Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
West Virginia University (WVU) is not bound by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) and its related administrative regulations. However, the State of West Virginia has enacted statutes and regulations
that adopt the standards set forth in the referenced OSHA regulations. These State statutes and regulations govern WVU.
The contents of this document may not be reproduced in any form by a third party not associated with West Virginia
University without first obtaining the express written consent of an authorized West Virginia University official; questions
may be directed to the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, Director of Laboratory Safety or the Office of the Dean.
© 2015 West Virginia University
Eberly College Safety Website:
Contact the College Safety Ofcer at:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Principles of Laboratory Safety
Section 1. Introduction — OSHA Laboratory Standard ..................................................... 4
Section 2. Working with Hazardous Chemicals ...................................................................4
Section 3. Physical Hazards ..................................................................................................... 4
Section 4. Safety Data Sheets ................................................................................................... 5
Section 5. NFPA Classication System ..................................................................................6
Chapter 2. ECAS Laboratory Safety Responsibilities
Section 1. Dean of the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences .................................... 7
Section 2. ECAS College Safety Ocer (CSO) .......................................................... 7
Section 3. Chemical Hygiene Ocer (CHO) ............................................................ 7
Section 4. Department Chairperson ........................................................................... 8
Section 5. Laboratory Supervisor/Principal Investigator ......................................... 8
Section 6. Laboratory Worker (Technical Sta, Graduate Students,
Visiting Scholars, and Undergraduate Students on Payroll) ................. 8
Chapter 3. Standard Operating Procedures
Section 1. How to Avoid Routine Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals ................... 9
Section 2. General Housekeeping Practices in the Laboratory ............................... 9
Section 3. Personal Apparel ....................................................................................... 10
Section 4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) .................................................... 10
Section 5. General Safety Rules ................................................................................. 13
Section 6. Unattended Operations ............................................................................ 14
Section 7. Signs and Labels ........................................................................................ 14
Section 8. Laboratory Equipment ............................................................................. 14
Section 9. Environmental Monitoring ...................................................................... 14
Section 10. Medical Monitoring Program ................................................................. 14
Section 11. Record Maintenance ................................................................................. 14
Chapter 4. Chemical Management Program
Section 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 15
Section 2. Chemical Procurement ............................................................................. 15
Section 3. Chemical Storage ....................................................................................... 15
Section 4. Chemical Handling ................................................................................... 16
Section 5. Chemical Inventory .................................................................................. 17
Section 6. Transportation of Chemicals ................................................................... 17
Section 7. Chemical Waste ......................................................................................... 18
Chapter 5. Engineering Controls
Section 1. Laboratory Design .................................................................................... 20
Section 2. Laboratory Ventilation ............................................................................. 20
Section 3. Building Security ....................................................................................... 20
Chapter 6. Compressed Gas Safety Program
Section 1. General ....................................................................................................... 21
Section 2. Gas Cylinder Handling ............................................................................. 21
Section 3. Storage of Gas Cylinders .......................................................................... 21
Section 4. Use of Gas Cylinders ................................................................................. 21
Section 5. Gas Regulators ........................................................................................... 21
Section 6. Basic Emergency Action Procedures Involving Gas Cylinders ........... 22
Section 7. Cryogenics .................................................................................................. 23
Chapter 7. Electrical Safety Guidelines .................................................. 25
Chapter 8. Laser Safety Program ................................................................ 27
Chapter 9. Vacuum Safety Guidelines ..................................................... 29
Chapter 10. WVU Biological Safety Program
Section 1. Institutional Biosafety Committee .. ....................................................... 31
Section 2. General Procedures ................................................................................... 31
Section 3. Engineering and Work Practice Controls .............................................. 31
Section 4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) .................................................... 31
Section 5. Housekeeping and Labeling ..................................................................... 32
Section 6. Biosafety Information and Bloodborne Pathogen Training ................ 32
Section 7. Useful Biological Safety Web Sites .......................................................... 32
Chapter 11. Radiation Safety Program
Section 1. WVU Radiation Safety Oce .................................................................. 33
Section 2. Radiation Safety — Emergency Procedures .......................................... 34
Section 3. Useful Radiation Safety Web Sites ........................................................... 35
Chapter 12. Emergency Preparedness
Section 1. Fire Alarm Policy ...................................................................................... 36
Section 2. Emergency Safety Equipment .................................................................. 36
Section 3. Chemical Spill Policy ................................................................................ 36
Section 4. First-Aid Kit Requirements ..................................................................... 37
Section 5. Accident Procedures ................................................................................. 38
Chapter 13. Glossary of Terms and Safety References
Section 1. Acronyms ................................................................................................... 40
Section 2. Denitions .................................................................................................. 41
Section 3. Safety References ....................................................................................... 42
Appendix A. Visiting Scholar Guidelines ................................................................... 43
Appendix B. Laboratory Close-out Guidelines ......................................................... 46
Appendix C. OSHA Laboratory Standard, Appendix A .......................................... 47
Appendix D. US Environmental Protection Agency P-Listed Wastes................. 56
Appendix E. Employee Injury/Incident Report ........................................................ 61
Appendix F. NCW and Community Activities Safety Guidelines .......................... 63
Appendix G. Laboratory Safety Manual Sign-o Sheet ........................................... 68
Chapter 1. Principles of Laboratory Safety
Section 1. Introduction - OSHA Laboratory Standard
e Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard (29 CFR 1910.1450), Occupational Exposure to
Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories, set a standard for safe work practices and safety accountability in academic and
research laboratories in colleges and universities. Laboratory personnel must take personal responsibility to ensure a
culture of safety within their laboratory work space. ey must actively participate in careful planning, risk assessment, risk
management, and preparation for emergency scenarios. A successful safety program requires the participation, support,
and daily commitment of college administrators, faculty, postdoctoral research associates, sta, graduate students, and
undergraduate students.
e Eberly College Laboratory Safety Manual (LSM) was developed to meet the requirements of the OSHALaboratory
Standard. e LSM establishes general rules for the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals and sets
forth prudent work practices that are designed to protect the employee from exposure to chemical hazards and unsafe work
practices in the laboratory. is manual is intended to be the principal laboratory safety document for the Eberly College of
Arts and Sciences.
Section 2. Working with Hazardous Chemicals
According to OSHA, a hazardous chemical is a chemical for which there is statistically signicant evidence, based on at least
one study conducted in accordance with established scientic principles, that acute or chronic health eects may occur in
exposed persons.
Many of the chemicals and solutions that are routinely used in laboratories can present a signicant health hazard when
handled improperly. e Swiss physician and alchemist eophrastus Phillippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim
(1493-1541), who took the name Paracelsus later in life in homage to Celsus, a Roman physician, is known as “e Father of
Toxicology.” Paracelsus is famous for his quote, “What is it that is not poison? All things are poison and nothing is without
poison. It is the dose alone that makes a thing not a poison.
Engineering controls (i.e., chemical fume hoods and glove boxes), administrative controls (i.e., safety rules, LSM, Standard
Operating Procedures, and laboratory inspections), and personal protective equipment (PPE) (i.e., gloves, lab coats, chemical
splash goggles, and face shields) are designed to protect laboratory workers from exposure to hazardous materials. Routes of
exposure to hazardous materials include contact with skin and eyes, inhalation, ingestion, and injection.
e eect of an exposure to a hazardous material can be acute or chronic, depending upon the hazardous material and the
length of time that one was exposed to the hazardous material. Acute exposure is dened as short durations of exposure to
high concentrations of hazardous materials in the work place. Acute health eects can appear rapidly aer only one exposure
and can result in rashes, dizziness, coughing, and burns. Chronic exposure is dened as continuous exposure over a long
period of time to low concentrations of hazardous materials in the work place.
Chronic health eects may take months or years before they are diagnosed. Symptoms of chronic exposure can include joint
paint, neurological disorders, and tumors.
A chemical allergy is an adverse reaction (i.e., rash or hives) to a chemical. Some persons have developed chemical sensitivities
to certain chemicals or types of chemicals, including ammonia, iodine, bromine, and sulfur. Such reactions are usually the
result of a previous sensitization to that particular chemical, or one that is similar in nature.
e protein in so, exible latex rubber gloves can cause mild or severe, life-threatening latex allergic reactions in some
Section 3. Physical Hazards
Examples of physical hazards in the laboratory include gas cylinders, cryogenic liquids, electrical equipment, lasers,
magnetic elds, and reactions that involve high pressure or vacuum lines. Another type of physical hazard is the presence of
spilled liquids or broken glassware on the oor or in the work space. Good housekeeping practices serve to eliminate these
physical hazards. Laboratory workers must follow all departmental safety rules and policies to avoid injuries associated with
physical hazards.
Section 4. Safety Data Sheets
Important information about handling a chemical can be found on the label of the chemical container and in the Safety Data
Sheet (SDS). A SDS is designed to provide laboratory and emergency personnel with the proper procedures for handling,
storage, and disposal of a particular hazardous material. A Safety Data Sheet is a document that contains relevant information
about a material, as referenced by OSHA 29 CFR,
Occupational Safety and Health Standards: Hazard Communication, Part
1910.1200. For consistency purposes, a 16-section standard format has been established by ANSI (ANSI Z400.1):
1. Product Identication
2. Composition/ Information on Ingredients
3. Hazards Identication
4. First Aid Measures
5. Fire Fighting Measures
6. Accidental Release Measures
7. Handling and Storage
8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
10. Stability and Reactivity
11. Toxological Information
12. Ecological Information
13. Disposal Considerations
14. Transport Information
15. Regulatory Information
16. Additional Information
A comprehensive le of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) must be kept on le in the laboratory or be readily accessible to all employees
during all work shis. SDS can be made available to employees via the Internet. Helpful SDS Web sites include:
Vermont SIRI http://hazard.com
Sigma-Aldrich http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/safety-center.html
Iowa StateUniversity http://avogadro.chem.iastate.edu/MSDS/
VWRScientic Products https://us.vwr.com/store/search/searchAdv.jsp
Thermo Fisher Scientic http://new.shersci.com/ecomm/servlet/msdssearchhome?L
Alfa Aesar http://www.alfa.com/en/go160w.pgm?srchtyp=msds
Airgas http://www.airgas.com/content/msds.aspx
Flinn Scientic http://www.innsci.com/msds-search.aspx?
Multiple listings http://www.ilpi.com/msds/index.html
Laboratory workers should always READ and HEED the label and the Safety Data Sheet before using a chemical for the rst
time. Know the types of PPE that you will be required to wear when handling the chemical. Ensure that the ventilation in the
laboratory will be adequate for your needs. Be familiar with the college LSM and the building Emergency Action Plan in the
event of a chemical spill, re, or explosion.
Be Prepared to
Work Safely
Always READ and HEED
the information on the
product label and the
Safety Data Sheet before
using a chemical for the
rst time.
Section 5. NFPA Classication System
In the event of a re or an explosion in a laboratory, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) universal hazard
diamond is designed to provide information to emergency responders regarding the chemical contents of a laboratory. e
hazard diamond provides information on the degree of danger for health hazards, re hazards, and instability hazards.
e NFPA hazard diamond is commonly displayed on chemical labels, secondary container labeling, and on the SDS.
Additionally, it is posted on the laboratory door or other highly visible location. When posted on the laboratory door, the
numerical ratings refer to the contents of the entire laboratory, not to a specic chemical within the laboratory.
Source: NFPA 704 (2012)
4=Can be lethal
3=Can cause serious or permanent injury
2=Can cause temporary injury
1=Can cause signicant irritation
0=Offers no hazard
4=Will rapidly vaporize and burn
3=Can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature conditions
2=Must be moderately heated or exposed to high ambient temperatures
1=Must be preheated before ignition
0=Materials that will not burn
4=Readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures
3-Capable of detonation or explosive decomposition but must be heated
2=Readily undergoes violent chemical change at elevated temperatures and pressures
1=Normally stable, but can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures
0=Normally stable, even under re conditions
OX = Materials that possess oxidizing properties
W = Materials that react violently or explosively with water
Chapter 2. ECAS Laboratory Safety Responsibilities
Section 1. Dean of the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Ensures that safety programs are established and maintained in each science department where researchers, sta, and
students are engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous materials.
Meets with the College Safety Ocer (CSO) to discuss safety inspection results and compliance issues.
Appoints one or more Chemical Hygiene Ocer(s) (CHO) for each department or unit. Provides the Chemical Hygiene
Ocers with the support necessary to implement and maintain their laboratory safety programs.
Ensures that each department remains in compliance with the ECAS lab safety program.
Provides budgetary arrangements, as needed, to ensure the health and safety of the employees of the college.
Section 2. ECAS College Safety Ofcer (CSO)
Serves as the Deans liaison with college chairs, directors, faculty, sta, and students regarding safety and health issues.
Provides guidance and safety training to ECAS personnel and students.
Oversees the development of and subsequent revisions of the ECAS Laboratory Safety Manual, emergency plans, and
safety rules and regulations.
Oversees the annual chemical inventory update for the college and submits all chemical inventories to EHS.
Conducts laboratory inspections and submits detailed inspection reports to the Principal Investigator/ Laboratory
Supervisor. Conducts follow-up inspections, as appropriate.
Serves as the Eberly College liaison with the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.
Section 3. Chemical Hygiene Ofcer (CHO)
Establishes and maintains a culture of safety that will serve to promote a safe and healthy environment in which to teach,
learn, and conduct research. Seeks ways to improve the laboratory safety program.
Distributes the ECAS Laboratory Safety Manual (LSM) to all employees. Maintains a le of LSM sign-o sheets.
Maintains the departmental chemical inventory. Oversees the annual chemical inventory update and forwards the revised
inventory to the College Safety Ocer upon request.
Conducts regular inspections of all laboratories, prep rooms, gas cylinder rooms, and chemical storage rooms with the
College Safety Ocer to ensure departmental compliance with all applicable policies and codes.
Maintains a comprehensive list of laboratory personnel. Using training records provided by EHS, sends reminders to
laboratory workers to attend the mandatory annual HazComm/Lab Safety/Haz Waste training.
Creates and revises safety rules and regulations, as requested, which are reviewed by the department chair and the College
Safety Ocer before distribution to departmental personnel or students.
Requests funding for safety-related purchases or training, as appropriate.
Monitors procurement, use, storage, and disposal of chemicals.
Maintains inspection, personnel training, and inventory records.
Assists laboratory supervisors in developing and maintaining adequate facilities.
Keeps current of legal requirements concerning regulated substances.
Noties employees of the availability of medical attention under the following circumstances:
➢ Whenever an employee develops signs or symptoms associated with a hazardous chemical to which the employee
may have been exposed in the laboratory.
➢ Where exposure monitoring reveals an exposure level routinely above the action level for an OSHA regulated
substance for which there are exposure monitoring and medical surveillance requirements.
➢ Whenever a spill, leak, explosion, or other occurrence resulting in the likelihood of a hazardous exposure occurs, the
employee may have a medical consultation to ascertain if a medical examination is warranted.
o If medical attention is necessary, the CHO provides the attending physician the identity of the hazardous
substance to which the employee may have been exposed; a description of the conditions under which the
exposure occurred; and the signs and symptoms that the employee may be experiencing.
o e CHO will notify aected employees in writing of any monitoring results either individually or by posting
results in an appropriate location accessible to employees. is information shall be distributed within ve
working days upon receipt of the results from EHS.
Attends CHO meetings and training sessions that are conducted by the College Safety Ocer and by EHS.
Encourages laboratory employees to attend specialized training that is provided by the institution (i.e., rst-aid training,
re extinguisher training, and gas cylinder safety training).
Section 4. Department Chairperson
Assumes overall responsibility for personnel engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous materials.
Provides the Chemical Hygiene Ocer with the support necessary to implement and maintain the laboratory safety
Aer receipt of laboratory inspection report from the ECAS Director of Laboratory Safety, meets with laboratory
supervisors to discuss cited violations and to ensure timely actions to protect laboratory workers and facilities and to
ensure that the department remains in compliance with all applicable federal, state, university, local, and departmental
codes and regulations.
Provides budgetary arrangements to ensure the health and safety of the departmental employees, visitors, and students.
Section 5. Laboratory Supervisor/Principal Investigator
Ensures that laboratory workers comply with the LSM and do not operate equipment or handle hazardous chemicals
without proper training and authorization.
Always wears personal protective equipment that is compatible to the degree of hazard of the chemical. Ensures that
personal protective equipment is available and properly used by each laboratory employee and visitor.
Follows all pertinent safety rules when working in the laboratory to set an example for his or her supervisees.
Reviews laboratory procedures for potential safety problems before assigning to other laboratory workers.
Ensures that visitors and visiting scholars complete the Visiting Scholars Agreement (Appendix A) and follow all
applicable safety rules. Assumes responsibility for the laboratory visitors and visiting scholars.
Maintains and implements safe laboratory practices.
Monitors the facilities and the chemical fume hoods to ensure that they are maintained and function properly. Promptly
contacts the appropriate person, as designated by the Department Chairperson, to report problems with the facilities or
the chemical fume hoods.
e PI is responsible for taking the appropriate steps to close out the laboratory space in the event that he or she chooses
to retire or leave WVU. Laboratory close-outs must be performed in a timely manner and according to established
guidelines (Appendix B.).
Section 6. Laboratory Worker (Technical Staff, Graduate Students, Visiting
Scholars, and Undergraduate Students on Payroll)
Reads, understands, and follows all safety rules and regulations that apply to the work area.
Plans and conducts each operation, laboratory class, or research project in accordance with the LSM.
Promotes good housekeeping practices in the laboratory or work area.
Communicates appropriate portions of the LSM to students in the work area.
Noties the supervisor of any hazardous conditions or unsafe work practices in the work area.
Uses personal protective equipment as appropriate for each procedure that involves hazardous materials or operations.
Immediately reports any job-related illness or injury to the supervisor.
Chapter 3. Standard Operating Procedures
Section 1. How to Avoid Routine Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals
1. oroughly review all proposed laboratory procedures to determine the potential health and safety hazards before
beginning work in the laboratory. Refer to the SDS for guidance on chemical storage, handling, and disposal. Avoid
underestimation of risk when handling hazardous materials.
2. Minimize all chemical exposure. Avoid ingestion, injection, inhalation, eye contact, and skin contact with hazardous
3. Observe the PEL (Permissible Exposure Limit) and TLV (reshold Limit Value) of each hazardous material in the
laboratory. ese limits are listed in the SDS.
4. e choice of chemicals to be used in the laboratory should be appropriate to the facilities and should not exceed
the capacity of the exhaust system.
5. Do not smell or taste chemicals. When instructed to smell a chemical, gently wa the vapors toward your nose. Do
not directly inhale the vapors.
6. Vent apparatuses which may discharge chemicals (vacuum pumps, distillation columns, etc) into local exhaust or
7. Inspect gloves and glove boxes before use.
8. Do not allow release of toxic substances into cold rooms since these rooms recirculate the air.
9. Always wash exposed areas of skin aer chemical usage and before exiting the laboratory.
10. Never wear gloves or lab coats outside of the laboratory or into areas where food is stored and consumed.
Laboratory workers should wash laboratory apparel separately from personal clothing.
11. Eating, smoking, using smoke-less tobacco products, drinking, chewing gum, or applying cosmetics in areas where
laboratory chemicals are present is prohibited.
12. Food and beverages should not be stored in chemical storage areas or laboratory refrigerators.
13. Do not use glassware or utensils used for laboratory work for any other purpose (i.e., drinking from beakers).
14. Keep chemical containers closed when not in use.
Section 2. General Housekeeping Practices in the Laboratory
1. Access to exits, emergency equipment, and utilities must never be blocked. Coats, bags, and other personal items
must be stored in the proper area, not on the benchtops or in the aisle ways.
2. Properly label chemicals and equipment for use and storage. Repair or replace any damaged labels immediately.
Secondary containers must be labeled with the chemical name, manufacturer’s name, hazard class, and any other
special warnings.
3. e oors should be cleaned on a regular basis. Promptly wipe up all liquid spills and ice on the oor.
4. Keep work areas clean and uncluttered. Benchtops and hoods should remain clear of broken glass, spilled
chemicals, paper litter, etc.
5. Chemical hazards should be maintained at least two inches from the edge of the bench tops.
6. Hallways and stairways should not be used as storage areas.
7. Do not store materials or chemicals on the oor.
8. Do not block the sink drains. Place rubber matting in the bottom of the sinks to prevent breakage of glassware and
avoid injuries.
9. Wear appropriate gloves to clean glassware. Do not pile up dirty glassware in the laboratory. Wash glassware
carefully. Dirty water can mask glassware fragments.
Handle and store laboratory glassware with care. Promptly discard cracked or chipped glassware.
10. Clean up work areas at the end of the operation or day.
11. Properly dispose of broken glass and sharps (i.e., needles and razor blades). If broken glassware is contaminated
with a hazardous substance, the glassware must be treated as a hazardous substance.
12. To avoid accidents, drawers and cabinets must be kept closed.
13. Properly dispose of all waste chemicals. Never pour waste chemicals down the drains.
14. Formal housekeeping and laboratory inspections will be conducted on a regular basis by the Chemical Hygiene
Ocer and the College Safety Ocer.
Section 3. Personal Apparel
1. Clothing should be worn that is appropriate to the degree of hazard that is present in the laboratory. If there is a
risk of chemical splash or exposure, one should wear clothing that suciently covers the upper and lower body,
including long pants (or long skirt) and the equivalent of a t-shirt. Shorts and short skirts are inappropriate apparel
in the laboratory if there is a risk of chemical splash or spill.
2. Wear shoes at all times in the laboratory.
Do not wear perforated, open-toed, open-backed, or high-heeled shoes, clogs, or sandals.
3. For your protection, jewelry (i.e., rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches) should not be worn in the laboratory.
Chemicals can seep under the jewelry and cause injuries to the skin. Jewelry can become caught in machinery and
can conduct electricity. Chemicals can ruin jewelry and change its composition (i.e., when mercury comes into
contact with gold).
4. Hair longer than shoulder length and loose sleeves must be conned in the laboratory to prevent contact with
chemicals and moving parts in equipment.
Section 4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
e laboratory supervisor should conduct a risk assessment in the laboratory and determine the appropriate personal protective
equipment that should be worn by laboratory workers to protect them from exposure to hazardous materials and hazardous
operations and equipment.
1. Always review new procedures and refer to the SDS to determine the degree of PPE that is required for each
chemical or mechanical operation that will be performed in the laboratory.
2. Wear chemical splash goggles that conform to ANSI Z87.1, Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face
Protection Devices, at all times (over eyeglasses) when working with chemicals that might present a splash hazard,
vapors, or particulates in the laboratory.
3. A face shield (in addition to chemical splash goggles) should be used when there exists a possibility of re,
explosion, or implosion.
4. Protective safety glasses with UV-absorbing lenses should be worn when working with radiation of wavelengths
shorter than 250 nm.
5. Gloves that are appropriate to the degree of hazard (according to the SDS) must be worn at all times (see glove
selection chart, below). Inspect gloves for defects before wearing. Remove gloves before handling pens, notebooks,
doorknobs, radios, computer keyboards, and telephones. Remove gloves before exiting the laboratory.
Chemical splash goggles protect
the face and eyes in the event of a
chemical splash and broken glass.
Safety glasses do not protect
the face and eyes from chemical
splashes and broken glass.
Impact goggles are designed for
use in a woodworking shop and do
not protect the eyes from chemical
Glove Selection for Specic Chemicals
Excerpt from LabCliQ Lab Safety Manual
Chemical Incidental Contact Extended Contact
Acetic acid Nitrile Neoprene, Butyl rubber
Acetic anhydride Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Butyl rubber, Neoprene
Acetone 1Natural rubber (Latex) (8 mil) Butyl rubber
Acetonitrile Nitrile Butyl rubber, Polyvinyl acetate (PVA)
Acrylamide Nitrile, or double Nitrile Butyl rubber
bis-Acrylamide Nitrile
Alkali metals Nitrile
Ammonium hydroxide Nitrile Neoprene, Butyl rubber
Arsenic salts Nitrile
Benzotriazole, 1,2,3- Nitrile
Bismuth salts Nitrile
Butanol Nitrile Nitrile, Butyl rubber
Butyric acid Nitrile Butyl rubber, Neoprene
Cadmium salts Nitrile
Carbon disulde Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 Viton, Polyvinyl acetate (PVA)
mil or heavier
Carbon tetrachloride Nitrile (8 mil), double glove,
or 15 mil or heavier
Catechol Nitrile Viton
Chloroform Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 Viton, Polyvinyl acetate (PVA)
mil or heavier
Chlorosulfuron Nitrile
Chromium salts Nitrile
Cobalt chloride Nitrile Nitrile
Cobalt salts Nitrile
Copper (Cupric) sulfate Nitrile
Cyrogenic liquids Cryogloves
3,3’-Diaminobenzidine (DAB)
Diazomethane in Ether Nitrile (8 mil), double glove,
or 15 mil or heavier
Dichloromethane Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) or Viton
2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic
Diethyl pyrocarbonate Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Dimethyl sulfoxide 1Natural rubber (15-18mil) Butyl rubber
1,4-Dioxane Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 mil
or heavier
Dithiothreitol Nitrile
Ethanol Nitrile
Ethidium bromide (EtBr) Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Ethyl acetate Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Butyl rubber, PVA
Ethyl ether Nitrile (8 mil), double glove,
or 15 mil or heavier
Formaldehyde Nitrile
Formamide Nitrile Butyl rubber
Formic acid Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Butyl rubber, Neoprene (.28-.33mm)
Gallic acid Nitrile
Geneticin Nitrile
Glutaraldehyde Nitrile
Heavy metal salts Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Heptane Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 Nitrile (35 mils or thicker), Viton, PVA
mil or heavier
(1,6-Diaminohexane) Nitrile (8 mil) Neoprene
Hexane Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, Nitrile (35 mils or thicker),
or 15 mil or heavier Viton, PVA
Hydrochloric acid Nitrile Neoprene, Butyl rubber
Hydrouoric acid (HF) Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, Nitrile or Rubber sleeves
or 15 mil or heavier
Hypophosphorous acid Nitrile (4mil), double glove or 8
mil or heavier
Isoamyl alcohol Nitrile
Isoctane Nitrile Heavy weight Nitrile
Isopropanol Nitrile
Kananmycin Nitrile
Lactic acid Nitrile Nitrile (double glove),
or Neoprene or Butyl rubber
Laser dyes Nitrile
Lead acetate Nitrile Nitrile, double glove Lead salts Nitrile
Mercuric chloride Nitrile Nitrile, double glove Mercury Nitrile
Mercury salts Nitrile Methanol (Methyl alcohol) Nitrile
Methylene chloride Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Polyvinyl acetate, Viton
Methylphosphonic acid Nitrile (4 mil), double glove 8 mil or heavier Nitrile
Methyl sulfonic acid,
Ethyl ester (EMS)
(Ethyl methanesulfonate) Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Monoethanolamine Nitrile
Nickel chloride Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Nickel salts Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Nitric acid Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Heavy weight (.28-.33mm) Butyl
rubber or Neoprene
N-Methylethanolamine Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Viton, Neoprene, Butyl rubber
Octane Nitrile Heavy weight Nitrile or Viton
Organophosphorous Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15
compounds mil or heavier
Osmium salts Nitrile
Osmium tetroxide Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Paraformaldehyde Nitrile
Pentane Nitrile (8mil), double glove Heavy weight Neoprene, or Viton
Perchloroethylene Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Nitrile (22mil or heavier)
Pesticides heavy weight, unlined Nitrile (8-20 mils),
or glove specied by pesticide label.
Petroleum ether Nitrile Heavy weight Nitrile or Viton
Phenol Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Neoprene, Butyl rubber
Phenol-Chloroform mixtures Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 Viton
mil or heavier
Phenylmethylsulfonyl Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
uoride (PMSF)
Phosphonic acid Nitrile (4 mil), double glove, or 8
mil or heavier single
Phosphoric acid Nitrile (4 mil), double glove, or 8
mil or heavier
Picloram (4-amino-3,5,6- Nitrile
trichloropicolinic acid)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls Nitrile (8 mil) glove over a Neoprene glove Neoprene (20 mil)
Polyoxyethylene-sorbital-n- Nitrile
monolaurate (Tween 20)
Potassium ferricyanide Nitrile
Potassium ferrocyanide Nitrile
Potassium permanganate Nitrile
Propanol Nitrile
Propionic acid Nitrile Neoprene or Butyl rubber
Propylene oxide heavier weight (17 mil or Norfoil
greater) Butyl rubber or Neoprene
Psoralen Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Pump oil Butyl rubber
Silane based silanization or Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 mil
derivatization compounds or heavier single
Silver nitrate Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
Silver salts Nitrile
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) Nitrile
Sodium azide Nitrile, or double glove
Spermidine Nitrile
Sulfuric acid Nitrile (8 mil) Neoprene, Butyl rubber (20 mil
Chemical Incidental Contact Extended Contact
or greater)
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 mil Norfoil
or heavier
3,3’,5,5’-Tetramethyl-benzidine Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
N,N,N’,N’-Tetramethyl- Nitrile Nitrile, double glove
ethylenediamine (TEMED)
Timetin Nitrile
Toluene Nitrile (8 mil), double glove, or 15 mil Viton, Polyvinyl acetate (PVA)
or heavier
Trichloroethylene Nitrile (8 mil), double glove Viton, Polyvinyl acetate (PVA)
Trichloromethyl chloroformate Nitrile (8 mil) over Butyl rubber This material must be used in a glove box.
(diphosgene) glove
Triton-X100 Nitrile
Uranium salts Nitrile
Valeric acid Nitrile Nitrile, double gloves, or
Neoprene or Butyl rubber
Xylene Nitrile Polyvinyl acetate (PVA), Viton
Note 1: If you are allergic to natural rubber products, you may double glove with 8 mil Nitrile gloves.
6. Lab coats or aprons must be worn when working with corrosive or caustic materials that may present a splash hazard.
7. All photographs that are taken in a laboratory setting must depict laboratory workers who are wearing proper personal
protective equipment (i.e., goggles, gloves, and laboratory coat).
Section 5. General Safety Rules
1. Employees are not permitted to deviate from the assigned work schedule without prior authorization from the
Laboratory Supervisor. Unauthorized experiments are strictly forbidden.
2. Plan appropriate protective procedures and plan the positioning of all equipment
before beginning any operation. Follow the appropriate Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) at all times in the
3. Read the SDS and the label before using a hazardous chemical in the laboratory for the rst time.
4. Report all injuries, accidents, incidents, and near-misses to the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
5. Know the location and proper use of the safety equipment, (i.e., eyewash station, safety shower, re extinguisher, rst-
aid kit, and re blanket) emergency telephone, and re alarm in the laboratory in which you are working.
6. Appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn at all times in the laboratory.
7. Appropriate eye protection (chemical splash goggles and/or a face shield) must be worn by all persons (including
visitors) where chemicals are used or stored.
8. Wear appropriate gloves when handling toxic materials. Inspect all gloves for holes and defects before using.
9. e use of contact lenses in the laboratory is strongly discouraged. If an employee must wear contact lenses when
working with hazardous substances, the employee must notify his or her supervisor so that all special precautions can
be taken.
10. Do not wear synthetic nger nails in the laboratory. Synthetic nger nails are made of extremely ammable polymers
which burn to completion and are not easily extinguished.
11. Notify your supervisor if you experience any sensitivities to any chemicals.
12. When heating a test tube or other apparatus, never point the apparatus toward yourself or your laboratory colleagues.
13. Always protect your hands when cutting glass tubing. Do not attempt to dry glassware by inserting a glass rod
wrapped with paper towels. Always lubricate glassware with soap or glycerin before inserting rods, tubing, or
thermometers. Hot glass looks just like cold glass. Be sure that your glassware has cooled before you touch it.
14. Dilute concentrated acids and bases by slowly pouring the acid or base into the water with stirring.
15. Secure all water, gas, air, and electrical connections in a safe manner.
16. Avoid working alone in the laboratory.
17. Do not pipet any substance by mouth in the laboratory; use a pipet aid.
18. Properly dispose of all chemical wastes. Do not pour chemicals down the drains.
19. Report any unsafe conditions to the Laboratory Supervisor or Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
20. Unauthorized persons are not permitted in the laboratory.
Chemical Incidental Contact Extended Contact
Section 6. Unattended Operations
1. Obtain permission from the supervisor prior to conducting any unattended operations.
2. Leave lights on and post a sign on the door announcing an unattended operation.
3. Return periodically to check on the unattended operation.
4. Provide for the containment of toxic substances in the event of equipment or utility failure.
5. e laboratory door should be posted with emergency contact names and telephone numbers.
Section 7. Signs and Labels
1. Emergency signs shall be posted on all laboratory and prep room doors. e signs must contain the names and
telephone numbers of all emergency contact personnel.
2. Label all secondary containers, including waste receptacles, with the contents, manufacturers name, appropriate
warnings, and hazard class.
3. Provide designated location(s) for safety shower, eye wash, re extinguisher, rst-aid station, re blanket, and
emergency telephone.
4. Post warning signs for areas of special or unusual hazards.
Section 8. Laboratory Equipment
1. Electrical equipment should be maintained only by trained individuals. Properly ground all electrical equipment.
Report any electrical failure or suspicious heating of equipment to the Laboratory Supervisor immediately.
Periodically inspect electrical equipment. Ensure quick access to electrical equipment shut-os in the event of an
emergency. Ensure that all electrical hand tools are double insulated or grounded.
2. Centrifuges should be anchored securely to the bench top. Close the lid before operating and remain with the
centrifuge until full operating speed is attained. If vibration occurs, stop the centrifuge and check the counter-
balance load. Periodically clean the buckets and rotors to avoid contamination.
3. Securely lock down all balances and computers to avoid the.
4. Take extra precautions when using Dewar asks; shield or wrap them with tape to contain implosions.
5. Use laboratory equipment for the intended purpose only.
6. Periodically clean and examine all laboratory equipment.
7. Do not block walkways or aisles with extension cords. Periodically inspect extension cords for visible defects.
7. When using lasers, always wear appropriate eye protection and do not look directly at the source of the beam. Do
not aim the laser by sighting along the beam. Keep the laser beam at or below chest height. Reective materials
should not be allowed near the beam. Hang warning signs when lasers are in use.
9. When using UV lamps, wear UV-absorbing eye protection, as described in the operating procedures for the
instrument. Cover exposed skin.
Section 9. Environmental Monitoring
1. Regular employee exposure monitoring shall be provided by EHS upon request.
2. Regular monitoring for airborne substances may be appropriate when testing a new ventilation system or when
redesigning laboratory hoods.
3. Regular monitoring may be appropriate if a hazardous substance is stored in the laboratory or if the substance is
used routinely (three times a week or more).
Section 10. Medical Monitoring Program
e institution has established an Employee Medical Monitoring Program (http://ehs.wvu.edu/r/download/70484). In
compliance with OSHA 29 CFR 1920.20, employee records will be maintained for the length of employment plus 30 years. e
employee will be monitored:
if the employee develops signs and symptoms of exposure associated with a hazardous chemical.
when exposure monitoring routinely exceeds the action level for an OSHA regulated substance.
in the event of a spill, leak, explosion, or other occurrence resulting in the likelihood of exposure.
Section 11. Record Maintenance
Accident report forms should be submitted to the Chemical Hygiene Ocer and the College Safety Ocer. Medical records are
to be retained by the institution. e Chemical Hygiene Ocer and EHS will retain copies of all personnel training records. e
Chemical Hygiene Ocer, the College Safety Ocer, and EHS will retain an up-to-date copy of the chemical inventory for each
department. e CHO will retain RCRA/HazComm training completion records for departmental personnel.
Chapter 4. Chemical Management Program
Section 1. Introduction
e prudent management of hazardous materials, from their procurement to their disposal, is a critical element of a successful
laboratory safety program. Chemical management includes the following processes:
1. Chemical Procurement
2. Chemical Storage
3. Chemical Handling
4. Chemical Inventory
5. Transportation of Chemicals
6. Chemical Waste
Section 2. Chemical Procurement
When preparing to order a chemical for an experiment, there are several questions that one should ask, including:
Do I really need to order this chemical?
How much do I really need to order to perform my experiment? (REMEMBER THAT WHEN ORDERING
CHEMICALS, LESS IS ALWAYS BEST) Order the least amount of chemicals that will be needed to save storage space,
money, and disposal costs.
What personal protective equipment (PPE) is required when handling this chemical? Is the proper PPE available in the
What is the level of training that is required to use this chemical?
Are there special handling precautions?
Does the laboratory have the proper storage facilities?
Does the laboratory chemical fume hood provide proper ventilation?
Are there special containment considerations in the event of a spill, re, or ood?
Will the institution provide disposal of this chemical? Are there additional costs related to the disposal of this chemical?
According to the OSHA Lab Standard, Appendix A, Section D.2. (Chemical Procurement, Distribution, and Storage; included
in this document as Appendix B), “Information on proper handling, storage, and disposal should be known to those who
will be involved before a substance is received. Only containers with adequate identifying labels should be accepted. Ideally, a
central location should be used for receiving all chemical shipments.” Only authorized personnel should purchase chemicals
and other hazardous materials, such as gas cylinders. Ultimately, the purchaser of the chemical accepts responsibility for the
ownership of the chemical.
Section 3. Chemical Storage
In the event of a chemical spill or re, incompatible chemicals that are stored in close proximity can mix to produce res,
toxic fumes, and explosions. To protect the laboratory worker, chemicals must be separated and stored according to hazard
category and compatibility. Read the SDS and heed the precautions regarding the storage requirements of the chemicals in
your laboratory. A detailed compatibility table is included in Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of
Chemical Hazards.
All chemical containers must be properly labeled. To avoid accidents and potentially costly nes from federal regulatory
agencies, all secondary container labels should contain:
Chemical name
Hazard warnings
Name of manufacturer
Name of researcher in charge
Date of transfer to the vessel
Promptly date all incoming chemical shipments and rotate stock to ensure use of older chemicals. Peroxide- formers should
be dated upon receipt and dated again when the container is opened so that the user can dispose of the material according to
the recommendations on the Safety Data Sheet. Store peroxide-formers away from heat and light in sealed, airtight containers
with tight-tting, non-metal lids. Test regularly for peroxides and discard before expiration dates.
When storing chemicals on open shelves, always use sturdy shelves that are secured to the wall and contain ¾” lips. To avoid
accidents, do not store liquid chemicals over ve feet in height on the open shelves. Do not store chemicals within 18 inches of
the sprinkler heads in the laboratory. Use secondary containment devices (i.e., chemical-resistant trays) where appropriate. Do
not store chemicals in the laboratory fume hood. Do not store chemicals on the oor, aisle ways, hallways, areas of egress, or
on the bench top. Store chemicals away from heat and direct sunlight.
Only laboratory-grade explosion-proof refrigerators and freezers may be used to store chemicals that require cool storage
in the laboratory. e chemicals that are stored in the refrigerator must be placed in sealed and properly labeled containers.
Periodically clean and defrost the refrigerator/freezer to ensure maximum eciency. Never use domestic refrigerators and
freezers to store chemicals since they possess ignition sources and can cause dangerous and costly laboratory res and
explosions. Do not store food or beverages in the laboratory refrigerator. Label
all refrigerators that contain radioactive materials with the appropriate symbols and warnings. Conduct regular testing and
inspections of the refrigerators to ensure that they are not contaminated with radioactive materials.
Highly toxic chemicals must be stored in a well-ventilated, secure area that is designated for this purpose. Cyanides must be
stored in a tightly closed container and securely locked in a cool, dry, cabinet. Access to the cabinet must be restricted. Protect
cyanide containers against physical damage and separate them from
incompatibles. Follow good hygiene practices and regularly inspect your PPE. Use proper disposal techniques.
Hydrouoric acid (HF) has the potential to produce serious health eects if splashed on the skin or into the eyes, ingested, or
if inhaled. HF solutions are clear and colorless and have the ability to dissolve glass. Always use
and store HF in plastic containers (polyethylene or polypropylene) and store this container inside of a secondary container
made of plastic. A unique toxicological property of HF is due to the uoride ion which causes so tissue and bone damage by
binding calcium. HF quantities in the laboratory must be kept at a minimum for the planned usage and keep the container
capped when not in use. Always work with HF in a properly functioning chemical fume hood. e fume hood should be
labeled with a clearly visible sign to indicate that HF is currently in use
in this hood. Wear appropriate clothing that covers your body, a lab coat, a chemical-resistant apron, chemical splash goggles
and face shield, and butyl or neoprene high quality double gloves when working with HF. Always consult the manufacturer’s
glove guide when selecting gloves for HF handling. Check the gloves for tears before using and continuously check your
gloves for tears or leaks. Personnel must be trained on the proper techniques to handle HF. Never work alone when using
HF. All laboratory personnel should be trained on how to properly handle HF, the dangers that are involved, and how to treat
exposures. Emergency procedures should be posted in the laboratory. A safety shower and eyewash station must be available
for use by all personnel who handle HF. It is mandatory that all HF users have fresh Calcium gluconate gel (2.5%) in the
laboratory for treatment purposes in the event of an exposure. Check the expiration date periodically and purchase fresh
stock as needed. Standard rst-aid treatments for acid burns do not apply to an HF exposure. Rinse with cool water for ve
minutes only, apply the calcium gluconate gel using nitrile gloves, and immediately seek medical attention, even if you do not
immediately feel any pain. All HF exposures require immediate medical attention.
Ethanol (200 proof, 100%) must be stored in a securely locked cabinet within the laboratory. Minimize quantities and restrict access.
Flammable liquids should be stored in approved ammable liquid containers and storage cabinets and National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) limits on the quantity of ammables per cabinet, lab space, and building must be observed.
Store odiferous materials in ventilated cabinets. Chemical storage cabinets may be used for long- term storage of limited
amounts of chemicals.
Rooms that are used specically for chemical storage and handling (i.e., prep rooms, storerooms, waste collection rooms, and
laboratories) are controlled-access areas. Chemical storage rooms should be professionally designed and must provide proper
ventilation. e chemical storage room must be a spark-free environment and one must use only spark-free tools within the
room. Special grounding must be installed to prevent static charge while dispensing solvents.
Section 4. Chemical Handling
Important information about handling chemicals can be found in the Safety Data Sheets (SDS). A comprehensive le of SDS
must be kept on le in the laboratory or be readily accessible online to all employees during all work shis. Workers should
always READ and HEED the label and the Safety Data Sheet before using a chemical for the rst time. Know the types of PPE
that you will be required to wear when handling the chemical. Ensure that the ventilation in the laboratory will be adequate
for your needs. Be familiar with the departmental Emergency Action Plan in the event of a chemical spill, re, or explosion.
Section 5. Chemical Inventory
Why do we maintain chemical inventories in our labs? e OSHA Lab Standard, Appendix A, Section D.2. (Chemical
Procurement, Distribution, and Storage), states, “Prudent management of chemicals in any laboratory is greatly facilitated by
keeping an accurate inventory of the chemicals stored. Unneeded items should be discarded or returned to the storeroom.
What are the benets of performing annual chemical inventory updates?
• Ensure that chemicals are stored according to compatibility tables.
• Eliminate unneeded or outdated chemicals.
• Ability to share chemicals in emergency situations.
• Update the NFPA 704 posting on the laboratory door.
• Promote more ecient use of lab space.
• Check expiration dates of peroxide-formers.
• Check the integrity of the shelving and storage cabinets.
• Encourage lab supervisors to make “Executive Decisions” about dusty bottles of chemicals.
• Repair/replace labels and caps.
• Many research groups plan a “clean the lab” day in concert with the inventory update.
• Ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local record keeping regulations.
• Promote good relations and a sense of trust with the community and your emergency responders.
• Reduce the risk of exposure to hazardous materials and ensure a clean and healthy laboratory environment.
e amounts of hazardous materials should be carefully monitored in the laboratory. A physical chemical inventory should be
performed at least annually, or as requested by the Chemical Hygiene Ocer. A thorough inventory will eliminate unneeded
or outdated chemicals and will ultimately result in more ecient use of laboratory storage space. e WVU chemical
inventory form is located at: http://ehs.wvu.edu/forms
Safety Issues Related to the Chemical Inventory Process
• Wear appropriate PPE and have extra gloves available.
• Use a chemical cart with side rails and secondary containment.
• Use a laboratory step stool.
• Read the Emergency Action Plan and be familiar with the institutions safety equipment.
• If necessary, conduct a work stand down while you perform the inventory.
Section 6. Transportation of Chemicals
Always use a secondary containment device (i.e., rubber pail) when transporting chemicals from the storeroom to
the laboratory or even short distances within the laboratory. Use carts with attached side rails and trays of single piece
construction at least two inches deep to contain a spill that may occur. Bottles of liquids should be separated to avoid breakage
and spills. Never transport liquid chemicals in basket-type carts. Do not overll carts. Avoid high trac areas when moving
chemicals within the building. Plan your work to avoid class changing times and other times when students are in the
hallways. When possible, use freight elevators when transporting chemicals. Always ground the drum and receiving vessel
when transferring ammable liquids from a drum to prevent a static charge buildup.
Submit all chemicals and hazardous materials to be shipped outside the department, either domestically or internationally, to
a certied DOT IATA shipper. e U.S. Department of Transportation oversees the shipment of hazardous materials and will
impose signicant nes and citations in the event of non-compliance. For a list of certied shippers, contact EHS at 293-3792.
To protect faculty, sta, and students, all planned chemistry demonstrations and chemistry magic shows that will be
performed by chemistry personnel that are not a part of normal instructional activities must be pre approved and authorized
by the Chairperson and the Chemical Hygiene Ocer. Faculty who are interested in participating in such activities and plan to
use departmental chemicals and apparatus must submit the following information, in writing and two weeks in advance of the
planned event, to the Chemical Hygiene Ocer:
• e location of the demonstration
• e date of the event
• e age of the intended audience
• e number of persons who will attend the event
• e degree of audience participation
• e demonstrations that will be performed
• A list of chemicals that will be transported to the demonstration site
• e personal protective equipment that will be worn and by whom
All chemicals that are transported to the demonstration site must be handled in a prudent manner, packaged appropriately,
properly labeled, and transported back to Clark Hall for disposal via the university chemical waste disposal system. Under
no circumstances should any chemicals that originated at the Department of Chemistry be le at the demonstration site
or disposed of at the demonstration site. Prior to the planned event, event organizers should ensure that, in the event of an
accident involving chemicals in their personal vehicles, they will be covered under their personal insurance policies. Many
insurance policies forbid the transport of any chemicals from the workplace in personal vehicles.
e American Chemical Society (ACS) publication, “National Chemistry Week (NCW) and Community Activities Safety
Guidelines” provides an excellent resource for personnel who perform demonstrations and magic shows and is included in
Appendix F.
Section 7. Chemical Waste
Do not dispose of waste chemicals in the sink drains or in the wastebasket. It is the policy of the Eberly College of Arts
and Sciences that no chemicals or solutions are poured down the drains or placed in the general wastebaskets in the
laboratory. Waste chemicals must be collected in appropriate containers and must be stored in the assigned location within
the laboratory. Properly label all waste containers. Each waste container must have a “Hazardous Waste” sticker and a label
that includes the complete contents of the container. Chemical waste containers must be capped at all times except when
adding material.
A. e West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP) considers chemical containers that are dusty
to be waste-like in manner since it would appear that they are no longer being used. ey have stated that dusty
containers should be considered waste and should be disposed.
B. Included in this document in Appendix C is a list of chemicals that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has
designated as “Acutely Hazardous” and they have placed special restrictions on their accumulation and disposal.
ese “P-Listed” wastes and their empty containers must be disposed of as hazardous waste through the WVU
EH&S Hazardous Waste Program. You must label even empty containers of P-Listed wastes as “Hazardous Waste
and submit an EHS waste disposal form. Do not rinse these empty containers because the rinsate that is created is a
“P-listed waste” and is then treated as a hazardous waste.
EHS Hazardous Waste Guide for Satellite Accumulation Areas
1. EHS will pick up unwanted chemicals and chemical wastes.
2. Chemicals must be compatible with the container.
3. Containers must be labeled with the words “Waste <chemical name(s)>”. Use the common or IUPAC name of each chemical
(no formulas).
4. Containers must always be kept closed unless actively adding waste.
5 Containers should be no more than 95% full to allow for expansion.
6. Containers must have a screw cap closure or equivalent.
7. Date container when it is full.
8. Submit the online Hazardous Waste Disposal Form. Forms are available at http://ehs.wvu.edu
___Date when full: / /
For Disposal: ehs.wvu.edu
Metal Waste
All metal wastes (turnings and nes) must be properly labeled and disposed in order to remain in compliance with West
Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations. By denition, turnings are long, ribbon-like pieces of
metal that are produced when using a lathe and nes are very small particles from grinding or drilling activities. If you should
have questions regarding the proper labeling and disposal of metal wastes, you should contact EHS at 304-293- 3792.
1. EHS will provide 55-gallon sealable containers for coarse metal cuttings and 5-gallon sealable containers for ne
2. e shop supervisor will provide a shop vacuum for cleaning each of the machine areas. ese vacuum cleaners will
be used exclusively in each of the rooms where metal is collected and will not be available for general use or for use in
other areas. e goal is to keep coarse and ne cuttings from each area separate from each other. e contents of the
vacuum cleaners will be dumped into the 5-gallon containers at the end of each week or sooner if the vacuum cleaner
is full.
3. Once one or more of the 55- or 5-gallon containers are full, the shop supervisor will request a waste pickup by EHS
using the online form for that purpose. EHS will pick up the waste and replace the containers. EHS will test the waste,
as appropriate, before it is disposed to determine whether it is hazardous. Results of those tests will be sent to the
shop supervisor and the department Chair.
4. Machine shop requests must specify the material to be used in the drawings. e shop supervisor will keep a
spreadsheet le of each job and the materials used for each one. If the raw materials are provided by the requestor, the
requestor must provide documentation for the type of material. Machine shop users must keep a log of all materials
that are machined. e shop supervisor will provide each area with a log sheet that each user must complete that
species the type of material that will be used.
5. Large pieces of excess metal should be recycled, when possible. When the containers that hold large pieces of metal
need to be emptied, the shop supervisor should submit a waste disposal form and EHS will manage the material.
6. Cleaning cloths that are used to clean equipment, if heavily soiled with oils, or solvents, or unknown contaminants,
should be collected and placed into a container that EHS will provide for this purpose. Label this container as
“Hazardous Waste” and keep the container closed when not adding additional cloths.
Chapter 5. Engineering Controls
Section 1. Laboratory Design
1. e laboratory facility will have an appropriate ventilation system to avoid intake of contaminated air.
2. e stockrooms and storerooms must be well ventilated.
3. e laboratory will include proper storage cabinets and storage areas for chemicals.
4. e laboratory will have available properly functioning chemical fume hoods and laboratory sinks.
5. Safety equipment in the laboratory may include re extinguishers, safety showers, re blankets, and eyewash stations.
6. Experimental work should be appropriate to facilities available.
7. Modications to the laboratory facility cannot be undertaken without consultation with the department Chair, the
Chemical Hygiene Ocer, and personnel from EHS.
Section 2. Laboratory Ventilation
1. Laboratory procedures involving hazardous chemicals must not be started if there is a possibility that the ventilation
system cannot handle the emissions from the procedure.
2. General ventilation provides a source of breathing air and a source for make-up air for local ventilation devices. e
laboratory ventilation should have a performance level of 10-20 room changes per hour. An inadequate ventilation
system can cause an increased risk by creating a false sense of security in the laboratory. Laboratory air must not be
recirculated within the building.
3. ere should be 2.5 linear feet of hood space for each worker who spends the majority of his or her time working
with hazardous chemicals.
4. Hood face velocity should be 80-120 linear feet per minute.
5. All chemical fume hoods will be tested on an annual basis by EHS personnel and inspection results will be posted on
the fume hood.
6. To ensure their safety and health, all personnel must properly use and maintain the chemical fume hoods.
• When using the hood, the sash opening should be kept at a minimum to ensure the eciency of the operation.
• All chemicals and equipment should be placed at least six inches from the hood face to ensure proper air ow.
• Use the hood when there is a possibility of release of toxic chemical vapors, dusts, or gases.
• Use the hood when working with any volatile or noxious substances.
• Keep hoods closed when not in use.
• Do not store chemicals or equipment in the hood.
• Workers should be discouraged from walking in front of a hood that is in use.
Such behavior disrupts the air ow in front of the hood.
• Keep your head and body outside of the hood face and listen for changes in the air ow.
• Do not rely on the hood for protection against explosions. Plan your experiments wisely.
• Keep the sash glass clean and to not obstruct the view of the hood with posters, decals, or other items.
Section 3. Building Security
1. All doors must be closed and locked when workers or students are not present.
2. If you are working in a laboratory or oce and leave for any reason or any length of time, you must close and lock the
3. Do not loan your building keys or employee ID card to anyone else for the purpose of gaining entry into the facility
and its laboratories.
4. Immediately report the loss or the of your keys or ID card to the department Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
5. Do not permit unauthorized persons to enter laboratories or oces.
6. Do not prop open doors or leave doors ajar to allow unauthorized access to the facilities.
7. If an employee should discover that criminal activity has occurred in the building, he or she should immediately
notify the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
8. Employees will be notied via email or meetings with the department chair or Chemical Hygiene Ocer of any
criminal action that has occurred in the facilities.
Chapter 6. Compressed Gas Safety Program
Section 1. General
All laboratory workers must know and understand the properties, uses, and safety precautions of the gas before using the
gas and/or associated equipment. Consult the supplier and the Safety Data Sheets for the particular gases being used. e
Laboratory Supervisor should provide proper training and instruction for all personnel handling compressed gases. Chemical
splash goggles and leather gloves are recommended for handling compressed gas cylinders.
Section 2. Gas Cylinder Handling
Never drag or slide a gas cylinder, even for short distances. Cylinders should be moved by using a suitable hand cart. Securely
fasten the cylinder cap prior to transporting a gas cylinder. Never drop cylinders or permit them to strike each other violently.
e valve protection cap must be le in place until the cylinder has been secured against a wall or bench, placed in a cylinder
stand, or on a cylinder cart and is ready to be used. Cylinders must be secured at all times. Do not tamper with safety devices
in valves or cylinders and never permit oil, grease, or other readily combustible substances to come in contact with cylinders,
valves, or regulators for oxidizing gases. Do not remove or deface the product identication labels or decals, or change the
cylinder color. Never li a cylinder by the cap. Promptly return empty or unneeded cylinders to the gas cylinder room.
Section 3. Storage of Gas Cylinders
Cylinders should be stored in an upright position. Cylinders should be assigned to a denite, isolated area for storage and the
area should be posted with the names of the stored gases. Separate cylinders of gases belonging to various categories, taking
into account the nature of the gases. e area should be dry, cool, and well-ventilated, and preferably re-resistant. Keep
cylinders protected from excessive temperatures by storing them away from radiators or other sources of heat. Cylinders must
be secured while in storage. Store only the amount of ammable or toxic gas required for a specic application. Store cylinders
containing ammable gases away from other combustible materials. Cylinders containing ammable gases and mixtures
should be properly grounded. Store empty and full cylinders separately and arrange full cylinders so that old stock is used rst.
Ensure that an adequate supply of water is available for rst-aid, re action, or dilution of corrosive material in the event of a spill.
Section 4. Use of Gas Cylinders
e cylinder decal or label is the only positive way to identify the gas contained in a cylinder. Color coding of cylinders is
an identication method used for the convenience of the cylinder supplier only. Do not use cylinders as rollers for moving
material or other equipment. Never attempt to mix gases in a cylinder. Never transfer gases from one cylinder to another.
Never use oxygen as a substitute for compressed air. No part of a cylinder should be subjected to temperatures above 130°F
(54°C). Prevent sparks or ames from welding or cutting torches or any other source from coming in contact with cylinders.
Do not permit cylinders to come in contact with electrical apparatus or circuits. Use regulators and pressure relief devices
when connecting cylinders to systems of lower pressure service ratings. Only regulators approved for the specic gas should
be used.
Open the cylinder valve before adjusting the pressure on the regulator. Always open the cylinder valve slowly. Valves should
be closed on cylinders and all pressure released from equipment connected to the cylinder at the end of a task or any time
an extended nonuse period is anticipated. If a cylinder protective cap is extremely dicult to remove, do not apply excessive
force or pry the cap loose with a bar inserted into the ventilation openings. Attach a label or tag to the cylinder identifying the
problem and return the cylinder to the supplier. Wrenches should not be used on valves equipped with an handwheel. If the
valve is faulty, attach a label or tag to the cylinder identifying the problem and return the cylinder to the supplier. Use only
oxygen-compatible threading compounds such as Teon tape on valve threads for oxygen service.
Section 5. Gas Regulators
1. General
Most regulators are similar in appearance, however, a principle dierence occurs at the inlet connection. Inlet
connection standards are established by the Compressed Gas Association (CGA). It is important that the inlet
connection of the regulator is properly mated with the supply valve connection, as specied by the established standards
for the service intended. Checking proper mating will avoid putting the regulator into the wrong service.
2. Selecting a Regulator
Select a regulator which is suited for the particular gas service. CGA valve outlets are noted for each gas and gas mixture
and the CGA inlet for the regulator must correspond. Never use regulators with gases other than those for which they
were intended.
3. Using a regulator
Identify the regulator. Check the label and the inlet and outlet gauges. Ascertain that the high pressure gauge is suitable
for the pressure of the cylinder or source system. Inspect the regulator for evidence of damage or contamination. If
there is evidence of physical damage or foreign material inside the regulator, return it to the supplier. Inspect the
cylinder valve for evidence of damage. Attach the regulator to the cylinder and tighten the inlet nut securely. Close
the regulator by turning the adjusting knob to the full counterclockwise position. e regulator must be closed before
opening the cylinder valve.
4. Safety Check the System
Make sure that the regulator adjusting knob is turned fully counterclockwise. Standing with the cylinder valve between
yourself and the regulator, place both hands on the cylinder valve and open it slowly, allowing the pressure to rise
gradually in the regulator. When the high pressure gauge indicates maximum pressure, open the cylinder valve fully.
Always close the cylinder valve when it is no longer necessary to have it open. Do not leave it open when the equipment
is unattended or not in operation.
5. Adjusting the Pressure
Turning the adjusting knob clockwise, establish the required use pressure by referring to the low pressure gauge. Make
sure that the cylinder valve is easily accessible. Never exchange the discharge (low pressure) gauge for one of lower
pressure. e gauge may rupture if the adjusting knob is unintentionally turned too far.
6. Precautionary Measures
Check diaphragm regulators for creep (leakage of gas from the high pressure side when the low pressure side is turned
o). Provide check valves. Gas from a high pressure system may back up, so backpressure protection is needed to
prevent damage to a regulator.
7. Removing the Regulator from Service
Close the cylinder valve. Vent the gases in the regulator and/or system, or isolate the system and vent the gases in the
regulator by turning the adjusting knob clockwise to make certain that no pressure is trapped inside the regulator. If
the gas is ammable, an oxidant, corrosive, or toxic, take appropriate measures to render it innocuous by employing
a suitable disposable system before venting the gas to the atmosphere. Aer relieving all the gas pressure, turn the
adjusting knob counterclockwise as far as possible. All low pressure equipment connected to sources of high pressure
should be disconnected entirely or, if not, independently vented to the atmosphere as soon as the operation is completed
or shut down for an extended period of time. Disconnect the regulator. If the regulator is to remain out of service, protect
the inlet and outlet ttings from dirt, contamination, or mechanical damage. Replace the cylinder valve cap.
Section 6. Basic Emergency Action Procedures Involving Gas Cylinders
1. Pre-Emergency Planning
Be prepared. Dealing with compressed gas emergencies begins with planning. An emergency response plan should be
developed for the laboratory. e plan should include:
• Emergency telephone numbers
• Emergency response organizational charts
• Emergency procedures
• Listing of key personnel
• Training schedules and documentation
• Hazardous materials lists (including storage locations, quantities, etc.)
• Emergency response equipment lists
• Facility maps
2. Fire Extinguishing Methods
Before working with any ammable material, rst notify the Chemical Hygiene Ocer about the type of material being
handled and the best method to use in ghting that particular kind of re. If an emergency should occur in which gas
is burning, stop the ow of gas before extinguishing the re. If the re is extinguished before the gas is turned o, an
explosive mixture with air may be formed, which could result in more extensive damage. However, if the re must be
extinguished before an immediate shuto of the gas supply can be accomplished, use carbon dioxide or dry chemical
extinguishers. Cool the surrounding area with water spray to prevent ignition of other combustible materials. e
possibility of oxidizing gases, nonammable toxic gases, or nonammable corrosive gases being present in the area or
being involved in a re is another important safety consideration. Develop procedures to eliminate or minimize the
hazards associated with these products.
3. Handling of Leaking Cylinders
Most leaks occur at the valve used in the top of the cylinder. Areas that may be involved are:
• Valve threads
• Safety device
• Valve stem
• Valve outlet
If a leak develops, immediately notify the Chemical Hygiene Oce and eect emergency action procedures. Never
attempt to repair a leak at the valve threads or safety device. Consult the supplier for instructions if the leak is located at
the valve stem or valve outlet. e following general procedures are for leaks of minimum size where the indicated
action can be taken without serious exposure to personnel.
• If a leak develops in a cylinder containing ammables, inerts, or oxidants, ensure that there is adequate ventilation
to dissipate the gas. Move the cylinder to an isolated area (away from combustible material if it is a ammable or
oxidizing gas) and post signs that describe the hazards and state warnings.
• Some corrosives are also oxidants or ammables, adding to the seriousness of the leak. If the product is corrosive,
the leak may increase in size as the gas is released. Move the cylinder to an isolated, well-ventilated area and use
suitable means to direct the gas into an appropriate chemical neutralizer. Post signs that describe the hazards and
state warnings.
• Follow the same procedure for toxic gases as for corrosive gases. Move the cylinder to an isolated, well-ventilated
area and use suitable means to direct the gas into an appropriate chemical neutralizer. Post signs that describe the
hazards and state warnings.
• If it is necessary to move a leaking cylinder through populated portions of the building, place a plastic bag, rubber
shroud, or similar protection over the top and tape it (preferably with duct tape) to the cylinder to conne the
leaking gas. Basic action for large or uncontrollable leaks should include the following steps:
• Notify the Chemical Hygiene Ocer
• Evacuation of personnel
• Rescue of injured personnel by crews equipped with adequate protective clothing and breathing apparatus
• Fire-ghting action
• Emergency repair
• Decontamination
Section 7. Cryogenics
e temperature used to distinguish between cryogenics and refrigeration depends on the source to which one is referring.
Temperatures as low as -150°C (-238°F) are used as the upper limit for dening a uid as cryogenic. e most commonly used
temperature is -73°C (-100°F).
1. General Safety Precautions
Because they are all extremely cold, cryogenic liquids and their cold “boil-o” vapor can rapidly freeze human tissue,
and can cause many common materials such as carbon steel, plastics, and rubber to become brittle or even fracture
under stress. Care must also be given to the method of joining (welding, etc.) the materials. Cryogenic liquids in
containers and piping at temperatures at or below the boiling point of liqueed air (-194°C or -318°F) can actually
condense the surrounding air to a liquid. e extremely cold cryogenic uids (liquid hydrogen and liquid helium) can
solidify air or other gases.
All cryogenic liquids produce large volumes of gas when they vaporize. If these liquids are vaporized in a sealed
container, they can produce enormous pressures which could rupture the vessel. For this reason, pressurized cryogenic
containers are usually protected with multiple devices for pressure relief. Common protective devices are pressure
relief valves for primary protection and frangible discs for secondary protection. Vaporization of all liquid cryogenics,
except oxygen, in an enclosed work area can create an oxygen-poor atmosphere. Vaporization of liquid hydrogen in an
enclosed work area can create a ammable mixture with air.
Personnel should be thoroughly instructed and trained in the nature of cryogenic hazards and the proper steps to avoid
them. is should include emergency procedures, operation of equipment, safety devices, knowledge of the properties
of materials used, and personal protective equipment required.
Equipment and systems should be kept scrupulously clean and contaminating materials (oil, grease, etc.) avoided as
these may create a hazardous condition upon contact with cryogenic uids or gases used in the system.
Mixing of gases or liquids should be strictly controlled to prevent the formation of ammable or explosive mixtures.
As the primary defense against re or explosion, extreme care should be taken to avoid contamination of a fuel with an
oxidant or contamination of an oxidant with a fuel.
When ammable gases are being used, potential ignition sources must be carefully controlled.
2. Handling
Always handle cryogenic liquids carefully. At their extremely low temperatures, they can produce cryogenic burns on
the skin and freeze tissues. When spilled on a surface they tend to cover it completely and therefore cool a
large area. e vapors from these liquids are also extremely cold and can produce burns. Use both hands when handling
cryogenics. Do not use a cell phone when handling cryogenics or allow yourself to be distracted in any other manner.
Exposure to these cold gases which is too brief to aect the skin of the face or hands can aect delicate tissues, such as
those of the eyes. Stand clear of boiling or splashing liquid and its issuing cold gas. Boiling and splashing always occur
when charging a warm container or when inserting objects into the liquid. Always perform these operations slowly to
minimize boiling and splashing. Never allow any unprotected part of your body to touch uninsulated pipes or vessels
containing cryogenic liquids; the extremely cold material may stick fast and tear the
esh when you attempt to withdraw it. Even nonmetallic materials are dangerous to touch at low temperatures. Use
tongs to withdraw objects immersed in a cryogenic liquid. In addition to the hazards of frostbite or esh sticking to cold
materials, objects that are so or pliable at room temperature, such as rubber or plastics, are easily broken because they
become hard and brittle at these extremely low temperatures. Carbon steels become brittle at low temperatures and may
easily fracture when stressed.
3. Protective Clothing
Chemical splash goggles must be worn during the transfer process and during normal handling of cryogenic liquids.
If severe spraying or splashing may occur, a face shield should be worn for additional protection. Dry leather gloves
or berglass gloves should always be worn when handling anything that comes in contact with cold liquids or vapor.
Gloves should be loose tting so that they can be removed quickly if cryogenic liquids are spilled into them. Depending
on the application, special clothing may be advisable. Wear trousers on the outside of shoes. Personnel working with
cryogenic uids should not wear watches, rings, bracelets, and other jewelry.
4. Containers
Cryogenic liquids are stored, shipped, and handled in several types of containers, depending upon the quantity
required by the user. e most common containers for laboratory use are the dewar or the liquid cylinder. Since
heat leak is always present, vaporization takes place continuously. Rates of vaporization may be as low as 0.4% and
as high as 3% of container content per day, depending upon the design of the container and the volume of the stored
product. Customized containers must be designed and constructed to withstand the weights and pressures that will
be encountered, and adequately ventilated to permit the escape of evaporated gas. ey should also be equipped with
rupture disks on both inner and outer vessels to release pressure if the safety relief valves should fail. As there is always
some gas present when using liqueed gases, container capacity should be designed to include an allowance for that
portion which will be in the gaseous state.
• Dewars
is type of container is considered a nonpressurized container. e unit measure of capacity of the dewar is
the liter Five- to 200-liter dewars are available. Product may be removed by pouring from the smaller dewars.
Product should be removed from the 50-liter and large capacity dewars by means of low pressurization and a
transfer tube. A dust cap over the outlet of the neck tube prevents atmospheric moisture from plugging the neck
tube. ese containers cannot be used for liquid helium or liquid hydrogen.
Chapter 7. Electrical Safety Guidelines
(with permission from Princeton University)
Electrically powered equipment, such as hot plates, stirrers, vacuum pumps, electrophoresis apparatus, lasers, heating mantles,
ultrasonicators, power supplies, and microwave ovens are essential elements of many laboratories. ese devices can pose a
signicant hazard to laboratory workers, particularly when mishandled or not maintained. Many laboratory electrical devices
have high voltage or high power requirements, carrying even more risk. Large capacitors found in many laser ash lamps and
other systems are capable of storing lethal amounts of electrical energy and pose a serious danger even if the power source has
been disconnected.
Electrical Hazards
e major hazards associated with electricity are electrical shock and re. Electrical shock occurs when the body becomes
part of the electric circuit, either when an individual comes in contact with both wires of an electrical circuit, one wire of an
energized circuit and the ground, or a metallic part that has become energized by contact with an electrical conductor.
e severity and eects of an electrical shock depend on a number of factors, such as the pathway through the body, the
amount of current, the length of time of the exposure, and whether the skin is wet or dry. Water is a great conductor of
electricity, allowing current to ow more easily in wet conditions and through wet skin. e eect of the shock may range from
a slight tingle to severe burns to cardiac arrest. e chart below shows the general relationship between the degree of injury
and amount of current for a 60-cycle hand-to-foot path of one seconds duration of shock. While reading this chart, keep in
mind that most electrical circuits can provide, under normal conditions, up to 20,000 milliamperes of current ow.
Current Reaction
1 Milliampere Perception level
5 Milliamperes Slight shock felt; not painful but disturbing
6-30 Milliamperes Painful shock; “let-go” range
50-150 Milliamperes Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular contraction
1000-4,300 Milliamperes Ventricular brillation
10,000+ Milliamperes Cardiac arrest, severe burns and probable death
In addition to the electrical shock hazards, sparks from electrical equipment can serve as an ignition source for ammable or
explosive vapors or combustible materials.
Power Loss
Loss of electrical power can create hazardous situations. Flammable or toxic vapors may be released as a chemical warms when
a refrigerator or freezer fails. Fume hoods may cease to operate, allowing vapors to be released into the laboratory. If magnetic
or mechanical stirrers fail to operate, safe mixing of reagents may be compromised.
Preventing Electrical Hazards
ere are various ways of protecting people from the hazards caused by electricity, including insulation, guarding, grounding, and
electrical protective devices. Laboratory workers can signicantly reduce electrical hazards by following some basic precautions:
Inspect wiring of equipment before each use. Replace damaged or frayed electrical cords immediately.
Use safe work practices every time electrical equipment is used.
Know the location and how to operate shut-o switches and/or circuit breaker panels. Use these devices to shut o
equipment in the event of a re or electrocution.
Limit the use of extension cords. Use only for temporary operations and then only for short periods of time. In all other
cases, request installation of a new electrical outlet.
Multi-plug adapters must have circuit breakers or fuses.
Place exposed electrical conductors (such as those sometimes used with electrophoresis devices) behind shields.
Minimize the potential for water or chemical spills on or near electrical equipment.
All electrical cords should have sucient insulation to prevent direct contact with wires. In a laboratory, it is particularly
important to check all cords before each use, since corrosive chemicals or solvents may erode the insulation.
Damaged cords should be repaired or taken out of service immediately, especially in wet environments such as cold
rooms and near water baths.
Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more (i.e., electrophoresis devices) must be guarded against
accidental contact. Plexiglas shields may be used to protect against exposed live parts.
Only equipment with three-prong plugs should be used in the laboratory. e third prong provides a path to ground for
internal electrical short circuits, thereby protecting the user from a potential electrical shock.
Circuit Protection Devices
Circuit protection devices are designed to automatically limit or shut o the ow of electricity in the event of a ground-
fault, overload or short circuit in the wiring system. Ground-fault circuit interrupters, circuit breakers and fuses are three
well-known examples of such devices.
Fuses and circuit breakers prevent over-heating of wires and components that might otherwise create re hazards. ey
disconnect the circuit when it becomes overloaded. is overload protection is very useful for equipment that is le on
for extended periods of time.
e ground-fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, is designed to shut o electric power if a ground fault is detected, protecting
the user from a potential electrical shock. e GFCI is particularly useful near sinks and wet locations. Since GFCIs can
cause equipment to shut down unexpectedly, they may not be appropriate for certain apparatus.
In laboratories where volatile ammable materials are used, motor-driven electrical equipment should be equipped with
non-sparking induction motors or air motors. ese motors must meet National Electric Safety Code Class 1, Division 2,
Group C-D explosion resistance specications. Many stirrers, Variacs, outlet strips, ovens, heat tape, hot plates and heat
guns do not conform to these code requirements.
Avoid series-wound motors, such as those generally found in some vacuum pumps, rotary evaporators and stirrers.
Series- wound motors are also usually found in household appliances such as blenders, mixers, vacuum cleaners and
power drills. ese appliances should not be used unless ammable vapors are adequately controlled.
Safe Work Practices
e following practices may reduce risk of injury or re when working with electrical equipment:
Avoid contact with energized electrical circuits.
Use guarding around exposed circuits and sources of live electricity.
Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment.
When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry and, when possible, wear
nonconductive gloves and shoes with insulated soles.
If it is safe to do so, work with only one hand, keeping the other hand at your side or in your pocket, away from all
conductive material. is precaution reduces the likelihood of accidents that result in current passing through the chest
Minimize the use of electrical equipment in cold rooms or other areas where condensation is likely. If equipment must
be used in such areas, mount the equipment on a wall or vertical panel.
If water or a chemical is spilled onto equipment, shut o power at the main switch or circuit breaker and unplug the
If an individual comes in contact with a live electrical conductor, do not touch the equipment, cord or person.
Disconnect the power source from the circuit breaker. Call 911.
High Voltage or Current
Repairs of high voltage or high current equipment should be performed only by trained electricians.
Altering Building Wiring and Utilities
Any proposed modications to existing electrical service in a laboratory or building must be approved by Facilities
Management personnel.
Chapter 8. Laser Safety Program
West Virginia University Laser Safety Program
Revised July 16, 2010
I. Statement, Purpose, and Scope
A. Statement: e University is committed to providing a safe and healthful workplace; this includes evaluating and
taking action to prevent laser related exposures.
B. Purpose: To establish written procedures to evaluate laser exposures in compliance with OSHA Technical Manual
Section III, Chapter 6.
C. Scope: is program covers all University employees working in areas where lasers are present.
II. Responsible Parties
A. Environmental Health Safety
1. Conduct an annual evaluation of the laser safety program.
2. Provide technical guidance to laser operators regarding hazard control.
3. Assist the Principal Investigator in assuring regulatory compliance and in evaluating and controlling hazards.
4. Recommend proper personal protective equipment (PPE) in consultation with the Principal Investigator (PI) and the
Laser Safety Liaison.
B. Department
1. Dean/Director/Chairperson
a. Ensure that all employees under their direction follow the applicable requirements and safe practices of this
laser safety program including those specied in applicable standard operating procedures developed by each
b. Appoint a Laser Safety Liaison.
c. Procure appropriate PPE and signage.
2. Laser Safety Liaison
a. Maintain compliance with the OSHA Technical Manual, Section III, Chapter 6, entitled “Laser Hazards.
b. Maintain an inventory list of all lasers, classify or verify classication of lasers and laser systems used at WVU
c. Carry out periodic safety inspections, and evaluate hazards of laser work areas.
d. Assure the prescribed control measures are in eect, recommending or approving alternate control measures as
necessary, periodically auditing the control measures in use.
e. Approve standard operating procedures, alignment procedures, and other procedures that may be part of the
requirement for administrative and procedural control measures.
f. Recommend protective equipment, including eye wear, clothing, and barriers.
g. Approve the wording on area signs and equipment labels.
h. Shall approve laser installation and modication of facilities and laser equipment prior to use.
i. Assure that adequate safety education and training is provided to laser area personnel as per the OSHA Technical
j. Investigate any accident resulting from laser use.
k. Provide copies to EHS of all inventories and inspections.
l. Notify EHS of any incidents.
m. Schedule eye examinations for employees utilizing lasers as needed.
3. Principal Investigator
a. Knowledgeable of and utilize the OSHA Technical Manual for laser safety, hazard identication, training, etc.
b. Develop standard operating procedures for the safe operation, alignment and maintenance of class II, III, and IV
lasers under his/her control as per the OSHA Technical Manual.
c. Validate that persons working in the area have received proper training in laser safety and other applicable safety
d. Assure Laser Safety Liaison is aware of employees who need eye examinations.
e. Ensure the safe operation of lasers in the assigned area.
f. Ensure all individuals, including outside service contractors, understand the hazards associated with lasers and
comply with all safety requirements.
g. Inform Liaison of installation or modication of laser prior to use.
h. Provide personal protective equipment and ensure that it is used properly.
i. Report any incident involving laser use to the Laser Safety Liaison.
j. Provide the Laser Safety Liaison an annual inventory of all lasers under their control.
k. Allow inspections of lasers and laser facilities upon request of the Laser Safety Liaison.
l. Notify the Laser Safety Liaison prior to any change in the laser West Virginia University or facility arrangement
that aects the safety of personnel or property.
4. Users
a. Comply with safety rules and regulations.
b. Report any incident involving lasers to their supervisor.
c. Attend laser safety training.
d. Inform the Principle Investigator assigned to their area of any departure from established practices.
e. Report any laser exposures to the Principal Investigator and seek medical help as needed.
5. Occupational Medicine
a. Perform baseline eye examinations for individuals working with lasers.
b. Notify EHS of all baseline examinations and post-incident evaluations.
III. Laser Safety-Related Medical Surveillance
It is recommended that ALL individuals working with Class III and Class IV lasers have a baseline eye exam prior to the use or
operation. Contact EHS at 304-293-3792 for information on how to accomplish this.
IV. Laser Safety Practices
Information on Laser Safety Practices can be found in the OSHA Technical Manual http://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/
Chapter 9. Vacuum Safety Guidelines
(with permission from Princeton University)
Working with materials or equipment at high or low pressures requires planning and special precautions. Procedures should
be implemented to protect against explosion or implosion through appropriate equipment selection and the use of safety
shields. Care should be taken to select apparatuses that can safely withstand designated pressure extremes.
High Pressure Vessels
High-pressure operations should be performed only in pressure vessels appropriately selected for the operation,
properly labeled and installed, and protected by pressure-relief and necessary control devices.
Vessels must be strong enough to withstand the stresses encountered at the intended operating temperatures and
pressures and must not corrode or otherwise react when in contact with the materials they contain.
Systems designed for use at elevated temperatures should be equipped with a positive temperature controller. Manual
temperature control using a simple variable autotransformer, such as a Variac, should be avoided. e use of a back-up
temperature controller capable of shutting the system down is strongly recommended.
All pressure equipment should be inspected and tested at intervals determined by the severity of the equipments
usage. Visual inspections should be accomplished before each use.
Vacuum Apparatus
Vacuum work can result in an implosion and the possible hazards of ying glass, splattering chemicals and re. All vacuum
operations must be set up and operated with careful consideration of the potential risks. Equipment at reduced pressure
is especially prone to rapid pressure. Such conditions can force liquids through an apparatus, sometimes with undesirable
Personal protective equipment, such as safety glasses or chemical goggles, face shields, and/or an explosion shield
should be used to protect against the hazards of vacuum procedures, and the procedure should be carried out inside a
Do not allow water, solvents and corrosive gases to be drawn into vacuum systems. Protect pumps with cold traps and
vent their exhaust into an exhaust hood.
Assemble vacuum apparatus in a manner that avoids strain, particularly to the neck of the ask.
Avoid putting pressure on a vacuum line to prevent stopcocks from popping out or glass apparatus from exploding.
Place vacuum apparatus in such a way that the possibility of being accidentally hit is minimized. If necessary, place
transparent plastic around it to prevent injury from ying glass in case of an explosion.
When possible, avoid using mechanical vacuum pumps for distillation or concentration operations using large
quantities of volatile materials. A water aspirator or steam aspirator is preferred. is is particularly important when
large quantities of volatile materials are involved.
Vacuum Trapping
e vacuum trap:
protects the pump and the piping from the potentially damaging eects of the material
protects people who must work on the vacuum lines or system, and
prevents vapors and related odors from being emitted back into the laboratory or system exhaust.
ere have been incidents at Princeton University where improper trapping caused vapor to be emitted from the exhaust
of the house vacuum system, resulting in either re-entry into the building or potential exposure to maintenance workers.
Unfortunately, this type of incident is not the worst that can happen. In 2001, at the University of California-Davis, two
plumbers were injured when a house vacuum line burst aer one of the plumbers attempted to solder a tting on the copper
line. Results of analysis found evidence of copper perchlorate (an oxidizer) and acetate, which created an explosive mixture
upon heating by the torch.
Proper Trapping Techniques
To prevent contamination, all lines leading from experimental apparatus to the vacuum source should be equipped with
ltration or other trapping as appropriate.
For particulates, use ltration capable of eciently trapping the particles in the size range being generated.
For most aqueous or non-volatile liquids, a lter ask at room temperature is adequate to prevent liquids from getting
to the vacuum source.
For solvents and other volatile liquids, use a cold trap of sucient size and cold enough to condense vapors generated,
followed by a lter ask capable of collecting uid that could be aspirated out of the cold trap.
For highly reactive, corrosive or toxic gases, use a sorbent canister or scrubbing device capable of trapping the gas.
Cold Traps
For most volatile liquids, a cold trap using a slush of dry ice and either isopropanol or ethanol is sucient (to -78 deg. C).
Avoid using acetone. Ethanol and isopropanol are cheaper and less likely to foam.
Liquid nitrogen may only be used with sealed or evacuated equipment, and then only with extreme caution. If the system is
opened while the cooling bath is still in contact with the trap, oxygen may condense from the atmosphere and react vigorously
with any organic material present.
Glass Vessels
Although glass vessels are frequently used in pressure and vacuum systems, they can explode or implode violently, either
spontaneously from stress failure or from an accidental blow.
Conduct pressure and vacuum operations in glass vessels behind adequate shielding.
Ensure the glass vessel is designed for the intended operation.
Carefully check glass vessels for star cracks, scratches or etching marks before each use. Cracks can increase the
likelihood of breakage or may allow chemicals to leak into the vessel.
Seal glass centrifuge tubes with rubber stoppers clamped in place. Wrap the vessel with friction tape and shield with
a metal screen. Alternatively, wrap with friction tape and surround the vessel with multiple layers of loose cloth, then
clamp behind a safety shield.
Glass tubes with high-pressure sealers should be no more than 3/4 full.
Sealed bottles and tubes of ammable materials should be wrapped in cloth, placed behind a safety shield, then cooled
slowly, rst with an ice bath, then with dry ice.
Never rely on corks, rubber stoppers or plastic tubing as pressure-relief devices.
Glass vacuum dessicators should be made of Pyrex or similar glass and wrapped partially with friction tape to guard
against ying glass. Plastic dessicators are a good alternative to glass, but still require shielding.
Never carry or move an evacuated dessicator.
Dewar Flasks
Dewar asks are under vacuum to provide insulation and can collapse from thermal shock or slight mechanical shock.
Shield asks with friction tape or enclose in a wooden or metal container to reduce the risk of ying glass.
Use metal asks if there is a signicant possibility of breakage.
Styrofoam buckets oer a short-term alternative to dewar asks.
Rotovaps can implode under certain conditions. Since some Rotovaps contain components made of glass, this can be a serious
Working with hazardous chemicals at high or low pressures requires planning and special precautions. Procedures should be
implemented to protect against explosion or implosion through appropriate equipment selection and the use of safety shields.
Care should be taken to select glass apparatus that can safely withstand designated pressure extremes.
Chapter 10. WVU Biological Safety Program
e Biosafety Division of the WVU Department of Environmental Health and Safety oversees all work that involves samples
of biological origin.
Section 1. WVU Institutional Biosafety Committee
e Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) at West Virginia University oversees all activities which pose a biohazard.
Biosafety approval is required for the following activities:
Activities involving infectious agents of plants, animals and humans
e use of serum and/or tissue from humans or non-human primates
Any work involving wild mammals or their tissue
Creation of transgenic eucaryotes
Transfection using adenovirus-derived vectors or other vectors capable of infecting human cells.
To register your research with the WVU IBC, ask questions regarding biological safety, or if you have questions regarding
the approval of your submitted IBC protocol at West Virginia University you should contact the WVU Biosafety Ocer
at (304) 293-7157.
WVU Biosafety Website: http://ehs.wvu.edu/biosafety
Section 2. General Procedures
Individuals working with biohazards will:
Follow the requirements of applicable research protocol, SOP, and this Laboratory Safety Manual.
Institute biosafety measures consistent with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Biosafety
in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, most current edition, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC.
Control access to laboratories and eld research areas.
Follow the applicable exposure control plan when the potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other
potentially infectious materials exists.
Ensure that procured items are purchased from qualied suppliers and that items are inspected or certied upon
Employees shall wash hands immediately aer removing gloves or coming in contact with human or animal blood or
other potentially infectious materials.
Employees must not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, use cell phones, or handle contact lenses in areas of potential
exposure. Equipment that may have been contaminated with human or animal blood or other infectious materials
shall be examined and decontaminated, if feasible. If equipment cannot be decontaminated, it shall be labeled as
a biohazard. Information regarding the biohazard shall be communicated to all handling, shipping, and service
Section 3. Engineering and Work Practice Controls
Drawing blood or collecting urine samples for private reasons (i.e., life insurance policies) is prohibited on WVU property.
Engineering and work practice controls designed to eliminate or minimize worker exposure shall be implemented.
Engineering controls that are used shall be examined, maintained, and replaced on a regular schedule to ensure their
eectiveness. Examples of engineering controls include the use of a sharps disposal container and use of a container specially
marked for contaminated rst-aid materials. Hand-washing facilities shall be provided on each site. If hand-washing facilities
are not available, antiseptic hand cleansers or towelettes must be used immediately, followed by soap and running water as
soon as possible
Section 4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Use PPE that does not permit human or animal blood or other potentially infectious materials to reach employees’ clothes or
body under normal conditions and duration of use. Provide, maintain, and properly dispose PPE at each work area and place it
in a regulated container for disposal. Gloves (i.e., latex and/or puncture-resistant gloves) must be worn when exposure to animal,
human, or other potentially infectious materials is expected and when contaminated items or surfaces are being handled.
Do not reuse disposable gloves. Replace if torn or punctured or their ability to function as a barrier has been compromised.
Wear surgical masks, in combination with eye protection (i.e., chemical splash goggles) when splashes may contaminate eyes,
nose, or mouth.
Section 5. Housekeeping and Labeling
Clean and decontaminate all equipment and environmental surfaces aer contact with animal, human, or other potentially
infectious materials. Place regulated waste in containers that have lids that can be tightly closed, that are constructed to
prevent leaks, and that are labeled with biohazard labels and sealed before moving. Dispose of all contaminated laundry as
regulated waste or send to a laundry facility where personnel are experienced in
handling infectious waste. Complete information regarding the nature of the waste and potential hazards shall be disclosed to
the laundry facility.
Label all regulated waste with the “Biohazard” label. Label infectious waste containers with appropriate WVU labels for
infectious wastes. Biohazard labels can be obtained by contacting the WVU Biosafety Oce at 304- 293-7157.
Section 6. Biosafety Information and Bloodborne Pathogen Training
Annual training shall be provided for those working with biohazards by lab supervisors and/or university personnel from
the Biosafety Oce (304) 293-7157. e Bloodborne Pathogen training information can be found at: http://ehs.wvu.edu/
e Bloodborne Pathogen Training shall include the following:
An accessible copy of OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 and explanation of its contents.
A general explanation of the epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborne diseases.
An explanation of the modes of transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
An explanation of the Exposure Control Plan and the means by which an employee can obtain a copy of the written
An explanation of the required methods for recognizing tasks and other activities that may involve exposure to animal,
human, and other potentially infectious materials.
An explanation of the use and limitations of methods that prevent or reduce exposure, including appropriate
engineering controls, work practices, and PPE.
An opportunity for posing questions to and receiving answers from the person conducting the training session.
Section 7. Useful Biological Safety Web Sites
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL): http://www.cdc.gov/biosafety/publications/bmbl5/
West Virginia University Institutional Biohazards Committee (IBC): http://ehs.wvu.edu/biosafety/institutional-biosafety-
For information on Human Immune Deciency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV):
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/pubs/facts.htm http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/hepatitis/index.htm
National Institutes of Health “Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules”: http://osp.od.nih.gov/ofce-
Chapter 11. Radiation Safety Program
Section 1. WVU Radiation Safety Ofce
e WVU Radiation Safety Department, along with members of the Radiological Safety Committee and its subcommittees,
are committed to the ongoing development and implementation of the current radiation safety program that includes
WVU Campuses, the Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, Jefferson Medical Center, WVU Hospitals Inc., and
Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute.
All research activities involving the use of radioactive materials, radiation producing devices, and the diagnostic and
therapeutic use of radiation in humans, non-humans, and animals is overseen by the Radiation Safety Department and the
committees. In managing this program, the Radiation Safety Department will provide guidance and enforcement to guarantee
a safe working environment for all individuals working with radioactive materials or devices located within these facilities.
e WVU Radiation Safety Ocer (RSO), with regard to US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC) regulation, has
been granted sucient authority, organizational freedom and management prerogative by the institution to identify all
radiation safety problems, initiate or provide corrective actions in order to stop unsafe operations, and suspend any operation
that is found to cause an excessive radiation hazard as rapidly and safely as possible in carrying out his/her duties.
All responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) are carried out under the direct supervision of the WVU Provost, President of
WVU Hospitals, Vice President for Health Science Center, and the University’s Chief Executive Official, who has federal licensing
authorities. It is also the responsibility of the WVU Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) to provide timely reports to the U.S. NRC and the
West Virginia Radiological Health Program (WV RHP) as appropriate and required by regulation.
e responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Ocer and the Radiation Safety Department include the following:
To furnish consulting services to any potential user of ionizing radiation and to advise the potential user on radiation
safety procedures.
To ensure that all license obligations and regulations of the federal and state government are met.
To provide general surveillance of all health physics activities, including assisting all personnel in discharging their
To supervise the procurement and receipt of all radioactive materials coming to the university and the hospital.
To provide for individual and laboratory monitoring.
To instruct university and hospital personnel in radiation safety.
To administer a radioactive waste disposal program.
To perform leak tests on sealed sources and provide radiation surveys aer installation of radiation producing
To supervise decontamination in case of accidents.
To provide a continuous program of environmental radiation hazard evaluation and hazard elimination.
To provide advice and assistance in the acquisition of dosimeters and monitoring equipment.
To provide maintenance and calibration of survey instruments in the Radiation Safety Department.
To maintain all centralized records pertinent to the radiation safety program.
To develop and rene radiation detection, shielding and health protection techniques.
To be responsible for the overall day-to-day administration of the radiation safety program.
To suspend any operation causing excessive radiation hazard as rapidly and safely as possible. (In carrying out this duty
the Radiation Safety Ocer will report directly to the President of the hospital or the Provost of the university or the
Chair of the Radiological Safety Committee).
To present periodic reports to the various committees on matters related to their functions.
To keep each department chair informed of all Authorized Users in the department who are conducting projects
approved by a radiation safety committee.
To provide timely reports to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the West Virginia Department of Health as
required by regulation.
To maintain an inventory and accountability record of the radioactive material used at the university and the hospital
to ensure compliance with license limits.
e WVU Radiation Safety Manual contains useful information about radiation safety at WVU and can be found at http://
WVU Radiation Safety Manual (RSM)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Regulation and Broad Scope License
Chapter 3 Radiation Safety Committees and User Responsibilities
Chapter 4 Obtaining Authorization for Usage of Radioactive Materials
Chapter 5 Procurement of All Radiation Sources
Chapter 6 Storage of Radionuclides
Chapter 7 Authorized Laboratory Requirements
Chapter 8 General Laboratory Procedures
Chapter 9 Radiation Protection Measures
Chapter 10 Use of Radionuclides in Animals
Chapter 11 Sealed Source Irradiators
Chapter 12 Waste Handling, Storage and Disposal
Chapter 13 Emergency Procedures
Appendix Appendix
Radiation Safety Hours
Normal business hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can contact the Radiation Safety Department at (304)
293-3413 or by fax at (304) 293-4529. Aer hours, weekends, holidays, and in an emergency, you can page (304) 987-1586 for
immediate assistance.
Section 2. Radiation Safety – Emergency Procedures
(from Chapter 13- WVU Radiation Safety Manual for WVU)
An accident may happen to even the most careful of workers, and any worker may be called upon to assist in the case of a spill,
a contamination incident, or an emergency. Be prepared and know how to respond before an incident happens.
e following procedures provide an overview of who to notify and how to respond to several dierent types of incidents.
Emergency Response Guidelines books which list incident contact phone numbers and procedures are posted near a
telephone in every lab.
Who To Notify
An incident can be readily handled with laboratory or other University resources and may include a spill of radioactive
materials, an incident of personal contamination or a possible exposure to an x-ray source.
During normal working hours, call e Radiation Safety Department (RSD) 304-293- 3413 Outside normal working hours,
page Radiation Safety on call pager 304-987-1586
Fire, explosion or serious injury:
First, call Public Safety at 911 anytime.
Second, during normal working hours, call RSD at 304-293-3413.
ird, contact any Laboratory or Departmental Emergency contacts listed on the entry door.
Spill Occurs or Contamination is found
1. Notify other persons in the area of the spill.
2. Evacuate if spill is of a volatile material.
3. Immediately remove contaminated shoes or clothing.
4. Mark the spill area and limit access to avoid the inadvertent spread of contamination.
5. Flush contaminated skin thoroughly with water.
6. Remediate small spills and contaminated areas by:
a. Put on protective gloves and lab coat. Use shoe covers if oor is contaminated.
b. Drop absorbent paper on a liquid spill.
c. Dampen a dry spill; take care not to spread the contamination
d. Dispose absorbent papers into Radioactive Waste containers.
e. Survey area either by GM survey meter and Gamma Well or Liquid Scintillation wipe test, depending on the
isotope, to ensure that all contamination has been removed.
7. If the spill is too large to remediate on your own call RSD immediately for assistance.
For Skin and Body Contamination
1. Notify RSD immediately whenever any case of skin or body contamination occurs.
2. Note the original survey meter reading, the location of the contaminated area and the time of the contamination was
discovered. RSD will use this information to calculate dose.
3. Wash skin using mild soap and warm water for 2-3 minutes. Do not abrade skin or use hot water.
4. Measure and record the count rate aer the initial attempt at decontamination. Survey and repeat decontamination
until the count rate cannot be reduced any further.
5. If the skin becomes irritated, discontinue decontamination.
6. When decontamination eorts are not immediately successful, oen a substantial reduction in count rate is achieved
during the next 24 hours with periodic washings with soap and water, combined with normal aking of the skin.
Serious Injury with Radioactive Contamination
Serious injury and life-or-death situations always take priority over radiological concerns. In all cases of physical injury, even
minor injuries, medical attention and hospitalization take precedence over contamination concerns. ere are no radiation
sources at the University that produce contamination and radiation exposure risks large enough to prevent rst aid from being
1. Follow the Fire, Explosion & Serious Injury notication procedure. Public Safety responders are trained to provide rst
2. If possible, have someone meet emergency response personnel and escort them to the accident scene.
3. Remove contaminated items and clothing from the victim only if these actions will cause no further harm.
4. If time permits, attempt to provide an uncontaminated pathway for the emergency crew.
5. Have someone who can provide useful additional information accompany the victim to the emergency room.
Possible Overexposure to Sources of Radiation
e most likely scenario for a serious overexposure to radiation involves exposure to the primary beam of an x-ray
diractometer or to a high activity sealed source. In any case, notify RSD, who will provide additional instructions, based on
the exposure conditions.
Section 3. Useful Radiation Safety Web Sites
WVU Radiation Safety Oce Web Site: http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/rsafety/
Nuclear Regulatory Commission: http://www.nrc.gov/
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-Radiation: http://www.epa.gov/radiation/
Chapter 12. Emergency Preparedness
Section 1. Fire Alarm Policy
When a re alarm sounds in the facility, you must evacuate the laboratory immediately via the nearest exit.
Extinguish all ames and turn o all equipment, as appropriate, before exiting. Faculty and teaching assistants
must ensure the orderly and expeditious evacuation of the students from the classrooms and laboratories.
Personnel who violate this re alarm policy will be subject to citations and/or arrest by the responding
university and city ocials.
Section 2. Emergency Safety Equipment
1. A written emergency action plan should be developed and communicated to all personnel in the unit. e plan should
include procedures for evacuation, ventilation failure, rst-aid, and incident reporting.
2. Fire extinguishers will be made available in the laboratory and will be tested on a regular basis by Facilities Management
personnel. If you activate a re extinguisher for any reason, immediately report the activity to the Chemical Hygiene
Ocer so that the re extinguisher will be replaced in a timely manner.
3. Eye wash stations will be made available and inspected on a regular basis by trained personnel.
4. Safety showers will be made available and tested routinely by trained personnel.
5. Fire blankets will be made available in the laboratory, as required. Fire blankets are
used to wrap a burn victim to douse the ames. ey are also useful to cover a shock
victim and for warmth and to provide a privacy shield when treating a victim under a safety
shower in the event of a chemical spill.
6. Access to re alarms and telephones will be made available for emergency use.
7. Maintain clear pathways to re extinguishers, eyewash stations, re blankets, rst-aid kits, and safety
Section 3. Chemical Spill Policy
Laboratory personnel should be familiar with the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties of each hazardous substance
in the laboratory. Consult the label and the Safety Data Sheet prior to the initial use of each hazardous substance. Personal
protective equipment should be used that is appropriate to the degree of hazard of the chemical in use. Always use the
minimal amount of the chemical and use caution when transporting the chemical. In the event of an accidental chemical
release or spill, personnel should refer to the following general guidelines. Consult the Chemical Hygiene Ocer if you should
have any questions regarding the following guidelines.
Low ammability and low toxicity materials that are not volatile (e.g., inorganic acids and caustic bases)
1. Decontaminate any victims with the nearest safety shower, eyewash, or other appropriate action as described in the
Safety Data Sheet.
2. Immediately notify the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
3. Wear personal protective equipment that is appropriate to the degree of hazard of the spilled substance.
4. Using chemical spill kits that contain an inert absorbent, clean up the aected area if this action can be accomplished
without risk of additional injury or contamination to personnel. If the spill is located on the laboratory oor, be aware
that some absorbents can create a slipping hazard.
5. Dispose of contaminated materials according to departmental policy.
6. Complete an incident report and submit it to the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
Flammable solvents of low toxicity (e.g., diethyl ether and tetrahydrofuran)
1. Decontaminate any victims with the nearest safety shower, eyewash, or other appropriate action as described in the
Safety Data Sheet.
2. Alert all other workers in the laboratory and the general vicinity of the spill.
3. Extinguish all ames and turn o any spark-producing equipment. If necessary, turn o the power to the laboratory at
the circuit breaker. However, the ventilation system must remain operational.
4. Immediately notify Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
5. Wear personal protective equipment that is appropriate to the degree of hazard of the spilled substance.
6. Using spill pillows or spill absorbent and non-sparking tools, soak up the solvent as quickly as possible. Be sure to
soak up chemicals that have seeped under equipment and other objects in the laboratory. If the spill is located on the
laboratory oor, be aware that some absorbents can create a slipping hazard.
7. Dispose of contaminated materials according to departmental policy.
8. Complete an incident report and submit it to the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
Highly toxic materials (e.g., dimethylmercury and hydrouoric acid)
1. Alert all other workers in the laboratory and the general vicinity of the spill and immediately evacuate the area.
2. Decontaminate any victims with a safety shower or eyewash in a safe location. Take other appropriate decontamination
action as described in the Safety Data Sheet.
3. Immediately notify the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
4. Do not attempt to clean up the spill. EHS personnel will evaluate the hazards that are involved with the spill and will
take the appropriate actions.
5. Only EHS personnel and appropriate outside industrial hygienists are authorized to decontaminate the area and dispose
of the contaminated waste.
6. Complete an incident report and submit it to the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
Section 4. WVU First Aid Kit Requirements (WVU Department of EHS)
is information pertains to the content, placement, and usage of rst aid kits in all West Virginia University buildings and
facilities. References to activating EMS by dialing 911 may have dierent applicability throughout the state. Each campus or
oce is responsible to determine their local emergency response agency and identify the appropriate contact information.
Some important information must be noted in order to properly maintain a 
rst aid kit in any West Virginia University
• Any department or administrative unit of West Virginia University may maintain a rst aid kit.
• It is not necessary to be First Aid/CPR certied to use rst aid kits.
• Units that do require First Aid/CPR responders must comply with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen standard (CFR
• e locations of rst aid kits shall be clearly marked so that those who need to locate them may do so quickly and easily.
• All employees should be informed regarding the availability and location of any rst aid kits and supplies.
• It should be noted that departments or administrative units at West Virginia University shall not provide or maintain
any form of medication (oral, topical, inhaled, prescription or non-prescription) in rst aid kits for use by any
• First aid kits are strictly intended to allow persons to treat themselves and/or others for minor medical incidents, not to
replace the professional EMS services.
• Any medical emergency which involves loss of consciousness, profuse bleeding, possible broken bones, head or neck
injuries, serious burns, cardiovascular distress, or any other serious injury or illness should immediately be referred to
the EMS system by dialing 911.
• e contents of each rst aid kit should be inventoried at least quarterly (every 3 months) and restocked in a timely
Contents of First Aid Kits
First aid kits may be created based on individual organizational needs. Supplies may be purchased through normal West
Virginia University purchasing procedures. Many vendors provide pre-packaged rst aid kits which may be tailored to meet
individual needs. If pre-packaged kits contain any oral or topical substance, these substances shall be removed from the kits
and appropriately destroyed/disposed.
Appropriate supplies and equipment which may be purchased and maintained in University-funded rst aid kits may include,
but are not limited to:
• Adhesive bandages (Band-aids)
• Bandage scissors
• Blanket
• Cotton
• Gauze pads (4” x 4”), (3” x 3”)
• Ice packs (chemical) (or use Ziploc bags if ice is available)
• Medical gloves
• 1” Medical tape
• Moist towelettes
• Roller gauze (1”-3” available)
• Triangular bandages
• Elastic bandages (Ace wrap)
• Gauze bandages (self-adhering)
As part of the EMS system, early rst aid can play a critical role in the reduction of death and disability. Any person or persons
administering rst aid should work cooperatively with the ambulance service EMT and EMT- Paramedics if such services are
required as a result of a given emergency. ose involved in providing such care should identify themselves to the responding
ambulance service and briey describe the situation and the aid given.
is information is not intended to cover situations in which West Virginia University employs or uses personnel with
specic education, certication and/or licensure to deliver emergency care. Quick responders such as EMT, EMT-Paramedics,
Registered Nurses and other health care professionals should have available all supplies and equipment which they have been
authorized to use by virtue of their specic training or medical protocols.
Section 5. Accident Procedures
In the event of an accident/incident, immediately notify the Chemical Hygiene Ocer. Following the incident, the employee
must complete a Supervisors Injury/Illness Report (included in Appendix D) and submit it to the Chemical Hygiene Ocer.
Provide a copy of the appropriate SDS to the attending physician, as needed.
Cuts: If the injured person has experienced a minor cut, ush the wound with tepid running water to remove any
possible chemical contaminants. If there is a cut on a gloved hand, remove the glove aer thoroughly washing the
aected area to avoid contamination of the cut with chemicals. Apply a bandage and advise the victim that he or she
should report any signs of infection to a physician. If there is a possibility that the wound is contaminated by broken
glass or chemicals, the victim should seek immediate medical attention.
If the injured person has experienced a more serious injury (if sutures will be necessary) call 911 and apply sterile gauze
pads to the wound. If necessary, apply direct pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. Apply additional pads if the
blood soaks through the rst sterile pad. If bleeding continues, encourage the victim to lie down and elevate the wound
area to a position above the victims heart. If you are unable to stop the bleeding, remain calm and carefully explain the
situation to the dispatcher at 911. e dispatcher will advise you on further action.
ermal Burns: Do not apply ointments or ice to the wound. For rst-degree wounds, ush with copious amounts of
tepid running water. Apply a dressing and bandage loosely.
For second degree (with open blisters) and third degree burns, do not ush with water. Apply a dry dressing and bandage
loosely. Immediately seek medical attention.
HF Exposure: Hydrouoric acid (HF) is an extremely corrosive liquid that can cause severe injury via skin and eye
contact, inhalation, and ingestion. HF readily penetrates the skin and causes decalcication of the bones. Laboratory
workers should be familiar with rst-aid procedures for HF exposure before beginning work with HF. Calcium
gluconate gel (2.5% w/w) must be readily accessible in work areas where any potential HF exposure exists. In the event
of any contact with HF, rst-aid must be started within seconds. In the event of an HF exposure on skin, immediately
ush the exposed area with tepid water, remove contaminated clothing, and call 911. Wearing nitrile gloves, apply
the calcium gluconate gel aer 5 minutes of ushing with water. If the calcium gluconate gel is unavailable, continue
ushing the exposed areas with water until medical assistance arrives. If HF is splashed in the eyes, immediately
call 911. Flush the eyes for 15 minutes, holding the eyelids apart. If ingested, call 911 immediately. If the vapor is
inhaled, move the victim to fresh air and call 911. All persons who are exposed to HF must be evaluated by a medical
Chemical Burns: Immediately ush the area with tepid running water for 15 minutes. Place the victim in the safety
shower, if necessary, before removing any jewelry, contaminated clothing, and shoes. Do not apply ointments, baking
soda, ice, or gauze coverings to the wound.
Seek immediate medical attention.
Eye Contact: Flush eyes with tepid water for 15 minutes and seek immediate medical attention.
Ingestion: DO NOT WASTE TIME. Call 911. Do not encourage vomiting except under the advice of a physician. Call
the Poison Control Center immediately and consult the SDS for the appropriate action.
Save all chemical containers and a small amount of vomitus, if possible, for analysis. Stay with the victim until
emergency medical assistance arrives.
Unconsciousness: Call 911. If it is safe for you to enter the area, place the victim on his or her back and cover with a
blanket. Do not attempt to remove the victim from the area unless there exists an immediate danger. Clear the area
of any chemical spills or broken glassware. If the victim begins to vomit, turn the head so that the stomach contents
are not aspirated into the lungs.
Convulsions: Call 911. If it is safe for you to enter the area, remove anything that might cause harm to the victim. Clear
the area of any chemical spills or broken glassware. If the victim begins to vomit, turn the head so that the stomach
contents are not aspirated into the lungs. Try to protect the victim from further danger with as little interference as
First Aid for Cold Burns: Tissue contact with cryogenic liquids produces damage similar to that associated with thermal
burns and causes severe deep freezing with extensive destruction of tissue. Flush aected areas with large volumes of
tepid water (41-46 °C [105-115°F]) to reduce freezing. If it is not in the area involved, loosen any clothing which may
restrict circulation. Do not apply heat. Cover the aected area with a sterile protective dressing or with clean sheets
if the area is large, and protect the area from further injury. Seek medical attention promptly. Note that frozen tissues
are painless and appear waxy with a pallid yellow color. Tissues become painful and edematous upon thawing and
the pale color turns to pink or red as circulation of blood is restored. Tissues which have been frozen show severe,
widespread cellular injury and are highly susceptible toinfections and additional trauma. erefore, rapid rewarming
of tissues in the eld is not recommended if transportation to a medical facility will be delayed.
Chapter 13. Glossary of Terms and Safety References
Glossary of Terms
Section 1. Acronyms
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
BEI Biological Exposure Indexes
CAA Clean Air Act
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CGA Compressed Gas Association
CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
CHO Chemical Hygiene Ocer
CHP Chemical Hygiene Plan
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CWA Clean Water Act
DOE Department of Energy
DOL Department of Labor
DOT Department of Transportation
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FR Federal Register
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
HEPA High Eciency Particulate Air
HMIS Hazardous Materials Identication System
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health
LSM Laboratory Safety Manual
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NEC National Electrical Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
NIH National Institutes of Health
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NSF National Science Foundation
NTP National Toxicology Program
OEL Occupational Exposure Limit
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
SDS Safety Data Sheets
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
TLV reshold Limit Value
TWA Time Weighted Average
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds
WHO World Health Organization
Section 2. Denitions
Acute Exposure—Short durations of exposure to high concentrations of hazardous materials in the work place.
Allergen—A chemical substance that induces an immediate or delayed adverse reaction by the immune system.
Asphyxiant—A substance that can cause suocation.
Carcinogen—A substance that causes the development of cancerous growths in humans or is considered capable of causing
cancer in humans. A substance is considered a carcinogen if:
1) It has been evaluated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and has been found to be a
carcinogen or potential carcinogen;
2) It is listed in the National Toxicology Programs (NTP) Annual Report on Carcinogens as a carcinogen or potential
3) It is an OSHA-regulated carcinogen;
4) One study has been published which positively identies the substance as a carcinogen.
Caustic Material—A material that has a pH greater than 12 and has a corrosive or irritating eect on living tissue at the point
of contact.
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registration Number—A unique number that is assigned to a chemical as a means to
identify the material.
Chemical Hygiene Ocer—An employee who is qualied, through training, education, and experience, to oversee the
implementation of and subsequent reviews of the Chemical Hygiene Plan, per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1450, Occupational
Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.
Chemical Hygiene Plan—A written plan that is designed to protect laboratory workers from occupational exposure to
hazardous chemicals, per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1450, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.
Chronic Exposure—Continuous exposure over a long period of time to low concentrations of hazardous materials in the
work place.
Chronic Toxicity—Adverse health eects that can be a result of long-term exposure to hazardous materials.
Combustible Material—A substance (solid, liquid, or gas) that must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high
ambient temperatures before ignition can occur.
Corrosive Material—A substance that has a pH less than 2 or greater than 12 which can cause visible destruction of or
irreversible alteration on physical contact with living tissue.
Embryotoxin—A material that is harmful to a developing embryo at a concentration that does not have adverse eects on the
pregnant female.
Explosive Material—A material that will exhibit a rapid chemical change when subjected to a suitable ignition source (i.e.,
detonation, heat, friction, or impact).
Flammable—A term commonly used to describe a gas, solid, vapor, or liquid that easily ignites and rapidly burns.
Flash Point—e lowest temperature at which a ammable liquid produces sucient vapor to form a readily ignitable mixture
with air, either at its surface or in a container.
Hazardous Chemical—A chemical for which there is statistically signicant evidence, based on at least one study conducted
in accordance with established scientic principles, that acute or chronic health eects may occur in exposed persons.
Hazard Warning—A label on a chemical container that includes text and/or symbols to convey the hazards of the material.
High Eciency Particulate Air (HEPA) lter—An air lter that has a 99.97% removal eciency for 0.03 micron particles.
Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)—e maximum concentration of a hazardous substance from which a
worker can escape within 30 minutes without irreversible health eects. IDLH is used to determine respirator selection.
Incompatible Materials—Materials which, when mixed, could result in the formation of toxic gases or hazardous conditions
(i.e., an explosion).
Irritant—A substance that produces an inammatory eect on contact with living tissue.
Lachrymator—A substance that has an irritating or burning eect on skin, eyes, and respiratory tract.
LD — e single dose (lethal dose) of a substance that will cause the death of 50% of a population of animals. Exposure 50 to
the substance is via all routes except inhalation.
Mutagen—A material that produces genetic mutations in chromosomal DNA.
Oxidizing Agent—A substance that may react violently upon contact with reducing materials.
Nonammable—A material that is not easily ignited; a DOT hazard class for compressed gases that are not classed as
ammable gases.
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)—e maximum acceptable concentration of a chemical in the work place air. Commonly
used exposure limits include TLV-TWA (reshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average), STEL (Short-Term Exposure
Limit), and C (Ceiling Value).
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)—Protective equipment (i.e., gloves, chemical splash goggles, laboratory coat or apron,
respirators) that is worn by laboratory workers to protect them from direct exposure to hazardous materials.
Physical Hazard—A substance that is a hazard of physical origin (i.e., a burn); a material that is ammable, explosive, water
reactive, pyrophoric, or unstable; a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, an organic peroxide, or an oxidizer.
Poison—A substance that may injure or kill an organism, even in relatively low doses.
Pyrophoric Material—Any liquid or solid which will ignite spontaneously in air below 54EC (130EF).
Reactive Material—An explosive material, organic peroxide, pressure-generating material, or water-reactive material
that vigorously polymerizes, decomposes, condenses, or becomes self-reactive when subjected to pressure, shock, or
temperature changes.
Safety Data Sheet—A document which contains relevant information about a material, as referenced by OSHA 29 CFR, Part
Select Carcinogen—Dened in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1450, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories,
as a substance that:
1) Is regulated by OSHA as a carcinogen;
2) Is listed by the NTP as “known to be carcinogen”;
3) Is listed on IARC lists as Group 1, “carcinogenic to humans”; or
4) Is included on the IARC lists as Group 2A or 2B, “reasonably anticipated to be carcinogen, because it causes statistically
signicant tumor incidence in animals according to the criteria that are listed in Section 2, Paragraph b.
Stench—Material that emits an extremely oensive odor.
Teratogen—A substance that causes growth abnormalities in embryos.
reshold Limit Value (TLV) —e ACGIH term that is used to express the maximum airborne concentration of a substance
to which most workers can be exposed during a normal eight-hour work day or normal 40-hour work week with no
adverse health eects.
TLV-Ceiling Limit—e exposure concentration of an airborne substance that must not be exceeded at any time.
TLV-Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)—-e maximum concentration of an airborne substance for a continuous exposure
period of 15 minutes, with the following guidelines:
1) ere will be a maximum of four 15-minute periods per day.
2) ere will be at least 60 minutes between exposure periods.
3) e daily TLV-TWA will not be exceeded.
TLV-Time Weighted Average—e ACGIH term that is used to express the maximum allowable time weighted average
concentration of an airborne substance for a normal eight-hour work day or 40-hour work week.
Toxic Material—A poisonous substance which has the ability to cause adverse health eects upon exposure.
Section 3. Safety References
1. ANSI Z87.1-2010; American National Standard, Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices;
American Society of Safety Engineers: Des Plaines, IL, 2010.
2. ANSI Z358.1-2009; Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment; American National Standards Institute:
New York, NY, 2009.
3. National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code; Quincy, MA, 2003 edition.
4. National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 45: Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals; Quincy,
MA, 2011 edition.
5. National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 704: Standard System for the Identication of the Hazards of Materials for
Emergency Response; Quincy, MA, 2007 edition.
6. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories; 29 CFR;
Part 1910.1450, 1990. http://www.osha.gov
7. Prudent Practices in the Laboratory, Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards; National Research Council;
National Academy Press: Washington, D.C., 2011. http://www.nap.edu
8. Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories; American Chemical Society; Washington, D.C., 2003. http://portal.acs.org/
Appendix A. Visiting Scholar Guidelines
Revised 10/2013
As a major research institution, West Virginia University (“WVU”) oen hosts visitors to its campus to collaborate on research
topics of mutual interest or to engage in other scholarly pursuits. In some cases, students who are under the age of eighteen
may wish to come to campus to volunteer or engage in some type of independent academic exercise. ese visitors are referred
to as Visiting Scholars or Academic Visitors (“Visitors”). A Visitor usually does not have ocial authority to operate or access
WVU facilities. Department heads, deans, the Oce of the Provost, and, in some cases, the Oce of International Students
and Scholars (“OISS”) and the Oce of Sponsored Programs (“OSP”), must be aware of and approve the presence and
activities of Visitors.
ese Guidelines apply to all Visitors, whether paid or unpaid, who will engage in research, observation, teaching, lecturing,
volunteering, and other academic pursuits for a temporary period of time at WVU. In addition, these Guidelines apply to host
faculty, department heads, deans, the Oce of the Provost, OISS, OSP and any and all other units or persons involved in the
activities of Visitors. ese Guidelines do not govern the presence of groups of students under the age of eighteen who come
to campus for “eld trips” or other group activities that are sponsored by a particular University department, unit, or student
A. All Visitors
1. Visitors are dened as individuals who are not WVU students, faculty, or sta who come to campus to conduct research
and/or scholarly activities, including, but not limited to, performing research at a University facility, collaborating with
other faculty or researchers in a specic eld, participating as a visiting lecturer, or volunteering in an academic setting.
Visitors may be granted access to University facilities and issued an ocial identication card or library card when the
appropriate approval process is completed.
2. Host faculty members or departments must be willing to sponsor the Visitors and must secure approval from the
University administration for Visitors to access University facilities and utilize University resources. Each college should
devise its own practices for the sponsorship and tracking of Visitors commensurate with these Guidelines. For Visiting
Scholars, practices should include, at a minimum, an appointment letter or other written document outlining the
specications of the Scholar’s visit. e practices should also dene the oces or persons who, based on the individual
colleges chosen practice, must be notied of the presence of Visitors, which might include the appropriate department
head or director, the dean, the Oce of the Provost, the OISS and the OSP, if necessary. In the event that the purpose or
duration of a Visitor’s visit changes, the host faculty member or college shall reect the change in writing and ensure that
the appropriate parties are notied of the change, per the practices of the specic college. As a guide, template oer-
letters for Visiting Scholars are available.
3. All Visitors should review WVU’s policies, rules, guidelines, procedures, and other information available on the
University’s website: http://bog.wvu.edu/policies. All Visitors are “members of the University community,” as dened
in Board of Governors’ policy, and are expected to abide by applicable University standards.
4. If a Visitor’s activity at WVU involves projects of a proprietary or condential nature, the Visitor may be required to sign
a Non-disclosure Agreement at the request of an appropriate WVU ocial.
5. All Visitors are required to have health and accident insurance. A Visitor who does not have appropriate health insurance
coverage will not be eligible to remain on campus as a Visitor.
6. WVU does not assume responsibility or liability, in whole or in part, for any sickness, disease, injuries (including
death), losses, damages, acts of God, force majeure, public health risks, criminal activity, terrorism, accident, damage
to property, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with the Visitor’s presence on, or
transportation to and from, WVU’s campus, or events, or locations related to Visitors aliation with WVU.
B. Visitors who are Nonresident Aliens
1. Departments that sponsor a J-1 exchange Visitor have certain responsibilities. Such responsibilities have a federal
regulatory basis and apply to all J-1 Visitors regardless of whether the visitor will be employed by WVU or not.
For specic information on the responsibilities of sponsoring departments, please consult the J-1 Sponsoring Unit
Responsibilities form, which is incorporated herein by reference, and located at the OISS website at http://oiss.wvu.
2. Nonresident aliens who require J-1 Exchange Visitors visas will not be granted access to University facilities unless they
have completed a J-1 mandatory orientation with OISS and have had their arrival validated through the federal Student
and Exchange Visitor Information System (“SEVIS”).
3. For Visitors who require J-1 Exchange Visitor’s visas, it is the responsibility of the hosting faculty to ensure the Visitors
activities are conducted in strict compliance with those activities identied and authorized in the SEVIS. J-1 Exchange
Visitors may participate in occasional (single event rather than an ongoing activity) lectures and consultations not
dened and authorized in SEVIS, if authorized to do so by the host faculty, relevant department, and OISS.
4. Pursuant to 22 C.F.R. § 62.10(a)(2), sponsors of a J-1 Exchange Visitor must screen and select prospective Visitors to
ensure that they possess sucient prociency in the English language to participate in the program.
5. For Visitors who are not U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents, it is the responsibility of the hosting faculty or department
to work with the OSP to determine whether export control laws and regulations will be implicated by the Visitor’s work
and to ensure compliance.
6. For Visitors who are not U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents, it is the responsibility of the hosting faculty or department
to consult visa-related information provided by OISS at http://oiss.wvu.edu/scholars.
7. In the event that any payments and/or reimbursements are made to Visitors, they must be in compliance with their visa
status, if applicable, and may be subject to taxation. It is the responsibility of the Visitor to understand the payments and/
or reimbursements that are permitted and to pay any and all applicable taxes.
8. Visitors who require J-1 Exchange Visitor’s visas are required to have health and accident insurance for themselves and
any accompanying dependents while in the United States that is in compliance with regulations set forth by the U.S.
Department of State. Insurance should be purchased prior to the beginning of the Scholars work at WVU. Visitors who
wish to use insurance from their home countries must provide verication that their coverage meets Department of State
requirements. Proof of insurance must be provided to OISS. Information regarding insurance and related requirements
will be sent to the Scholar by OISS along with visa materials.
C. Visitors Under the Age of Eighteen
1. Persons under the age of eighteen who come to WVU to volunteer or gain experience in an academic setting must
provide written parental permission prior to coming to campus. A template parental permission form is available.
2. Visitors under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by the faculty host or other member of the relevant academic
department while in any academic facility, including, but not limited to, classrooms or laboratories.
3. Host faculty and other members of the relevant department should be aware of any other University policies that may be
implicated by the presence of persons under the age of eighteen on campus.
See Parental Permission and Release form on following page.
My minor child (a person under the age of 18), [print name], desires to participate as an Academic Visitor (“Visitor”) in the
[location] at [insert specic building] at West Virginia University (“WVU”) with [insert host faculty] from [date] to [date].
1. Purpose
is Visitor opportunity is an academic experience. I understand that there is neither compensation nor benets nor
academic credit for this Visitor position. I understand that it does not create an employee, agent, or representative
relationship with WVU.
2. Risks and Responsibilities
I understand that there are inherent risks to life, health, and property in a [insert location], including, but not limited
to, [insert risks]. I understand these risks and agree to permit my child to volunteer in the [insert location] with full
knowledge and acceptance of them.
3. Medical Insurance and Authorization
I hereby represent and warrant that my child is and will be covered by a policy of comprehensive health and accident
insurance, which provides coverage for injuries and illnesses. I agree to report to WVU at the time of my execution
and delivery of this form any physical or mental condition my child has that may require special medical attention or
accommodation. I consent to any medical treatment that my child may require as a result of her/his participation in
the [insert location]. I accept full responsibility for the costs of any medical care my child might receive during or as a
consequence of participation as Visitor.
4. Compliance and Termination
e Visitor will abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of WVU as well as applicable local, state, and federal law. A
violation of rules, regulations, policies, or law could result in termination of the visiting experience.
5. Release
To the extent allowable by law, I hereby WAIVE any claim my child or I may have at any time based on my child’s
participation as a Visitor. Specically, I hereby RELEASE, DISCHARGE, and AGREE NOT TO SUE the State of West
Virginia; West Virginia University, including any component of the University, and its Board of Governors, ocers,
employees, students and agents; medical personnel, whether provided by WVU or not; and the heirs, predecessors,
successors, and assigns of all of the persons and organizations listed here. I fully release all of these persons and
organizations from any liability whatsoever. My waiver of rights includes giving up any claim that I may have, and any
claim that any other person may have based on my childs participation, including, but not limited to, parents, spouses,
children and other relatives; my estate, personal representative or guardian; and insurers. My waiver releases all of the
persons and organizations listed here from all liability, claims, demands, causes of actions, losses or damages, whether
known or unknown, for bodily or personal injury or death, or damage to or loss of property, or any other injury,
damage or loss of any kind, resulting from, arising out of, or in any way related to my child’s participation, including any
claim based on actual or alleged negligence, gross negligence, intentional, or reckless behavior.
I understand and hereby acknowledge that my child’s participation as a Visitor is wholly voluntary. Further, I have read
this form in its entirety and I understand it fully. By signing it, I agree to all the terms of this document. I understand that
my child may not volunteer without my permission and that all of the releases, authorizations, and statements made in this
document apply to me and my child, and I consent to my childs full participation as an Academic Visitor at WVU.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed): _____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________
On behalf of (minor child): _________________________________________________________________________
Host Faculty Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Department Chair/Dean Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________
West Virginia University
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Laboratory Close-out Guidelines
e Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for the safe operation of his/her laboratory room(s). e PI is also responsible for
taking the appropriate steps to close out the laboratory space in the event that he/she chooses to retire or to leave WVU. It is
essential that all laboratory close-outs are performed in a timely manner and according to established guidelines and policies
for the various types of hazards in the laboratory. e department chairperson will enforce the laboratory close-out policies.
e following guidelines are designed to assist the PI in the successful completion of the laboratory close-out process.
Chemical Hazards
All chemical containers in the laboratory must be clearly and properly labeled and must be removed from the laboratory via
disposal by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), transfer to another institution, or transfer to another
PI in the department. Every eort should be made to notify other investigators in the department of the availability of usable
chemicals or solvents. Contact WVU EHS to pick up all unneeded chemicals by completing an online waste disposal request.
Never dispose of chemicals by placing them in waste baskets or pouring them down the sinks.
Identication and disposal of unknown substances can be expensive and time consuming. If you nd unlabeled (unknown)
chemicals in your laboratory, segregate them for identication by the waste vendor and notify WVU EHS by completing an
online waste disposal request.
Check beneath hoods, in shared labs, in freezers and refrigerators, in acid cabinets and ammable liquid cabinets, and in cold
rooms for chemicals and hazardous materials that belong to you and properly dispose of these materials.
All chemicals that will be shipped must be labeled and packaged according to federal regulations. If you plan to ship
hazardous materials to another institution, you must contact the certied DOT IATA shipper in your department to ensure
that all Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping requirements are followed.
e laboratory space should be clean and chemical-free when vacated. All surfaces, including bench tops, cabinets, shelves,
and chemical fume hoods must be thoroughly cleaned.
Controlled Substances
All controlled substances that are regulated by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) must be removed from the
laboratory and must be handled according to DEA regulations.
Biological Hazards
Contact the WVU Biosafety Ocer (293-7157) if you have biohazardous materials/waste in your laboratory. All biological
materials must be removed from the laboratory and work areas. Equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated.
Place all sharps (needles, razor blades, scalpels) in an approved sharps disposal container. Properly dispose of all animals,
animal carcasses, or tissue samples as required by applicable regulations.
Radiological Material Hazards
If you have radioactive materials in your laboratory, contact the WVU Radiation Safety Oce (293-3413) to discuss the
proper disposal of the materials and the decontamination of your laboratory.
Gas Cylinders/Lecture Bottles
All gas cylinders and lecture bottles must be properly labeled and must be returned to the supplier before you leave. Remove
the regulators and replace the caps on the cylinders.
Laboratory Equipment
Usable laboratory equipment that has been thoroughly cleaned may remain in place. All broken equipment should be sent out
as surplus. All refrigerators and freezers in the laboratory must be emptied, cleaned, defrosted, and decontaminated.
Barbara L. Foster, College Safety Ocer
May 2014
Appendix B. Laboratory Close-out Guidelines
Appendix C. OSHA Laboratory Standard, Appendix A
(Revised 2013)
(National Academies Press). The 2011
edition of ‘‘Prudent Practices’’ is being used
by OSHA as the basis for nonmandatory
Appendix A because of its wide distribution
and acceptance and because of its
preparation by recognized authorities in the
laboratory community.
OSHA has reviewed the 2011 edition
and collaborated with the NAS to revise
non-mandatory Appendix A. This new
revision addresses current laboratory
practices, security, and emergency
response, as well as promoting safe
handling of highly toxic and explosive
chemicals and their waste products.
Inapplicability of Public Notice and
Delayed Effective Date Requirements
Section 553 of the Administrative
Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C.
553(b)(3)(B), provides that, when an
Agency for good cause nds that notice
and public procedure are impracticable,
unnecessary or contrary to the public
interest, the Agency may issue a nal rule
without providing notice and an opportunity
for public comment. OSHA has determined
that there is good cause, pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B), Section 6(b) of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
(29 U.S.C. 655(b)), and 29 CFR 1911.5,
for making this technical amendment nal
without prior proposal and opportunity
for comment because the amendment
does not modify or revoke existing rights
or obligations, and does not establish
new rights or obligations. Its revisions
are non-mandatory and disseminated for
informational purposes only. For the same
reasons, the Agency nds good cause
under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3) to make the
amendments effective upon publication.
List of Subjects in 29 CFR Part 1910
Occupational safety and health,
Authority and Signature
David Michaels, Ph.D., MPH,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210,
authorized the preparation of this
David Michaels,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health.
Accordingly, OSHA is amending 29
CFR part 1910 by making the following
technical amendment:
Subpart Z—[Amended]
O1. The authority citation for Part
1910 Subpart Z continues to read as
Authority: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act
of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657);
Secretary of Labor’s Order No. 12–71
(36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR 25059),
9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR
9033), 6–96 (62 FR 111), 3–2000 (65
FR 50017), or 5–2007 (72 FR 31159),
4–2010 (75 FR 55355) or 1–2012 (77
FR 3912), as applicable; and 29 CFR
part 1911.
All of subpart Z issued under section
6(b) of the Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970, except those
substances that have exposure limits
listed in Tables Z–1, Z–2, and Z–3 of
29 CFR 1910.1000. The latter were
issued under section 6(a) (29 U.S.C.
Section 1910.1000, Tables Z–1,
Z–2 and Z– 3 also issued under 5
U.S.C. 553, but not under 29 CFR part
1911 except for the arsenic (organic
compounds), benzene, cotton dust,
and chromium (VI) listings.
Section 1910.1001 also issued
under section 107 of the Contract
Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
(40 U.S.C. 3704) and 5 U.S.C. 553.
Section 1910.1002 also issued
under 5 U.S.C. 553, but not under 29
U.S.C. 655 or 29 CFR part 1911.
Sections 1910.1018, 1910.1029, and
1910.1200 also issued under 29
U.S.C. 653.
Section 1910.1030 also issued
under Pub. L. 106–430, 114 Stat.
Section 1910.1201 also issued
under 49 U.S.C. 1801–1819 and 5
U.S.C. 533.
O2. Amend § 1910.1450 by revising
Appendix A to read as follows:
§ 1910.1450 Occupational exposure
to hazardous chemicals in
* * * * *
APPENDIX A TO § 1910.1450—
To assist employers in developing an
appropriate laboratory Chemical
Occupational Safety and Health
29 CFR Part 1910
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous
Chemicals in Laboratories (Non-
Mandatory Appendix); Technical
AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Technical amendment.
SUMMARY: This document updates a
non-mandatory appendix in OSHAs
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous
Chemicals in Laboratories Standard.
The non-mandatory appendix is being
updated to include the contents of the
latest National Academy of Sciences
publication entitled, ‘‘Prudent Practices in
the Laboratory: Handling and Management
of Chemical Hazards,’’ 2011 edition. All
revisions being made are minor and non-
DATES: The effective date of this
technical amendment to the standard is
January 22, 2013.
Press inquiries: Frank Meilinger,
Director, Ofce of Communications,
OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor, Room
N–3647, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20210; telephone: (202)
General and technical information:
Andrew Levinson, OSHA Directorate of
Standards and Guidance, Ofce of
Biological Hazards, Room N–3718, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210;
telephone: (202) 693–1950.
When the OSHA Laboratory Standard
was published in 1990, the nonmandatory
Appendix A was based on the 1981
edition of ‘‘Prudent Practices for Handling
Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories’’ and
the 1983 edition of ‘‘Prudent Practices for
Disposal of Chemicals from Laboratories,’
both published by National Academy
Press. Since then, there have been
many changes in the culture of safety in
laboratories. The National Academies of
Science (NAS) recognized these changes
and has revised and updated its earlier
‘Prudent Practices,’’ reected in the
2011 edition of ‘‘Prudent Practices in
the Laboratory: Handling and
Management of Chemical Hazards’
Hygiene Plan (CHP), the following non-
mandatory recommendations were based
on the National Research Council’s (NRC)
2011 edition of ‘‘Prudent Practices in the
Laboratory: Handling and Management
of Chemical Hazards.’’ This reference,
henceforth referred to as ‘‘Prudent
Practices,’’ is available from the National
Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street NW.,
Washington DC 20001 (www.nap.edu).
‘Prudent Practices’’ is cited because of
its wide distribution and acceptance and
because of its preparation by recognized
authorities in the laboratory community
through the sponsorship of the NRC.
However, these recommendations do not
modify any requirements of the OSHA
Laboratory standard. This appendix
presents pertinent recommendations
from ‘‘Prudent Practices,’’ organized into
a form convenient for quick reference
during operation of a laboratory and
during development and application of
a CHP. For a detailed explanation and
justication for each recommendation,
consult ‘‘Prudent Practices.’
‘Prudent Practices’’ deals with both
general laboratory safety and many
types of chemical hazards, while the
Laboratory standard is concerned
primarily with chemical health hazards
as a result of chemical exposures.
The recommendations from ‘‘Prudent
Practices’’ have been paraphrased,
combined, or otherwise reorganized in
order to adapt them for this purpose.
However, their sense has not been
Section F contains information from the
U.S. Chemical Safety Board’s (CSB)
Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Performance and
Accountability report and Section F
contains recommendations extracted
from the CSB’s 2011 case study, ‘‘Texas
Tech University Laboratory Explosion,’
available from: http://www.csb.gov/.
Culture of Safety
With the promulgation of the
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Laboratory
standard (29 CFR 1910.1450), a culture
of safety consciousness, accountability,
organization, and education has
developed in industrial, governmental,
and academic laboratories. Safety
and training programs have been
implemented to promote the safe
handling of chemicals from ordering
to disposal, and to train laboratory
personnel in safe practices. Laboratory
personnel must realize that the welfare
and safety of each individual depends
on clearly dened attitudes of teamwork
and personal responsibility. Learning to
participate in this culture of habitual risk
assessment, experiment planning, and
consideration of worst-case possibilities—
for oneself and one’s fellow workers—is
as much part of a scientic education as
learning the theoretical background of
experiments or the step-by-step protocols
for doing them in a professional manner. A
crucial component of chemical education
for all personnel is to nurture basic
attitudes and habits of prudent behavior
so that safety is a valued and inseparable
part of all laboratory activities throughout
their career.
Over the years, special techniques have
been developed for handling chemicals
safely. Local, state, and federal
regulations hold institutions that sponsor
chemical laboratories accountable for
providing safe working environments.
Beyond regulation, employers and
scientists also hold themselves personally
responsible for their own safety, the
safety of their colleagues and the safety
of the general public. A sound safety
organization that is respected by all
requires the participation and support of
laboratory administrators, workers, and
students. A successful health and safety
program requires a daily commitment
from everyone in the organization. To be
most effective, safety and health must
be balanced with, and incorporated into,
laboratory processes. A strong safety
and health culture is the result of positive
workplace attitudes—from the chief
executive ofcer to the newest
hire; involvement and buy-in of all
members of the workforce; mutual,
meaningful, and measurable safety and
health improvement goals; and policies
and procedures that serve as reference
tools, rather than obscure rules.
In order to perform their work in a
prudentmanner, laboratory personnel
must consider the health, physical, and
environmental hazards of the chemicals
they plan to use in an experiment.
However, the ability to accurately identify
and assess laboratory hazards must be
taught and encouraged through training
and ongoing organizational support. This
training must be at the core of every
good health and safety program. For
management to lead, personnel to assess
worksite hazards, and hazards to be
eliminated or controlled, everyone
involved must be trained.
A. General Principles
1. Minimize All Chemical Exposures and
Because few laboratory chemicals are
without hazards, general precautions for
handling all laboratory chemicals should
be adopted. In addition to these general
guidelines, specic guidelines for
chemicals that are used frequently or are
particularly hazardous should be adopted.
Laboratory personnel should conduct
their work under conditions that minimize
the risks from both known and unknown
hazardous substances. Before beginning
any laboratory work, the hazards and risks
associated with an experiment or activity
should be determined and the necessary
safety precautions implemented. Every
laboratory should develop facility-specic
policies and procedures for the highest-
risk materials and procedures used
in their laboratory. To identify these,
consideration should be given to past
accidents, process conditions, chemicals
used in large volumes, and particularly
hazardous chemicals.
Perform Risk Assessments for
Hazardous Chemicals and Procedures
Prior to Laboratory Work:
(a) Identify chemicals to be used,
amounts required, and circumstances
of use in the experiment. Consider any
special employee or laboratory conditions
that could create or increase a hazard.
Consult sources of safety and health
information and experienced scientists
to ensure that those conducting the risk
assessment have sufcient expertise.
(b) Evaluate the hazards posed by the
chemicals and the experimental
conditions. The evaluation should cover
toxic, physical, reactive, ammable,
explosive, radiation, and biological
hazards, as well as any other potential
hazards posed by the chemicals.
(c) For a variety of physical and
chemical reasons, reaction scale-ups
pose special risks, which merit additional
prior review and precautions.
(d) Select appropriate controls to
minimize risk, including use of engineering
controls, administrative controls, and
personal protective equipment (PPE)
to protect workers from hazards. The
controls must ensure that OSHAs
Permissible Exposure contingencies and
be aware of the institutional procedures in
the event of emergencies and accidents.
One sample approach to risk
assessment is to answer these ve
(a) What are the hazards?
(b) What is the worst thing that could
(c) What can be done to prevent this
from happening?
(d) What can be done to protect from
these hazards?
(e) What should be done if something
goes wrong?
2. Avoid Underestimation of Risk
Even for substances of no known
signicant hazard, exposure should be
minimized; when working with substances
that present special hazards, special
precautions should be taken. Reference
should be made to the safety data sheet
(SDS) that is provided for each chemical.
Unless otherwise known, one should
assume that any mixture will be more
toxic than its most toxic component and
that all substances of unknown toxicity
are toxic.
Determine the physical and health
hazards associated with chemicals before
working with them. This determination
may involve consulting literature
references, laboratory chemical safety
summaries (LCSSs), SDSs, or other
reference materials. Consider how
the chemicals will be processed and
determine whether the changing states
or forms will change the nature of the
hazard. Review your plan, operating
limits, chemical evaluations and detailed
risk assessment with other chemists,
especially those with experience with
similar materials and protocols.
Before working with chemicals, know
your facility’s policies and procedures for
how to handle an accidental spill or re.
Emergency telephone numbers should
be posted in a prominent area. Know the
location of all safety equipment and the
nearest re alarm and telephone.
3. Adhere to the Hierarchy of Controls
The hierarchy of controls prioritizes
intervention strategies based on the
premise that the best way to control a
hazard is to systematically remove it
from the workplace, rather than relying
on employees to reduce their exposure.
The types of measures that may be used
to protect employees (listed from most
effective to least effective) are:
engineering controls, administrative
controls, work practices, and PPE.
Engineering controls, such as chemical
hoods, physically separate the employee
from the hazard. Administrative controls,
such as employee scheduling, are
established by management to help
minimize the employees’ exposure time
to hazardous chemicals. Work practice
controls are tasks that are performed in a
designated way to minimize or eliminate
hazards. Personal protective equipment
and apparel are additional protection
provided under special circumstances
and when exposure is unavoidable.
Face and eye protection is necessary to
prevent ingestion and skin absorption of
hazardous chemicals. At a minimum,
safety glasses, with side shields, should
be used for all laboratory work. Chemical
splash goggles are more appropriate
than regular safety glasses to protect
against hazards such as projectiles, as
well as when working with glassware
under reduced or elevated pressures
(e.g., sealed tube reactions), when
handling potentially explosive compounds
(particularly during distillations), and when
using glassware in high-temperature
operations. Do not allow laboratory
chemicals to come in contact with skin.
Select gloves carefully to ensure that they
are impervious to the chemicals being
used and are of correct thickness to allow
reasonable dexterity while also ensuring
adequate barrier protection.
Lab coats and gloves should be worn
when working with hazardous materials
in a laboratory. Wear closed-toe shoes
and long pants or other clothing that
covers the legs when in a laboratory
where hazardous chemicals are used.
Additional protective clothing should be
used when there is signicant potential for
skin-contact exposure to chemicals. The
protective characteristics of this clothing
must be matched to the hazard. Never
wear gloves or laboratory coats outside
the laboratory or into areas where food is
stored and consumed.
4. Provide Laboratory Ventilation
The best way to prevent exposure to
airborne substances is to prevent their
escape into the working atmosphere by
the use of hoods and other ventilation
devices. To determine the best choice for
laboratory ventilation using engineering
controls for personal protection,
employers are referred to Table 9.3 of
the 2011 edition of ‘‘Prudent Practices.’
Laboratory chemical hoods are the most
important components used to protect
laboratory personnel from exposure
to hazardous chemicals.
(a) Toxic or corrosive chemicals that
require vented storage should be
stored in vented cabinets instead of in a
chemical hood.
(b) Chemical waste should not be
disposed of by evaporation in a chemical
(c) Keep chemical hood areas clean and
free of debris at all times.
(d) Solid objects and materials, such as
paper, should be prevented from entering
the exhaust ducts as they can reduce the
air ow.
(e) Chemical hoods should be
maintained, monitored and routinely
tested for proper performance.
A laboratory ventilation system should
include the following characteristics and
(a) Heating and cooling should be
adequate or the comfort of workers
and operation of equipment. Before
modication of any building HVAC, the
impact on laboratory or hood ventilation
should be considered, as well as how
laboratory ventilation changes may affect
the building HVAC.
(b) A negative pressure differential
should exist between the amount of air
exhausted from the laboratory and the
amount supplied to the laboratory to
prevent uncontrolled chemical vapors
from leaving the laboratory.
(c) Local exhaust ventilation devices
should be appropriate to the materials an
operations in the laboratory.
(d) The air in chemical laboratories
shouldbe continuously replaced so that
concentrations of odoriferous or toxic
substances do not increase during the
(e) Laboratory air should not be
recirculated but exhausted directly
(f) Air pressure should be negative with
respect to the rest of the building. Local
capture equipment and systems should
be designed only by an experienced
engineer or industrial hygienist.
(g) Ventilation systems should be
inspected and maintained on a regular
basis. There should be no areas where
air remains static or areas that have
unusually high airow velocities.
Before work begins, laboratory workers
should be provided with proper training
that includes how to use the ventilation
equipment, how to ensure that it is
functioning properly, the consequences of
improper use, what to do in the event of a
system failure or power outage, special
considerations, and the importance of
signage and postings.
5. Institute a Chemical Hygiene Program
A comprehensive chemical hygiene
program is required. It should be
designed to minimize exposures, injuries,
illnesses and incidents. There should be
a regular, continuing effort that includes
program oversight, safe facilities,
chemical hygiene planning, training,
emergency preparedness and chemical
security. The chemical hygiene program
must be reviewed annually and updated
as necessary whenever new processes,
chemicals, or equipment is implemented.
Its recommendations should be followed
in all laboratories.
6. Observe the PELs and TLVs
OSHAs Permissible Exposure Limits
(PELs) must not be exceeded. The
American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists’ Threshold Limit
Values (TLVs) should also not be
B. Responsibilities
Persons responsible for chemical
hygiene include, but are not limited to,
the following:
1. Chemical Hygiene Ofcer
(a) Establishes, maintains, and revises
the chemical hygiene plan (CHP).
(b) Creates and revises safety rules and
(c) Monitors procurement, use, storage,
and disposal of chemicals.
(d) Conducts regular inspections of the
laboratories, preparations rooms, and
chemical storage rooms, and submits
detailed laboratory inspection reports to
(e) Maintains inspection, personnel
training, and inventory records.
(f) Assists laboratory supervisors in
developing and maintaining adequate
(g) Seeks ways to improve the chemical
hygiene program.
2. Department Chairperson or Director
(a) Assumes responsibility for personnel
engaged in the laboratory use of
hazardous chemicals.
(b) Provides the chemical hygiene
ofcer (CHO) with the support necessary
to implement and maintain the CHP.
(c) After receipt of laboratory inspection
report from the CHO, meets with
laboratory supervisors to discuss cited
violations and to ensure timely actions
to protect trained laboratory personnel
and facilities and to ensure that the
department remains in compliance with
all applicable federal, state, university,
local and departmental codes and
(d) Provides budgetary arrangements to
ensure the health and safety of the
departmental personnel, visitors, and
3. Departmental Safety Committee
reviews accident reports and makes
appropriate recommendations to the
department chairperson regarding
proposed changes in the laboratory
4. Laboratory Supervisor or Principal
Investigator has overall responsibility for
chemical hygiene in the laboratory,
including responsibility to:
(a) Ensure that laboratory personnel
comply with the departmental CHP and
do not operate equipment or handle
hazardous chemicals without proper
training and authorization.
(b) Always wear personal protective
equipment (PPE) that is compatible to the
degree of hazard of the chemical.
(c) Follow all pertinent safety rules when
working in the laboratory to set an
(d) Review laboratory procedures for
potential safety problems before
assigning to other laboratory personnel.
(e) Ensure that visitors follow the
laboratory rules and assumes
responsibility for laboratory visitors.
(f) Ensure that PPE is available and
properly used by each laboratory
employee and visitor.
(g) Maintain and implement safe
laboratory practices.
(h) Provide regular, formal chemical
hygiene and housekeeping inspections,
including routine inspections of
emergency equipment;
(i) Monitor the facilities and the chemical
fume hoods to ensure that they are
maintained and function properly. Contact
the appropriate person, as designated
by the department chairperson, to
report problems with the facilities or the
chemical fume hoods.
5. Laboratory Personnel
(a) Read, understand, and follow all
safety rules and regulations that apply to
the work area;
(b) Plan and conduct each operation in
accordance with the institutional chemical
hygiene procedures;
(c) Promote good housekeeping
practices in the laboratory or work area.
(d) Notify the supervisor of any
hazardous conditions or unsafe work
practices in the work area.
(e) Use PPE as appropriate for each
procedure that involves hazardous
C. The Laboratory Facility
General Laboratory Design Considerations
Wet chemical spaces and those with a
higher degree of hazard should be
separated from other spaces by a wall or
protective barrier wherever possible. If the
areas cannot be separated, then workers
in lower hazard spaces may require
additional protection from the hazards in
connected spaces.
1. Laboratory Layout and Furnishing
(a) Work surfaces should be chemically
resistant, smooth, and easy to clean.
(b) Hand washing sinks for hazardous
materials may require elbow, foot, or
electronic controls for safe operation.
(c) Wet laboratory areas should have
chemically resistant, impermeable,
slipresistant ooring.
(d) Walls should be nished with a
material that is easy to clean and
(e) Doors should have view panels to
prevent accidents and should open in the
direction of egress.
(f) Operable windows should not be
present in laboratories, particularly if there
are chemical hoods or other local
ventilation systems present.
2. Safety Equipment and Utilities
(a) An adequate number and placement
of safety showers, eyewash units, and re
extinguishers should be provided for the
(b) Use of water sprinkler systems is
resisted by some laboratories because
of the presence of electrical equipment
or waterreactive materials, but it is still
generally safer to have sprinkler systems
installed. A re large enough to trigger the
sprinkler system would have the potential
to cause far more destruction than the
local water damage.
D. Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)
The OSHA Laboratory standard denes
a CHP as ‘‘a written program developed
and implemented by the employer
which sets forth procedures, equipment,
personal protective equipment and work
practices that are capable of protecting
employees from the health hazards
presented by hazardous chemicals used
in that particular workplace.’’ (29 CFR
1910.1450(b)). The Laboratory Standard
requires a CHP: ‘‘Where hazardous
chemicals as dened by this standard
are used in the workplace, the employer
shall develop and carry out the provisions
of a written Chemical Hygiene Plan.’
(29 CFR 1910.1450(e)(1)). The CHP is
the foundation of the laboratory safety
program and must be reviewed and
updated, as needed, and at least on an
annual basis to reect changes in policies
and personnel. A CHP should be facility
specic and can assist in promoting a
culture of safety to protect workers from
exposure to hazardous materials.
1. The Laboratory’s CHP must be readily
available to workers and capable of
protecting workers from health hazards
and minimizing exposure. Include the
following topics in the CHP:
(a) Individual chemical hygiene
(b) Standard operating procedures;
(c) Personal protective equipment,
engineering controls and apparel;
(d) Laboratory equipment;
(e) Safety equipment;
(f) Chemical management;
(g) Housekeeping;
(h) Emergency procedures for accidents
and spills;
(i) Chemical waste;
(j) Training;
(k) Safety rules and regulations;
(l) Laboratory design and ventilation;
(m) Exposure monitoring;
(n) Compressed gas safety;
(o) Medical consultation and
It should be noted that the nature of
laboratory work may necessitate
addressing biological safety, radiation
safety and security issues.
2. Chemical Procurement, Distribution,
and Storage
Prudent chemical management includes
the following processes:
Chemical Procurement:
(a) Information on proper handling,
storage, and disposal should be known to
those who will be involved before a
substance is received.
(b) Only containers with adequate
identifying labels should be accepted.
(c) Ideally, a central location should be
used for receiving all chemical shipments.
(d) Shipments with breakage or leakage
should be refused or opened in a
chemical hood.
(e) Only the minimum amount of the
chemical needed to perform the planned
work should be ordered.
(f) Purchases of high risk chemicals
should be reviewed and approved by the
(g) Proper protective equipment and
handling and storage procedures should
be in place before receiving a shipment.
Chemical Storage:
(a) Chemicals should be separated and
stored according to hazard category and
(b) SDS and label information should be
followed for storage requirements.
(c) Maintain existing labels on incoming
containers of chemicals and other
(d) Labels on containers used for storing
hazardous chemicals must include the
chemical identication and appropriate
hazard warnings.
(e) The contents of all other chemical
containers and transfer vessels, including,
but not limited to, beakers, asks, reaction
vessels, and process equipment, should
be properly identied.
(f) Chemical shipments should be dated
upon receipt and stock rotated.
(g) Peroxide formers should be dated
upon receipt, again dated upon opening,
and stored away from heat and light with
tighttting, nonmetal lids.
(h) Open shelves used for chemical
storage should be secured to the wall
and contain 3⁄4-inch lips. Secondary
containment devices should be used as
(i) Consult the SDS and keep
incompatibles separate during transport,
storage, use, and disposal.
(j) Oxidizers, reducing agents, and fuels
should be stored separately to prevent
contact in the event of an accident.
(k) Chemicals should not be stored in
the chemical hood, on the oor, in areas
of egress, on the benchtop, or in areas
near heat or in direct sunlight.
(l) Laboratory-grade, ammable-rated
refrigerators and freezers should be used
to store sealed chemical containers of
ammable liquids that require cool
storage. Do not store food or beverages
in the laboratory refrigerator.
(m) Highly hazardous chemicals should
be stored in a well-ventilated and secure
area designated for that purpose.
(n) Flammable chemicals should be
stored in a spark-free environment and
in approved ammable-liquid containers
and storage cabinets. Grounding and
bonding should be used to prevent
static charge buildups when dispensing
(o) Chemical storage and handling
rooms should be controlled-access areas.
They should have proper ventilation,
appropriate signage, diked oors, and re
suppression systems.
Chemical Handling:
(a) As described above, a risk
assessment should be conducted prior
to beginning work with any hazardous
chemical for the rst time.
(b) All SDS and label information should
be read before using a chemical for the
rst time.
(c) Trained laboratory workers should
ensure that proper engineering controls
(ventilation) and PPE are in place.
Chemical Inventory:
(a) Prudent management of chemicals
in any laboratory is greatly facilitated by
keeping an accurate inventory of the
chemicals stored.
(b) Unneeded items should be
discarded or returned to the storeroom.
Transporting Chemicals:
(a) Secondary containment devices
should be used when transporting
(b) When transporting chemicals outside
of the laboratory or between stockrooms
and laboratories, the transport container
should be break-resistant.
(c) High-trafc areas should be avoided.
Transferring Chemicals:
(a) Use adequate ventilation (such as a
fume hood) when transferring even a
small amount of a particularly hazardous
substance (PHS).
(b) While drum storage is not
appropriate for laboratories, chemical
stockrooms may purchase drum
quantities of solvents used in high
volumes. Ground and bond the drum
and receiving vessel when transferring
ammable liquids from a drum to prevent
static charge buildup.
(c) If chemicals from commercial
sources are repackaged into transfer
vessels, the new containers should be
labeled with all essential information on
the original container.
Shipping Chemicals: Outgoing chemical
shipments must meet all applicable
Department of Transportation (DOT)
regulations and should be authorized and
handled by the institutional shipper.
3. Waste Management
A waste management plan should be in
place before work begins on any
laboratory activity. The plan should utilize
the following hierarchy of practices:
(a) Reduce waste sources. The best
approach to minimize waste generation
is by reducing the scale of operations,
reducing its formation during operations,
and, if possible, substituting less
hazardous chemicals for a particular
(b) Reuse surplus materials. Only the
amount of material necessary for an
experiment should be purchased, and, if
possible, materials should be reused.
(c) Recycle waste. If waste cannot be
prevented or minimized, the organization
should consider recycling chemicals that
can be safely recovered or used as fuel.
(d) Dispose of waste properly. Sink
disposal may not be appropriate. Proper
waste disposal methods include
incineration, treatment, and land disposal.
The organization’s environmental
health and safety (EHS) ofce should be
consulted in determining which methods
are appropriate for different types of waste.
Collection and Storage of Waste:
(a) Chemical waste should be
accumulated at or near the point of
generation, under the control of laboratory
(b) Each waste type should be stored in
a compatible container pending transfer
or disposal. Waste containers should be
clearly labeled and kept sealed when not
in use.
(c) Incompatible waste types should be
kept separate to ensure that heat
generation, gas evolution, or another
reaction does not occur.
(d) Waste containers should be
segregated by how they will be managed.
Waste containers should be stored in a
designated location that does not interfere
with normal laboratory operations.
Ventilated storage and secondary
containment may be appropriate for
certain waste types.
(e) Waste containers should be clearly
labeled and kept sealed when not in use.
Labels should include the accumulation
start date and hazard warnings as
(f) Non-explosive electrical systems,
grounding and bonding between oors
and containers, and non-sparking
conductive oors and containers
should be used in the central waste
accumulation area to minimize re and
explosion hazards. Fire suppression
systems, specialized ventilation systems,
and dikes should be installed in the
central waste accumulation area. Waste
management workers should be trained
in proper waste handling procedures
as well as contingency planning and
emergency response. Trained laboratory
workers most familiar with the waste
should be actively involved in waste
management decisions to ensure
that the waste is managed safely and
efciently. Engineering controls should be
implemented as necessary, and personal
protective equipment should be worn by
workers involved in waste management.
4. Inspection Program
Maintenance and regular inspection of
laboratory equipment are essential
parts of the laboratory safety program.
Management should participate in
the design of a laboratory inspection
program to ensure that the facility is safe
and healthy, workers are adequately
trained, and proper procedures are being
Types of inspections: The program
should include an appropriate
combination of routine inspections, self-
audits, program audits, peer inspections,
EHS inspections, and inspections by
external entities.
Elements of an inspection:
(a) Inspectors should bring a checklist
to ensure that all issues are covered and a
camera to document issues that require
(b) Conversations with workers should
occur during the inspection, as they can
provide valuable information and allow
inspectors an opportunity to show
workers how to x problems.
(c) Issues resolved during the inspection
should be noted.
(d) An inspection report containing all
ndings and recommendations should be
prepared for management and other
appropriate workers.
(e) Management should follow-up on the
inspection to ensure that all corrections
are implemented.
5. Medical Consultation and
The employer must provide all
employees who work with hazardous
chemicals an opportunity to receive
medical attention, including any follow-
up examinations that the examining
physician determines to be necessary,
whenever an employee develops signs or
symptoms associated with a hazardous
chemical to which the employee may
have been exposed in the laboratory. If
an employee encounters a spill, leak,
explosion or other occurrence resulting in
the likelihood of a hazardous exposure,
the affected employee must be provided
an opportunity for a medical consultation
by a licensed physician. All medical
examinations and consultations must
be performed by or under the direct
supervision of a licensed physician
and must be provided without cost to
the employee, without loss of pay and
at a reasonable time and place. The
identity of the hazardous chemical, a
description of the incident, and any
signs and symptoms that the employee
may experience must be relayed to the
6. Records
All accident, fatality, illness, injury, and
medical records and exposure monitoring
records must be retained by the
institution in accordance with the
requirements of state and federal
regulations (see 29 CFR part 1904 and §
1910.1450(j)). Any exposure monitoring
results must be provided to affected
laboratory staff within 15 working days
after receipt of the results (29 CFR
7. Signs
Prominent signs of the following types
should be posted:
(a) Emergency telephone numbers of
emergency personnel/facilities,
supervisors, and laboratory workers;
(b) Location signs for safety showers,
eyewash stations, other safety and rst
aid equipment, and exits; and
(c) Warnings at areas or equipment
where special or unusual hazards exist.
8. Spills and Accidents
Before beginning an experiment, know
your facility’s policies and procedures for
how to handle an accidental release of a
hazardous substance, a spill or a re.
Emergency response planning and
training are especially important when
working with highly toxic compounds.
Emergency telephone numbers should
be posted in a prominent area. Know
the location of all safety equipment and
the nearest re alarm and telephone.
Know who to notify in the event of an
emergency. Be prepared to provide basic
emergency treatment. Keep your co-
workers informed of your activities so
they can respond appropriately. Safety
equipment, including spill control kits,
safety shields, re safety equipment, PPE,
safety showers and eyewash units, and
emergency equipment should be available
in wellmarked highly visible locations in all
chemical laboratories. The laboratory
supervisor or CHO is responsible for
ensuring that all personnel are aware of
the locations of re extinguishers and are
trained in their use. After an extinguisher
has been used, designated personnel
must promptly recharge or replace it
(29 CFR 1910.157(c)(4)). The laboratory
supervisor or CHO is also responsible for
ensuring proper training and providing
supplementary equipment as needed.
Special care must be used when
handling solutions of chemicals in
syringes with needles. Do not recap
needles, especially when they have been
in contact with chemicals. Remove the
needle and discard it immediately after
use in the appropriate sharps containers.
Blunt-tip needles are available from a
number of commercial sources and
should be used unless a sharp needle is
required to puncture rubber septa or for
subcutaneous injection.
For unattended operations, laboratory
lights should be left on, and signs should
be posted to identify the nature of the
experiment and the hazardous
substances in use. Arrangements should
be made, if possible, for other workers
to periodically inspect the operation.
Information should be clearly posted
indicating who to contact in the event of
an emergency. Depending on the nature
of the hazard, special rules, precautions,
and alert systems may be necessary.
9. Training and Information
Personnel training at all levels within the
organization, is essential. Responsibility
and accountability throughout the
organization are key elements in a strong
safety and health program. The employer
is required to provide employees with
information and training to ensure that
they are apprised of the hazards of
chemicals present in their work area (29
CFR 1910.1450(f)). This information must
be provided at the time of an employee’s
initial assignment to a work area where
hazardous chemicals are present and
prior to assignments involving new
exposure situations. The frequency of
refresher information and training should
be determined by the employer. At a
minimum, laboratory personnel should
be trained on their facility’s specic CHP,
methods and observations that may be
used to detect the presence or release of
a hazardous chemical (such as monitoring
conducted by the employer, continuous
monitoring devices, visual appearance
or odor of hazardous chemicals when
being released), the physical and health
hazards of chemicals in the work area and
means to protect themselves from these
hazards. Trained laboratory personnel
must know shut-off procedures in case
of an emergency. All SDSs must be made
available to the employees.
E. General Procedures for Working
With Chemicals
The risk of laboratory injuries can be
reduced through adequate training,
improved engineering, good
housekeeping, safe work practice and
personal behavior.
1. General Rules for Laboratory Work
With Chemicals
(a) Assigned work schedules should be
followed unless a deviation is authorized
by the laboratory supervisor.
(b) Unauthorized experiments should
not be performed.
(c) Plan safety procedures before
beginning any operation.
(d) Follow standard operating
procedures at all times.
(e) Always read the SDS and label
before using a chemical.
(f) Wear appropriate PPE at all times.
(g) To protect your skin from splashes,
spills and drips, always wear long pants
and closed-toe shoes.
(h) Use appropriate ventilation when
working with hazardous chemicals.
(i) Pipetting should never be done by
(j) Hands should be washed with soap
and water immediately after working with
any laboratory chemicals, even if gloves
have been worn.
(k) Eating, drinking, smoking, gum
chewing, applying cosmetics, and taking
medicine in laboratories where hazardous
chemicals are used or stored should be
strictly prohibited.
(l) Food, beverages, cups, and other
drinking and eating utensils should not be
stored in areas where hazardous
chemicals are handled or stored.
(m) Laboratory refrigerators, ice chests,
cold rooms, and ovens should not be
used for food storage or preparation.
(n) Contact the laboratory supervisor,
Principal Investigator, CHO or EHS ofce
with all safety questions or concerns.
(o) Know the location and proper use of
safety equipment.
(p) Maintain situational awareness.
(q) Make others aware of special
hazards associated with your work.
(r) Notify supervisors of chemical
sensitivities or allergies.
(s) Report all injuries, accidents,
incidents, and near misses.
(t) Unauthorized persons should not be
allowed in the laboratory.
(u) Report unsafe conditions to the
laboratory supervisor or CHO.
(v) Properly dispose of chemical wastes.
Working Alone in the Laboratory
Working alone in a laboratory is
dangerous and should be strictly avoided.
There have been many tragic accidents
that illustrate this danger. Accidents are
unexpected by denition, which is why
coworkers should always be present.
Workers should coordinate schedules to
avoid working alone.
Housekeeping can help reduce
or eliminate a number of laboratory
hazards. Proper housekeeping includes
appropriate labeling and storage of
chemicals, safe and regular cleaning of
the facility, and proper arrangement of
laboratory equipment.
2. Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials
Nanoparticles and nanomaterials have
different reactivities and interactions with
biological systems than bulk materials,
and understanding and exploiting these
differences is an active area of research.
However, these differences also mean
that the risks and hazards associated with
exposure to engineered nanomaterials are
not well known. Because this is an area of
ongoing research, consult trusted sources
for the most up to date information
available. Note that the higher reactivity
of many nanoscale materials suggests
that they should be treated as potential
sources of ignition, accelerants, and fuel
that could result in re or explosion. Easily
dispersed dry nanomaterials may pose
the greatest health hazard because of the
risk of inhalation. Operations involving
these nanomaterials deserve more
attention and more stringent controls
than those where the nanomaterials are
embedded in solid or suspended in liquid
Consideration should be given to all
possible routes of exposure to
nanomaterials including inhalation,
ingestion, injection, and dermal contact
(including eye and mucous membranes).
Avoid handling nanomaterials in the
open air in a freeparticle state. Whenever
possible, handle and store dispersible
nanomaterials, whether suspended in
liquids or in a dry particle form, in closed
(tightly-sealed) containers. Unless cutting
or grinding occurs, nanomaterials that
are not in a free form (encapsulated in
a solid or a nanocomposite) typically
will not require engineering controls. If a
synthesis is being performed to create
nanomaterials, it is not enough to only
consider the nal material in the risk
assessment, but consider the hazardous
properties of the precursor materials as
To minimize laboratory personnel
exposure, conduct any work that could
generate engineered nanoparticles in an
enclosure that operates at a negative
pressure differential compared to the
laboratory personnel breathing zone.
Limited data exist regarding the efcacy
of PPE and ventilation systems against
exposure to nanoparticles.
However, until further information is
available, it is prudent to follow standard
chemical hygiene practices. Conduct a
hazard evaluation to determine PPE
appropriate for the level of hazard
according to the requirements set forth in
OSHAs Personal Protective Equipment
standard (29 CFR 1910.132).
3. Highly Toxic and Explosive/Reactive
The use of highly toxic and explosive/
reactive chemicals and materials has
been an area of growing concern. The
frequency of academic laboratory
incidents in the U.S. is an area of
signicant concern for the Chemical
Safety Board (CSB). The CSB issued
a case study on an explosion at Texas
Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, which
severely injured a graduate student
handling a high-energy metal compound.
Since 2001, the CSB has gathered
preliminary information on 120 different
university laboratory incidents that
resulted in 87 evacuations, 96 injuries,
and three deaths.
It is recommended that each facility
keep a detailed inventory of highly toxic
chemicals and explosive/reactive
materials. There should be a record of
the date of receipt, amount, location,
and responsible individual for all
acquisitions, syntheses, and disposal of
these chemicals. A physical inventory
should be performed annually to verify
active inventory records. There should
be a procedure in place to report security
breaches, inventory discrepancies, losses,
diversions, or suspected thefts.
Procedures for disposal of highly toxic
materials should be established before
any experiments begin, possibly even
before the chemicals are ordered. The
procedures should address methods
for decontamination of any laboratory
equipment that comes into contact
with highly toxic chemicals. All waste
should be accumulated in clearly labeled
impervious containers that are stored in
unbreakable secondary containment.
Highly reactive and explosive materials
that may be used in the laboratory require
appropriate procedures and training. An
explosion can occur when a material
undergoes a rapid reaction that results in
a violent release of energy. Such reactions
can happen spontaneously and can
produce pressures, gases, and fumes that
are hazardous. Some reagents pose a
risk on contact with the atmosphere. It is
prudent laboratory practice to use a safer
alternative whenever possible.
If at all possible, substitutes for highly
acute, chronic, explosive, or reactive
chemicals should be considered prior to
beginning work and used whenever
4. Compressed Gas
Compressed gases expose laboratory
personnel to both chemical and physical
hazards. It is essential that these are
monitored for leaks and have the proper
labeling. By monitoring compressed gas
inventories and disposing of or returning
gases for which there is no immediate
need, the laboratory can substantially
reduce these risks. Leaking gas cylinders
can cause serious hazards that may
require an immediate evacuation of the
area and activation of the emergency
response system. Only appropriately
trained hazmat responders may respond
to stop a leaking gas cylinder under this
F. Safety Recommendations—Physical
Physical hazards in the laboratory
include combustible liquids, compressed
gases, reactives, explosives and
ammable chemicals, as well as high
pressure/energy procedures, sharp
objects and moving equipment. Injuries
can result from bodily contact with
rotating or moving objects, including
mechanical equipment, parts, and
devices. Personnel should not wear
loosetting clothing, jewelry, or
unrestrained long hair around machinery
with moving parts.
The Chemical Safety Board has
identied the following key lessons for
laboratories that address both physical
and other hazards:
(1) Ensure that research-specic
hazards are evaluated and then controlled
by developing specic written protocols
and training.
(2) Expand existing laboratory safety
plans to ensure that all safety hazards,
including physical hazards of chemicals,
are addressed.
(3) Ensure that the organization’s EHS
ofce reports directly to an identied
individual/ofce with organizational
authority to implement safety
(4) Develop a verication program that
ensures that the safety provisions of
the CHP are communicated, followed,
and enforced at all levels within the
(5) Document and communicate all
laboratory near-misses and previous
incidents to track safety, provide
opportunities for education and
improvement to drive safety changes at
the university.
(6) Manage the hazards unique to
laboratory chemical research in the
academic environment. Utilize available
practice guidance that identies and
describes methodologies to assess and
control hazards.
(7) Written safety protocols and training
are necessary to manage laboratory risk.
G. Emergency Planning
In addition to laboratory safety issues,
laboratory personnel should be familiar
with established facility policies and
procedures regarding emergency
situations. Topics may include, but are not
limited to:
(1) Evacuation procedures—when it is
appropriate and alternate routes;
(2) Emergency shutdown procedures—
equipment shutdown and materials that
should be stored safely;
(3) Communications during an
emergency—what to expect, how to
report, where to call or look for
(4) How and when to use a re
(5) Security issues—preventing
tailgating and unauthorized access;
(6) Protocol for absences due to travel
restrictions or illness;
(7) Safe practices for power outage;
(8) Shelter in place—when it is
(9) Handling suspicious mail or phone
(10) Laboratory-specic protocols
relating to emergency planning and
(11) Handling violent behavior in the
workplace; and
(12) First-aid and CPR training, including
automated external debrillator training if
It is prudent that laboratory personnel
are also trained in how to respond to
short-term, long-term and large-scale
emergencies. Laboratory security can play
a role in reducing the likelihood of some
emergencies and assisting in preparation
and response for others. Every institution,
department, and individual laboratory
should consider having an emergency
preparedness plan. The level of detail
of the plan will vary depending on the
function of the group and institutional
planning efforts already in place.
Emergency planning is a dynamic
process. As personnel, operations, and
events change, plans will need to be
updated and modied. To determine the
type and level of emergency planning
needed, laboratory personnel need to
perform a vulnerability assessment.
Periodic drills to assist in training and
evaluation of the emergency
plan are recommended as part of the
training program.
H. Emergency Procedures
(1) Fire alarm policy. Most organizations
use re alarms whenever a building needs
to be evacuated—for any reason. When a
re alarm sounds in the facility, evacuate
immediately after extinguishing all
equipment ames. Check on and assist
others who may require help evacuating.
(2) Emergency safety equipment. The
following safety elements should be met:
a. A written emergency action plan has
been provided to workers;
b. Fire extinguishers, eyewash units,
and safety showers are available and
tested on a regular basis; and
c. Fire blankets, rst-aid equipment, re
alarms, and telephones are available and
(3) Chemical spills. Workers should
contact the CHO or EHS ofce for
instructions before cleaning up a chemical
spill. All SDS and label instructions should
be followed, and appropriate PPE should
be worn during spill cleanup.
(4) Accident procedures. In the
event of an accident, immediately
notify appropriate personnel and local
emergency responders. Provide an SDS
of any chemical involved to the attending
physician. Complete an accident report
and submit it to the appropriate ofce or
individual within 24 hours.
(5) Employee safety training program.
New workers should attend safety
training before they begin any activities.
Additional training should be provided
when they advance in their duties or
are required to perform a task for the
rst time. Training documents should be
recorded and maintained. Training should
include hands-on instruction of how to
use safety equipment appropriately.
(6) Conduct drills. Practice building
evacuations, including the use of alternate
routes. Practice shelter-in-place, including
plans for extended stays. Walk the fastest
route from your work area to the nearest
re alarm, emergency eye wash and
emergency shower. Learn how each is
activated. In the excitement of an actual
emergency, people rely on what they
learned from drills, practice and training.
(7) Contingency plans. All laboratories
should have long-term contingency plans
in place (e.g., for pandemics). Scheduling,
workload, utilities and alternate work sites
may need to be considered.
I. Laboratory Security
Laboratory security has evolved in the
past decade, reducing the likelihood
of some emergencies and assisting in
preparation and response for others.
Most security measures are based on
the laboratory’s vulnerability. Risks to
laboratory security include, but are not
limited to:
(1) Theft or diversion of chemicals,
biologicals, and radioactive or proprietary
materials, mission-critical or high-value
(2) Threats from activist groups;
(3) Intentional release of, or exposure to,
hazardous materials;
(4) Sabotage or vandalism of chemicals
or high-value equipment;
(5) Loss or release of sensitive
information; and
(6) Rogue work or unauthorized
laboratory experimentation. Security
systems in the laboratory are used to
detect and respond to a security breach,
or a potential security breach, as well
as to delay criminal activity by imposing
multiple layered barriers of increasing
stringency. A good laboratory security
system will increase overall safety for
laboratory personnel and the public,
improve emergency preparedness by
assisting with preplanning, and lower the
organization’s liability by incorporating
more rigorous planning, stafng, training,
and command systems and implementing
emergency communications protocols,
drills, background checks, card access
systems, video surveillance, and other
measures. The security plan should clearly
delineate response to security issues,
including the coordination of institution
and laboratory personnel with both
internal and external responders.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2013–00788 Filed 1–18–13; 8:45
Appendix D. US Environmental Protection Agency
P-Listed Wastes
P023 107-20-0 Acetaldehyde, chloro-
P002 591-08-2 Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl)-
P057 640-19-7 Acetamide, 2-uoro-
P058 62-74-8 Acetic acid, uoro-, sodium salt
P002 591-08-2 1-Acetyl-2-thiourea
P003 107-02-8 Acrolein
P070 116-06-3 Aldicarb
P203 1646-88-4 Aldicarb sulfone.
P004 309-00-2 Aldrin
P005 107-18-6 Allyl alcohol
P006 20859-73-8 Aluminum phosphide (R,T)
P007 2763-96-4 5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol
P008 504-24-5 4-Aminopyridine
P009 131-74-8 Ammonium picrate (R)
P119 7803-55-6 Ammonium vanadate
P099 506-61-6 Argentate(1-), bis(cyano-C)-, potassium
P010 7778-39-4 Arsenic acid H3AsO4
P012 1327-53-3 Arsenic oxide As2O3
P011 1303-28-2 Arsenic oxide As2O5
P011 1303-28-2 Arsenic pentoxide
P012 1327-53-3 Arsenic trioxide
P038 692-42-2 Arsine, diethyl-
P036 696-28-6 Arsonous dichloride, phenyl-
P054 151-56-4 Aziridine
P067 75-55-8 Aziridine, 2-methyl-
P013 542-62-1 Barium cyanide
P024 106-47-8 Benzenamine, 4-chloro-
P077 100-01-6 Benzenamine, 4-nitro-
P028 100-44-7 Benzene, (chloromethyl)-1,2-Benzenediol, 4-[1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)
P042 51-43-4 ethyl]-, (R)-
P046 122-09-8 Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha-dimethyl-
P014 108-98-5 Benzenethiol 7-Benzofuranol, 2, 3-dihydro-2, 2-dimethyl-
P127 1563-66-2 methylcarbamate. Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with (3aS-cis)- 1, 2, 3, 3a, 8, 8a-hexahdro-1, 3a,
P188 57-64-7 yrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-yl methylcarbamate ester (1:1)
P001 fn1 81-81-2 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-, & salts, when present at
concentrations greater than 0.3%
P028 100-44-7 Benzyl chloride
P015 7440-41-7 Beryllium powder
P017 598-31-2 Bromoacetone
P018 357-57-3 Brucine
P045 39196-18-4 2-Butanone, 3,3-dimethyl-1-(methylthio)- O-[methylamino)carbonyl] oxime
P021 592-01-8 Calcium cyanide
P021 592-01-8 Calcium cyanide Ca(CN)2
P189 55285-14-8 Carbamic acid, [(dibutylamino)- thio]methyl-, 2, 3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl- 7-benzofuranyl ester.
P191 644-64-4 Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 1-[(dimethyl- amino) carbonyl]- 5-methyl-1H- pyrazol-3-yl ester.
P192 119-38-0 Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1- (1-methylethyl)-1H- pyrazol-5-yl ester.
P190 1129-41-5 Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-methylphenyl ester.
P127 1563-66-2 Carbofuran.
P022 75-15-0 Carbon disulde
P095 75-44-5 Carbonic dichloride
P189 55285-14-8 Carbosulfan.
P023 107-20-0 Chloroacetaldehyde
P024 106-47-8 p-Chloroaniline
P026 5344-82-1 1-(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea
P027 542-76-7 3-Chloropropionitrile
P029 544-92-3 Copper cyanide
P029 544-92-3 Copper cyanide Cu(CN)
P202 64-00-6 m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate.
P030 Cyanides (soluble cyanide salts), not otherwise specied
P031 460-19-5 Cyanogen
P033 506-77-4 Cyanogen chloride
P033 506-77-4 Cyanogen chloride (CN)Cl
P034 131-89-5 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol
P016 542-88-1 Dichloromethyl ether
P036 696-28-6 Dichlorophenylarsine
P037 60-57-1 Dieldrin
P038 692-42-2 Diethylarsine
P041 311-45-5 Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate
P040 297-97-2 O,O-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate
P043 55-91-4 Diisopropyluorophosphate (DFP)
P004 309-00-2 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4, 10,10- hexa- chloro-1, 4, 4a, 5, 8, 8a, -hexahydro-, (1alpha,
4 alpha, 4 abeta, 5 alpha,8 alpha, 8 abeta)-
P060 465-7 3-6 1, 4, 5, 8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10-hexa-chloro-1, 4, 4a, 5,8, 8a-hexahydro-,( alpha, 4
alpha,4ab eta,5beta,8beta,8abeta)-
P037 60-57-1 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b]oxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9- hexachloro-1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-,
(1aalpha,2beta, 2aalpha, 3beta,6beta,6aalpha,7beta, 7aalpha)-
P051 fn1 72- 20-8 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth [2,3-b]oxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9- hexachloro-1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a- octahydro-,
(1aalpha,2beta, 2abeta,3alpha,6alpha,6a beta,7beta, 7aalpha)-, & metabolites
P044 60-51-5 Dimethoate
P046 122-09-8 alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethylamine
P191 644-64-4 Dimetilan.
P047 fn1 534- 52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol, & salts
P048 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol
P020 88-85-7 Dinoseb
P085 152-16-9 Diphosphoramide, octamethyl-
P111 107-49-3 Diphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester
P039 298-04-4 Disulfoton
P049 541-53-7 Dithiobiuret
P185 26419-73-8 1,3-Dithiolane-2-carboxaldehyde, 2,4-dimethyl-, O- [(methylamino)- carbonyl]oxime.
P050 115-29-7 Endosulfan
P088 145-73-3 Endothall
P051 72-20-8 Endrin
P051 72-20-8 Endrin, & metabolites
P042 51-43-4 Epinephrine
P031 460-19-5 Ethane dinitrile
P194 23135-22-0 Ethanimidothioc acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N- [[(methylamino) carbonyl]oxy]-2 -oxo-, methyl ester.
P066 16752-77-5 Ethanimidothioic acid, N-[[(methylamino) carbonyl] oxy]-, methyl ester
P101 107-12-0 Ethyl cyanide
P054 151-56-4 Ethyleneimine
P097 52-85-7 Famphur
P056 7782-41-4 Fluorine
P057 640-19-7 Fluoroacetamide
P058 62-74-8 Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt
P198 23422-53-9 Formetanate hydrochloride.
P197 17702-57-7 Formparanate.
P065 628-86-4 Fulminic acid, mercury(2+) salt (R,T)
P059 76-44-8 Heptachlor
P062 757-58-4 Hexaethyl tetraphosphate
P116 79-19-6 Hydrazinecarbothioamide
P068 60-34-4 Hydrazine, methyl-
P063 74-90-8 Hydrocyanic acid
P063 74-90-8 Hydrogen cyanide
P096 7803-51-2 Hydrogen phosphide
P060 465-73-6 Isodrin
P192 119-38-0 Isolan.
P202 64-00-6 3- Isopropylphenyl N-methylcarbamate.
P007 2763-96-4 3(2H)-Isox azolone, 5-(aminomethyl)-
P196 15339-36-3 Manganese, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S’)-,
P196 15339-36-3 Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate.
P092 62-38-4 Mercury, (acetato-O)phenyl-
P065 628-86-4 Mercury fulminate (R,T)
1P192 23422-53-9 Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N’-[3- [[(methylamino)-carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-,
P197 17702-57-7 Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N’-[2-methyl-4- [[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]p henyl]-
P082 62-75-9 Methanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso-
P064 624-83-9 Methane, isocyanato-
P016 542-88-1 Methane, oxybis[chloro-
P112 509-14-8 Methane, tetranitro- (R)
P118 75-70-7 Methanethiol, trichloro-
P050 115-29-7 6,9-Methano-2,4,3-benzodioxathiepin , 6,7,8,9,10,10- hexachloro- 1,5,5a,6,9,9a-hexahydro-, 3-oxide
P059 76-44-8 4,7- Methano-1H-indene, 1,4,5,6,7,8,8-heptachloro- 3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-
P199 2032-65-7 Methiocarb.
P066 16752-77-5 Methomyl
P068 60-34-4 Methyl hydrazine
P064 624-83-9 Methyl isocyanate
P069 75-86-5 2-Methyllactonitrile
P071 298-00-0 Methyl parathion
P190 1129-41-5 Metolcarb.
P128 315-18-4 Mexacarbate.
P072 86-88-4 alpha-Naphthylth iourea
P073 13463-39-3 Nickel carbonyl
P073 13463-39-3 Nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4, (T-4)-
P074 557-19-7 Nickel cyanide
P074 557-19-7 Nickel cynaide Ni(CN)2
P075 fn1 54-11-5 Nicotine, & salts
P076 10102-43-9 Nitric oxide
P077 100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline
P078 10102-44-0 Nitrogen dioxide
P076 10102-43-9 Nitrogen oxide NO
P078 10102-44-0 Nitrogen oxide NO2
P081 55-63-0 Nitroglycerine (R)
P082 62-75-9 N-Nitrosodimethylamine
P084 4549-40-0 N- Nitrosomethylvinylamine
P085 152-16-9 Octamethylpyrophosphor amide
P087 20816-12-0 Osmium oxide OsO4, (T-4)-
P087 20816-12-0 Osmium tetroxide
P088 145-73-3 7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3-dicar boxylic acid
P194 23135-22-0 Oxamyl.
P089 56-38-2 Parathion
P034 131-89-5 Phenol, 2-cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro-
P048 51-28-5 Phenol, 2,4-dinitro-
P047 fn1 534- 52-1 Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro-, & salts
P020 88-85-7 P henol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6-dinitro-
P009 131-74-8 Phenol, 2,4,6-trinitro-, ammonium salt (R)
P128 315-18-4 Phenol, 4-(dimethylamino)-3,5-dimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester).
P199 2032-65-7 Phenol, (3,5-dimethyl-4-(methylthio)-, methylcarbamate
P202 64-00-6 Phenol, 3-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate.
P201 2631-37-0 Phenol, 3-methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate.
P092 62-38-4 Phenylmercury acetate
P093 103-85-5 Phenylthiourea
P094 298-02-2 Phorate
P095 75-44-5 Phosgene
P096 7803-51-2 Phosphine
P041 311-45-5 Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester
P039 298-04-4 Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl] ester
P094 298-02-2 Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[(ethylthio)methyl] ester
P044 60-51-5 Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-dimethyl S-[2- (methylamino)- 2-oxoethyl] ester
P043 55-91-4 Phosphorouoridic acid, bis(1-methylethyl) ester
P089 56-38-2 Phosphorothioic aci O,O-dimethyl ester
P040 297-97-2 Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O-pyrazinyl ester
P097 52-85-7 Phosporothioic acid, O-[4-[(dimethylamino) sulfonyl]phenyl]0,0-dimethyl ester
P071 298-00-0 Phosphorothioic acid, O,O,-dimethyl O-(4- nitrophenyl) ester
P204 57-47-6 Physostigmine.
P188 57-64-7 Physostigmine salicylate.
P110 78-00-2 Plumbane, tetraethyl-
P098 151-50-8 Potassium cyanide
P098 151-50-8 Potassium cyanide K(CN)
P099 506-61-6 Potassium silver cyanide
P201 2631-37-0 Promecarb
P070 116-06-3 Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methylthio)-, O-[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxime
P203 1646-88-4 Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methyl-sulfonyl)-, O- [(methylamino)carbonyl] oxime.
P101 107-12-0 Propanenitrile
P027 542-76-7 Propanenitrile, 3-chloro-
P069 75-86-5 Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-
P081 55-63-0 1,2,3-Propanetriol, trinitrate (R)
P017 598-31-2 2-Propanone, 1-bromo-
P102 107-19-7 Propargyl alcohol
P003 107-02-8 2-Propenal
P005 107-18-6 2-Propen-1-ol
P067 75-55-8 1,2-Propylenimine
P102 107-19-7 2-Propyn-1-ol
P008 504-24-5 4-Pyridinamine
P075 fn1 54-11-5 Pyridine, 3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-, (S)-, & salts
P204 57-47-6 Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-ol, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a- hexahydro-1,3a,8-trimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester),
(3aS- cis)-
P114 12039-52-0 Selenious acid, dithallium(1+) salt
P103 630-10-4 Selenourea
P104 506-64-9 Silver cyanide
P104 506-64-9 Silver cyanide Ag(CN)
P105 26628-22-8 Sodium azide
P106 143-33-9 Sodium cyanide
P106 143-33-9 Sodium cyanide Na(CN)
P108 fn1 57-24-9 Strychnidin-10-one, & salts
P018 357-57-3 Strychnidin-10-one, 2,3-dimethoxy-
P108 fn1 57-24-9 Strychnine, & salts
P115 7446-18-6 Sulfuric acid, dithallium(1+) salt
P109 3689-24-5 Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate
P110 78-00-2 Tetraethyl lead
P111 107-49-3 Tetraethyl pyrophosphate
P112 509-14-8 Tetranitromethane (R)
P062 757-58-4 Tetraphosphoric acid, hexaethyl ester
P113 1314-32-5 allic oxide
P113 1314-32-5 allium oxide Tl2O3
P114 12039-52-0 allium(I) selenite
P115 7446-18-6 allium(I) sulfate
P109 3689-24-5 iodiphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester
P045 39196-18-4 iofanox
P049 541-53-7 ioimidodi carbonic diamide [(H2N)C(S)]2NH
P014 108-98-5 iophenol
P116 79-19-6 T hiosemicarbazide
P026 5344-82-1 iourea, (2-chlorophenyl)-
P072 86-88-4 iourea, 1-naphthalenyl-
P093 103-85-5 iourea, phenyl-
P185 26419-73-8 Tirpate.
P123 8001-35-2 Toxaphene
P118 75-70-7 Trichlorome thanethiol
P119 7803-55-6 Vanadic acid, ammonium salt
P120 1314-62-1 Vanadium oxide V2O5
P120 1314-62-1 Vanadium pentoxide
P084 4549-40-0 Vinylamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso-
P001 81-81-2 Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3%
P205 137-30-4 Zinc, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S )-
P121 557-21-1 Zinc cyanide
P121 557-21-1 Zinc cyanide Zn(CN)2
P122 1314-84-7 Zinc phosphide Z[3]P[2], when present at concentrations greater than 10% (R,T)
P205 137-30-4 Ziram.
Appendix E. Employee Injury/Incident Report
17. Was the victim wearing Personal Protective Equipment? (please specify)
18. Was the employee seen by a physician? ___Yes ___No 19. Name of Physician ________________________
20. Location of Treatment_________________________
21. Was employee in Emergency room? ___Yes ___No
22. Was employee hospitalized overnight as a patient? ___Yes ___No
23. Type of Treatment received: ( check type)
_____Set Fracture/broken bone ____Treat Infection _____Stitches/Sutures _____Tetanus Shot _____Surgery
_____Prescription ____Physical Therapy ( more than once) _____Remove foreign Object from eye
_____Hearing Loss Other (explain)________________________________________________________________
Contact within 24 hours: Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) (304-293-3792). You can call in the injury @
304.293. HURT (for Med Mgmt)) and report the high-lighted information.
Supervisors complete both pages and immediately fax to EHS (304)293-7257 and Med Mgmt (304)293-2644
For EH&S use only Reclassied ________ Privacy Case__________ Serious Injury_______
OSHA Recordable WVU Occupational Medicine Fatality_______
Yes___ No___ Health Care Evaluation Near miss_______
Describe on page 2 reason
for Evaluation
1. Name of Injured: _____________________________ 2. WVU ID No. (700 xx xxxx):____________________
(Last, Sufx) (First) (Middle) Click here to look up WVU ID
3. Gender:____Female ____Male 4. Date of Birth ____/____ /____ or Age______
5. Date of Incident____/____ /____
6. Time of Incident: ____:__AM ____:__PM during work___ entering work___ leaving work___ lunch/break___
7. Campus: Main___ Potomac___ WVUIT___ 8. Department_________________________________________
9. Job Title______________________________
10. Employment Category: (Check one) Faculty___ Staff___ Student___ Employee___ Research Corp___
11. Status: Full-time___ Part-time___ Temporary___
12. Length of Employment: ___years 13. Time in occupation when incident occurred: ___years
14. Describe Exactly what happened, Include timeline of event and OBJECT or SUBSTANCE that caused harm:
An example would be: slipped on wet oor, exposure to cleaning chemicals, cut with carpet knife. (For informational
purposes, please submit detailed information on the appropriate Incident Description Statement Form(s).)
15. Location of Incident include building and room number, state if outdoors: i.e Engineering Sciences Bldg,
Room G38 )
16. Describe the INJURY or ILLNESS and Specic BODY PART(S) affected:
(An example would be: cut on palm of left hand or sprained lower back)
24. Total lost work days after the day of incident ___ 25. Total days of restricted activity ___
26. If employee has not returned to work check here ___ (Please complete Employee Return-To-Work Notice )
27. Was Worker Compensation Filed? Yes___ No___
Employee’s Signature_____________________________ Phone Number_________________ Date________
Supervisors Signature_____________________________ Phone Number_________________ Date________
Reviewers Name_________________________Signature____________________________ Date_________
(EHS use only) Healthcare Needlestick injuries only: Sharps Injury:___ Body Fluids Exposure___
WVU EMPLOYEE INJURY/INCIDENT REPORT (Case #_______________________)
Supervisor, Injured Employee, and Witness complete a separate Statement Form
Please check appropriate box
Supervisor Employee Witness
Name of Injured Employee: _______________________________________________________
Date of Injury: _______________________________________________________
Description of Incident: Describe in detail exactly what happened, Include: task(s) and procedure(s) being
performed, timeline of events, and OBJECT and/or SUBSTANCE that may have been involved.
Name (Printed):_________________________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Supervisors complete form and immediately fax to EHS (304) 293-7257
or mail Environmental Health and Safety Injury/Illness Prevention Program,
PO Box 6551, Morgantown, WV 26506
ese guidelines are based on the premise that all presenters care very much about the safety of their audiences and
participants during demonstration shows and hands-on activities. Although these guidelines are primarily for the presenters
of chemistry outreach programs, the responsibility for presenting safe chemistry programs falls on a much larger group of
individuals. Local section leaders, community activity coordinators, volunteers, and even participants and their parents
share the responsibility of ensuring safe environments for these programs and activities. e information presented in these
guidelines will help in the selection and presentation of programs and activities to keep community activities safe.
For the purpose of these guidelines, a chemical is dened as any material used during the course of a demonstration or a
hands-on activity. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be available for all chemicals used in demonstrations and
hands-on activities. Because these activities involve “doing science,” presenters and participants will be required to do what
scientists do—wear appropriate personal protective equipment that includes, at a minimum, chemical splash (cover) goggles
that conform to the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z87.1 standard, types G or H.
e guidelines presented here are divided into four sections, two for types of facilities and two for types of activities.
1. Guidelines for Presentations and Activities at Scientically Equipped Facilities
2. Guidelines for Presentations and Activities at Non-scientically Equipped Facilities
3. Guidelines for Hands-On Activities
4. Guidelines for Chemical Demonstrations (ACS Division of Chemical Education)
Follow all guidelines appropriate for both site and type of activity. For example, a hands-on activity at a shopping mall
would need to follow both the guidelines from Section 2 and those from Section 3, always using the more stringent rules
of the two guidelines. If you observe any activity that puts the audience at risk, we encourage you to take action. If the
situation is deemed immediately hazardous, take appropriate measures to stop the activity. If such action is taken, report the
circumstances of the activity to the community activities coordinator and the local section executive committee. If you have
concerns about other issues related to safety, address them to the presenter in a timely manner.
(Information regarding ACS liability insurance can be found at acs.org)
Presentations and Activities at Scientically Equipped Facilities
Scientically equipped facilities include:
• science facilities at colleges, universities, secondary schools, and science museums;
• research and manufacturing facilities; and
• any other type of facility that has laboratories.
It is assumed that these facilities generally have:
• extensive emergency equipment, including re extinguishers;
• chemical supplies;
• adequate ventilation and air circulation;
• disposal procedures for chemical waste; and
• rules concerning personal safety of visitors and employees during community activities.
1. Secure pre-approval for use of the facilities.
Secure pre-approval of all hands-on activities and demonstrations from the laboratory safety director or other
management ocial. Make facility security/safety ocers aware of the planned activity.
2. Prepare supplies in an appropriate area.
Carry out demonstration and activity preparations in an area designed for working with chemicals. Put controls in place
to ensure that the types and quantities of chemicals brought into the area are appropriate and kept to a minimum. Make
certain that all chemicals are appropriately labeled including appropriate safety hazard warnings. Make MSDS available for
all chemicals in the activity area.
3. Pretest demonstrations and activities.
Pretest programs, if possible, in the area in which they are to be performed. e pre-testing will help identify potential
safety hazards.
Appendix F. National Chemistry Week and Community Activity
Safety Guidelines
4. Carefully review activities that produce loud noises.
Consider moving these activities outside. If they are carried out inside, be certain to notify management and security. In all
cases, alert the audience to expect a loud noise and to cover (protect) their ears.
5. Identify issues related to chemical waste.
Establish in advance the types of chemical waste that will be produced and the procedure for waste disposal. Be certain to
follow the federal, state, and local regulations for waste disposal.
6. For demonstrations, provide adequate shielding for the audience and the demonstrator.
e safety of the audience is paramount. It must not be assumed that the members of the audience are protected by
distance. Protection could be achieved by shielding the audience and by the demonstrator wearing chemical splash
(cover) goggles (ANSI Z87.1) types G or H. Alternately, chemical splash (cover) goggles could be worn by all participants
(demonstrator and audience). Have a goggle sanitation plan for goggles used by multiple persons. One possible method
of sanitation is to immerse the goggles in diluted household laundry bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water), followed by
thorough rinsing and drying. Know the location of the nearest eye wash fountain and safety shower and ensure in advance
that the eyewash and safety shower are working properly. Discuss safety precautions with the audience as well as the
locations of the nearest restrooms.
7. If the activity is hands-on, provide adequate personal protective equipment for the participants, the leader(s), and any
e safety of all persons involved is paramount. All participants, helpers, and presenters must wear eye protection in
the form of chemical splash (cover) goggles (ANSI Z87.1) types G or H. Prepare and execute a goggle sanitation plan
for goggles used by multiple persons. One possible method of sanitation is to immerse the goggles in diluted household
laundry bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water), followed by thorough rinsing and drying. If the activity is likely to be
messy, consider providing disposable laboratory aprons and gloves. If aprons are to be reused, be certain to label the front
of the apron. Never reuse disposable gloves. Prior to the activity, discuss safety precautions with the audience as well as the
locations of the nearest restrooms.
8. Perform programs in areas with adequate ventilation.
Make certain the facility being used for the activity or demonstration has adequate ventilation for the chemicals being used.
9. Make plans in advance for adequate crowd control.
Make advance plans and provide personnel to ensure that the audience size is maintained at a predetermined level for the
activities. is includes control over the entrances to limit the number of persons admitted to the area. Make certain that
the number of volunteers is appropriate for the activities and for the expected size of the audience. For hands-on activities,
it is very important to control the number of persons having access to the area of the activity.
10. Plan exit routes.
Make certain that there is easy access to and exit from the area of the demonstration or activity. Include an explanation of
exit procedures and have adequate personnel to supervise evacuation in case of an emergency. Be aware of all on-site re
regulations regarding audience size and emergency evacuations.
11. Do not allow consumption of food or drink in the demonstration/activity area.
12. Have spill kits available that are appropriate for the chemicals to be used.
13. Ensure that re protection is readily available in the immediate area.
14. Distribute handouts complete with safety recommendations.
If the description of the activity is distributed, make sure that the procedure is well tested and details all safety related
concerns. All ACS materials have undergone safety review and contain appropriate guidelines.
Presentations and Activities at Non-scientically Equipped Facilities
Non-scientically equipped facilities include:
• elementary schools
• exhibit halls
• hospitals
• museums
• libraries
• senior citizen centers
• shopping malls
• sports facilities
• theaters
ese facilities generally lack:
• extensive emergency equipment, including re extinguishers;
• chemical supplies;
• adequate ventilation and air circulation;
• disposal procedures for chemical waste; and
• rules concerning personal safety of visitors and employees during community activities.
1. Secure approval in writing for use of the facility from its management.
Make management fully aware of the specic demonstrations and activities that are planned, any inherent hazards, and the
precautions being taken to mitigate those hazards. Make facility security/safety ocers aware of the planned activity.
2. Inspect the facility to ensure its adequacy.
Make no assumptions about the facility that will be used. Prepare a checklist of items necessary for the activities to be
carried out, including basics such as water and electricity. Keep in mind that non-scientic facilities have inadequate
ventilation and air exchange compared with scientic facilities. Make certain an appropriate re extinguisher is available in
the immediate area even if you must supply one.
3. Be aware of audience size limitations set by local re regulations. Fire regulations may also determine what materials
can be brought into the facility.
4. Use care in selecting the demonstrations/activities to be done in this type of facility.
For example, avoid reactions that produce loud noises, ames, smoke, and fumes.
5. Pretest demonstrations and activities.
Because it may not be possible to pre-test the demonstrations and activities in the facility to be used, pre-test them with
an age-appropriate helper in a similar area. During the pre-testing process, identify and correct potential safety problems.
Pre-testing will also ensure that the planned activity produces the expected results.
6. Minimize on-site reagent preparation.
For example, pre-weigh samples in bottles to which water may be added on-site to prepare solutions. is eliminates the
need to bring large quantities of solution to the facility.
7. Consider the time length of demonstrations and activities.
In a facility that has a large turnover of people, consider the use of brief demonstrations and activities. is is important
for crowd control.
8. Do not take ammables or combustibles [as dened by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA); www.nfpa.
org] into a non-scientically equipped facility.
9. Do not use ames of any type.
Caution must also be exercised when using hotplates. Never use a hotplate to heat ammable materials.
10. Carefully review activities that produce loud noises.
Consider moving these activities outside. If they are carried out inside, be certain to notify management and security. In all
cases, alert the audience to expect a loud noise and to cover their ears.
11. Use plastic, non-breakable containers and supplies.
Keep use of glass to a minimum. Use glass only when necessary and with appropriate safety precautions.
12. Consider issues related to the transport of chemicals and removal of waste.
e transport of chemicals to the event site and removal of waste aerwards present potential problems, including legal
problems, to those in charge of the programs.
A. To minimize the potential problems associated with the transport of chemicals to the facility, give careful
consideration to the planned activities and demonstrations. You should strongly consider developing
demonstrations and activities that use chemicals that may be purchased at local stores such as hardware, grocery,
and discount stores. Be aware that there could be potential problems associated with transporting these chemicals
to the facility, although some of these chemicals (e.g., drain cleaner, muriatic acid) would not be appropriate for use
in community activities. Make certain that all chemicals are appropriately labeled. Include any hazard and handling
information. When practical, make MSDS available for all materials used.
B. If possible, develop demonstrations and activities that “neutralize” the wastes that are produced. Depending on the
nature of the liquid wastes, it may be possible to dispose of some or all of the wastes on-site through the sanitary
sewage system, provided permission to do so has been obtained from local sewer/sanitation authorities. is must
not be done unless you have previously secured management approval. If the waste is transported o-site, it is
important to observe all federal, state, and local regulations governing such transport.
C. Label all waste and dispose of it in accordance with EPA or equivalent local regulations.
D. Follow the rule “if you take it in, you must take it out” as much as possible and always for any hazardous and
potentially hazardous substances.
13. For demonstrations, provide adequate shielding for the audience and the demonstrator.
e safety of the audience is paramount. e audience must be kept a minimum distance from demonstrations; a
minimum of ve feet is recommended. It must not be assumed that the members of the audience are protected by
distance. Protection could be achieved by shielding the audience and by the demonstrator wearing chemical splash
(cover) goggles (ANSI Z87.1) types G or H. Alternately, chemical splash (cover) goggles could be worn by all participants
(demonstrator and audience). Have a goggle sanitation plan for goggles used by multiple persons. One possible method
of sanitation is to immerse the goggles in diluted household laundry bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water), followed by
thorough rinsing and drying. Know the location of the nearest eye wash fountain and safety shower and ensure in advance
that the eyewash and safety shower are working properly. Discuss safety precautions with the audience as well as the
locations of the nearest restrooms.
14. If the activity is hands-on, provide adequate personal protective equipment for the participants, the leader(s), and any
e safety of all persons involved is paramount. All participants, helpers, and presenters must wear eye protection in
the form of chemical splash (cover) goggles (ANSI Z87.1) types G or H. Prepare and execute a goggle sanitation plan
for goggles used by multiple persons. One possible method of sanitation is to immerse the goggles in diluted household
laundry bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water), followed by thorough rinsing and drying. If the activity is likely to be
messy, consider providing disposable laboratory aprons and gloves. If aprons are to be reused, be certain to label the front
of the apron. Never reuse disposable gloves. ere should be a discussion with the audience of the safety precautions being
taken as well as the locations of the nearest restrooms.
15. Make plans in advance for adequate crowd control.
Make advance plans and provide personnel to ensure that the audience size is maintained at a predetermined level for the
activities. is includes control over the entrances to limit the number of persons admitted to the area. Make certain that
the number of volunteers is appropriate for the activities and for the expected size of the audience. For hands-on activities,
it is very important to control the number of persons having access to the area of the activity.
16. Plan exit routes.
Make certain that there is easy access to and exit from the area of the demonstration or activity. Include an explanation of
exit procedures and have adequate personnel to supervise evacuation in case of an emergency.
Be aware of all on-site re regulations regarding audience size and emergency evacuations.
17. Do not allow consumption of food or drink in the demonstration/activity areas.
18. Have spill kits available that are appropriate for the chemicals to be used.
19. Distribute handouts complete with safety recommendations.
If the description of the activity is distributed, make sure that the procedure is well tested and details all safety related
concerns. All ACS materials have undergone safety review and contain appropriate guidelines.
Guidelines for Hands-on Activities
When hands-on activities are planned, regardless of the location, certain precautions must be taken to protect the participants
and those directing and assisting with the activity. e protection is necessary regardless of the nature of the activity, even if
the “safest of chemicals” are being used. ese guidelines must be used in conjunction with one of the two facility guidelines.
1. Pretest all planned activities to ensure that they work and to identify and eliminate any safety problems.
2. Select chemicals that carry a minimum of risk for use in hands-on activities.
Keep in mind common allergies such as those to dierent varieties of nuts, latex, and sultes.
3. Explain the procedures clearly to ensure that all participants understand and agree to follow the procedures before
beginning the activity.
4. Make provisions to ensure that adequate experienced help is available to carefully oversee the experimenters carrying
out the hands-on activities.
5. Supervise participants.
Do not allow unsupervised activity. Do not allow any extension of the planned activity unless approved by the presenters.
Prior to starting any activity, discuss safety precautions with the audience as well as the locations of the nearest restrooms.
6. All participants, helpers, and presenters must wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
e safety of all persons involved is paramount. All participants, helpers, and presenters must wear eye protection in the
form of chemical splash (cover) goggles (ANSI Z87.1) types G or H. Have a goggle sanitation plan for goggles used by
multiple persons. One possible method of sanitation is to immerse the goggles in diluted household laundry bleach (1 part
bleach to 9 parts water), followed by thorough rinsing and drying. If the activity is likely to be messy, consider providing
disposable laboratory aprons and gloves. If aprons are to be reused, be certain to label the front of the apron. Never reuse
disposable gloves.
7. Make all participants aware of all safety precautions.
Do not allow anyone to participate in any activity if they have missed procedural and safety instructions.
8. Exercise caution with ames.
Never use alcohol burners in any type of activity. It is inappropriate to use a ame in a non-scientic facility. If burners
are used in a laboratory setting, make certain that the experimenters are old enough to understand the use and dangers
involved. Be careful of loose-tting clothing, and make certain that long hair is tied back or otherwise prevented from
hanging down when using burners. Caution must also be exercised when using hotplates. Never use a hotplate to heat
ammable materials.
9. Carefully control activities using the sense of smell.
Prepare in advance any activity that involves smelling any substances. Allow only safe, commercially available substances
to be smelled. Additionally, these should be at minimal concentrations even if dilution is required. Teach participants
about the dangers of smelling chemicals and instruct them in the proper technique—waing a small amount of vapor from
the container to the nose rather than placing the nose directly over the container. Use professional discretion in selecting
substances for these types of activities being particularly aware of chemical sensitivities (allergies).
10. Do not perform activities that involve tasting.
is guideline is consistent with the earlier guideline that prohibits the consumption of food or drink in the demonstration
areas. In keeping with standard, safe chemical practice, chemists do not taste substances used in their activities.
11. Instruct all participants to wash their hands immediately upon completion of the activity and before leaving the
facility in which the activity takes place.
Guidelines for Chemical Demonstrations
When demonstrations are planned, regardless of the location, certain precautions must be taken to protect the presenters,
participants, and audience. Protection is necessary regardless of the nature of the activity, even if the “safest of chemicals” are
being used. It is recommended that highly hazardous, highly ammable, or carcinogenic substances, such as benzene, carbon
tetrachloride, carbon disulde, and formaldehyde, not be used in any demonstration activity. ese guidelines must be used in
conjunction with one of the two facility guidelines.
Minimum Safety Guidelines for Chemical Demonstrations
ACS Division of Chemical Education
Chemical Demonstrators Must:
1. Know the properties of the chemicals and the chemical reactions involved in all demonstrations presented.
2. Comply with all local rules and regulations.
3. Wear appropriate eye protection for all chemical demonstrations.
4. Warn members of the audience to cover their ears whenever a loud noise is anticipated.
5. Plan the demonstration so that harmful quantities of noxious gases (e.g., N02, S02, H2S) do not enter the local air supply.
6. Provide safety shield protection wherever there is the slightest possibility that a container, its fragments or its contents could
be propelled with sucient force to cause personal injury.
7. Arrange to have a re extinguisher at hand whenever the slightest possibility for re exists.
8. Not taste or encourage spectators to taste any nonfood substance.
9. Not use demonstrations in which parts of the human body are placed in danger (such as placing dry ice in the mouth or
dipping hands into liquid nitrogen).
10. Not use open containers of volatile, toxic substances (e.g., benzene, CCl4, CS2, formaldehyde) without adequate ventilation
as provided by fume hoods.
11. Provide written procedure, hazard, and disposal information for each demonstration whenever the audience is encouraged
to repeat the demonstration.
12. Arrange for appropriate waste containers for and subsequent disposal of materials harmful to the environment.
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Laboratory Safety Manual
I have read and I understand the safety information contained in the Eberly College
Laboratory Safety Manual. I will follow the safety procedures and precautions and
incorporate them into my standard operating procedures when working in the laboratory.
__________________________________ _______________________
_______________________________________ __________________________
_______________________________________ __________________________
_______________________________________ __________________________
Complete this form and submit it to your Chemical Hygiene Ofcer.
Patricia Lutsie, Department of Biology
Barbara Foster, C. Eugene Bennett Department of Chemistry
Casper Venter, Department of Forensic and Investigative Science
Ajaya Sankara Warrier, Department of Geology and Geography
Phillip Tucker, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Appendix G. Sign-off Sheet