Warner Bros. Discovery Workforce
Privacy Notice
Effective date: January 2023
Warner Bros. Discovery and its broader group of affiliated companies (“Warner Bros.
Discovery”, we”, ouror us”) are committed to fair data protection practices, including
when Processing information about our Workforce (as defined below).
You can learn more about Warner Bros. Discovery affiliate companies by visiting our
controller and affiliate site.
This privacy notice informs our Workforce of all possible Processing by, and on behalf of,
Warner Bros. Discovery entities of personal information pertaining to the Workforce in
connection with their employment or engagement. In the event that laws in certain
jurisdictions require different or stricter standards for the Processing of personal
information than those described in this privacy notice, relevant Warner Bros. Discovery
entities will follow such jurisdictional laws, rules or regulations.
means any non-employee working for or on behalf of Warner Bros. Discovery,
including contingent workers or contractors (whether directly or indirectly contracted),
agency workers, freelancers, consultants, secondees and individuals on work
experience/work shadowing placements.
are the Warner Bros. Discovery entities that decide the purpose and the
manner in which any Processing of Personal Information will be carried out (a list of
Controllers can be found by visiting our controller and affiliate site). For Personnel (as
defined below), the Warner Bros. Discovery entity that employs you is always a Controller
of your Personal Information. For Contractors, the Warner Bros. Discovery entity that
engages you or the organisation that you work for, is always a Controller of your Personal
Information. For all Workforce, depending on the particular Processing activity (as
described below), there may be more than one Controller with respect to that particular
Personal Information (for example, where your Personal Information is shared with a parent
company for business planning purposes, this parent company may also be a Controller in
respect of that Processing). If you have any questions about who the Controller is for your
Personal Information, please contact us using the methods set out in section 10 below.
means employees (regardless of classification or type and including full-time
employees, temporary employees, and interns). Solely for purposes of this privacy notice,
the definition also comprises all personnel referred to under the California Consumer
Privacy Act,
Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.145(m), for purposes of providing required notices.
The definition of “Personnel” under this privacy notice is not intended to be co-extensive
with the definition of “employee” or other personnel-related terms under any applicable
employment or other law.
Personal Information
means any data or information Processed by us that identifies,
relates to, describes or is capable of being associated with, or may reasonably be linked,
directly or indirectly, with an individual.
Processing, Process, Processed
refers to any action that is performed by or on behalf of
Warner Bros. Discovery on Personal Information, such as collecting, viewing, accessing,
recording, organising, analysing, storing, modifying, using, disclosing or deleting such
Personal Information and/or as otherwise defined by any applicable laws.
Sensitive Personal Information
means Personal Information that requires a high degree of
protection by law. In particular, under this privacy notice, Sensitive Personal Information
includes all information identified as a special category of personal data under the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and other applicable data protection laws, and/or
regulations. Sensitive Personal Information includes Personal Information revealing racial
or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union
membership, genetic data and biometric data Processed for the purpose of uniquely
identifying an individual, data concerning health, sex life or sexual orientation, as well as
Personal Information relating to criminal convictions and offences or related security
measures, and in certain jurisdictions where required under applicable law, passwords and
financial information (such as bank account, or credit or debit card, or other payment
instrument details).
Contractors and
Personnel of Warner Bros. Discovery.
We will collect Personal Information directly from the Workforce, requested or otherwise
provided as part of your employment or engagement, including contact details, such as
address, telephone number, email address, financial information, such as bank account
details, and other identifiers, where applicable.
We may also create Personal Information as part of your employment or engagement,
such as records of your services, performance, skills and experience, salary or billing
information, and absence records.
To the extent permitted by law and where necessary to achieve the purposes of
Processing, we may collect Personal Information from other sources, including but not
limited to:
Government organizations, health providers and benefits providers, for example
information needed to help identify which benefits have been sought or are needed
to ensure compliance with taxation laws;
Business partners and service providers such as, companies providing training and
any other related activities, companies providing background checks, phone
companies and travel companies and agencies, to name a few. This can include
details of your training, details included in any background or vetting check and
details of your use of our service providers;
Workforce supervisors and colleagues;
Publicly available information that may be posted on the internet, in newspapers,
etc. where used in connection with investigations or vetting the Workforce, or
which is otherwise brought to our attention;
In the case of Contractors, we will only collect Personal Information to the extent
necessary to achieve the purposes of Processing in connection with the Contractors
engagement for or on behalf of Warner Bros. Discovery and such engagement is not
considered co-extensive with employment or other personnel-related terms under any
applicable employment or other law.
Subject to any applicable limitations under law or contract, we may process each of the
categories of personal information identified above for the following purposes:
Human Resources and Workforce Management
: These processes are activities
undertaken by Warner Bros. Discovery to maintain and manage a workforce.
Examples include: interviewing, recruiting and hiring; transfers, travel and/or
relocations (including immigration assistance) including family members, partners or
next of kin; recording and managing terms and conditions of employment or
engagement; conducting surveys; ensuring business continuity; arranging and
reimbursing business travel and entertainment expenses; arranging, managing and
monitoring periods of time off, including annual or sick leave and reintegration back
into the workforce; investigating and resolving conflict of interest issues; conducting
workplace investigations into compliance with applicable laws and Warner Bros.
Discovery policies; allocating, reviewing and delivering pay and other compensation;
managing careers, including reviewing and appraising performance; training,
leadership development, succession, management; managing disciplinary and
grievances procedures; providing training; administering benefits, including health
insurance plans, pensions, and family-friendly offerings; providing engagement
opportunities, including discounts, loyalty or affinity programs, and access to
sweepstakes, promotions, competitions, awards and company products and
services; complying with applicable employment and worker related legal
requirements, including anti-discrimination and health and safety requirements;
monitoring diversity and implementing diversity initiatives; communicating with the
Workforce and/or their representatives, including using personal communication
channels in emergency situations; enabling enterprise collaboration including
document sharing and storage; publishing directories; and organizing events.
Business Process Execution and Management
: These processes are activities
carried out in order to run the business operations of Warner Bros. Discovery.
Examples include: scheduling, recording, monitoring, evaluating and facilitating
work engaged by WBD and relevant third parties, including administration and
storage of documents; budgeting, planning and forecasting for operational and
financial purposes, including supply of products (including TV, film, video game,
publishing and other content production); project management and
headcount/resource allocation; auditing; configuring and testing new, updated or
upgraded systems, software and applications; allocating, supporting and
monitoring access to company facilities and systems; managing company assets
including approving and liaising on artwork for licensed products; tracking, collating
and analyzing global business statistics, other data elements, and licensed
business activities, including for financial purposes; and operating and maintaining
TV, theatrical, and games accounting systems.
Safety, Security and Business Continuity
: These processes are activities
undertaken by Warner Bros. Discovery to ensure the safety and protection of its
Workforce, resources, systems, customers and consumers, assets and
communities. Examples include: protecting occupational health and safety;
providing technical and operational security with respect to our resources, assets,
systems, information and facilities; making WBD systems and business information
and data available to relevant business divisions while being adequately protected
and supported; operating disaster recovery, back-up, business continuity and alert
systems; and authenticating an individual’s status to authorize access to WBD
resources and facilities.
Regulatory Compliance
: Warner Bros. Discovery operates various policies,
processes and procedures to comply with applicable laws and regulations,
including local, state, federal and international laws and regulations. Examples
include: providing whistleblower protections, where necessary to fulfill statutory
compliance obligations (such as our obligations under U.S. legislation, including the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and/or the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act); monitoring ethical
and regulatory compliance including tracking and recording conflicts of interest;
administering and providing training in relation to regulatory and compliance issues;
and implementing and monitoring WBD policies. WBD also cooperates from time to
time as required with regulators in various jurisdictions (such as data protection
authorities, tax authorities and law enforcement or sector-specific regulators).
The foregoing purposes of Processing are not an indication that such Human Resource,
Business Resource, Safety and Security or other processes have been applied on the same
basis and/ or terms as have extended to Personnel or are intended to be co-extensive with
employment or other personnel-related terms under any applicable employment or other
If Warner Bros. Discovery introduces a new process or tool that will result in the Processing
of personal information for a purpose different from the purpose for which the personal
information was collected, the WBD entity responsible for the new process or tool will, to
the extent required by applicable law, inform the Workforce of the new process or tool and
provide any required notices and/or choices.
In the UK and in countries where the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies,
we Process your Personal Information under the following legal bases:
(i) To establish and perform any contract with you, to maintain, manage or terminate any
contractual relationship and to enable you to perform any services for the purposes of
your employment or engagement, or any services you are engaged to perform, or as
necessary in connection with services or benefits you request from us, in particular:
Administration of payroll and benefits and absence, compensation and expense
management, if applicable;
Managing our Workforce and service providers, for example, onboarding and exit
management, recording hours of work and absence, compliance with service levels
and performance;
Allowing you access to medical insurance, pension schemes and other benefits
offered by Warner Bros. Discovery and other providers including management of
employee transfers, travel and/or relocation (including immigration assistance), if
applicable. Some benefits may require you to provide Personal Information
concerning family members, partners or next of kin, in which case you must inform
them before providing the Personal Information to us and obtain their consent if this
is required by applicable law;
Rights management and placement of credits, if applicable; and
Arranging professional travel (including hotel accommodation) and relevant
(ii) To comply with a legal obligation including for:
Making deductions from payroll for tax and social security purposes and providing
information to tax and social security authorities as required by law, if applicable;
Managing statutory sick pay and maternity/paternity/parental pay, if applicable;
Engaging in mandatory employee relations engagement activities;
Carrying out necessary checks on right to work; and
Carrying out or obtaining occupational health and safety and necessary medical
For our legitimate interests, as listed below (where our interests are not overridden
by your data protection rights or your fundamental rights and freedoms), or where
you have given your consent, which may be withdrawn at any time, as may be
permitted under applicable law: Developing our Workforce for example, training
and leadership development, succession management, award recognition, social
corporate responsibility activities, surveys and communications to the Workforce;
Planning our business, including succession planning, reorganisation and
restructuring, office location planning, business and HR reporting and statistical
analysis of our workforce, promotional planning, pitching, applications for awards
and other professional recognition, collaborating or participating in industry
initiatives, applying for entertainment industry incentives (if applicable), attending
and organising professional or promotional events, any activities relating to disaster
recovery, back-up and daily business continuity and recording/archiving any
business operations and any documents including contracts, emails, productions or
marketing creations;
Developing, commissioning, producing, publishing, distributing, promoting and
commercialising our productions, games and/or other audio-visual content, if
Storing and archiving our productions, games and/or other audio-visual content, if
Protecting our legitimate business interests and legal rights. This includes but is not
limited to, use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, auditing,
investigative and disciplinary purposes (including disclosure of such information in
connection with legal process or litigation, or where requested by law enforcement
or other relevant third parties) and Processing in connection with ethics and
compliance policies such as the Standards of Business Conduct and related
reporting tools;
Managing the performance and security of our equipment, facilities, intellectual
property and electronic platforms in accordance with our policies. This includes
administering access rights, management and control of building and area access
including access logs, monitoring compliance with information security and other
Warner Bros. Discovery policies, operating CCTV and other recording software and
systems, and where permitted by local law and in accordance with relevant policies,
using Personal Information for investigations and disciplinary actions;
Ensuring the safety and protection of our Workforce and visitors;
Providing communication services such as email, telephone, and internet access;
Carrying out communications and engagement activities,
including sending internal
communications to Staff (including communicating with, and alerting, Staff during a
crisis), Staff discounts, loyalty or affinity programs, and access to promotions,
competitions, and company products, managing participation in events and handling
emergency contact information;
Publishing internal directories, charts and providing other internal communications
tools. This includes the information you provide for any internal company profile
(including your photo, if applicable and permitted under applicable law);
As applicable, analysing and monitoring the diversity of the workforce in accordance
with applicable laws. This includes, for example, compliance with equal opportunity
employment law;
Obtaining insurance and processing claims;
Conducting Workforce surveys and engaging third parties to conduct Workforce
surveys; and
Handling your Personal Information in connection with recruitment or onboarding
activities you engage in, including CV reviews, interviews, conflicts of interest,
(where permitted by law) relevant vetting and background checks and applying for
visa/work permits, if applicable.
(iii) Where you have given your consent such as:
Providing references to third parties where you have requested;
Carrying out certain vetting and background checks where your consent is required
by law; and
Processing as described in any other consent we seek from you.
Where any of these purposes involves the Processing of Sensitive Personal Information,
this will only be done where this is permitted by applicable law or as necessary to comply
with applicable law, for example because you have given your explicit and freely given
consent (which may be in writing), because you have manifestly made the Personal
Information public, because we are required to carry out the Processing due to applicable
employment or health, benefit, reasonable accommodations or social security laws, or
because there is a substantial public interest in this Processing.
Where the Processing activities described above involve monitoring activities, any such
monitoring, surveillance, interception, or investigation activities would be conducted in
accordance with governance arrangements to ensure compliance with applicable laws
(where applicable laws permit such monitoring activities) and internal policies. We monitor
our network and communications systems through automated tools such as network
authentication and wireless connectivity hardware and software, anti-malware software,
website filtering and spam filtering software, security software for cloud-based
applications, access and transaction logging, and mobile device management solutions in
order to protect our Workforce and business partners. Any Personal Information gathered
may be used to:
ensure the security of our network systems and assets, and the safety and security
of our Workforce, network and device management and support;
network and device management and support;
business transactions and recordkeeping;
protection of confidential information and WBD materials;
establish the facts and as evidence in any potential/subsequent legal, criminal, or
disciplinary proceeding/actions or violations of our corporate policies, standards,
and procedures. Monitoring may also be used for business continuity purposes,
including where particular Workforce are absent or have left the business.
All messages, files, data, documents, audio/video, social media posts or instant message
communications, or any other types of information transmitted to, through or from,
received or printed from, or created, stored or recorded on our network and
communications systems (included via the use of personal devices that access our network
and communication system), are business-related and are monitored or accessed by us in
accordance with applicable law and any workplace agreements (such as collective
bargaining agreements), and subject to WBD’s existing policies on access to and uses of
this data. Monitoring may include any and all use of telephones, computers, email, and
Internet. Warner Bros. Discovery reserves the right to monitor the Workforce use of WBD
technology resources to the maximum extent permitted by law, and to review, use, and
disclose any information created, stored, or transmitted on our information technology
systems for legitimate business purposes, including, without limitation, to respond to
government investigations, or as necessary in legal proceedings.
Warner Bros. Discovery engages in video or electronic monitoring activities (video, still
footage or other means of electronic monitoring such as badge readers) in its workplaces
(including remote workplaces) and the Workforce understands that Warner Bros.
Discovery engages in such monitoring practices. Surveillance tools may be used in any
common areas for business purposes, including, without limitation, for safety, security
purposes and productivity related purposes. Warner Bros. Discovery engages in
workplace electronic monitoring and accesses information created, transmitted, or
stored via its network for safety, security, compliance, and productivity-related purposes.
Warner Bros. Discovery collects this information routinely and accesses it on an as-
needed basis. Warner Bros. Discovery may employ special monitoring tools or change
settings of existing monitoring tools as part of a reasonable investigation or to meet legal
obligations. Signs indicating the presence of video monitoring may be posted at
Warner Bros. Discovery holds Personal Information only for as long as is necessary for the
purposes for which the Personal Information is Processed. This means that the retention
periods will vary according to the type of Personal Information and the reason that we have
this Personal Information.
Generally, we will hold your Personal Information for the course of your employment
relationship or engagement with us (except where applicable law only allows for a shorter
period) and for a certain period after termination of employment or engagement. We have
a detailed internal retention policy that sets out varying retention periods for different
categories of Personal Information, depending on our legal obligations and whether there
is a commercial need to retain the Personal Information. After a retention period has lapsed,
the Personal Information is securely deleted, unless, where permitted under applicable law,
it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. For further
information regarding applicable retention periods, you should contact your Controller
using the contact methods set out below.
Warner Bros. Discovery may share your Personal Information with third parties or within
the Warner Bros. Discovery group of companies that are located around the world and
particularly in the United States, where Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. is based. You can learn
more about Warner Bros. Discovery affiliate companies by visiting our controller and
affiliate site. Whenever we transfer Personal Information outside of the United Kingdom,
Switzerland, European Economic Area (EEA), Mainland China or any country that restricts
data transfers, we ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place by using appropriate
data transfer mechanisms such as an adequacy decision adopted by the applicable
jurisdiction such as the EU Commission using approved Standard Contractual Clauses,
international data transfer certifications, or codes of conduct, or Binding Corporate Rules.
The Workforce may obtain further information about the transfer mechanism we rely on
when transferring their Personal Information outside the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the
EEA, or other jurisdictions that may require a transfer mechanism by contacting us at
Data sharing within the Warner Bros. Discovery family of companies
All Warner Bros. Discovery entities are part of the Warner Bros. Discovery group of
companies operating internationally. All members of the group support and interact with
each other to run their businesses and to set group-wide strategy. Certain Personal
Information can be accessed by any of the Warner Bros. Discovery group of companies on
a worldwide basis (such as corporate directory information) where there is a legal basis to
do so. Other Personal Information will be Processed by your line managers, members of
your local HR team and the Legal, Compliance, Financial, and HR shared services teams
where relevant, necessary and legally permitted. Some of these Workforce and IT systems
may be located outside of your country, including in the US. All access is subject to data
security measures and internal controls established under applicable Warner Bros.
Discovery policies and is restricted to what is relevant and proportionate for the relevant
legitimate purpose.
Certain Personal Information is shared among Warner Bros. Discovery group of companies
for group reporting, legal, management and regulatory purposes, including name, employee
and ID numbers, birth date, gender, role information and salary information.
Learn more about Warner Bros. Discovery companies by visiting our controller and affiliate
Change of Control
In the event we go through a business transition such as a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy,
reorganization, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, or a diligence process in connection
with a potential business transaction, the information we collect and maintain may be
disclosed, sold, or transferred as part of that transaction. If such transfer is subject to
additional restrictions under applicable laws, we will comply with such restrictions.
Data sharing with third parties
We may share your information with various third parties as Warner Bros. Discovery group
of companies needs to engage with these third parties to run every aspect of its business.
Where necessary for the Processing activities set out herein, Warner Bros. Discovery
shares Personal Information with:
Third party service providers
which help Warner Bros. Discovery carry out its business
activities, for example, IT providers (resources and support), training providers,
security companies, benefits providers, payroll and other HR related service providers,
travel/events/communication companies, hotel and transport companies etc. as well
as any advisers (e.g., lawyers, accountants, auditors, etc.) and insurance companies;
Business partners
such as event partners, co-producers, broadcasters, licensees and
distributors and awards organisers; and
Other relevant third parties
such as journalists, professional organisations, industry
bodies, public/governmental agencies or authorities, law enforcement, emergency
contacts and services or potential purchasers of Warner Bros. Discovery or parts of its
business and the advisors of those potential purchasers.
We aim to protect personal information by implementing and maintaining reasonable and
appropriate security, such as by using reasonable organizational, technical and physical
safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information we hold.
You also have an obligation to help protect Warner Bros. Discovery systems and data, and
to comply with applicable policies and procedures concerning information security. If you
suspect there has been a breach of our systems, your IT credentials, or any other
circumstances that may compromise the security, integrity, confidentiality or availability
of Warner Bros. Discovery IT resources or data, you must report your concerns
For any urgent cybersecurity matters or emergencies, contact the Security Operations
Centre at +1 (404) 827-1900 or cybersecurity@wbd.com. The SOC is here to help you
As provided for by applicable law, you may have the right to access your Personal
Information; to correct (or update), delete or restrict (stop any active) Processing of your
Personal Information; and to obtain the Personal Information we provide to you in a
structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to ask us to share this
Personal Information to another controller (portability).
In addition, you may have the right to object to the Processing of your Personal Information
in some circumstances (in particular, where we don’t have to Process the Personal
Information to meet a contractual or other legal requirement). Where Warner Bros.
Discovery has asked for your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any
time by contacting your Controller using the contact methods set out below.
As provided for by applicable law, you may also have the right not to be subject to certain
wholly automated decisions.
The rights set out above are not always applicable or may be limited under the GDPR or
applicable law. Under certain circumstances, Warner Bros. Discovery may not action a
request for these reasons. Warner Bros. Discovery will inform you of relevant exemptions
we rely upon when responding to any request you make.
If you are not happy with how Warner Bros. Discovery has responded to your request or
how we Process your Personal Information, you also have the right to complain to the data
protection authority where you live, work or where you believe a breach has occurred and
the right to bring an action before courts.
We will tell you where Personal Information collection is mandatory this will include
Personal Information that is necessary to perform our contract with you, information
needed to check your right to work and to manage your performance. As permitted under
applicable law, failure to provide information may be a breach of your agreement with us
and may have disciplinary consequences. Staff are also required to report any changes to
Personal Information that is mandatory (in particular, your bank account number and any
changes in your contact details). Where Personal Information is optionally provided, for
example details of an emergency contact, there may be some adverse consequences if
you refuse to provide this.
To exercise any of the rights listed in section 9 above, or if you have any queries or
concerns about the way that Warner Bros. Discovery Processes your Personal Information
(or any questions about this privacy notice), or to contact your Controller or your
Controller’s Data Protection Officer, please email privacy.support@wbd.com. You can also
contact your local People and Culture team with your queries or concerns, but use of the
email address above will better direct your query to our Privacy team.
Ethics and Compliance Office,
230 Park Avenue South, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10003
24-hour Compliance Helpline:
(800) 375-0288 OR (800) 398-6395 (calls can be made anonymously)
Warner Bros. Discovery reserves the right to modify this privacy notice at any time. We
encourage you to periodically check back and review this notice so that you always know
our current privacy practices.
We are committed to ensuring that our communications are accessible to individuals with
disabilities. To submit accessibility related requests or report barriers to accessibility,
please contact us at the address, phone, or email address above.
This supplementary information applies to all Workforce referred to under the California
Consumer Privacy Act for purposes of providing required notices.
This California Privacy Rights, Metrics, and Disclosure section addresses legal obligations
and rights laid out in the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and other laws that
apply only to California residents. These obligations and rights apply only to California
residents and only to information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably
capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with
California Workforce or their households (“California Information”). It does not apply to
information that has been de-identified or aggregated as provided by CCPA.
CCPA Metrics 
Regulations require us to provide disclosure of metrics for the previous calendar year
regarding the requests by California residents. These metrics report the number of access,
deletion and correction requests made, the number fulfilled in whole, or in part, and the
number denied. That information can be found by navigating to the CCPA Metrics Reporting
California Information We Collected
In the year before this section was last updated, we may have collected the following
categories of California Information (each described further above under “Personal
Information Collected”):
Address and other identifiers
Unique and online identifiers
Categories of personal information described in California Civil Code § 1798.80
Characteristics of protected classifications under law
Professional or employment-related information
Education information
Audiovisual information
Geolocation information
California Sensitive Personal Information, which includes information revealing
Social Security, passport, and other government identification numbers; account
log-in and financial account numbers in combination with other information that may
provide access to an account (such as log-in credentials for our information systems
or direct deposit information); precise geolocation (such as through GPS trackers
on company vehicles); racial or ethnic origin; contents of communications for which
we are not the intended recipient (such as if an employee uses our information
systems for personal communications); information concerning health; and
biometric information processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual
Purposes for Collecting California Information
We may have collected or used these categories of California Information for the
following business or commercial purposes:
Performing services on behalf of the business such as human resources and
Staff management and business process execution and management
Helping to ensure security and integrity, such as fraud and crime prevention
Debugging errors in networks and systems
Internal research, analytics and development
Developing, maintaining, provisioning or upgrading networks, services, or devices
Auditing compliance with the CCPA and otherwise fulfilling our legal obligations
We retain California Personal Information only for as long as is necessary for the purposes
for which it was collected. This means that the retention periods will vary according to
the type of Personal Information and the reason that we have this Personal Information.
Generally, we hold California Personal Information for the course of your employment
relationship or engagement with us (except where applicable law only allows for a shorter
period) and for a certain period after termination of employment or engagement.
Sources of California Information
We may have obtained California Information from a variety of sources, including:
Directly from you
Indirectly, such as through third-party platforms
Our affiliates
Our joint ventures and promotional and strategic partners
Other individuals submitting information about you such as references and
referrals, or our service providers and business partners involved in Personnel
matters like recruitment
Publicly available sources
Disclosures of California Information:
In the year before this section was last updated, we may have disclosed the following
categories of California Information to third parties:
Address and other identifiers
Unique and online identifiers
Categories of personal information described in California Civil Code § 1798.80
Characteristics of protected classifications under law
Professional or employment-related information
Education information
Audiovisual information
Geolocation information
California Sensitive Personal Information, which includes information revealing
Social Security, passport, and other government identification numbers; account
log-in and financial account numbers in combination with other information that may
provide access to an account (such as log-in credentials for our information systems
or direct deposit information); precise geolocation (such as through GPS trackers
on company vehicles); racial or ethnic origin; contents of communications for which
we are not the intended recipient (such as if an employee uses our information
systems for personal communications); information concerning health; and
biometric information processed for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual
We may have disclosed each of these categories of California Information to the following
categories of third parties:
Affiliates These entities are associated with us through common ownership. For a
list of affiliates, please visit the affiliates page
Service Providers These entities Process information on our behalf for business
Other third parties to the extent necessary for purposes described in the Purposes
for Collecting California Information section above, such as our agents and
representatives, successors in interest, and as reasonably necessary to meet our
legal obligations.
We may have disclosed each of these categories of California Information for the purposes
described in the Purposes for Collecting California Information section above.
Selling and Sharing
Warner Bros. Discovery does not “sell” or “share” California Information of the Workforce,
and has not done so in the prior 12 months. In this context, “share” means use for cross-
context behavioral advertising. We also do not have actual knowledge of selling California
Information of consumers under 16 years of age.
Your California Privacy Rights to Request Disclosure of Information We Collect
and Disclose About You
If you are a California resident, the CCPA grants you the right to request certain information
about our practices with respect to California Information. In particular, you can request
the following:
The categories and specific pieces of your California Information that we’ve
The categories of sources from which we collected California Information
The business or commercial purposes for which we collected or sold California
The categories of third parties to which we disclosed California Information
You can submit a request to us for the following additional information:
The categories of third parties to whom we’ve sold California Information, and the
category or categories of California Information sold to each
The categories of third parties to whom we’ve disclosed California Information, and
the category or categories of California Information disclosed to each
Your Right to Request the Deletion of California Information
Upon your request, we will delete the California Information we have collected about you,
except for situations when that information is necessary for us to: provide you with a
product or service that you requested; perform a contract we entered into with you;
maintain the functionality or security of our systems; comply with or exercise rights
provided by the law; or use the information internally in ways that are compatible with the
context in which you provided the information to us, or that are reasonably aligned with
your expectations based on your relationship with us.
Your Right to Request the Correction of California Information
Upon your request, we will correct (or provide methods for self-correction) of the California
Information we have collected about you, taking into account the nature of the California
Personal Information and the purposes of the processing, except for situations when: there
is a good-faith, reasonable, and documented belief that the request to correct is fraudulent
or abusive; where we do not hold the information that is required to be corrected; or the
request to correct has denied the same alleged inaccuracy within the past six months of
receiving the request.
How to Exercise Your California Rights
You may exercise your rights to request access to your California Information, deletion of
your California Information, or correction of your California Information by submitting a
request here. You can also contact us at Employee Connections at (US): 818-954-4636 or
(US Toll-Free): 888-875-4455 for additional assistance. and an agent will assist you with
submitting a request.
When you submit a request, you must provide information sufficient to verify you are the
person about whom we collected California Personal Information (or the parent or
authorized agent of that person, as explained below). We will ask you to provide an email
address which we will use to contact you to confirm the request was not fraudulently
submitted. For your security and protection, we may need to verify your identity via a phone
call. We may ask you to submit additional documentation to verify your identity but we will
only use this information for the purposes of verifying your identity for your request,
security, or fraud-prevention, and not for any other purpose. That additional information
will be deleted as soon as practical after verifying your identity.
If you are the parent of a child under 13 years of age, you may also submit a request on
behalf of your child. To do so, we will ask you to provide your email address and your child’s
email address. We will then contact you at your email address to confirm the request was
not fraudulently submitted. We will then need to verify your identity and relationship to your
child. To do so we may ask you to submit a signed and notarized form authorizing us to
proceed with the request regarding your child’s California Information. We may also ask
you to provide additional documentation to verify your identity, but we will only use this
information for the purpose of verifying your identity for your request, security, or fraud-
prevention, and not for any other purpose. That additional information will be deleted as
soon as practical after processing your request. Once we have confirmed your identity and
authority to make a request on your child’s behalf, we will start processing the request.
You may also designate an authorized agent to submit a request on your behalf. We will
contact your authorized agent to confirm the request was not fraudulently submitted. We
will then need to verify your authorized agent’s identity and that they are authorized by you
to make the request on your behalf. To do so, we may ask your authorized agent to submit
either (1) a valid and notarized power of attorney, or (2) a document of written permission
authorizing your agent to act on your behalf, signed and notarized by both you and your
agent. In the event your authorized agent is relying on a signed and notarized document of
written permission from you, we may also need to verify your identity and/or contact you
directly to confirm permission to proceed with the request. Once we have confirmed your
authorized agent’s identity and authority to make a request on your behalf, we will start
processing the request.
Your authorized agent can make a request by contacting us here or Employee Connections
at (US): 818-954-4636 or (US Toll-Free): 888-875-4455.
Our Support for the Exercise of Your Data Rights
You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment if you exercise any of the rights
explained in this section of the privacy notice. We are committed to providing you control
over your California Information, and we will not disadvantage you if you choose to exercise
your rights.