STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  1
The Pandemic:
Its Impact, Challenges, and Opportunities
In the years prior to the pandemic, Toastmasters International, with few exceptions, grew
annually at a steady pace. Since the pandemic began in the first quarter of 2020, the
organization has contracted significantly. The number of members and clubs at the end of
the 20212022 program year are similar in size to a decade ago.
Clubs modified their meeting format to accommodate physical distance—most clubs met
exclusively online or in a hybrid format. Members who chose to attend online meetings
quickly developed a skill set that the world now values. Others did not prefer the online
environment and chose not to renew their membership. While some clubs have gone
back to meeting in person, only time will tell if the traditional in-person model of club
meetings will return to being the primary meeting type.
The new meeting format connected members from around the world on a scale not
previously seen. Through experiencing meetings in the context of other places and
cultures, members developed a greater appreciation and understanding of the positive
impact of Toastmasters worldwide. The 2021 International Convention was the most
attended event in Toastmasters History.
The rate of technological innovation accelerated during the pandemic. As meeting
formats evolved, so did online learning. The expectation for continuously updated content,
delivered in easily consumable portions, is higher than ever. Clubs and Districts efficiently
conducted business online on an unprecedented scale. Contact between members and
leaders at all levels increased in scale and speed. Each of these changes will affect the
future, and we must evolve to meet expectations.
Communication and leadership skills are in greater demand than ever. Toastmasters is
poised to meet those demands and to reestablish its strength through the implementation
of this plan.
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  2
Core Values
Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence
Brand Promise
Empowering individuals through personal and professional development.
Toastmasters International Mission
We empower individuals to become more
effective communicators and leaders.
District Mission
We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.
Club Mission
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are
empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater
self-confidence and personal growth.
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  3
Toastmasters International Envisioned Future
To be the first-choice provider of dynamic, high-value, experiential communication and
leadership skills development.
Vivid Description of the Envisioned Future
Toastmasters International is recognized by its members as relevant and invaluable for
their personal and professional success. Employers recognize Toastmasters International as
an essential component of their employees professional development. Through its clubs,
Toastmasters International provides a vibrant, growing, and successful communication
and leadership development program. Club members receive a high-quality, customized
experience in a supportive environment that responds to individual and community-
specific needs. Members take risks and experiment knowing that they are supported and
encouraged by others to maximize their potential in reaching personal and professional
goals. Toastmasters International uses technology effectively to save time, communicate,
and deliver services. Toastmasters International is globally recognized as the industry
leader in communication and leadership skills development, and as a progressive,
responsive, and experiential organization that changes individuals and the world for the
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  4
Toastmasters International’s success is driven by the cooperative efforts of individual
members, club officers, District leaders, Region Advisors, the Board of Directors, and the
World Headquarters team. Each has unique roles and responsibilities. Their combined
efforts will continue to determine the success of the organization now and in the future.
The Board of Directors recognizes the need to extend the reach of Toastmasters both
locally and globally, to increase transactional efficiency, to improve the individual
members experience, and to lighten the administrative load on club officers and District
Our goals for the next 24 months are grouped into these categories:
Club Excellence
Member Achievement
Awareness and Engagement
Operational Effectiveness
The Board of Directors acknowledges the need for excellent communication throughout
the organization to achieve our organizational goals.
Communication depends on all
of us and will require everyone’s
collective engagement to
be effective. As the Board
of Directors, we commit to
increase and enhance our
communication with all levels
of the organization. We invite
members and leaders to join
us on the quest for excellent
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  5
Support all clubs in providing a consistent, quality member experience by delivering
on our brand promise:
“Empowering individuals through personal and professional development.
Distinguished Clubs: 4.5% increase per year
Member Satisfaction: 5.8 rating
Clubs conduct enjoyable, effective meetings
Districts conduct effective club officer training
World Headquarters evolves Base Camp to better support members and club leaders
Distinguished Clubs by Program Year July Member Satisfaction Ratings
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  6
Support members in achieving their personal and professional communication and
leadership goals through experiential learning.
Pathways Level Achievements: 4% increase per year
Clubs orient and conduct needs assessment for all new members
Clubs assign mentors to all members
Districts include member-achievement-focused sessions in club officer training
World Headquarters evolves Pathways educational content and Base Camp to enhance
Pathways Level Achievements
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  7
Expand global recognition of Toastmasters International programs to promote
engagement, membership, and club growth.
Membership Payments: 4% increase per year
Member Renewal Rate: 1% increase per year
Club Growth: 5% increase per year
Members consistently invite guests to attend meetings
Clubs regularly conduct open houses and membership growth programs
Clubs and Districts create effective public relations
Districts actively prospect for and charter new clubs
Districts and World Headquarters expand global advertising program throughout the world
Paid Clubs by Program Year
Membership Payments by Program Year
September Member Retention Rates
March Member Retention Rates
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  8
Create additional value for members, leaders, and stakeholders through standardized
tools and processes, resulting in world-class operations.
Area Directors consistently conduct productive Area Council meetings
Area Directors conduct effective club visits
Division Directors consistently conduct productive Division Council meetings
District Directors consistently conduct productive District Council meetings
World Headquarters implements system to charter new clubs online
World Headquarters enables members to pay Toastmasters International dues online
For more information, see the Toastmasters International Resource Library.
STRATEGIC PLAN | 2022–2024  9
Why do we need a strategic plan?
Strategic plans focus the thinking and efforts of the organization on initiatives that are
important now and within the timeframe of the plan. They enable the organization to set
aside other items and focus, making decisions about how to allocate resources for the
most significant impact.
Why this Strategic Plan?
The delivery of this Strategic Plan will:
Increase value to the member
Expand organizational brand awareness
Streamline and enhance member experience
Promote member and club sustainability
© 2022 Toastmasters International. All rights reserved. Toastmasters International, the Toastmasters
International logo and all other Toastmasters International trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of
Toastmasters International and may be used only by permission.
Rev. 08/2022