ed at Telephone
(Family Law Art., § 7-103(a)(8))
MDEC counties only: If this submission contains Restricted Information (confidential by statute, rule
or court order) you must file a Notice Regarding Restricted Information Pursuant to Rule 20-201.1
(form MDJ-008) with this submission
, and check the Restricted Information box on this form.
NOTES: Use this form if you want a divorce and you and your spouse agree on how to settle all matters
between you. Visit
• Cons
ider hiring a lawyer, especially if your spouse has a lawyer, you own a business, or there are
financial obligations related to a piece of property. If either spouse has retirement benefits, a lawyer
can help draft a special court order used to distribute those benefits.
• Mark the “Restricted Information” box at the top of this page if your agreement includes financial
or other confidential information such as part of a social security or federal tax identification
number. Only list the last four digits of account numbers.
• File a Petition to Seal or Otherwise Limit Inspection of a Case Record (Form CC-DC-053) if you do
not want the public to access your agreement.
• This agreement is a contract and you may be giving up important rights by signing it.
We, and , were married on
in .
We agree to divorce and have resolved all marital issues as follows:
1. Alimony (check all that apply):
☐ Neither spouse is seeking alimony/spousal support. (skip to number 2)
☐ We have reached an agreement on alimony/spousal support as follows:
agrees to pay
$ per month beginning as alimony.
We also agree that (check one):
☐ alimony/spousal support is limited to a time period of .
☐ alimony is to continue for an unlimited number of years.
☐ We agree that alimony ☐ ends ☐ does not end if the alimony recipient
☐ remarries or ☐ either party dies.
CC-DR-116 (Rev. 07/2022) Page 1 of 3
City/State/Country where married
☐ Mark this box if this form contains Restricted Information.