University of Iowa
Extreme Weather Plan
Operational Considerations and Procedures
Version 3.0
Department of Emergency Management
Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Authority .................................................................................................................................. 3
Limitations ............................................................................................................................... 4
Operational Decisions .............................................................................................................. 4
Severe Weather Advisory Group (SWAG) .................................................................................. 6
Responsibilities................................................................................................................................ 6
Advisory Process ............................................................................................................................. 6
Factors to Consider .......................................................................................................................... 8
SWAG Coordination ................................................................................................................. 8
Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Annex List .............................................................................................................................. 11
Department of Emergency Management
Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
This document represents a functional annex to the University of Iowa Emergency Operations
Plan (EOP) and is maintained by the Department of Emergency Management (DEM), Campus
Safety. It provides procedural guidance for any changes in campus operational status due to
severe weather, including reducing operations, class cancellations, delayed opening and/or
early termination of services. Most often, this procedure will be implemented for winter weather
event impacts, but may also be used for any hazardous or severe weather that threatens normal
operations such as flooding, extreme temperatures, and other potentially dangerous conditions
that could impact university operations.
The University of Iowa (UI or university) will operate in accordance with the university academic
and master calendars except when overriding public safety concerns otherwise require
operational adjustments to be made.
As a matter of policy, the University of Iowa is never closed. The residential, healthcare, research,
and overall public safety aspects of UI operations make this a necessity.
To enable a consistent, transparent, efficient, and coordinated multi-department and multi-
campus response to applicable inclement weather.
This plan applies to the UI-Johnson County campuses in coordination with all other UI campuses.
UI campuses located outside of Johnson County will follow each of their own campus policies
and procedures for inclement weather decision making in coordination with the Provost.
University of Iowa Health Care (UIHC) will be included in the coordination through the routine
emergency management structure and coordination but will follow UIHC policies and plans
regarding inclement weather.
This plan addresses roles and responsibilities, provides definitions, and outlines campus
In cases where the UI Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated due to severe weather, UI
will follow the incident management structure and process as outlined in the EOP.
The authority to make extreme weather operational decisions on behalf of the university has been
delegated by the University President to the Executive Vice President and Provost (Provost). The
Department of Emergency Management
Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
Provost may consult with various resources, including but not limited to, members of the Severe
Weather Advisory Group (SWAG), as applicable. For current conditions and other real-time
updates, the Provost may confer with campus partners such as Campus Safety, Landscape
Services, and CAMBUS as needed to make an informed decision.
The University of Iowa will endeavor to make every reasonable effort to respond to forecasted
severe storms and/or hazardous weather incidents. However, there is no guarantee implied by
this document that a perfect response will be practical or possible.
Operational Decisions
Inclement weather often develops overnight and can change rapidly. In such cases and depending
on conditions, attempts are made to distribute a campus announcement and notify media by 5:30
a.m. before the start of the day. If inclement weather or an emergency develops during any other
time of the day, the same notification procedures are followed and an announcement will be made
as soon as reasonably possible.
When inclement weather or emergency conditions are such that a reduction in operations needs
to occur two or more days in succession, the procedure is followed each day, including weekends.
Unless there is an announced operational change for a particular day, the university is open and
operating on a regular schedule. Because conditions can change unexpectedly overnight, an
evening announcement usually will not be made for the next day, except is rare situations.
Even when the university is operating normally, there could be unsafe travel conditions in the area.
Students and employees should exercise caution and gather as much information as possible
about weather and road conditions before they decide whether to travel during periods of
inclement weather.
During deteriorating weather conditions, it should be assumed that university-wide operations
will continue unless an official announcement is made via Hawk Alert in conjunction with the
Office of Strategic Communication. For special events, individuals are encouraged to check with
event sponsors and/or applicable webpages. Those who travel to or from campus should use
their judgment as to whether such travel is wise. Employees should refer to the UI Operations
Manual for additional information regarding leave and other Human Resources related topics.
Coordination and approval are necessary if an organization/department/unit wants to alter
building access or adjust building hours of operation during a time when inclement/hazardous
weather is forecasted. The requesting entity must submit a request as soon as reasonably
possible with applicable information to DPS-OEM@uiowa.com and receive approval prior to
implementing any access changes. DEM will coordinate with the Provost and applicable members
Department of Emergency Management
Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
of SWAG to evaluate potential risks associated to the requested actions. Consultation with the
requesting entity’s vice president level leader, as applicable, may also occur if a denial of the
request is being considered. The final decision, as determined by the Provost, will be
communicated to the original requestor.
In the event of inclement weather or an emergency, the university follows set procedures for
announcing university-wide operational changes by making a formal announcement.
Most, but not all, inclement weather announcements will be made in response to the declaration
of a Wind Chill or a Snow/Ice Emergency.
Wind Chill Emergency
Conditions: When existing or predicted low temperatures and wind conditions have the
potential to pose a severe health threat to those walking to and from class or work
assignment, a Wind Chill Emergency may be declared based on forecast or actual
temperatures. This may occur when the sustained wind chill is less than or equal to -30
degrees Fahrenheit and/or the time for frostbite to occur is less than 10 minutes. These
conditions also may include a NWS Wind Chill Warning.
*Wind chills and frostbite times as determined by NWS.
Snow/Ice Emergency
Conditions: When snow or ice accumulation is predicted or occurs, significantly impacting
roads and sidewalks on campus, a snow/ice emergency may be declared if the impact
rises to the level that safe travel is no longer possible and poses a significant public safety
When UI reduces operations to include essential operations only, employees involved in critical
functions should report to work, as applicable. Unless otherwise determined by a specific
department’s Business Continuity Plan, critical functions are those that relate directly to the
health, safety, and welfare of the university, ensure continuity of key operations, and maintain and
protect university property.
When an announcement is made to reduce campus operations, the campus community should
refer to emergency.uiowa.edu and/or departmental webpages for information regarding specific
operations updates or events.
1. Special EventsDepartments and units hosting special events should make their own
prior arrangements with employees and participants, notifying them how to proceed in case
of inclement weather or an emergency. In unique circumstances, where the safety of the
participants and employees is not jeopardized, special events, such as ticketed concerts or
athletic events open to the public, may be held upon approval from applicable university
leadership. In these situations, departments and units must ensure adequate services
through coordination with Facilities Management, Campus Safety, and other units expected
to support such operations and then submit their request via email to the UI Department of
Emergency Management (DEM) via DPS[email protected] or following other provided
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Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
instructions. DEM will coordinate with the Provost and/or the applicable Vice President of
the applicable requestor to determine approval.
2. TransportationWhen the decision is made to reduce UI operations for inclement weather
conditions, CAMBUS may continue to provide on-campus transit services beyond that time
as road and weather conditions allow. The ability to operate in a safe manner will be the
primary consideration when determining whether service can be provided. Notifications
regarding operational changes will be made available through CAMBUS official means of
communication, including but not limited to, applicable apps and webpages.
3. Dining ServicesThe university residential dining commons will provide meal plan service
even when the university closes for inclement weather. However, the department may delay
opening and/or may opt to close early if weather conditions impact operational capabilities.
Meal plan participants will be notified by email of any changes in daily operations. Up-to-
date information will also be provided via their webpage or other designated methods of
official communication.
4. Other CampusesAnnouncements for weather related operational impacts at UI
campuses outside of Johnson County are disseminated by those campus administrators
separately from the main campus announcements.
Severe Weather Advisory Group (SWAG)
SWAG is a group whose membership is representative of the university administrative structure
responsible for certain essential/critical campus operations. See Annex A for members and their
contact information.
In their role within SWAG, these individuals report to the Provost for the purpose of serving in an
advisory capacity regarding severe weather impacts and response capabilities. SWAG is
coordinated through DEM.
SWAG will assess the nature, the severity, and the anticipated impacts and recovery of
the university due to the potential inclement weather and advise the Provost of its
findings. The Provost will make the decision to cancel classes and, if necessary, to
reduce operations, as applicable.
SWAG will implement the decision and take appropriate actions.
Advisory Process
1. Key Actions
Monitor weather threat
Communicate weather forecast, current conditions, and potential impacts
Maintain coordination throughout the event
Provide information to senior leadership
Document event and applicable operations
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Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
2. Procedures
A. Activation
Upon determination of a threat of inclement weather that has the potential to
significantly disrupt the normal course of business and/or poses a significant
threat to the health and safety of the campus community, the Provost may
authorize the activation of SWAG. DEM may activate some or all of the group,
based on the direction of the Provost, and request members to provide
situation reports pertinent to their areas.
i. Any member of SWAG may contact DEM and recommend activation of
the group. The decision to activate will be made by the Provost.
At the direction of the Provost, DEM will create initial briefing messages and
either schedule a conference call or direct other means of coordination.
o SWAG members will be notified via email and/or text message.
B. Coordination Activities
When using a conference call, Annex B should be used to document the call.
For operational change discussions, the Provost may use Annex C to aid in the
decision-making process although the results of this form shall not override
the ability of UI leadership to use caution and independent judgment in
determining the operational status of the university.
C. Craft applicable operation change message using template.
Campus Safety Communications and External Relations, Office of Strategic
Communication, DEM, Office of the Provost Communications, UI External
Submit for approval to Provost (or designee)
D. Communicate applicable operational changes:
Communication Task Assigned To
When possible, provide advance notice to
president, cabinet, collegiate deans and
identified associate deans/leaders
Office of the Provost
Issue Hawk Alert Campus Safety
Social media dissemination Campus Safety and OSC
Share messaging with campus
Campus Safety (lead coordination),
OSC and Office of the Provost
Post situation updates to Emergency page Campus Safety
Department of Emergency Management
Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
E. Continue to gather information.
Campus Safety will continue to monitor the weather threat and impacts.
Updates in between calls may be shared via email or other designated means.
DEM will facilitate additional coordination efforts as needed.
F. Event Close-Out
Unless specific announcements, extending cancellations, and/or operational
changes are made, classes will resume the next regularly scheduled class day
and the university will resume normal operations at the beginning of the next
morning shift or regular business day.
G. After Action Review (AAR)
Events will be reviewed as necessary. Extent and type of review will be
determined based on the impacts of the event.
After action items will be solicited and should be submitted via email to DPS-
[email protected] or as otherwise directed.
DEM will compile AAR items into a document which may be distributed via
email or as otherwise determined appropriate.
Factors to Consider
The inherent unpredictability of the weather makes it impossible to definitively dictate a
time for certain procedures to take place.
A more expansive storm/situation may require several pre-event conference calls and/or
may result in an EOC activation.
Special consideration should be given to decisions made after the start of the workday.
This represents a logistical challenge especially as it pertains to Parking and
Consideration should also be given to the city streets adjoining the university, as city
street conditions may prohibit CAMBUS from passing on their normal routes.
Consideration may be given to weather in outlying areas where significant populations of
faculty, staff, and/or students may be commuting from.
The decision worksheet (Annex C) can be used to help further aid in the decision-making
process. This document includes additional criteria and factors that should be
considered with an attributable value system to support the process. The decision
worksheet in no way shall limit the ability of leadership to use good judgement and
extreme caution.
SWAG Coordination
Upon receipt of an applicable advisory, watch, warning or otherwise indicated by DEM, the Director
of DEM (or designee) will inform the Provost. The Provost may opt to request activation of all or
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Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
specific members of the Severe Weather Advisory Group (SWAG) via conference call or Veoci.
The purpose of the coordination may be to:
Gather information pertaining to impacts and potential recovery capabilities.
Maintain situational awareness.
Generally speaking, the first coordination meeting (virtual, via phone, ect) for an event will likely
commence at least 12 hours ahead of the forecasted start of the event. However, these times are
subject to change based on the path and timing of the weather event.
Coordination of information is key to effective and appropriate decision making. Again, the
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics coordinates with their Incident Management Team (IMT)
as it relates to their medical emergency support function. Coordination with UIHC to ensure
collaboration and consistent communications will occur through routine coordination in
emergency management and UI leadership roles. This also includes any operational impacts or
concerns that need to be coordinated based on an institutional response up until any
appropriate/further activations occurs.
The following shall be used as a reference for suggested information to be shared by the
applicable group/area:
Group/Area Focus
Emergency Management
Weather briefing
Local impacts and updates
UIHC status (hospital operations, clinic
operations, and event declaration/staffing)
Johnson County and State of Iowa status
DOT travel status
Facilities Management
Roads and grounds conditions
FM Staffing
Loss of critical services
Expected time for clearing
Operational considerations
Campus Safety/Police
Roads and grounds conditions
Emergency responder staffing
Building access
Operational considerations
NITE RIDE status
Business Services (including
Parking and Transportation)
Purchasing needs and approvals
Receiving operations
P&T reported road and grounds conditions
CAMBUS schedule/status
Parking lot status
Department of Emergency Management
Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
Provost’s Office
Academic operations
Student Life
Housing and Dining operations status
Student activities
Iowa Memorial Union status
Human Resources
Campus employee reporting status
UI External Relations
Events (Hancher, etc.)
Local impacts
Consideration to messaging
Communication Teams
(Campus Safety, OSC and Office
of Provost)
Consideration to messaging
Communication dissemination
Any and/or all
Incident Management Software
UI will use an incident management system software tool, currently Veoci, that will allow for on-
going virtual situational awareness and information sharing as well as accountability/tracking of
resources and documentation, as it applies to coordination for extreme weather situations. DEM
may activate a room for the forecasted extreme weather so that all SWAG members can share
related concerns, information, and assessments.
Conference Call Procedure
In the absence of Veoci or if the need arises that a conference call is better suited, the call will be
announced via email and/or text messaging to the applicable members of SWAG, including
backups. Those unable to join the call are encouraged to share updates with DEM to be shared
with the group. As applicable, DEM may provide situation reports (SitRep) via email between calls,
as appropriate. Therefore, members of the SWAG are encouraged to share updates with DEM
between conference calls, for situational awareness purposes.
The Department of Emergency Management (DEM) will initiate the call and open the line
approximately 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the call. Participants will be polled for
attendance and then the DEM facilitator will poll each office/department and ask for an update.
Department of Emergency Management
Extreme Weather Plan
Version 3.0
At the conclusion of the departmental reports, there will be time allotted for questions and other
Conference calls should be facilitated and documented by DEM personnel and should follow the
subsequent agenda:
1. DEM will begin the call with a roll call and a weather briefing.
2. DEM will then solicit applicable information.
3. Discuss additional concerns and ensure appropriate information is available for
decision making needs and any applicable communications.
4. Operating schedule recommendation.
5. Schedule next call time.
Annex List
A: Severe Weather Advisory Group Contacts
B: Conference Call Worksheet
C: Campus Operations Analysis Worksheet
Annex A: Severe Weather Advisory Group Contacts
This annex is not available via this public access document.
Annex B: Conference Call Worksheet
This annex is not available via this public access document.
Annex C: Campus Operations Analysis Worksheet
This annex is not available via this public access document.