Your 2024
Official Election Mail
Kit 600
January 2024
The Postal Service has a long and proud history of supporting our country’s electoral system
and we take seriously our clear and dened role to process, transport, and deliver the nation’s
Election Mail, including ballots. We continually reassess our capabilities to improve the operational
effectiveness of our critical Election Mail service.
Since the launch in March 2021 of our 10-year Delivering for America (DFA) strategic plan
to modernize and revitalize the Postal Service, we have created a permanent Election and
Government Mail Services structure. This full-time team is trained to educate postal employees
and election ofcials on policies and procedures for the proper handling of Election Mail, and to
monitor related activity to resolve issues as they arise.
The Postal Service provides many common-sense mailing recommendations to help voters and
election ofcials use the mail successfully when policymakers decide to use mail as part of their
election administration. We recommend that both voters and election ofcials follow any guidance
provided by their state, consider the time required for both legs of mail delivery, and keep in mind
any applicable Postal Service mailing recommendations. Sharing the Postal Service’s mailing
recommendations with your voters can better help them decide which method of participation in
the electoral process is right for them.
Important Reminder for the 2024 Election Cycle:
Election ofcials should use all available tools to improve the visibility of their Election Mail
within the postal network. In particular, the Postal Service strongly recommends the use of
Service Type IDentiers (STIDs), especially for ballots to improve Ballot Mail visibility within the
automation environment.
The Postal Service makes available specic STIDs for use by election ofcials on Ballot Mail, which
is any piece of ofcial Election Mail that contains a live ballot. These Ballot Mail STIDs may be used
only on Ballot Mail and may not be used on other ofcial Election Mail, such as sample ballots, voter
registration cards, polling place notications, etc. Election ofcials and mail service providers should
be aware that discounts are available for ballot mailings that use a Full-Service Ballot Mail STID.
For other types of Election Mail, refer to pages 2 and 4 of the STID Table on PostalPro aters to determine which STID to use
based on the mail class, address correction option, and other desired services.
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475 L’Enfant PLaza SW
aShington DC 20260-3100
iSit uS @ uSPS.Com
The Postal Service has prepared the 2024 Ofcial Election Mail Kit to help in the planning and preparation
of election-related mail. The kit is part of our continued commitment to provide you with the tools
necessary to use the U.S. Mail
as a secure, efcient, and effective way to help facilitate the election
process. For added security and peace of mind, all mail, including Election Mail and specically balloting
materials and ballots, is protected by the United States Postal Inspection Service
, the oldest federal law
enforcement agency in the nation. Election Ofcials should consider the Inspection Service as a valuable
resource in efforts to protect ballot materials.
Included in your 2024 Ofcial Election Mail Kit (Kit 600) are the following fact sheets and publications:
Election Mail Key Recommendations — Outline of the Postal Service’s key recommendations that
should be considered to help ensure you have the tools you need to successfully use the mail.
Ofcial Election Mail Resources — Overview of the many resources available to election ofcials to
effectively use the mail.
Steps to Creating Your Intelligent Mail Barcode — Learn how to create your own serialized IMb to
track Election Mail while in the mailstream and more.
Service Type IDentier for Ballot Mail — Understand how the three-digit code is improving the
identication and tracking of ballot mailpieces.
Informed Visibility
Mail Tracking and Reporting — Learn about this service that provides near-real-time
mail tracking data for letters and at pieces, bundles, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), and containers.
Tag 191, Domestic and International Ballots Information and guidelines to help your Ballot Mail get
higher visibility upon entry.
Business Reply Mail or Qualied Business Reply Mail with Intelligent Mail Barcode Accounting
)— Description of the First-Class Mail® service and a step-by-step guide to completing a BRM
and QBRM application.
Special Procedures: APO/FPO/DPO and Overseas Citizens Absentee Ballots Tips to ensure
absentee ballots reach military personnel and citizens who are overseas.
Informed Delivery — Discover the benets associated with creating an Informed Delivery campaign in
your electoral jurisdiction.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual— Includes many of
the Postal Service’s regulations about balloting materials.
USPS Election Mail Checkbox — Use the Election Mail Checkbox in the PostalOne!
system to ensure USPS® visibility of all Election Mail entered into the mailstream.
USPS Postmarking Guidelines — An explanation of the Postal Service’s policy concerning the
postmarking of ballots returned by voters.
Next Steps — Ready to get started? Follow a few simple steps for expert advice on how to create,
handle, and send Election Mail.
Publication 631, Ofcial Election Mail—Graphic Guidelines and Logos Learn proper usage of
the Ofcial Election Mail logo for inclusion on mailpieces.
Publication 632, State and Local Election Mail—User’s Guide Contains information that election
ofcials must consider before mailing Election Mail.
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Election Mail Key Recommendations
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
This fact sheet includes many of the Postal Service’s
recommendations for Election Mail. Following these
recommendations will help increase the visibility of ballots
as they move through the postal network and will generally
improve processing and enhance customers’ experience.
When making decisions about mailing ballots (and other
time-sensitive Election Mail), election ofcials should rst
consider their state and local rules, requirements and
recommendations. Secondly, you should choose whether
you want to outsource printing and utilize mail service
providers or not. It is also important to consider print and
production times. Additionally, make sure to consider
mailing logistics such as mail induction point locations
and be sure to avoid comingling outbound ballot mailings
with other mailpieces.
Along with any guidance from the state or locality,
the Postal Service recommends that election ofcials
consider providing any applicable Postal Service mailing
recommendations in their voter communications. Sharing
the Postal Service’s mailing recommendations will help
ensure that individuals who wish to use the mail to vote
know how to do so successfully.
The Postal Service’s mailing recommendations for
voters include:
In jurisdictions that require eligible voters to
request a ballot to receive one through the mail:
We recommend that domestic, nonmilitary voters
request their ballot as early as their jurisdiction allows.
Note: not all voters need to request a ballot to receive
one; check your local and state voting requirements.
For domestic, non-military voters who choose
to use the mail to return their completed ballot:
The Postal Service recommends that they mail their
completed ballot before election day, and at least one
week before the deadline by which their completed
ballot must be received by their local election ofcial.
Some states may recommend allowing even more
time for mailing completed ballots.
All voters should keep in mind the time required for
both legs of mail delivery—to the voter and back to
election ofcials—when deciding how to participate in
an election.
The Postal Service continues to recommend that election
ofcials use First-Class Mail
for their outbound ballot
mailings to voters. Using First-Class Mail allows for
faster service while providing high visibility as the ballot
mailpiece moves through the mailstream (when used
with USPS
visibility tools, like serialized Intelligent Mail
barcodes). Nevertheless, the Postal Service has long
engaged in several practices to prioritize ballots that are
entered as Marketing Mail, regardless of the paid class,
when capacity permits and mailpieces are identiable as
ballots by the Ofcial Election Mail logo or other Postal
Service visibility indicia.
The Postal Service will continue to process and deliver
expeditiously, as we have done in past elections, with
the result that Ballot Mail commonly receives delivery
timeframes equivalent to First-Class Mail even when
mailed as Marketing Mail.
The Postal Service strongly recommends that all Election
Mail envelopes, including previously approved designs,
be reviewed by a Mailpiece Design Analyst (MDA) each
year prior to mail printing. MDAs can provide guidance
on envelopes that meet the Postal Service’s processing
requirements, answer questions about mailpiece design,
give advice on evaluating mailpieces for automation
discounts, provide technical assistance on the Postal
Service’s envelope standards, and help construct mailing
For more information, connect with an MDA via email
at [email protected] or by calling 877-672-0007 (select
option 2 for mailing and shipping, then option 2 for MDA).
Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to
7 p.m. Central Time (closed federal holidays).
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Election Mail visibility refers to the range of tools available
to provide increased insight and trackability for your
mailpiece within the postal network. In some cases,
these tools can allow election ofcials to track their mail
through the entire network.
Election ofcials should use all available tools to improve
the visibility of their Election Mail within the postal
network. The Postal Service strongly recommends the
use of green Tag 191, dedicated Service Type IDentiers
(STIDs), and serialized Intelligent Mail barcodes for
ballots. In addition, the Ofcial Election Mail
logo and the
Election Mail Checkbox should be used for all Election
Mail, including ballots.
Tag 191
The Postal Service recommends the use of green
Tag 191, Domestic and International Ballots, to
identify trays and sacks that contain Ballot Mail.
Although use of the tag is optional, it provides
greater visibility to Ballot Mail at mail entry.
Service Type IDentier
The Postal Service strongly recommends the use
of customized Service Type IDentiers (STIDs),
specically for ballots to improve Ballot Mail visibility
within the automation environment.
These STIDs have proven instrumental in identifying
and tracking Ballot Mail.
Be sure to use the latest STIDs for each election
cycle mailing.
Uniquely Serialized Intelligent Mail Barcode
A uniquely serialized Intelligent Mail barcode, or IMb,
is a Postal Service barcode that provides the ability
to track the delivery and return of individual ballots
increasing your visibility of this important mail within
the postal network.
Because of the central role a uniquely serialized
IMb plays in identication, tracking, sorting, and
payment, we strongly recommend the use of a
uniquely serialized IMb on Election Mail.
Ofcial Election Mail Logo
When the Ofcial Election Mail logo appears on
a qualifying mailpiece, voters recognize the mail
as important and distinct from partisan political
Additionally, the logo serves to identify ofcial
Election Mail for Postal Service workers and
distinguishes it from the millions of other mailpieces
that are processed daily.
Election Mail Checkbox
The Postal Service uses the Election Mail Checkbox
in PostalOne!
processing and our Postage
Statement forms to get increased visibility of
Election Mail in the mailstream.
For more information on any of these visibility tools,
please review their fact sheets included in this KIT.
Election Mail Toolkit:
Publication 631 Ofcial Election Mail – Graphic
Guidelines and Logos:
Publication 632 State and Local Election Mail - User
Business Customer Gateway:
Find Certied Vendors and Providers: https://postalpro.edmsps
Election Mail Permit-Based Solutions: https://postalpro.
Service Type IDentiers (STIDs): https://postalpro.usps.
Intelligent Mail Barcode Technical Resource Guide:
(Election Mail Key Recommendations continued)
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Ofcial Election Mail Resources
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
U.S. Postal Service Resources for Election Ofcials
The U.S. Postal Service
is proud to provide a secure, efcient, and effective way for citizens
to participate in elections when policymakers decide to use mail as part of their election
administration. Every federal election cycle, we make efforts across the nation to inform local
and state election ofcials about mailing procedures, our operational standards, and our
recommended best practices for using the mail. We provide training, tools, and resources,
to help you and your staff get started. We’ll even help you plan your mailings, improve the
quality and accuracy of your address les, and design smart, cost-effective mailpieces. The
information below introduces you to the services and assistance we provide.
The Postal Service™ has developed
resources to help election ofcials learn
how to prepare, induct, and track mail sent
to voters and returned to election ofcials.
Postal Service Managers of Customer
Relations (MCRs) are also available to help
you throughout the mailing process and
answer any questions. Please review the
contact list on the guidance and resource tab
services/election-mail/welcome.htm to nd
and contact your MCR.
Planning your mailing in advance will help
ensure that it goes out in a timely, efcient
manner, which is vital during election season.
Our team of MCRs can help you:
Determine the appropriate class of mail.
Choose the best postage payment options
for outgoing and return mailpieces.
Identify any extra services that may
be needed.
Provide information on lead time for
mailings to armed forces personnel and
overseas voters.
Address quality is critical to the timely and
efcient delivery of your mail. Your address
lists should be up-to-date, accurate, and
complete. To assist you with this, the Postal
Service offers several products and services,
including software, to help you improve the
accuracy of your mailings. For information
about address quality, go to: https://
Mailpiece Design Analysts (MDAs) can help
you greatly improve the effectiveness of
your mailings and reduce postage costs.
Consulting with Postal Service MDAs will
help ensure mailpiece quality and assist
you in choosing a layout that meets
Postal Service guidelines and regulations.
Customers may connect with an MDA via
email at [email protected] or by calling
877-672-0007 (select option 2 for mailing
and shipping, then option 2 for MDA).
Hours of operation are Monday through
Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time
(closed federal holidays). Visit https:// for more information.
(continued on back)
on preparing
and sending
mail, visit
our election
site at
also nd
to help
you plan,
and design
Election Mail.
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(Ofcial Election Mail Resources continued)
Display the Ofcial Election Mail logo on your mailpiece to
indicate your mail is from a federal, state, or local election
ofcial. When the Ofcial Election Mail logo appears on
a mailpiece, voters recognize the mail as important and
as distinct from partisan political mailings. Additionally,
the logo serves to identify ofcial Election Mail for Postal
Service workers and distinguishes it from the millions of
other mailpieces that are processed daily.
For more details on how to comply with the requirements
for its use, review Publication 631, Ofcial Election Mail
— Graphic Guidelines and Logos.
Steps to Creating Your Intelligent Mail Barcode
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
The serialized Intelligent Mail
barcode (IMb
) is a 65-bar
Postal Service™ barcode used to sort and track individual
letters and ats. The barcode simplies data – gathering by
consolidating information for multiple Postal Service
identiers into one comprehensive location. Using a
serialized IMb also expands mailers’ ability to track individual
mailpieces and gain greater mailstream visibility.
Uniquely serialized IMbs facilitate the tracking of individual
ballots to and from individual voters. For example, a single
household may have multiple individual voters residing at
the same address. If the IMb on the ballot envelopes to
and from those individual voters have not been uniquely
serialized, they cannot be tracked as they move through
the mailstream. Election ofcials will need to maintain the
relationship of the serial number to the specic voter.
A uniquely serialized IMb can be applied to all automation
compatible letters and ats and is critical for using Informed
Mail Tracking and Reporting (IV
-MTR) service.
The IV-MTR application provides information about when
and where the Postal Service sorts a mailpiece on mail-
processing equipment. A uniquely serialized IMb can also
be used for address correction services: manual address
correction notices, Address Change Service (ACS
OneCode ACS
, and Intelligent Mail Full-Service ACS
PostalPro Resources
The IV-MTR User Guide can be found under the IV-MTR
User Guides and Training section at https://postalpro.usps.
For guidance on address quality, please visit https://
Additional information on the Intelligent Mail program can
be found at
An IMb consists of a 20-digit tracking code eld [Barcode
Identier, Service Type IDentier (STID), Mailer ID (MID), and
Serial Number] and a Routing Code (ZIPCode
) eld of up
to 11 digits. An encoder is required to convert the numeric
digits into a 65-character string representing the bars of the
IMb and a special font is required to convert the 65 alpha-
character string into the IMb bars. Users can download the
fonts and computer source code at https://postalpro.usps.
A MID is required for the IMb tracking code. New MIDs are
assigned through centralized USPS
processes, generally
through the MID system at
eAdmin/view/signin (Business Customer Gateway).
The ve IMb elds are the Barcode Identier, the STID, the MID,
the Serial Number, and the Routing Code (ZIP Code). Each
eld has its own unique set of standards, explained below:
The Barcode Identier eld should be “00” (zero-zero)
with one exception: automation-price eligible at mail
bearing a printed optional endorsement line (OEL). When
mailers prepare at-size pieces using IMb tracking codes
to meet automation-price eligibility requirements, the
IMb tracking codes on any pieces bearing printed OELs
must contain the Barcode Identier corresponding to the
printed OEL used. See the Barcode ID Reference Table on
PostalPro to determine the correct Barcode IDentier.
Once the encoder and font are installed, verify the
print quality by producing samples, as instructed in the
encoder package. The Intelligent Mail Barcode 4-State
Specication USPS-B-3200 and the Intelligent Mail
Barcode Technical Resource Guide on PostalPro provide
extensive technical information about IMbs.
The attributes that determine which STID should appear
in an IMb tracking code are the class of mail, the ACS
service selected, and whether IV-MTR service is desired.
See the Service Type IDentier for Ballot Mail fact sheet
included in this kit or visit PostalPro at https://postalpro.ers for more
information about STIDS.
The MID is explained in Step 2, above. IMbs must contain a
valid MID.
The Serial Number, in conjunction with the MID and class
of mail, can uniquely identify the mailpiece. Although Serial
Number uniqueness is not required to qualify for basic
automation prices, barcoding mailpieces with unique serial
numbers enables visibility of individual pieces. If an individual
mailpiece or ballot mailpiece does not have a unique
identier, it cannot be tracked through IMb. The Postal
Service strongly recommends utilizing Full-Service Intelligent
(continued on back)
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(Steps to creating your Intelligent Mail Barcode continued)
Mail instead of Basic Intelligent Mail. Full-Service Intelligent
Mail requires that mailpieces be uniquely identied, and the
tracking code cannot be reused for a period of 45 days.
Depending on the length of the MID, the Serial Number is
either a nine- or six-digit number.
The Routing Code can contain a 5-digit ZIP Code, 9-digit
code, or 11-digit delivery-point code. To obtain
automation discounts, a Delivery-Point ZIP Code from
CASS™-certied (Coding Accuracy Support System)
software is required. Mailers may opt not to populate the
ZIP Code and use the IMb tracking code only for tracking
the mailpiece. If populated, it must never be padded with
leading or trailing zeros that are not part of a valid 5-, 9-, or
11-digit ZIP Code. The IMb concatenates the ve elds in
this way:
Six-Digit Mailer ID
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Type ID
Mailer ID
Serial Number
Routing Code (ZIP Code)
[none, 5, 9, or 11N]
Nine-Digit Mailer ID
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Type ID
Mailer ID
Serial Number
Routing Code (ZIP Code)
[none, 5, 9, or 11N]
Once mailers have selected service(s), received a MID,
and devised a unique serial number strategy, they are
ready to put the ve elds together to form the 20- to
31-digit string, encode it to 65 characters, and convert the
65-character string using the IMb font to form the 65-bar
IMb as in the example below. On letters, the IMb can be
placed in the address block or in the barcode clear zone.
On ats, it can be placed on the address side at least 1/8
inch from the edge of the piece.
Learn more about the IMb at
EXAMPLE: STID of 270 (First-Class Mail®, Intelligent Mail Full-Service option, with IMb IV service, no address
correction), MID 123456, uniquely identied by Serial Number 200800001, going to ZIP Code 98765-4321(01), is
encoded like this:
Digit String: 0027012345620080000198765432101
IMb encoder Encoded string (T=Tracker, F=Full Bar, A=Ascender, D=Descender):
IMb font IMb:
To learn about certied mail service providers (MSPs), please visit
The latest version of the MSP — Full-Service Certied Mailers contact list can be found on this web page under
Featured Resources.
Service Type IDentier for Ballot Mail
Fact Sheet for Ballot Mail
A Service Type IDentier (STID) is a unique three-
digit code that indicates the service type for an individual
mailpiece. The service code denotes the mail class,
address correction option, and whether Informed
Mail Tracking and Reporting (IV
-MTR) is
being used.
As part of the Intelligent Mail
barcode (IMb
), STIDs
offer mailers near-real-time tracking visibility on both
outbound and return Ballot Mail. STIDs also provide
the Postal Service
with enhanced tracking capabilities
that allow us to quickly identify and process on-hand
ballots throughout the mail network. This helps the
Postal Service ensure the expeditious processing
and delivery of Ballot Mail.
Use of the appropriate STIDs allows for IV-MTR to identify
mailpieces, with all expected service combinations, during
mail processing. These STIDs are for use only on Ballot
Mail. Ballot Mail consists of any mailpiece sent to or from
an authorized election ofcial containing a live ballot that
may be used to cast a vote in an election.
For other Election Mail (e.g., voter registration applications,
polling place locations, absentee applications, and sample
ballots), use the appropriate STID for the mail class, ACS
and IV
-MTR services desired that are identied for First-
Class Mail
or USPS Marketing Mail
on the STID Table on
PostalPro. The Election Mail attribute in eDoc (electronic
documentation) should be used to identify a mailing that
contains any type of Election Mail.
As part of the Postal Service’s continued effort to provide
visibility tools to all election ofcials, the Ballot Mail STID
Table has been revised to better instruct election ofcials
on STID selection for their mailings. Two STIDs requiring
hardcopy address correction notice options for Full-
Service mailers were retired on July 9, 2023.
On January 21, 2024, ve Ballot Mail Change Service
Requested STIDs will be retired. This includes First-Class
Mail STIDs 719 and 724 as well as Marketing Mail STIDs
739, 745, and 740. Therefore, we do not recommend
using these STIDs for Ballot Mail.
As always, election ofcials should contact their mail
service provider or the ACS Help Desk for additional
guidance about Ballot Mail STIDs.
1. Consult the Service Type IDentier Table for Ballot Mail
on page 12 of this KIT to determine the correct STID or
2. Detailed descriptions of the various Ballot Mail STIDs
can be found in Appendix A at https://postalpro.usps.
3. For additional support, contact the ACS Help Desk
via email at [email protected] or by phone at
877-640-0724, Option 1.
1. What direction is the ballot going?
There are two directions the ballot may be mailed:
a. Outbound: From the election ofcials to
the voter.
b. Return (or inbound): From the voter to
the election ofcials.
2. Which class of mail is being used?
Ballot Mail STIDs differ depending on whether the
ballots are mailed as First-Class Mail
Marketing Mail
. We strongly recommend the use
of First-Class Mail for all ballots.
3. Determine whether you want to receive Address
Change Service (ACS™) information on the voter.
ACS is a post-mailing service that provides the
Postal Service with instructions on how to handle
Undeliverable as Addressed (UAA) mail and provides
you with electronic Change of Address (COA)
information or the reason for non-delivery.
a. If you do not want to receive ACS data,
use No Address Corrections- No Printed
b. If you do want to receive ACS data, decide
how you want to receive the data:
Manual Notice: Physical address correction
notice PS Form 3547, Notice to Mailer of
Correction in Address, will be provided to you
with the voter’s correct address information.
(continued on back)
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Electronic Notice:
i. OneCode ACS
allows you to receive
electronic or automated address corrections
through the use of the IMb when mailing a
ballot using First-Class Mail or USPS Marketing
Mail. More information can be found on https://
ii. Full-Service ACS provides an additional
benet for mail using the Intelligent Mail
barcode that qualies for Full-Service discount
postage prices. Full-Service discounts and
the resulting Full-Service ACS benets are
available at
iii. Traditional ACS allows you to receive address
corrections in an electronic format when
mailing a ballot in a letter or at sized envelope.
In addition to the IMb, your mailpieces will
be identied with a Postal-supplied seven-
character alpha identier known as the ACS
participant code and an optional keyline. A
keyline is a unique code that allows you to
either incorporate existing voter identiers or
create a new system that assists in locating the
voter in your database. Additional information
is available at
4. Do you want UAA Ballot Mail to be forwarded (if
possible), or returned to you?
a. Forward
Address Service Requested Option 1: Mail is
forwarded if possible, or returned if forwarding
is not possible. A manual or electronic notice
with the voter’s new address information is
provided for forwarded pieces and the address
correction fee is charged. First-Class Mail is
forwarded or returned at no charge. USPS
Marketing Mail is charged an additional
weighted fee for mail that must be returned.
Address Service Requested Option 2: Mail is
forwarded if possible, or returned if forwarding
is not possible. An electronic notice is issued
for either result. For First-Class Mail, the piece
will be returned to you with reason for non-delivery
attached to it without charge; however, a separate
notice with the reason for non-delivery will be
provided for a fee. Marketing Mail is charged
an additional weighted fee for mail that must
be returned.
b. Return
Return Service Requested Option 2: The
mailpiece is returned to you with the new address or
reason for non-delivery. First-Class Mail is returned
at no charge. USPS Marketing Mail is returned at
either the single-piece First-Class Mail or Priority
Mail price, depending on the weight of the piece.
5. Do you meet the requirements to be a
Full-Service Mailer?
The qualications to be a Full-Service Mailer can be found
on PostalPro atcations/
a. If yes, Full-Service with IV-MTR STIDs will match
your mailing goals.
b. If no, Basic / Non-Automation with IV-MTR STIDs
will match your mailing goals.
Understand the postage and/or fees, if any, that will be
associated with the use of each STID.
If you are using USPS Marketing Mail or manual address
corrections, please be aware that, in order to have your
mailpiece forwarded or returned to you, the mailpiece
must contain the associated printed text ancillary service
endorsement. This comes at an additional cost.
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Page 12
Service Type IDentier Table
Ballot Mail (Effective January 21, 2024)
Class of
Address Correction Option
Basic or
with IV
Elections Ofcials to Voters (Outbound)
No Address Corrections – No Printed Endorsement 715 720
Manual Address Corrections ** 716
OneCode ACS
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 1 717
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 2 718
Return Ballot- Return Service Requested Opt 2 713
Full Service ACS
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 1 722
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 2 723
Return Ballot- Return Service Requested Opt 2 725
No Address Corrections – No Printed Endorsement 735 741
Manual Address Corrections ** 736
OneCode ACS
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 1 ** $ 737
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 2 ** $ 738
Return Ballot- Return Service Requested Opt 2 ** $ 714
Full Service ACS
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 1 ** $ 743
Forward Ballot- Address Service Requested Opt 2 ** $ 744
Return Ballot- Return Service Requested Opt 2 ** $ 746
Traditional ACS
Return Ballot- Return Service Requested Opt 2 ** $ 726
Voter to Election Ofcials (Return or Inbound)
First-Class Mail Reply 777
Business Reply Mail 778
Permit Reply Mail 779
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) voters use only. Absent overseas uniformed services voters, as dened in 52 U.S.C.§ 20304(d),
may return absentee ballots from the following locations by using Priority Mail Express Label 11-DOD without prepaying postage: Overseas APO/FPO military
locations; DPO locations; or Department of State (DOS) locations.
$ Postage and fees are charged for undeliverable mail that is returned to sender.
* Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting
** Requires the printed text ancillary service endorsement. The option selected must not be printed with the endorsement.
*** Return Ballot Mail (i.e., ballots that voters return to election ofcials) is sent as First-Class Mail at First-Class Mail prices, unless a voter opts to pay for a premium
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Address Correction Option identied by the STID requesting ACS in the IMb on Ballot Mail will take precedence over a printed
endorsement if there is a conict. When a printed endorsement is required to receive ACS, as is for USPS Marketing Mail, “ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED”
must be printed.
KEY RESOURCES: Detailed descriptions of the various Ballot Mail STIDs can be found in Appendix A at
For other types of Election Mail refer to pages 2 and 4 of the STID Table on PostalPro aters.
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Informed Visibility Mail Tracking and Reporting
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
The Informed Visibility
Mail Tracking and Reporting
-MTR) application provides election ofcials with
near-real-time tracking and enhanced visibility of
uniquely barcoded mailpieces as they move through
the mailstream. IV-MTR is exible, so you receive data
when and how you want. It is also powerful, enabling
you to better plan Election Mail mailings and resources,
measure success of each mailing, staff efciently, and
instill condence in voters that use vote-by-mail.
IV-MTR expands visibility beyond physical scans of
mailpieces by leveraging the intelligence of Full-Service
Intelligent Mail
and nesting associations. The application
creates assumed handling events for nested mail
whenever the mail aggregate containing the nested mail
is scanned. For example, the scan of a pallet creates
assumed events for the trays and pieces that are
associated with that pallet.
Barcoding mailpieces with unique serial numbers enables
visibility of individual pieces. To make the most of IV-
MTR, abide by proper mail preparation and barcoding
requirements. Full-service requirements and Intelligent Mail
barcode (IMb) guidance are available on PostalPro.
For outgoing mail, IV-MTR data allows you to:
Obtain near-real-time notication when your mail
receives its last processing scan.
Identify mail delivery trends and anticipated
delivery dates.
Know when mailpieces reach their destination so you
can better manage election activities.
For incoming reply mail, IV-MTR data helps you to:
Obtain near-real-time notication when your return mail
enters the mailstream by utilizing a serialized IMb.
Know when voters’ return items are on the way and
where they are in the Postal Service
To get started with IV-MTR, you need to register for
a Business Customer Gateway account, enable the
IV-MTR service, and set up your Election Mail data feeds.
Step-by-step instructions are available in the Applying
for Access presentation on the IV-MTR PostalPro page,, under IV-
MTR User Guides and Training.
Solutions Center
1-800-238-3150, Option #2
Monday through Friday (closed federal holidays)
To learn about certied mail service providers (MSPs), please visit
The latest version of MSP - Full-Service Certied Mailers contact list can be found on this page under
Featured Resources.
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Tag 191, Domestic and International Ballots
Fact Sheet for Ballot Mail
The Postal Service™ recommends the use of green Tag
191, Domestic and International Ballots, to identify
trays and sacks that contain Ballot Mail. Although use
of the tag is optional, it provides greater visibility to
containers of Ballot Mail as they enter Postal Service
processing and distribution operations.
Tag 191 may only be used to identify Ballot Mail
addressed for domestic or international delivery. The
tag cannot be used to identify containers of other types
of Election Mail such as polling place notices, voter
registration applications, absentee applications, or
sample ballots.
Non-strapped Letter Trays: For trays permitted to
be tendered without strapping, attach Tag 191 to the
tray with a rubber band that is double-looped through
the tray handhold at the end that bears the tray label.
Sacks and Flat Trays with Flat-Size Mail:
Depending on the type of sack, attach Tag 191 to
either the strap or label holder on the sack.
Tags are available at your local Post Ofce™ or your
Business Mail Entry Unit, which can be found at https:// The tags can also be
ordered online at
Strapped Letter Trays: Using a plastic twist tie,
attach Tag 191 to the strap at the end of the tray that
bears the tray label.
Tag 191 is used to identify your
outgoing Ballot Mail only. Tags
are available at your local Post
or can be ordered online
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Business Reply Mail or Qualied Business Reply
Mail with Intelligent Mail Barcode Accounting
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
Business Reply Mail
(BRM) and Qualied Business Reply
) are First-Class Mail
services that enable
you to pay the return postage (including a per-piece fee),
for ballots that are mailed to your election ofce. You can
distribute BRM or QBRM Election Mail and have it returned
to you at any Post Ofce
The mailpieces you distribute must conform to a specic
format, including use of a unique ZIP+4
assigned by the
Postal Service
. Proofs for QBRM must be approved by
a Postal Service Mailpiece Design Analyst (MDA) and bear
an Intelligent Mail
barcode (IMb
). QBRM can be used
only on automation-compatible cards and letter-size mail
weighing up to and including 2ounces.
Once you are an approved QBRM mailer, you can enhance
your Election Mail processing capability with Intelligent Mail
barcode Accounting (IMbA
). IMbA is an automated solution
for the counting, rating, invoicing, and billing processes.
Using the IMbA on the mailpiece, the mail processing
equipment counts destinations approved and assigned to
you. Then invoicing is sent daily, directly to PostalOne!
For more information on BRM and QBRM, see Quick
Service Guide 505 and Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM
505.1.1 and 1.6 available on Postal Explorer at https://
Processes like scanning, sorting, and rating are
automated to get your reply mail to you quicker, which is
great for High-Volume reply mail.
After processing, invoices are automatically created and
uploaded to PostalOne!.
The increase in speed creates a more consistent ow of
mail and makes more timely mail pickups possible.
USPS makes constant updates to improve services
and will update the IMbA system with future reporting
IMbA is provided to QRBM customers at no extra cost.
Using a unique IMb with ZIP+4 increases mailpiece
visibility and tracking.
Prepaid postage facilitates easy voting for citizens.
1. Discuss your BRM/QBRM needs with a mailing
requirements clerk. Contact the Mailing and Shipping
Solutions Center (MSSC) by emailing MSSCAdmin@ or calling 877-672-0007 (select option 2 for
mailing and shipping, then option 1 to be connected
to a mailing requirements clerk). Hours of operation are
Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time
(closed federal holidays).
2. Complete Part A of PS Form 3615, Mailing Permit
Application and Customer Prole, to establish a BRM
permit. Then ll out section 1 of PS Form 6805, BRM/
QBRM Application for ZIP+4 Code Assignment/
Validation and QBRM Approval, to request a unique
ZIP+4 for the BRM address. Both forms must be
submitted via email to the MSSC – Mailing Requirements
Department at [email protected] for processing.
3. Set up a Mailer ID (MID) by visiting https://gateway. and creating a Business
Customer Gateway (BCG) account.
4. Request a unique IMb from your MDA after your BRM
account is created on the BCG, a unique ZIP+4 has
been assigned, and your MID is provided. Connect with
an MDA by emailing [email protected]
or calling 877-672-
0007 (select option 2 for mailing and shipping, then
option 2 for MDA). For more information on creating an
IMb for Election Mail, see the Steps to Creating Your
IMb Fact Sheet included in this kit on page 8.
5. Design a new BRM/QBRM return ballot envelope with
advice from an MDA. Submit an electronic copy of
the BRM/QBRM proof in PDF le with crop marks/
borders at 100% (no scaling) to an MDA for review and
feedback prior to printing. Physical samples should also
be submitted because they are required for reectance,
barcode quality, print/contrast ratio, and QBRM
approval. Connect with an MDA by emailing MDA@
or calling 877-672-0007 (select option 2 for
mailing and shipping, then option 2 for MDA).
(continued on back)
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(Business Reply Mail and Qualied Business Reply Mail continued)
Mailpiece designs must comply with the
following directives:
Publication 631 — Ofcial Election Mail — Graphic
Guidelines and Logos.
Publication 632 — State and Local Election Mail –
User’s Guide.
Kit 600 — Your 2024 Ofcial Election Mail.
DMM 201, 202, 204, 505, and 703.8.0.
6. Return PS Form 6805, BRM/QBRM Application
for ZIP+4 Code Assignment/Validation and QBRM
Approval, with 10 physical samples or paper mockups
to ensure compliance with Postal Service regulations
and processing systems. The application and 10
samples must be submitted to the Post Ofce where
the BRM/QBRM will be returned. That Post Ofce will
initiate a help desk ticket with the MDA and will work
with you to nalize the approval process. Connect with
an MDA by emailing [email protected] or calling 877-
672-0007 (select option 2 for mailing and shipping,
then option 2 for MDA).
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Special Procedures: APO/FPO/DPO and
Overseas Citizens Absentee Ballots
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 – NOVEMBER 30, 2024
The United States Postal Service
and the Military Postal Service
Agency have again joined forces to expedite delivery of federal
absentee ballots to overseas military personnel. We recognize the
important role that mail plays in the election process and are committed
to ensuring that everyone who chooses to vote by mail experiences
a smooth, well-organized process — one that provides them with the
highest level of trust and condence.
Program Summary:
All military ballots mailed by election ofcials will be subject to special
handling procedures. Election ofcials should mail absentee ballots at
least 45 days prior to the November 5, 2024, general elections.
Local election ofces are requested to segregate military absentee
ballots into bundles for the Chicago and Miami International Service
Centers (ISCs), which serve as the gateways for the military. At the
ISCs, absentee ballots receive special handling.
Trays or containers of Ballot Mail destined for APO/FPO/DPO (Army
and Air Force Post Ofce/Fleet Post Ofce/Diplomatic Post Ofce)
addresses and overseas citizens may be identied using Tag 191,
Domestic and International Ballots, and presented to the Post Ofce
APO/FPO/DPO absentee ballots will be sent from local Post Ofce
locations to the nearest Processing and Distribution Center for
further processing.
Facing slips are used to presort loose ballots, based on bundle size,
that are destined to pass through the two ISC military gateways. The
facing slips are pictured on the right side of this fact sheet.
ELECTION OFFICIALS: Separate military absentee ballots by preparing
bundles for the two ISC military gateways: Chicago and Miami.
Directions for Marking the Bundles:
ISC Name ISC State Abbreviation ISC ZIP Code™ Range
Chicago AE 090–099
Chicago AP 962–966
Miami AA 340
If fewer than ve (5) pieces will be in a separate bundle, a mixed bundle
may be prepared. This bundle must have the facing slip marked, “APO/
FPO/DPO MIXED – Absentee Ballots.”
Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4
APO/FPO/DPO and MIXED Facing Slips
Absentee Ballots
090 AE IL 62109
Absentee Ballots 090–099
Absentee Ballots 340
962 AP IL 62196
Absentee Ballots 962–966
(continued on back)
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(Special Procedures continued)
As mandated by law, election ofcials are expected to send
absentee ballots to military personnel, their eligible family
members, and overseas citizens at least 45 days prior
to a federal election. The Postal Service
is committed
to helping election ofcials meet their obligations with
proactive planning and mailpiece preparation.
Get started by doing the following:
Contact the local Postal Service
Manager of Customer Relations.
Discuss the timeline and known deadlines.
Review address les for military and overseas voters
and perform any necessary address maintenance.
Consult Publication 632, State and Local Election
Mail- User’s Guide, or Postal Explorer for tips on how
to properly address internationally bound mailpieces at
Determine if the mailpiece meets the postage
exemption criteria with postage paid as authorized
by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee
Voting Act.
Obtain and then afx Tag 191, Domestic and
International Ballots, to your outbound sacks and trays
of Ballot Mail.
For more information, please review Mailing Standards of
the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
) 703.8.2, Pub 632, State and Local Election Mail
- User’s Guide, or visit the Federal Voting Assistance
Program at
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Informed Delivery
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
Informed Delivery® is a secure, free, and optional feature
that can help election ofcials connect with voters by
providing eligible residential, business, and P.O. Box
consumers with a digital preview of their household’s
incoming mail and the ability to manage their packages all
from one location.
Users can view grayscale images of the exterior (address
side) of automation-processed, letter-sized mailpieces
via email, USPS Mobile® App or an online dashboard.
Nearly 60M users are already signed up with an average
email open rate exceeding 60 percent. The Postal
Service’s Informed Delivery feature continues to deliver
on its value proposition to election ofcials by providing
the opportunity to reach more voters, target and increase
interaction with users, encourage responses to voter
engagement campaigns, reach customers digitally from
their physical address, and gain more returns on Election
Mail campaigns.
Election Ofcial Benets
Increased Interaction. Generate multiple
impressions to increase awareness of voter
registration forms, absentee ballot requests, or voted
ballot return deadlines through synchronized physical
and digital touchpoints.
Faster Responses. Use interactive content and clear
call-to-actions to help encourage voter response.
Gain Insights. Informed Delivery Interactive
Campaigns provide election ofcials the ability to
gain insights from reporting.
Voter Benets
Convenience. Preview incoming Election Mail via
email notications, an online dashboard, or USPS
Mobile App.
Visibility and Security. Check what’s arriving and
have peace of mind that Election Mail will be delivered.
Call-to-Action. Easily respond to the election
ofcial’s call-to-action by virtually interacting with
them before the mailpiece physically arrives.
Get Started with Informed Delivery
1. Choose Your Submission Method.
An Informed Delivery mailing campaign can be
created in either PostalOne!
, Mailer Campaigns
Portal, or via Application Programming Interface
(API). Consider using PostalOne! or the API for
your complex mailings, especially mailings that
have several different treatments.
2. Dene Your Voter List.
Decide if one treatment will work for all recipients or
if you need to have segments within the mailing for
specic ZIP Codes
or counties.
The full ZIP 11 is required for recipients. If you need
to segment your mailing, segregate the groups within
your mailing list prior to printing or assigning the
Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb
3. Determine Mailer ID (MID) and/or IMb Serial
Number Range. Identify the MID used for the
mailing. Ensure your MID is valid and included in the
IMb on the physical mailpieces. Lastly, determine your
serial number ranges in the IMb. Your mail service
provider (e.g., printer, ad agency) will generally have
this information.
4. Produce Your Creative Content. Design the “ride-
along” image that will appear in your campaign.
Determine your target URL, as well as the call-to-action
(i.e., “Register to Vote”). The more compelling your call-
to-action is, the more likely a recipient is to respond.
Lastly, decide whether you will use the grayscale
image provided by the Postal Service
or use a color
representative image.
5. Select a Timeline. You need to consider where
the mail is being entered for your Informed Delivery
mailing schedule.
6. Submit Campaign. Submit your mailing using your
selected submission method from Step 1.
7. Analyze Results. See how your mailing campaign
worked! Download your Post-Campaign Reports
(Summary and Detailed level) directly from the Mailer
Campaign Portal or get a copy of your Post-Campaign
Summary report via email by contacting us at
Want more information? Visit
business/informed-delivery.htm or contact your Postal
Service sales representative.
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Mailing Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
Each election cycle presents new parameters for ballot
creation, causing return mailpieces to be different sizes
and weights. As a result, many voters do not know the
correct amount of postage required to return their ballots
by mail.
Balloting materials provided to voters for any
election, whether disseminated in hardcopy or
electronically, must indicate in a prominent location
the proper amount of First-Class Mail® postage
that must be applied on return mailings, except
in certain circumstances for balloting materials
for military and overseas voters or where postage
is prepaid. This information must be included in the
balloting materials (i.e., on the ballot, ballot instructions,
mailing instructions, or on the envelope) with the marking
“First-Class Mail postage must be applied.” Alternatively,
the marking “Apply First-Class Mail postage here” may
be printed in the upper-right corner of the address side
of the envelope used by the voter to return the marked
ballot to election ofcials. The Postal Service
will also
accept approved variations of these indicia.
The marking requirements will not apply to balloting
materials that meet one of the following exceptions:
The balloting materials fall under the special
exemptions for military and overseas voting.
The ballot is returned under Business Reply Mail
(BRM) service.
Return postage is guaranteed through a postage
due account.
Postage on the ballot is prepaid by stamps, meter,
or Permit Reply Mail.
For some of these exceptions, such as BRM, return
postage and Permit Reply Mail, the mailpiece will bear the
UNITED STATES” in the upper right-hand corner where
postage is typically applied.
Election ofcials should consult with Postal Service ofcials
to assist with mailpiece design and barcode placement
as well as to determine the proper amount of postage
required for mailing ballots to voters and the return of
marked ballots to election ofcials. For more information,
please see the Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM
) 703.8.0
available on Postal Explorer at
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USPS Election Mail Checkbox
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
The Postal Service™ is committed to providing a secure,
efcient, and effective way for citizens to participate when
policymakers decide to use mail as part of their elections. In
furtherance of that commitment, the Postal Service uses the
Election Mail Checkbox in eDoc, Mail.Dat, Mail.XML, Postal
Wizard, and Intelligent Mail for Small Business (IMsb) tool to
get increased visibility of Election Mail in the mailstream.
Effective January 28, 2024, the Postal Service is
discontinuing the use of hardcopy postage statements
to improve efciency by expediting the acceptance of
commercial mail. Except for Electronic Verication System
(eVS®) mailings, all domestic commercial mailings must
use an approved electronic method to transmit a postage
statement to the PostalOne!® system.
The Postal Service provides free means of electronic
postage statement submission through the IMsb tool
and Postal Wizard. There are also approved third-party
software options available on PostalPro at https://
Examples of the Election Mail Checkbox are illustrated
PS Form 3600-FCM, Postage Statement—First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service
Please check the “This is Ofcial Election Mail” box for
each mailing presented for acceptance. This provides the
Postal Service with important insight into Election Mail
volume by entry point that may help with future Postal
Service capacity planning.
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1. For assistance with selecting appropriate electronic
documentation submission method, please discuss
your mailing needs with a mailing requirements clerk.
Contact the Mailing and Shipping Solutions Center
(MSSC) by emailing [email protected] or
calling 877-672-0007 (select option 2 for mailing and
shipping, then option 1 to be connected to a mailing
requirements clerk). Hours of operation are Monday
through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time (closed
federal holidays).
2. Set up a Mailer ID (MID) by visiting https://gateway. and creating a Business
Customer Gateway (BCG) account.
The Election Mail checkbox facilitates inclusion in internal
operational reporting, which is leveraged by the Postal
Service to identify any bottlenecks or service impacts—
and drives actions to address them and improve service.
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USPS Postmarking Guidelines
Fact Sheet for Ballot Mail
The Postal Service
recognizes that elections are
essential to our system of government. We are proud
of our role in the election process as well as the
relationships we have with election ofcials.
Each state establishes by law the rules and requirements
for ballot submission, including ballot-submission deadlines
and the role, if any, that postmarks play in determining
whether a ballot was timely. In the normal course of
operations, the Postal Service does not postmark, or
“cancel” every piece of mail in the system. The primary
purpose of cancellation is to ensure that postage cannot
be reused, and some categories of postage are pre-
canceled before they enter the mailstream.
In recognition of the importance that the election laws in
some states place on postmarks, it has been the long-
standing policy of the Postal Service to try to ensure that
every return ballot mailed by voters receives a postmark,
whether the return ballot is mailed with postage pre-paid
by election ofcials or with a stamp afxed by the voter.
A voter can ensure that a postmark is applied to his or
her return ballot by visiting a Postal Service retail ofce
and requesting a postmark from a retail associate when
dropping off the ballot.
Figures 1, 2, and 3
Sample Postmarks (Images not to scale)
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Next Steps
Fact Sheet for Election Mail
1. Familiarize yourself with the content of Kit 600,
Your 2024 Ofcial Election Mail Kit.
For your convenience, we have also made Kit 600
available at
2. Consult with your Manager of Customer Relations.
The Managers of Customer Relations (MCRs) are
designated Postal Service
employees who will help
you coordinate with the Postal Service for best results.
MCRs are available to provide you with resources for
designing, preparing, and sending Election Mail as well
as ordering Postal Service labels and tags to identify
Election Mail.
A list of contact information for each MCR is available
for election ofcials on the Resources tab at about.
3. Work with a Mailpiece Design Analyst (MDA).
The Postal Service recommends that election ofcials
have all Ballot Mail envelope designs reviewed each
year by an MDA prior to printing, even if the designs
have been previously approved. MDAs are experts
on Postal Service mailpiece design standards and
can ensure that all mailings are compliant with current
Postal Service regulations as well as postage and
automation requirements.
To take advantage of this free service, customers may
contact an MDA via email at [email protected] or by
calling 877-672-0007 (select option 2 for mailing and
shipping, then option 2 for MDA). Hours of operation
are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central
Time (closed federal holidays). Also, mailpiece design
information is available online at https://postalpro.
4. If you are interested in contracting with a mail
service provider (MSP), consider consulting with
a Full-Service certied mailer.
An MSP offers a variety of solutions to mail owners
seeking assistance with the preparation and
presentation of Full-Service presort mailings.
There are many advantages of using an MSP to
prepare Election Mail. An MSP can:
Provide/manage your address list.
Print and/or presort your mailing.
Ensure your mailing receives the greatest
discounts available.
Manage mailing feedback, such as address
correction service data.
Monitor mail quality reports.
To get started, contact your MCR and MDA before
viewing the most recent list of MSPs at https://postalpro.edmsps.
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January 2024
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