Lexington, Virginia
Part IV
September 2022
Part IV .................................................................................................................................... i
ACADEMIC REGULATIONS ___________________________________________________ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS _______________________________________________________ i
INTRODUCTION _____________________________________________________________ 1
ACADEMIC ADVISOR -- ADVISING _____________________________________________ 1
ACADEMIC DELINQUENCY ___________________________________________________ 1
ACADEMIC PROBATION ______________________________________________________ 1
ACADEMIC RECOGNITION AND HONORS _______________________________________ 2
1) Dean's List ................................................................................................................... 2
2) Distinguished in academic merit - Academic stars .................................................. 2
3) Distinguished graduate with Institute Honors .......................................................... 2
4) Distinguished graduate .............................................................................................. 2
5) Graduate with distinction ........................................................................................... 3
ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS ________________________________________________ 3
ADVANCED PLACEMENT _____________________________________________________ 3
1) Semester-hour credit .................................................................................................. 3
AUDITING OF COURSES ______________________________________________________ 3
CADET ASSISTANTS _________________________________________________________ 3
CHANGE OF GRADE _________________________________________________________ 3
1) Requests by cadets..................................................................................................... 3
2) Correction of grades ................................................................................................... 4
CHANGE OF MAJOR _________________________________________________________ 4
CLASS ATTENDANCE ________________________________________________________ 4
1) Academic day, duty, and time .................................................................................... 4
2) Excuses from academic duty ..................................................................................... 4
3) Class cancellations ..................................................................................................... 4
4) Extra-curricular/athletic conflicts ............................................................................... 4
5) Absence from graded work ........................................................................................ 5
6) Authorized absences (Class Cuts) ............................................................................. 5
7) Academic Day.............................................................................................................. 5
8) Maximum allowable absences ................................................................................... 6
CLASSIFICATION ____________________________________________________________ 6
COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC APPEALS __________________________________________ 7
COMPUTERS IN THE CLASSROOM POLICY______________________________________ 7
CONTINUING EDUCATION UNIT (CEU) __________________________________________ 8
COURSE LOAD _____________________________________________________________ 8
1) Minimum hours required ............................................................................................ 8
2) Maximum hours allowed ............................................................................................. 8
COURSE SUPERVISION/SCHEDULING __________________________________________ 8
1) Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 8
2) Scheduling ................................................................................................................... 9
DISTANCE LEARNING ________________________________________________________ 9
DOUBLE MAJORS ___________________________________________________________ 9
DROP-ADD PERIOD _________________________________________________________ 10
1) Adding courses ..........................................................................................................10
2) Dropping courses ......................................................................................................10
3) Changing sections .....................................................................................................10
FACULTY RESPONSIBILITIES ________________________________________________ 10
FINAL EXAMINATIONS ______________________________________________________ 10
FORMS ___________________________________________________________________ 11
GRADE REPORTING ________________________________________________________ 12
1) Responsibilities ..........................................................................................................12
2) Interim grades ............................................................................................................12
GRADING SYSTEM _________________________________________________________ 12
1) VMI letter grades ........................................................................................................12
2) Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) ...................................................................12
3) Incomplete grades .....................................................................................................12
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS _______________________________________________ 13
1) GPA, residency, and administrative requirements ..................................................13
2) Curricular requirements (catalogue of record) ........................................................13
3) Hours and core course requirements .......................................................................13
4) Time limit requirements .............................................................................................14
5) Responsibility.............................................................................................................15
10 HOUR RULE _____________________________________________________________ 15
HONORS PROGRAMS _______________________________________________________ 15
Departmental Honors Programs .........................................................................................15
1) Eligibility Requirements ............................................................................................15
2) Performance requirements ........................................................................................15
Institute Honors Program ....................................................................................................16
1) Eligibility requirements ..............................................................................................16
2) Performance requirements ........................................................................................16
INDEPENDENT STUDY COURSES _____________________________________________ 16
INTERNSHIPS FOR CREDIT __________________________________________________ 17
1) Eligibility Requirements ............................................................................................17
2) Registration Requirements ........................................................................................17
3) Credit Hour Limitations .............................................................................................17
4) Responsibilities, Documentation, and Academic Content Requirements .............17
5) Timetables and Deadlines .........................................................................................18
MINORS AND CONCENTRATIONS _____________________________________________ 18
MODERN LANGUAGE _______________________________________________________ 18
PREREQUISITES ___________________________________________________________ 19
1) Cadet's responsibility ................................................................................................19
2) Determination of prerequisites..................................................................................19
READMISSION _____________________________________________________________ 19
REMAINING IN THE CORPS __________________________________________________ 20
1) Academic suspension ...............................................................................................20
2) Resignations ..............................................................................................................20
3) Beyond graduation.....................................................................................................20
REPEATING COURSES ______________________________________________________ 20
1) Courses that may be repeated ..................................................................................20
2) Civilization and Cultures (C&C) and Writing Intensive (WI) Courses .....................20
3) GPA calculation and record keeping ........................................................................20
1) Requirement ...............................................................................................................21
2) Exceptions ..................................................................................................................21
3) ROTC while studying abroad ....................................................................................21
4) Taking courses concurrently ....................................................................................21
SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES _________________________________ 21
SPECIAL EVENTS AND FIELD TRIPS __________________________________________ 21
1) Introduction ................................................................................................................21
2) Conflicts ......................................................................................................................22
3) Educational Events ....................................................................................................22
4) Special Educational Events .......................................................................................22
5) Educational Field Trips ..............................................................................................22
6) Cadet Organization Field Trips..................................................................................22
SUBSTITUTION OF CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS ______________________________ 23
SUMMER READING _________________________________________________________ 23
SUMMER SESSION AT VMI ___________________________________________________ 23
1) Who may attend .........................................................................................................23
2) Prior to matriculation .................................................................................................23
3) Grades ........................................................................................................................23
4) Summer study abroad ...............................................................................................24
5) Director and faculty....................................................................................................24
6) Regulations ................................................................................................................24
TESTS ____________________________________________________________________ 24
TRANSCRIPTS _____________________________________________________________ 25
TRANSFER CREDIT _________________________________________________________ 25
1) To obtain approval .....................................................................................................25
2) Transfer requirements ...............................................................................................25
3) Transfer limits ............................................................................................................25
4) Grade requirement .....................................................................................................26
5) Transcript requirement ..............................................................................................26
6) Effect on GPA .............................................................................................................26
7) Quarter hours to semester hours ..............................................................................26
WITHDRAWALS ____________________________________________________________ 26
1) Procedure ...................................................................................................................26
2) First, second, and third grading periods ..................................................................27
3) Fourth grading period ................................................................................................27
4) Due to excessive absences .......................................................................................27
5) After the start of the exam period .............................................................................27
6) Withdrawal and GPA ..................................................................................................27
WORK FOR GRADE POLICIES ________________________________________________ 27
1) Cadets' responsibilities .............................................................................................28
2) Department’s responsibilities ...................................................................................28
3) Faculty members’ responsibilities ............................................................................29
Academic Regulations Record of Change
What Changed
12 September 2017
Changed the Class Cuts criteria
from cumulative GPA to the
immediately preceding semester
12 September 2017
Amended the transfer limits
section to reflect the six semester
residency requirement instituted
in April 2016.
5 May 2018
Additional guidance provided on
the approval of independent
studies to include off-Post work.
5 May 2018
Clarified requirement for
receiving a letter grade in
summer study abroad.
5 May 2018
Clarified treatment of summer
study abroad coursework taught
by non-VMI faculty; added
coursework through consortium
agreements to eligible transfer
4 May 2019
Cadets who study abroad in the
semester following a semester in
which they earn Class Cuts may
use the earned privilege during
their next semester in residence
following their semester abroad.
13 May 2019
Updated the academic
standards approved by the
Academic Board.
30 January 2021
Separated “Faculty” and
“Department” responsibilities;
requires a review of department
work for grade statements during
the academic year immediately
preceding the department’s
Academic Program Review.
29 January 2022
Updated the policy for awarding
semester hour credit and deleted
the placement without semester
hour credit.
21 September 2022
Updated policy to reflect changes
in the reporting capabilities of the
academic management software
used for grade reporting.
Questions about issues not addressed in the Academic Regulations should be directed to the Deputy
Superintendent for Academics and Dean of the Faculty (the Dean).
See the Committee on Academic Appeals section for the procedure to request a waiver of an academic
The Secretary of the Academic Board is responsible for updates to the Academic Regulations based on
approved changes by the Academic Board, the Dean, or the Superintendent.
The current version of the Academic Regulations is available on the VMI Web.
Academic advising is a four-year developmental process in which the advisor guides the cadets through
the exploration and clarification of their academic, career, and life goals; the development of skills and
strategies that will contribute to academic success; and the mastery of a balanced engagement in co-
curricular and academic activities. The advisor both supports and challenges a cadet in an effort to
increase the cadet’s confidence and self-sufficiency over the four-year process.
Upon entry into VMI, each cadet is assigned an academic advisor (by his/her department head) who,
unless the cadet subsequently changes academic major or the advisor is reassigned for any reason, will
work with the cadet until graduation. During the first-year, there is extensive contact between the advisor
and cadet in order to facilitate the cadet’s transition into the VMI culture; assist the cadet in mastering the
academic policies and regulations; and assist the cadet in coordinating the demands of a multi-faceted
academic and co-curricular experience. As cadets advance through their cadetship, they are expected to
assume increased responsibility for complying with academic standards and regulations; initiate the use of
support services; and make good decisions about the integration of the academic and co-curricular
The academic advising program is a pivotal element of the broader program of academic support services
provided by the Virginia Military Institute and a major force in ensuring a successful progression through
the VMI program. Cadets are encouraged to take full advantage of the Institute’s commitment to the
academic advising process. For more information on academic advising and support, contact the Miller
Academic Center at 540-464-7661.
A cadet who has neglected his or her academic duties may be reported by a department head for an
academic delinquency. The Academic Delinquency Report is submitted to the Dean of the Faculty, who
may send it to the Commandant for consideration as an offense under Chapter 16 of the Blue Book,
Neglect of Duty - Neglect of Academic Duties (Code S1081).
A cadet will be placed on academic probation if he or she fails to achieve the appropriate academic standards
as published by the Dean at the beginning of each academic year.
A cadet may be placed on academic probation if his or her grade reports show that he or she is not
comprehending the work of the semester. This action is initiated by the head of the cadet's curriculum
and approved by the Dean.
If at the end of the semester the cadet meets the published academic standards and satisfies all other
conditions defined by the Dean of the Faculty, he or she will be removed from academic probation.
Any cadet who remains on academic probation for three consecutive semesters will be suspended until he
or she meets the requirements and applies for readmission. If such suspension occurs at the end of the fall
semester, the cadet will not be eligible to apply for readmission until the following fall. If suspension
occurs at the end of the spring semester, the cadet may use the summer months to make up his or her
deficiencies and apply for readmission in the fall. Cadets suspended under either circumstance are eligible
to attend the VMI Summer Session.
1) Dean's List
The Dean's List is published at the end of each semester. It includes the names of cadets who
have received no grade below C, no incompletes, and a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least
3.2 for the semester.
2) Distinguished in academic merit - Academic stars
At the beginning of each academic year the list of cadets declared "distinguished in academic
merit" is published. It includes the names of cadets who have a cumulative GPA of 3.5, or who
earned a yearly GPA of at least 3.5 for the previous academic year. For purposes of qualifying
for this recognition, GPA will include only grades earned at VMI during fall and spring
semesters, and the cadet must have no grade below C or grade of Incomplete for the period of
At the beginning of each spring semester any First Classman not on the list may have his or her
name added to the list based upon a qualifying cumulative GPA or the GPA for the previous two
regular semesters. The GPA will include only grades earned at VMI during fall and spring
semesters, and the cadet must have no grade below C or grade of Incomplete for the period of
Cadets who return from foreign study will be evaluated on the basis of their cumulative record or
their last two semesters in residence, with the same restrictions. Cadets who are currently
distinguished in academic merit wear Academic stars on their uniforms for the academic year.
3) Distinguished graduate with Institute Honors
Any cadet who has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 at the time of his or her graduation and has
completed the requirements for Institute Honors, as confirmed by the Academic Board, is
declared a "distinguished graduate with Institute Honors."
4) Distinguished graduate
Any cadet who has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 at the time of his or her graduation, as
confirmed by the Academic Board, is declared a "distinguished graduate."
5) Graduate with distinction
Any cadet who has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (but less than 3.5) at the time of his or her
graduation, as confirmed by the Academic Board, is declared a "graduate with distinction."
The requirements for admission to VMI are published in the VMI Catalogue and should be consulted
there. These requirements are set by the Superintendent and are based upon recommendations made by
the Academic Board.
1) Semester-hour credit
VMI may grant semester-hour credit for scores of 5 (high honors) or 4 (honors) achieved on
Advanced Placement (AP) examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB).
VMI may grant semester-hour credit for scores of 5 or higher on the International Baccalaureate
Courses. VMI may grant elective credit for scores of 3 on AP examinations. The decision on the
amount of credit and the VMI equivalent course will be made by the department concerned. The
current list of AP credits awarded is available on the Registrar’s Forms web page.
A cadet may audit a course after receiving permission from the instructor, the head of the department in
which the course is offered, and the head of his or her curriculum. If the cadet wishes a record of the
audit on his or her permanent record, then he or she must submit a formal permit (Permit to Audit a
Course) to the Registrar’s Office through the instructor before the end of the drop/add period. Such a
cadet must meet VMI's Attendance policy. If a cadet does not request a record of the audit, then he or she
must only meet requirements set by the course instructor.
Regulations for cadet assistants and other cadets working for pay are under the jurisdiction of the Office
of Human Resources. Specifics regarding those regulations are available from that office. A cadet may be
employed for a maximum of 15 hours per week, provided he or she has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
and is not on academic probation. Cadets employed as cadet assistants are not to assign grades to other
cadets. Other restrictions may apply to new cadets who serve as tutors.
1) Requests by cadets
If a cadet believes that an error has been made in computing his or her grade, he or she may go
directly to the course instructor to request a review. If a cadet wishes a paper reread, he or she
must appeal to the head of the department offering the course no later than the end of the drop-
add period of the next regular semester.
2) Correction of grades
To correct a grade that was reported to the Registrar’s Office, a faculty member must complete
the Grade Change Form.
If a cadet wishes to change his or her major, he or she must submit the Application to Change Major
Curriculum form. The form requires the approval of both of the department heads concerned.
A change of major will be permitted only if it is reasonably expected that the cadet will be able to
graduate within the allowed ten semesters of residence and only if the department of his or her choice has
resources sufficient to accept additional enrollment. If the department head determines there is a need to
restrict additional entry in the major, he or she must submit a report requesting a limit to the number of
majors to the Dean for approval.
If a cadet changes his or her major, all course grades taken in his or her previous curriculum are included
in his or her cumulative GPA.
The impact of a change in major, and on how the Core Curriculum Requirements will be met in science or
mathematics will be addressed in the section entitled “Graduation Requirements.”
1) Academic day, duty, and time
Academic day is defined in General Order Number 1, Operating Rules of the Institute Schedule.
Academic duty is any scheduled class meeting, conference, or formation for academic purposes
during the academic day.
Academic time includes the academic day and also Call to Quarters (CQ) each evening from
Sunday through Friday.
2) Excuses from academic duty
Only the Superintendent, the Dean, or the Institute Physician can excuse a cadet from academic
duty. No instructor can excuse a cadet from attendance at a scheduled academic duty or mark
him or her present if he or she is not present for duty.
3) Class cancellations
An instructor is not permitted to cancel or to reschedule a class on his or her own initiative.
Under certain special circumstances (e.g., a large part of the class absent), a department head may
cancel or reschedule a class meeting. A class cannot be rescheduled for a time after the end of the
academic day unless approved by the Dean.
4) Extra-curricular/athletic conflicts
No one may require a cadet to attend an extra-curricular activity, meeting, etc., during academic
time unless he or she has the approval of the Dean.
No member of an athletic team or other cadet organization who is unable to participate usefully in
a practice, rehearsal, contest, concert, etc., may miss any academic duty or military duty to attend
such a session unless he or she has the approval of the Dean.
5) Absence from graded work
No cadet is excused from his or her obligation to complete graded work at the specified time
when he or she exercises a privilege or volunteers for a permit and consequently misses a class
period in which previously announced graded work occurs. A grade of zero may be recorded for
the graded work missed due to such voluntary actions. Some examples of privileges and
voluntary permits are academic days, extended weekends, compensatory leaves, absence from
Post for personal reasons (excludes emergency leave), and taking guard duty out of rotation.
This regulation does not apply to graded work with no advance notice or if the cadet’s absence
was not distinctly voluntary (e.g., scheduled guard duty, required academic field trips and athletic
team trips).
6) Authorized absences (Class Cuts)
At the beginning of each semester, the Registrar’s Office will prepare and distribute to all faculty
members the Class Cuts list of all First Classmen and all Second Classmen who have received no
grade below C, no incompletes, and attained a GPA of at least 3.2 for the immediately preceding
semester in residence at VMI (excluding summer session). A cadet whose name is on this Class
Cuts list may be excused from a class provided he or she gets the instructor’s permission before
missing the class. Cadets must ensure they are on the Class Cuts list before asking faculty for the
privilege of a Class Cut.
Cadets who take an authorized absence (Class Cut) must conform to existing regulations and are
not permitted to pass the limits of VMI nor leave early on furloughs or general permit.
7) Academic Day
Academic days are earned for academic achievement and are intended as a reward for
performance. They are for use as the cadet wishes to include casual leave.
A cadet is awarded academic days for making the Dean's List. Eligible Cadets must have
received no grade below C, no incompletes and a GPA of 3.20 for the semester, and have
their name published in the official Dean's List Memorandum.
A. First class cadets will receive 4 academic days.
B. Second class cadets receive 3 academic days.
C. Third class cadets will receive 2 academic days.
D. Fourth class cadets receive no academic days.
E. All cadets on the Dean’s list that have a Withdrawal (W) in the immediately
preceding semester will lose two (2) of the awarded academic days.
One additional academic day, is awarded at the beginning of each academic year to
cadets earning distinction in academic merit for achieving a 3.5 GPA for the previous
academic year. Eligible Cadets must have received no grade below C, no incompletes,
a GPA of 3.5 or higher for the previous academic year, and have their name published
in the official Distinguished in Academic Merit Academic Stars Memorandum.
Cadets must have full class privileges to be eligible to take an academic day.
Cadets must have permission of instructors, to include the Institute Official in charge of
the cadet’s PTT/CTT/DTT/RPT time before taking an academic day.
Academic days should be taken the semester following the term in which they were
earned. However, cadets may request to carry unused academic days over to the next
semester via permit. Cadets returning from study abroad may also make this request. A
cadet may have a maximum total of six academic days per semester.
Academic Days may not be added to any furlough.
8) Maximum allowable absences
Academic excellence is best achieved through consistent class attendance. The maximum allowed
percentage of class absences is 30%. No categories of absences (academic, athletic, guard, 3.0
cuts, etc.) will be exempt from that percentage. When a cadet reaches 20% absences, the
instructor issues a written warning (Cadet Notification of Excessive Absences form) and the cadet
must sign a receipt that he/she is aware of the absences incurred. Upon reaching 30% absences
the cadet is referred to the Dean for appropriate action (Administrative Report of Excessive
Absences form). Normally a cadet who exceeds the 30% absences will be required to withdraw
from the course with a W or a WF.
All cadets are classified as academic Fourth Classmen for their first year at VMI. Cadets with advanced
credit may request reclassification to the Second Class at the beginning of their third semester at VMI if
they have passed at least 55 semester hours towards graduation requirements and also have a cumulative
GPA of at least 2.0.
If a cadet (1) is within 42 semester hours of graduation, (2) has completed six semesters of college
residency, (3) will meet VMI residency requirements for graduation within two semesters and plans to
leave VMI at that time, and (4) has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0, then he or she may be reclassified to
the First Class. The request must be endorsed by the head of the cadet's academic department and
addressed to the Registrar’s Office.
Appeals regarding the Academic Regulations should made using a Committee on Academic Appeals
form submitted to the Dean through the Committee on Academic Appeals. The form should be sent to
the Registrar’s Office through the cadet's department head. The Registrar’s Office will notify the cadet of
the decision.
Following are the guidelines for submitting an academic appeal:
General Guidelines (applicable to all appeals):
Each cadet may submit one appeal over his or her cadetship. Additional appeals will not be
considered by the CAA without the approval of the Dean.
The Dean or the Chair of the CAA, in consultation with the Registrar or the Department Head of
the cadet’s major, may deny an appeal that is judged to be frivolous without forwarding it to the
full committee for review and voting.
Appeals will not be reviewed by the CAA between June 1
and July 31
All appeals must include a recommendation letter from the cadet’s academic advisor or the
department head of the cadet’s major in order to be considered by the CAA.
Suspension and Probation Appeals:
Appeals to waive academic probation will not be considered unless they result from academic
work not completed for medical reasons.
Completed applications for appeals to waive an academic suspension for a new semester must be
received by the registrar at least seven business days before the start of classes. This means that
all transfer credit must be available to the registrar prior to this deadline to determine a returning
cadet’s status.
Overload Appeals:
Completed applications for course overloads must be received by the registrar at least seven
business days before the start of classes for fall or spring semester.
Guidelines for Academic Appeals are available on the Registrar’s Institutional Information web page.
Questions about academic issues not addressed by the Academic Regulations should be directed to the
In general cadets are allowed to use computers in classrooms to complement the learning environment.
An example of an authorized use is the utilization of computers or note pads/tablets to take notes or
record lectures. Faculty cannot issue a blanket prohibition on the use of computers in the classroom.
Faculty may impose limitations on such use (e.g. a prohibition on accessing certain or all Internet sites)
and may monitor the use of computers during classes to ensure the use is within the scope of such
limitations. Cadets using computers to access information not pertaining to the class or in a way not
authorized by the faculty member will be asked to discontinue the use of the computer. Department
Heads, upon a written request from faculty, can make an exception to this policy taking into account
disability accommodations.
Cadets with a disability accommodation allowing the use of a computer may take a quiz, test, or
examination in an alternate location to avoid disclosure to other cadets of the disability
accommodation. Faculty can also request that the cadet with an accommodation take a quiz, test,
or examination in an alternate location to minimize distractions.
A cadet using a computer as a disability accommodation has the option to take a quiz, test, or
examination with the rest of the class, with the understanding that such arrangement necessarily
will disclose the accommodation. The cadet in such scenario would choose to self-identify as
having an accommodation.
The continuing education unit (CEU) is a means for recognizing an individual's participation in noncredit
classes, noncredit courses, and special programs at VMI. A CEU can be granted to anyone who
completes ten contact hours in an organized continuing education experience under responsible
sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
Records related to CEUs are maintained by the Registrar’s Office.
Requests to award CEUs are to be directed to the Dean.
1) Minimum hours required
A cadet must carry a course load of at least 12 semester hours.
2) Maximum hours allowed
A cadet is permitted to carry up to 19.5 semester hours in a given semester. A cadet may carry up
to 21 hours if (1) he or she had a GPA of at least 3.0 either as a cumulative GPA or as the GPA
for the preceding semester or (2) he or she is a First Classman and not on academic probation. In
order to carry more than 19.5 hours, a cadet must complete the Permit for Academic Overload,
obtaining the necessary approvals, and acknowledging the admonitions thereon.
Under exceptional circumstances, a cadet may carry up to 24 hours in a given semester. A cadet
must submit a permit to the Committee on Academic Appeals (CAA) requesting a waiver of the
21-hour rule and providing clear justification in defense of the request. The CAA will consider
the request and forward a recommendation to the Dean who will either approve or deny the
Under no circumstances will a cadet be permitted to carry more than 24 hours.
1) Responsibilities
Each head of an academic department is responsible for the teaching methods used in courses
offered by his or her department, for the assignment of faculty members to teach those courses,
and for the approval of the textbooks used by that department.
Courses which are not offered by an academic department are under the direct supervision of the
2) Scheduling
Any change in the scheduling of a class after the publication of an official schedule, with the
exception of temporary changes such as may be caused by the illness of an instructor, may be
made only if the head of the department responsible for the course sends a written request to the
Registrar’s Office.
“Distance learning” refers to courses taught solely or substantially by correspondence, or through
interactive electronic media such as television or web-cam-links between faculty and students. “Internet-
based” courses refer to courses in which instructional material or workbook or laboratory types of
exercises are available through the internet and the student is responsible for submitting such course work
or papers on line, with little, if any, human interaction. These are not exhaustive definitions and may
change over time.
During any term when a cadet is actively enrolled at VMI, (fall, spring, or summer) that cadet may not
also be enrolled in a distance learning or internet based course where academic credit is granted by
another institution.
Exceptions to this policy should be rare and should be made only for specific pedagogical reasons. Such
exceptions shall require prior approval from the Dean, based on a brief rationale from the cadet’s major
department and, where possible, prior approval from the VMI department offering the same or similar
courses. If an exception is granted, the cadet is still bound by current maximum course load policies, with
the hours for the internet or distance learning course(s) included in the calculation of the load.
During terms when a cadet is not actively enrolled at VMI, he or she may seek approval of internet-based
or distance learning courses through the normal credit transfer process. However, all departments are free
to make blanket prohibitions against such transfers either for their majors or for courses in their domain.
All departments should prominently publicize their policy in this regard.
A cadet may declare a double major if he or she has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. A cadet who
wishes to declare a second major should do so before the beginning of his or her Second Class year by
submitting the appropriate form (Double Major Application form) to the Registrar’s Office. After
entrance into this program, the cadet must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. To drop the second
major, the cadet must submit a request in writing or by e-mail to the Registrar’s Office through both
department heads. Requirements for each major must be met by his or her graduation date. Cadets may
declare multiple majors; however, VMI awards one degree.
1) Adding courses
A cadet may not enroll in a course after the end of the drop-add period, which is normally the
seventh day of the semester.
2) Dropping courses
A course dropped during the drop-add period does not appear on the cadet's transcript. See also
the Withdrawals Section.
3) Changing sections
A cadet will not be permitted to change from one section to another after the end of the drop-add
Specific responsibilities of faculty members are contained in the Faculty Handbook.
1) Final examinations as course requirements
The purpose of final examinations is to evaluate the cadet's comprehensive understanding
of the material offered in a course. Normally, this is measured through the use of a final
exam, the weight of which will count not less than 30% nor more than 50% of the total
grade, and will be established in consultation between the faculty member and the
department head. In courses where substantial projects, papers, or theses are appropriate
measures of comprehensive understanding, the department head may determine a final
exam may count less than 30% or that a final exam is not necessary.
2) Use of personal electronics
Cadets may not use computers or portable electronic devices (except calculators) during
quizzes, tests, or examinations, unless a disability accommodation includes use of a
computer for testing. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, devices used to listen
to music through headphones and devices capable of sending and receiving messages.
Computer use will be allowed for a faculty member who wants to utilize computer-based
testing. With the explicit permission of the faculty member in charge, however, a cadet
may use certain personal electronic devices, such as calculators and specific software
programs that the faculty member deems appropriate.
3) Schedule for final examinations
Courses with three or more semester hours of credit that have final examinations will
give them during the final examination period. Courses with fewer than three semester
hours of credit have optional final examinations that must be given during one or more
regular class meetings.
Final examinations must be taken only in an academic building during the normal
academic day.
Final examinations will be scheduled by the Dean’s Office. All cadets will take their
examinations according to the announced schedule. For exceptions, see the next section.
4) Rescheduling of a final examination
If a cadet has examinations scheduled in three consecutive examination periods, then he
or she may request to have one of the examinations rescheduled. To do so, he or she must
submit a permit to the Dean through the course instructor and the head of the department
in which the course is taught. Details of the rescheduling procedure will be published
with the examination schedule.
When final examinations covering the same material occur at different times due to
multiple sections, make-ups, or schedule conflicts the final examinations will differ as
deemed appropriate by the instructor.
With the approval of the instructor, cadets may take a scheduled final examination with
another section of the same course taught by the same instructor.
5) Cadets who leave VMI
A cadet who leaves VMI for any reason during the semester may not take final
examinations after he or she leaves. Exceptions may be made for a cadet on emergency or
medical furlough.
6) Administrative procedures
Final examinations will not be proctored. Other administrative procedures and
responsibilities for giving final examinations will be published by the Dean before the
beginning of the final examination period.
7) Filing of final examinations
Each academic department will keep its final examinations on file for at least one year.
For policies on tests, see the section of these regulations titled “Tests” (p. 22).
Academic forms are located on the Registrar’s Office website. Any substantive change to a form must be
approved by the Academic Board.
1) Responsibilities
All course grades are the instructor's responsibility. Final grades are submitted to the Registrar’s
Office through Post View electronic posting, and are delivered electronically to the academic
department heads after semester-end processing. Grades are available for electronic viewing by
cadets, and cadets may submit a Request for Grade Mailer to have a paper copy of semester grade
results mailed to their permanent resident address at the conclusion of the semester.
2) Interim grades
Each semester, course instructors, with the exception of 0.5 and 1.0 credit-hour courses in Human
Performance and Wellness, are required to submit to the Registrar’s Office interim grades at
seven and eleven weeks for all cadets. Interim grades are reported to cadets through Post
View/Colleague electronic access. All grades submitted are to be cumulative.
1) VMI letter grades
A - Outstanding - 4 quality points for each semester hour
B - Good - 3 quality points for each semester hour
C - Average - 2 quality points for each semester hour
D - Below Average; passing - 1 quality point for each semester hour
F - Failure - 0 quality points
I - Incomplete
P - Pass
WF - Withdrew failing
W - Withdrew passing
2) Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)
A cadet's cumulative GPA will include the quality points earned in all courses taken at VMI. If a
course is repeated, only the grade from the first attempt will be replaced. The grade on the
second attempt and all grades beyond the second attempt will be included in the calculation. No
rounding up of the cumulative GPA for the purpose of meeting academic standards is permitted.
See the Summer Session section and the Transfer Credit section to determine their effect on the
3) Incomplete grades
All course work-for-grade, other than the final examination, must be submitted to the instructor
before the beginning of the final examination period for the semester or summer session.
Additional work will not be accepted after that date, and will not justify a change of grade.
A grade of I (Incomplete) for a final course grade can be assigned only to a cadet who for medical
or emergency reasons is unable to complete all required course work. In those cases, the Report
of Incomplete Semester Grade form must be completed by the instructor, signed by the student (if
available), signed by the department head, and submitted with the final grade rolls for the section.
The Registrar will verify the medical or emergency justification. Incomplete grades must be
approved by the Dean.
A grade of I (Incomplete) for a course taken during the regular academic year will become a
grade of F if the work remains incomplete at the mid-term of the succeeding fall or spring
A grade of I for a summer session course will become a grade of F at mid-term of the succeeding
fall semester if the work is still incomplete.
1) GPA, residency, and administrative requirements
To be graduated from VMI, a cadet must have met the following minimum requirements for
awarding of a VMI degree:
A. A conduct record that is satisfactory to the Superintendent.
B. Must be confirmed by the Academic Board.
C. Must have completed all requirements in his or her major. VMI grants degrees in May,
September, December and January.
D. Attained a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 (with no rounding up).
E. Attained a cumulative major GPA of at least 2.00 (with no rounding up), as determined
by the courses identified by the major department.
F. Must have been in residence at VMI for the minimum of six full-time semesters, or five
full-time semesters and one full-time VMI sponsored study abroad program. VMI
Summer Session terms do not satisfy this requirement.
G. Cadets must complete at least 50% of their academic program requirements at VMI.
H. Cadets must also have been in residence during the semester immediately preceding the
date upon which the degree is to be conferred (see 10 Hour Rule above).
2) Curricular requirements (catalogue of record)
Normally, a cadet will be expected to meet the graduation requirements that are specified in the
VMI Catalogue that is current at the time of his or her matriculation. Since no curriculum is
static, there may be cases when requirements change and a cadet will be compelled to meet the
requirements of the modified curriculum. If a cadet misses two or more semesters, he or she will
be bound to meet the requirements in the catalogue that is current for the academic class in which
he or she is placed.
3) Hours and core course requirements
A. Core Curriculum
The Core Curriculum develops foundational knowledge and skills that are essential to
VMI’s academic and military missions. Designed thematically as "The Nucleus of
Effective Citizenship and Leadership," VMI's Core requirements are organized into four
(1) Key Competencies
A. Written Communication (ERH 101-102)
6 hours
B. Oral Communications (ERH 103) 1 hour
C. Scientific Analysis (approved BI, CH, or PY sequence) 8 hours
D. Mathematical Reasoning (approved MA sequence) 6 hours
E. Human Performance and Wellness (seven semesters) 4 hours
(2) Foundations of Citizenship and Leadership
A. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) 12 hours
B. Leadership in Organizations (PS 344) 3 hours
(3) Perspectives on Civilization and Human Achievement
A. World History (HI 103-104) 6 hours
B. Civilizations and Cultures (two approved electives)
6 hours
(4) Integrative Experiences
A. Writing-Intensive Courses
B. Capstone Experience variable
Must be passed with a grade of “C” or better.
One of these courses may be replaced by a credit-bearing, Institute-approved Study
Abroad experience.
At least one of these courses must be in the major.
B. Waivers and Substitutions
No waivers of all-college or Core Curriculum requirements are allowed. Exceptions
must be approved by the Dean through formal appeal to the Committee on Academic
Requests for substitutions for core curriculum courses will be referred to the appropriate
subcommittee chair of the CCOC for decision with input from the department head and
course coordinator.
C. Changes in Major/ROTC
If the cadet changes majors or ROTC affiliations, and if the change has the effect of
altering how the core curriculum science or mathematics requirements could or should be
met, the department head of his or her new major or ROTC program shall determine
whether the cadet may satisfy the core curriculum requirement by completing a sequence
that he or she has already begun but not yet finished, may mix courses from the two
different sequences, or must complete a different sequence. In any case, all cadets will be
required to complete a minimum of two science and two mathematics courses.
4) Time limit requirements
A cadet will be allowed to attend VMI for at most ten semesters and the summer session
following his or her tenth semester. Whenever it becomes evident that a cadet cannot be within
ten semester hours of graduation within ten semesters and the summer session following the tenth
semester, he or she will be dismissed for academic reasons and cease to be a candidate for
Requirements for graduation must be met in no more than ten years from the date of
5) Responsibility
The final responsibility for meeting all degree requirements rests with the individual cadet.
Therefore, each cadet should have complete knowledge of the academic regulations and the
requirements of his or her major.
A cadet may leave VMI at the end of a full time semester and succeeding VMI summer sessions under the
10-hour rule. A cadet may transfer from another college their final 10 credit hours of his or her degree
requirements if all of the following criteria are met:
1) The cadet is in good academic standing;
2) The cadet lacks ten hours (10 Hour Rule) or fewer for graduation;
3) The cadet has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00;
4) The cadet has a major GPA of at least 2.00; AND
5) The cadet has completed VMI academic work, including summer sessions, before enrolling for
the remaining hours at another college.
NOTE: VMI Policy requires that all cadets must complete degree requirements and be certified for
graduation in order to participate in Commencement. Please review General Order 66 - Graduation
Participation Policy for commencement participation requirements and exceptions.
Departmental Honors Programs
1) Eligibility Requirements
Any degree-granting department may, with the approval of the Academic Board, offer an honors
program. For a cadet to be eligible for an honors program, he or she must have a cumulative
GPA of at least 3.0 in courses taken in his or her major department (exclusive of subjects taken in
the Fourth Class), must meet any established department requirements, and must be approved by
the head of the department concerned.
2) Performance requirements
Departmental honors programs require the completion of a senior thesis involving significant
independent study and a formal presentation to the faculty of the department. Other requirements
may be established by the department. Any cadet who completes a departmental honors program
will receive honors or high honors in the major field and will have this fact recorded on his or her
official VMI transcript and a certificate to be awarded by the major department.
Institute Honors Program
1) Eligibility requirements
Admission to the Institute Honors Program is guaranteed for Institute Scholars and open by
application to any other cadet with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. Continuation in the program
requires maintenance of a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and a satisfactory conduct record.
2) Performance requirements
The Institute Honors Program requires participation in the Honors Forum (HN 100) each
semester during which the cadet is enrolled at VMI and has been admitted to the program; the
completion of at least two honors courses, one in Engineering, Natural Science or Mathematics
and another in Arts and Humanities or Social Science; and the completion and defense of an
honors thesis in the cadet’s major. Faculty mentors will require the highest standards of
undergraduate research and scholarship in coursework and the thesis. Any cadet who completes
the Institute Honors program will be designated a Distinguished Graduate with Institute Honors
and will have this recognition recorded on his or her official VMI transcript and on a certificate
accompanying his or her diploma.
Distinguished Graduates with Institute Honors process at the head of the class at commencement.
It is recognized that some research and/or course work is best conducted independently between a
professor and a cadet or small group of cadets. In such cases, an Independent Study, Independent
Research, Independent Readings, or some similar course appropriately may be offered. Individual faculty
members may supervise these courses for enrolled cadets with the approval of their department head. The
department head will review the independent study proposal to ensure that such courses contain sufficient
content and contact hours to merit the awarding of the proposed number of credit hours. In general, a
semester hour represents one hour of classroom work (lecture or recitation) or one period (two or three
hours) of laboratory or supervised research or fieldwork per week during a single semester. Independent
study may include more independent reading or research, and less “classroom work.” The approval of
these courses will be conveyed to the Registrar by submitting the “Independent Study & Research Form
no later than the last day of add/drop.
Normally all courses listed in the VMI catalogue with a specific title and course description are taught
during the regular session. Under unusual circumstances, department heads may approve one of these
listed courses to be taught as an independent study course during the regular or summer session. Each
department may establish a policy specifying whether such substitutions are allowed and the
circumstances under which they may be allowed.
Since VMI does not have an established distance learning (online) curriculum, independent study courses,
to include projects conducted as part of the Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI), the
Applied and Industrial Mathematics (AIM) program, the Swope Summer Scholars program in Biology,
the Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Chemistry (SURP) or any other VMI sponsored
program, shall be conducted on the VMI Post with the following two exceptions:
1) Cadets on leave for a VMI approved study abroad program during the fall and spring semesters
are permitted to complete one ROTC course as an independent study.
2) Cadets and instructors may request approval through the department head, in consultation with
the Dean, to conduct an off-Post, independent research project if it can be demonstrated that
access to off-Post resources/facilities is required.
For the above listed exceptions, the instructor may substitute classroom/contact time with remote contact
time e.g., phone contact or on-line contact via Skype, FaceTime, or similar means.
1) Eligibility Requirements
The minimum eligibility requirements for enrollment in a credit-bearing internship course are
second class standing, 2.5 cumulative GPA, completion of course work necessary to adequately
prepare the cadet for the specific goal and objectives of the internship, and good standing as a
cadet in terms of eligibility to enroll in courses at VMI during the regular session and summer
2) Registration Requirements
The Registrar will establish a course number for each department’s credit-bearing internship
course. Cadets must be enrolled in the department’s credit-bearing internship course before being
allowed to proceed with the internship. Cadets must be registered for the internship course in the
same term that the internship occurs.
3) Credit Hour Limitations
The number of credit hours assigned to a credit-bearing internship course may vary from zero to
three as determined by the department. While there is no limit on the number of internships that a
cadet may take for credit and have recorded on his or her official transcript, no more than three
internship credit hours may be applied towards graduation.
4) Responsibilities, Documentation, and Academic Content Requirements
Academic departments maintain control of the content and amount of credit assigned, and are
responsible for monitoring progress and evaluating the academic content for any credit-bearing
internship course offered by the department. As a minimum, a credit-bearing internship course
will involve a cadet, a faculty advisor, the department head, and an on-site supervisor. The cadet,
faculty advisor, and on-site supervisor will draft an agreement that addresses the following
guidelines for the credit-bearing internship course:
The overall goal of the internship.
The specific objectives of the internship.
The performance measures to be used to evaluate and assign a grade for the internship.
The documentation required to demonstrate the academic content derived from the
The number of credit hours assigned for the internship.
A timetable specifying the beginning and ending dates for the internship as well as dates
for interim progress reports and the final completed documentation of the academic
content derived from the internship.
The agreement must be completed and approved by the department head before the cadet
can register for the credit-bearing internship course.
5) Timetables and Deadlines
All preliminary work establishing the agreement between the cadet, faculty advisor, and on-site
supervisor as well as approval of the agreement by the department head must be completed in
time to meet established deadlines for course registration and enrollment. All documentation of
academic content, evaluation, and grading must be completed in time to meet all established dates
and deadlines for submission of grades for consideration for readmission, retention, and
Departments, with the approval of the Academic Board, may offer a minor (a secondary field of study
outside the major) and/or concentration (an emphasis within the major). A minimum of 15 semester
hours is required in the minor or concentration field and any additional requirements established by the
department. The cadet must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in the course work for the minor or
concentration. The cadet should declare a minor or concentration as soon as possible but no later than the
beginning of the first semester of the First Class year by submitting the appropriate form to the Office of
the Registrar. The form must have the approval of both the cadet's academic department head and the
head of the department offering the minor or concentration. To drop the minor or concentration, a cadet
must submit a request in writing or by e-mail to the Registrar through the department head of the minor or
Official notice of graduation with a minor or concentration will appear both on the cadet's transcript and
on the graduation program.
All cadets who enter VMI with two or more years of study in a modern language (French, German, or
Spanish) take placement tests in that language during the orientation period. The Modern Language
Department is responsible for keeping records of the scores. The Head of the Modern Languages and
Cultures Department uses the placement test scores and high school work in a language to recommend a
cadet's placement in a modern language.
In all instances of advanced placement in a modern language, except for the cases of getting a score of 4
or 5 on the Advanced Placement Examination (see section on Advanced Placement), the cadet receives no
semester-hour credit toward his or her degree and must make up the hours to complete the semester-hour
requirement for graduation.
Each department sets the modern language requirements for cadets majoring in its programs. If a
department has a modern language requirement, it must consist of at least two courses at the 200-level or
above in a single language.
Once a cadet has enrolled in a modern language course at the 300-level or above, he or she may not take
or repeat for credit any course below the 300-level in the language.
1) Cadet's responsibility
Course prerequisites are indicated in the "Courses of Instruction" section of the current VMI
Catalogue. It is the responsibility of the cadet to be familiar with these requirements.
2) Determination of prerequisites
Prerequisites for a course are determined by the head of the department offering it. If a
department wants to add a prerequisite for one of its courses, and if the course is required by
another curriculum, then the department must receive approval from the Academic Board.
A former cadet who has been suspended for failure to meet academic standards, or a former cadet who
has been suspended for disciplinary reasons, or a former cadet who has resigned, must apply for
readmission in order to return to VMI. To be readmitted he or she must have satisfied all conditions in
his or her suspension, he or she must meet the academic standards listed in the table below, he or she must
not be on academic probation, he or she must meet the physical requirements of readmission, and he or
she must meet all non-academic standards required by VMI.
Meeting the academic standards does not automatically qualify a cadet for readmission. Approval of the
major department head is also required. For a copy of the Readmission Guidelines outlining all of the
considerations for readmission, please visit VMI’s Readmission web page.
When a cadet is readmitted, he or she will be assigned to a class based on the total hours earned towards
graduation as summarized in the following table:
less than 28 hours
less than 42 hours
28-54 hours
42-68 hours
55-81 hours
82 or more hours
96 or more hours
Each cadet is classified as a Fourth Classman for his or her first two semesters.
1) Academic suspension
At the beginning of each academic year, the Dean will announce the academic standards for that
year. If a cadet fails to meet the established academic standards, he or she is suspended until he
or she meets the requirements and applies for readmission.
If a cadet fails to meet academic standards a second time, he or she is academically dismissed and
is ineligible to apply for readmission.
2) Resignations
A cadet may not resign to avoid an academic suspension. Any cadet who resigns and receives
grades that would place him or her below the minimum standard for returning will have
"suspended for academic reasons" recorded on his or her records.
3) Beyond graduation
No cadet may remain a student at VMI after earning a VMI degree.
1) Courses that may be repeated
A cadet may repeat any course already attempted, except for certain modern language courses.
(See the Special Requirements paragraph in the Modern Language section.) If a cadet repeats a
course at VMI, it must be the same as the original course except in special cases (e.g., the course
is no longer offered). In such special cases, the head of the department in which the course was
taught may allow a comparable course to qualify.
2) Civilization and Cultures (C&C) and Writing Intensive (WI) Courses
Repeats of C&C and WI designated section-level with non-C&C and non-WI section-level
courses will be allowed. In these cases, the course content will be retained but the C&C and/or
WI designation is lost and other courses will be required to satisfy the C&C or WI requirement.
In the case that a cadet earns a D in a C&C or WI course that requires a C or better to progress to
the next course in the sequence or as mandated by their major, the cadet will have earned C&C
and WI credit and may repeat the course by taking a non-C&C or non-WI course.
3) GPA calculation and record keeping
A cadet's transcript will indicate each course taken and each grade earned. A cadet's cumulative
GPA will include the quality points earned in all courses taken at VMI. Effective with the
academic class of 2014, if a course is repeated, only the grade from the first attempt will be
replaced. The grade on the second attempt and all grades beyond the second attempt will be
included in the calculation. No rounding up of the cumulative GPA for the purpose of meeting
academic standards is permitted.
1) Requirement
Each cadet, whether or not he or she is pursuing a commission, is required to complete 12
semester hours of credit for 100-, 200-, 300-, and 400-level courses in Aerospace Studies,
Military Science, or Naval Science.
2) Exceptions
A cadet may request semester-hour credit for some or all of the required courses if he or she 1)
was commissioned in the U.S. Armed Forces prior to coming to VMI, 2) served on active duty as
an enlisted member, or 3) successfully completed a military related program such as Junior
ROTC. The request must be approved by both the appropriate ROTC department head and the
3) ROTC while studying abroad
A cadet who elects to study abroad must complete ROTC requirements through independent
study or other methods approved by the ROTC department head. A permit, submitted to the
Dean through the appropriate ROTC department head, is required. The independent study must
be completed during the time spent abroad or during the summer; it is not to be completed while
the cadet is in residence at VMI. The ROTC department head will notify the Registrar’s Office of
the cadet's grade and semester-hour credit. The grade will be used in the calculation of the cadet's
cumulative GPA.
4) Taking courses concurrently
If a student transfers to VMI without ROTC credit or if a cadet fails to earn credit for ROTC
courses during any semester, he or she may request to take more than one ROTC course per
semester. His or her request is to be made to the appropriate ROTC department head.
If a cadet has a documented disability, he or she may request academic accommodations. Each request
will be evaluated individually by VMI’s Learning Disabilities Coordinator and will be based on the
specific nature of the student's disability. Cadets with disabilities must provide the Learning Disabilities
Coordinator with a written evaluation that documents the nature of their disability. The evaluation must
be completed by a licensed professional who is qualified to conduct such evaluations. VMI reserves the
right to request a current evaluation.
Specific policies and procedures for students with disabilities are published annually by the Learning
Disabilities Coordinator and are available through the Center for Cadet Counseling.
1) Introduction
Four types of special events are discussed below: 1) Educational Events are directly related to
course content; 2) Special Educational Events are not necessarily related to course content, but
deemed to be worthwhile educational experiences for cadets; 3) Educational Field Trips are
directly related to course content; and 4) Cadet Organization Field Trips are related to cadet
2) Conflicts
If two events are scheduled for the same time, neither shall have required cadet attendance
without consultation between the heads of the departments involved. Ordinarily, precedence will
be given to the event first scheduled. Unresolved scheduling conflicts will be referred to the
3) Educational Events
A lecture or other event significantly related to the content of a course may be declared an
educational event by the department head in which the course is taught. An instructor may make
required assignments based on these events, but he or she may not require cadets to attend them
unless the Dean gives his or her approval.
4) Special Educational Events
A lecture, concert, or other activity (held in Rockbridge County) that is not necessarily related to
the subject matter of a course may be declared a Special Educational Event by the Dean. Cadets
departing for a Special Educational Event off Post will sign out with the Office of the
Commandant and will miss no regular duty. The Dean’s Office will notify department heads and
the Commandant of the designation of a Special Educational Event.
An instructor, with the permission of his or her department head, may encourage attendance at the
event. It may be made a class assignment and its content may be reflected in testing materials,
but attendance may not be required if the event occurs during the evening study hours unless
approved by the Dean.
5) Educational Field Trips
Any academic department may, with the approval of the Dean, schedule field trips in connection
with a course. If a field trip involves the absence of cadets from other courses, all affected
departments will be notified at least two days in advance. Group permits will be submitted
through the Office of the Commandant.
A member of the faculty or the administration must accompany cadets on all field trips.
6) Cadet Organization Field Trips
The faculty advisors to recognized cadet organizations may, with the approval of the Dean,
schedule optional field trips for the members of those organizations. Such trips must have
educational value, and a cadet making the trip must:
a. not be on academic or conduct probation;
b. have passed all courses on his or her last grade report;
c. not be under confinement or have penalty tours; and
d. not have excess demerits.
Regulations concerning notification and permits are the same as the ones indicated in the section
on educational field trips.
A list of recognized cadet organizations is published by the Office of Cadet Life.
A cadet may, for good reason, substitute a course for a curricular requirement if he or she has the
approval of both the head of his or her curriculum and the head of the department offering the required
course. The Curriculum/Course Substitution form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. This
section should not be confused with the section on repeating courses to improve a GPA.
A summer reading list may be prepared by a committee, approved by the Academic Board, and
distributed to cadets before the May graduation.
1) Who may attend
VMI cadets, graduates of accredited secondary schools, students in good standing at other
colleges, and rising high school seniors (upon recommendation of their principals) may enroll in
the Summer Session. The following cadets are NOT eligible to attend VMI’s summer session:
a. Cadets who have been dismissed from the Institute (for any reason).
b. Cadets under disciplinary suspension (must apply for readmissions and return under a
standard full-time term in either the Fall or Spring semester).
c. Cadets who resigned from the Institute with a major disciplinary action pending.
2) Prior to matriculation
Students who have been accepted for admission to VMI may take college-level courses for
credit in the VMI Summer Session and may, if they matriculate, be granted credit toward
graduation for each course passed with a grade of at least C. Thus, a grade of D or F earned
prior to matriculation will not be counted in the new cadet's cumulative GPA.
3) Grades
All courses taken by a cadet and grades earned in the VMI Summer Session and the VMI
Summer Transition Program will be recorded on a cadet’s transcript. Only grades of D or better
will be included in a cadet’s cumulative GPA. A grade of F is never counted in the GPA earned
from the summer programs. A cadet may request that a D grade earned in the Summer Session
(includes Summer Study Abroad) or the VMI Summer Transition Program not be counted toward
graduation and for that reason not be included in his or her GPA. This request (submitted using a
Summer Session "D" Drop Request form) will be approved only if it is received by the
Registrar’s Office before the end of the drop/add period of the semester following that Summer
Session or Summer Transition Program.
4) Summer study abroad
Letter grades earned at VMI-sponsored summer programs for coursework delivered by VMI
faculty will be treated the same as grades earned in the traditional VMI Summer Session.
Coursework not delivered by VMI faculty is subject to the Transfer Credit policy. These credits
are included in the 18-hour limit for summer transfer credits.
5) Director and faculty
The Director and Deputy Director of the Summer Session will be appointed by the Dean. The
faculty of the summer session will be appointed by the Dean from nominations made by the
Director of the Summer Session. Before nominating an instructor to teach a summer session
course, the Director will obtain the approval of the head of the department in which the course is
6) Regulations
Detailed regulations for the Summer Session are to be set by the Director, with the approval of
the Dean, and published in the Summer Session Catalogue.
Cadets are permitted, under exceptional circumstances, to take significantly weighted tests, but
not a final examination, prior to the time it is administered to the regularly scheduled class.
Judgment of what constitutes an exceptional circumstance is to be determined by the instructor
When significantly weighted tests covering the same material occur at different times due to
multiple sections, make-ups, or schedule conflicts they will differ as deemed appropriate by the
Significantly weighted tests must be taken only in an academic building during the normal
academic day.
With the approval of the instructor, cadets may take a significantly weighted test with another
section of the same course taught by the same instructor.
Cadets may not use computers or portable electronic devices (except calculators) during quizzes,
tests, or examinations, unless a disability accommodation includes use of a computer for testing.
This restriction includes, but is not limited to, devices used to listen to music through
headphones and devices capable of sending and receiving messages. Computer use will be
allowed for a faculty member who wants to utilize computer-based testing. With the explicit
permission of the faculty member in charge, however, a cadet may use certain personal
electronic devices, such as calculators and specific software programs that the faculty member
deems appropriate.
For policies on final examinations, see the section of these regulations titled “Final
Examinations” (pp. 9-10).
The release of all transcripts complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and
the Privacy Protection Act. Transcripts will only be released based on the written authorization of the
cadet or former cadet. Official transcripts are sent in signed, sealed envelopes (secure, electronic
transcripts are available for cadets who graduated in the year 2000 or later). Telephone requests and
requests to fax transcripts or personal information protected under FERPA will not be honored.
The transcript will contain all grades earned at VMI, whether or not they are included in the cumulative
When a cadet is dismissed from VMI, one of the following entries will be entered on his or her transcript
along with the effective date: Dismissed for Reasons Satisfactory to the Superintendent, Dismissed for
VMI reserves the right to charge for transcript reproduction on the recommendation of the Registrar’s
1) To obtain approval
A cadet who wishes to earn transfer credit for a course taken at another accredited college must
have the approval of the head of the department in which a similar course is taught at VMI. The
cadet should submit a Course Approval for Transfer Credit form with a description of the course
to the department head and secure his or her written permission before registering for the course.
2) Transfer requirements
Any course taught by an accredited institution will be accepted for transfer credit at VMI
provided that the VMI department head certifies that the course meets departmental standards for
curricular content and instructional methodology. If the semester hour value of a course taken at
another college is greater than that of the VMI course for which it is substituted, only VMI's
number of hours will be transferred. If the semester-hour value of a course taken at another
college is less than that of VMI, the deficient semester hours will have to be earned in order to
reach the total required for graduation.
Because their design and function are unique to VMI’s core curriculum, all Writing-Intensive
(WI), Leadership, and Civilizations & Cultures (C&C) courses must be completed at VMI; no
transfer course credit will be accepted for these. Exception: Until such time as the Dean and the
Academic Board agree that VMI’s own offerings of Civilization & Culture courses are
sufficiently well developed in number and variety, cadets may apply transfer credits toward this
requirement. Cadets seeking such credit must seek prior approval from the Civilization &
Culture subcommittee of the CCOC, or its designated agent, and of the department head of the
subject matter area, of such transfer requests.
All requests for C&C placement credit for study abroad, either transfer or VMI sponsored, will be
referred to the VMI Office of International Programs.
3) Transfer limits
VMI is a four year undergraduate experience and it is expected that all cadets complete a majority
of their requirements in residence.
Cadets matriculating with advanced standing credit will be credited with appropriate time
reduction based on transferred activity, but must be in residence at VMI for the minimum of six
full-time semesters, or five full-time semesters and one full-time VMI sponsored study abroad
program. VMI Summer Session terms do not satisfy this requirement.
Summer Limit (All Classes): A maximum of 18 semester hours may be transferred from
summer session, inter-semester session, or Internet and distance learning courses taken at other
colleges. Summer hours earned prior to matriculation or in VMI summer session programs
delivered by VMI faculty (on- or off-Post) are not included in this 18-hour limit.
4) Grade requirement
Transfer credit will only be awarded for courses passed with a grade of C or better from an
accredited college or as approved through consortium agreements with international colleges. No
transfer credit will be awarded for courses taken as pass/fail, satisfactory/unsatisfactory or other
such arrangements.
5) Transcript requirement
It is the responsibility of the cadet to see that an official transcript is sent directly from the other
college to the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts will not be accepted directly from the cadet unless
delivered in a signed/sealed envelope. If the transcript reports numerical grades, they will be
translated into equivalent letter grades at VMI. No credit will be posted to a VMI transcript
without an official transcript of record verifying final grades.
6) Effect on GPA
Quality points do not transfer to VMI; only semester hours transfer. However, the hours
transferred may improve the cadet's GPA if they are for a course that replaces one in which he or
she earned a grade of D or F. (Please see Repeating Courses GPA Calculation and
Recordkeeping. Effective with the academic class of 2014, if a course is repeated only the grade
from the first replace will be counted. All additional attempts will have no effect on the VMI
7) Quarter hours to semester hours
Five (5) quarter hours must be transferred in order to receive credit for a three (3) semester hour
VMI course.
Three (3) quarter hours may be transferred for a two (2) semester hour VMI course, but cannot be
used as credit towards a three hour VMI equivalent.
1) Procedure
To withdraw from a course, a cadet must complete a Course Withdrawal Form. The withdrawal is
not effective until the form is received by the Registrar’s Office. If the cadet does not attend class,
he or she is considered absent from class until the instructor receives confirmation of the
withdrawal from the Registrar’s Office.
2) First, second, and third grading periods
If a cadet withdraws from a course or leaves VMI during the first, second, or third grading
periods of a semester, the instructor will assign a grade of W.
3) Fourth grading period
If a cadet withdraws from a course or leaves VMI during the fourth grading period of a semester,
the instructor will assign a grade of W or WF based on the cadet's grades at that time. Cadets may
withdraw from a class up to seven calendar days before the day of the last class meeting of the
class with a W or WF. If a cadet withdraws from a class six or fewer calendar days prior to the
day of the last class meeting of the class, then a grade of WF will be assigned.
4) Due to excessive absences
If a cadet is forced to withdraw from a course due to excessive absences, the instructor will assign
a grade of W or WF based on the cadet's grades at that time. See the Class Attendance section.
5) After the start of the exam period
A cadet may not withdraw from a course once the examination period begins. If a cadet fails to
take an examination in a course or if he or she leaves VMI after the end of classes but before
taking an examination in a course, a grade of F will be assigned for the course. If a cadet leaves
VMI during the examination period and has completed a course which requires no final exam,
then he or she will receive the letter grade earned.
6) Withdrawal and GPA
A grade of W does not enter into the GPA calculations in any way; a WF will be computed in the
GPA as an F.
Development of the spirit as well as the skills of academic inquiry is central to the mission of VMI’s
Academic Program. As a community of scholars, posing questions and seeking answers, we invariably
consult and build upon the ideas, discoveries, and products of others who have wrestled with related
issues and problems before us. We are obligated ethically and in many instances legally to acknowledge
the sources of all borrowed material that we use in our own work. This is the case whether we find that
material in conventional resources, such as the library or cyberspace, or discover it in other places like
conversations with our peers.
Academic integrity requires the full and proper documentation of any material that is not original with us.
It is therefore a matter of honor. To misrepresent someone else’s words, ideas, images, data, or other
intellectual property as one’s own is stealing, lying, and cheating all at once.
Because the offense of improper or incomplete documentation is so serious, and the consequences so
potentially grave, the following policies regarding work for grade have been adopted as a guide to cadets
and faculty in upholding the Honor Code under which all VMI cadets live:
1) Cadets' responsibilities
"Work for grade" is defined as any work presented to an instructor for a formal grade or
undertaken in satisfaction of a requirement for successful completion of a course or degree
requirement. All work submitted for grade is considered the cadet's own work. "Cadet's
own work" means that he or she has composed the work from his or her general
accumulation of knowledge and skill except as clearly and fully documented and that it has
been composed especially for the current assignment. No work previously submitted in any
course at VMI or elsewhere will be resubmitted or reformatted for submission in a current
course without the specific approval of the instructor.
In all work for grade, failure to distinguish between the cadet’s own work and ideas and the
work and ideas of others is known as plagiarism. Proper documentation clearly and fully
identifies the sources of all borrowed ideas, quotations, or other assistance. The cadet is
referred to the VMI-authorized handbook for rules concerning quotations, paraphrases, and
In all written work for grade, the cadet must include the words "HELP RECEIVED"
conspicuously on the document, and he or she must then do one of two things: (1) state
“none,” meaning that no help was received except as documented in the work; or (2) explain
in detail the nature of the help received. In oral work for grade, the cadet must make the
same declaration before beginning the presentation. Admission of help received may result
in a lower grade but will not result in prosecution for an honor violation.
Cadets are prohibited from discussing the contents of a quiz/exam until it is returned to them
or final course grades are posted. This enjoinder does not imply that any inadvertent
expression or behavior that might indicate one’s feeling about the test should be considered
a breach of honor. The real issue is whether cadets received information, not available to
everyone else in the class, which would give them an unfair advantage. If a cadet
inadvertently gives or receives information, the incident must be reported to the professor
and the Honor Court.
Each cadet bears the responsibility for familiarizing himself or herself thoroughly with the
policies stated in this section, with any supplementary statement regarding work for grade
expressed by the academic department in which he or she is taking a course, and with any
special conditions provided in writing by the professor for a given assignment. If there is
any doubt or uncertainty about the correct interpretation of a policy, the cadet should consult
the instructor of the course. There should be no confusion, however, on the basic principle
that it is never acceptable to submit someone else’s work, written or otherwise, formally
graded or not, as one’s own.
The violation by a cadet of any of these policies will, if he or she is found guilty by the
Honor Court, result in his or her being dismissed from VMI. Neither ignorance nor
professed confusion about the correct interpretation of these policies is an excuse.
2) Department’s responsibilities
Each academic department will publish an official statement of supplementary departmental
policies regarding work for grade, titled Departmental Statement Concerning VMI's Policies
Regarding Work for Grade. Each departmental statement will include explicit policies on
the following: (a) tutoring
[e.g., Writing Center, Academic Center, athletic tutors, private
tutors], (b) peer collaboration
, and (c) computer aids, including calculators, translators,
spelling, style, and grammar checkers. Individual course assignments that deviate from the
departmental work for grade policies must be approved by the department head in advance
and must be explained to cadets in writing.
No departmental or individual assignment policies may contradict or compromise the
Institutional principles expressed in the Academic Regulations, particularly notions of
academic integrity and the requirement to document borrowed material and help received.
Each departmental statement must be approved by the Dean following review by the
Academic Policy Committee of the Academic Board. A copy of the document must be filed
with the Superintendent, the Dean, and the Superintendent's Representative to the Honor
Court. Such a statement must be signed by the department head and must be posted in each
classroom used by the department.
Departments will review (and, if necessary, revise and update) their work for grade
statements during the academic year immediately preceding their department’s Academic
Program Review. Concurrent with the department’s annual report for that year, the
department head will submit a copy of the department’s updated work for grade statement to
the Academic Policy Committee. The Academic Policy Committee will offer feedback and
recommendations on these updates as necessary to ensure continued conformity to the
Institutional principles expressed in the Academic Regulations.
3) Faculty members’ responsibilities
As an essential part of the duty of teaching and a matter of professional citizenship, faculty
are expected to adhere to established work for grade policies and to communicate clearly
and regularly with their cadets about the values and practices of academic honesty and
integrity. Each faculty member must therefore include work for grade policies in a syllabus
for every course he or she teaches. Each syllabus must include an exact transcription of the
section titled "Cadets' Responsibilities" from “Work for Grade Policies” in the VMI
Academic Regulations and a full statement of the established departmental policies
regarding work for grade, plus any approved course-specific policies.
Furthermore, all faculty members are responsible for discussing with all of their students the
details, definitions, and implications of (1) the entire section of the Academic Regulations
entitled “Work for Grade Policies”; (2) the relevant sections on quotations, paraphrasing,
and documentation in the current VMI-authorized handbook; and (3) the departmental and
any approved course-specific policies regarding Work for Grade. This discussion must take
place before any work is submitted for grade, and it should be treated with the gravity and
level of detail that it merits.
Faculty must also review the Institute policy regarding the discussion of quizzes and exams
with their classes. Specifically, faculty must remind cadets that they are prohibited from
discussing the contents of a quiz/exam with anyone except the professor until it is returned
to them or final course grades are posted.
If a member of the faculty believes that a cadet has violated one or more of VMI's, the
department's, or the instructor's work for grade policies, he or she should report the evidence
to the head of the department. The department head will decide whether the collected
evidence justifies referral to the Dean. If the department head decides that the evidence does
not justify referral, then he or she will conclude the investigation. Otherwise, the
department head will submit a written report to the Dean. The report must contain both a
recommendation for action and all relevant documents, including a statement signed by the
faculty member who reported the violation.
The instructor will assign a grade of “I” following a formal charge of an Honor Court
academic violation in his or her course until the issue is resolved.
* Departmental policies must include a statement on whether tutors and peers may offer cadets
critical comments on their papers. Offering critical comments means giving general advice on
such matters as organization, thesis development, support for assertions, and patterns of errors. It
does not include proofreading or editing.
Proofreading means correcting errors (e.g., in spelling, grammar, punctuation). It is the last step
taken by the writer in the editing process. In addition to the corrections made in proofreading,
editing includes making such changes as the addition, deletion, or reordering of paragraphs,
sentences, phrases, or words. A cadet may not have his or her work proofread or edited by
someone other than the instructor. [Instructors may grant exceptions to this rule only if they have
received written permission from the department head for a particular assignment.]