Remember, premium-free Part A coverage begins 6
months before the date you apply for Medicare (or Social
Security/RRB benets), but no earlier than the 1
you were eligible for Medicare. To avoid a tax penalty, you
should stop contributing to your HSA at least 6 months
before you apply for Medicare. If unsure of how Medicare
Parts A or B will work with your employer coverage,
talk with your employer about your HSA options. We
recommend you have this discussion up to 6 months
before you turn age 65.
If you have health care protection from other
If you have TRICARE (insurance for active-duty, military
retirees, and their families), your health benets can
change or end when you become eligible for Medicare.
This applies for any reason, regardless of age or place
of residence. If you’re retired from the military or are
a military retiree’s family member, you must enroll in
Part A and Part B once you become eligible to keep
TRICARE coverage. You can nd a military health
benets adviser at milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil or
call the Defense Manpower Data Center, toll-free at
1-800-538-9552 (TTY 1-866-363-2883), before you decide
whether to enroll in Medicare Part B.
If you have health care protection from the Indian Health
Service, Department of Veterans Affairs, or a state
medical assistance program, contact those ofces. They
can help you decide if it’s to your advantage to have
Medicare Part B.
IMPORTANT: If you have VA coverage and don’t enroll
in Part B when you’re rst eligible, you may have to pay
a late enrollment penalty. This penalty applies for as long
as you have Part B coverage. Also, you may have to wait
to enroll, which will delay this coverage.