Science Movie Worksheets –
“How the Earth was formed”
Short Answer: (2 points a piece)
1) Who was the man that stated the Earth was 6000 yrs old?
2) Hutton determined that this age was incorrect, what lead him to a
much later date?
3) How did the earth begin or made up?
4) How hot was the early earth?
5) What did the Lord Kelvin theorize?
6) By the laws of Thermodynamics, how long would it take the earth to
cool to its present temperature?
7) What was the source of heat with in the early earth to continually
supply high temperatures?
8) What were the 3 sources of radioactivity that were present on the Earth?
Science Movie Worksheets –
9) In 1911, Arthur Holmes used radioactivity to date rocks and fossils,
what was this process called?
10) Radioactive Uranium decays into which other element?
11) What is relative dating?
12) What is absolute dating?
13) From the molten Earth, what was the next step of Earth’s evolution?
14) Which continent contains the oldest rocks on Earth?
15) What is the name of the 3.5 billion year old rock?
16) Where are these rocks normally found?
17) How old was the Earth, when water first formed?
18) What is the name of the crystals that helped to date the Earth?
Science Movie Worksheets –
19) What type of gas did the surface rock spew out?
20) At what age did thick clouds first form in the atmosphere?
21) How old was the Earth when it became a water world?
22) What percentage of the planet was covered in water?
23) The seas were what color, because of the high levels if iron?
24) How long did the hot water world exist?
25) The renewed volcanic activity, created what?
26) What rock type were the continents made from?
27) Which of the rocks is greater in density?
28) Granite and Basalt are examples of what type of rock?
Science Movie Worksheets –
29) Which type of rock is typical for continental crust?
30) Which type of rock is typical for oceanic crust?
31) Name the 3 types of plate boundaries.
32) What is produced at an oceanic to continental plate boundary?
33) The appearance of what organism along the coastline transformed
the Earth?
34) What did this organism produce?
35) Where can these organisms be found today?
36) What did the organisms form from?
37) What is the process that converts sunlight into oxygen?
Science Movie Worksheets –
38) How long ago did the early Earth resemble the present-day Earth?
39) What are plate tectonics?
40) What was the name of the scientist who hypothesized continental
41) Which fossil type was found in both N.America and Great Britain?
42) Which continent sparked the possibility of plate tectonics?
43) List the 4 pieces of evidence for continental drift?
44) During WWII, what military, technology was used to validate
continental drift?
45) What is the name of the island that was upon the 3
Atlantic ridge?
46) What type of volcano eruption takes place on the island?
47) What type of plate boundary is the mid-Atlantic ridge?
Science Movie Worksheets –
48) How many centimeters do the continent more per year?
49) At approximately 1.0 BYA, what was the name of the first
50) What was the climate of the first supercontinent?
51) What took place at 700 MYA on the earth?
52) What do scientists call this time period?
53) How deep was the sheet of ice on earth?
54) During which time did life first bloom?
55) What is the name of the rock formation that recorded this expansion
of life?
56) What first created the ozone layer?
Science Movie Worksheets –
57) What did the ozone layer do?
58) When did the earth first become a world of tropical swamps?
59) What is the time period that produced these tropical swamps?
60) What 2 periods are part of this time?
61) What did this swamp land produce, that we use as energy?
62) What time period did this mantle plume explosion takes, that causes
this internal mass extinction?
63) When did the next supercontinent Pangaea form?
64) Which species of reptile dominated Pangaea?
65) What year was the first Dinosaur fossil found by Marianne Mantell?
66) What dinosaur did this tooth belong to?
67) What does the word dinosaur mean?
Science Movie Worksheets –
68) What’s the reason for the extreme size of the dinosaur?
69) Did dinosaurs exist after Pangaea broke apart?
70) According to the movie, what killed the dinosaurs?
71) What precise item was discovered in 1869 in South Africa?
72) Is this item a rock or mineral?
73) What geologic feature is recovered in the record of 65 mya?
74) What element was found in this layer?
75) Where is this element normally found?
76) What is your opinion on how the dinosaurs became extinct?
77) According to the movie, what took place to kill the dinosaurs?
Science Movie Worksheets –
78) When did the first mammal appear on the earth?
79) What important geologic process continued to take place and change
the face of the planet?
80) What is uniformitarianism?
81) What famous mountain is part of both Africa and Europe?
82) List the three forms of erosion that are mentioned?
83) What famous gorge is the result of erosion?
84) How long did it take his gorge to form?
85) What first appeared about 2 million years ago?
86) Over the last 2 million years, how many times was North America
covered with glaciers?
87) When did the last glacier retreat?
Science Movie Worksheets –
88) A fraction of a fraction of 1% is equivalent to what?
89) In our resent state, many scientists believe we are between what?
90) 15 million years into the feature what will take place?
91) 200 million years in the feature, a new super continent will form,
what will it be called?
92) What will happen to New York?
93) What will be the inevitable fate of the earth?
94) What other planet will the earth resemble?