Since 1978, The Family Place has
truly been where family violence stops.
I’ve been involved since 2012 and am
so proud of all the strong, creative, and
resilient people at the agency who work
hard every day to help survivors find
a path from fear and hopelessness to
safety and success. I’m also thankful
for the generous donors and volunteers
who support The Family Place and
make so many brighter futures
Harold Ginsburg, Chairman of the Board
Hanging in my daughter’s closet are some brightly colored toddler overalls, a daily reminder of the value of e Family Place. ey’re a hand-me-down
from an extended friend-like-family member. e precious little girl who once wore them and her older brother were killed by their father during a scheduled
unsupervised visitation. After murdering his children, he killed himself.
One in three Texans will experience domestic violence. With statistics like that, we know everyone knows someone. Too often, we nd out we knew someone
when it’s too lateafter the damage is done and the headlines have run.
Since 1978, e Family Place has worked to prevent the heartbreak and the headlines with services that save lives and transform them for the better. Faith
and Liberty Battaglia lost their lives in Dallas in 2001 the same way my friends did. eir tragedy was a catalyst for an amendment to the Texas Family Code
regarding court-ordered supervised visitation and the opening of our Faith and Libertys Place Family Center in 2003. We’re proud to have turned that headline
into groundbreaking services.
e Family Place never sleeps. We invest in our teams who operate 24/7/365 to keep our hotline and three shelters, including the state’s only shelter for men
and children, open and ready to prevent family violence survivors from becoming headlines. You will read about our lifesaving and life-changing programs in this
community impact report—from emergency shelter and transitional housing to counseling and extensive community education. We were one of the rst, and
now our comprehensive resources make us the largest family violence organization in the state, providing services to nearly 20,000 unduplicated individuals in
Another service that sets us apart is our court-ordered Battering Intervention and Prevention Program. Since 1984, we have taught oenders how to identify,
challenge, and change core beliefs that support the use of violence with their intimate partners. We are truly addressing every angle of the cycle of violence. At the
other end of the spectrum is our largest program in terms of numbers reachedour Be Project teen dating violence and sexual assault prevention education in
area schools. Be Project has taught kids about healthy relationships since 1999, and reached 5,424 students in 2022 with messages about how to Be Safe, Be Kind,
Be Courageous, and Be More.
2023 is e Family Place’s 45th anniversary. All year long, we’re focusing on how we’re building brighter futures. I believe Be Project can be the key to that
work. We’re hoping a collaboration with One Love Foundation, a national nonprot with a mission to end relationship abuse through education, will help us
scale. e namesake of One Love Foundation was also the subject of a headline. Yeardley Love died three weeks before her graduation from the University of
Virginia. She was a leader on the lacrosse team, and her family and friends say to know her was to love her. Her life was cut short by someone who claimed he did.
is year we have the largest budget in the history of e Family Place$17 million—and every one of those dollars is tied to building brighter futures. e
photographs in this report tell that story through our communitythe leaders and donors who give their time, talent, and resources; the clients saved from the
headlines and willing to share their experiences to save others; the public servants who support us through policy; and the sta members who dedicate themselves
wholeheartedly to our cause. I hope you will nd them as inspiring as we do!
With gratitude,
Mimi Crume Sterling
Chief Executive Ocer
I got married right aer high school and stayed in that abusive relationship for eight years
before reaching out for help. When I came to The Family Place’s emergency shelter in 2000,
I had no money or job skills. My two sons and I stayed at the shelter for 30 days and then
moved into transitional housing for three months. During our stay, my boys participated in
the Childrens Educational Services, which meant I could take advantage of all the supportive
programs. Thanks to The Family Place, I found the courage to be where I am today. I went back
to college and now have my Ph.D. in Education. I used to be shy, had low self-esteem, and didnt
believe in myself. The Family Place showed me and my children that there are people who care
about you without even knowing you, and I will be forever grateful.
Aaliyah Miranda, former client and Board Member
When we moved here over 40 years ago, I didnt know anyone. A couple of new friends asked
me to come to some meetings of The Family Place Partners. Before I knew it, I was hooked and
had joined the board. I liked what The Family Place did and how they did it. When the idea of
the Partners Card came up, Sally Johnson and I chaired it the first two years. I’m very proud of
Partners Card and the important work it funds.
Sally Hoglund, donor, The Hoglund Foundation, namesake of our
Sallys House emergency shelter, and Foundation Board Member
Public safety comes first in our city because everyone deserves
to feel safe in their community and in their own home. The
Family Place has been a leader in Dallas for 45 years, and its
critical efforts have supported survivors, increased awareness,
and made our city safer.
Eric Johnson, City of Dallas Mayor
The Family Place has become a trusted institution in our
city for its transformational work to end cycles of domestic
violence. I am excited and honored to serve on this board and
to join the effort to educate the public and advocate on behalf
of our families.
Nakita Johnson, City of Dallas First Lady and Board Member
2022 BY THE
1 in 3 Texans will experience domestic violenceone of the highest rates in the country. The Family Place is the largest provider of
family violence services in Texas working to build brighter futures for survivors. In 2022, we provided services to 19,038 unduplicated
individuals, including 64,324 emergency shelter days, 24,019 transitional housing days, 18,752 counseling hours and 2,228 case
management sessions for survivors, and 7,808 hours of court-ordered group sessions for batterers.
Emergency Shelter
Provides family violence survivors with safety, food, clothing, transportation, legal
services, counseling, and case management at 3 shelter locations with 136 beds. The
number of men we shelter continues to increasefrom 56 in 2020 to 66 in 2021 to
84 in 2022. We believe the increase is due to greater awareness of our Men’s Shelter,
which is the only one in the state.
592 CHILDREN / 561 WOMEN / 84 MEN
52 DAYS average length of stay
98.5% EXITED and did not return to their abuser
151 CHILDREN provided with 16,371 HOURS of childcare in our Child
Development Center
18 CHILDREN attended our K-2 Learning Center
16 CHILDREN mentored in our After-School and Summer Program
90% of parents reported a positive experience with our Child Development Center
100% of children were connected to an external support service when a need was
Onsite Children’s Educational Services
178 DAYS average length of stay
98.5% exited and did not return to their abuser
90% gained knowledge and skills to break the cycle of violence
Supportive Living Program
Provides long-term housing, education, and training to help survivors rebuild their lives in 26
onsite apartments at our Safe Campus.
9,801 EMERGENCY calls answered
4,652 INFORMATION and REFERRAL calls answered
5,149 CALLERS provided services
94% answer rate
Onsite Medical and Dental Clinics
697 CLIENTS seen in our medical clinics
2,439 HOURS of medical care
110 C LIE NT S seen by volunteer dentists
Residential Client Demographics
6% Male
4% Multi-
2% Other
Survivor Counseling
We provide community-based survivor counseling for adults
and children at our Central Dallas Counseling Center, Collin
County Counseling Center, and Southern Dallas Counseling
1,844 WOMEN
115 M E N
18,752 HOURS
99% of adults and 91% of children report
feeling safer after coming to The Family Place
for counseling
Dignity at Work
91 CLIENTS received employment services
57% secured employment during program enrollment
Housing and Stability Services
100% achieved at least one case management goal
100% secured permanent and safe housing
362 MEN
75% did not use denying or
minimizing language
55 PARTNERS of offenders
enrolled in counseling
Battering Intervention and
Prevention Program
This court-ordered psychoeducational program
for offenders addresses the source of violence
and challenges pro-abuse beliefs to stop
Nonresidential Client Demographics
2% Multi-
17% Male
1% Asian
5,424 STUDENTS educated
1,557 STUDENTS participated in special events
93% could identify abusive behavior and 91% knew
how to help a friend in an abusive relationship after
Be Project
1 in 3 teens will experience dating violence. Our Be Project takes
prevention education to area schools and empowers youth to Be
Safe, Be Kind, Be Courageous, and Be More.
1,908 HOURS
98% safely coparented and
maintained no contact with the
other parent during visits or
Faith and Libertys Place
This program provides a safe, child-centered
environment where trained professionals
facilitate supervised child visitation and
monitored exchanges with noncustodial parents.
Referrals come from Dallas family courts,
primarily from child custody cases where there
is history of family violence.
Legal Services
89 CASES including protective orders,
divorce, support, custody, and visitation.
1,377 REFERRALS from Dallas Police
27 HOME VISITS with survivors
15 CASES accepted by the team
80% of survivors visited increased their
knowledge of crime victims’ rights
Domestic Violence High Risk Team
We collaborate with the criminal justice system to increase
victim safety and offender accountability. In cases accepted
by the team, survivors at the highest lethality risk get
enhanced support, including increased supervision of
offenders (ankle monitors) and expedited prosecution.
Feeding the families in our care is truly a joy for me—especially when I see so many
children appreciating the food we serve. Oen the survivors we shelter have suered
not only from abuse but also from food insecurity. Providing them with three hot meals
and two healthy snacks each day is a critical piece of making sure they feel safe, and I’m
proud of the role I play in that.
Cyro Foster, Food Services Manager
Most of our expenses, including client-facing program salaries, are directly connected to ensuring family violence survivors are cared for, safe, and fedwhether theyre living in
our shelters and transitional housing apartments or in their own homes. Our 2023 budget strives to make sure our client experience is excellent, our staff members are engaged
and supported, our donors have the highest condence in us, and community leaders continue to be invested in our partnerships. Together we are helping people rebuild their
lives free from violence and keeping our community safer for all.
Please give generously to help survivors nd a path from fear to hope.
To eliminate intimate partner violence, it’s imperative to focus attention and
resources on providing services for oenders. Without them, even with adequate
shelter to meet demand, our painstaking work will continue to fall short. In our
psychoeducational program for oenders, we address the source of the violence and
challenge pro-abuse beliefs to protect not only the current victim but also countless
others they may encounter in the future.
Benjamin Lee Meneses, Battering Intervention and Prevention Program Director
Anonymous Donors
Vincent Abate
Theresa Abrams
Edward and Beth Ackerman
Kelsey Acosta
Paula Acosta
Tim Adair
Linda and Donald Adams
Fayyaz Adatia
Dephanie Adeyemi
Marianne Adkins
Christopher Agrusti
Roy Aguilar
Diana Aguirre
Robert and Patricia Aisner
Andrea Al Kadumi
Noor Alajami
Amit Alam
Katherine Albert*
Laura and Mark Aldredge
Frank Alfaro
Eva Allard
Brant Allegretti
Bobbie Jean Allen
Lena and Derek Alley
Cameron Allison
David and Anne Allred III
David and Lisa Allston
Ana Alza
Brianna Amaranthus
Ashley Amerman
Barbara Amosson
Elizabeth Anderson
Gayle and Phil Anderson
Orman Anderson
James Andrew
Clare Andros
Carla Anthis
Fonda and Jay Arbetter
Gardner Armsby
Brooke Armstrong
Lisa and Hal Armstrong
Marilyn Armstrong
Jennifer Ash
Lisa Ashworth
Paula Asinof
Soraya Askar
Ian Athmann
William Atkiels
Caroline Atkins
Lindylou and Brian Austin
Vanessa Ayoub
Dana and Bradley Ayres
Following are the names of those who have given generous nancial gifts to The Family Place to transform the lives of our clients and make our community safer. This list reects donations received
from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022, excluding Partners Card retailers and card purchasers who are too numerous to list! If we left you out, please forgive us and contact Judy Hudson at
jlhudson@familyplace.org. *Indicates Safekeepers Annual Giving Society donors.
Fahrin Aziz and Amirali Meghani
Mary Lynn Babcock
Andrew Baca
Deborah Badejo
Colby Baer
Robin and Norman Bagwell
Yvonne and Joseph Bailes
Alison Bailey
Cathy Bailey
Margaret and Stewart Bailey
Nancy and Thomas Baker
Farzin and Mojgan Bakhshian
Amy and Pete Baldwin
Lauren Baldwin
Connie Roschlau Ball
Priscilla and Thomas Ball
Carol Ballman*
Jennifer Bania
Eleanor Banister
Brooke Barnes
Kylie Barnes
Susie and Mike Barnett
Daphne Barr
Colleen Barrett
Samuel and Elizabeth Barrett*
Susan and Samuel Barrett
Jeannie and Howard Barsam
Suzanne and Enrico Bartolucci
Michele Bartos
Jennifer and Fouad Bashour
Kathaleen Bates
Skyler and Robert Baty Jr.
Steven and Lauren Bauer
Adam and Britney Bazaldua
William Beakley
Jessica Beasley
Marshal and Cynthia Beck
Katie Becker
Roshni Bedi
Laura Belcher
James Belich
Carl and Linda Bell
Lester and Bridget Bell
Melinda Bell
Vanessa Bell
Lety and Abraham Benavides
Mary Catherine and Abe Benavides
Gayle Bennett
Sarah Bennett
Brittany Benton
Mark Benton
Shelby Benton
Brice Berg
Collin Berg
Fran and Mark Berg
Gail and Byron Berger
Laurie Berger and Brian Levine
Lauren Berk
Michael Bernstein
Mark Bernthal
De’Ericka Bertram
Rhys and Sue Best
Aubrie Beysselance
Sonia Bhasker
Lisa Bhattacharya
Nancy S. Bierman
Anne Binns
Jennifer Biry*
William and Stacey Bixby
Meredith and Rick Bjorck
Brenda Blair
Lori Blair
Jody Bland
Kelsey Blankenship
Becky Blaylock
Tatyana Bloom
Janie and Mike Bloomer
Arianna Bodor
Stephen and Amy Bodwell
Carla and J. Dylan Bolden
Beau Bollinger
Farley Bolwell
Olivia Bolwell
Nancy Bond
Angela Boots
Sarah and Jim Borders
Linda and Edwin Boren
Renee Borin
Allison and Chris Bovard
Tani and Vincent Bove
Joan Bowsher
Jordan Brackens
Kevin Bradley
Charlyn Bradshaw
Deatra Bradshaw
Sam and Ruth Bradshaw
Charles and Megan Branch
Lisa and Chad Brautigam
Karen Bravo
Suzanne Gagne Bregman
Sarah and Clark Brewer
Patty and Daniel Brinda
Julie and John Broad
Mary and Michael Broder
Henri and Sharon Bromberg, III
Katheryn and Parker Brooks
Amy Brookshire*
Cindy Broschart
Berkly Brown
Cindy Brown
Gloria and Lance Brown
James and Michelle Brown
Dana and Loyd Browne
Patty Browne
Regina Bruce and John Pickett*
Chevelle Brudey*
Dr. R. David Brumbaugh
Lacey Brutschy
Collins and Ali Bryan
Anne Buckingham
Ann and Keith Buckley
Jene and James Buckner*
James Buddrus
Joshua Bufngton
Lisa Buljan
Mark and Peggy Burck
Patti and Roger Burks
Paula and Robert Burright*
Clifford Burton and Audrey Cook
Bette Buschow
Adair Butler
Lauren Fagin Butler
Ruth and John Buttereld
Barbara Buzzell
Rebecca Byford
Teresa Byrd
Amy Caccamo
Colin Caldwell
Charles and Svitlana Calise
Evie Callaway
Whitney Cameron
Carolyn Campbell
Frances Campbell
Mary Bowman Campbell
Jessica Carbonetti
Christina Cardinale
James Carlson
Andy Carnahan
Lisa and Thomas Carr
Rita and Frederic Carroll
Stephen and Terry Casey
Jeffrey Cashdan
Darlene and A. Baron Cass
Emily Cassady*
Alexandra Castillo
Terrie Castleman
Cynthia Caudle
Chase Cavin
Shannon and Frederick Cerise
Dave Chamberlain
Margaret and Thomas Chambers
Philip Chan
Mary and Eric Chancellor
Eric and Katie Chandler
Brenda Chapman*
Erica Chapman
Sharlie Chapman
Jamaica Chapple
Carmen Charles
Joseph Chavez
David Ching
Elizabeth Chow
Isaiah Cisneroz
Max and Sharon Clark
Reanae Clark
LeRoy and Joyce Clavenna
Kathryn and Mike Cleary
Jonathan Cline
Anastasia and Justin Clumpner
Kendall Cluxton
Bonnie and Allen Cobb
Camille and Chad Cohen
Carlie Cohen
Derek Cohen
Ronnie and Dan Cohen
Joan Cole
Kerry and Kellie Cole
Trudy and Bruce Coleman
John and Lori Collins*
Nicole Collins
Kellam and Emily Colquitt
Christy Coltrin and Brad Oldham
Albert Conly
Laurie and Mark Connell
Lana Constantine
Sylvia and Joe Contreras
Bela and Chase Cooley
Cameron Cooper
Grace Cooper
Millie and Kenneth Cooper
Sharon Cooper
William and Jane Corbellini
Julie Ann and Rex Corey
Deborah Cornwell
Jennifer and John Corrigan
John Cosby
Luke Coughlin
Walter and Susan Cowger
John Cox
Kim Silmon Cox
Nicole Cox
Kim Crawford
Brian and Shelly Cree
Elizabeth Ward Creel
Randa Crisler*
Terrance Crooks
Taylor Cross
Pamela and Stanley Crossman
Katherine Crow
Tinet Crowell
Barry and Laura Crume
Travis Crume
Melanie Crutcher
Judy and Cullen Cullers
Allen and Sissy Cullum
Sally and G. Mark Cullum
Abbey Cumnock
Wynne and Chris Cunningham
Lauren Cureton
William Cutler
Hannah Cutshall
Elizabeth Dacus
Emily Dahlander
Gabriela and Sean Dalfen
Josephine Danaher
Mark Daniels*
Linda Danis
Jane and Terry Darrow
Alan and Sherri Darver
Vidhi Data
Jo Davenport
Barbara Davis
Bianca Davis
Cathy and William Davis
Karla Davis
Marilyn Davis
Paula and Luke Davis
Ellen and Tyler Dawson
Michelle De La Rosa
Michelle Deason
Molly Deason
Sandra Dehn
David and Melissa Deitchman*
Javier and Esmeralda Del Toro
Michelle Del Toro
Susanna Delagarza
Tricia and Martin DeLeon
Alison Delzell
Laura Denk
Tina Dennis
Efe Dennison
Mark and Tanya Denton
Brian and Mary Derksen
Joy DesRosier
Cory Devers
Claire Dewar
Stuart Diamond
Cortney Dicanio
Jennifer and Richard Dix
Erica Dodds
Bina Domb
Lori Donfrancesco
Sandy Donsky
Ruth Ann Dorrill
Constance and Thomas Dotzenrod
Margaret and James Doughty
Carrissa Dowdy
Berkeley and Jason Downie
James and Cheryl Drayer
Brian and Yvonne Drennen
Charles Duckworth
Anna Duerr
Vivian Dugger
Jennifer Dukes
Caleb and Jeri Duncan
Carol Duncan
Gary Duncan
Dathan Dunn
Marcia Dunn and Jonathan Sobel
Robert and Judith Dunn
Sally and Thomas Dunning
Charles and Tara Durham, II
Gary Duryea
Melissa Dvorocsik
Monica and Joe Eastin
Marjorie and David Eastman
Sean Eaves
Angie Eckelkamp
Scott and Pam Eckerty
Sandhya Edupuganty
Robert and Laura Eggemeyer
Roberta and Allan Eichenberger
Elizabeth and Richard Eiseman
Nadine Eiserer
Marnese Barksdale Elder
Lincoln and Susan Eldredge III
Sean Elgiar
Leonard Ellis
John and Jae-Je Elmore
Mandy and Matthew Elmore
David and Lisa Elrod
Claire and Dwight Emanuelson
Rachel and Michael Emmett
Cheryl Engelmann and Mark Dyslin
Robert Ensworth Jr. and Priscilla Clark
Emily Erwin
Melissa Espey-Mueller*
William and Heather Esping
Ruben Esquivel
Sandra Estess
Luis Esteves
Douglas and Laura Evans
Julia Evans and Tyler Simmons
Lauren Evans
Steffanie Evans
Susan and John Everett
Leah and Philip Ewing
Patricia Fagadau
Ellen and Spencer Falls
Nima Farkhak*
Ben and Cheryl Farmer, II
Whitney Faulkner
Lynae Fearing
Kevin Fease
LiTangia Fegan
Neal Feibel
Alan and Anne Feld
Mynan and Sam Feldman
Barbara and Stefan Ferm
Blake and Jay Fetterman
Faye Fetters
Christopher Figueroa*
Margaret Filingeri
Erin Fincher
Matthew and Ellanor Fink
Sandra Finkbohner
Louise Finley
Mary Clare Finney
Janet and Robert Firth
John Fisher
Teresa Fishman
Jordan Fite
Ruth Fitzgibbons and Brian McGauley*
Sharon and Ed Fjordbak
Neal and Cindolyn Flagg
Michele Fleischacker
and Michael Bucholtz
Mark Fletcher
Paige and Randy Flink
Monika Flood*
Mr. Dan D. Florence
Gale and Mike Florence
Theresa Flores
Sabrina Focht
Courtney Fondren
Kathleen Fones
Lynne Fontaine
Diane Foote
Leslie and Michael Foreman*
Elizabeth Fortado
Edmundo Fortuna
Lisa Fox
Margaret Fraker
Amanda and Mark Francis
Drusilla Francis
Kristi Francis
Brittany Frazier
Monica Frazier
William and Veronica Frazier
Donald and Beverly Freeman, Jr.
Jerry and Allison Freeman, Jr.
Lisa Frenkel
Dr. Rhoda S. Frenkel
Rebecca Frey and Michelle Carrig
Gilbert and Lynn Friedlander
Gene and Karen Friedman
Ilona and Eric Friedman
Jason Friedman
Nadia Friedman
Anthony Fritz
Sharon and Mark Fritz
Molly Froelich
Rick Fulton
Vanessa and Jay Fuquay
Nancy Gabel
Bertha Galan
Lisa Gallagher*
Norma Gallow
Jeffrey Ganz
Abbey and Kathy Garber
Elizabeth and Timothy Gargiulo
Sullivan Garnett
Mahoganie Gaston
John and Jennifer Gates
Linda Gates
Kenneth Gatherer
Tim and Ann Gavin
Drue Gawel
Virginia and Richard Gay
Stephanie Gaytan
David Geise
Natalie Gempel
Steven and Read Gendler
Sumitra Genti
Jason and Lisa Georgoulis
Neil Gerson
Tiffany and Brian Geyer
Roxana Ghaderi
Taylor Gibbons
Claire Gibson
Nikki and Dennis Gibson
Farzana Giga
Daniella Giglio
Ginger Gill*
Suzanne and Larry Gill
Nicholas and Robin Gilliam, Sr.
Lee Anne Gilman
Vickie Gilmore
Reid Glaze
Sharon and David Gleeson
Josephine Glenn
Gil and Lynne Glover
Dan Goetz
Angela Goga
Jill and Bruce Goldberg
Lauran and Robert Goldberg
Lisa and Neil Goldberg
Tonya Golden and Jude Haven*
Amy Goldsmith
Lynda and Charles Golenternek
Blair Golman
Braulio Gonzalez
Carlos Gonzalez-Jaime and Agustin
Rebecca and Stephen Good
Abby and Benjamin Goodman
Cindy Goodman
Thomas Goodwin*
Michelle and Bryan Goolsby
Marsha Gordon and Douglas Reader
Catharine Goss
Joyce and Tim Goss
Kenny Goss
Peter Gottlieb
Shari and Steven Gould*
Beverly Goulet*
Analiza Gral
John Graham
Pamela and James Graham
Ursula and William Graham
Tatyana Grant
Koen Grayson
Aubrey Greene
Adam Greenspan
Michelle and Earl Greenstreet
Christopher Greenwood
Kimberli and Dale Greer
Belinda Grifn
Diane Grifn
Kelly Grimsley
Myrtha and Arnold Grossman
Brooke and Raymond Guerrero
Jeanne Gulner and Kenneth Rees
Rebecca and George Gunn
Patricio Gutierrez
Rhonda Guzman
Peter Haas
Suzanne Hagen
Deborah and Howard Haile
Jeremy Hale
Barbara Haley
John and Cheryl Hall
Jonathan Hall
Mallorie Hall
Melisa Hall
Scott Hall
Sandra and George Hallmark
David and Julie Hamilton
Larry and Jeri Hamilton
Iris Pelton Hamlett
Dani and Adam Hanci
McKinley Haning, Jr.
Zelda Hantz
Marcus Haralson
Kyle Hardell
Derek Hardesty
Arthur and Cynthia Harding, Jr.
Kate Hardy
William and Sarah Harkinson
Julia and Jeremy Harman
Robert Harman
Deborah Harner
Audrey Harris
Bonnie and Jon Harris, Jr.
Evon and Michael Harris
Kelly Harris
Mary and Virgil Harris
Pamela and Paul Harris
Rex Harris
Shalawn and Rickie Harris
Rosanne Hart
Ute Hartwig
Mrs. Chester G. Haschke
Valerie Hatch
Patricia Hatcher
Margaret Haven
Tom and Elizabeth Hawk
Tina Hawkeswood
Jack and Susan Hawkins
Katy Hawkins
Rebecca Hawkins
Terri and Rick Hawkins
Basil and Dot Haymann
Debra and Frederick Haynes III
Lynetta Haynes-Oliver
Robert Hays
Robert and Freda Hays, Jr.
Timothy Headington
Dennis and Rosemary Heard
Cassandra Heath
Josie and Hammond Heath
Jessie Hechanova
Beverly Hein
Linda Helton and Harvey Mitchell III
Margaux Helvey
Sharon and Don Henley
Pamela Henneke
Meredith Little Henning
Keeley and William Hennington
Anna Henry
Eric Henry
Adrienne and Brad Herrmann*
James and Phyllis Herzog
Hannah Hess
Gregory and Kimberly Hext
Cynthia and Brad Hickman
Marva Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
and Patricia Highland
Carrie and Ted Hill
Dewain and Ann Hill
Karen and Gary Hill
Mary Hill
Tami Hillberry
Kimberly Hilley
Eileen Hinshaw
Jen Hlavacek
Anthony Ho
Christine Ho
Sally Pretorius Hodge
Emily Hoffer
Elizabeth Hofmann
Shannon Hogan
Simone Hogan
Monique Hohmann*
Alice and Brian Holland*
Elizabeth Hood
James and Audra Hopper, Jr.
Laura and Gerald Horn*
Michael Horne
SaraBeth Hoseld
Heather House
Frank and Ann Houseman
Dana and Rogene Howard
Johnese Howard
Julie Howard
Marisa and Frank Howard
Michelle Howard
Heather Howe
Michael Hoy
Victoria Huber
Monique Bracey Huff
Cody Huffman
Lindsay Hull
Layton and Claudia Humphrey, Jr.
Caroline Hunt
Margaret and Douglas Hunt
Michael Hunt
Ingrid and Harold Hunter
David and Tracey Huntley
Brittany Hurley
Christopher Hurst
Gary and Jean Huselton
Berit Hutson
Haley Hutson*
Sue and Steve Hwang
Mary Anne Ingram and James Schachterle
Farieda Irani
Camille and John Irvin
Kathleen Irvin
Becky Isaacs
Janet and Ramie Ismail*
John and Karen Ivy
Lindsay and Chuck Jacaman
Dana Jackson
Denise and Peter Jackson
Donald and Frances Jackson
Janet Jackson
Joan Jackson
Warren and Charlotte Jackson
Lachon Jacobs
Dr. Mark Jacobs
Sal Jafar
John and Rusty Jaggers
Emma Jamail
William and Sarah James
William and Alice Janes
Samuel Jarvis
Delia Jasso
Anastasia Jenkins
JoAnn Jenkins
Michelle Jenkins
Lynn and David Jennings
Mary McGreevy Jennings
Patricia and Nicholas Jent
Pamela Jernigan
Elizabeth and William Jessiman
Sharon Jett
Letitia Jimenez
Taylor and Matthew Joeckel
Alix Johnson
Arlene Johnson
Ashleigh Chiaviello Johnson
Camille Johnson
Candice Johnson
Kristie Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Melinda and James Johnson
Michael and Kimberly Johnson
Nakita Johnson
Nancy and William Johnson
Raechal Johnson
Ramona and Jack Johnson
Rodney Johnson
Shelley and Ryan Johnson
Taunya Johnson
Lindsay Johnston
Paul and Mary Joiner
Mark Jokerst
Marilyn Jolly and Jeff Stall
Angela Jones
Barrell and Jacob Jones
Fallyn Jones
Giovanni Jones
Matthew Jones
Michael Jones
Mignon and Stuart Jones
Ted and Susan Jones
Marc and Margaret Joseph
Sarah Joseph
Mirza Juarez
Rajyalaksmi and Mahendra Kakarla
Angie Kaminky
Alisha Kanji*
Jennifer Kappelmann
Elaine Kartalis
Kathleen Kasper
Rebekah Kay
Mary Kearney
Janet and Thomas Keckeisen
Melissa Ann and Jamie Keeling
Karol Keils
Jeanette Keith
Scott and Debra Keller
William and Carol Kelley
Chris and Jacqueline Kelly
Laura Kelly
Roni Proter Kelly
Kevin and Michelle Kemp
Molly Kendall
Steven and Katherine Kennedy
Amelia Kennelly
Christine and Clark Kennington
Morgan and Ron Kerridge
Dr. Diana Kerwin and Mr. Jeff Weinstein*
Temple and Andy Ketch
Marvin and Tish Key
Barron and Jane Kidd
Courtney and Raymond Kieffer
Theophlius and Dana Killion
Vicki King
Megan Kirby
Thomas Klaasen
Alexandra Klaassen
Debra and Ronald Klein
Audra Knight
Marcus Knight
Melinda and Mark Knowles
Linda and James Knox
Erin Koechel
Janet Koechel and Leonard Pakula
John and Anna Koepke
Tobias and Melissa Konrad
Kim Koonce and Robert Barker
Laura and Gregory Koonsman
J. Kenneth and Barbara Kopf
MaryBeth Kopsovich
Rachel Korbus
Mary Korby
Kevin Kotrla
Laura Kovacevich
Lucinda Krahl*
Melody and Lane Kramer
Mitchell and Candice Kramer
Lisa and Peter Kraus
Eric and Michelle Kreitman
Holly Krug
George Kryder
Charles and Mary Ku
Michelle Kuhr
Nayan Kumar
Janet and Jonathan Kutner
Jeremy Kutscherousky
George LaBrie
Cameron Labus
Letitia Lackey
Cynthia and Jerry Lacy
Ellen Lacy
Trudy and Robert Ladd
Steven and Mersine Ladik
Gregg Latte
Melinda and Michael Latte
Tami and Clayton LaGrone
Leah LaHue
Elizabeth Lamberson
Ryan Lambert
Eve and Jonathan LaMendola
Caroline and James Lancaster
Amy Landry
Neal Langdon
Mary and Larry Lange
Christine Langston
Kate Langston
Adriana Lantzy
Paul and Carolyn Larkin
Terry and Laurie Ann Latson
Ilan Lavian
Lauren Lawhon
Stephanie Lawler
Jack and Sandra Lawrence
Kenneth and Rosemarie Lawson
Cathy Leach
Timothy and Mary Leahy
Caroline Leal
Colleen LeBlanc*
Beth Lee
Cynthia Lee
DeeDee and James Lee
Huey Lee Jr.
Julianne Leggatt
Georg Leifheit
Mr. Martin A. Leister
John and Mufn Lemak
Dr. Yan and Dr. Jodi Lemeshev
Kasey Lemkin
Rhonda Lemons
Stephen and Jane Lerer
Flo and Gene Leslie
Alan and Allison Levy
Carol Levy
Lester and Brett Levy, Jr.
Abbey Lewis
Coleta Lewis
George and Jeanne Lewis
Jason Lewis
Kristina Lewis
Matthew Lewis
David and Beverly Lide, Jr.
Julie Lin and Richard Rosalez
Adam Lincks
Clarisa and Matt Lindenmeyer
Christin Livesay
D’Andra and Jeremy Lock
Johnny Lockridge
Adam and Cara Loftus
Adam Logan
Allison and Adam Logan
Raymond and Irene London
Cyndi Long and Laura Gonzales
John and Susan Long
Susan and Stephen Long
Lisa and George Longino
Charles and Natalie Lorio
Ashley Lott
Catherine and Colin Luba
Athenee Lucas
Andrea Lucia
Betsy Lucido
Paul Lucido
Scott and Rebecca Luff
Karen Lukin
Vicki Lumpkins
Alan Lusk
David G. Luther Jr.
Katherine Lyle
Patricia Lyle
Boyd Lyles
Michael and Barbara Lynn
Tammy Lynn
Jacquelyn Lyons
Catherine and Harold MacDowell*
Bruce Macleish
Kristina Madrid
Felix and Aurora Madrigal
Emily Maduro and Joseph Wielebinski, Jr.
Claudia Magee
Renee Magnant and Evan Bogar
Kathleen Mahdak
Melissa Maher
Aneesa Majid
Dr. Jyoti Mann
Kathy and Douglas Mann
Christopher Mapes
Nicholas Marino, Jr.
Robert and Liana Marquis
Laura Marsh
Eric and Michele Martens
Denae Martilla
John and Patricia Martillo
Christian Martin
Emily Martin and John Thompson, Jr.
Vikki Martin and Robert Brown
Ann Masciarotte
Debra and Marc Mason
Jay and Mary Mason
Shane and Lauren Masterman
Barbara D. Mathes
Elizabeth and Ira Matsil
Adi Mayan
Lindsay and Zach Mayer*
Jennifer Mays
Page and Granville McAnear
Barbara McAninch
Lynn and Allan McBee
Meghan McCaig
Danielle McClelland
Paula McCloud
Ronald and Andrunette McCollum
Tom and Sharon McCollum
Kevin and Michelle McConnell
Kristie McConnell
Katherine and Bradley McCoy*
James and Becky McCulley
Paige Witherspoon McDaniel
Sallye and Robert McDowell
Patricia and Charles McEvoy
Jennifer and Dalton McGaha
Susan and David McGill
David McGinnis
Kadee McGinnis
Julia and Darren McGuire*
Elisabeth McHugh
M. Joseph and Brenda McHugh
Lynn McIntire
Linda McKay
Dina McKenney
Mary McKenney
Lauren and Zach McKinnon
Phyllis and Steven McKnight
Patrick McLaughlin and David Talley
Megan and Casey McManemin
Mary and Brian McNulty
Anna and David McPhail
Patricia and J. Bruce McQuaid
Sarah Means
Pauline Medrano
William and Bonnie Meeder
Scott Meek
Carol and David Meer
Sam and Stacey Megally
Akber Meghani
Neelum Meghani
Umair Meghani
Keith and Gwen Melkild
Michael Mellon
Mary Grace Mendenhall
Tina Menton
Mike Meredith
Kyler Merrick
Mary Mesh
Diane Metcalf-Leggette
Terry and William Methenitis
Travis Metz
Martha Meyer
Rep. Morgan Meyer
Paul and Charlotte Meyer*
Peggy Manning Meyer
Abbie Meyering and John Sadler
Holly Michel
Deanene and Ron Middleton
Anna Midkiff
Frank Mihalopoulos
Joe Milkes
Amanda Miller
David and Carolyn Miller
Jan and Doug Miller
Julie and Allen Miller
Lauri and Eugene Miller
Jeanne and Richard Milligan
Joseph and Tricia Mills
Aaliyah Miranda
John and Dina Mishu
Karen and Dee Mitchell
John Mix
Elizabeth Modory*
Carey Moen
Cathy Moftt
Brenda Mogilnicki*
Gisele Moncure
Emily Mondry
Tyler and Demetria Moning
Mary Montague
Michael and Vinette Montgomery
Regina Montoya and Paul Coggins
Linda and Russell Moon
Tiffany and Daniel Moon*
Kay Moran and William McCord
Stephen Moreland
George Morgan
Howard and Theodora Morgan
J. Michelle Morgan
Carroll Moriarty
Angela Morris
Aleece Mosier
Mark Moyle
Shane and Danielle Mullen
Justin Mundy
Audrey and Louis Munin
Michael Munnell
Elise and Burk Murchison
Lucy Murchison
Roger and Wilma Murphree
Elyse Murphy
Heather and Pat Murphy
Joseph Murphy, Jr. and Naomi Winick*
Toshiro Murphy
Mike and Sammye Myers
Pamela and Robert Myers
Sandy Nachman
Hannah Naegeli
Eric Narosov
Ann Navar
Karen and Frank Needham
Charlene Needles
Kunica Negi
F. James Neil III
Jean and Jim Neil
Jenny Neil
Christi and Scott Neill
Karen Nelson
Shawna Nesbitt
Claire Newman
Thomas and Jan Newsome
Chong and Alex Ni
Lisa Nichols
Jilayne Nisley
Tina Noah
Virginia and Larry Nobles
Christopher Norris
Gabriella Norton
Stephen Norton
David and Brenda Nurenburg
Mike Nurre
Alice and Erle Nye
Corrine and Kyle Oberkrom
Jennifer Oboh
John and Sarah O’Brien Jr.
Mercy O’Connor
Erin Odom
Kathryn and James Ogden
Karo Okiomah
David and Leanne Oliver
Carol Olson
Kristin Olsson
Meredith O’Neal
Steven and Barbara Orr
Rachel Osburn
Sandra Owens
Meaders Ozarow
Alyssa Padilla
Janie Paleschic and Marlon Taylor
Patricia Parello
Leo Park
Marie Park and Joe Hardt
Lori Parker
Mary Parker
Tina Parker
Toni Parker
Joshua Parks
M. Susan Parma
Julie and John Parolisi
Marisa Partin
Trudie Paschetag
Rajan Patel
Shoaib Patel
Annette and Jeff Patterson*
Lisha Paty and Martin Marshall
Susan Paul and James Kipp
Michael Paulhus
Mandy and Aaron Paxton
Cecil and Christina Payne
Felice Payne
Margaret Payne
Taylor Pearce
Maxwell Pearl
John Pello
Sarah Pelosi
Jason Pence
Edward Perez
Nancy Perot
Abby and Mark Peterson
Pennie Petre
Jessica Pettit
Britt-Marie Phaneuf
Melinda and Robin Phelan
Carole and Danny Phillips
Elizabeth Phillips*
Elizabeth and Vann Phillips
Tully and Dan Phillips
Larson Pickens
Jeff and Kimberly Pickering
Jane Pierce
Sally Pietsch
Matthew and Rachel Pilnik
Oriana Pina
Sandra Pina
Betty Pitchford and James Featherstone
Beverly Pitchford
Pennie Pitre
Barbara and David Pittman
Noel Pittman
Carol and Allen Pitts
Linda and Larry Pivnick
Gayle Placide
Diane Poor
Helen Poorman
Kimberly Powell
Loyd and Michal Powell, Jr.
Jiaan Powers and Gary Patton
Krish and Shuba Prabhu
Nancy Prater
Laura Pratt
Laura Price
Robert and Erie Price
Emberli and David Pridham*
Michelle Proctor
Melody and John Pruser
Zoe Pulitzer*
Lauren J. Purvis
Holly Quartaro
David and Holly Quinn
Kathleen and Brian Quinn
Mary and Thomas Quinn
Armando Quiroz
Howard and Cindy Rachofsky*
David and Deborah Rader
Julie and Stephen Rado
Tammy Rand
Cindy Randle
Rhyan Randolph and Amber Clark
Jennifer Rao
Robert and Ann Ratelle Jr.
Carolyn and Karl Rathjen*
Melinda Rathke
Heather and John Rawls
Karen Raydo*
Patricia Ray-Lipsey
Linda Rayes
Maira Raza
Shontay Redden
Andrea Redmond
Michelle and Jeffrey Reeck
Carol and Michael Reese
Katherine and Eric Reeves
Nikki Reeves
Betty Regard
Alykhan Rehmatullah
MaryBeth and Craig Reid
Betty Reiter
Theresa Remek
Thomas and Linda Reser
Elijah Richard
Cheryl Richards
Russ and Melanie Richards
Ryan Richardson
Renee Richeson and Tom Gunning*
Ward Richmond
Laura Rickey
Carol and Frank Riddick
Nancy Riddle
Danielle Morris Riechers
Jenny Rieger
Leigh Rinearson
Tracy and Brian Rinehart
Teresa Ringness
Angela and Christopher Ripley
Rosie Roberson
Brittany Roberts
Nicki Roberts
Marti Robertson
Cedric and Kimberly Robinson
Karan Robinson
Rebecca and David Robinson
Steven Roche
Amy Rock
Curtis Roddy*
Phyllis Rodgers
Stacy and Rodolfo Rodriguez, Jr.
Kate Rogers
Nancy and Richard Rogers
Norman and Melinda Rogers
Kimberly Rogozienski
Paula Romberg
Micaela Rosinski
Courtney Rottman
Eric Roussel
Jeanmarie Rouswell
Lisa Rowe
Maureen and Robert Royer
John Rufno
Ruth Ruhl
Christopher Runk
Kristina Runowski
Carla Russo
Jenny and Brian Rutt
Capera Ryan
Penny and Richard Sabolik
Sydney Sadler
Travis Sadler
Daniela Saldana and Chad Willis
Jill and Michael Salinaro
Linda Salton
Erica Salvatore
Marc Sambol
Sarah and Sam Sameni
DeMetris Sampson
Jacob Samson
Rudy and Robin Sanchez, Jr.*
Jan Sanders
Jane Sandlin
Patrick and Kristy Sands
Kristen and Ladd Sanger
Jaime Santana
David Santucci
Paula Sarmiento
Gwendolyn Satterthwaite
Gilbert and Mae Saulter
Kathryn and J. Kemp Sawers
Eric Schake
David and Amy Scheihagen
Wellsley Schenck
Ben and Teresa Schmidt
Elaine Schmidt
Patricia Schmidt
Portia Schmidt
Rhonda and Douglas Schmidt
Priscilla Schmitz*
David and Peggy Schneider
Harold and Mary Schneider
Robert and Rebecca Schneider
Molly Schnettler
Delila Schoenig
Elise Schraer
Elizabeth Schramme
Mark Schuermann
Allison Schwartz
Myron and Marsha Schwitzer
Ryan Scoeld
Deborah and John Scott
Mark Scott
Ryan and Nancy Scripps
R. Pickett and Joann Scruggs
Susan and David Scullin
Michael and Virginia Searcy
Athena Seaton
Carol Seay
Stephanie and Michael Seay
Carol Segreti
Linda and Tony Seidel
Dale and Betty Selzer
Harold and Virginia Sender
Irwin and Ann Sentilles, III*
Gayatri Seshadri
Caroline and Christopher Settle
Honey and Richard Shackelford
Amber Shaddox
Richard and Linda Shaffer
Deborah and Donald Shannon
Mary and Philip Shaul
Cherri Shaw
Kelly Shaw
Stephanie Shaw
Lauren Sheehan
Natalie Shelton
Jacquelyn Sherman*
Lisa Sherrod
Carly Shrauner
Charles and Amanda Shufeldt
Mary E. Sias
Kristen Sillers
Michael and Shelle Sills
Naomi Silva
Francisco Silveira
Zack Silverman
Mary Simons
Lolita and Ernie Sims
Sandra and Mark Singer
Harpreet Singh
Lisa and Marvin Singleton
Diane Skibba
Timothy and Katherine Skipworth
Lauren Slade
Kevin Slaton*
Kimberly Sloan
Elizabeth Small
Nicole and Justin Small
Brittany Smalley
Amanda Smith
Andrew Smith
David and Jane Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth and Joe Smith
Jamie and Suzanne Smith
Jennifer Smith
Jordan Smith
Martin Smith
Hamilton Sneed
Cody Snyder
Taylynn Snyder
Sinead Soesbe
Nancy and John Solana
Eliza Solender
Sunie and Steven Solomon
Dean Somes
Tammi and Joe Sotello
Kelsey Sparks
Mike and Helen Spence
Melanie Spiegel
Brian Spotswood
Sheila Spotswood
Julianne and William Srinivasan*
Sarah Stallings
Mark Stanll*
Charlene Stark
Bill and Carron Starkey
Christine Starzyk*
Michael and Laura Starzyk
Elaine and Hal Stebbins
Alan and LaRee Stein
Mark and Pamela Stein
Michele Stephens and John Crawley*
Sally and Tom Stephenson
Mimi and Ulrich Sterling
Renee Sterling
Cassandra and Fred Stern*
Lori and Charles Stetler
Amy and Kurt Steves
Dr. Margo McClinton Stoglin
Alison Stokley
Robert and Michelle Stone, III
Sharon Stone
Ashley Stovall
Peter and Bailey Stovall
Carla and James Strauss
Jenifer Strauss
Travis Stroud
Ann Stuart
Jill and Troy Sturrock
Marlene Fogarty Sughrue
Daniel Sullivan
Cynthia Sunderman*
Nicklaus and Amanda Sunderman
Dr. Allan and Mrs. Susan Sutker
Craig and Deborah Sutton
Krisan and Rajesh Swaminathan*
Colleen and Jason Sweet
Michael and Mary Sweet
William and Cindy Swisher
John and Tara Swords
Ghousuddin Syed
George Tagg Jr. and Alexandra St. Pe
Claire Marie Taitte*
Jill Tananbaum Family
Carol and Matthew Taylor
Chad Taylor
David and Debra Taylor
James Taylor and Martha Sheridan
Jill Taylor
Margaret Taylor
Byrd and William Teague
Joanne and Charles Teichman*
Charles Ten Eyck and Ona Foster
Bruce Tenenbaum
Eliana Terrell
Sophia Testa
Eva Thomas
Patrice Thomas
Sherryl and Martin Thomas
Patrick Thompkins
John and Amber Thompson*
Leslie and Marsha Thompson, IV
Lynne and Robert Thompson
Margaret Thompson
MarShayla Thompson
Rebecca Thompson
Ronald and Diana Thompson
Hannah Thorp
Misty Thrash
Tammy Tice
Mac and Lisa Tichenor
Charles Tidwell*
John Tierney
Holly Tighe
Jim and Cathy Timmer
Sharon and Eldon Tipping
Manoj Tiwari
John and Janet Todd, Jr.
Wanda Tooker
Anne Toppett
Eric and Erin Torres
Tramaine Townsend
Phuong Tran
Jason and Brandy Treadway
Shauna and Mark Trieb*
Michael and Janice Trombello
Linda Troutt
Maxine and Ben Trowbridge
Peter Trueblood
Tamara Trummer
Brittany Tucker
Deana Tunnell
Fred E. Turner
Heather Turner
Scott and Heather Turner
Karin Turney
Taylor Turpin
Mavin Tyler
Timothy Uebele
Mary Ukpong
Gary and Carol Utkov
Sterling Utley
Hector Valdivia
Sumita and Raman Valecha*
Mara Vallo*
Tommy Van Deman
Geoffroy Van Raemdnock
and Alvise Orsini
Ann Vance
Gary Vannorsdel
Kathy Shaw Vaughan
Jacqueline Vaughn
Robert Veideman, Jr.
Susan and Richard Verret*
Jill Ibison Vessels
Kelly and Jarred Vickers
Peter Vig
Amy Villarreal
Sarah Vollbrecht*
Chithra Volluz
Peter Vongphachanh
Linda Vorhies
Patty Wadsworth
Adrienne and David Wagner
Ginny Walker
Jacie Walker
Jennifer Walker
Kaleigh Walker
Stacey and Reid Walker
Wayne Walker
Harianne and David Wallenstein
Jane Wallingford
Ryan and Rebecca Walls
Jean and John Walter
Libby and Jeffrey Walter
Jennifer and Kyle Walters
Mary Walters
Ching-Kun Wang
Janet Ward
Ryan Wark
Carol Warren
James Warren
Michael and Jennifer Warsco
Angela Washington
Amelia Wasoff
Beverly Waters
Ramsey Watkins
Alexa Watts
Brian Wcislo
Robert Weatherly and Jerald Miller
Crayton and Nikki Webb
David and Tucean Webb, Jr.
Marty and Denise Webb
Heather Webber
John and Andrea Weber
Tim Weber
Jane and Don Weempe*
Kayla Weigel
Arthur and Janice Weinberg
Nancy and Howard Weinberger
Risa Weinberger and Mike Carleton
Peter and Hilarie Weinstock
Monte and Pat Wendler
Max and Mary Wernick
Joan West
Roxane West
Valary West
Kendall Westbrook
Laura Westbrook-Jones
Robert and Linda Westerburg
Daniel and Martha Weston
Jane Wetzel
Michele and Jeff Wheeler*
Ann Whelan
Tandra and John Whisler
Charles and Natalie Whitaker
Della White
Eric and Adriana White
Taylor White
Robin Whitmeyer
Karen Wiese
Jake Wikander
Leah Wike
James and Alinda Wikert
Sara Wilburn
Allison Wilde
Chelsea Wilderotter
Earline Wiley
Katherine Wiley*
Brandi and Gregory Wilkerson II
Stacey and Randall Wilkins
Caroline Willet
Alecia Williams
De ‘Edra Williams
Joshua Williams
Leah Williams
Rachael Williams
Rebecca Williams
Robert Williams
Stacee and Bruce Williams
Tia Williams
Addison and Susan Wilson III
Bailey Wilson
Kristin Wilson
John Wimberley
Carol Windham
Andrew Wingrove
Holly Wittenberg*
Marilynn Wohlstadter
David Wolkin
Billy and Paula Wood
Priscilla Wood
Randall Wooley and Kathryn Dao
Samantha and Phillip Wortley
Conor Wright
Katherine Wyker
Kimberly and Evan Wyly
Deborah and Steven Wynne
Shawnee Trail Church of Christ
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Signet Jewelers
Something Navy Inc
South Dallas Business and
Professional Womens Club Inc
Specialized Security Services, Inc.
Spindletop Oil & Gas Co.
Spine Physicians Institute
SSAB Americas
Stanley Korshak - Dallas
The Statler Dallas
Stern Brothers
Straight Line Hardwoods Inc.
Tastle Partners
TBM Consulting Group, Inc.
Texas Barber College
Texas Capital Bank
Texas Council on Family Violence, Inc.
Texas Digestive Disease Consultants
Texas Health Resources
Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Thought Ensemble
Thrift for Good Ltd
Timothy Baptist Church Sister to
Sister Ministry
Toates Law Firm, PLLC
Trek Resources Inc.
Trinsic Residential Group
True Believers Christ Community Church
Twilight Co
United HealthCare Services, Inc.
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc.
Valdivia Ventures
Veritex Community Bank
Vistra Corporate Services Company
Walton’s Garden Center
WarehouseQuote.com, LLC
Weir’s Furniture
Westdale Properties America I, Ltd
Western Cabinets
Willis Towers Watson
Wilshire Baptist Church
Winoa USA Inc.
Women of Saint Michael and All Angels
Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.
Law Ofce of Courtney R. Wortham
Wynne Moore Group
XPO Logistics
Zen Prots LLC
Zeta Amicae of Lancaster
Zopolsky & Erdle, LLP
Fox Family Foundation
Sandy Funk Philanthropic Fund of the
Dallas Jewish Community Foundation
GE Foundation
Sue Gilly Fund of Communities Foundation
of Texas
Give Lively Foundation Inc
The Robert J. and Helen H. Glaser Family
Goetz Family Philanthropic Fund of the
Dallas Jewish Community Foundation
Bella Seymour Goldberg Foundation
Terri Train Greenspan and Alan Greenspan
Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish
Community Foundation
The Patrick & Beatrice Haggerty
The Hankins Foundation
Michael and Nancy Hansen Fund at The
Dallas Foundation
The Heart of Neiman Marcus Foundation
Simon & Louise Henderson Foundation
The Hennessy-Allen Charitable Fund
The Hersh Foundation
The Hoak Foundation
Patsy and Michael Hochman Charitable
The Hoglund Foundation
Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation,
Hollman Family Foundation Inc
David and Lorraine Hoppenstein
Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish
Community Foundation
In-N-Out Burger Foundation
Marge and Clyde James Gift Fund
Gene and Jerry Jones Family Foundation
The Jane and Bill Family Fund of
Communities Foundation of Texas
The Kim Jordan Foundation
Louise W. Kahn Endowment Fund
The Kempker Philanthropy Fund
The Kimberly-Clark Foundation
The Klion Springwater Coven Family
Foundation, Inc.
KLN Foundation
The Richard Leftwich Fund
Liberty Mutual Foundation
The Lumry Family Foundation
Elizabeth Mack and Esping Family
Make It Count Family Foundation
The Ann & Fred Margolin Foundation
Mary Kay Ash Foundation
Maverick Capital Foundation
Eugene McDermott Foundation
McKinstry Charitable Foundation
Merrymac McKinley Foundation, Inc.
The Harvey and Joyce Mitchell Family
The James D. and Kay Y. Moran Foundation
Granville C. and Gladys H. Morton Fund
Harry S. Moss Foundation
National Christian Foundation Houston
National Life Group Charitable Foundation
Neiman Marcus Brand Experience Fund of
Communities Foundation of Texas
North Texas Giving Day Grantmaking Fund
of Communities Foundation of Texas
Dirk Nowitzki Foundation
The Ochs Family Charitable Trust
The Agnes Cluthe Oliver Foundation
Carrie S. Orleans Trust Fund
The Theresa B and Brian D Parkinson
Charitable Giving Account
Peck Family Foundation
Perna Family Charitable Fund
Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish
Community Foundation
Phillips Foundation
Plauche Family Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
The Pollock Foundation
Posnick Family Foundation, Inc.*
The Aileen and Jack Pratt Foundation
Anita Ardinger Ray Foundation
The Rees-Jones Foundation
Riggs Family Foundation
The Rosewood Foundation
The Sealark Foundation, Inc.
Signet Love Inspires Foundation
Harold Simmons Foundation
Southwestern Medical Foundation
Lawrence E. Steinberg Foundation
Sunshine Fund of Communities Foundation
of Texas
Rebecca R Sykes Staff Fund at Texas
Women’s Foundation
The Tehan Family Fund of The Catholic
Texas Dental Association Relief Fund
Texas Instruments Foundation
Thornton Family Foundation
Marian & Julius Tills Endow Fund of the
Dallas Jewish Community Foundation
Wallace Family Charitable Fund
Gary & Wanda Walsh Family Foundation Inc.
The Warren Family Charitable Fund
Bruce & Becky Wartell Family Foundation
Washington Federal Foundation
Richard L. & Tina D. Wasserman
Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish
Community Foundation
Jolene and Harv Weisblat Philanthropic Fund
of the Dallas Jewish Community
Cathryn L. and Jon R. Withrow Foundation
Jason Witten SCORE Foundation
The George & Fay Young Foundation, Inc.
19 Production House
Airbus Americas, Inc.
Airgas, an Air Liquide Company
Albertsons Companies
Aleman Media LLC
All American Entertainment
The Allen Group
Archer Western Construction, LLC
Arcosa, Inc.
Arise & Rejoice Media, Inc.
AT&T Services Inc.
Audi Dallas
AZZ Metal Coatings
Bank of Texas
Baylor Scott & White Health
Becky Frey Real Estate
Ben E. Keith Company
Benevity, Inc.
Berkley Entertainment
BEYOND Pilates
BNSF Logistics, LLC
Bonnie View Christian Church
Bread Winners Cafe & Bakery
Brenda Kay Dobbs Estate
Capital Advisors, Inc.
Capital for Kids
Captain Air Heating & Cooling
Carrots Tech LLC (Centre)
Casci Plaster Co, LLC
Cedar Crest Christian Methodist
Episcopal Church
Chase Couriers & Logistics
Chelsea Arts Media Group Inc
Children’s Health System of Texas
Clean Sweep Janitorial Services
Cleveland Cliffs Steel LLC
CMC Commercial Metals Co
Coating Systems and Supply, L.L.C.
Columbia Machine Works Inc
Comerica Bank
Connatser Family Law
The Conservatory
Costco Depot
Cr3ative Br3aks
Crescent Wealth Partners
Cristo Rey Dallas High School Inc
Dallas Metropolitan BPW
Dallas Service Forum, Inc.
Danze Giving Fund
Dark and Divine, LLC
Deloitte Consulting, LLP
Eaton Corporation
Elleco Construction
Faith Plano Ladies CareCiple
Farmers Branch Woman’s Club
Fellowship Of Professional Women Inc.
Ferguson Enterprisess
First Baptist Church of Richardson
Fisher Brothers Logistics, Inc.
Flying Geese
Forever 21
Forty Five Ten, Inc.
Fragoman, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP
Frame Denim
Friendship West Baptist Church
Frisa Forjados, SA DE CV
Frito-Lay North America
Galleria Dallas
Gardner Wallace Financial Services
Giant Noise
Gifting Brands
The Girl Friends Inc. - Dallas Chapter
Greystone Servicing Corporation, Inc.
Hailo Wind Systems USA Inc
Harding Street Baptist Church
Hart Group, Inc.
Headington Realty & Capital LLC
Highland Park Village
Holland & Knight, LLP
IBB Designs
If Not You Books
Inwood Village
ITW Welding: Miller/Hobart
Jack and Jill of America, Inc.-Dallas Chapter
JHP Architecture / Urban Design
Junior League of Dallas, Inc.
Kara Legako Design
Kids Garden Club
Kim Dawson Agency, Inc.
Kimberly Adams Realty
Knox Street
Kyte Baby LLC
Labora Group, Inc.
The Lamberson Law Firm PC
Legacy West
Life Path Wealth Advisors
Lincoln Electric
Lipsey Logistics Worldwide LLC
Lone Star Monarchs
The Luxury Bed Collection
Lynn Lawler Reese Interiors
Mandal Pipe Company
Mary Kay Inc
Matthew Trent
Metrocare Services
MGA Advertising, LLC
Michael Flores Salon
Mimi’s Pizzeria
Minted, LLC
MT Associates LLC
Mullen & Mullen
Mustang Creek Estates
The National Council
of Negro Women, Inc.
Neiman Marcus Group LTD LLC
Nonprot CEO Council
North American Coal Corporation
NorthPark Center
Northpark Presbyterian Church
Novom Group
NTT Global Data Centers Americas Inc
Nucor Plate Group
Once Upon A Cone
Onco Filtration, Inc.
Palladium Metal Recycling, Inc.
PepsiCo, Inc.
The Plaza at Preston Center
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Project Mockingbird
Pursuit Energy Corporation
Quick Technologies Inc.
Rapid Power Management
Raymond James
Rejoice Lutheran Church of Coppell
Roots Food Group
Rose Cap Holdings
Rotary Club of Carrollton-Farmers Branch
Ruth Ruhl, P.C.
S and C Essence Corp
Saint Bernard
Sammons Corporation
Scannell Properties
Sculpt House
Sewell Automotive Companies
Erica Yaegar
John and Kathy Yeaman
Beth Ygartua
Ana and James Yoder
Katherine Yoder
Jason and Sarah York
Paige and Kevin Yost
Cory Youmans
Charlotte Young
Michelle Young
Odila and Michael Young
Mance Zachary
Mark and Lisa Zale
Sarah Zaluski
Emily Zarsk
Tonia Zehrer
Charles L. Zelazny
Carol Zelley
Janet Zellner
Terin and Alexander Ziebarth
Joseph D. Zimmerman
Jeffrey and Lauren Zlotky
Adam Zuckerman
Reiner Zuercher
Allegis Group Foundation
David Allen Family Foundation
The Allstate Foundation
Amaranthus Family Charitable Foundation
AmazonSmile Foundation
The Charlie & Moll Anderson Foundation
The Baldridge Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Baron and Blue Foundation
The Harry W. Bass, Jr. Foundation
Deborah and Gary Bieritz Endowment
Big Lots Foundation
Bright Funds Foundation
Ted Brizzolara & Kate Hopkins Giving Day
Melissa and Stephen Brooks Family
Jean and Al Carrell Foundation, Inc.
W. Terry and Teresa Clarke Family
Charitable Account
Calvert K. Collins Family Foundation, Inc
Collins-Fisher Foundation
Communities Foundation of Texas
Lisa and Clay Cooley Family Foundation
Cornog Family Giving Fund
The David M. Crowley Foundation
The Mark Cuban Foundation
Sean and Gabriela Dalfen Family Fund
The Dallas Foundation
Dallas Mavericks Foundation
Peggy Dear Fund
The Discovery Foundation
Kaleta A. Doolin Foundation
The Fritz and Mary Lee Duda Family
Durham Family Foundation
East West Bank Foundation
Fellman Family Fund of the Dallas Jewish
Community Foundation
The Curt and Susie FitzGerald Foundation
The Fluor Foundation
Forvis Foundation
The Family Place empowers survivors of family violence by providing safe housing,
counseling, and skills that create independence while building community engagement
and advocating for social change to stop family violence.
www.familyplace.org (214) 559-2170
24-hour crisis hotline (214) 941-1991
Harold Ginsburg, Chairman
Steven Bauer, Treasurer
Thomas McCollum, Secretary
Lindsay Jacaman, Development Chair
Jim Buddrus, Facilities Chair
Michelle Goolsby,
Clarisa Lindenmeyer,
Governance Co-Chairs
David Oliver, People Services Chair
Lauren McKinnon, Public Affairs Chair
Eric White, General Counsel
Brooke Armstrong
Ashley Arnold
Jeannie Barsam
Mark Benton
Laurie Berger
Nancy Bierman
Elizabeth Ward Creel
Bill Durham
Pat Faubion
Monika Flood
Theresa Flores
Brittany Frazier
Carlos Gonzalez-Jaime
Belinda Grifn
Stacey Guillen
Michelle Jenkins
Mary McGreevy Jennings
Nakita Johnson
Reggie Johnson
Elisabeth Karpidas
Elaine Kartalis
Melissa Keeling
Linda Knox
Holly Krug
Sarah Marks
Aaliyah Miranda
Tiffany Moon
Theresa Parkinson
Cristal Retana-Lule
Elizabeth Saab
Kristen Sanger
Ryan Scripps
Lisa Sherrod
Sinead Soesbe
Margo McClinton Stoglin
Anthony Suggs
Ghousuddin Syed
Kelly Vickers
Leah Waldrum
Samantha Wortley
Ana Yoder
Emily Maduro, President
Marc Joseph, Secretary
Dave Rader, Treasurer
David Orlandella,
Investment Committee Chair
Claire Emanuelson,
Foundation Campaign Chair
Robby Berry
Nancy Fisher
Paige Flink
Joyce Goss
Sally Hoglund
Sarah Losinger
Lynn McBee
Ron Parker
Betty Regard
Carol Seay
Denis Simon
Lisa Singleton
Peter Weinstock
Harold Ginsburg
Bill Marley
Mike Montgomery
Steve Van Amburgh
Eric White
Mimi Crume Sterling