lite imaging in their enforcement of laws and apprehension of crimi-
nals. It stands to reason that, with corporations and law enforcement
agencies employing this technology, it was only a matter of time be-
fore municipalities and their departments would find uses for it as
Recently, there have been three notable examples of munici-
palities utilizing satellite imaging, namely Google Earth, to enforce
their laws. First, as an alternative to helicopters, officials in Greece
were reportedly using satellite imagery to locate homes with undec-
lared pools as a means to find tax evaders.
Second, code enforce-
ment officials in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina were said to
be utilizing aerial images and services, such as Google Earth, to veri-
fy complaints concerning code violations.
Third, the Town of Ri-
verhead was noted as using Google Earth to sweep the town for illeg-
al pools.
Of these news stories, the use of satellite imaging by the
Town of Riverhead seemed to generate the most controversy. This is
partly because the policy of Greek officials has no bearing on Ameri-
can citizens, as it is far from the confines of an American home and is
not subject to the United States Constitution. On the other hand,
Mecklenburg County is located in the United States; however, its pol-
Confirms-Spectacular-Meteorite-Impact-092710.aspx (last visited Oct. 2, 2010) (stating that
a mineralogist spotted a meteorite impact site while doing a Google Earth study); GOOGLE,
e=earth-en-biz-gep-ind (last visited Oct. 2, 2010) (describing how Google Earth can be
utilized by different businesses, including site surveying by engineering firms, urban
planning and infrastructure maintenance by state and local entities, underwriting and claim
management for insurance companies and overlay site plans by architecture firms).
Frank Eltman, How Governments are Using Public Images to Spy on You, CHICAGO
DAILY HERALD, Aug. 15, 2010, available at 2010 WLNR 16362319 (―High tech eyes in the
sky – from satellite imagery to sophisticated aerial photography that maps entire
communities – are being employed in creative new ways by government officials, a trend
that civil libertarians and others fear are eroding privacy rights.‖).
Seth Weintraub, Greek Government using Google Maps to Find Tax Cheats with Pools,
CNNMONEY.COM (Aug. 2, 2010), http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2010/08/02/greek-government-
using-google-maps-to-find-tax-cheats-with-pools (utilizing Google Maps as a way to help
solve their financial crisis because Greek citizens are hiding their assets). Having a pool is a
sign of wealth, and while only 324 pools were properly documented, the government found
close to 17,000 pools in the suburbs. Id.
Russell Nichols, Google Earth Helps Identify Code Violators in Mecklenburg County,
N.C., GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY (Sep. 2, 2010), http://www.govtech.com/e-
government/102484274.html (quoting a county code enforcement manager as saying ―[t]he
majority of our complaints come in from neighbors complaining about somebody . . . [w]e
just use the technology to prove or disprove what‘s going on in a particular location‖).
Freedman & Van Sant, supra note 1.
Touro Law Review, Vol. 28, No. 2 [2012], Art. 6