Lalita Lowphansirikul
School of Information Science and Technology
Vidyasirimedhi Institution of Science and Technology
Rayong, Thailand
Charin Polpanumas
Bangkok, Thailand
Attapol T. Rutherford
Department of Linguistics
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand
Sarana Nutanong
School of Information Science and Technology
Vidyasirimedhi Institution of Science and Technology
Rayong, Thailand
July 8, 2020
The primary objective of our work is to build a large-scale English-Thai dataset for machine translation.
We construct an English-Thai machine translation dataset with over 1 million segment pairs, curated
from various sources, namely news, Wikipedia articles, SMS messages, task-based dialogs, web-
crawled data and government documents. Methodology for gathering data, building parallel texts and
removing noisy sentence pairs are presented in a reproducible manner. We train machine translation
models based on this dataset. Our models’ performance are comparable to that of Google Translation
API (as of May 2020) for Thai-English and outperform Google when the Open Parallel Corpus
(OPUS) is included in the training data for both Thai-English and English-Thai translation. The
dataset, pre-trained models, and source code to reproduce our work are available for public use.
Keywords Machine Translation · Parallel Corpus · Pretraining · Transformer · Thai Language
1 Introduction
Machine translation (MT) techniques have advanced rapidly in the last decade with many practical applications,
especially for high-resource language pairs, for instance, English-German, English-French [
Ott et al., 2018
] and
Chinese-English [
Hassan et al., 2018
]. While the translation quality of these machine translation systems is close
to that of average bilingual human translators [
Wu et al., 2016
], they require a relatively large number of of parallel
segments to train and benchmark on. Examples of these parallel datasets include News Commentary Parallel Cor-
, Europarl Parallel Corpus, UN Parallel Corpus [
Ziemski et al., 2016
], Europarl [
Koehn, 2005
] and ParaCrawl
Corpus [
a et al., 2019
]. However, English-Thai is a low-resource language pair. Insufficient number of training
examples is found to directly deteriorate translation quality [
Koehn and Knowles, 2017
] as current state-of-the-art
arXiv:2007.03541v1 [cs.CL] 7 Jul 2020
models ([
Bahdanau et al., 2014
Gehring et al., 2017
Vaswani et al., 2017
]) require substantial amount of training data
to perform well. Therefore, we curate this dataset of approximately 1M English-Thai sentence pairs to solve the
challenge of both quantity and diversity of English-Thai machine translation data.
The difficulties in constructing an English-Thai machine translation dataset include costs for acquiring high-quality
translated segment pairs, complexity involved in segment alignment due to the ambiguity of Thai sentence bound-
aries, and limited number of web pages and documents with English-Thai billingual content. Currently, the largest
source of English-Thai segment pairs is the Open Parallel Corpus (OPUS) [
Tiedemann, 2012
]. It comprises of par-
allel segments for many language pairs including English-Thai. However, the contexts of those segment pairs are
limited to subtitles (OpenSubtitles [
Lison and Tiedemann, 2016
], QED [
Abdelali et al., 2014
]), religious texts (Bible
Christodouloupoulos and Steedman, 2015
], JW300 [
c and Vuli
c, 2019
], Tanzil
), and open-source software docu-
mentation (Ubuntu
, KDE4
In order to build an English-Thai machine translation dataset with sufficient number of training examples from a
variety of domains, we curate a total of 1,001,752 segment pairs from web-crawled data, government documents,
model-generated texts and publicly available datasets for NLP tasks in English. For each data source, approaches to
obtain and filter English-Thai segment pairs are described in details. Using OPUS and our dataset, we train machine
translation models based on Transformer [
Vaswani et al., 2017
] and compare the model performance with Google and
AI-for-Thai translation services. We used Thai-English IWSLT 2015 [
Cettolo et al., 2015
] as a benchmark dataset
and BLEU [
Papineni et al., 2002
] as the evaluation metric. BLEU is widely used to evaluate translation quality by
comparing translated segments with ground-truth segments. Higher BLEU score indicates better correspondence
between the results and ground-truth translation. Our models are comparable to Google Translation API (as of May
2020) for Thai English and outperform for both direction when OPUS is included in the training data.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we first describe the sources from which segment pairs
are retrieved for our dataset. After that, we detail the methods to obtain segment pairs, verify translation quality,
and filter out noisy segment pairs. In Section 3, we exhibit the statistics of our resulting dataset namely number of
segment, number of tokens, and the distribution of segment pair similarity scores. Section 4 presents the results of our
experiments training machine translation models on OPUS and our dataset, and evaluating the performance on IWSLT
2015, OPUS and our dataset. In the next section, we discuss the challenges in building the English-Thai machine
translation dataset and explore the opportunities to further improve the methodology to obtain a dataset with larger size
and higher quality. Our work is then concluded in Section 6.
Last but not least, our English-Thai machine translation dataset
and pre-trained machine translation models
publicly available on our GitHub repositories. We also present additional datasets for other Thai NLP tasks such as
review classification and sentence segmentation, which are created as a result of building the machine translation dataset,
in Appendix 1.
2 Methodology
We collect and generate over one million English-Thai segment pairs from five data sources and preprocess them for
English-Thai and Thai-English machine translation tasks. Since there is no formal definition of sentence boundaries
in Thai [
Aroonmanakun et al., 2007
], we use English sentence boundaries as segment boundaries for parallel Thai
segments. In some cases where the sentence boundaries are not clear even in English (for instance, product descriptions),
we do not perform sentence segmentation and treat the entire texts as segments.
6 v1.0
7 1M+TBASE v1.0
Figure 1: Preprocessing flow for each data source
2.1 Data Sources
2.1.1 Publicly Available Datasets
We use English segments from following public datasets for natural language processing (NLP) and natural language
understanding (NLU) tasks as source segments. These datasets are translated to Thai by professional and crowdsourced
Taskmaster-1 [
Byrne et al., 2019
] is a dataset of 13,215 task-based dialogs in 6 domains: ordering pizza,
making auto repair appointments, scheduling rides, ordering movie tickets, ordering coffee drinks and making
restaurant reservations. The dialogs created in both written and spoken English.
The National University of Singapore (NUS) SMS Corpus [
Chen and Kan, 2011
] is a collection of 67,093
SMS messages written by Singaporeans, mostly NUS students. The style of writing is informal and contains
so-called Singlish dialect of English.
Mozilla Common Voice
is a crowdsourced collection of 61,584 voice recordings in various languages. We
use the English transcriptions as the source segments. The dataset has segments both written and spoken
Microsoft Research Paraphrase Identification Corpus [
Dolan and Brockett, 2005
] contains 5,801 English
segment pairs from news sources. Each segment pair has a binary label of whether they are paraphrasing of
each other (that is, semantically equivalent) or not.
2.1.2 Generated Product Reviews
We generate 372,534 product reviews in English using Conditional Transformer Language Model (CTRL)
Keskar et al., 2019
] and use them as the source segments. The conditional transformer language model was trained on
multiple domains such as Amazon reviews, Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg and Reddit. CTRL can generate texts with
content and style specified by the control codes. For our dataset, we specified the following conditions:
The content generated must be in the product review domain.
The generated reviews must represent sentiments ranging from mostly dissatisfied to mostly satisfied (1-5
The length of each generated review is limited to less than 150 tokens. Incomplete segments as a result of the
generation process are filtered out.
2.1.3 Wikipedia
Wikipedia consists of articles about various topics such as biographies, events, organizations and places. Articles
are written and edited by crowdsourced contributors. At the time of writing, we obtain 6,047,512 articles in English
Wikipedia and 136,452 articles in Thai Wikipedia. We hypothesize that there are a number of articles among them that
can be treated as parallel documents.
2.1.4 Web Crawling
Large machine translation datasets such as Paracrawl [
] are created from scraping websites with parallel texts. We
gather domains of possible parallel websites from three sources:
Paracrawl: Out of 208,349 domains from 23 language pairs of Paracrawl, we found that 1,047 domains have
both English and Thai content.
Top 500 Thai Websites according to [
]: We hypothesize that websites with high traffic volume
are more likely to have pages both in Thai and English.
Other specific bilingual websites such as Asia Pacific Defense Forum, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and websites
of various embassies in Thailand that provide sizeable amount of English-Thai content.
2.1.5 Thai Government Documents
Official government documents in Thai and English in PDF format are obtained from their respective organizations.
The documents include but are not limited to:
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand 2017 (B.E. 2560)
The Thailand Penal Code
The Thailand Civil and Commercial Code
Thailand’s Labour Relations Act 1975 (B.E. 2518)
Thailand’s First - Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan
Economic Outlook and Performance Report
Social Outlook Report
Gross Domestic Product report
National Income of Thailand report
Oil plan 2015 – 2036 (B.E. 2558 - 2579)
Thailand 20-Year Energy Efficiency Development Plan 2011-2030 (B.E. 2554 - 2573)
Alternative Energy Development Plan 2015-2036 (B.E. 2558 - 2579)
Thailand Power Development Plan 2015-2036 (B.E. 2558 - 2579)
Sustainable Future City Initiative Guideline for SFCI Cities
2.2 Translation of English Segments
One way to create segment pairs is to employ various translation methods. We employ 3 approaches to get the translation
including professional translation, crowdsourced translation and Google Translation API.
Regarding professional translation, we employ 25 professional translators to translate 13,215 conversations of the
Taskmaster-1 dataset and 43,374 generated product reviews from English to Thai. Secondly, we use a crowdsourcing
platform to disseminate English-to-Thai translation tasks for NUS SMS, Mozilla Common Voice, and Microsoft
Research Paraphrase Identification, and 21,590 generated product reviews.
Aforementioned approaches are relatively expensive and time-consuming, therefore, we opt in Google Translation API
to translate 307,570 generated English product reviews to Thai. After that, we employ annotators to assess the quality
of each product review. We ask the annotators to classify whether the product reviews translation should be accepted or
rejected. The criteria are fluency and adequacy of the translation. One product review may have several segments but
we only include segments from product reviews that are labeled as acceptable.
2.3 Alignment of Existing English-Thai Segments
Apart from translation from English to Thai, we also perform segment alignment of existing English-Thai segment
pairs parallel documents.
2.3.1 Sentence Segmentation
We use NLTK [
Loper and Bird, 2002
] for English sentence segmentation. For Thai texts, We train a conditional random
field model to predict sentence boundary tokens based on the following datasets:
Generated Product Reviews: 67,387 reviews and a total of 259,867 segments that are translated by Google
Translate API and annotated by humans are used to train the model since we know the sentence boundaries
marked by English texts
TED Transcripts: We obtain transcripts in Thai of TED talks containing 136,463 utterances. We treat each
utterance as a segment.
ORCHID Corpus: The corpus was originally meant for POS tagging but it contains 23,125 marked segment
boundaries and are used as benchmark for Thai sentence segmentation
We tokenize them into Thai words using newmm tokenizer of pyThaiNLP [
Phatthiyaphaibun et al., 2020
], then create
unigram, bigram and trigram features with a sliding window of 2 steps before and after the token to predict if it is a
sentence boundary or not. We also mark words that are often found to be sentence starters or sentence enders and apply
the same feature extraction.
Our baseline model CRFCut achieves the following performance
Training set Validation set
Non-boundary token Sentence boundary token
Precision Recall F1 score Precision Recall F1 score space-correct
TED TED 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.74 0.70 0.72 0.82
TED Orchid 0.95 0.99 0.97 0.73 0.24 0.36 0.73
Product Review
0.98 0.99 0.98 0.86 0.70 0.77 0.78
Orchid TED 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.56 0.59 0.58 0.71
Orchid Orchid 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.85 0.71 0.77 0.87
Product Review
0.97 0.99 0.98 0.77 0.63 0.69 0.70
Product Review TED 0.99 0.95 0.97 0.42 0.85 0.56 0.56
Product Review Orchid 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.48 0.59 0.53 0.67
Product Review
Product Review
1 1 1 0.98 0.96 0.97 0.97
TED + Orchid +
Product Review
TED 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.66 0.77 0.71 0.78
TED + Orchid +
Product Review
Orchid 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.73 0.66 0.69 0.82
TED + Orchid +
Product Review
Product Review 1 1 1 0.98 0.95 0.96 0.96
Table 1: The precision, recall and F1 score for non-boundary and sentence boundary token of CRF-based sentence
segmentor models trained and validated on different datasets. space-correct is accuracy of predicting if spaces are
sentence boundaries or not.
Training codes at
2.3.2 Segment Extraction
Once we have a means to segment all texts, we proceed to extract all segments from each data source.
Paracrawl Corpus Release v5.0 (September 2019)
First, we aggregate the TMX files from 23 language pairs. The total number of domains listed is 208,349. The total
number of URLs is approximately 12.8 M URLs. We directly substitute ISO 639-1, 639-2T, 639-2B language codes
appeared in the URLs of non-English language code (e.g /de/, /ger/, /es/, /spa/) to Thai language code (e.g. /th/, /tha/),
and send HTTP request to verify whether the HTTP request of modified URL with Thai language code response with
HTTP status 200.
With this approach, we obtain a total number of 1,047 domains that comprised of content in both English and Thai. We
use the web crawling module from bitextor [
Espl and Transducens, 2009
] to crawl the websites and perform language
detection to filtered out the pages whose contents are in neither English nor Thai. We then perform document alignment
on crawled data of each domain name based on edit distance of tokens in URLs. A token in this case is defined by a
group of characters separated by / except for the protocols (http:, https: and so on). URLs pairs with edit distance equal
to one token were paired up, for instance, two URLs that are different only in the language code tokens. We sucessfully
aligned 23,528 document pairs.
Top-500 Thai Websites
We obtain the list of top-500 websites in Thailand from the ranking website [
]. We retrieved the sitemaps
in XML format from those websites and read all the URLs listed. We wrote a web crawling script to crawl bilingual
web pages based on these URLs. Similar to what we do with Paracrawl, if a URL contains English or Thai language
code, we substitute the language code with /en/ or /th/ and verify if the document pair contains content both in English
and Thai. The total number of aligned documents we crawled is 246,868 page pairs that have content both in English
and Thai.
To create parallel documents from Wikipedia pages, we align English and Thai articles based on their titles by
transforming them into dense vectors using multilingual universal sentence encoder [
Yang et al., 2019
] and find cosine
similarity. Out of all English and Thai articles, we find 13,853 articles that we consider parallel documents.
Government Documents in PDF Format
We extract segments from aligned government documents in PDF format with Apache Tika
. Character errors in
extracted Thai texts are fixed with handcrafted rules
Thai Translation of Generated Product Reviews
We obtained the translation in Thai of 43,374 generated product reviews by professional translation. Since the translation
is in document-level, we need to extract segments from the source reviews and translated reviews in order to obtain the
alignment at segment-level.
2.3.3 Segment Alignment
For each pair of aligned documents, we have two approaches in aligning segments. The first approach is applicable for
documents crawled from the web. We segment the content in the documents by HTML tags (e.g.
All content within a tag is treated as one segment. We then choose only document pairs that have the same number of
equivalent tags and align the segments in order. The downside of this approach is that we might end up with multiple
segments per tag.
The second approach is to use sentence segmenter in the previous section to segment Thai texts and NLTK sentence
segmenter [
Loper and Bird, 2002
] to segment English texts then align them based on semantic similarity. We found that
after sentence segmentation there are more Thai segments than their English counterparts. In order to correctly align the
segments, multiple segments in Thai language have to align with one segment in English in a many-to-one manner. For
each English segment, we align them with a concatenation of one to three consecutive Thai segments. To extract the
semantic features, we use multilingual universal sentence encoder [
Yang et al., 2019
] trained on 13 languages including
English and Thai to transform each segment into a 512-dimension dense vector. After that, for each segment pair, we
compute cosine similarity of their respective vectors. Therefore, one English segment can have up to three versions of
alignment with one, two or three concatenated consecutive Thai segments. For each English segment, we select the
version that has the highest cosine similarity score.
2.4 Preprocessing for Machine Translation
We apply rule-based text cleaning to all texts obtained. After that, we filter out segments that are incorrectly aligned
using handcrafted rules and multilingual universal sentence encoder [Yang et al., 2019].
2.4.1 Text Cleaning
We perform text cleaning on each sub-dataset with text-cleaning rules including NFKC Unicode text normalization,
replacing HTML entity and number code (e.g. &quot;, &#34;) with corresponding ASCII characters, Removing
redundant spaces, and standardizing quote characters. Note that emojis and emoticons are not filtered out from the texts.
2.4.2 Segment Pair Filtering
Since we obtain our segment pairs by different sources and approaches with varying degree of quality, we have to filter
out some segment pairs that are not parallel to each other by handcrafted rules and text similarity based on multilingual
universal sentence encoder.
Handcrafted Rules
For each dataset, we define a set of thresholds for the following handcrafted rules to filter out low-quality segment pairs:
Percentage of English or Thai characters in each English or Thai segment; for instance, Thai segments with
lower percentage of Thai characters are most likely not actually Thai segments but segments from other
languages that have been mistakenly crawled
Minimum and maximum number of word tokens for Thai and English segment. We use newmm tokenizer
from pyThaiNLP [
Phatthiyaphaibun et al., 2020
] to tokenize Thai words, and NLTK [
Loper and Bird, 2002
to tokenize English words. Spaces are excluded from the token counts.
Ratio of word tokens between English and Thai segments; for example, a pair of segment with 100 tokens for
English and 5 tokens for Thai will be filtered out from the resulting dataset.
We also remove all duplicated segment pairs both by exact match and by text similarity based on multilingual universal
sentence encoder.
Text Similarity based on Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder
We transform all segments into 512-dimension dense vectors using multilingual universal sentence encoder, trained on
13 languages including English and Thai [
Yang et al., 2019
]. We then calculate the cosine similarity between English
and Thai segments of each segment pair. The rationale is that segments that are translation of each other should be
semantically similar and thus have high cosine similarity score.
The source code and thresholds used for the preprocessing can be found at: preprocess
We found that after sentence segmentation there are more Thai segments than their English counterparts. This is to
be expected . In order to correctly align the segments, multiple segments in Thai language have to align with one
segment in English (many-to-one). Thus, we compute cosine similarity between a pair of English segment and Thai
concatenated segments.
We use a different cosine similarity threshold for segments from each domain. For example, texts retrieved from web
crawling have a relatively higher threshold of 0.7 as we see higher rate of misalignment, whereas the segment pairs
from Thai government documents have the threshold of 0.5 as they follow set patterns and are easier to align.
3 Resulting Datasets
3.1 English-Thai Machine Translation Dataset
We collected segment pairs from 12 sources and performed the text processing procedures described in Methodology.
Table 2 and 3 present the statistics of the resulting datasets after text processing. The total number of segment pairs is
1,001,752. We tokenize Thai segments with pyThaiNLP’s newmm dictionary-based tokenizer where space token is
excluded and Moses tokenizer for English segments.
Method Sub-dataset Number of segment pairs
Professional Translators
task master 1 222,733
product review translator
Crowd-sourced Translators
nus sms 43,750
msr paraphrase 10,371
mozilla common voice
product review crowd
Annotation by Translators product review yn 280,208
Segment Alignment on PDF
assorted government 25,398
Segment Alignment on
Web-crawled Data
thai websites 120,280
paracrawl 60,039
wikipedia 33,756
apdf 13,503
Table 2: Number of segment pairs categorized by data source and method to obtain parallel segment pairs.
Sub-dataset name Tokens Unique tokens
Token Distribution
mean median (min, max)
task master 1
en 2,615,760 32,888 11.74 10 (1, 211)
th 2,349,135 20,406 10.55 8 (3, 203)
generated reviews translator
en 2,128,286 32,025 15.96 14 (1, 102)
th 1,974,424 22,109 14.81 13 (2, 117)
nus sms
en 538,584 33,816 12.31 10 (1, 171)
th 561,907 13,329 12.84 10 (1, 172)
msr paraphrase
en 231,897 18,191 22.36 22 (3, 46)
th 219,682 15,776 21.18 21 (3, 52)
mozilla common voice
en 325,856 17,377 9.64 9 (2, 28)
th 288,066 15,578 8.52 8 (1, 54)
generated reviews crowd
en 441,804 13,246 17.97 16 (3, 89)
th 391,505 12,169 15.92 14 (2, 91)
generated reviews yn
en 4,429,469 37,202 15.81 14 (2, 104)
th 3,909,029 26,261 13.95 12 (3, 96)
assorted government
en 1,711,174 25,139 67.37 63 (5, 500)
th 1,931,200 25,802 76.04 64 (4, 441)
thai websites
en 9,934,983 117,267 82.60 70 (3, 543)
th 11,105,989 85,096 92.33 80 (1, 455)
en 1,655,315 54,173 49.04 47 (6, 226)
th 1,839,488 40,570 54.49 40 (5, 272)
en 1,688,408 56,196 28.12 19.0 (5, 316)
th 1,691,030 39,035 28.17 19.0 (3, 322)
en 685,864 25,516 50.79 46 (6, 303)
th 736,931 15,301 54.58 49 (5, 331)
Table 3: Number of segment pairs, Thai/English word tokens, unique word tokens and distribution of English and Thai
word tokens in segments for each sub-dataset.
Sub-dataset name Average Min Max
generated reviews yn 0.81 0.40 0.40
task master 1 0.59 0.20 0.20
generated reviews translator 0.74 0.51 0.51
thai websites 0.78 0.09 0.09
paracrawl 0.80 0.50 0.50
nus sms 0.58 0.10 0.10
mozilla common voice 0.71 0.30 0.30
wikipedia 0.80 0.70 0.70
assorted government 0.80 0.31 0.31
generated reviews crowd 0.75 0.35 0.35
apdf 0.79 0.40 0.40
msr paraphrase 0.82 0.28 0.28
Table 4: Minimum, maximum and average segment pairs cosine similarity for each sub-dataset
Table 4 presents the distribution of segment similarity score for each sub-dataset. Examples of segment pairs and their
similarity score are shown in Appendix 3.
4 Experiments
4.1 Training data
We use the preprocessed and filtered segments pairs summing up to 1,001,752 pairs for the experiments. The ratio for
training/validation/test sets is 80/10/10. The validation set and test set are sampled in a stratified manner in respect to
their sources. We also ensure that their are no duplicate segments within the same language shared between validation
and test sets.
Additionally, we use approximately 5M parallel English-Thai segments from OPUS [
Tiedemann, 2012
], an open source
parallel corpus. Out of 9 English-Thai parallel datasets currently listed in OPUS, we use the following 6 datasets:
OpenSubtitles [
Lison and Tiedemann, 2016
], Tatoeba
, Tanzil
, QED [
Abdelali et al., 2014
], Ubuntu and GNOME.
The total number of segment pairs is 3,715,179. Then, we perform hand-crafted text cleaning as defined in the section
2.4.1 and segment filtering rules including setting Thai/English character ratio limit up to 0.1, number tokens up to
500 for each segment, removing segments meant for English translation with Thai characters and removing duplicated
segment pairs. The resulting datasets contain 3,318,153 segment pair in total. The ratio for training/validation/test sets
is 80/10/10.
4.2 Models & Architectures
We use the Transformer [
Vaswani et al., 2017
], a supervised neural machine translation model, implemented in the
Fairseq toolkit [
Ott et al., 2019
] as our NMT models in both English
Thai and Thai
English direction. We train
Transformer models with the number of 6encoder and 6 decoder blocks, 512 embedding dimensions, and 2,048 feed
forward hidden units. The dropout rate is set to 0.1 only for the encoder and decoder input layer. The embedding of
decoder input and output are shared. Maximum number of tokens per mini-batch is 9,750. The optimizer is Adam
with initial learning rate of 1e-7 and weight decay rate of 0.0. The learning rate has an inverse squared schedule with
warmup for the first 4,000 updates. Label smoothing of 0.1 is applied during training. The criteria for selecting the best
model checkpoint is label-smoothed cross entropy loss.
There are 3 types of tokens used in the experiment namely word-level token tokenized by pyThaiNLP’s dictionary
based tokenizer (newmm) for Thai, word-level token with Moses tokenizer for English (moses), and subword-level
tokenized by SentencePiece [
Kudo and Richardson, 2018
] trained on the training set for both English and Thai (spm).
The translation directions for MT model are both th
en, and en
th. The token type for each direction consists of
word word, word subword, subword word, and subword subword (joined dictionary).
In addition, for the word-level tokens where Thai is the target language, space tokens are included during the word
tokenization process with pyThaiNLP. When training transformer base and large, the maximum number of tokens for
each batch is set to 9,750 and 6,750 respectively. The number of epoch for transformer base and large is set to 150 and
75 respectively. All the models in this experiment are trained on NVIDIA V100 GPU with mixed-precision training
(fp16) and gradient accumulation for 16 steps.
4.3 Evaluation Methods
SacreBLEU [
Post, 2018
] is used to evaluate translation quality in both directions. For th
en translation,
word-level outputs are detokenized with Moses detokenizer and subword outputs for both Thai and English are
detokenized Sentencepiece [
Kudo and Richardson, 2018
]. The version string used for computing BLEU score
for case-sensitive and case-insentive are BLEU+case.mixed+numrefs.1+smooth.exp+tok.13a+version.1.2.10 and respectively.
For the en
th translation, the word-level outputs are detokenized by joining all the output tokens including space
tokens as specified when preparing word-level tokens. The detokenized texts are tokenized again by the pyThaiNLP
word tokenizer. We then compute BLEU score with the tokenized texts.
For model decoding, the model checkpoint selected is the epoch with minimum label-smoothed cross entropy loss. The
beam width used is 4.
4.4 Experiment Results
4.4.1 Our Dataset and Parallel English-Thai Segments from OPUS
We report the evaluation results on the test set of our dataset, denoted as SCB 1M, and parallel English-Thai segments
from OPUS, denoted as MT OPUS. The the total number of segment pairs from SCB 1M and MT OPUS test set are
100,177 and 297,874 respectively.
We trained models on each train set and cross validate on the test sets from 2 sources.
The source code used for the experiments can be found at:
Token type
BLEU score (train set test set)
th en
39.42 13.54 25.17 9.64
newmm spm 38.41 13.96 25.58 10.50
spm moses 39.09 6.87 26.09 5.80
spm spm 39.59 6.74 26.28 6.08
en th
40.30 13.29 21.27 9.61
moses spm 42.58 13.13 20.71 7.76
spm newmm 41.21 10.65 21.74 8.04
spm spm 42.94 11.33 21.01 5.43
Table 5: Results on SCB 1M and MT OPUS test set for th
en and en
th of the Transformer BASE models trained
on either SCB 1M or MT OPUS train set.
4.4.2 Thai-English IWSLT 2015
Thai-English IWSLT 2015 evaluation dataset [
Cettolo et al., 2015
] contains parallel transcription of TED talks where
the source language is Thai and target language is English. The number of segment pairs is 4,242 from 46 parallel TED
talks transcriptions. We used IWSLT 2015 test sets from 4 years (2010-2013).
In this evaluation campaign, the segments in Thai were manually tokenized according to the BEST 2010 guideline.
However, in order to mimic actual written Thai segments, we map the pre-tokenized segments with the untokenized
segments from Thai-English TED talks transcriptions that we have crawled. Noted that, we pre-processed the original
segments by removing parenthetic content in English as this evaluation campaign also applied this rule before segmenting
Thai words.
Language pair Token type
BLEU score
th en
newmm moses 14.32 20.88 25.48
newmm spm 14.36 23.57 25.21
spm moses 16.42 27.51 28.33
spm spm 17.15 28.09 26.37
en th
moses newmm 12.68 16.56 17.77
moses spm 12.45 16.09 17.02
spm newmm 12.95 17.24 16.61
spm spm 12.54 15.35 15.27
Table 6: Results on Thai-English IWSLT 2015 test sets (tst2010-2013) for th
en and en
th of the Transformer
BASE model trained on SCB 1M, MT OPUS, and both.
In Table 6, we compare the performance of our baselibe models trained on SCB 1M, MT OPUS, and both. We report
detokenized SacreBLEU (case-sensitive) for th en direction and BLEU4 (case-sensitive) for en th direction.
Language pair Type
BLEU score
Google AI-for-Thai SCB 1M MT OPUS SCB 1M + MT OPUS
th en
cased 14.19 - 17.15 28.09 28.33
uncased 17.64 - 17.90 28.72 29.0
en th cased 15.36 6.14 12.95 17.24 17.77
Table 7: Results on Thai-English test sets (tst2010-2013). We submitted detokenized source segments in Thai language
to Google Translation API to obtained translation in English. Our baseline model is Transformer (BASE) where the
source and target token is BPE token built with SentencePiece library.
In Table 7, we compare the performance of our models with Google Translation API. We submitted the pre-processed
Thai segments to Google Translation API (Neural Translation Model Predictions In Translation V3) on May 12 2020 to
obtain translated segments in English and English segments from IWSLT 2015 to obtain translated segments in Thai.
We submitted English segments to the Translation API provided by AI-for-Thai
to obtain translated segments in Thai
on May 16 2020. We evaluated only in English
Thai direction as that moment AI-for-Thai provided only English
Thai translation. We report detokenized SacreBLEU (case-sensitive) for th
en direction, and BLEU4 (case-sensitive)
for en th direction.
5 Discussion
Segment Alignment between Languages With and Without Boundaries
Unlike English, there is no segment boundary marking in Thai. One segment in Thai may or may not cover all
the content of an English segment. Currently, we mitigate this problem by grouping Thai segments together before
computing the text similarity scores. We then choose the combination with the highest text similarity score. It can be
said that adequacy is the main issue in building this dataset.
Quality of Translation from Crawled Websites
Some websites use machine translation models such as Google Translate to localize their content. As a result, Thai
segments retrieved from web crawling might face issues of fluency since we do not use human annotators to perform
quality control.
Quality Control of Crowdsourced Translators
When we use a crowdsourcing platform to translate the content, we can not fully control the quality of the translation.
To combat this, we filter out low-quality segments by using a text similarity threshold, based on cosine similarity of
universal sentence encoder vectors. Moreover, some crowdsourced translators might copy and paste source segments to
a translation engine and take the results as answers to the platform. To further improve, we can apply techniques such
as described in [Zaidan, 2012] to control the quality and avoid fraud on the platform.
Domain Dependence of Machine Tranlsation Models
We test domain dependence of machine translation models by comparing models trained and tested on the same dataset,
using 80/10/10 train-validation-test split, and models trained on one dataset and tested on the other.
For SCB 1M test set, models trained on SCB 1M training set have consistently 4-8 times higher BLEU score than those
trained on MT OPUS. In similar manner, for MT OPUS test set, models trained on MT OPUS have 2-4 times higher
BLEU score than those trained on SCB 1M. This suggests that diversity of domains in the training set greatly impacts
the performance of the models.
Performance Uplifts from Models Trained on Existing Datasets
For the IWSLT 2015 test set, the model trained on both OPUS [
Tiedemann, 2012
] and our dataset achieve 0.24 uplift in
SacreBLEU for Thai to English translation and 0.53 uplift in SacreBLEU for English to Thai translation. The uplifts
might be smaller due to the fact that IWSLT 2015 is a collection of TED Talk transcripts which are in the same domain
as OpenSubtitles [Lison and Tiedemann, 2016], the majority of OPUS dataset.
In this section, we discuss the challenges in building a large-scale English-Thai machine translation and corresponding
machine translation models.
6 Conclusions
We release English-Thai parallel corpus comprising of over 1 million segment pairs including both written and spoken
language. The segment pairs in the corpus comprise text from various domains such as product reviews, laws, report,
news, spoken dialogues, and SMS messages. We also release 4 additional datasets for Thai text classification tasks and
Thai sentence segmentation task.
We present an approach to filtering segment pairs with universal sentence encoder to remove misaligned segments. This
approach can be used to only filtered out unrelated segments but it still prone to target segment adequacy error. Our
further improvement is to develop a sophisticated method in order to obtain less noisy parallel corpus.
We conduct experiments on English
Thai and Thai
English machine translation systems trained on our dataset and
the Open Parallel Corpus (OPUS) with different types of source and target token (i.e. word-level and subword-level).
The evaluation results on Thai-English IWSLT 2015 test sets show that performance of our baseline models is on
par with Google Translation API for Thai
English and outperform for both direction when OPUS is included in the
training data.
This investigation is partially supported by the Digital Economy Promotion Agency Thailand under the infrastructure
project code MP-62-003 and Siam Commercial Bank. We thank our data annotation partners Hope Data Annotations
and Wang: Data Market; Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) through
Phannisa Nirattiwongsakorn for providing government documents; Chonlapat Patanajirasit for training CRFCut
sentence segmentation models on new datasets; Witchapong Daroontham for product review classification baselines;
Pined Laohapiengsak for helping with sentence alignment using universal sentence encoder.
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Appendix 1: Datasets for Other Tasks
In addition to the machine translation tasks, we can also use some datasets for other natural language processing tasks
in Thai.
1.1 Paraphrase Identification
For the paraphrase identification task, we take the crowdsourced translations from English to Thai based on Microsoft
Research Paraphrase Identification corpus [
Dolan and Brockett, 2005
]. The current version of msr paraphrase has
10,122 translated sentences. As a result, the dataset includes 3,513 and 1,485 sentence pairs for training and test set
respectively (reduced from the original dataset by 563 pairs for training set and 240 pairs for test set).
Dataset Sentence pairs # Paraphrased # Non-paraphrased
Train set 3,513 2,349 1,164
Test set 1,485 516 969
Table 8: Number of sentences pairs along with paraphrased and non-paraphrased sentences from Microsoft Research
Paraphrase Identification corpus that we have translated into Thai.
1.2 Sentence Segmentation
We can build sentence segmentation models with the generated product review dataset as described in Section 2.3.1.
1.3 Translation Quality Estimation
The fact that generated reviews yn use human annotators to label the Google-Translated reviews allows us to have
another dataset for translation quality estimation. The total number of reviews in this dataset is 302,066.
(a) Correctly translated reviews (b) Incorrectly translated reviews
Figure 2: Distribution of sentences per review of the correctly translated reviews (a) and correctly translated reviews (b)
in the Sentence Segmentation dataset
Type Total number of sentences Number of reviews Percentage of reviews
Correct translation 340,441 94,081 31.15%
Incorrect translation 921,329 207,985 68.8%
Table 9: Number of reviews and total number of sentences for incorrect and correct Thai translation
1.4 Product Review Classification
We combine generated reviews translator and generated reviews yn to create a product review classification dataset
with 64,760 reviews. The distribution of label is shown below. Note that we might want to exclude those reviews in
generated reviews yn that are labelled as not human-readable from validation set when evaluating a text classification
Review star Total number of reviews Percentage
1 11,602 26.75
2 934 2.15
3 9,976 23.00
4 11,654 26.87
5 9,207 21.23
Table 10: Label distribution of the generated reviews translator
Review star Total number of reviews Percentage
1 4,263 19.93
2 4,245 19.85
3 4,504 21.06
4 5,176 24.20
5 3,199 14.96
Table 11: Label distribution of the generated reviews yn
Review star Total number of reviews Percentage
1 15,865 24.50
2 5,179 8.00
3 14,480 22.36
4 16,830 25.99
5 12,406 19.16
Table 12: Label distribution of the resulting product review classification dataset
Appendix 2: Example Sentence Pairs
The sentences pairs examples from our English-Thai machine translation daraset are listed below:
2.1 Manual translation by hired and crowd-sourced translators
1) Dialogues in spoken language from Taskmaster-1
Source (en): Hakkasan and uptown restaurant Philippe Chow are top rated
Target (th):      
Source (en): What showtimes do they have at night?
Target (th): ?
Source (en): Who doesn’t deliver these days? Alright, so a White Wonder with chicken & onions?
Target (th): ?  ?
2) SMS Messages from NUS SMS corpus
Source (en): They said
u dun haf passport or smth like dat.. Or
u juz send to my email account..
Target (th):  
Source (en): Watch lor. I saw a few swatch one i thk quite ok. Ard 116 but i need 2nd opinion leh...
Target (th):    116 
Source (en): s true already. I thk she muz c us tog then she believe.
Target (th):  
4) Generated product reviews
Source (en): I actually just finished it because i thought maybe i’d beat every level.Nope.
Target (th):  
Source (en): My husband wanted to try this on his black and yellow tabby, who has very mild digestive problems.
Target (th):  
Source (en): The connector on it is different, so I’m hesitant whether or not it’s an actual OEM one.
Target (th):  OEM 
5) Mozilla Common Voice
Source (en): The fool wanders, the wise man travels.
Target (th):  
Source (en): Would you like a game of noughts and crosses?
Target (th): 
Source (en): Paul moved to Oxford for his D Phil
Target (th): 
6) Microsoft Research Paraphrase Identification corpus
Source (en): She started taking supplements two years ago - partly to stave off mild dementia that affects her
elderly parents.
Target (th):
 -
Source (en): The vulnerability affects Windows NT 4.0, NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition, XP and 2000, as well
as Windows Server 2003.
Target (th):
 Windows NT 4.0, NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition, XP 
2000  Windows Server 2003
Source (en): In July, EMC agreed to acquire Legato Systems (Nasdaq: LGTO) for about $1.2 billion.
Target (th):
 EMC  Legato (: LGTO)  1.2 
2.2 Translated segment pairs via Google Translation API verified by translators
1) Generated product reviews
Source (en): I read this book on the advice of an acquaintance.
Target (th): 
Source (en): Bought the Cuisinart DCC-2700 coffeemaker from Amazon based on other people’s reviews.
Target (th):    2700   
Source (en): I’ve been through a number of screen protectors in my life and all were from ZAGG – until these.
Target (th):   - 
2.3 Aligned segment pairs from web-crawled data and PDF documents
1) Assorted government
en: Furthermore, the car sale volume reached 1.25 million cars comparing to an average of 500,000 -700,000 units
per year
th:   1.25  500,000 700,000 
en: Meanwhile, NPLs1 rose from 0.96 percent in the first quarter to 1.0 percent. Excess liquidity of commercial
bank system considerably tightened.
 (NPLs1)  0.96 -
 1 
en: Private consumption in this quarter dropped by 0.1 percent (qoq).
th:  0.1 (qoq)
2) English-Thai parallel Wikipedia corpus
en: Polish forces then withdrew to the southeast where they prepared for a long defence of the Romanian Bridge-
head and awaited expected support and relief from France and the United Kingdom.
 -
en: Railway lines of JR East primarily serve the Kanto and Tohoku regions, along with adjacent areas in
oshin’etsu region (Niigata, Nagano, Yamanashi) and Shizuoka prefectures. Section::::Shinkansen.
 -
    Section::::.
en: Section::::Computer simulation. A computer simulation (or ””sim””) is an attempt to model a real-life or
hypothetical situation on a computer so that it can be studied to see how the system works.
Section::::.   """"  -
 
3) News sites (Asia Pacific Defense Forum)
en: Fiji’s Defense Ministry said it paid U.S. $8.8 million for the shipment and declined to give specifics about
what it entailed, other to say that a second shipment was forthcoming, the Nikkei Asian Review reported in
February 2016. Russian military advisors were also expected to arrive in Fiji to teach Soldiers there how to use the
 8.8  ( 308 ) -
    
 .. 2559  -
en: Cambodia, China, Laos, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and Thailand passed new cyber laws in 2015 and 2016.
Cambodia’s new telecommunications law and other e-commerce and cyber crime legislation are “promising
examples of growth in cyber maturity in one of the region’s cyber underperformers, the report said. Laos
also passed new cyber crime legislation that included definitions from the Council of Europe’s Convention on
Cybercrime. The ASEAN Economic Community, which was established in late December 2015, will propel new
cyber crime legislation in Southeast Asia, the report predicted.
     .. 2558
 .. 2559  -
 “-
”   -
 -
 .. 2558 -
4) Crawled pages from top-500 websites
en: Chomchuen said that in recent times, young Thai grooms give dowries as a simple symbolic gesture, and then
have the money returned to them by the bride’s family after the wedding is over.
  -
en: 6-Step Ladder Sanki LD-SKT06
th:  6   LD-SKT06
en: The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has launched a three-day celebration of the new Giant Swing
located in front of the Bangkok City Hall.
th:  3  3   
5) Crawled pages from websites listed in ParaCrawl v5
en: Inhabitants London has approximately 8,673,713 inhabitants.
th:  8,673,713 
en: Women’s Pink Three-Quarter Sleeved T-Shirt Plus Size Style Pocket Trimmed Top
th: 
en: Regardless of Bar Forming Machine, meat processing machine, vegetable processing machine, bread making
equipment or commercial deep fryer, every commercial kitchen equipment designed by Ding-Han is to meet your
requirement of high productivity, and low cost.
 Bar Forming Machine  -
 Ding-Han -
Appendix 3: Sentence Pairs Similarity with USE
Figure 3: Distribution of sentence pairs similarity for each source before applying text cleaning and filtering rules
Figure 4: Distribution of sentence pairs similarity for each source after applying text cleaning and filtering rules
3.1 Example of correctly aligned sentence pairs with high similarity score
sub-dataset: wikipedia
en: The first portable nuclear reactor ”Alco PM-2A” was used to generate electrical power (2 MW) for Camp
Century from 1960.
 "Alco PM-2A"  (2 ) 
Camp Century  1960
similarity: 0.928
sub-dataset: assorted government
en: Both side discussed and exchanged views on the topics of mutual interests both at bilateral and regional
levels, including, Thai - European Union relations, Thailand’s political developments, ASEAN - European Union
Relations, Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2019, and various regional security issues.
 -
   -    - 
   
similarity: 0.910
sub-dataset:: assorted government
en: Thus, import of goods and services at constant price in 2004 is expected to expand by 9.2 percent, higher than
7.4 percent in 2003.
th:    2547  9.2  7.4  2546
similarity: 0.906
sub-dataset: apdf
en: Satellite images taken in November 2016 show that Vietnam lengthened its runway on Spratly Is-
land from less than 760 meters to more than 1 kilometer, the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) said.
 .. 2559 -
 760  1  -
similarity: 0.902
sub-dataset: paracrawl
en: Abundant vegetable proteins and dietary minerals are the best nutrients for shiny coat and smooth skin for pet .
 -
similarity: 0.906
3.2 Example of correctly aligned sentence pairs with low similarity score
sub-dataset: task master 1
en: Sure thing, and what would you like to drink?
th:  
similarity: 0.255
sub-dataset: task master 1
en: great, and you said for pick-up is that right?
th:  
similarity: 0.224
sub-dataset: mozilla common voice
en: A penny wise and a pound foolish.
th: 
similarity: 0.222
sub-dataset: mozilla common voice
en: Not yet, madam.
th:  
similarity: 0.192
sub-dataset: nus sms
en: Take your time.
th: 
similarity: 0.246
sub-dataset: nus sms
en: Sent. Check ur mailbox now.
th:  
similarity: 0.291
3.3 Example of incorrectly aligned sentence pairs with low similarity score
sub-dataset: apdf
en: If I were to characterize the border environment in one word, it would be in ‘volumes. The volumes of people
and goods crossing our border continues to grow exponentially.
  () -
 -
similarity: 0.206
sub-dataset: assorted government
en: It is advised to follow these steps to avoid heat-related stress:
th: - 
similarity: 0.043
sub-dataset: assorted government
en: - 18 January 2019 from 07.00 – 16.00 hrs.
th: . 
similarity: 0.008
sub-dataset: paracrawl
en: This rubber seal blocks water and foreign materials from entering the drag system.
th: 
similarity: 0.181
sub-dataset: paracrawl
en: Strawberries are available January through May, melons and grapes are available May through September and
Mandarin Oranges are available October through December.
 2 
similarity: 0.128
3.4 Example of sentence pairs with high similarity score but lack adequacy in source or target sentence
sub-dataset: generated reviews translator
en: Battery life not what I’d hoped for, maybe 2-3 hours shooting continuous video and then have to recharge
before you can fire again.
th:  2-3 
similarity: 0.633
sub-dataset: generated reviews translator
en: This is a pretty good album and I’m glad I got it, however it just doesn’t have the classic vibe that his other
albums or mixtapes seemed to have, plus there are several tracks from his mixtapes.
   
similarity: 0.792
sub-dataset: generated reviews translator
en: I don’t do the paranormal stuff as much so that doesn’t bother me.I’m not sure if I’ll read from this author
again.It seemed at times more story rather than character.
th:  
similarity: 0.517
sub-dataset: generated reviews translator
en: It will be going back immediately!
th:  !
similarity: 0.417
Appendix 4: Sample of Translation Results
The sampled translation results bellow are from the Transformer Base model trained on the train set (80%) from our 1
million segment pairs dataset where the source and target token for the MT model is subword (joined dictionary).
Direction: English Thai
Source: The centre was based at the Munich Fairgrounds, in what was formally Munich Airport. The building is
now known as the Munich Exhibition Centre.
 "" (Munich Fair) 
 "" (Munich Exhibition Centre)
 ""  
Source: I want the Almond Milk, and if they are out of that I would like the Coconut Milk.
Reference:  
Hypothesis:  
Source: Traveling intercity by bus is generally cheaper than traveling by train. Buses vary widely in
terms of comfort and onboard options depending on your budget. One big advantage of traveling by bus
is that you can journey overnight, meaning that you save the money of a night’s accommodation. Expect
to take around eight or nine hours from Tokyo to the western city of Osaka. The biggest transport hub for
buses is the Shinjuku Expressway Bus Terminal , where you can board a bus headed for every corner of the country.
 -
 -
 1   ""  8-9
  "  () " -
 -
 -
  
 8  9  8-9  -
  
Source: Additionally, B cells present antigens (they are also classified as professional antigen-presenting cells
(APCs)) and secrete cytokines. In mammals, B cells mature in the bone marrow, which is at the core of most
bones. In birds, B cells mature in the bursa of Fabricius, a lymphoid organ where they were first discovered by
Chang and Glick, (B for bursa) and not from bone marrow as commonly believed.
 ()  -
 
 "Haematopoietic Stem cell"    Bursa of
Fabricius  "" ( B  Bone Marrow 
  B  () 
 cytokins   B   
B  Bursa of Fricius, lymphoid organ  Chang and Glick (B for Bursa)
Direction: Thai English
 Jonathan Frakes 
Reference: This beautiful film is beautifully filmed by cinematographer Jonathan Frakes in the early spring of 2002.
Hypothesis: This beautiful film is beautifully filmed by the filmmaker Jonathan Frakes in early spring 2002.
     -
Reference: Okay. I have two suggestions. How about Arrival, a drama sci-fi with themes of time travel and aliens?
Or how about Interstellar, an action and adventure sci fi with themes of space and time travel?
Hypothesis: I’d recommend it. What’s Ful? Dramma Xyfi has time theme with aliens and Interstellars. Action
events like Avengers Science have space themes and overseas.
 SOP  
 ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004  EC 
11B 
Reference: In order to keep pace with the fast technology development nowadays and to ensure proper SOP, all
our company and factories have successfully obtained the certificates of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and EC
Quality System Certificate including Article 11B.
Hypothesis: To keep up with current rapid technology development and ensure that all companies and our plants
have received ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004 and EC quality system certificates, including Article 11B.
 "" ()  "" () ( -
)     (Best Motion
Picture)     (Lifetime Achivement)
Reference: Golden Bear (”Goldener B
ar)” Silver Bear (”Silberner B
ar”) The Silver Bear was introduced in 1956
as an award for individual achievements in direction and acting, and for best short film.
Hypothesis: The Golden Bear (Silver Bear) and the Golden Bear (Silver Bear) are two categories: the Golden
Bear Award for Best Motion Picture and the Golden Bear Award for Lifetime Achievement.
The following sampled translation results shows the different in translated sentence for each pair of source and target
token (word-level, subword-level) of the MT model.
Direction: English Thai
 "  " -
   ""
Reference: Closer to central Tokyo is Dejikyu BBQ Caf
e in Odaiba, where you can barbecue on a comfortable
wooden deck overlooking Rainbow Bridge.
bpe bpe : Another closer to downtown is Dejikyu’s BBQ Cafe, where you can grill BBQ on a woody balcony
with a view of Rainbow Bridge.
word : Another closer to downtown is ¡unk¿’s BBQ Cafe, where you can barbecue on a cozy wooden
porch with a view of Rainbow Bridge.
bpe : Another closer to the city center is DejiQ BBQ Cafe, where you can barbecue on a wooden balcony
with a casual atmosphere while watching Rainbow Bridge.
word : Another closer location to downtown is ¡unk¿ BBQ Cafe, where you can barbecue on a casual
wooden balcony with a view of Rainbow Bridge.
Source:  Mattel  13  19.72 
Reference: Shares of Mattel were down 13 cents to $19.72 on the New York Stock Exchange.
bpe bpe : Mattel’s shares fell 13 cents to $19.22 on the New York Stock Exchange.
word word : Shares of the ¡unk¿ have been down 13 cents to $25 in the New York Stock Exchange.
word bpe : Shares of Mattel fashion fell 13 cents to dollar on the New York Stock Exchange.
bpe word : Matte’s shares were down 13 cents to $72 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Direction: Thai English
Source: Closer to central Tokyo is Dejikyu BBQ Caf
e in Odaiba, where you can barbecue on a comfortable
wooden deck overlooking Rainbow Bridge.
Reference :
 "  " -
   ""
bpe :
   ""  -
word :
    "     "         
     
bpe :
 "" -
word :
     "      "         
         
Source: Shares of Mattel were down 13 cents to $19.72 on the New York Stock Exchange.
Reference:  Mattel  13  19.72 
bpe bpe :  Mattel  13  19.72 
word word :      13   29.32    
word bpe :  13  $ 87.54 
bpe word :   Matte  13   19.7    
Appendix 5: Descriptive Statistics of Resulting Dataset
5.1 English/Thai Character Ratio for Each Sub-dataset
Sub-dataset name
Character Ratio
mean median (min, max)
task master 1
en 0.78 0.78 (0.51-1.00)
th 0.96 0.96 (0.51-1.00)
generated reviews translator
en 0.79 0.80 (0.42-0.94)
th 0.97 0.99 (0.40-1.00)
nus sms
en 0.76 0.76 (0.00-1.00)
th 0.94 0.95 (0.00-1.00)
msr paraphrase
en 0.81 0.81 (0.66-0.88)
th 0.89 0.93 (0.11-1.00)
mozilla common voice
en 0.79 0.80 (0.56-0.94)
th 0.98 1.00 (0.50-1.00)
generated reviews crowd
en 0.79 0.79 (0.60-0.89)
th 0.97 0.99 (0.60-1.00)
generated reviews yn
en 0.79 0.80 (0.52-0.94)
th 0.97 1.00 (0.50-1.00)
assorted government
en 0.81 0.82 (0.52-0.92)
th 0.93 0.94 (0.25-1.00)
thai websites
en 0.81 0.81 (0.55-0.94)
th 0.83 0.85 (0.46-1.00)
en 0.82 0.82 (0.54-0.91)
th 0.90 0.93 (0.50-1.00)
en 0.81 0.81 (0.51-0.91)
th 0.89 0.93 (0.50-1.00)
en 0.82 0.82 (0.65-0.89)
th 0.96 0.97 (0.52-1.00)
Table 13: Mean, median, minimum and maximum ratio of English and Thai characters in the segments for each
sub-dataset. English characters include English alphabet. Thai characters include Thai consonants, vowels, tone
diacritics, currency symbol (
) and digits (
). Specifically, the range of Unicode is 0E01-0E29.
Numbers are counted as characters for both English and Thai.
5.2 English-to-Thai Tokens Ratio for Each Sub-dataset
Sub-dataset name
English-to-Thai Tokens Ratio
mean median (min, max)
task master 1
1.18 1.14 (0.16-2.86)
generated reviews translator
1.15 1.10 (0.20-11.75)
nus sms
1.01 1.00 (0.07-16.00)
msr paraphrase
1.09 1.07 (0.41-2.38)
mozilla common voice
1.21 1.17 (0.18-8.00)
generated reviews crowd
1.17 1.14 (0.21-4.50)
generated reviews yn
1.18 1.14 (0.33-4.25)
assorted government
1.02 1.00 (0.16-4.67)
thai websites
0.92 0.89 (0.04-11.28)
0.97 0.97 (0.40-2.11)
1.07 1.00 (0.12-4.11)
0.95 0.94 (0.18-2.79)
Table 14: Mean, median, minimum and maximum ratio of English-to-Thai tokens. We use newmm tokenizer from
pyThaiNLP to tokenize Thai words, and NLTK to tokenize English words. Spaces are excluded from English-to-Thai
ratio calculation.