International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 13 [Special Issue - July 2011]
Defensive and Offensive Strategies for Market Success
Dr. Peter Yannopoulos
Associate Professor
Brock University, St. Catharines
Ontario, Canada, L2S 3A1
Tel: (905) 688-5550 ext. 3909
In industries in which there is strategic interaction among competing firms, companies are continuously involved
in defensive and offensive strategies. In this paper we discuss several defensive and offensive strategies that
managers can you for market success. Defensive strategies are divided into pre-entry and post-entry stretegies.
Marketing managers should attempt to discourage would be entrants before entry has occurred. They can achieve
this goal by engaging in pre-entry startegies. After entry is occurred it is more difficult to persuade new entrants
to exit the industry. For this reason, marketing managers should use different defensive strategies for defending
their positions in pre-entry and post-entry situations.
Key words: Defensive strategies, offensive strategies, pre-entry strategies, post-entry strategies
1. Introduction
Competition forces companies to constantly engage in offensive and defensive marketing strategies. Rivalry
occurs because one or more competitors either feels the pressure or sees an opportunity to enter an industry or to
improve its position within an industry. In most cases, competitive moves by one firm have noticeable effects on
its competitors and, thus, may invite retaliation or efforts to counter the move (Porter 1980). Companies respond
to competitor challenges by counterattacking with increasing advertising expenditures, cutting prices, increasing
innovation, and introducing new products, or even accommodating the entrant by doing nothing or decreasing the
level of marketing effort (Karakaya and Yannopoulos, 2011; Scherer, 1980).
Firms grow by taking market share from rivals or creating new markets. Incumbents need to be prepared for
attacks by existing firms seeking to expand their business and new entrants. The incumbents’ objective is to
defend their market share and strengthen their position by making it harder for companies to enter or for existing
firms to challenge them. Incumbent firms may also attack in an attempt to enter a new market, reposition
themselves, or improve their market position. Markets are dynamic arenas where firms try to expand into their
industries or reposition themselves in other segments within the industry. As firms attempt to improve their
position, they engage in competitive battles and adopt offensive strategies. Successful use of offensive strategies
can help a firm improve its competitive position, gain market share, and increase profits. In this paper we discuss
both defensive and offensive marketing strategies. We, first, discuss the pre-entry and post-entry defensive
marketing strategies, and, then, a number of offensive marketing strategies.
2.0 Defensive Strategies
Because of ongoing rivalry, established firms need to engage in defensive strategies to fend off the various
challengers. The primary purpose of defensive strategy is to make a possible attack unattractive and discourage
potential challengers from attacking another firm. Incumbents try to shape the challenger’s expectations about the
industry’s profitability and convince them that the return on their investment will be so low that it does not
warrant making an investment in that industry. Defensive strategies work better when they take place before the
challenger makes an investment in the industry, or if they enter the industry before exit barriers are raised, making
it difficult for the challenger to leave the industry. For this reason, an incumbent needs to take timely action to
discourage a challenger from making any substantial commitment, because once the commitment is made, it is
more difficult to dissuade the challenger from following through with the attack especially if exit barriers are
high. If an attack has already begun, a defending firm may attempt to lower its intensity and potential for harm, by
directing the attack to areas where the firm is less vulnerable, or in areas which are less desirable to the attacker
(Porter, 1985).
Or they should initiate actions designed to make the entrant’s life difficult after entry has occurred.
This may convince the entrant that its calculations were too optimistic and its early experience in the industry is
so negative that it does not warrant continuing the entry effort.
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Over the years, marketing managers and business strategists have developed a number of defensive marketing
strategies to defend their position and maintain their sales and profitability. There are two types of defensive
marketing strategies. Pre-entry strategies are actions taken by incumbents before they are attacked by challengers.
Defensive marketing strategies may also take the form of post-entry actions that are initiated after the challenger
has entered the market (see Table 1).
2.1 Pre-Entry Defensive Strategies
Pre-entry defensive strategies are actions taken by firms intended to persuade potential entrants to believe that
market entry would be difficult or unprofitable. Such actions include signaling, fortify and defend, covering all
bases, continuous improvement, and capacity expansion.
Table 1: Defensive Strategies
2.11 Signaling
Companies often use signaling to announce their intention to take an action. Announcements can be made through
interviews with the press, press releases, speeches, trade journals, newspapers, and other means. Such
announcements may serve different objectives which are not necessarily mutually exclusive. They could signal
commitment to the industry and therefore try to preempt or deter competitors. A defending firm can effectively
keep potential entrants out of the industry by using the threat of retaliation. The higher the perceived probability
of retaliation and its degree of severity, the lower the probability of attack by a challenger. Firms enhance their
reputation for rigorous retaliation by the way they responded to past attacks, which signals their commitment to
defend their market share. Other times, companies announce their intention to undersell their competitors. Future
Shop, a large chain of consumer electronics in Canada, has publicly stated that it will not be undercut by
competitors and that it will meet their prices. Announcements may be used to issue a threat that action will be
taken if a competitor makes a certain move. For example, firms can announce that they will match a rival’s prices,
rebates, credit, or any other terms offered.
2.12 Fortify and Defend
This strategy attempts to build barriers to entry for competitors. The purpose of defensive marketing strategies is
to lower the inducement to attack. Firms frequently enter an industry because existing firms earn high profits. The
higher the profits earned by incumbent firms, the higher the motivation to enter. Thus, the inducement to attack
can be lowered by reducing the profit expectations of the entrant. This can be achieved by raising barriers to entry
for new competitors. Erecting barriers usually hinders entry by new competitors because they will have to incur
costs not born by existing competitors. The most common barriers to entry include economies of scale, product
differentiation, capital requirements, switching costs, experience curve cost reductions, proprietary technology or
patents, access to raw materials and other inputs, access to distribution channels, and location (Yannopoulos,
2007). Industries in which there are significant barriers to entry include the automobile, aerospace, and ship-
building industries. Because of high barriers, entry is notoriously difficult in these industries.
2.13 Cover All Bases
Covering all bases, also called product proliferation, entails introducing new products to ensure a full product line
or to fill gaps in the market. Covering all bases may involve introducing multiple versions of a product in terms of
models or product types. Many firms carry full product lines to block access to the industry by new entrants. For
example, the leading ready-to-eat cereal companies compete with a full-line, making it very difficult for other
companies to enter and threaten their position.
Defensive Strategies
Pre-entry strategies
Fortify and defend
Cover all bases
Continuous improvement
Capacity expansion
Post-entry strategies
Defend position before entrant
becomes established
Introduce fighting brands
Engage in cross-parry
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 13 [Special Issue - July 2011]
This strategy is also used by chain stores when they rush to expand rapidly and keep competitors out of the
market. A firm that floods the market avoids being outflanked by competitors. It is also a way to tie up
distribution channels and shelf space. For example, Procter & Gamble, a master practitioner of this strategy,
dominates retail shelf space with products such as Ivory Soap, Crest, Tide, Pantene Pro-V and many others. A
firm that is trying to cover all bases may face one or more of the following difficulties. First, some firms,
especially the small ones, may not have the resources to offer a full product line. Second, product proliferation
may cause a firm to spread its resources too thinly, violating the principle of concentration of forces at the
decisive point. Covering too many markets and overextending itself, leaves a firm vulnerable to competitor
attacks, as it makes for an easy target. Third, this strategy cannot fully protect a company from attacks by other
competitors who wish to enter the industry. Even if a firm was able to cover the major segments, it is impossible
to cover every possible niche in the market. This allows small companies to enter the market and occupy these
niches. These niches, although small and unattractive at the time, often explode into large segments posing a
threat to established firms.
A special case of the cover-all-bases strategy is the introduction of a blocking brand. Blocking brands are used by
incumbent firms to block access to the market by potential entrants. The firm introduces a brand designed to fill a
niche in the market that could be used as a point of entry by a competitor. The intent of introducing a blocking
brand often is to protect an existing profitable brand by precluding competitors from entering the market and
stealing market share by undercutting the price of the existing product.
2.14 Continuous Improvement
A continuous improvement strategy calls for a relentless pursuit of improvements in costs, product quality, new
product development, manufacturing processes, and distribution. The choice of areas to improve depends on the
value proposition of the organization. A low cost competitor continuously tries to find ways of decreasing costs
through economies of scale, cutting costs and introducing new production methods. A differentiated company
looks for ways to maintain its competitive advantage through innovation, quality improvements, and new features
among others. The continuous improvement strategy also involves innovation and improvement in the firm’s
marketing mix. Product innovation may involve offering superior features or benefits. Price innovation could
include offering better sales terms and other incentives. Distribution could become more effective by looking for
new channels, making existing channels more effective, and seeking strategic alliances. Promotion can become
more effective by improving positioning, execution, using different media, and increasing emphasis on public
relations and publicity. The sales promotion function could be examined to see if improvements could be made in
the way the firm uses free samples, coupons, bonus packs, frequent buyer programs, and refunds.
Through a continuous improvement strategy, firms try to stay one step ahead of their competitors and help protect
their competitive position from hostile challengers. Firms following this strategy are often required to even make
their own products obsolete by replacing them with new versions. Intel is a prime example of a company that
follows the continuous improvement strategy. Its strategy is to introduce new and more powerful generations of
its microprocessors at regular intervals, intended to satisfy the never-ending appetite for increases in processing
power for personal and corporate computer users. Each successive version of its microchip makes its existing
version obsolete in the span of a few months.
2.15 Capacity Expansion
Manufacturing firms may build excess capacity as an entry deterrent strategy. When a potential entrant realizes
that the industry has excess capacity and its own entry will only add to the volume of unutilized industry capacity,
it will be reluctant to enter. Capacity expansion is a credible deterrent strategy if capacity costs are very high.
Otherwise, if the cost of adding capacity is low or capacity can be utilized for other purposes, it would be
relatively easy for rivals to enter.
DuPont used capacity expansion to increase its market share in the titanium dioxide market. In 1970, DuPont had
been using ilmenite in the production of titanium dioxide. This proved advantageous since the price of rutile ore,
the raw material used primarily by its competitors, sharply increased, giving DuPont a significant cost advantage
over its competitors. In order to maximize this cost advantage, DuPont developed a growth strategy of rapidly
expanding capacity to satisfy all of the future increases in demand and deter entry or expansion by existing
competitors. At the time DuPont adopted this strategy, in 1972, its market share was 30%. By 1985, its market
share was over 50% and five of its major rivals had exited the market (Cabral, 2000).
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As a defensive strategy, capacity expansion is not as powerful as other entry deterrents such as barriers to entry.
In general, a decision to use capacity expansion for entry deterring reasons should take into account the size of
barriers to entry. If entry barriers are high, then capacity expansion should not normally be used as a deterrent. On
the other hand, if entry barriers are low, incumbents should consider using capacity expansion as an entry-
deterring device, taking into account the cost of additional capacity and its reversibility.
2.2 Post-Entry Defensive Strategies
Post-entry defensive strategies are actions taken by firms intended to protect their market position from
companies that have already entered the market or incumbents that are threatening to take away market share.
Such actions include defending position before competitors become established, introducing fighting brands, and
adopting cross-parry strategies, as shown in Table 1.
2.21 Defend Position Before Entrant Becomes Established
When a company enters an existing market its objective usually is to get established first in its chosen market
segment, consolidate its position, and then start expanding into other market segments. Upstarts are especially
dangerous if they enter the market by breaking the rules of the game with radically new products, or innovations
in pricing, distribution, delivery, service, and positioning. New entrants entering markets with radically new
products usually come from markets unrelated to that which they are invading (Markides, 2000). For example, the
personal computer industry was not invented by IBM but by companies such as Apple and Microsoft - unrelated
to the existing mainframe or mini-computer business. Established firms need to defend their position while their
newly entered opponents are small and vulnerable rather than waiting until they become strong and a serious
threat. Market leaders, by consistently and swiftly meeting any moves intended to challenge their position, send
out a clear message to would-be-challengers that aggressive behaviour, such as price cutting or entering core
segments, will not be tolerated and that it will be met with a rigorous and painful retaliation. Therefore, such
actions would not pay off and would probably make the challenger worse off. In an effort to limit losses, such
counter-attacks often are not broadly based, but involve only a market segment of the defending company.
Incumbents often defend themselves by embracing and improving the intruder's technology, attacking the
upstart’s reputation as a product reliable source of supply, and hiring some of the best people of the attacking
firm. Some of these tactics were used by Microsoft in 1995 in fighting the challenge of Borland Delphi, a rapid
development visual computer language that was by far a superior alternative to Microsoft’s Visual Basic
language. When Borland International introduced its Delphi computer language, many people predicted the
demise of Visual Basic, the language that had dominated the industry since it was introduced a few years earlier.
Although the clear superiority of the Delphi programming environment encouraged a large number of
programmers including some Visual Basic programmers to switch, this prediction never materialized. By sensing
the threat coming from the intruder, Microsoft went on the counter-attack by hiring some of Borland Delphi's best
programmers, and spending large resources on upgrading and improving Visual Basic, including providing a
faster compiler, thus neutralizing one of Delphi’s major advantages. Microsoft also criticized Borland Delphi as a
non-mainstream language and the lack of enough Delphi programmers. Visual Basic not only survived, but it
increased its stranglehold on the market, forcing Borland Delphi into an also-ran status.
2.22 Introduce Fighting Brands
Fighting brands are introduced by organizations to fight a competitor’s brand that threatens one of their major
brands. Competing brands are typically lower priced versions of the firm’s premium brands that claim equal
quality at a much lower price. Introducing fighting brands can be an appealing strategy because they help fight off
a price-cutting brand that is threatening the core brand of the firm while preserving its premium image and profit
margins. Heublein used a fighting brand strategy successfully to defend its Smirnoff vodka brand. When a smaller
rival attacked its Smirnoff vodka, a core brand, by offering its brand at a dollar less than Smirnoff, Heublein
increased the price of Smirnoff by one dollar and introduced a new fighting brand at a price below the
competitor’s brand. This enabled Heublein to fight the intruder without jeopardizing its core brand’s profitability
and image. Fighting brands can also take the form of a secret weapon that exists to wreak havoc against
competitors. Like other fighting brands, their strategic goal is to defend the premium brand and to prevent
competitors from making inroads against it. Companies using fighter brands as secret weapons usually try to
maintain their distance from them and conceal their connections to them. For this reason they often use names of
defunct companies or companies that they purchase for the sole intent of producing fighting brands.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 13 [Special Issue - July 2011]
There are risks associated with fighting brands however. There is the risk of cannibalization as the fighting brand
may take sales away from other company brands. Also, the cost of producing and marketing the fighting brand
may be too high, making it a losing proposition. For example, British Airways after it lost about 10 percent of its
market share to the discount airlines, launched its own discount carrier, Go, in an attempt to combat EasyJet and
other discount carriers. Unfortunately, Go had higher operating costs than the other discount carriers because it
recognized union contracts. Three years into its Go experiment, British Airways sold the discount carrier.
2.23 Engage in Cross-Parry
Many companies compete with other companies in more than one market. The degree of multimarket contact
between two firms affects the intensity of rivalry and the extent of retaliation amongst these firms. Competitors
interacting in multiple markets are less motivated to compete aggressively because of the possibility of retaliation
across various markets (Edwards, 1955). On the contrary, competitors have an incentive to cooperate since they
stand to gain if they allow their rivals to dominate certain markets in exchange for similar treatment in the markets
in which they are dominant. If multimarket contact is low, firms have an incentive to enter the market segment of
their rivals to gain the ability to engage in multi market retaliation, should they come under attack (Karnani and
Wernerfelt, 1985). For this reason, firms prefer to stay in certain markets to maintain the threat of multi market
retaliation. Also, as multi market contact increases, firms may avoid entering new markets that are already
occupied to avoid provoking any multi-market retaliation and to honor any tacit agreements that they may have
made with their competitors (Baum and Korn, 1996).
Cross-parry is used when a firm that is challenged by a competitor in one area chooses to challenge this
competitor in another area. For example, if a company is attacked in one of its core markets or products, instead
of retaliating at the point of attack, it counter-attacks in the challenger's area of strength. In a sense, the cross-
parry strategy says, “If you hurt me I will hurt you where it hurts most.” By attacking the challenger in its core
area, the defending firm diverts attention from its own core area and attacks the challenger where it hurts most.
The objective of a cross-parry strategy is often to avoid involving the core brand in a price war. The larger firm
stands to lose more than the smaller firm. In addition, such a price war not only leads to lower profit margins but
it could permanently tarnish a premium brand’s image. Cross parrying may be also used to send a signal to the
challenging firm that it will suffer more than the cross-parrying firm. For instance, how should a company
enjoying a large market share and profit margins respond when a competitor lowers its price in an effort to take
market share away from the large market share firm? The natural response would be to go on the counter-attack
and attack the challenger with a similar or even greater price reduction. Such a move could be quite costly for the
large share firm since it would mean lower margins on a large volume just to recover the small market share lost
to the challenger. If the challenger operates in another market segment that is important to its business, but not to
its competitor, a smarter move would be to attack the challenger by cutting the price in that segment.
Goodyear’s response to Michelin’s challenge illustrates the use of cross parry as a defensive strategy. Several
years ago Michelin - using its strong European base - decided to increase its market share of the North American
tire market by significantly lowering the price of its tires. Michelin’s managers thought that such a price move
would attract mostly new customers. They also calculated that Michelin’s chief rival Goodyear would be unlikely
to respond due to the significant cost such a move would imply given Goodyear’s dominant market share.
Michelin’s calculations were partly correct, however, because Goodyear didn’t match Michelin’s lower price.
What Michelin failed to anticipate was that Goodyear could respond with a price cut in another market. Goodyear
could fight back by reducing prices in North America, or offering dealers better margins or increasing advertising
spending. Such a strategy would fail because Michelin had only a small part of its worldwide business and it
would lose very little by Goodyear’s retaliation. Goodyear, on the other hand, stood to lose a lot because it would
cut its margins in its largest market. Goodyear’s response was to lower its prices in Michelin’s core European
markets where Michelin makes large profits. Goodyear’s price reduction in Europe caused significant losses and
forced Michelin to restore prices to the previous levels in North America after it incurred a significant drop in
profits without raising market share appreciably. Goodyear’s move slowed the pace of Michelin’s expansion and
made it rethink the cost of gaining market share in North America.
3.0 Offensive Strategies
As we explained earlier in this article, firms engage in offensive marketing strategies to improve their own
competitive position by taking market share away from rivals. Offensive strategies include direct and indirect
attacks or moving into new markets to avoid incumbent competitors.
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If a firm possesses superior resources a direct attack may be called for. However, if a firm faces superior rivals,
indirect attacks are more appropriate than direct, frontal attacks. Direct attacks invite retaliatory responses
especially if they pose a serious threat to the defending firm (Porter, 1985). Indirect attacks are less likely to elicit
a competitive response because that are difficult to detect, especially if they are targeted towards non-core
segments or products. An extreme form of an indirect attack is to avoid competitors and undertake activities that
are far removed from those of rivals. Firms may choose from a multitude of different strategies to accomplish
their offensive objectives. Like defensive strategies, offensive marketing strategies take many forms from
flanking attacks or bypassing the competition to all-out frontal attacks intended to defeat the competition with all
available means at the attackers disposal (See Table 2).
Table 2: Offensive Strategies
3.1 Launch a Frontal Attack
Frontal attack is an offensive strategy that involves attacking a competitor head-on. Frontal attacks can be pure
frontal attacks by going after the customers of the attacked firm with similar products, prices, promotion, and
distribution. Such attacks are very risky, however, because victory is never assured unless the aggressor has a
clear competitive advantage over the defendant. For this reason, a modified frontal attack a limited version of
the pure frontal attack may be a more appropriate choice. Modified frontal attacks can be price-based where the
attacker matches the rival’s product in terms of features and quality but it offers a lower price. Modified frontal
attacks may also be value- or quality-based involving challenging rivals with products that offer superior value or
quality at competitive prices.
Frontal attacks succeed better when the attacker concentrates its resources on its rivals’ centre of gravity or
weakest point. Once the center of gravity is identified, the challenger needs to concentrate its resources, even
diverting resources from other activities, at the point of attack. If such a point is not found then the attacker
requires at least three times the resources of its rivals to have a better chance of winning the battle. In cases where
the defending firm is well entrenched, the attacking firm needs even greater than three to one resources.
Companies entrenched in their local markets are especially difficult to defeat as they hold the high ground due to
years of serving their communities and having developed loyalties with their customers. For example, RCA, GE,
Xerox, and Univac tried to frontally attack IBM in the past in its mainframe business and they failed because they
lacked any competitive advantages or clear superiority over IBM.
Also, the frontal attack has a better chance to succeed if the incumbent is constrained in its ability to react to the
attack for fear of antitrust prosecution, or for fear that a low price may damage its brand’s image. An incumbent
may be reluctant to reduce its price or increase advertising and promotion spending because of certain return on
investment or profit expectations by shareholders or stock market analysts. Also, incumbents are usually reluctant
to retaliate if they operate at full capacity. As we noted earlier, launching a frontal attack carries many risks and
is not suitable for most firms. The most important risk is that if the attacking firm does not possess clearly
superior resources it will invite a rigorous retaliation from those being threatened which could result in substantial
losses not only for the attacking firm but for the industry as a whole.
3.2 Launch a Flanking Attack
A flanking attack is an offensive marketing strategy used to exploit an opponent’s weaknesses while avoiding the
risks associated with other offensive marketing strategies such as frontal attacks. Flank attacks are based on the
principle of the path of least resistance, attacking competitors in areas which they are least capable of defending.
Offensive Strategies
Launch a frontal attack
Launch a flanking attack
Launch a guerrilla attack
Engage in strategic encirclement
Engage in predatory strategy
Seek undefended markets
Engage in underdog strategy
Engage in Judo strategy
Engage in the pivot and the hammer strategy
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 13 [Special Issue - July 2011]
For instance, some segments are not served well by major competitors because they do not see them as important
enough to warrant more attention, or they are less profitable than other segments. If competitors offer poor service
or inflexible terms to their customers, flanking firms could exploit this opportunity by improving service and
offering better terms. If the incumbent’s product is too expensive a flanking firm could offer its product at lower
prices. For example, President’s Choice Financials, the financial arm of Loblaw Companies, Canada’s largest
food distributor, is challenging big banks in Canada where they are most vulnerable, their high service charges.
By offering low mortgage rates, and a variety of insurance and banking services with no service charges,
President’s Choice’s tactics may appear attractive to those customers who are looking at low rates or despise the
higher rates service charges imposed by the big banks. Firms using the flanking attack strategy should try to
escape detection by established competitors to avoid retaliation. The flanking firm should lie low and avoid
showing up on the radar screen of established competitors by concealing its true intentions. It should try to appear
as a specialist interested only in its niche and not in its competitors’ markets.
Also it should give the impression that it is in a different line of business. The more different the entrant’s product
is, the better the chance of not being detected. Also, successful flank attackers differentiate their products in a way
that appears to be in a different category to avoid direct confrontation with established competitors (Spulber,
1998). For example, if incumbents dominate the low end of the market, an entrant might offer a premium version
of the product. A flanking strategy involves a number of risks which may jeopardize the outcome of such a
strategy. Competitors being flanked may retaliate by attacking the flanking firm in its niche. The flanking firm
needs to assess the odds of such a counter-attack and how it could best respond if this happens. Also, firms
successfully pursuing flanking attacks eventually find themselves in direct competition with their larger rivals
making a direct confrontation inevitable. As explained earlier, this happens because as the flanking firm extends
its product lines, it starts to encroach on the market segments occupied by the market leaders.
3.3 Launch a Guerrilla Attack
Guerrilla attacks are used against market leaders by challengers who are small and have limited resources.
Guerrilla strategy is less ambitious in scope than other offensive marketing strategies and it often aims at
harassing, demoralizing, and weakening an opponent through random attacks intended to keep it off-balance and
continuously guessing about where the next attack will take place. Firms employing the guerrilla attack employ
hit-andrun tactics by selectively attacking rivals whenever they can exploit the situation to their advantage. A
guerrilla strategy often involves many small and surprise attacks on established competitors in areas where the
attacked are not strong or buyers have weak loyalty towards the rival’s brand. A guerrilla strategy may be
manifested in raiding competitor sources of supplies and attacking specific products or segments with sales
promotion initiatives including coupons, rebates, and temporary price cuts or customer deals in selective
geographical areas and then quickly retreating.
Guerilla marketers often attack competitors in areas where they are overextended and vulnerable with short-
duration and random raids using tactics such as lowballing on price to steal their customers. These attacks are
carried out quickly and in a limited geographic area in order to have the element of surprise and not allow the
leader enough time to react decisively. Leaders very often avoid responding to a guerilla attack because their large
market share would make such a response very costly. Guerrilla attacks may take the form of legal action. Such
legal actions by small firms can effectively slow down the leader and thwart its growth plans. Legal action may
also be used by market leaders against upstarts perceived to be a serious threat, to divert their attention from
important activities such as product development or entering new markets. Guerrilla strategies are more
appropriate for small firms prior to establishing a significant market position. Also they are more successful when
they cause a disproportionate drain on the attacked firm’s resources by forcing them to spread their resources to
deal with the guerrilla attack or to commit more resources than necessary in certain markets. Companies using
guerrilla strategies run the risk of provoking a swift and powerful retaliation that could have devastating
consequences for the attacker. For this reason it is important to carefully assess the odds of a competitive
retaliation and develop a contingency response plan should such retaliation occur.
3.4 Engage in Strategic Encirclement
Strategic encirclement entails targeting and surrounding a competitor with the purpose of completely defeating it.
The strategic objective of encirclement strategies is long-term market dominance. Encirclement strategies are very
similar to product proliferation strategies except that the former is an offensive strategy designed to suffocate a
rival by not allowing it room to grow while the latter is a defensive strategy designed to preempt shelf-space and
not allow rivals to gain entry to the market.
The Special Issue on Business and Management © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
Encirclement essentially involves surrounding a competitor with several brands and forcing it to defend itself on
many fronts at the same time. This way, the defender’s attention and resources will be spread over many products
and markets making it harder to defend all of them successfully at the same time. Also, by attacking the rival with
many products in many markets, the attacker is capable of blocking whichever moves the attacked firm is
attempting to make. A firm pursuing a strategy of encirclement requires superior financial resources and a
willingness to commit them for extended periods of time. The encircling company also needs strong R&D and
product development capabilities, and the power to influence channel intermediaries. It also requires continuous
quality improvement, product proliferation, product line stretching and extension, and a large sales force.
Encirclement strategies are usually undertaken against smaller or weaker rivals, since to successfully encircle
another company or group of companies the encircling firm requires far superior resources than its opponent. This
strategy is often employed by a larger firm against a smaller firm that is perceived as a threat to the larger firm or
to the industry as whole. In every industry there are instances of certain firms, called industry destroyers, who
attempt to buy market share through lower prices hoping to increase prices later. The end result of such action by
industry destroyers often is to weaken the industry and lower its profitability. Encirclement strategies have been
used extensively by Honda which successfully encircled its Japanese rival Yamaha and its U.S. rival Harley
Davidson in the motorcycle industry almost driving them into bankruptcy. Komatsu had “Encircle Caterpillar” as
its slogan for many years and attempted to surround Caterpillar with a variety of products. Encirclement was the
strategy that led to the demise of many major U.S. and European industries in the hands of the Japanese including
the semiconductor, steel, and consumer electronics industries in the U.S. and the auto industry in the U.K.
3.5 Engage in Predatory Strategy
A predatory strategy typically entails accepting lower profits for the purpose of keeping new competitors out, or
inflicting damage on existing rivals and forcing them to exit the market. This strategy often takes the form of
predatory pricing - cutting prices below costs to eliminate a rival, with the expectation that prices will be raised
again, after competitors have exited the industry. A predator operating in many markets may cut prices selectively
in markets with intense competition, and use profits from less competitive markets to finance the price cuts. If
successful, low pricing by the predator can induce the rival to exit the market. In order for predatory pricing to
work, the opponent must be financially weak. Otherwise, charging low prices against financially strong
competitors could elicit a rigorous response with disastrous results for both companies. It is also important that
the predator has some sort of cost advantage through economies of scale, lower overhead, or lower cost of capital,
and extra production capacity to accommodate the increased volume of sales. However, it may be difficult to use
predatory pricing to eliminate and keep competitors out of an industry forever. Once prices are restored back to
profitable levels, many companies enter the industry attracted by the higher profits. Also exiting competitors are
often purchased by powerful companies that provide the predator with more competition than they previously
Large companies price aggressively to drive competition out of business also run the risk of inviting government
intervention. Although predatory pricing is illegal, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between anti-competitive
pricing behaviour from a genuine pricing strategy based on low margins. For example, low cost companies may
wish to sell at low margins as a signal of low cost, to establish a reputation of toughness, or to establish a critical
mass early in the product life cycle. Also, price predation in response to entry can be interpreted as a competitive
response to new competition, rather than as an attempt to drive the competitor out of business. Firms often exit the
market as a result of increased competition and a reduction in the general level of prices and not necessarily
because of predatory behaviour.
Also, many firms price aggressively as a signal of low cost. Lowering prices signal that the incumbent’s costs are
low and the entrant will have difficulty competing in the market. By pricing aggressively incumbents hope to
acquire a reputation of being tough, thereby discouraging competitors from entering in the future. Predatory
strategies can take other forms besides predatory pricing. Firms use various exclusionary practices to deter entry
by new firms or squeeze existing firms out of the market. One non-price predatory technique is to impose
contractual terms on the users of its products. Other forms of exclusionary practices include tying or bundling.
Some companies may attempt to cut their rivals lines of supplies. For example, large companies can sometimes
affect the availability of supplies for the smaller competitors - as they are given priority by their suppliers.
Forming alliances or obtaining contracts with parts manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors a firm may be able
to stifle its competitors by denying them access to markets or materials. If this happens, the smaller firm’s
survival may be placed at risk.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 13 [Special Issue - July 2011]
Companies, particularly small ones with limited purchasing power and market clout that depend on a few key
suppliers for vital raw materials are especially vulnerable to such actions. A firm seeking ways to cut an
opponent’s line of supply should look at products or businesses that are a major source of revenues or profits for
the rival. For example, businesses identified as cash cows can be a rival’s vulnerable point. Cash cows are high
share businesses in low growth markets. Companies earn high margins on these businesses and they use them to
support other businesses. Cash cows are vulnerable to challengers offering products of superior value or quality.
A successful attack on a competitor’s cash cow can cut off the competitor’s source of cash and may hamper its
efforts to finance new product development or enter new markets.
3.6 Seek Undefended Markets
Seek undefended markets entails avoiding head-on confrontations with entrenched rivals that often lead to
aggressive price-cutting, advertising wars, or costly efforts to outspend or outdifferentiate their products. Its aim
is to by-pass competitors altogether and be the first to move into markets that are not currently served by existing
suppliers, or to develop radically new technologies to leapfrog the competition, making existing products obsolete
and creating new markets. Seek undefended markets strategies are often undertaken by firms that do not have the
resources needed for successfully competing against industry leaders. Or they are necessitated by the existence of
highly competitive conditions that make it very difficult to compete effectively. A company that followed this
strategy is Pepsi-Cola. When Roger Enrico became CEO of PepsiCo, he realized that going head-to-head with
Coca-Cola in every market, especially in those markets that Coca-Cola dominates, was a self-defeating strategy.
Instead, he concentrated on emerging uncontested markets. Pepsi-Cola shed restaurants and spun off bottling
operations and developed a strategy that centered on the supermarket, a battleground where it had triumphed in
the past.
As a result of the change in focus, soft drinks accounted for a much smaller percentage of Pepsi’s market share in
2000. Frito-Lay, which controls two-fifths of the world market for salty snacks, generated more than 71% of
PepsiCo’s profits in the fourth quarter of 2000. The addition of Tropicana helped strengthen Pepsi-Cola’s position
with retailers because of that brand’s huge importance. Tropicana, the nation’s top-selling orange juice, surpassed
Campbell soup as the third-largest grocery brand in late January of 2000, behind Coca-Cola Classic and Pepsi-
Cola. During the same period, Pepsi’s Aquafina was the No. 1 brand in the fast growing bottled water category,
while PepsiCo’s Mountain Dew edged out Diet Coke for third place in the soft drink category. The seek
undefended markets strategy is not without risks. First, firms using this strategy need to make sure that they have
the skills and resources needed to successfully develop new products and enter new markets. Second, by entering
new product markets, a firm may in fact end up conceding part of its existing business to competitors. By
concentrating its efforts on developing the new business, the firm may take its eyes off the ball and allow its
competitors to strengthen their position in the firm’s core business and then use that strength to attack the
bypassing firm.
3.7 Engage in Underdog Strategy
An underdog strategy involves a small and, usually, young firm taking on a much larger competitor. It is, in many
respects, similar to the classic battle between David and Goliath. It is often employed by an upstart company that
doesn’t hesitate to get into a fight with much bigger opponents in order to break their monopoly and offer the
market better products, lower prices, or both. The underdog enters a market dominated by established players that
are portrayed as being somewhat bureaucratic, complacent, and unresponsive to customer needs. Firms following
this strategy promise to offer an attractive alternative to what customers have been buying. Southwest Airlines, in
its early years, is an example of a company that became an underdog in its fight against established competitors,
as it offered the traveling public highly attractive prices and superior value. Southwest was ready to begin
operations in 1967 but could not do so until 1971 due to time-consuming court battles initiated by Braniff and
Texas International Airlines, two established competitors that are no longer in business. These two competitors, in
an attempt to keep Southwest out of their market, argued in court that there was not enough demand to support
three airlines in the Texas Interstate market. Southwest won the case. After Southwest began operations, these
same competitors initiated a price war against Southwest with airfares plummeting to record low levels.
Southwest managed to survive these competitive wars and it acquired the image of a gutsy fighter and an
underdog in the eyes of the public and its own employees (Southwest Airlines, 1993).
3.8 Engage in Judo Strategy
Judo strategy is an offensive marketing strategy suitable for small companies willing to take on larger opponents.
The Special Issue on Business and Management © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
It is similar to the martial art of judo where the smaller opponent uses the weight and strength of the larger
opponent to its advantage. Judo strategy combines elements of other offensive strategies. The principles of a
successful judo strategy are attack weakness with strength, flexibility, and leverage (Yoffie and Kwak, 2001).
1. Attack weakness with strength. The principle of attacking weakness with strength calls for avoiding frontal
attacks and attacking the competitor in markets where the challenger has an advantage or the competitor is ill-
prepared to fight or most uncomfortable about defending. For example, WestJet attacked Air Canada in
Western Canada with low fares using a low cost operating structure based on short-haul flights and minimum
in-flight service. Air Canada had difficulty defending itself against WestJet because of its higher cost
structure and as a result it experienced market share losses.
2. Flexibility. The principle of flexibility requires yielding when attacked by a superior competitor to avoid
being crushed. Firms should never fight a war that cannot be won and should know when to engage in a
tactical retreat when it is up against superior rivals. For example, a hardware store in an area where Home
Depot has recently entered should not declare a price war on Home Depot but it should adapt its business and
strategy to the new reality and make the necessary adjustments in the merchandise carried by the store in
order not to compete directly with the market leader. A tactical retreat may also involve embracing and
extending an opponent’s successful moves. Sam Walton, the late founder of Wal-Mart, used this tactic by
visiting rival stores such as K-Mart and copying their best ideas. Microsoft used the same method when it
attacked Netscape Navigator by accepting the main features of the opponent’s product and improving upon
them by offering CD-quality sound and the ability to use it with Microsoft Word.
3. Leverage. The principle of leverage is about finding ways to turn the strength and strategy of an opponent
against him. The judo strategist then must find the factors that make it hard for the larger competitor to react
and use them as leverage to launch his attack. A company can implement the principle of leverage by looking
for the opponent’s strategic commitments and investments and turn them to its advantage by creating a
situation where it would be very difficult for the larger firm to retaliate effectively. Many companies, for
example, find it difficult to react to new entrants and reposition themselves because of their established
image. Attacking a premium priced brand with a lower priced brand may not elicit a response, because
lowering the price may harm the image of their premium priced brand. Also, commitments to distributors may
prevent a company from adopting a different distribution system. For example, Hewlett-Packard and Compaq
found it extremely difficult to imitate Dell’s Internet business model for fear of alienating their existing
dealers. This allowed Dell to gain market share at the expense of these two companies.
Having a large market share may in fact be a handicap to a company. Larger competitors frequently avoid
retaliating against smaller price-cutting firms for fear of incurring significant losses due to their much larger
market shares. For example, Maxwell House had difficulty matching Folgers Coffee’s price cuts because of its
large market share and the enormous impact on margins and profitability. Large firms may also avoid
attacking a smaller firm if the latter enters a segment where margins are low. In addition, large firms avoid
retaliating against smaller firms when they operate with high levels of capacity utilization.
A small firm can also use the principle of leverage to challenge larger competitors by turning the large
companies’ marketing strategy to its favour. Drypers, a disposable diaper maker did exactly that and was able to
neutralize Procter and Gamble’s aggressive couponing campaign. Specifically, Drypers issued convertor coupons
that holders of P&G’s Pampers coupons could use to receive $2 off on a bag of Drypers. This helped neutralize a
large number of P&G’s coupons and it reduced the overall effectiveness of the campaign. Another
advantage of this strategy for Drypers was that retailers, mistakenly, sent the Pampers coupons to P&G for
redemption instead of Drypers.
3.9 Engage in the Pivot and the Hammer Strategy
The Pivot and the Hammer strategy combines defensive and offensive strategies and it is a strategy associated
with Evan Dudik, a business strategist (Dudik, 2000). According to Dudik, every business strategy should have a
Pivot and a Hammer. The Pivot represents a firm’s efforts to hold its market position, defend itself against
competitors, and retain customers. The Pivot includes distinctive competencies such as a strong brand name,
low cost, or superior innovation skills to defend its position. For example, a firm such as Canadian Tire may use
its well-recognized name to fend off any attacks and protect its current position, or to retain customers and
maintain its share of the market. Other firms may rely on their most profitable products as cash cows to finance
any expansion opportunities.
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 13 [Special Issue - July 2011]
Each Pivot contains one or more Bearings. A Bearing can be certain key competencies, assets, skills or people
which the company relies on to perform its defensive action. A Bearing could be a highly skilled employee, a very
effective purchasing manager or a very specialized asset. For example, Microsoft’s Pivot may be its Windows
operating system and its Bearing is, arguably, Bill Gates as it is very questionable that Microsoft would be where
it is today without the hard driven and motivated Bill Gates. The Hammer is the central offensive force of the
company and the cutting edge of the attack. It is where the company concentrates its offensive forces and pushes
to exploit its advantages. It is where the company tries to attract new customers, attacks competitors for capturing
their customers, or pushes for expansion into new markets. While the Pivot is trying to maintain the current
market position and defend against competitor attacks, the Hammer is where the firm tries to grow and expand its
sales and market share. Without a Hammer, a company is, in effect, pursuing a harvest strategy, which will
inevitably cause the firm to decline. A firm needs a Pivot to survive, but it needs a Hammer to grow and win new
business. The success of the Hammer depends on the effectiveness of the Pivot. If the Pivot is doing a good job in
defending the firm’s current business and profitability, more resources can be channeled into the Hammer to
enable it to do its job.
Like the Bearing of the Pivot, the Hammer has a Hammerhead where the power of the Hammer is concentrated. It
is the strongest part of the Hammer and it carries the entire force of the company’s offensive effort. Hammerheads
can be the firm’s sales force, advertising prowess, financial resources, or whatever is used to accomplish the
objectives of the offensive drive of the firm. A very important consideration is that a firm using its existing
assets, brand names, business functions, or business units to support its expansion activities, must ensure that
these expansion activities are not undertaken at the expense of existing assets. For instance, introducing a new
brand using the name of a well-known existing brand should not tarnish the image of the existing brand. If a firm
uses the cash flow from an existing business unit to finance the growth of a new brand, the existing business unit
should receive enough investment support to maintain its viability.
4.0 Conclusion
Firms are constantly engaged in offensive and defensive marketing strategies. Established firms continuously face
attacks by new entrants and incumbents trying to reposition themselves or improve their competitive position.
Defensive strategies work better if they take place before the challenger commits to the industry by making
investments or other types of commitments, or before exit barriers are raised, making it difficult for a challenger
to exit the industry. It is easier to defend a position because it requires fewer resources than offensive strategies.
Incumbents enjoy several advantages relative to new entrants including economies of scale, capital requirements,
switching costs, brand loyalties, and brand recognition. Attacking firms need three times more resources than
defending firms for launching a successful attack. In some circumstances, the resource requirements can be
higher, if the incumbent is deeply entrenched in its market.
In this paper we discussed several pre-entry defensive strategies including signaling, fortify and defend, covering
all bases, continuous improvement, and capacity expansion. Post-entry defensive strategies include defending
position before entrant becomes entrenched, fighting brands, and cross-parry strategies. But markets are dynamic
arenas where firms try to expand into their industries or position themselves in other segments within their
industry. Consequently, firms need to engage in offensive strategies to accomplish their growth objectives.
Offensive marketing strategies discussed in this paper include frontal attacks, flanking attacks, guerrilla attacks,
strategic encirclement, predatory strategy, seek undefended markets, underdog strategy, judo strategy, and the
Pivot and Hammer strategy. In addition to describing each strategy, we outline how to use each strategy, as well
as the risks and requirements for successful implementation. Companies using defensive and offensive marketing
strategies can gain by studying the strategies discussed in this paper.
The Special Issue on Business and Management © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
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