Scripted Roleplays
Successful role-play for bystander intervention
Planning for a small group learning environment that is “safe” and
Because communication skill building requires risk taking on the part of the learner (e.g.,
trying out new behaviours in front of a group) the development of a safe learning
environment by the educator is critically important. The most important aim for the
educator is to establish and maintain a learning environment in which:
participation is valued
feedback is justified and constructive
the awkwardness of learning process is normalized
the learning process does not highlight deficiencies or embarrass learners publicly.
These aspects of a constructive learning environment are often summarized as “safety.”
Setting up the role-play
Despite the value of using role-play in communication skills training, its use can be an
unwelcome part of a session for many learners. They may have experienced poorly
facilitated role-play in the past. Well-facilitated role-plays begin with a clear discussion of
the ground rules. These include confidentiality in the group, that time-outs will be used to
highlight points for discussion, and that the learner can call a time-out at any time to ask
the group or facilitator for guidance.
It is important to open with a discussion of how role-play can be a useful teaching tool
and, yet, is often challenging for learners. Asking “What are your worries about role-
play?” and acknowledging that role-play can feel contrived and anxiety provoking at times
can help learners more readily engage.
Moving from scripts to improvised role-play
Role-plays can be constructed in several ways, all of which have different strengths that
can influence the safety and efficacy of the group. Group size is a practical consideration.
For a group of 4–8 learners, using a single role-play with a facilitator who solicits
feedback and input from the group can be very successful because most or all of the
learners can take an active role at some point, while not feeling pressured to speak when
they have little to say.
In twos or threes, small groups can take it in turn to be ‘actors’ and observers in a role-
play, with observers noting techniques used in the role-play such as:
use of body language
“I” statements
encouraging empathy
using caring and friendship as a framework
using social norms
To break the ice at the beginning of a session and to increase confidence about the skills
that participants have, you may want to suggest asking participants to do a ‘bad role-
play’ followed by a ‘good role-play’. A ‘bad role-play’ could include:
being hostile or aggressive towards the target person
not listening to what the other person is saying – not giving them room in the
using humour inappropriately
Encourage participants to use examples from their own experience of situations where
they would like to develop intervention skills.
Don’t forget to explore the use of interventions that might include taking a decision to
tackle a problem after the event, or to seek immediate external help if there is a situation
where there is immediate risk to their own safety or someone else’s safety.
This text draws on a number of resources including Jackson, V. A. & Back, A. L. (2011). Teaching
Communication Skills Using Role-Play: An Experience-Based Guide for Educators. Journal of
Palliative Medicine, 14(6), 775-780. DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2010.0493 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Calling the police – scripted role play
Four people – Gina, Liam, Kofi and the police Call Handler - each to read a part. CH can
read the BT Operator line too. First, read the description of the situation.
[Doorbell rings]
Liam: I need to see Gina.
Kofi: Well, she’s actually not here.
Liam: Well I know she is, cos I saw her come in and she hasn’t gone out again.
Kofi: She’s got a headache and she’s in bed, she doesn’t want to be disturbed.
Liam: She’ll want to see me, let me in.
Kofi: No mate, you can’t come in.
[Liam pushes Kofi out of the way roughly and hurts Kofi’s arm and runs up the
stairs. He tries the door but it is locked from the inside]
Liam: Gina I need to talk to you.
Kofi: Liam, you need to get out
Liam: **** off, it’s none of your ******* business, she’s my girlfriend.
[No reply from Gina]
Liam: Gina I know you’re in there, I saw you go in, open the door you bitch, I really need
Gina: You need to leave.
Liam: [shouting] If you don’t open the door I’ll break it down!
Gina: I’ll call you tomorrow I promise. I don’t feel well, I can’t deal with this right now.
Liam: [shouting] Is there another bloke in there? Open the door you ******* bitch!
[Leon starts kicking and punching the door]
CH: [addressing the BT operator] Police Emergency, Go ahead operator.
BT: Connecting mobile/landline 07554******
CH: Thank you, go ahead caller you are through to the police, what is the address or
location of your emergency?
Kofi: 123 John Street.
Gina has recently split up with her controlling and abusive boyfriend,
Liam. She thinks he is stalking her, and has expressed her concerns
about him and has moved into a shared house with Kofi and other
friends. She has told Kofi that if Liam comes round, to say she’s out
and not to let him in.
CH: 123 John Street in which area?
Kofi: Merchant City, Glasgow.
CH: Thank you, can I take your name please?
Kofi: Kofi Egwu.
CH: Ok Kofi, what is the nature of your emergency?
Kofi: My housemate’s ex-boyfriend has turned up and is kicking off.
CH: And is this happening inside the property?
Kofi Yes he’s pushed past me and is inside trying to smash her door down.
CH: Ok, have you or anyone else been injured at all? Is an ambulance required?
Kofi: No, I’m alright but I’m worried what will happen if he gets into her room.
CH: Right, can you take yourself to a place of safety so I can hear a bit better and get
some details from you?
Kofi: Yeah, I’m in my room, I’ll move away from the door.
CH: Thank you Kofi, now tell me exactly what is happening?
Kofi: My housemate Gina has been having problems with her ex-partner Liam, he
turned up a few minutes ago, I told him that Gina wasn’t in but he wouldn’t
believe me, he’s barged me out of the way and is upstairs trying to get into her
CH: And is Gina in at the moment?
Kofi: Yes, he’s talking to her through the door.
CH: Have any weapons been used or mentioned?
Kofi: No.
CH: Are there are children present?
Kofi: No.
CH: How many people are involved?
Kofi: Just him.
CH: Ok, do you know Liam’s surname and date of birth?
Kofi: I think his surname is Tucker, I don’t know his date of birth.
CH: How old is he roughly?
Kofi: About 21.
CH: Thank you, Can you describe Liam to me please starting with his Race.
Kofi: He’s white but quite tanned, about 6ft tall, slim build, short dark hair.
CH: Good Kofi, thank you, and what is he wearing?
Kofi: He’s got a White t-shirt on, jeans and white trainers.
CH: Perfect, and did he arrive on foot?
Kofi: I’m not sure, he does have a car but I don’t know if he has it.
CH: What type of car?
Kofi: A Saxo, Citroen Saxo, It’s blue.
CH: Do you know the reg?
Kofi: No sorry, are the police coming? It sounds like he might have broken the door, I
can hear Gina screaming.
CH: Yes we have a unit making their way to you as fast as they can, they will be there
as soon as they can.
Kofi: Ok great.
CH: Has anyone involved been using alcohol or drugs?
Kofi: No I don’t think so.
CH: Has Liam ever done anything like this before?
Kofi: Not that I know of, I know that he has been hassling Gina since they broke up.
CH: Ok, and what has he said today?
Kofi: He’s shouting and swearing at her, saying that he wants to talk to her about
something, I think I can hear the police…
CH: Good, can you open the front door and make yourself known to the officers
Kofi: Yes, I’m with them now.
CH: Ok Kofi, you have done really well, I will leave you with the officers. [Line clears]
Changing the person – scripted role play
Two people – Jared and Sean - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Jared: Alright mate? Man I drank too much last night, I’ve got a serious hangover, how
about you?
Sean: Yeh, pounding headache. Still, I reckon it was worth it!
Jared: Let’s go get a fry up and I want to talk to you about something
[In the café]
Jared: So last night, you were being quite abusive to women, you know when we were
going from bar to bar, you were calling out “ho” and “bitch” and “slut” and stuff to
every girl that walked past, do you remember?
Sean: [laughs] Ha, yes, damn right, women are such bitches.
Jared: Well you know Rosie and her mates left our crowd because of it. They were really
bothered and upset and they said you were abusive and that’s not okay.
Sean: But it’s just a laugh, I’m sure they are cool.
Jared: I don’t think they saw it that way mate and they left because of it. Seriously. And
the girls you were yelling at were quite scared, you could see it. Frankly, it was
embarrassing and I know some of the other guys were a bit pissed off too, cos it
was stopping the girls coming near us, they thought we were a load of dicks.
Sean: Really? Nah, all guys do it
Jared: No actually, it’s just you mate. So what’s with that? Why do you get so hostile
when you’re hammered? Is it about Hanna dumping you?
Sean: I just think they’re all bitches, they use you and then dump you.
Jared: Well, from what you told me last term, Hannah had her reasons and she was
pretty nice about it. And even if she hadn’t been, that’s no reason to behave like a
prick to other girls. Its sexual harassment, and I know from my course that it really
bothers girls and it really can scare them. I think you are going to get excluded
from the group if it doesn’t stop because I know the guys are not happy. I’m
saying this cos you’re my best mate and I don’t want that to happen. And I really
think you need to get over it and move forward otherwise you’re gonna be this sad
old man that no one wants to hang with.
Jared and Sean meet up the morning after a night out.
Club coercion – scripted role play
Four people – Mark, Ryan, David and Alex - each to read a part. First, read the
description of the situation.
Mark: Shit! Haven’t pulled, it’s 3 already.
David: That’s cos you’re useless with women mate. They’d have to be really steaming or
desperate to go home with you, haha.
Ryan: Let’s find a girl for Mark who’s got her beer goggles on.
Alex: Better find someone quick! [Looks around and spots a girl on her own, falling over
drunk.] There’s one.
[Alex goes off. 5 minutes later he is back with the group. He has his arm round
the drunk girl]
Alex: Looks like I can call it a night!
David: Mate she needs an ambulance not a taxi.
Alex: You’re just jealous ‘cos you won’t be getting any.
[Alex walks off with the girl, holding her up]
David: [to Mark and Ryan] we can’t let him take her home, she’s totally wasted, if he
does something, shit’ll go down.
Mark: Let’s grab him before he makes himself look like a prick.
[the guys catch up with Alex]
David: [to Alex] Mate, it’s not a great idea, she’s hammered. Just leave it.
Alex: No way, I’m so in there.
Mark: Mate, it’s just not happening.
Ryan: You’re not a rapist, are you mate?
David: [to girl] What’s your name? Who are you with? Let’s find your mates.
Mark, Ryan, David and Alex are in a club. They went out hoping to pull
(find someone to hook up with).
Coercive relationship – scripted role play (2 sections)
Four people – Natasha, Megan, Harry and Jake - each to read a part. First, read the
description of the situation.
Natasha: Hey hun are you okay? Thought I’d check in and see how you are
Megan: I’m ok (crying), I think Harry’s breaking up with me
Natasha: Is this about Facebook?
Megan: Yes, he’s changed his status and if I don’t sleep with him this weekend, it’s
Natasha: How do you feel about that?
Megan: It’s just so embarrassing, look, I didn’t want anyone to know, but I’m still a
virgin, I wanted my first time to be special and not like this and I’m not
sure I feel it yet for Harry.
Natasha: So what is he saying? Is he trying to pressure you?
Megan: Yeh, if I don’t do it this weekend he’ll go with someone else, you know how
popular he is, and he said he’ll spread it all over Facebook that I’m frigid
and a virgin.
Natasha: That’s terrible. He wouldn’t do that if he really cared about you. You know
my Jake was really patient and understanding and he waited no problem
and just was really supportive about the whole thing. You can’t sleep with
him if you don’t want to, if you’re just doing it cos he’s pressuring you then
you’re not really consenting are you? It’d be like rape.
Megan: I just don’t know what to do
Natasha: I really think you have to consider whether you want to continue with this
guy. It’s not normal to threaten someone you’re supposed to care about.
Megan: Yeh, I know.
Natasha: Hey Harry, Megan’s a bit upset, is everything ok with you guys?
Harry: Yeah, we’re fine.
Natasha: Sure? I saw you changed your Facebook status to single, what’s that
Megan and Harry have been going out for 2 months. He’s told her he
has changed his status to ‘single’ on Facebook and that if she
doesn’t sleep with him this weekend the relationship is permanently
over. Natasha is good friends with Megan. Natasha sees Harry’s
status change and goes to see if Megan is ok and if they have broken
Natasha tells her boyfriend Jake, who is a friend of Harry’s. Natasha
and Jake bump into Harry on campus.
Harry: Well you know, all relationships have their ups and downs.
Jake: Well we’ve all been there, but mate, Megan told Tash that you’ve been
trying to pressure her to have sex when she doesn’t want to and that you
were going to spread Facebook rumours about her? Is that right?
Harry: Well, I’m just getting a bit fed up of her excuses. If she really loved me she
would do it and there wouldn’t be a problem.
Natasha: Jesus it’s the twenty-first century, I can’t believe anyone is still using that
line “if she really loved me”. Point is, if you really loved her you wouldn’t be
trying to force her.
Jake: I’m embarrassed for you mate, it’s not cool to do that.
Natasha: It’s not cool and if you force her, then it’s rape.
Jake: Real men don’t rape.
Supporting disclosure of a rape – scripted role play
Two people – Ruby and Bonnie - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Ruby: How are you feeling now? The last time I saw you, you were very upset but
you were unable to talk about it. You have been extremely quiet and you
haven’t seemed your usual self for a while now.
Bonnie: I am feeling so lost but to be honest I don’t think I have the words or
energy to explain. I wouldn’t know where or how to begin.
Ruby: Oh honey, I hate the fact that you’re struggling so much. You can tell me
anything, it won’t change the way I think about you. I am always here for
you no matter what. If you want to talk about it you can start anywhere
that’s easiest for you and I will just listen.
Bonnie: Thanks, that means a lot although I still don’t know how to explain what
happened to make me feel like this. I will probably just get upset and make
myself look even more stupid.
Ruby: If something has upset you this much you won’t look stupid. You can tell
me as much or as little as you want and it will be kept between us and
won’t go any further unless you say otherwise. It doesn’t matter how you
explain it, I’m sure I will understand and if I don’t I will say.
Bonnie: Okay, I will try to explain but I haven’t told anyone yet so bear with me. Do
you absolutely promise you won’t say anything no matter what I say?
Ruby: I promise, take as much time as you need I’m not going anywhere.
Bonnie: Do you remember that night out we had with the girls on a Monday when
we went to the Hothouse Club?
Ruby: Yes, the one where we went to the Pool Lounge after?
Bonnie: Yeah that one, in fact the Pool Lounge was where it all went wrong for me.
Ruby: I don’t remember anything going wrong in the Pool Lounge; did I do
something to upset you?
Bonnie: No, it wasn’t you. I will try to explain…. I actually had an alright time in the
Hothouse when it was just the three of us having a drink and a dance. It all
started to change although I didn’t realise it at the time When Rose started
talking to those guys and they joined us.
Ruby: Do you mean Will and his friends? I have just remembered the drama at
the end of the night when your phone was taken, sorry I should have
remembered that.
Bonnie: Yes I do mean them; there is more to it than that… When we left the club
and started walking to the Pool Lounge I was talking to Will, he seemed
nice and mentioned we had a lot of friends in common. I had seen him out
before but never really talked to him properly. He was acting normally as
Ruby has come to visit her friend Bonnie. She has been worried about
Bonnie who has been quiet and withdrawn since a night out.
far as I could tell. I keep going over and over it in my head as to what I
could have done differently or whether I should have realised something
was up or if I did something to make him be like he was.
Ruby: Honey, are you okay? What happened?
Bonnie: Well when we got to the Pool Lounge we all had a game of pool, Rose was
a tad drunk but the rest of us were fine so you took her to get some air, do
you remember that?
Ruby: Yes
Bonnie: After you went outside Will seemed upset, I asked him if he was alright and
he asked if we could talk away from his friends. I thought his friends had
done something to upset him so I agreed and we walked towards the back
of the club near the toilets.
Ruby: Okay, then what?
Bonnie: He pushed me into the toilets which confused me and I asked what he was
doing and tried to walk straight back out but he put his arm across the
door and said he was worried about his friends hearing. I felt really
uncomfortable straight away and everything got out of control so quickly
after that. I don’t think I can explain in detail it is just too difficult.
Ruby: Did he hurt you?
Ruby: You don’t have to explain anything if you don’t want to, would it help to just
tell me the outcome or if I ask questions? We can stop at any point if this is
too much for you.
Bonnie: He locked the door and then I started to panic as I felt trapped he was
getting closer and closer to me and started running his hands all over me. I
asked him to stop and tried to push him off….. I don’t know how to explain
Ruby: Did he rape you? I’m sorry this is so difficult.
Bonnie: I don’t know if I would call it rape because he didn’t actually come,
because he was interrupted by the bar staff knocking on the door saying
that only one person was allowed in the toilets at a time. He had his hand
over my mouth and said we would be out in a minute. He pushed me to the
floor, unlocked the door and went back out. The worst part was the bar
staff gave me dirty looks until we left. When I came out you guys were back
and were laughing and joking with him, I just wanted to leave but then
realised my phone was missing too, you know the rest.
Ruby: Oh my god, I had no idea. I am so sorry, I can’t imagine what you must be
going through. You might not want to hear this but it’s irrelevant whether
he came or not, it is still rape. It was definitely a rape. You poor thing. Are
you going to report it?
Bonnie: I don’t know what to do anymore.
Ruby: I will help you whatever you decide. There are people you can talk to who
can help you decide, and who can help you recover from this. It took real
courage to tell me about this, it must have been so hard for you. I believe
you. This is in no way your fault and you didn’t deserve this to happen to
you. I will do whatever I can to help. Would you like me to find a list of
organisations who can support you, and we can go through the options
Double standards & victim blaming – scripted role play
Four people – Amy, Lucy, Samina and Cara - each to read a part. First, read the
description of the situation.
Amy: I cannot believe that Gemma managed to get 75% on this coursework. She
barely even tried! I was doing mine for 3 weeks and only got a 63.
Lucy: Yeah she told me that she only spent 4 nights on the coursework. I
couldn’t do that. What a lucky bitch.
Samina: Good for her. She must have worked really hard to get such a high mark.
Cara: Yeah right! She isn’t lucky. I reckon she was flirting with the lecturers again
trying to boost her marks. We have all seen her do it.
Amy: Gemma is always flirting with someone. Plus I heard that she takes home a
different guy almost every night the little slut. It wouldn’t surprise me if she
tried to take one of the lecturers home to get good grades all year.
Cara: Guys only like her because she is easy and up for anything. I can’t see
what all the fuss is about.
Amy: Gemma is just a fat slut looking to get attention.
Samina: Come on now there is no need for that. You wouldn’t judge a guy like that
– that’s a real double standard and it’s not fair. She is a really nice person
and she does a lot of volunteering and charity work. We should be happy
for her.
Amy: She only does the charity work to get more attention so she can pretend to
be the good girl when everyone knows she is a tramp.
Casey: Anyway, I heard this funny story…….. [Gets cut off by Amy]
Amy: Gemma deserves what is coming to her. I hope she gets raped. That will
teach her the dirty whore.
Samina: Amy I cannot believe you would say something like that. That is a
disgusting thing to say. No one ever deserves that no matter what.
[Farah leaves and the others continue chatting. Later, when they have
gone back to campus, Casey goes to speak to Amy]
[Knock Knock] [Amy answers the door]
Lucy: Hey Hun do you mind if I come in for a bit. Just wanted to have a quick
chat about something.
Amy: Sure babe come in. Hey can you believe how Samina acted today. That
was so out of order.
Four friends are hanging out together at a café after receiving one of
their coursework marks.
Lucy: Well…. She did have a point. What you said was a terrible thing.
Amy: What are you talking about? She was so over the top. I was only joking.
And Gemma is a slut.
Lucy: I really don’t think you should say things like that. How would you like it if
people talked about you like that? Why have you got it in for Gemma?
She’s actually really nice. Seems to me there’s something else going on
Amy: I just hate her.
Lucy: Well why ever that is, it doesn’t do you any favours to look as if you’re
judging her sex life. And it’s really out of order to wish her to be raped.
Being raped is an awful thing and it is definitely not something to joke
Amy: Yeah I guess you are right. I’m sorry. I just cannot stand Gemma.
A friend is worried about domestic abuse – scripted role
Two people – Nikki and Joanne - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Nikki: Hey honey, how are you?
Joanne: I’m okay thanks, how are you?
Nikki: I’m not too bad thank you, uni has been pretty hectic but that’s coming to
an end now. What have you been up to? I haven’t seen you out since
Elisha’s birthday.
Joanne: I have been pretty busy with uni too, was so glad to finish last week. I’m
trying not to go out as much at the moment.
Nikki: How come? Now we have all finished we should plan something to
celebrate like a meal out or a few cocktails sometime soon, what do you
Joanne: I’m trying to spend more time with Leanne and save a bit of money. Yeah
that sounds good but I need to check with Leanne first.
Nikki: Is everything okay with you guys? You didn’t seem yourself at Elisha’s party
and I noticed Leanne left early.
Joanne: Yeah everything is fine.
Nikki: Are you sure you’re okay? Did anything happen at the party? I’m always
here if you ever want to talk.
Joanne: I’m okay. No, nothing really, Leanne just got annoyed as she thought I was
spending too much time with the boys so after an argument she went
home. The arguments aren’t usually as bad as the one at the party but she
did apologise for pushing me after we cleared the air.
Nikki: She pushed you? That’s not good. Does that happen often? I didn’t notice
you spending much time with the boys
Joanne: It’s happened a couple of times recently, Leanne doesn’t like me spending
time with my male friends.
Nikki: That must be difficult, have you talked to her about it?
Joanne: Yeah but it has just lead to arguments. So I haven’t been going out much
recently and that has helped so I’m feeling better about the situation.
Nikki: I’m sorry you have been having a hard time. You don’t have to tell me if you
don’t want to, but why does Leanne have a problem with you spending
time with your male friends?
Joanne: Ummm well it’s because of my sexuality and the fact that I’m bisexual, she
gets paranoid I will leave her for a man. It never used to be an issue but it
Nikki and Joanne are friends. Joanne is
going out with Leanne and
Nikki is worried that there are signs of an abusive relationship.
became one whenever I went out with my uni friends without her. I’m
spending more time with her now which helps.
Nikki: The whole situation must be really upsetting for you. I’m always here if you
ever want to talk. You can call me anytime. There is nothing wrong with you
being bisexual and you shouldn’t be punished for having male friends. I’m
a bit worried about the pushing – you know, I learned a bit about this on
one of my courses and often it can escalate, so I’m a bit concerned that
next time she might really hurt you. There are organisations that could help
you as well, if you wanted, such as Broken Rainbow. I can help you get in
touch if you want. Whatever you decide I will be there for you.
Friend Domestic Abuse Intervention 2 – Scripted Role Play
Two people – Melissa and Sophie - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Sophie: Oh, hi hun, how are you?
Melissa: Oh hi, I’m okay thanks. How about you?
Sophie: I’m good. I was just thinking that I haven’t seen you around lately. I was
wondering if you’d like to get together at some point just to catch up?
Melissa: Oh, no that’s fine, thanks. I don’t really have much time at the moment.
Sophie: Oh, okay. No problem. I just thought it might be nice to come over and
watch a dvd and have a few drinks – a girlie night in like we used to –
nothing major.
Melissa: Well, I’m sharing a flat with Matt now, and he’s a bit shy and doesn’t really
like people he doesn’t know coming over.
Sophie: Oh, well that’s a shame. Well, I’d really like to get to know him, especially if
you guys are that serious. I miss not seeing you. I can come over and I’ll
bring the wine!
Melissa: No, honestly, I can’t, he’s really shy, but maybe some other time…
Sophie: Okay sure, no pressure. Hun, I was just wondering: is everything okay? I
mean, when I saw you guys out the other week, you seemed a bit upset.
Melissa: Everything’s fine.
Sophie: Are you sure? I was a bit worried about you when I saw him grab you the
way he did. I didn’t like to interfere but you know you can always speak to
me if you need someone to listen.
Melissa: Yes, I know. Thanks. But everything is fine, honestly.
Sophie: Okay then. But don’t forget what I said – okay? If you need to talk, you
have my number. Call me anytime.
Melissa: Yes, thanks. I will. Bye.
Sophie: Bye. See you soon I hope.
Sophie and Melissa bump into each other outside the library. Sophie
saw Melissa’s boyfriend grab her after an argument and has been
worried about her.
Friend domestic abuse intervention 3 – scripted role play
Two people – Ashley and Chris - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Chris: Hi mate, how’s it ...
Ashley: Oh - hang on a minute. I'm just in the middle of texting Lucy
Chris: Sure....
[Chris waits until Ashley has finished texting]
Ashley: Sorry about that - she gets a bit narky if I don't text her straight back.
Chris: Please! You’re always on the phone to her!
Ashley: She’s a bit high maintenance. Keeping the peace - not worth the hassle.
Chris: No worries. How have you been? I mean, I haven't seen you around for a
while and you don't seem to hang around with us any more like you used
Ashley: Oh, I'm fine. I’m busy with Lucy that's all. She doesn't know anyone from
the group so we just tend to do our own thing.
Chris: Look, Ashley, I saw Emma the other day and she said she saw you both in
town last week and you were having a huge fight and Lucy slapped you
really hard across the face and tried to bite you. She was really concerned.
So what’s going on?
Ashley: I don’t know why Emma would say that. It was just an argument, it’s none
of Emma’s business. She’s probably just jealous. Anyway it was my fault, I
forgot to get her soya milk.
Chris: Sounds a bit mental, really? She hit you cos you forgot her milk?
Ashley: It was nothing…
Chris: Well ok mate but I’ve got this list of early warning signs for toxic
relationships that I was given in class, I wouldn’t mind if you come by and
take a look at it. I’ve got a list of phone numbers for people who can help
out as well. Anyway dude call me or come round anytime if you need a
break from it, you’ve got my number, come hang with the guys a bit.
Ashley and Chris bump into each other in the coffee shop. Chris hasn’t
seen Ashley for a while.
Inappropriate language intervention – scripted role play
Three people – Emily, Holly and Katie - each to read a part. First, read the description of
the situation.
Emily: That was so unfair. He totally raped us with those questions on direct effect.
Holly: It was pretty nasty. I just wanna cry now
Ending 1
Katie: It was pretty tough but not like getting raped. I don’t like that analogy.
Ending 2: shifting the focus
[Katie walks off]
[Two hours later, Katie knocks on Emily’’s door]
Katie: Hiya, have you got a minute?
Emily: Hey where did you get to? One minute you were there then you disappeared. I was
beginning to think it was something I said, haha.
Katie: Well actually it was. You know, I was pretty upset about you saying you were
‘raped’ by the exam.
Emily: Well it was a pretty bad exam
Katie: Yeah I get that, I know, it was awful, but for a person who has been raped, I mean,
that’s really serious, it’s majorly traumatic - not like sitting a shitty exam. And if
you use that term like that then it just makes it seem trivial.
Emily: Yeh, I hadn’t thought of it like that
Katie: So do you think you passed?
Emily, Holly and Katie are in a group of students who are standing
around following an exam.
Intention to coerce at a party – scripted role play
Three people – Dan, Aisha and James - each to read a part. First, read the description of
the situation.
Aisha: Look at the state of Ewan. He’s completely gone.
James: Who’s that guy he’s with? I don’t recognise him.
Aisha: Must be someone off his course. Looks pretty intense.
[5 minutes later]
Aisha: Where did Ewan go? I’m surprised he could walk anywhere
James: I think he went upstairs with that guy
Aisha: Shit, I’m not sure about that… Perhaps we better find him
[Ewan being helped upstairs by Dan]
Aisha: Hey Ewan! You okay? What you doing?
Dan: He’s a bit out of it, I was gonna put him to bed. You guys go enjoy
yourselves, I’ve got it from here.
James: Thanks, it’s ok, we’ve done it before. Could you go get a drink of water for
[leads Nathan away]
At a house party, Dan and Ewan
are sitting together on the sofa at a
party. Ewan’s friends Aisha and James are in the adjoining kitchen
area. Dan is getting the drinks for himself and Ewan, he is making
his JD & coke weak and Nathan’s really strong and encouraging
Ewan to drink quickly, playing ‘penny in the drink’. Soon, Ewan is
visibly disorientated.
Intention to coerce – scripted role play
Four people - Callum, Nasar and Ben - each to read a part. First, read the description of
the situation.
Nasar: Pretty much finished my medical law oral! Get in!
Callum: Yeah me too!
Ben: Glad I’m not doing med law! I saw Mia earlier, she failed last time, so she’s
pretty stressed about it
Nasar: Ah bless her, maybe I should see if she wants some help.
Callum: Nah, should be me, after all, I’m the King of Med Law with the 80 I scored
in coursework haha. Huh, maybe she could help me with my ‘oral problem’
in exchange for some help with hers…
Ben: Yeh mate get on that!
Callum: It’d be a good opportunity for her to work that sexy mouth of hers….
Nasar: What?!
Ben: Why not, bit of give and take and all that….
Nasar: No reason to take advantage of her. Mate, that’s exploitation and that’s
pretty sick. Are you really that desperate?
Callum: Just having a laugh
Nasar: Not funny, she’s my mate and she’s alright.
Callum, Nasar and Ben are chatting about their coursework in the
Intention to rape – scripted role play
The scenario of women waking up to find an acquaintance or someone they thought was
a friend having sex with them is a common one that SARSAS service users report. This is
Three people - Ellie, Ross and Keir - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Ross: Right, you guys go, I may as well stay and hop in bed with Sarah. Ha, maybe I’ll
slip her a quick one whilst she’s sleeping…….wahey!......
Keir: Yeh right [sarcastic]
Ellie: Seriously you are joking right?
Ross: Oh f*** off [get lost], it’s not like we haven’t shagged before
Keir:: Mate I don’t think she’s up for it, you guys weren’t exactly getting off with each
other tonight.
Ross: Yeah but Sarah’s always up for it.
Ellie: I really don’t think she’s gonna want you pouncing on her in the middle of the
night. Sounds a bit rapey to me…
Mike: Come on mate, you don’t have her consent. You don’t want to do anything stupid.
Keir:: Yeah alright.
A group of friends have been hanging out at Sarah’s house having
snacks, playing games and drinking. At around 1ish Sarah says she
is going to bed as she needs to get some sleep because she’s got a
busy day tomorrow. The rest of the group keep having fun. At around
4, Ellie, Ross and Keir are meant to be getting a taxi home to theirs
together but Ross says he is going to share Sarah’s bed.
Friend & peer supporter domestic abuse intervention –
scripted role play
Three people – Lori, Erin and Chen - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Lori: Shit, I'm really nervous about this exam! How do you think you'll do? I got
sooo stressed with this one. [Rolls up sleeve without thinking]
Erin: I think I'll be alright to be honest, hopefully Chen can give us some tips on
how to.... OMG what is that on your arm?
Lori What? Oh, that. Well....oh it was so clumsy of me. [pulls sleeve down] I
slipped and scraped my arm on the wall. But it's okay. It's not too bad. I
just need to go to the loo - I'll be back in a mo.
Erin: Oh, okay. See you in a minute.
[Lori runs off. Chen comes in and joins Erin]
Chen: Hi Erin. Did you want to ask some questions about your exam?
Erin: Oh, hi. Yes, I did, but could I talk to you about something else first?
Chen: Sure, what’s up?
Erin: I used to hang around with Lori a lot, but she's been really distant lately,
and then just now I saw some really bad marks on her arm which she said
was due to her slipping and scraping her arm, but I'm just a bit worried
about her and don't know what to do about it. What would you suggest?
Chen: What's making you concerned about it?
Erin: Well, it's just that she won't come out with the group any more, and she
seems a bit isolated. I've never known her to be this distant, but I've also
heard from other friends that she and her new boyfriend Joe have huge
fights, and someone saw him being a bit physical with her. I'm just a bit
concerned about her that's all, but I don't want to be seen as being
interfering. I'm just not sure what to do...
Chen: Well, look, when she comes back, we can go over the exam work and then
maybe we can slip it into the conversation to see if everything's okay, and
just to make it clear that should she need to talk, we're here for her.
Erin: Yes, that sounds good.
[Lori returns]
Chen: Hi Lori , I'm glad you could make it for this session. Do you have anything
specific you wanted to ask about?
Lori: Well, just really on the structure, that's all.
Chen: Well, if you follow the ILAC structure that you’ve done in seminars it’ll work
really well for this module. Apart from the exams, how are you both doing?
Lori and Claudia meet up with their Peer Support Leader, Chen.
Is everything going okay for you both? Have you enjoyed the course this
Erin: Yes, everything's been great for me this year.
Chen: How about you, Lori? How's the year gone? I haven't seen much of you
Lori: It's been okay, thanks. I've just been really busy.
Chen: Ah, okay then. Is everything else okay? I mean, Erin told me that there are
some nasty marks on your arm - are you alright?
Lori: Oh, yes, I already said that was just an accident. Everything's fine thanks.
Chen: Oh okay, well, just so you know, should you need anything or someone to
talk to, you can come see me anytime, you don’t need an appointment and
you have my work and personal email. And you know the Uni has great
student welfare services, there’s the wellbeing and counselling service in
L-block if you ever need it, okay?
Sibling domestic abuse intervention – scripted role play
Two people – Paige and Evie - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Paige: I'm so pleased you're back from Uni! I've really missed you! It’s really boring at
home with Dad on my own. I wish you’d been in touch more this term, I’ve missed
hearing from you.
Evie: Yes, sorry, it's been pretty intense at Uni, but I'm glad to be having some time
away from it all.
Paige: I'm sure. So - how have you got on this year? Have you made lots of new friends? I
bumped into Louise and she said she hardly saw you. Have you been out having a
good time or working too hard, of course haha
Evie: To be honest, I haven't really seen my friends much this year. I've been a bit busy.
Paige: That's a shame. I find it's even more important to have your friends around when
you’re busy to let off steam and relax a little. Aren't you all busy?
Evie: Well, it's more that I've been busy spending time with Ryan, you know that guy I
told you about at Christmas and he doesn't really know any of my friends and he
gets jealous when I go out with them, so I've spent my time with him instead. But
that's okay, because that means he really loves me, doesn't it?
Paige: Well, Dad always says that when he and Mum met at Uni they always made a
point of meeting up with each other’s friends and also giving each other some
space. They even used to have a holiday separately every year, do you remember?
They were big on respecting the fact that they both had friends before they met.
You’ve got to have your own space too. If he doesn’t trust you then that doesn’t
seem like a good starting point.
Evie: Paige it's fine, honestly. He's a great guy and we get along really well. Everything's
Paige: Well, okay, but to be honest I have been a bit worried about you this year. You
haven't phoned much this year and even though you said you were really happy, I
could tell from your voice that something has been wrong, and that you haven't
really been as happy as you have been making out. And I know Dad’s worried. It’s
not like you not to call him. I mean, is Ry quite controlling?
Evie: It’s fine, he just wants to be with me a lot and wants all my attention so I don’t get
much time, and that’s fine because I really like him.
Paige: Well you should talk to Dad about it hun, really, it doesn’t seem right to me. And
I’ve been watching Hollyoaks and there’s this storyline where the guy is really
controlling and she can’t see her friends anymore so I know that it doesn’t seem
right. Anyway, you know me and Dad are here for you and I know you used to talk
to Mum about these things but you can talk to me you know, we have to look out
for each other now Mum’s not around.
Paige is in the car with her younger sister Evie who she has collected
to bring back from University for the holidays.
Social media – scripted role play
Two people – Veronika and Natalie - each to read a part. First, read the description of the
Veronika: I can’t believe those guys posted pictures of Alice like that.
Natalie: That’s just sick.
Veronika: We have to do something. She’s going to be gutted.
Natalie: Maybe we shouldn’t get involved, it’s not our business.
Veronika: It is our business cos she’s our friend and it’s all over Facebook.
Natalie: Yes, I suppose so.
Veronika: We could both post on Steven’s wall or message him and tell him we’re
disgusted and that he has to take the photos down.
Natalie: Yeh but he probably won’t.
Veronika: Well then we’ll tell him we’ll report it to Facebook and to our Head of
Student Services – in fact I’m gonna report it now on Facebook.
[Veronika clicks on the Triangle – Report a Problem – Abusive Content
button on Facebook]
Veronika and Natalie are having coffee and looking at Facebook on
their iPads