Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Lecture 05
C Arrays & pointers
In this lecture
Introduction to 1D arrays
Array representation, access and updates
Passing arrays to functions
Array as a const pointer
Dynamic arrays and resizing
Introduction to 2D arrays
2D Array Representation
Arrays and pointers
Starting to think like a C programmer
Further readings
Introduction to 1D Array
Unlike Java, C arrays are NOT objects. They do not have any
inherited properties like length or do not contain methods
like contains. C arrays are made up of primitives. A C
array can be viewed as a contiguous memory block. The size
of the block depends on the type of the array. For example,
if we declare
char A[10];
an array of 10 characters would require 10 bytes of storage
for data. On the other hand,
int A[10];
would require 10*sizeof(int) amount of storage.
In general, the sizeof(A) returns the number of bytes
required to store the array.
Array representation, access and updates
Arrays can be accessed and updated using its index. An
array of n elements, has indices ranging from 0 to
n-1. An element can be updated simply by assigning
A[i] = x;
A great care must be taken in dealing with arrays. Unlike
in Java, where array index out of bounds exception is
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
thrown when indices go out of the 0..n-1 range, C arrays
may not display any warnings if out of bounds indices are
accessed. Instead, compiler may access the elements out of
bounds, thus leading to critical run time errors.
Arrays can also be initialized as they are declared. For
int A[] = {1,2,3,4}
defines an initializes an array of size 4.
Passing arrays to functions
Arrays can be passed to functions using the array name.
Array name is a const pointer to the array. For example, if
we declare
int A[10];
Then A is the address of the first element of the array. A
can be thought of as const int* and can be passed to a
function as follows.
int foo(int array[], int size){
Call foo as : foo(A,10);
Note that array size was passed to the function to make
sure function foo accesses only the valid elements. Unlike
Java arrays where size of the array is an attribute and
hence can be accessed, C arrays do not carry size into
function. Therefore the size is also typically provided as
an argument to an external function.
Array as a const pointer
As stated above the name of the array is a const pointer to
the first element of the array. Hence think of A as the
address of A[0], A+1 as the address of A[1] etc. Assigning
a value to a const pointer is illegal. For example,
int A[n];
int* ptr = A ; /* is valid */
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
A = ptr; /* is invalid as A cannot be changed */
Note that in the above example, the difference between A
and ptr is that
ptr is a pointer to an integer or int*
A is a const pointer to an integer or const int*
Moreover, A is a static array managed by the compiler in
the run time stack and ptr is just a pointer variables.
Hence sizeof(A) returns total bytes required for A, while
size(ptr) returns the number of bytes required for an
address variable. We will discuss more about the
similarities and differences between A and ptr later.
Dynamic Arrays and Resizing
Arrays by definition are static structures, meaning that
size cannot be changed during run time. When an array is
defined as
int A[n];
then A is considered a static array and memory is allocated
from the run time stack for A. When A goes out of scope,
the memory is deallocated and A no longer can be
C allows dynamic declaration of an array as follows.
int* A = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*n)
The above code declares a memory block of size
n*sizeof(int) that can be accessed using the pointer A. For
example, A can be initialized as follows:
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
A[i] = 0;
Note that although A was declared as a pointer, A can be
treated as an array. The difference between
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
int A[10] and int* A = malloc(10*sizeof(int))
is that latter is assigned memory in the dynamic heap (and
hence must be managed by the programmer) and former is
assigned memory from the run time stack (and hence managed
by the compiler)
When defined dynamically as
int* A = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*n)
arrays can be resized easily. For example, if we want to
double the size of the array, then we can do the following.
int* tmp = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*2*n)
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
tmp[i] = A[i];
A = tmp;
Note that the above code assigns a new block of memory,
copy old content from A to tmp, free original memory
allocated for A and reassign A pointer. Note that free(A)
only frees the memory associated with A, but the variable A
still exists.
Introduction to 2D arrays
An array is a contiguous block of memory. A 2D array of
size m by n is defined as
int A[m][n];
The number of bytes necessary to hold A is m*n*sizeof(int).
The elements of A can be accessed using A[i][j] where i can
be thought of as the row index and j can be thought of as
the column index.
Now we take a look at how 2D arrays are store their
elements. For example,
#define n 2
#define m 3
int A[n][m];
OR can be defined and initialized as
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
int A[2][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
Here n represent the number of rows and m represents the
number of columns. 2-D arrays are represented as a
contiguous block of n blocks each with size m (i.e. can
hold m integers(or any data type) in each block). The
entries are stored in the memory as shown above. Type in
the following program to see where the elements are stored.
#include <stdio.h>
#define n 2
#define m 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int A[n][m]={{3,2,4},{7,1,9}},i=0,j=0;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<m;j++)
printf(“%x “,A[i]+j);
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<m;j++)
printf("%d ",*(A[i]+j));
Another way to think of a 2D array is as follows. Suppose
we define 2D array as
int A[][3] = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
here we did not specify the number of rows, but by virtue
of initialization on the right, A is assigned a block of 6
integers and the number of rows set to 2.
bfe3a1e0 bfe3a1e4 bfe3a1e8 bfe3a1ec bfe3a1f0 bfe3a1f4
3 2 4 7 1 9
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Arrays and Pointers
Arrays and pointers are closely related in C. In fact an
array declared as
int A[10];
can be accessed using its pointer representation. The name
of the array A is a constant pointer to the first element
of the array. So A can be considered a const int*.Since A
is a constant pointer, A = NULL would be an illegal
Other elements in the array can be accessed using their
pointer representation as follows.
&A[0] = A
&A[1] = A + 1
&A[2] = A + 2
&A[n-1] = A + n-1
If the address of the first element in the array of A (or
&A[0]) is FFBBAA0B then the address of the next element
A[1] is given by adding 4 bytes to A.
That is
&A[1] = A + 1 = FFBBAA0B + 4 = FFBBAA0F
&A[2] = A + 2 = FFBBAA0B + 8 = FFBBAA13
Note that the when doing address arithmetic, the number of
bytes added depends on the type of the pointer. That is
int* adds 4 bytes, char* adds 1 byte etc. You can type in
this simple program to understand how a 1-D array is
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
#include <stdio.h>
#define n 5
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int A[n],i=0;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
printf(“%x “,A+i);
Array of Pointers
C arrays can be of any type. We define array of ints,
chars, doubles etc. We can also define an array of pointers
as follows. Here is the code to define an array of n char
pointers or an array of strings.
char* A[n];
each cell in the array A[i] is a char* and so it can point
to a character. You should initialize all the pointers (or
char*) to NULL with
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
A[i] = NULL;
Now if you would like to assign a string to each A[i] you
can do something like this.
A[i] = malloc(length_of_string + 1);
bf802330 bf802334 bf802338 bf80233c bf802340
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Again this only allocates memory for a string and you still
need to copy the characters into this string. So if you are
building a dynamic dictionary (n words) you need to
allocate memory for n char*’s and then allocate just the
right amount of memory for each string.
Functions that take pointer arguments
Pointers or memory addresses can be passed to a function as
arguments. This may allow indirect manipulation of a memory
location. For example, if we want to write a swap function
that will swap two values, then we can do the following.
void intswap(int* ptrA, int* ptrB){
int temp = *ptrA;
*ptrA = *ptrB;
*ptrB = temp;
To use this function in the main, we can write the code as
int A = 10, B = 56;
intswap(&A, &B);
note that the addresses of the variables A and B are passed
into the intswap function and the function manipulates the
data at those addresses directly. This is equivalent to
passing values by “reference”. It is really passing the
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
values that are addresses instead of copies of variables.
However this can be dangerous since we are giving access to
the original values.
One way to avoid this situation is to provide only “read”
access to the data using a pointer. Consider the following
void foo(const int* ptr){
/* do something */
The function takes the address of an integer variable, but
is not allowed to change its content. It only has read
printf(“%d”, *ptr) is legal
scanf(“%d”, ptr) is illegal
Functions that Return pointers
Pointers can be returned from functions. For example, you
can think of a function that allocates a block of memory
and pass a pointer to that memory back to the main program.
Consider the following generic function that returns a
block of memory.
void* allocate(short bytes){
void* temp = malloc(bytes);
return temp;
The function can be used in the main as follows.
int* A = (int*)allocate(sizeof(int)*100);
char* S = (char*)allocate(sizeof(char)*n+1);
since the function returns a void* it can be allocated for
any pointer type, int*, double*, char* etc. However, you
need to take great care in using the array. You must be
aware of the segmentation of the array (4 byte blocks for
int, 1 byte blocks for chars etc)
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
Starting to think like a C programmer
We have spent quite a bit of time now talking about C
language. It is possible that so far your thinking was
based on your first “computer” language Java. You may have
been trying to think like a Java programmer and convert
that thought to C. Now it is time to think like a C
programmer. Being able to think directly in C will make you
a better C programmer. Here are 15 things to remember when
you start a C program from scratch.
1. include <stdio.h> in all your programs
2. Declare functions and variables before using them
3. increment and decrement with ++ and – operators.
4. Use x += 5 instead of x = x + 5
5. A string is an array of characters ending with a ‘\0”.
Don’t ever forget the null character.
6. Array of size n has indices from 0 to n-1. Although C
will allow you to access A[n] it is very dangerous.
7. A character can be represented by an integer (ASCII
value) and can be used as such.
8. The unary operator & produces an address
9. The unary operator * dereference a pointer
10. Arguments to functions are always passed by value. But
the argument can be an address of just a value
11. For efficiency, pointers can be passed to or return
from a function.
12. Logical false is zero and anything else is true
13. You can do things like for(;;) or while(i++) for
program efficiency and writability
14. Use /* .. */ instead of //
15. Always compile your program with –ansi –pedantic Wall
Further Readings
K & R – 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 4.1, 5.1,5.3, 5.7
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
1. Write a function foo that takes a file name as a
string, and reads each string in the file, allocate
memory and create an array of strings (of multiple
lengths) and return the address of the array back to
the calling program. Assume the max size of the file
is set in MAX_WORDS (#define MAX_WORDS = 100)
2. What could be a possible error in the following code?
int* foo(int n){
int A[10], *x;
x = A;
return x;
3. What can be wrong with the following code?
int A[10], i, *ptr;
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
ptr = A + i;
printf(“%d “, *(ptr+1));
4. The C library string.h contains the function
strcpy(dest,src) that copies src string to a dest
string. Write a alternative version of the strcpy with
the following prototype. The function returns 0 if
successful and returns 1 if fails for some reason.
int mystrcpy(char* dest, const char* src){
Is it possible to check inside the function, whether
there is enough memory available in dest to copy src?
Justify your answer.
5. What is the output of the following code?
void foo() {
int x, *y;
printf("x=%d y=%d\n", x, *y);
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
6. What is the output of the following code. If there is
an error state the type of the error
void foo() {
char *string, *x;
string = (char *)malloc(20);
strcpy(string, "Hello World.");
for( ; *x != '\0'; x++) {
printf("%c", *x);
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
1. Write a function foo that takes a file name as a
string, and reads each string in the file, allocate
memory and create an array of strings (of multiple
lengths) and return the address of the array back to
the calling program. Assume the max size of the file
Answer: char** foo(char* filename){
char tmp[100];
char* list[MAX_WORDS];
int i = 0;
FILE* fp = fopen(filename,”r”);
while (fscanf(fp,”%s”,tmp)>0){
list[i] = malloc(strlen(tmp)+1);
return list;
2. What could be a possible error in the following code?
int* foo(int n){
int A[10], *x;
x = A;
return x;
ANSWER: A is a local allocation of memory, and when x is
returned A no longer exists. Therefore, any effort to
dereference the address returned by x could cause errors.
3. What can be wrong with the following code?
int A[10], i, *ptr;
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
ptr = A + i;
printf(“%d “, *(ptr+1));
Answer: After loop is executed the ptr points to the last
thing in the array (A[9]). Now *(ptr+1) tried to
dereference the content at A[10], something that does not
Copyright @ 2009 Ananda Gunawardena
4. The C library string.h contains the function
strcpy(dest,src) that copies src string to a dest
string. Write an alternative version of the strcpy
with the following prototype. The function returns 0
if successful and returns 1 if fails for some reason.
int mystrcpy(char* dest, const char* src){
int i = 0;
while (i<strlen(src) && src[i] != ‘\0’) {
dest[i] = src[i++];
dest[i] = ‘\0’;
return 0;
Is it possible to check inside the function, whether
there is enough memory available in dest to copy src?
Justify your answer.
Answer: The passed argument dest is a copy of the
address of the memory available to dest. However, the
mystrcpy does not know anything about the max size
available to copy src. So obviously the code above is
dangerous since we could overwrite some memory not
allocated to us.