port for the proposed qualifica-
tions (i.e., to confirm need and
relevancy of the proposed qualifi-
cations for the industry; to confirm
industry and training providers
are ready to adopt the proposed
Question: Evidence of stakeholders consulted*
Name, Company, Designation
Feedback on proposed course
*add/delete table rows as necessary
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Part 3 Curriculum Design
A. Course Learning Outcome
Outline what the learner will achieve from the completion of this course. These outcomes are a general description of his/her
newly acquired level of skills, Knowledge (K) and Abilities (A) (i.e. What can he/she do? What does he/she know?).
(Please ensure these outcomes address the Performance gaps as indicated in Part 2A (ii).)
B. Sequencing of Learning Units / Modules
Provide rationale to explain how and why the learning units (LUs)/learning outcomes (LOs) are being sequenced in a particular
manner to achieve the course objectives.
(Please ensure that the LUs and LOs stated here aligns with Part 3C.)
Please explain the rationale for sequencing.
Learning Units (LUs)
TPs to indicate topics covered under each LU and state Learning
Outcomes (LOs)
[Against each LO, please indicate the topics and list down the numbering
and description for the “K” and “A” Statements in the TSC/CCS document]
e.g., LU1: The right essentials
Topic: Getting the right essentials
LO1. Describe and demonstrate the fundamentals of preparing basic dim
sum dishes through moist-heat cooking methods
Quality characteristics of Chinese moist-heat dishes
Inspect the quality of ingredients for different types of Chinese moist-heat
*add/delete table rows as necessary
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C. Curriculum Key Features
This table outlines the important features of the curriculum design that underpin the course. It articulates the coherence between the instructional methods, assessment methods
and intended learning outcomes, based on Bigg’s Model of Constructive Alignment.
Assessment Methods*
Duration for Instructional Method
Total Delivery Hours
* To list down the Knowledge & Abilities numbering only (e.g., K1, K2, A1, A2). It is not required to state the full description of the Knowledge and Ability statements
CR Classroom learning
PP Practical / Practicum
OJT On-the-job Training
Sync e-learning Synchronous e-learning
Async e-learning Asynchronous e-learning
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D. Details of Instructional Methods Proposed
E. Details of Assessment Methods Proposed
Assessment Methods
(e.g., open/closed book
candidate ratio
(Indicate min and
max ratio)
Elaborate on appropriateness of assessment methods
learner ratio
(Indicate min and
max ratio)
Elaborate on appropriateness of instructional methods
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This additional section is to be completed only by Training Providers appointed under the Critical Core Skills Call-for-Proposal:
1. Please indicate the *thematic focus area(s) to which this course is aligned.
2. Please provide details of the experiential learning (including actual practice and immersion for soft skills acquisition) incorporated within
your course design.
*This refers to the 3 pre-defined themes for CCS courses stipulated under the CFP requirements: (A) CCS for Career-Learning-Planning; (B) CCS to Support
Change Management at the Workplace; and (C) CCS for Business Resilience. The thematic focus areas have been introduced to guide TPs in developing
CCS modules for more effective outcomes, while adopting more innovative curriculum and instructional design. Each course should typically be aligned to
one thematic focus area.
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Part 4 Facilities and Resources
A. Classroom Facilitation/Assessment
Provide images and the details of the facility and equipment supporting the delivery and assessment specific for
the applied course.
B. Workplace Learning/Assessment
Provide images and the details of the facility and equipment supporting the delivery/assessment.
C. Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning/E-Assessment
i. Provide details on the system capability to authenticate learners’ identities.
ii. Provide details on the system capability to validate attendance records & track learners’ progress.
Note: Administrator rights to Learning Management System (LMS) to be granted to SSG, if applicable.
iii. Provide details of how the trainer/instructor support is available for trainee who need further
clarification or assistance.
iv. Provide details of how the technical helpdesk support is available.
v. Provide details of the authentication process to verify trainee identity, enable the conduct of e-
assessments and ensure accuracy and authenticity of the assessment results.
Note: The 2 criteria listed below are applicable only for Asynchronous E-Learning application for evaluation on Absentee Payroll
(AP) funding eligibility. Training Providers are required to provide the following information: The information provided is
applicable to all subsequent course runs.
State Asynchronous E-Learning duration; and
Indicate if Asynchronous E-Learning duration is part of the training duration.
vi. Provide details on the course commencement date, course end date and the estimated number of
learning hours expected to complete the course.
vii. Provide details on the instructor facilitation (conducted online without the need for such facilitation to be
real-time or face-to-face).
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Part 5 Monitoring and Evaluation
Tracking of Outcomes
Indicate how the learning outcomes will be measured and tracked using Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation model.
TP to provide details on 4 levels of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model where applicable:
Tracking Methods
Explain steps to be taken if target is not met
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Note: Applicable for TPs
delivering full qualifications
Level 4
Note: It is recommended
that, as a form of good
practice, TPs to continue
to track the L4 outcomes
with an interest to know
the impact of training to
For Training Providers appointed under the Critical Core Skills Call-for-Proposal, please put a tick ()
in the box below:
We hereby commit to adhering to the outcomes stipulated under the deliverables for the CCS CFP.
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Outcome of SSG’s Evaluation
a) Compliance with WSQ Qualifications Rules
Met WSQ Qualifications Rules
(Applies only to Course Proposals for WSQ Full Qualifications)
Yes No
Evaluated by:
Name of Officer
b) Audit Outcome
Overall Assessment
Status of Accreditation
Pass Audit Fail Audit
Name of Officer
Audited by:
Recommended by:
Approved by:
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Annex A
Guidelines on WSQ Qualifications Bundling for TPs’ reference
To propose a new WSQ full qualifications, TPs will need to provide justifications for the
qualifications bundling for SSG’s evaluation. TPs may take note of the following guidelines in
proposing a WSQ full qualifications, and accordingly provide justifications for meeting these
guidelines in this Course Proposal form, which is to be submitted in the Training Partners
Gateway as part of the Course Application process.
How to propose a new WSQ full qualifications
Identify the main Skills Framework (SFw) which the proposed qualifications will reference.
Identify the WSQ qualifications level that the proposed qualifications will be pegged to.
WSQ qualifications must meet the overall learning outcomes of the target WSQ qualifica-
tions level.*
Identify the Technical Skills and Competencies (TSC) to be bundled in the proposed full
qualifications. 80% of the proposed qualifications (as measured by number of Credit Val-
ues (CVs)) must be from the main SFw of reference, and 80% of the proposed qualifica-
tions must include TSCs from the same level as the proposed qualifications.
Identify the skill(s) in the proposed qualifications that promote the development of trans-
ferrable/soft skills.
Identify whether the proposed qualifications is generic or contains a specialisation. Where
the proposed qualifications contain a specialisation:
i. Identify the specialisation track in the main SFw of reference.
ii. 80% of the proposed qualifications (as measured by number of CVs) must include
TSCs from this specialisation track.
Specify the title of the proposed WSQ qualifications.^ The title should follow the format
‘WSQ <Qualifications Level> in <Name of SFw sector> (<sub-sector/ specialisation
track>)’. For example: ‘WSQ Advanced Certificate in Retail (Merchandising)’ for a pro-
posed qualifications referencing SFw for Retail with a specialisation in the Merchandising
track, or ‘WSQ Advanced Certificate in Retail’ for a proposed generic qualification refer-
encing the SFw for Retail.
Identify the job role(s) in the main SFw of reference which the proposed qualifications will
prepare the trainee for. Where the proposed qualifications prepare a trainee for one spe-
cific job role in the main SFw of reference, and where any of the TSCs bundled in the
proposed qualifications references this job role’s Skills Map, the TSCs must be of the same
proficiency level as what is stipulated in this job role’s Skills Map.
Where the proposed qualifications are targeted at new entrants to the sector, demonstrate
how the proposed qualifications would enable the trainee to be job ready.
Seek tripartite partners’ validation for the proposed qualifications and provide evidences
of their support.
*Annex B of this Course Proposal form provides the WSQ qualifications levels and their
respective descriptors. Table 1 shows the minimum credit values per WSQ qualifications level,
and Table 2 shows the credit values assigned at each TSC proficiency level.
^Please note that the WSQ qualifications title is different from the course marketing title, and
it is the former title that will be reflected on trainees’ WSQ electronic certificates.
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Table 1: Minimum Credit Values (CVs) required at each WSQ Qualifications Level
WSQ Qualifications Level
Level 6 (Graduate Diploma)
Level 5 (Specialist Diploma)
Level 4 (Diploma)
Level 3 (Advanced Certificate)
Level 2 (Higher Certificate)
Level 1 (Certificate)
Table 2: Credit Values (CVs) assigned at each Technical Skill and Competency (TSC)
Proficiency Level
TSC Proficiency Level
per level
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
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Annex B
WSQ Qualification Level Descriptors
WSQ Level 1 Certificate
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework Level 1 (refer below). Overall,
the learner would be able to operate in a standardised work context that is well-defined and use procedural knowledge to perform work tasks
in defined work contexts under close supervision. The learner is able to identify and describe opportunities for minor adjustments to work tasks
to improve workflow, interact effectively with others and apply ethical codes of practice. The learner is able to demonstrate some responsibility
for own learning and performance, take reference from and apply known solutions to familiar problems. Work activities typically require minimal
or no prior working experience.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to use procedural
knowledge to perform
work tasks in defined
work contexts under close
Able to perform basic
work tasks in defined
work contexts under close
Able to identify and de-
scribe opportunities for
minor adjustments to
work tasks to improve
Able to express one’s
thoughts and feelings ef-
fectively to other people
Able to apply ethical
codes or practices under
close supervision
Able to demonstrate
some responsibility for
own learning and perfor-
mance, take reference
from and apply known so-
lutions to familiar prob-
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WSQ Level 2 - Higher Certificate
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework Level 2 (refer below). Overall,
the learner would be able to operate in a standardised work context that may change occasionally due to external factors, under supervision.
The learner is able to interpret the meaning of work tasks using relevant procedural knowledge, carry out defined work tasks with some
independence and react to changes in the work contexts by adjusting the application of skills. The learner is able to contribute to innovation
and present ideas to improve work tasks with some attempt to link to the organisation goals, build relationships, collaborate with others and
apply ethical codes of practice. The learner is able to demonstrate responsibility for own learning and performance, take reference from and
apply from a range of known solutions to familiar problems. Work activities are typically undertaken by independent contributors who work
within clear boundaries and under supervision.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to interpret the
meaning of work tasks
using relevant procedural
knowledge in defined
work contexts under su-
Able to carry out defined
work tasks with some in-
dependence and react to
changes in the work con-
texts by adjusting the ap-
plication of skills with su-
Able to contribute to inno-
vation and present ideas
to improve work tasks
with some attempt to link
to the organisation goals
Demonstrate awareness
of others’ thoughts, feel-
ings, needs and concerns
to build relationships
Able to collaborate with
others and offer support
to achieve common goals
Able to apply ethical
codes or practices
Able to demonstrate re-
sponsibility for own learn-
ing and performance,
take reference from and
apply from a range of
known solutions to famil-
iar problems
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WSQ Level 3 - Advanced Certificate
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework Level 3 (refer below). Overall,
the learner would be able to operate in work contexts that are less standardised and may vary in unanticipated ways due to changes in the
external environment. The learner is able to apply relevant procedural and conceptual knowledge to perform the work activities and apply
skills to differentiated work activities and manage changes in work contexts as an effective team member. The learner is able to collaborate
with others to innovate and identify value-adding opportunities to improve technical or business outcomes within a team setting, maintain
relationships and make ethical judgement on code of conduct issues and react in accordance with current ethical codes or practices. The
learner is able to use given stages of a problem-solving approach to deal with work activities, identify the gaps in one’s learning, select the
relevant approaches to close the learning gap and apply learning acquired in various work contexts. Work activities are typically undertaken
by individuals who work in a team and begin to take on some team lead responsibilities.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to identify work ac-
tivities that may or may
not be within defined
work scope, and apply
relevant procedural and
conceptual knowledge to
perform the work activi-
Able to apply skills to dif-
ferentiated work activities
and manage changes in
work contexts as an ef-
fective team member
Able to collaborate with
others to innovate and
identify value-adding op-
portunities to improve
business outcomes within
a team setting
Able to demonstrate un-
derstanding of self and
others’ thoughts, feelings,
needs and concerns and
maintain relationships
Able to make ethical
judgement on code of
conduct issues and react
in accordance with cur-
rent ethical codes or
Able to use given stages
of a problem-solving ap-
proach to deal with work
Able to identify the gaps
in one’s learning and se-
lect the relevant ap-
proaches to close the
learning gap
Able to apply learning ac-
quired in various work
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WSQ Level 4 - Diploma
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework Level 4 (refer below). Overall,
the learner would be able to operate in technical or business work contexts where unanticipated changes can be frequent. The learner is able
to analyse specialist knowledge in particular work areas, to enhance the performance of work activities and evaluate approaches to resolve
work issues effectively with guidance. The learner is able to apply a range of practices to familiar and unfamiliar work areas and adapt practices
to enable one and help others to manage change. The learner is able to lead a project team to generate innovative ideas and facilitate the
implementation of the ideas to generate value for the organisation with guidance. The learner is able to collaborate and influence others to
align to common goals that are beneficial to a team and make ethical judgement on code of conduct issues and react in accordance with
current ethical codes or practices. The learner is able to use a range of approaches to formulate evidence-based solutions to familiar and
unfamiliar work areas and take account of some of the consequences of action/inaction. The learner values others’ knowledge and skills and
is able to influence others to actively learn. The learner is able update one’s learning in the relevant work area to adapt to changing conditions,
engages in self-reflection, and explores alternative approaches of the performing work areas. Work activities are typically undertaken by
individuals who lead and supervise teams with a defined degree of autonomy to perform the work area. It is also possible for learners at this
level to focus on only one field of expertise as associate specialists, entrusted with innovation and value-generation responsibilities as a core
function, with limited or no people management responsibility.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to analyse tech-
nical or business spe-
cialist knowledge in par-
ticular work areas, to en-
hance the technical or
business performance of
work activities
Able to select and apply a
range of technical or busi-
ness practices to familiar
and unfamiliar work areas
and adapt the technical or
business practices to ena-
ble one and help others to
manage change
Able to lead a project
team to generate inno-
vative technical or busi-
ness ideas and facilitate
the implementation of
the ideas to generate
value for the organisa-
tion with guidance
Able to collaborate and
influence others to align
to common goals that
are beneficial to a team
Able to make ethical
judgement on code of
conduct issues and react
in accordance with
Able to use a range of
technical or business ap-
proaches to formulate evi-
dence-based solutions to
familiar and unfamiliar
technical or business work
areas and take account of
some of the consequences
of action/inaction
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Able to evaluate tech-
nical or business ap-
proaches to resolve
work issues effectively
with guidance
current ethical codes or
Able to update one’s learn-
ing in the relevant work
area to adapt to changing
conditions. This includes
being able to engage in
self-reflection to process
learning and explore alter-
native approaches of the
performing work areas
Values others’ knowledge
and skills and is able to in-
fluence others to actively
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WSQ Level 5 Specialist Diploma
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework Level 5 (refer below). Overall,
the learner would be able to operate in technical or business work contexts where unanticipated changes are expected. The learner is able to
review the environments in which the organisation operates in, integrate and draw on a range of sources of knowledge to make judgements
and apply a range of practices to specialist and unfamiliar work issues to improve the organisation’s operating work contexts. The learner is
able to identify success factors for innovation to create values for the organisation and uphold workplace standards as a role model, support
and inspire others to achieve common goals. The learner is able to deal with ethical and professional issues in accordance with current
professional and/ or ethical codes or practices. The learner values others’ knowledge and skills and is able to influence others to actively
learn. The learner is able to use a range of cognitive and adaptive skills to generate solutions to specialist and unfamiliar work issues, self-
reflect and process learning from multiple sources to explore alternative approaches of enhancing work performance. Work activities are
typically undertaken by managers or specialists. For specialists, they could be focusing on only one field of expertise and entrusted with
innovation and value-generation responsibilities as a core responsibility. They are expected to work independently and/or lead a technical
project team.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to review the tech-
nical or business environ-
ments in which the or-
ganisation operates in,
integrate and draw on a
range of sources of tech-
nical or business
knowledge to make
In the process or through
the process, demonstrate
Able to select and apply
a range of technical or
business practices to
specialist and unfamiliar
work issues and adapt
technical or business
practices to improve the
organisation’s operating
work contexts
Able to identify success
factors for innovation to
create values for the or-
Able to uphold workplace
standards as a role
model, support and in-
spire others to achieve
common goals
Able to deal with ethical
and professional issues in
accordance with current
professional and/ or ethi-
cal codes or practices
Able to use a range of
cognitive and adaptive
skills to generate tech-
nical or business solu-
tions to specialist and un-
familiar work issues
Able to self-reflect and
process learning from
multiple sources to ex-
plore alternative technical
or business approaches
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specialist technical or
business knowledge in
work issues
of enhancing work perfor-
Values others’ knowledge
and skills and is able to
influence others to ac-
tively learn
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WSQ Level 6 Graduate Diploma
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework (SSF) Level 6. Overall, the
learner is able to operate in work contexts where unanticipated changes are expected. The learner is able to reason and engage in inquiry to
analyse and evaluate the sustainability of multiple specialist and unfamiliar technical or business areas, using deep specialist technical or
business knowledge in a limited field of expertise. The learner is able to select and apply a range of technical or business practices to multiple
work areas and adapt these technical or business practices to achieve sustainable and efficient technical or business outcomes. The learner
is able to build a culture of innovation and identify strategic technical or business tools to enable the implementation of the strategy to enhance
value-creation to support organisational goals. The learner is able to display a high level of organisational awareness and social and leadership
skills to foster a culture of openness and cohesion to embrace diversity and achieve common goals through co-creation. The learner is able to
deal with ethical and professional issues in accordance with current professional and/ or ethical codes or practices, with minimal guidance.
The learner is able to critically self-reflect and evaluate one’s own preparation of learning to ensure it is consistent with the technical or business
knowledge required for the profession and attempt to integrate learning from other fields to manage current area of work. The learner values
others’ knowledge and skills, engage in active sharing of learnings and is able to proactively coach others to overcome constraints at work.
Work activities are typically undertaken by middle-to-senior executives in the organisation with leadership and business sustainability and
excellence responsibilities. For middle to senior specialists, they could be focusing on selected or limited field(s) of expertise and are entrusted
with innovation and value-generation responsibilities as a core responsibility in the organisation. They may or may not have people manage-
ment responsibilities.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to reason and en-
gage in inquiry to analyse
and evaluate the sustain-
ability of multiple special-
ist and unfamiliar tech-
nical or business areas,
using deep specialist
technical or business
Able to select and apply a
range of technical or busi-
ness practices to multiple
work areas and adapt
these technical or busi-
ness practices to achieve
sustainable and efficient
technical or business out-
Able to build a culture of
innovation and identify
strategic technical or
business tools to enable
the implementation of the
strategy to enhance
value-creation to support
organisational goals
Able to display a high
level of organisational
awareness and social
and leadership skills to
foster a culture of open-
ness and cohesion to
embrace diversity and
Able to critically self-re-
flect and evaluate one’s
own preparation of learn-
ing to ensure it is con-
sistent with the technical
or business knowledge
required for the profes-
sion and attempt to
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knowledge in a limited
field of expertise
achieve common goals
through co-creation
Deal with ethical and pro-
fessional issues in ac-
cordance with current
professional and/ or ethi-
cal codes or practices,
with minimal guidance
integrate learning from
other fields to manage
current area of work
Values others’ knowledge
and skills, and is able to
engage in active sharing
of learnings and proac-
tively coach others to
overcome constraints at
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WSQ Level 7 Executive Diploma
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework (SSF) Level 7. Overall, the
learner is able to operate in work contexts where unanticipated changes have become norms. The learner is able to devise original technical
or business solutions based on synthesis of multiple knowledge sources from varying fields of technical or professional expertise and apply to
the work contexts and/or professional practices. The learner is able to devise original structures to support technical or business solutions to
multi-faceted work issues as an effective change agent with consideration of the organisation’s and/or professional community’s needs and
priorities. The learner is able to design and champion the innovation and co-creation of technical or business solutions to deliver impactful
outcomes for the organisation and/or the professional community. The learner is able to display a high level of social and leadership skills to
champion organisational and/or professional development to bring about progressive change with an awareness of conflicting boundaries. The
learner is able to deal with ethical and professional issues in accordance with current professional and/ or ethical codes or practices. The
learner is able to formulate integrative knowledge to advance organisational goals and reap meaningful business outcomes. The learner values
others’ knowledge and skills and demonstrates commitment and ability to actively mentor and coach others to learn. Work activities are typically
undertaken by individuals who are senior executives in the organisation, with transformative leadership responsibilities to deliver impactful and
meaningful organisational improvements. For senior specialists, they are entrusted with extensive innovation and value-generation responsi-
bilities for the organisation and may have some people management responsibilities.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to devise original
technical or business so-
lutions based on synthe-
sis of multiple knowledge
sources from varying
fields of technical or pro-
fessional expertise and
apply to the work con-
texts and/or professional
Able to devise original
structures to support tech-
nical or business solutions
to multi-faceted work is-
sues as an effective
change agent with consid-
eration of the organisa-
tion’s and/or professional
community’s needs and
Able to design and cham-
pion the innovation and
co-creation of technical
or business solutions to
deliver impactful out-
comes for the organisa-
tion and/or the profes-
sional community
Able to display a high
level of social and lead-
ership skills to cham-
pion organisational
and/or professional de-
velopment to bring
about progressive
change with an aware-
ness of conflicting
Able to formulate integra-
tive knowledge to ad-
vance organisational
goals and reap meaning-
ful business outcomes
Values others’ knowledge
and skills, and demon-
strates commitment and
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Deal with ethical and pro-
fessional issues in ac-
cordance with current
professional and/ or ethi-
cal codes or practices
ability to actively mentor
and coach others to learn
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WSQ Level 8 Master Diploma
Overall Learning Outcomes
A programme leading to the award of a WSQ Qualification at this level should develop learners who are able to demonstrate the learning
outcomes based on the five domains of competence which are referenced from the Singapore Skills Framework (SSF) Level 8. Overall, the
learner is able to operate in work contexts may range from one where unanticipated changes have become norms. The learner is able to
optimise original and formerly tested and proven technical or business solutions from varying fields of expertise to apply to the work contexts
and/or professional practices. The learner is able to optimise structures to harness the effects of change and advance the organisational and/or
professional community goals. The learner is able to uphold and maintain a culture of innovative thinking and practices to sustain value-creation
and meet the long-term goals of the organisation and/or professional community. The learner is able to possess a high level of social and
leadership skill to develop business and professional networks, grow leaders and foster an atmosphere of inclusiveness with diverse external
stakeholders in the global business and/or professional community. The learner is able to deal with ethical and professional issues in accord-
ance with current professional and/ or ethical codes or practices. The learner is able to demonstrate exemplary ability to engage in self-
reflection and inquiry to formulate technical or business ideas and directions to drive change and harness the potentials from change. The
learner is able to be a people developer, values diversity, others’ knowledge and skills and demonstrates commitment and ability share own
knowledge and inspire others to learn. Work activities are typically undertaken by individuals who are chief executives. They direct, lead and
transform the organisation(s). For chief specialists, they are entrusted with extensive innovation and value-generation responsibilities for the
organisation, is at the forefront of their creative or technical expertise and constantly researching and pioneering new know-how to advance
the business objectives or professional practice. Beyond the direct accountabilities to the organisation, chief specialists are strong advocates
in promoting the technical profession within and external to their professional communities and frequently share their knowledge by mentoring
and grooming younger members in the community to advance the professional standing of the creative or technical specialisation they are
championing for.
Knowledge and
Application and
Innovation and
Value Creation
Social Intelligence and
Learning to Learn
Able to optimise original
and formerly tested and
proven technical or busi-
ness solutions from vary-
ing fields of expertise to
apply to the work
Able to optimise struc-
tures to harness the ef-
fects of change and ad-
vance the organisational
and/or professional com-
munity goals
Able to uphold and main-
tain a culture of innova-
tive thinking and prac-
tices to sustain value-cre-
ation and meet the long-
term goals of the
Able to possess a high
level of social and leader-
ship skill to develop busi-
ness and professional
networks, grow leaders
and foster an atmosphere
Able to demonstrate ex-
emplary ability to engage
in self-reflection and in-
quiry to formulate tech-
nical or business ideas
and directions to drive
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contexts and/or profes-
sional practices
organisation and/or pro-
fessional community
of inclusiveness with di-
verse external stakehold-
ers in the global business
and/or professional com-
Deal with ethical and pro-
fessional issues in ac-
cordance with current
professional and/ or ethi-
cal codes or practices
change and harness the
potentials from change
As a people developer,
values diversity, others’
knowledge and skills and
demonstrates commit-
ment and ability share
own knowledge and in-
spire others to learn