Review and synthesis
Effectiveness of forestry best management practices in the United States:
Literature review
Richard Cristan
, W. Michael Aust
, M. Chad Bolding
, Scott M. Barrett
, John F. Munsell
Erik Schilling
Department of Forest Resources & Environmental Conservation (FREC), Virginia Tech, 228 Cheatham Hall, 310 West Campus Drive, VA 24061, USA
FREC, Virginia Tech, 304 Cheatham Hall, 310 West Campus Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc., 8270 McNatt Road, Aubrey, TX 76227, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 28 July 2015
Received in revised form 14 October 2015
Accepted 15 October 2015
Forestry best management practices (BMPs)
BMP effectiveness studies
Water quality
Sediment delivery
Forest operations
In response to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (a.k.a., Clean Water Act) of 1972, forestry best
management practices (BMPs) were developed and subsequently implemented to address NPS pollution
during forest management. BMP guidelines vary by state and can be non-regulatory, quasi-regulatory, or
regulatory. To determine how effective the guidelines for protecting water quality are, research literature
relating to BMP effectiveness was evaluated. Forestry BMP effectiveness studies are often site or region
specific. Therefore, BMP research in the United States was divided into three regions: northern, southern,
and western. Thirty research studies were reviewed for the southern region with the majority being con-
ducted in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain physiographic regions. The western region had thirty-one stud-
ies, most of which were in the Pacific Border physiographic region. The northern region had twenty
studies primarily in the northeastern states. Forestry BMP effectiveness research generally focused on
forest water quality from timber harvesting, site preparation, forest road construction and maintenance,
stream crossings, and other categories of forest operations. The literature indicates that forestry BMPs
protect water quality when constructed correctly and in adequate numbers. Forestry BMP effectiveness
studies allow state forestry BMP programs to evaluate progress in reducing non-point source pollution
and achieving water quality goals established under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Furthermore, states have
used research findings to change BMPs and improve their guidelines. Although forestry BMPs have been
proven to protect water quality, they are still being refined to enhance their performance.
Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction . . . ...................................................................................................... 134
2. Forestry BMP effectiveness study literature review methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................. 134
2.1. Southern states . . . . . . . . ......................................................................................... 135
2.1.1. Academia. .............................................................................................. 135
2.1.2. State . . . . .............................................................................................. 139
2.1.3. Federal. . . .............................................................................................. 139
2.1.4. Industry. . .............................................................................................. 140
2.2. Northern states . . . . . . . . ......................................................................................... 140
2.2.1. Academia. .............................................................................................. 140
2.2.2. State . . . . .............................................................................................. 142
2.2.3. Federal. . . .............................................................................................. 143
2.2.4. Non-profit .............................................................................................. 143
0378-1127/Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Cristan), [email protected] (W.M. Aust), [email protected] (M.C. Bolding), [email protected] (S.M. Barrett), [email protected] (J.F. Munsell),
[email protected] (E. Schilling).
Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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2.3. Western states. . . ............................................................................................... 143
2.3.1. Academia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................. 143
2.3.2. Federal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................. 147
2.3.3. State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................. 148
2.3.4. Industry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................. 149
2.3.5. Private . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................. 149
2.3.6. Non-profit . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................. 149
3. Conclusion . ......................................................................................................... 149
3.1. Overall BMP effectiveness study conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ 149
3.2. Specific BMP guideline conclusions . . . . . ............................................................................ 149
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . ......................................................................................... 149
References . ......................................................................................................... 150
1. Introduction
Following passage of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of
1972 (Clean Water Act or CWA), states developed and imple-
mented forestry best management practices (BMPs) to reduce non-
point source pollution (NPSP) during forest management (Phillips
and Blinn, 2004). The CWA includes requirements for both point
source pollution (PSP) and NPSP and defines PSP to include identi-
fiable pollution discharge areas that are traceable to an outlet. Con-
versely, NPSP is pollution where discharge areas are not readily
identifiable and typically include agricultural and forestry opera-
tions because a pollutant cannot be attributed to a specific site or
operation and is usually induced by natural erosive processes, such
as surface runoff from rainfall or snowmelt (US EPA, 2005). The
CWA (section 208) defines timber harvesting and silvicultural
operations as NPSP (Grace, 2005). The U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA) required states to adopt NPSP control programs
for forestry activities and suggest states follow either a regulatory
or non-regulatory approach to meet NPSP recommendations and
goals for water quality (Ice et al., 2004). In 1987, congress amended
the CWA (Water Quality Act) to include Section 319 to assist states
with the development and funding of state NPSP control programs
(US EPA, 2005). In essence, Section 319 allows EPA to grant state
forestry agencies financial assistance for implementing manage-
ment programs to reduce NPSP.
Although forestry BMPs differ by state, prescriptions are typi-
cally similar in that they include some variation of the following
forestry operational categories: forest road construction and main-
tenance, log landings (decks), skid trails, stream side management
zones (SMZs), stream crossings, wetland protection and manage-
ment, timber harvesting, site preparation, and reforestation. Some
states have also developed additional BMPs for wildlife protection
(FDACS, 2014) or woody biomass harvesting (Fritts et al., 2014).
Northeastern and Pacific Northwest (includes California) states
typically follow a Forest Practice Act (FPA) that requires use of
specific BMPs during forest management. In contrast southeastern
states generally use a voluntary approach whereby the logger or
landowner can select from a suite of BMP recommendations and
decide which prescription best meets water quality protection
needs. Finally, some states have quasi-regulatory BMP programs
where prescriptions may be voluntary but landowners have certain
legal requirements such as notifying a state agency of intent to har-
vest or applying for permits to install stream crossings. Regardless
of the approach, all states have regulatory authority to stop or reg-
ulate ‘bad actors’ if they fail to follow recommended BMPs and
damage water resources (NCASI, 1994, 1996). State forestry agen-
cies most commonly lead BMP implementation and compliance
reports. Forestry BMP strategies, techniques, and monitoring vary
significantly by state and region. States also differ regarding how
they select and monitor sites to document BMP implementation
and compliance.
Appropriately implemented BMPs have positive influences on
stream health, including stream temperature and nutrients
(Arthur et al., 1998; Clinton, 2011; Edwards and Williard, 2010;
Keim and Schoenholtz, 1999; Wilkerson et al., 2006). However,
sediment is typically considered to be the most significant water
pollutant associated with forest management (US EPA, 2005;
Yoho, 1980). Forestry BMPs have been reported to improve water
quality (80–90%) when compared prior practices (Ice, 2004;
NCASI, 2012; Loehle et al., 2014). BMP development has been an
ongoing process which began with defining potential water quality
problems, formulating solutions, adopting practical and cost-
effective BMPs, and monitoring their implementation (Ice, 2004).
Forestry BMP effectiveness studies evaluate whether BMP imple-
mentation fully achieves the goal of protecting water quality. For-
estry BMPs will continue to evolve over time as water quality
standards are redefined and performance measures are changed
(Rummer, 2004). Federal and state agencies and universities have
completed or have ongoing implementation and effectiveness
studies (NCASI, 2012).
Literature reviews addressing the effectiveness of forestry BMPs
have been previously conducted. Aust and Blinn (2004) reviewed
timber harvesting and site preparation BMP research results in
the eastern US.
Ice et al. (2004) assessed the implementation and
effectiveness of BMPs in the western US. Shepard (2006) reviewed
BMP use in the US with emphasis on suitability for biomass har-
vesting operations. Croke and Hairsine (2006) reviewed sediment
delivery in managed forests. Anderson and Lockaby (2011) evalu-
ated the effectiveness of BMPs for sediment control in the south-
eastern US. These previous literature reviews focus on broader
categories of operations such as timber harvesting, site prepara-
tion, and biomass harvesting while this review focuses on more
specific operational categories (timber harvesting, skid trails, forest
roads, streamside management zones, site preparation, etc.) and
seeks to comprehensively evaluate BMP effectiveness studies for
the three major wood producing regions of the US so that forest
managers and agency personnel have current documentation of
BMP efficacy within their operational area.
2. Forestry BMP effectiveness study literature review
This review provides an overview of forestry BMP effectiveness
and related studies by region of the United States (US). Southern,
western, and northern regions are based on the geographic
grouping of states as noted by the Southern Group of State Fores-
ters (SGSF), Council of Western State Foresters (CWSF), and the
Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters (NAASF). This
review concentrated on BMP research that was published in
peer-reviewed literature, had a direct emphasis on how BMP
implementation levels would affect soil erosion and or stream
134 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
sedimentation, and primarily focused on relatively recent litera-
ture (past 20 years) so that the findings are more indicative of
current forest operations, techniques, and equipment and BMP
prescriptions. To fill in gaps, a few studies dating farther back
were included in the review. However, we acknowledge that this
limitation does not account for much of the early BMP research
established by US Forest Service researchers at sites such as Hub-
bard Brook, Coweeta, Parsons, and the HJ Andrews watersheds.
Our BMP efficacy definition is intentionally more inclusive than
Edwards and Williard (2010) who focused only on studies that
compared in-stream sediment levels to differing levels of BMP
prescriptions. Finally, we include comparisons of soil erosion with
different levels of BMPs as we believe it is a reasonable assump-
tion that reduced levels of soil erosion result in reduced
2.1. Southern states
Thirty BMP effectiveness studies from 1985 to 2015 were
reviewed and documented by state and physiographic region for
the Southern US (Fig. 1). The majority of effectiveness studies were
conducted in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions since these
physiographic regions have extensive areas of intensively managed
forests and highly mechanized forest operations (Allen et al., 2005;
Fox, 2000). The BMP effectiveness studies reviewed in the south
varied by organization conducting the study (academia, state
agency(s), federal agency(s), and industry), location, included
assessment of evaluations and treatments, and offered key major
conclusions (Table 1).
2.1.1. Academia
Twenty-two of the thirty reviewed studies were conducted by
academia. The studies were divided into five categories depending
on study topic (water quality, SMZ, forest roads, skid trails, and
stream crossings). Water quality. Arthur et al. (1998) studied the effects of
BMPs on stream water quality in Appalachian Plateau region of
eastern Kentucky. Their study included two treatment watersheds
(with BMPs and no BMPs) and one reference watershed. The
authors found that water yield, suspended sediment flux, and con-
centrations of nitrate and other nutrients were higher on the no
BMP watershed and concluded that the BMP applied watershed
which included a stream buffer strip reduced water yield and sed-
iment flux impacts.
Williams et al. (1999) evaluated the effectiveness of South
Carolina BMPs on water quality in the Piedmont physiographic
region. Their study consisted of monitoring four experimental
watersheds on the Clemson Experimental Forest (3 treatment
watersheds). Each treatment watershed was harvested and site
prepared (shear, rake and pile, herbicide and burn, and natural
regenerated) using South Carolina BMPs. The authors measured
suspended sediment, nitrate, phosphate, pH, and water tempera-
ture and found that suspended sediments levels were 10 times
lower when BMPs were applied.
Wynn et al. (2000) evaluated the impacts on surface water qual-
ity from clearcutting and site preparation in the Coastal Plain phys-
iographic region of Virginia. Their study consisted of three
watersheds (clearcut without BMPs, clearcut with BMPs, and
Fig. 1. Reviewed BMP effectiveness studies by state and physiographic region for the southeastern United States. Locations were determined from the studies as well as
Schilling and Ice (2012).
R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Table 1
Summary of forestry BMP effectiveness studies for the southern United States by investigator(s), location, evaluations and treatments, and major conclusions.
Investigators Region/location Study
Evaluations/treatments Major conclusions
Mc Clurkin et al. (1985) Upper Gulf Coastal
Plain (Tennessee)
Federal Clearcutting pine plantations on fragile soils of abandoned agricultural land Clearcutting pine plantations on fragile soils can be accomplished without
significant impact on water quality if the proper forest practices are applied
Adams et al. (1995) South Carolina State Compared state BMP compliance results with stream bio-assessments of
benthic macroinvertebrates and stream habitats
Assessment of stream macroinvertebrates and stream habitat were an
effective approach of determining BMP effectiveness
Arthur et al. (1998) Kentucky Academia Effects of BMP implementation on stream water quality; evaluated suspended
sediment flux, water yield, and concentrations of nutrients
Forestry BMPs were effective; buffer strips were effective in reducing water
yield and sediment flux on clearcuts
Keim and Schoenholtz
Mississippi bluff
hills Gulf Coastal
Academia Effectiveness of SMZs on loessial bluff forests; evaluated stream total
suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, temperature, pH, conductivity, and
dissolved oxygen
SMZs were effective in reducing overland flow and TSS concentrations due to
the forest floor near the stream and stream channels not being disturbed
Ruhlman (1999) Upper Coastal Plain
Industry Effectiveness of forestry BMPs on intensively managed watersheds Forestry BMPs were effective in protecting water quality
Williams et al. (1999) Piedmont (South
Academia Effectiveness of South Carolina BMPs for harvesting and site preparation Suspended sediments were lower on sites that applied BMPs
Wynn et al. (2000) Coastal Plain
Academia Effects of timber harvesting and site preparation BMPs on surface water
BMPs for timber harvesting and site preparation in the Coastal Plain region
significantly reduced sediment when compared to not applying BMPs
Vowell (2001) Coastal Plain
State Evaluated if stream bio-assessment could be used to monitor forestry BMPs
for intensive silviculture activities
Stream condition index (SCI) was not significantly different between the
reference data and treatment data; correctly implemented BMPs applied to
areas around streams provide protection to stream ecosystems
Appelboom et al.
Coastal Plain
(North Carolina)
Academia Forest road practices for sediment reduction Found that a continuous berm along the edge of a forest road reduced
sediment by an average of 99%, gravel reduced sediment by an average of 61%,
and a grass strip reduced sediment by an average of 56%; sedimentation from
Coastal Plain roads can be reduced with appropriate forest road BMPs
Carroll et al. (2004) Central Mississippi
upper Gulf Coastal
Academia Effectiveness of SMZs on clearcut harvests; assessed water quality, mineral
soil exposure, net deposition and erosion that entered the SMZs, stream
habitat indicators, and aquatic macroinvertebrates
Found a significant increase in stream temperature and macroinvertebrate
density and a decrease in habitat stability when SMZs were absent; concluded
that SMZs can be effective in protecting water quality
Rivenbark and Jackson
Piedmont (Georgia) Academia Efficiency of BMPs with preventing overland flow and sediments from
reaching waterways; assessed SMZ breakthroughs (failures) on sites that were
clearcut and site prepared
Roughly 50% of all breakthroughs were due to gullies and swales; runoff from
forest roads and skid trails caused 25% of all breakthroughs; SMZ widths
should be based on site features
Vowell and Frydenborg
Coastal Plain
State Supplemented Vowell (2001) study assessing stream bio-assessments for
evaluating the effectiveness of forestry BMPs with the addition of chemical
Their conclusions were similar to the previous study in that BMPs applied to
areas around streams provide protection to stream ecosystems during
intensive silviculture activities including chemical applications
Ward and Jackson
Piedmont (Georgia) Academia Effectiveness of SMZs for reducing sediment transport from concentration
overland flow on two clearcuts that applied mechanical and chemical site
preparation and planting
Estimated the sediment delivery ratio was 25%; SMZs were effective for
trapping sediment from concentrated overland flow with an average of 81%
Grippo and McCord
Arkansas Academia Effectiveness of Arkansas BMPs adjacent to timber harvests; bio-assessment of
benthic macroinvertebrates and water quality
Water chemistry and benthic macroinvertebrates were not affected by timber
harvesting where BMPs were applied
McBroom et al. (2008) Western Gulf
Coastal Plain (east
Academia Storm runoff and sediment loss associated with clearcutting and stand
establishment (intensive and conventional site preparation) with BMPs
First year sediment loss was significantly lower than if BMPs were not applied
Simpson et al. (2008) Texas State Effectiveness of Texas forestry BMPs (2003–2007) on four perennial streams
that had intensive forestry practices; monitored biological and
physiochemical stream conditions
No significant differences in pre-treatment and post-treatment conditions;
concluded that properly applied BMPs are effective in protecting water quality
Turton et al. (2009) Stillwater Creek
Academia Effectiveness of BMPs in reducing sediment from unpaved roads; evaluated
runoff and sediment yield; treatments included: (1) control, (2) widened
ditches, reshaped ditches, cut slopes, crowning of road surface, and vegetating
disturbed areas, and (3) crowning of road surface, geo-synthetic fabric on road
bed, and 127 mm gravel
Sediment yields were significantly reduced after application of both BMP
treatments; treatment 2 had a 20% reduction in sediment yield and treatment
3 had an 80% reduction in sediment yield when compared to no BMPs applied
(control treatment)
Lakel et al. (2010) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Effects of SMZ widths and thinning levels on sediment moving through SMZs;
SMZ treatments included widths of: 30.4 m, 15.2 m, and 7.6 m without
thinning and 15.2 m with thinning; calculated sediment delivery ratio; second
study (sub-watersheds) evaluated sediment at site preparation areas, fire
lines, and streams; BMPs were followed on the study sites
Did not find any significant differences in sediment delivery for all SMZ
treatments; second study found significant difference in sediment from the
harvest, fire line, and SMZ treatment; fire lines produced 12 times more
sediment as the harvest with a sediment delivery ratio of 14%; overall SMZs
trapped between 84% and 97% of the erosion
136 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Table 1 (continued)
Investigators Region/location Study
Evaluations/treatments Major conclusions
Aust et al. (2011) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Effects of operational forest stream crossings had on water quality; treatments
included: (1) portable steel skidder bridge, (2) culvert with poles as fill
material, (3) reinforced ford, and (4) culvert with earth as fill material;
assessed total dissolved solids, pH, conductivity, temperature, and sediment
concentrations prior to installations, after installation, during harvest, and
after road closure
The authors found that the bridge stream crossings had the least effects on
water quality and the culvert had the highest estimated erosion potentials;
concluded that appropriate BMPs should be followed during all periods of a
timber harvest rather than waiting until closing the site to implement BMPs
Clinton (2011) Blue Ridge
(Western North
Federal Riparian buffer effectiveness following timber harvesting using cable yarding;
three treatment buffers: 0 m, 10 m, and 30 m; sampled water chemistry,
water temperature, and TSS
Concluded that riparian buffers 10 m and wider minimized impacts on stream
water quality and provide an effective method to protect water quality
Grace and Elliot (2011) Northeast Georgia Federal Effectiveness of forest road BMPs in controlling sediment movement;
treatments included: (1) hay bale barrier, (2) sediment basin, and (3) sediment
basin with riser control
Mean sediment trapping efficiency was 99% for the sediment basin with a riser
control, 97% for the hay bale barrier, and 94% for the sediment basin; no
significant differences in sediment trapping efficiency; sediment control
structures reduced runoff by greater than 98% and sediment delivery between
94% and 97%
Sawyers et al. (2012) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Effectiveness and implementation costs of overland skid trail closure
techniques within an 11.7 ha clearcut; treatments included: (1) waterbar only,
(2) waterbar with seed, (3) waterbar with seed and mulch, (4) waterbar with
hardwood slash, and (5) waterbar with pine slash; assessed sediment loss
Found that the mulch treatment (3.3 Mg ha
) was the most effective
method in reducing erosion followed by hardwood slash (5.1 Mg ha
pine slash (5.4 Mg ha
), seed (13.6 Mg ha
), and control
(24.2 Mg ha
Wade et al. (2012) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Compared five erosion control techniques on bladed skid trails; treatments
included: (1) waterbar only, (2) waterbar with seed, (3) waterbar with seed
and mulch, (4) waterbar with hardwood slash, and (5) waterbar with pine
Similar results to Sawyers et al. (2012) in that the waterbars with mulch
treatment was the least erosive followed by the slash treatment; concluded
that applying mulch and slash provide good erosion control
Witt et al. (2013) Cumberland
plateau (Kentucky)
Academia SMZ effectiveness on ephemeral streams; four treatments: (1) no SMZ, (2)
SMZ with no limitations, (3) SMZ with limitations, and (4) control;
unimproved and improved stream crossings were used; sampled TSS,
turbidity, and sediment transport rate
Both SMZ treatments significantly lowered TSS and turbidity when compared
to the no SMZ treatment; When compared to control, treatment 2 resulted in
higher TSS and turbidity while treatment 3 resulted in no difference in TSS;
concluded that improved stream crossings significantly lower stream TSS and
Wear et al. (2013) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Effectiveness of BMPs for reducing sediment at operational steel bridge stream
crossings; skid trail stream approaches included three treatments: (1) slash,
(2) mulch and grass seed, and (3) mulch, grass seed, and silt fence; sampled
Both slash and mulch with grass seed treatments effectively reduced TSS and
the silt fence treatment increased TSS due to soil disturbance from installation
Brown et al. (2013) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Sediment delivery from bare and graveled stream approaches; compared road
derived trapped sediment on five re-graded bare legacy stream approaches to
four graveled approaches
Sediment delivery for the bare approaches were 7.5 times higher (34–
287 Mg ha
) than the gravel road approaches (10–16 Mg ha
concluded that sediment delivery rates were due to inadequate road surface
cover and water control structures and that proper BMPs such as gravel and
appropriate spacing of water control structures can reduce sediment
DaSilva et al. (2013) Gulf Coast Plain
Academia Stream metabolic rates to test the effects of timber harvesting with Louisiana
BMPs; sampled dissolved oxygen, water temperature, and stream depth above
and below a timber harvest of loblolly pine
Calculated metabolic rates and none of the results were significantly changed
from the timber harvest; concluded that similar timber harvests applied with
Louisiana BMPs should not significantly change stream biological conditions
Brown et al. (2014) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Effect of increasing gravel cover on forest roads to reduce sediment delivery to
stream crossings; reopening of legacy forest road stream crossings;
treatments included: (1) no gravel, (2) low gravel, and (3) high gravel
Reopened and unsurfaced stream crossing approaches may produce
significant sediment delivery and surface runoff into streams and that low
cost BMPs can be used to protect water quality when reopening forest roads
Lang et al. (2015) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Identified and characterized SMZ breakthroughs (partial and complete) by
frequency and potential causes for 10 km of SMZs
Found 33 complete breakthroughs and 8 partial breakthroughs over 16 sites,
averaging 1 complete breakthrough every 0.3 km; 42% of complete
breakthroughs were from stream crossings, 27% from reactivation of legacy
agricultural gullies, and 24% from harvest related soil disturbances
Morris et al. (2015) Piedmont (Virginia) Academia Effectiveness of stream crossing BMPs for sediment control (bridge, culvert,
ford); three treatments: (1) minimal BMP erosion control (low), (2) BMP
erosion control recommended by the Virginia BMP Manual (medium), and (3)
erosion control exceeding the Virginia BMP Manual recommendations (high)
Found that the culvert stream crossing produced double the sediment
concentration (2.9 g/L) than the ford (1.4 g/L) and ten times more than the
bridge (0.2 g/L); current Virginia BMPs were effective in reducing
R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
control). The no BMP watershed resulted in significant increases in
storm event concentrations and loadings (sediment, nitrogen, and
phosphorus) following clearcutting and site preparation. The
authors concluded that applying BMPs during harvesting and site
preparation can reduce the impacts of sediment and nutrients on
water quality.
Grippo and McCord (2006) conducted a bioassessment of
Arkansas BMPs. The purpose of their study was to evaluate the
effectiveness of Arkansas’s BMPs. They evaluated benthic macroin-
vertebrates and physiochemical stream parameters (water tem-
perature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, turbidity, nitrate
and ortho-phosphate, and total suspended solids (TSS)) on sites
that were harvested and site prepared (ripped). The authors found
that water quality improved using Arkansas BMPs.
McBroom et al. (2008) studied the effects of intensive forest
operations with BMPs on stream water quality and runoff in the
Coastal Plain region of Texas. Their study included two treatments:
conventional operation (clearcut with herbicide site preparation)
and intensive operation (clearcut with herbicide, subsoiling, and
fertilization) and were compared to a previous study on the same
site without BMPs (Blackburn et al., 1986). The authors found
reduced water quality impacts when BMPs were applied for inten-
sive forest operations.
DaSilva et al. (2013) assessed timber harvesting with BMPs on
ecosystem metabolism in the Coastal Plain physiographic region
of Louisiana. Their study focused on calculating stream metabolic
rates to evaluate Louisiana BMPs. None of their calculated stream
metabolic rates were significant and the authors concluded that
BMPs did not have a significant effect on stream biology. Streamside management zone (SMZ). Keim and Schoenholtz
(1999) assessed the effectiveness of SMZs with intensive timber
harvesting in loessial bluff forests in the Coastal Plain of Missis-
sippi. Their study had four treatments: (1) unrestricted harvest
with no buffer, (2) unrestricted outside of SMZ, cable only in
SMZ, (3) unrestricted harvest outside SMZ, no harvest in SMZ,
and (4) reference. The authors monitored water quality (TSS, tur-
bidity, temperature, pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen) for
15 months post-harvest. Keim and Schoenholtz (1999) found that
timber harvests without SMZs resulted in three times the sediment
concentration than the non-harvested watersheds. They suggested
eliminating equipment traffic near the stream (at least 10 m).
Carroll et al. (2004) conducted a similar study to Keim and
Schoenholtz (1999) within the sand-clay hills in the Coastal Plain
region of Mississippi. Their study had three treatments: (1) refer-
ence, (2) clearcut with a SMZ, and (3) clearcut without a SMZ.
The authors concluded that SMZs were effective in protecting
water quality, as their data showed similar responses between
the SMZ treatment streams and the reference streams for water
quality, stream habitat indicators, and aquatic macroinvertebrate
Rivenbark and Jackson (2004) evaluated the frequency of SMZ
breakthroughs for the Piedmont physiographic region of Georgia
to determine BMP efficiency. This study examined 30 clearcut
and site prepared sites for breakthroughs and successes. The
authors defined breakthroughs as where sediment entered the
SMZ and entered the stream while successes were when the SMZ
stopped the sediment from entering the stream. They found 187
breakthroughs on 2773 acres which was then calculated to a
breakthrough every 20 acres. The authors reported that 50% of
breakthroughs were due to gullies and swales and that roads or
skid trails caused 25% of breakthroughs. A similar study was con-
ducted by Lang et al. (2015) but for the Virginia Piedmont. The
authors used similar terminology and definitions but used the term
partial breakthroughs instead of successes and complete
breakthroughs for breakthroughs. They found 33 complete
breakthroughs and 8 partial breakthroughs on 10 km of SMZs (16
sites), which averaged one complete breakthrough every 0.3 km
of SMZ length. Lang et al. (2015) found that 42% of breakthroughs
were due to stream crossings, 27% from gullies, and 24% from soil
disturbances from timber harvesting within the SMZ.
Ward and Jackson (2004) evaluated SMZ sediment trapping effi-
ciency for sites that were clearcut, site prepared (mechanical and
chemical), and replanted in the Georgia Piedmont. Their study
had two treatments: (1) SMZ and (2) no SMZ. The authors placed
a silt fence at the edge of the SMZ to accomplish the no SMZ treat-
ment. SMZs trapped sediment from overland flow 81% of the time.
Ward and Jackson (2004) also estimated that the sediment delivery
ratio was 25% for their sites by taking their measured sediment
from treatment two and compared it to Revised Universal Soil Loss
Equation (RUSLE) predictions. Lakel et al. (2010) conducted a sim-
ilar study evaluating SMZs sediment trapping ability for harvested
and site prepared sites in the Virginia Piedmont. The authors com-
pared sediment trapping of different SMZ widths and thinning
levels (30.4 m, 15.2 m, 7.6 m, and 15.2 m thinned) and found that
SMZs efficiency for trapping sediment ranged from 84% to 97%.
Lakel et al. (2010) found the sediment delivery ratios between 3%
and 14%.
Witt et al. (2013) evaluated the effectiveness of different SMZ
treatments for ephemeral streams in the Cumberland Plateau of
Kentucky. The treatments applied in this study were: (1) harvest,
unimproved stream crossing, and no SMZ, (2) harvest, retention
of only channel bank trees, and improved stream crossing, (3) har-
vest with 7.6 m SMZ and an improved stream crossing, and (4) con-
trol (no harvest). The authors collected water samples (TSS,
turbidity, settleable solids, and sediment transport rate) and found
that treatment two and treatment three resulted in significantly
lower TSS and turbidity levels than treatment one (no SMZ). Treat-
ment three was not significantly different than the control for TSS
while treatment two was significantly different than the control (4)
for both TSS and turbidity. Forest roads. Forest roads tend to be one of the major
sources of sediment from forest operations. Appelboom et al.
(2002) assessed forest road practices for reducing sediment loss
from forest roads in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. The
authors evaluated the effectiveness of seven road practices and col-
lected runoff samples. The road practices consisted of one contin-
uous berm treatment and six non-continuous berm treatments
(berm with drainage breaks). Appelboom et al. (2002) noted that
the continuous berm treatment reduced sediment loss by 99%
when compared to the road not having a continuous berm. The
authors also found that graveling a road can reduce sediment loss
by 61% when a continuous berm is used and a grass strip (90 cm)
can reduce sediment loss by 56% when compared to a road without
a grass strip.
Turton et al. (2009) evaluated the effectiveness of BMPs for
reducing sediment from unpaved roads in the Stillwater Creek
Watershed in Oklahoma. The authors evaluated sediment yield
and runoff on four rural unpaved road segments. They had two
treatments and a control; treatments included: (1) widened and
reshaped ditches, reshaped cut slopes, crowning of road surface,
and vegetating disturbed areas and (2) crowning the road surface,
geo-synthetic fabric, and 127 mm gravel. Turton et al. (2009) found
that BMPs significantly reduced sediment yields.
Brown et al. (2013) assessed sediment delivery from bare and
graveled stream approaches in the Virginia Piedmont. They
trapped sediment from five re-graded legacy forest road stream
approaches and compared them to four graveled forest road
stream approaches. The authors found bare ground
stream approaches produced sediment delivery rates 7.5 times
greater (34–287 Mg ha
) than graveled road approaches
138 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
(10–16 Mg ha
). Brown et al. (2013) noted that lack of both
road surface cover and sufficient water control structures resulted
in higher rates.
Brown et al. (2014) studied the effects of increasing gravel cover
on forest roads to reduce sediment delivery to stream crossings on
reopened legacy forest road stream crossings in the Virginia Pied-
mont. Their study had three stream approach treatments: (1) no
gravel, (2) low gravel, and (3) high gravel. The authors reported
higher median surface runoff TSS concentrations for no gravel
treatments (2.84 g l
), followed by low gravel treatments
(1.10 g l
), and high gravel (0.82 g l
). They noted that reopened
and unsurfaced stream crossing approaches can produce signifi-
cant runoff and deliver sediment to streams; however, applying
BMPs to the approaches significantly reduced sediment. Skid trails. Sawyers et al. (2012) assessed erosion control
effectiveness of five overland skid trail closure methods in the
Piedmont physiographic region of Virginia. Their closure treat-
ments included: (1) waterbar only, (2) waterbar with seed, (3)
waterbar with seed and mulch, (4) waterbar with hardwood slash,
and (5) waterbar with pine slash. The authors measured trapped
sediments and predicted erosion using the Universal Soil Loss
Equation (USLE-Forest) and the Water Erosion Prediction Project
(WEPP-Roads). Waterbar with seed and mulch treatments had
the lowest erosion rate (3.3 Mg ha
) followed by waterbar
with hardwood slash (5.1 Mg ha
), waterbar with pine slash
(5.4 Mg ha
), waterbar with seed (13.6 Mg ha
), and
waterbar only (24.2 Mg ha
). WEPP predicted similar erosion
estimates to the measured data. Wade et al. (2012) conducted a
similar study to Sawyers et al. (2012) in assessing erosion control
effectiveness of five bladed skid trail closure techniques in the Vir-
ginia Piedmont. Their treatments were the same as Sawyers et al.
(2012) and also measured trapped sediment and modeled erosion.
Wade et al. (2012) also found that the waterbar with seed and
mulch treatment had the best erosion control (3.0 Mg ha
followed by waterbar with pine slash (5.9 Mg ha
), waterbar
with hardwood slash (8.9 Mg ha
), waterbar with seed
(31.5 Mg ha
), and waterbar only (137.7 Mg ha
Wear et al. (2013) studied the effectiveness of BMPs in reducing
sediment on operational temporary skid trail stream crossings in
the Virginia Piedmont. The authors applied three BMP closure
treatments on stream crossing approaches after steel bridges were
removed: (1) slash, (2) mulch and seed, and (3) mulch, seed, and
silt fence. They sampled water quality upstream and downstream
for TSS and found slash (1) and mulch with seed treatments (2)
reduced TSS, while mulch, seed, and silt fence (3) increased TSS.
The authors attributed increases in TSS from treatment three to soil
disturbance near the stream from silt fence installation. Stream crossings. Aust et al. (2011) evaluated the effects of
four operational forest stream crossings (portable steel skidder
bridge, culverts with poles as fill material, culverts with earth as fill
material, and reinforced ford) in the Piedmont physiographic
region of Virginia. The authors examined 23 operational stream
crossings and approaches during four phases (initial, install, har-
vest, and closure) and measured total dissolved solids, pH, conduc-
tivity, temperature, and sediment concentration. They found
culvert crossing approaches resulted in the highest erosion rates
and that bridge crossing had the least effects on water quality.
Additionally, the install and harvest phases had the greatest effect
on water quality and concluded that BMPs should be followed dur-
ing all phases.
Morris et al. (2015) assessed the effectiveness of BMPs for
stream crossings (permanent bridge, culvert, and improved ford)
in reducing sediment for the Virginia Piedmont. Their study
implemented a rainfall simulation to evaluate different rainfall
intensities (low: 0.5–1.0 in. per hour, medium: 1.5–2.0 in. per hour,
and high: 2.0–2.5 in. per hour). The rainfall simulations were con-
ducted on three BMP treatment levels: (1) minimal BMP erosion
control, (2) BMP erosion control from the Virginia BMP Manual,
and (3) erosion control exceeding what Virginia recommends.
The culvert crossing produced 2.9 g/L of sediment concentration,
while the ford produced 1.4 g/L and the bridge produced 0.2 g/L.
They concluded that Virginia BMP guidelines were effective.
2.1.2. State
Forestry BMP monitoring effectiveness was the main focus of
the studies reviewed in the southern US. Adams et al. (1995)
assessed the effectiveness of South Carolina BMPs by evaluating
if biomonitoring can be used as a measure of determining BMP
effectiveness. The authors conducted a BMP compliance check,
stream habitat assessment, and a benthic macroinvertebrate
bioassessment on 27 harvested sites. Adams et al. (1995) found
that assessments of stream habitat and benthic macroinverte-
brates were an effective approach in determining BMP
Vowell (2001) conducted a similar study that determined if
stream bioassessments could be used to monitor BMP effectiveness
on intensively managed forests in Florida. He determined a stream
condition index (SCI) at each site before silvicultural treatments
then conducted stream bioassessments after the treatments were
applied. The author found no significant differences in the SCI
and concluded that Florida recommended BMPs were effective in
protecting water quality in intensively managed forests. Vowell
and Frydenborg (2004) built on the study conducted by Vowell
(2001), the authors evaluated intensively managed sites that
included chemical applications. No significant differences in SCI
were found, indicating that BMPs were effective in protecting
water quality in intensively managed forests with chemical
Simpson et al. (2008) evaluated the effectiveness of Texas BMPs
on intensively managed silvicultural operations. The authors con-
ducted water quality monitoring (biological and physiochemical)
on four perennial streams over a four year period. They concluded
that the proper application of Texas BMPs resulted in effectively
protecting water quality.
2.1.3. Federal
Three studies conducted by the US Forest Service were
reviewed for the southern region. Mc Clurkin et al. (1985) evalu-
ated water quality from clearcutting loblolly pine plantations on
erosive soils in the upper Gulf Coastal Plain of Tennessee. The
authors evaluated stormflow exports of sediment and nutrients
on eight catchments and concluded that clearcutting did not cause
a significant impact on water quality as long as proper practices
were applied.
Clinton (2011) evaluated riparian buffer width effectiveness by
evaluating stream water quality in the Blue Ridge physiographic
region of western North Carolina. The author examined cable yard-
ing harvesting on three riparian buffer treatments (0 m, 10 m, and
30 m). Water quality measurements (chemistry, temperature, and
TSS) were sampled on three of four catchments. The 0 m buffer site
had increased stream nitrate concentrations and summer water
temperatures, and TSS levels remained unchanged. Ten and 30 m
buffer treatments reduced TSS levels. Clinton (2011) concluded
that the 10 m buffer was efficient in protecting water quality.
Grace and Elliot (2011) assessed the effectiveness of forest road
BMPs by evaluating storm runoff and sediment loading. Their
study was conducted over a six year period in northeast Georgia
(Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest) and included three sedi-
ment control treatments (hay bale barrier, sediment basin, and
sediment basin with riser control). The authors found that the
R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
sediment basin with riser control had the highest mean sediment
trapping efficiency (99%), followed by hay bale barrier (97%), and
sediment basin (94%). However, no significant differences were
found between treatments. The authors concluded that sediment
transport was reduced for all three treatments.
2.1.4. Industry
We reviewed one industry study in the southern region con-
ducted by International Paper (Ruhlman, 1999). Ruhlman (1999)
evaluated the effectiveness of forestry BMPs on intensively man-
aged watersheds near the upper Coastal Plain and Piedmont phys-
iographic border in Georgia. The author assessed water quality
(chemical sampling of sediment and nutrients and benthic
macroinvertebrates) on a treatment watershed of 780 acres and a
reference watershed of 351 acres. The treatment watershed had
an 80 foot SMZ that was selective cut. Ruhlman (1999) did not find
significant differences in chemical sampling and benthic macroin-
vertebrate samples and concluded properly applied forest BMPs
protected water quality.
2.2. Northern states
BMP effectiveness studies in the northern US take place primar-
ily in the northeastern and lake state regions (Fig. 2). Effectiveness
studies across the northern states cover a range of different phys-
iographic regions. Twenty effectiveness studies from 1963 to 2014
were reviewed by organization conducting the study: academia
(6), federal (6), state (6), and non-profit (2) (Table 2).
2.2.1. Academia Water quality. Lynch et al. (1985) studied BMPs for control-
ling NPSP in the Ridge and Valley physiographic region of central
Pennsylvania. Their study included three treatment watersheds:
(1) commercial clearcut, (2) clearcut with herbicide, and (3)
control. The authors evaluated stream chemistry, turbidity, sedi-
ment concentrations, water temperature, and nutrient concentra-
tions. Lynch et al. (1985) found small increases in turbidity and
sediment concentrations and suggested these increases were due
to erosion caused by windblown trees located along the intermit-
tent stream channel. The authors concluded that BMPs were effec-
tive and that a buffer strip might have helped reduce windblown
trees along the stream channel.
Lynch and Corbett (1990) evaluated the effectiveness of BMPs
from long-term (15-year) streamflow and water quality data in
the Ridge and Valley of central Pennsylvania. Their study was a
paired watershed on the Leading Ridge Experimental Watershed
Research Unit which consisted of a 303 acre control watershed
and a 257 acre treatment watershed (110 ac clearcut). The authors
found significant, however relatively small, increases at two years
post-harvest in nitrate and potassium concentrations, stream tem-
perature, and turbidity. The authors also found that by year four
post-harvest, water yields returned to pre-harvest levels. Lynch
and Corbett (1990) concluded that BMPs were effective due to no
serious altercations of water quality and suggested buffer strips
on intermittent streams, increases in buffer strip width, and
post-harvest site inspections.
Paashaus et al. (2004) sampled macroinvertebrates populations
in ephemeral streams pre-harvest and post-harvest. Their study
was a paired watershed (treatment and control) study in the Cats-
kills of southern New York. The treatment watershed was thinned
(60% of the basal area). The authors did not find any significant
impacts on macroinvertebrate populations from the thinning
Chizinski et al. (2010) evaluated the response of macroinverte-
brate and fish communities to partial harvesting stream buffers on
four small streams located in the Superior Upland physiographic
region of northern Minnesota. Their study included three treat-
ments: (1) control, (2) clearcut with no harvesting in stream buffer,
Fig. 2. Reviewed BMP effectiveness studies by state and physiographic region for the northern United States. Locations were determined from the studies as well as Schilling
and Ice (2012).
140 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Table 2
Summary of forestry BMP effectiveness studies for the northern United States by investigator(s), location, evaluations and treatments, and major conclusions.
Investigators Region/location Study
Evaluations/treatments Major conclusions
Reinhart et al. (1963) West Virginia Federal Effects of timber harvesting practices on streamflow; treatments included: commercial
clearcutting, diameter limit cutting, extensive selection management, and intensive
Timber harvesting increases storm flow; water quality is affected due
to poor skid trails and logging; unplanned skid trails caused water
quality issues
Martin and Pierce
New Hampshire Federal Effects of clearcutting on nitrate and calcium in streams; treatments included: 9
clearcut watersheds, 7 partially clearcut watersheds, and 7 uncut watersheds
Clearcutting less than entire watersheds and leaving buffers around
streams reduced the magnitude and duration of nitrate and calcium
Patric (1980) North central
West Virginia
Federal Effects of harvesting on forest soil and water relations; two treatments: (1) clearcut with
20 m buffer on both sides of the stream and (2) harvesting 20 m buffer
Treatment 1 resulted in no effect on storm flow and stream
temperature, however water yield increased 38% the first year after
harvest, sediment concentrations were low due to buffer and
management of logging roads; treatment 2 increased water yield an
additional 9% and stream temperature 7.8 °C
Lynch et al. (1985) Central
Academia BMPs for controlling nonpoint source pollution; treatments included: (1) commercial
clearcut, (2) clearcut with herbicide, and (3) control; BMPs were implemented on
clearcuts; sampled water quality, turbidity, water temperature, and nutrient
concentrations for two years after harvest
BMPs were effective in controlling nonpoint source pollution following
logging in central Pennsylvania; slight increases in turbidity and
sedimentation could have been from windblown trees near an
intermittent stream channel and that buffer strips would have helped
reduce erosion
Lynch and Corbett
Ridge and Valley
Academia Long-term (15-year) evaluation of BMPs for controlling nonpoint source pollution;
paired watershed study included a control watershed (303 ac) and a 110 ac commercial
clearcut watershed (257 ac); evaluated changes in water quality and quantity
Found small significant increase in nitrate and potassium
concentrations and temperature and turbidity levels for first two years
following the harvest; BMPs applied were effective because there were
no serious changes in water quality; recommendations: conduct post-
harvest inspections, increase buffer zone width, and include buffer zone
on intermittent streams
Martin and Hornbeck
Central New
Federal Compared sediment yields and stream turbidities on harvested and un-harvested
watersheds; the study consisted of three control watersheds and four treatment
watersheds; watershed treatments included: (1) clear-felled, (2) strip-cut (strips 25 m),
(3) mechanized whole tree clearcut, and (4) clearcut (no sediment data)
Watersheds were harvested before state published BMPs; however
logging did follow state BMPs for erosion control and sedimentation;
sediment yields were not greatly affected from harvesting and skidding
Kochenderfer et al.
plateau (West
Federal Effectiveness of West Virginia BMPs on a 39 ha watershed that was harvested to a
35.5 cm stump diameter; John Deere 850 bulldozer used for roads and skid trails,
wheeled skidders used for skidding, and tri-axle truck for hauling
Found that BMPs applied to the site were effective for reducing impacts
to soil and water quality
Pannill et al. (2000) Maryland State Effectiveness of forestry BMPs in protecting water quality on a small watershed
following forest harvesting; control watershed treatment and a timber harvested
watershed that adhered to BMPs
BMPs implemented were effective in protecting stream water quality,
biology, and habitat
Schuler and Briggs
Catskill and
regions (New
Academia Application and effectiveness of 42 forestry BMPs on 61 harvested sites in Catskill region
and 53 harvested sites in the Adirondack region; used evidence of sediment movement
to define effectiveness
Good application of BMPs decreased sediment movement which
provided protection for surface waters; BMPs were effective; lower
effectiveness of BMPs were due to imperfectly applied BMPs
Bent (2001) Central
Federal Effects of timber harvesting and herbicide application on runoff and ground water
recharge for two separate paired drainage basins (Cadwell Creek and Dickey Brook)
Cadwell Creek basin resulted in increased streamflow, direct runoff,
and ground water recharge for six years following the treatments and
increased base flow for 2.5 years; Dickey Brook basin only had
increased levels for one year following harvest; Dickey Brook was less
influenced by the treatments because of location of riparian zones
Paashaus et al. (2004) Southern New
Academia Impacts on macroinvertebrates in ephemeral streams from partial timber harvesting;
bio-monitoring conducted on paired watersheds (control and treatment)
Macroinvertebrates in ephemeral streams were not impacted from
partial timber harvesting
Germain and Munsell
Catskills (New
Academia Assessed surface area disturbance by harvest access system; 43 nonindustrial private
forest landowners northern hardwood harvested sites were evaluated
Found that high BMP implementation was positively related to the
surface area (%) disturbed; harvested sites with low disturbed area do
not always equal high BMP implementation
Wilkerson et al. (2006) Western Maine Non-profit Effectiveness of different buffer widths for protecting headwater stream temperature
following timber harvests; five treatments: (1) clearcut with no buffer, (2) clearcut with
11 m partially harvest buffer, (3) clearcut with 23 m partially harvested buffer, (4)
partial cut with no defined buffer, and (5) control
Streams without buffers had the highest (significant) increase in
weekly maximum temperatures; streams with the 11 m buffer showed
minor increases but no significant increases; buffers consisting of at
least an 11 m buffer were sufficient in protecting water temperature in
small headwater streams
Wisconsin DNR (2006) Wisconsin State Evaluated state forestry BMPs from 1995 to 2005 State BMP effectiveness is high when BMPs are applied correctly; when
BMPs were not applied, impacts to water quality were found 71% of the
time; found that BMPs were effective 99% of the time
(continued on next page)
R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
and (3) clearcut with harvesting within stream buffer. The authors
conducted sampling one year pre-harvest and then for three years
post-harvest. Chizinski et al. (2010) found few effects in partial
harvesting stream buffers for macroinvertebrate communities
and did not find any significant changes in fish communities. They
concluded that timber can be harvested to a certain degree in
stream buffers. BMP implementation. Schuler and Briggs (2000) examined
the application and effectiveness of New York BMPs. Their study
evaluated 42 BMP guidelines for roads, landings, skid trails, equip-
ment, and buffer strips on 114 harvested sites in the Catskills (61)
and Adirondacks (53). The authors reported BMP application was
78% for roads, 87% for landings, 59% for skid trails, 88% for equip-
ment, and 73% for buffer strips. Applying BMPs decreased sediment
movement, while failure to properly apply BMPs resulted in lower
effectiveness measures.
Germain and Munsell (2005) assessed surface area disturbance
from forest roads, skid trails, and landings (harvest access systems)
in the Catskills of New York. The authors mailed a survey to
landowners who conducted recent timber harvesting and visited
sites where permission was granted. The authors used a modified
BMP site evaluation from Schuler and Briggs (2000). Their site eval-
uation included surface area disturbance measurements of land-
ings, roads, skid trails, stream crossings (roads and skid trails) on
43 sites. Germain and Munsell (2005) found low surface area dis-
turbance does not always result in high BMP implementation.
2.2.2. State
Pannill et al. (2000) evaluated the effectiveness of Maryland’s
BMPs on a paired watershed study that incorporated a control
watershed and a partially harvested watershed. The authors sam-
pled TSS, stormflow, stream temperature, and macroinvertebrates
and found no significant differences between the pre-harvest per-
iod and post-harvest treatment. They concluded that properly
implemented BMPs will help protect stream water quality, biology,
and habitat.
Wisconsin officially published their first BMP manual in 1995
when their water quality program was developed. Wisconsin
DNR (2006) assessed the first ten years of their water quality pro-
gram (1995–2005). They found the average BMP compliance was
83% over that time period and that BMP effectiveness was 99%
when the adequate BMPs were applied. Wisconsin DNR (2006)
reported that when BMPs were not followed, water quality was
impacted 71% of the time.
Wang and Goff (2008) assessed the application and effective-
ness of West Virginia BMPs. The authors selected a sample of 33
harvested sites with SMZs from a previous survey of 116 sites.
They evaluated 27 West Virginia BMP guidelines for forest roads,
skid trails, landings, and SMZs and found average effectiveness
was 80% with an average application of 85%. The authors also
found industrial land or land that involved a professional forester
resulted in increased application and effectiveness scores.
The Maryland DNR (2009) evaluated implementation and effec-
tiveness of Maryland’s BMPs from 2004 to 2005. Their study
assessed BMPs on 75 forest harvested sites throughout the state.
The overall BMP implementation was 81% for all 75 sites and
81% for sites that had water present. They found that BMPs were
77% effective in protecting water quality from sediment delivery.
The Maryland DNR (2009) also reported that 19% of sites delivered
measurable sediment to waterways.
McCoy and Sobecki (2011) conducted a review of Indiana for-
estry BMP monitoring from 1996 to 2011. Indiana formed their
first BMP guidelines in 1995 with their first monitoring conducted
in 1996. Over their 15 year review, 671 sites were monitored for
BMP implementation and effectiveness with an average BMP
Table 2 (continued)
Investigators Region/location Study
Evaluations/treatments Major conclusions
Wang and Goff (2008) West Virginia State Effectiveness of forestry BMPs; randomly selected 33 of 116 sites from a previous state
assessment that evaluated a timber harvest with an SMZ; used the West Virginia BMP
manual to evaluate haul roads, skid trails, landings, and SMZs
Found that BMP application and effectiveness rates were higher on
industrial land or with the involvement of a professional forester
Maryland DNR (2009) Maryland State Forestry BMP implementation and effectiveness for protecting water resources in the
state; evaluated 75 forest harvesting sites (2004–2005)
BMPs were 77% effective in preventing sediment delivery; 4% of sites
saw trace amounts of sediment; 19% of the sites had measureable
amounts of sediment reaching water
Chizinski et al. (2010) Northern
Academia Influence of partial timber harvests in riparian buffers on macroinvertebrate and fish
communities in small streams; sampled benthic macroinvertebrate and fish one year
prior to harvest and for three years following the harvest
Found few effects related to the harvest that affected
macroinvertebrate communities and no significant changes in fish
communities; timber harvesting to a certain degree in riparian buffers
does not affect macroinvertebrate and fish communities in northern
McCoy and Sobecki
Indiana State Comprehensive review of Indiana BMP monitoring results from 1996 to 2011; Indiana
division of forestry monitored 671 sites in that time frame
BMP effectiveness rate was 93%; concluded that there has been little
impact on water quality because of the high effectiveness rate (if BMPs
are applied properly)
VanBrakle et al. (2013) New York Non-profit Examined if forest management plans increase BMP implementation on family forests in
the New York City watershed; evaluated forest roads, landings, forest stream crossings,
skid trails, skid trail stream crossings, and water diversion methods on private
Minimal difference in BMP implementation between landowners that
had management plans and landowners that did not have management
plans; suggest that potentially moving funds from management plans
to logger training and timber sale contract education programs
Maine FS (2014) Maine State Assessed BMP effectiveness of Maine’s BMPs; evaluated sites for sediment inputs into
Found that 91% of the time there was no sediment entering waterways;
BMPs are effective in preventing sedimentation when implemented
142 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
implementation rate of 86% and an average effectiveness rate of
93%. Stream crossing BMPs had the lowest rating for both effective-
ness (79%) and implementation (74%). The authors concluded that
with a high overall effectiveness rating, impacts to water quality
from forest operations in Indiana is small.
The Maine FS (2014) assessed the implementation and effec-
tiveness of Maine’s forestry BMPs in protecting water quality. Their
study consisted of monitoring 101 harvested sites. Forestry BMPs
were 91% effective in protecting water quality from sediment.
Stream crossings and approaches had the proper BMPs on 83% of
the crossings monitored. The Maine FS (2014) stated that BMPs
prevent sedimentation when implemented properly.
2.2.3. Federal
Reinhart et al. (1963) evaluated the effects of timber harvesting
on streamflow in West Virginia. Their study started with pre-
harvest measurements of water quality for six years on five water-
sheds. After the six year pre-harvest measurement period, four of
the watersheds were harvested with different treatments (com-
mercial clearcut, diameter limit cut, extensive selection, and inten-
sive selection) and water quality was sampled again. The authors
found that harvesting timber can increase stormflow; careless log-
ging causes high turbidity levels; poor skid trails affect water qual-
ity; and the highest impact to water quality was immediately after
the timber harvest.
Martin and Pierce (1980) evaluated the effects of clearcutting on
nitrate and calcium in streams on the White Mountain National For-
est in New Hampshire. Their study included: (1) water quality sam-
pling of nine streams from watersheds that were completely
clearcut, (2) seven streams from partially clearcut watersheds, and
(3) seven streams from uncut watersheds. The authors did not sam-
ple the watersheds pre-harvest. The authors found that leaving buf-
fers around streams and not clearcutting entire watersheds can
reduce the magnitude and duration of nitrate and calcium increases.
Patric (1980) studied the effects of harvesting on forest soils and
water relations on the Fernow Experimental Forest in West
Virginia. His study was on a 34.7 ha watershed that evaluated dif-
ferent harvesting treatments for the previous 20 years. The first
treatment for this study included clearcutting 31.7 ha of the water-
shed leaving a 20 m stream buffer strip on each side of the stream.
The second treatment harvested the buffer strip. The author found
that sediment concentrations in stormflow had small increases for
the clearcut with a buffer strips but these small increases had little
effect on water quality. Patric (1980) did find when removing the
buffer strip, water yield and stream temperature increased, which
were not affected when the buffer strip was left.
Martin and Hornbeck (1994) compared sediment yields and
stream turbidity levels on harvested and no harvest watersheds.
Their study was on the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in
New Hampshire and consisted of three no harvest watersheds (ref-
erence) and four harvested watersheds (clear-felled, strip-cut,
mechanized whole-tree clearcut, and clearcut). The authors evalu-
ated sediment yield and turbidity on all the watersheds, however
the clearcut watershed did not include sediment yield measure-
ments. Martin and Hornbeck (1994) found that sediment yields
increased from logging but did not find significant differences that
affected water quality. They concluded that BMPs will help control
erosion and sedimentation.
Kochenderfer et al. (1997) evaluated the effectiveness of West
Virginia BMPs on a 39 ha watershed that was harvested to a
35.5 cm stump diameter limit. A John Deere 850 bulldozer was
used to create roads and skid trails and a wheeled skidder and
tri-axle truck for primary and secondary hauling. Harvesting
resulted in significant increases in total stormflow and peakflows
during the growing season. However, the dormant season did not
result in any significant increases. They also found that suspended
sediments doubled when the watershed was harvested and that
sediment exports returned to pre-treatment levels three years
post-harvest. Kochenderfer et al. (1997) concluded that West Vir-
ginia BMPs applied on the harvested watershed reduced any criti-
cal impacts to water quality.
Bent (2001) assessed the effects of timber harvesting and herbi-
cide applications on runoff and ground water recharge in two drai-
nage basins of central Massachusetts. Cadwell Creek and Dickey
Brook basins were examined and each included a treatment and
control section. After harvesting, the basal area was reduced by
34% and 32% in the Cadwell Creek basin and Dickey Brook basin,
respectively. The Cadwell Creek basin resulted in increased
streamflow, direct runoff, and ground water recharge for six years
post-harvest, while the Dickey Brook basin only had increases for
one year post-harvest. Bent (2001) suspected that the large storm-
flow increases in Cadwell basin were caused by the location of har-
vest treatments and riparian zone.
2.2.4. Non-profit
Wilkerson et al. (2006)
evaluated the effectiveness of stream
buffers on headwater stream temperature in western Maine. This
study was conducted by Manomet. Five treatments on 15 streams
included: (1) clearcutting with no buffer, (2) clearcutting with par-
tially harvesting 11 m buffer, (3) clearcutting with partially har-
vesting 23 m buffer, (4) partial harvest with no defined buffer,
and (5) control. The authors found that after harvesting, the no buf-
fer streams had the highest increases in stream temperature. Addi-
tionally, both partially harvested 11 m and 23 m buffer treatments
were sufficient in protecting stream temperature increases in
headwater streams.
VanBrakle et al. (2013) examined if forest management plans
increase BMP implementation on family forests in the New York
City watershed. This study was conducted by the Watershed Agri-
cultural Council. The authors evaluated forestry BMPs for forest
roads, skid trails, landings, stream crossings (haul roads and skid
trails), and water diversion. The only BMPs evaluated that resulted
in significantly higher implementation scores were skid trails and
forest roads. The authors suggested that possibly providing more
programs to logger training and timber sale contract education
would help increase BMP implementation.
2.3. Western states
BMP effectiveness studies in the Western US focus primarily on
the Pacific Border physiographic region where forest operations are
most prevalent (Fig. 3). Several effectiveness studies used paired
watershed experiments that included multiple studies, Alsea
Watershed (Oregon Coast Range), Caspar Creek Experimental
Watershed (northwestern California), and Mica Creek Experimen-
tal Watershed (northern Idaho). Thirty-one BMP effectiveness
studies from 1978 to 2015 were reviewed by the organization
whom conducted the study: academia (9), federal (12), state (5),
industry (2), private (1), and non-profit (2) (Table 3).
2.3.1. Academia Sediment production. Beschta (1978) assessed the long-
term patterns of sediment production from road construction
and logging on the Alsea Watershed in Oregon. This paired water-
shed study included three treatment watersheds: (1) control
(Flynn Creek), (2) clearcut, slash burning, and no stream buffers
(Needle Branch), and (3) patch-cut, roads, and burned (Deer Creek).
The author found that road construction and road failures in Deer
Creek watershed significantly increased sediment yield for three
years post-treatment. The Needle Branch watershed resulted in
5 years of increased sediment yields due to erosion from the slash
burn and no stream buffer.
R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Karwan et al. (2007) evaluated suspended sediment loads from
timber harvesting on the Mica Creek Experimental Forest in north-
ern Idaho. The authors used a paired watershed method and mon-
itored seven stream monitoring flumes for TSS from 1991 to 1997
(pre-harvest and pre-road construction/improvement), 1998 to
2001 (post-road construction/improvement), and 2001 to 2004
(post-harvest). Treatments for forest roads included constructing
new roads and improving existing roads, while treatments for har-
vesting included: (1) 50% commercial clearcut then broadcast,
burned, and replanted, (2) 50% partial harvest, and (3) control. Ida-
ho’s Forest Practice Act (FPA) guidelines were followed. No signif-
icant differences in sediment loads among forest road treatments
in both harvested watersheds were detected. However, signifi-
cantly higher monthly sediment loads were reported within the
commercially clearcut watershed after the harvest, but significant
differences dissipated after one year.
Beschta and Jackson (2008) summarized effects of road build-
ing, logging, and slash burning on sediment production from past
studies in the Alsea Watershed. Authors reported that manage-
ment practices such as minimizing road construction, clearcutting
less area, applying stream buffers, and low intensity slash burns
can reduce sediment production. The authors concluded that
paired watershed studies similar to Alsea Watershed experiments
are important for demonstrating different forest practices and their
effects on water quality. Stream buffers. Jackson et al. (2001) assessed impacts of
timber harvesting on 15 headwater streams in Washington’s Coast
Range. The authors evaluated stream channel habitat, distributions
of bed material, and temperature. The treatments applied
included: (1) no harvest (reference), (2) clearcut with un-thinned
buffer, (3) clearcut with partial buffer, (4) clearcut with buffer con-
sisting of non-merchantable trees, and (5) clearcut with no buffer.
The authors found treatments with a stream buffer did not alter
particle size distributions and habitat distributions when com-
pared to the no harvest treatments.
Jackson et al. (2007) built onto the study conducted by Jackson
et al. (2001) by evaluating abiotic and biotic responses to timber
harvesting. The authors sampled geomorphology, macroinverte-
brates, and amphibians before and following timber harvesting.
Jackson et al. (2007) found that clearcutting with no buffers
resulted in negative short-lived effects for some amphibian spe-
cies. The authors also found that macroinvertebrate communities
remained in flux for both the buffered and no buffer streams and
changes in communities were due to additional organic matter
from the harvest. Water yield and water quality. Stednick (2008a) assessed
long-term streamflow changes after timber harvesting on the Alsea
Watershed. The author plotted differences in measured annual
water yield and predicted streamflows for the two treatment
watersheds (Deer Creek and Needle Branch). The author found that
low flow metrics and peak flows were not significantly different
than pre-treatment levels and annual water yield increases in the
Needle Branch watershed were not present after 31 years. The Deer
Creek watershed had additional timber harvesting treatments and
did not result in any significant differences in flow metrics.
Stednick (2008a) concluded that BMPs were effective in not chang-
ing streamflow metrics.
Fig. 3. Reviewed BMP effectiveness studies by state and physiographic region for the western United States. Locations were determined from the studies as well as Schilling
and Ice (2012).
144 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Table 3
Summary of forestry BMP effectiveness studies for the western United States by investigator(s), location, evaluations and treatments, and major conclusions.
Investigators Region/location Study
Evaluations/treatments Major conclusions
Beschta (1978) Coast range
Academia Long-term patterns of sediment production following road construction and
logging on the Alsea Watershed; paired watershed study: (1) control watershed
(Flynn Creek), (2) clearcut, slash burning, and no stream buffer strips watershed
(Needle Branch), and (3) patch-cut, roads, and burned watershed (Deer Creek)
Deer Creek treatment resulted in significant increases of sediment yield for
three years following treatment due to road construction and road
associated failures; Needle Creek treatment resulted in increased sediment
yield for five years following treatment with the first year resulting in a
fivefold increase primarily due to a severe slash fire and logging along the
stream channel
Cook and King (1983) Idaho Federal Construction cost and erosion control effectiveness of filter windrows on fill
slopes; monitored sediment barriers of slash on newly constructed roads near
stream crossings
Estimated sediment trapping efficiency was between 75% and 85%;
concluded that filter windrows of slash were an inexpensive and effective
way to prevent erosion
Bilby et al. (1989) Southwestern
Industry Fate of road-surface sediment in forested watersheds; used new data and data
from previous road studies
Roads with steep gradients, heavily used, and drain directly into larger
streams have the greatest potential to impact streams; problems with forest
roads can be reduced by applying appropriate management procedures
Keppeler and Ziemer
Federal Logging effects on streamflow for a 21 year period on the Casper Creek
Experimental Watershed; evaluated selective tractor harvesting on volume,
timing, and duration of low flows and annual water yield
Greatest increase in water yield was during the initial year following the
logging operation; water yields decreased irregularly the following years
Ketcheson and
Megahan (1996)
Federal Sediment production and downslope sediment transport from forest roads in
granitic watersheds; measured annual downslope deposition of granitic
sediments from forest roads; treatments included different erosion control
Found that 70% of the sediment deposited on the slopes occurred during the
first year after construction; standard erosion control practices for road
construction resulted in an average annual erosion rate of
50.4 m
and intensive erosion control practices for road
construction resulted in an average erosion rate of 17.1 m
(reduced erosion by 66%)
Cafferata and Spittler
Federal Compared logging impacts from the 1970s to the 1990s in the Casper Creek
Experimental Watershed
Legacy roads that were constructed before the FPA continue to affect the
South Fork watershed; concluded that legacy roads need to be properly
closed under the new FPRs
Dahlgren (1998) Northwestern
Federal Effects of forest harvesting on stream water quality and nitrogen cycling in the
Casper Creek watershed; sampled water quality (clearcut vs. un-harvested);
detailed nutrient cycling study
Found higher concentrations of stream water nitrate in the clearcut
watershed; nutrient losses in stream water in redwood-Douglas-fir forests
after harvest were small compared to other forest types
Lewis (1998) Northwestern
Federal Evaluated the impacts of logging on erosion and suspended sediment transport in
the Casper Creek watershed; South Fork harvested before 1990 FPRs; North Fork
harvested after 1990 FPRs; measured and estimated suspended sediment
Sediment load for the South Fork after road construction was
1475 kg ha
and 2877 kg ha
after harvesting; no effect in the
North Fork watershed for sediment loads
Rice (1999) Northwestern
Private Evaluated erosion from logging roads on the Redwood Creek watershed;
measured erosion on 100 logging roads in the middle of the watershed
Found the estimated erosion rate to be 177 m
; noted that FPRs helped
reduce erosion on logging roads
Jackson et al. (2001) Coast range
Academia Impacts of harvesting timber on 15 headwater streams; treatments included: (1)
no harvest, (2) clearcut with un-thinned buffer, (3) clearcut with partial buffer, (4)
clearcut with buffer consisting of non-merchantable trees, and (5) clearcut with
no buffer
Found that particle size distribution and habitat distributions were not
different when compared to the no harvest treatments
Rice et al. (2004) Northwestern
Non-profit Forest management effects on erosion, sediment, and runoff; Casper Creek
Experimental Watershed
Prior to the 1973 FPA, suspended sediment loads increased almost threefold
from road construction and selective logging; under the 1990 FPRs, there
was a smaller, but significant increase in sediment from roads and
Rashin et al. (2006) Coast range
Non-profit Effectiveness of timber harvest practices for controlling sediment related water
quality impacts; used a weight-of-evidence approach to determine BMP
effectiveness and was based on sediment delivery to streams, disturbance to
stream channels, and aquatic habitat conditions
Stream buffers were effective at limiting chronic sediment delivery and
disturbance to stream channels; stream buffers of at least 10 m were most
effective for timber felling and yarding activities; factors influencing BMP
effectiveness included: proximity of ground disturbance near waterways,
use of stream buffers, use of proper timber falling and yarding practices,
minimizing stream channel disturbance, and timing of timber harvest
Jackson et al. (2007) Washington Academia Abiotic and biotic response to 15 headwater streams from timber harvesting;
treatments were same as Jackson et al. (2001)
No macroinvertebrate groups declined significantly over a three year period
following the harvests; clearcutting with no SMZs had short-lived effects on
some amphibian recovery
(continued on next page)
R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Table 3 (continued)
Investigators Region/location Study
Evaluations/treatments Major conclusions
Karwan et al. (2007) Northern Idaho Academia Effects of timber harvesting on suspended sediment loads in the Mica Creek
Experimental Watershed; monitored seven automated stream monitoring
flumes; pretreatment samples (1991–1997), post road construction samples
(1998–2001), and post timber harvest samples (2001–2004); paired watershed
approach (clearcut, partial harvest, reference)
Road construction did not significantly affect sediment loads; harvesting
timber did have a significant and immediate impact on sediment loads for
the clearcut watershed; no significant differences in partial harvest; after
one year there were no significant differences between the clearcut and
control watersheds
O’Connor et al. (2007) Northwestern
Federal Evaluated sediment yield from first order streams from recent harvests and legacy
practices; treatments included: (1) clearcut with a HCP, (2) clearcut without a
HCP, and (3) control (un-harvested); captured transported sediment in sediment
Authors did not report any significant differences between sites that used a
HCP and sites that did not; However, sites with a HCP tended to have lower
sedimentation levels
Beschta and Jackson
Coast range
Academia Summarized sediment production from forest roads, logging, and slash burning
on the Alsea Watershed
Management practices such as minimizing road construction, small
clearcuts, buffer strips, and low severity burns help reduce sediment
Keppeler et al. (2008) Northwestern
Federal Long-term patterns of hydrologic response after logging in a coastal redwood
forest; Casper Creek Experimental Watershed
Post-treatments, sediment loads recovered quickly; however between 10
and 20 years after logging, sediment loads increased due to road failures on
South Fork Watershed or due to pre-commercial thinning modifying
hydrologic conditions on North Fork Watershed
Stednick (2008a) Coast range
Academia Long-term streamflow changes following timber harvesting on the Alsea
Watershed study sites
Annual water yield increases were not detectable on the Needle Branch
watershed after 31 years; peak flow and low flow metrics were not
significant from pretreatment measurements; Deer Creek had timber
harvests since the original treatments and there were no significant flow
metrics from pretreatment measurements; application of BMPs resulted in
no significant differences
Stednick (2008b) Coast range
Academia Long-term changes in water quality following timber harvesting on the Alsea
Watershed study sites
Multiple timber harvests on Deer Creek did not have any significant changes
in water quality (BMPs followed); Needle Branch (no buffer strips) had a
significant increase in nitrate-nitrogen fluxes immediately after the
treatment, but showed a quick return to pretreatment conditions
Gravelle et al. (2009) Northern Idaho Academia Effects of timber harvesting on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities;
sampling from 1994 to 2005 on Mica Creek Experimental Watershed; treatments:
four year calibration period, four years of monitoring after forest roads were
installed, and four years monitoring after timber harvest
Macroinvertebrate communities were not affected by road construction and
timber harvesting; concluded that if BMPs are used appropriately, that
similar areas to this study should have minimal effects on water quality and
macroinvertebrate communities
Litschert and
MacDonald (2009)
Sierra Nevada and
Academia Assessed the frequency and characteristics of sediment delivery pathways on
harvested sites on National Forest land; evaluated 200 harvested sites that
included SMZs; used ‘features’ to describe eroded areas of the harvest
Found 19 features on the 200 sites caused by rills or gullies (15) and
sediment plumes (4); 16 of the features started from skid trails; five skid
trail features connected to streams; feature length was significantly related
to hillslope gradient, mean annual precipitation, and elevation; sediment
delivery to streams can be reduced by: (1) locating skid trails away from
streams, (2) using waterbars with high surface roughness, and (3) closing
skid trails
Reiter et al. (2009) Cascade
Industry Temporal and spatial turbidity patterns over 30 years in a managed forest;
assessed sediment control methods and trends in turbidity
Turbidity had a declining trend even with active forest management;
concluded that this was due to improvements to road construction and
maintenance practices for reducing road sedimentation and runoff
Dubé et al. (2010) Washington State Washington road sub-basin scale effectiveness monitoring program; evaluated
new FPRs for forest roads for improving protection of runoff and sediment
delivery and determined how many roads meet the FFR performance targets;
sampled 60-4 mile units
Found FFR targets for hydrology performance were met in 62% of the units
and FFR targets for sediment protection were met in 88% of the units
Elliot (2010) Western United
Federal Effects of forest biomass used on watershed processes Two general guidelines to reduce or minimize impacts on the watershed
from biomass harvesting: (1) minimize disturbance to duff layer and (2)
minimize number of roads and maintain roads; concluded that increased
traffic on forest roads and compacting and disturbing the soil can affect
runoff and erosion and that BMPs should be used to reduce any risks
Klein et al. (2012) Northern
Federal Turbidity during winter runoff seasons after logging in 28 coastal watersheds Rate of timber harvesting and watershed drainage areas can affect water
quality; stated that hillslope hydrologic changes due to tree removal and
root strength from decay should be included in the current BMPs and that
erosion susceptible areas should limit rate of timber harvesting
146 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
Stednick (2008b) assessed the long-term water quality changes
after timber harvesting on the Alsea Watershed. The author found
significantly lower nitrate–nitrogen concentrations after timber
harvesting in the Needle Branch (no buffer treatment) watershed
when compared to the control (Flynn Creek) and Deer Creek
(patch-cut treatment) watersheds. However, there was a signifi-
cant increase in nitrate–nitrogen fluxes when compared to pre-
treatment water quality measurements. The Deer Creek watershed
did not have any significant water quality changes after multiple
timber harvests. The author suggested this was caused by BMPs
that were applied on the watershed.
Gravelle et al. (2009) evaluated timber harvesting impacts on
aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Mica Creek Experimental Water-
shed in northern Idaho. Their study consisted of three measure-
ment periods over four years each: (1) calibration, (2) post roads,
and (3) post-harvest. The authors sampled feeding groups,
densities, taxa richness, diversity, and sediment tolerance indices.
Additionally, they assessed three main macroinvertebrate taxa
(mayflies, stoneflies, and caddis flies). Gravelle et al. (2009) did
not find any changes in macroinvertebrate communities from road
construction and timber harvesting and suggested it was due to
BMPs being followed.
2.3.2. Federal Sediment production. Cook and King (1983) assessed the
erosion control effectiveness of filter windrows on fill slopes on
the Nez Perce National Forest in Idaho. The authors evaluated filter
windrows (sediment barriers) of slash on newly constructed roads
near stream crossings to determine their effectiveness of reducing
fill material from entering streams. The authors found that the fil-
ter windrows trapped 75–95% of sediment and concluded that they
are an inexpensive effective method of preventing erosion from
entering streams.
Ketcheson and Megahan (1996) evaluated sediment production
and sediment transport downslope caused by forest roads in grani-
tic watersheds of southwestern Idaho. The authors measured sed-
iment deposits on constructed roads for four years. They found that
70% of the total erosion occurred during the initial year following
road construction. Ketcheson and Megahan reported that erosion
control treatments reduced erosion.
Cafferata and Spittler (1998) compared harvesting impacts in
the Casper Creek watershed from the 1970s to the 1990s. Two
treatment watersheds (North Fork and South Fork) were com-
pared. South Fork roads were constructed in the 1960s and located
near stream channels. This watershed was selectively harvested
using tractors in the 1970s. The North Fork was cable logged
(clearcut) between 1985 and 1991 and roads were located away
from stream channels (on ridges). The South Fork had higher
sediment yield and erosion due to the harvest. The authors
suspected that much of the sediment production was produced
by legacy roads, which were constructed prior to the FPA.
Lewis (1998) assessed erosion and suspended sediment trans-
port from logging in the Casper Creek watershed. The author mea-
sured suspended sediment, turbidity, and erosion and estimated
suspended sediment load and total sediment load on timber har-
vests conducted in the North Fork (harvested with 1990 Forest
Practice Rules) and South Fork (harvested before 1990 Forest Prac-
tice Rules) watersheds. Lewis (1998) reported 1475 kg ha
and 2877 kg ha
after road construction and harvesting for
the South Fork watershed. No effect was reported in the North Fork
watershed for sediment loads.
Madej et al. (2012) assessed changes in land use practices on
sediment loads in the Panther Creek basin of the northwestern
California. The author’s evaluated timber harvesting methods and
road designs. Over half of the watershed was clearcut from
harvests occurring between 1978 and 2008 with some thinning
Table 3 (continued)
Investigators Region/location Study
Evaluations/treatments Major conclusions
Madej et al. (2012) Northwestern
Federal Assessed changes in land use practices on sediment loads in the Panther Creek
basin; treatment consisted of clearcut, thinning, and selective harvest and
compared results to a control (un-harvested); evaluated sediment loads from
timber harvesting methods and road designs
Found that sediment yields were higher on treatment site, however
suspended sediments concentrations have deceased compared to previous
periods due to improved management practices
Sugden et al. (2012) Montana State Assessed Montana’s forestry BMP program for the past 20 years; used past BMP
Forestry BMP implementation in 1990 was 78% and 97% in 2010; Water
quality infractions per harvest site have deceased to <1 over the 20 years
Cafferata and Reid
State 50 years of watershed research in the Casper Creek watershed; review of the past
watershed experiments on the North Fork and South Fork watersheds
Author addressed key findings from past research; stated that research
methods (monitoring technology and turbidity monitoring) conducted on
the Casper Creek watershed have been used throughout the world; research
is continuing on the watershed
USFS (2013) Pacific Southwest
Federal Evaluated Pacific Southwest Region BMP program from 2008 to 2010; determine
BMP implementation and effectiveness; 2237 randomly selected sites
BMP implementation was 91%; BMP effectiveness was 80%; BMPs for roads,
range management, recreation, and mining were not as effective; noted
effectiveness can be increased by improving erosion control plans and wet-
weather standards
Brandow and Cafferata
California State Evaluated California’s FPRs implementation and effectiveness from 2008 to 2013;
Coast, Cascade, and Sierra Regions
Implementation of FPRs were high and effective in preventing
sedimentation; 90% or higher implementation for watercourses and lake
protection zones, roads, and crossings; suggested improvements for stream
crossing design, construction and maintenance, and closure
Ziesak (2015) Montana State Montana’s BMPs in regard to limiting non-point source pollution from forest
operations; evaluated 42 sites for BMP effectiveness (2014 review)
42 sites evaluated for application and effectiveness; BMPs were applied 97%
of the time; BMP were effective 98% of the time in protecting water quality;
most frequent impacts on BMP effectiveness were associated with forest
road maintenance and road surface drainage
R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
and selection harvesting also occurring. The authors stated that
roads were upgraded and some decommissioned between 2000
and 2009. Riparian buffers were left on streams since 1984.
Madej et al. (2012) found that the harvested area had a higher
sediment yield compared to the control (un-harvested). Most
sediment issues were caused from landslides on forest roads and
landings. However, suspended sediment concentrations decreased
due to improved management practices.
O’Connor et al. (2007) assessed the effects of recent harvests
and legacy management techniques on sediment yield from first
order streams in northwestern California. The study had three
treatments: (1) clearcut with a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP),
(2) clearcut without a HCP, and (3) control. The authors used sed-
iment basins to measure trapped sediment. O’Connor et al. (2007)
did not find any significant differences between sites, but noted
that HCP sites had lower sedimentation when compared to sites
without a HCP. Water yield and water quality. Keppeler and Ziemer (1990)
assessed harvesting impacts on streamflow for 21 years on the Cas-
per Creek watershed in northwestern California. Their study
included a control (North Fork; prior to harvesting) and selective
harvest with new road construction treatment (South Fork). The
authors measured water yield, volume, timing, and duration of
low flows. Keppeler and Ziemer (1990) found that the greatest
increase in water yield was the first year after harvest. Water yield
decreased irregularly in the following years.
Dahlgren (1998) studied the effects of timber harvesting on
stream water quality and nitrogen cycling in the Casper Creek
watershed. The author collected stream water quality samples
from both control and treatment (clearcut) watersheds and com-
pleted a nutrient cycling study. He found that nitrate concentra-
tions were higher in clearcut and decreased downstream in
higher order streams. The author also reported a 1.8 kg N ha
loss post-harvest and less than 0.4 kg N ha
three years post-
harvest. The control watershed for the same period resulted in a
nitrogen loss less than 0.1 kg N ha
. Dahlgren noted that
the nitrogen loss was small and accredited the small loss to the
redwood and Douglas-fir forest ecosystem.
Keppeler et al. (2008) evaluated the long-term patterns of
hydrologic response post-harvesting in the Casper Creek water-
shed. The authors found that both the North Fork and South Fork
had similar water yield, peak flows, and low flows. Low flows
returned to pre-harvest conditions faster for selective logging.
Keppeler et al. (2008) also found that sediment loads recovered
quickly after harvesting on both watersheds. However, 10–
20 years post-harvest, sediment loads increased due to road fail-
ures on the South Fork or pre-commercial thinning on the North
Elliot (2010) evaluated the watershed processes from forest bio-
mass harvesting in the western United States. The author imple-
mented BMPs to reduce impacts of biomass harvesting and
recommended two general guidelines: (1) minimize disturbances
to the duff layer and soil and (2) minimize and maintain roads.
Elliot (2010) stated that increased road traffic and compacting or
disturbing the soil can increase erosion and runoff.
Klein et al. (2012) assessed turbidity levels from winter runoff
on 28 coastal watersheds in northern California. Study watersheds
ranged from un-harvested redwood forests to commercial harvest-
ing. The authors found that the rate of timber harvesting and
watershed drainage areas can affect water quality. They stated that
BMPs reduce erosion, but were not always implemented properly.
The authors also noted that in large watersheds harvested over a
short period of time can impact water quality.
USFS (2013) evaluated their Pacific Southwest Region BMP pro-
gram from 2008 to 2010 to determine BMP implementation and
effectiveness. Similar evaluations were conducted in the past by
Staab (2004) and USFS (2009). BMP inspections were conducted
on 2237 randomly selected sites. Reported BMP implementation
was 91% with an effectiveness of 80%. Effectiveness was low due
to water quality being affected at streams on roughly 12% of the
sites. The USFS (2013) found that BMPs for timber harvesting, fuels
treatments, and vegetation management was effective, however,
BMPs for roads, range management, recreation, and mining were
not as effective. The USFS (2013) also noted that effectiveness
can be increased by improving erosion control plans and wet-
weather standards.
2.3.3. State Water quality. Litschert and MacDonald (2009) assessed the
frequency and characteristics of sediment delivery pathways on
harvested sites on National Forest land in the Sierra Nevada and
Cascade mountains of California. The authors evaluated 200 har-
vested sites that included SMZs and used the term ‘features’ to
describe eroded areas of the harvest. They found 19 features on
200 sites that were caused by rills or gullies (15) and sediment
plumes (4). Sixteen of the features started from skid trails of which
five features connected to streams. The authors also found that fea-
ture length was significantly related to hillslope gradient, mean
annual precipitation, and elevation. Litschert and MacDonald
(2009) suggested that sediment delivery to streams can be reduced
by: (1) locate skid trails away from streams, (2) use waterbars with
high surface roughness, and (3) close skid trails.
Cafferata and Reid (2013) conducted a review of the long-term
(50-year) watershed research conducted at the Casper Creek
watershed. The authors described the history and treatments
applied on both North and South Fork watersheds. They also pro-
vided key lessons learned and findings from the past research.
Some of the past research consisted of measuring peak flows, water
yield, hydrology, erosion, stream temperature, and sediment
yields. Cafferata and Reid (2013) noted that results and monitoring
methods from the Casper Creek watershed were used to address
forestry issues in California and throughout the world. The authors
also stated that research is continuing on the watershed. Implementation and effectiveness. Dubé et al. (2010) con-
ducted a study assessing the Washington road sub-basin scale
effectiveness monitoring program. The objectives of this program
were to determine if the new Forest Fish Reports (FFRs) for forest
roads improved protection of runoff and sediment delivery and
how many roads met FFR performance targets. The authors evalu-
ated characteristics of forest roads over 60 sample units across the
state of Washington (each unit was four square miles). They found
62% of the units met FFR targets for hydrology performance. FFR
targets for sediment protection were met in 88% of the units.
Sugden et al. (2012) assessed Montana’s forestry BMP program
for the past 20 years. The authors demonstrated the positive pro-
gression of Montana’s BMP using past BMP audit reports. In
1990, BMP implementation was 78% and increased to 97% 20 years
later. Water quality infractions per harvest site decreased from
eight in 1990 to less than 1 in 2010.
Brandow and Cafferata (2014) evaluated California’s Forest
Practice Rules (FPR) implementation and effectiveness monitoring
program from 2008 to 2013. This study was based off similar ear-
lier studies conducted by Cafferata and Munn (2002) and Brandow
et al. (2006). The purpose of this study was to determine rate of
implementation of FPRs and effectiveness of FPRs in protecting
water quality. The authors selected sites from California’s Coastal,
Cascade, and Sierra Regions. Evaluations of sites indicated that
implementation of FPRs were high and FRPs were effective in
preventing sedimentation. Brandow and Cafferata (2014) found
that water courses and lake protection zones, roads, and stream
148 R. Cristan et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 360 (2016) 133–151
crossings had 90% implementation or higher depending on FPR.
The authors suggested improvements to be made for stream
crossing design, construction and maintenance, and closure.
Ziesak (2015) reviewed 42 sites for BMP application and
effectiveness for Montana’s BMP monitoring study in 2014. BMP
application (implementation) was 97% and BMP effectiveness in
protecting water quality was 98%. Like previous monitoring reports
from Montana, road maintenance and road surface drainage were
the main impacts on water quality.
2.3.4. Industry
Bilby et al. (1989) assessed road surface sediment production
on five road segments in two southwestern Washington water-
sheds. Two heavily trafficked roads located on valley-bottoms were
built in the 1950s. Three haul roads, built between 1968 and 1974,
were located mid-slope. Suspended sediments were analyzed on
the sites. The authors found that sediment entered first and second
order streams 34% of the time and would temporary retain sedi-
ments from reaching larger streams. Bilby et al. (1989) stated that
steep roads that are heavily used and drain directly into large
streams will have a higher potential of impacting water quality.
Reiter et al. (2009) assessed temporal and spatial turbidity pat-
terns over 30 years in the Pacific Northwest of Washington. The
authors used long-term data on stream discharge, suspended sed-
iment, turbidity, and water and air temperature to determine
impacts of sediment control practices on water quality. Data was
collected at four permanent monitoring sites throughout the study
watershed. Turbidity declined at all four monitoring sites. The
authors found that turbidity levels when evaluated for the entire
watershed declined, even during active forest operations. Reiter
et al. (2009) reported that declined sediment production was
caused by increased attention to forest practices for roads.
2.3.5. Private
Rice (1999) evaluated erosion from logging roads on the Red-
wood Creek watershed in northwestern California. The author sta-
ted that the roads were installed between 1950 and 1958 for
logging and were maintained to standards of the past decade. His
sample design consisted of 100 sites within the 180 km of roads
in the middle of the watershed. The author estimated the mean
erosion rate to be 177 m
from 1980 to 1997. The main
source of erosion was from the road cut banks. Rice (1999) noted
that changes in FPRs (proper placement of culverts and sizing of
culverts) reduced erosion on logging roads.
2.3.6. Non-profit
Rice et al. (2004) conducted a review of the effects of forest
management on erosion, sediment, and runoff on the Caspar Creek
watershed. The authors reported sediment loads were higher
before the 1973 FPA for selective logging and road construction.
They also reported smaller but significant increases in sediment
from clearcutting following the 1990 FPA.
Rashin et al. (2006) assessed the effectiveness of BMPs on water
quality impacts due to sediment delivery in Washington. They
evaluated BMPs for first two years post-harvest on 26 timber har-
vested sites between 1992 and 1995. The authors used a weighted
approach to determine BMP effectiveness based on sediment
delivery, disturbance of stream channels, and aquatic habitat con-
ditions. They found stream buffers were effective at preventing
sediment delivery. The authors also listed several factors that influ-
enced BMP effectiveness: (1) equipment disturbance near streams,
(2) use of stream buffers, (3) use of proper harvesting practices to
minimize stream channel disturbance, and (4) time of year.
3. Conclusion
Results from this literature review indicate that forestry BMPs
minimize water quality effects of forest operations when imple-
mented as recommended by state forestry agencies. While BMP
effectiveness studies are often site or region specific, they clearly
demonstrate a common outcome. Stuart and Edwards (2006)
emphasized that BMPs based on physical principles continue to
be effective with the passage of time. These effectiveness studies
provide critical information and insight on how state BMP pro-
grams comply with the goals of the CWA. Forestry BMP effective-
ness studies can help states formulate or update BMP guidelines.
Effectiveness research commonly notes that areas such as forest
roads, skid trails, and stream crossings should receive considerable
attention since they have the greatest potential for erosion and
sediment delivery. Research studies from multiple regions across
the U.S. have demonstrated that BMPs are effective and reduce
sediment delivery to streams. Key conclusions on BMP effective-
ness for the research studies examined here were divided into
two categories: overall BMP effectiveness study conclusions and
specific BMP guideline conclusions:
3.1. Overall BMP effectiveness study conclusions
BMPs can minimize erosion and sedimentation.
Implementation rates and quality are critical to BMP effective-
ness for reduction of erosion and sediment yield.
BMP implementation can be enhanced with pre-operation plan-
ning and with the involvement of a registered professional
Increased logger training and landowner knowledge of forestry
BMPs can help improve implementation.
Stream macroinvertebrates are typically not significantly
affected by forest operations when BMPs are correctly applied.
3.2. Specific BMP guideline conclusions
Forested SMZs are effective in trapping sediment and reducing
stream TSS concentrations.
Critically important BMP practices for forest roads include
proper drainage structures, surfacing, erosion control of cut
and fill slopes, traffic control, and closure.
Sediment control structures applied to stream crossing
approaches can significantly reduce runoff and sediment
BMPs need to be applied during forest operations, not only as a
closure measure.
Effective skid trail closure practices can include installing
waterbars and/or applying slash, mulch, or a combination of
mulching and seeding.
Improved stream crossings such as portable skidder bridges
and temporary culverts can decrease TSS concentrations
and turbidity compared to unimproved stream crossing
Funding for this research was provided by the National
Association of State Foresters, the Sustainable Forestry Initiative,
Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, the Department of Forest
Resources and Environmental Conservation of Virginia Tech, and
the MacIntire-Stennis Program of the National Institute of Food
and Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture.
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