© 2018 IJRAR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Digital Twin Spark Ignition System (DTS-I)
Mohammad Raza,Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Galgotias University, Yamuna Expressway Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
ABSTRACT:Spark Ignition Engine is widely used for powering motorbikes. During high speed and heavy loading conditions
single spark plug is used to ignite the air-fuel mixture but it is not effective. In fact, the fuel burning process is not always
instantaneous.An alternative solution is to make fuel combustion as quick as possible. This issue is solved by implementing the
innovative twin spark ignition system.By using two spark plugs that alternatively spark at a certain interval of time and the
diameter of the fuel's flame & instant burning increased.This system is called DTS-I (Digital Twin Spark Ignition System).
Because of the DTS-i system strong performance and fuel efficiency could be mixed. The improved modes of engine efficiency
have also led to lower fuel consumption.The performance of the small displacement engines is enhanced simply by increasing
the number of fuel igniting factor i.e. Spark plug. Thus a good design and control of the system parameters becomes most
important for optimum engine performance.DTS-I provides many advantages over traditional ignition system with mechanical
spark.The DTS-I engine has been studied and tested by researchers on various parameters such as basic fuel consumption,
thermal performance, exhaust gas emission, and engine power.A new well-improved ignition system is born called Triple Spark
Technology requiring the use of three rather than one or two spark plugs.
KEYWORDS:Carburetor, Digital Twin Spark Ignition,Engine Fuel Feeding System,Fuel Injection,Swirl Induction,Tumble
Flow Induction.
An ignition system is a system by which a fuel-air mixture is ignited.Ignition systems are well known in the
field of internal combustion engines, such as those used in petrol (gasoline) engines used to drive most motor
vehicles, but are also used in many other applications, such as oil and gas-fired boilers, rocket engines and so
on andall petrol engines is used as an electric spark for ignition[1].
Combustion of fuel happens at the end of compression stroke and power stroke or stroke of expansion is
started.The entire scenario of an engine performance may be changed by improving the power stroke.Bajaj
Auto Ltd. has competed research and development on the power stroke and invented a new technology called
the DTSI (Digital Twin Spark Ignition).This uses two- spark plug in this system combusted fuel inside the
engine cylinder. Using two-spark plug increases the fuel's burning efficiency, and generates more power with
less fuel[2]. It works from the two spark plugs produced on the principle of twin spark.Compared to single
spark fired engines, the combustion of the air-fuel mixture occurs at an optimal level in twin spark engines
and it generates more power.The spark produced is more due to the use of twin spark plug which burns the
fuel more efficiently and more quickly.This results in more fuel, less power and less exhaust gas
emissions.The DTS-I engine generates 26% more power than traditional single-spark engines of the same
size.They are digitally controlled by an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) consisting of a microprocessor chip
with pre-programmed Ignition Timing data for different engine rpm and engine load.It controls spark plugs
firing according to requirement[3]. Figure 1 shows the digital twin spark ignition (DTS-I).
© 2018 IJRAR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Fig.1: Digital Twin Spark Ignition (DTS-I)
It’s a technology which uses two spark plugs. This essentially has two spark plugs in 90 degrees at the
opposite end of the engine cylinder head; rather than one spark plug which is typical in a traditional
engine.Two spark plugs generate the spark according to input requirement during the power stroke[4]. The
ECU sends the low and high frequency pulses to spark plug to work as per conditions, depending on engine
load, RPM and at medium-high speed.Spark timing of spark plugs is digitally controlled. DTS-I engines burns
air-fuel mixers efficiently at the right time. There are several benefits and disadvantages to it[5]. Figure 2
shows the layout of the system of DTS-I.
Fig.2: Layout of Digital Twin Spark Ignition System
1. Advantages:
Detonation can be reduced: DTSI engine cannot detonate frequently because complete air-fuel
combustion will not cause any disturbance between piston and wall.
Less exhaust emissions.
Better fuel efficiency.
Less vibrations and smooth functional noise.
Even at high rpm breathing performance of the engine is easy.
No overheating problem.
No un-burnt issue when combustion is complete.
Rapid engine response even in cold and winter conditions.
2. Disadvantages:
Replacement of both spark plugs even one is damage due to connected in series.
© 2018 IJRAR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
The main aim of the fuel feed system is to control the supply of fuel to the engine. In the case of a petrol
engine, manufacturers use different methods to supply the fuel from the fuel tank to the motor cylinders.Petrol
Engine Fuel Feed Systems include Gravity Feed System, Pump Feed System, Pressurized Feed System,
Vacuum System, and Fuel Injection System.First four of these fuel feed systems work with a carburetor while
an injector is used by the fuel injection system to supply the fuel to the engine cylinders[6].
1. Carburetor:
Carburetor operation is simple. The intake of air is via the air filter, and the intake of fuel comes from the fuel
tank. The air and fuel mix together in a set ratio and then pass to the combustion chamber for power
generation and burning.When the throttle is twisted, the air flow to the carburetor increases, resulting in
swoosh of sucking force, thus increasing the fuel supply providing acceleration.It has many benefits such as
quick to run, cheap to repair, easy service, can be opened individually without upsetting the engine.It has
many limitations such as diaphragm inside is delicate and can tear which will end up having it replaced,
tuning process needs a big screw driver and must be done physically, there is a certain amount of lag in fuel
delivery process, old technology, air-fuel mixture ratio is not constant[7].
2. Fuel Injection (FI):
The Fuel Injection system operates in a more computerized manner and relies on many sensors. The fuel
injection nozzle is directly installed in the combustion chamber. Air intake is measured by the position of the
air sensor.There is a pressure pump that pressurizes the fuel that allows it to be atomized and the spray is in
the form of a mist inside the combustion chamber that allows for complete and cleaner combustion[8].The
fuel supply is controlled by the ECU which is the device that controls all of the bike's electronics. When the
air supply increases the throttle is pulled and the air sensor detects the data then fed to the ECU so that the
amount of fuel to be injected is also increased accordingly.The advantages of Fuel Injection are the optimum
fuel delivery and the atomization of fuel allows complete combustion, increase in fuel efficiency and power
output, increase the sensitivity of acceleration, change the air fuel mixture using various preloaded fuel maps
for variable power outputs on the ECU.Fuel Injection's disadvantages are servicing the FI unit is cumbersome,
if there is an ECU failure, the bike will take to work, it costs a lot and the service and maintenance is also
expensive, producing new fuel maps requires loads of expertise, Procuring new fuel maps is a costly affair.
The advantages and disadvantages of both fuel injections have the upper hand over carburetors because of the
faster response and better power output, and also not to mention that they help to keep the levels of emissions
in control[9].
1. Swirl Induction:
In swirl induction technology, the air-fuel mixture creates Swirl into the engine's combustion chamber, which
should help improve fuel burning. The quality and concentration of the air-fuel mixture normally varies from
one area to another within the combustion chamber under these conditions.The low turbulence combustion
chamber spreads the flame like a balloon which is gradually expanding. That results in a slower combustion
rate. It is also slowly raises the pressure that leads to less efficiency. Creating high turbulence inside the
combustion chamber; under lean air-fuel mixing conditions, the combustion efficiency further improves. This
technology is used primarily in Compression Ignition Engines where it is known as induction swirl.When the
combustion occurs under heavy pressure the inflating flame surface breaks itself.This shapes projections such
as fingertips raises the surface because of their geometry; conventional engines which use straight ports have
limitations in creating high swirl values.When the combustion occurs under heavy pressure the inflating flame
surface breaks itself.To create more turbulence or swirl, a port configuration is needed to stimulate that
process.It is addressed through the design of offset ports which created the swirl's required degree.The ports
offset positioning generates the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber with relatively high swirl and
turbulence.This has been patented by Bajaj Auto Ltd under the name Digital Twin Spark Swirl Induction
© 2018 IJRAR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
(DTS-Si) for their twin spark ignition engines and is currently being used by them for some low-displacement
engines as it only gives better results in them.Due to dual sparking there will be a smooth and clean
combustion resulting in the engine acquiring a good efficiency with full combustion resulting in smooth
operation of the engine and increased life span.Induction swirl is deliberate spinning of intake air, which
encourages the mixing of fuel and air when the intake or cylinder is fueled by fuel.Swirl is generally created
by piston and cylinder head shapes; as these shapes converge, the air is propelled to motion.Staggered intake
valve closings promote swirl in four valve engines.Many engines have flaps that can be used to facilitate swirl
in the intake manifold[10]. Figure 3 shows the combustion process in different twin spark ignition engine.
Fig.3: Combustion Procedure in Different Spark Ignition Engine
2. Tumble Flow Induction:
Tumble flow means the motion of a cartwheel.In this technology the mixture of air-fuel enters the cylinder of
the engine with a somersault or tumbling action.Tumble Flow Induction Technology has the advantage that it
delivers more efficient fuel burning.Thus, lower emissions the engine gives more power and better fuel
economy.Technology focuses above all on the motorcycle's lower speed range.The traffic conditions and
engine limitations a motorcycle may never reach the top speed mentioned on its dashboard.It operates at an
average speed of 50-60 km / h most of the time.It clearly indicates that typically the bikes run at slower engine
speeds, i.e. between 20-30 km / h, on average.The traffic conditions and engine limitations a motorcycle may
never reach the top speed mentioned on its dashboard. Figure 4 shows the tumble flow induction in single
spark ignition engine.
Fig.4: Tumble Flow Induction in Single Spark Ignition Engine
Lower engine rpm results in incomplete combustion process. It increases engine emissions. Induction process
at low velocity becomes very slow. Consequently, the engine does not get enough air to completely burn the
gasoline.The tumble flow also means that the airflow in the direction of the cylinder axis is circulating. It has
© 2018 IJRAR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
little effect on accelerating the process of combustion. So, when it completes near the end of the compression
stroke, the tumble flow effectively improves engine combustion at light charge[11].
It is interesting to note that most researchers have under different conditions studied the performance of twin
spark ignition system. Few tried to compare it to the single spark ignition system and to different fuel
varieties.All of this research showed better results for reducing emissions, improving fuel economy and
maximizing power out.There are many problems with this system, such as harmful NOX emissions, high
speed overheating and loading condition due to faster and continuous air-fuel mixture burning, maintenance
problems etc.Though the problem of overheating is addressed by introducing liquid cooling arrangement, it
adds to the motorcycle's cost and its maintenance.It has good power out when used with fuel injection, but to
use it in a larger displacement engine; it needs liquid cooling arrangement to deal with overheating, which
adds to the motorcycle's weight and cost increase.Research also showed good results when used with 2-stroke
engines, and it can be developed to be used again through emission control.Twin spark ignition system can be
designed to be used for greater fuel economy and higher power output in multi-cylinder engines.It can also be
designed to be used for optimum response with the Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI).But it will make the
engines more complex; increase the costs of fabrication and maintenance. There are therefore many issues
that can be addressed and at the same time there are many opportunities for parallel improvement that can
help in the development of the Digital Twin Spark Ignition system.
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© 2018 IJRAR April 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
INDERSCIENCE Publishers, UK, IETE and Technically Co-sponsored by Computer Society Chapter IEEE Delhi Section, held on 16th
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