Gupta Wessler PLLC
2001 K Street, NW, Suite 850,
Washington, DC 20006
P 202 888 1741
April 12, 2022
Judy Keenan
New York District
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
33 Whitehall Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004
United States
Re: Corey Briskin and Nicholas Maggipinto v. City of New York
Dear Director Keenan,
I represent Corey Briskin, a former employee of the City of New York, and his husband
Nicholas Maggipinto, who were denied equal treatment by the City of New York, which categorically
excludes gay male employees from receiving in vitro fertilization (IVF) benefits under the City’s health
On behalf of Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto, I am filing the attached charge of
discrimination with the Commission. My clients assert class-based discrimination charges under Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human
Rights Law. They allege that the City of New York’s denial of IVF benefits to gay male employees
constitutes unlawful sex and sexual orientation discrimination. We request that the Commission
thoroughly investigate this charge on a systemic basis and find that the City’s policy is unlawful.
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.
/ s / Peter Romer-Friedman
Peter Romer-Friedman
CP Enclosure with EEOC Form 5 (5/01)
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: Under the Privacy Act of 1974, Pub. Law 93-579, authority to request
personal data and its uses are:
1. F
ORM NUMBER/TITLE/DATE. EEOC Form 5, Charge of Discrimination (5/01).
2. A
UTHORITY. 42 U.S.C. 2000e-5(b), 29 U.S.C. 211, 29 U.S.C. 626, 42 U.S.C. 12117.
3. P
RINCIPAL PURPOSES. The purposes of a charge, taken on this form or otherwise reduced to
writing (whether later recorded on this form or not) are, as applicable under the EEOC anti-
discrimination statutes (EEOC statutes), to preserve private suit rights under the EEOC statutes, to
invoke the EEOC's jurisdiction and, where dual-filing or referral arrangements exist, to begin state or
local proceedings.
4. R
OUTINE USES. This form is used to provide facts that may establish the existence of matters
covered by the EEOC statutes (and as applicable, other federal, state or local laws). Information
given will be used by staff to guide its mediation and investigation efforts and, as applicable, to
determine, conciliate and litigate claims of unlawful discrimination. This form may be presented to or
disclosed to other federal, state or local agencies as appropriate or necessary in carrying out
EEOC's functions. A copy of this charge will ordinarily be sent to the respondent organization
against which the charge is made.
5. W
reduced to writing and should identify the charging and responding parties and the actions or policies
complained of. Without a written charge, EEOC will ordinarily not act on the complaint. Charges
under Title VII or the ADA must be sworn to or affirmed (either by using this form or by presenting a
notarized statement or unsworn declaration under penalty of perjury); charges under the ADEA
should ordinarily be signed. Charges may be clarified or amplified later by amendment. It is not
mandatory that this form be used to make a charge.
Charges filed at a state or local Fair Employment Practices Agency (FEPA) that dual-files charges
with EEOC will ordinarily be handled first by the FEPA. Some charges filed at EEOC may also be
first handled by a FEPA under worksharing agreements. You will be told which agency will handle
your charge. When the FEPA is the first to handle the charge, it will notify you of its final resolution
of the matter. Then, if you wish EEOC to give Substantial Weight Review to the FEPA's final
findings, you must ask us in writing to do so within 15 days of your receipt of its findings. Otherwise,
we will ordinarily adopt the FEPA's finding and close our file on the charge.
Please notify EEOC or the state or local agency where you filed your charge if retaliation is taken
against you or others who oppose discrimination or cooperate in any investigation or lawsuit
concerning this charge. Under Section 704(a) of Title VII, Section 4(d) of the ADEA, and Section
503(a) of the ADA, it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against present or former employees
or job applicants, for an employment agency to discriminate against anyone, or for a union to
discriminate against its members or membership applicants, because they have opposed any
practice made unlawful by the statutes, or because they have made a charge, testified, assisted, or
participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under the laws. The Equal Pay
Act has similar provisions and Section 503(b) of the ADA prohibits coercion, intimidation, threats or
interference with anyone for exercising or enjoying, or aiding or encouraging others in their exercise
or enjoyment of, rights under the Act.
MAGGIPINTO, on behalf of
themselves and similarly situated
The City of New York offers insurance coverage for in vitro fertilization (IVF) for eligible
employees and their partners, enabling those who cannot conceive a child through traditional
means to build a family. But the City and its insurance company categorically exclude gay men
and same-sex male couples from receiving those benefits.
The City does this by limiting IVF coverage to employees or spouses who are “infertile”
and then defining infertility as an inability to have a child through male-female sexual intercourse
or intrauterine insemination. That means that a straight employee who is unable to conceive with
their partner can qualify as “infertile” and receive IVF coverage. So can a lesbian employee unable
to conceive with her partner (using a sperm donor). But gay men, although equally incapable of
conceiving a child without IVF, are denied coverage entirely. In this way, the City’s policy breathes
life into the outdated stereotype that gay men are not fit to be parents.
Corey Briskin and Nicholas Maggipinto are among the many gay men who have been
denied IVF coverage under the City’s policy. A married couple, Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto
are eager to start a family. But IVF is very expensive—and for Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto,
like many others, prohibitively so. The insurance coverage that the City denies them, in other
words, would bridge the gap that has prevented them from expanding their family. And if they
were a different sex or sexual orientation, the City’s policy would enable them to start their family.
For that reason, the City’s policy is unlawful. The Supreme Court has made clear that
discriminating in the terms and conditions of employment on the basis of sex and sexual
orientation, as the City’s policy does, violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Bostock v. Clayton
Cnty, 140 S. Ct. 1731, 1737 (2020); City of L.A. Dep’t of Water & Power v. Manhart, 435 U.S. 702, 711
(1978). New York State and City law do the same.
Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto have repeatedly asked the City of New York to treat them
equally and to modify its policy to make it inclusive for all City employees. Because the City has
repeatedly refused to guarantee them equality, Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto are bringing this
class action charge to realize their aspiration of building a family and demand equal rights for
themselves and all other workers or partners of workers subject to the City’s discriminatory policy.
The use of the terms “gay men” and “lesbians” in this charge refers to cisgender gay men and
cisgender lesbians, respectively.
Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto are represented by Peter Romer-Friedman and Robert
D. Friedman of Gupta Wessler PLLC and Joseph Wardenski of Wardenski P.C. Their contact
information is provided below.
I. IVF is indispensable for same-sex couples seeking to build their families.
Same-sex couples face unique challenges in building their families because they cannot
conceive through sexual intercourse. Thankfully, the modern marvel of assisted reproductive
technologies has made the dream of building a family one step closer to reality for many LGBTQ+
IVF is the most common form of assisted reproductive technology. The IVF process begins
with medication intended to stimulate the production of ova in a female. Those ova, which may
be supplied by an “egg donor” or by the female seeking to build her family, are then removed and
exposed to or injected with sperm. If this fertilization process is successful, the resulting embryo is
implanted into the uterus of the female who will carry the pregnancy. That female may be the
female seeking to build her family, a surrogate, or less commonly, an egg donor who also serves as
a surrogate. IVF is a notably effective medical treatment for individuals and couples—whether gay
or otherwise—who cannot achieve pregnancy through intercourse. IVF results in a live birth in
54.5% of cases in which intended parents are afforded up to three IVF cycles.
But IVF is notoriously expensive and creates a substantial financial burden that stands in
the way of people who are unable to conceive through male-female sexual intercourse from ever
having a child of their own. A single IVF cycle can cost tens of thousands of dollars. See Ex. 1
(providing examples of different pricing plans). And because success is not guaranteed, conceiving
a child through IVF can require multiple cycles and, it follows, multiple times the cost.
Same-sex male couples are particularly reliant on IVF to conceive children because neither
partner can produce ova. Unlike different-sex couples, same-sex female couples, and single females,
there is no less burdensome option available to gay men and same-sex male couples seeking to
conceive than IVF.
The indispensable role that fertility benefits, including coverage for IVF, play in the family-
planning processes of same-sex couples is reflected in the recent actions of New York State’s
Department of Financial Services (DFS) and the New York State legislature. DFS conducted a
study to determine whether to mandate that insurers cover IVF, and it concluded that there would
be substantial benefits for same-sex couples.
The state legislature subsequently amended the law
to mandate fertility coverage for New York insureds—regardless of sexual orientation—who are
covered by most healthcare plans.
Additionally, New York recently amended its laws to legalize
paid surrogacy with the specific intent of expanding opportunities for same-sex couples to avail
themselves of IVF benefits for their family-building goals.
And addressing discrimination in this
Department of Financial Services, Report on In-Vitro Fertilization and Fertilization Preservation
Coverage at 1 (Feb. 27, 2019),
Department of Financial Services, IVF and Fertility Preservation Law
Q&A Guidance,
New York State Governor, Governor Cuomo Announces Gestational Surrogacy Now Legal in New
York State (Feb. 16, 2021), (“‘For far too long, LGBTQ+ New
Yorkers and New Yorkers struggling with fertility were denied the opportunity to start a family because
very context, DFS expressly directed insurance providers “to provide immediate coverage of
diagnostic and treatment services, including prescription drugs, for the diagnosis and treatment of
infertility for individuals who are unable to conceive due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and
are covered under . . . group health insurance policies and contracts.”
In doing so, DFS followed
the lead of the legislature, which had already enacted a non-discrimination provision prohibiting
health insurers from “discriminat[ing] [in providing coverage for infertility services] based on an
insured’s . . . personal characteristics, including age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or gender
II. The City applied its unlawful policy to deny Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto
access to IVF.
Mr. Briskin began working as an Assistant District Attorney at the New York County
District Attorney’s Office in 2017. He resigned his appointment in February 2022 to pursue a new
career opportunity. He and Mr. Maggipinto were married in 2016. Mr. Briskin, as a covered
employee, and Mr. Maggipinto, as a covered spouse of an employee, have had healthcare coverage
through the City’s Comprehensive Benefits Plan underwritten by EmblemHealth/GHI.
In 2017, Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto decided to expand their family. To do so, they
needed to use IVF. Because of the substantial expense of IVF—too much for Mr. Briskin and Mr.
Maggipinto to afford on their own—they turned to their insurance coverage.
But they quickly learned that the insurance coverage they obtained through Mr. Briskin’s
employment with the City does not provide IVF benefits for gay men. Under the CBP/GHI policy,
a covered person is only eligible for IVF services until they are deemed to have “infertility.”
Ex. 3
at 95. “Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after twelve (12) months of unprotected
intercourse.” Id. Although “intercourse” is undefined, the City and its insurers have interpreted it
to mean intercourse between a man and a female, thereby making it impossible for Mr. Briskin
and Mr. Maggipinto to satisfy the definition. The City and its insurer also deem a female without
a male partner to be “infertileif she unsuccessfully attempts 12 cycles of intrauterine insemination
over a period of 12 months. But under the City’s health plan there is no equivalent method for
allowing gay men to prove the obvious: that they cannot conceive through intercourse with their
male partner or through intrauterine insemination.
Rather, gay men like Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto can never obtain IVF benefits that
are made available to different-sex couples, lesbian couples, and single females covered under their
same health plan. In this way, gay men are not merely the only type of plan participants
categorically excluded from IVF benefits; they are also, in effect, the only plan participants
excluded from any fertility benefits at all, as IVF is the only ART method realistically available to
of arbitrary and archaic laws . . . ,’ Governor Cuomo said.”).
Health Insurance Coverage of Infertility Treatments Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity at 1 (Feb.
23, 2021),; Ex. 3, Department of Financial Services, Insurance Circular
Letter No. 3 (2021);
N.Y. Ins. Law §§ 3221(k)(6)(C)(viii), 4303(s)(3)(H).
Notwithstanding Mr. Briskin’s resignation from employment, he remains insured under the City’s
GHI/CBP health insurance plan through April 2022 and presently intends to remain covered under
such plan beyond April 2022 in accordance with his right to do so under COBRA (29 U.S.C. § 1161(a)).
They must also go through four months of fertility services less invasive than IVF, but for gay men,
no such services exist.
gay men.
On June 8, 2021, approximately three months after DFS directed health insurers to provide
fertility benefits, including IVF, without regard to the sex or sexual orientation, Mr. Briskin
contacted the City’s Office of Labor Relations and a human resources representative at the New
York County District Attorney’s Office to request coverage for specific IVF services. Mr. Briskin
identified the insurance procedural codes for the services his doctor explained were necessary. But
OLR said that Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto were not eligible for those services and denied his
request for the City to cover them.
On July 12, 2021, Mr. Briskin contacted the New York City Corporation Counsel, the
agency that represents the City in legal disputes, to express his concern that the City had denied
his request for IVF services and that the City had a policy regarding IVF benefits that discriminates
against gay men based on sex and sexual orientation. He asked the Corporation Counsel to change
the City’s IVF policy to comply with anti-discrimination laws. This request was denied, too.
The City’s discriminatory policy has forced Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto to put their
lives on hold and has prevented them from building the family they desire—only because of their
sex and sexual orientation. It has caused them to be denied employee benefits that are potentially
worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The City’s discrimination has caused each of them
emotional harm. Both have sought out the help of medical professionals to attempt to manage the
impact of being denied necessary medical services because of their sex and sexual orientation and
the emotional harm they have suffered—and continue to suffer—from being unable to have
children that they are otherwise qualified and entitled to have. Meanwhile, each year that they
have delayed starting their family, the cost of IVF has risen.
The City’s policy discriminates against Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto, and all similarly
situated individuals, based on sex and sexual orientation in violation of Title VII, the New York
State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human Rights Law. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a);
N.Y. Exec. Law 296(1)(a); N.Y.C. Admin Code § 8-107(1)(a).
If Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto—and scores of other gay men covered under City-
sponsored health insurance policies—were of a different sex (female) or sexual orientation
(heterosexual), but unable to conceive a child with their partner or through an accepted alternative
like IUI, the policy would deem them “infertile” and they would be entitled to coverage for IVF.
But the interpretation and enforcement of the “infertility” barrier to exclude gay men unable to
conceive creates an insurmountable obstacle that exists only for them and not for other similarly
situated individuals. This amounts to unlawful sex- and sexual orientation-based classifications, see
City of L.A. Dep’t of Water & Power v. Manhart, 435 U.S. 702, 711 (1978); Bostock v. Clayton Cnty., 140 S.
Ct. 1731, 1737 (2020); Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644, 681 (2015), and revives the misconception,
grounded in uninformed and biased stereotypes, that same-sex male couples are not fit to build
families while different-sex and same-sex female couples are fit to do so.
The result is that gay men are treated differently than others in the same position. To take
just one example, a straight female who cannot produce ova can nonetheless receive insurance
coverage for the process of extracting ova from a donor; gay men like Mr. Briskin and Maggipinto,
though equally unable to produce ova, cannot. There is no valid justification for this
Furthermore, the City’s policy has a significant disparate impact on gay men like Mr.
Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto, and there is no legitimate non-discriminatory reason for the City’s
policy of only denying IVF benefits to gay men. Indeed, since 2017, New York State’s DFS has
recognized that there is no basis to deny IVF coverage to anyone based on sexual orientation, but
that is exactly what the City’s policy does.
And for whatever ambiguity the City might have
claimed to rely upon for its prior unlawful denials of coverage to Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto,
the New York State legislature’s recent amendments to the state’s insurance law expressly
prohibited denial of IVF coverage based on sex or sexual orientation, which is exactly what the
City did in denying Mr. Briskin’s request to OLR for assistance in obtaining coverage and in
refusing Mr. Briskin’s request to Corporation Counsel to change the City’s discriminatory policy.
It is no answer for the City to shift blame to its group health insurance administrator. To
be sure, GHI is also violating Mr. Briskin and Mr. Maggipinto’s rights as an agent of the City and,
in its own right, as a health insurer subject to federal and state nondiscrimination protections. But
the City cannot choose to make available to employees only insurance coverage that discriminates
on the basis of sex and sexual orientation, only to then claim innocence and point the finger at the
insurer, any more than it can choose to make available only insurance that provides benefits to
people of a certain race or other protected characteristic.
This charge is intended to exhaust all potential individual and class-based disparate
treatment and disparate impact claims under Title VII, the NYSHRL, and the NYCHRL
regarding the City’s practice of sex and sexual orientation discrimination related to its IVF policy
on behalf of all current and former City employees for the earliest timely period under federal,
state, and local law through the present (the Class). All of the violations alleged herein are
continuing violations, and all of the claims are brought on behalf of the Class as defined above.
These charges are intended to piggyback on any prior charges that allege discrimination related to
the City’s IVF policy.
This charge is filed within the relevant time limits for filing charges under Title VII, the
NYSHRL, and the NYCHRL. The City’s policy has operated to continuously deny Mr. Briskin
and Mr. Maggipinto the IVF benefits they need and to which they are entitled. This charge is also
filed within 300 days of Mr. Briskin’s most recent formal request for services.
Because the City’s policy unlawfully discriminates against Mr. Briskin and Mr.
Maggipinto, the Commission should issue a finding that the City’s policy constitutes unlawful sex
and sexual orientation discrimination and order any other relief it deems appropriate.
Dated: April 12, 2022
Department of Financial Services, Insurance Circular Letter No. 7 (Apr. 19, 2017),
Peter Romer-Friedman
Robert D. Friedman
2001 K Street, NW
North Tower, Suite 850
Washington, DC 20006
(718) 938-6132 (c)
(202) 888-1741(o)
Joseph J. Wardenski
195 Plymouth Street, Suite 519
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(347) 913-3311
Exhibit 1
Circle Surrogacy & Egg Donation is the leading surrogacy agency because we always put our
Intended Parents’ needs first, with two primary goals: success and cost security.
We are the only agency to offer an all-inclusive cost program, so intended parents can plan financially
for their journey from day one.
Circle Surrogacy is able to offer an all-inclusive cost program
because we are the most successful surrogacy agency in the
country, helping to bring over 2,500 babies into the world
since 1995.
Over the past 500+ surrogacy journeys, we’re proud to share
the success rates for surrogacy journeys when intended
parents completed their journey.
Surrogacy & Egg Donation
See website for details.
Circle Surrogacy & Egg Donation
+1.617.439.9900 •
Our Journey Protection Guarantee offers Intended Parents:
An all-inclusive cost that covers unlimited transfers and any complications
that may arise during your journey
100% refund of our agency fee if you have no embryos remaining and do not
bring home a baby
No surprise costs or invoices
Our Journey Protection Guarantee Program includes fixed costs on the following:
Professional Fees
Medical Billing
Carrier and Egg Donor
Base Fees
Local Monitoring
(e.g. c-section)
Pregnancy, Labor &
Delivery Insurance
Premium/GC Payment
Maternity Insurance
Life Insurance
Insurance Defense
Back-up Policy
Cost associated with your IVF clinic (embryo creation, screening, transfers, medications, etc) are not included in Circle’s costs.
Cost for Surrogacy & Egg Donation: $165,250
Surrogacy & Egg Donation
Circle Surrogacy & Egg Donation
+1.617.439.9900 •
Surrogacy Program Agency Fee
Egg Donor Program Agency Fee
Surrogate Expenses at Match (with $35,000 Surrogate Base Fee)
Intended Parent Legal Rights
Insurance Expenses $20,000
Egg Donor Expenses at Match (with $9,000 Egg Donor Base Fee)
We’ll refund 100% of our agency
fee if you have no embryos remaining
and you do not bring home a baby.
Egg Donor legal screening and support
Advance on Third-Party Expenses
Surrogate legal screening and support
Discount for 1st Time Circle Egg Donor
Journey Protection Guarantee $8,500
Additional Program Options
Multiple Embryo Transfer Program (assuming twin pregnancy)
VIP Program
Expenses Not Covered in the Circle JPG Program
IVF Expenses: for creation of embryos, medications, transfers OR
with existing embryos
Newborn Expenses (estimate of cash pay for single child) $4,000-$10,000
Additional Intended Parent requests, such as pumping breast milk
Potential variable costs for your surrogacy and egg donation journey, based on your preferences
Additional Surrogate Fee based on location/experience ($5,000-$15,000)
Additional Egg Donor Fee (dependent on donor experience)
Newborn ($100,000 of medical bills) $10,000
1 RMACT In House Donor Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A Testing
Donor Fees $16,281.00
Donor fees include: psychological testing and evaluation, all physician and nursing visits, checklist blood work and cultures, urine
drug screening, FDA screening blood work, genetic testing, consultation with genetic counselor, medical insurance to cover the
donor’s cycle, and donor compensation ($8,000).
*If your donor’s cycle is cancelled prior to oocyte retrieval, and the donor has been on medication 5 days or less, you are responsible
for compensating her $750.00 for her time and effort. If the donor has been on medication for 6 days or more, you are responsible
for compensating her $1,500.00. You are also responsible for the donor medications that have already been used ($4,200.00). *
Gestational Carrier Fees $2,819.00
Gestational Carrier fees include: physician consultation, uterine evaluation, checklist blood work for both carrier and partner (if
applicable), FDA screening blood work. This fee is subject to change if psychological testing has not been completed by the surrogacy
Surrogacy Plan with Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGT-A) $27,650.00
The Surrogacy Plan includes: cycle medication for the oocyte donor and gestational carrier, anesthesia for the retrieval of oocytes,
oocyte donor cycle monitoring completed at RMACT, oocyte retrieval, embryology laboratory charges, PGT-A of up to 10 embryos,
cryopreservation of embryos, cycle monitoring for the last ultrasound and blood tests prior to embryo transfer, embryo transfer
into the gestational carrier, and the first year of embryo and specimen storage. In the event the initial frozen embryo transfer is
unsuccessful, an additional frozen embryo transfer is included in hopes of a successful pregnancy. The additional frozen embryo
transfer will not be offered following a successful pregnancy resulting in a live birth.
The Surrogacy Plan is $24,000.00. PGT-A Testing on 10 embryos is $3,650.00
Total Cost: $46,750.00
This includes charges for; oocyte donors medical screening, gestational carrier medical screening, oocyte retrieval, PGT-A testing
on 10 embryos, frozen embryo transfer(s) to gestational carrier.
The following services are not covered
Intended Parent(s) medical screening
Gestational carrier compensation or legal fees
Medical treatment associated with an unsuccessful cycle
(treatment for miscarriage, ectopic or biochemical
Pregnancy related treatment and pregnancy medications
Medical services for the gestational carrier
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
Physician, Genetic, Nutrition consultations
Cycle monitoring or outside monitoring for the gestational
carrier other than what is specified above
Gestational carrier psychological evaluation and testing
Mock cycle or ERA testing for the gestational carrier
Oocyte cryopreservation ($1,720); TESA/MESA services
Storage of embryos or specimen beyond one year ($50.00
monthly each)
In House Known Donor consultation ($125) or Skype ($200)
Patient Name (Please Print)
Partner Name (if applicable) (Please Print)
Financial Agreement
RMACT In-House Egg Donor, Gestational Carrier,
Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A
2 RMACT In House Donor Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A Testing
By initialing below, I acknowledge and understand
_____ A $3,000.00 program deposit is required to access donor profiles and constitutes an agreement to work with RMACT. This deposit is
not an additional charge and will be subtracted from the total cost of any procedures or services received from RMACT.
_____ Within 3 days of matching with an RMACT donor, your donor medical screening fee ($13,281.00), 75% of the Surrogacy Plan
($18,000.00) and your PGS testing payment ($3,650.00) is due.
_____ Payment for the Gestational Carrier Fee is due prior to the screening visit. 25% of The Surrogacy Plan ($6,000.00) is due once the
Gestational Carrier has legal clearance.
_____ On occasion egg donors and gestational carriers do not meet medical criteria. If your donor or gestational carrier is not clinically
cleared to continue, you will be charged fee for service for the treatment already provided.
_____ If the donor’s cycle is cancelled prior to oocyte retrieval and the donor has been on medication 5 days or less, I am responsible for
compensating her $750.00 for her time and effort. If the donor has been on medication for 6 days or more, I am responsible for
compensating her $1,500.00. I am also responsible for the donor’s medications that have already been used ($4,200.00)
_____ I have received, read and understood The Surrogacy Plan with Select PGT-A overview provided.
_____ If more than 10 embryos are produced it is an additional $365 per embryo to have PGT-A testing performed. I understand any embryo
beyond the 10 will be cryopreserved. If I do not complete the credit card authorization to prepay in advance for beyond the 10
embryos I will be subject to additional fees to thaw ($300), and re-freeze ($1,200) my remaining embryos
_____ In the event a tested embryo is transferred, and a live birth occurs, this plan is considered complete regardless of the number of
embryos tested.
_____ After the first year, storage of embryos, and specimen will be billed to me at $50 a month, which is ($600.00 each) via Embryo Options.
It is my responsibility to register and verify if I have specimen or embryos left after a cycle is complete. If I no longer want my embryos
or specimen stored at RMACT I must have them transferred out or provide a signed and notarized dispose consent to cease billing. I
can access this form via Embryo Options.
_____ Cancelled services that have been pre-paid in advance will be refunded less any balance owed. Refunds will be reimbursed by the
method they were paid and can take up to 14 business days to process.
_____ Payment on all outstanding balances is required prior to the start of treatment. I understand that RMACT accepts cash, check,
Discover, MasterCard, Amex and Visa.
_____ I understand the In-House Donor, Gestational Carrier, Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A testing does not participate with any insurance plans.
I understand this is an out of pocket cost, and my insurance will not be billed for any services covered under the In-House Donor,
Gestational Carrier, Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A testing.
_____ All fees are subject to change
At every step of the way your Insurance and Billing Advocates are here to help you, answer your questions, and provide support. We wish you the best.
Patient Name (Please Print)
Patient Signature
Partner Name (if applicable) (Please Print)
Partner Signature
______________________________ _________
Financial Services Representative (Please Print)
Representative Signature
Financial Agreement
RMACT In-House Egg Donor, Gestational Carrier
Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A
1 Agency Donor Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A Testing
Donor Fees $2,830.00
Donor fees include: physician consultation and scan, infectious disease and FDA bloodwork, drug screening, genetic testing and
consultation. This fee is subject to change if psychological testing has not been completed by the donor’s agency.
Gestational Carrier Fees $2,819.00
Gestational Carrier fees include: physician consultation, uterine evaluation, checklist blood work for both carrier and partner (if
applicable), FDA screening blood work. This fee is subject to change if psychological testing has not been completed by the surrogacy
Surrogacy Plan with Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGT-A) $27,650.00
The Surrogacy Plan includes: cycle medication for the oocyte donor and gestational carrier, anesthesia for the retrieval of oocytes,
two days of oocyte donor cycle monitoring completed at RMACT, oocyte retrieval, embryology laboratory charges, PGT-A of up to
10 embryos, cryopreservation of embryos, cycle monitoring for the last ultrasound and blood tests prior to embryo transfer, embryo
transfer into the gestational carrier, and the first year of embryo and specimen storage. In the event the initial frozen embryo
transfer is unsuccessful, an additional frozen embryo transfer is included in hopes of a successful pregnancy. The additional frozen
embryo transfer will not be offered following a successful pregnancy resulting in a live birth.
The Surrogacy Plan is $24,000.00. PGT-A Testing on 10 embryos is $3,650.00
Total Cost: $33,299.00
This includes charges for the egg (oocyte) donor, gestational carrier and the fees associated with The Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A as
outlined above.
The following services are not covered
Intended Parent(s) medical screening
Gestational carrier compensation or legal fees
Medical treatment associated with an unsuccessful cycle
(treatment for miscarriage, ectopic or biochemical
Pregnancy related treatment and pregnancy medications
Medical services for the gestational carrier
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
Physician, Genetic, Nutrition consultations
Donor compensation, legal, travel expenses
Cycle monitoring or outside monitoring for the egg donor and
gestational carrier other than what is specified above
Gestational carrier psychological evaluation and testing
($1,000) Egg donor psychological evaluation ($350)
Known Donor Psychological evaluation ($1,000)
Mock cycle or ERA testing for the gestational carrier
Oocyte cryopreservation ($1,720); TESA/MESA services
Storage of embryos or sperm beyond one year ($50.00
Patient Name (Please Print)
Partner Name (if applicable) (Please Print)
Financial Agreement
Agency Donor, Gestational Carrier,
Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A
2 Agency Donor Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A Testing
By initialing below, I acknowledge and understand
_____ Payment for the Donor Fees is due prior to the screening visit. 75% of The Surrogacy Plan ($18,000.00) and your PGTA testing payment
($3,650.00) is due once your donor is medially cleared to proceed.
_____ Payment for the Gestational Carrier Fee is due prior to the screening visit. 25% of The Surrogacy Plan ($6,000.00) is due once the
Gestational Carrier has been legally cleared.
_____ If my agency donor is not clinically cleared or her cycle is cancelled I will be responsible to pay for services rendered.
_____ If my gestational carrier is not clinically cleared or her cycle is cancelled I will be responsible to pay for services rendered.
_____ In the event a tested embryo is transferred, and a live birth occurs, this plan is considered complete regardless of the number of
embryos tested.
_____ If more than 10 embryos are produced it is an additional $365 per embryo to have PGT-A testing performed. I understand any embryo
beyond the 10 will be cryopreserved. If I do not complete the credit card authorization to prepay in advance for beyond the 10
embryos I will be subject to additional fees to thaw ($300), and re-freeze ($1,200) my remaining embryos
_____ After the first year, storage of embryos, and specimen will be billed to me at $50 a month, which is ($600.00 each) via Embryo
Options. It is my responsibility to register and verify if I have specimen or embryos left after a cycle is complete. If I no longer want my
embryos or specimen stored at RMACT I must have them transferred out or provide a signed and notarized dispose consent to cease
billing. I can access this form via Embryo Options.
_____ Cancelled services that have been pre-paid in advance will be refunded less any balance owed. Refunds will be reimbursed by the
method they were paid and can take up to 14 business days to process.
_____ Payment on all outstanding balances is required prior to the start of treatment. I understand that RMACT accepts cash, check,
Discover, MasterCard, Amex and Visa.
_____ I understand the Agency Donor, Gestational Carrier, Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A testing does not participate with any insurance plans. I
understand this is an out of pocket cost, and my insurance will not be billed for any services covered under the Agency Donor,
Gestational Carrier, Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A testing.
_____ That I have received, read and understand The Surrogacy Plan with PGTA overview provided.
_____ All fees are subject to change
At every step of the way your Insurance and Billing Advocates are here to help you, answer your questions, and provide support. We wish you the best.
Patient Name (Please Print)
Patient Signature
Partner Name (if applicable) (Please Print)
Partner Signature
______________________________ _________
Financial Services Representative (Please Print)
Representative Signature
Financial Agreement
Agency Donor, Gestational Carrier
Surrogacy Plan with PGT-A
US Gestational Surrogacy with Egg Donation – 2017
©Copyright 2017 Circle Surrogacy, Ltd. All rights reserved (US GSED)
Initial Carrier and Egg Donor Program Costs
Gestational Carrier Program Professional Fees $22,750
First installment agency fee (non-refundable upon execution of Agreement for Services) $13,000
Second installment agency fee (non-refundable upon execution of Carrier Agreement) $8,500
Fee for unlimited Gestational Carrier rematches $2,500
Office expenses $750
Discount for signing up within three months of consultation ($2,000)
Gestational Carrier Program Legal, Screening, and Support $14,500
Unlimited Social Worker screenings of Carrier and partner (including standard personality testing) $2,000
Criminal history inquiry fees for carrier and intended parents $300
Licensed Clinical Social Worker’s fees for unlimited Carrier support
Trust administration $2,000
Intended Parents’ attorney’s fees for carrier agreement (includes agreements for rematches)
Carrier’s independent attorney’s fees (includes Carrier representation for rematches)
Coordination of local monitoring
Advance on travel for Carrier screening (e.g., airfare, hotel, rental, childcare, lost wages,
per diem, etc.)
Egg Donor Program Professional Fees $9,000
Non-refundable Egg Donor agency fee $7,500
Fee for unlimited Egg Donor rematches, including all parties’ representation for agreement $1,500
Egg Donor Program Legal, Screening, and Support $5,350
Intended Parents’ attorney’s fees for Egg Donor agreement (includes agreements for rematches) $1,250
Egg Donor’s independent attorney’s fees (includes donor representation for rematches) $600
Egg Donor screening and testing fees (including standard personality testing) $1,000
Advance on travel for Egg Donor screening (e.g., airfare hotel, rental, per diem, etc.) $2,500
Amount Due at Signing (if within three months of consult) $49,600
Amount Due at Signing (three months after consult) $51,600
*Denotes fixed costs, not subject to change once contract is signed
US Gestational Surrogacy with Egg Donation – 2017
©Copyright 2017 Circle Surrogacy, Ltd. All rights reserved (US GSED)
Egg Donor and Carrier Costs
Egg Donor Matching Costs $13,500
Payment to Egg Donor $9,000
Advance on travel for Egg Donor retrieval (e.g., airfare, hotel, rental, per diem, etc.) $2,500
Donor’s local monitoring (if needed) $2,000
Carrier Matching Costs $50,750
Estimated fees for legal proceedings $7,000
Carrier reimbursements $30,000
Transfer payment (per transfer) $750
Maternity clothing (singleton pregnancy) $500
Estimated monthly expenses (e.g., mileage, childcare, prenatal vitamins, etc.—15 x $200) $3,000
Advance on average pregnancy and delivery expenses for one child services, including bedrest, lost
wages, childcare, housekeeping, and misc. fees paid to Carrier for a C-section, amino, CVS,
D&C, cerclage, termination or selective reduction, mock cycle, cancelled cycle, both-birth recovery,
and/or loss of reproductive organ
Advance on travel for Carrier transfer (e.g., airfare, hotel, rental, childcare, lost wages, per diem,
Carrier’s local monitoring (likely needed) $2,000
US Gestational Surrogacy with Egg Donation – 2017
©Copyright 2017 Circle Surrogacy, Ltd. All rights reserved (US GSED)
IVF Clinic’s Costs
Single Retrieval and All Transfers
Unlimited Retrieval and Transfers
Single retrieval of eggs
Creation of embryos
All transfers until a live birth is achieved or
embryos depleted
IVF costs
Single Donor screening
Carrier screenings
On location monitoring
Unlimited egg retrievals
Creation of embryos
All transfers until a live birth is achieved
(effectively a guarantee)
IVF costs
Unlimited Donor screenings
Unlimited Carrier screenings
On location monitoring
Total Cost $29,900
Total Cost $35,900
Insurance Options
Fees and Expenses
Parents Self
Pay (No
Surrogate with
Obamacare Plan
(If Available)
Surrogate with
Intended Parents
Lloyd’s Plan
Additional compensation for insured carrier
or policy premiums
N/A $6,000 $5,000 $10,500
Medical billing oversight N/A $1,000 $1,000 Included
Insurance management and defense N/A $5,000 $5,000 N/A
$350,000 insurance policy on carrier $435 $435 $435 $435
Unlimited complications insurance for Carrier
and Egg Donor
$930 $930 $930 $930
Estimated co-payments, co-insurance, and/or
$15,000 $6,000 $6,000 $13,500
(for singleton)
Lloyds guarantee of carrier insurance
coverage, up to $500,000
N/A $1,500 $1,500 Included
TOTALS $16,365 $20,865 $19,865 $25,365
US Gestational Surrogacy with Egg Donation – 2017
©Copyright 2017 Circle Surrogacy, Ltd. All rights reserved (US GSED)
Additional Payments Based on Circumstances
Estimate for Each Additional Transfer or Mock Cycle $5,050
Transfer payment (paid to Carrier) $750
Advance on travel for Carrier transfer (e.g., airfare, hotel, rental, childcare, lost wages, etc.) $2,500
Estimated additional monthly expenses for carrier (3 x $200) $600
Estimated additional premiums for ACA insurance (for ACA plans only, if available) $1,200
Estimate for Twin Pregnancy $12,950
Additional maternity clothing fee $250
Multiple birth payment to carrier $5,000
Additional bed rest reimbursements $4,000
C-section fee (paid to carrier if C-section occurs) $2,500
Additional post-birth recovery reimbursement (for C-section) $1,200
Estimate for Additional Egg Retrieval $13,500
Payment to Egg Donor $9,000
Advance on travel for Egg Donor retrieval (e.g., airfare, hotel, rental, per diem, etc.) $2,500
Donor’s local monitoring (if needed) $2,000
Other Potential Expenses
Additional legal fees for birth order/adoption $2,000
Additional reimbursement to Experienced Carrier or Carrier in high demand state $5,000
Additional reimbursement to Carrier for matching with SPAR program or with IPs who need
Expenses for translator $3,000
Estimated pumping payments and supplies (if IPs request) $1,000
Additional Egg Donor payment $6,000
Gestational Carrier Related Professional Fees
First installment agency fee
(nonrefundable upon execution of Agreement for Services) (Exhibit 1) [2] $
Second installment agency fee
(nonrefundable upon execution of Carrier Agreement) (Exhibit 1)
Fee for
unlimited gestational carrier or egg donor rematches (Exhibit 1) [3]
Discount for signing up within 3 months
of consultation -
Gestational Carrier Screening Costs
psychological testing for Carriers (Exhibit 1)
Criminal history inquiry fees (Exhibit
Gestational Carrier Compensation and Other Expenses
base fee (9 payments starting with heartbeat ultrasound) (Exhibit 2a) $
Carrier’s IVF transfer payments (for completion of each transfer procedure) (Exhibit 2a)
Carrier's maternity clothing
allowance (paid at 3 months gestational) (Exhibit 2a)
Carrier's monthly allowance
(in lieu of itemized costs) ($200/month est. for 12 months) (Exhibit 2a)
post-birth recovery (following a vaginal delivery) (Exhibit 2a)
Egg Donor Compensation, Agency & Legal Fees, Screening and Other Expenses
Egg Donor’s
payment (Exhibit 2a)
Egg Donor agency fee (Exhibit
Unlimited psychological
testing for Egg Donor (Exhibit 1)
Donor's independent attorney fees (includes unlimited rematches) (Exhibit 1)
Intended Parent(s)’s
attorney’s fees for Egg Donor Contract (includes unlimited rematches) (Exhibit 1)
Clinical Social Worker Support Fees
Social Worker’s flat fee (support & advocacy for
carriers) (Exhibit 1)
Gestational Carrier Related Legal Fees, Expenses and Finalization of Parental Rights
independent attorney's fees (includes unlimited rematches) (Exhibit 1) $
Intended Parent(s)'s
attorney fees for Carrier Agreement (incl. unlimited rematches) (Exhibit 1)
Office expenses (Exhibit
Fees for legal proceedings for one child, including fees for Circle legal supervision.
(Exhibit 2a)
Trust Administration (Exhibit
1) $
GSED US | ©2015 Circle Surrogacy, Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
Intended parents can choose one of the options listed below. The estimates are for
packages offered at one of our most popular clinics.
Surrogate with her own
insurance, ACA plan, or Bridge the Gap
Additional compensation for surrogate, or premiums
for ACA insurance/Bridge the Gap
Insurance management
and defense [6]
Life insurance
Copayments and deductibles for Carrier’s insurance
Enrollment fee (for ACA plans only)
GSED US | ©2015 Circle Surrogacy, Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
Estimated Total Cost:
$23,800 - $37,750
All of the estimates above include screening, consultations, medications, and IVF costs.
Carrier and Donor travel expenses
Estimated long
-distance travel expenses for 1 screening for Carrier and Donor (Exhibit 1)
Estimated long
-distance travel expenses for 1 transfer for Carrier and Donor (Exhibit 2a)
Pay Per Transfer
1 Fresh Embryo
Transfer + All Frozen
Embryo Transfers
For intended parents
who choose to pay for
each transfer (frozen
transfers, if needed,
listed on page 3).
Includes egg retrieval,
fresh transfer, embryo
freezing, and frozen
transfers of any
remaining frozen
Includes unlimited fresh
egg retrievals and
fresh/frozen multiple
embryo transfers until
you take home your
Fresh embryo
Frozen embryo transfer
(if paying per transfer instead of choosing IVF package)
Carrier's bed rest cap
only at doctor’s order
Carrier’s lost wages/child care
Multiple birth
Additional maternity clothing allowance for multiples
Caesarean Section compensation to carrier (as applicable)
Compensation to carrier for amniocentesis
, CVS, D&C, cerclage (per procedure)
Compensation to carrier for termination
or selective reduction
Medical procedure cost for Fetal Reduction (if not covered by insurance)
Fee paid to Carrier for mock cycle (if necessary)
Travel for mock cycle (if necessary)
Fee paid to Carrier in event of cancelled cycle
Fee paid to Carrier in event of loss of reproductive organs or capabilities
Additional post
-birth lost wages in the event of a caesarean section
Higher carrier compensation (for experienced carriers
- avg.)
Higher carrier
compensation for carrier with insurance through Lloyd’s from high demand states (e.g. CA, CT, MA, ME, RI, VT)
Higher egg donor compensation (for experienced egg donors); additional for most
Additional legal fees, filing fees, DNA testing, twin supplement
Additional Travel & Expenses for
Carrier per transfer
Additional Travel & Expenses
for Egg Donor per transfer
Local monitoring for Egg
Local monitoring for
Additional copayments and deductibles (especially if using the Bridge plan)
[1] It is difficult to advise you on how much
the surrogacy process will cost. At one extreme, intended parents have successfully pursued traditional
surrogacy free of charge.
At the other extreme, an intended mother in another program spent $250,000 on 15 cycles with 8 different gestational carriers
and three different agencies and never had a child.
What we have in the cost sheet itself represents our best estimates of your costs. Intended
parents are
solely responsible for third
-party expenses. Estimates in this cost sheet for third-party expenses are subject to change without notice.
[2] Exhibit numbers are listed for your
convenience. They refer to corresponding items in the Agreement for Services.
[3] Occasionally
, matches between intended parents and gestational carriers or egg donors are unsuccessful. This fee gives intended parents
unlimited free
rematches with gestational carriers and/or egg donors. Circle will charge
no additional fees for future Carrier or Egg Donor Agreements. Additionally,
has agreements with the attorneys who most often represent carriers and egg donors and the person who provides psychological screenings so
there will be no additional charges by these parties either.
[4] These are the estimates for the clinic Circle intended parents most often choose to
work with. IVF charges vary depending on the clinic chosen and
the financial plan selected by the intended parents
Insurance charges are some of the most variable expenses. Some gestational carriers have insurance with no surrogacy exclusions or a plan can be
purchased for her in the state.
Other surrogates are eligible for medical insurance made available through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Enrollment in
these plans must occur during a specific window. However, intended parents can purchase a Bridge the Gap insurance plan throu
Lloyd’s that provides
insurance coverage during the period between each enrollment period. These plans automatically convert into back
-up insurance once ACA coverage
begins. The $500 enrollment fee is for ART Risk Solutions and is subject to change without notice.
About 10-15% of the time, an issue occurs with the surrogate’s insurance covering expenses. The insurance management and defens
e fee includes our
reviewing and/or procuring medical insurance policies for your surrogate as well as any required legal work in the event of a
dispute with an insurance
company or healthcare provider. This includes negotiating with providers, protecting surrogates and intended parents from cre
dit agencies, and if
necessary filing and fighting administrative appeals.
[7] Estimates
listed in this section which relate to carrier’s fees or reimbursements are subject to negotiation with your carrier and her attorney. Those
listed are Circle’s recommendations.
Intended parents in our program should be prepared for charges 10 to 20% above the numbers quoted in the first
two pages since travel, deductibles, second transfers (if not covered
by a package), bed rest, lost wages, and twins represent common extra charges that
can add to this number. To account for these potential additional expenses, we collect a $2,000 advance on miscellaneous ex
and a $6,000 advance
on contingencies which you could be responsible for under the Carrier Agreement
. These funds are only used if needed, and are returned if not.
GSED US | ©2015 Circle Surrogacy, Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
blood work,
blood work.
fee can
has not
House Donor
cycle prior
Exhibit 2
Insurance Circular Letter No. 3 (2021)
February 23, 2021
All Insurers Authorized to Write Accident and Health Insurance in New York State, Article 43 Corporations, Health
Maintenance Organizations, Student Health Plans Certified Pursuant to Insurance Law § 1124, Municipal Cooperative
Health Benefit Plans, and Prepaid Health Services
Health Insurance Coverage of Infertility Treatments Regardless of
Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity
STATUTORY REFERENCES: N.Y. Insurance Law §§ 3216(l), 3221(h), 3221(k)(6), 4303(s), 4303(ll), and 4304(l)
The purpose of this circular letter is to withdraw Insurance Circular Letter No. 7 (2017) and direct insurers authorized to write
accident and health insurance in New York State, Article 43 corporations, health maintenance organizations, student hea
plans certified pursuant to Insurance Law § 1124, municipal cooperative health benefit plans, and prepaid health services plans
that issue coverage subject to Insurance Law §§ 3221(k)(6) and 4303(s) (collectively, “issuers”) to provide immediate coverage
of diagnostic and treatment services, including prescription drugs, for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility (“basic infertility
for individuals who are unable to conceive due to their sexual orientation or gender identity and are covered
under individual, small group, and large group health insurance policies and contracts.
Industry Guidance
Department of Financial Services
II. Discussion
Insurance Law §§ 3221(k)(6) and 4303(s) require a policy or contract that provides coverage for hospital care or surgical and medical
care to provide coverage for diagnostic and treatment procedures used in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. These sections
of the Insurance Law further require a policy or contract that provides coverage for prescription drugs to cover prescrip
tion drugs
approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for use in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. In addition, diagnostic and
treatment procedures used in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and prescription drugs are covered under comprehensive
individual and small group health insurance policies and contracts as part of New York’s essential health benefits package as
ribed in Insurance Law §§ 3216(l), 3221(h), 4303(ll), and 4304(l).
In 2017, the Department of Financial Services (“Department”) issued Circular Letter No. 7, which provided guidance to issuers based
on the definition of “infertility” in effect at that time. In 2017, Insurance Law §§ 3221(k)(6)(C)(vi) and 4303(s)(3)(F) required issuers to
make the determination of infertility in accordance with the stan
dards and guidelines established and adopted by the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and American Society for Reproductive Medicine (“ASRM”). The ASRM description of
infertility provided that “[i]nfertility is a disease, defined by the failure to achieve a successful pregnancy after 12 months or more of
appropriate, timed unprotected intercourse or therapeutic donor insemination.
Earlier evaluation and treatment may be justified
based on medical history and physical findings and is warranted after 6 months for women over age 35 years.
However, in 2019, Part L of Chapter 57 (“Part L”) added Insurance Law §§3221(k)(6)(C)(v)(I) and 4303(s)(3)(E)(i) to amend the definition
of “infertility” that was set forth in former Insurance Law §§3221(k)(6)(C)(vi)(I) and 4303(s)(3)(F)(i) to m
ean “a disease or condition
characterized by the incapacity to impregnate another person or to conceive, defined by the failure to establish a clinical pregnancy
after twelve months of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse or therapeutic donor insemination, or after six months of regular,
unprotected sexual intercourse or therapeutic donor insemination for a female thirty-five years of age or older.
Earlier evaluation and
treatment may be warranted based on an individual’s medical history or physical findings.
Part L also added new Insurance Law §§ 3221(k)(6)(C)(viii) and 4303(s)(3)(H) to prohibit an issuer providing coverage for infertility
treatments from discriminating based on an individual’s expected length of life, present or predicted disability, degree of medical
dependency, perceived qu
ality of life, or other health conditions, or based on personal characteristics, including age, sex, sexual
orientation, marital status, or gender identity. Part L further added a new Insurance Law §§ 3221(k)(6)(C)(vii) and 4303(s)(3)(G) to
require large group policies that provide medical, major medical or similar comprehensive-type coverage to cover three cycles of in-
vitro fertilization (“IVF”) when used in the treatment of infertility. The amendments made by Part L took effect on January 1, 2020 and
applied to insurance policies and contracts issued, renewed, modified, altered, or amended on or after January 1, 2020.
Under the Insurance Law, an issuer must provide coverage regardless of sexual orientation, marital status, or gender identity. In
addition, since t
he definition of infertility expressly contemplates coverage for infertility treatment earlier than 12 months, issuers
should be mindful that, with respect to some individuals, earlier evaluation and treatment may be justified. It has come to the
Department’s attention that some issuers may be requiring some individuals to incur costs, due to their sexual orientation or gender
identity, that heterosex
ual individuals do not incur in order to meet the definition of infertility. In particular, some issuers have denied
coverage of basic infertility treatments, such as intrauterine insemination procedures, for some individuals who are unable to
conceive without such treatment due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. These individuals may incur the high costs of
basic infertility treatments
for up to 12 months to demonstrate infertility in order to qualify for insurance coverage due to their sexual
orientation or gender identity. This results in unfair discrimination for individuals due to their sexual orientation or gender identity,
which is prohibited by Insurance Law §§3221(k)(6)(C)(viii) and 4303(s)(3)(H). Therefore, issuers must provide immediate coverage for
basic infertility
treatments (e.g., intrauterine insemination procedures) that are provided to individuals covered under an insurance
policy or contract who are unable to conceive due to their sexual orientation or gender identity in order to prevent discrimination.
Issuers that cover IVF procedures may consider whether basic infertility treatments, such as intrauterine insemination procedures,
would be medically app
ropriate for the individual to attempt prior to covering IVF. This circular letter does not address surrogacy
arrangements or require coverage for services that are not otherwise mandated to be covered under the Insurance Law.
III. Conclusion
Issuers are directed to provide immediate health insurance coverage for basic infertility treatments that are provided to individuals
covered under an insurance
policy or contract who are unable to conceive due to their sexual orientation or gender identity in
accordance with the Insurance Law. In addition, Circular Letter No. 7 (2017) is withdrawn.
Please direct any questions regarding this circular letter by email to [email protected].gov.
Very truly yours,
Lisette Johnson
Chief, Health Bureau
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Exhibit 3
GHI Comprehensive Benefits Plan (CBP)
City of New York Employees and Retirees
Important Notice
We believe this Policy is a “grandfathered health plan” under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act).
As permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in effect
when that law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that this Policy may not include certain consumer protections of the
Affordable Care Act that apply to other plans, for example, the requirement for the provision of preventive health services without any cost
sharing. However, grandfathered health plans must comply with certain other consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, for example,
the elimination of lifetime limits on benefits.
Questions regarding which protections apply and which protections do not apply to a grandfathered health plan and what might cause a
plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to Customer Service by calling (212) 501-4444 or visiting our Web
site at You may also contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at
Your group must notify us if the group or the plan sponsor changes the premium contribution rate that applies to your coverage under this
Policy at any point during the plan year.
Out-of-Network Cost Notice
The GHI Comprehensive Benefits Plan (CBP) gives you the freedom to choose in-network or out-of-network doctors. You can see any network
doctor without a referral. Covered services from out-of-network doctors have deductibles and coinsurance. Payment for services provided
by out-of-network providers is usually made directly to you under the NYC Non-Participating Provider Schedule of Allowable Charges. The
reimbursement rates in the Schedule are not related to usual and customary rates or to what the provider may charge but are set at a fixed
amount based on GHI’s 1983 reimbursement rates. Most of the reimbursement rates have not increased since that time, and will likely be
less (and in many instances substantially less) than the fee charged by the out-of-network provider. You will be responsible for any difference
between the provider’s fee and the amount of the reimbursement; therefore, you may have a substantial out-of-pocket expense.
Estimate your out-of-pocket costs for care from out-of-network providers.
If you intend to use an out-of-network provider, you can obtain an estimate of the out-of-network reimbursement rate for the anticipated medical
procedure by utilizing GHI’s CBP Allowance Calculator, which is available online in the GHI-CBP members’ section at,
or by calling GHI Member Services at (800) 624-2414. Prior to utilizing the CBP Allowance Calculator or calling Member Services, you must
obtain from the out-of-network provider the medical procedure code(s) (CPT Codes) for the service(s) you anticipate receiving.
Below are some examples of what you would typically pay out of pocket if you were to receive care or services from an out-of-network provider.
Established Patient Office Visit (typically 15 minutes) — CPT Code 99213
Estimated Charge for a Doctor in Manhattan
- $36
Reimbursement Under the Schedule
Member Out-of-Pocket Responsibility
Routine Maternity Care and Delivery — CPT Code 59400
Estimated Charge for a Doctor in Manhattan $9,500
- $1,379
Reimbursement Under the Schedule
Member Out-of-Pocket Responsibility
Total Hip Replacement Surgery — CPT Code 27130
Estimated Charge for a Doctor in Manhattan
- $3,011
Reimbursement Under the Schedule
Member Out-of-Pocket Responsibility
Estimated Charge is set at FAIR Health’s 80th percentile and is based on Manhattan zip codes with a 100 prefix.
Please note that deductibles may apply and that you could be eligible for additional reimbursement if your catastrophic coverage kicks in or
you have purchased the Enhanced Non-Participating Provider Schedule, an Optional Rider benefit that provides lower out-of-pocket costs
for some surgical and in-hospital services from out-of-network doctors. The Optional Rider Enhanced Non-Participating Provider Schedule
increases the reimbursement of the basic program’s non-participating provider fee schedule for some in-hospital services on average, by 75%.
There are circumstances when you may unknowingly be treated by out-of-network doctors. Typically this occurs during a hospital admission
(inpatient or outpatient, emergency or non-emergency) when services are provided by out-of-network doctors – even if the hospital is an
in-network hospital and/or some of the doctors are in GHI’s provider network. For example, during an emergency room hospital admission,
you may be treated by a plastic surgeon who works at an in-network hospital, but is not in GHI’s provider network, or, during a scheduled
out-patient procedure, even when the hospital is an in-network hospital and the doctor performing the procedure is an in-network doctor, you
may also receive services from an out-of-network doctor who works at the hospital, such as an anesthesiologist, radiologist, or pathologist,
but is not part of GHI’s provider network. Even though that doctor works at an in-network hospital, if the doctor is an out-of-network doctor,
you will be responsible for your out-of-network cost sharing and the balance of that doctor’s bill after GHI reimburses at the rate from its
Schedule. However, for services rendered on or after April 1, 2015, you will be protected from out-of-pocket costs, other than applicable
in-network cost-sharing, for services that qualify as “surprise bills” or emergency services as described below. In the event that the protections
set forth below do not apply, your out-of-pocket expenses may be substantial, since the out-of-network doctors will be covered under your
benefits the same as any other out-of-network doctor, in many instances.
Protection from Surprise Bills For Services Rendered On Or After April 1, 2015.
A surprise bill is a bill you receive for covered services provided in New York State on and after April 1, 2015 in the following circumstances:
A participating physician is unavailable at the time the health care services are performed;
A non-participating physician performs services without your knowledge; or
Unforeseen medical issues or services arise at the time the health care services are performed.
A surprise bill does not include a bill for health care services when a participating physician is available and you elected to receive services
from a non-participating physician.
referral is to a non-participating provider and it may result in costs not covered by us. For a surprise bill, a referral to a non-participating
provider means:
Covered services are performed by a non-participating provider in the participating physician’s office or practice during the same visit;
The participating physician sends a specimen taken from you in the participating physician’s office to a non-participating laboratory or
pathologist; or
– For any other covered services performed by a non-participating provider at the participating physician’s request, when referrals are required
under your plan.
The level of reimbursement provided under the Basic NYC Non-Participating Provider Schedule for covered Out-of-network services equates, in
the aggregate, to approximately 14.5% of the usual, reasonable and customary (UCR) charge (i.e. Fair Health 80th percentile fee schedule).
For procedures covered under the High Option rider in combination with the basic NYC Non-Participating Provider Schedule for covered
Out-of-network services the basic reimbursement noted above will be increased on a weighted average basis of 65% based on paid claims. For
procedures covered under the Catastrophic option rider in combination with the basic NYC Non-Participating Provider Schedule for covered
Out-of-network services the basic reimbursement noted above will be increased on a weighted average basis of 112%.
See the “Out-Of-Network Reimbursement Examples for GHI CBP” chart in Section III - Additional Program Information, for more out-of-
network reimbursement examples.
You will be held harmless for any non-participating provider charges for the surprise bill that exceeds your in-network copayment, deductible
or coinsurance if you assign benefits to the non-participating provider in writing. In such cases, the non-participating provider may only bill
you for your in-network copayment, deductible or coinsurance.
The assignment of benefits form for surprise bills is available at or you can visit GHI’s website at
for a copy of the form. You need to complete and mail a copy of the assignment of benefits form to GHI at the address on GHI’s website and to
your provider.
Independent Dispute Resolution Process. Either we or a provider may submit a dispute involving a surprise bill to an independent
dispute resolution entity (“IDRE”) assigned by the state. Disputes are submitted by completing the IDRE application form, which can be found at The IDRE will determine whether our payment or the provider’s charge is reasonable within 30 days of receiving the dispute.
Payments Relating to Emergency Services Rendered. The amount we pay a non-participating provider for covered services
you receive in a hospital to treat an emergency condition on or after April 1, 2015 that are not payable under your hospital plan will be
an amount we have negotiated with the Non-Participating Provider for the service or an amount we have determined is reasonable for the
service. An emergency condition means: A medical or behavioral condition that manifests itself by Acute symptoms of sufficient severity,
including severe pain, such that a prudent layperson, possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, could reasonably expect the
absence of immediate medical attention to result in:
child in serious jeopardy, or in the case of a behavioral condition, placing the health of such person or others in serious jeopardy;
If a dispute involving a payment for physician services relating to emergency services payable by us is submitted to an independent dispute
resolution entity (“IDRE”), we will pay the amount, if any, determined by the IDRE for physician services.
You are responsible for any in-network copayment, deductible or coinsurance. You will be held harmless for any non-participating provider
charges that exceed your copayment, deductible or coinsurance in these circumstances.
Section I – Certificate of Insurance..............................................................1
Section II – Riders
Section III – Additional Program Information
Certificate of Insurance
PLC-1032E 8/08
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
The insurance evidenced by this Certificate meets the minimum standards for basic medical insurance
as defined by the New York State Insurance Department.
It does not provide basic hospital insurance or major medical insurance.
If you are eligible for Medicare, review the Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare available from GHI.
This Certificate replaces any Certificates and riders previously issued to you.
Introduction ....................................................................................................5
Definitions ....................................................................................................8
Use of Participating Providers for Paid-in-Full Benefits
Use of Non-Participating Providers
Covered Medical Services
NYC HEALTHLINE Pre-Admission Review Program/Mandatory Second Surgical Consultation Program and Voluntary Second Surgical
Consultation Program
Principal Limitations and Exclusions
Coordination of Benefits (COB)
Filing of Claims ...................................................................................................30
Termination of Coverage
Continuation of Coverage
Direct Payment Conversion
Miscellaneous Provisions
Medicare Eligible Coverage
Optional Rider for Medicare Eligible Subscribers Covered under Section Fourteen
Catastrophic Coverage
Optional Rider for Active Employees and Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees
SECTION ONE: Introduction
1. Your Coverage Under GHI/CBP. The City of New York has entered into a Group Contract with Group Health Incorporated (GHI)
to provide health insurance benefits. Under this Group Contract, GHI will provide the benefits described in this booklet to persons enrolled
in the New York City Employee Benefits Program. These benefits are known as the GHI Comprehensive Benefits Plan (GHI/CBP) and will be
referred to in this booklet as GHI/CBP or “this Plan.” This booklet is your Certificate of Insurance. It is evidence of your coverage under the
Group Contract between GHI and the City of New York. It is not a contract between you and GHI. You should keep this booklet with your other
important papers so that it is available for your future reference.
2. Who is Covered. Eligibility for coverage is determined by the City of New York Employee Benefits Program. Please refer to the Health
Benefits Summary Program Description booklet for information on your eligibility for coverage. Also, please refer to that booklet for an
explanation of how you enroll in GHI/CBP, and when your coverage becomes effective.
3. Coverage of Spouse and Dependent Children. Benefits are available for your spouse and unmarried dependent children under
the age of 19 covered by your plan. Unmarried dependent children are covered until the end of the month in which they attain age 19.
Your newborn child is covered at birth. You must add the child to your Contract according to procedures described in your Health Benefits
Summary Program Description booklet.
If you have individual coverage, you may elect to cover your newborn child from the moment of birth for injury or sickness. You must add
the newborn child to your coverage within 30 days of the child’s birth. This will change your present coverage to family coverage.
If a child of yours gives birth, the newborn grandchild is not eligible for coverage unless the child meets the rules for dependents who are
not natural children. These rules are listed below.
Please note, an ex-spouse is never covered under this plan regardless of the provisions of any divorce judgment or settlement agreement.
The submitting of a claim by or for an ex-spouse of a covered employee is insurance fraud.
A dependent who is not your spouse or natural child is covered at the earliest of the following dates:
(a) The child becomes an adoptive child or step-child or lives with you in a regular parent/child relationship. The child must be dependent
upon you for support and maintenance. You must claim the child as a dependent on your Federal Income Tax return. A dependent
adoptive child will be covered on the same basis as a natural child during any waiting period prior to finalization of the adoption.
(b) A court of law accepts a consent to adopt and you enter into an agreement to support the dependent child.
(c) A court of law makes you legally responsible for the support and maintenance of the dependent child.
(d) If you have family coverage, an adopted newborn is covered from the moment of birth for injury and sickness. You must take physical
custody of the newborn upon the newborn’s release from the hospital. You must also file a petition for adoption or an application for
temporary guardianship pursuant to Section 115(c) of the New York State Domestic Relations Law within 30 days after the child’s
birth. Benefits for the adopted newborn’s initial hospital stay are not available under this Plan if a natural parent has insurance
coverage available to cover the newborn.
4. Coverage of Dependent Students. Coverage for unmarried dependent full-time students ages 19 to 23 is provided only under the
Optional Rider. If you are covered under the Basic CBP Program only, your dependent children who are 19 years of age or older will not be
covered. To qualify for dependent student coverage, the student must be enrolled in an accredited educational institution. The institution
must grant a degree or diploma. You must supply at least 50% of the student’s support. The student must be listed as a dependent when
you enroll for coverage. Benefits are available for all covered services. An unmarried dependent student loses eligibility if he or she marries,
loses dependent status or loses full time student status. An unmarried dependent student is covered until the end of the calendar year of the
student’s 23rd birthday or graduation, whichever occurs first.
5. Coverage of Dependent Children Incapable of Self-Sustaining Employment. An unmarried child over age 19 (or over age
23 in the case of a dependent student) may also be eligible for benefits. In order to be eligible, he or she must meet all of the conditions set
forth below.
(a) He or she must be incapable of self-sustaining employment due to mental illness, developmental disability, mental retardation as
defined in the New York State Mental Hygiene Law, or physical handicap.
(b) He or she must have been so incapable before the age at which dependent coverage would otherwise terminate.
(c) He or she must have been eligible for benefits before the age at which dependent coverage would otherwise terminate.
(d) The child’s condition must be certified by a physician.
(e) Proof of the condition must be submitted to GHI within 31 days of the date the dependent reaches the age limitation.
GHI has the right to check whether a child is eligible and continues to qualify under this provision.
6. Domestic Partners. Benefits are available for your covered domestic partner and his or her eligible dependents. The domestic
partnership must consist of two people who are 18 years of age or older and who live together and have been living together on a continuous
basis for at least six (6) months. The domestic partnership must involve a close and committed personal relationship. Neither you nor your
domestic partner may be married or related by blood in a manner that would bar marriage in New York State. Your domestic partner must be
chiefly dependent upon you for support and maintenance.
In order to be eligible for coverage, you must show that you and your domestic partner are economically interdependent by meeting the
criteria set forth below.
(a) The domestic partnership must be registered under the Domestic Partnership Registration Program of the City of New York Office of
the Mayor as well as with the City Clerk. (In the case of retirees living outside of the City of New York, an alternate affidavit of domestic
partnership recognized by the City of New York may be presented in lieu of registration.)
(b) You must supply proof of cohabitation. This may be shown by means of drivers’ licenses, tax returns or other proof recognized by the
City of New York.
(c) You must present evidence of at least two of the indications of economic interdependency set forth below.
• Ajointbankaccount.
• Ajointcreditorchargecard.
• Ajointobligationonaloan.
• Statusasanauthorizedsignatoryonyourdomesticpartner’sbankaccount,creditcardorchargecard.
• Jointownershiporholdingofinvestments.
• Jointownershipofaresidence.
• Jointownershipofrealestateotherthanaresidence.
• Listingofbothyouandyourdomesticpartnerastenantsontheleaseofasharedresidence.
• Sharedrentalpaymentsforaresidence.
• Listingofyouandyourdomesticpartnerastenantsonaleaseorsharedrentalpaymentsforpropertyotherthanaresidence.
• Acommonhouseholdandsharedhouseholdexpenses,suchasgrocerybills,utilitybillsandtelephonebills.
• Sharedhouseholdbudgetforpurposesofreceivinggovernmentbenefits.
• Statusofoneasrepresentativepayeefortheother’sgovernmentbenefits.
• Jointownershipofmajoritemsofpersonalproperty,suchasappliancesandfurniture.
• Jointownershipofamotorvehicle.
• Jointresponsibilityforchildcare.Thismaybeshownbemeansofschooldocuments,guardianshippapersorsimilardocuments.
• Sharedchildcareexpenses,suchasbabysitting,daycareandschoolbills.
• Executionofwillsnamingeachotherasexecutorand/orbeneficiary.
• Designationofoneasbeneficiaryundertheother’slifeinsurancepolicy.
• Designationofoneasbeneficiaryundertheother’sretirementbenefitsaccount.
• Mutualgrantofpowerofattorney.
• Mutualgrantofauthoritytomakehealthcaredecisions,suchasahealthcarepowerofattorney.
• Affidavitbyacreditororotherindividualabletotestifytoyourpartner’sfinancialinterdependence.
• OtheritemsofproofacceptabletotheCityofNewYorkshowingeconomicinterdependency.
7. If You Are Disabled on the Date Your Coverage Becomes Effective. On the day your coverage becomes effective you may
be confined due to a disability, in a hospital, another institution, or in your home under the care of a doctor. If this is the case, you are not
eligible for benefits until you are no longer confined.
The dependent children of your covered domestic partner are also covered. The eligibility terms set forth in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 above
8. Scope of Coverage. This Plan consists of two types of benefits. The type of benefit you receive is dependent on whether or not you use a
Participating Provider. A Participating Provider is any doctor or other Provider who has agreed with GHI to accept GHI’s payment as payment
in full for covered services, except in cases where a Co-pay Charge is applicable. If you use a Participating Provider, payments are generally
made directly to that Provider. These payments are made in accordance with the CBP Schedule of Allowances. Except for home and office
visits, specialist consultations, diagnostic, X-ray and laboratory tests which are subject to a Co-pay Charge, these benefits are paid at 100% of
the CBP Schedule and are not subject to co-insurance, deductibles, or lifetime maximums. Most, but not all, of your benefits are available
through Participating Providers.
If you use a non-participating Provider, payment is made directly to you. Payment is determined under the City of New York Non-
Participating Provider Schedule. These benefits are subject to deductibles, co-insurance and calendar year and lifetime maximums.
Special terms apply to coverage of private duty professional nursing services, durable medical equipment, home care services and home
infusion therapy. (See Section Five, Paragraphs 15, 16, 24 and 25 respectively).
9. Medicare. If you are eligible for Medicare, your benefits may be different than the benefits described in the main body of this booklet.
Refer to Section Fourteen for an explanation of your benefits.
10. Criteria for Coverage. You are covered only for the services listed in this Contract. The services must be rendered by a licensed
Provider. The Provider must act within the scope of his or her license. GHI does not cover services unless they are medically necessary.
Medically necessary services are health care services that are rendered by a Hospital or a licensed Provider and are determined by GHI to meet
all of the criteria listed below:
• Theyareprovidedforthediagnosis,ordirectcareortreatmentofthecondition,illness,disease,injuryorailment;
• Theyareconsistentwiththesymptomsorproperdiagnosisandtreatmentofthemedicalcondition,disease,injuryoraliment;
• Theyareinaccordancewithacceptedstandardsofgoodmedicalpracticeinthecommunity;
• Theyarefurnishedinasettingcommensuratewiththepatient’smedicalneedsandcondition;
• Theycannotbeomittedunderthestandardsreferencedabove;
• Theyarenotinexcessofthecareindicatedbygenerallyacceptedstandardsofgoodmedicalpracticeinthecommunity;
• Theyarenotfurnishedprimarilyfortheconvenienceofthepatient,thepatient’sfamilyortheProvider;and
• Inthecaseofahospitalization,theservicescannotberenderedsafelyoradequatelyonanoutpatientbasisand,therefore,requirethat
the patient receive acute care as a bed patient.
In making a determination regarding medical necessity, GHI will examine your treatment and your condition. GHI will examine your
doctor’s reasons for providing or prescribing the care, and any unusual circumstances. However, the fact that your doctor prescribed or
provided the care does not automatically mean that the care qualifies for payment under this Plan.
GHI may require that a Provider’s statement be furnished detailing the nature and necessity of a rendered service. This statement must be
provided, if requested, in order for your claim to be processed. It must be in a form acceptable to GHI.
SECTION TWO: Definitions
The following definitions apply to your benefits:
l. Schedule of Allowances. The CBP Schedule of Allowances (“Schedule”) is GHI’s listing of the payments for covered medical services
rendered by Participating Providers. Payment is made under the Schedule directly to a Participating Provider.
The City of New York Non-Participating Provider Allowed Charge refers to the amount allowed for reimbursement to Non-Participating
Providers. This amount less any applicable deductible or co-insurance is reimbursed directly to you. See Section Four. (See definition number
9 below.)
A listing of the Schedule of Allowances and Allowed Charges is on file at GHI’s home and regional offices and with the Superintendent
of Insurance, State of New York Insurance Department. It is available for your inspection, at these locations, upon your request, at any
reasonable time during regular business hours.
2. Provider. A “Provider” is a medical practitioner or covered facility recognized by GHI for reimbursement purposes. A Provider may be
any of the providers listed below, subject to the conditions set forth in this paragraph.
1. A doctor of medicine.
2. A doctor of osteopathy.
3. A dentist.
4. A chiropractor.
5. A doctor of podiatric medicine.
6. A physical therapist.
7. A nurse midwife.
8. A certified and registered psychologist.
9. A certified and qualified social worker.
10. An optometrist.
11. A nurse anesthetist.
12. A speech therapist.
13. An audiologist.
14. A clinical laboratory.
15. A screening center.
16. A general hospital.
17. Any other type of practitioner or facility specifically listed in this Certificate as a practitioner or facility recognized by GHI for reim-
bursement purposes.
A Provider must be licensed or certified to render the covered service. The covered service must be within the scope of the Provider’s license
or certification. Please note that not all services rendered by a specific class of Providers listed above are covered services. In order for you to be
covered, the service rendered to you must be covered. In addition, the practitioner or facility rendering the service must be listed in this Certificate
as a Provider who is recognized by GHI to render the covered service. Please refer to the benefit description to find out if a service is covered.
3. Participating Provider. A Participating Provider is any doctor or other Provider who has agreed with GHI to accept GHI’s payment as
payment in full for covered services, except in cases where a Co-pay Charge is applicable. Consult your Directory of Participating Physicians
and other Providers for the names of Participating Providers. You may also call or write GHI for this information. Most, but not all, covered
services are available through Participating Providers.
4. You. The word “you” refers to you, the employee or retiree and to any members of your family who are covered under this Plan.
5. Group Contract. The Group Contract is the agreement GHI has with the City of New York.
6. Certificate of Insurance. This document is your Certificate of Insurance. It is evidence of your coverage under the Group Contract.
7. Contract. The word “Contract” in the text refers to this Certificate.
8. Hospital. Hospital means a psychiatric hospital or general hospital that has medical and surgical facilities for the care and treatment of
the sick. A hospital is not one of the following:
(a) An old age, rest or nursing home.
(b) A convalescent home or similar institution.
(c) A sanitarium.
(d) A camp, school, college or university infirmary.
(e) A facility for the treatment of mental problems, tuberculosis, drug abuse or alcoholism.
(f) A weight loss or fitness center.
(g) A skilled nursing center or facility.
(h) An institution utilized primarily for custodial care or as a domicile.
(i) Health resorts or spas.
(j) Places for hospice care treatment.
(k) Rehabilitation facilities.
9. Allowed Charge. Allowed Charges are the various scheduled amounts which GHI will reimburse for covered services rendered by non-
participating providers. The Allowed Charge schedules may vary depending upon the type of covered service you receive, and the applicable
level of benefits. Allowed Charges are based upon data collected by GHI and agreed to by the City of New York.
Allowed Charges for basic benefits for covered services which are rendered by non-participating providers are based upon 1983 procedure
allowances. Some allowances have been increased from time to time. The Allowed Charge may be less than the fee charged by a non-partic-
ipating provider. You must pay any difference between the Allowed Charge and the non-participating provider’s fee as well as any applicable
cost sharing provision.
The Optional Rider provides an enhanced Allowed Charge schedule which results in greater reimbursement for most covered services. See
the Optional Rider for Active Employees and Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees in this booklet for a description of the Optional Rider coverage.
There are different Allowed Charge schedules that apply to excess hospitalization coverage, catastrophic coverage and ambulance coverage.
There may be occasions where GHI does not have an Allowed Charge for a particular service. When this is the case, GHI will make payment
based upon either Medicare guidelines and/or the Relative Value Scale to determine comparability between procedures. The Relative Value
Scale is a standard of rating generally acceptable in the health insurance field.
In the event that the Provider’s actual and customary billed charge is less than GHI’s Allowed Charge, GHI will consider the Provider’s
charge to be GHI’s Allowed Charge for the covered service rendered to you.
10. Co-Pay Charge. Co-Pay Charge refers to a fixed dollar amount you must pay to a Participating Provider for certain services.
SECTION THREE: Use of Participating Providers for Paid-In-Full Benefits
1. Participating Providers. GHI Participating Providers accept GHI’s Schedule of Allowances as payment in full for covered services.
There is no deductible or co-insurance when you use a Participating Provider. However, there is a $10 Co-pay Charge for each home or office
visit and out-of-hospital consultation.
You are also subject to a $10 Co-pay Charge for diagnostic X-rays and laboratory tests. This Co-pay Charge will apply to each diagnostic
X-ray and laboratory test performed by a Participating Provider. A maximum of one Co-pay Charge will apply per date of service, per provider.
This means that if one Participating Provider performs two tests on the same day, you will be subject to one $10 Co-pay Charge only. However,
if two different Participating Providers perform one or more lab tests each on the same day, you will be subject to a maximum of two Co-pay
Charges of $10 each. A maximum of two diagnostics Co-pay Charges will apply per date of service. This maximum applies regardless of the
number of Participating Providers you see on that date.
Special terms apply to coverage of private duty professional nursing services, durable medical equipment, home care services and home
infusion therapy. (See Section Five, Paragraphs 23, 24, 21 and 22 respectively).
The use of Participating Providers controls your out-of-pocket expenses. Consult your Directory of Participating Physicians and other
Providers or phone GHI to obtain the names of Participating Providers in your area.
You must advise the Participating Provider of your GHI/CBP coverage before the service is rendered. You must verify that the Provider is a
Participating Provider. You should not pay the provider directly for any covered services except for the $10 Co-pay Charge when applicable.
2. Services Provided by Participating Providers. Participating Providers have agreed to accept GHI’s payment as payment in full for
the following:
(a) General Medical Care, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(b) In-Hospital Medical and Psychiatric Care.
(c) Surgical Services.
(d) Assistants at Surgery.
(e) Administration of Anesthesia.
(f) Radiation Therapy.
(g) Shock Therapy.
(h) Specialist Consultations, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(i) Diagnostic X-ray Examinations, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(j) Diagnostic Laboratory Tests, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(k) Maternity Care.
(l) Care of Premature and Ill Infants.
(m) Chiropractic Care, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(n) Physiotherapy, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(o) Speech Therapy, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(p) Intermittent Nurse Service in Your Home (Visiting Nurse Service).
(q) Allergy Desensitization, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(r) Osteopathic manipulations, subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
(s) Mammography Screening Examinations.
(t) Orthoptic services (eye muscle exercise), subject to the $10 Co-pay Charge.
3. Benefits Available. Most, but not all services covered under this Certificate are available through Participating Providers.
SECTION FOUR: Use of Non-Participating Providers
1. Non-Participating Providers. You may choose any Provider you want for covered services. You may select a non-participating
Provider. Non-participating Providers do not have an agreement with GHI to limit fees. You must pay them directly. Reimbursement for
covered services will be made directly to you according to the City of New York Non-Participating Provider Schedule. These benefits are subject
to deductibles, co-insurance, and maximums.
2. Benefits. When you use a non-participating Provider, benefits are paid under the City of New York Non-Participating Provider Schedule
in accordance with the Allowed Charge for all services. (See Section Two, paragraph 9).
These benefits are subject to the following provisions:
(a) Annual Deductible. You are subject to an annual deductible of $175 per person up to a maximum deductible for a family of three
or more of $500 in each calendar year. GHI will make payment to you after you have paid this amount. The amount credited to your
deductible shall be based on the Allowed Charge.
(b) Common Accident Provision. More than one family member may be involved in an accident. If that occurs, only $175 in allowed
expenses are required to satisfy the deductible for that accident, for all covered persons involved. The $175 is first applied towards the
Subscriber’s deductible. If the Subscriber was not involved, it is applied toward the oldest member of the family who was involved.
(c) GHI Payments. After you have met your deductible, GHI will pay 100% of the Allowed Charge for covered services.
(d) Annual Maximum. Each person is subject to a calendar year maximum of $200,000 in covered expenses. Only $100,000 of this
maximum may be used toward Private Duty Professional Nursing Services.
(e) Lifetime Maximum. Each person is subject to a lifetime maximum of $1,000,000 in covered expenses.
Special terms apply to coverage of private duty professional nursing services, durable medical equipment, home care services and home
infusion therapy. (See Section Five, Paragraphs 23, 24, 21 and 22 respectively).
SECTION FIVE: Covered Medical Services
GHI provides benefits for the covered medical services listed below. Unless otherwise specified, benefits are available through both
Participating and non-participating Providers.
All claims for services must contain specifics as to the services rendered. GHI reserves the right to delay the processing of claims when the
Provider only lists a general fee until GHI receives the specifics as to the services rendered.
l. General Medical Care. You are covered for home and office visits. Payments are made for the following types of services:
(a) Treatment or diagnosis of illness or injury.
(b) Allergy desensitization.
(c) Physiotherapy.
(d) Speech therapy.
(e) Chiropractic care (limited to a maximum of 8 visits per calendar year).
(f) Emergency first aid service.
(g) Osteopathic manipulation.
(h) Orthoptic services.
Under the Participating Provider Program, a $10 Co-pay Charge applies to home and office visits.
All visits are subject to utilization review. As with all covered services, the service that is rendered to you must be medically necessary. GHI
may require that a current Provider’s statement, acceptable to GHI, be furnished detailing the medical necessity of any service. In some cases,
GHI may request that a treatment plan and statement be filed at the commencement of your treatment. In all cases, GHI will require that a
current Provider’s statement be furnished after the following number of visits for the following services:
(a) Speech therapy, l6 visits.
(b) Allergy desensitization, l6 visits.
(c) Physiotherapy, 8 visits.
(d) Osteopathic manipulations, 8 visits.
(e) Orthoptic services, 8 visits
2. Preventive Care. You are covered for Preventive Care services set forth below. Please see Paragraph 23 of this Section for covered
preventive and primary care services for dependent children.
(a) Mammography Screening. You are covered for mammography screening as set forth below. A “mammography screening” is a breast
X-ray which is done using dedicated mammography equipment.
1. A mammography at any time if recommended by a physician.
2. A single baseline mammography if you are 35 through 39 years of age.
3. A mammography every two year if you are 40 through 49 years of age. This benefit may be covered more frequently if
recommended by your physician.
4. An annual mammography if you are 50 years of age or older.
(b) Pap Smear Screening. You are covered for one annual Pap smear screening. You must be 18 years of age or older. Your Pap smear
screening includes the following:
(i) An annual pelvic examination.
(ii) Then collection and preparation of a Pap smear.
(iii) The laboratory and diagnostic services needed to examine and evaluate the Pap smear.
You are not covered for the following Preventive Care services, except as set forth above.
(a) Annual physicals.
(b) Immunizations.
(c) Screening examinations.
3. Surgery. You are covered for surgical procedures in or out of the hospital. The customary pre- and post-operative visits are included in
your payment. In order for you to receive benefits, the surgeon may not be an employee of the hospital.
Certain surgical procedures are subject to the requirements of the NYC HEALTHLINE Program and may require a mandatory second
surgical opinion. If the requirements of the NYC HEALTHLINE Program are not met, you may be subject to penalties. (See Section Six).
If multiple surgical procedures are performed through the same incision, GHI will pay the rate for the procedure with the highest
allowance. If multiple surgical procedures are performed through different incisions, GHI will pay 100% of the surgical allowance for the most
expensive procedure being performed plus one-half the allowance for any other procedure being performed.
You are covered for the services of assistant surgeons. Payment for the first assistant surgeon are based upon 20% of the Surgical Allowance.
Payment for a second assistant are based upon 10% of the Surgical Allowance. A physician’s assistant is covered in lieu of an assistant
surgeon. The first physician’s assistant is covered at 15% of the surgical allowance. The second physician’s assistant is covered at 7.5% of the
surgical allowance.
4. Dental/Dental Related Benefits. The following benefits are the only dental/dental related benefits covered under this Certificate.
They may be performed by either a physician or dentist.
(a) Excision of impacted teeth.
(b) Reduction of fractures of the jaw or facial bones.
(c) Treatment of salivary gland disorders.
(d) Cutting surgery on tissue of the mouth other than the gums and alveolar bone. The surgery cannot be rendered in connection with
the extraction, repair or replacement of the teeth. Implants and implant sugery, including preparation of the alveolar process for the
insertion of dental implants, are not covered. Removal of cysts of dental origin is not covered.
(e) Treatment rendered within one year of the date of an accident for the repair of injury to natural teeth sustained accidentally.
(f) Visitsforthepurposeofdiagnosisortreatmentoftemporo-mandibularjointdysfunction(TMJ)syndrome.However,dentalexamina-
by occlusional adjustment is not covered. You are not covered for intra-oral appliances or orthopedic devices and their maintenance.
5. Administration of Anesthesia. You are covered for the administration of Anesthesia. In order for you to receive benefits, your
Provider may not be your surgeon, an assistant surgeon, or a hospital employee. The anesthesia must be rendered in connection with a
covered surgical or obstetrical service. Payments for anesthesia include the administration of blood and other fluids during surgery.
Payments for the administration of Anesthesia will be based on the surgical procedure performed and the amount of time spent by the
6. Maternity Care. You are covered for childbirth and for certain conditions related to pregnancy. This includes operations for extra-uter-
ine pregnancies and the treatment of miscarriages. You are also covered for terminations of pregnancies. GHI’s payment includes the usual
care given before and after the delivery or termination of pregnancy.
GHI shall pay maternity benefits in three installments. Two payments shall be made for pre-natal care and one payment for delivery and
post-partum care. Payments shall be made only for services rendered. A claim for the services must be filed with GHI for each installment.
GHI shall pay 15% of the Scheduled or Allowed amount at the first installment. GHI shall pay 25% of the Scheduled or Allowed amount at the
second installment. And GHI shall pay 60% of the Scheduled or Allowed amount at the third installment. In no event shall GHI pay more than
the 100% of the Scheduled or Allowed amount in its total payments.
Claims for services rendered may only be submitted after the installment date. Please note, you may still submit your entire claim after
The following is GHI’s schedule of installment dates:
(a) First installment: Three months after conception.
(b) Second installment: Six months after conception.
(c) Third installment: After delivery.
Maternity care must be rendered by a doctor or certified nurse midwife. The nurse midwife must be permitted to perform the service under
the laws of the State where the services are rendered.
Complications of pregnancy are covered as part of your maternity benefit. Separate reimbursement is not available for such complications.
Benefits are available for maternity upon enrollment. Deliveries occurring after your coverage terminates are not covered under this Plan,
except as provided in Section Ten, Paragraph 2.
7. In-Hospital Medical Care. You are covered for medical care rendered in the hospital. In order to be covered, the care may not be
provided by a hospital employee. The Provider’s service must be unrelated to surgery.
In-hospital medical care consists of the following:
(a) Routine Medical Care.
(b) Psychiatric Care rendered by a physician, certified and registered psychologist or a certified social worker. The social worker must be
qualified as a Provider for third-party reimbursement under the laws of New York State. He or she must have six years of post-Masters
Degree supervised Psychotherapy experience. Psychiatric care may be rendered in either a general or psychiatric hospital. Custodial
care is not covered.
(c) Care of premature infants and illness of newborns.
(d) Intensive Care.
8. Radiation Therapy. You are covered for the administration of radiation therapy. This Certificate does not cover the cost of radium or
other radioactive materials.
9. Chemotherapy. You are covered for chemotherapy. Coverage for chemotherapy includes coverage for drugs dispensed by a physician or
10. Specialist Consultations. Your doctor may want you to see a Specialist. The Specialist may or may not be a Participating Provider.
If you wish to use a Specialist who is a Participating Provider, you may call GHI for a list of Participating Specialists in your area. Under the
Participating Program, a $10 Co-pay Charge applies to Specialist consultations.
You are covered for one out-of-hospital consultation in each specialty per calendar year, for each condition being treated.
You are covered for one in-hospital consultation in each specialty per confinement, for each condition being treated.
You are not covered for consultations in the fields of pathology, roentgenology, or anesthesiology.
Consultations are covered only upon the direct referral and advice of your attending physician. In order for the service to be covered, the
consultant must submit a report to the referring physician.
Second surgical consultations are available through NYC HEALTHLINE. (See Section Six of this booklet and the “New York City Summary
Program Description” booklet.)
11. Diagnostic Procedures, X-Ray Examinations and Laboratory Tests. You are covered for diagnostic procedures. These consist
of diagnostic laboratory and X-ray procedures performed out of the hospital by a doctor or an independent laboratory. In-hospital services are
covered only if billed by independent physicians, who are not hospital employees.
You are covered for the separate interpretation of X-rays and laboratory tests. A non-participating radiologist or pathologist must give you a
separate bill for this service. Payment shall be made based upon 30% of the radiology or laboratory procedure allowance after your deductible
has been satisfied. Under the Participating Provider Program, a $10 Co-pay Charge applies. (See Section Three, Paragraph 1.)
You are not covered for screening exams except as provided in Paragraph 2.
12. Shock Therapy. You are covered for shock therapy. It may be given in or out of the hospital. There is no annual maximum number
of treatments for this benefit.
13. Ambulance Service. You are covered for emergency ambulance service. This benefit is an indemnity benefit only. It is not available
as a paid-in-full benefit through Participating Providers. It is also not subject to a deductible. GHI will reimburse you at 80% of the Allowed
Charge, up to a maximum of $1,000 per trip.
You are not covered for ambulette service. You are not covered for air ambulance. However air ambulance services from one hospital to
another may be covered under your Blue Cross Coverage.
14. Excess Hospitalization Coverage/Inpatient Hospital Charges.
You are covered for hospital charges in excess of your Blue Cross benefits. Coverage is available only for charges described in this
paragraph. GHI covers hospital services ordinarily covered by Blue Cross. Your Blue Cross deductible is not covered.
Charges for full days covered by Blue Cross are never covered by GHI. GHI covers admissions for diagnostic studies, physical therapy and
medical rehabilitation. (See Paragraph 18 of this Section). These admissions may be in specialized rehabilitation facilities. You are not
covered for custodial hospital care.
Coverage for Hospital Charges includes the following:
(a) Room and Board. The charge may not exceed the hospital’s most common semi-private room rate.
(b) Special Hospital Services. This includes services rendered by hospital staff or other hospital employees.
(c) Drugs supplied by the hospital.
(d) Diagnostic tests performed by the hospital.
Special Limitations Applicable to Inpatient Hospital Charges Only.
(a) If you have the 75-day or the 365 day Blue Cross Program, your benefit for hospital charges is subject to the $200,000 annual
maximum per person.
(b) All payments for hospital charges count towards the applicable annual and lifetime maximum and are subject to deductibles and co-
15. Outpatient Hospital Charges. You are covered for outpatient hospital charges only if the service provided is not covered by Blue
Cross. The service must be rendered in an Out-Patient Department of a Hospital. The service is not covered if it is the result of an accident
or a sudden or serious illness which is covered under your Blue Cross coverage. Related diagnostic X-rays, laboratory tests and charges by
physicians who are not hospital employees are covered.
16. Hemodialysis Service. You are covered for hemodialysis service. However, please see Section Fourteen, Paragraph 1(c), for
limitations concerning individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease.
17. Centers of Specialized Care. You may be eligible for paid-in-full benefits for select cardiac procedures and heart transplants under
the GHI Centers of Specialized Care Program. The GHI Centers of Specialized Care Program is a network of hospitals designed to offer you
paid in full hospital and medical benefits for select cardiac tests and surgeries and heart transplants.
This Program is available to you only if you are:
(a) an active employee;
(b) a non-Medicare eligible retiree; or
(c) a covered dependent of an active employee or a non-Medicare eligible retiree.
You must also have your primary insurance coverage through the City of New York in order to be eligible to participate in this Program.
(a) Paid-in-Full-Benefits. Hospitals and physicians who participate in the GHI Centers of Specialized Care network have agreed to
accept GHI’s payment as payment in full for the cardiac and heart transplant procedures covered under the Program. When you
choose a network hospital, you incur no out of pocket expenses for covered cardiac or heart transplant procedures. Also, your hospital
deductible is waived. If you choose to receive services outside of the network, your care will be covered under your standard GHI/CBP/
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans. Accordingly, your benefits will be subject to the deductibles and maxima that normally apply to
your coverage.
(b) Access to the Program. You must call NYC HEATHLINE at 1-800-521-9574 in order to participate in the GHI Centers of
Specialized Care Program. Only certain cardiac services are covered under this Program. As such, you should call NYC HEATHLINE as
soon as possible after you learn that you need cardiac care. For example:
• Ifcardiacsurgerymaybenecessary,andyouarereferredtoacardiologistfortests,callNYCHEATHLINEifyouwishtohavethe
tests provided through the network.
• Ifcardiacsurgeryisnecessary,andyourphysicianrefersyoutoaheartsurgeon,callNYCHEATHLINEifyouwishtohavethe
surgery provided through the network. All admissions under the GHI Centers of Specialized Care Program must be precertified. Call
at least 10 days prior to your admission to maximize your benefits and avoid penalties. NYC HEATHLINE will refer your case to GHI.
A GHI nurse consultant will answer your questions. He or she will also coordinate the arrangements for your care. If you wish, you
may contact GHI directly by calling 1-800-223-9870.
(c) Limitations. The GHI Centers of Specialized Care Program covers cardiac care only. Any in-hospital medical care and other services
provided to you in a network hospital during your stay which are not incidental to your cardiac procedure or heart transplant will not
be covered as part of the GHI Centers of Specialized Care Program. They will be covered under your standard GHI/CBP/Empire Blue
Cross Blue Shield Plans. Coverage for such care and services will be subject to the deductibles, co-insurance and maxima applicable to
your standard plan. As with all planned hospital admissions, you must precertify your admission to a GHI Centers of Specialized Care
network hospital with NYC HEATHLINE.
18. Hospital Admissions Primarily for Physical Therapy, Physical Rehabilitation or Physical Medicine. You are covered
for up to 30 days per calendar year for hospital stays the primary purpose of which is physical therapy, physical medicine, physical rehabilita-
tion, or a combination of these services. Coverage may be extended beyond 30 days if authorized (through GHI or NYC HEATHLINE) based on
medical necessity. Coverage for these services is subject to the deductibles and maxima set forth in Section Four.
19. Diabetes Management. You are covered for equipment and supplies for the treatment of diabetes. You are also covered diabetes self-
management education. Your coverage is described below.
(a) Equipment and Supplies. You are covered for certain equipment and supplies for the treatment of diabetes. In order to be covered,
a Provider must recommend or prescribe the equipment and supplies. The Provider must be legally authorized to write a prescrip-
tion. You are covered for the items described in this paragraph. The Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health may
provide and periodically update by rule or regulation a list of additional diabetes equipment and related supplies such as are medically
necessary for the treatment of diabetes. Such additional equipment and supplies are also covered.
You are covered for the equipment set forth below.
(1) Blood glucose monitors. This includes blood glucose monitors for the legally blind.
(2) Data management systems.
(3) Test strips for glucose monitors and visual reading and urine testing strips.
(4) Injection aids.
(5) Cartridges for the legally blind.
(6) Insulin pumps and appurtenances thereto.
(7) Insulin infusion devices.
The equipment listed above is covered in full if you obtain it from a GHI Preferred Provider of durable medical equipment (DME). If
you obtain it from a provider who is not a Preferred Provider, it is covered subject to the deductible and maxima set forth in Section
Four. For the names of GHI DME Preferred Providers, please call (212) 501-4GHI. (See also Paragraph 24 of this Section).
You are also covered for the items set forth below.
(1) Insulin.
(2) Needles and Syringes.
(3) Oral agents for controlling blood sugar.
If you are covered under an Optional Rider to this Plan, these items are reimbursed according to the terms of your Optional Rider.
They are not reimbursed according to the terms of this paragraph. Please refer to your Optional Rider for a description of your benefits
and for instructions for filing of claim forms.
If you are not covered under an Optional Rider to this Plan, these items are covered under this paragraph. You are subject to a $5
Co-pay Charge for these items. They are not available from Participating Providers. You must pay the full cost for these items. You
must obtain a receipt for your purchase. You must submit a claim form to GHI. GHI will reimburse you directly. You will be paid in
full for these items, less the $5 Co-Co-Pay Charge.
(b) Education. You are also covered for diabetes self-management education. This includes education relating to proper diet. Diabetes
self-management education ensures that persons with diabetes are informed as to the proper self-management and treatment of their
diabetic condition. It is covered only if it is conducted by a Provider. The Provider must be legally authorized to write a prescription.
It may also be provided by a member of the Provider’s staff. It must be part of an office visit for diabetes diagnosis or treatment. It is
covered only in the instances set forth below.
(1) Upon the diagnosis of diabetes.
(2) Upon a physician’s diagnosis of a significant change in symptoms or conditions which require changes in self management.
(3) Where reeducation or refresher education is necessary.
Diabetes self-management education may also be conducted by one of the following:
(1) A certified diabetes nurse educator.
(2) A certified nutritionist.
(3) A certified or registered dietician.
In order to be covered, you must be referred by a Provider. The Provider must be authorized to write a prescription. The education must be
provided in a group setting if practicable. A home visit is covered only if it is medically necessary.
Diabetes self management education is covered according to the terms of Sections Three and Four.
20. Preventive and Primary Care Services for Dependent Children. Your covered dependent child is covered for preventive and
primary care services as described below from birth until age 19. The services must be provided by or under the supervision of a Provider set
forth below.
• Aphysician.
• Alicensednursepractitionereligibleforreimbursementbylaw.
The services must be performed in the Provider’s office or in a hospital as defined in Section 2801 of the Public Health Law.
The services described below are not subject to a Co-pay Charge when rendered by a Participating Provider.
(a) Initial In-Hospital Pediatric Visit. You are covered for an initial in-hospital well-baby visit for your newborn in accordance with
the prevailing clinical standards of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
(b) Well Child Visits. You are covered for well child visits scheduled in accordance with the prevailing clinical standards of the
American Academy of Pediatrics. Each visit shall include services in accordance with these prevailing clinical standards.including:
1. Medical history.
2. Complete physical examination.
3. Developmental assessment.
4. Anticipatory guidance.
5. Appropriate immunizations and laboratory tests. These must be ordered at the time of the visit. They must be performed in the
Provider’s office or in a clinical laboratory.
(c) Necessary immunizations. Coverage is provided for necessary immunizations as determined by the New York State Superintendent
of Insurance in consultation with the New York State Commissioner of Health. These consist of at least adequate dosages of vaccine
against the diseases set forth below. The dosages of vaccine must meet standards approved by the United States Public Health Service
for such biological products.
a. Diphtheria.
b. Pertussis.
c. Tetanus.
d. Polio.
e. Haemophilus influenza type b.
f. Measles.
g. Mumps.
h. Rubella.
i. Hepatitus b.
21. Home Care Services. You are covered for home care services. The extent of your coverage is described below. In order to be eligible
for paid-in-full benefits, the home care services must be precertified with GHI Coordinated Care and rendered by a GHI participating home
care agency.
(a) Type of Home Care Agency Covered. GHI will pay for home care visits made by a Certified Home Care Agency. The Agency must
have an Operating Certificate to provide home care issued under Article 36 of the New York State Public Health Law. Payment will not
be made for care rendered by a licensed home care agency unless the home care agency has an Operating Certificate under Article 36.
(b) Conditions for Home Care Coverage. GHI will pay for Home Care visits only if the following conditions are met.
(i) If you had not received Home Care visits, you would have had to have been hospitalized or cared for in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
The Home Care visits must be a substitution for hospital care or care in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
(ii) Home Care services must commence no later than 21 days following:
• yourdischargefromthehospital;or
• theonsetoftheconditionrequiringyourconfinement.
(iii) A plan for your Home Care must have been established and approved in writing by a physician.
(c) Covered Home Care Services. You are covered for the following Home Care services provided by a Certified Home Care Agency.
(i) Part-time or intermittent home nursing care by or under the supervision of a registered professional nurse (R.N.).
(ii) Part-time or intermittent home health aide services which consist primarily of caring for the patient.
(iii) Medical social worker visits.
(iv) Physical, occupational, or speech therapy if the Home Care Agency provides these services.
(v) Laboratory services, X-rays and EKG services provided by or on behalf of the Home Care Agency.
(vi) Drugs prescribed by a physician when dispensed by a certified home health agency.
(vii) Ambulance or ambulette to or from the nearest hospital if medically necessary. Medical supplies are covered only when provided
by a GHI Preferred Provider of durable medical equipment (DME). They must be prescribed by a doctor.
(d) Extent of Coverage. The extent of your coverage varies. It depends upon whether you receive services from a GHI participating
home care services provider or any other eligible home care services provider.
(i) Participating Provider. If you receive covered services from a GHI participating home care services provider, you are
covered in full for up to 200 home care visits per person per calendar year. You must precertify the home care services with GHI
Coordinated Care by calling:
Home care services are subject to concurrent review by GHI Coordinated Care. For the names of GHI participating home care
services providers in your area, please call GHI Coordinated Care.
If you are outside of GHI’s home care services participating provider operating area and cannot use a participating provider,
please contact GHI Coordinated Care. If you pre-certify out-of-area services with GHI Coordinated Care, you are eligible for
coverage of up to 200 home care visits per person per calendar year. GHI will pay you up to 100% of the average payment it makes
to a GHI participating home care services provider for covered services. If you do not precertify the services, you are covered as set
forth item (ii) below.
(ii) Any Other Home Care Services Provider. You are also covered for services rendered by a non-participating home care
services provider. You are subject to a $50 deductible per person per episode of care. After you have met this deductible, you are
covered for up to 40 visits per person per calendar year. GHI will pay you up to 80% of the average payment it makes to a GHI par-
ticipating home care services provider for the type of services you receive. You must pay any difference between GHI’s payment and
the provider’s charge.
GHI will pay for Home Care visits and for the other services listed above only for as long as you would otherwise have had to be confined in
a Hospital or in a Skilled Nursing Facility.
However, GHI will not pay for more visits than set forth in paragraphs (i) and (ii) above in each calendar year.
Each visit by a member of a Home Care team is counted as one Home Care visit. Up to four hours of home health aide service are counted
as one Home Care Visit.
22. Home Infusion Therapy. You are covered only for home infusion therapy rendered by a GHI Preferred home infusion therapy
provider. Your coverage includes:
• AntibioticTherapy.
• HydrationTherapy.
• PainManagement.
• Chemotherapy.
• TotalParenteralNutrition(TPN).
• AerosolizedPentamidine.
(a) Conditions for Home Infusion Therapy Coverage. GHI will pay for home infusion therapy only if the following conditions
are met.
(i) A physician must give specific written orders authorizing home infusion therapy.
(ii) The home care infusion services are precertified with GHI Coordinated Care.
(iii) The services are rendered by a GHI participating home infusion therapy provider.
You are not covered for home infusion therapy rendered by a non-participating provider. However, the individual component
services of the home infusion therapy (e.g. - private duty nursing, prescription drugs, and durable medical equipment) may be
covered under other provisions of this Certificate.
If you are outside of GHI’s home infusion therapy participating provider operating area and cannot use a participating provider,
please contact GHI Coordinated Care.
(b) Covered Home Infusion Therapy Services. GHI will pay a participating home infusion therapy provider directly for the services
set forth below. The services must be medically necessary and related to the home infusion therapy. The provider must supply and bill
for the services.
• Suppliesandequipmentfortheadministrationofhomeinfusiontherapy.
• Drugs.
• NursingServices.Thisincludesnursingassessment,patienteducationandtrainingandnursingvisits.
23. Private Duty Professional Nursing Service. You are covered for Private Duty Nursing Services. The service may be rendered at home
or in a hospital. The doctor in charge of he case must file a statement acceptable to GHI that there is a medical need for the skilled nursing service.
The doctor must prescribe a plan of skilled nursing care. The patient’s condition must be unstable and require constant monitoring. The skilled
nursing service must relate to the patient’s diagnosis and condition.
An R.N. must render the service. The charges for the service must be submitted based upon the time spent by the nurse. An L.P.N. may
render this service only if an R.N. was not available to render this service. A statement to that effect, acceptable to GHI, must be filed with GHI.
This service is never covered when it is or could be rendered by home health aides, homemakers, housekeepers, home attendants, or similar
If you receive these services from a GHI Participating Provider of private duty nursing services, you are covered in full. You must precertify
the services with GHI Coordinated Care by calling (212) 615-4662 in New York City or 1-800-223-9870 outside New York City.
If you receive these services from a non-participating provider, you are subject to a separate $250 deductible per person per calendar year
for covered private duty nursing services. After you have met this deductible, GHI will cover this service. Payment will be made at 80% of the
average payment GHI makes to a GHI Participating Provider of private duty nursing services for covered services.
You are covered for private duty professional nursing services rendered by Participating and non-participating Providers up to a maximum
of $100,000 per calendar year. Payments made by GHI toward private duty nursing also count toward your overall annual and lifetime
maxima. You are not covered for private duty nursing services in connection with a normal delivery unless medically necessary.
Custodial care is not covered. Custodial care is care that is provided primarily for personal needs and care that can be provided by aides
who have no professional skills or training. Help in walking or getting in or out of bed are examples of custodial care. Assistance in bathing,
dressing, eating or orally taking medicine is also considered custodial. Custodial care is never covered even if rendered by an R.N. or L.P.N. In
determining what is custodial care, GHI shall also be guided by the standards established by Medicare.
24. Durable Medical Equipment (“DME”) Equipment. You are subject to a separate deductible for the rental or purchase of
Durable Medical Equipment (“DME”). The deductible is $100 per person, per calendar year. Once you have met your annual DME deductible,
GHI will cover this service. The extent of coverage will depend on whether you use a “Preferred Provider” or another provider.
Covered Items. You are covered for the rental, purchase and repair and maintenance (when not covered by a manufacturer’s warranty
or purchase agreement) of the following items of Durable Medical Equipment when medically necessary.
(a) Hospital Beds.
(b) Crutches.
(c) Walkers.
(d) Wheelchairs.
(e) Belts and trusses.
(f) Lamps and diathermy equipment.
(g) Artificial eyes, limbs and other prosthetic appliances, which replace internal body organs.
(h) Orthopedic and incontinence appliances.
(i) Oxygen and oxygen equipment.
(j) Other durable medical equipment or appliances may be covered. In order to be covered, you must submit evidence of the medical
necessity of the item to GHI at the time of submission of the claim. The evidence of medically necessity must be acceptable to GHI.
The following are examples of items not covered as Durable Medical Equipment.
(a) Splints.
(b) Casts.
(c) Orthopedic or orthotic devices for the feet.
(d) Air conditioning devices.
(e) De-humidifiers.
(f) Elevator stairs.
(g) Wigs, hairplugs or other hairpieces.
(h) Intra-oral appliances and/or intra-oral orthopedic devices and their maintenance; intra-osseous devices and their maintenance.
(i) Adjustable beds or other beds which are not strictly hospital beds.
(j) Over-the-counter items, such as antiseptics, alcohol, cotton balls, gels, ointments and other similar items.
In determining what is payable, GHI will be guided by Medicare guidelines. Appliances, Equipment and Oxygen are not available as paid-
in-full benefits from Participating Providers. Co-insurance charges, deductibles, and maximums are applicable to this benefit.
Certain DME items cannot be acquired through Preferred Providers, but are covered under this Certificate. They are as follows:
• MastectomyBras.Youarecoveredforthepurchaseoftwomastectomybraspercalendaryear.YouwillbereimburseddirectlybyGHIat
100% of the Allowed Charge subject to the deductible for DME.
• ProstheticdevicesandorthoticdevicesarenotavailablethroughPreferredProviders.GHIwillreimburseyouat80%oftheallowed
charge for covered prosthetic devices and orthotic devices after you have met your DME deductible.
• Syringesarecoveredanddispensedthroughyourpharmacy.YoumustmeetyourDMEdeductible.Thereafter,thenyouwillbe
reimbursed directly by GHI at 80% of the Allowed Charge
Preferred Providers. If you use a Preferred Provider for any other covered DME, GHI will reimburse the Provider in full after you have
met your annual deductible for DME. Certain DME items for the treatment of diabetes are not subject to this deductible. These items are
always covered in full when obtained from a Preferred Provider. These items are listed in Paragraph 19 of this Section. For the names of GHI
DME Preferred Providers, please call (212) 501-4GHI.
Other Providers. If you receive DME from a provider who is not a Preferred Provider, GHI will reimburse you at 50% of the allowed
charge after you have met the deductible. You are responsible for any difference between GHI’s payment to you and the Provider’s charge.
Certain DME items for the treatment of diabetes are subject to different payment terms. Please refer to Paragraph 19 of this Section for the list
of these items and a description of your coverage.
Pre-Authorization. When the charge for DME equals or exceeds $2,000 you must receive pre-authorization from GHI. The DME supplier
must call GHI’s Coordinated Care Department at 1-800-223-9870 for pre-authorization of this equipment. However, you must call GHI’s
Coordinated Care Department at 1-800-223-9870 for pre-authorization of all prosthetic devices, orthotic devices, and infusion therapy
Maxima. Payments made for DME count toward the overall $200,000 annual and $1,000,000 lifetime maxima under the Certificate. These
payments count toward the maxima if the service is provided by a Preferred Provider or by another provider.
25. The GHI-Behavioral Management Program.
You are covered under the Behavioral Management Program (BMP).
The GHI Behavioral Management Plan is a mental health and chemical dependency benefits program. It was developed with the New York
City Employee Benefits Program and the City’s Municipal Unions. If you are a City employee or a non-Medicare eligible City retiree, the BMP
is part of your coverage. Your non-Medicare eligible dependents are also covered if you have family coverage.
The BMP helps you receive covered services at an appropriate level of care. To be eligible for full benefits, you must call the Clinical Referral
Line prior to receiving covered services. The telephone number is 1-800-NYC-CITY (1-800-692-2489).
The Clinical Referral Line is staffed by trained clinicians. You may call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The clinicians will help you
determine the best form of care. They can help you select a provider who is best suited to your needs. You may also call the Clinical Referral
Line in case of an emergency. The clinician will refer you to the closest facility or emergency room.
The BMP offers a network of Participating practitioners and facilities. Except where noted, you may select a Participating or non-participat-
ing provider. You may obtain the names of Participating providers in your area by calling the Clinical Referral Line.
Participating providers must pre-certify covered services under the Plan. They may not bill you for covered services which were not pre-
certified. You must pre-certify care rendered by non-participating providers. To pre-certify care, you must call the Clinical Referral Line.
1. Chemical Dependency Benefits.
A. Benefits. You are covered for outpatient visits for the diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism. You are covered for outpatient visits
for the diagnosis and treatment of substance abuse and dependence. The visits must take place in an approved facility for treatment. (See
paragraph C below). GHI will not pay for visits in programs of a social, recreational, or companionship nature.
To be covered, each visit must consist of at least one of the services listed below.
• Individualorgroupcounseling.
• Activitytherapy.
• Diagnosticevaluationsbyadoctororotherlicensedmedicalprofessionaltodeterminethenatureandextentofyourillnessor
All covered services must be provided by an employee of the facility. GHI will not make any payments to an individual who provides any of
the covered services. No payment will be made if the facility turns the payments over to the individual who provided the service.
B. Number of Visits Covered. You are covered for a total of 60 outpatient visits for the above services in each calendar year. There is no
Co-pay Charge for such visits. GHI will pay for 1 visit per day. However, GHI will pay for a family therapy visit and an individual visit that takes
place on the same day.
If you have family coverage, up to 20 of the 60 visits available to the person with the alcohol or substance abuse problem may be used
for family therapy. The 20 family therapy visits are covered even if the person with the alcohol or substance abuse problem is not receiving
treatment. The family therapy visits may only be used by members of the family who are covered under this Plan. Regardless of the number
of covered family members, only 20 family visits are available for the treatment of the family member with the alcohol or substance abuse
Family therapy consists of visits for members of a family. The purpose of these visits is to aid in the understanding of the illness. These visits
also help family members play a meaningful role in the recovery. Payment for a family therapy session will be the same as for an individual
visit. This is true, regardless of the number of family members who attend the session.
C. Approved Facilities for Treatment. In New York State, the facility must be certified by the Division of Alcoholism and Alcohol
Abuse or by the Division of Substance Abuse Services to provide the service.
You may receive covered treatment outside of New York State. The facility must be accredited to provide an alcohol or substance abuse
D. Payments. The amount of GHI’s payment for outpatient services will vary. It will depend on whether the facility is a Participating or a
non-participating facility.
• Participating Facility. A Participating Facility is an approved facility which has an agreement to provide care to covered
persons. GHI will pay the facility directly. Payment will be made in full for covered services. You will not have to make any
• Non-Participating Facility. A non-participating facility is an approved facility which does not have an agreement with GHI.
GHI will pay 75% of the average payment it would have made to a Participating Facility for the kind of care you receive. GHI’s
payment may not fully cover the charge to you. You must pay any balance.
2. Mental Health Benefits.
A. Benefits. You are covered for outpatient psychiatric care. Psychiatric care is defined as the diagnosis or treatment of mental, nervous
or emotional disorders and ailments. The BMP will use the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnosis and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to determine what conditions are covered. The care must be rendered by a Provider listed below.
• Aphysician.
• Aregisteredorcertifiedpsychologist.
• Acertifiedsocialworker.ThesocialworkermustbequalifiedasaProviderforthird-partyreimbursementunderthelawsofNew
York State. He or she must have six years of post-masters’ degree supervised psychotherapy experience.
The service may be rendered in a clinic, psychiatric center or Hospital outpatient department. Payment will not be made unless the service
is rendered by one of the Providers set forth above. Services which are merely supervised or directed by a such a Provider are not covered.
In order to be covered, outpatient psychiatric care must be rendered by a Participating Provider. GHI will pay a Participating Provider
directly for covered services. Payment will be made in accordance with the Plan’s Allowances. Each visit is subject to a $10 Co-pay Charge.
Outpatient psychiatric care is not covered when rendered by a non-participating Provider. Benefits for such services are provided only under
the Optional Benefits Rider. (See below.)
B. Number of Visits Covered. You are covered for a total of 30 outpatient visits for the above services in each calendar year. Group and
individuals’ visits are counted as one visit.
3. Diagnostic Evaluations. You are covered for diagnostic evaluations to determine the nature and extent of your condition or illness.
You are covered for a total of 5 evaluations in each calendar year. These visits do not count as part of the outpatient visits described above. To
be covered, you must call the Clinical Referral Line prior to receiving care. You will be referred to a specialist.
4. Treatment Plan. All covered services must be medically necessary. A treatment plan must be pre-certified before you begin any covered
outpatient treatment.
Participating Providers will pre-certify your treatment plan. Participating providers may not bill you for covered services which were not
pre-certified. You must call the Clinical Referral Line to pre-certify care rendered by non-participating Providers. The telephone number is
1-800-NYC-CITY (1-800-692-2489).
All care is reviewed for medical necessity.
5. Appeals. You may appeal if your treatment plan is not approved. To appeal, call the Clinical Referral Line. Your appeal will be decided
within 60 days. This is measured from the date of receipt of all necessary information from you and your Provider.
1. Chemical Dependency Benefits.
A. Benefits. You are covered for the diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism and alcohol abuse. You are also covered for the diagnosis and
treatment of substance abuse and dependence. You are also covered for detoxification. The detoxification treatment must be provided in an
approved hospital or detoxification facility. (See Paragraph C below.)
Rehabilitation care is also covered. You must be confined in a Participating Facility. These services are not covered when rendered in a non-
participating facility. Coverage for such services is only provided under the Optional Benefits Rider.
B. Number of Days Covered. You are covered for 30 days of active treatment in each calendar year. There is a lifetime maximum of
60 days. Visits for detoxification or rehabilitation each count as one visit.
C. Approved Facilities for Treatment. In New York State, the facility must be certified by the Division of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse
or by the Division of Substance Abuse Services to provide the treatment.
substance abuse treatment.
D. Payments. The amount of GHI’s payment for inpatient services will vary. It depends on whether you receive treatment in a
Participating or non-participating facility.
• ParticipatingFacility.AParticipatingfacilityisanapprovedfacilitywhichhasanagreementtoprovidetocoveredpersons.GHIwill
pay the facility directly. Payment will be made in full for covered services. You will not have to make any payments.
• Non-ParticipatingFacility.GHIwillpayforcovereddetoxificationservicesrenderedinanapprovednon-participatingfacility.Sucha
facility has no agreement with GHI. GHI will pay 100% of the average payment it makes to Participating facilities for the services. GHI’s
payment may not fully cover the charge to you. You must pay any balance. GHI will not pay for rehabilitation services rendered in a
non-participating facility.
2. Mental Health Benefits.
A. Benefits. You are covered for inpatient psychiatric care. Your confinement must be for mental, nervous or emotional disorders. The
BMP will use the most recent edition of the DSM to determine what conditions are covered.
B. Number of Days Covered. You are covered for 30 days of active treatment in each calendar year. There is no lifetime maximum for
this care.
C. Payments. The amount of GHI’s payment for covered services will vary. It will depend on whether you receive treatment in a
Participating or non-participating facility.
• Participating Facility. A Participating Facility has an agreement to provide care to covered persons. GHI will pay the facility
directly. Payment will be made in full for covered services. You will not have to make any payments.
• Non-Participating Facility. GHI will pay for covered services rendered in a non-participating facility. Such a facility has no
agreement with GHI. GHI’s payment may not fully cover the charge to you. You must pay any balance. GHI will pay 50% of the
average payment it makes to a Participating facility for the type of service you receive. After you have paid $4,000 in coinsurance
expenses for this service per person per calendar year, GHI will make payment at 100% of the average payment it makes to a
Participating Facility for covered services for the balance of covered days. Care that is not pre-certified is subject to a penalty of
$1,000. In no event, however, will the penalty exceed 50% of the benefit otherwise payable.
3. Pre-Certification Procedures. To be eligible for full benefits, all inpatient care must be pre-certified by calling the Clinical Referral
Line. The telephone number is 1-800-NYC-CITY (1-800-692-2489).
• Ifyourdoctorrecommendsconfinement,yourcaremustbepre-certifiedpriortotheadmissiondate.
• Ifyouarehospitalizedduetoanemergency,yourcaremustbecertifiedwithinone(1)businessdayoftheadmission.Ifyouare
not medically able to call within that time, you must call as soon as you are medically able to do so. An “emergency” is a condition
requiring immediate inpatient care to avoid jeopardy to the patient’s life or serious impairment to the patient’s bodily functions.
• Writtennoticewillbesentwithinforty-eight(48)hoursofthepre-certification.
• Participatingprovidersmustpre-certifyyourcare.Theymaynotbillyouforcoveredserviceswhichwerenotpre-certified.Youmust
pre-certify care rendered in a non-participating facility.
4. Appeals. If you fail to pre-certify inpatient care due to extenuating circumstances, you may appeal. To appeal, you must call the Clinical
Referral Line. GHI will decide your appeal within 60 days. This is measured from the date of receipt of all necessary information from you and
your Provider.
SECTION SIX: NYC HEALTHLINE Pre-Admission Review Program/Mandatory Second Surgical
Consultation Program and Voluntary Second Surgical Consultation Program
To maintain your full insurance coverage, you must call NYC HEALTHLINE before you have certain medical or hospital services. A full
description of NYC HEALTHLINE is provided in the “3 Smart Reasons” brochure. You may obtain this brochure from your employing agency,
your Plan, or from the New York City Employee Benefits office. You should refer to this brochure for a description of NYC HEALTHLINE.
If you are a City employee or a non-Medicare eligible City retiree, NYC HEALTHLINE is part of your coverage. NYC HEATHLINE is also part
of the coverage provided to your covered spouse and covered dependent children if this Plan provides their primary medical coverage. NYC
HEALTHLINE is a managed care program that was developed by the Employee Benefits Program of the New York City Office of Labor Relations
and the Municipal Labor Unions.
If you or a member of your family is scheduled for certain office surgery, any outpatient surgery at a hospital or surgi-center, or any
elective, non-emergency hospital admission (surgical, maternity, medical, psychiatric, or pediatric) you must call NYC HEALTHLINE at least
10 days before the surgery or admission and within 24 hours after an emergency admission to maintain your health benefits. If you are not
medically able to call NYC HEALTHLINE within 24 hours after an emergency, you must call NYC HEALTHLINE as soon as you are medically
able to do so. With the help of qualified health care professionals, NYC HEALTHLINE can help you make important health care decisions in
managing your treatment and getting the most for your health care dollars.
The telephone number for NYC HEALTHLINE can be found on your identification cards. The telephone number is 1-800-521-9574 NYC
HEALTHLINE will help you:
(a) Make informed decisions about your own health care. In most cases, your Medical Review Specialist will approve your plan of care
immediately. In other cases, alternatives may be available to you. Depending on your medical problem, you might benefit from
a second surgical opinion, ambulatory surgery, pre-admission testing, or early discharge with home care. All you have to do is to
remember to call NYC HEALTHLINE.
(b) Preserve your health benefits and avoid penalties. It is your responsibility to call NYC HEALTHLINE. If you go ahead with a non-
emergency hospital admission or certain office procedures (see paragraph [b] in NYC HEALTHLINE Mandatory Second Surgical
Consultation Program description) without first calling NYC HEALTHLINE, or fail to notify NYC HEALTHLINE within 24 hours after
an emergency admission your coverage may be reduced in one of two ways. For any hospital admission, or ambulatory surgery in a
hospital facility or surgi-center, your Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage will be reduced by the lesser of $250 per day or 50%,
up to a maximum of $500. You will be responsible for that amount.
You must call NYC HEALTHLINE if:
(a) You are a City employee, or a City retiree who is not eligible for Medicare, or you are purchasing City coverage directly under COBRA
continuation coverage; and
(b) GHI provides your primary health coverage or you are a spouse or covered dependent (under 19 years old) of a City employee or retiree
and GHI provides your primary health coverage.
You must call NYC HEALTHLINE at least 10 days prior to:
(a) Any scheduled non-emergency hospital admission for you or a covered family member; or
(b) Any scheduled outpatient surgical procedure at a hospital facility or surgi-center; or
(c) Any scheduled procedure in a doctor’s office as listed in paragraph (b) below;
(d) For maternity admissions, as soon as the delivery date is known; or
(e) Within 24 hours of an emergency admission (or as soon as you are medically able to call if you are not medically able to call within
24 hours). Do not call NYC regarding claims or membership issues. (For questions about medical claims or membership, see Section
Nine, Paragraph 3).
(a) General. The surgical procedures listed below REQUIRE a second surgical opinion. This second opinion must be obtained through
NYC HEALTHLINE. Your failure to obtain a mandatory second surgical opinion will result in diminished benefits. The second opinion
must be obtained in order to avoid a reduction in your benefits. All expenses related to the listed surgical procedures are subject to a
reduction if you fail to obtain the mandatory second surgical opinion. The failure of a covered individual to obtain a second opinion
shall result in reduced benefits, as outlined below. Please note that if you fail to obtain the mandatory second surgical opinion, the
paid-in-full feature of using a Participating Provider is no longer applicable. You must pay the Provider directly and file a claim with
GHI. Payment will be made in accordance with the CBP Schedule less any applicable penalty. To arrange for your cost-free mandatory
second surgical opinion, call 1-800-521-9574. The surgical consultant whom you see may not confirm the need for surgery. If you
are undecided about whether to proceed with the surgery, you are entitled to have a third opinion completely free of charge. This third
opinion, in order to be covered, must also be arranged through NYC HEALTHLINE. All Consultants will be Specialists. The Specialist
will provide an independent opinion. However, he or she has agreed not to treat you or to perform the surgery for the procedure in
question. You may fail to obtain a second opinion for one of the listed services, but believe your failure was due to extenuating circum-
stances. If this is the case, you may appeal for special consideration of your case. This appeal should be addressed to NYC HEALTHLINE.
The decision will be made on your appeal within 30 days of receipt of all the complete and necessary information from your Provider.
(b) Services Requiring a Second Surgical Consultation. The following elective surgical procedures shall require a second
surgical consultation:
1. Surgery of the foot.
2. Surgery of the nose.
3. Surgery of the eye.
4. Surgery of the tonsils.
5. Surgery of the adenoids.
6. Surgery of the knee.
7. Surgery of the breast.
8. Surgery to correct a hernia.
(c) Penalties. If you fail to obtain the required second surgical opinion for a service listed above, your benefits in excess of the
deductible shall be reduced by 50% up to a maximum of $500. Please note that if you fail to obtain the mandatory second
surgical opinion, the paid-in-full feature of using a Participating Provider is no longer applicable. If you have a second surgical
opinion, you shall receive full benefits regardless of whether or not the consultant confirmed the need for the surgery. The choice of
whether or not to have the surgery shall always be yours. In order to be covered, however, the surgery must be medically necessary.
(a) You do not have to call NYC HEALTHLINE if the City policyholder has Medicare or primary coverage elsewhere or is a covered
dependent student.
(b) If you are required to get a second surgical opinion (see above), you must get it from one of the specialists recommended by your
Medical Review Specialist at no cost to you.
(a) If benefits are reduced by your health plan, you will receive a letter advising you of the reduction. This letter contains information and
instructions regarding appeals. To submit an appeal you must sign the letter and provide documentation or an explanation of why you
feel benefits should be restored.
(b) If NYC HEALTHLINE agrees that benefits should be restored, you will be notified and the claim will be adjusted accordingly. If NYC
HEALTHLINE disagrees, you will receive a letter advising you that if you wish to appeal further, it would be through the New York City
Employee Benefits Program.
(c) If the Employee Benefits Program agrees that benefits should be restored, you will be notified and the claim will be adjusted
accordingly. If they disagree, you will receive a letter advising you that if you wish to appeal further, it would be through your health
plan. If the penalty is for a hospital admission your final appeal would be to Empire Blue Cross. If your penalty is for medical/surgical
services in a physician’s office your final appeal would be to GHI. The appeal to the health plan is the final step in the appeal process.
If it is agreed that benefits should be restored, you will be notified and the claim will be adjusted accordingly. If the appeal is denied,
you will receive a letter advising that the penalty remains your responsibility.
If your doctor tells you that you need surgery, you may wish to have the need for the surgery confirmed. Certain procedures require a
second surgical opinion. See Mandatory Second Surgical Opinion Program above.
Your benefits include the GHI Second Surgical Consultation Program. The surgery must be of non-emergency nature and must require
hospitalization. By using this program, you will be better able to determine whether surgery is necessary and if there are other methods of
treatment available to you. You may secure a second opinion directly through GHI at no cost to you.
1. How the Program Works. If your doctor tells you surgery is required, you may obtain a voluntary second surgical opinion through
the GHI Second Surgical Consultation by calling (212) 615-0943. You will be asked for your Certificate, Category, and Group Numbers. These
numbers are listed on your GHI Identification Card.
A form enabling GHI to obtain your medical reports will be sent to you. Please sign and return it to GHI without delay. Where possible, GHI
will furnish you with the names of two or more consultants participating in the Program. You must then arrange an appointment with the
consultant you select. You must telephone GHI’s Coordinated Care Department at (212) 615-4662 in New York City or 1-800-223-9870 outside
of New York City and notify GHI of your selected consultant and date of appointment.
Program benefits are provided without cost to you. It is not necessary to complete a Claim Form for the service or for any diagnostic
tests the consultant may order. Following the examination the consultant will discuss his or her recommendation with you. A copy of the
report will be sent to your primary doctor. The surgical consultant whom you see may not confirm the need for surgery. If so, and if you are
undecided about the procedure, you are entitled to a third opinion through the program at no cost to you. The final decision about whether
or not to undergo surgery is yours.
If you wish to obtain a voluntary second surgical opinion through NYC HEALTHLINE, you may call 1-800-521-9574.
2. The Consultants. Consultants on the GHI panel are Board Certified. They are usually affiliated with medical schools and teaching
hospitals. In order that complete objectivity be maintained they have agreed under this Program not to perform the actual surgery, when
required, or to treat the patient.
3. Principal Limitations and Exclusions under the Second Surgical Consultation Program. The Program does not cover all
types of surgery. It does not cover emergency surgery, in-hospital consultations, or out-of-hospital surgery. Workers’ Compensation cases are
not covered.
Hospital admissions for diagnostic procedures such as a biopsy or cystoscopy are not covered. Cases where a prior second surgical consulta-
tion has been received under any other program are not covered under this Plan.
SECTION SEVEN: Principal Limitations and Exclusions
Benefits are not available for the following:
l. Eye and Hearing Care. Payment will not be made for eyeglasses, contact lenses (except post-cataract lenses) or hearing aids. Neither
will payments be made for routine eye examinations or for examinations for the prescription or fitting of the above items.
2. Cosmetic Surgery and Treatment. Payment will not be made for services in connection with elective cosmetic surgery or treatment
which is primarily intended to improve your appearance. However, payment will be made for services in connection with reconstruc-
tive surgery when such service is incidental to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection or other diseases of the part of the body
involved. Payment will also be made for reconstructive surgery because of congenital disease or anomaly of a covered child which has resulted
in a functional defect.
3. Dental Services. Payment will not be made except as provided in Section Five, Paragraph 4. Please note that you are covered for
treatment rendered within one year of the date of an accident for the repair of an injury to natural teeth which was sustained accidentally.
4. Preventive Care. Payment will not be made for certain Preventive Care services. See Section Five, Paragraph 2.
5. Workers’ Compensation. Payment will not be made for care for any injury, condition or disease if payment is available to you under
a Workers’ Compensation law or similar legislation. GHI will not make any payments even if you do not claim benefits you are entitled to
receive under the Workers’ Compensation Law. Also, payment will not be made even if you bring a lawsuit against the person who caused
the injury or condition. Payment will not be made even if you receive money from that lawsuit and you have repaid the Hospital or other
6. Services Covered by Government. Except for Medicaid, payment will not be made for services covered even in part, under the laws
of the United States or any State or Municipality. Payment will not be made for service related-injuries or conditions provided in a Veteran
Affairs facility.
7. War. Payment will not be made for services for care of illness or injury due to war, declared or undeclared.
8. Care Furnished Without Charge. Payment will not be made for any care if the care is furnished or would normally be furnished to
you without charge. You are not covered for services rendered for which no legally enforceable charge is incurred.
9. Medicare. If you are eligible for Medicare, the benefits described in this booklet may not be available to you. See Section Fourteen for a
description of your benefits.
10. No-Fault Automobile Insurance. Payment will not be made for any service for which mandatory automobile no-fault benefits are
recovered or recoverable.
11. Experimental Treatment and Treatment Not Conforming to Accepted Medical Standards. Payment will not be made
for treatment considered to be experimental according to GHI’s criteria for experimental treatment. All services must conform to accepted
standards of medical or psychiatric practice. Services received which are beyond the scope of the license of the person rendering the service are
not covered.
12. Services Through Your Employer, Union, or Welfare Fund. You are not covered for services rendered in a hospital,
department or clinic run by your employer, labor union or welfare fund for which there is no charge.
13. Excessive Care. Payment will not be made for medical services in excess of those services normally required for the treatment of a
14. Services Not Listed or Not Performed. Payment will not be made for services which are not listed in this booklet as being covered
or which are not actually performed.
15. Prescription Drugs. Payment will not be made for prescription drugs, unless you have the Optional Rider.
16. Out-of-Hospital Psychiatric Care. Payment will not be made for Out-of-Hospital Psychiatric Care, except as specifically provided
17. Nutritionists and Related Services. Except as specifically set forth in this Certificate, you are not covered for the services of nutri-
tionists or for special dietary products. You are not covered for weight counseling performed by any Provider other than a covered licensed
Provider. Weight control treatment provided by a medical doctor must be deemed medically necessary in order to be covered.
18. Occupational Therapy. Payment will not be made for occupational therapy except as part of the home care services benefit. (See
Section Five, Paragraph 21.) Physical therapy rendered by a licensed occupational therapist is covered.
19. Convalescent or Custodial Care. You are not covered for services related to bed rest, rest cures, convalescent care, or custodial care.
You are not covered for sanitarium care. You are not covered for care in a nursing home.
20. Educational or Vocational Services. You are not covered for services which are either educational or vocational in nature.
21. Mandatory Second Surgical Opinion. In order to receive full benefits, you must in certain cases have a second surgical opinion.
See NYC HEALTHLINE Section Six for details.
22. Medical Summaries. You are not covered for Medical Summaries and/or medical invoice preparation.
23. Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. You are not covered for services for alcoholism or substance abuse, except as specifically
provided herein.
24. Duplicate Services. You are not covered for duplicate services actually provided by both a certified nurse-midwife and a physician.
25. Routine Podiatric Services. You are not covered for routine podiatric care. This refers to the services set forth below rendered in
connection with the routine care of the feet.
(a) Orthopedic shoes and other supportive devices.
(b) Services or supplies for the treatment of the following unless open surgery is necessary:
(i) Weak feet.
(ii) Strained feet.
(iii) Flat feet.
(iv) Any instability or imbalance of the feet.
(v) Metatarsalgia (pain in the sole of the foot in the region of the arch).
(vi) Bunions.
(c) Services or supplies for the treatment of any of the following services, except when the treatment is prescribed for a metabolic disease:
(i) Corns.
(ii) Calluses.
(ii) Toenails.
26. Stand-by Services. You are not covered for stand-by services. Stand-by services are services that a Provider performs relating to being
available to provide services on a contingent basis. Mere standing by is not covered. Stand-by services may be deemed to be rendered by any
Listed below are examples of two types of stand-by services.
Example One. The administration of anesthesia is not a stand-by service. It is a covered service. The services listed below when rendered
by an anesthesiologist are not covered. They are deemed “stand-by services.”
(a) Preparing a contingency anesthesia plan.
(b) Merely being in the operating area.
(c) Merely being in the Hospital.
(d) Being available for diagnosis or treatment on a contingent basis if needed.
Example Two. Stand-by services may also be provided by a surgeon. Surgery or assisting at surgery are not stand-by services. They are
covered services. The services listed below when performed by a surgeon are not covered. They are deemed “stand-by services.”
(a) Preparing a contingency surgery plan.
(b) Merely reviewing a patient’s chart.
(c) Merely being in the operating area.
(d) Merely being in the Hospital.
(e) Merely being available for diagnosis, treatment or surgery on a contingent basis if needed.
27. Prohibited Referrals. You are not covered for clinical laboratory services, X-ray or imaging services, pharmacy services or other
services provided pursuant to a referral prohibited by Section 238-a(1) of the New York State Public Health Law. This law prohibits a Provider
from referring patients to a practitioner or facility for these services when the Provider or a member of the Provider’s immediate family has
a financial relationship with the practitioner or facility. It also prohibits the Provider, the practitioner and the facility for billing or filing an
insurance claim in connection with such services.
SECTION EIGHT: Coordination of Benefits (COB)
1. General. You may be covered by two or more group health benefit plans. These plans may provide similar benefits. Should you have
services covered by more than one plan, GHI will coordinate benefit payments with the other plan. In this case, one plan pays its full benefit
as a primary benefit. The other plan pays secondary benefits. This prevents duplicate payments and overpayments. In no event shall payments
exceed 100% of a Provider’s charge.
In order to determine which plan is primary, certain rules have been established. GHI follows these rules. These rules apply whether or not
you make a claim under both plans.
If GHI pays you more than you should have been paid under this provision, it has the right to recover the overpayment. GHI may recover
the overpayment from you or any other person, insurance company, or other organization which gained from the overpayment. You must
help GHI in recovering any overpayment. This help may mean filing claim forms with another company. It may mean endorsing checks over
to GHI.
GHI has the right to decide which facts it needs in order to coordinate benefits. GHI may get needed facts from or give needed facts to any
organization or person. GHI need not tell or obtain the consent of any person to do this, except as required by Article 25 of the New York
General Business Law. You must give GHI any facts it needs to process a claim and coordinate benefits.
2. Definition of Plan. A plan is a form of group coverage other than Medicaid on which these rules of coordination of benefits are
A plan may include:
(a) Group insurance, group or group remittance subscriber certificates.
(b) Uninsured group coverage.
(c) Prepayment group coverage including HMOs, group practice and individual practice plans.
(d) Blanket contracts, except blanket school accident coverages or such coverages issued to a substantially similar group, where the policy
holder pays the premium.
(e) The medical benefits coverage in group and individual mandatory automobile no-fault contracts.
3. Rules of Coordination. The rules for determining primary and secondary benefits are as follows:
(a) The plan covering you as an employee is primary before a plan covering you as a dependent.
(b) The plan of a parent whose birthday occurs first in the year is primary for dependent children covered under plans maintained by
both parents. Birthday refers only to the month and day on which the parent is born and not the year. If both parents have the same
birthday, the plan covering you the longer time is primary. If the other plan does not have the rule set forth above, but has a rule based
upon the gender of the parent, that plan’s rule will determine the order of benefits.
(c) If no other criteria apply, the plan covering you the longest is primary. However, the plan covering you as a laid-off or retired
employee, or as a dependent of such a person, shall be secondary and the plan covering you as an active employee or a dependent of
an active employee shall be primary as long as the other plan has a COB provision similar to this one.
4. Special Rules for Dependents of Separated or Divorced Parents.
(a) If there is a court decree that imposes financial responsibility for the health care expenses of the dependent child on one parent, that
parent’s plan is primary. That plan must have actual knowledge of the decree. GHI has the right to request a copy of the portion of the
decree pertaining to the health care expenses of the dependent child.
(b) If there is no court decree, the plan covering the parent with custody of a dependent child is primary.
(c) If there is no court decree and the parent with custody of a dependent child remarries, that parent’s plan is primary. The step-parent’s
plan is secondary. The plan covering the parent without custody is tertiary.
5. Payment of Benefits.
(a) When GHI is the primary plan, GHI will pay its full benefits. The other plan will pay secondary benefits.
(b) When GHI is deemed secondary, GHI will reduce its benefits so that the combined payment or benefit from all plans are not more than
the actual charge for the covered service. Please note that GHI will never pay more than its full benefits as a secondary plan, even if the
benefits or payments of the combined plans are less than 100% of charges.
6. Plans with Different COB Rules. Group plans are written in many states. Not all states or groups follow the same rules. Some plans
have language that states that the plan is an “excess” plan or is “always secondary”. In that event, GHI will coordinate as follows:
(a) If GHI would be primary under the rules listed above, it will pay primary benefits.
(b) If GHI would be secondary under the rules listed above, it will pay its benefits first. However, the amount of benefits paid will be
determined as if GHI was the secondary plan. Such payment will be the limit of GHI’s liability.
(c) In order to determine benefits under (b), GHI may need information from the other plan. If that plan does not provide the information
necessary for GHI to determine benefits within 30 days of a request to do so, GHI will assume the benefits of the other plan are identical
to GHI’s. Benefits will then be paid accordingly. Adjustments will be made if information becomes available as to the benefits of the
other plan.
SECTION NINE: Filing of Claims
1. How To File a Claim. Claims must be filed directly with GHI by you or your Provider. They must be filed within the time limits
described below. In order to expedite processing, claims should be submitted on the appropriate GHI claim form. Participating Providers will
have a supply of claim forms. You should complete the subscriber portion of the form at the time the services are rendered. The Provider
should complete the Provider’s portion of the form and mail the form to GHI. If the Provider’s charges have been paid or if the Provider is not
a Participating Provider, GHI will forward its payment directly to you.
Non-Medical claims should be filed with GHI on the appropriate GHI claim form. Non-Medical claims are Private Duty Skilled Nursing and
Durable Medical Equipment. Payment of these claims shall be made directly to you.
Psychiatric claims under the Optional Rider should be filed with GHI on claim form number 2074. All information requested by GHI must be
supplied in order to process a psychiatric claim. Payment of these claims shall be made directly to you.
2. When To File a Claim. In order to receive benefits you must promptly complete and file your claim form. You must file your form
with GHI within 180 days after the end of the calendar year in which the services were rendered. If you fail to file your claim on time, GHI
may still pay the claim if it was not reasonably possible for you to have filed your claim on time. You must file your claim as soon as it
becomes reasonably possible to do so.
3. Telephone Inquiry and Claims Mailing. For information on specific claims, enrollment and general information, call: (212) 501-4GHI,
Florida residents may call (800) 358-5500
For additional names of Participating Physicians or for Physicians in other areas, call: (212) 501-4GHI
Mail written inquiries and claim forms to:
P.O. Box 300
New York, NY 10116-300
SECTION TEN: Termination of Coverage
1. Termination. Your coverage under this Certificate terminates in the event of any of the following:
(a) You are no longer eligible for benefits. (Check your Health Benefits Summary Program Description booklet on eligibility for the specific
rules.) Examples of loss of eligibility would include termination of employment, divorce, death of a spouse or a dependent child
reaching the age limitation.
(b) The Group Contract between the City of New York and GHI is terminated.
(c) By operation of law. You will be notified as required by law.
If your coverage terminates because of loss of eligibility or termination of the Group Contract, you may purchase a direct payment contract
from GHI. The conversion privilege is available to the former spouse of a member upon divorce or annulment of the marriage of the member.
It is also available to the surviving spouse and other dependents covered under this Certificate upon the death of the member. The conversion
privilege is available to a dependent who is no longer within the definition of family under the Certificate.
2. Benefits after Termination. When your coverage terminates benefits are available only for the following:
(a) If you are receiving In-Hospital Medical Care at the time of termination, you shall remain covered for the service until you leave the
Hospital. If you enter a Hospital within 31 days after termination, you remain covered for this service, as long as you are admitted for a
condition that existed at the time of termination.
(b) Surgery and related covered services are covered for 31 days after termination. The condition requiring surgery must have been in
existence at the date of termination.
(c) If on the date of termination you are totally disabled as a result of an injury, pregnancy or illness, you remain covered, with respect
to that disability only, up to a maximum of 18 additional months. This extension is not available, if coverage is afforded for the total
disability under another group plan. You must be totally disabled as determined by GHI.
If you believe you are totally disabled and entitled to benefits please write to GHI at:
Group Health Incorporated
P.O. Box 1701
New York, NY 10023-9476
SECTION ELEVEN: Continuation of Coverage
1. Continuation of Coverage. For the purpose of this Section, a Group Member is defined as an employee or retiree to whom coverage
is made available. Under Federal law, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), continuation of current group
benefits may be available after loss of eligibility for coverage. Group Subscribers, their spouses and their dependent children may be eligible
for continuation. In order to qualify for continuation of coverage, you must no longer be eligible for health care benefits because of any of the
following qualifying events:
(a) Termination of employment.
(b) A decrease in benefits due to a reduction in hours of employment.
(c) Loss of coverage because of a divorce, legal separation, or the death of the Group Member.
(d) Loss of eligibility for coverage as a dependent of a Group Member.
(e) Loss of coverage of the spouse and dependents when a covered employee or a covered retiree becomes entitled to Medicare.
(f) Loss of eligibility for coverage as a covered retiree or covered spouse, dependent, or widow of a retiree whose employer filed for
This coverage is available without evidence of insurability. Continuation is not available for certain non-resident aliens. However, these
non-resident aliens may be entitled to a continuation of coverage as provided under New York State law. See Paragraph 2 below. If you have a
question regarding your status for eligibility to continue coverage under Federal law, kindly contact your group.
Continuation coverage is subject to the following conditions:
(a) COBRA continuation of coverage is not available if you are covered under Medicare or could be covered under Medicare. COBRA con-
tinuation of coverage is also not available if you become covered by another group policy which provides similar benefits, unless that
policy contains a pre-existing condition limitation. COBRA continuation of coverage is also not available if the reason for termination
of employment was gross misconduct. However, if you were terminated due to gross misconduct you may be entitled to a continuation
of coverage as provided under New York State law. See Paragraph 2 below.
(b) A Group Member, spouse, or dependent child must notify the Plan of a divorce, legal separation, or change in dependent status. This
notice must be sent to the Plan within 60 days of the later of either of the following:
(i) The date of the qualifying event.
(ii) The date coverage would otherwise be lost.
(c) You must request continuation of coverage in writing within 60 days of the later of either of the following:
(i) The date your coverage would otherwise terminate under your group Plan.
(ii) The date notice of your right to continue coverage is sent to you.
(d) You must pay your group contract holder 102% of the group rate for continuation of coverage. The required premium includes 2% of
the group rate to cover administration costs. If you are disabled and extend coverage from 18 to 29 months, you must pay a different
premium for the 19th through 29th month. You must pay your group contract holder 150% of the group rate for the continuation of
coverage. This premium may be collected on a monthly basis.
(e) Your continuation of coverage will terminate on the first of the following dates:
(i) You become eligible for Medicare.
(ii) You become covered under another group health care plan as an employee or dependent, unless that plan contains a pre-existing
condition limitation and you had a break in coverage of more than 63 days.
(iii) 18 months, if the qualifying event is termination of employment or reduction of hours, unless you are disabled, as determined by
Social Security. The 18 months will be measured from the date of the qualifying event. Your Plan may elect to measure the 18
months from the loss of coverage.
(iv) 29 months after termination of employment or reduction of hours if you are disabled. The 29 months will be measured from
the date of the qualifying event. Your plan may elect to measure the 29 months from the loss of coverage. You must be disabled
as determined by Social Security. You must be disabled on the date of termination of employment or reduction of hours or
become disabled within 60 days of termination of employment. You must notify your Plan of Social Security’s determination of
your disability. The notice must be provided within sixty (60) days of Social Security’s determination and before the end of the
18-month continuation period. If Social Security determines that you are no longer disabled, you must notify the plan adminis-
trator of this. You must notify the plan administrator of this within thirty (30) days from Social Security’s final determination. If
you are no longer disabled, COBRA continuation coverage may terminate earlier than 29 months.
(v) 36 months for all other qualifying events. The 36 months will be measured from the date of the qualifying event. You may elect to
measure the 36 months from the loss of coverage.
(vi) The end of the period for which you made premium payments, if you fail to make timely payment of the required premium.
(vii) The date on which your group plan terminates coverage with GHI. However, if the group plan is replaced by the group contract
holder with similar coverage, you have the right to become covered under the other coverage for the balance of the period that
you would have remained covered thereunder.
An 18-month period of continuation may be extended to a 36-month period if a second qualifying event occurs during the 18-month
period. The second qualifying event must be of the type that would allow the covered Group Member or his or her dependents to continue
coverage for 36 months. The 36-month period in this case will be measured from the first qualifying event. Your Plan may elect to calculate
your period of continuation coverage from the date of loss of coverage instead of the date of the qualifying event. Contact your group to
determine whether the group has elected this option. This option is not available if the loss of coverage occurs because a covered employee
becomes entitled to Medicare. In such a case, the period of continuation coverage for the spouse and dependents begin on the date the covered
employee becomes entitled to Medicare.
When your continued coverage terminates you may purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Section Twelve).
2. Continuation of Coverage under New York State Law. There are cases where you may lose eligibility for coverage under this
Certificate but not be eligible for continuation of coverage under Federal law. If the loss of eligibility is due to termination of employment
or loss of membership in the class or classes eligible for coverage, you may be entitled to continued coverage under New York State law.
Continued coverage is available without evidence of insurability. If continuation is available to the Group Member under Federal law,
then the New York State continuation law does not apply. The New York State law does not apply if you become eligible for coverage under
Medicare or another group health policy.
The following criteria apply to New York State continuation of coverage:
(a) Continuation of coverage is not available if you are covered under Medicare or could be covered under Medicare. Continuation of
coverage is also not available if you become covered or could be covered by another group policy which provides similar benefits,
unless this policy contains a pre-existing condition limitation.
(b) You must request continuation of coverage in writing and submit your first premium payment within 60 days of the later of either of
the following:
(i) The date your coverage would otherwise terminate under your group Plan.
(ii) The date notice of your right to continue coverage is provided to you.
(c) You must pay your group contract holder 102% of the group rate for continuation of coverage.
(d) Your continuation of coverage will terminate on the first of the following dates:
(i) You become eligible for Medicare.
(ii) You become covered under another group health care plan as an employee or dependent, unless that plan contains a pre-existing
condition limitation.
(iii) 18 months, if the qualifying event is termination of employment or membership in the class or classes eligible for coverage.
(iv) 29 months after termination of employment or membership in the class or classes eligible for coverage if you are disabled. The 29
months will be measured from the date coverage would otherwise be lost. You must be disabled as determined by Social Security.
You must be disabled on the date of termination of employment or membership. You must notify your Plan of Social Security’s
determination of your disability. If you are no longer disabled, continuation coverage will terminate on the later of the following:
(v) 36 months if you are an eligible dependent who will otherwise lose coverage due to the death of the Group Member, divorce, legal
separation, change in dependent status or the Group Member becoming eligible for Medicare. The 36 months will be measured
from the date coverage would otherwise be lost.
(vi) The end of the period for which you made premium payments, if you fail to make timely payment of the required premium.
(vii) The date on which your group plan terminates coverage with GHI. However, if the group plan is replaced by the group contract
holder with similar coverage, you have the right to become covered under the other coverage for the balance of the period that
you would have remained covered thereunder. The replacement plan must provide at least the same level of benefits provided by
the prior group plan, reduced by any benefits payable under that plan. The prior group plan must provide benefits to the extent of
its accrued liabilities and extension of benefits.
When your continued coverage terminates, you may purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Section Twelve).
3. Special Provisions for Members of the Armed Forces on Active Duty. If the Group Member is a member of a reserve
component of the armed forces of the United States, including the National Guard, and on active duty, you may be entitled to:
(a) supplementary continuation of current group benefits under New York State law and conversion to a direct payment contract from GHI
upon termination of continued coverage (See Paragraph B below); or
(b) suspension of coverage during the period of active duty. (See Paragraph D below).
A. Eligibility. In order to be eligible for the rights set forth in this Paragraph 3, the Group must not voluntarily maintain coverage for the
Group Member during the period of active duty. Also, the Group Member must have:
(a) Voluntarily or involuntarily entered active duty (other than to determine physical fitness or for training); or
(b) Had his or her active duty voluntarily or involuntarily extended. This must occur during a period when the President of the United
States is authorized to order units of the ready reserve or member of a reserve component to active duty. The extended active duty must
be at the request and for the convenience of the federal government; and;
(c) Served no more than four years of active duty.
B. Supplementary Continuation of Coverage. If your group does not voluntarily maintain coverage for the Group Member during the
period of active duty, you are eligible for supplementary continuation of coverage under the group contract. This supplementary continuation
of coverage is available without evidence of insurability.
You must apply for supplementary continuation within 60 days of being ordered to active duty. You must pay 100% of the group premium
on a monthly basis.
Continuation of coverage is not available if you are covered under Medicare or could be covered under Medicare. It is also not available if
you become covered by another group policy. Supplementary continuation of coverage will be terminated when the Group Member returns to
civilian status. In certain circumstances, supplementary continuation may terminate earlier. Continuation of coverage will terminate earlier
on the first of the following dates:
(i) You become eligible for Medicare.
(ii) You become covered under another group health care plan as an employee or dependent.
(iii) The end of the period for which you made premium payments, if you fail to make timely payment of the required premium.
(iv) The date on which the group plan terminates coverage with GHI. However, if your group replaces the Group Contract with similar
coverage, you have the right to become covered under that other coverage for the balance of the period that you would have
remained covered thereunder.
(v) The Group Member has served four years of active duty.
If the Group Member dies while on active duty, supplementary continuation of coverage will terminate for the surviving spouse and covered
dependents of the Group Member. In the event of divorce or annulment of the marriage to the Group Member, supplementary continuation of
coverage will terminate for the former spouse. In these circumstances, the former spouse and the surviving spouse and covered dependents are
eligible for conversion. (See Paragraph C below).
When the Group Member returns to civilian status and he or she is reemployed or restored to participation in the group, coverage under the
group plan will be resumed. Supplementary continuation of coverage will terminate on the date that coverage under the group plan becomes
effective. Coverage will not be subject to limitations, conditions, exclusions or waiting periods unless:
(a) a waiting period was imposed and had not been completed prior to the period of suspension; or
(b) the Group Member’s condition arose during the period of active duty and was incurred in the line of duty.
When the Group Member returns from active duty and does not become reemployed or restored to participation in the group, the Group
Member may be entitled to:
(a) continue coverage under New York State Law and purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI upon termination of
continued coverage (See Paragraph 2 of this Section); or
(b) purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Section Twelve).
C. Conversion.
1. Availability. When your supplementary continuation of coverage terminates, you may purchase a direct payment contract from GHI.
Conversion is available to the former spouse of a Group Member upon divorce or annulment of the marriage of the Group Member. The
divorce or annulment must have occurred while the Group Member was on active duty. In addition, conversion is available to the surviving
spouse and other dependents covered under the contract upon the death of the Group Member. The death must have occurred during the
Group Member’s active duty. Conversion is also available to a dependent who is no longer within the definition of family under the contract
while the Group Member is on active duty.
2. When to Apply for the New Conversion Contract. You must apply for the new contract within 31 days of the later of the
(i) the date the Group Member’s active duty terminated; or
(ii) the date the Group Member is discharged from the Hospital. The hospitalization must have resulted from active duty. It cannot
exceed one year.
Payment of the first premium must be made at the time you apply for the direct payment contract.
D. Suspension of Coverage. If the group does not voluntarily maintain coverage for the Group Member and you do not continue your
group benefits, your coverage will be suspended during the period of active duty. When the Group Member returns to participation in the
group plan, coverage under the group plan will be resumed. Coverage will be retroactive to the date active duty terminated. Coverage will not
be subject to limitations, conditions, exclusions or waiting periods unless:
(a) a waiting period was imposed and had not beencompleted prior to the period of suspension; or
(b) the Group Member’s condition arose during the period of active duty and was incurred in the line of duty.
If the Group Member returns from active duty and does not become reemployed or restored to participation in the group, the Group
Member may be entitled to:
(a) continue coverage under New York State Law and purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI upon termination of
continued coverage (See Paragraph 2 of this Section); or
(b) purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Section Twelve).
4. Questions. The laws regarding continuation of benefits are complicated. If your coverage under this Certificate is terminating, you
should contact your Group if you are interested in continuing your benefits.
SECTION TWELVE: Direct Payment Conversion
If your coverage terminates because of loss of eligibility or termination of the Group Contract, you may purchase a direct payment contract
from GHI. The conversion privilege is available to the former spouse of a member upon divorce or annulment of the marriage of the member.
The conversion privilege is available to the surviving spouse and other dependents covered under the Certificate upon the death of the
member. The conversion privilege is available to a dependent who is no longer within the definition of family under the Certificate.
1. When to Apply for the New Contract. You may apply to GHI for a direct payment contract. If you are an employee and your
coverage terminates, you should receive written notice from GHI which informs you of your right to purchase a direct payment contract.
You must apply for the new contract within 45 days receipt of notice. However, if you do not receive a notice at all, you must apply for direct
payment within 90 days after your coverage terminated. If you are a dependent and your coverage terminates because you no longer qualify
under this Plan as a dependent, you will not receive a written notice. You must apply for the direct payment contract within 90 days from the
date your coverage terminated. Payment of the first premium must be made at the time you apply for the direct payment contract.
2. The New Contract. The direct payment contract you receive will be the GHI Standard Conversion Contract issued to direct payment
subscribers. That Contract contains benefits which are different from those listed herein. GHI will issue you a direct payment contract then
being offered on a direct payment basis which provides benefits most nearly comparable to the benefits of this Plan.
SECTION THIRTEEN: Miscellaneous Provisions
1. No Assignment. You cannot assign any benefits or monies due from GHI to any person, corporation or other organization. Any
assignment by you will be void. Assignment means the transfer to another person or organization of your right to the services provided or your
right to collect from GHI for those services.
2. Your Medical Records. In order to process your claims it may be necessary for GHI to obtain your medical records and information
from hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, doctors, pharmacists or other practitioners who treated you. When you become covered you give GHI
permission to obtain and use these records. The information will be kept confidential.
3. Recovery of Overpayments. If GHI pays benefits under this Plan for services incurred on your account and it is found that GHI paid
more benefits than should have been paid because you were: (a) not covered; (b) the services were not covered; (c) payment was in an amount
greater than that to which you are entitled under this Plan; or (d) payment was in an amount greater than that to which you are entitled
because you were repaid for all or some of those expenses by another source; then GHI will have the right to a refund from you. You must
return the amount of the overpayment within 60 days of GHI’s request.
4. Right to Develop Guidelines. GHI reserves the right to develop or adopt standards and criteria which set forth in more detail the circum-
stances under which it will make payment.
5. Lawsuits. A lawsuit against GHI regarding this Certificate or Group Contract must be started within two years from the date you received
the medical or hospital service for which you want GHI to pay.
6. Suits against GHI for Actions of Others. You cannot sue GHI for the actions of any person or organization which renders covered
medical or hospital services to you.
7. New York Law. This Contract is in all respects governed by the laws of New York State.
8. Patient’s Relationship with the Provider. Nothing in this certificate shall force a Provider to accept you as a patient. This Certificate
is not meant to change the normal relationship between the provider and patient. At all times the provider’s usual rules will govern the service
provided to the patient. GHI cannot guarantee receipt of any particular service or accommodation.
9. Who Receives Payment Under this Plan. Payments for covered services rendered by a Participating Provider will be made directly
to that Provider. If you receive covered services from a non- participating Provider GHI reserves the right to pay you or the non-participating
10. Authorization for Medicare Carriers to Submit Medical Information to GHI for Payment of Supplemental and
Complementary Benefits. When you become covered under this plan, you authorize the parties listed below to provide medical information
to GHI or its designee.
a. Health Care Financing Administration.
b. Medicare intermediaries.
c. Medicare carriers.
GHI must receive this information in order to:
a. process Medicare related claims; and
b. provide benefits.
These terms remain in effect until all Medicare related claims incurred by you are processed.
SECTION FOURTEEN: Medicare Eligible Coverage
1. General. Your coverage under GHI/CBP changes when you become eligible for Medicare.
A. Medicare Eligible Members. If you or any of your covered dependents are eligible for Medicare, you must enroll in Medicare
(both Part A and Part B) to avoid a reduction in your benefits. If you are not eligible for Medicare this Section does not affect your benefits,
as listed in this booklet. If you are eligible for Medicare by reason of age, you will receive only those benefits listed in this Section Fourteen. If
you are eligible for Medicare by reason of disability, Medicare is your primary carrier. GHI is your secondary carrier and will coordinate your
benefits with those provided by Medicare. However, if your are an active employee or the spouse of an active employee the special rules listed
in Paragraph (B) apply to you.
B. Special Rules for Active Employees. If you are an active employee, regardless of your age, coverage for yourself and your
dependents is provided under GHI/CBP as your primary plan. Medicare is your secondary plan. See Paragraph C below for special rules for
subscribers with End Stage Renal Disease.
C. Special Provisions for Those with End-Stage Renal Disease. If you are disabled due to end-stage renal disease, your benefits
for covered services incurred due to that disease will be paid as follows:
(a) During the first eighteen months during which you incur covered services for renal disease your benefits will be paid as follows:
(i) This Plan will be the Primary Payor, subject to Coordination of Benefits provisions of this Certificate.
(ii) Medicare will be a Secondary Payor.
(b) After the first eighteen months during which you incurred covered for renal disease your benefits will be paid as follows:
(i) Medicare will be the Primary Payor of benefits and will pay the benefits available under Medicare.
(ii) This Plan will be a Secondary Plan subject to the Coordination of Benefits provisions of this Certificate. Benefits will be paid only
to the extent that benefits are not paid under Medicare. Payments will be made consistent with this Section Fourteen.
2. Benefits and Limitations.
A. Covered Services. If you receive any of the services listed below, GHI will pay 20% of the reasonable charge as determined by
Medicare, after Medicare has paid 80% of the reasonable charge. You are not covered for the Medicare Part B (medical) deductible. After the
deductible has been met, Medicare will pay 80% of the reasonable charge of your covered service. GHI will pay the 20% balance. In certain
instances, by operation of law, Medicare may reduce its payment below 80% of the Medicare reasonable charge. If this occurs, GHI will
continue to reimburse you 20% of the Medicare reasonable charge. As a result, the total combined reimbursement by Medicare and GHI may
be less than 100% of the Medicare reasonable charge. Charges in excess of the reasonable and customary standard set by Medicare are not
covered. These charges are your responsibility. You must first file for your Medicare benefits before filing for your GHI benefits. When filing
a GHI claim, please attach the Explanation of Medicare Benefits form to your GHI Claim Form. You are subject to the same standards of
coverage listed throughout this booklet. Please note that if you receive covered services from a Provider who accepts Medicare assignment or
who participates with GHI, GHI will reimburse the Provider directly.
The following services are covered:
(1) Home and Office Visits (except for Chiropractic care).
(2) Surgery, Assistant Surgery, and the Administration of Anesthesia.
(3) Dental Surgery.
(4) Maternity Care.
(5) In-Hospital Medical Care.
(6) Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy.
(7) Specialist Consultation.
(8) Diagnostic Procedures, X-ray examinationsand Laboratory Tests.
(9) Shock Therapy.
(10) Intermittent Nurse Service is your home (visiting nurse service).
Please note that routine foot care and psychiatric services are not covered. GHI does not provide coverage in those instances where Medicare
denies coverage, except for services rendered outside of the United States of America.
B. Additional Covered Services. You are covered for the services listed below. You are subject to a $25 annual deductible per contract
(individual or family). Thereafter, GHI will pay 80% of the Allowed Charge for private duty professional nursing service. After the deductible is
met, GHI will pay 20% of the Medicare approved amount for ambulance service, durable medical equipment and oxygen. There is no lifetime
maximum. However, no more than $2,500 is payable in any calendar year for the services listed below. GHI will not duplicate payments made
by Medicare for any of these services.
The following services are covered under this Paragraph “B”:
(1) Ambulance Service.
(2) Private Duty Professional Nursing Service.
(3) Durable Medical Equipment and Oxygen.
C. Second Surgical Consultation Program. You are eligible for the benefits listed in Section Six, Second Surgical Consultation
Program. However, the requirement of NYC HEALTHLINE are not applicable.
D. Optional Rider. You are eligible to sign up for the benefits listed in the Optional Benefits Rider for Medicare Eligibles.
E. When Medicare Benefits are Not Available. Medicare does not cover services rendered outside the country. GHI covers you for
these services to the same extent as if you were not eligible for Medicare. Payments will be made for services listed as covered in this booklet.
F. Standards of Coverage, Limitation and Exclusions. The standards of coverage, limitations and exclusions listed in this booklet
apply to all benefits.
Optional Rider for Medicare Eligible Subscribers Covered Under Section Fourteen
1. General Information. This Rider is available to you through payroll or pension deduction. If you have elected to purchase this Rider,
you are entitled to the additional benefits listed in this Rider. Your Union Welfare Fund may provide like or similar benefits. When that is
the case, the benefits provided by your Welfare Fund will be covered only through your welfare fund and not under the Rider. Appropriate
adjustments will be made to your pension deduction.
In determining what are like or similar benefits, GHI will be guided by the determination made by the City of New York Employee Benefits
2. Hospitalization. This benefit increases your Blue Cross coverage to 365 days of full coverage. See Blue Cross booklet for details.
3. GHI Prescription Drug Coverage.
(a) Covered Items. You are covered for drugs which by law require a written prescription. The drugs must be dispensed by a licensed
registered pharmacist. A Provider must have written the prescription. That Provider must be legally authorized to write the prescrip-
tion. Payment will be made only when the drug is prescribed for your use. In addition to covered prescription drugs, you are covered for
nutritional supplements for the therapeutic treatment of a condition set forth below.
(i) Phenylketonuria.
(ii) Branched chain ketonuria.
(iii) Galactosemia.
(iv) Homocystinuria.
In order to be covered, the supplement must be written on a prescription and administered under the direction of a physician.
(b) Acute Prescription Drug Coverage. You are subject to a prescription drug deductible of $150 per person, per calendar year up to
a maximum of $450 per family. A yearly maximum of $2,500 applies to this benefit. Benefits under this paragraph will vary depending
upon whether you use a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy or any other pharmacy.
(i) Prescription Drugs Obtained at a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy. If you use a GHI Participating PAID
pharmacy, you must present your PAID Prescriptions I.D. Card at the time of purchase. The pharmacy will fill your prescrip-
tion and credit the amount paid towards the deductible and/or charge the appropriate coinsurance. After you have met your
deductible, the pharmacy will be reimbursed directly at 80% of the Allowed Charge for a generic drug or a brand name drug which
does not have a generic substitute. The pharmacy will be reimbursed at 60% of the Allowed Charge for a brand name drug if a
generic substitute exists. You must pay the difference between the payment made to the pharmacy and the pharmacy’s charge to
you. If you do not present your PAID Prescriptions I.D. Card at the time of purchase, you must pay the full cost of the prescription.
You will be paid as if you had gone to any other pharmacy. (See below.) Information on the location of GHI Participating PAID
Pharmacies may be obtained by calling PAID Prescriptions at 1-800-272-PAID.
(ii) Prescription Drugs Obtained at a Pharmacy that is not a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy. If you use a
pharmacy that is not a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy, you must pay the full cost of the prescription. You must obtain a
receipt for your purchase. You must submit a claim form. You may obtain a claim form by calling 1-800-272-PAID. Send your
be completed by the pharmacist. Prescription receipts alone will not be accepted. After you meet the deductible, you will be
reimbursed directly at 80% of the Allowed Charge for the drug. However, you will only be reimbursed at 60% of the Allowed Charge
for a brand name if a generic substitute is available.
(c) Maintenance Drug Program. Your benefits include coverage under a Maintenance Drug Program. This Program is available
only through NRx Services Inc. (NRx). A maintenance drug is one that is prescribed for a chronic condition that requires constant
medication. Certain conditions require the use of prescription drugs on a day-to-day, year-round basis. The Maintenance Drug
Program permits long-term prescriptions to be filled. Under this Program you may receive a supply of up to 60 consecutive days.
The Program saves you time. It will also reduce paperwork. There is no need to file a claim form. When you become covered under
this Program, you will receive information about how to obtain a maintenance drug. There is a $8 Co-pay Charge for generic drugs
obtained through the Maintenance Drug Program. A generic drug is a drug that is marketed under its non-proprietary name after
expiration of the patent of a brand name drug. You are subject to a $15 Co-pay Charge for a brand name drug. To take part in the
Program, ask your doctor if a maintenance quantity is suitable for you. If so, have a doctor specify the maintenance quantity of the
drug to be dispensed. For example, one per day (60 doses), two per day (120 doses). Remember, prescriptions should always be sent to
NRx and never to GHI. You may contact NRx at 1-800-445-9707.
(d) Diabetes Management. You are covered for the items set forth below in connection with diabetes management.
(i) Insulin.
(ii) Needles and Syringes.
(iii) Oral agents for controlling blood sugar.
Coverage of these items may vary. It will depend upon whether you receive these items from a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy or
any other pharmacy. Coverage for these items is not subject to a deductible. These items are also not subject to a maximum.
(i) GHI Participating PAID Pharmacies. When the items listed are obtained through a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy, they are
covered subject to the lesser of:
You must present your PAID Prescriptions I.D. card at the time of purchase. If you do not present your PAID Prescriptions I.D. card at the
time of purchase, you must pay the full cost of the prescription. You will be paid as if you had gone to any other pharmacy. (See below).
(ii) Pharmacies that are not GHI Participating PAID Pharmacies. If you obtain the items listed above from a pharmacy
that is not a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy, you must pay the full cost of the prescription. You must obtain a receipt for your
purchase. You must submit a claim form. You will be paid directly. You will be paid the amount that would have been paid to a
GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy. You must pay any difference between the payment and the pharmacy’s charge to you.
(e) Items Not Covered. You are not covered for the following:
(1) Over-the-counter drugs which can be purchased without prescription, except insulin.
(2) Over-the-counter vitamins, minerals or food supplements, except as specifically provided above.
(3) Drugs dispensed while you are a bed patient in a hospital or other institution or dispensed while you are receiving covered Home
Health Care by or on behalf of a certified home health agency.
SECTION FIFTEEN: Catastrophic Coverage
Benefits. In the event that you receive any of the covered services described below rendered by a Non-Participating Provider and incur out-
of-pocket expenses in a calendar year of more than the catastrophic deductibles, GHI will then pay the catastrophic benefit.
(a) Covered Services. Covered services under Catastrophic Coverage include:
(i) Surgery.
(ii) Administration of Anesthesia.
(iii) Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.
(iv) Covered In-hospital Services.
(v) Maternity.
(b) Catastrophic Deductible. Benefits under this coverage do not begin until you incur, during a calendar year, more than $3,000 in
out-of-pocket expenses. Out-of-pocket expenses are calculated based only upon the Allowed Charge for covered services.
(c) Catastrophic Benefit. After the $3,000 catastrophic deductible has been met, the benefits for the Covered Services set forth above are
payable at 100% of the Allowed Charge. A $200,000 annual maximum applies for all services covered under this Certificate.
(d) Formula. The catastrophic coverage benefit may best be understood by the formula set forth below.
Allowed Charge for Covered Catastrophic Services
All payments for Covered Catastrophic Services
$3,000 Catastrophic Deductible
Catastrophic Benefit Payment
Optional Rider for Active Employees and Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees
1. General Information. This Rider is available to you through payroll or pension deductions. If you have elected to purchase this
Rider, you are entitled to the benefits listed in this Rider. Your Union Welfare Fund may provide like or similar benefits. If this is the case, the
benefits provided by your Welfare Fund will be covered only through your Welfare Fund and not under this Rider. Appropriate adjustments
will be made to your payroll or pension deductions.
In determining what are like or similar benefits, GHI willbe guided by the determination made by the City of New York Employee Benefits
2. Benefits. Election of the Optional Rider entitles you to the benefits set forth below.
(a) Enhanced Non-Participating Provider Reimbursement Schedule. The amount you are reimbursed for services rendered by
non-participating provider is enhanced for the following services:
(i) Surgery.
(ii) Administration of Anesthesia
(iii) In-hospital medical services.
(iv) Maternity.
The enhanced schedule for covered services is in aggregate approximately 165% of the New York City Non-Participating Provider
(b) Psychiatric Care and Chemical Dependency. You are covered for the benefits set forth below. These benefits are provided
through the GHI Behavioral Management Program (BMP). You must call the Clinical Referral Line prior to receiving covered services.
The telephone number is 1-800-NYC-CITY. BMP Participating Providers must pre-certify covered services. You must pre-certify care
rendered by non-participating providers. To pre-certify care, you must call the Clinical Referral Line prior to receiving services.
1. Outpatient Mental Health Benefits. You are covered for outpatient psychiatric care. The care may be rendered by a
Participating or non-participating Provider. GHI’s payments will not vary. However, if you use a Participating Provider, you are
covered for charges in excess of your basic outpatient psychiatric benefits.
GHI will pay 50% of the Plan’s Allowances for each covered visit. There is a maximum payment of $30 for each visit. This
maximum applies to individual and group visits. There is an overall maximum of $900 per person in each calendar year. Each
covered individual is subject to a lifetime maximum of $1,800. You must pay any difference between the Provider’s charge and
GHI’s payment.
Psychiatric care is defined as the diagnosis or treatment of mental, nervous, or emotional disorders and ailments. In determining
what is and what is not a disorder or ailment, the BMP will be guided by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnosis and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised. In order to be covered the service must be rendered by one of the
following Providers:
(i) A physician.
(ii) A registered or certified psychologist.
(iii) A certified social worker. The social worker must be qualified as a Provider for third-party reimbursement under the laws of
New York State. He or she must have six years of post-Master Degree supervised psychotherapy experience. The service may be
rendered in a clinic, psychiatric center or hospital outpatient department. If that is the case, payment will not be made unless
the service is rendered by one of the Providers listed above. Services which are merely supervised or directed by one of the
above Provider’s are never covered. Regardless of the diagnosis or symptoms present, you are not covered for out-of-hospital
psychiatric care which may be used for or credited to:
2. Chemical Dependency Benefits. You are covered for the inpatient treatment of alcoholism and substance abuse. Care must be
rendered in an approved facility.The amount of GHI’s payment will vary. It depends on whether you receive treatment in a partici-
pating or non-participating Facility.
 Participating Facility. You are covered for an additional 30 days of active treatment in each calendar year. Your coverage
includes benefits for detoxification and rehabilitation care. This is in addition to the 30 days provided under the basic plan.
There is no lifetime limit. Payment will be made in full for covered services. The facility must pre-certify your care. You will
not have to make any payments.
 Non-Participating Facility. You are covered for up to 30 days for rehabilitation care. This is a lifetime limit. GHI will pay
75% of the average payment it makes to a Participating facility for the type of care you receive. After you have paid $1,000 in
coinsurance expenses per admission, GHI will pay you at 100% of the average payment it makes to a Participating Facility
for covered services. You must pay any difference between the Facility’s charge and GHI’s payment. You must pre-certify
your care. To pre-certify, call the Clinical Referral Line. Care that is not pre-certified is subject to a $500 penalty. This is in
addition to the coinsurance charge. In no event, however, will the penalty exceed 50% of the benefit otherwise payable.
(c) Prescription Drugs.
(i) Covered Items. You are covered for drugs which by law require a written prescription. The drugs must be dispensed by a registered
licensed pharmacist. A Provider must have written the prescription. That Provider must be legally authorized to write the prescrip-
tion. Payment will be made only when the drug is prescribed for your use. Insulin is covered whether or not it is dispensed by a
written prescription.
In addition to covered prescription drugs, you are covered for nutritional supplements for the therapeutic treatment of a condition
set forth below.
In order to be covered, the supplement must be administered under the direction of a physician.
(ii) Acute Prescription Drug Coverage. You are subject to a prescription drug deductible of $150 per person, per calendar year up to a
maximum of $450 per family. Benefits under this paragraph will vary depending upon whether you use a GHI Participating PAID
Pharmacy or any other pharmacy.
1. Prescription Drugs Obtained at a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy. If you use a GHI Participating PAID
Pharmacy, you must present your PAID Prescriptions I.D. Card at the time of purchase. The pharmacy will fill your prescription
and credit the amount paid towards the deductible and/or charge the appropriate coinsurance. After you have met your deductible,
the pharmacy will be reimbursed directly at 80% of the Allowed Charge for a generic drug or a brand name drug which has a
generic substitute. The pharmacy will be reimbursed at 60% of the Allowed Charge for a brand name drug if a generic substitute
exists. You must pay the difference between the payment made to the pharmacy and the pharmacy’s charge to you. If you do not
present your PAID Prescriptions I.D. Card at the time of purchase, you must pay the full cost of the prescription. You will be paid
as if you had gone to any other pharmacy. (See below.) Information on the location of GHI Participating PAID Pharmacies may
be obtained by calling PAID Prescriptions at 1-800-272-PAID.
2. Prescription Drugs Obtained at a Pharmacy that is not a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy. If you use a
pharmacy that is not a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy, you must pay the full cost of the prescription. You must obtain a
receipt for your purchase. You must submit a claim form. You may obtain a claim form by calling 1-800-272-PAID. Send your
completed by the pharmacist. Prescription receipts alone will not be accepted. After you have meet the deductible, you will be
reimbursed directly at 80% of the Allowed Charge for the drug. However, you will be reimbursed at 60% of the Allowed Charge for a
brand name if a generic substitute is available.
(iii) Maintenance Drug Program. Your benefits include coverage under a Maintenance Drug Program. This Program is available
only through NRx Services Inc. (NRx). A maintenance drug is one that is prescribed for a chronic condition that requires constant
medication. Certain conditions require the use of prescription drugs on a day-to-day, year-round basis. The Maintenance Drug
Program permits long-term prescriptions to be filled. Under this Program you may receive a supply of up to 60 consecutive days.
The Program saves you time. It will also reduce paperwork. There is no need to file a claim form. When you become covered
under this Program, you will receive information about how to obtain a maintenance drug. There is a $8 Co-pay Charge for
generic drugs obtained through the Maintenance Drug Program. A generic drug is a drug that is marketed under its non-
proprietary name after expiration of the patent of a brand name drug. You are subject to a $15 Co-pay Charge for a brand name
drug. To take part in the Program, ask your doctor if a maintenance quantity is suitable for you. If so, have a doctor specify the
maintenance quality of the drug to be dispensed. For example, one per day (60 doses), two per day (120 doses). Remember, pre-
scriptions should always be sent to NRx and never to GHI. You may contact NRx at 1-800-445-9707.
(iv) Diabetes Management. You are covered for the items set forth below in connection with diabetes management.
1. Insulin.
2. Needles and Syringes.
3. Oral agents for controlling blood sugar.
Coverage of these items may vary. It will depend upon whether you receive these items from a GHI Participating PAID or any other
pharmacy. Coverage for these items is not subject to a deductible. These items are also not subject to a maximum.
(a) GHI Participating PAID Pharmacies. When the items listed above are obtained through a GHI Participating PAID
Pharmacy, they are covered subject to the lesser of:
• a$5Co-payCharge;or
• theapplicablepercentcoinsuranceorCo-payChargeforotherprescriptiondrugs.
You must present your PAID Prescriptions I.D. card at the time of purchase. If you do not present your PAID Prescriptions I.D.
card at the time of purchase, you must pay the full cost of the prescription. You will be paid as if you had gone to any other
pharmacy. (See below).
(b) Pharmacies that are not GHI Participating PAID Pharmacies. If you obtain the items listed above from a pharmacy
that is not a GHI Participating PAID Pharmacy, you must pay the full cost of the prescription. You must obtain a receipt for your
purchase. You must submit a claim form. You will be paid directly. You will be paid the amount that would have been paid to a GHI
Participating PAID Pharmacy. You must pay any difference between the payment and the pharmacy’s charge to you.
(c) Items not Covered. You are not covered for the following:
(1) Over-the-counter drugs which can be purchased without prescription, except insulin.
(2) Over-the-counter vitamins, minerals or food supplements, except as specifically provided above.
(3) Drugs dispensed while you are a bed patient in a hospital or other institution or dispensed while you are receiving covered
Home Health Care by or on behalf of a certified home health agency.
(d) Hospitalization. Election of the Optional Rider extends your Blue Cross coverage to 365 days. These benefits are provided by Blue
(e) Dependents to Age 23. Election of the Optional Rider extends your coverage of full-time unmarried dependent students until the
end of the calendar year in which dependent reaches the age of 23.
(f) Annual Maximum. Election of the Optional Rider increases your annual calendar year CBP maximum benefit to $400,000
except for private duty nursing care coverage which remains subject to an annual calendar year maximum benefit of $200,000.
Payments made towards private duty nursing will continue to count towards the overall annual maximum benefit.
* See your Blue Cross booklet for details.
PLA-163 5/15
An EmblemHealth Company
55 Water Street
New York, New York 10041
This rider amends your GHI large group Certificate of Insurance (“Certificate”).
It adds the new or updated terms set forth in this rider to your Certificate.
1. Protection from Surprise Bills .......................................................................................................................................................50
2. Emergency Services ........................................................................................................................................................................50
3. Utilization Review & Appeals .........................................................................................................................................................50
4. External Appeal ..............................................................................................................................................................................54
5. Electronic Filing of Claims ............................................................................................................................................................56
6. Other Terms ...................................................................................................................................................................................56
This rider amends your Certificate of Insurance (“Certificate”). It adds the new or updated terms set forth below to your Certificate.
Wherever the Certificate is not consistent with this rider, the terms of this rider will control.
1. Protection from Surprise Bills.
A surprise bill is a bill you receive for covered services received on or after April 1, 2015 in the following circumstances:
• Forservicesperformedbyanon-participatingphysicianataParticipatingHospitalorambulatorysurgicalcenter,when:
- A Participating physician is unavailable at the time the health care services are performed;
- A non-participating physician performs services without your knowledge; or
- Unforeseen medical issues or services arise at the time the health care services are performed.
A surprise bill does not include a bill for health care services when a Participating physician is available and you elected to receive
services from a non-participating physician.
• YouwerereferredbyaParticipatingphysiciantoanon-participatingProviderwithoutyourexplicitwrittenconsentacknowledging
that the referral is to a non-participating Provider and it may result in costs not covered by GHI.
You will be held harmless for any non-participating physician charges for the surprise bill that exceed your in-network co-pay charge,
deductible and/or coinsurance if you assign benefits to the non-participating physician in writing. In such cases, the non-participating
physician may only bill you for your in-network co-pay charge, deductible and/or coinsurance.
2. Emergency Services.
Payments Relating to Emergency Services Rendered.
The amount we pay a non-participating provider for covered services you receive in a hospital to treat an emergency condition on or after
April 1, 2015 that are not payable under your hospital plan will be an amount we have negotiated with the Non-Participating Provider for the
service or an amount we have determined is reasonable for the service. An emergency condition means: A medical or behavioral condition
that manifests itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, including severe pain, such that a prudent layperson, possessing an average
knowledge of medicine and health, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in:
• Placingthehealthofthepersonafflictedwithsuchconditionor,withrespecttoapregnantwoman,thehealthofthewomanor
her unborn child in serious jeopardy, or in the case of a behavioral condition, placing the health of such person or others in serious
• Seriousimpairmenttosuchperson’sbodilyfunctions;
• Seriousdysfunctionofanybodilyorganorpartofsuchperson;or
• Seriousdisfigurementofsuchperson.
If a dispute involving a payment for physician services relating to emergency services payable by us is submitted to an independent dispute
resolution entity (“IDRE”), we will pay the amount, if any, determined by the IDRE for physician services.
You are responsible for any in-network copayment, deductible or coinsurance. You will be held harmless for any non-participating provider
charges that exceed your copayment, deductible or coinsurance in these circumstances
3. Utilization Review & Appeals.
A. Utilization Review.
We review health services to determine whether the services are or were medically necessary or experimental or investigational (“Medically
Necessary”). This process is called utilization review. Utilization review includes all review activities, whether they take place prior to the
service being performed (Preauthorization); when the service is being performed (concurrent); or after the service is performed (retrospec-
tive). If you have any questions about the utilization review process, please call the number on Your ID card. The toll-free telephone number
is available at least 40 hours a week with an after-hours answering machine.
All determinations that services are not Medically Necessary will be made by: 1) licensed physicians; or 2) licensed, certified, registered or
credentialed health care professionals who are in the same profession and same or similar specialty as the Provider who typically manages
your medical condition or disease or provides the health care service under review; or 3) with respect to substance use disorder treatment,
effective on the date of issuance or renewal of your Certificate on or after April 1, 2015, licensed physicians or licensed, certified, registered
or credentialed health care professionals who specialize in behavioral health and have experience in the delivery of substance use disorder
courses of treatment.
We do not compensate or provide financial incentives to our employees or reviewers for determining that services are not Medically
Necessary. We have developed guidelines and protocols to assist us in this process. Specific guidelines and protocols are available for your
review upon request. For more information, call the number on Your ID card or visit our website at
B. Preauthorization Reviews.
1. If we have all the information necessary to make a determination regarding a Preauthorization review, we will make a determination
and provide notice to you (or your designee) and your Provider, by telephone and in writing, within three (3) business days of receipt
of the request.
If we need additional information, we will request it within three (3) business days. You or your Provider will then have forty-five (45)
calendar days to submit the information. If we receive the requested information within forty-five (45) days, we will make a determi-
nation and provide notice to you (or your designee) and your Provider, by telephone and in writing, within three (3) business days of
our receipt of the information. If all necessary information is not received within forty-five (45) days, we will make a determination
within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of the forty-five (45) day period.
2. Urgent Preauthorization Reviews. With respect to urgent Preauthorization requests, if we have all information necessary to make a
determination, we will make a determination and provide notice to you (or your designee) and your Provider, by telephone, within
seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of the request. Written notice will be provided within three (3) business days of receipt of the request.
If we need additional information, we will request it within twenty-four (24) hours. You or your Provider will then have forty-eight
(48) hours to submit the information. We will make a determination and provide notice to you (or your designee) and your Provider
by telephone within forty-eight (48) hours of the earlier of our receipt of the information or the end of the forty-eight (48) hour time
period. Written notification will be provided within the earlier of three (3) business days of our receipt of the information or three (3)
calendar days after the verbal notification.
C. Concurrent Reviews.
1. Utilization review decisions for services during the course of care (concurrent reviews) will be made, and notice provided to you (or
your designee) and your Provider, by telephone and in writing, within one (1) business day of receipt of all necessary information.
If we need additional information, we will request it within one (1) business day. You or your Provider will then have forty-five
(45) calendar days to submit the information. We will make a determination and provide notice to you (or your designee) and
your Provider, by telephone and in writing, within one (1) business day of our receipt of the information or, if we do not receive the
information, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the end of the forty-five (45) day time period.
2. Urgent Concurrent Reviews. For concurrent reviews that involve an extension of urgent care, if the request for coverage is made at
least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the expiration of a previously approved treatment, we will make a determination and provide
notice to you (or your designee) and your Provider by telephone within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the request. Written notice
will be provided within one (1) business day of receipt of the request.
If the request for coverage is not made at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the expiration of a previously approved treatment and
we have all the information necessary to make a determination, we will make a determination and provide written notice to you (or
your designee) and your Provider within the earlier of seventy-two (72) hours or one (1) business day of receipt of the request. If
we need additional information, we will request it within twenty-four (24) hours. You or your Provider will then have forty-eight
(48) hours to submit the information. We will make a determination and provide written notice to you (or your designee) and your
Provider within the earlier of one (1) business day or forty-eight (48) hours of our receipt of the information or, if we do not receive
the information, within forty-eight (48) hours of the end of the forty-eight (48) hour time period.
3. Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Reviews. Effective on the date of issuance or renewal of your Certificate on or after April
1, 2015, if a request for inpatient substance use disorder treatment is submitted to us at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to discharge
from an inpatient substance use disorder treatment admission, we will make a determination within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt
of the request and we will provide coverage for the inpatient substance use disorder treatment while our determination is pending.
D. Retrospective Reviews.
If we have all information necessary to make a determination regarding a retrospective claim, we will make a determination and notify
you and, if applicable, your Provider within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the request. If we need additional information, we
will request it within thirty (30) calendar days. You or your Provider will then have forty-five (45) calendar days to provide the information.
We will make a determination and provide notice to you in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days of the earlier of our receipt of the
information or the end of the forty-five (45) day period.
Once we have all the information to make a decision, our failure to make a utilization review determination within the applicable time
frames set forth above will be deemed an adverse determination subject to an internal appeal.
E. Retrospective Review of Preauthorized Services.
We may only reverse a preauthorized treatment, service or procedure on retrospective review when:
• Therelevantmedicalinformationpresentedtousuponretrospectivereviewismateriallydifferentfromtheinformationpresented
during the Preauthorization review;
• TherelevantmedicalinformationpresentedtousuponretrospectivereviewexistedatthetimeofthePreauthorizationbutwas
withheld or not made available to us;
• WewerenotawareoftheexistenceofsuchinformationatthetimeofthePreauthorizationreview;and
• Hadwebeenawareofsuchinformation,thetreatment,serviceorprocedurebeingrequestedwouldnothavebeenauthorized.The
determination is made using the same specific standards, criteria or procedures as used during the Preauthorization review.
F. Reconsideration.
If we did not attempt to consult with your Provider before making an adverse determination, your Provider may request reconsideration by
the same clinical peer reviewer who made the adverse determination. For Preauthorization and concurrent reviews, the reconsideration will
take place within one (1) business day of the request for reconsideration. If the adverse determination is upheld, a notice of adverse determi-
nation will be given to you and your Provider, by telephone and in writing.
G. Utilization Review Internal Appeals.
You, your designee, and, in retrospective review cases, your Provider, may request an internal appeal of an adverse determination, either by
phone, in person, or in writing.
You have up to one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days after you receive notice of the adverse determination to file an appeal. We will
acknowledge your request for an internal appeal within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt. This acknowledgment will if necessary, inform
you of any additional information needed before a decision can be made. A clinical peer reviewer who is a physician or a health care profes-
sional in the same or similar specialty as the Provider who typically manages the disease or condition at issue and who is not subordinate to
the clinical peer reviewer who made the initial adverse determination will perform the appeal.
1. Out-of-Network Service Denial. Effective on the date of issuance or renewal of your Certificate on or after April 1, 2015, you also
have the right to appeal the denial of a Preauthorization request for an out-of-network health service when we determine that the out-of-net-
work health service is not materially different from an available in-network health service. A denial of an out-of-network health service is a
service provided by a non-participating Provider, but only when the service is not available from a Participating Provider. You are not eligible
for a utilization review appeal if the service you request is available from a Participating Provider, even if the non-participating Provider has
more experience in diagnosing or treating your condition. (Such an appeal will be treated as a grievance.) For a utilization review appeal of
denial of an out-of-network health service, you or your designee must submit:
• Awrittenstatementfromyourattendingphysician,whomustbealicensed,board-certifiedorboard-eligiblephysicianqualified
to practice in the specialty area of practice appropriate to treat your condition, that the requested out-of-network health service is
materially different from the alternate health service available from a Participating Provider that we approved to treat your condition;
• Two(2)documentsfromtheavailablemedicalandscientificevidencethattheout-of-networkservice:1)islikelytobemore
clinically beneficial to you than the alternate in-network service; and 2) that the adverse risk of the out-of-network service would likely
not be substantially increased over the in-network health service.
2. Out-of-Network Authorization Denial. Effective on the date of issuance or renewal of your Certificate on or after April 1, 2015,
you also have the right to appeal the denial of a request for an authorization to a Non-Participating Provider when we determine that we have
a Participating Provider with the appropriate training and experience to meet your particular health care needs who is able to provide the
requested health care service. For a utilization review appeal of an out-of-network authorization denial, you or your designee must submit a
written statement from your attending physician, who must be a licensed, board-certified or board-eligible physician qualified to practice in
the specialty area of practice appropriate to treat your condition:
• ThattheParticipatingProviderrecommendedbyusdoesnothavetheappropriatetrainingandexperiencetomeetyourparticular
health care needs for the health care service; and
• Recommendinganon-participatingProviderwiththeappropriatetrainingandexperiencetomeetyourparticularhealthcareneeds
who is able to provide the requested health care service.
H. Standard Appeal.
1. Preauthorization Appeal. If your appeal relates to a Preauthorization request, we will decide the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days
of receipt of the appeal request. Written notice of the determination will be provided to you (or your designee), and where appropriate, your
Provider, within two (2) business days after the determination is made, but no later than thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the appeal
2. Retrospective Appeal. If your appeal relates to a retrospective claim, we will decide the appeal within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt
of the appeal request. Written notice of the determination will be provided to you (or your designee), and where appropriate, your Provider,
within two (2) business days after the determination is made, but no later than sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of the appeal request.
3. Expedited Appeal. An appeal of a review of continued or extended health care services, additional services rendered in the course
of continued treatment, home health care services following discharge from an inpatient Hospital admission, services in which a Provider
requests an immediate review, or any other urgent matter will be handled on an expedited basis. An expedited appeal is not available for
retrospective reviews. For an expedited appeal, your Provider will have reasonable access to the clinical peer reviewer assigned to the appeal
within one (1) business day of receipt of the request for an appeal. Your Provider and a clinical peer reviewer may exchange information
by telephone or fax. An expedited appeal will be determined within the earlier of seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of the appeal or two (2)
business days of receipt of the information necessary to conduct the appeal.
If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your expedited appeal, you may file a standard internal appeal or an external appeal.
Our failure to render a determination of your appeal within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the necessary information for a standard
appeal or within two (2) business days of receipt of the necessary information for an expedited appeal will be deemed a reversal of the initial
adverse determination.
4. Substance Use Appeal. Effective on the date of issuance or renewal of your Certificate on or after April 1, 2015, if we deny a request for
inpatient substance use disorder treatment that was submitted at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to discharge from an inpatient admission,
and you or your Provider file an expedited internal appeal of our adverse determination, we will decide the appeal within twenty-four (24)
hours of receipt of the appeal request. If you or your Provider file the expedited internal appeal and an expedited external appeal within
twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of our adverse determination, we will also provide coverage for the inpatient substance use disorder
treatment while a determination on the internal appeal and external appeal is pending.
I. Appeal Assistance.
If you need assistance filing an appeal, you may contact the state independent Consumer Assistance Program at:
Community Health Advocates
105 East 22nd Street
New York, NY 10010
Or call toll free: 1-888-614-5400, or e-mail [email protected]
4. External Appeal.
A. Your Right to an External Appeal.
In some cases, you have a right to an external appeal of a denial of coverage. If we have denied coverage on the basis that a service is not
Medically Necessary (including appropriateness, health care setting, level of care or effectiveness of a covered benefit); or is an experimental
or investigational treatment (including clinical trials and treatments for rare diseases) ; or is an out-of-network treatment, you or your repre-
sentative may appeal that decision to an external appeal agent, an independent third party certified by the State to conduct these appeals.
In order for you to be eligible for an external appeal you must meet the following two (2) requirements:
• Theservice,procedure,ortreatmentmustotherwisebeacoveredserviceunderthisCertificate;and
• Ingeneral,youmusthavereceivedafinaladversedeterminationthroughourinternalappealprocess.But,youcanfileanexternal
appeal even though you have not received a final adverse determination through our internal appeal process if:
- We agree in writing to waive the internal appeal. We are not required to agree to your request to waive the internal appeal; or
- You file an external appeal at the same time as you apply for an expedited internal appeal; or
- We fail to adhere to utilization review claim processing requirements (other than a minor violation that is not likely to cause
prejudice or harm to you, and we demonstrate that the violation was for good cause or due to matters beyond our control and the
violation occurred during an ongoing, good faith exchange of information between you and us).
B. Your Right to Appeal a Determination that a Service is Not Medically Necessary.
If we have denied coverage on the basis that the service is not Medically Necessary, you may appeal to an eternal appeal agent if you meet
the requirements for an external appeal in paragraph “A” above.
C. Your Right to Appeal a Determination that a Service is Experimental or Investigational.
If we have denied coverage on the basis that the service is an experimental or investigational treatment (including clinical trials and
treatments for rare diseases), you must satisfy the two (2) requirements for an external appeal in paragraph “A” above and your attending
physician must certify that your condition or disease is one for which:
1. Standard health services are ineffective or medically inappropriate; or
2. There does not exist a more beneficial standard service or procedure covered by us; or
3. There exists a clinical trial or rare disease treatment (as defined by law).
In addition, your attending physician must have recommended one (1) of the following:
1. A service, procedure or treatment that two (2) documents from available medical and scientific evidence indicate is likely to be more
beneficial to you than any standard covered service (only certain documents will be considered in support of this recommendation –
your attending physician should contact the State for current information as to what documents will be considered or acceptable); or
2. A clinical trial for which you are eligible (only certain clinical trials can be considered); or
3. A rare disease treatment for which your attending physician certifies that there is no standard treatment that is likely to be more
clinically beneficial to you than the requested service, the requested service is likely to benefit you in the treatment of your rare disease,
and such benefit outweighs the risk of the service. In addition, your attending physician must certify that your condition is a rare
disease that is currently or was previously subject to a research study by the National Institutes of Health Rare Disease Clinical Research
Network or that it affects fewer than 200,000 U.S. residents per year.
For purposes of this section, your attending physician must be a licensed, board-certified or board eligible physician qualified to practice
in the area appropriate to treat your condition or disease. In addition, for a rare disease treatment, the attending physician may not be your
treating physician.
D. Your Right to Appeal a Determination that a Service is Out-of-Network.
Effective on the date of issuance or renewal of your Certificate on or after April 1, 2015, if we have denied coverage of an out-of-network
treatment because it is not materially different than the health service available in-network, you may appeal to an external appeal agent if
you meet the two (2) requirements for an external appeal in paragraph “A” above, and you have requested Preauthorization for the out-of-
network treatment.
In addition, your attending physician must certify that the out-of-network service is materially different from the alternate recommended
in-network health service, and based on two (2) documents from available medical and scientific evidence, is likely to be more clinically
beneficial than the alternate in-network treatment and that the adverse risk of the requested health service would likely not be substantially
increased over the alternate in-network health service.
For purposes of this section, your attending physician must be a licensed, board certified or board eligible physician qualified to practice in
the specialty area appropriate to treat you for the health service.
E. Your Right to Appeal an Out-of-Network Authorization Denial.
Effective on the date of issuance or renewal of your Certificate on or after April 1, 2015, if we have denied coverage of a request for an
authorization to a non-participating Provider because we determine we have a Participating Provider with the appropriate training and
experience to meet your particular health care needs who is able to provide the requested health care service, you may appeal to an external
appeal agent if you meet the two (2) requirements for an external appeal in paragraph “A” above.
In addition, your attending physician must: certify that the Participating Provider recommended by us does not have the appropriate
training and experience to meet your particular health care needs; and recommend a non-participating Provider with the appropriate
training and experience to meet your particular health care needs who is able to provide the requested health care service.
For purposes of this section, your attending physician must be a licensed, board certified or board eligible Physician qualified to practice in
the specialty area appropriate to treat you for the health service.
F. The External Appeal Process.
You have four (4) months from receipt of a final adverse determination or from receipt of a waiver of the internal appeal process to file a
written request for an external appeal. If you are filing an external appeal based on our failure to adhere to claim processing requirements,
you have four (4) months from such failure to file a written request for an external appeal.
We will provide an external appeal application with the final adverse determination issued through our internal appeal process or our
written waiver of an internal appeal. You may also request an external appeal application from the New York State Department of Financial
Services at 1-800-400-8882. Submit the completed application to the Department of Financial Services at the address indicated on the
application. If you meet the criteria for an external appeal, the State will forward the request to a certified external appeal agent.
You can submit additional documentation with your external appeal request. If the external appeal agent determines that the information
you submit represents a material change from the information on which we based our denial, the external appeal agent will share this
information with us in order for us to exercise our right to reconsider our decision. If we choose to exercise this right, we will have three (3)
business days to amend or confirm our decision. Please note that in the case of an expedited external appeal (described below), we do not
have a right to reconsider our decision.
In general, the external appeal agent must make a decision within thirty (30) days of receipt of your completed application. The
external appeal agent may request additional information from you, your physician, or us. If the external appeal agent requests additional
information, it will have five (5) additional business days to make its decision. The external appeal agent must notify you in writing of its
decision within two (2) business days.
If Your attending physician certifies that a delay in providing the service that has been denied poses an imminent or serious threat to
your health; or if your attending physician certifies that the standard external appeal time frame would seriously jeopardize your life, health
or ability to regain maximum function; or if you received emergency services and have not been discharged from a facility and the denial
concerns an admission, availability of care, or continued stay, you may request an expedited external appeal. In that case, the external
appeal agent must make a decision within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of your completed application. Immediately after reaching a
decision, the external appeal agent must notify you and us by telephone or facsimile of that decision. The external appeal agent must also
notify you in writing of its decision.
If the external appeal agent overturns our decision that a service is not Medically Necessary or approves coverage of an experimental or
investigational treatment or an out-of-network treatment, we will provide coverage subject to the other terms and conditions of this Certificate.
Please note that if the external appeal agent approves coverage of an experimental or investigational treatment that is part of a clinical trial,
we will only cover the cost of services required to provide treatment to you according to the design of the trial. We will not be responsible for
the costs of investigational drugs or devices, the costs of non-health care services, the costs of managing the research, or costs that would not
be covered under this Certificate for non-investigational treatments provided in the clinical trial.
The external appeal agent’s decision is binding on both you and us. The external appeal agent’s decision is admissible in any court
We will charge you a fee of $25 for each external appeal, not to exceed $75 in a single plan year. The external appeal application will
explain how to submit the fee. We will waive the fee if we determine that paying the fee would be a hardship to you. If the external appeal
agent overturns the denial of coverage, the fee will be refunded to you.
G. Your Responsibilities.
It is your responsibility to start the external appeal process. You may start the external appeal process by filing a completed application
with the New York State Department of Financial Services. You may appoint a representative to assist you with your application; however, the
Department of Financial Services may contact you and request that you confirm in writing that you have appointed the representative.
Under New York State law, your completed request for external appeal must be filed within four (4) months of either the date upon which
you receive a final adverse determination, or the date upon which you receive a written waiver of any internal appeal, or our failure to adhere
to claim processing requirements. GHI has no authority to extend this deadline.
5. Electronic Filing of Claims. You have the option to submit a claim to us electronically by visiting our website. Or, you can submit
a claim to us on paper according to instructions set forth in your Certificate.
6. Other Terms.
All other terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of your Certificate of Insurance apply, except as specifically amended or updated by
this rider.
PLA-156 4/15
An EmblemHealth Company
55 Water Street
New York, New York 10041
This rider amends your [GHI][EmblemHealth]Certificate of Insurance. It adds coverage for the services described below in
connection with the screening, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder.
1. Autism Spectrum Disorder. GHI will cover the screening, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder.
Autism spectrum disorder refers to any pervasive developmental disorder as defined in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), including autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, Rett’s disorder, childhood
disintegrative disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Diagnosis refers to assessments,
evaluations, or tests to diagnose whether a person has autism spectrum disorder. Treatment refers to the types of care listed below,
as well as assistive communication devices prescribed and ordered for a person diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder by a
licensed physician or a licensed psychologist:
a. Behavioral health treatment. This refers to counseling and treatment programs, when provided by a licensed provider, and
applied behavior analysis, when provided and supervised by a behavior analyst certified pursuant to the behavior analyst
certification board, that are necessary to develop, maintain, or restore, to the maximum extent practicable, the functioning of
the person. Applied behavior analysis is the design, implementation and evaluation of environmental modifications, using
behavioral stimuli and consequences, to produce socially significant improvement in human behavior, including the use of
direct observation, measurement and functional analysis of the relationship between environment and behavior. Providers
who render behavioral health treatment under the supervision of a certified behavior analyst must meet standards of profes-
sionalism, supervision and relevant experience pursuant to regulations issued by New York State or, if services are rendered
outside of New York State, comparable standards.
b. Psychiatric care. This refers to direct or consultative services provided by a psychiatrist licensed in the state where the psychia-
trist practices.
c. Psychological care. This refers to direct or consultative services provided by a psychologist licensed in the state where the psy-
chologist practices
d. Medical care provided by a licensed health care provider.
e. If this Policy otherwise covers therapeutic care, therapeutic care including therapeutic care which is deemed habilitative or
non-restorative. Therapeutic care refers to services provided by a licensed or certified speech therapist, occupational therapist,
social worker, or physical therapist.
f. If this Policy otherwise covers prescription drugs, pharmacy care. Pharmacy care refers to medications prescribed by a
licensed health care provider legally authorized to prescribe.
Coverage for the services and items described above is generally subject to the same cost-sharing terms that normally apply to
these services and items under your Policy when the services are received in connection with other conditions, illnesses and/or
injuries. Cost-sharing means the co-pay charge(s) or deductible(s) and coinsurance terms that apply to your coverage. Home
visits are subject to the same cost-sharing that applies to office visits. Assistive communication devices are subject to the cost-
sharing terms that apply to specialist office visits.
Applied behavior analysis is not covered under your Policy in connection with conditions other than autism spectrum disorder.
To the extent permitted by law, applied behavior analysis is also subject to a maximum benefit of six hundred and eighty (680)
hours per person per year. This maximum benefit amount will periodically increase by the amount calculated from the average
ten year rolling average increase of the medical component of the consumer price index (CPI).
GHI will cover assistive communication devices, including communication boards and speech generating devices, other
dedicated devices (i.e. devices that generally are not useful to a person in the absence of a communication impairment), and
computer software and/or applications that enable a non-dedicated device to function as a speech-generating device when
medically necessary in connection with autism spectrum disorder. GHI will not cover computers, laptops, tablets and other non-
dedicated devices. GHI will cover the replacement, repair and/or maintenance of assistive communication devices when not
provided for under a manufacturer’s warranty or purchase agreement and functionally necessary.
GHI will not cover services provided under an individualized education plan (IEP) through school districts pursuant to Article
89 of the New York State Education Law or similar programs administered in other states. However, services provided under the
programs set forth below will not affect GHI’s coverage of services rendered on a supplemental basis outside of an educational
setting if the services are prescribed by a licensed physician or licensed psychologist:
Law Section 2545;
Disabilities (OPWDD).
Coverage for the screening, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder is subject to utilization review and external
appeals pursuant to applicable law, as well as case management and other managed care provisions. Coverage of assistive com-
munication devices is also subject to same prior authorization requirements that apply to durable medical equipment (DME), if
covered, under your Policy.
2. Other Terms. All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions found in your Certificate of Insurance remain in
full force and effect except as specifically amended by this rider.
PLA-139 1/10
An EmblemHealth Company
55 Water Street
New York, New York 10041
This rider amends your GHI Certificate of Insurance as set forth below.
1. This rider changes the section of your Certificate entitled “Continuation of Coverage”. It deletes the terms contained in the
paragraph(s) entitled “Continuation of Coverage under New York State Law” and replaces them with the new terms set forth below.
Continuation of Coverage under New York State Law. There are cases where you may lose eligibility for coverage
under this Policy, but not be eligible to continue coverage under Federal law. If the loss of eligibility is due to termination of
employment or loss of membership in the class(es) eligible for coverage, you may be entitled to continue coverage under New
York State law. Continued coverage is available without evidence of insurability. If continuation is available to the Group member
under Federal law (COBRA), then the New York State continuation law does not apply. However, if you are eligible for less than
thirty-six months (36) months of continuation benefits under Federal law, you may continue coverage under New York State law
for up to thirty-six (36) months from the date your continuation of coverage under Federal law began.
The terms set forth below apply to New York State continuation of coverage.
(a) Continuation of coverage is not available if you are covered under Medicare or could be covered under Medicare. It is also
not available if you become covered or could be covered by another group policy that provides similar benefits, unless that
policy contains a pre-existing condition limitation.
(b) You must make a request to continue coverage in writing and submit your first premium payment within sixty (60) days of
the later of the dates set forth below.
(i) The date your coverage under this plan would otherwise terminate.
(ii) The date notice of your right to continue coverage is issued to you.
(c) You must pay your group one hundred and two percent (102%) of the group rate to continue coverage.
(d) Your continuation of coverage will terminate on the first of the dates set forth below.
(i) You become eligible for Medicare.
(ii) You become covered under another group health care plan as an employee or dependent, unless that plan contains a
pre-existing condition limitation.
(iii) Thirty-six (36) months, if the qualifying event is termination of employment or membership in the class or classes
eligible for coverage.
(iv) Thirty-six (36) months if you are an eligible dependent who will otherwise lose coverage due to the death of the Group
Member, divorce, legal separation, change in dependent status or the Group Member becoming eligible for Medicare.
The thirty-six (36) months will be measured from the date coverage would otherwise be lost.
(v) The end of the period for which you made premium payments, if you fail to make timely payment of the required premium.
(vi) The date that your group terminates coverage with GHI. However, if the group coverage is replaced by the group
contract holder with similar coverage, you have the right to become covered under the other coverage for the balance
of the period that you would have remained covered hereunder. The replacement plan must provide at least the same
level of benefits provided by the prior group plan, reduced by any benefits payable under that plan. The prior group
plan must provide benefits to the extent of its accrued liabilities and extension of benefits.
When your New York State continuation of coverage terminates, you may purchase a direct payment conversion contract from
GHI. (See the section of your Certificate of Insurance entitled “Direct Payment Conversion.”)
2. This rider changes the section of your Certificate entitled “Continuation of Coverage”. It adds the new terms set forth below
to the end of that section. This rider adds the following terms to your Certificate of Insurance.
New York State Young Adult Option. If your group provides coverage for dependents under this Policy and has not
elected to cover unmarried children through age twenty-nine (29), you have the option to continue coverage of an eligible child
under this Policy through age twenty-nine (29) at your own cost and without evidence of insurability while you remain covered
under the Group Contract.
To be eligible to continue coverage under this young adult option, your child must be:
• Agetwenty-nine(29)oryounger;
• Unmarried;
• Noteligibleforcoverageunderanyemployeehealthbenefitplan,whetherinsuredorself-insured,asanemployeeor
member (except as a COBRA or state continuation of coverage beneficiary);
• NotcoveredunderMedicare;and
• Living,workingorresidinginNewYorkStateorourservicearea.
The young adult option coverage will be the same coverage that is provided to the parent. You or the young adult must pay
the premium rate that applies to individual only coverage under the Group Contract for this coverage. The young adult will be
subject to his or her own separate co-pays, deductibles, coinsurance, coinsurance maximum and dollar and benefit maximums,
as applicable, and the coverage will be subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Group Contract, including, but not limited
to, any pre-existing condition limitation. If the parent’s coverage changes, the young adult option coverage will also change in the
same manner. A young adult’s children are not eligible for coverage under this option.
You or the eligible young adult may request this continuation of coverage from your group in writing at the times set forth below:
• Withinsixty(60)daysfollowingthedatethatthedependentwouldotherwiselosecoveragebasedonreachingthe
dependent limiting age that applies to this Policy. In such a case, the coverage will be effective on the date that the
coverage would have otherwise terminated.
• Withinsixty(60)daysaftermeetingtheeligibilityrequirementsforthiscoverageifthedependent‘scoveragepreviously
terminated. In such a case, coverage will be prospective no later than thirty (30) days after the request and payment of
the first premium.
• Duringtheannualthirty(30)dayopenenrollmentperiodthatappliestoyourplan.Insuchacase,coveragewillbe
prospective no later than thirty (30) days after the request and payment of the first premium.
• Duringthetwelve(12)monthperiodfollowingthefirstrenewal,issueoramendmentdateoftheGroupContractonor
after September 1, 2009, you or the child may elect prospective coverage through age twenty-nine (29) for a child whose
coverage terminated under the terms of the Group Contract prior to that renewal, issue or amendment date. In such a
case, coverage will be prospective no later than thirty (30) days after the request and payment of the first premium.
Your written request for this continuation of coverage together with the first premium payment must be given to your group
within the time periods described above. Check with your group about how to request and pay for this continuation of coverage.
You should pay the required premiums to your group, but not more often than on a monthly basis in advance, by the due date. A
thirty (30) day grace period applies to these premium payments.
GHI will give you written notice of the right to continue coverage under the young adult option and the time period in which
you must request it at least sixty (60) days before a dependent reaches the normal limiting age when coverage would otherwise
Young adult option coverage will terminate under this Policy on the earliest of the times set forth below.
• thedatetheyoungadultvoluntarilyterminatesthecoverageaccordingtothetermsofthecontract;
• thedatetheyoungadultnolongermeetstheeligibilityrequirements;
• theendoftheperiodforwhichpremiumwaspaid,ifthereisafailuretopaypremiumwithinthethirty(30)daygrace
• thedatetheyoungadult’sparentisnolongercoveredundertheGroupContract(includingasaCOBRAorstatecon-
tinuation of coverage beneficiary);
• thedatetheGroupContractisterminated.(Notethatifthegroupcoverageisreplacedbyanothergrouppolicy,thenthe
young adult may be eligible to continue coverage under that new policy.)
3. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this rider, all other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of your Certificate
of Insurance apply.
An EmblemHealth Company
55 Water Street
New York, New York 10041
HCR-GF-2010 3/12
This Rider changes provisions in, or adds provisions to, your Certificate of Insurance, including any affected riders, endorsements or other
amendments thereto, (hereinafter collectively “Policy) issued by Group Health Incorporated as required by the federal Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act. Except as otherwise provided in this Rider, the provisions herein apply to all persons covered under the Policy
(“Members”). All of the terms, conditions, and limitations of the Policy to which this Rider is attached also apply to this Rider, except where
they are specifically changed by this Rider. This Rider shall take effect on your Policy renewal date on or after September 23, 2010.
1. Grandfathered Plan. We believe this Policy is a “grandfathered health plan” under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (the Affordable Care Act). As permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health
coverage that was already in effect when that law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that this Policy may
not include certain consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act that apply to other plans, for example, the requirement for the
provision of preventive health services without any cost sharing. However, grandfathered health plans must comply with certain other
consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, for example, the elimination of lifetime limits on benefits.
Questions regarding which protections apply and which protections do not apply to a grandfathered health plan and what might cause
a plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to Customer Service by calling (212) 501-4444 or visiting
our Web site at You may also contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at Your group must notify us if the group or the plan sponsor changes the premium contribution rate that
applies to your coverage under this Policy at any point during the plan year.
2. Annual Limits. Any annual dollar limit under the Policy that applies to Essential Benefits, whether such annual limit applies only
to a covered Essential Benefit or includes covered Essential Benefits and other covered services, is hereby deleted. “Essential Benefits”
include ambulatory care; emergency services; hospitalization; maternity and newborn care; mental health and substance use disorder
services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative care; laboratory services; preventive
and wellness services and chronic disease management; pediatric services including oral and vision care; and any other services set
forth in regulations issued pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Not all Essential Benefits may be covered under
your Contract and/or Certificate. Only the Essential Benefits listed as covered services in your Contract or Certificate are covered. Note
that annual dollar limits may remain in effect for specific covered services other than Essential Benefits. Also, if you have prescription
drug coverage and you have a separate annual dollar limit on certain covered items that are not prescription drugs, such as enteral
formulas and modified solid food products, that annual dollar limit will continue to apply.
3. Pre-Existing Conditions. Under this Rider, the provision, if any, in the Policy that allows us to exclude or otherwise limit coverage
for Pre-Existing Conditions until a Member has been continuously covered under the Policy for a stated period is hereby deleted in its
entirety with respect to all Members under the age of 19.
4. Lifetime Dollar Limits Deleted. Any lifetime dollar limit under the Policy that applies to Essential Benefits, whether such
lifetime limit applies only to an Essential Benefit or includes covered Essential Benefits and other covered services, is hereby deleted in
its entirety. “Essential Benefits” include ambulatory care; emergency services; hospitalization; maternity and newborn care; mental
health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative
care; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; pediatric services, including oral and
vision care; and any other services set forth in regulations issued pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Not all
Essential Benefits may be covered under your Certificate. Only the Essential Benefits listed as covered services in your Certificate are
covered. Note that lifetime dollar limits for specific covered services other than Essential Benefits remain in effect.
5. Dependent Children Covered to Age 26. If the Policy makes coverage of dependents available, this Rider applies to coverage
of children as follows:
A. If you selected other than individual coverage, your children who are under the age of 26 may be covered under the Policy.
Coverage lasts until the end of the month in which the child turns 26 years of age. Your children need not be financially dependent
upon you for support or claimed as dependents on your tax return; residents of your household; enrolled as students; or unmarried.
Children-in-law (spouses of children) and grandchildren are not covered under this Rider. If your children are eligible for
employer-sponsored coverage on their own, then they are not eligible for dependent coverage to age 26. Coverage for these children
ceases on the date otherwise specified under the Policy.
Coverage for Your child who is incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental illness, developmental disability,
mental retardation, or physical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attaining age 26 shall not terminate while your
coverage remains in effect and the child remains in such condition, if You submit proof of Your child’s incapacity within 31 days of
Your child’s attaining age 26. You must periodically submit proof of your child’s continued incapacity upon our request.
B. “Children” include your natural children, a legally adopted child; a step child; and a child for whom you are the proposed adoptive
parent and who is dependent upon you during the waiting period prior to the adoption period. Coverage lasts until the end of the
month in which the child turns 26 years of age.
C. A child chiefly dependent upon you for support and for whom you have been appointed the legal guardian by court order is covered.
Coverage lasts until the end of the month in which the child turns 26 years of age.
D. Coverage shall be provided for any unmarried dependent child, regardless of age, who is incapable of self-sustaining employment
because of mental retardation, mental illness, or developmental disability as defined in the New York Mental Hygiene Law, or
because of physical handicap and who became so incapable prior to attainment of the age at which dependent coverage would
otherwise terminate.
E. The provisions of any Rider to the Policy that extends coverage for young adults through age 29 (for example, the provision
requiring that the child be unmarried) shall remain in effect for children ages 26 through 29 and are not changed by provisions set
forth above in this Paragraph 5 that apply to children under the age of 26.
6. Rescission. We may rescind your coverage if you or your group commit fraud or make an intentional misrepresentation of material
fact. We will give you 30 days notice before we rescind your coverage.
7. Other Provisions. All of the terms, conditions, and limitations of the Policy to which this Rider is attached also apply to this Rider,
except where they are specifically changed by this Rider.
PLA-22 8/99
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
This rider amends your Contract or Certificate. It amends the section that is entitled “Covered Medical Services.” It amends the
paragraph entitled “Dental/Dental Related Benefits”. It adds the following new subparagraph:
“(g) Dental care or treatment necessary due to congenital disease or anomaly.”
All other terms and conditions of your Contract or Certificate apply.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
PLC-1367A 8/08
Group Insurance Certificate Rider to Be Attached To Group Insurance Certificate Issued under Group Policy PLC-1032E by
Group Health Incorporated To:
(Herein called the Employer)
insurance under the above-mentioned Group Policy is modified as follows:
1. By substituting the following for subparagraph “(e)” which appears in paragraph “1. General Medical Care,” in SECTION
FIVE: Covered Medical Services of the certificate.
“(e) Chiropractic Care.”
2. By adding a new 2nd paragraph to paragraph “3. Surgery,” in SECTION FIVE: Covered Medical Services of the
“You are covered for surgery to reconstruct a breast. The surgery must follow a mastectomy. You are covered for all stages of
reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy has been performed. You are also covered for surgery and reconstruction of
the other breast. This surgery must be to produce a symmetrical appearance. You are also covered for reconstructive surgery. Such
surgery must be incidental to or follow surgery resulting from trauma, infection or other disease of the part of the body involved.
You are also covered for reconstructive surgery performed due to congenital disease or anomaly of a covered child which has
resulted in a functional defect.”
3. By adding the following paragraph No. “26. Second Medical Opinion for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment,” to SECTION
FIVE: Covered Medical Services of the certificate.
“Second Medical Opinion for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment. You are covered for a second medical opinion in any of the
events set forth below.
• Apositivediagnosisofcancer.
• Anegativediagnosisofcancer.
• Arecurrenceofcancer.
• Arecommendationofacourseoftreatmentforcancer.
If your physician gives you a written referral to a specialist for the second opinion, then you are covered for that opinion. You
only need a written referral when the second opinion is going to be from a non-participating specialist. Coverage will be subject
to the Co-pay Charge that applies to a specialist consultation rendered by a Participating Provider. This applies even if the referral
is made to a non-participating Provider. If you have written referral, then you must submit it to GHI with your claim form.
If you do not have a written referral, then you are also covered for the second opinion. Coverage will be subject to the terms
that apply to covered medical services rendered by non-participating providers. You must pay the provider directly. You are
responsible to pay any difference between GHI’s payment and the provider’s charge.
In order to be covered, the second opinion must be rendered by an appropriate specialist.”
4. By substituting the following for subparagraph “(a)” which appears in paragraph “3. GHI Prescription Drug Coverage,” in
SECTION FOURTEEN: Medicare Eligible Coverage of the certificate.
“(a) Covered Items. You are covered for drugs which by law require a written prescription. The drugs must be dispensed by a
licensed pharmacist. A Provider must have written the prescription. That Provider must be legally authorized to write the pre-
scription. Payment will be made only when the drug is prescribed for your use. Insulin is covered whether or not it is dispensed
by a written prescription.
In addition to covered prescription drugs, you are covered for enteral formulas if each of the criteria set forth below are met.
• AcoveredProviderhasgivenawrittenorderand/oraprescription.
• Itmustbeproveneffectiveasadisease-specifictreatmentregimenforpersonswhoareorwillbecomemalnourishedor
suffer from disorders which, if left untreated, cause chronic disability, mental retardation or death.
You are also covered for modified solid food products that are low in protein or contain modified protein if each of the criteria
set forth below are met.
• AnauthorizedProviderhasgivenawrittenorderand/oraprescription.
• Itmustbeforthetreatmentofcertaininheriteddiseasesofaminoacidandorganicacidmetabolism.
You are covered for these modified food products up to a maximum of $2,500 per calendar year or any continuous twelve (12)
month period. You must submit your written order or prescription and store receipt for modified food products along with a
completed claim form to: GHI, P.O. Box 2868, New York, New York 10116-2868.”
5. By substituting “30 visits” for “$900” and “60 visits” for “$1,800” where they appear in subparagraph “1. Outpatient Mental
Health Benefits” in SECTION FIFTEEN: Catastrophic Coverage of the certificate.
6. By adding the following paragraph No. “11. Subrogation and Reimbursement,” to SECTION THIRTEEN:
Miscellaneous Provisions of the certificate.
“Subrogation and Reimbursement. This paragraph applies when another party (including any insurance carrier) is, or is
alleged to be, liable for your injury, illness or other condition and GHI has provided benefits in connection with that injury,
sickness or condition. GHI is subrogated to all of your rights against any such party (including any insurance carrier) to the
extent of the reasonable value of the benefits provided to you under this plan. This means that GHI has the right independently of
you, or as a plaintiff-intervenor in any action you may have commenced, to proceed against the party responsible for your injury,
illness or condition to recover the benefits that have been provided under the GHI plan. You must provide reasonable cooperation
with GHI in proceeding against the party responsible for your injury, illness or condition to recover the benefits GHI has provided.
In addition, in GHI’s sole discretion, if you (or your legal representative, estate or heirs) make a recovery from any liable party
(including any insurance carrier), you will promptly reimburse GHI for any benefits provided by GHI in connection with the
injury, illness or condition from any settlement, verdict or insurance proceeds received to the extent that such settlement, verdict
or other amounts received is specifically identified as being for medical expenses paid out.
7. By substituting the following for subparagraph “(i)” of paragraph “(c) Prescription Drugs.” which appears in the last
section of the certificate entitled “Optional Rider for Active Employees and Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees.”
“(i) Covered Items. You are covered for drugs which by law require a written prescription. The drugs must be dispensed by a
licensed pharmacist. A Provider must have written the prescription. That Provider must be legally authorized to write the pre-
scription. Payment will be made only when the drug is prescribed for your use. Insulin is covered whether or not it is dispensed
by a written prescription.
In addition to covered prescription drugs, you are covered for enteral formulas if each of the criteria set forth below are met.
• AcoveredProviderhasgivenawrittenorderand/oraprescription.
• Itmustbeproveneffectiveasadisease-specifictreatmentregimenforpersonswhoareorwillbecomemalnourishedor
suffer from disorders which, if left untreated, cause chronic disability, mental retardation or death.
You are also covered for modified solid food products that are low in protein or contain modified protein if each of the criteria
set forth below are met.
• AnauthorizedProviderhasgivenawrittenorderand/oraprescription.
• Itmustbeforthetreatmentofcertaininheriteddiseasesofaminoacidandorganicacidmetabolism.
You are covered for these modified food products up to a maximum of $2,500 per calendar year or any continuous twelve (12)
month period. You must submit your written order or prescription and store receipt for modified food products along with a
completed claim form to: GHI, P.O. Box 2868, New York, New York 10116-2868.”
The Group Policy provides that all of its provisions and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions and conditions referred
to in this Rider shall apply to this insurance.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
PLA-42 7/01
This rider amends your GHI Contract or Certificate as set forth below.
This rider amends the section of your Contract or Certificate that is entitled as “Covered Medical Services.” It adds coverage for
Prostate Cancer Screening by adding the following new provision:
Prostate Cancer Screening. GHI will cover prostate cancer screening as set forth below.
• AtAnyAge-Coveragewillbeprovidedforstandarddiagnostictestingincluding,butnotlimitedto,coveragefor:
i) Digital Rectal Examination; and
ii) Prostate-Specific Antigen Test for men at any age who have a prior history of prostate cancer.
• AgeFifty(50)andOlder-Coveragewillbeprovidedforanannualstandarddiagnosticexaminationincluding,butnot
limited to, coverage for:
i) Digital Rectal Examination; and
ii) Prostate-Specific Antigen Test for men age fifty (50) and older who are asymptomatic of prostate cancer.
• AgeForty(40)andOlder-Coveragewillbeprovidedforanannualstandarddiagnosticexaminationincluding,butnot
limited to, coverage for:
i) Digital Rectal Examination; and
ii) Prostate-Specific Antigen Test for men age forty (40) and older with a family history of prostate cancer or other
prostate cancer risk factors.
All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions found in your Contract or Certificate remain in full force and effect
except as amended by this rider.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
PLA-57 3/03
1. This rider amends your GHI Contract or Certificate. It adds the new terms set forth below to the sections of your Contract or
Certificate entitled “Covered Inpatient Services”, “Covered Outpatient Services” and/or “Covered Medical Services.”
Infertility Services. GHI will cover the diagnosis and treatment of correctable medical conditions that result in infertility.
Infertility refers to the inability to conceive after one (1) year of unprotected intercourse. A physician must prescribe the diagnosis
and treatment as part of his/her overall plan of care. The diagnosis and treatment must also be consistent with the guidelines for
infertility coverage set forth by the New York State Department of Insurance.
GHI will cover the types of services set forth below.
• Surgicalormedicalproceduresthatcorrectmalformation,diseaseordysfunctionresultingininfertility.
• Diagnostictestsandproceduresthatarenecessarytodetermineinfertilityorthatarenecessaryinconnectionwithany
surgical or medical treatments or prescription drug regimens, including:
Endometrial biopsy.
Post coital tests.
Testis biopsy.
Semen analysis.
Blood tests.
GHI will NOT cover the items or services set forth below. GHI also will not cover any items or services provided to you in
connection with the items or services set forth below.
• Prescriptiondrugsforuseinthediagnosisandtreatmentofinfertilityassetforthabove.(However,ifyouhaveprescription
drug insurance through GHI, then GHI will cover prescription drugs for use in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility
according to the terms that apply to your GHI prescription drug insurance.)
• Invitrofertilization(IVF).
• Gameteintrafallopiantubetransfers.
• Zygoteintrafallopiantubetransfers.
• Reversalofelectivesterilization.
• Sexchangeprocedures.
• Cloning.
• Medicalorsurgicalservicesorproceduresthataredeemedexperimentalpursuanttoguidelinesforinfertilitycoverageset
forth by the New York State Department of Insurance.”
2. All other terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your GHI Contract or Certificate remain in full force and effect
except as modified by this rider.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
PLA-67 5/04
1. This rider amends your GHI Contract or Certificate. It amends your mammography screening coverage. It reduces the
age at which you become eligible for benefits for an annual mammography screening from fifty (50) years of age to forty (40)
years of age. If you are forty (40) years of age or older, GHI will cover a mammography screening every year. However, GHI will
cover mammography screening more frequently if your physician recommends it.
2. All other terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your GHI Contract or Certificate remain in full force and effect
except as modified by this rider
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
PLA-68 5/04
1. ThisrideramendsyourGHIContractorCertificate.Itaddsthenewparagraphsetforthbelowtothesectionentitled‘Medical
“Osteoporosis Screening. GHI will cover bone mineral density measurements or tests, including but not limited to
dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, in accordance with standards that include the criteria established by Medicare and the
national institutes of health (NIH) for the detection of osteoporosis. In order to qualify for benefits, you must meet the criteria
of Medicare or NIH, and to the extent consistent with such criteria, meet one or more of the conditions set forth below.
• Youmustbepreviouslydiagnosedashavingosteoporosisorhavingafamilyhistoryofosteoporosis.
• Youmusthavesymptomsorconditionsindicativeofthepresence,orthesignificantriskofosteoporosis.
• Youmustbeonaprescribeddrugregimentposingasignificantriskofosteoporosis.
• Youmusthavelifestylefactorstosuchadegreeasposingasignificantriskofosteoporosis.
• Youmusthaveage,genderand/orotherphysiologicalcharacteristicsthatposeasignificantriskofosteoporosis.
GHI will NOT cover bone mineral density prescription drugs, drugs and devices. However, if you have prescription drug
insurance through GHI, then GHI will cover bone mineral density prescription drugs and devices approved by the federal food
and drug administration (FDA) or generic equivalents as approved substitutes, subject to the terms that apply to your GHI
prescription drug insurance. ”
All other terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your GHI Contract or Certificate remain in full force and effect except
as modified by this rider.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
PLA-70 5/04
1. General. This rider amends your GHI prescription drug benefits. It deletes any and all terms in your GHI prescription
drug rider(s) and/or in the prescription drug section of your GHI Contract or Certificate of Insurance that address contraceptive
drugs and devices. You are covered for contraceptive drugs and devices according to the terms of this rider.
2. Covered Contraceptive Drugs & Devices. GHI will cover contraceptive drugs or devices approved by the federal
food and drug administration (“FDA”) or generic equivalents approved as substitutes by the FDA. The contraceptive drug or
device must be prescribed for you by a provider that is legally authorized to prescribe pursuant to applicable law.
3. Benefits. GHI will provide benefits for contraceptive drugs and devices according to the same terms and conditions that
apply to other prescription drugs as set forth in your GHI prescription drug rider(s) and/or the prescription drug section of your
GHI Contract or Certificate of Insurance. For example, benefits for contraceptive drugs and devices are subject to the same cost-
sharing terms (i.e. deductible(s), coinsurance and Co-Pay Charge(s)) and other terms that apply to your benefits for other pre-
scription drugs. They are also subject to the same annual and lifetime maximums that apply to your benefits for other prescrip-
tion drugs.
Also, if your GHI prescription drug benefits cover only prescription drugs dispensed by a GHI participating pharmacy, then GHI
will only cover contraceptive drugs and devices when they are dispensed by a GHI participating pharmacy. Similarly, if your GHI
prescription drug benefits include a mail order program, you may use the mail program to obtain contraceptive drugs and devices
subject to the same terms and conditions that apply to other prescription drugs that you obtain through the mail order program.
Contraceptive drugs and devices are also subject to the same program requirements as other prescription drugs as set forth in
your GHI prescription drug rider(s) and/or the prescription drug section of your GHI Contract or Certificate of Insurance. For
example, any terms of your prescription drug coverage that require you to use generic drugs in certain circumstances or use the
mail order program apply to contraceptive drugs and devices as well.
Please consult your GHI prescription drug rider and/or the prescription drug section of your GHI Contract or Certificate of
Insurance for the details applicable to your prescription drug and contraceptive drug and device benefits.
Certain contraceptive drugs and devices require an office visit, such as drugs or devices that require injection or insertion. If you
receive such a drug or device from a GHI Participating Provider during an office visit, GHI will cover the drug or device in full.
If you receive it from a non-participating Provider during an office visit, you must file a claim with GHI and GHI will reimburse
you directly at the applicable in-network allowance for the drug or device. Note, however, that if your GHI program only covers
services rendered by Participating Providers, then you must receive the drug or device during an office visit to a Participating
Provider. GHI will not cover the drug or device if it is dispensed during an office visit to a non-participating Provider.
4. Other Terms. All other terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your GHI Contract, Certificate of Insurance and/
or prescription drug rider(s) remain in full force and effect except as modified by this rider.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
Deductible: $150.00 per person per calendar year,
$450.00 per family per calendar year.
Generic Drugs: After the deductible(s), you pay a $5.00 Co-pay Charge per prescription or 20%
Coinsurance per prescription, whichever is greater. If the total cost of the
prescription is less than $5.00, then you must pay the full cost of the prescription.
Brand Name Preferred Formulary Drugs: After the deductible(s), you pay a $25.00 Co-pay Charge per prescription or 40%
Coinsurance per prescription, whichever is greater. If the total cost of the prescription
is less than $25.00, then you must pay the full cost of the prescription.
Brand Name Non-Formulary Drugs: After the deductible(s), you pay a $40.00 Co-pay Charge per prescription or 50%
Coinsurance per prescription, whichever is greater. If the total cost of the prescription
is less than $40.00, then you must pay the full cost of the prescription.
Retail Drug Program Annual Maximum: Unlimited
Generic Drugs: You pay a $10 Co-pay Charge per prescription.
Brand Name Preferred Formulary Drugs: You pay a $40 Co-pay Charge per prescription.
Brand Name Non-Formulary Drugs: You pay a $60 Co-pay Charge per prescription.
Maintenance Drug Program Annual Maximum: Unlimited.
This prescription drug rider amends your GHI Certificate of Insurance. It changes your coverage for prescription drugs. It
deletes the prescription drug coverage terms in your Certificate and it replaces them with the new terms set forth below.
1. Retail Prescription Drug Coverage.
GHI uses a prescription benefits manager (“PBM”) in order to administer its prescription drug benefit program. GHI will
provide prescription drug benefits as set forth in this rider. Under the retail program, you may obtain prescription drugs from GHI
participating pharmacies or from non-participating pharmacies. Note that you will save time and minimize your out of pocket
expenses by using GHI participating pharmacies.
The retail program covers “acute” prescription drugs. An acute prescription drug is a prescription that is medically necessary
for purposes of short-term treatment for a condition that is not chronic in nature. The quantity of an acute prescription drug
dispensed cannot exceed a thirty (30) consecutive day supply.
If you require a maintenance drug, you may obtain only the initial prescription and one (1) refill for a maintenance drug at
a retail pharmacy. You must obtain all subsequent refills for the maintenance drug through the PBM’s home delivery program.
See Section 2.
You are subject to the retail prescription drug deductible(s) shown at the front of this rider. After you have met the
deductible(s), you are subject to the prescription Co-pay Charge or Coinsurance set forth on the front of this rider. These costs
may vary depending upon whether you receive a drug that is part of the formulary that applies to this program. The formulary
is a list of prescription drugs that are preferred for use. The formulary is subject to periodic review and modification by GHI. You
will receive the preferred formulary pocket guide with your prescription drug I.D. Card. This program has an “open” formulary.
This means that you are covered for preferred formulary drugs as well as non-formulary prescription drugs. The Co-pay Charge
or Coinsurance may also vary depending upon whether you receive a generic drug or a brand name drug. A generic drug is a
prescription drug that is marketed under its non-proprietary name after the patent of a brand name drug expires. A brand name
drug refers to the proprietary name of a prescription drug before or after its patent has expired.
If you receive a formulary or non-formulary brand name drug that has a generic equivalent, you are responsible to pay the
difference between the cost of the brand name drug and the generic drug, as well as the Co-pay Charge or Coinsurance that
applies to the generic drug.
Insulin, glucagon, syringes and oral agents used for controlling blood sugar and other covered items listed from time to time by
the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health to be medically necessary for the treatment diabetes are not subject
to the deductible or annual maximum listed on the front of this rider. These items are always subject to a five-dollar ($5) Co-pay
Charge when prescribed for the purpose of diabetes management.
If you use a GHI Participating Pharmacy, you must present your GHI I.D. Card at the time of your purchase.
The pharmacist will fill your prescription and bill you for the applicable deductible(s) and/or Co-pay or Coinsurance at the
point of sale.
If you use a non-participating pharmacy, you must pay the full cost of your prescription at the point of sale and then file a
claim form with GHI to request benefits. After you meet the deductible(s), GHI will reimburse you for covered prescriptions at
the amount that GHI would have paid to a GHI participating pharmacy for the prescription, less the applicable Co-pay Charge
or Coinsurance. You are responsible to pay any difference between GHI’s payment and the cost of your prescription. To obtain
information about where to submit claims and to obtain a claim form, please call the PBM’s Customer Service at: [Insert
telephone number].
2. Maintenance Drug Program.
Your benefits also include coverage under a Maintenance Drug Program. This program is available only through the GHI PBM.
The GHI Maintenance Drug Program dispenses long-term maintenance prescriptions by mail. A maintenance prescription drug
is a prescription that is required on an on-going basis in connection with the treatment of a chronic condition. You may obtain
only the initial prescription and one (1) refill for a maintenance drug at a GHI participating pharmacy. You must obtain all
subsequent refills for the maintenance drug through the home delivery program.
Under the home delivery program, you may receive a prescription drug supply of up to sixty (60) consecutive days. The
program saves you time. It may also save you money by reducing the amount of the Coinsurance you must pay for a sixty (60)
day supply of a maintenance drug. When you become covered, you will receive information about how to obtain a maintenance
drug under this program.
You are subject to the prescription Co-pay Charge set forth at the front of this rider. The Co-pay Charge may vary depending
upon whether you receive a generic drug or a brand name drug and a formulary or non-formulary drug. The formulary is a list
of prescription drugs that are preferred for use. The formulary is subject to periodic review and modification. You will receive the
preferred formulary pocket guide with your prescription drug I.D. Card. This program has an “open” formulary. This means that
you are covered for preferred formulary drugs as well as non-formulary prescription drugs.
A generic drug is a prescription drug that is marketed under its non-proprietary name after the patent of a brand name drug
expires. A brand name drug refers to the proprietary name of a prescription drug before or after its patent has expired.
Insulin, glucagon, syringes and oral agents used for controlling blood sugar and any other covered items listed from time to
time by the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health to be medically necessary for the treatment diabetes are not
subject to the deductible or annual maximum listed on the front of this rider, if any. These items are subject to the lesser of the
applicable Coinsurance or a five-dollar ($5) Co-pay Charge when prescribed for the purposes of diabetes management.
To take part in the Maintenance Drug Program, ask your doctor if a maintenance quantity is suitable for you. If so, have a
doctor specify the maintenance quantity of the drug to be dispensed. Prescriptions should always be sent to the PBM. They should
not be sent to GHI.
3. Covered Items.
You are covered for drugs that require a written prescription by law. A licensed pharmacist must dispense the drugs. A Provider
must have written the prescription. That Provider must be legally authorized to write the prescription. Payment will be made
only when the drug is prescribed for your use. Insulin is covered whether or not it is dispensed by a written prescription.
GHI will also provide coverage for enteral formulas if each of the conditions set forth below is met:
• AphysicianorotherlicensedhealthcareproviderlegallyauthorizedtoprescribeunderTitleEightoftheNewYorkState
Education Law gave a written order or prescription for the formula;
• Theformulaismedicallynecessary;and
• Theformulahasbeenproveneffectiveasadiseasespecifictreatmentregimenforpersonswhoareorwillbecomemal-
nourished or suffer from disorders that, if left, untreated, cause chronic disability, mental retardation or death.
GHI will also cover modified solid food products that are low in protein or contain modified protein if each of the conditions set
forth below is met.
• AphysicianorotherlicensedhealthcareproviderlegallyauthorizedtoprescribeunderTitleEightoftheNewYorkState
Education Law gave a written order or prescription for the product;
• Thewrittenorderorprescriptionmustbemedicallynecessary;and
• Theproductmustbeforthetreatmentofcertaininheriteddiseasesofaminoacidandorganicacidmetabolism.
You are covered for these modified solid food products up to a maximum of $2,500 per calendar year.
GHI will cover prescription drugs approved by the federal food and drug administration (FDA) or their generic equivalents
approved as substitutes by the FDA for use in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. GHI will also cover bone mineral density
prescription drugs and devices approved by the FDA or their generic equivalents approved as substitutes by the FDA.
4. Refills.
Unless your doctor’s prescription or State or Federal laws state otherwise, you may have prescriptions refilled as needed.
5. Annual Maximum.
GHI will not pay more than the maximum amount(s) shown on the front of this rider in a calendar year for prescription drugs
under this rider.
6. Clinical Prior Authorization Program.
This Program requires utilization review of certain classes of prescription drugs. These drug classes include osteo-arthritis/anti-
inflammatory medications and gastrointestinal (GI) medications that block acid secretion.
If you use a GHI participating pharmacy, utilization review will occur at the point of sale. If your prescription is for a drug
that is subject to the Program, your GHI participating pharmacist will inform you, and you must notify your physician. Your
physician should then contact GHI’s prescription benefits manager (PBM). The PBM will decide whether the prescription is
medically necessary for your treatment or condition. The PBM will also decide whether the quantity or duration of the prescrip-
tion is medically appropriate. The PBM will then inform you and your physician of its decision(s).
If the PBM approves the prescription, then the GHI participating pharmacist will fill your prescription and GHI will cover the
prescription. If the PBM does not approve the prescription, then the PBM will notify you and your physician and pharmacist of
its decision and GHI will not cover the prescription. If the PBM approves the prescription, but at a reduced quantity or duration,
then the PBM will notify you and your physician of its decision and GHI will cover only the reduced quantity or duration of the
If you use a non-participating pharmacy, utilization review will generally occur when GHI processes your prescription drug
claim. The PBM will decide whether the prescription is medically necessary for your treatment or condition. The PBM will also
decide whether the quantity or duration of the prescription is medically appropriate. The PBM will then inform you and/or your
physician of its decision(s) and, if appropriate, GHI will pay benefits for your claim. If you would like to request prior authori-
zation from the PBM before you fill your prescription, please ask the prescribing doctor to call the PBM at [1-800-417-8164] to
initiate the prior authorization process. The PBM will inform you and your physician of its decision(s).
The PBM will make its utilization review decision(s) in the time periods and in accordance with the other requirements that
apply to utilization review decisions as set forth in your Certificate. If you disagree with the PBM’s decision(s), you may file an
appeal. Please refer to your Certificate for information about how to file an appeal.
The prescription drug classes listed below require prior authorization. Examples of common drugs within each class are also
listed below.
Osteo-Arthritis/Anti-Inflammatory Medications
celecoxib (Celebrex)
rofecoxib (Vioxx)
valdecoxib (Bextra)
GI Medications that Block Acid Secretion
lansoprazole (Prevacid)
omeprazole (Prilosec)
rabeprazole (Aciphex)
pantoprazole (Protonix)
esomeprazole (Nexium)
7. Items Not Covered.
You are not covered under this prescription drug rider for the items set forth below.
(a) Medication available as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug which does not require a prescription order or refill
under Federal or State law, and any medication that is equivalent to an over-the-counter medication, except
(b) Prescription drugs that are not medically necessary.
(c) Single entity and combination products, which have questionable effectiveness under the FDA’s Drug Efficacy
Study Implementation (“DESI”) program.
(d) Drugs dispensed while you are a bed patient in a hospital or other institution or while you are receiving covered
home health care by or on behalf of a certified home health agency. Such drugs may be covered as part of your
hospital, home care or other benefits.
(e) Contraceptive drugs and devices.
(f) Medications that have been prescribed for cosmetic purposes, unless otherwise medically necessary.
(g) Drugs related to a medical service, which is not covered under a member’s Certificate of Insurance.
(h) Injectibles, psychotropics, asthma and chemotherapy prescription drugs dispensed by a pharmacy are not covered
under this rider. These drugs are covered under the PICA program when dispensed by a pharmacy. However,
Notwithstanding any of the provisions contained herein, GHI shall not provide coverage for any drug(s) that are either experi-
mental or investigational in nature or which the FDA has not approved for your specific diagnosis or condition unless otherwise
superseded by state or federal law or regulation or recommended pursuant to an external review.
8. Other Terms.
All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions found in your GHI Certificate of Insurance remain in full force and effect
except as amended by this ride
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
PLA-56 8/08
This rider amends your GHI Certificate of Insurance. The section of your Certificate, which addresses coverage for prescription
drug benefits, is modified as follows:
Any and all references to a specific prescription drug benefits manager and any related addresses and/or phone numbers are
deleted and replaced with the following:
Express Scripts, Inc.
767 Electronic Drive
Horsham, PA 19044
All other terms and conditions of your Certificate remain in full force and effect.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
Effective April 1, 2004
This rider amends your GHI Certificate of Insurance as set forth below.
A. This rider deletes Section Three and replaces it with the new Section Three set forth below.
1. Participating Providers. GHI Participating Providers accept GHI’s Schedule of Allowances or negotiated
rate(s) as payment in full for covered services. There is no deductible or coinsurance when you use a Participating Provider.
However, certain services are subject to a Co-pay Charge as set forth below.
A $15 Co-pay Charge applies to each home or office visit and out-of-hospital consultation, except as specifically provided
otherwise below.
A $20 Co-pay Charge applies to each home or office visit and out-of-hospital consultation to a specialist. Specialists
include surgeons, all surgical sub-specialties and dermatologists. Specialists include providers who practice: Cardiothoracic
and thoracic surgery, colon and rectal surgery, general surgery, neurological surgery, ophthalmology, oral surgery,
orthopaedic and hand surgery; otolaryngology, plastic surgery, podiatry and podiatric surgery, traumatic surgery, urology,
vascular and veno surgery.
A $15 Co-pay Charge applies to diagnostic X-rays and laboratory tests. This Co-pay Charge will apply to each diagnostic
X-ray and laboratory test performed by a Participating Provider. A maximum of one Co-pay Charge will apply per date of
service, per provider. This means that if one Participating Provider performs two tests on the same day, you will be subject
to one Co-pay Charge only. However, if two different Participating Providers perform one or more lab tests each on the same
day, you will be subject to a maximum of two Co-pay Charges. A maximum of two diagnostic Co-pay Charges will apply per
date of service. This maximum applies regardless of the number of Participating Providers you see on that date.
Special terms apply to coverage of private duty professional nursing services, durable medical equipment, home care
services, home infusion therapy and assisted reproductive technology services. (See Section Five, Paragraphs 23, 24, 21, 22
and 27 respectively).
The use of Participating Providers controls your out-of-pocket expenses. Consult your Directory of Participating
Physicians and other Providers or phone GHI to obtain the names of Participating Providers in your area.
You must advise the Participating Provider of your GHI/CBP coverage before the service is rendered. You must verify
that the Provider is a Participating Provider. You should not pay the provider directly for any covered services except for the
Co-pay Charge when applicable.
2. Benefits Available. Most, but not all services covered under this Certificate are available through Participating
B. This rider amends Section Four of the Certificate. It deletes paragraph 2 and replaces it with the new paragraph 2 set forth
2. Benefits. When you use a non-participating Provider, benefits are paid under the City of New York Non-
Participating Provider Schedule in accordance with the Allowed Charge for all services. (See Section Two, Paragraph 9).
Except as otherwise specifically provided, these benefits are subject to the terms below:
(a) Annual Deductible. You are subject to an annual deductible of $200 per person up to a maximum deductible for a
family of three or more of $500 in each calendar year. GHI will make payment to you after you have paid this amount.
The amount credited to your deductible shall be based on the Allowed Charge.
(b) Common Accident Provision. More than one family member may be involved in an accident. If that occurs,
only $175 in allowed expenses are required to satisfy the deductible for that accident, for all covered persons involved.
The $175 is first applied towards the Subscriber’s deductible. If the Subscriber was not involved, it is applied toward the
oldest member of the family who was involved.
(c) GHI Payments. After you have met your deductible, GHI will pay 100% of the Allowed Charge for covered services.
(d) Annual Maximum. There is no annual dollar maximum for covered services rendered by non-participating
Providers. However, each person is subject to a calendar year maximum of $100,000 for Private Duty Professional
Nursing Services.
(e) Lifetime Maximum. Each person is subject to a lifetime maximum of $2,000,000 in covered expenses.
Special terms apply to coverage of excess hospitalization coverage/inpatient hospital charges, private duty professional
nursing services, durable medical equipment, home care services, home infusion therapy and certain assisted reproductive
technology services. (See Section Five, Paragraphs 14, 23, 24, 21, 22 and 27 respectively).”
C. This rider amends Section Five of the Certificate. It adds the new paragraph 27 set forth below.
“27. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Services. You are covered for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
services as set forth in this paragraph.
a. Payments. If you receive a covered ART service(s) from a GHI Participating Provider, GHI will pay 75% of the Schedule
or negotiated rate to the provider. You are responsible to pay 25% of the Schedule or negotiated rate to the Participating
Provider. If you receive a covered ART service(s) from a non-participating Provider, GHI will reimburse you up to 75%
of the Allowed Charge after you have met the annual deductible(s) that applies to covered medical services rendered by
non-participating Providers. You are responsible to pay any difference between GHI’s payment and the non-participat-
ing Provider’s charge for the service(s).
b. ART Services. In addition to infertility treatment services listed elsewhere in this Certificate, you are covered for
ART services associated with infertility. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after twelve (12) months
of unprotected intercourse. Subsequent to the twelve (12) month period, if pregnancy has not been achieved after
undergoing four (4) months of less invasive infertility treatment, and you have a normal hormone level (FSH), GHI will
cover one (1) or more of the ART services set forth below. GHI will not cover more than three cycles of ART per person
per lifetime.
• InVitroFertilization(IVF).
• GameteIntrafallopianTransfer(GIFT).
• ZygoteIntrafallopianTransfer(ZIFT).
• LaboratorytestsandproceduresinconnectionwithIVF,ZIFTandGIFTabove.GHIwillcoversuchtestsand
procedures commencing at the point of oocyte retrieval for a female and testicular sperm extraction for a male.
• Preparationofacryo-preservedembryofortransferandcryo-preservationofembryosfortheserviceslistedinthis
If infertility cannot be documented, the patient must undergo six (6) months of less-invasive procedures prior to ART,
including three (3) unstimulated intrauterine inseminations and three (3) stimulated intrauterine inseminations (i.e. a
total of six (6) treatments). The patient must undergo at least three (3) of these treatments with fertility drugs. If you have
undergone an elective sterilization procedure, such as an elective tubal ligation or vasectomy, you are not eligible for benefits
• Youundergoareversaloftheelectivesterilizationprocedureandhavenotbecomepregnantafterone(1)yearof
unprotected intercourse; or
• GHIdeterminesthatreversaloftheelectivesterilizationprocedurewillnotimprovethelikelihoodofconception
due to multifactorial causes of infertility.
c. Pre-certification. You must pre-certify all Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services listed in paragraph (a)
of this paragraph with GHI prior to the beginning of each ART cycle. To pre-certify, please call GHI (212) 615-4662
in New York and Long Island and 1-800-223-9870 outside of New York and Long Island BEFORE SERVICES ARE
RENDERED TO YOU. If you use a GHI Participating Provider, the Provider will pre-certify the services on your behalf.
If you use a non-participating Provider(s) and you fail to pre-certify the services with GHI, GHI will reduce your benefits
for the services by fifty percent (50%).
d. Eligible Providers. In order to be eligible for benefits, you must receive services from a Provider that meets the
criteria set forth below.
• BoardCertificationwithdocumentedexperienceinART,reproductiveendocrinology,orurology/andrology;anda
• MemberoftheSocietyofAssistedReproductiveTechnology(SART)andwhousesSARTstandardsandcriteriato
track data; or
• MeetGHI’scriteriaforknowledgeandexpertiseininfertilityandinART.
e. Exclusions. GHI will not cover the services and/or costs set forth below.
• Donorcosts.
• Cryopreservationoftheeggandspermseparately.
• Areversalofelectivesterilizationprocedures.
• Cloning.
• Surrogacy.
• Self-monitoringfertilitykits,suchasovulationpredictorkits.
• Storageofanembryo.
• Maternitycare.However,maternitycarebenefitsmaybecoveredunderyourhospitaland/ormedical/surgical
• Ifyouareacoveredfemale,yourbenefitsunderthisriderdoNOTincludeanyprocedures,itemsorservicesthat
are performed upon, retrieved from or rendered to the male except any semen preparation procedure, semen
wash and analysis, semen testicular extraction and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection.
• Ifyouareacoveredmale,yourbenefitsunderthisriderdoNOTincludeanymedicalprocedures,itemsor
services that are performed upon, retrieved from or rendered to the female.
f. Medications. GHI will not cover medications associated with ART services. However, if GHI provides your prescription
drug benefits, then GHI will cover medications associated with ART according to the terms that apply to other prescrip-
tion drugs.”
D. All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of your Certificate apply, except as specifically amended by this rider.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
This rider amends your GHI Certificate of Insurance. It deletes Paragraph 2(A) of the Section entitled “Medicare Eligible
Coverage” and replaces it with the new Paragraph 2(A) set forth below.
“A. Covered Services. If you receive any of the services listed below, GHI will cover 20% of the reasonable charge as
determined by Medicare, after Medicare has paid 80% of the reasonable charge after you meet the applicable Part B and GHI
deductibles. You are not covered for the Medicare Part B (medical) deductible. After the Part B deductible has been met,
Medicare will pay 80% of the reasonable charge of your covered service. After you meet an additional $50 deductible, GHI will
pay the 20% balance. In certain instances, by operation of law, Medicare may reduce its payment below 80% of the Medicare
reasonable charge. If this occurs, GHI will continue to reimburse you 20% of the Medicare reasonable charge. As a result,
the total combined reimbursement by Medicare and GHI may be less than 100% of the Medicare reasonable charge. Charges
in excess of the reasonable and customary standard set by Medicare are not covered. These charges are your responsibility.
You must first file for your Medicare benefits before filing for your GHI benefits. When filing a GHI claim, please attach the
Explanation of Medicare Benefits form to your GHI Claim Form. You are subject to the same standards of coverage listed
throughout this Certificate. Please note that if you receive covered services from a Provider who accepts Medicare assignment
or who participates with GHI, GHI will reimburse the Provider directly.
The following services are covered:
(1) Home and Office Visits (except for Chiropractic care).
(2) Surgery, Assistant Surgery, and the Administration of Anesthesia.
(3) Dental Surgery.
(4) Maternity Care.
(5) In-Hospital Medical Care.
(6) Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy.
(7) Specialist Consultation.
(8) Diagnostic Procedures, X-ray examinations and Laboratory Tests.
(9) Shock Therapy.
(10) Intermittent Nurse Service is in your home (visiting nurse service).
Please note that routine foot care and psychiatric services are not covered. GHI does not provide coverage in those
instances where Medicare denies coverage, except for services rendered outside of the United States of America.”
All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of your Certificate apply, except as specifically amended by this rider
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
This rider amends your prescription drug coverage description set forth in your Contract or Certificate and any riders thereto as
set forth below.
1. The section entitled “Optional Rider for Medicare Eligible Subscribers Covered Under Section Fourteen” is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following new paragraph:
Coverage, including copayments, coinsurance and deductibles, is as set forth in your City ofNew York Medicare Part D
Prescription Drug Plan Evidence of Coverage (EOC). Your EOC will also explain how your Medicare Part D prescription
drug coverage coordinates with other types ofprescription drug coverage you may have through another carrier or New
York State, what type ofprescription drug payments count towards your out-of-pocket costs and how to file an appeal or
grievance related to your prescription drug coverage.
2. Other Terms. All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of your Contract, Certificate and/or rider apply.
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
This rider amends the GHI Certificate of Insurance for City of New York Employees and Retirees (“Certificate”). It changes the
A. This rider deletes subparagraph (2) entitled “Mental Health Benefits” from the “BMP – Covered Outpatient Treatment” terms
that appear in Section Five, Paragraph 25 of the Certificate. It replaces this subparagraph with new subparagraph (2) set
forth below.
“2. Mental Health Benefits.
A. Benefits. You are covered for outpatient mental health care. Mental health care refers to medically necessary
care rendered by an eligible Provider and which, in the opinion of GHI, is directed predominately at treatable behavioral
manifestations of a condition that GHI determines: a) is a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome,
pattern, illness or disorder; and b) substantially or materially impairs a person’s ability to function in one or more major life
activities; and c) has been classified as a mental disorder in the current American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders A Provider listed below must render the services.
• AfacilityissuedanoperatingcertificatebytheNewYorkStateCommissionerofMentalHealthor,outsideofNew
York, a facility licensed or certified to provide the services in the state in which they are delivered or is accredited
• AfacilityoperatedbytheNewYorkStateOfficeofMentalHealth.
• Alicensedpsychiatrist.
• Alicensedpsychologist.
• Alicensedclinicalsocialworkerqualifiedforreimbursement.Heorshemusthaveatleastsix(6)yearsofpost-
masters’ degree supervised psychotherapy experience.
The services may be rendered in a professional office, clinic, facility outpatient department or a university faculty practice
corporation. GHI will not pay for the service unless it is rendered by one of the Providers set forth above. Services that are
merely supervised or directed by such a Provider are not covered.
B. Number of Visits Covered. The number of visits that GHI will cover will vary. It will depend upon whether
you receive services from a Participating or non-participating Provider.
• ParticipatingProvider.GHIwillcoveranunlimitednumberofoutpatientmentalhealthvisitspermemberper
calendar year.
• Non-ParticipatingProvider.GHIwillcoveruptothirty(30)outpatientmentalhealthvisitspermemberper
calendar year. Group and individual visits count as one visit.
C. Payments. The amount of GHI’s payment for covered services will vary. It will depend upon whether you
receive services from a Participating or non-participating Provider, and by the type of Provider.
 Participating Provider. A Participating Provider has an agreement to provide care to covered persons. GHI
will pay the Provider directly. Each visit is subject to the Co-pay Charge that applies to home and office visits
under the Certificate, as amended from time to time.
 Non-Participating Provider. GHI will pay for covered services provided and billed by a non-participating
provider or facility according to the same terms, conditions and maximums that apply to use of non-participat-
ing providers under Section Four of the Certificate, as amended from time to time, for home and office visits.”
B. This rider deletes subparagraph (4) entitled “Treatment Plan” from the “BMP – Covered Outpatient Treatment” terms that
appear in Section Five, Paragraph 25 of the Certificate. It replaces this subparagraph with new subparagraph (4) set forth below.
“4. Treatment Plan. All covered services must be medically necessary. A treatment plan must be pre-certified
before you begin any covered outpatient treatment. Participating Providers will pre-certify your treatment plan. Participating
providers may not bill you for covered services that were not pre-certified. You must call the Clinical Referral Line to
pre-certify non-emergency care rendered by non-participating Providers. To start the pre-certification process, please call the
Clinical Referral Line at 1-800-NYC-CITY (1-800-692-2489). All care is reviewed for medical necessity.”
C. This rider deletes subparagraph (5) entitled “Appeals” from the “BMP – Covered Outpatient Treatment” terms that appear
in Section Five, Paragraph 25 of the Certificate. It replaces this subparagraph with new subparagraph (5) set forth below.
“5. Appeals. You may appeal if your treatment plan is not approved. To file an appeal, please call the Clinical
Referral Line at 1-800-NYC-CITY (1-800-692-2489).”
D. This rider deletes subparagraph (2) entitled “Mental Health Benefits” from the “BMP – Covered Inpatient Treatment”
terms that appear in Section Five, Paragraph 25 of the Certificate. It replaces this subparagraph with the new subparagraph (2)
set forth below.
2. Mental Health Benefits.
A. Benefits. You are covered for inpatient mental health care. Mental health care refers medically necessary care
rendered by an eligible Provider and which, in the opinion of GHI, is directed predominately at treatable behavioral manifes-
tations of a condition that GHI determines: a) is a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome, pattern, illness
or disorder; and b) substantially or materially impairs a person’s ability to function in one or more major life activities;
and c) has been classified as a mental disorder in the current American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders.
In New York State, you must receive care in a hospital as defined by Section 1.03(10) of the New York State Mental
Hygiene Law. Outside of New York State, you must receive care in a facility that is licensed or certified to provide the type of
B. Number of Days Covered. GHI will cover up to thirty (30) days of active inpatient treatment per member per
calendar year. Two (2) partial hospitalization visits will count as one (1) inpatient day.
C. Payments. You must meet a deductible of $[300] per person per continuous confinement. After you meet the
deductible, GHI will provide paid in full benefits for covered services received from a GHI participating or a non-participating
facility. Care that has not been pre-certified is subject to a penalty of $1,000. In no event, however, will the penalty exceed
fifty percent (50%) of the benefit otherwise payable. Once the amount of the inpatient mental health care deductibles you
have incurred in a calendar year reaches $[750], then you will not be subject to more deductibles for inpatient mental health
care services for the rest of that calendar year.”
E. This rider deletes subparagraph (3) entitled “Mental Health Benefits” from the “BMP – Covered Inpatient Treatment”
terms that appear in Section Five, Paragraph 25 of the Certificate. It replaces this subparagraph with the new subparagraph (3)
set forth below.
“3. Pre-Certification Procedures. To be eligible for full benefits, you must pre-certify all non-emergency
inpatient care before receiving services. To commence the pre-certification process, you must call the Clinical Referral Line
at 1-800-NYC-CITY (1-800-692-2489).
• Ifyourdoctorrecommendsconfinement,yourcaremustbepre-certifiedpriortotheadmissiondate.
• Ifyouarehospitalizedduetoanemergency,youshouldcertifythecarewithinone(1)businessdayofthe
admission. If you are not medically able to call within that time, you should call as soon as reasonably possible.
An “emergency” is a medical or behavioral condition, the onset of which is sudden, that manifests itself by
symptoms of sufficient severity, including severe pain, that a prudent layperson, possessing an average knowledge
of medicine and health, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in:
placing the health of the person afflicted with such condition in serious jeopardy, or in the case of a behavioral
condition placing the health of such person or others in serious jeopardy, serious impairment to such person’s
bodily functions; serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part of such person; or serious disfigurement of such
• Participatingprovidersmustpre-certifyyourcare.Theycannotbillyouforcoveredservicesthatarenotpre-
certified. You are responsible to pre-certify care rendered in a non-participating facility.”
F. This rider adds the following new segment entitled “BMP - Additional Benefits for Biologically Based Mental Illness and
Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances” to the end of Section Five, Paragraph 25 of the Certificate.
“Additional Benefits for Biologically Based Mental Illness and Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances.
A. Benefits. GHI will provide additional benefits as set forth below for covered services to diagnose and treat biologi-
cally based mental illness and for children with serious emotional disturbances. Biologically based mental illness refers to
one (1) or more of the conditions listed below.
• Schizophrenia/psychoticdisorders.
• Majordepression.
• Bipolardisorder.
• Delusionaldisorders.
• Panicdisorder.
• Obsessive-compulsivedisorder.
• Bulimia.
• Anorexia.
Children with serious emotional disturbances refer to children less than eighteen (18) years of age with diagnoses of attention
deficit disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, or pervasive development disorders, together with one (1) or more of the
following conditions:
• Serioussuicidalsymptomsorotherlifethreateningself-destructivebehaviors;
• Significantpsychoticsymptoms(hallucinations,delusion,bizarrebehaviors);
• Behaviorcausedbyemotionaldisturbancesthatplacedthechildatriskofcausingpersonalinjuryorsignificant
property damage; or
• Behaviorcausedbyemotionaldisturbancesthatplacedthechildatsubstantialriskofremovalfromthehousehold.
Inpatient Services.
(i) Number of Days Covered. GHI will cover up to three hundred and sixty (365) days of inpatient mental
health care services per single continuous confinement to diagnose and treat biologically based mental illness
and children with serious emotional disturbances. Two (2) partial hospitalization visits will count as one (1)
inpatient day.
(ii) Payments. You must meet a deductible of $[300] per person per continuous confinement. After you meet the
deductible, GHI will provide paid in full benefits for covered services received from a GHI participating or a non-
participating facility. Care that has not been pre-certified is subject to a penalty of $1,000. In no event, however,
will the penalty exceed fifty percent (50%) of the benefit otherwise payable. Once the amount of the inpatient
mental health care deductibles you have incurred in a calendar year reaches $[750], then you will not be subject
to further deductibles for inpatient mental health care services for the rest of that calendar year.
Inpatient mental health care to diagnose and treat biologically based mental illness and children with serious
emotional disturbances count toward the number of inpatient mental health care services available under this
Paragraph 25, but are not subject to that inpatient day maximum. For inpatient mental health services received
from non-participating Providers, you must pre-certify care before receiving services. To start the pre-certification
process, please call the Clinical Referral Line at 1-800-NYC-CITY (1-800-692-2489). Care that is not pre-certified
is subject to a penalty of $1,000. In no event, however, will the penalty exceed fifty percent (50%) of the benefit
otherwise payable.
C. Outpatient Services. GHI will provide benefits for outpatient mental health care services to diagnose and treat
biologically based mental illness and for children with serious emotional disturbances. A Provider listed below must render
the services.
• AfacilitythatiscertifiedbytheNewYorkStateCommissionerofMentalHealthor,outsideofNewYork,a
facility licensed or certified to provide the services in the state in which they are delivered or is accredited by
• AfacilityoperatedbytheNewYorkStateOfficeofMentalHealth.
• Apsychiatrist.
• Aregisteredorcertifiedpsychologist.
• Acertifiedsocialworker.ThesocialworkermustbequalifiedasaProviderforthird-partyreimbursementunder
the laws of New York State. He or she must have six (6) years of post-masters’ degree supervised psychotherapy
(i) Number of Visits Covered. GHI will cover outpatient mental health visits to diagnose and treat biologically based
mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbances. Such visits count toward the number of outpatient
mental health visits otherwise available under this Paragraph 25, but are not subject to that outpatient visit maximum.
(ii) Payments. The amount of GHI’s payment for covered services will vary. It will depend upon whether you receive
services from a Participating or non-participating Provider.
 Participating Provider. A Participating Provider has an agreement to provide care to covered persons. GHI
will pay the Provider directly. Each visit is subject to the Co-pay Charge that applies to home and office visits
under the Certificate, as amended from time to time.
 Non-Participating Provider. GHI will pay for covered services provided and billed by a non-participating
provider or facility according to the same terms, conditions and maximums that apply to use of non-participat-
ing providers under Section Four of the Certificate, as amended from time to time, for home and office visits.”
G. This rider changes the heading of paragraph 2(b) of the Optional Rider for Active Employees and Non-Medicare Eligible
Retirees that appears in the Certificate. It replaces the current heading “Psychiatric Care and Chemical Dependency” with the new
heading “Chemical Dependency.”
H. This rider deletes paragraph 2(b)(1) of the Optional Rider for Active Employees and Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees that
appears in the Certificate.
I. All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the Certificate apply to this rider.
PLA-38 8/08
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
Rider to Group Insurance Certificate Replacing Section entitled
This rider amends your Certificate of Insurance with GHI. It replaces the section entitled “CONTINUATION OF COVERAGE” as
set forth below:
1. Continuation of Coverage. For the purpose of this section, a Group Member is defined as an employee or retiree to
whom coverage is made available. Under Federal law, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA),
continuation of current group benefits may be available after loss of eligibility for coverage. Group Members, their spouses and
their dependent children as well as any child who is born to or placed for adoption with a covered employee during a period of
COBRA continuation coverage may be eligible for continuation. In order to qualify for continuation of coverage, you must no
longer be eligible for health care benefits because of any of the following qualifying events:
• Terminationofemployment.
• Adecreaseinbenefitsduetoareductioninhoursofemployment.
• Lossofcoveragebecauseofadivorce;legalseparation;orthedeathoftheGroupMember.
• LossofeligibilityforcoverageasadependentofaGroupMember.
• LossofCoverageofthespouseanddependentswhenacoveredemployeeoracoveredretireebecomesentitledtoMedicare.
• Lossofeligibilityforcoverageasacoveredretireeorcoveredspouse,dependent,orwidowofaretireewhoseemployerfiled
This coverage is available without evidence of insurability. Continuation is not available for certain non-resident aliens.
However, these non-resident aliens may be entitled to continuation of coverage as provided under New York State law. See
Paragraph 2 below. If you have a question regarding your status for eligibility to continue coverage under Federal law, kindly
contact your group.
Continuation of coverage is subject to the following conditions:
(a) COBRA continuation coverage is not available if you are covered under the group health plan by reason of another indi-
vidual’s election of COBRA continuation coverage and you are not already a qualified beneficiary by reason of a prior
qualifying event. COBRA continuation of coverage is not available if you become covered by another group policy that
provides similar benefits. Unless, that policy contains a pre-existing condition limitation. COBRA continuation of coverage
is also not available if the reason for termination of employment was gross misconduct. However, if you were terminated
due to gross misconduct you may be entitled to a continuation of coverage. This is provided under New York State law.
See Paragraph 2 below.
(b) A Group Member, spouse, or dependent child must notify the Plan of a divorce, legal separation, or change in dependent
status. This notice must be sent to the Plan within sixty (60) days of the later of either of the following:
(i) The date of the qualifying event.
(ii) The date coverage would otherwise be lost.
(c) You must request continuation of coverage in writing within sixty (60) days of the later of either of the following:
(i) The date your coverage would otherwise terminate under your group Plan.
(ii) The date notice of your right to continue coverage is sent to you.
(d) You must pay your group contract holder one hundred and two percent (102%) of the group rate for continuation of
coverage. The required premium includes two percent (2%) of the group rate to cover administration costs. If you are
disabled and extend coverage from eighteen (18) to twenty-nine (29) months, you must pay a different premium for the
Nineteenth (19th) through twenty-ninth (29th) month. You must pay your group contract holder one hundred and fifty
percent (150%) of the group rate for the continuation of coverage. This premium may be collected on a monthly basis.
(e) Your continuation of coverage will terminate on the first of the following date.
(i) You become entitled to Medicare benefits after the date of the COBRA election. You become entitled to Medicare benefits
upon the effective date of enrollment in either part A or B, whichever occurs earlier. Thus, merely being eligible to
enroll in Medicare does not constitute being entitled to Medicare benefits.
(ii) You become covered under another group health care plan as an employee or dependent after the date of the COBRA
election. Unless that plan contains a pre-existing condition, limitation and you had a break in coverage of more than
sixty-three (63) days;
(iii) Eighteen (18) months, if the qualifying event is termination of employment or reduction of hours, unless you
are disabled, as determined by Social Security. The eighteen (18) months will be measured from the date of the
qualifying event. Your Plan may elect to measure the eighteen (18) months from loss of coverage;
(iv) Twenty-nine (29) months after termination of employment or reduction of hours if you are disabled. The twenty-nine
(29) months will be measured from the date of the qualifying event. Your plan may elect to measure twenty-nine
(29) months from the loss of coverage. You must be disabled as determined by Social Security. You must be
disabled on the date of termination of employment or reduction of hours or become disabled within sixty (60) days
of termination of employment. You must notify your Plan of Social Security’s determination of your disability. The
notice must be provided within sixty (60) days of Social Security’s determination and before the end of the eighteen
(18) month continuation period. If Social Security determines that you are no longer disabled, you must notify
the plan administrator of this. You must notify the plan administrator of this within thirty (30) days from Social
Security’s final determination. If you are no longer disabled, COBRA continuation coverage may terminate earlier
than twenty-nine (29) months for you and your qualified beneficiaries.
(v) Thirty-six (36) months for all other qualifying events. The thirty-six (36) will be measured from the date of the
qualifying event. You may elect to measure the thirty-six (36) months from the loss of coverage;
The end of the period for which you made premium payments, if you fail to make timely payment of the required
(vii) The date on which your group plan terminates coverage with GHI. However if the group plan is replaced by the group
contract holder with similar coverage, you have the right to become covered under the other coverage for the balance
of the period that you would have remained covered hereunder; or
(viii) At any time that your coverage is terminated for cause.
An eighteen (18) month period of continuation may be extended to a thirty-six (36) month period if a second qualifying event
occurs during the eighteen (18) month period. The second qualifying event must be of the type that would allow the covered
Group Member or his or her dependents to continue coverage for thirty-six (36) months. The thirty-six (36) month period in this
case will be measured from the first qualifying event.
Your Plan may elect to calculate your period of continuation coverage from the date of loss of coverage instead of the date of
the qualifying event. Contact your group to determine whether the group has elected this option. This option is not available if
the loss of coverage occurs because a covered employee becomes entitled to Medicare. In such a case, the period of continuation
coverage for the spouse and dependents begin the date the covered employee becomes entitled to Medicare.
When your continued coverage terminates, you may purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Direct
Payment Conversion Section).
2. Continuation of Coverage under New York State Law. There are cases where you may lose eligibility for
coverage under this Certificate but not be eligible for continuation of coverage under Federal law. If the loss of eligibility is due
to termination of employment or loss of membership in the class or classes eligible for coverage, you may be entitled to continue
coverage under New York State law. Continued coverage is available without evidence of insurability. If continuation is available
to the Group member under Federal law, then the New York State continuation law does not apply. A spouse or dependent of
a Group Member does not have a separate right to elect continuation of coverage under New York State law if continuation is
available to the Group Member under Federal Law. The New York State law does not apply if you become eligible for coverage
under Medicare or another group health policy.
The following criteria apply to New York State continuation of coverage:
(a) Continuation of coverage is not available if you are covered under Medicare or could be covered under Medicare.
Continuation of coverage is also not available if you become covered or could be covered by another group policy that
provide similar benefits. Unless that policy contains a pre-existing condition limitation.
(b) You must request continuation of coverage in writing and submit your first premium payment within sixty (60) days of the
later of either of the following:
(i) The date your coverage would otherwise terminate under your group Plan.
(ii) The date notice of your right to continue coverage is provided to you.
(iii) The member who wants to continue coverage due to disability.
(c) You must pay your group contract holder one hundred and two percent (102%) of the group rate for continuation of
coverage. But not more frequently than on a monthly basis in advance.
(d) Your continuation of coverage will terminate on the first of the following dates:
(i) You become eligible for Medicare.
(ii) You become covered under another group health care plan as an employee or dependent, unless that plan contains a
pre-existing condition limitation.
(iii) Eighteen (18) months, if the qualifying event is termination of employment or membership in the class or classes
eligible for coverage.
(iv) Twenty-nine (29) months after termination of employment or membership in the class or classes eligible for coverage
if you are disabled. The twenty-nine (29) months will be measured from the date coverage would otherwise be lost.
You must be disabled as determined by Social Security. You must be disabled on the date of termination of employment
or membership or become disabled within the first sixty (60) days of continuation of coverage. You must notify your
Plan of Social Security’s determination of your disability. If you are no longer disabled, continuation coverage will
terminate on the later of the following:
(v) Thirty-six (36) months if you are an eligible dependent who will otherwise lose coverage due to the death of the Group
Member, divorce, legal separation, change in dependent status or the Group Member becoming eligible for Medicare.
The thirty-six (36) months will be measured from the date coverage would otherwise be lost.
(vi) The end of the period for which you made premium payments, if you fail to make timely payment of the required
(vii) The date on which your group plan terminates coverage with GHI. However, if the group plan is replaced by the group
contract holder with similar coverage, you have the right to become covered under the other coverage for the balance of
the period that you would have remained covered hereunder. The replacement plan must provide at least the same level
of benefits provided by the prior group plan, reduced by any benefits payable under the prior group contract. The prior
group plan must provide benefits to the extent of its accrued liabilities and extension of benefits.
When your continued coverage terminates, you may purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Direct
Payment Conversion Section).
3. Special Provisions for Members of the Armed Forces on Active Duty. If the Group Member is a member of
a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. This includes the National Guard, and on active duty, you may be
entitled to:
(a) Supplementary continuation of current group benefits under New York State law and conversion to a direct payment
contract from GHI upon termination of continued coverage. (See Paragraph A below); or
(b) Suspension of coverage during the period of active duty. (See Paragraph D below.)
A. Eligibility. In order to be eligible for the rights set forth in this Paragraph 3, the Group must not voluntarily maintain
coverage for the Group Member during the period of active duty. Also, the Group Member must have:
(a) Voluntarily or involuntarily entered active duty (other than to determine physical fitness or for training); or
(b) Had his or her active duty voluntarily or involuntarily extended. This must occur during a period when the President of
the United States is authorized to order units of the ready reserve or member of a reserve component to active duty. The
extended active duty must be at the request and for the convenience of the federal government; and;
(c) Served no more than four years of active duty.
B. Supplementary Continuation of Coverage. If your group does not voluntarily maintain coverage for the Group
Member during the period of active duty, you are eligible for supplementary continuation of coverage under the group contract.
This supplementary continuation of coverage is available without evidence of insurability. Coverage available through the Federal
government for active duty members and their families shall not be considered group coverage.
You must apply for supplementary continuation within sixty (60) days of being ordered to active duty. You must pay one
hundred percent (100%) of the group premium on a monthly basis. But not more frequently than on a monthly basis in advance.
Continuation of coverage is not available if you are covered under Medicare or could be covered under Medicare. It is also not
available if you become covered by another group policy.
The condition must have arose during the period of active duty and the condition has been determined by the secretary of
veteran affairs to be a condition incurred in the line of duty.
In certain circumstances, supplementary continuation may terminate earlier. Continuation of coverage will terminate earlier
on the first of the following dates:
(i) You become eligible for Medicare.
(ii) You become covered under another group health care plan as an employee or dependent.
(iii) The end of the period for which you made premium payments, if you fail to make timely payment of the required
(iv) The date on which the group plan terminates coverage with GHI. However, if your group replaces the Group Contract
with similar coverage, you have the right to become covered under that other coverage for the balance of the period
that you would have remained covered hereunder.
(v) The Group Member has served four years of active duty.
If the Group Member dies while on active duty, supplementary continuation of coverage will terminate for the surviving spouse
and covered dependents of the Group Member. In the event of divorce or annulment of the marriage to the Group Member,
supplementary continuation of coverage will terminate for the former spouse. In these circumstances, the former spouse and the
surviving spouse and covered dependents are eligible for conversion. (See Paragraph C below.)
When the group Member returns to civilian status and he or she is re-employed or restored to participation in the group,
coverage under the group plan will be resumed. Supplementary continuation of coverage will terminate on the date that coverage
under the group plan becomes effective. Coverage will not be subject to limitations, conditions, exclusions, or waiting periods
(a) A waiting period was imposed and had not been completed prior to the period of suspension; or
(b) The Group Member’s condition arose during the period of active duty and was incurred in the line of duty.
However, in no event shall the sum of the waiting periods imposed prior to and subsequent to the period of suspension shall not
exceed the length of the waiting period originally imposed.
When the Group Member returns from active duty and does not become re-employed or restored to participation in the group,
the Group Member shall be entitled to:
(a) Continue coverage under New York State Law and purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI upon
termination of continued coverage. (See Paragraph 2 of this Section.) or;
(b) Purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Section Direct Payment Conversion Section).
C. Conversion.
(a) Availability. When your supplementary continuation of coverage terminates, you may purchase a direct payment
contract from GHI. Conversion is available to the former spouse of a Group Member upon divorce or annulment of the
marriage of the Group Member. The divorce or annulment must have occurred while the Group Member was on active
duty. In addition, conversion is available to the surviving spouse and other dependents covered under the contract upon
the death of the Group Member. The death must have occurred during the Group Member’s active duty. Conversion is also
available to a dependent who is no longer within the definition of family under the contract while the Group Member is on
active duty.
(b) When to Apply for the New Conversion Contract. You must apply for the new contract within thirty-one (31)
days of the later of the following:
(i) The date the Group Member’s active duty terminates; or
(ii) The date the Group Member is discharged from the Hospital. The hospitalization must have resulted from active duty.
It cannot exceed one (1) year.
Payment of the first premium must be made at the time you apply for the direct payment contract.
D. Suspension of Coverage. If the group does not voluntarily maintain coverage for the Group Member and you do not
continue your group benefits, your coverage will be suspended during the period of active duty. When the Group Member returns
to participation in the group plan, coverage under the group plan will be resumed. Coverage will be retroactive to the date active
duty terminated. Coverage will not be subject to limitations, conditions, exclusions, or waiting periods unless:
(a) A waiting period was imposed and had not been completed prior to the period of suspension; or
(b) The condition must have arose during the period of active duty and the condition has been determined by the secretary of
veteran affairs to be a condition incurred in the line of duty.
However, in no event shall the sum of the waiting periods imposed prior to and subsequent to the period of suspension shall not
exceed the length of the waiting period originally imposed.
If the Group Member returns from active duty and does not become re-employed or restored to participation in the group, the
Group Member shall be entitled to:
(a) Continue coverage under New York State Law and purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI upon
termination of continued coverage. (See Paragraph 2 of this Section.); or
(b) Purchase a direct payment conversion contract from GHI. (See Direct Payment Conversion Section).
4. Questions. The laws regarding continuation of benefits are complicated. If your coverage under this Certificate is
terminating, you should contact your Group if you are interested in continuing your benefits.
Other Terms. All other terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of your Certificate apply.
PLA-58-A 8/08
(hereinafter referred to as “GHI”)
441 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10001
Table of Contents Page
Criteria for Coverage ..................................................................................93
Utilization Review Decisions............................................................................93
Other Claim Decisions.................................................................................94
Grievances ..........................................................................................95
Your Provider’s Right to Reconsideration
Internal Appeals......................................................................................96
External Appeals .....................................................................................97
This rider amends your GHI Contract or Certificate of Insurance. Among other changes, it sets forth GHI’s new procedures for
handling claims. It also gives you instructions about how to file grievances, internal appeals and external appeals.
1. This rider deletes the paragraph(s) entitled “Criteria for Coverage” from Section One, and replaces it with the new
paragraph(s) set forth below.
Criteria for Coverage. In order to request benefits, you must file a claim with GHI.
You, your authorized representative or your provider may file a claim for benefits with GHI on your behalf. For information
about how to file a claim, please see the section of your Contract or Certificate entitled “Filing of Claims” or “Filing of Claims and
GHI will provide benefits only for the services that are listed as covered in this Contract or Certificate. GHI will cover these
services only if they are medically necessary and not otherwise excluded from coverage. The services must also be rendered by an
eligible Provider.
Medically necessary services are health care services that are rendered by a Hospital or a licensed Provider and are determined by
GHI to meet all of the criteria listed below.
• Theyareprovidedforthediagnosis,ordirectcareortreatmentofthecondition,illness,disease,injuryorailment.
• Theyareconsistentwiththesymptomsorproperdiagnosisandtreatmentofthemedicalcondition,disease,injuryor
• Theyareinaccordancewithacceptedstandardsofgoodmedicalpracticeinthecommunity.
• Theyarefurnishedinasettingcommensuratewiththepatient’smedicalneedsandcondition.
• Theycannotbeomittedunderthestandardsreferencedabove.
• Theyarenotinexcessofthecareindicatedbygenerallyacceptedstandardsofgoodmedicalpracticeinthecommunity.
• Theyarenotfurnishedprimarilyfortheconvenienceofthepatient,thepatient’sfamilyortheProvider.
• Inthecaseofahospitalization,theservicescannotberenderedsafelyoradequatelyonanoutpatientbasisand,therefore,
require that the patient receive acute care as a bed patient.”
“Utilization Review Decisions.
Utilization review is the process by which GHI decides whether or not an item or service for which you have requested benefits
is medically necessary and/or experimental or investigational in nature. Utilization review is performed under the supervision
of GHI’s Medical Director. A clinical peer reviewer will confirm each finding by GHI that an item or service is not medically
necessary or that an item or service is experimental or investigational and, therefore, not covered.
GHI will notify you of utilization review decisions as set forth below. If you disagree with GHI’s decision that an item or
service(s) is not medically necessary or is experimental or investigational in nature and therefore, not covered, you may file an
appeal. Please see paragraph 2(C) of this rider for instructions on how to file an appeal.
Pre-Service Claims. A “pre-service claim” is a claim for a service that you must pre-certify with GHI under the terms of this
Contract or Certificate. GHI will notify you and your Provider of its decision on a pre-service claim within the earlier of three (3)
business days or five (5) calendar days after GHI’s receipt of the claim. GHI will notify you in writing and by telephone.
If GHI requires more information to decide your claim, GHI will request such information within fifteen (15) days after its
receipt of the claim. GHI will give you at least forty-five (45) days to supply the information. If you supply all of the requested
information to GHI within the time that GHI gives you to supply it, then GHI will notify you of its decision within three (3)
business days, but not later than five (5) calendar days after its receipt of the information. Otherwise, GHI will notify you of its
decision within fifteen (15) days of its receipt of partial information or within fifteen (15) days of the end of the time period GHI
gives you to supply it.
If you fail to pre-certify a service when it is required by this Contract or Certificate, GHI will inform you of the proper pre-certifi-
cation procedure within five (5) days (or within twenty-four (24) hours in the case of a pre-service urgent care claim) of receipt of
the claim by a GHI person or unit customarily responsible for handling benefit matters.
Post-Service Claims. A post service claim refers to any claim for benefits relating to a service that has already been provided
to you. GHI will notify you, and if appropriate your provider, of its decision on a post-service claim within thirty (30) days after its
receipt of the claim. GHI will notify you in writing.
If GHI requires more information to decide your claim, GHI will request such information within thirty (30) days after its
receipt of the claim. GHI will give you at least forty-five (45) days to supply the information. If GHI requests more information,
GHI will notify you of its decision on your claim within fifteen (15) days after GHI’s receipt of all or part of the information or
within fifteen (15) days after the end of the time period GHI gives you to supply the information.
Urgent Care Claims. An urgent care claim refers to a claim that, if subjected to the other time periods set forth in this
section, could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the patient or the patient’s ability to regain maximum function, or subject
the patient to severe pain that cannot be managed adequately. GHI may reasonably require you or your provider to explain the
medical reasons that give rise to a need for urgent care.
If care has not yet been initiated, GHI will notify you and your provider of its decision on your urgent care claim within
seventy-two (72) hours from receipt of the claim. GHI will notify you in writing and by telephone. If GHI requires more
information to make a decision, GHI will notify you of the required information within twenty-four (24) hours after GHI’s receipt
of the claim. GHI will give you at least forty-eight (48) hours to supply the information. GHI will notify you of its decision on
your claim within forty-eight (48) hours of its receipt of the information or within forty-eight (48) hours of the end of the time
period GHI gives you to supply the information.
If care has already been initiated and you are seeking an extension of urgent care, the time in which GHI will decide your
urgent care claim will vary. It will depend upon when GHI receives your claim. If GHI receives your claim at least twenty-four
(24) hours before the end of the previously approved treatment plan, then GHI will notify you and your provider of its decision
on your urgent care claim within twenty-four (24) hours after GHI’s receipt of the claim. If GHI receives your claim less than
twenty-four (24) hours before the end of the previously approved treatment plan, then GHI will notify you and your provider of its
decision within the earlier of one (1) business day of its receipt of all necessary information or seventy-two (72) hours of its receipt
of the claim. GHI will notify you in writing and by telephone.
Concurrent Care Decisions. A concurrent care decision refers to a claim decision by GHI that affects an on-going course
of treatment taking place over a period of time or a number of treatments. If you or your provider request a non-urgent continu-
ation, extension or addition to a previously approved plan of care, GHI will notify you and if appropriate, your provider of its
decision within one (1) business day of GHI’s receipt of all necessary information, but not more than fifteen (15) days after GHI’s
receipt of the claim. If GHI reduces or terminates a previously approved course of treatment (for reasons other than amendment or
termination of this Contract or GHI your coverage), GHI will notify you and if appropriate, your provider of its decision sufficiently
in advance so that you that you can appeal the decision. GHI will notify you in writing and by telephone.”
Other Claim Decisions.
If your claim does not involve a determination by GHI regarding the medical necessity or experimental or investigational
nature of the requested service(s), GHI will notify you of its decision on your claim as set forth below.
Pre-Service Claims. A “pre-service claim” is a claim for a service that you must pre-certify with GHI under the terms of this
Contract or Certificate. GHI will notify you and your Provider of its decision on a pre-service claim within fifteen (15) days after
GHI’s receipt of the claim. GHI will notify you in writing.
If GHI requires more information to decide your claim, GHI will request such information within fifteen (15) days after its
receipt of the claim. GHI will give you at least forty-five (45) days to supply the information. If GHI requests more information,
GHI will notify you of its decision on your claim within fifteen (15) days after its receipt of all or part of the information or within
fifteen (15) days after the end of the time period GHI gives you to supply it.
If you fail to pre-certify services when it is required by this Contract or Certificate, GHI will inform you of the proper pre-certifi-
cation procedures within five (5) days (or within twenty-four (24) hours in the case of a pre-service urgent care claim) of receipt
of the claim by a GHI person or unit customarily responsible for handling benefit matters.
Post-Service Claims. A post service claim refers to any claim for benefits that is not a pre-service claim. GHI will notify you
of its decision on a post-service claim within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the claim. GHI will give such notice in writing.
If GHI requires more information to decide your claim, GHI will request such information within thirty (30) days after its
receipt of the claim. GHI will give you at least forty-five (45) days to supply the information. If GHI requests more information,
GHI will notify you of its decision on your claim within fifteen (15) days after the earlier of GHI’s receipt of all or part of the
information or the end of the time period GHI gives you to supply it. GHI may combine its request for more information with a
notice of denial. If GHI does not receive any information, then this denial will apply. In such a case, you will not receive a notice
from GHI at the end of the time period GHI gives you to supply information.
If you receive services from a GHI participating provider, and your only liability for the service(s) is a Co-pay Charge, then the
time periods above do not apply.
Urgent Care Claims. An urgent care claim refers to a claim that, if subjected to the other time periods set forth in this
section, could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the patient or the patient’s ability to regain maximum function, or subject
the patient to severe pain that cannot be managed adequately. GHI may reasonably require you or your provider to explain the
medical reasons that give rise to a need for urgent care.
If care has not yet been initiated, GHI will notify you of its decision on your urgent care claim within seventy-two (72) hours
of its receipt of the claim. If care has already been initiated and you are seeking an extension of urgent care, the time in which
GHI will decide your urgent care claim will vary. It will depend upon when GHI receives your claim. If GHI receives your claim
at least twenty-four (24) hours before the end of the previously approved treatment plan, then GHI will notify you of its decision
on your urgent care claim within twenty-four (24) hours after GHI’s receipt of the claim. If GHI receives your claim less than
twenty-four (24) hours before the end of the previously approved treatment plan, then GHI will notify you and your provider of its
decision within seventy-two (72) hours of its receipt of the claim. GHI will provide such notice in writing.
If GHI requires more information to make a decision on your urgent care claim, GHI will notify you of the required
information within twenty-four (24) hours after GHI’s receipt of the claim. If GHI requests more information, GHI will give you
at least forty-eight (48) hours to supply the information. GHI will notify you of its decision on your claim within forty-eight (48)
hours of the earlier of its receipt of the information or the end of the time period GHI gives you to supply the information.
Concurrent Care Decisions. A concurrent care decision refers to a claim decision by GHI that affects an on-going course of
treatment taking place over a period of time or a number of treatments. If you or your provider request a non-urgent continu-
ation, extension or addition to a previously approved plan of care, GHI will notify you of its decision within fifteen (15) days
from GHI’s receipt of the claim. If GHI reduces or terminates a previously approved course of treatment (for reasons other than
amendment or termination of this Contract or your GHI coverage), GHI will notify you of its decision sufficiently in advance so
that you that you can appeal the decision. GHI will give such notice in writing.”
This rider amends the section of your Contract or Certificate entitled “Filing of Claims” or “Filing of Claims and Appeals.”
It adds the new terms set forth below to that section. Any terms that appear in that section of your Contract or Certificate that are
not consistent with the new terms below are hereby deleted from your Contract or Certificate.
If you do not agree with a decision made by GHI (other than a decision regarding the medical necessity or experimental or
investigational nature of a requested service), you may file a grievance with GHI. You may also file a grievance with GHI if you
are not satisfied with one or more aspects of this GHI insurance program. You may authorize a representative to file a grievance
on your behalf. You must file the grievance within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date that you received notice of
GHI’s decision.
Your grievance must include your GHI identification number and claim number(s). It must also describe your complaint. It
should also include any other information that you wish GHI to consider.
Please send your grievance(s) to:
GHI - Grievance Unit
P.O. Box 4007
New York, New York 10116-4007
GHI will reply to your grievance in writing. GHI will reply to your grievance within the time period(s) set forth below.
Urgent Care Claims: seventy-two (72) hours after GHI’s receipt of the grievance
Pre-Service Claims: thirty (30) days after GHI’s receipt of the grievance.
Post Service Claims and Other Grievances: sixty (60) days after GHI’s receipt of the grievance.
If GHI denies a covered service on the basis that it is not medically necessary or it is experimental or investigational in nature,
and GHI does not first try to discuss the decision with your Provider, your Provider has the right to request a reconsideration by
GHI. If you have not yet received the service, GHI will reconsider the decision within one (1) business day of GHI’s receipt of the
STANDARD APPEALS. If GHI denies a claim for a covered service on the basis that the service is not medically necessary
or is experimental or investigational in nature, you may file an appeal with GHI. You may also authorize a representative to file
an appeal on your behalf. You may file the appeal by telephone or in writing. You must file the appeal within one hundred and
eighty (180) days from the date that you receive notice of GHI’s denial. The appeal must include your GHI identification number
and claim number(s). It should also include any medical data and comments in support of your appeal.
You must file a verbal appeal by calling GHI toll free at:
You must direct written appeals to:
GHI - Utilization Review Appeals
P.O. Box 2809
New York, New York 10116-2809
GHI will acknowledge receipt of your appeal within fifteen (15) days of GHI’s receipt of your appeal. If GHI needs more
information to decide your appeal, GHI will also notify you and your Provider of the needed information within fifteen (15) days
of GHI’s receipt of the appeal. The time within which GHI must respond to your appeal will vary depending upon the type of claim
that you are appealing. If GHI fails to decide your appeal within these time periods, the service will be deemed approved.
Pre-Service Claim Appeals. In the case of a pre-service claim, GHI will decide your appeal within thirty (30) days from
GHI’s receipt of the appeal.
Post-Service Claim Appeals. In the case of a post-service claim, GHI will decide your appeal within thirty (30) business
days of GHI’s receipt of all necessary information, but not more then sixty (60) days from GHI’s receipt of the appeal.
Urgent Care Claim Appeals. In the case of an urgent care claim, GHI will decide your appeal within the earlier or two (2)
business days of GHI’s receipt of all necessary information or seventy-two (72) hours after GHI’s receipt of the appeal.
Concurrent Care Appeals. If you are appealing GHI’s denial of a non-urgent continuation, extension or addition to the
care plan, GHI will decide your appeal within the earlier of two (2) business days of GHI’s receipt of all necessary information or
thirty (30) days after GHI’s receipt of the appeal. If you are appealing GHI’s reduction or termination of a previously approved
care plan, GHI will decide your appeal within seventy-two (72) hours of GHI’s receipt of the appeal.
EXPEDITED APPEALS. GHI offers an expedited appeal process in certain cases. An expedited appeal may be filed only in
the cases below.
• Casesthatinvolvecontinuedorextendedhealthcareservices,proceduresortreatments.
• Casesthatinvolverequestsforadditionalservicesforapersonundergoingacourseofcontinuedtreatment.
• CaseswheretheProviderbelievesanimmediateappealiswarrantedduetoimminentorseriousthreattothehealthof
the person.
If GHI needs more information to decide your appeal, GHI will notify you and your Provider of the needed information within
twenty-four (24) hours. GHI will make a decision on your appeal within two (2) business days of GHI’s receipt of the information
needed for GHI to conduct a full and fair review, but not more than seventy-two (72) hours from GHI’s receipt of the appeal. If
GHI fails to decide your appeal within these time periods, the service will be deemed approved.
To file an expedited appeal, please call GHI toll free at 1-888-906-7668.
Under certain circumstances, you have a right to an external appeal of a denial of coverage. Specifically, if GHI has denied
coverage on the basis that the service is not medically necessary or is an experimental or investigational treatment, you or your
representative may appeal that decision to an External appeal Agent, an independent entity certified by the State to conduct such
If GHI has denied coverage on the basis that the service is not medically necessary, you may appeal to an External Appeal Agent
if you satisfy the following two (2) criteria:
• Theservice,procedureortreatmentmustotherwisebeaCoveredServiceunderthisContractorCertificate;and
• YoumusthavereceivedafinaladversedeterminationthroughGHI’sinternalappealprocessandGHImusthaveupheld
the denial or you and GHI must agree in writing to waive any internal appeal.
If you have been denied coverage on the basis that the service is an experimental or investigational treatment, you must satisfy
the following two (2) criteria:
• TheservicemustotherwisebeaCoveredServiceunderthisContractorCertificate;and
• YoumusthavereceivedafinaladversedeterminationthroughGHI’sinternalappealprocessandGHImusthaveupheld
the denial or you and GHI must agree in writing to waive any internal appeal.
In addition, your attending physician must certify that you have a life threatening or disabling condition or disease. A “life-
threatening condition or disease” is one, which, according to the current diagnosis of your attending physician, has a high
probability of death. A “disabling condition or disease” is any medically determinable physical or mental impairment that can
be expected to result in death, or that has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than twelve (12)
months, which renders you unable to engage in any substantial gainful activities. In the case of a child under the age of eighteen
(18), a “disabling condition or disease” is any medically determinable physical or mental impairment of comparable severity.
Your attending physician must also certify that your life-threatening or disabling condition or disease is one for which standard
health services are ineffective or medically inappropriate or one for which there does not exist a more beneficial standard service
or procedure covered by GHI or one for which there exists a clinical trail (as defined by law).
In addition, your attending physician must have recommended one of the following:
• Aservice,procedureortreatmentthattwo(2)documentsfromavailablemedicalandscientificevidenceindicateis
likely to be more beneficial to you than any standard Covered Service (only certain documents will be considered
in support of this recommendation – your attending physician should contact the State in order to obtain current
information as to what documents will be considered acceptable); or
• Aclinicaltrialforwhichyouareeligible(onlycertainclinicaltrialscanbeconsidered).
For the purposes of this section, your attending physician must be a licensed, board-certified or board eligible physician
qualified to practice in the area appropriate to threat your life-threatening or disabling condition or disease.
If, through GHI’s internal appeal process, you have received a final adverse determination upholding a denial of coverage on
the basis that the service is not medically necessary or is an experimental or investigational treatment, you have forty-five (45)
days from receipt of such notice to file a written request for an external appeal. If you and GHI have agreed in writing to waive
any internal appeal, you have forty-five (45) days from receipt of such waiver to file a written request for an external appeal. GHI
will provide an external appeal application with the final adverse determination issued through GHI’s internal appeal process or
its written waiver of an internal appeal.
You may also request an external appeal application from New York State at 1-800-400-8882. Submit the completed application
to State Department of Insurance at the address indicated on the application. If you satisfy the criteria for an external appeal, the
State will forward the request to a certified External Appeal Agent.
You will have an opportunity to submit additional documentation with your request. If the External Appeal Agent determines
that the information you submit represents a material change from the information on which GHI based its denial, the External
Appeal Agent will share this information with GHI in order for it to exercise its right to reconsider its decision. If GHI chooses
to exercise this right, GHI will have three (3) business days to amend or confirm its decision. Please note that in the case of an
expedited appeal (described below), GHI does not have a right to reconsider its decision.
In general, the External Appeal Agent must make a decision within thirty (30) days of receipt of your completed application.
The External Appeal Agent may request additional information from you, your physician or GHI. If the External Appeal Agent
requested additional information, it will have five (5) additional business days to make its decision. The External Appeal Agent
must notify you in writing of its decision within two (2) business days.
If your attending physician certifies that a delay in providing the service that has been denied poses an imminent or serious
threat to your health, you may request an expedited external appeal. In that case, the External Appeal Agent must make a
decision within three (3) days of receipt of your completed application. Immediately after reaching a decision, the External
Appeal Agent must try to notify you and GHI by telephone or facsimile of that decision. The External Appeal Agent must also
notify you in writing of its decision.
If the External Appeal Agent overturns the Plan’s decision that a service is not medically necessary or approves coverage of an
experimental or investigational treatment, GHI will provide coverage subject to the other terms and conditions of this Contract or
Certificate. Please note that if the External Appeal Agent approves coverage of an experimental or investigational treatment that
is part of a clinical trial, GHI will only cover the costs of services required to provide treatment to you according to the design of
the trial. GHI shall not be responsible for the costs of investigational drugs or devices, the costs of non-health care services, the
costs of managing research, or costs which would not be covered under this Contract or Certificate for non-experimental or non-
investigational treatments provided in such clinical trial.
The External Appeal Agent’s decision is binding on both you and GHI. The External Appeal Agent’s decision is admissible in
any court proceeding.
GHI will charge you a fee for an external appeal. The external appeal application will instruct you on the manner in which
you must submit the fee. GHI will also waive the fee if GHI determines that paying the fee would pose a hardship to you. If the
External Appeal Agent overturns the denial of coverage, the fee shall be refunded to you.
It is your REPONSIBILITY to initiate the external appeal process. You (or your designee) may initiate the
external appeal process by filing a completed application with the New York State Department of Insurance. In the case of a
final adverse determination on a post-service claim, your physician may file an external appeal application, but only if you have
consented to this in writing.
Under New York State law, your completed request for appeal must be filed within forty-five (45) days of either the date upon
which you receive written notification from GHI that it has upheld a denial of coverage or the date upon which you receive a
written waiver of any internal appeal. GHI has no authority to grant an extension of this deadline.”
3. All other terms of your Contract or Certificate apply except to the extent that they conflict with the terms of this rider.
Additional Program Information
The following pages are not part of your GHI City of New York CBP Certificate of Insurance.
However they provide important information about your health insurance program
Out-Of-Network Reimbursement Examples For GHI CBP
is summary gives examples of typical costs for out-of-network services under the GHI CBP plan in Richmond County for zip code 10314. If you want details
about your coverage and costs, you can get the complete terms in the policy or plan document at or by calling us at 1-800-624-2414.
(Biopsy of Large Bowel Using an Endoscope)
CPT Code: 45380
Anesthesia CPT Code: 00810
Pathology CPT Code: 88305
(Partial Removal of Bone with Release of Spinal Cord or Spinal
Nerves of 1 Interspace in Lower Spine)
CPT Code: 63030
Anesthesia CPT Code: 00630
(Insertion of Tissue Expander in Breast)
CPT Code: 19357
Anesthesia CPT Code: 00402
Sample care costs: Sample care costs: Sample care costs:
Basic NYC
Fee Schedule UCR
Basic NYC
Fee Schedule UCR
Basic NYC
Fee Schedule
Hospital Services
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Hospital Services
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Hospital Services
Not Applicable Not Applicable
Physician Services $1,200 $574 Physician Services $34,000 $6,183 Physician Services $10,000 $4,297
Anesthesia $3,200 $873* Anesthesia $3,610 $1,746** Anesthesia $3,154 $1,455**
Pathology $410 $56
Total $37,610 $7,929 Total $13,154 $5,752
Total $4,810 $1,503
Patient pays: Patient pays: Patient pays:
Deductibles $200 Deductibles $200 Deductibles $200
Copays Are Not Applicable $0 Copays Are Not Applicable $0 Copays Are Not Applicable $0
Coinsurance 0% $0 Coinsurance 0% $0 Coinsurance 0% $0
Difference between UCR and
what the plan pays
$3,307 Difference between UCR and
what the plan pays
$29,681 Difference between UCR and
what the plan pays
Total $3,507 Total $29,881 Total $7,602
Hospital services are covered by Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield. ey are not covered under the GHI CBP.
*Based on 4 units of anesthesia
** Based on 10 units of anesthesia
UCR (usual and customary cost) is the amount providers typically charge for a service. is chart uses UCR based on FAIR Health at the 80th percentile for
zip code 10314. Your provider may bill more than UCR.
e Patient pays section represents sample cost-sharing. Your cost-sharing may vary.
Dear Non-Medicare Eligible GHI Subscriber:
GHI CBP/Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield plan. This benefit enhancement is being provided in conformity with recent
New York State legislation called “Timothy’s Law.” Please note: your benefits for substance abuse/chemical dependency
treatment are not affected by this change.
Timothy’s Law requires that health insurance benefit programs operating under the insurance laws of New York State
provide benefits for biologically based mental health conditions and for severe emotional disturbances in children on
the same basis as benefits are provided under the plan for all covered medical conditions.
A biologically based mental health condition is defined as: A mental, nervous or emotional condition that is caused by a
biological disorder of the brain resulting in a clinically significant, psychological syndrome or pattern that substantially
limits the functioning of the person with the illness. The following eight conditions are specifically mentioned in the
legislation: (1) Schizophrenia/Psychotic disorders, (2) Major depression, (3) Bi-polar disorder, (4) Delusional disorders,
(5) Panic disorder, (6) Obsessive compulsive disorder, (7) Bulimia, (8) Anorexia.
The following diagnoses will also be covered under the expanded scope of conditions for children up to age 18 with
severe emotional disturbances:
• Attentiondeficitdisorder
• Disruptivebehaviordisorders
• Pervasivedevelopmentdisorders
In order for services to be considered as treatment of a severe emotional disturbance, and to be covered, these diagnoses
must have one or more of the following conditions present:
• Serioussuicidalsymptomsorself-destructivebehavior
• Significantpsychoticsymptoms–listedashallucinations,delusions,orbizarrebehavior
• Emotionaldisturbancesthatputthechildatriskorcauseinjurytoothersorproperty
• Emotionaldisturbancesthatplacethechildatsubstantialriskforremovalfromthehousehold.
Group Health Incorporated 441 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10001 /
The table below illustrates plan benefits that will be available for treatment of biologically based conditions and severe
emotional disturbances in children vs. plan benefits for non-biologically based conditions.
Mental health benefits continue to be subject to precertification. If you use a GHI/BMP participating facility, the facility will
be responsible for precertifying care. If you use a non-participating facility, you must precertify care by calling GHI/BMP
at 1-800-692-2489. Failure on your part to precertify care provided by a non-participating facility will result in a penalty of
$500 per admission, not to exceed 50% of the benefit that would have been reimbursed if services were precertified. Services
rendered by GHI/BMP participating outpatient mental health providers are subject to precertification with the responsibility for
precertifying resting with the participating provider. Services rendered by non-participating outpatient mental health providers
are also subject to precertification with responsibility for precertifying resting with the patient.
If you have any questions concerning this change in benefits, please call GHI/BMP at 1-800-692-2489.
Please visit to review a list of helpful Questions and Answers about Timothy’s Law. If you have any other
questions, call GHI at 1-800-624-2414.
Marilyn DeQuatro
Senior Vice President
Customer Service Division
Biologically Based Non-Biologically Based
Inpatient Hospital
Mental Health
Par and Non-Par Providers Par and Non-Par Providers
Inpatient Days 365
This is a change in benefit
(previously limited to 30 days)
No change in benefit
Deductible $300 per adm/$750 max per calendar year
This is a change in benefit (previously no deductible)
Coinsurance None Par: None
Non-Par: 50% of par allowance up to $4,000, then
100% of par allowance.
No change in benefit
Partial Hospital or Day
Par and Non-Par: Covered – charges to inpatient
days shown above – not subject to deductible.
This is a change in benefit –
(previously limited to 30 days)
Par: Covered – charged to inpatient days shown
above – not subject to deductible.
No change in benefit
Non-Par: 50% of par allowance up to $4,000, then
100% of par allowance.
No change in benefit
Outpatient Mental
Par: Unlimited visits subject to a $15 copay per visit.
No change in benefit for using par providers
Non-Par: Unlimited visits subject to $200/$500
deductible, 100% coinsurance based on par schedule of
allowances; $2 million lifetime maximum.
Change in benefit for using non-par
providers (previously subject to $100
deductible and 50% coinsurance)
Par: Unlimited visits subject to a $15 copay per visit.
Non-Par: Subject to a $100 annual deductible and
50% coinsurance up to 30 visits per calendar year.
No change in benefit
441 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10001
7075A 22M 12/07
Important Notice About Prescription Drug Benefits For Non-Medicare
Eligible Employees/Retirees and Their Dependents
Please be advised that effective July 1, 2001 the following drugs will no longer be covered
through your prescription benefits with GHI:
• ChemotherapyandRelatedDrugs
• DrugstoTreatAsthma
• PsychotropicMedications
• InjectableMedications
National Prescription Administrators, Inc. (NPA) and its mail service facility, CFI, Inc. will cover these
drugs after 7/1/01.
For Retail Pharmacy Information, Call NPA 1-800-467-2006
For Mail Service Information, Call CFI 1-800-628-0717
7274A 22M 12/07
Your GHI Prescription Drug Coverage
Express Scripts, Inc. (ESI) administers the retail and mail-service pharmacy benefits for City of New
York members who receive their prescription drug coverage through GHI under the Optional Rider benefit
described in the Certificate of Insurance. ESI manages the prescription benefits needs for one out of every six
people in the United States and processes more than 270 million prescriptions annually.
As a participant in the ESI program, you can choose the fulfillment option that best suits your needs:
• Retail Pharmacy Service
To obtain retail pharmacy benefits, juSt present your GHI 10 card at anyone of the more than 56,000
participating ESI pharmacies nationwide. Most major drugstores are included in this network. Please
be sure to call your regular pharmacy and confirm whether they participate in this program.
• Mail-Service Pharmacy
In addition to cost savings, the Express Scripts Mail Service program offers you the convenience of
home or office delivery, patient education materials, and toll-free access to Customer Service Associates
and registered pharmacists. You can submit your mail-service pharmacy prescription by mail, phone,
or through the Internet
• Online service at the ESI Web Site
Another convenient option is to submit your prescriptions online at
Prescriptions submitted online will be mailed to you at the address you specify.
For Additional Information
You can get answers to questions regarding your prescription drug benefits, 24 hours a day, seven days
a week with your touch-tone telephone or personal computer. Contact ESI member services at 1- 877-
534-3682, or visit ESI’s Web site at
441 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10001
7187A 22M 12/07
Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act
GHI is required to inform you that The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 stipulates that
if your GHI policy provides mastectomy coverage, GHI will also provide coverage for breast reconstruction
surgery, as determined by the physician and agreed upon the patient as follows:
• Reconstructionofthebreastonwhichthemastectomywasperformed;
• Surgeryandreconstructionoftheotherbreasttoproduceasymmetricalappearance;and
• Prosthesesandtreatmentofphysicalcomplicationsatallstagesofthemastectomy,including
The benefits under this Act will have the same copayments, deductibles and/or co-insurance limitations
applicable to your existing coverage.
If you have any questions regarding your GHI benefits, please call GHI Customer Service at
(212) 501-4444.
441 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10001
Important Information About
Your Prescription Drug Benefit
City of New York Employees
and Non-Medicare Eligible Retirees
Changes Effective October 1, 2006
September 2006
Dear City of New York Employee and Non-Medicare Eligible Retiree:
This booklet outlines important changes effective October 1, 2006, that will occur to your
Prescription Drug Benefit, which is provided by GHI and Express Scripts Inc. (ESI).
If you need further information about the prescription drug benefit changes, please call the
ESI Customer Service Center at (877) 534-3682, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit
ESI’s Web site at You can also visit GHI’s Web site at for
information regarding your prescription drug benefit coverage.
Marilyn DeQuatro
Senior Vice President
Group Health Incorporated
Diabetes Coverage (Available in Base Plan) Copayment Change
Generic diabetes medication copayments will remain $5.00.
Brand-name diabetes medication copayments will increase to $15.00.
The diabetes medications Symlin and Byetta will be part of the Step-Therapy program. A description of the
Step-Therapy program follows.
Prescription Drug Rider Clinical Management Programs
The clinical guideline programs that are being implemented are: Prior Authorization and Step Therapy, as
described below.
A. Prior Authorization
Prior authorization is a process in which some medications must be authorized before they can be covered
under the program. These medications require that the prescribing physician provide proof of medical
necessity and diagnosis. Individuals currently taking drugs that are affected by this change may continue to
take them. The change is for new users of the drugs. This prior authorization process will be required for the
following medications beginning October 1, 2006:
Actiq/ fentanyl Regranex/ becaplermin
Botox, Myobloc/ botulinum toxin Revatio/ sildenafil
Diflucan/ fluconazole Sporanox/ itraconazole
Lamisil/ terbinafine Tazorac/ tazarotene
Lidoderm/ lidocaine patch Retin-A/ tretinoin
Novantrone/ mitoxantrone Sutent/ sunitinib malate
Nexavar/ sorafenib tosylate Xeloda/ capecitabine
Penlac/ ciclopirox solution Zyvox/ linezolid
Provigil/ modafinil
In the future, if you are prescribed any of the drugs listed under Prior Authorization, your doctor should call
the dedicated ESI Prior Authorization Line at (866) 467-8635. If your doctor’s diagnosis meets approved
guidelines for that drug and is within the scope of the coverage of the plan, a prior authorization will be set up
for your prescription to be covered.
B. Step-Therapy Program
Certain drugs on your plan will now require Step Therapy. Individuals currently taking drugs that are affected
by this change may continue to take them. The change is for new users of the drugs.
Step Therapy requires the use of one or more generic or first-line drugs before a second-line drug is approved.
The drugs used as the “first step” are well-established treatments. Known as first-line therapy, these drugs are
the preferred therapy over second-line therapies, in most cases. First-line drugs may be filled without calling
ESI. If the first-line drug is not effective for you, second-line drugs can be prescribed. To do this, your doctor
must call the dedicated ESI Prior Authorization Line at (866) 467-8635. If your doctor’s assessment meets
approved guidelines for that drug and is within the scope of the coverage of the plan, a prior authorization
will be set up so your prescription can be filled.
In addition to Symlin and Byetta as previously mentioned, the following second-line drugs are part of the
Step-Therapy program.
Acid Reflux
Asthma or
First line Drugs
Generic anti-inflamma-
tory drugs: Ibuprofen,
naproxen and others
Generic acid reflux
Zyrtec, and a nasal
Generic topical corti-
costeroid drugs: triam-
cinolone cream and
Generic anti-
depressant drugs:
Second Line Drugs
Arthrotec Protonix Singulair Elidel Paxil*
Ponstel Prevacid Accolate Protopic Paxil CR
Mobic Prevacid SoluTab Zyflo Pexeva
Prevacid NapraPAC Prilosec* Zoloft*
Aciphex Lexapro
Nexium Prozac*
Zegerid Luvox
Blood Pressure Cholesterol Diabetic Drugs
First Line Drugs
Generic blood pressure drugs: Generic cholesterol drugs: Metformin
Captopril Quinapril Captopril/hctz Lovastatin Sulfonylureas
Enalapril Benazepril Enalapril /hctz Pravastatin Insulins
Fosinopril Quinapril/hctz Fosinopril/hctz Simvastatin
Lisinopril Benazepril/hctz Lisinopril/hctz
Second Line Drugs
Capoten* Vaseretic* Zestoretic* Mevacor* Byetta
Vasotec* Prinzide* Lotensin HCT* Lipitor Symlin
Prinivil* Accuretic* Monopril HCT* Lescol
Zestril* Lexxel Benicar Altoprev
Univasc Lotrel Hyzaar Pravachol*
Lotensin* Tarka Diovan HCT Caduet
Monopril* Avapro Avalide Advicor
Accupril* Cozaar Atacand HCT Zocor*
Aceon Diovan Micardis HCT Crestor
Altace Atacand Teveten HCT Vytorin
Mavik Micardis Benicar HCT
Capozide* Teveten
*Indicates a generic equivalent is available
First line Drugs
Effexor XR
Wellbutrin XL
EmblemHealth insurance plans are underwritten by Group Health Incorporated (GHI), GHI HMO Select, Inc. (GHI HMO), HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP) and
HIP Insurance Company of New York.
10-6410 11/15
55 Water Street, New York, New York 10041-8190 |