Report No.341
Assessing the Potenal of Drones to
Take Water Samples and Physico-
chemical Data from Open Lakes
Authors: Heather Lally, Ian OConnor, Liam Broderick,
Mark Broderick, Olaf Jensen andConor Graham
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advice to the Board.
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take
Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data
from Open Lakes
EPA Research Report
Prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Heather Lally, Ian O’Connor, Liam Broderick, Mark Broderick, Olaf Jensen and
Conor Graham
An Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil
PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, Ireland
Telephone: +353 53 916 0600 Fax: +353 53 916 0699
Email: [email protected] Website: www.epa.ie
September 2020
Published by the Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
ISBN: 978-1-84095-942-0
Price: Free Online version
© Environmental Protection Agency 2020
This report is published as part of the EPA Research Programme 2014–2020. The EPA Research
Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative funded by the Department of Communications,
Climate Action and Environment. It is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, which
has the statutory function of co-ordinating and promoting environmental research.
The authors would like to acknowledge the members of the project steering committee for their
considerate guidance and advice at various stages of the project, namely Raymond Smith (EPA), Dr
Ruth Little (EPA), Gerard Hannon (Roscommon County Council), Dr Iq Mead (Craneld University)
and Dr Cecilia Hegarty (research project manager on behalf of EPA Research).
The project team also wishes to acknowledge the valuable contributions of Mr Alan Stephens and
his team based at EPA Castlebar, research assistants Nicole Perich and Ashley Johnson, and Maura
O’Connor and Colin Folan, and Bowen Ormsby, who kindly provided boats for use on Lough Inagh
and Lough Fee, respectively.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material contained in this
publication, complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The Environmental Protection Agency, the
authors and the steering committee members do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for loss
or damage occasioned, or claimed to have been occasioned, in part or in full, as a consequence of
any person acting, or refraining from acting, as a result of a matter contained in this publication.
All or part of this publication may be reproduced without further permission, provided the source is
This report is based on research carried out/data from March 2018 to February 2020. More recent
data may have become available since the research was completed.
The EPA Research Programme addresses the need for research in Ireland to inform policymakers
and other stakeholders on a range of questions in relation to environmental protection. These reports
are intended as contributions to the necessary debate on the protection of the environment.
Project Partners
Dr Heather Lally (principal investigator,
project co-ordinator)
School of Science and Computing
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Galway City
Tel.: +353 9 174 2484
Email: heather[email protected]
Dr Conor Graham (principal investigator)
School of Science and Computing
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Galway City
Tel.: +353 9 174 2888
Email: conor[email protected]
Dr Ian O’Connor (principal investigator)
School of Science and Computing
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Galway City
Tel.: +353 9 174 2384
Liam Broderick (principal investigator)
Model Heli Services
Co. Clare
Tel.: +353 65 683 9512
Mark Broderick (principal investigator)
Model Heli Services
Co. Clare
Tel.: +353 65 683 9512
Professor Olaf Jensen (principal
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525
Acknowledgements ii
Disclaimer ii
Project Partners iii
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Executive Summary ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Project Work Packages 2
1.4 Project Dissemination 2
2 Current Use of Drones to Conduct Water Sampling in Aquatic Environments 3
2.1 Aims of the Literature Review 3
2.2 Current Use of Drones to Conduct Water Sampling in Freshwater
Environments 3
2.3 Knowledge Gaps and Technological Advances Required to Deploy Drones
for Water Sampling 6
3 Drone Platform Selection 8
3.1 Criteria for Drone Platform Selection 8
3.2 Drone Platforms 8
3.3 Costs of Drone Platform 8
4 Payload Design and Development 11
4.1 Criteria for Payload Operation 11
4.2 Key Features of the Payload Build and Design 11
5 Field Trials Deploying the Drone Platform and Payload on Open Lakes 12
5.1 Lake Sampling Sites and Experimental Design 12
5.2 Comparison of Water Chemistry Variables Collected Using Traditional Boat
and Drone Water Sampling 12
5.3 Comparison of Variability and Precision in Water Chemistry Variables
Collected Using Traditional Boat and Drone Water Sampling Methodologies 13
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
5.4 Limitations Encountered during Field Trials 15
6 Cost–BenetAnalysis 16
6.1 Efciency of Traditional Boat versus Drone Water Sampling Methods 16
6.2 Costs of Traditional Boat versus Drone Water Sampling Methods 16
6.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Boat and Drone Water
Sampling Methodologies 18
6.4 Views Gathered from End-of-project Workshop Focus Groups 19
7 Key Findings 22
7.1 Achievements of this Research 22
8 Recommendations 23
References 24
Abbreviations 26
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1.1. Core research project work packages 2
Figure 3.1. DJI M600 Pro drone platform selected for eld trials: (a) arms and
propellers folded, (b) arms and propellers extended, (c) top view of arms
and propellers extended, and (d) drone on-site before payload attachment 9
Figure 5.1. Statistical comparison of water chemistry variable data collected using
traditional boat and drone water sampling 14
Figure 6.1. Efciency of traditional boat versus drone water sampling under different
resource scenarios 17
Figure 6.2. Benets of drone water sampling highlighted by participants during the
focus group session at the end-of-project workshop held at GMIT on
25 March 2020 21
Figure 6.3. Limitations of drone water sampling highlighted by participants during
the focus group session at the end-of-project workshop held at GMIT on
25 March 2020 21
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 2.1. List of research groups deploying/modifying drones to take water samples 3
Table 2.2. Specications of drone platforms used to conduct water sampling 4
Table 2.3. Specications of water sampling payloads attached to drones to conduct
water sampling 5
Table 2.4. Comparison of water sampling methods and experimental design employed
within freshwater environments 6
Table 3.1. Commercially available off-the-shelf drones suitable for adapting for water
sampling 9
Table 3.2. Costs associated with purchasing the DJI M600 Pro drone, drone platform
and accessory equipment 10
Table 5.1. Key characteristics of lakes sampled during eld trials 13
Table 5.2. Statistical assessment of precision, using coefcient of variation, between
water chemistry variable data at each sampling location between traditional
boat and drone water sampling methodologies 15
Table 5.3. List of limitations encountered during the current study when using the
drone and water sampling payload to collect water samples from Irish lakes 15
Table 6.1. Timings of activities related to traditional boat versus drone water sampling
at Ballyquirke Lough 16
Table 6.2. Capital costs associated with boat and drone water sampling during this
research project 18
Table 6.3. Advantages and disadvantages of traditional boat and drone water sampling
methodologies 19
Table 6.4. List of questions posed to participants during the focus group session at the
end-of-project workshop held at GMIT on 25 March 2020 20
Executive Summary
Water sampling remains a pivotal method for
monitoring and understanding the condition of aquatic
environments properly and effectively. Large-scale
ecological water sampling and monitoring programmes
require considerable eld personnel and are hence
resource intensive and time consuming and therefore
expensive, while also posing many health and safety
issues for personnel, as well as biosecurity risks.
Therefore, this research project had four major
1. to assess the applicability of drones for open lake
water sampling;
2. to evaluate whether water samples and physico-
chemical data collected using drones satisfy the
European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive
(WFD) requirements for monitoring lakes in
3. to determine whether drones could be deployed
to increase the accuracy of extrapolated trophic
status for unmonitored lakes;
4. to examine whether drones could offer a quicker,
cost-effective, less labour intensive and safer
lake sampling protocol for use as part of the
Environmental Protection Agency WFD Lake
Monitoring Programme.
The application of drones to collect in situ
hydrochemical data and retrieve water samples from
freshwater environments provides the potential to full
some aspects of the biological and physico-chemical
sampling required for large-scale water sampling
programmes in a more efcient, safer and cost-
effective manner.
Key Findings
The project team was the rst research team in Europe
to collect a 2-L water sample using a drone. This
research has made several signicant contributions
to the advancement and application of drone water
sampling methods. These include the successful
deployment, as demonstrated during eld trials, of
a drone and attached prototype payload capable of
collecting a 2-L water sample and real-time physico-
chemical data, 100 m offshore, from lakes in the west
of Ireland. Water sampling times using the drone
were 4 minutes and water volume capture rates were
100%. Furthermore, the water chemistry of samples
collected using the drone water sampling method was
not signicantly different from that of samples taken
using a boat. In addition, accuracy and precision were
not affected by the sampling methodology employed.
This comparative analysis of water chemistry variables
satises the requirements of the EU WFD lake
water sampling and monitoring programme and thus
demonstrates that drone sampling can be applied to
large-scale water sampling programmes. The capital
investment costs for boat sampling were found to be
1.2 to 1.5 times lower than those required for drone
water sampling. However, and much more importantly,
drone water sampling was found to be 2.3 to 3.4
times faster (in person-minutes) than boat sampling
methods, depending on resource allocation. Moreover,
drone water sampling reduced both risks to personnel
health and safety and biosecurity risks associated
with boat sampling. Moreover, drone water sampling
offers a unique opportunity to sample unmonitored
lakes under the WFD in Ireland, and remote and
inaccessible lakes worldwide, and to conrm the water
quality and ecological status of aquatic environments
categorised using remote-sensing methods in a more
efcient and safer manner.
This research has resulted in the following
recommendations to further the advancement of drone
water sampling over the coming years:
Consideration should be given to deploying
waterproof drones such as the Freey Alta 8 or
Alta X (https://freeysystems.com). These drones
would allow ights to operate in less than optimal
weather conditions, including in wind speeds
greater than 8 m/s and moderate rainfall.
Smaller, lighter and cheaper real-time water
chemistry probes should be integrated to reduce
the weight of the payload and the associated
capital costs required during project set-up. This
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
would, in turn, avoid the need for larger, more
expensive drones and allow users to operate
within evolving legislative and pilot training
The design and build of the prototype payload,
especially its size (height and length) and weight,
should be rened to allow a greater number of
off-the-shelf drones to be considered for use.
The use of additive fabrication techniques, which
would allow the printing of new or replacement
parts when needed or damaged, should also be
Field trials should continue and should include a
wider variety of aquatic environments including
estuaries at high and low tides, marinas
and streams and rivers at various ows, to
demonstrate application across various aquatic
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The introduction of the European Union (EU) Water
Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) in 2000,
and its subsequent adaptation into Irish law in 2003,
saw a Europe-wide approach to surface water and
groundwater conservation and management. The
key aim of the WFD is to ensure the good ecological
status of all European waters. For inclusion in the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WFD Lake
Monitoring Programme, lakes must have a surface
area greater than 50 ha, be an active source of
drinking water or be protected under other EU
legislation such as the Habitats or Birds Directive
(Tierney et al., 2015; O’Boyle et al., 2019). To
date, 812 Irish lakes are classied as WFD water
bodies, of which a subset of 215 representative
lakes were monitored during 2013–2018 (O’Boyle
et al., 2019). For the remaining (approximately)
597 unmonitored lakes, many of which are remote
or have limited access, efforts have been made to
extrapolate ecological status using land use and
hydrogeomorphology data from monitored lakes
(Wynne and Donohue, 2016) and using macrophyte
remote-sensing data captured from Sentinel-2 data
(Free et al., 2020).
Ecological sampling and monitoring on such a large
scale requires considerable eld personnel and
is hence resource intensive, time consuming and
therefore expensive, while also posing health and
safety issues for personnel and biosecurity risks.
Currently, monitoring is undertaken by personnel from
a number of agencies including the EPA, the Marine
Institute, Inland Fisheries Ireland, Waterways Ireland,
the National Parks and Wildlife Service and local
authorities (O’Boyle et al., 2019). The WFD places
emphasis on the ecology and biology of lakes, with
physico-chemical and hydromorphological components
acting as “supporting elements” for the biota (Free et
al., 2007; Hering et al., 2010; O’Boyle et al., 2019).
The biological status of lakes is determined using
several biotic indices for phytoplankton, macroalgae,
aquatic plants, macroinvertebrates and sh (O’Boyle
et al., 2019). Physico-chemical elements that affect
the biological status of lakes include temperature,
dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, conductivity and Secchi
depth measured in the eld (Free et al., 2006).
Additional variables, such as alkalinity, colour, total
phosphorus (TP) and total ammonia, are measured
in the laboratory following the retrieval of a water
sample from the lake (EPA, 2006, 2011; Free et al.,
2006). Hydromorphological elements, which also affect
the biological status of lakes, include morphological
conditions (i.e. physical changes of the shoreline or
alterations to the natural hydrological regime) and the
water ow of the lake (EPA, 2006, 2011; O’Boyle et
al., 2019). The WFD ecological status of each lake
is assigned by applying the “one out all out” principle
whereby the lowest status achieved for any one
biological, physico-chemical or hydromorphological
element is the nal status assigned to that water body
(EPA, 2007; Tierney et al., 2015; O’Boyle et al., 2019).
The sampling of open lake waters requires the use
of a boat and this, in turn, can lead to issues related
to accessibility, particularly at remote lakes, where
there may be a lack of slipway. In 2010, 15 lakes
included in the EPA WFD Lake Monitoring Programme
were replaced because of such issues related to
accessibility (Tierney et al., 2015). Sampling using
boats can be very costly if different boat sizes are
required for monitoring different lakes and can also
lead to issues concerning personnel health and safety
and biosecurity.
Streamlining the biological and physico-chemical
sampling methods to meet the requirements of the
EPA WFD Lake Monitoring Programme could be
achieved using emerging and novel technologies.
Autonomous systems such as unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs), small unmanned aircraft (SUA),
unmanned aerial systems (UASs), unmanned vehicle
systems (UVSs) or remotely piloted aircraft systems
(RPASs), all commonly referred to or known as drones
(Chapman, 2014; Chabot, 2018), offer a unique
opportunity to employ novel, versatile, adaptable
and exible technologies capable of gathering high-
resolution data for monitoring and assessing the
natural environment (Wich and Koh, 2018; Fráter
et al., 2015). The application of drones to collect in
situ hydrochemical data and retrieve water samples
from freshwater environments is relatively new. The
increased capabilities of drone platforms (payload
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
weight capacity, ight time, battery endurance, etc.)
and the development of bespoke attached payloads
offers a new and unique opportunity to potentially
deploy drones in large-scale water sampling
programmes (Vergouw et al., 2016). The application of
drones provides the potential to full some aspects of
the biological and physico-chemical sampling required
for large-scale water sampling programmes in a more
efcient, safer and cost-effective manner.
1.2 Objectives
This research project had four major objectives:
1. to assess the applicability of drones for open lake
water sampling;
2. to evaluate whether water samples and physico-
chemical data collected using drones satisfy the
EU WFD requirements for monitoring lakes in
3. to determine whether drones could be deployed
to increase the accuracy of extrapolated trophic
status for unmonitored lakes;
4. to examine whether drones could offer a quicker,
less labour-intensive, cost-effective and safer lake
sampling protocol for use as part of the EPA WFD
Lake Monitoring Programme.
1.3 Project Work Packages
To achieve the research objectives, ve core work
packages were designed (Figure 1.1) in addition
to communications and project management work
1.4 Project Dissemination
The project team used a wide variety of approaches to
disseminate the outcomes of this project.
These included:
one international peer-reviewed journal article;
attendance and presentations at European and
national conferences and workshops in the eld
of drone research and water quality sampling
and monitoring [e.g. the Commercial UAV Show
2018, UK (14 and 15 November 2018); the
ShARE 5 – Shared Agencies Regulatory Evidence
Programme – meeting, Ireland (12 March 2018)
and Wales (28 January 2019); the UK and Ireland
Lakes Network Conference, Ireland (16 and 17
October 2019); and the Irish Freshwater Biologist
Association meeting, Ireland (6 March 2020)];
the establishment of a project website and Twitter
account (@DroPLEtS18, with over 179 followers);
the organisation and facilitation of a project
workshop attended by 21 delegates.
1. Literaure
2. Drone
3. Payload
4. Field trials
5. Cost–
Figure 1.1. Core research project work packages.
2 Current Use of Drones to Conduct Water Sampling in
Aquatic Environments
2.1 Aims of the Literature Review
The aims of the literature review were to:
evaluate the use of drones to collect water
samples and in situ physico-chemical data from
freshwater environments, synthesising and
reviewing the current literature on this topic; and
identify knowledge gaps and technological
developments needed to advance the use of
drones to conduct water sampling in aquatic
environments in the coming decade.
2.2 Current Use of Drones to
Conduct Water Sampling in
Freshwater Environments
2.2.1 Research teams deploying/modifying
drones to conduct water sampling
The literature review highlighted several research
teams, predominantly in the USA, Japan and Australia,
working on deploying/modifying drones to take water
samples (Table 2.1).
2.2.2 Specicationsofdroneplatformsused
to conduct water sampling
Specications of drone platforms used to conduct
water sampling varied among the various research
groups. Over the past decade, a combination of off-
the-shelf drones (e.g. Ascending Technologies Firey
hexarotor, six rotor LAB645 UAV and DJI Matrice 600)
(Detweiler et al., 2015; Ore et al., 2013, 2015; Song et
al., 2017; Castendyk et al., 2018, 2019, 2020; Terada
et al., 2018) and custom-built platforms (Koparan
and Koc, 2016; Koparan et al., 2018a,b, 2019) have
been deployed (Table 2.2). Drone platforms have
a maximum payload weight of between 600 g and
12 kg and a maximum ight time of 20–40 minutes
depending on the amount of water to be collected.
Some research groups apply autonomous operating
systems and/or pilot-operated systems.
2.2.3 Specicationsofpayloadsusedto
conduct water sampling
All water sampling payloads are custom-built with
various types of water sampling systems having
been trialled, including (1) complex chassis systems
with three spring-lidded chambers operated by a
servo-rotated “needle” where water lls a glass
sampling container via a micro submersible water
pump (Detweiler et al., 2015; Ore et al., 2013, 2015),
(2) triple cartridge “thief style” water sampling systems
(Koparan et al., 2018a, 2019, 2020), (3) Niskin water
sampling bottles (Castendyk et al., 2018), (4) high-
density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles consisting of a
hollow tube structure that allows water to freely enter
when lowered into the water (Terada et al., 2018), and
(5) HydraSleeve (Castendyk et al., 2020) (Table 2.3).
Trials have demonstrated the ability of the water
sampling payloads listed above to collect between
Table 2.1. List of research groups deploying/modifying drones to take water samples
Name of research lab Location Publications
NIMBUS research lab Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Scientic publication(s)
Chung research lab UC Berkeley, USA Scientic publication(s)
Koparan research lab Clemson University, South Carolina, USA Scientic publication(s)
Terada research group Japan Scientic publication(s)
HATCH Associates Consultants Denver, Colorado, USA Scientic publication(s), conference publication
Rise Above Custom Drone Solutions Australia Website information
Spheres Drones Australia Website information, leaet
UC, University of California.
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
60 mL (Detweiler et al., 2015; Ore et al., 2013, 2015)
and 2 L of water (Castendyk et al., 2019) with water
sampling times ranging from 40 minutes (Song et
al., 2017) to 2 hours (Detweiler et al., 2015; Ore
et al., 2013, 2015) and successful water capture
rates varying between 60% (Ore et al., 2013, 2015;
Koparan and Koc, 2016; Koparan et al., 2018a)
and 100% (Koparan et al., 2019). Issues with the
complex chassis systems with three spring-lidded
chambers were predominantly associated with faulty
lid mechanisms, variations in the altitude of the pump,
the pump not priming correctly, silt intake in the pump
and environmental conditions such as increases in
wind speed above 2.7 m/s, which signicantly reduced
sample capture success, with a linear decline with
increasing wind speed resulting in a 25% decrease
in sample capture at speeds in excess of 4.5 m/s
(Ore et al., 2013, 2015). Issues associated with
the messenger on the “thief style” water sampler
included the sampler not triggering or the servo-motor
malfunctioning (Koparan and Koc, 2016; Koparan et
al., 2018a).
Research teams have also incorporated off-the-shelf
multi-meter probes (temperature, DO, conductivity and
pH) (Song et al., 2017; Koparan et al., 2018b, 2019),
conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) probes
(Castendyk et al., 2018, 2019, 2020) and turbidity
(Koparan et al., 2020) with the ability to autonomously
relay real-time data back to nearby ground stations
(Song et al., 2017), greatly increasing the capacity of
drones to monitor in situ water chemistry variables.
2.2.4 Comparison of water chemistry
Comparison of water chemical variables obtained
using drone water sampling with those of more
traditional methods (e.g. handheld probes and
manual grab samples from land or boat) shows clear
Table 2.2. Specications of drone platforms used to conduct water sampling
Platform type
weight Flight time Communication software Source
hexarotor –
600 g
Total ight
time = 15–20
minutes per
battery with full
Robot operating system – low-level communication
with the UAV, risk management, mission control,
navigation and altitude estimates
Onboard custom microcontroller – operates aerial
sampling system, reads sensors and status of water
sampling system
Detweiler et al.,
2015; Ore et
al., 2013, 2015;
Song et al., 2017
Off-the-shelf six-
rotor LAB645
12 kg
ight time = 40
Operator controlled during take-off and landing
Autonomous ight via GPS waypoints
Terada et al.,
Off-the-shelf DJI
Matrice 600 Pro
6 kg
ight time = 16
Operator controlled during take-off, ight mission and
Spotter ensuring “safe ight area”
Castendyk et al.,
2018, 2019, 2020
with otation
750 g
Theoretical ight
time = 8 minutes
Radio controller (Turnigy 9X) – manual control of
Autonomous ight and ground control station –
Pixhawk autopilot (GPS receiver, radio telemetry) –
provides information on ight conditions
Mission planner software
Koparan and
Koc, 2016
Koparan et al.,
with otation
2.1 kg
Theoretical ight
time = 8 minutes
Radio controller (Turnigy 9X) – manual control of
Autonomous ight and ground control station –
Pixhawk autopilot (GPS receiver, radio telemetry) –
provides information on ight conditions
Mission planner software
Koparan et al.,
Manufacturers’ specication.
Weight of components used to develop the custom-built payload.
Flight time based on 80% battery life.
GPS, global positioning system.
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
inaccuracies (Table 2.4). These can be attributed
to variations in water sampling payloads used, the
manner in which drones were deployed to collect
water samples and physico-chemical data, and limited
experimental design.
Ore et al. (2013, 2015) and Detweiler et al. (2015)
reported similar trends for physico-chemical variables
collected using drone and manual water sampling
methods. However, DO levels were higher and
temperature levels lower in waters collected using
Table 2.3. Specications of water sampling payloads attached to drones to conduct water sampling
Water sampling
attached to
of water
Water sampling
times using
variables monitored Source
Holmes Lake
chassis – spring-
lidded chambers
operated by a
“needle” with tube
and micro pump
None 60 mL Total time =
2 hours
20 minutes using
the drone alone
Temperature, DO,
sulphate and chloride
Detweiler et
al., 2015; Ore
et al., 2013,
of Kansas
Field Station
(Kansas, USA)
As above Temperature
Thermistor) and
(Atlas Scientic)
As above Total time =
40 minutes
10 minutes per
reading per
conductivity and
Song et al.,
Yugama crater
lake (Japan)
metal-free HDPE
sampling bottle
None 250–330 mL Not given Conductivity, pH,
chemical concentration
(chloride, sulphate,
aluminium, calcium,
iron, potassium,
manganese, sodium,
silicon dioxide) and
stable isotope ratios
(δD and δ
Terada et al.,
Pond, Clemson
Carolina, USA)
“thief style” water
pH, conductivity,
and DO (Atlas
130 mL Total time = 1 hour
20 minutes using
the drone
DO, temperature,
pH, conductivity and
Koparan and
Koc, 2016;
Koparan et
al., 2018a,b,
Carolina, USA)
“thief style” water
Turbidity sensor
130 mL Total time = 1 hour
20 minutes using
the drone
DO, temperature,
pH, conductivity and
Koparan et
al., 2020
Pit lakes
Canada, and
Nevada, USA)
Niskin water
bottle (General
Florida, USA)
temperature and
depth (CTD)
(YSI CastAway)
1.2 L Flight time of
drone is less than
15 minutes
None Castendyk et
al., 2018
Pit lakes
(Montana and
Idaho, USA)
As above As above 2 L As above pH, calcium,
magnesium, sodium,
chloride, sulphate, total
dissolved solids, total
organic carbon, total
sulphide, potassium
Castendyk et
al., 2019
Pit lakes
Montana and
Idaho, USA)
As above 1.75 L As above Temperature, specic
bicarbonate alkalinity,
chloride, sulphate,
calcium, potassium,
sodium, cadmium,
manganese and zinc
Castendyk et
al., 2020
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
the drone water sampling method. Differences were
attributed to interference or contamination of carryover
by the pump and transit through the tubing, agitation
during ight and in some instances changes in water
properties between water collection and analyses
(Detweiler et al., 2015; Ore et al., 2013, 2015). In
comparison, sulphate and, in particular, chloride
levels were lower in samples collected using the
drone water sampling method than in simultaneously
collected manual grab water samples. Differences
were pronounced; values were deemed to be due to
sampling variation (Detweiler et al., 2015; Ore et al.,
2013, 2015).
Comparative statistical studies by Koparan et al.
(2018a) found drone water samples to be signicantly
higher for DO, pH and chloride. However, the
percentage difference between water chemistry
variables was deemed small, highlighting minimal error
between the sampling methods. Song et al. (2017)
also reported signicant differences in the levels
of chloride between drone and manual grab water
samples, which were attributed to interferences within
the water column from using a boat and differences
in the volume of water collected. The small volume
of water collected (20 mL) using the drone sampling
method may have been less representative of the
chloride levels.
Finally, Castendyk et al. (2020) found ex situ handheld
multi-parameter probe readings were 2.8 degrees
higher for temperature than in situ drone water
samples using CTD, although this temperature
increase was attributed to natural warming during
water retrieval, presumably due to the differences in
air and water temperatures and the lack of insulation
on the sampling device. In addition, they reported
contract-required detection limits (CRDLs) exceeding
ve and relative percentage differences (RPDs) of less
than 20% for a wide suite of water chemistry variables
(Table 2.3) with the exception of cadmium and
manganese. However, all samples were deemed to
be within the range of the CRDL and therefore drone
sampling methods were considered equivalent to
those collected using traditional boat sampling under
US EPA guidelines (US EPA, 1994).
Overall, limited sample size and replication and poor
water capture rates may have prevented robust
statistical comparison between water sampling
methodologies in many of the reviewed studies
(Tables 2.3 and 2.4).
2.3 Knowledge Gaps and
Technological Advances Required
to Deploy Drones for Water
2.3.1 Current knowledge gaps to deploying
drones for water sampling
The studies reviewed highlight the potential use
of drones to conduct water sampling and obtain
physico-chemical data from freshwater environments.
However, several key limitations were highlighted,
which need to be addressed before the application of
Table 2.4. Comparison of water sampling methods and experimental design employed within freshwater
No. of
sites Replication Methods compared
Total sample
Ore et al., 2013,
2015; Detweiler et
al., 2015
5 3 Manual grab sample and use of handheld
probes from kayak vs drone-assisted water
sampling from kayak
30 None
Song et al., 2017 9 3 Manual grab sample and use of handheld
probes vs HOBO in situ sensors vs drone-
assisted water sampling
81 None
Koparan et al., 2018a 3 3 Manual grab samples and use of handheld
probes from kayak vs drone-assisted water
18 Paired t-tests
Castendyk et al.,
1 3 Manual van Dorn samples and use of
handheld multi-parameter probes from boat
vs drone-assisted water sampling
RPD, relative percentage difference.
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
drone technology can be applied to large-scale aquatic
sampling programmes worldwide.
Consideration should be given to the following:
type and payload capacity of off-the-shelf drones,
as many new large drones (less than 25 kg) have
a payload carrying capacity of at least 10 kg (see
Chapter 3, Table 3.1) and could be modied to
allow larger volumes of water (minimum 1–2 L) to
be collected;
ability of the drone to successfully complete ights
in less than optimal weather conditions if larger
volumes of water are to be obtained;
improving sampling success rates, if larger
volumes of water are to be captured every time;
obtaining samples beyond visual line of sight
(BVLOS) (greater than 300 m) (EASA, 2015,
2018; ICAO, 2011; JARUS, 2013) especially on
large open water bodies (greater than 2 ha or
20,000 m
increased costs, set-up times and legal
requirements of deploying larger drones and
associated payloads, and BVLOS.
2.3.2 Recommended technological
advancements required to deploy drones
for water sampling
Technological advancements in water sampling
payload design are required if accurate and reliable
statistical comparisons of water chemistry variables
are to be determined.
Consideration should be given to the following:
incorporating in situ, real-time data of physico-
chemical parameters (temperature, DO,
conductivity and pH) for meaningful comparisons
of data obtained using drone and handheld
sampling methods;
deploying the same probes (from the same
manufacturer) when comparing drone and
handheld water chemistry data for clearer,
transparent and consistent comparisons that
are not potentially confounded by differences
in performance due to different types of probe
allowing sampling probes time to take readings
(suggested minimum time of 4 minutes) when in
the water, with sampling times dependent on both
the probe used and physico-chemical conditions
of the water body being sampled; for example, the
minimum time is usually determined by the pH of
the water body, with lakes with low pH and low
buffering capacity generally requiring longer times
than calcium-rich lakes;
adapting robust statistical experimental designs
to examine the data collected between sampling
methodologies as well as the variability;
incorporating a greater number and diversity
of types of water bodies, an increased number
of sampling sites per water body and greater
replication of samples per sampling site per water
testing a wider selection of water chemistry
parameters (nutrients, suspended solids and
heavy metals) and comparisons across various
water sampling methodologies (manual grab
samples and handheld probes vs drone water
sampling vs in situ sensors);
conducting a detailed cost–benet analysis.
This literature review, entitled “Can drones be used
to conduct water sampling in aquatic environments?
A review”, by Lally, O’Connor, Jensen and Graham
is published in Science of the Total Environment,
670 (2019), 569–575 (reused with permission from
3 Drone Platform Selection
3.1 Criteria for Drone Platform
The research team developed a set of criteria specic
to the needs of the proposed project in addition to
setting out the specications of the drone platform
The criteria and specications included:
the requirement for a drone with a stabilised
three-axis zoom camera, foldable rotor arms and
a drone platform able to lift a minimum slung
payload of 6 kg;
the ability to y for a minimum of 10 minutes and a
distance of 200 m carrying a 6-kg payload weight;
the capacity to y in wind speeds up to 8 m/s;
the capability to provide “loss of a single motor”
having global positioning systems (GPS) and
global navigation satellite system capabilities with
redundancy between them;
having a retractable undercarriage that does not
interfere with the payload;
having a rst person view integrated zoom camera
of at least 12 megapixels;
being suitable for dual operators where the
camera movements and control can be controlled
by the second operator with two compatible pilot/
camera high-denition monitors supplied for live
view with an HDMI (high-denition multimedia
interface) output;
the capability for the primary controller to provide
additional channels for integration with the
having a controller system that allows for software
development kit integration;
having radios that operate on primary EU
industrial, scientic and medical (ISM) band
2.4 GHz transmission with optional 5.8 GHz
backup transmission;
a platform that gives real-time telemetry
information for the duration of the ight;
a platform and all its accessories that are
CE approved.
3.2 Drone Platforms
Eight off-the-shelf drone platforms were investigated
based on the criteria set out in section 3.1 above
(Table 3.1). A DJI Matrice 600 Pro platform [Shenzhen
Dà-Jiāng Innovations (DJI) Sciences and Technologies
Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China], hereafter referred
to as the DJI M600 Pro drone, best matched the
criteria set out by the project team and was therefore
selected for use in eld trials (Figure 3.1). The
DJI M600 Pro drone was registered with the Irish
Aviation Authority (IAA) through its ASSET drone
registry programme operated by CGH Technologies
Incorporated. Within the Marine and Freshwater
Research Centre (MFRC) at the Galway-Mayo
Institute of Technology (GMIT), the project team
updated the MFRC Drone Operations Manual and
risk assessments to include the DJI M600 Pro drone.
In addition, the platform was added to the GMIT’s
insurance policy.
3.3 Costs of Drone Platform
The unit cost of the DJI M600 Pro drone was
€11,370.27 including the costs of purchasing
the drone platform and accessory equipment
necessary to modify the undercarriage and allow for
communications with the water sampling payload
(Table 3.2).
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
Table 3.1. Commercially available off-the-shelf drones suitable for adapting for water sampling
Name of
UAV Manufacturer
(m/s) Waterproof
EU regulatory
600 Pro
1133 10 6 17 16 8 Splashproof Open category – A3
Register UAV
operator with IAA
Conduct theory and
ight exams
Hold third-party
Alta 8 Freey
1325 6.2 9 17–20 Weather
Agras MG-
1P and
1500 and
7 20–22 8 Sprayproof
Alta X Freey
1415 10.4 15.9 10 Specic category –
SOP required
Register UAV
operator with IAA
Include risk
1534 13.2 20
16 13–25 8 Water- and
all weather-
Agras T16 DJI
1833 18.5
16 10 10 8 Sprayproof
PD6B –
Type II
1348 11.5 30 16 10–30 10
Data on DJI UAV models were taken from the DJI ofcial website (www.dji.com).
Data on Freey models were taken from the Freey website (www.freeysystems.com).
Data on Prodrone models were taken from the Prodrone website (www.prodrone.com).
Weight excludes batteries.
Payload is a spray tank.
EU regulatory legislation pertains to the new EU Implementing Regulation [Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
2019/947] and Delegated Regulation [Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945], which took effect on 1 July 2020. See
www.iaa.ie/general-aviation/drones for more information.
SOP, special operating permission.
Figure 3.1. DJI M600 Pro drone platform selected for eld trials: (a) arms and propellers folded, (b) arms
and propellers extended, (c) top view of arms and propellers extended, and (d) drone on-site before
payload attachment (photo credits: Heather Lally).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
Table 3.2. Costs associated with purchasing the DJI M600 Pro drone, drone platform and accessory
Description Unit price excluding VAT (€)
Drone platform
DJI M600 Pro drone 5522.70
DJI CrystalSky monitor 7.85 ultra brightness 1137.75
DJI CrystalSky bracket 90.00
DJI M600 propellers (one CW set/one CCW set) 61.50
Total 6811.95
DJI M600 ight pack (four sets of six TB47S batteries) 1102.08
DJI M600 Hex charger UK version including UK plug 332.10
DJI M600 battery case 584.25
Total 2018.43
Undercarriage accessories
DJI Z3 camera 956.94
DJI M600 camera mounting plate for Z3 camera 209.10
Hooking system 130.00
DJI power hub 20.00
Total 1316.04
Communication accessories
DJI M600 remote controller 774.90
DJI M600 channel expansion module (eight channels) 448.95
Total 1223.85
Total unit cost of DJI M600 Pro 11,370.27
CCW, counter-clockwise; CW, clockwise; VAT, value added tax.
4 Payload Design and Development
4.1 Criteria for Payload Operation
The research team developed criteria for the operation
of the payload specic to the needs of the proposed
The criteria included the following:
It must be able to retrieve 2 L of lake water from
approximately 10 cm beneath the surface.
It must be easily decontaminated to prevent the
potential spread of invasive species.
The design must include the ability to ush the
system after each sample/site/lake to ensure no
contamination of subsequent samples, including
chemicals associated with biosecurity.
The water sample must not be contaminated by
any materials (e.g. metal components) used to
develop the payload.
It must be possible to collect and log “time
stamped” chemical measurements using a data
logger when the payload is in the water.
The nal payload weight should be suitable for
transportation using the DJI M600 Pro drone.
Payload operation from water entry to exit must be
automated and triggered from the drone console.
The payload should be waterproof and completely
The payload design and build are proprietary and not
described herein.
4.2 Key Features of the Payload Build
and Design
Key features of the payload build and design include
the following:
The water sampling bottles used are 1 L, HDPE,
opaque and wide mouthed.
Real-time physico-chemical data are transmitted
via a YSI EXO Go and EXO Sonde with EXO
pH, DO, temperature and conductivity probes.
The EXO Go communicates with the Sonde
using Bluetooth and when paired with a Windows
operating system device with KorEXO software
the data can be live streamed in real time to the
user on the shore.
The prototype payload weight is 6 kg outbound
and 8 kg inbound.
The water sample weighs 2 kg.
Samples are taken more than 100 m from the lake
The ight time from take-off to return is 6 minutes,
including a water sampling time of around
4 minutes.
The altitude for the ight is maintained at less than
15 m in all cases.
The collection of a 2-L water sample and in situ
real-time chemical analysis are performed with
100% reliability.
A remotely operated camera and “live link” verify
payload operations.
Operational testing on site veries that safe “one
person” take-off and landing remote from the
shoreline can be deployed in difcult locations if
An emergency release has been incorporated and
tested and can be deployed should the payload
become fouled or entangled or drone performance
5 Field Trials Deploying the Drone Platform and Payload
on Open Lakes
5.1 Lake Sampling Sites and
Experimental Design
Field trials took place between September and
November 2019 at six lakes (Loughs Fee, Inagh,
Conn, Derg and Mask and Ballyquirke Lough) in the
west of Ireland. The lakes chosen represent two of
the main lake types found in Ireland (high and low
alkalinity) and a range of trophic gradients. Loughs
Fee and Inagh are currently not monitored under
the EPA WFD Lake Monitoring Programme, while
Loughs Conn, Mask and Derg and Ballyquirke Lough
are included in the monitoring programme. Key lake
characteristics are presented in Table 5.1.
One location was sampled on Loughs Fee and Inagh,
two locations on Lough Conn and Ballyquirke Lough,
and three locations on Loughs Mask and Derg. At
each location, three paired water samples (traditional
boat water sampling and drone water sampling)
were collected (n = 36 paired water samples in total).
Data and samples were collected at each location to
examine the variability associated with each sampling
method. On completion of sampling, water samples
were delivered to the EPA laboratories in Castlebar
for analysis of pH, alkalinity (mg/L CaCO
), hardness
(mg/L CaCO
), true colour (mg/L PtCo), chloride
(mg/L), silica (mg/L SiO
), ammonia (mg/L N), total
oxidised nitrogen (TON) (mg/L N), nitrite (mg/L N),
nitrate (mg/L N), ortho-phosphate (mg/L P), TP
(mg/L P) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) (mg/m
Real-time physico-chemical data (pH, DO, conductivity
and temperature) were captured using the EXO
Sonde, which was deployed before sampling
(traditional boat and drone water sampling) and
recorded variables every second. On return to the lake
shore, data were downloaded to a laptop. The project
team used data produced from the nal 90 seconds of
the period in which the EXO Sonde was deployed in
the lake water to ensure that the probe had sufcient
time to adjust from recording data while in ight.
5.2 Comparison of Water Chemistry
Variables Collected Using
Traditional Boat and Drone
Water Sampling
Both sampling methodologies (traditional boat and
drone water sampling) collected 2 L of water on
100% of sampling occasions in addition to real-time
physico-chemical data for pH, DO, conductivity and
For each water chemistry variable, each location
was included only if all three paired water samples
for each method exceeded the limits of detection.
Paired sample t-tests, for data meeting the
assumptions of parametric tests, indicated that
there were no signicant differences for alkalinity
[t = −0.416, degrees of freedom (df) = 9, p = 0.69, mean
difference = −1.27), hardness (t = 0.85, df = 5, p = 0.43,
mean difference = 1.67], true colour (t = −0.872, df = 11,
p = 0.41, mean difference = −0.78), silica (t = 0.89,
df = 11, p = 0.39, mean difference = 0.06), TON
(t = 0.775, df = 3, p = 0.5, mean difference = 0.002), TP
(t = 1.19, df = 4, p = 0.3, mean difference = 0.0005), Chl-a
(t = −1.99, df = 7, p = 0.09, mean difference = −0.25)
or conductivity (t = 1.89, df = 11, p = 0.09, mean
difference = 12.2) between traditional boat and drone
water sampling methodologies (Figure 5.1). The
Wilcoxon-signed rank test was used for data that were
non-normally distributed and/or had heterogeneous
variability. This indicated that there were no signicant
differences in the median concentrations of chloride
(Z = 0.614, df = 9, p = 0.54, mean difference = 0.04), DO
(Z = −0.63, df = 11, p = 0.53, mean difference = 0.056)
or temperature (Z = −0.94, df = 11, p = 0.35, mean
difference = −0.017) between traditional boat and
drone water sampling methodologies (Figure 5.1).
The only variable to show a signicant difference
between traditional boat and drone water sampling
methodologies was pH (t = −2.46, df = 11, p = 0.031,
mean difference = −0.048), although this is not deemed
hydrochemically or biologically important.
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
5.3 Comparison of Variability and
Precision in Water Chemistry
Variables Collected Using
Traditional Boat and Drone
Water Sampling Methodologies
A statistical assessment of variability, by calculating
the coefcient of variation for each of the three
repeated measurements at each sampling location
for each variable and each sampling methodology,
indicated that there was no signicant difference
(Z = −0.197, p = 0.85, average boat = 3.29%, average
drone = 3.76%) in overall variability between data
collected by drone and by boat. Moreover, the
precision of the data for each variable was also
statistically analysed separately for both water
sampling methodologies and only one signicant
difference, for hardness (Z = 2.87, p = 0.043, average
boat = 7.3%, average drone = 3.9%) (Table 5.2), was
found. Levels of hardness were found to be higher in
water samples taken using the traditional boat method
but are deemed within the range of detection.
Overall, natural variability and high precision in water
chemistry variable data were evident from water
samples taken using both the traditional boat and
drone water sampling methodologies. Thus, water
samples taken using the drone consistently matched
those of samples taken using traditional methods.
Table 5.1. Key characteristics of lakes sampled during eld trials
No. of
for sampling
Surface area
in the EPA
WFD Lake
WFD status
Lough Fee 1 53.59122
Lough Inagh 1 53.5162
Lough Conn 2 53.9898
High 12 Moderate
2 53.32469
Moderate 6 Bad
Lough Derg 3 52.90733
High 12 Moderate
Lough Mask 3 53.56779
High 12 Good
Data taken from Inland Fisheries Ireland National Research Survey Programme Fish Stock Assessments 2015 and 2016
(Kelly et al., 2016, 2017a,b; McLoone et al., 2017).
Data taken from the EPA Maps portal (EPA, 2019).
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
Figure 5.1. Statistical comparison of water chemistry variable data collected using traditional boat
(x-axis) and drone (y-axis) water sampling. Legend: Lough Inagh, Lough Fee, Lough Conn 1,
Lough Conn 2, Ballyquirke Lough 1, Ballyquirke Lough 2, Lough Mask 1, Lough Mask 2,
Lough Mask 3, Lough Derg 1, Lough Derg 2 and Lough Derg 3.
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
5.4 Limitations Encountered during
Field Trials
Following completion of the eld trials, several
limitations regarding the use of the DJI M600 Pro
drone and attached water sampling prototype
payload were noted and require further consideration
(Table 5.3). A key concern is the operational capacity
of the DJI M600 Pro drone to carry an 8-kg payload.
This is beyond the specications indicated by DJI for
the drone platform (see Chapter 3, Table 3.1). Options
open to the team are to either reduce the weight of the
prototype payload or employ a larger drone, although
this would have knock-on cost implications.
Table 5.2. Statistical assessment of precision, using coefcient of variation, between water chemistry
variable data at each sampling location between traditional boat and drone water sampling
Variable Test statistic No. of pairs p-value
Average CV (%)
Boat Drone
True colour
–1.54 12 0.15 2.9 4.3
Hardness 2.87 6 0.043 7.3 3.9
–0.89 12 0.4 7.6 8.7
–0.19 4 0.86 1.3 1.6
Chloride –0.15 10 0.89 0.9 0.9
–0.77 10 0.44 6.6 9.4
Chl-a –1.25 8 0.25 6.4 8.9
–0.41 5 0.69 6.9 5.9
–1.81 12 0.07 1.1 0.6
–1.73 12 0.08 0.6 0.4
0.08 12 0.94 0.6 0.6
DO 0.2 12 0.84 0.5 0.5
Square root transformed.
Wilcoxon-signed rank test.
CV, coefcient of variation.
Table 5.3. List of limitations encountered during the current study when using the drone and water
sampling payload to collect water samples from Irish lakes
Limitations DJI M600 Pro drone with attached water sampling prototype payload
Weather Limited by wind speeds greater than 8 m/s
Limited by moderate to high rainfall levels
Limited number of suitable ying days in Ireland
Drone platform Operational carrying capacity of DJI M600 Pro drone is exceeded
Payload Payload
weight should be less than 6 kg
Payload weight increases operational risk of the drone (ability to lift payload)
Payload can swing below the drone in moderate to high winds making steady ight difcult
Payload weight affects ight times and this, in turn, can limit the distance between consecutive sampling
Payload weight limits battery endurance where one set of six batteries is utilised per ight
Personnel Must have experienced drone pilots licensed with the IAA
Including weight of water sample.
6 Cost–BenetAnalysis
A cost–benet analysis of the project focused on time,
costs, resources, health and safety, and biosecurity
6.1 EfciencyofTraditionalBoat
versus Drone Water Sampling
At Ballyquirke Lough, on 29 November 2019, the
timings of all activities related to traditional boat and
drone water sampling methods were recorded (Table
6.1). All timings were calculated as person-minutes,
e.g. it took two people a total of 26 minutes 49 seconds
to wash the boat after sampling (for biosecurity
reasons), which equates to 53 minutes 38 seconds
in person-minutes. Using traditional boat water
sampling, it took 99 person-minutes to take three
replicate samples, while it took 45 person-minutes to
complete the same task using drone water sampling.
The time taken to clean and disinfect the boat was
54 person-minutes, while for the prototype payload
cleaning and disinfecting took 29 person-minutes.
Overall, where two persons are involved in undertaking
traditional boat and drone water sampling, the drone
is 2.3 times more efcient at capturing water samples
(Figure 6.1a); with three persons (e.g. two on board
the boat and one shore support person) involved
in undertaking traditional boat water sampling, a
two-person drone team is 3 times more efcient
(Figure 6.1b). In the future, it is envisaged that drone
water sampling could be conducted by only one
person, making drone water sampling methods 3.4
times more efcient than a two-person team conducting
traditional boat water sampling (Figure 6.1c).
6.2 Costs of Traditional Boat versus
Drone Water Sampling Methods
The capital costs associated with the boat water
sampling implemented by the project team were
Table 6.1. Timings of activities related to traditional boat versus drone water sampling at Ballyquirke
Traditional boat water sampling
time Drone water sampling
Activities related to sampling
Boat set-up 00:20:41 Drone set-up 00:00:54
Initial set-up of PC and YSI Sonde and probes 00:06:17 Initial set-up of PC and YSI Sonde and probes 00:06:17
Bottle labelling 00:03:13 Bottle labelling 00:03:13
Table set-up
Boat sampling (from leaving shore to return and
completion of data download)
00:10:00 Drone sampling (from leaving shore to return and
completed data download)
Boat disassembly 00:09:10
Total sampling time 00:49:21 Total sampling time 00:22:38
Person-minutes per sampling location
01:38:42 Person-minutes per sampling location
Biosecurity measures
Boat cleaning including disinfecting PPE, mooring,
ropes, oars, etc.
00:26:49 Drone and payload cleaning including disinfecting
Person-minutes to disinfect equipment
00:53:38 Person-minutes to disinfect equipment
Total person-minutes per boat sampling location
02:32:20 Total person-minutes per drone sampling location
Sampling location refers to a lake site where three replicate samples were collected using either traditional boat or drone
water sampling methods.
Two persons were involved in sampling.
Foldable table utilised by the drone team for changing batteries and YSI Sonde and probes on the prototype payload.
PPE, personal protective equipment.
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
compared with those of using the drone and prototype
payload designed and developed during the project.
Capital costs associated with boat water sampling
employed during eld trials were those of an inatable
Zodiac Classic Mark II (including the costs of oars
and pump) and YSI Sonde and probes, which totalled
€21,286.06 (Table 6.2). It is important to note that
our capital cost comparison was made using the
Zodiac Classic Mark II as a demonstrative comparison
and therefore institutes and companies that utilise
different types of boats should bear this in mind when
evaluating the relative capital costs of a drone system
versus a boat for water sampling. Similarly, the number
of samples that can be collected in the lifetime of a
boat varies considerably depending on the make,
model, frequency of use and maintenance history. The
capital investment costs associated with the drone
water sampling employed during eld trials were those
of the DJI M600 Pro, batteries, undercarriage and
communication accessories, payload build and YSI
Sonde and probes, totalling €26,052.79.
The project team estimate that the DJI M600 Pro is
capable of conducting 500 water sampling missions
before renewal and so estimates for both the Zodiac
inatable boat and the DJI M600 Pro were based
on 500 water sampling missions. Therefore, boat
water sampling costs €42.57 per sample compared
with €52.11 per sample for the drone water sampling
method developed by the project team, making boat
water sampling 1.2 times cheaper per sample based
on capital investment costs.
However, traditional boat water sampling would
typically employ the use of handheld probes such as
a YSI Handheld Proplus with three probes and data-
logging capabilities. This reduces the total capital costs
associated with boat sampling further, to €9544.25, or
€19.09 per sample, making traditional boat sampling
2.7 times cheaper per sample based on capital
investment costs.
The capital costs associated with the DJI M600 Pro
and prototype payload build are relatively high but
Figure 6.1. Efciency of traditional boat versus drone water sampling under different resource scenarios.
(a) (b)
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
expected for such new and innovative technology.
The YSI Sonde and probe system is particularly costly
and, while allowing the transmission of real-time data
back to the ground station, may not be necessary
for every sampling mission. Therefore, the project
team proposes some alternatives at the current time.
First, the YSI Sonde and probes could be removed.
Second, pH, DO, conductivity and temperature could
be measured in situ using a YSI handheld device
(YSI Handheld Proplus) when water samples are
returned to the shore following drone sampling. This
would result in a cost of €28.62 per sample. However,
this is not ideal for measuring parameters such as
temperature and DO concentrations, although it is
unlikely that temperature and DO concentrations would
alter signicantly or in an ecologically meaningful
way in the time between collection and shore
measurement. Alternatively, the team considered not
conducting in situ physico-chemical measurements at
all, which would reduce costs to €22.53 per sample
(Table 6.2); however, this is undesirable for sampling
conducted under many monitoring programmes such
as the WFD monitoring programme. Therefore, the
project team suggests replacing the YSI Sonde with
a cheaper model to signicantly reduce the capital
outlay of the prototype payload. However, such an
alternative model would have to undergo experimental
trials to ensure that deployment via a drone would not
signicantly affect the data collected. Traditional boat
water sampling remains 1.2 to 1.5 times cheaper than
drone water sampling at the current time, although the
project team expect the capital costs associated with
the prototype payload to reduce if commercialised,
as payload manufacturing costs are streamlined,
reducing costs to be in line with those of traditional
boat sampling.
Overall, the capital costs currently associated with
traditional boat sampling are lower than those of drone
water sampling. However, drone water sampling is far
more efcient than the current traditional boat water
sampling method. Therefore, there is a balance to be
struck between the capital costs involved in setting
up a new water sampling methodology and the longer
term benets of drone water sampling in reducing the
much more signicant labour costs, increasing the
efciency of sampling, reducing the use of resources,
and decreasing health and safety and biosecurity risks.
6.3 Advantages and Disadvantages
of Traditional Boat and Drone
Water Sampling Methodologies
Following the completion of eld trials and the cost–
benet analysis, the project team compiled a list of
advantages and disadvantages requiring consideration
when choosing either the traditional boat or drone
water sampling methods (Table 6.3).
Key advantages of the drone water sampling method
are (1) the efciency of water sampling; (2) the ability
to access water bodies in remote and inaccessible
locations where boat access is unavailable; (3) the
ease of transporting the equipment; (4) lower
biosecurity risks and cleaning requirements;
Table 6.2. Capital costs associated with boat and drone water sampling during this research project
capital costs
of boat water
sampling during
project eld
trials (€)
Traditional boat
sampling (€)
capital costs
of drone water
sampling during
project eld
trials (€)
Drone water
sampling with
in situ handheld
chemical data
collection (€)
Drone water
with no in
situ physico-
chemical data
collection (€)
Inatable Zodiac (including
oars, pump and engine)
6500 6500
DJI M600 Pro platform 6811.95 6811.95 6811.95
Batteries 1102.08 1102.08 1102.08
Undercarriage and
communication accessories
2539.89 2539.89 2539.89
Prototype payload build 812.82 812.82 812.82
YSI Sonde and probes 14,786.06 14,786.06
YSI Handheld Proplus 3044.25 3044.25
Cost per 500 samples 21,286.06 9544.25 26,052.79 14,310.98 11,266.73
Cost per sample 42.57 19.09 52.11 28.62 22.53
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
(5) the onboard camera can also survey for
hydromorphological and biological water features; and
(6) the increase in the number of unmonitored lakes
that can be surveyed in a session.
The advantages of the boat water sampling method
are that (1) it is more cost-effective in relation to capital
outlay; (2) it has the ability to sample large areas of
a lake; and (3) there are no weight restrictions on
equipment, although additional costs can be incurred if
boats are rented.
6.4 Views Gathered from End-of-
project Workshop Focus Groups
The project team gathered the views of participants
attending the end-of-project workshop, held at
GMIT on 25 March 2020, on several aspects of the
research ndings including drone water sampling, cost
effectiveness, drone legislation, and health and safety
and biosecurity risks (Table 6.4).
Table 6.3. Advantages and disadvantages of traditional boat and drone water sampling methodologies
Traditional boat water sampling Drone water sampling
Efcient sampling method
Access to water bodies Limited to sites with slipways Safer access to remote and inaccessible
Transportation Large boats can be cumbersome to
Ease of transport between sites and set-up
Relatively low biosecurity risks
Onboard camera capable of capturing aerial
footage of additional physical and biological
features of the water body
Potential to increase the number of
monitored lakes sampled in a session
Costly during project set-up
Ability to sample large areas of the lake Shallow waters and rocks can impede
access to sampling locations by boats
Require multiple ground stations or SOPs to
conduct ights BVLOS on large lakes
No weight restrictions on carrying capacity
Dependent on specication of drone to be
100% successful water capture
Ability to sample up to 300 m offshore
Reliable and accurate water chemistry
No cross-contamination between samples
Drone platforms are affordable
Potential long-term impact on job security
Additional boat hire costs
Weather Limited by wind speeds greater than
10 m/s
Limited by wind speeds greater than 8 m/s
and moderate or heavy rainfall which could
delay or cancel UAV operations
Cost of replacement parts High (including the costs of the boat,
boat trailer, boat repair)
High (including the costs of batteries,
electronic equipment)
Real-time data capture High cost of water sampling probes
with real-time data transfer capabilities
High cost of water sampling probes with
real-time data transfer capabilities
Requires adequate space and secure
û û
Workplace health and safety concerns
û û
High insurance costs
û û
SOP, special operating permission.
Assessing the Potential of Drones to Take Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data from Open Lakes
6.4.1 Drone water sampling
Overall, the focus groups indicated that they would
consider the use of drone water sampling in the future
but overwhelmingly felt that drone water sampling,
in its current format, would not be able to completely
replace traditional boat sampling methods (Figures 6.2
and 6.3). Rather, a tandem sampling approach was
favoured that would complement sampling at remote
and inaccessible locations, and where water chemistry
data only were required.
6.4.2 Cost-effectiveness
Participants of the focus groups felt that the capital
costs associated with drone water sampling were
not good value for money. In addition, if drone water
sampling was requested via a tender process the costs
would be far beyond those of traditional boat sampling
for many suppliers of such services. Thus, participants
deemed the prototype drone water sampling method
developed by the project team to be not competitive or
not commercially or economically viable in its current
format. They did, however, suggest a shared service
as a means by which several agencies could come
together and share the capital costs and benets of
drone water sampling, which would reduce the cost of
water sampling for all.
In-house training would be deemed suitable if routine
drone water sampling and shared services were to be
undertaken by local authority agencies and permanent
staff within the EPA but not for small consultancies or
water testing laboratories.
6.4.3 Drone legislation
Overall, knowledge of drone legislation was limited
and restricted to knowledge of the maximum height
(120 m), maximum distance (300 m) and weight of
Table 6.4. List of questions posed to participants during the focus group session at the end-of-project
workshop held at GMIT on 25 March 2020
Topic Question
Drone water sampling
Q1 Would you consider drone water sampling as a sampling methodology in the
If so, for what purposes would you apply the system?
If not, why?
Q2 What do you consider to be the major benets of applying such methodologies in
your workplace?
Q3 What would be the major considerations/constraints with applying such a
methodology in your workplace?
Q4 Would the methodology replace your current water sampling protocols or would
you operate tandem methodologies?
Q1 How much would you be willing to invest in this new methodology if it were to be
implemented in your workplace?
Q2 Would you consider in-house training of personnel to conduct ight operations or
would you tender a contract to external drone operators?
Drone legislation
Q1 What is your knowledge of drone legislation in Ireland?
Q2 Do you know how drone legal requirements are applied within the workplace when
conducting aquatic/terrestrial surveys using drones as part of your work/research?
Health and safety
Q1 In your workplace, would the drone water sampling method offer a safer working
Q2 Would this reduce the associated insurance and liability costs for your employer?
Biosecurity risk
Q1 How would you rate the biosecurity risk of the drone water sampling prototype
Low, medium or high
Q2 How does this compare to the biosecurity risk associated with the boat?
H. Lally et al. (2017-W-MS-28)
drones requiring registration with the IAA and distance
required from 12 people or more (120 m).
In contrast, participants had a clearer understanding of
drone rules and regulations when applied to their work/
research, with many groups highlighting additional
requirements for land owner/local authority permission;
no y zones around national parks, Special Protection
Areas, Special Areas of Conservation, airports,
aerodromes and Ofce of Public Works lands; that
drones must operate within the visual line of sight and
be added to company public limited liability insurance;
and that pilots should have undertaken and completed
ground school training with an approved provider.
6.4.4 Health and safety
All focus groups agreed that drone water sampling
was safer for staff but that this alone would not reduce
associated insurance or liabilities for their employers.
In situations where employers operated both boat
and drone water sampling in tandem, the combined
insurance could increase liabilities.
6.4.5 Biosecurity risk
All focus groups deemed drone water sampling to be
a lower biosecurity risk than boats and to be easier
and to require less people power to clean and disinfect
Reduced health and
safety risks
Access to remote and
inaccessible water
Increased sampling of
unmonitored WFD
Efficient sampling
Capture of more in
situ, real-time data
Obtain accurate and
reproducible data
Adaptability of drone
technology to
conduct water
Provide a more
inclusive picture of
lake water quality in
Figure 6.2. Benets of drone water sampling highlighted by participants during the focus group session
at the end-of-project workshop held at GMIT on 25 March 2020.
Loss of assets Weather dependent
Costs dependent on
scale of project
Availability of water
sampling payloads
Requirement for
pilot training
Social/ethical and
Maximum distance
drone can fly and
take samples
Limited battery
Accreditation of in
situ data
Limited sample size
(2 L)
Figure 6.3. Limitations of drone water sampling highlighted by participants during the focus group
session at the end-of-project workshop held at GMIT on 25 March 2020.
7 Key Findings
This research has made signicant contributions
to (1) the advancement of drone water sampling
technology, in particular the design and build of a
prototype payload to consistently conduct water
sampling; (2) the design of robust comparative
experimental eld trials that clearly demonstrate
that the prototype payload designed collects both
hydrochemical data and results from laboratory-tested
water samples that are the same as those collected
via traditional boat sampling; (3) conducting the rst
and informative cost–benet analysis of the use of
drones to collect lake water hydrochemical data and
samples; and (4) publishing the rst review of drone
water sampling techniques used worldwide.
7.1 Achievements of this Research
Key achievements of this research:
This was the rst research team, worldwide, to
publish a critical review of drone water sampling
The drone and attached prototype payload, as
demonstrated during eld trials, can be used to
successfully collect water samples from open
The drone and attached prototype payload can
successfully collect water samples from 100 m
The water sampling time achieved using the drone
and attached prototype payload is 4 minutes.
The prototype payload developed by the project
team is the rst in Europe to collect 2 L of water
using a drone.
The water sampling rates are 100%.
Real-time physico-chemical data capture is
possible and allows users to review data before
leaving a site.
The comparison of a wide range of water
chemistry variables showed no signicant
differences between traditional boat and drone
water sampling methods.
Precision was not signicantly affected by the
sampling methodology employed.
A comparative analysis of water chemistry
variables satises the requirements of lake water
sampling and monitoring in Ireland under the
The capital costs associated with water sampling
methods were considered through a cost–benet
analysis as part of the project.
The capital investment costs of traditional boat
sampling were found to be 1.2 to 1.5 times lower
than those of drone water sampling but, more
importantly, drone water sampling was found to
be 2.3 to 3.4 times faster than traditional boat
sampling methods, depending on resource
Drone water sampling reduces the health and
safety and biosecurity risks associated with open
lake sampling.
Drone water sampling offers a unique solution
to sampling in remote and inaccessible lakes
and unmonitored lakes under the WFD, and to
conrm the water quality of lakes categorised
using remote-sensing methods, increasing our
understanding of water quality in Irish lakes.
The application of drone water sampling for
large-scale water sampling programmes has been
proven and can be adapted as needed to other
aquatic environments.
8 Recommendations
The project team makes the following
recommendations to further the advancement of drone
water sampling over the coming years:
Consideration should be given to deploying
waterproof drones such as the Freey Alta 8 or
Alta X (see Chapter 3, Table 3.1). These drones
would allow ights to operate in less than optimal
weather conditions, including in wind speeds
greater than 8 m/s and moderate rainfall.
Smaller, lighter and cheaper real-time water
chemistry probes should be integrated, to reduce
the weight of the payload and the associated
capital costs required during project set-up.
This would, in turn, avoid the need for larger,
more expensive drones and would allow users
to operate within evolving legislative and pilot
training requirements.
The design and build of the prototype payload,
especially its size (height and length) and weight,
should be rened to allow a greater number of
off-the-shelf drones to be considered for use.
The use of additive fabrication techniques, which
would allow the printing of new or replacement
parts when needed or damaged, should also be
Field trials should continue and should include a
wider variety of aquatic environments including
estuaries at high and low tides, marinas
and streams and rivers at various ows, to
demonstrate application across various aquatic
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BVLOS Beyond visual line of sight
Chl-a Chlorophyll-a
CRDL Contract-required detection limit
CTD Conductivity, temperature and depth
df Degrees of freedom
DO Dissolved oxygen
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EU European Union
GMIT Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
GPS Global positioning system
HDPE High-density polyethylene
IAA Irish Aviation Authority
MFRC Marine and Freshwater Research Centre
RPD Relative percentage difference
TON Total oxidised nitrogen
TP Total phosphorus
UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle
WFD Water Framework Directive
Tá an Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil (GCC) freagrach as an
gcomhshaol a chaomhnú agus a fheabhsú mar shócmhainn luachmhar do
mhuintir na hÉireann. Táimid tiomanta do dhaoine agus don chomhshaol a
chosaint ó éifeachtaí díobhálacha na radaíochta agus an truaillithe.
Is féidir obair na Gníomhaireachta a
roinnt ina trí phríomhréimse:
Rialú: Déanaimid córais éifeachtacha rialaithe agus comhlíonta
comhshaoil a chur i bhfeidhm chun torthaí maithe comhshaoil a
sholáthar agus chun díriú orthu siúd nach gcloíonn leis na córais sin.
Eolas: Soláthraímid sonraí, faisnéis agus measúnú comhshaoil atá
ar ardchaighdeán, spriocdhírithe agus tráthúil chun bonn eolais a
chur faoin gcinnteoireacht ar gach leibhéal.
Tacaíocht: Bímid ag saothrú i gcomhar le grúpaí eile chun tacú
le comhshaol atá glan, táirgiúil agus cosanta go maith, agus le
hiompar a chuirdh le comhshaol inbhuanaithe.
Ár bhFreagrachtaí
Déanaimid na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas a rialú ionas nach
ndéanann siad dochar do shláinte an phobail ná don chomhshaol:
saoráidí dramhaíola (m.sh. láithreáin líonta talún, loisceoirí,
stáisiúin aistrithe dramhaíola);
gníomhaíochtaí tionsclaíocha ar scála mór (m.sh. déantúsaíocht
cógaisíochta, déantúsaíocht stroighne, stáisiúin chumhachta);
an diantalmhaíocht (m.sh. muca, éanlaith);
úsáid shrianta agus scaoileadh rialaithe Orgánach
Géinmhodhnaithe (OGM);
foinsí radaíochta ianúcháin (m.sh. trealamh x-gha agus
radaiteiripe, foinsí tionsclaíocha);
áiseanna móra stórála peitril;
scardadh dramhuisce;
gníomhaíochtaí dumpála ar farraige.
Forfheidhmiú Náisiúnta i leith Cúrsaí Comhshaoil
Clár náisiúnta iniúchtaí agus cigireachtaí a dhéanamh gach
bliain ar shaoráidí a bhfuil ceadúnas ón nGníomhaireacht acu.
Maoirseacht a dhéanamh ar fhreagrachtaí cosanta comhshaoil na
n-údarás áitiúil.
Caighdeán an uisce óil, arna sholáthar ag soláthraithe uisce
phoiblí, a mhaoirsiú.
Obair le húdaráis áitiúla agus le gníomhaireachtaí eile chun dul
i ngleic le coireanna comhshaoil trí chomhordú a dhéanamh ar
líonra forfheidhmiúcháin náisiúnta, trí dhíriú ar chiontóirí, agus
trí mhaoirsiú a dhéanamh ar leasúchán.
Cur i bhfeidhm rialachán ar nós na Rialachán um
Dhramhthrealamh Leictreach agus Leictreonach (DTLL), um
Shrian ar Shubstaintí Guaiseacha agus na Rialachán um rialú ar
shubstaintí a ídíonn an ciseal ózóin.
An dlí a chur orthu siúd a bhriseann dlí an chomhshaoil agus a
dhéanann dochar don chomhshaol.
Bainistíocht Uisce
Monatóireacht agus tuairisciú a dhéanamh ar cháilíocht
aibhneacha, lochanna, uiscí idirchriosacha agus cósta na
hÉireann, agus screamhuiscí; leibhéil uisce agus sruthanna
aibhneacha a thomhas.
Comhordú náisiúnta agus maoirsiú a dhéanamh ar an gCreat-
Treoir Uisce.
Monatóireacht agus tuairisciú a dhéanamh ar Cháilíocht an
Uisce Snámha.
Monatóireacht, Anailís agus Tuairisciú ar
an gComhshaol
Monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar cháilíocht an aeir agus Treoir an AE
maidir le hAer Glan don Eoraip (CAFÉ) a chur chun feidhme.
Tuairisciú neamhspleách le cabhrú le cinnteoireacht an rialtais
náisiúnta agus na n-údarás áitiúil (m.sh. tuairisciú tréimhsiúil ar
staid Chomhshaol na hÉireann agus Tuarascálacha ar Tháscairí).
Rialú Astaíochtaí na nGás Ceaptha Teasa in Éirinn
Fardail agus réamh-mheastacháin na hÉireann maidir le gáis
cheaptha teasa a ullmhú.
An Treoir maidir le Trádáil Astaíochtaí a chur chun feidhme i gcomhair
breis agus 100 de na táirgeoirí dé-ocsaíde carbóin is mó in Éirinn.
Taighde agus Forbairt Comhshaoil
Taighde comhshaoil a chistiú chun brúnna a shainaithint, bonn
eolais a chur faoi bheartais, agus réitigh a sholáthar i réimsí na
haeráide, an uisce agus na hinbhuanaitheachta.
Measúnacht Straitéiseach Timpeallachta
Measúnacht a dhéanamh ar thionchar pleananna agus clár beartaithe
ar an gcomhshaol in Éirinn (m.sh. mórphleananna forbartha).
Cosaint Raideolaíoch
Monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar leibhéil radaíochta, measúnacht a
dhéanamh ar nochtadh mhuintir na hÉireann don radaíocht ianúcháin.
Cabhrú le pleananna náisiúnta a fhorbairt le haghaidh éigeandálaí
ag eascairt as taismí núicléacha.
Monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar fhorbairtí thar lear a bhaineann le
saoráidí núicléacha agus leis an tsábháilteacht raideolaíochta.
Sainseirbhísí cosanta ar an radaíocht a sholáthar, nó maoirsiú a
dhéanamh ar sholáthar na seirbhísí sin.
Treoir, Faisnéis Inrochtana agus Oideachas
Comhairle agus treoir a chur ar fáil d’earnáil na tionsclaíochta
agus don phobal maidir le hábhair a bhaineann le caomhnú an
chomhshaoil agus leis an gcosaint raideolaíoch.
Faisnéis thráthúil ar an gcomhshaol ar a bhfuil fáil éasca a
chur ar fáil chun rannpháirtíocht an phobail a spreagadh sa
chinnteoireacht i ndáil leis an gcomhshaol (m.sh. Timpeall an Tí,
léarscáileanna radóin).
Comhairle a chur ar fáil don Rialtas maidir le hábhair a
bhaineann leis an tsábháilteacht raideolaíoch agus le cúrsaí
Plean Náisiúnta Bainistíochta Dramhaíola Guaisí a fhorbairt chun
dramhaíl ghuaiseach a chosc agus a bhainistiú.
Múscailt Feasachta agus Athrú Iompraíochta
Feasacht chomhshaoil níos fearr a ghiniúint agus dul i bhfeidhm
ar athrú iompraíochta dearfach trí thacú le gnóthais, le pobail
agus le teaghlaigh a bheith níos éifeachtúla ar acmhainní.
Tástáil le haghaidh radóin a chur chun cinn i dtithe agus in ionaid
oibre, agus gníomhartha leasúcháin a spreagadh nuair is gá.
Bainistíocht agus struchtúr na Gníomhaireachta um
Chaomhnú Comhshaoil
Tá an ghníomhaíocht á bainistiú ag Bord lánaimseartha, ar a bhfuil
Ard-Stiúrthóir agus cúigear Stiúrthóirí. Déantar an obair ar fud cúig
cinn d’Oigí:
An Oig um Inmharthanacht Comhshaoil
An Oig Forfheidhmithe i leith cúrsaí Comhshaoil
An Oig um Fianaise is Measúnú
Oig um Chosaint Radaíochta agus Monatóireachta Comhshaoil
An Oig Cumarsáide agus Seirbhísí Corparáideacha
Tá Coiste Comhairleach ag an nGníomhaireacht le cabhrú léi. Tá
dáréag comhaltaí air agus tagann siad le chéile go rialta le plé a
dhéanamh ar ábhair imní agus le comhairle a chur ar an mBord.
Idenfying Pressures
Water sampling remains a key component in the monitoring and assessment of aquac environments. Sampling
requiring the use of a boat can lead to issues around accessibility, parcularly at remote lakes where there may be a
lack of a slipway. In addion, there are considerable cost implicaons, mainly related to the boat costs, the need for
dierent-sized boats for dierent lakes and the signicant me and resource requirements. Boat sampling can also
pose many health and safety issues, as well as biosecurity risks, which can be exacerbated in remote regions where
access is dicult. The applicaon of drones to collect in situ hydrochemical data and retrieve water samples from
freshwater environments provides the potenal to full some aspects of the biological and physicochemical sampling
required to meet large-scale water sampling programmes in a more ecient, safe and cost-eecve manner.
Informing Policy
This research has successfully demonstrated that water chemistry data collected using drone water sampling
methods are not stascally dierent from those produced by boat sampling. The studies undertaken have shown
that data precision and accuracy are not adversely impacted when using drone sampling compared with tradional
boat sampling methods. This comparave analysis sases the requirements of the European Union Water
Framework Direcve (WFD) sampling objecves for lake water monitoring and therefore can be applied to large-
scale water sampling programmes worldwide, such as the United Naons Global Environment Monitoring System for
Freshwater (GEMS/Water), Marine Strategy Framework Direcve and US Naonal Aquac Resource Surveys. Drone
water sampling also oers a unique opportunity to sample unmonitored lakes under the WFD in Ireland and remote
and inaccessible lakes worldwide, and conrm the water quality and ecological status of aquac environments
determined using remote sensing methods.
Developing Soluons
The project team is the rst research team in Ireland and Europe to capture a 2-L water sample using a drone. This
research has made several signicant contribuons towards the advancement and applicaon of drone water
sampling methods. These include the successful deployment, as demonstrated during eld trials, of a DJI M600 Pro
drone and aached payload capable of capturing a 2-L water sample and real-me physicochemical data, 100 metres
oshore, from open lakes in the west of Ireland. Water sampling mes using the drone were 4 minutes and water
volume capture rates were 100%. Drone water sampling was found to be 2.3 to 3.4 mes faster than boat sampling,
depending on resource allocaon. In contrast, however, the capital investment costs for boat sampling were found
to be 1.2 to 1.5 mes lower than those required for drone water sampling. However, drone water sampling reduced
the health and safety and biosecurity risks associated with boat sampling. Overall, the applicaon of drone water
sampling for large-scale water sampling programmes has been successfully demonstrated and can be adapted as
needed to aquac environments worldwide.
EPA Research Report 341
Assessing the Potenal of Drones to Take
Water Samples and Physico-chemical Data
from Open Lakes
Authors: Heather Lally, Ian OConnor, Liam Broderick,
Mark Broderick, Olaf Jensen and Conor Graham
EPA Research: McCumiskey House,
Richiew, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14.
Phone: 01 268 0100
Twier: @EPAResearchNews
Email: research@epa.ie
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