Requirements Analysis and Management for
Benefiting Openness
Johan Lin
Department of Computer Science
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Krzysztof Wnuk
Department of Software Engineering
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
Abstract—Requirements Engineering has recently been greatly
influenced by the way how firms use Open Source Software (OSS)
and Software Ecosystems (SECOs) as a part of their product
development and business models. This is further emphasized by
the paradigm of Open Innovation, which highlights how firms
should strive to use both internal and external resources to
advance their internal innovation and technology capabilities.
The evolution from market-driven requirements engineering and
management processes, has reshaped the understanding of what a
requirement is, and how it is documented and used. In this work,
we suggest a model for analyzing and managing requirements
that is designed in the context of OSS and SECOs, including the
advances and challenges that it brings. The model clarifies how
the main stages of requirements engineering and management
processes can be adjusted to benefit from the openness that the
new context offers. We believe that the model is a first step
towards the inevitable adaptation of requirements engineering to
an open and informal arena, where processes and collaboration
are decentralized, transparency and governance are the key
success factors.
Keywords: Open Innovation, Open Source Software, Software
Ecosystem, Requirements Engineering, Requirements Manage-
ment, Software product management
Software-intensive firms continuously have to face new
challenges in order to sustain their competitive advantage.
Known factors that they have learned to identify, and to a
large degree control over the years include frequent technology
changes [3] and shifting market needs [23]. During the past
decade, the advent of various forms of openness, such as
Software Ecosystems (SECOs) [12] and Open Source Software
(OSS) has become pivotal parts of many firms’ product devel-
opment and business models. This has pushed them into a new
unknown context where they need to “learn how to play poker
as well as chess” [5] by searching for, experimenting with,
and ultimately using externally generated innovation. This new
open context may be further explained by the Open Innovation
(OI) model, which highlights how firms should strive to use
both internal and external resources to advance their internal
innovation and technology capabilities [22].
Requirements Engineering (RE) has primarly focused on
internal (from within the firm) stakeholder interaction in
regards to activities such as analysis, research and develop-
ment [28]. Market-Driven Requirements Engineering [23] and
crowdsourcing [11] brought more focus on external stake-
holders. OI has not only blurred the boundaries between
internal and external contexts, but also greatly extended the
scope of requirements activities to entire ecosystems or open
communities. Moreover, OI brought the support for both the
adoption of externally acquired innovation and the active
commercialization of internally generated innovations that are
not aligned with the current business model (e.g. via licensing
or sale) [5]. As a result, and due to strong relationship between
requirements engineering and value creation [3], requirements
engineering for OI need to be reshaped to better “sustain
innovation” [13]. As pointed out by Rohrbeck et al. [24] value
should no longer only be created for customers but must also
be captured for partners and suppliers in increasingly more
complex and collaborating ecosystems.
In our previous work, we investigated OI in a large organiza-
tion that recently transitioned to an OI model by abandoning
the development of a purely proprietary code base for their
software product and making use of an OSS project (referred
as a ”platform”) as a source of innovation (in both knowledge
and technology) [28]. The platform is not only the main
component of the firm’s product, but is also available to, or
used by any other player within the SECO. The focus on
previous investigation was on identification of requirements
management [10] and decision making challenges associated
with the adoption of OI.
In this vision paper, we propose a model for managing
requirements that helps to benefit from openness and responds
to previously outlined challenges. In particular, we believe
that the model contributes in requirements elicitation, analysis,
release planning and commercialization of internally generated
requirements that are not aligned with the current products or
business models.
This paper is structured as follows. Section II brings
background and related work while Section III outlines and
explains our model. We conclude the paper in Section IV and
discuss future work direction.
Here we present how OI connects to Software Engineering,
and how RE differentiates in an open versus a closed context.
A. Software Engineering in Open Innovation
The OI model is commonly described with the use of a
funnel [5], see Fig. 1. The funnel itself represents the software
arXiv:2208.02629v1 [cs.SE] 31 Jul 2022
Fig. 1. The OI model illustrated with interactions between the firm (funnel)
and its external collaborations. Adopted from Chesbrough [5].
development process. This may in turn be illustrated either as
an iterative process, or just as one single development cycle
(e.g. from RE, design, implementation, test, to release). The
funnel is full of holes representing openings between the firm’s
development process and the open environment, in our case,
an OSS ecosystem. The arrows going in and out represent
transactions and exchange of knowledge between the two, such
as feature requests or bug reports, design proposals or feature
road maps, feature implementations or bug fixes, test cases,
complete sets of code as in plugins, components, platforms or
even products. From the RE perspective this includes activities
such as elicitation, prioritization and release planning, which
are performed interactively between the internal and the open
The knowledge exchange illustrated in Figure 1 may be bi-
directional, i.e. it can go into the development process from
the open environment (outside-in), or from the development
process out to the open environment (inside-out). On the left-
hand side the arrows represent the intent and business model,
which encompasses and motivates the development process.
On the right-hand side the arrows represent the output from
the development process, with some degree of innovation. This
output may be a new or improved product or service from
which the company may capture or create value with the help
of their business model. Also on the right-hand side are the
bulls-eye marks, which represents the current but also new
alternative markets to which the firm’s business model could
deliver the product or service produced from their development
B. Requirements Engineering in Open Innovation
Fig. 2 presents RE in the context of OI. An example
software-intensive firm is represented by a funnel, connecting
to the OI model. The open environment, or a OSS ecosystem,
with which the firm interacts, is represented by the cloud.
Other actors, which for example may include individuals,
NPOs and other firms are also represented by a funnel each.
We further need to differentiate between an internal and
external RE process. With internal, we refer to the process
connected to a firm’s internal software product development.
The external concerns the one used in an OSS ecosystem with
which the firm, and all other actors, interact with.
Looking at OSS ecosystems, requirements practices are
often informal and overlapping [25]. Requirements are com-
monly asserted through transparent discussions and sugges-
tions by the OSS project’s developers and users, often together
with prototypes or proof-of-concepts [2], [8]. Assertion may
also be done post-hoc, simultaneously as the requirement
realization [7], [8]. These assertions are specified and managed
in what Scacchi refers to as informalisms [25], e.g. reports in
an issue tracker, messages in a mailing list, or commits in a
version control system. Through social interaction facilitated
by the infrastructure persisting the informalisms, requirements
are further enriched and validated [26], [7], [8]. Prioritization
is commonly conducted by ecosystem maintainers overseeing
the project management, though care is often taken to the
opinions of other developers and users (e.g. through votes and
comments [16]). Ernst & Murphy refers to this lightweight
and evolutionary process of requirements refinement as Just-
In-Time (JIT) requirements (illustrated by the circular arrows
inside the OSS ecosystem in Fig. 2), compared to the more tra-
ditional upfront requirements characterized by heavy processes
and tool support [7]. Further, Alspaugh & Scacchi contrasts
how OSS RE steps away from what they refer to as Classical
Requirements, characterized as having a central repository,
with requirements defined in the problem space, describing
the product of need, along with processes for examining the
requirements for completeness and consistency [2]. For better
consistency, we choose to re-label JIT and OSS RE as Open
RE, and that described as traditional upfront, and classical
requirements as Closed RE.
Release-planning in OSS ecosystems is often employed
using either a feature-based and time-based strategy [21]. The
feature-based performs a release when a set goals have been
fulfilled, e.g. a certain set of features has been implemented.
The time-based performs releases according to a preset sched-
ule. Hybrid versions has also used [29]. Earlier work has
reported a favor towards the time-based strategy [20], [29].
With fixed release dates and intervals, firms can better adapt
their internal plans so that additional patchwork and differen-
tiating features may be added in time for product shipment
to market [20], [21]. Other issues associated with time-based
release strategy include: rushed implementations, workload
accumulation, outdated software and delayed releases [20].
Open RE, compared to Closed RE, can be seen as being
informal to different degrees, e.g., to what level requirements
are analyzed and managed [7]. Requirements are often de-
centralized and distributed over multiple sources, often with
a limited tracing. Influence and participation in the work and
decision-making are also distributed. Discussions and steering
documents are all public and transparent for anyone to see, or
participate. Collaboration and negotiation about requirements
Release planning
Open RE:
Closed RE:
Need-to-know basis
Collaborative by choice
Open Source Software Ecosystem
RE process
Software-intensive firm
Other Software-intensive firm
Firm’s RE process
Fig. 2. The requirements engineering context influenced by the OI paradigm.
are key, as consensus often is needed to make certain deci-
sions [1]. These distinctions between Open and Closed RE
visualize a process and knowledge gap that commonly exist
between firms and OSS ecosystems on the context of OI [22],
[28]. This gap need to be addressed to the firms can increase
their benefits from ecosystem participation (both monetary
and non-monetary), ecosystems can get more active players
and enriched discussions and influence and customer can
receive better products with shorter time to market and greater
degree of innovation. This is what we aim to address with the
construction of the Requirements Analysis and Management
for Benefiting Openness (RAMBO) model. The model focuses
on the interaction and overlap between the internal RE process
of the focal firm, with that of its connected OSS ecosystem,
to better manage the challenges implied by OI.
Figure 3 outlines the RAMBO model. The model is divided
into five phases outlined in the subsections that follow: 1)
requirements elicitation, 2) requirements screening and pre-
analysis, 3) Open Innovation potential analysis, 4) spin off
analysis and 5) realization and contribution analysis. In the
context of this work we follow the definition of Requirements
Management (RM) provided by Hood et al. as “the set
of procedures that support the development of requirements
including planning, traceability, impact analysis, change man-
agement and so on... and the sum of the interfaces between
requirements development and all other systems engineering
disciplines such as configuration management and project
management.” [10]. We also recognize the role of requirements
management in supporting managing requirements between
products and projects.
A. Step 1: Elicitation
Requirements Elicitation in OI (marked with 1 in Figure 3)
differs greatly from previously known and published contexts.
During requirements elicitation, a firm that operates in OI
needs to quickly and properly identify which of the sources
of requirements to use, and for what purpose. OI still contains
the ”classical“ internal and MDRE requirements sources, but
is extended by the open sources of requirements.
The internal requirements sources (typical for bespoke RE)
are characterized by a small and well known set of customers
or stakeholders whose wishes or constraints are important and
taken into consideration. Apart from that, any firm that sells a
product on an open market needs to elicit requirements from
the MDRE sources through a balance of market-push and
technology-pull [23]. Wishes from customers, both known and
unknown, are elicited through more traditional methods (e.g.,
interviews) complemented with approaches such as market
analysis. New functionality and innovative requirements are
added internally as R&D progresses and the product evolves.
Regarding open sources, such as an OSS ecosystem, re-
quirements are both market- and technology-driven as in
MDRE. A difference is that in an OSS ecosystem, it usually is
the end-users who are actively suggesting new requirements
as well as driving the innovation forward by co-developing
the products. However, active elicitation may still be needed,
but through new approaches such as participation in discus-
Contribute? Explain
Fig. 3. The Requirements Analysis and Management for Benefiting Openness (RAMBO) model.
sions facilitated by the ecosystem infrastructure (e.g., mailing-
lists, issue-trackers and IRC-channels) and at off-line events
(e.g., user-conferences and hackathons). Crowdsourcing as a
requirements elicitation technique is also highly recommended
here as it increases the quality and comprehensiveness and
even the economic feasibility of requirements elicitation [11].
Moreover, requirements elicited from the crowd rather accu-
rately represent the needs and pains of that crowd, allowing to
skip a large part of requirements validation process and pro-
viding quick feedback. Stakeholder discovery is also greatly
supported by crowdsourcing that provides opportunities to
create user personality clusters [9] and filter their opinions
about the products and requested requirements. This greatly
supports user feedback analysis and helps in defining new
requirements. Finally, the identification, analysis and priori-
tization of present stakeholders is key to find those relevant,
and can bring valuable requirements that increase profitability.
Embracing and supporting creativity is important as this
stage as new ideas that both fit into the current product
portfolio and are way beyond it are much appreciated. The
illumination and verification parts of creativity workshops can
greatly support requirements discovery and idea generation
that can be further detailed in OI contexts [19]. Automated
support for creativity is highly desirable here as the number
of unfamiliar connections between familiar possibilities of re-
quirements is high and can overload requirements analysts [4].
As with MDRE, the number of requirements grows fast
in an OSS ecosystem, creating potential problems in regard
to managing quality aspects such as dependencies and com-
plexity. Another aspect is that prioritization and throughput of
requirements suffers due to the large repositories. Specific for
the OI context however, is that the requirements are spread
out in several decentralized repositories (informalisms [25]),
often very unstructured and expressed both through a variety
of implementations and natural language descriptions.
B. Step 2: Pre-Screening and Analysis
After all relevant sources (Open, MDRE and internal if
relevant) are identified and prioritized, the requirements orig-
inating from these sources need to be screened. Requirements
screening in OI is significantly challenging due to the follow-
ing reasons: 1) they are spread out in several decentralized
repositories, 2) they are unstructured and 3) everyone has
access to them and can already be working on their implemen-
tation, 4) consideration often has to be taken to others’ opinion
(e.g., in a meritocracy), and 5) many of the requirements
are actually bug fixed, Wrong Usage of a Product (WUP)
(user of customer misunderstood how to use the product) or
Problems that have Workarounds (PW) and can be solved
without additional implementations.
Therefore, the main part of the screening process is the
decision if the analyzed piece of information is a requirements
or should be a requirement. Here, we would like to stress that
RE in OI should adopt a broad definition of what a requirement
is, which also includes needs for stakeholders that are not
relevant for a given product but could be relevant for a spin-off
product. This implies that the product boundaries or constraints
are greatly removed and make a vast majority of requirements
potentially interesting or relevant. Therefore, RE in OI requires
a lightweight and efficient method for quickly investigating the
relevance and novelty of potential requirements, along with
the potential cost and contribution strategy in consideration.
Previous work by Maalej and Nabil [18] provides promising
results for classifying app reviews as bug reports, feature
requests, user experiences and ratings. Laurent et al. [15]
proposed a method for automated requirements triage that
cluster incoming stakeholder requests into hierarchical feature
sets. We argue that their work should be extended by adding
OI-specific concerns, e.g. contribution potential and realization
The challenge here remains in analyzing incoming re-
quirements with openness in mind, e.g. taking the broader
perspective than suggested by Davis effort, dependency and
important analysis, multiple release planning [6] or impacted
business goals suggested by Laurent et al. [15]. In this
broader perspective, a requirements analysis should calcu-
late the probability of completion if someone else from the
ecosystem contributes in co-development or analyze optimistic
or pessimistic scenarios with or without other contributions
within the same OSS ecosystem.
C. Step 3: OI Analysis
When relevant requirements are identified and screened,
their OI potential need to be analyzed. This third step of the
RAMBO model represents a significant difference between
MDRE and RE in OI. In MDRE, requirements are analyzed
through the lens of the current product portfolio, along with
the stakeholders, their needs and future plans. Incremental
innovation has higher changes to be selected as radical ideas or
ideas not associated with significant stakeholders are consid-
ered risky or unprofitable. This was considered as a challenge
in our previous investigations and resulted in many promising
ideas been rejected [28]. RE in OI needs to take a broader
perspective and consider these “not fitting” requirements as po-
tential spin-off ideas. This addressed the well-known ”PARC
Problem” experienced by Xerox [5]; the inability to assess
and capture value for (technology) innovations that were not
directly related to Xerox products. As quite often not all
requirements can be implemented in the next release due
to low priorities and lack of resources, the potential waste
of unimplemented ideas can be shared with other ecosystem
players. Therefore, step 3 of the model investigates if the
potential requirements fit into the current product portfolio or
future plans, or not. Even if some requirements do not fit into
the current strategies, they should not stay “locked” internally
in the requirements database or be down-prioritized by more
urgent requirements, but made open and shared with other
players who may find them more relevant for their offerings.
D. Step 4: Spin Off Analysis
Requirements that are considered as not the best fit for
the current product portfolio, can and should be shared with
other ecosystem players. Moreover, potential spin-offs should
be discussed and executed to benefit from potential novelty
and innovation included in those requirements. This step often
involves making alliances with other ecosystem players or
spinning-off start-up companies that can develop and monetize
these ideas. The important factor in this step is also to make
an effort on keeping the key personnel away from leaving the
firm together with the new ideas. This step corresponds to the
inside-out part of the knowledge exchange in the OI model,
see Figure 1. Open requirements and increased transparency
in release plans are important at this stage. For example,
assuming that two ecosystem players are working jointly on a
feature that is going to provide substantial benefits for the
customers, there should to be a discussion and agreement
about release plans synchronization so that both players can
benefit from the feature. These release plans should also be
synchronized with previously agreed contribution strategy for
the feature so that maintenance costs can be directly minimized
via commoditization. Finally, ideas may also be dropped if
considered not interesting enough or economically viable.
E. Step 5: Realization and Contribution Analysis
Requirements considered as a good match for the current
product strategy need to be analyzed from the realization
and contribution perspectives. First, the Architecture Impact
Analysis (AIA) need to be performed to understand the impact
of new requirements on the current architecture and potential
changes that need to be made during the implementation. The
involvement of software architect as a technical counterpart of
software product manager is important at this stage to ensure
the alignment between product requirements and architecture
and create a stepwise architectural evolution that fits with the
product roadmaps [17].
Second, the Implementation Possibilities (IP) (adaption of
OSS solution, differentiation based on commodity offered
by OSS, or fully own implementation) are analyzed and
considered. Each of the three options need to be analyzed
from the potential value and long-term cost perspective. The
risk associated with fully own implementation is a signifi-
cant change to the common code base and several patches.
Moreover, the OSS ecosystem may in the near future come
up with a solution to exactly the same requirement that may
be equally as good, or even better than the firm’s own. Finally,
Contribution Options (CO) need to be considered, and the
scope and time line of contributions need to be set. Both
realization and analysis of contribution options require the
following two elements: 1) a good understanding of the value
from both customer and internal business perspectives [14]
and 2) an understanding of the commoditization process for
a given product or market that will help in estimating if and
when a given implementation should be contributed to the
open community. [27].
In this paper, we present our vision of the Requirements
Analysis and Management Model for Benefiting Openness that
we designed with the specific challenges in mind that Open
Innovation brings to Requirements Engineering. Our model
recognizes the challenging aspects of stakeholder and re-
quirements elicitation, triage, analysis and implementation that
Open Innovation brings. We have summarized the RAMBO
model in five steps and explain how each of the steps differ
from commonly accepted requirements engineering practice.
Our vision need significant further work that we plan in the
near future. Firstly, we plan to study each of the associated
requirements phases in more detail and bring more evidence
of the lack of support for these activities. We plan to use
our industry network to search for empirical evidence if
the activities outlined in the RAMBO model are currently
performed and in what way or maybe not performed. Secondly,
we plan to select one large company that operated in OI and
study its requirements process to create process improvement
action plan that will encourage them to adapt the parts of the
RAMBO model that are currently not present. Finally, we plan
to create a governance model for RE in OI that will contain all
relevant activities and decision points that a software-intensive
firm should consider to better utilize the benefits that openness
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