High Cost Universal
Broadband (HUBB)
User Guide
Available for Public Use
Carriers participating in modernized Connect America Fund (CAF)
programs must file broadband deployment data with USAC's HUBB
(High Cost Universal Broadband) portal showing where they are
building out mass-market, high-speed Internet service using CAF
support. This information includes latitude and longitude
coordinates for every location where service is available. This user
guide provides a step-by-step overview of the HUBB filing process.
When carriers log into the HUBB via the USAC E-File system, this is the first
screen they see.
Users associated with multiple carriers should use the Holding Company/Carrier
Name drop-down menu to view information for individual carriers.
Deployment information can be sorted by fund, state and deployment year.
The screen displays the number of locations uploaded, the number of locations
that have been saved but not certified and the number of locations that have
been certified.
This screen also shows progress toward deployment milestones, recent activity
and HUBB resources.
Carriers upload CSV (comma separated values) files containing geolocated
deployment data on the Manage Uploads” page using the CSV template
provided by USAC. This template can be found on the HUBB resources page
the HUBB Home page.
After a file is uploaded, the HUBB validates the data submitted.
Once the validation process is complete, users can review the data uploaded
and any associated errors or warnings by clicking on the Review Data” button,
which brings up the File Upload Details screen.
TheFile Upload Details” screen also displays a graph of errors and warnings:
SeeData Formatting Instructions” for details on error and warning codes.
The HUBB will not accept any data with errors.
Users can click on “Download Data Errors and Warnings to open an Excel
file containing locations with errors or warnings. The Excel file looks like
Users can find this same information by scrolling to the bottom of theFile
Upload Details screen, which shows details for each error or warning and
provides the option to edit individual locations. Users can filter by issue and
edit individual records by clicking the icon in the Edit” column to the far right.
When a user clicks on the Edit icon, this screen appears:
Users should make any necessary edits and click “Validate.” The system then
revalidates the location to determine if there are any remaining errors or
warnings. If there are no errors, the Update Location” button will become
On the “File Upload Details” screen, users can save locations with no errors, or
delete locations to be re-uploaded after errors are fixed, by clicking in theData
Options box.
Selecting “Save opens a window to confirm that locations are to be saved.
Please note that the locations will not appear on the Location Details screen for
certification unless they are saved on this screen.
Selecting “Delete opens a window to confirm that locations are to be deleted.
Carriers that did not deploy any new locations in the prior year must certifyNo
Locations To Upload. Note that only certifying officers can select this certification.
Clicking on theNo Locations To Upload” button on theManage Uploads” screen
brings up the certification window. The officer is then prompted to select a fund
and deployment year.
A list of carriers participating in the selected fund will appear when these two
fields have been clicked.
The officer should select the carriers with no new locations to upload and then
certify at the bottom of the window.
A carrier that certifiesNo Locations to Upload” in error can reverse the
certification up to two times.
Clicking on No Locations to Upload” brings up the screen listing the associated
carriers. An officer can reverse a certification by clicking onRevert No Locations
to Upload.
In the next window, the officer must indicate the carrier and the reason for
reversing the certification.
TheLocation Details” page displays all saved locations.
Locations may be filtered by Fund, Deployment Year, Status (Certified, Not
Certified, Bulk Modified and Bulk Deletion), Date Uploaded and State
Locations may be searched by SAC, Latitude, Longitude or Carrier Location ID
using the drop-down menu and search field to the right of theDownload
Locations link.
Users may also download a report of locations that have been saved.
Users may view and edit individual location records that have been uploaded but
not yet certified by clicking on the icon in the far right in the View/Edit column.
Users can also delete locations that have not yet been certified.
After the data is certified, the HUBB does allow revisions to speed tiers (to reflect
network upgrades), month and day of deployment, addresses, and the last two
digits of the latitude and/or longitude coordinates. If a carrier needs to revise
any other portion of a certified location record before the filing deadline, the
certifying officer must delete the entire record, and the carrier must then re-
upload a new record incorporating any changes.
Once the data is ready for certification, the certifying officer can select individual
locations to certify using the checkboxes in the far left column, or can select all
locations on the current page using the checkbox in the header.
The system does allow for bulk certification. Clicking on the box next toFund” in
the header brings up a small link that asks if the carrier wants to select all records
for certification at once (rather than just the ones that appear on the current
Once locations have been selected, the Certify and Delete buttons become
Note that the Certify button is only available to certifying officers.
Clicking “Certify brings up a pop-up window for certification. The name entered in
the signature box must match the name in the brackets. TheCertify” button will
become available once the certifying officer enters the holding company and name
in the appropriate boxes.
Following certification, a confirmation screen appears.
TheMilestone Certification and Reporting” page allows users to track
deployment and reporting obligations, including a carrier’s total build-out
requirement, the number of locations submitted to the HUBB and progress
toward meeting build-out milestones.
Updating Previously Certified Records
Officers can make revisions to location records in closed deployment years
on a per-record basis or in bulk.
Updating a Single Location
To make a revision to a single record, the officer must login to the HUBB and
locate the record using the drop-down menus and search fields on the
Location Details” screen.
Click the icon in the View/Edit column of the record that needs to be
updated. A window will appear where the updates can be made.
Officers should make the necessary updates and provide details of what has
been updated in the text field provided.
Click theValidate button. When the validation is successful, theCertify
button will become available. Officers must certify the record at this point or
the changes made will be lost.
Bulk Modifications
Carriers must use the Bulk Modification Template”, which can be found on
the Manage Uploads screen.
Complete the template to reflect the modifications that are being made to
the records. Please note that fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Carriers can download records from theLocation Details” screen if they are
missing any of the required fields.
Click on “Upload Bulk Modifications File on the Manage Uploads screen to
upload the completed bulk modifications file.
The bulk modifications file will appear in the list of Recently Uploaded Files.
If there are any errors or warnings in the file, click “Error Log” to view the
Click onReview & Certify Data in the Data Details column, or go to
the Location Details screen, to certify.
Use theBulk Modified” option in the Status field to display the locations
that have been modified.
Individual records can be modified using the icon in the View/Edit column.
Select the locations to be certified using the check boxes next to each record
or the check box in the header to select all. Select Certify from the Actions
drop-down menu.
Clicking “Certify brings up a pop-up window for certification. The name entered
in the signature box must match the name in the brackets. TheCertify” button
will become available once the certifying officer enters the holding company and
name in the appropriate boxes.
Following certification, a confirmation screen appears.
Carriers have the option to revert the modified records prior to certifying. If
this option is selected, a window will ask for confirmation.
Bulk Deletion
Carriers must use the Bulk Deletion Template, which can be found on the
Manage Uploads screen.
Complete the template to include the records that should be deleted. Each
record must include a Reason Code. TheReason Explanation” is a field that
can be used for providing further details. The explanation is required when
the Other” reason code is used. See the Detailed Instructions for a list of
Reason Codes.
Click on “Upload Bulk Deletion File on the Manage Uploads screen to
upload the completed bulk deletion file.
The bulk deletion file will appear in the list of Recently Uploaded Files.
Click onReview & Delete Data” in the Data Details column, or go to
the Location Details screen, to certify. Please note that the locations
will not be deleted from the HUBB until the officer has certified.
Use the “Bulk Deleted option in the Status field to display the locations
that were included in the bulk deletion template.
Select the locations to be certified using the check boxes next to each record
or the check box in the header to select all. Select “Delete” from the Actions
drop-down menu.
The system will provide a warning that the deletions cannot be undone.
Click Delete to complete the location deletions.