Original Paper
Validation of Two Automatic Blood Pressure Monitors With the
Ability to Transfer Data via Bluetooth
Madeleine Wetterholm
, MD; Stephanie Erika Bonn
, PhD; Christina Alexandrou
, MSc; Marie Löf
, PhD; Ylva
Trolle Lagerros
, MD, PhD
Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Obesity Center, Academic Specialist Center, Stockholm Health Services, Stockholm, Sweden
Corresponding Author:
Madeleine Wetterholm, MD
Clinical Epidemiology Unit
Department of Medicine Solna
Karolinska Institutet
Eugeniahemmet T2
Stockholm, SE 171 76
Phone: 46 851779183
Fax: 46 851779304
Background: Patients with chronic diseases are in need of regular health controls. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is currently the most
prevalent chronic metabolic disease. A majority of diabetic patients have at least one comorbid chronic disease, where hypertension
is the most common. The standard for blood pressure (BP) measurement is manual BP monitoring at health care clinics.
Nevertheless, several advantages of self-measured BP have been documented. With BP data transfer from an automatic BP
monitor via Bluetooth to software, for example, a smartphone app, home measurement could effectively be integrated into regular
Objective: The aim of this study was to validate two commercially available automatic BP monitors with the ability to transfer
BP data via Bluetooth (Beurer BM 85 and Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0), against manual BP monitoring in patients with type
2 diabetes.
Methods: A total of 181 participants with type 2 diabetes were recruited from 6 primary care centers in Stockholm, Sweden.
BP was first measured using a manual BP monitor and then measured using the two automatic BP monitors. The mean differences
between the automatic and manual measurements were calculated by subtracting the manual BP monitor measurement from the
automatic monitor measurement. Validity of the two automatic BP monitors was further assessed using Spearman rank correlation
coefficients and the Bland-Altman method.
Results: In total, 180 participants, 119 men and 61 women, were included. The mean age was 60.1 (SD 11.4) years and the
mean body mass index was 30.4 (SD 5.4) kg/m
. The mean difference between the Beurer BM 85 and the manual BP monitor
was 11.1 (SD 11.2) mmHg for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 8.0 (SD 8.1) mmHg for diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The
mean difference between the Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 and the manual BP monitor was 3.2 (SD 10.8) mmHg for SBP and
4.2 (SD 7.2) mmHg for DBP. The automatic BP measurements were significantly correlated (P<.001) with the manual BP
measurement values (Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0: r=0.78 for SBP and r=0.71 for DBP; Beurer BM 85: r=0.78 for SBP and
r=0.69 for DBP).
Conclusions: The two automatic BP monitors validated measure sufficiently accurate on a group level, with the Andersson
Lifesense BDR 2.0 more often falling within the ranges for what is acceptable in clinical practice compared with the Beurer BM
(J Med Internet Res 2019;21(4):e12772) doi:10.2196/12772
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blood pressure monitors; diabetes mellitus, type 2; hypertension; methods; mHealth; self-care; self-management
In recent years, there has been a rapid development in
information and communication technology including the
availability of digital devices for self-measurements and health
promoting apps. Today, more and more patients are asking for
digital solutions. Despite this, apps and devices for home
measurement are seldom integrated into regular health care.
Given the importance of self-care in the therapy of most chronic
diseases, tools for self-measurement have the potential to play
a greater role than they do today. Furthermore, the use of new
technology such as mobile health, defined by the World Health
Organization as medical or public health practice that is
supported by mobile devices [1], could be a way to optimize
care as a large number of patients can be reached at a lower
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is currently the most prevalent chronic
metabolic disease, and the number of cases is increasing
worldwide. In 2015, the global prevalence of diabetes mellitus
in the adult population (20-79 years) was 8.8%, and it is
expected to rise to 10.4% by 2040 [2]. A majority of diabetic
patients have at least one comorbid chronic disease of which
hypertension, a powerful predictor of cardiovascular risk, is the
most common [3,4].
Today, the standard method for diagnosis of hypertension as
well as for blood pressure (BP) control in
antihypertensive-treated patients is manual BP monitoring at
health care clinics. Nevertheless, several advantages of
self-measured BP have been documented [5]. For example,
measurement at home can provide a more realistic appraisal of
habitual BP than that can be obtained at a health care clinic, that
is, eliminate the risk of the so-called white coat hypertension
when the BP is high only in the clinical setting [6]. In addition,
studies have also shown that the opposite, masked hypertension,
that is, normal BP when measured at a clinic, but high BP when
measured at home, is associated with an increased cardiovascular
risk similar to the risk of patients with persistent hypertension
[7,8]. As patients with diabetes have a high prevalence (47%)
of masked hypertension [9], the need for validated automatic
BP monitors in this specific population is of great importance.
Self-measurement at home could possibly improve patient
adherence to both BP controls and treatment [10,11]. However,
reporting of self-measured BP can be modified by the patients
if the values for some reason do not seem suitable to them [12].
With automatic data transfer via Bluetooth to software, for
example, a smartphone app, reporting bias as well as
misreporting can be avoided. However, commercial automatic
BP monitors are seldom validated, and to the best of our
knowledge, no automatic BP monitor with data transfer via
Bluetooth has been validated in patients with type 2 diabetes
previously. Thus, in this study, we set out to validate two on
the Swedish market commercially available automatic BP
monitors (Beurer BM 85 Bluetooth and Andersson Lifesense
BDR 2.0), with the ability to transfer data via Bluetooth, against
manual BP monitoring in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Recruitment of Participants
This study was performed using BP data collected at baseline
from all participants in the DiaCert-study, a randomized
controlled trial of patients with type 2 diabetes. The study design
has been described in detail previously [13]. A total of 181
participants were recruited from 6 primary care centers in
Stockholm, Sweden. Inclusion criteria were as follows: being
diagnosed with diabetes type 2, age above 18 years, being able
to read and understand Swedish, being able to walk, and having
access to and being able to use a smartphone. Overall, one
participant did not have data on BP. Due to battery discharge
or arm circumference larger than the recommended for the BP
monitor cuffs, that is, more than 36 cm for Beurer BM 85 and
more than 32 cm for Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0, 11
participants did not have data from Beurer BM 85 and 25
participants did not have data from Andersson Lifesense BDR
2.0. In total, BP was measured using Beurer BM 85 in 169
participants and using Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 in 155
participants. All participants provided written consent before
participating in the study. The study was approved by the
Regional Ethical Review Board, Stockholm, Sweden (Dnr:
2016/2041-31/2; 2016/99-32; 2017/1406-32; 2018/286-32).
The Procedure
BP, weight, height, and waist circumference were measured by
study personnel at the baseline meeting. This has been described
in detail previously [13]. Smoking status (never, former, or
current) was assessed through a questionnaire. The BP
measurements were performed after at least 5 min of rest.
Participants were seated with their legs uncrossed in a quiet
room, and they were instructed to avoid talking during the
procedure. The upper left arm of each participant was used for
the BP measurement. BP was first measured once using the
manual BP monitor and then measured once using both
automatic BP monitors with no specific order.
The Automatic Monitors
The monitors Beurer BM 85 Bluetooth (Beurer GmbH. Ulm,
Germany) and Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 (Guangdong
Transtek Medical Electronics Co. Ltd. Zhongshan, China) are
automatic devices for measuring BP at the upper arm. Both
monitors can transfer data via Bluetooth to digital tools.
Beurer BM 85 has a pressure range of 0 to 300 mmHg and a
memory capacity of 60 measurements for 2 users. It can
calculate the average value of all saved measures as well as the
average of morning and evening measurements during the last
7 days. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood
pressure (DBP) as well as the heart rate are displayed on a liquid
crystal digital (LCD) display. The monitor can identify an
irregular heartbeat, which is then displayed with a symbol on
the LCD screen. The included standard cuff for Beurer BM 85
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is applicable to arm circumferences ranging from 22 to 36 cm.
The dimensions of the device are 180×100×40 mm, and the
weight of the monitor without the cuff is 317 grams. The Beurer
BM 85 is equipped with a rechargeable lithium-ion battery (3.7
V/400 mAh) that has a battery life of approximately 50
Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 has a pressure range of 0 to 300
mmHg and a memory capacity of 60 measurements for 2 users.
It can calculate an average value of the last 3 measurements.
SBP and DBP as well as the heart rate are displayed on an LCD
display. The monitor can identify an irregular heartbeat, which
is then displayed with a symbol on the LCD screen. The included
standard cuff for Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 is applicable
to arm circumferences ranging from 22 to 32 cm. The
dimensions of the device are 180×99×40 mm, and the weight
of the device without the cuff is 300 grams. For the Andersson
Lifesense BDR 2.0, 4 AAA-size alkaline batteries are needed.
The device has an approximate capacity of 300 measurements.
Statistical Analysis
We categorized the participants into low or high BP. Low BP
was defined as SBP less than 140 mmHg and DBP less than 90
mmHg. High BP was defined as SBP 140 mmHg or above or
DBP 90 mmHg or above. We used this classification as a BP
of 140/90 mmHg is the diagnostic cut-off for the definition of
hypertension in Europe [14]. Characteristics are presented as
mean (SD) and n (%) for continuous and categorical variables,
respectively. To assess whether there were any statistically
significant differences between participants with low and high
BP, Chi-square test was performed for categorical variables and
2-sided t tests were performed for continuous variables.
Differences between the automatic monitors and manual BP
measurements were calculated by subtracting the manual
measurement from the automatic ones. Participants were divided
into four categories classified by the differences according to
whether they were within 5, 10, 15, or more than 15 mmHg.
Separate variables were created for systolic and diastolic
pressure. We conducted a sensitivity analysis to see if the result
of Beurer BM 85 differed when including only the 155
participants in whom BP also was measured using Andersson
Lifesense BDR 2.0. The Bland-Altman method was used to
assess systematic differences in BP measurements between the
manual and automatic monitors and as a graphical evaluation
of the associations [15]. The difference in BP between the
automatic monitor and the manual monitor was plotted on the
y-axis and the mean of the two monitor measurements on the
x-axis. The limits of agreement, equal to ±2SD of the mean
difference, provide a measure of the variation. We assessed
Spearman rank correlation coefficients between automatic and
manual measurements to further examine the validity by
measuring the degree of association. The significance level was
set to .05. Analyses were performed using STATA 14 (Stata
Corporation, College Station, TX, USA).
This study included 180 participants (119 men and 61 women)
with a mean age of 60.1 (SD 11.4) years. Characteristics of all
participants and according to low (n=83) and high BP (n=97)
are shown in Table 1. Participants with low BP and high BP
did not differ significantly with respect to age, gender, or
smoking status. However, there was a statistically significant
difference in body mass index (BMI; P=.02) between the high
and low BP groups with higher BMI in the high BP group. In
addition, there was a statistically significant difference in waist
circumference (P=.04) for men with greater waist circumference
in the high BP group. The mean BP values for all participants
with the manual monitor were 138 (SD 15.5) mmHg for SBP
and 83 (SD 9.7) mmHg for DBP. The Beurer BM 85 and
Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 mean BP values are shown in
Table 1.
The mean difference between the Beurer BM 85 and the manual
BP monitor was 11.1 (SD 11.2) for SBP and 8.0 (SD 8.1) for
DBP. The mean difference between the Andersson Lifesense
BDR 2.0 and the manual BP monitor was 3.2 (SD 10.8) for SBP
and 4.2 (SD 7.2) for DBP. The number of measurements that
differed from the manual measurements by 5, 10, 15 or less,
and more than 15 mmHg are shown in Table 2. For Beurer BM
85, 49.1% (83/169) of all measurements differed by 10 mmHg
or less in SBP and 30.8% (52/169) by 5 mmHg or less for DBP.
For Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0, 69.7% (108/155) of all
measurements differed by 10 mmHg or less in SBP and 49.0%
(76/155) by 5 mmHg or less for DBP. In sensitivity analysis,
the results of Beurer BM 85 did not differ when including only
the 155 participants in whom BP was measured using both
automatic BP monitors (data not shown).
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Table 1. Characteristics of study participants by categories of low and high blood pressure.
P value
High blood pressure; ≥140/or
≥90 mmHg (n=97)
Low blood pressure;
<140/<90 mmHg (n=83)
Total (N=180)Variable
.3660.8 (11.5)59.2 (11.2)60.1 (11.4)Age (years), mean (SD)
.7263 (52.9)56 (47.1)119 (66.1)Male, n (%)
.0231.3 (5.4)29.4 (5.1)30.4 (5.4)
Body mass index (kg/m
), mean (SD)
Waist circumference (cm), mean (SD)
.34108.5 (15.6)106.3 (13.7)107.5 (14.8)All
.04112.7 (15.4)107.3 (12.7)110.1 (14.4)Male
.33100.7 (12.8)104.3 (15.8)102.3 (14.2)Female
Smoking status, n (%) .54
37 (38.1)35 (42.2)72 (40.0)Never
41 (42.3)30 (36.1)71 (39.4)Former
9 (9.3)11 (13.3)20 (11.1)Current
10 (10.3)7 (8.4)17 (9.4)Missing
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), mean (SD)
<.001148 (13.0)126 (8.7)138 (15.5)Manual
<.001159 (15.8)137 (12.2)149 (18.2)
Beurer BM 85
<.001151 (17.5)129 (11.0)140 (18.5)
Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg), mean (SD)
<.00188 (9.6)78 (6.3)83 (9.7)Manual
<.00194 (10.6)87 (7.8)91 (10.1)
Beurer BM 85
<.00191 (10.4)82 (7.1)87 (10.2)
Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0
P value from Chi-square test or t test between groups of low blood pressure and high blood pressure.
Table 2. Validation results of the Beurer BM 85 and Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 (the number of measurements that differed from the manual blood
pressure measurement by 5, 10, 15 or less, and more than 15 mmHg).
>15 mmHg≤15 mmHg≤10 mmHg≤5 mmHgVariable
Beurer BM 85
60 (35.5)109 (64.5)83 (49.1)47 (27.8)
, n (%)
23 (13.6)146 (86.4)105 (62.1)52 (30.8)
, n (%)
Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0
26 (16.8)129 (83.2)108 (69.7)68 (43.9)SBP, n (%)
8 (5.2)147 (94.8)123 (79.4)76 (49.0)DBP, n (%)
SBP: systolic blood pressure.
DBP: diastolic blood pressure.
The differences in SBP and DBP in relation to the mean between
the automatic and the manual monitors are shown in
Bland-Altman plots in Figures 1 and 2. Most data points fall
within the limits of agreement (±2SD), although it should be
noted that the limits of agreement were wide and individual
differences are shown. The data points in all Bland-Altman plots
show a consistent horizontal pattern around the mean of the
y-axis, that is, no trend was identified, that is, the accuracy did
not seem to be impacted by the level of SBP or DBP. All of the
automatic BP measurements were significantly correlated with
the manual measurements. The Spearman correlation coefficient
was r=0.78 for SBP and r=0.71 for DBP for Andersson
Lifesense BDR 2.0, and r=0.78 for SBP and r=0.69 for DBP
for Beurer BM 85 (P<.001 for all).
J Med Internet Res 2019 | vol. 21 | iss. 4 | e12772 | p.4https://www.jmir.org/2019/4/e12772/
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Figure 1. Bland-Altman plots of the differences between the Beurer BM 85 measurements and the manual measurements for systolic blood pressure
(a) and diastolic blood pressure (b). The difference in blood pressure between Beurer BM 85 and the manual monitor is plotted on the y-axis and the
mean of the two monitor measurements on the x-axis. Each data point represents one participant (n=169).
Figure 2. Bland-Altman plots of the differences between the Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 measurements and the manual measurements for systolic
blood pressure (a) and diastolic blood pressure (b). The difference in blood pressure between the Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 and the manual monitor
is plotted on the y-axis and the mean of the two monitor measurements on the x-axis. Each data point represents one participant (n=155).
Principal Findings
The results of our study demonstrate that the mean difference
between the manual and the automatic BP monitors Andersson
Lifesense BDR 2.0 and Beurer BM 85 was small on a group
level. The differences between the manual and automatic
measurements were larger on an individual level.
There is a lack of studies validating automatic BP monitors in
patients with type 2 diabetes. However, Masding et al [16]
compared automatic home BP measurement and manual BP
measurement with a previously validated 24-hour ambulatory
BP monitor, which measured BP every 30 min during the day
and every 60 min during the night, in 55 patients with type 2
diabetes. They found automatic home-measured BP superior to
clinically measured BP. The mean difference between the
automatic BP and the 24-hour ambulatory BP was 8.2 and 3.7
mmHg for SBP and DBP, respectively. The manual BP monitor
compared with the 24-hour ambulatory BP monitor showed a
mean difference of 10.9 and 3.8 mmHg for SBP and DBP,
respectively. In our study, Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 showed
a lower mean difference in SBP (3.2 mmHg).
Masding et al [16] have also predefined ranges for differences
in BP that would be acceptable in clinical practice to be 10
mmHg for SBP and 5 mmHg for DBP. Comparing the results
from our study, the Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 falls within
these ranges more often than the Beurer BM 85. Although 69.7%
(108/155) of automatic measurements performed using the
Anderson Lifesense BDR 2.0 was within 10 mmHg from the
manual measurement for SBP, only 49.1% (83/169) of automatic
measurements with Beurer BM 85 were within this limit. For
DBP, 49.0% (76/155) and 30.8% (52/169) were within 5 mmHg
of difference for Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 and Beurer BM
85, respectively. On a group level, Andersson Lifesense BDR
2.0 meets the clinical ranges with a mean difference of 3.2
mmHg for SBP and 4.2 mmHg for DBP. Although their patient
group was similar to ours, it should be noted that the studies
differ in a number of aspects. First, in their study, BP was
measured with the manual BP monitor at 3 different visits to
the health clinic. Thereafter, the patients were instructed to use
the automatic BP monitor at home at 3 specified times on 4
consecutive days, comparing it with the 24-hour ambulatory
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BP monitor [16]. In our study, BP was measured manually and
by automatic monitors on 1 occasion only.
Several automatic BP monitors without a Bluetooth connection
have been validated in the general population [17-21]. Takahashi
et al [17] validated three different automatic BP monitors against
manual BP monitoring. All three of them showed better accuracy
than the two monitors we validated in this study. In our study,
the percentage of measurements that differed from the control
measurements by 5, 10, and 15 mmHg or less for the monitor
with the best accuracy, Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0, were
43.9% (68/155), 69.7% (108/155), and 83.2% (129/155) for
SBP and 49.0% (76/155), 79.4% (123/155), and 94.8%
(147/155) for DBP. For one of the monitors validated by
Takahashi et al, the corresponding numbers were 72%, 92%,
and 98% for SBP and 82%, 98%, 100% for DBP. However,
they only included 33 participants from the general population
and BP was measured with each of the monitors at 3 times on
each participant, giving a total of 99 measurements [17]. These
differences make it difficult to compare results across studies.
Furthermore, in our study, the automatic BP measurements were
significantly, with correlation coefficients of .69 or higher,
correlated with the manual BP measurements. However, to the
best of our knowledge, no correlation analysis has been
conducted in any validation study of automatic BP monitors
compared with manual BP measurement.
The large sample size is a notable strength of our study.
Furthermore, the participants were recruited from 6 primary
care centers located in different areas with diverse populations
and levels of socioeconomic status. With a mean age of 60 years,
the participants are younger than the general patients with type
2 diabetes in Sweden (68 years old) [22], which may be due to
the inclusion criteria of having a smartphone. However, 8 of 10
Swedes have a smartphone [23]. Our study also includes a larger
number of men compared with women. This may primarily be
a reflection of the higher prevalence of diabetes type 2 among
men compared with women in Sweden [24,25]. Nevertheless,
this study includes more women than any previous studies
validating automatic BP monitors [16,17].
There is a lack of automatic BP monitors validated in the large
population of patients with type 2 diabetes who are likely to use
automatic BP monitors in practice. Not only are patients with
diabetes often familiar with digital devices that help them with
better management, for example, devices for self-monitoring
of blood glucose, they are also in need of controls for
comorbidities, such as hypertension, on a regular basis. Today,
the routine practice for screening of hypertension consists of
multiple visits to the health care clinic for repeated BP
measurement. Including home measurements in the decision
making would not only be more cost-efficient but also provide
more reliable measurements with white coat hypertension and
masked hypertension in mind. The fact that BP measurements
in our study were performed in a clinical setting and not in a
home setting, and only once using each monitor, may be a
limitation of our study. Though, as the aim was to validate the
automatic monitors against the standard method for BP
measurement, the manual and the automatic measurements were
performed on the same occasion at a health care clinic.
Digital solutions could meet the needs and expectations of
patients by making health care more accessible. Validated
devices also ensure the quality of the care. However, if the BP
monitors’ ability to transfer BP data via Bluetooth is to be used
in future health care, it is important to emphasize that transfer
of data to, for example, an electronic health record has to be
compliant with security regulations and without the risk of
privacy invasion of stored health data on the cloud. In addition,
offering tech support, for example, an in-app chat-support, for
various issues such as data transfer and uploading data could
potentially increase consumer confidence in digital
self-measurement devices. Gamification techniques such as
visual feedback messages or a platform allowing communication
could have potential to further increase the motivation of the
patients to engage in their own health care [26]. For future
patients, the BP data together with other variables could possibly
allow for personalized lifestyle recommendations.
In conclusion, no previous studies have validated automatic BP
monitors with a Bluetooth connection in patients with type 2
diabetes. Our study shows that although the difference between
the manual and the automatic BP monitors was greater on an
individual level, the monitors are sufficiently accurate on a
group level. Moreover, the Andersson Lifesense BDR 2.0 is
more often falling within the BP ranges for what is acceptable
in clinical practice compared with the Beurer BM 85.
The authors would like to acknowledge the personnel at participating primary care centers for the help in recruitment of study
participants and, in particular, Klara Wiklander, Julia Ragnö, Kristin Hjörleifsdottir Steiner, and Monica Flodin. This study was
supported by Stockholm County Council and Karolinska Institutet (4D) as well as through grants from the Swedish Research
Council for Health, Working life, and Welfare (Dnr: 2016–00985) and funding from the strategic research area in care sciences
(SFO-V) to SEB. The funders had no role in the design, analysis, or writing of this study.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
J Med Internet Res 2019 | vol. 21 | iss. 4 | e12772 | p.6https://www.jmir.org/2019/4/e12772/
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BMI: body mass index
BP: blood pressure
DBP: diastolic blood pressure
LCD: liquid crystal digital
SBP: systolic blood pressure
Edited by G Eysenbach; submitted 15.11.18; peer-reviewed by K Anderson, M Lozano-Lozano, B Chaudhry; comments to author
16.01.19; revised version received 29.01.19; accepted 30.01.19; published 21.03.19
Please cite as:
Wetterholm M, Bonn SE, Alexandrou C, Löf M, Trolle Lagerros Y
Validation of Two Automatic Blood Pressure Monitors With the Ability to Transfer Data via Bluetooth
J Med Internet Res 2019;21(4):e12772
URL: https://www.jmir.org/2019/4/e12772/
©Madeleine Wetterholm, Stephanie Erika Bonn, Christina Alexandrou, Marie Löf, Ylva Trolle Lagerros. Originally published
in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (http://www.jmir.org), 21.03.2019. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted
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J Med Internet Res 2019 | vol. 21 | iss. 4 | e12772 | p.8https://www.jmir.org/2019/4/e12772/
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