Michigan Bureau of Elections
Updated July 2019
This chapter is a copy of the online exam which you will complete in the Elections eLearning Center. The
exam cannot be submitted to the Bureau until after you have attended the in person two day
Accreditation Classes sponsored by the Michigan Department of State’s Bureau of Elections and
completed the online curriculum components.
You can print this document and use it as a worksheet while reviewing the chapters of this manual to
prepare for your exam. When ready, please launch the exam from the Initial Accreditation Curriculum in
the Elections eLearning Center.
After answering all the exam questions you will submit the exam for grading. You will automatically see
a report with your score and any incorrect answers. You can print this for your records. Do not close
the window itself. You must click the OK button on the report to submit your score to the eLearning
Center and to have the item marked complete in your transcript.
You will be mailed a certificate acknowledging your completion of the accreditation certification
The answers to the following “true or false” and “multiple choice” questions can be found in the Election
Officials’ Manual/Accreditation Study Guide.
Faxed or emailed copies will not be accepted. Please submit your exam through the Michigan Elections
eLearning Center.
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A candidate without political party affiliation who wishes to seek a partisan office
must file a non-partisan nominating petition.
Anyone who wishes to vote in an election may register to vote or update their
voter registration address no later than 15 days prior to an election via Secretary
of State branch office, a designated voter registration agency, in person at their
county, city, or township clerk’s office or by mail without proof of residency.
A clerk cannot issue a “cancellation notice” to a voter solely because of the voter’s
failure to participate in elections.
A mail-in registration application satisfies the 15-day “close of registration” for an
Election, if it is postmarked on or before the 15th day prior to the election.
A voter registration application is void if the applicant fails to enter his or her
driver license or personal identification card number on the application form.
A voter registration application must be rejected, if the applicant failed to sign
their application form and they were not previously registered to vote in Michigan
An individual registering to vote by mail needs to provide their Michigan driver’s
license number, state issued Personal Identification Card number or the last 4-
digits of their Social Security Number to fulfill the Federal ID requirement.
Michigan Election Law provides statutory authority in the conduct of Michigan
The Secretary of State serves as Michigan’s “chief election officer” with
supervisory control over local election officials in the performance of election
related duties.
City and township clerks are responsible for administering all federal, state,
county, city, township and village elections for their jurisdictions.
All candidates for public office are required to submit an Affidavit of Identity form
when filing for office.
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23. T F
A voter must have a reason to request their ballot be mailed to them ahead of the
All filings for public office are public information and must be produced for
inspection upon request.
An individual seeking a precinct delegate position with write-in votes can file a
Declaration of Intent form as late as the date of the August primary.
Persons attending an absent voter counting board are not permitted to leave the
counting place once the counting begins until the polls close at 8:00 p.m.
A Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) voter information page may not be
used to register a UOCAVA protected voter to vote.
A United States citizen living outside the United States may register to vote at their
last known address prior to moving out of the country.
Any voter may use a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register to vote and
request an absent voter ballot.
Literature explaining the “pros and cons” of a proposal on the ballot may be
displayed in the polling place.
A voter whose name does not appear on the list of qualified voters on Election Day
due to an error in their record may vote after completing a Provisional Ballot Form
in the precinct.
An election inspector appointed to serve at a November general election does not
have to declare a specific political party on their application.
The first three inspectors appointed to serve on a precinct board must be 18
years of age or older; any additional precinct inspectors appointed to the board
may be 16 or 17 years of age.
By agreement with the county clerk, the clerks of jurisdictions having a population
of less than 10,000 can assume full responsibility for the training of
election inspectors appointed to serve within the jurisdiction. Under such
agreements, it is not necessary for the election inspectors to attend the training
sessions sponsored by the county.
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The voting station minimums provided under Michigan election law of one station
Per 80-100 active voters must be exceeded where appropriate.
A voter whose right to vote is challenged at the polls on election day based on
residency within the jurisdiction must produce a driver license or
other documentation which lists an address within the jurisdiction before a
ballot may be issued.
26. The preliminary testing of all tabulators and Voter Assist Terminals that will be used on Election
Day should be conducted:
A. As early as possible once the programming and absent voter ballots are received.
B. No later than the 5th day prior to the election.
C. On the same day as the public accuracy test.
27. A test deck and chart of predetermined results prepared for the testing of all tabulators and
ballots prior to each election:
A. May be used for both the Preliminary and Public Accuracy Tests.
B. Must be secured in an approved ballot container between the Preliminary and Public
Accuracy Tests.
C. Each of the previous choices is correct and the materials must remain under secure
original seal from the date of the Public Accuracy Test, plus 30 days beyond the
certification of the election.
28. City and township clerks are required to post in a public place specific data regarding the
distribution, return and processing of absent voter ballots for:
A. Every election conducted in the jurisdiction.
B. Every election conducted in the jurisdiction at which state or federal offices appear on the
C. Special elections held to present millage and bond proposals.
29. The “Notice of Voter Registration” must be published:
A. In a local newspaper at least 30 days prior to an election.
B. When deemed necessary by the local election commission.
C. On the city or township website, no later than the 15th day prior to the election.
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30. If a voter wants to vote in the next election, but fails to register to vote by the 15th day prior to
the election, they can register to vote using which method up until Election Day?
A. Register to vote at any Secretary of State branch office.
B. Register to vote in person at their city or township clerk’s office with photo Identification
and proof of residency.
C. Mail their voter registration application to their city or township clerk.
31. How many years are clerks required to retain cancelled voter registration master cards?
A. Two years.
B. Five years.
C. Ten years.
32. Which statement is false?
A. A polling place may not be moved less than 30 days before an election unless the polling
place becomes unusable or is unavailable.
B. All polling places must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
C. Up to six precincts may be served by the same polling place location.
33. Which one of the following petition signature irregularities is not acceptable?
A. Signature on petition is “A. Smith”; registration record is signed “Albert Smith.”
B. Signature is dated after the date appearing on the circulator’s certificate.
C. Signer is registered in listed jurisdiction but at a different address than the address
entered on the petition.
34. Which of the following statements regarding write-in votes is false?
A. If the political party associated with a write-in vote cast at a partisan primary does not
match the political party indicated by the candidate on his/her Declaration of Intent, the
write-in vote is invalid.
B. The Declaration of Intent requirement is waived if a candidate appearing on the ballot for
a public office involved dies or is otherwise disqualified on or after the second Friday
immediately preceding the election.
C. To be elected to an office, a write-in candidate must receive more votes than any other
candidate seeking the office and must meet a vote “threshold formula” provided under
Michigan election law.
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35. Which of the following actions does not violate election law?
A. A campaign worker returns a voter’s absent voter ballot to the clerk.
B. A candidate distributes blank absent voter ballot application forms with his or her
campaign literature.
C. A voter asks a friend to deliver his or her absent voter ballot to the clerk.
36. A voter’s ballot must be processed as challenged, if:
A. The voter registered to vote at their city or township clerk’s office in the 14 days
preceding the election, and t
hey showed their school photo ID and a utility bill with
current address.
B. The voter failed to show required photo ID when requesting their absent voter ba
llot in-
person at their city or township clerk’s office.
C. Reread 1 and 2. It’s both 1 and 2.
37. Which organization does not have the authority to appoint “election challengers”?
A. A candidate committee.
B. A state-recognized political party.
C. An organized group of citizens interested in preserving the purity of elections and
guarding against the abuse of the elective franchise.
38. Under Michigan’s voter identification requirement, a person may not vote if:
A. The address on his or her driver license is different than the address listed on the QVF
precinct list.
B. The voter states that he or she does not have or is not in possession of an acceptable
form of identification and the voter, but signs the required affidavit of Voter Not In
Possession of Photo ID.
C. A voter who acknowledges that they have the required photo ID in their possession, but
refuses to show their photo ID to election inspectors.
39. A sealed ballot container delivered to the local clerk following the close of the polls may be
opened to remove the poll book or statement of votes by:
A. The local clerk and one other person.
B. The two members of the boa
rd of election inspectors that delivered the container.
C. The two members of the board of election inspectors that delivered the container, but
only while under the observa
tion of the members of the local receiving board.
40. A voter who is challenged by an authorized challenger can vote if he or she:
A. Appears on the QVF registration list and shows documentation as proof of his or her
qualifications t
o vote.
B. Completes a Provisional Ballot Form.
C. Agrees to answer questions regarding his or her qualifications to vote under oath and
appears through the answers given to those questions that he or she is qualified to vote in
he precinct.
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41. Which statement is false?
A. A poll watcher who wishes to be present in an absent voter counting board once the
counting begins must remain in the room in which the absent voter counting board is
working until the close of the polls (8:00 p.m.).
B. A poll watcher may observe voters who are offering to vote from behind the processing
C. A poll watcher may not touch the Poll Book or any other voting records.
42. How long are clerks required to secure and retain ballots containing a federal office?
A. 12 months.
B. 22 months.
C. 36 months.
43. Which statement is true?
A. Campaigners must remain at least 100 feet from any doorway used by voter to enter the
polling place; exit pollsters must remain at least 20 feet from the doorway used by voters
to exit the polling place.
B. Campaigners and exit pollsters must stand at least 20 feet from any doorway used by
voters to enter or exit the polling place.
C. Campaigners and exit pollsters must stand at least 100 feet from any doorway used by
voters to enter or exit the polling place.
D. None of the above
44. Which statement is false?
A. A voter may park a car or other vehicle bearing campaign signs or bumper stickers within
100 feet of the polling place during the time he or she is voting.
B. Voters are not permitted to refer to campaign literature when voting.
C. Election inspectors must ask voters entering the polls to remove campaign buttons or to
cover up clothing bearing a campaign slogan or a candidate’s name.
D. All of the above
45. An elector whose voter registration record cannot be located on Election Day can vote if he or
A. Produces what appears to be a current voter identification card.
B. Shows his or her driver license and completes a voter registration application.
C. Registers to vote at the city or township clerk’s office with proof of residency and a
receipt provided by the local clerk.
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46. If a voter needs assistance after entering a voting station, the assistance may be provided by:
A. Any member of the precinct board.
B. Two election inspectors who have expressed a preference for different political parties.
C. The chairperson of the precinct board.
D. All of the above
47. How long following each election does a local clerk have to determine if an “envelope” ballot
should be counted?
A. By the 3rd day following canvass and certification of the election by the date the County
Board of Canvassers.
B. By the 6th day following the election.
C. By the 6th day following canvass and certification of the election by the Board of State
48. Which of the following duties does not have to be performed by one Republican and one
Democratic election inspector?
A. Sealing ballot containers.
B. Questioning a voter who has been “challenged.”
C. Serve on a Receiving Board after the polls close.
49. Election inspector appointments must be made by:
A. The county clerk once every 2 years.
B. The local city or township clerk once a year.
C. The local election commission prior to each election.
50. What person or public body is responsible for determining the location of polling places?
A. The local city, township or village clerk.
B. The city council, township board or village council.
C. The local election commission.
End of Exam