Bright Star Secondary Charter Academy
Charter Petition
Learning best occurs when class size and school size are manageable. Although there are no
magic numbers or solutions for what is manageable, it is imperative that the members of the
school community know one another as individuals. We also believe that learning is most
effective when parents understand and are involved in the educational goals of the school.
BSSCA has short-term, intermediate and long-term goals. The short-term goal is to provide a
meaningful educational experience; one that impresses upon students the amount they can
accomplish in a single year of dedicated hard work and the level to which they can enhance their
self-confidence through achievement. The intermediate goal is to help students carry this sense
of academic commitment and accomplishment throughout their high school experience. The
long-term goal is to instill in our students the belief that they should and be able to attend
college, and through this process, provide them the tools to do so.
Part D: How The Goals Of The Program Enable Students To Become Self-
Motivated, Competent And Lifelong Learners
The fundamental goal of BSSCA is to help its students become self-motivated, competent, life-
long learners. BSSCA strives to educate students so that they know and understand how they
learn, and how they can continue learning in college and beyond. Students understand how to
learn from a classroom situation or from a group interaction and (probably most importantly)
how to learn on their own.
A fundamental educational objective for BSSCA is to educate all of its students so that they are
able to compete for selective and limited positions and/or scholarships at colleges and
universities. Yet, given the current funding crisis in higher education, we also explore alternative
post-secondary options for students that lead to attainment of a viable post-secondary plan,
which is developed by the student and connecter, in conjunction with his family.
An intense schedule ensure that there is enough time to teach all materials covered by the
California Common Core State Standards and the UC/CSU A-G requirements. Yet the goal of the
program will be that nobody falls behind. We will train students to employ effective study
habits by providing them support in school and after school so that they can reach their full
potential. We know that if students put in the required time and effort, and get the additional
support and resources they need, they can be successful in the academic program.
Students will work toward mastering skills: developing concepts, critical thinking and problem
solving. Students develop self-worth and respect for their heritage and the cultural heritage of
others through arts, literature, social studies, science and math. Students receive an enriched
curriculum in language arts, math, history and science through excellent teaching practice.
Students strive to become proficient in both English and their native language. Students work
towards demonstrating cooperative social behavior with a sense of responsibility toward their
school, home and community through our connectors program, advisory and character building
programs, and community service. Students are exposed to career, post-secondary
opportunities and should begin to develop personal and professional life goals through exposure