EDF Energy is a trading name used by EDF Energy Customers plc (registration number: 02228297),
whose registered office is at 40 Grosvenor Place, London, SW1X 7EN. Incorporated in England and Wales.
EDF Energy Customers plc is responsible for performing the duties under all EDF Energy supply contracts.
Deemed Contract
Terms and Conditions
(For Small to Medium Sized Businesses)
Deemed Contract Scheme
Scheme for setting out the Terms and Conditions that will apply to the deemed
contracts made under Schedule 6 to the Electricity Act 1989 and Schedule 2B of the
Gas Act 1986
When the scheme begins
This scheme originally came into force on 1 October 2001 and applies to electricity or
gas (or both) which we supply Micro Business and SME customers under these
Deemed Terms.
The scheme
We have made this scheme in line with Schedule 6 of the Electricity Act 1989 (the
‘Electricity Code’) and Schedule 2B of the Gas Act 1986 (the ‘Gas Code’). These codes
allow us to make changes (known as ‘revisions’) to this scheme from time to time. If
we do make a revision, we will first send the full text of the revision to Ofgem, after
which time the revision will come into force. Once the revision comes into force, it will
apply to all deemed contracts we create from that point on. It will also apply to any
deemed contracts that already exist, unless the revision says otherwise. If we need to
provide evidence of this scheme, any revisions to it, or the Deemed Contract Schedule
of Charges (or any changes to it) in any courts of justice or any legal proceedings, we
will produce a copy of any document we have sent to Ofgem as conclusive evidence.
The following words and phrases used in this contract have the following meanings:
‘The Citizens Advice consumer service’ – provides free, confidential and impartial
advice on consumer issues, by phone and online, to individual consumers and small
‘deemed contract’ - means a contract to supply gas or electricity (or both), under
these Terms. These Terms only apply if you are a small or medium enterprise (SME)
customer, and using our electricity or gas services (or both) at your premises, without
entering into a formal agreement with us for those services.
‘gas transporter’ – the company licensed to deliver gas through pipes to your
‘Green Deal charges’ - means the charges that we must collect from you as part of
the Government scheme for installation and financing of energy efficiency measures
or improvements through energy bills, and ‘Green Deal premises’ means premises
at which Green Deal charges are owed for the installation of such energy efficiency
measures or improvements.
‘Green Deal Plan’ - means an arrangement made by the occupier or owner of the
premises for a person to make energy efficiency measures or improvements to such
premises, to be paid for wholly or partly in instalments, as defined in Section 1(3) of
the Energy Act 2011.
‘local electricity distributor’ – the company which owns or operates the distribution
network used to deliver electricity to your premises.
“Micro Business” - means a company which meets one of the following criteria:
consumes less than 293,000 kWh of gas a year, or consumes less than 100,000 kWh
of electricity a year, or has fewer than ten employees (or their full-time equivalent) and
an annual turnover or annual balance sheet total not exceeding €2m.
“Ofgem” - is the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets), an industry regulator set up
by Parliament to protect the interests of energy customers. Their address is 9 Millbank,
London, SW1P 3GE.
“Ombudsman Services: Energy” - is an independent body approved by Ofgem to
investigate complaints. Visit: www.ombudsman-services.org or call 0330 440 1624.
‘premises’ – the premises (including any part of any land or building or structure) we
supply electricity or gas (or both) to under this contract.
‘smart meter’ - the meter and equipment we can use to measure how much gas or
electricity (or both) you are using, without having to visit your premises. A smart meter
means you can also see how much gas or electricity you are using.
‘SME customer’ - (small or medium enterprise customer) – any customer who takes
a supply of electricity or gas (or both) from us in connection with a business (including
any business involving letting, managing agent or accommodation services) and which
we bill through our customer information system (CIS) or our SAP system. (If you are
not sure whether you are billed through CIS or SAP, please phone our helpline on 0800
096 2255.)
‘supply’ and ‘supplied’ – the energy services provided under this contract (but not
otherwise). This may also include services provided in connection with the supply of
electricity or gas to the premises.
‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ – the licensed energy supplier for the services provided to you
under this contract (that is, EDF Energy Customers plc, whose registered office is at 40
Grosvenor Place, London, SW1X 7EN, with company number 02228297, operating under
the trading name of EDF Energy and using the supply IDs LOND, SEEB and SWEB).
Full Terms and Conditions for supplying electricity or gas (or both)
These Terms apply to you if you are a small or medium enterprise (SME) customer, and
you are using our electricity or gas services (or both) at your premises but have not
entered into a formal agreement with us for those services.
Please read these Terms carefully so that you fully understand your commitments and
our responsibilities.
If we supply gas to your premises we may need to enforce other Terms if your premises
are not directly connected to the gas pipeline network operated by National Grid Gas.
Note: In these Terms and Conditions, when we refer to ‘energy’ we mean gas or
electricity (or both) we provide to Micro Business or SME customers. When we refer to
‘services’, we mean gas, electricity, energy-related services and any other services we
provide Micro Business or SME customers.
1 Your and our responsibilities
1a This contract sets out our standard Terms and Conditions for supplying services
under our deemed contract scheme. These Terms and Conditions apply to you
only if you have not entered into a current energy-supply agreement with us
(which can be enforced by law), but we are providing you with services.
1b EDF Energy is the trading name we use for providing the services. In line with these
Terms, we agree to supply services at the premises for the length of this contract.
1c You agree that you own or use the premises (or will on the date that the services
start) and that the premises are currently connected to a mains gas network or
your local electricity distributor’s distribution network, or both (as appropriate).
1d You agree to pay any part of our charges for services that are not currently part of
a genuine dispute.
1e You agree that, for as long as we are the supplier registered to your meter point
administration number or meter point reference number (as applicable) as the
supplier responsible for supplying energy to your premises, all energy that passes
through your meter (or meters) or is supplied to the premises (or both) will be
treated as having been supplied under our deemed contract scheme, even if you
have a contract with any other person for supplying energy to your premises.
1f You understand if you have a smart meter you may lose the functionality currently
available to you by switching to EDF Energy.
1g Notwithstanding Clause 7b, in the event that the supply of gas to your Premises is
temporarily interrupted we will pass on any relevant compensation payments we
receive from your transporter as a result of such temporary supply interruption.
2 Access to premises and meters
2a You confirm that you are legally able to, and have permission to, allow us (or
someone appointed by us) into the premises and have full access to your meter
(or meters), including agreeing to us gaining remote access to your metering
equipment, whenever we need to in line with these Terms.
2b You agree that you are responsible for all pipes, equipment, wires and cables, and
all other fittings used in connection with supplying energy on your side of the
energy meter (your side of the meter starts at the point energy leaves your meter
after the meter has measured it), and that you will make sure that they are kept
in good working order and in safe condition at all times. Any energy losses that
happen on your side of the meter are your responsibility.
2c You agree to give your gas transporter, your local electricity distributor or us
(or our employees, agents or subcontractors) safe, full and free access to your
premises, and all equipment, wires and cables, and all other fittings used in
connection with supplying energy to your premises. If there are any obstructions
that prevent us from gaining access to your premises, and all equipment, wires
and cables, and all other fittings used in connection with supplying energy to your
premises, you are responsible (at your own cost) for removing the obstruction:
2c1 whenever there is a possibility of danger or damage to any thing or property, or
at any time we use our powers under an Act of Parliament (or any regulation or
similar law made under it) relating to how we deliver or supply energy; and
2c2 at all reasonable times for the purposes of installing, maintaining, inspecting,
testing or replacing any lines, pipes, wires, cables or any other equipment used in
connection with delivering or measuring energy.
2d You confirm that the premises have, and that you are authorised to use, metering
equipment installed which is capable of providing the information we need
to work out your charges in connection with the relevant tariff. The metering
equipment must meet relevant industry standards for safety, accuracy and reliability.
If you are not sure whether the metering equipment installed at the premises meets
these standards, you should contact us. If the premises do not have satisfactory
metering equipment installed, we may increase your charges (see clause 3) or ask
you to replace your meter, which may involve an extra charge.
2e You must make sure that all metering equipment (whether it belongs to us or
another person) on or at the premises is not damaged or stolen or lost. You must
pay us any costs we may reasonably have to pay (either directly or indirectly) for
replacing or repairing the metering equipment (including any call-out charges),
unless the loss or damage is caused by fair wear and tear or as a result of
something we have done or failed to do.
2f We will not be responsible for any fault relating to any meter or other fitting that
we do not own or that has been provided on our behalf, or for any consequences
resulting from that fault.
2g If you take a supply of energy through a prepayment meter, and you use an
electronic or token meter, it is your responsibility to make sure you buy enough
credit units. You must also keep and look after the plastic card, key or other
charging device, keeping it clean, safe and free from damage, otherwise we may
charge you for providing a replacement card or key. If you fail to do this, we may
charge you any costs we may reasonably have to pay (either directly or indirectly)
as a result. You must only use the most recent key or card (unless otherwise
instructed by us) to charge your prepayment meter, otherwise your meter may not
be updated with the correct pricing information which may result in you paying a
higher price for your energy supply, or for your energy supply prices changing.
2h If this contract (in relation to any service) ends, we can:
2h1 recover any energy meter we own or have leased; and
2h2 authorise any of our officers, employees, agents, contractors (or any other person
we authorise) to enter your premises to remove all relevant meters.
We will not use this right if another supplier agrees, before the date this contract ends,
to buy or otherwise take possession of that meter on Terms that make sure we receive
appropriate compensation for the meter’s value.
2i There may be times when we want to install, or appoint another person to install,
any energy meter and any associated metering equipment at your premises so
that we can improve the service we provide to you. If this is the case, you agree
to allow us to do this, and to let us (or anyone we appoint) into the premises to
install the meter and any associated metering equipment. We will try to give you
reasonable notice before we visit your premises.
2.j If you have a ‘smart meter’ that we can read without coming to your premises,
you agree that:
(a) it and the in-home display unit must not be removed from the premises
without our permission;
(b) we may use it to remotely monitor the energy you use;
(c) we may remotely repair and update it, switch it from credit to prepayment or
disconnect your supply (or both); and
(d) we may use information from it to work out your bill, offer you appropriate
tariffs and other products (including via any associated in-home display device)
and for any other purposes in line with the information policy.
3 Prices and changes to Terms
3a The prices we charge you, and the ways you can make your payment, are set out
in the Deemed Contract Schedule of Charges (see appendix 1 to this contract). The
Deemed Contract Schedule of Charges forms a part of these Terms and Conditions.
3b To work out the charges for energy we supply to you, we will apply the tariff we
consider most appropriate to your type of meter.
3c We may change any of these Terms at any time. If we make a change to the
Terms of this contract, we will do so by making a revision. We will continue to
supply you after we have made this revision, in line with the revised Terms.
3d We may also make changes to the information shown in the Deemed Contract
Schedule of Charges (including the prices we charge you) at any time. Unless
you have a prepayment meter, any change will apply to energy we supply to you
from the date we make that change. If you have a prepayment meter, your new
charges may not apply until the next time you charge credit onto your meter or, if
you have a token prepayment meter, until your meter has been reconfigured with
the new prices. It is your responsibility to arrange an appointment to make sure
your prepayment meter is correctly configured. Changes we make to the Deemed
Contract Schedule of Charges are not classed as revisions, but any changes to the
prices we charge you will be shown in the next bill we send to you after making
the changes.
3e There may be times when we need to change these Terms other than in the
circumstances described in clause 3c above. We would need to do so if we have
to act in line with any relevant matter that changes our business costs in a way
that is beyond our reasonable control. For example, this could be a relevant
change in the law, government instruction or regulation, or to any tax or duty that
affects our businesses.
3f We will publish any change we make to our prices for any of the reasons given in
clause 3d above in the Deemed Contract Schedule of Charges.
3g If you take any service other than the service we or your gas transporter or local
electricity distributor provides as standard, or if you cause us or them to have
to pay costs beyond those they would normally be charged to carry out our
responsibilities to you, we have the right to charge you any reasonable costs we
have to pay as a result.
3h If the method of payment you use changes (for any reason), the price we charge
you may change to reflect this. Also, if we need to change any energy meter or
associated equipment because the method of payment you use has changed, we
may make a charge to you to cover these costs.
3i Any taxes, duty or levies on energy (including VAT) will apply to all our charges
to the extent that they are applicable, or be charged on the work done to
process, distribute, transport, sell or supply energy, whether we pay these taxes
and other charges direct or refund someone else who is responsible for making
the payments.
3j You agree to pay for other charges which apply under this contract and under
any extra Conditions we have agreed with you from time to time which we
include on your energy bill. You also agree to pay for other charges which arise in
connection with Green Deal premises (such as Green Deal charges) and which we
are obliged to collect from you.
4 When this contract starts, your rights to end this contract and our rights to
stop your supply
4a This contract comes into force either:
4a1 on the date we began to supply you (for any reason); or
4a2 on the date you began to take a supply from us.
4b This contract will end in the following circumstances:
4b1 if you enter into a formal energy-supply agreement with us or with another
energy supplier (a ‘new supplier’), the contract will end:
a) on the date the new supplier starts to supply that energy to you, as long as they
are registered with the local metering point administration service as the supplier
responsible for supplying energy to your premises; or
b) on the date you and we agree that your formal supply agreement is
considered to have started, as long as you enter into a formal energy-supply
agreement with us.
4b2 if you no longer own, rent or use the premises, the contract will end:
a) on the date you stop owning, renting or using the premises, as long as you
have given us at least two working days’ notice of this, in writing (in your notice,
you should specify the date you will no longer own, rent or use the premises); or
b) two working days after we receive your notice, in writing, that you have
stopped owning, renting or using the premises; or
c) on the date we next read the meter at the premises or on the date a new
supplier begins to supply the premises, if you do not give us notice that you have
stopped, or will soon stop, owning, renting or using the premises.
4b3 if this contract ends validly under any other term of this contract, or if you break
a term of this contract and we disconnect the supply to your premises or end this
4b4 if Ofgem makes a ‘Supplier of Last Resort’ direction (when the regulator appoints
another supplier to take over responsibility for our customers) or any other valid
direction for your premises, and this direction appoints a supplier other than us to
provide the services.
You will still be legally responsible for paying our charges for providing the services –
even if you no longer own, rent or use the premises – until this contract ends under
this clause (4b). If we are providing you with more than one service, ending one service
will not automatically end the contract for the other service (or services).
4c When this contract ends under clause 4b above, we will prepare a final bill or
statement for you. We may need to get a final energy meter reading before we
can do this otherwise we may need to bill you based on an estimated reading.
4d Unless this contract ends under clause 4b, this contract will continue to apply and
you will still be legally responsible for paying all charges made under it until the
contract ends.
4e By taking a supply of energy under this contract, you are authorising us
to suspend or stop the supply of energy to your premises in the following
4e1 you do not pay any security deposit when we ask you to, or all or any part of our
charges (that are not part of a genuine dispute) when they become due whether
under these Terms or otherwise;
4e2 you do not carry out any of your other responsibilities under this contract;
4e3 you break any of the Terms of this contract in a serious way or more than once
(for example, if we reasonably believe that you have stolen energy or deliberately
interfered with an energy meter or with any part of the energy metering
4e4 we need to cut off your supply of energy in line with any of the energy industry
arrangements we work to;
4e5 there is a risk of danger to you or other members of the public if we continue the
4e6 you are declared bankrupt, an organisation or individual takes formal steps to
have you declared bankrupt, or an organisation or individual begins or threatens
any other form of insolvency proceedings against you. If, for any reason, we
continue to supply you in these circumstances, we may need to fit a prepayment
meter at your premises. You will pay the costs of this, which we may collect
through the prepayment meter. This action will not affect any other rights we may
4e7 you have an administration order made against you or enter into a voluntary
(or other similar) arrangement with your creditors and any one of the following
conditions are met:
i) the insolvency office-holder consents to the termination of supply; or
ii) a Court grants permission to terminate supply if it would place us in hardship
not to; or
iii) charges for your supply that are incurred after entering into administration or
voluntary arrangement are not paid within a period of twenty eight (28) days
from the date such charges are due; or
iv) We give written notice to the insolvency office-holder that your supply will
be terminated unless the payment of charges in respect of the continuation of
supply after entering into administration or voluntary arrangement is personally
guaranteed and the insolvency office-holder doesn’t give that guarantee within
14 days of receiving our written notice;
4e8 there are circumstances beyond our reasonable control which mean we are
not able to perform our duties under this contract. These circumstances include
anything any other energy supplier, distributor, shipper, or transporter has done or
failed to do; and
4e9 we are no longer involved in any of the industry agreements we work to, or
the relevant industry agents used to collect and process meter information or to
provide and maintain your meter are no longer appointed for each supply point at
your premises.
4f Both you and we can end this contract immediately if we are no longer licensed
to supply energy at your premises.
4g If this contract ends, or if we become entitled to suspend or stop the supply of
energy to your premises under this clause 4, we will be entitled to take action (or
appoint someone else to take action on our behalf) to prevent energy from being
supplied to your premises under the contract or to disconnect your premises (or
both). You agree to let us into your premises at all reasonable times to do this.
4h Ending your contract will not affect any rights and responsibilities you had before
the contract ended, or any rights and responsibilities due to come into force under
that contract or to continue after the date it ended.
4i You will be liable for all outstanding Green Deal charges that accrued from the
date on which this contract commences until the date on which it ends. If you
remain responsible for paying Green Deal charges, your responsibility will continue
after this contract has ended and your new supplier will collect your Green Deal
charges when they take over the supply to your premises.
5 Billing and payment
5a We will provide you with a bill or statement (which will show you a breakdown of
our charges) at least once a year, but we can send a bill or statement at any time,
or in accordance with your agreed Payment Scheme.
5b We have the right to estimate consumption if we have not been able to collect all
of the information we need to work out the charges you owe us. For example,
we may need to rely on estimated data if your energy meter has failed to
accurately record the amount of energy we supplied during any particular period,
or if your prices have changed during a billing period, for whatever reason, and
we do not have details of consumption on the date of the change. We will
work out this estimate from information we have about the energy used at the
premises, which take into account adjustments to reflect typical seasonal changes
in consumption and may include any meter readings you’ve sent us or we’ve
taken for you, or the size of your premises and how you use your energy.
5c If your energy meter is not read immediately before we start to supply services
under this contract, or we reasonably believe that the meter reading we have is
inaccurate, we may estimate the amount of energy supplied during the period
beginning with the date we start to supply the services under this contract and
ending with the earlier of the following dates:
5c1 the date the meter is first read after the date we start supplying you; and
5c2 the date this contract ends.
We may use that estimate to work out your charges for energy we supplied during
that period.
5d You agree to pay all of our charges, or any part of our charges that are not part
of a genuine dispute, under each bill or statement (even if the amount is only
an estimate of your consumption) when they become due. You must pay using
the method you have agreed with us. You should pay your bill by its due date,
as shown on the bill, or within 14 calendar days of the issue date of the bill if no
due date is shown. We have the right to offset any credits or debts you may have
in connection with any goods or services we supply against any other credits or
debts you have in connection with any other goods or services we may supply to
you. For example, if your gas account is in credit, we can use that credit to pay off
a debt on your electricity account.
5e If at any time any outstanding charges are owed by you to us, and you issue us
with a payment that does not cover these charges in full, then you should advise
us in writing at the time of making such payment which debt you require the
payment to be made in respect of. Where you do not specify which debt you
would like your payment to be credited against, we have the right to apply that
payment to whichever debt we consider to be most appropriate. For example
we may decide to apply the payment against those charges which have been
outstanding for the longest period. In accordance with our obligations under
Standard Licence Condition 38 and the Green Deal Arrangements Agreement,
if such outstanding charges include Green Deal charges then we will apply
your payment in the relevant proportions due for the amount of Green Deal
charges and charges for the supply of energy in each case in accordance with the
requirements of the Green Deal Arrangements Agreement.
5f We will advise you of the payment scheme, plan or other payment arrangements
(‘Payment Schemes’) that has been applied to your energy account in relation to
your chosen energy products. You agree to pay for the energy that you use in
line with such Payment Scheme. If you do not pay for your energy consumption
in line with the requirements of your Payment Scheme then we have the right to
withdraw you from such Payment Scheme, and may place you on an alternative
Payment Scheme. This may result in any benefits or discounts that applied to your
original Payment Scheme being withdrawn from you.
5g If you are having problems paying, we will try to help you, in line with our codes
of practice. However, we can only do this if you contact us to let us know that
you are having problems.
5h If you do not pay our bills in the way we have agreed with you, we can ask you
to pay by some other method, in which case there may be a price increase (see
clause 3h). If this means we have to fit a prepayment meter, clause 2 will apply,
and you may be charged for the costs of installing the prepayment meter. We will
advise you of these costs at the relevant time.
5i We have the right to charge you interest if you are late paying certain debts you
owe us (which include unpaid charges for your supply of gas and/or electricity).
If this becomes necessary, this will be at a yearly rate of 8% above the Bank of
England’s base lending rate at the relevant time. We will apply this interest rate to
the amount you owe us from the due date to the date we receive your payment
in full as well as an administration fee of up to £30.
5j We have the right to recover any expenses we have reasonably been charged
or any other reasonable costs connected with recovering money you owe and
have not paid for goods or services we have provided to you. This includes costs
associated with disconnecting or replacing an energy meter (or both) in these
5k If your contract ends and within 28 days or more from this end date you do not
pay the charges due under the contract, we may transfer to your new supplier
the right to recover those unpaid charges from you (within certain limits set out
in our licence).
5l If you choose to pay for your electricity/gas by making a fixed periodic Direct Debit
payment then your payment amount will be reviewed from time to time to help
ensure it is appropriate to your energy use. While we may review your payment
more frequently in some circumstances, we will only usually review it once a year.
This will be the case even where we receive meter readings or other relevant
information more frequently. By choosing to pay in this way you agree to this.
5m If you are being supplied at Green Deal premises with effect from 1 March 2013
or, if later, once we start supplying your Green Deal premises, we will collect
Green Deal charges from you through your bill or statement.
5n It is a requirement that you must pay for Green Deal charges by the same
payment method as you pay us for your energy supply and you cannot choose to
pay for your Green Deal charges by a different method.
6 Security
6a We may, at any time (except in certain circumstances if you are supplied through
a prepayment meter or if it is otherwise not reasonable), ask you for a reasonable
deposit (or other form of security) towards the charges in connection with any
services we provide to you. If we do this, we will agree with you any special Terms
we need to enforce relating to the deposit. If we cannot agree these special Terms
with you, or if you do not provide the security deposit, we may stop supplying the
services after giving you reasonable notice. If we do this, clause 4g will apply.
6b The deposit we ask for will not be more than the amounts the Conditions of our
energy licences allow. Unless it is reasonable for us to keep a deposit for a longer
period, we will repay it to you after a year, with interest at a rate set by the energy
regulator. We will make this repayment:
6b1 within 14 days if, during the previous full year, you have paid all our bills or
statements within 28 days of the date of each bill or statement; or
6b2 within a month if the arrangements to supply you with energy under this contract
have ended and you have paid all our charges.
6c When we repay a deposit, we may take from it any money you owe us.
6d If we ask you to pay a deposit and you do not agree to this, or you do not agree
with the amount we have asked for, or if you have a complaint about any of our
services, you may contact our customer service centre. You may also refer your
complaint to the Ombudsman Services: Energy which is an independent body
approved by Ofgem to investigate complaints. Details of our complaint handling
procedure can be found at www.edfenergy.com/sme-complaints.
If you are a Micro Business you can also contact Citizens Advice consumer service (a
free, confidential and impartial advice service for consumers) for clear, practical and
unbiased advice on all kinds of questions relating to Micro Businesses. You can visit
their website www.adviceguide.org.uk or call them on 03454 04 05 06.
7 Limits of our liability
7a We are only liable (legally responsible) to you as set out in these Terms and
Conditions. We have no other duty or liability to you, and all responsibilities,
guarantees and any other Conditions implied by
law or otherwise will not apply, as far as this is allowed by law.
7b We will not be liable to you for any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable
control, including anything any other energy supplier, distributor, transporter or
shipper does or fails to do.
7c We are not liable to you in any way for any indirect or direct loss of income,
business or profits, or for any other loss or damage that could not reasonably
have been expected at the time we entered into this contract, other than that
caused by us acting fraudulently. Also, we will not be liable to you for any loss you
suffer as a result of your liability to any other person (however this is caused). As a
result, we recommend that you consider insuring yourself against all these types
of losses.
7d As far as our liability to you is not otherwise excluded by this clause 7, and except
as set out in 7e below, we will only be liable to you for up to a maximum of
£10,000 for all incidents that lead to damage we are liable for or which involves
us breaking a term of your contract (or both).
7e Nothing in these Terms excludes liability for death or personal injury caused by our
negligence or any other liability that cannot be excluded by law.
7f This clause 7 will apply even after this contract has ended. As far as this clause 7 it
excludes or limits liability, it will take priority over any other term of your contract
(or contracts) for any services.
7g Each of the subclauses 7a to 7g of this clause is a separate limit to our liability and
will apply if, for any reason, one or more of these Terms is found not to be valid or
to be unreasonable. Also, each subclause will continue to apply after the contract
has ended.
8 National Terms of Connection – electricity
Your supplier is acting on behalf of your electricity network operator to make an
agreement with you. The agreement is that you and your network operator both accept
the National Terms of Connection (NTC) and agree to keep to its Conditions. This will
happen from the time that you enter into this contract and it affects your legal rights.
The NTC is a legal agreement. It sets out rights and duties in relation to the connection
your network operator uses to deliver electricity to, or accept electricity from, your
home or business. If you want a copy of the NTC or have any questions about it,
please write to Energy Networks Association, 18 Stanhope Place, London, W2 2HH.
Or, you can phone 0207 706 5137 or see the website at
9 Information policy
You agree that you have read and understood our information policy (set out in
appendix 2 to this contract), and that you fully agree to its Terms (in particular, that
you agree to your personal information being used in the way described in the
information policy).
10 Other Conditions that apply
10a We can transfer all or any of our rights (including the right to recover unpaid
charges) and liabilities under your contract, or appoint a subcontractor to carry out
any of our responsibilities under the contract (or both), without your permission.
10b Your rights and duties under this contract are personal to you. You cannot transfer
them to another person without our written permission.
10c We may have to stop, suspend or limit the supply of services to your premises as a
result of an Act of Parliament or any regulation or direction made under it. While
that law, regulation or direction is in force, you must not use these services, or you
must keep to the limits set on these services, in line with our instructions.
10d You agree to any change we need to make to the Terms of your contract as
a result of a change in a licence or an order or decision made by the relevant
10e If we do not enforce any part of this contract at any time, this will not stop us
from doing so in the future.
10f We may sometimes monitor and record calls that you or we make in relation to
our customer services and telemarketing. This is to improve the quality of our
customer services and for training purposes.
10g If you need to give us notice under this contract, you must deliver it by hand or
post it or fax it to the address shown on this contract or on your last bill.
10h If we need to give you notice under this contract, we will send it to the address you
have given us or the address of the premises we are supplying with energy under
this contract (or both).
10i You and we should treat any notice sent by post to have been received two
working days after it was sent, and any notice delivered by hand to have been
given immediately when it was delivered.
10j These Terms and Conditions, the Deemed Contract Schedule of Charges, the
information policy and any other documents we refer to make up the whole
contract for the service between you and us.
10k We will not be breaking any term of this contract when we act in line with
any rights or perform the duties under our energy-supply licences or any other
relevant industry arrangement or laws.
10l Nothing in this contract will affect our rights or powers under our energy-supply
licences or other relevant laws.
10m If any term of this contract is found not to be valid or cannot be enforced in full or
in part, the rest of the contract will continue to apply as normal.
10n The laws of England will apply to each contract you have with us and the English
courts will have full jurisdiction (legal authority) over any disputes relating to your
contract and all non-contractual disputes which relate to the services.
11 Summary of Key Terms
11a Our full name is EDF Energy Customers plc and our registered office is at 40
Grosvenor Place, London, SW1X 7EN (company number 02228297), we operate
under the trading name of EDF Energy.
11b The services to be provided under this contract are the provision of gas and
electricity supply, and all associated services required in the course of providing
such supply (e.g. metering, customer services, billing etc). Other services are
available from EDF Energy (e.g. a range of Energy Services including the supply
and installation of energy efficiency measures) and, unless otherwise agreed with
us, these will be provided under the Terms of a separate contract.
11c In order for us to be able to supply you your premises need to be connected
to relevant local electricity distributor’s and/or gas transporter’s network. If your
premises are not currently connected to the relevant local electricity distributor’s
and/or gas transporter’s network please contact us on 0800 068 8257
and we
will explain the process for connection and when that connection will take place.
11d Up to date information on all our applicable tariffs, and any other charge we
might apply in relation to ancillary services, are available on request if you contact
us on 0800 096 2255
. You can see a copy of other charges we might apply in
relation to ancillary services by visiting a page on our website at www.edfenergy.
11e This supply contract is evergreen, which means it will continue until such time as
it is terminated in accordance with its Terms, following which to receive a further
supply a new supply contract will need to be entered into with us. Any supplies
that take place during any period where there is no contract in place between us
will be subject to our deemed Terms of supply published in accordance with the
provisions of the Gas Act 1986 and Electricity Act 1989, each as amended from
time to time.
11f If at any time you would like to make a complaint about the service you have
received from EDF Energy or have any dispute with us that you wish to discuss
in more detail, please speak to one of our customer services advisers on 0800
096 2255
. Details of all the relevant contacts and our complaints procedure are
available in our ‘Complaints handling procedure’, which you can download from
www.edfenergy.com/sme-complaints. Alternatively, call the number above and
our advisers will send you a free copy.
12 Extra Conditions if you have an EDF Energy supplied smart meter
Your new smart meter and the display unit are an upgrade to your existing meter.
By accepting this display unit and new smart meter, you agree to the following extra
Terms and Conditions.
12a Unless otherwise agreed by us, we or our agents will own the smart meter and
display unit provided by us or on our behalf at all times. If you move house, you
must leave the meter and display unit in the premises.
12b You agree that we may use the smart meter to manage your gas and electricity
supply without needing to visit your home. This includes reading the meter,
monitoring the energy you use, repairing and updating the smart meter,
switching the smart meter from credit to prepayment and disconnecting your
supply (in the circumstances set out in this contract).
12c Given that your energy charges will vary depending on your chosen product
from time to time, and changes in energy charges over time, the information
displayed on any display unit linked to your meter may not always be fully up
to date and therefore is for guidance only and should not be relied upon as the
definitive position.
12d We can use the information from the smart meter so that we can send you a bill,
offer you the most appropriate tariffs and energy-saving products and for the
other purposes set out in the Information policy below. You will let us collect this
information while we supply your electricity or gas (or both).
12e You must take reasonable care to make sure you do not damage or interfere with
the display unit. If you do not, you will have to pay our agents’ reasonable costs
for visiting your premises and any work that we or they carry out to the display
unit or other equipment.
12f You must tell us straight away if there is any damage, a fault or other problem with
your display unit, or if you think it has been tampered with or if there are any changes
to the display unit which may stop it from getting information from the smart meter
(for example, if you carry out building work that may impact on communication
between the two devices and/or us).
Appendix 1 – Deemed Contract Schedule of Charges
To see our Deemed Contract Schedule of Charges (as amended from time to time) visit
Appendix 2 – Information policy
We are committed to respecting your rights to privacy and this information policy
explains how we will use your data in order to process your personal data in
connection with the supply of energy and in connection with Green Deal if you are
supplied at Green Deal premises:
1 You agree to promptly give us, free of charge, any information we reasonably
need to:
a) set up, monitor and manage your energy account;
b) set and manage any security deposit we need;
c) enter into all agreements and get the registration we need to supply you;
d) supply you in line with your contract and the industry arrangements we work
e) act in line with our rights and responsibilities under your contract;
f) keep to all relevant laws; and
g) transfer your account to another supplier, when your energy account with us
h) help run, and contact you about improving the way we run any accounts,
services and products we have provided before, now or in the future;
i) create statistics, test computer systems, analyse customer information and use
it to tailor offers to you which we believe will be of particular interest to you
(including using information about what you buy from us and how you pay for
j) take part in a government or an industry group project or data-sharing
initiatives, for example, those designed to tackle fuel poverty, improve energy
efficiency or otherwise promote recognised social and/or consumer interests;
k) help prevent and detect debt, fraud and loss;
l) help train our staff;
m) as part of the process of selling one or more of our businesses; and
n) collect Green Deal charges from your bills if you are supplied at Green Deal
You agree to us sharing this information with other people or organisations if
we need to do this for the purposes set out above. This may include sharing this
information with anyone who jointly holds an energy account with you, or with the
person who holds the bank account for any Direct Debit you have set up to make
payments on your energy account. We may also exchange information between any of
your energy accounts that are with us or any of the companies in our group.
2 If we need to change agents (for example, meter readers), they may need to share
your details with the agent replacing them.
3 If you give us information to carry out a credit check, we will use your information to:
a) check your details with a fraud protection agency, or a number of agencies (if
you give us false or inaccurate information and we suspect fraud, we will make a
record of this);
b) help make decisions about credit and credit-related services for you (other
organisations may use these records for the same purposes);
c) trace and recover debt from you (if you owe us money), prevent fraud, and
manage your accounts or insurance policies; and
d) check your identity to prevent money laundering, unless you give us other
satisfactory proof of your identity.
4 By taking services under this contract, you agree to us using and sharing your
information in line with this policy.
5 If your premises are Green Deal premises and you are a Data Subject (as defined
in the Data Protection Act 1998), we will process your personal data in connection
with Green Deal. This may include collecting details of your Green Deal charges
and payments collected from your bills, using your personal data for the purpose
of collecting your Green Deal charges and sharing your data with third parties in
order to meet the requirements under your Green Deal plan. We may be required
to disclose your personal data to the participants in the Green Deal plan and other
third parties including the Secretary of State, regulators and other law enforcement
Where data transfers take place we will ensure that all third party processors apply
adequate safeguards. A full list of the parties who will process personal data in relation
to Green Deal is available from the Panel Secretary appointed by the Secretary of State.
6 If you have any questions about the information we are holding about you and
how we use it, or if you believe that the information we have about you is wrong
or needs to be updated, please call 0800 096 2255 from 8am to 6pm Monday
to Friday. (We may monitor and record calls to improve our service. Calls to
0800 numbers are free from BT landlines and UK mobile networks but other
phone companies may charge for these calls.)
Making a complaint
If you are not satisfied with the service you have received from us, please contact us in
one of the following ways:
call us free on 0800 096 2255 (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday)
write to us at EDF Energy, FREEPOST: EDF ENERGY – PLYMOUTH
or send an email to customer_correspondence@edfenergy.com.
We will try to solve the problem as quickly as possible.
Details of all the relevant contacts and our complaints procedure are available
in our ‘Complaints handling procedure’, which you can download from
www.edfenergy.com/sme-complaints. Or you can ask one of our advisers for
a free copy.
If, after going through our complaints procedure, you are still not happy, you can contact
the Ombudsman Services: Energy, a free independent service with the power to settle
customer disputes. To see if your business qualifies for this service, visit
www.ombudsman-services.org or phone 0330 440 1624.
If you are a Micro Business, you can also contact Citizens Advice consumer service
for free, confidential and impartial advice on consumer issues. You can visit their
website at www.adviceguide.org.uk or call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on
03454 04 05 06.
A Micro Business is any customer that has:
An annual consumption of electricity of less than 100,000 kWh; or
An annual consumption of gas of less than 293,000 kWh; or
Fewer than the equivalent of ten full time employees; and
An annual turnover or annual balance sheet total not exceeding 2 million Euros.
Calls may be monitored and recorded as part of our Customer Care programme.
0800 numbers are free from BT landlines and UK mobile networks but other phone
companies may charge for these calls.
‘0845’ numbers are charged at local rate from BT landlines, other network operators’
charges may vary. Calls may be monitored and recorded as part of Customer
Care programmes.
Feed In Tariffs
EDF Energy is a Mandatory Licensed Supplier of the Government’s Feed-In-
Tariffs scheme (FITs). This means we must register and make FITS payments to:
Our own electricity customers
An electricity supply customer of a Licensed Electricity supplier who is
not a mandatory FIT licensee
A generator with an eligible installation on a site not connected to the
grid for import.
For more information, or if you think you might qualify for FITs payments
because your business has renewable generation technology, please call our
FITs team on 0800 404 9087.