A Moped
Using your mirrors
Check your mirrors every few seconds when you slow
down, stop, change lanes or approach intersections.
Also, check mirrors periodically to be aware of vehicles
approaching or passing from behind.
Checking around you
Mopeds have “blind spots” that you need to check by
turning your head. When changing lanes, always look
over your shoulder at the traffic behind you.
Position for visibility
As a moped operator, you can often see things other
vehicle operators cant.
* At intersections, check around buildings, parked
vehicles and bushes to see if other vehicles are
* When parked, pull back onto the road from an
angled position for a better view of traffic coming
from both directions.
Night riding
* Reduce your speed. Use your headlight if you must
ride a moped at night. Leave more room between
you and others to allow more time to react in a
dangerous situation. Check for rough spots in the
road by watching the tail lights of vehicles in front
of you.
* Limit night riding. If you must ride at night, wear
reflective clothing. It is difficult to see you and your
moped in the dark.
Keeping your distance
Distance in front
* Remain a safe distance behind the vehicle in front
of you when coming to a stop.
* Keep at least a three- to four- second traveling
distance between you and the vehicle in front of you
to allow time to react if the driver ahead suddenly
stops. It gives you time to see potholes, slippery
spots and debris.
Distance to the side
Be careful when a vehicle passes. Trucks can create gusts
of wind that affect your steering. When you pass parked
cars, allow for people opening doors and getting out of
vehicles by moving to the left side of your lane. Move
further over to the right when traffic passes you from
Distance behind
Monitor traffic behind you. If another vehicle follows
you too closely, allow the vehicle to pass. Brake or
signal early to communicate that you are turning,
slowing down or stopping.
Most moped/car crashes occur at intersections, so
enter them slowly and assume others do not see you.
If you turn right, watch for approaching vehicles
turning left in front of you. If you turn left, enter
the intersection and turn when oncoming traffic has
* If you have a blowout, hold the handle grips firmly,
and concentrate on steering and maintaining a
straight course. If the front tire blows, shift your
weight as far back as you can. If the rear tire blows,
do not shift your weight. Do not use either brake.
Slowly close the throttle and coast. When your
moped is going slowly and it is safe, edge to the side
of the road and stop.
* If you have a mechanical breakdown, get off the
road. When walking your moped, stay on the right
shoulder with your moped between you and passing
Remember… Never drink alcohol or use drugs
before riding a moped!
For Your Protection… Always wear an approved
safety helmet!
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If you need an accommodation or have been denied services, telephone (888) SOS-MICH
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SOS-321 (PA 300, 1949 as amended; 40,000/$2,204.78/$0.06) 02/20
If you are a moped operator, you must follow the
same traffic rules as other motor vehicle operators. A
moped is defined by law as a motor vehicle with two
or three wheels that:
Has an engine that does not exceed 100 cc piston
Does not have a gearshift
Has a top speed of 30 mph or less on a level surface
Vehicles exceeding any of the criteria above must be
registered and titled as a motorcycle. Other types of
vehicles, such as electric scooters, “pocket rockets” and
mini-choppers, may fit the definition of a moped or a
motorcycle, but cant be registered by the Department
of State if they lack the equipment required by law to
legally drive on public roads.
Registration requirements
* Mopeds must be registered at a Secretary of State
office unless operated solely on private property.
A three-year registration decal costs $15 and is
displayed on the back of your moped so it is visible
to law enforcement officers. It expires April 30 in
the year on the decal.
License requirements
* If you do not have a valid operator or chauffeur license
and are at least age 15, you may apply for a moped
license. You arent eligible for a moped license if your
operator’s or chauffeurs license is suspended, revoked
or denied.
* You must present proof of your Social Security
number, legal presence, identity and two proofs of
Michigan residency. For more information, visit
* You must pass vision, knowledge and traffic sign
tests to obtain a moped license. You dont have to
pass a driver education course or a driving skills test.
* If you are under age 18, a parent or legal guardian
must sign your license application.
* You must give up your moped license if you obtain a
regular operators or chauffeur’s license.
* e original moped license fee is $7.50. Applicants
under age 20 years, 6 months receive a moped
license valid until their 21st birthday. Any
other moped license expires four years from the
applicant’s last birthday. e four-year renewal fee
is $6.
Rules of the road
* Operators under age 19 must wear an approved
and properly fastened safety helmet when riding a
moped on a public road. e helmet must meet
U.S. Department of Transportation safety standards.
* Sit on a regular, permanently attached seat.
* Keep both hands on the handle grips. Never hang
on to another vehicle for a “tow.
* Ride on the right edge of the road, out of the flow
of traffic, when possible.
* Make sure all moped equipment is in good working
* Never operate a moped on freeways, more than two
side-by-side, between lanes of traffic or on sidewalks
and bicycle paths.
* Never allow an unlicensed operator to use your
* Only carry up to one passenger - it is illegal to carry
more than one passenger.
Perform safety check before riding
* Keep tires properly inflated.
* Check the front and rear brakes, the throttle and
cables for kinks and broken strands.
* Test the horn and all lights including the brake light
and turn signals.
* Make sure the chain is properly adjusted.
* Adjust and clean mirrors.
Riding techniques
Body position
Sit straight and close enough to the handlebars to
reach them with your arms slightly bent. Hold the
handle grips firmly.
* Approach turns carefully and limit your speed until
you learn to judge the safest speed.
* Lean with your moped. e sharper the turn, the
more you must lean.
* Use turn signals whenever you plan to enter traffic,
turn or change lanes, even if you do not see another
vehicle or pedestrian.
* Remember to turn off your signals after turning!
ey could confuse other drivers.
* Use your left arm to signal turns if your moped does
not have electric turn signals.
Be visible
* Keep your headlight on at all times.
* Wear brightly colored protective clothing that
covers your arms and legs completely. Use reflective
tape on your clothing, helmet and vehicle.
* Wear protective boots and gloves.
* Dont ride in another driver’s blind spot. Stay
behind and to the right of the vehicle in front of
you, so you can see the vehicles turn signals.
* Flash your brake light to warn others, by squeezing
the brake lever before slowing down.
* If you squeeze the brake lever too hard, you may
lock the front wheel and tip your moped over,
particularly on wet or loose surfaces.
* Apply both brakes at the same time.
* Brake before entering a curve or turn.
* If you must stop quickly, keep the front wheel
straight (do not slide). Apply the rear brake firmly
and the front brake gently. en, quickly increase
the pressure on the front brake.
Ride defensively
Defensive driving is the key to safety. Expect
unexpected. Be aware of other vehicles and
pedestrians. Be prepared for their mistakes. Watch for
bicyclists, joggers, blind pedestrians, animals crossing
the road, flying objects, gravel and icy or slippery
e road ahead
* Keep checking the road surface ahead. Slow down
and test your brakes if you see slippery spots, oil,
water, painted lane markings, manhole covers, bad
bumps, loose gravel, grooves and gratings, broken or
jutting pavement, railroad tracks or leaves.
* Watch for vehicles leaving the curb or entering the
road from side streets and driveways.
* Look for places where you could leave the road
safely in case of an emergency.