Agreement for Dispatch Services
This agreement made as of this ____________day of _______________(month), ________ (year), by and
between Champions Dispatch LLC hereinafter referred to as (“Champions”)
and_______________________________________ (Contact Name) of
____________________________________ (
Company Name), hereinafter referred to as Client.
Whereas, Client is a Carrier/Owner Operator, desiring to retain Champions to provide dispatch services.
Whereas “Champions” is a transportation dispatcher handling the necessary paperwork for the Client.
The Client must, prior to the implementation of this agreement furnish to “Champions” the following:
1. A copy of Client’s certificate of authority (MC)
2. A copy of drivers’ licenses for owner operator and all drivers (CDL included)
3. Proof of Insurance Certificates (listing DISPATCH as certificate holder; Champions Dispatch, LLC., 1708
Spring Green Blvd, Ste 120, Katy, TX 77494)
4. Signed W-9 form
5. Signed power of attorney
6. Completed carrier profile sheet
7. Dispatch agreement form completed, dated, and signed.
1. Book loads on the Client’s behalf.
2. Find freight that best matches the profile for the Client.
3. Upon the Client agreeing to the load, Champions will fax to shipper / broker the Clients, Authority,
W-9, proof of insurance, and order insurance certificates if required, along with any other required
supporting documentation.
4. Handle the setting of appointments if necessary.
5. Provide access to our rates and shippers depending on location of the truck.
6. Assist with any problems that arise in the transit of the load, when necessary, within our capabilities.
Client is responsible for own equipment; we can direct you to 3
party resources if needed.
7. All load information is always available to the Client, “Champions” will hold on to the dispatch,
accessorial information, etc. until the load is completed.
8. Upon forwarding the final load confirmation, and mailing all documentation to the Client, the services
of “Champions” have been fully performed.
9. Book and communicate load information to drivers between 8am and 7pm Monday Friday. Client will
reach out to the broker for any issues regarding the load after 7pm.
Proof of Insurance Certificates (listing CHAMPIONS as certificate holder; Champions Dispatch, LLC., 1708
A. Obligations of the dispatcher
1. Dispatcher agrees to handle paperwork, phone, and fax to and from the Broker or Shipper to
tender commodities or shipments to Client for transportation in interstate commerce by Client
between points and places within the scope of Client’s operating authority.
2. Dispatcher bears no financial or legal responsibility in the transaction between the shipper, Client
3. Dispatcher will:
a. Make a 100% effort to keep Client’s truck(s) loaded.
b. Client will be contacted about every load we find offer, and the driver will Accept or Reject
the load. Client cannot cancel once the load is booked.
c. Invoice the Client at time of service, also provide a copy of each load Confirmation Sheet,
Client is being billed for.
B. Obligations of Client
1. Client gives “Champions” authority to provide his/her signature for rate confirmation sheets,
invoices and associated paperwork necessary for securing cargo and billing purposes.
2. Client agrees to collect payment from the Shipper promptly, following receipt of a freight bill and
proof of delivery of each shipment to its assigned destination, free of damage or shortage. The
amount to be paid by Shipper to Client shall be established between the parties on a per shipment
basis prior to commencement of each individual shipment. A load confirmation including details of
shipment and revenue to be paid will be supplied via FAX or EMAIL by Shipper to Client.
Confirmation will be signed by “Champions” and returned via FAX or EMAIL to Shipper.
3. Client agrees to text “Champions” when they arrive at the shipper.
4. Client agrees to text “Champions” once loaded.
5. Client agrees to text “Champions” once they arrive to the receiver.
6. Client agrees to text “Champions” once loaded from receiver.
7. In the event of a breakdown, Client is responsible for contacting roadside. We recommend signing
up with a roadside company and issuing that contact info to your driver. Client is responsible for
payment of any needed repairs.
8. Client nor driver is allowed to cancel once a load is booked.
9. Client is responsible for obtaining all permits.
10. Deposit in the amount of $250 (would go towards the last week of service)
The client will be charged a $250 deposit that must be paid before the initial dispatch. This deposit will serve
as payment towards Client’s last week of service. Payment for dispatch services due to “Champions” from the
Carrier on this agreement will be calculated at the end of each business week at a rate of 8.5% of the gross
load amount based on all rate confirmations received from brokers/shippers. Payment is due the following
Tuesday by 5:00 pm or dispatch services will be paused until payment is made. Payments not received by the
end of the following business week (7 days from Friday), will cause the Client to be in default and require a
$250 dispatch reinstatement fee on top of the delayed payment before services resume. The Clients deposit
will be forfeited if there is a failure to make payment to “Champions” past 14 days of the scheduled due dates.
Monday by 5:00 pm
“Champions” will invoice the Client as per the terms of the agreement via Email, U.S. Mail or faxing said
invoice. Payment can be made to “Champions” by Zelle, QuickBooks, Apple Pay, Wires, ACH Deposits, Certified
Check, or Money Order. Cash App nor Venmo is accepted. Once the payment is processed the Client will be
sent a confirmation receipt via email, fax or US Mail.
Once a load has been set up for the Client and all information given, it will be the responsibility of the Client to
handle directly with the shipping party any problems, issues, delays, overages, shortages, damages, or billing
and collections issues, unless, you have decided for additional services from “Champions.”
In no event will “Champions” be liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages for the loss of
profits, or business interruption arising out of the use of the service.
We do not guarantee a minimum gross amount for trucks under our dispatch service, but our weekly gross
quota is $5,000. Each truck, however, can gross more depending on how hard the driver is willing to work.
1. Term
a. The term of this agreement shall be effective as of the date hereof and shall continue hereafter
for an ongoing term, subject to the right of either party to cancel the agreement at any time
upon not less than thirty (30) days written notice by certified mail of one party to the other.
b. Agreements terminated by client without the certified 30-day notice will forfeit their deposit.
2. Loading Procedures
Commercial vehicles must be loaded in such a manner as to prevent its cargo from leaking, spilling,
blowing or falling from the vehicle. The cargo must be immobilized or secured to prevent shifting to
the extent that the vehicle’s stability or maneuverability is affected. All vehicle structures, systems,
parts and components used to secure cargo must be in proper working order with no damaged or
weakened components that will adversely affect their performance. Cargo must be firmly immobilized
or secured on or within a vehicle by structures of adequate strength, dunnage or dunnage bags,
shoring bars, tie-downs or a combination of these. Articles of cargo that are likely to roll must be
restrained by chocks, wedges, a cradle or equivalent means to prevent rolling. Federal regulations
provide for specific means of securing logs, building products, metal coils, paper rolls, concrete pipes,
intermodal containers, automobiles, heavy equipment, crushed vehicles, and boulders. Cargo must be
secured so that when a vehicle decelerates at a rate of 20 feet per second, the cargo will remain on the
vehicle and will not penetrate the vehicle’s front-end structure. Any vehicle having a load or
component which extends beyond the sides more than 4 inches or more than 4 feet beyond the rear
must have the extremities marked with a red or orange fluorescent warning flag. If the projecting load
is 2 feet in width or less, only one flag is required at the extreme rear of the load. If the projecting load
is greater than 2 feet in width, two flags must be used at the extreme width and length on each side of
the load.
upon not less than fourteen (14) days written notice by mail/email of one party to the other.
Agreements terminated by client without a 14-day notice will forfeit their deposit.
quota is 5k+. Weekly gross will be predicated upon a number of independent variables that impact earnings.
3. Responsibilities for Proper Loading
A driver cannot operate a commercial vehicle unless (1) the cargo is properly distributed and
adequately secured, (2) the means of fastening the cargo is secured, and (3) the cargo does not
obscure the driver’s view or interfere with the movement of his arms or legs. A driver must assure
himself that the load is adequately secured before he drives the vehicle and must examine the cargo
and its load-securing devices within the first 50 miles after beginning a trip and adjust the load-
securing devices as needed. The driver must also reexamine the cargo and its securing devices when he
makes a change of his duty status, after the vehicle has been driven for three hours, or after the
vehicle has been driven 150 miles whichever comes first. The load inspection procedures do not apply
to a sealed trailer when the driver has been ordered not to open it or to a trailer that has been loaded
in a manner that makes inspection of the cargo impracticable.
If a member of the public is injured because of improperly loaded cargo, both the shipper who loaded
the cargo and the Client may be held liable for the injury. A shipper that assumes responsibility for
loading the vehicle can be held liable for improperly securing a load under a common law theory of
negligence, and federal regulations will provide evidence of the proper standard of care to be utilized
by the shipper in loading the vehicle. When the driver himself is injured in an accident, the shipper
cannot be held liable for the improper loading of the vehicle unless the loading defects are latent and
concealed and cannot be discerned by ordinary observation by the agents of the Client. In determining
if the defect in loading is patent and should have been discovered by the driver, a court will take into
consideration the experience of the driver and whether the driver is given assurances by the shipper’s
employees that there is no defect in the loading of the cargo. A motor Client cannot be held liable for
improperly loading a sealed trailer since the driver does not have the opportunity to inspect the load.
When a person is injured during the loading or unloading process at the shipper or consignee’s facility,
the trucking company’s liability will be determined according to the rules applicable to the facility
owner, and the company will be subject to the same liability or freedom from liability as the owner.
Champions Dispatch, LLC is NOT responsible for:
4. Billing Issues between carrier and brokers/shippers
5. Load problems during line haul
6. Advances (All advances will have to be handled directly between Client and Shipper / Broker)
7. Handling and storage of paperwork (All documents will be sent to Client unless other arrangements are
8. DOT compliance issues.
9. SPIKE Insurance
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of Texas without
giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of laws provision or rule (whether of the State of Texas or any
other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than those of the
State of Texas.
“Champions” and the Client hereby consent to and agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Federal and state
courts located in Houston, TX in connection with any claims or controversies arising out of the Agreement. IN
WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as the date written.
Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold “Champions Dispatch” and its customer (including their officers,
directors, employees, subcontractors, and agents) harmless from and against all liabilities, damage, fines,
penalties, costs, claims, demands, and expenses of whatever type or nature. Client shall be responsible for and
agrees to indemnify “Champions Dispatch” for all personal injury, property damage, loss, claim, injury,
obligation, or liability arising from Client’s actions, behavior, or transportation pursuant to this agreement.
Date: ______________
(Print Company Name)
(Signature of Representative)
(Print Representative Name/Title)
Date: ______________
Champions Dispatch LLC
(Signature of Representative)
(Print Representatives Name/Title)