Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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Total Number of Awards: 146
Total Amount Funded: $120,834,164
Category 1: Planning
Category 1, Planning awards are designed to support the development of climate change considerations into
formal planning documents, vulnerability assessments, and the development of data analysis efforts including
supplementary monitoring. If management plans have already been established, funds may be used for
planning and preliminary design related to implementation, such as feasibility studies and desktop
assessments. The Planning category is intended to provide as much flexibility as possible and broadens the
scope of types of proposals allowed to address diverse and complex Tribal climate concerns.
Number of Awards: 63
Amount Funded: $13,868,009
Alturas Indian Rancheria, California
Amount Funded:
Climate Resilience Adaptive Planning
Project Description: The Alturas Indian Rancheria faces an array of issues that threaten its environment, resources,
and traditional way of life. The impacts of climate change reverberate through local ecosystems, impacting customary
practices like hunting and gathering, while also altering cultural heritage and socioeconomic dynamics. To address
these pressing challenges, the planning project aims to conduct an extensive evaluation of climate change's impacts
on the Rancheria's geographic area. By pinpointing vulnerabilities and addressing data gaps specific to this region, the
plan will lay a strong foundation for effective resilience strategies. A thorough examination, bolstered by geographic
maps and detailed analyses, will illuminate the unique risks the Alturas Indian Rancheria faces due to its location and
technology, and ensure a culturally sensitive and robust Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptive Strategic Plan.
Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,
Amount Funded:
Climate Adaptation Plan and Assessing Impacts to Traditional Lifeways for the Big Valley Band
of Pomo Indians
Project Description: The Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians are descendants of the Xa-Ben-Na-Po Band of Pomo Indians
and have historically inhabited the area encompassing Clear Lake, the largest natural freshwater lake located wholly
within the state of California, for over 11,800 years. Climate change may contribute to increasing frequency and
duration of harmful algal blooms in Clear Lake; and wildfires, extreme storm events and increased runoff-induced
sediment transport may result in greater mobilization and exposure to metals contamination. The Climate Adaptation
Plan to be developed by the Tribe will describe the current and projected climate challenges the Tribe is facing;
characterize specific Tribal lifeways that are essential components of the Tribe’s identity and how climate change is
threatening this way of life (in part based on the monitoring data collected to date); identify climate adaptation actions
that can help build resiliency and sustain the Tribe’s lifeways; and lay out the Tribe’s approach for implementing these
actions and monitoring for their success.
Burns Paiute Tribe
Amount Funded:
Planning for a New Bridge at the Burns Paiute Tribe’s Malheur River Wildlife Mitigation Site
Project Description: The historic bridge crossing the Malheur River at Jonesboro in the Burns Paiute Tribe’s Malheur
River Wildlife Mitigation Site is aging and was damaged in a recent flash flood and debris slide event. Climate change
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
Page 2 of 43
makes it more likely that future events will occur and inflict further damage. As such, the Burns Paiute Tribe will plan
a new, climate resilient bridge using modern construction best practices and sited in a better location when considering
the likelihood of future floods and slides.
Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes
Amount Funded:
Tlingit & Haida Feasibility Study for Water Quality Testing in Southeast Alaska
Project Description: The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska's project will enhance climate
resilience in Southeast Alaska by assessing the viability of a water quality testing facility in Juneau. The feasibility study
will serve as a roadmap to guide prospective laboratory development by outlining recommended methodologies,
procedures, and logistics.
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria,
Amount Funded:
Trinidad Rancheria Climate Adaptation Plan Project
Project Description: The Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, hereafter referred to as
Trinidad Rancheria, is a sovereign Tribal Nation and community of Native American people living within the coastal
redwood forest of Northern California. To transform the Tribe’s ability to prepare for, recover from, and adapt to
climate impacts, it is necessary to understand the Tribe’s vulnerabilities, develop a plan to address the Tribe’s
vulnerabilities through climate adaptation, and build tribal capacity to implement actions identified in the climate
adaptation plan. The project will address vulnerability to climate change impacts through a series of planning activities
including climate adaptation planning, capacity-building, knowledge gathering, tribal climate resiliency internships,
youth engagement, and community outreach. Throughout the process, the Tribe will evaluate threats such as sea level
rise, coastal erosion, and marine animal disease that impact the Tribe’s economic, cultural, and natural resources and
identify well-planned climate adaptation implementation actions that will minimize these harms by counteracting
adverse climate impacts and lessen the vulnerability of tribal members. The development of the vulnerability
assessment and adaptation plan will incorporate data collection efforts to understand and address climate change
impacts to tribal resources integrating climate science, technical information, and Indigenous Knowledge (IK).
Chignik Bay Tribal Council
Amount Funded:
Indian Creek Bridge and Landfill Road Preliminary Engineering Report
Project Description: The village of Chignik is located on the Pacific side of the Alaska Peninsula in Anchorage Bay. The
project involves developing a Preliminary Engineering Report that will assess alternatives to rehabilitate the Indian
Creek Bridge and Landfill Road, which currently serve as the primary and only evacuation route for the Community
during extreme tsunami and flood events. Landfill Road is narrow and in poor condition with inadequate drainage,
while Indian Creek Bridge is experiencing erosion and other structural issues. The Preliminary Engineering Report will
also evaluate options for a new emergency staging pad that will allow people to gather safely on high ground and
provide space for a future tsunami shelter.
Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)
Amount Funded:
Planning for Resilience Developing a Climate Adaptation Plan for the Chilkoot Indian
Project Description: The Chilkoot Indian Association (CIA) is the tribal government of the Lkoot Kwáan (Chilkoot Tlingit)
people of Deishu (Haines), Alaska at the northern end of the Inside Passage. The changing climate is altering the timing,
abundance, and dependability of many traditional resources. Additionally, landscape changes such as altered and more
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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intense precipitation, snowpack, and geohazards such as landslides have posed impacts to CIA’s infrastructure and
tribal members security. Through the development of a Climate Adaptation Plan, the Chilkoot Indian Association will
identify those areas of traditional life and infrastructure that are most vulnerable to climate change and develop
adaptation strategies to foster climate resilience for the Chilkoot.
Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana
Amount Funded:
CTL - Planning Support for Drainage Projects
Project Description: The Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana, a federally recognized coastal tribe aboriginal to South
Louisiana, has for many years been included peripherally and by addendum in the St. Mary Parish (County) Hazard
Mitigation Plans submitted to and approved by FEMA. The Chitimacha Tribe is in the process of preparing their own
government-to-government Hazard Mitigation Plan for submission to and approval by FEMA prior to St. Mary Parish
Hazard Mitigation Plan’s next scheduled update in 2025. The Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana will perform engineering
and other studies necessary to move drainage improvement projects included in the FEMA-approved 2020 St. Mary
Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan list to the shovel-ready stage.
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation
Amount Funded:
Shrinking my carbon footprint: A baseline for CSKT climate actions
Project Description: The Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) “Shrinking My Carbon Footprint” (AKA
“Shrinking Carbon”) project will kick off a cross-sector, intergenerational planning effort that will engage leaders from
tribal departments, corporate and educational organizations, and tribal youth to establish a Carbon Footprint Baseline
and prioritize actions for reducing climate pollution and enhancing climate resilience. CSKT’s Third CSKT Climate
Change Strategic Plan (scheduled for release in fall of 2023) and the new Tribal Council climate change Resolution
(passed in July 2023) provide the foundation for this project. The newly appointed CSKT Climate Coordinator will lead
a series of reservation-wide tribal sector workshops to inventory greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and ecosystem
carbon stocks to establish a carbon footprint baseline and prioritize actions for CSKT to shrink its carbon footprint.
Shrinking Carbon will also train a new generation of climate leaders through youth climate camps for high school
students from Flathead Nation and Blackfeet Tribe, to learn about climate change, GHG emissions, and develop climate
actions for their schools. These efforts will advance and support climate resilience on the Flathead Reservation and in
surrounding communities.
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation
Amount Funded:
Yakama Nation Tract D Water Resources Planning Developing Assessment & Adaptation Tools
Project Description: Tract D, a 121,466-acre area of the Yakama Reservation, was contested by Klickitat County before
being confirmed as part of the Reservation by a Supreme Court decision in April 2021. The wetland environment was
drastically altered during colonization through extensive agricultural ditching and draining, which contrasts with the
Yakama tradition of careful stewardship. These actions have resulted in an inequitable distribution of natural and water
resources in the area, a decline in ecosystem resilience, and overall degraded conditions across Tract D. The region
now faces climate change-related drying and drought, which further exacerbates the situation as glacially fed waters
recede. This project aims to build the capacity of the Yakama Nation's natural resources and hydrology staff in Tract D,
establish a monitoring network to measure the surface and groundwater conditions, analyze fluxes, and use collected
data to enhance water conservation and management decisions and planning for climate adaptation. This project
prioritizes Education and Outreach efforts and capacity building for tribal youth, as well as support for facilitating
community conversations to address community impacts, identify priorities, and open dialogue to find a path forward.
The project will protect and promote Treaty Reserved Rights in a way that increases resilience to a warming climate.
As the Yakama Water Code emphasizes, water provides for all life, and humans must provide for water.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Amount Funded:
CTUIR Energy and Carbon Management
Project Description: The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) is a federally recognized
Indian tribe that is composed of the Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla Tribes. Currently in the Columbia and Snake
River basins, energy "base load" is generated by three sources, all which harm CTUIR's culturally important plant and
animal species, First Foods. This project will provide capacity to conduct community engagement and document
development to generate an updated Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Energy Policy, and an
Energy Conservation Plan. Additionally, dedicated capacity to build understanding and consent within Tribal
communities for carbon removal strategies is urgently needed due to the sudden influx of proposed projects from
private industry. This project will provide CTUIR staff capacity to explore and compile carbon removal approaches into
a Carbon Management Inventory.
Coquille Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Development of a Resilience Management Plan for the Coquille Indian Tribe
Project Description: The Coquille Indian Tribe has unique rights, cultural traditions and economic interests that are
vulnerable to climate change impacts. While preventing climate change is an important global issue, the Tribe wishes
to focus its' efforts on defining specific challenges and issues facing the Tribe. These issues can be identified through
developing strategic climate resilience recommendations, prioritizing these issues and coordinating solutions and
integrating them into a Resilience Management Plan for the Tribe.
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
Amount Funded:
Coushatta Climate Adaptation Plan
Project Description: The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana will develop a Tribal Climate Resilience Plan. This Plan will chart
a road map for reducing the Tribe’s social, cultural, economic, and environmental risk through recommendation of
strategically prioritized short-, medium-, and long-
term risk mitigation actions. The Plan will function as a
comprehensive guide for implementation of resilience projects, detailing relevant funding sources, timelines, and
Tribal and non-tribal partner authorizations needed to enact projects. While the Tribe has completed a few significant
steps toward assessing and planning for climate resilience, the Plan is needed to weave together all existing elements,
combine them with new analysis, and provide a single, cohesive strategy and workplan for the Tribe's future.
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
Amount Funded:
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Cultural and Natural Resilience Plan
Project Description: The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians will undertake a culturally centered and
collaborative assessment of the impacts of climate change on cultural and natural resources across four key
watersheds. Natural Resources are cultural resources, therefore the two must be assessed together. Utilizing the best
available climate projections and customized climate-driven habitat modeling, the Tribe will bring together multiple
departments to better understand risk and develop a resilience plan to reduce those risks and protect these critical
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, California
Amount Funded:
Wildfire Resilience Plan for the Bi'Du Khaale Property
Project Description: The Dry Creek Rancheria intends to develop a fire resilience plan for the Cloverdale Property that
will house tribal members called Bi’Du Khaale Housing Project that is located on 47 acres about 10 miles to the
northwest of the Dry Creek Rancheria. The project will integrate Indigenous Knowledge (IK), education and outreach
to the community, and tribal members. This project will build on efforts already started by the Tribe for a 20-acre post-
fire management pilot project on the Dry Creek Rancheria. The plan will identify fire risks and landscape management
actions that will help Dry Creek Rancheria adapt to changes in weather patterns by efficiently managing wildland
vegetation, improving wildlife habitat, and adaptively managing these projects. The Bi’Du Khaale Housing Project is
located about 10 miles to the northwest of the Dry Creek Rancheria in the community of Cloverdale. Resiliency and
adaptation strategies are needed to manage the threat of wildland fire at the Bi’Du Khaale Housing Project.
Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
Amount Funded:
Implementing A Sustainable Eastern Shoshone Tribal Climate Change All-Hazard Adaptation Plan for a
Climate Change Ready and Resilient Community
Project Description: A Climate Change Adaptation Plan (CCAP) will be critical for the Eastern Shoshone Tribe to
aggressively prepare a plan to meet the rapidly changing climate and extreme weather patterns affecting the WRIR.
The comprehensive CCAP will be a planning and mitigation document building on actionable disaster resilience and
climate change focus group discussion and feedback results collected by the previous FY 2020 Bureau of Indian Affairs
Tribal Climate Resilience Workshops award and with the completion of two workshops and continued research with
this project. The CCAP project will be developed and written by experienced disaster resilience planners and
implemented by local planners from the Eastern Shoshone tribe. This sustainable planning process will continually
assess and assist in future CCAP implementation, identified by the most current science, applications, and data. The
CCAP will produce a proactive resiliency plan geared towards sustainable long-term public safety, all- hazards and new
technology economic improvements to mitigate all hazards.
Hoh Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Hoh Highlands Master Plan Project
Project Description: The Hoh Indian Tribe is a federally recognized tribe which resides on the Hoh Indian Reservation
on the Pacific Coast of Washington State. Due to its location and low elevation, the Reservation and its residents are
at extreme high risk of catastrophic weather events, including wind, flooding and tsunamis. To protect the health and
safety of its citizens and Reservation residents, the Tribe has implemented the Hoh Highlands Development Project,
which aims to move the residents and all tribal facilities to higher ground. As a result of the Hoh Indian Tribe Safe
Homelands Act (2011) the Bureau of Indian Affairs placed 471 acres of new land into trust for the Tribe’s benefit and
safety. The Tribe has developed plans and received some funding for a resilience center and infrastructure funds to
develop a parcel of about 8 acres of 45 acres of land and up to fourteen (14) initial houses, which comprises Phase I of
the development. The Tribe will implement Hoh Highlands Master Plan Project and create a land use plan for the
highlands, develop a master long-range plan for relocation of the Hoh Reservation, for training, and for other purposes.
The Tribe will assess tribal citizen needs and plan for the usage of the remaining Hoh Tribal acreage.
Hoonah Indian Association
Amount Funded:
Youth Climate Education and Stewardship in Hoonah
Project Description: The Youth Climate Education and Stewardship in Hoonah project will bring in new partners to
deliver climate change relevant curriculum and opportunities for Hoonah students and builds upon previous
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Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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partnerships through dual enrollment (college courses in the high school) and workforce development trainings and
conferences. The Hoonah Indian Association follows recommended steps for building youths’ ability to adapt to climate
change and be stakeholders in the process. Hoonah Indian Association has developed a Climate Adaptation Plan to
guide the Tribe's environmental programs and is committed to climate-linked environmental work and fostering youth
stewards. This award will result in new capacity for Tribal members, help fill crucial gaps in Hoonah’s workforce related
to climate resilience and increase the ability of the Tribe's youth and citizens to cope with climate change in their
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria,
Amount Funded:
Planning for Climate Resilient Water and Wastewater System Upgrades at the Stewarts Point Rancheria
Project Description: The Stewarts Point Rancheria is a remote community in Sonoma County, California, about an hour
outside of Santa Rosa. The Rancheria is vulnerable to damage from severe thunderstorms, winter storms, fires,
flooding, and rockslides. The Tribe believes the impacts of climate change will only worsen these conditions - more
wildfires, stronger storms, worse flooding, etc. The Kashia Band of Pomo Indians will plan for Climate Resilient Water
and Wastewater System Upgrades at the Stewarts Point Rancheria. The Tribe will hire an engineering firm to conduct
a climate vulnerability and resilience assessment of the existing water and wastewater infrastructure to better
determine what aspects of the system require updates or modifications. This information will inform future efforts to
secure implementation funding and make the recommended changes to ensure the safety and reliability of the water
system for generations of Rancheria residents to come.
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
Amount Funded:
Identifying Vulnerabilities and Planning for Climate Resilience
Project Description: This project will help the Tribe to identify areas of vulnerability to climate change and to create a
climate adaptation plan in response to growing concerns about the impacts of climate change on tribal members and
on their homelands. The Kootenai Tribe has deep ties to the land and reliance on fishing, hunting, and gathering. It is
hoped that a better understanding of possible areas of impact can allow for a plan to be created that will integrate
traditional, indigenous knowledge and science. The creation of a plan that holds meaning and offers avenues for
needed change to be implemented will begin with engaging community members and gathering information. It is vital
to include the stories and pieces of indigenous knowledge from tribal citizens and, especially, elders. These efforts will
provide a better understanding of how exposure may impact areas identified as important.
La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta
Indian Reservation, California
Amount Funded:
La Posta Noxious and Invasive Species Treatment and Prevention Program Plan
Project Description: La Posta Band of Mission Indians will develop an investigation and planning program for noxious
and invasive species. This program would include a noxious and invasive species survey, and treatment and prevention
program plan. The Tribe would use biological services to conduct a survey to identify noxious and invasive species and
will use an environmental technical consultant to assist in the development of a treatment and prevention plan.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation
Amount Funded:
Empirical assessment of Chinook salmon egg-to-fry survival in the Nooksack basin relative to habitat
restoration strategies
Project Description: This study will assess egg-to-fry survival rates for early South Fork Chinook salmon in the Nooksack
River and investigate how these survival rates are impacted by the ongoing threat of climate change. Artificial Chinook
salmon redds will be constructed and monitored throughout the upper SF basin to assess egg-to-fry survival both in
areas with and without habitat restoration efforts. Each site will have three replicate artificial redds and will be
monitored throughout the incubation period to examine impacts and variation of temperature, dissolved oxygen, fine
sediment intrusion, scour, river discharge, substrate size, and overall condition. These data are critical to inform the
Nooksack early Chinook life cycle model, a developing management tool used to inform the impacts of environmental
conditions on the abundance and survival of Chinook salmon. A key application of this model is forecasting future
scenarios and conditions under various levels of threat due to climate change for the purposes of planning habitat
restoration projects and improving hatchery management strategies.
Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve
Amount Funded:
Climate Change Adaptation Plan Update, Annette Islands Reserve
Project Description: Metlakatla Indian Community (MIC) applied for and was funded to complete a Climate Change
Adaptation Plan in 2014. This plan was completed, approved by Tribal council and BIA in 2018. It has been invaluable
as to inform planning and grant applications for a wide array of purposes, however, due to rapidly changing climate
conditions, MIC needs to update their current plan to adequately reflect current and anticipated climate fluctuations
and impacts. Additionally, the existing plan was written during a time of an unprecedented drought that had not been
clearly identified until the completion of the plan. The plan needs to be updated to reflect this drought, and consider
future drought impacts as well as address information gaps identified in the Plan. To properly inform the MIC Tribal
leadership, protect the natural resources and valuable lifeways of the Tribe, it is essential to update the existing Climate
Change Adaptation Plan for MIC.
Nansemond Indian Nation
Amount Funded:
Nansemond Indian Nation Bridge Road Complex Resilience Planning
Project Description: The Nansemond Indian Nation will hire subject-matter experts to help devise a plan for emergency
operations at their Bridge Road property in Suffolk, Virginia. As a sovereign, federally recognized Tribe located in
Coastal Virginia, hurricanes and major weather events are increasing in intensity and frequency, bringing more
instances of flooding, power-outage, and evacuation to the area. This plan will help the Nation hire three contractors:
an emergency management consultant, an energy consultant, and an architecture and environmental engineering
consultant. These firms will help the Tribe create a plan to fortify the Bridge Road property so that it can serve as an
emergency operations center and storm shelter. Additional training and an outreach campaign to Tribal citizens will
couple with the plan to increase the Nation’s resilience in the face of changing climate and worsening weather events.
Native Village of Chenega (aka Chanega)
Amount Funded:
Empowering Tribal Resilience: Floating Wave Attenuation Breakwater Planning and Design for Climate
Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
Project Description: The Native Village of Chenega places a high priority on climate change resilience, will develop a
floating wave attenuation system in its planning and engineering design phase. This innovative approach aims to
protect approximately 2,000 feet of shoreline, preserve water quality, and
safeguard the village and harbor
infrastructure from climate-induced damage. This cost-effective solution provides a protective breakwater against
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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rising wind surges and waves, directly linked to climate change. The project's significance lies in protecting the
community's small boat harbor, which is essential for subsistence and cultural preservation. Chenega's economic
sustainability is closely tied to maintaining access to fisheries resources, making the harbor's functionality vital for both
residents and traditional practices. In summary, this initiative is a pivotal step toward ensuring the community's
resilience, safeguarding its culture, and supporting economic growth through the protection of vital traditions.
Native Village of Diomede (aka Inalik)
Amount Funded:
Planning for Resilience Developing a Climate Adaptation Plan for the Native Village of Diomede
Project Description: The Native Village of Diomede (NVD) is a small rural community located on Little Diomede Island
(Inalik) in western Alaska within the Bering Strait. These changes are taking place at a much greater rate in northern
climates and the NVD has identified the need to develop a climate adaptation plan that identifies climate vulnerabilities
and adaptation strategies to foster cultural resilience for the Ingalikmiut people of NVD. The climate adaptation plan
will be used to guide and prioritize the efforts of the NVD. This will be accomplished through conducting an initial gap
analysis, data gathering, and community assessment, conducting a vulnerability assessment and prioritization, and
finalizing a Climate Adaptation Plan with adaptation strategies to foster climate resilience.
Nez Perce Tribe
Amount Funded:
Titoqua Hipt Project: Adaptive Management Data Gathering, Planning, and Education to
Protect Traditional Plants in a Changing Climate
Project Description: In 2021 and 2023, the Nez Perce Tribe started collecting traditional plant utilizing small grants
from non-profit partners as pilot projects to trial methodology, start documenting impacts, and find partners and
methods that could work for the Tribe. The Tribe will continue and expand upon the traditional plant surveys that have
been completed to gather the information required to support adaptive management planning for traditional foods.
The Tribe will also continue community-based involvement with this project through workshops and field trips focused
on traditional gathering, documentation, and climate planning. Involving the community of Nimiípuu gatherers in this
effort increased the relevance, impact, timeliness, and effectiveness of this work. Nimiípuu gatherers have started a
grassroots movement to help address climate impacts to traditional foods through educational and community
building field-based workshops, trainings, and meetings. In the summer of 2023, a Northwest Indian College Intern led
a series of field-based workshops about gathering and preparing traditional plant foods. The Tribe will continue this
effort and expand upon it to protect Titoqua Hípt because climate change impacts are occurring so rapidly.
Nooksack Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Enhancement of hydroclimate model certainty and development of a climate resilience plan for forest
management in the South Fork Nooksack watershed to increase summer streamflow that supports salmon
Project Description: The Nooksack Tribe has directed significant resources to build the frameworks for the DHSVM and
VELMA models for the South Fork Nooksack watershed, yet data gaps remain. This award funding will support field
monitoring activities to measure soil moisture and sap flux to more accurately estimate evapotranspiration rates across
a range of forest types. Field data generated will then be utilized to update the model frameworks and run additional
scenarios that explore forest management effects on summer streamflow into the future with climate change
projections. The model outputs will ultimately be used to identify and prioritize streamflow restoration actions in the
watershed that will ameliorate current water needs that support salmon recovery. As popularity in these models grows
through the region, Tribes can take a leading role in shaping their applicability to holistically prepare for climate change
and protect treaty resources.
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Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
Amount Funded:
Implementing A Sustainable Northern Arapaho Tribal Climate Change All-Hazard Adaptation Plan for a
Climate Change Ready and Resilient Community
Project Description: A Climate Change Adaptation Plan (CCAP) centered upon wildfire resiliency, drought
management, and an improved threat and hazard identification and risk assessment will be completed specifically for
the Northern Arapaho tribe. This comprehensive CCAP will be a planning and mitigation document building on
actionable disaster resilience and climate change focus group discussion and feedback results collected by the
previously funded FY 2020 Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Climate Resilience Workshops and with the completion of
two workshops and continued research with this project. The CCAP project will be developed and written by
experienced disaster resilience planners and implemented by local planners from the Northern Arapaho Tribe. This
sustainable planning process will continually assess and assist in future CCAP implementation, identified by the most
current science, applications, and data. The Northern Arapaho Homeland Security will develop an updated Drought
Plan and a Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment to mitigate all-hazards and improve climate change
resiliency on the WRIR.
Pala Band of Mission Indians
Amount Funded:
SoCal Tribal Adaptation Planning and Training (STAPT) Project
Project Description: The Pala Band of Mission Indians (PBMI) SoCal Tribal Adaptation Planning and Training (STAPT)
Project will advance climate and health adaptation planning, data development, training and other knowledge sharing
and capacity building efforts primarily for Tribal leaders, program coordinators, planners, managers, and their partners
at Pala and other Southern California Tribes that recently formed the Tribal Energy & Climate Collaborative (TECC).
STAPT will develop and analyze the latest regional climate and health information, including Indigenous Knowledge,
for a five-year summary update to PBMI’s Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan. STAPT will
also develop summary vulnerability data analyses and advanced plans within select adaptation strategies for 11
participating TECC Tribal partners using tools from PBMI’s Tribal Climate Health Project (TCHP) as well as State and
federal partner agencies. TCHP will continue its long-standing national training and information sharing efforts to
ensure that Tribes have better access to meaningful vulnerability data. Building upon seven successful years providing
Tribal health and adaptation capacity-building opportunities to more than 1,000 Tribal-serving professionals, PBMI will
invite TECC Tribes to participate in regional in-person climate and health adaptation training summits at Pala co-hosted
with the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center.
Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona
Amount Funded:
PYT Climate Adaptation Plan Development
Project Description: The Pascua Yaqui Tribe will develop a Climate Adaptation Plan. The Plan will contain a risk and
vulnerability assessment based on available social vulnerability, environmental justice, and climate data; models of
climate impacts; and community engagement. It will include the identification and prioritization of community-based
climate adaptation strategies as well as potential avenues for strategy implementation. This Plan will outline the Tribe’s
next steps in continuing to build capacity to respond to climate change. It will fulfill the Pascua Yaqui Tribe’s objective
of a comprehensive plan for climate change adaptation that assesses current vulnerabilities, strategies for alleviating
them, and a plan for bringing strategies to fruition.
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Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
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Pit River Tribe, California
Amount Funded:
Pit River Tribe Integrated Resources Management Plan (IRMP) and Framework for Advancing
Climate Resilience
Project Description: The Pit River Tribe recognizes the need for a comprehensive Integrated Resources Management
Plan (IRMP) that prioritizes economic and community development, cultural and biological resource protection,
emergency preparedness, water management, water rights protection and considers nature-based solutions to
mitigate projected regional climate-change impacts to the Tribe, its community, and resources. An IRMP that organizes
the interrelationships between the social, environmental, and economic components of the Pit River Tribe land base,
and incorporates climate-change considerations is vital to the Tribe’s efforts to build community resilience and
adaptation planning efforts. The Pit River Tribe will engage in vital strategic planning needed to complete the IRMP
and framework for advancing climate resilience.
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Michigan and Indiana
Amount Funded:
Developing Climate Resiliency for the Pokagon Band through Greater Capacity
Project Description: The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians will hire a Climate Resilience Specialist to spearhead
the development of climate change plans and the implementation of resilience measures. The Climate Resilience
Specialist position will allow the Pokagon Band to enhance its capacity to lower greenhouse gas emissions and prepare
for and respond to the effects of climate change.
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
Amount Funded:
PBPN Food Systems Climate Adaptation Plan
Project Description: The Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) is currently experiencing increased extreme
weather events because of climate change. To respond to the damages of climate change and mitigate future risks,
PBPN will develop a comprehensive Food Systems Climate Adaptation Plan.
Pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico
Amount Funded:
Planning and assessing the Water Resources for the Pueblo of Santa Ana's Climate Adaptation Plan
Project Description: Water resources have served as a way of life for the Tamayame people since time memorial. The
unbalance of the hydrologic cycle makes it hard for the Pueblo to predict the future of water access. It is more critical
now to protect this valuable resource for the Pueblo with the current and future changes in climate. The impacts of
climate change in the Rio Grande and Rio Jemez Basin are projected to increase temperatures by approximately six
degrees and reduce flows by twenty-five percent, and due to increased demand of water use by non-pueblo irrigators
in this basin, it is critical that the Pueblo prepares for this adaptation. This project will help the Pueblo to better
understand and plan for the future. This plan will be implemented in the overall Climate Adaptation Plan.
Quapaw Nation
Amount Funded:
Quapaw Comprehensive Vegetation Planning Project
Project Description: The Quapaw Nation of Oklahoma will develop a Native Plant Nursery and Natural Resource
Restoration Training Hub. The nursery and training hub will serve to address surface and ground water data gaps that
have been barriers to completing a large-scale conceptual design project for the Tar Creek Superfund site, while
providing a source for native plants and necessary training to allow other tribes to complete their restoration projects.
These restoration efforts will address storm water runoff and its effects on the impaired water quality and sediment
in the area that has plagued the Quapaw Nation and other tribes for many decades, as a result of historical lead and
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zinc mining. A previous phase of that project resulted in a data gap analysis funded by the BIA Tribal Resilience Program
in 2018. The restoration of natural areas is expected to include abundant wetlands and riparian areas that fall within
the Quapaw Nation’s reservation boundaries. Restoration with native vegetation will address flood and drought
conditions that have worsened from climate change. Establishment of a native plant nursery and natural resource
training hub would be a preliminary step toward other more sophisticated land use improvements for the future. The
planning will involve a feasibility study and business plan for a scalable and sustainable native nursery and would
involve partnerships with three entities that include nursery and permaculture design, native plant education, and
wetland design, development and management techniques. The nursery will be the catalyst for a direct, streamlined
implementation process for the natural area restoration effort for years to come.
Rappahannock Tribe, Inc.
Amount Funded:
Rappahannock Tribe: Tribal Climate Resilience Planning
Project Description: The Rappahannock Tribe seeks to build a climate resilience plan for its property along the
Rappahannock River at Fones Cliffs. The river is named after the Tribe, which lived for thousands of years along the
banks on both sides. The colonial settlers soon dispossessed the Tribe of its home on the river and forced their removal
inland, miles away from the river, which was rich with natural and spiritual resources. By spring of 2024, the Tribe will
own 2,132 acres, with conservation easements held by the FWS. The Tribe and the Rappahannock River Valley National
Wildlife Refuge will co-manage the land together. Because climate change and commercial development have
endangered the river and its lands, the Tribe will purchase equipment, hire and train staff to collect data, understand
the state of the property’s natural resources, study the effects of climate change on the fish and wildlife, and build a
plan that will address the overall health of the river and fish and wildlife habitat.
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Minnesota
Amount Funded:
Regional Climate Change Monitoring Program Coordination
Project Description: This project will fund a portion of a Regional Climate Change Monitoring Coordinator (RMC)
position and activities associated with the National Science Foundation funded Global Center. The RMC will work with
tribes across the Midwest region to assist with protocols, data analysis, and coordination of monitoring and assessment
associated with climate change.
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota
Amount Funded:
Planning for Oceti Sakowin Regional Climate Collaboration
Project Description: This planning project is designed to strategically initiate outreach, engagement, and garner
support among tribes from the Oceti Sakowin Nation, (Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota Nations) to determine the need,
interest, and viability of a regional approach to climate resilience. The year-long effort would culminate in a climate
summit and the creation of a Charter to be signed by all interested and willing tribes. It builds on extensive efforts at
both the regional scale related to Treaty rights, language, culture, the Tribe’s common history, and climate change. It
also builds on funded projects by the Sicangu Lakota Oyate (Rosebud Sioux Tribe) including a climate adaptation plan,
a Sicangu Climate Center, traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), as well as many existing data resources, federal,
nonprofit, and academic partnerships. The Sicangu Lakota Oyate have already demonstrated a commitment to building
local resilience, and the Tribe also seeks to unify the Oceti Sakowin tribes under a spirit of collaboration, unity and
diversity, and strength in the collective to prepare for current and future climate events.
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Saint Paul Island (See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul &
St. George Islands)
Amount Funded:
Strengthening Indigenous Narratives Through Data Dissemination and High Impact Story Telling within
the Indigenous Sentinels Network
Project Description: Indigenous communities possess a rich cultural heritage often overlooked in climate resilience
discussions. To bridge this gap, Saint Paul Island's "Strengthening Indigenous Narratives through Data Dissemination
and High-Impact Storytelling'' project will hire an Indigenous Communication and Storytelling Specialist to empower
Indigenous voices and preserve their wisdom during rapid environmental change. The Tribe's initiative aims to develop
a climate change communication and storytelling strategy for the Indigenous Sentinels Network (ISN), a technology-
based data collection program led by the Tribal Government of St. Paul Island. This project not only addresses the
persistent challenge of gathering consistent Arctic climate impact observations, but also aligns with the emerging need
for Indigenous self-determination in research and knowledge co-production efforts. The project focuses on creating
story maps, enhancing community engagement, improving science communication surrounding climate adaptation
efforts, fostering transparency around how data is used to communicate deliverables from community-driven
environmental monitoring efforts, and building capacity for Indigenous-led research.
Samish Indian Nation
Amount Funded:
Samish Indian Nation Managed Retreat, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Climate Emergency
Management Planning
Project Description: The Tribe has several properties near the coast including a major business unit in the form of an
RV Resort on Fidalgo Bay in Anacortes, Washington. Initial sea level rise analysis indicates that at least a significant
section of this park will need to be relocated. A Planning effort to remove electrical, communications and sewer
infrastructure is needed and will be conducted under this effort in addition to more fully analyzing all the Tribe’s
properties to determine if similar efforts are needed. Samish is currently conducting a full greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions report under EPA funding which will be completed in March of 2024. The Tribe will develop projects that will
reduce Samish’s GHG emissions, preparing the tribe to apply for implementation funds for “shovel ready” projects.
Currently, Samish is not able to participate in tribal, local, or regional emergency planning and coordination efforts,
which is a critical table for the Tribe to sit at. Most of the emergencies we face can be either directly or indirectly linked
to climate change and a portion of this funding will be utilized to meaningfully participate in emergency planning efforts
and the much-needed update to the Samish Emergency Management Plan.
Santo Domingo Pueblo
Amount Funded:
Santo Domingo Pueblo - Strategic Water Management Plan Development
Project Description: The primary objective of the project is to develop a Strategic Water Management Plan for the
Santo Domingo Pueblo. This initial planning project will be used to identify projects that address vulnerability to climate
change, the impacts that affect water supply reliability, and identify strategies that support ecological values along the
Middle Rio Grande River.
Seminole Tribe of Florida
Amount Funded:
Seminole Tribe of Florida Climate Change Workshops and Action Plan
Project Description: The Seminole Tribe of Florida (STOF) will use grant funding for the Tribe’s first community-led
climate adaptation plan. This will support STOF in creating a roadmap for long-term climate resiliency in the face of
extreme weather and environmental trends across the Tribe's seven reservations/trust lands. The Tribe will create a
"Sustainable and Climate Resilient Communities" workshop series that brings Tribal citizens and technical staff
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together to share knowledge, collaborate, and co-develop their first Climate Action Plan. The Tribe will also be able to
increase their staff's capacity by hiring one part-time Climate Resiliency Training Coordinator, in addition to contracting
facilitation and planning support to address climate risk.
Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation
Amount Funded:
Shoalwater Bay Preparedness for Relocation Project
Project Description: This project includes climate adaptation planning through a road assessment to support planning
and road design for the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe's relocation village; data development through drone technology
in the Tribe's efforts to monitor coastal erosion and the berm; youth engagement through STEM classes involving drone
technology; and travel to access climate adaptation training and technical workshops to build capacity of the Tribe's
staff and tribal leaders.
Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation
Amount Funded:
The Cost of Rising Seas vs. The Risks of Inaction
Project Description: The Squaxin Island Tribe will build on previous work titled “Where Fresh Water Meets Salt Water”
quantifying changes in streamflow and sea level. The Squaxin Tribe determined the need to take action to reduce
inundation and flood risk near marine waters but also near freshwater systems adjacent to marine waters. The purpose
of this funding titled, “The Cost of Rising Seas vs. The Risks of Inaction” is to act by reducing the Tribes impact on global
sea level rise and empower and educate Tribal leadership to take action against rising seas as well as to model a
sustainable future. The action plan will be used to identify and prioritize actions that the Tribe may take to manage
impacts on fish and tribal infrastructure, acquisition of property and water rights, riparian shading, zoning ordinances,
and infrastructure investments. Finally, the Tribe will have education and outreach workshops with Education Director
to incorporate use of the ESRI story map deliverables for youth climate change education.
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians of Washington
Amount Funded:
Mountain Goat Monitoring: North Cascades, WA
Project Description: The Stillaguamish Tribe, in partnership with the Lummi Nation and Tulalip Tribes, will update their
Climate Change Adaptation Plan with specific actions to address monitoring and recovery of mountain goats
(Oreamnos americanus) in the Mount Baker/Snoqualmie National Forests in the North Cascades Range of Washington
State. This project will allow for supplementary monitoring to address climate change impacts to an important treaty
resource. In order to update and create new adaptation actions, the Tribe will work with partners to understand
current mountain goat distributions and habitat use using non-invasive traditional and innovative methods in the
Mount Baker and Darrington, WA regions. This monitoring effort will include new survey units to investigate whether
goat populations have shifted their ranges in response to a changing climate or other stressors. Innovative monitoring
approaches may include camera traps, thermal imaging drones, and citizen science. Following the monitoring activities
and population distribution mapping, the Tribe and partners will create specific actions to investigate the causes of
decline and incorporate recovery measures into Adaptation Plans. The Tribe and others will use the results of this work
to plan future projects and secure funding for further monitoring and recovery efforts in the North Cascades.
Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation
Amount Funded:
Addressing Emergency Management Climate Change Impacts on the Port Madison Reservation
Project Description: The Suquamish Indian Tribe's project is to develop a plan to help mitigate and respond to the
consequences of climate change in the Tribe's community. With the expansion of residents on the reservation and the
increasing severity of weather events, the Tribe has experienced significant impacts on the health and safety of their
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people and lands. The Suquamish's project will hire an Emergency Management Planner to focus on adapting the
Tribe’s emergency capabilities due to climate change, including updating their Hazard Mitigation Plan, Comprehensive
Emergency Response Plan, Continuity of Government, and Emergency Operations Center Standard Operating
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Amount Funded:
Swinomish Climate Resilience Infrastructure Strategic Plan
Project Description: The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community’s (“Swinomish” or “Tribe”) Senate passed the first climate
change resolution by a United States Native American tribe in 2007. This landmark proclamation established the
Swinomish Climate Change Initiative, which initiated the Tribe’s path to begin addressing climate warming-related
effects and impacts to the Swinomish Reservation. The goal of this project is to develop a Climate Resilience
Infrastructure Strategic Plan that incorporates updated climate science, build capacity among Swinomish staff, increase
the resilience of Swinomish infrastructure, and identifies the highest adaptation action priorities for the Tribe’s most
valued infrastructure. The Swinomish Senate and community will be readily engaged to evaluate the staff’s actions
resulting in a comprehensive strategic infrastructure resilience plan that builds preparedness for climate change
impacts to tribal infrastructure on the Swinomish Reservation.
The Chickasaw Nation
Amount Funded:
The Chickasaw Nation Tribal Property Climate Vulnerability Assessments Project
Project Description: The Chickasaw Nation (CN) will prepare climate change vulnerability assessments that will
advance the CN’s adaptation planning and resilience. These vulnerability assessments will address climate change-
related exposure across the CN’s 13-county treaty territorial boundaries, including sensitivity, adaptive capacity and
vulnerability for facilities and infrastructure. This project aims to develop and conduct vulnerability assessments that
will advance The CN's capacity for both adaptation planning and climate resilience by focusing on climate change-
related exposure within five CN-owned properties. Information from these vulnerability assessments will immediately
be incorporated into existing programs and operations within the CN, as well as used to develop new means of
adaptation planning.
The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Amount Funded:
The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Water Infrastructure Vulnerability and Resilience Planning
Project Description: The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma will conduct Water Infrastructure Vulnerability and Resilience
Planning (CNO). The CNO will provide consultants to various water districts and communities in the reservation for the
purpose of conducting water rate studies, and to perform utility rate & funding analysis, infrastructure vulnerability
reviews, and other reviews as deemed needed. The districts will be chosen by the CNO Office of Water Resource
Management team and will be spread over the entire CNO reservation. These studies and analysis will benefit
thousands of Tribal and community members for decades to come through the resiliency planning that they will
Tulalip Tribes of Washington
Amount Funded:
Monitoring Changing Ocean Conditions and Effects on Critical Species, Building Sovereign Management,
Planning, Training and Partnerships
Project Description: The Tulalip Tribes will utilize FY2023 BIA Tribal Climate Resilience funding to conduct and
administer Puget Sound-wide purse seine sampling for juvenile salmon, herring and zooplankton. The Tribe will analyze
samples from all species of salmon and herring, further training in several laboratory and data analysis techniques
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afforded to all Tribes and continue building wide support to institutionalize and secure other funding (not BIA) for a
Puget Sound Juvenile Salmon and Herring Monitoring Program. This is not simply the same annual monitoring, it is a
unique pilot project involving new, changing research that is evolving from previous year’s efforts.
Upper Mattaponi Tribe
Amount Funded:
Upper Mattaponi Indian Tribe's Climate Adaptation Plan
Project Description: The goal of the project is to build upon the Upper Mattaponi Tribe's Climate Vulnerability
Assessment by developing a holistic Climate Adaptation Plan. The Tribe will work with technical climate experts and
the tribal community to weave climate science and traditional knowledge into appropriate adaptation actions. The
plan will provide direction on priority resilience actions, data gaps to be filled, emissions, capacity-building, and future
implementation. The results will increase the Tribe’s resilience through an impactful climate response that will benefit
the Tribe and region for generations to come.
Wrangell Cooperative Association
Amount Funded:
Earth Branch Climate Action and Adaptation Plan
Project Description: The Wrangell Cooperative Association (WCA) will develop a comprehensible Climate Action and
Adaptation Plan (the Plan) in response to the growing concerns and risks of climate change. The WCA recently
conducted a climate impact survey with members of the Tribe to determine the concerns and priorities of the
members. The WCA will utilize the survey results to develop the Plan to address the concerns of the Tribe and to
protect important traditional species and resources. The Plan is expected to aid the WCA in adapting and mitigating
the harms climate impacts may cause to the local environment and Tribal members, with information being shared
amongst Tribal organizations and programs to best meet the goals and priorities of the Tribe. The WCA, acting through
their Environmental Department, Tl'át | Earth Branch (Earth Branch Team), will collaborate with stakeholders and a
contractor to complete the Plan.
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
Amount Funded:
Developing a Climate Adaptation Plan through Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and
Environmental Assessments in Yakutat, Alaska
Project Description: The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe (YTT) has a vested interest in protecting traditional and subsistence
natural resources and the health of tribal citizens in their traditional tribal territory. YTT is one of the original members
of the Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research (SEATOR) network, a consortium of tribal governments committed to
ensuring that Southeast Alaska community members have access to safe traditional foods and has passed resolutions
to support ongoing research and monitoring programs that help assess the vulnerability of climate change impacts on
significant resources and the community. Salmon, shellfish, halibut, berries, deer, and cultural sites need to be
protected and monitored as climate change impacts increase. Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
has developed a Climate Adaptation Plan template that outlines the common subsistence resources and potential
climate change impacts. YTT will utilize the template to integrate community Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)
input and current environmental monitoring data to determine the adaptive capacity and vulnerability of key
subsistence resources and develop strategies that ensure sustainable access to resources. YTT will then use
vulnerability rankings to develop mitigation and adaptation strategies critical to building resiliency.
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Tribal Organization:
Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI)
Amount Funded:
Climate Workforce Development Fellowship Program
Project Description: This Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) workforce development program project is
focused on Tribal climate resilience. The project will hire and train early-career tribal citizens as climate fellows to
support ATNI's Climate Resilience Program. ATNI will also develop a Tribal Climate Resilience board game and
curriculum to have a broader impact across Indian Country.
Tribal Organization:
Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission
Amount Funded:
Restoring Nature’s Pathways A Collaborative Mission in the Ahtna Territory
Project Description: The Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission (AITRC), on behalf of the eight Ahtna Tribes and two
ANCSA corporations, will introduce the first habitat restoration biologist position within the Ahtna Territory of
southcentral Alaska. This position will concentrate on improving waterways and designing wildlife corridors, with other
areas of focus to be determined by further consultation with the Ahtna tribes. Upon identifying cultural and traditional
areas of concern impacted by the changing climate, the habitat restoration biologist will prioritize necessary trainings
and pursue applicable funding sources to implement restoration efforts. These initiatives will blend Indigenous
Knowledge with western science to protect the Ahtna Territory’s natural resources and rich cultural heritage.
Tribal Organization:
Bristol Bay Native Association
Amount Funded:
New Stuyahok Road and Drainage Improvements Planning Project
Project Description: New Stuyahok is an Alaska Native village located in the Bristol Bay Region of Alaska’s west coast.
The community is situated on a hill that experiences severe rainfall during heavy storms and significant snowmelt
runoff each spring. Existing roadway drainage systems within the project area are inadequately designed to convey the
volume of runoff, which causes frequent flooding of roads and surrounding properties. Severe potholes and rutting,
road washouts, and embankment erosion are a continuous maintenance issue for the community as well as a
transportation safety concern. The project involves a hydrology analysis and preliminary engineering activities to
identify how to improve the climate resiliency of the local road system. Bristol Bay Native Association, on behalf of the
New Stuyahok Traditional Council, will hire an engineering consultant to develop a Design Study Report that will
evaluate options to improve the drainage and road conditions. The report will provide a 15% preliminary design and
will identify next steps for completing full design and construction of the recommended improvements.
Tribal Organization:
Chugach Regional Resources Commission
Amount Funded:
Chugach Imaq - long-term evaluation of the effects of climate change on Indigenous marine
mammals in the Chugach region
Project Description: This unique pilot project on marine mammals will advance Chugach Tribal resilience and
adaptation called the ‘Chugach Imaq’ program. This project will support the capacity development for the organization
to plan and implement marine mammal aerial surveys to discern population dynamics while simultaneously collecting
Indigenous Knowledge on perceived threats to these populations in the face of a changing climate in the Chugach
region of Southcentral Alaska.
Tribal Organization:
Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council
Amount Funded:
Phase II - Southwest Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu (SWTCAM)
Project Description: The Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council, in coordination with the New Mexico Tribal Resilience
Action Network, will conduct a 2-year project with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) fiscal year 2024 Tribal Climate
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Resilience funding for the design, development, and deployment of the Southwest Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu
(SWTCAM), which will serve as a framework tool to facilitate the climate adaptation planning process for Tribes across
the Southwest. The SWTCAM will incorporate relevant case studies and existing resources that are appropriate and
valid for Southwest Tribes, reflect Southwest ecology, and address Tribes’ regional climate concerns. The SWTCAM will
focus on adaptation actions for natural and cultural resources and will incorporate other sectors as determined by the
SWTCAM planning committee.
Tribal Organization:
Kawerak Inc
Amount Funded:
Bering Strait Climate Adaptation Planning Project: Accelerating Regional Adaptation and
Project Description: The twenty federally recognized Tribes of the Bering Strait region of Northwest Alaska are already
experiencing the negative effects of climate change. The development of climate mitigation and resiliency plans for
Kawerak, Inc.’s twenty regional Tribes will be substantially accelerated with the addition of a Climate Change Specialist.
This position will increase the capacity for comprehensive adaptation and mitigation planning activities for the 20
Tribes and 15 communities served by Kawerak. Community plans will incorporate mitigation efforts and plans across
agencies working in communities and identify additional priorities for action and mitigation for each Tribe. The Climate
Change Specialist will work closely with Tribes to facilitate the integration of Traditional Knowledge and current
scientific insights through workshops and meetings into holistic adaptation and mitigation plans that will enable Tribes
to advance to the next step in implementing adaptation and mitigation activities to increase Tribes' preparedness and
collective resiliency in the face of the negative impacts of climate change.
Tribal Organization:
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
Amount Funded:
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Tribal Fish Hatcheries Climate Resilience Planning
Project Description: The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission will collaborate with the 20 treaty tribes in western
Washington and non-tribal partners to evaluate the effects of climate change on tribal fish hatcheries and to identify
adaptation strategies. Decreasing Pacific salmon and steelhead populations leave tribes increasingly reliant on
hatcheries for the ability to exercise their treaty fishing rights. Better understanding of the challenges facing tribal fish
hatcheries will inform decisions around investments that will make hatcheries more resilient to climate impacts, thus
helping to ensure that treaty-protected fish runs persist into the future for generations to come.
Tribal Organization:
Point No Point Treaty Council (PNPTC)
Amount Funded:
PNPTC's Development of a Tribal Near-Term 10-Day Flood Forecasting Tool and Enhanced
Climate Program Capacity
Project Description: The Jamestown S’Klallam and Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribes, along with many other tribes and local
communities in the Pacific Northwest, rely on fisheries and shell fisheries for economic, subsistence, and cultural
means. The Point No Point Treaty Council (PNPTC) is proposing a pilot study to create and evaluate a near-term
streamflow forecasting tool in three mountainous watersheds to provide climate streamflow forecasts for Tribal
members and the public. This tool will allow for a better understanding of flood risk, improved preparation time in
cases of likely flooding, and can even help Tribal resources managers and fishers have a better understanding of low
flow conditions during critical fish migration times. In addition, PNPTC hopes to update and amalgamate additional
existing and ongoing in-house coastal and watershed modeling efforts to get a more holistic picture of climate change
related vulnerabilities in the traditional S’Klallam lands. In this way, natural resources planners, managers and Tribal
communities as a whole, can better adapt to the increased risks posed by a changing climate.
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Tribal Organization:
Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation, Inc.
Amount Funded:
Planning for Sustainable Riparian Climate Resiliency in the Snake River Basin
Project Description: The Snake River is the lifeblood of the Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation, Inc.'s (USRT) member
tribes; the Burns Paiute Tribe, Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Tribes, Shoshone-Paiute Tribes, and Shoshone-Bannock
Tribes. The USRT will develop programmatic guidance for their member tribes on promoting climate resiliency in
riparian habitats on the member tribes' respective reservations; it is anticipated that this programmatic guidance will
also have regional benefits for any Tribe seeking to implement projects to improve stream function and/or resiliency.
USRT staff will work directly with a qualified contractor and the member tribes to develop an addendum, restoration
adaptation documents that are consistent with the priorities established in the existing
Climate Vulnerability
Assessment funded by the BIA and completed in 2017. The protection and restoration of impacted riparian habitat was
a common theme for each of USRT's member tribes, and this funding will ensure that tribal staff will have the tools
they need to engage in implementation restoration actions that benefit their communities and the region at large.
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Category 2: Implementation
Category 2, Implementation awards are designed to support application of on-the-ground, shovel-ready
activities that already have a completed plan in place and are identified in official Tribal planning document(s).
Implementation proposals can emphasize co-stewardship opportunities, sacred site access and/or protection,
as well as treaty rights protection efforts.
Number of Awards: 30
Amount Funded: $73,590,743
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the
Bad River Reservation, Wisconsin
Amount Funded:
Mashkiiziibii NRD (MNRD) Sustainable Roofing Project
Project Description: The Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians will install metal roofs on fifty-six
homes and one community center in the Birch Hill community of the Bad River Reservation. Climate change increases
the risk of wildfire and heavier snowfall and increases the need for energy efficient homes and renewable energy.
Metal roofs handle heavy snow loads, prevent snow accumulation, are fireproof, last longer than asphalt roofs, are
energy efficient, and can support solar arrays. Replacing asphalt roofing with metal in the Birch Hill community
supports the Bad River Band’s climate adaptation implementation and climate resilience goals.
Blue Lake Rancheria, California
Amount Funded:
Toma Resilience Campus, Construction Phase 2
Project Description: The Blue Lake Rancheria will conduct Phase 2 of the Toma Resilience Campus (Toma), a climate-
resilience focused economic and workforce development. The Toma is designed to help BLR tribal members and
regional stakeholders prepare for and be more resilient to disasters and climate change impacts on tribal land through
development tribal and regional economies, around climate resilience. The focus areas of the Toma include disaster
preparedness, clean and renewable energy, regenerative agriculture and food sovereignty, light manufacturing, smart
technology, infrastructure, and human health and safety. The Toma supports tribal clima
te resilience with
programming that incorporates science, indigenous knowledge and languages, and technical information. The Toma
campus provides training and conference facilities, a business incubator, a makerspace/fabrication lab, classrooms, a
commercial kitchen and cafe, and a retail store for emergency supplies. The facility will serve many functions in times
of emergency (evacuation assembly point, operations center, clean air facility) and will provide a wide array of
resilience programming in business-as-usual (BAU) times. The Toma’s primary resilience strategy is climate resilience
and whole community disaster preparedness achieved through greater self-reliance, innovation, entrepreneurship,
increased knowledge, and regional collaboration and coordination.
Burns Paiute Tribe
Amount Funded:
New Climate-Resilient Natural Resources Management Headquarters at the Burns Paiute Tribe’s Malheur
River Wildlife Mitigation Site
Project Description: In June 2023, most of the Tribal facilities at Jonesboro were destroyed in a catastrophic flash flood
and debris-slide. The Tribe expects greater frequency and severity of storms in the area in future years due to the
impacts of climate change, leading to greater risk of flooding and rockslides at the Tribe’s facility location. As a result,
the Burns Paiute Tribes plans for recovery and restoration of their capacity at Jonesboro consider the need to relocate
and rebuild a facility in a location and manner designed to withstand the expected worsening conditions in the future,
and to ensure continued capacity to respond to fire, flood, and other disasters. This BIA Tribal Climate Resilience
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implementation project will fund the currently shovel-ready construction of a new, climate-resilient Burns Paiute Tribe
MRWMS Resource Management Headquarters facility.
Chignik Bay Tribal Council
Amount Funded:
East Side Electric Distribution System Upgrades Preliminary Engineering Report
Project Description: Chignik, Alaska is located on the pacific side of the Alaska Peninsula in Anchorage Bay. The
community experiences high winds and severe cyclone storm events that impact community infrastructure. The east
side electrical distribution system is in poor condition due to its old age combined with frequent high winds,
precipitation, and erosion that has caused damage to existing poles and electrical components. The power generation
system and bulk fuel facilities also have deficiencies related to environmental factors which need to be addressed. This
project involves development of a Preliminary Engineering Report to recommend upgrades to the east side electrical
distribution system, power generation system, bulk fuel system, and utility equipment. The project was identified as
top priority in the Chignik Bay Tribal Council Climate Resiliency Action Plan, dated May 2023. The project will provide
planning to improve the community’s resilience to climate-related disasters.
Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana
Amount Funded:
CTL - Implement Outstanding HMP projects
Project Description: The Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana, a federally recognized coastal tribe aboriginal to South
Louisiana, has for many years been included peripherally and by addendum in the St. Mary Parish (County) Hazard
Mitigation Plans submitted to and approved by FEMA. The Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana will establish an Emergency
Operations Center and implement wind hardening, redundant power, and other outstanding projects listed in the 2020
St. Mary Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan. Funding will support purchasing heavy equipment to address drainage issues,
establishing an Emergency Operation Command Center/Public Saferoom, implementing hardening/wind retrofitting
tribal/tribally owned buildings, purchasing generators to provide redundant power to critical tribal facilities, and
ensuring that tribal members have access to potable water in event of emergency.
Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
Amount Funded:
Implementing the Sustainable Eastern Shoshone Tribal Climate Change Resilience Project for Climate and
All-Hazards Ready and Resilient Community
Project Description: The Eastern Shoshone tribe on the remote and vulnerable Wind River Reservation (WRIR) has
experienced increasingly frequent extreme weather since 2010, with 17 different identified all-hazard events occurring,
including floods and droughts. Five implementation projects have been identified from Climate Adaptation Strategies
developed from the 2020 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Climate Resilience Workshops funding. The project’s
technical objective will involve being Climate Change Ready and improve resiliency by utilizing Tribal Climate
Adaptation Planning, the WRIR BIA wildfire management plan, and updating the WRIR drought contingency and state
and Regional Hazard Mitigation plans. Eastern Shoshone Homeland Security and planners will lead five all-hazards
resiliency implementation projects centered upon mitigating the extreme weather and all-hazard issues resulting from
increasing Climate Change affecting the WRIR.
Hoh Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Hoh Highlands Development Project Phase I. Housing
Project Description: The Hoh Indian Tribe is a federally recognized tribe which resides on the Hoh Indian Reservation
on the Pacific Coast of Washington State. Due to its location and low elevation, the Reservation and its residents are at
extreme high risk of catastrophic weather events, including wind, flooding and tsunamis. To protect the health and
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safety of its citizens and Reservation residents, the Tribe has implemented the Hoh Highlands Development Project,
which aims to move the residents and all tribal facilities to higher ground. Through the Hoh Indian Tribe Safe Homelands
Act (2011) the Bureau of Indian Affairs placed 471 acres of new land into trust for the Tribe’s benefit and safety. The
Tribe has received grants and earmarks for a resilience center and infrastructure funds to develop 45 acres of land and
fourteen houses, which comprises Phase I of the development. The Hoh Indian Tribe will conduct Relocation, Managed
Retreat, and Protect-in-Place Implementation activities, specifically, the Tribe plans to construct at least nine houses at
the identified highlands and will focus on other associated expenses and contingencies related to construction for this
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
Amount Funded:
Jamestown Relocation of Tribal Trust Assets
Project Description: The Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe is earnestly retreating from the marine shoreline. The Tribe has
identified (2013) the need to relocate the Natural Resources Lab and associated office space to higher safer location.
Building a new government lab/office on existing Tribal property will ensure safe working conditions for staff,
protection of treaty resources, and climate increased climate resilience. The project design is complete, permit
packages complete, internal environmental review underway, and some site preparation aspects (utilities and clearing
are completed as part of a previous project. The remaining key project tasks for this project are: to complete site prep,
construction of the new facility, to relocate staff & equipment, demolition of existing facility, and to decommission
existing wells and septic system, revegetation of shoreline and any disturbed areas.
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria,
Amount Funded:
Islanding Microgrid to Provide Uninterrupted Power for the Stewarts Point Rancheria As Climate Change
Worsens Already Unreliable Grid Power
Project Description: The Stewarts Point Rancheria is in a remote location in Sonoma County, California, located at the
end of a single-phase PG&E line. The community experiences frequent power outages (average 250-300 hours per year)
from a combination of planned PSPS events and unplanned damage to the grid infrastructure in the region from storms,
fires, equipment failure, or other occurrences. The Tribe believes the impacts of climate change will only worsen these
conditions -- more wildfires, stronger storms, worse flooding, etc. The current outages are often lengthy, covering
several days or more at a time. These outages endanger the Tribe's water system and broadband access, impact
residents’ food storage and communication devices, and prevent adequate lighting, heating, and cooling of their
homes. It also renders the Tribe's community center unusable for similar reasons. A detailed conceptual design for the
microgrid has already been completed, and the Tribe is already working with PG&E to develop the required grid-side
elements of the system. The Climate Resilience award will allow the Tribe to begin work on the Tribal-side elements of
the microgrid, speeding implementation of this critical climate resilience solution.
Ketchikan Indian Community
Amount Funded:
Climate Resilient Drinking Water Infrastructure to Support New Affordable Housing Development for the
Ketchikan Indian Community
Project Description: The Ketchikan Indian Community (KIC), located on the Revillagigedo Island in Southeast Alaska, is
experiencing an acute housing crisis, with hundreds of new units needed to address the housing needs of Tribal
members in the region. New affordable housing development is planned but must take into account the future impacts
of climate change, including increased risk of flooding in lower elevations, particularly when considering the dual
threats of sea level rise and increasingly severe storms and extreme precipitation events. As a result, the Tribes new
housing (as well as other new housing development in Ketchikan) is planned for higher elevations further inland from
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the shore. However, the Tribe’s planned development is not currently served by a viable drinking water source with
sufficient pressure to serve the units as well as firefighting needs. In order to proceed with construction of the planned
new homes, the Tribe must first construct a high-elevation 750,000-gallon water reservoir and the associated water
distribution line infrastructure to provide water and public safety service to the Tribe’s already permitted buildable
lots. The Tribe will invest in critical climate-resilient water system infrastructure, further enabling the immediate
construction of desperately needed climate-resilient affordable housing for Tribal members.
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Michigan
Amount Funded:
KBIC Sustainable Fishery Restoration Adaptation for Tribal Climate Resiliency
Project Description: KBIC is facing challenges to maintaining their traditional fishery that include climate change,
habitat loss and/or degradation, and aquatic invasive species (AIS) introductions and expansions. To meet these
challenges to keep native fish species important to the Tribe's cultural identity and way of life, KBIC will expand current
fishery facilities to increase capacity for fishery restoration. A new energy efficient, bio-secure building will be
constructed to house wild trout gametes, serving as a stepwise quarantine facility to further enhance protection and
resiliency of brood stock aquaculture and management programs. The facility will include space for fish transport and
stocking equipment, increasing ability to secure and utilize innovative techniques in stocking, as well as provide critically
needed space for proper disinfecting and storage. An on-site fishery assessment storage space, lab and offices will
provide areas for essential research capacity and equipment, sample and data processing/analyses, archiving, and
dissemination of evaluative elements of hatchery program successes, and/or adjustment/expansion needs and
priorities. Investments from these programs are crucial for safeguarding tribal well-being and ensuring sustainable
adaptation to climate change.
Knik Tribe
Amount Funded:
Strengthening Knik Tribe’s Co-Stewardship of Aquatic Wildlife Resources in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Gathering
Knowledge to Ensure Long-Term Food Sovereignty by Learning from the Past, Taking Stock of the Present,
and Planning for the Future
Project Description: Through this project, the Knik Tribe will document Indigenous Knowledge (IK), collate other
existing information, and collect new data on the anadromous fishes and beluga whales of Cook Inlet, Alaska. The Knik
Tribe and other Dena’ina people have depended on these aquatic species for millennia as food and cultural resources,
but their populations have declined under climate change and other human impacts, along with the Knik Tribe’s use of
them. This project is designed to increase knowledge about the past, present, and future status of these resources and
their interconnection with one another, the climate, and with the Dena’ina people. By completing this work, The Tribe
is contributing to a broader, culturally inclusive understanding of these resources and improved management and
conservation efforts, thus positioning the Tribe as a leader in co-stewardship efforts and ensuring the Tribe’s long-term
food and cultural sovereignty.
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians, California
Amount Funded:
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians Climate Resilience Project
Project Description: The La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians project will provide infrastructure to manage climate change
impacts on Trust lands, forest and wildlife ecology, economies, cultural and natural resources using indigenous
knowledge with research, education, ecotourism, and outreach. A cultural complex will be developed including a trail
of indigenous plants, Oak restoration, food sovereignty and facility to showcase climate change resilience efforts for all
Tribal Members and 300,000 annual visitors.
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La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian
Reservation, California
Amount Funded:
La Posta Wildfire Treatment and Prevention Program
Project Description: La Posta Band of Mission Indians will conduct an implementation program for wildfire fuels
reduction treatment and prevention utilizing traditional cultural practices for fuels reduction. The program would
include training and establishment of a Wildfire Treatment and Prevention Program. Following traini
ng and
establishment of this program, fuels reduction treatment would occur on an estimated three priority locations.
Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation
Amount Funded:
Makah Critical Infrastructure & Community Health Resilience Project
Project Description: The Makah Tribe of the Makah Reservation is in the process of integrating climate adaptation
measures across its operations to prevent threats to the health and safety of Makah lands and community. This includes
addressing the Tribe’s vulnerability to ageing infrastructure, and natural hazards magnified by coastal climate change.
The Makah Critical Infrastructure and Community Health Resilience Project will mitigate health and safety impacts to
the Makah community, habitat, fish, and wildlife, and allow for the construction of climate-resilient infrastructure to
withstand climate-induced impacts, such as extreme weather, flooding, sea-level rise, and storm surge. The Project will
also reduce the risk of transmission of sickness and disease that result from exposure to contaminated wastewater.
Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita
Reservation, California
Amount Funded:
Revitalizing Our Food Systems: The Manzanita Traditional Plants Projectsupporting and building
community food security and food sovereignty
Project Description: Improving knowledge, maintaining resources, and developing a diverse array of alternative food
resources is a critical component of the Kumeyaay culture, religion, and way of life. The "Revitalizing Our Food Systems"
project, through the propagation and growth of the Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians' traditional plants
will enhance community wellness and strengthen the Tribe's sense of community, thereby supporting and building
community food security and food sovereignty. The Tribe has a plan to restore and upgrade the old Manzanita
Community greenhouse and install additional propagation houses, which will be a community center for learning and
relationship building for the Manzanita Tribal Community. Manzanita Tribal Environmental staff and community
members will work together to learn how to care and establish the center as a place for learning and gathering. Tribal
community members will build capacity and revitalize knowledge around five traditional Native plants which are
derived from Manzanita's culturally significant plant list and are to be chosen for this project. Active management,
planting, and restoration of oak environments for acorns and other resources reflects the importance of these
resources as a central part of the Kumeyaay culture.
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan
Amount Funded:
The Gun Lake Tribe Electric Infrastructure Implementation Project
Project Description: The Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, DBA the Gun Lake Tribe, is a
federally recognized tribe headquartered in Shelbyville, Michigan. The Tribe established the climate change adaptation
steps of “Improve governmental car fleet through the purchase of fuel efficient, hybrid, and low emission vehicles” and
“Increase the energy efficiency of Tribally owned buildings/industries and residences of Tribal Citizens” in 2015. The
Gun Lake Tribe Electric Infrastructure Implementation Project will allow the Gun Lake Tribal Government to improve
and increase vehicle fleets of the Tribal Government and Tribal Enterprises through purchasing various electric vehicles
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as well as install solar infrastructure on the Tribal Government’s campus. The completion of this project will be a major
step forward in reducing the Tribe’s overall carbon footprint.
Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve
Amount Funded:
Metlakatla Indian Community Tribal Climate Resilience Implementation 2023
Project Description: The Metlakatla Indian Community (MIC) is one of the only Federally recognized Indian reserves in
the State of Alaska, located on the Annette Island Reserve (AIR). Through the MIC Climate Change Adaptation Plan
(2017-2027) it was identified that an increasing prevalence of invasive species within the AIR and shifts in subsistence
practices including shellfish harvesting were community priorities to be addressed through adaptive strategies. The
overall goal of this initiative is to ensure the resilience of the MIC in the face of a changing climate. This will be
accomplished through expanding MIC’s Environmental Lab capacity to implement environmental DNA and biotoxin
sample collection and analysis, implementing a strategic invasive species monitoring program that enables MIC to
identify susceptible habitats, respond to new invasions, and mitigate impacts from invasive species within the AIR, and
implementing a strategic water quality monitoring program that enables MIC to monitor biotoxins within its waters
that could pose a threat to human health, subsistence resources, and cultural practices.
Native Village of Kongiganak
Amount Funded:
Kongiganak Erosion Mitigation Preliminary Engineering project
Project Description: A Riverine Erosion Risk Assessment (Assessment), dated July 2023, was developed for the Native
Village of Kongiganak (Tribe) to identify erosion-threatened infrastructure in the community of Kongiganak, Alaska. One
outcome of the Assessment is to develop three priority projects based on community input. The goals of the project
are to: evaluate and compare potential alternatives to mitigate erosion, identify a preferred mitigation measure with
construction costs, provide a preliminary design for the recommended project, identify next steps including design,
permitting, and construction requirements, and ensure the mitigation strategy will protect existing infrastructure while
accommodating the community's barge and boat access needs.
Native Village of Kwinhagak (aka Quinhagak)
Amount Funded:
Community Resilience to Permafrost Degradation Threats Project
Project Description: This project builds on years of visioning, planning, and assessments to implement the desired
solutions of community leaders. The Native Village of Kwinhagak will assess homes threatened by permafrost
degradation, assess options to sustain barge landing access, design a new multi-purpose facility to replace the damaged
and failing building, replace the foundation on the damaged Head Start preschool building, and plan and design a new
managed retreat subdivision site for safe housing. This project addresses urgent threats and benefits the entire
Native Village of Nelson Lagoon
Amount Funded:
Native Village of Nelson Lagoon Shoreline Protection and Water Security
Project Description: Nelson Lagoon is located on a narrow sand spit that is washing away into the ocean due to lack of
protective sea ice and increasingly severe storms. Homes, community buildings, and the water line to the Native Village
of Nelson Lagoon's only water source are threatened. This project addresses immediate needs by finalizing the
construction of an erosion protection structure and constructing two 300,000-gallon water storage tanks.
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Oglala Sioux Tribe
Amount Funded:
Implementation of a Non-Potable Water Supply to Prepare and Mitigate for Periods of Drought
Project Description: The Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST) Water Resources Department maintains a map and inventory of
deactivated wells and pumphouses within the Pine Ridge Reservation (Reservation). This project is the implementation
of three mitigation strategies provided in the OST Drought Adaptation Plan (DAP). Mitigation strategies from the DAP
include protection of groundwater recharge for aquifers, identification of water sources for fire suppression, and
livestock management for wells that have suitable water quality for livestock consumption. The purpose of this project
is to reactivate existing wells and pumphouses and regulate the use of the Non-Potable Water Supply within the Pine
Ridge Reservation. This project will support tribal resilience by reducing the demand on the rural water system during
drought periods and improve OST’s agriculture and food sovereignty by giving the Tribe more authority over the use of
water and conservation practices on the Reservation.
Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation
Amount Funded:
Traditional Agriculture and Green House Infrastructure Implementation Project
Project Description: This Traditional Agriculture and Green House Infrastructure Implementation Project will develop
an agricultural space to increase climate resiliency principles and strategies, provide cultural resources, and promote
land stewardship. This implementation project is based on the climate adaptation strategies established from the 2019
Tribal Climate Resilience award that funded the Tribe’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Minnesota
Amount Funded:
Developing Implementation Project Plans for Climate Adaptation
Project Description: The Red Lake DNR Water Resources Program has developed several projects since the
development of the Climate Adaptation Plan in 2014. Development of engineered plans will be relatively straight
forward and will require the identification of a needed engineered plan for the completion of an implementation
project. The plans will then be developed either by the Tribe's partners at the Natural Resources Conservation Service
or by an engineering firm. The second phase of the project will require more planning and outreach but is fully within
the capabilities of the tribal program. This project phase will require revisiting the Red Lake Tribe's existing Climate
Adaptation Plan and updating the plan with on the ground implementation projects. The project will also support EV
infrastructure and GHG reduction efforts.
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South
Amount Funded:
Open Loop Geothermal Heat System for the White River Health Care Center
Project Description: This planning project is designed to strategically initiate outreach, engagement, and garner support
among tribes from the Oceti Sakowin Nation, (Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota Nations) to determine the need, interest,
and viability of a regional approach to climate resilience. The year-long effort would culminate in a climate summit and
the creation of a Charter to be signed by all interested and willing tribes. It also builds on funded projects by the Sicangu
Lakota Oyate (Rosebud Sioux Tribe) including a climate adaptation plan, a Sicangu Climate Center, traditional ecological
knowledge (TEK), as well as many existing data resources, federal, nonprofit, and academic partnerships. The Sicangu
Lakota Oyate have already demonstrated a commitment to building local resilience, and now the Tribe seeks to unify
the Oceti Sakowin tribes under a spirit of collaboration, unity and diversity, and strength in the collective to prepare for
current and future climate events. Through research, a series of workshops, interviews, community meetings,
conversations with elders, and other culturally relevant means of outreach and engagement with neighboring tribes
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across the region, the Tribe hopes to identify each tribe’s resilience priorities and any barriers that may impede a
successful collaboration.
Saint Paul Island (See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul &
St. George Islands)
Amount Funded:
Erosion Stabilization of Community Cemetery located on Black Bluffs, St. Paul Island, AK
Project Description: St. Paul Island, Alaska, is experiencing increased rates of coastal erosion due to high tides, storm
surges, wind, and waves. Coastal erosion is currently threatening critical infrastructure and the area of greatest concern
is the community cemetery. The Aleut Community of St. Paul Island Tribal Government has identified this threat in its
Hazard Mitigation Plan (2016), has completed feasibility analysis, engineering, and design for preferred alternative and
with this project, will mitigate the erosion threat to the cemetery located on the Black Bluffs by: 1. Stabilize the top
bluff by excavating an overburden layer to finish grade and place an erosion control blanket with topsoil and revegetate
the area 2. Stabilize the toe bluff by placing and grading a stone armor layer.
Samish Indian Nation
Amount Funded:
Samish Indian Nation Greenhouse Gas Footprint Reduction Through Solar Retrofits
Project Description: The Samish Indian Nation will place solar panels on approximately 19 buildings to provide
renewable energy benefits to Tribal Citizens and Government offices. Solar will be installed on Samish’s 14 cottage
elder’s housing project, Xwch’a’nteng or Place of Coming Home. In addition, solar will be installed on the Natural
Resources Department, two early learning centers and the Chela’ngen or Cultural Department Building. The result of
this power production will result in measurable greenhouse gas reductions at Samish residential and government
buildings and assist Samish citizens by lowering utility costs. This project will also provide power grid stability through
diversification and assist the Tribe, State of Washington and the United States in meeting greenhouse gas emission
reduction and meet climate resiliency goals.
Tulalip Tribes of Washington
Amount Funded:
Mountains, Meadows and Mammals: Climate Change and Alpine Wildlife Communities in the North
Cascades, Washington
Project Description: The North Cascades Mountain Range of Washington State is facing accelerated impacts of climate
change compounded with a substantial rise in outdoor recreation. The Tulalip Tribes have a growing concern over how
these factors may be influencing wildlife population declines in this area. To address this, The Tulalip Tribes will employ
advanced technologies including camera traps and artificial intelligence to monitor wildlife communities, climate
variables, and human use in alpine landscapes. The aim of this project is to support indigenous knowledge, enhance
climate resilience, and strengthen tribal relationships. The data will be used to inform conservation and management
of natural and cultural resources in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Final Design and Construction of Potable Water Intertie to Mitigate Climate Change Risks
Project Description: The Upper Skagit Indian Tribe operates a Class A public water system to serve its Helmick Road
Reservation and several adjacent off-Reservation residential properties. The Tribe received FY20 BIA Tribal Resilience
(TCR) funds to complete an alternatives analysis and preliminary design for an emergency intertie with Skagit PUD #1.
This award will provide the resources to advance the preliminary design to final design and construction of the intertie
with the Skagit PUD #1 water system to provide a backup source of water in an emergency such as a wildfire. This will
help the Tribe protect-in-place its Helmick Road Reservation public water system from these climate risks.
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Village of Chefornak
Amount Funded:
Home stabilization and construction
Project Description: This project addresses severe ongoing threats from erosion, flooding, and permafrost degradation.
The Village of Chefornak will repair and replace up to 30 home foundations that have been or will be damaged by
permafrost degradation. The Village will also construct two homes to replace damaged homes that are threatened and
cannot be relocated to a safe location.
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Set-Aside 1: First Time Awardee
First Time Awardee awards are designed to assure equity in available funding for Tribes at different places in
their climate resilience and adaptation planning efforts.
This funding has been set aside for Tribes who have
not received a planning or implementation award in previous years
, and is intended to support Tribes without
dedicated staffing or climate programs who are at the beginning stages of their climate change program
Number of Awards: 16
Amount Funded: $3,420,505
Asa'carsarmiut Tribe
Amount Funded:
Asa'carsarmiut Adaptation Planning Project
Project Description: The Asa’carsarmiut Tribe will conduct a multi-threat disaster resilience planning effort for the
community of Mountain Village, Alaska including wildfires, permafrost degradation, erosion, and flooding. The Tribe
represents Tribal members residing in Mountain Village and those tribal members who have relocated to other
communities. The outcomes and outputs for the Tribe’s planning efforts include an environmental threat analysis on
erosion, flooding and permafrost degradation and potential impact to structures, roads and the solid waste site, a
Solid Waste Site and access road - preliminary engineering report, a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, and based
upon these reports - drafting of an Asa’carsarmiut hazard mitigation plan.
Cocopah Tribe of Arizona
Amount Funded:
Cocopah Climate Resilience Capacity Building
Project Description: The Cocopah Indian Tribe is in the beginning stages of developing a climate change resilience
program. The Cocopah Indian Tribe will build capacity to plan for and adapt to impacts of climate change through
staff support, training, and climate resilience program development. The Tribe will build internal tribal capacity for
climate resilience through staff support, training, and program development efforts. The Clim
ate Resilience
Specialist will work to develop the tribal climate chang
e resilience program by completing a scoping needs
assessment and developing a program design framework for implementation moving forward. In addition, the
Specialist will assist EPO in addressing current needs such as participating in the NEPA process for actions with
potential impacts to the tribe’s climate-sensitive resources. The Specialist will spread awareness of the program and
conduct educational outreach in the tribal community.
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
Amount Funded:
GIS and Support Staff
Project Description: The Coushatta Tribe's First Time Set Aside capacity building award will be used to hire positions
to support the development and implementation of its climate adaptation plan. The Tribe currently has an excellent
staff supporting a range of programs and initiatives including infrastructure, agriculture, and environmental areas,
among others. However, as the Tribe seeks to advance their climate resilience, the Tribe has an acute need for
additional capacity to support the implementation of resilience projects and thus bolster the Tribe’s self-sufficiency.
Key to building resilience will be the spatial analysis of risk, inventorying physical assets, and the acquisition of
adjacent parcels of land to facilitate resilience projects. These areas will include impacted wetlands to be restored
for nature-based stormwater management and flood reduction, farmlands for sustainable agriculture, lower-risk
sites for housing development, and other critical needs.
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Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Michigan
Amount Funded:
GTB Carbon Footprint Implementation and Mitigation.
Project Description: The Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB) is a federal Indian tribe located
in Northwest Michigan. GTB will prepare its Tribal government, its constituents, and multiple stakeholders to mitigate
the impacts of climate change. The purpose is to plan, develop and recommend a comprehensive planning document
for use by the GTB tribal government. The Tribe will establish the carbon footprint of GTB Government and GTB
enterprises and then will mitigate to lessen the GTB Carbon footprint by the implementation of clean energy
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of
Amount Funded:
Lac Vieux Desert Climate Resilience Plan
Project Description: The Tribe is concerned with climate change and how to plan for potential impacts on its natural
resources, traditional ways, tribal members’ health, and economic endeavors. This project will provide an
opportunity for the Lac Vieux Desert Tribal community to identify areas of vulnerability and develop a Climate
Resilience Plan with their Indigenous Knowledge that can enhance their Nation's resiliency. The project goals for this
funding would be to create a Climate Plan Coordinator position and develop a climate resilience plan. This project
will consist of hiring a Climate Plan Coordinator, gathering data, getting community input, and
creating and
approving a plan. The expected outcome is to increase tribal workforce development and narrow the focus of
previous work with ITCMI for the Tribe’s Nation and its members.
Lower Elwha Tribal Community
Amount Funded:
Resilience Rising: Lower Elwha's Climate Adaptation Plan
Project Description: Resilience Rising: Lower Elwha’s Climate Adaptation Plan project will blend traditional Klallam
knowledge, scientific rigor, and community engagement to address climate change. Guided by an external consultant,
this project will leverage data from a comprehensive Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, community surveys,
tribal government staff input, and a cultural and traditional focus group. Key objectives include developing a robust
Climate Adaptation Plan to build government capacity and foster sustainable departments. The holistic approach
weaves vulnerabilities, culture, and sustainability into the plan. This project leaves a lasting legacy, sharing insights
with the Tribe and other communities facing similar challenges. Harmoniously blending science and culture, the Tribe
navigates a resilient path toward a sustainable future.
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of
Amount Funded:
Gun Lake Tribal Graywater Reuse Plan Project
Project Description: The Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, DBA Gun Lake Tribe, is proposing
a project to complete broad planning for a graywater reuse system to reduce water draw from the Tribe’s aquifer.
The Tribe will accomplish this by working with a consultant to develop a plan that recommends specific water for
reuse, the mechanicals necessary for the reuse, and an outline of the permitting process along with high-level budget
estimates and timeframes for future implementation.
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Minnesota Chippewa Tribe - Leech Lake Band
Amount Funded:
Implementing the use of best available technology and science to eliminate data gaps and strengthen
priorities within Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe's resiliency/climate change mitigation plans.
Project Description: The Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag/Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (LLBO) is a sovereign Anishinaabe
Nation part of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribes. It is situated in the central northwest portion of Minnesota and is
often ref
erred to as the Manoomin (wild rice) stronghold. Given the unique overlap of several government
organizations and private ownerships the Band’s Division of Resource Management (DRM) is tasked with the
essential duty to form partnerships and collaborations that work towards a mutually beneficial goal of shared
stewardship. The Leech Lake Tribal Council enforces the principle that stewardship is a sacred duty that the
Anishinaabe have promised to uphold for Gitche Manitou the Great Spirit. The goals and plans for this funding are
a culmination of the collective duties that each department at the DRM and the Leech Lake Emergency Management
Division have identified.
Native Village of Chitina
Amount Funded:
Planning for the Native Village of Chitina's Climate Change needs
Project Description: The Native Village of Chitina (NVC) project will help address climate impacts and provide the
first climate related project activities for the people of NVC. The local Chitina climate plan will build upon the regional
climate adaptation plan recently completed by Copper River Native Association and other organizations, agencies,
and contractors. Virtual training sessions held twice a month with the Chitina planning team will build climate
knowledge and complete the five steps of adaptation planning: understand climate exposure; assess vulnerability
and risk; investigate options and identify solutions; prioritize and plan; and take action. The NVC will develop a
practical adaptation plan with strategies that address the Tribes priority risks and increase climate resilience for
Chitina people, infrastructure, and natural subsistence resources.
Native Village of Eyak (Cordova)
Amount Funded:
Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Communities through Mariculture
Project Description: The Native Village of Eyak (NVE), located in Cordova, Alaska, is facing significant challenges due
to climate change and its impacts on the Northern Gulf of Alaska's ecosystems. Rising temperatures, glacial melting,
prolonged marine heatwaves, and ocean acidification pose severe threats to the Tribe’s traditional way of life. This
project aims to address these challenges by exploring sugar kelp farming as a climate adaptation and resilience
strategy to promote ocean acidification mitigation, habitat creation, food security, and workforce development. NVE
will assess their research farm site in Cordova for these benefits, collaborate with the Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute
to assess ocean acidification, participate in the Mariculture Research and Restoration Consortium program, and
involve the Prince William Sound College for workforce development. Regular data collection and analysis on kelp
growth, water quality, and environmental impacts will be central to this project. The Village's goal is to create a
tribally led, ecologically and economically resilient industry. By embracing innovative approaches like mariculture,
NVE seeks to overcome the challenges posed by climate change, offering a path to a more sustainable future.
Native Village of Paimiut
Amount Funded:
Native Village of Paimiut Asqinaq Climate Resilience Planning
Project Description: The Native Village of Paimiut will build capacity within the Tribe and their threatened
community for climate adaptation planning. Native Village of Paimiut has partnered with the Alaska Wildlife Alliance
to complete a Climate Vulnerability Study of the lands of the Asqinaq. The results should be able to help provide the
Tribe data that they can use to relocate back to the on the east bank of the Lithkealik River in the Asqinaq Mountains
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within the next few years. The Tribe will create a climate resilience position, create a desktop guide for their region,
restart the multi-village environmental consortium meetings and
mobilize once the Tribe has the climate
vulnerability study done so that they can move back to the Tribe's ancestral lands on the mountain. Previous studies
show that the permafrost melt in the Hooper Bay area will be complete by 2040 and the areas Hooper Bay and
Chevak are in will be underwater by the end of the century. The Tribe needs to be able to show that it isn't just
storms (like Typhoon Merbok) that put them at risk. Working with the Tribe's partners, they have climate experts
and the capability to train youth in the Tribe's Youth Ranger Program and LYSD Kusilvak Career Acadamy through in
person and virtual events, share information to the community through workshops and presentations and provide
a model to other villages in their efforts to create their own climate vulnerability studies and their own climate
resilience plans. The Tribe has a multi-faceted approach to include everyone in the Tribe's communities, creating
citizen scientists and documenting the traditional ecological knowledge that Yup'ik have used for millennia to inform
and direct their decisions.
Pueblo of Picuris, New Mexico
Amount Funded:
Pueblo of Picuris Climate Resilience Capacity Building
Project Description: The Pueblo of Picuris (“The Pueblo”), a federally recognized Indian Tribe located in the foothills
of the Sangre de Cristo mountains in northern New Mexico, will build capacity for planning with regard to pressing
climate resilience issues, for most of which the Pueblo is in the 90th percentile of risk or above. Currently, the Pueblo
lacks administrative and data capacities for the planning necessary to address such issues, most recently due to loss
of personnel and funding during the pandemic. In particular, the Environment Department will hire a Climate
Resilience Planner who would coordinate with the various programs and departments to ensure a holistic approach
that fits the Pueblo’s resilience goals, especially in renewable energy. In addition, the Pueblo will support the
Environmental Manager and a Data Technician who would coordinate with the Climate Resilience Planner by
collecting all relevant documentation from the various programs and departments and digitizing them for planning
and implementation.
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Incorporating Snoqualmie Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Adaptation
Project Description: The Snoqualmie Tribesdukʷalbixʷ in the Tribe’s Native languageconsists of a group of Coast
Salish Native American peoples from the Puget Sound region of Washington State. The Snoqualmie Tribe to conduct
a two-year climate resilience planning project to incorpora
te Snoqualmie indigenous knowledge in climate
adaptation. The Tribe will accomplish this through conducting outreach and interviews and compile indigenous
knowledge of Snoqualmie Tribal Members, Elders, and cultural practitioners regarding climate change, its impacts,
and actions that should be taken, compiling available science, inventories, and a gap analysis.
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation
Amount Funded:
Arkansas River Restoration & Erosion Prevention Project
Project Description: Climate change poses severe and multifaceted challenges to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation
(MCN), jeopardizing cultural heritage, economic stability, and the overall well-being of its citizens. As the fourth
largest tribe in the United States with a reservation of roughly three million acres, MCN faces unique challenges and
vulnerabilities from the varying environmental conditions and large residential populations within the MCN
reservation. The MCN has already begun combating the effects of global warming by investing in infrastructure,
research, and direct services that benefit both tribal and non-tribal members within the reservation; however, for
these programs and developments to fully meet the community’s needs, the Nation needs to grow its internal
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capacity. A financial set-aside dedicated to capacity building from the federal government will boost climate
resiliency, emergency preparedness, and sustainable development within the MCN reservation.
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma
Amount Funded:
Keetoowah Climate Resilience Operation Plan
Project Description: The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma (UKB) recognizes and is
concerned about the change in climate impacting tribal members residing within the fourteen-county boundaries of
the Tribal Nation, with many citizens directly and indirectly affected by extreme storms and weather induced
emergencies. As a result, UKB currently has limited resources and is seeking additional federal funding to plan and
effect research-based initiatives that directly address climate change. Utilizing the US Climate Resilience Toolkit the
UKB will develop a comprehensive plan addressing climate change for tribal members located in north eastern
Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah & Ouray Reservation, Utah
Amount Funded:
Ute Indian Tribal Climate Preparedness Assessment
Project Description: The Ute Indian Tribe Business Committee (“Business Committee”) has determined that the
Uintah and Ouray Reservation is vulnerable to potential natural and man-made disasters which threaten loss of life
and property, such as flooding, air quality, drought, mudslides, and wildfires. The Business Committee has also
determined that climate change threatens to increase the intensity and frequency of such disasters. To better
understand the nature of enhanced risks that intensified disasters pose to Tribal members, infrastructure, and
resources, the Business Committee will develop a Climate Preparedness Assessment (“Assessment”). The objective
of the Assessment will be to formulate a baseline analysis of the Tribe’s overall climate preparedness which can then
be used to inform future planning and implementation grants geared toward adaptation planning and/or relocation,
managed retreat, and protect in place efforts which address gaps in the Tribe’s climate preparedness identified in
the Assessment.
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Set-Aside 2: Habitat Restoration and Adaptation
TCR has reserved funding for habitat restoration and adaptation planning or implementation projects related
to conservation and restoration for cultural subsistence resources. Awards allocated through this set-aside will
fund watershed-level restoration, especially after fire, flood, drought, and for landscapes at risk due to climate
change impacts, such as forests and grasslands.
Number of Awards: 20
Amount Funded: $27,850,440
Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria,
Amount Funded:
Climate Resilience Monitoring and Capacity-Building
Project Description: Since 2014, the Big Valley Rancheria Environmental Protection Department (BVR EPA) has assumed
a leadership role in building and coordinating an intertribal, multi-agency task force to monitor Clear Lake and its
tributary creeks in the Big Valley Subbasin for climate change-related impacts. The Clear Lake hitch Lavinia exilicauda chi
(chi) in Adobe Creek, have been a focus species for monitoring efforts and scientific study for BVR EPA over the last
several years. Tribal members of the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians and the other six tribes in the watershed have
observed degrading habitat conditions and declining chi numbers for decades. Following the critically low chi population
surveys of 2022, BVR EPA received a grant from California Department of Fish and Wildlife to perform field monitoring
in the Big Valley Subbasin creeks from Feb 1, 2023, to May 30, 2023, to prevent fish stranding incidents and document
instream habitat conditions during spawning. BVR EPA will develop a new creek monitoring program and protocol using
drones and automatic analysis of imagery data to track instream conditions of these culturally significant species that
are heavily impacted by climate change in the watershed. The project will fund Tribal capacity building activities to
expand the scope of natural resources monitoring the BVR EPA is conducting and enhance efficiencies in the monitoring
program but using drone and image processing technologies.
Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes
Amount Funded:
Seacoast Indigenous Guardians Network Data Collection
Project Description: The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska will conduct a data collection project
led by the Tribe’s Seacoast Indigenous Guardians Network, a collaboration among Tribal and federal governments, Alaska
Native Corporations, and non-profit conservation organizations. This project speaks squarely to the Tribe’s ongoing
mission to better understand and prepare to combat the potential socioeconomic impacts of climate change. At its core,
this initiative aims to establish a comprehensive region-
wide data collection, tracking, and analysis system that
encompasses a diverse array of data, ranging from scientific observations to Indigenous Knowledge.
Cocopah Tribe of Arizona
Amount Funded:
Cocopah West Limitrophe Restoration Project
Project Description: The Cocopah Indian Tribe will restore 390 acres of severely degraded riparian habitat on the Cocopah
West Reservation in the historic floodplain of the Colorado River. The project will restore riparian cottonwood-willow,
wetland, and upland mesquite habitat utilizing the Tribe’s water rights.
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Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation
Amount Funded:
Yakama Nation Tract D Water Resources Planning Developing Assessment & Adaptation Tools
Project Description: Starvation Flats meadow is a 2,000-acre meadow within the Yakama Reservation with great cultural,
historic, and natural resources significance to the Yakama people. This meadow has been degraded for over 150 years
by overgrazing from sheep and cattle, road building, and drainage ditching, drastically impairing rich traditional root
grounds and reducing hydrologic resilience through accelerated runoff and channel incision. In order to restore Tribal
resources, the Yakama Nation has undertaken meadow restoration actions, including reconnecting channels to the
meadow surface, controlled burning, and treatment of head cuts. The current project will continue channel and meadow
cultural and hydrologic restoration in a key incised and head cutting area over one mile of stream channel and five acres
of revegetation. The project will raise the meadow water table over approximately 30 acres, causing increased growth
of meadow vegetation, including traditional foods and medicines, improved wildlife habitat, and greater hydrologic and
vegetation resilience to a warming climate.
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Amount Funded:
Huckleberry Phenology Monitoring Program Expansion
Project Description: This project will expand on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation's (CTUIR)
existing efforts to collect data on huckleberry, a culturally significant food for the CTUIR, in the face of climate change. If
current trends in changes to climate are maintained over the next 50-100 years, datasets which inform adaptive
management are vital to the success of natural resource resilience for the CTUIR. The Tribe will also collect traditional
and current ecological knowledge from Tribal Gatherers to inform future management goals; and increase Tribal capacity
through training of a student intern.
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
Amount Funded:
Implementation of Flood Protection Structures to Build Resiliency within the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal
(FSST) Community
Project Description: The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe (FSST) has developed a solution to challenges the Tribe is facing
from a changing climate. Due the Tribes proximity to the Big Sioux River, Tribal member properties are threatened by
flooding along the Big Sioux River and its tributaries. To protect the property of Tribal members, FSST is will implement
a protect-in-place project along waterways where flooding issues have been a problem. The project will utilize data
gathered from studies conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along the Big Sioux River and its tributaries to
make decisions on how the project should be constructed. Data indicates that constructing riprap along Flandreau Creek
and Big Sioux River near the affected homes will restore the stream bank. Indigenous plants with cultural significance
will be used to re-vegetate the restored stream banks to stabilize the banks and prevent future erosion.
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
Amount Funded:
Planting a riparian area on tribal land bordering the Meduxnekeag River with trees of a rare assemblage of
plant species to improve watershed resilience and forest adaptation to climate change
Project Description: The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians will plant St. John-Appalachian Hardwood trees, including
large seed bearing trees, saplings, and seedlings on a 3.5-acre riparian site on tribal land adjacent to the mainstem
Meduxnekeag River to continue establishing a rare plant assemblage at this site with species more typically growing
further south using a new planting strategy, to increase biodiversity and enhance forest climate adaptation, restore a
riparian buffer to protect the river from polluted storm water, over time provide shade that can help reduce water
temperatures as a climate resilience strategy for culturally significant cold water fish such as brook trout, and eventually
contribute large wood to the river channel that will enhance aquatic habitat.
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Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria,
Amount Funded:
Tribal Sea Urchin Aquaculture: Planning a Response and Resilience Strategy for Climate Change Impacts in
Northern California’s Kelp Forests
Project Description: Purple sea urchins are herbivorous marine invertebrates that feed on kelp, and these animals have
dramatically overgrazed kelp forests in Northern California. The Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, in partnership with
California Sea Grant, seek to develop a resilience strategy for these climate change driven challenges, by conducting a
planning and proof of concept project to remove and “ranch” purple sea urchins. To economically incentivize the mass
removal of urchins from kelp forests to enable their recovery along Kashia’s coastline, Kashia will pilot the use of newly
established recirculating aquaculture technology recently developed by project partner and Sea Grant Aquaculture
Extension Specialist. This is a novel and necessary approach to support urchin removals and kelp forest restoration efforts
as urchins have no economic value once they have eaten down the kelp forest; they become emaciated and persist in a
dormant state for decades while preventing kelp forest recovery. The results from this pilot effort will allow the Tribe to
make critical marine resource management and restoration planning decisions, contributing information on the potential
of this coastal climate adaptation and resilience approach.
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of the Lower Brule Reservation, South
Amount Funded:
Lower Brule North River Ecosystem Restoration
Project Description: This 3.9-mile-long project is Phase Two of a three-phase River ecosystem restoration project on
Lake Sharpe, a Missouri River reservoir on the Lower Brule Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. This project will combat
the effects of climate change on shoreline erosion of the Missouri River Lake Sharpe Reservoir on the Lower Brule Sioux
Reservation including stabilization of 3.9 miles of shoreline and restoring riparian communities. This project will stabilize
the shoreline, stop erosion, and restore riparian, wetland, grassland, island, and peninsula habitats. It will improve
climate resilience of the Lower Brule Sioux people by creating areas for traditional subsistence plant gathering, with easy
access for youth and elders, as well as connecting to and expanding a riverfront trail to provide recreational
opportunities and a place for social gathering, ultimately increasing resilience to climate-driven declines in nutritional
and traditional plants, mental health, and physical health.
Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation
Amount Funded:
South Fork Nooksack Watershed Project
Project Description: The purpose of this project is to expedite the ongoing efforts to recover Chinook salmon in the
South Fork Nooksack River. The South Fork Nooksack (SFN) is a temperature impaired river and climate change is
exacerbating conditions lethal to salmonids. As tribes are culturally, spiritually, and economically dependent on Chinook
salmon, this project advances tribal treaty rights by ensuring the Chinook salmon mortality crisis is addressed as soon as
possible, by advancing key projects that are developed and ready for immediate habitat improvements. The project will
restore watershed processes along 3.2 miles of the SFN River and Skookum Creek to improve ESA-listed salmonid
spawning, rearing and holding habitat while increasing low flow and thermal refugia. The project addresses habitat
limiting factors identified in the 2005 WRIA 1 Salmonid Recovery Plan (lack of key habitats, low habitat diversity, high
r temperature, high channel instability, and elevated fine sediment) by implementing restoration strategies
developed to meet habitat targets identified in the 2021 WRIA 1 Salmon Recovery Interim Technical Work Product. This
project will also increase the availability of clean, cool water to Skookum Creek Hatchery to increase production of
juvenile salmon for subsistence, ceremonial and commercial fishing. Ecosystem and community resilience will be
strengthened by restoring natural watershed processes and increasing ecosystem resilience to climate change impacts.
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Nansemond Indian Nation
Amount Funded:
Nansemond Indian Nation Climate Impacts Vulnerability Assessment
Project Description: The Nansemond Indian Nation wishes to perform a climate vulnerability assessment that focuses on
the unique needs and characteristics of its citizens and its properties. As a sovereign Tribe located on the East Coast, the
Nation hopes this will be the first step towards a climate adaptation plan that will strengthen the Nation in the face of
climate change and its various impacts. The Nation will procure a subject-matter expert in climate threat assessment to
perform the assessment as part of a two-year project led by the Tribe’s Environmental Program Coordinator.
Native Village of Ekwok
Amount Funded:
Ekwok Nushagak River Bank Stabilization Project
Project Description: The Native Village of Ekwok, Alaska, is located along the bank of the Nushagak River in the Bristol
Bay Region of southwestern Alaska. Ekwok experiences riverine erosion that threatens both public and private
infrastructure. The power plant, bulk fuel farm, homes, boat launch facilities, septic systems, and the community
subsistence fish rack area are some assets that are located near the eroding shoreline. This threat was identified in the
Tribe’s adopted Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan, dated January 2019. Ekwok Tribal Council, in partnership with Bristol Bay
Native Association, will perform bank stabilization activities using natural materials that will slow the rate of erosion
along the village riverfront. Bristol Bay Native Association will hire an engineering consultant to assist with planning,
permitting, work plan development, procurement, and construction oversight, while the Tribe will construct the project
with local equipment and a local community workforce.
Nez Perce Tribe
Amount Funded:
Nez Perce Tribe Wetland and Riparian Restoration Prioritization and Planning Project for Climate Change
Resilience and Mitigation
Project Description: The loss of local wetlands and access to habitats for gathering has been acutely impactful to Nez
Perce gatherers, fish, wildlife, hydrology, and water quality. Restoration of wetlands and riparian areas are important
climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, so a large wetland restoration project seems like an ideal fit for the
Tribe. However, jurisdictional issues and checkerboarded land ownership patterns present challenges for project planning
and implementation. In addition, homes and infrastructure located within flood plains complicate efforts to manage for
fish and wildlife habitat and restore floodplain connectivity. The Tribe is working on purchasing back lands on the
reservation, but land acquisition and management
decisions could benefit from focusing efforts on areas where
restoration and flood mitigation projects would yield the greatest benefits, and where landowners or land trusts are
willing to work on collaborative restoration projects on neighboring parcels. The Tribe will build a prioritization and
feasibility matrix to narrow down locations where restoration projects would be advantageous and feasible on the
reservation, and to focus efforts on projects that would yield the broadest benefits.
Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe
Amount Funded:
Port Gamble S'Klallam Planning for Ecologic and Hydrologic Resiliency Under Climate Change
Project Description: The nəq
íyt nəxʷsƛ
| Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe (PGST) resides on ~2,700 acres of land in
north Kitsap County, Washington, first established as a reservation in 1934 under the Indian Reorganization Act. Building
on the Tribe’s 2017 Climate Impact Assessment, PGST is working to develop a Climate Action Plan in the coming years
supported by grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington State Department of
Ecology. Support is needed to improve data collection and sharing between tribes and local governments to tie into
regional models and identify expected impacts to water resources and vegetation. This work will model the impact of
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climate change upon water resources and land vegetation on the PGST Reservation and across the northern Kitsap
Peninsula. Funding will be further directed towards the design of a managed aquifer recharge (MAR) project on Tribal
land needed to mitigate the impact of climate on baseflow in key perennial streams, including significant fish habitat.
Such small stream systems provide important refuge for biological diversity as climate and development deplete habitat
throughout the region.
Pueblo of Picuris, New Mexico
Amount Funded:
Wildfire Resilience Actions Applied at Picuris Pueblo (WRAAPP): A “Wrap-Around” Approach to Community
Wildfire Risk Reduction
Project Description: The Pueblo of Picuris (“The Pueblo”), a federally recognized Indian Tribe located in the foothills of
the Sangre de Cristo mountains in northern New Mexico, will implement wildfire risk reduction strategies to decrease
the impacts from catastrophic wildfire on Pueblo lands and communities. The actions, pre-identified in planning
documents, include: 1) fuels treatments to lower the risk, intensity, and capacity of fire at priority areas including the
wildland-urban interface and cultural sites, 2) the implementation of a fire prevention code, education and enforcement
of fire restrictions, 3) post-fire restoration activities, including irrigation improvements, and 4) resilient infrastructure
improvements recommended by the NFPA’s Firewise USA Program to reduce the risk of fire. The Pueblo will conduct
these activities from 2024 to 2026.
Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation
Amount Funded:
Simulating Nutrient and Contaminant Flows into Bays and Inlets on the Kitsap Peninsula that Affect Shellfish
Project Description: The goal of this project is to find ways to prevent pollutants from upland sources from contaminating
shellfish growing areas where members of the Suquamish Tribe of the Port Madison Indian Reservation have gathered
shellfish for millennia. The approach is to aggregate existing contaminant data and model the fate and transport of
contaminants through watersheds to the shore, then simulate the efficacy of different strategies to reduce contaminant
flows into shellfish growing areas under future climate change scenarios. This project builds on an EPA modeling and
decision support platform being calibrated with Kitsap Peninsula hydrology to simulate impacts of climate change on
stream health and salmon survival. The modeling platform will be transferable to other tribes and county governments
in the Kitsap Peninsula region, and can be adapted for use in any watershed.
The Chickasaw Nation
Amount Funded:
Restoring the Blue River through Collaborative Conservation
Project Description: The Blue River Watershed’s perennial flows serve as a readily available water supply for The
Chickasaw Nation (CN) and through this project, will be restored and protected for future generations. Through the Blue
River Watershed, the CN can ensure the survival of culturally important habitats for future generations, making the
protection of this river imperative. The CN and partners will mitigate this threat through the project by enabling the
implementation of comprehensive, grassroots conservation efforts to encourage climate sustainability, improve water
quality and quantity, reduce wildfire risks, address habitat fragmentation and improve forage and wildlife habitation
throughout 15,000 acres of the Blue River Watershed.
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White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Reservation,
Amount Funded:
White Mountain Apache Tribe Dzil Ligai Watershed Protection Project
Project Description: The White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) is applying for funding under Set Asides-Habitat
Restoration and Adaptation funding category to reduce the probability of catastrophic wildfire impacts to the Dzil Ligal
(Tribal Mount Baldy Wilderness or MBW) watershed. The Tribal MBW, located within the Fort Apache Indian Reservation
in east-central Arizona, is culturally and ecologically significant to the WMAT. Groundwater recharge and headwaters
derived from the MBW watershed is the primary source of drinking water for the WMAT and downstream Salt River
basin stakeholders. Awarded funding will be utilized to perform watershed habitat restoration in the fire-prone MBW
forests to protect vital headwater streams and wetlands.
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
Amount Funded:
Restoring a Productive, Traditional Clam Garden to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts in the Intertidal Ankau
Saltchucks, Yakutat, Alaska
Project Description: Yakutat Tlingit Tribe (YTT) plans to construct a traditional clam garden in Ankau Saltchucks, Yakutat,
Alaska, blending Indigenous knowledge and Western science. These gardens, used by the Yakutat Tlingit for generations,
sustainably provide shellfish for the community. Climate change has impacted a former clam garden site, reducing
shellfish productivity. YTT will use GIS LiDAR data and Traditional Ecological Knowledge to select the ideal location. YTT,
with local volunteers, will build the garden, monitoring its impact through continuous water quality, shellfish population
assessments, and measurements of phytoplankton productivity. The traditional clam garden in the Ankau Saltchucks in
Yakutat, Alaska, will restore intertidal shellfish habitat.
Tribal Organization:
Chugach Regional Resources Commission
Amount Funded:
Evaluating subsistence shellfish beaches for future enhancement and clam garden projects
Project Description: This project aims to conduct habitat suitability studies and traditional ecological knowledge exchange
workshops to support site selection for the restoration of traditional shellfish gardens in the Chugach region of
southcentral Alaska. Clam gardens are an ancient mariculture technique with modern-day applications to address climate
change impacts on traditional shellfish harvests and address food insecurity. Clams are a historically important
subsistence food for the seven Tribes of the Chugach region, but their numbers have been in severe decline due to a
number of factors including and exacerbated by climate change. This proposal will combine TEK about traditional clam
harvests and current environmental observations with methodological beach surveys to map and identify suitable
locations for clam gardens. The data and results will be used in a planning process for Tribes to build and maintain clam
gardens to improve access to traditional foods and pass on important cultural practices.
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Set-Aside 3: Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place (RMP) Coordinator
RMP Coordinator awards are designed to support Tribes that have limited technical staffing capacity to hire a
full time Coordinator for this purpose. This Coordinator will support and organize community involvement,
coordinate with federal and non-federal partners, and develop community RMP plans and/or implementation
actions. Awardees will have support to hire the RMP coordinator for up to three years, as well as first year
cohort training for that Coordinator.
Number of Awards:
Amount Funded:
Coquille Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Coquille Indian Tribe Climate Resilience Coordinator
Project Description: The Coquille Indian recognizes that changes in climate have greatly impacted the Tribe's traditional
and historical homelands. These changes have created a disproportionate impact on Coquille Tribal people and created
an immense number of negative impacts that are directly related to Tribal member subsistence practices, cultural
restoration and preservation, natural resources, future growth, and financial resources. The Tribe wishes to combat the
negative impacts of climate change through creating a position that would be focused solely on mitigating specific
climate change challenges that impact Southwest Coastal Counties (Lane, Coos, Curry, Douglas, and Jackson Counties).
The Tribe wishes to combat the negative impacts of climate change through creating a position that would be focused
solely on mitigating specific climate change challenges that impact Southwest Coastal Counties.
Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation of
Amount Funded:
Aaniiih Nakoda Tribal Climate RMP Project 2024
Project Description: The Fort Belknap Indian Community (FBIC), will address vulnerability to climate change impacts
including planning and design of Relocation, Managed Retreat or Protect-in-Place (RMP) Coordinator Set-Aside project
efforts in drought, wildfire and other climate-related prone areas. FBIC will hire a RMP Coordinator that will be designed
to support FBIC’s RMP project. The current state of risk for FBIC is in the highest risk tier and over the past year, climate
change has exacerbated landscapes in the state of Montana reducing the number of freshwater resources that farmers
and ranchers depend on to water their animals. The Fort Belknap Reservation is currently experiencing severe drought
conditions which are known to greatly affect municipal water supply quality, grazing, farming, and livestock
water/quality and also increase the risk of wildfires. Blaine County, in the state of Montana, is in severe drought
conditions according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, in which 6,491 Montana residents in Blaine County are affected by
Drought conditions.
Hoh Indian Tribe
Amount Funded:
Hoh RMP Coordinator
Project Description: The leadership and citizenship of the Hoh Indian Tribe recognize climate resilience, health, and
safety of its Reservation and community residents as the top priority and have taken strides to alleviate the immediate
threat and engage others to assist. Specifically, the Project Coordinator to be hired will facilitate the completion of the
Hoh Highlands Housing Project for the neediest families living on the Lower Hoh area of the Reservation and construction
and infrastructure for community facilities. In addition, the Project Coordinator will facilitate planning the next phases
of the project, maintain and establish partnerships, coordinate with staff and consultants, and identify and secure
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additional resources for the project. Funding will also go towards travel and the hiring of a RMP Assistant whose main
duties will be to find resources to fund and plan the Hoh Highlands
Native Village of Kipnuk
Amount Funded:
RMP Coordinator
Project Description: The Native Village of Kipnuk is located in Southwest Alaska approximately four miles from the Bering
Sea Coast on a bend of the Kugkaktlik River. Riverbank erosion, flooding, and thawing permafrost due to climate change
are impacting Kipnuk’s infrastructure, homes, and the viability of the community as a whole. Due to the combined
impacts of erosion, flooding, and permafrost thaw, Kipnuk is expected to implement a managed retreat by moving
threatened infrastructure out of the hazard area, as well as protecting in place by mitigating ongoing riverbank erosion,
repairing damaged foundations, replacing foundations, and replacing entire buildings and other infrastructure. The RMP
Coordinator funded by BIA TCR will play a critical role in the coordination of assessments and implementation of projects
and act as a liaison for the community.
Native Village of Kongiganak
Amount Funded:
Kongiganak Traditional Council RMP Coordinator Adaptation project
Project Description: The Native Village of Kongiganak Permafrost Vulnerability Assessment and river erosion risk
assessments were previously contracted to Bristol Engineers Consulting. The findings were identified in a final meeting
where priorities were prioritized based on the Immediately Threaten Infrastructure to the community. This capacity
building set aside project will hire an RMP Coordinator to plan a development of topically focused climate adaptation
and attend resilience training. Establish the Structure Mitigation Plan. The Project will hire a full time Coordinator for
the years project to coordinate with funding sources from the risk assessment completed for river erosion and
permafrost thawing to address the high-risk assessments completed by the river erosion and permafrost thawing issues.
Native Village of Kwinhagak (aka Quinhagak)
Amount Funded:
Adaptation Plan Support Establishing an RMP Coordinator
Project Description: The Native Village of Kwinhagak (aka Quinhagak) along the Kanektok River on the east shore of
Kuskokwim Bay in western Alaska, has encountered significant erosion and permafrost degradation over the past several
years, threatening homes and infrastructure. Permafrost degradation is the greatest threat to infrastructure and
Quinhagak is subject to both coastal and riverine erosion. The Kanektok River is continually cutting new channels through
the process of erosion and accretion and coastal erosion is aggrading the mouth of the river, affecting access to the
barge landing site, which is critical for fuel and supplies. Quinhagak has assessed the damages and is in various stages of
planning and implementation to mitigate, repair, replace or relocate infrastructure and homes damaged by climate
change, supported by an RMP Coordinator.
Native Village of Nunam Iqua
Amount Funded:
Nunam Iqua Resilience Coordination Project
Project Description: The Native Village of Nunam Iqua is less than six miles from the ocean, located on a peninsula
surrounded on three sides by the Yukon River near the coast of the Bering Sea. The community is experiencing erosion,
flooding, permafrost degradation, sea level rise, and storms. The Tribe has not been previously funded for an RMP
Coordinator position or any other BIA Tribal Climate Resilience grant. The Native Village of Nunam Iqua will hire a full-
time Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place (RMP) Coordinator to be the point of contact and work to build
the capacity and resilience of the tribe through leadership engagement, delivery of data and tools, training, and tribal
capacity building.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
Page 41 of 43
Native Village of Shishmaref
Amount Funded:
Native Village of Shishmaref Tribal Capacity Building and Adaption Planning: Local Coordinators
Project Description: The Native Village of Shishmaref will maintain the current Local Coordinator position and add an
additional part-time coordinator position to prepare for and respond to environmental threats in the community of
Shishmaref. Under the direction of the Shishmaref Site Expansion and Erosion Coalition (SSEEC), the Local Coordinator
Assistant will assist the current Local Coordinator in leading all community planning communications related to coastal
hazards with the goal of increasing local capacity to avoid a disaster. According to the 2019 Denali Commission Statewide
Threat Assessment, which evaluated the relative level of threat to infrastructure from erosion, flooding, and permafrost
degradation in all rural Alaska communities, Shishmaref is the second most threatened community in Alaska.
Native Village of Tuntutuliak
Amount Funded:
Implementing Climate Resilience Strategies
Project Description: In 2022, NVT secured funding from the BIA Tribal Climate Resilience Program for a comprehensive
permafrost risk assessment and hazard mitigation initiative. This 2023 project will increase NVT’s capacity to implement
those planning efforts by adding an RMP coordinator that has the experience and time to focus on improving the
community’s resilience and build on this past work. NVT plans to combine a literature review, elder interviews,
community discussions, an engineering contractor's site visit, infrastructure evaluations, and a subsurface conditions
examination as part of its implementation and project pre-development. The deliverable from this project will be a
detailed permafrost vulnerability assessment report that includes as many as three project priorities that have been
developed for future investment.
Native Village of Tununak
Amount Funded:
Native Village of Tununak Coordination Project
Project Description: Tununak is facing threats from erosion, flooding, permafrost degradation, sea level rise, wildfires,
and storms. The Tribe has not been previously funded for an RMP Coordinator position. The Native Village of Tununak
will hire a full-time Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place (RMP) Coordinator and a part-time RMP Assistant
Coordinator. The RMP Coordinator will be the Point of Contact for all work related to Relocation, Managed Retreat, or
Protect-in-Place and will work to build the capacity and resilience of the Tribe through leadership engagement, delivery
of data and tools, training, and tribal capacity building.
Native Village of Unalakleet
Amount Funded:
Unalakleet Tribal Climate Resilience Coordination Project
Project Description: Unalakleet is a high-risk community facing threats from intensifying coastal and riverine erosion,
flooding, permafrost degradation, sea level rise, and storms. The Tribe has not been previously funded for an RMP
Coordinator position. The Native Village of Unalakleet will hire a Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place (RMP)
Coordinator. The position will be full-time. The RMP Coordinator will be the Point of Contact for all work related to
Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place and will work to build the capacity and resilience of the tribe through
leadership engagement, delivery of data and tools, training, and tribal capacity building.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
Page 42 of 43
Nenana Native Association
Amount Funded:
Nenena Native Association RMP Coordinator
Project Description: Nenana Native Association is a federally recognized remote tribe located in interior Alaska. The
Tribe has no Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place (RMP) Coordinator or program. The Tribe is surrounded
by vast forest on the shores of the Tanana River. The Tribe depends on subsistence food and draw from the wisdom and
teaching of their elders. Nenana Native Association has a strong tie to the Tribe's land and water. Increasingly, the Tribe
is facing events instigated by a changing climate: burning wildland fires, more extreme storms leading to flooding and
erosion, and sinking permafrost. The purpose of the project is to hire a full-time RMP Coordinator, and a part-time
Resilience Planning Assistant, attend training events, coordinate the community's response to environmental threats by
identifying the current needs and priorities of Nenana, and keep entities and the public informed of progress and
challenges. The RMP Coordinator will serve as the central point of contact for local and external entities to respond to
environmental threats and will collaborate with external partners and related manage grants. The project will build the
Tribe's capacity to build resilience and capacity.
Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
Amount Funded:
Northern Arapaho Protect-In-Place (RMP) Coordinator Three Year Position Set-Aside Project
Project Description: The Northern Arapaho Tribe will utilize the RMP Coordinator position to build critical capacity to
develop a Climate resiliency plan. The position will also assist in the management of the implementation of all-hazard
infrastructure needs.
Nunakauyarmiut Tribe
Amount Funded:
Nunakauyarmiut Tribe Relocation, Managed Retreat, and Protect in Place Activities Coordination Project
Project Description: The Nunakauyarmiut Tribe is in Toksook Bay, Alaska, and Toksook Bay is facing threats from erosion,
flooding, permafrost degradation, wildfires, and storms. The Tribe has not been previously funded for an RMP
Coordinator position. The Nunakauyarmiut Tribe will hire a full-time Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place
(RMP) Coordinator and a part-time RMP Assistant Coordinator. The RMP Coordinator will be the Point of Contact for all
work related to Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place and will work to build the capacity and resilience of
the tribe through leadership engagement, delivery of data and tools, training, and tribal capacity building.
Pueblo of Picuris, New Mexico
Amount Funded:
Integrating Climate Resilience to the Emergency Response Plan at the Pueblo of Picuris
Project Description: The Pueblo of Picuris will hire an RMP coordinator, as the Tribe is imminently threatened by
droughts, flash floods, hail, landslides, power failures, urban fires, wildfires, and winter storms. The Tribe’s decision-
making with respect to RMP Decisions is centralized in the Tribal council and its Governor, who together with the
Lieutenant Governor constitutes “Incident Command”. The community is already engaged in emergency management
related efforts through its Emergency Response Plan; however, they are not supported by RMP staff. There is currently
no staff member with the level of experience and expertise required for an RMP coordinator. The Emergency Response
Plan requires the coordination of existing staff, but there is no office that is tasked with managing the plan or acting as
an Office of Emergency Management to keep the Pueblo abreast and prepared in the field.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
FY 2023 Annual Awards Summary
Updated March 13
, 2024
Page 43 of 43
Village of Kotlik
Amount Funded:
Village of Kotlik Tribal Capacity Building and Adaption Planning: Resilience Coordinator
Project Description: The Village of Kotlik will hire and maintain a Resilience Coordinator under the BIA Tribal Climate
Resilience Annual Awards Program: Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place (RMP) Coordinator Set-Aside. The
Resilience Coordinator is a key part of the success of communi
ty planning and projects intended to protect the
community from imminent threats of erosion, flooding, and permafrost degradation as well as plan for future mitigation
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah)
Amount Funded:
RMP Coordinator
Project Description: The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is located on the island of Martha's Vineyard off the
coast of Massachusetts. There is a direct need for planning support to assist the Tribe in the gathering and dissemination
of information to make measured decisions regarding the future of Tribal property should sea level rise become a serious
issue. To ensure that ecological resources as well as the critical infrastructure for the community are preserved, multiple
assessments are needed (topography, storm dynamics, habitat, wildlife, wetland delineations, engineering, etc.) that
can provide vital information for protection and long-term planning. Based on the results from these assessments an EIS
can be created, and the Tribe can determine whether this section of critical road can be reinforced, moved further inland
or if it must be abandoned. Once that determination has been made, long term restoration and management plans can
be created in addition to implementing the best strategy for the long-term viability of the road. The addition of a
Coordinator that focuses primarily on Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place (RMP) activities will help us to
complete planning and research to help us create a much-needed RMP plan.