1Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Application to enrol in
a NSW Government school
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Thank you for your interest in seeking enrolment in a NSW Government school.
This application to enrol form is to be completed in English. If you need an explanation of any of the questions or help in
completing this application, please ask for assistance from the school staff. You are welcome to provide further information
on an attached sheet.
Before beginning to complete this form please refer to pages 15 and 16 of this form for details about completing
this application and documents that you are required to provide to the school. An explanation of the purpose and use
of the information you provide is given on page 13.
The school will notify you of the results of your application. The information you have provided will be used by the school
for student enrolment if your application is accepted. Please do not purchase items such as uniforms until you receive
con rmation of enrolment.
Student details
Male Female Date of birth / /
day month year
Into which year are you seeking to enrol this student? (mark only one box)
Intended start date
/ /
day month year
Date of enrolment at this school
/ /
day month year
House group
Out of home care Yes No Name of statutory care provider
School name
Student registration number
Roll Class (eg 3 SMITH, 9R2)
Current scholastic year in which the student is enrolled (K-12)
A. Student details
Family name
First given name
Second given name
Preferred rst name
2Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Student details
day month year
Brother’s/sisters family name
Brother’s/sisters given name
Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
No Aboriginal T
orres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Does the student speak a language other than English
at home
No, English only Yes
If yes, what language(s) other than English are spoken at home?
Please write the actual language(s) used, for example, Swahili (not African), Punjabi (not Indian), Auslan, Aboriginal English,
Torres Strait Creole.
Main language other than English spoken at home by the student
Other language(s) spoken at home
Student’s mobile phone number (if applicable)
Does this student have any brothers or sisters currently or previously enrolled at a NSW Government school?
Yes No
If yes, name of most recent school?
If yes, please provide the details of the most recently enrolled brother or sister.
Male Female
Date of birth
/ /
3Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Student details
What is the country of birth of the student seeking to be enrolled?
What is the student’s residency status? Australian citizen New Zealand citizen Norfolk Islander
Permanent resident
Temporary visa holder Residence determination
A student born in Australia is only automatically an Australian citizen if at least one parent was an Australian citizen or permanent resident
when the student was born. To determine the student’s resi
dency status, refer to the Proof of Identity and Residency Status policy on the
Departments website. If the student is a temporary visa holder, please contact the Temporary Residents Program on 1300 300 229. If the
student is holding or applying for visa subclass 571, please contact the International Students Program on 1300 300 229.
If born overseas, on what date did the student arrive in Australia?
/ /
day month year
For Australian born citizens, if the student was living overseas for two or more years, on what date did the student return to Australia?
/ /
day month year
If the student is a permanent or temporary visa holder, please provide the following information
Current visa sub-class
Visa expiry date
/ /
day month year
If this is not the student’s rst enrolment at an Australian school, what was the student’s rst date of enrolment at an Australian school?
/ /
day month year
Please provide details of any school where the student has previously been enrolled (NSW, interstate or overseas) starting with the most recent.
Name of school last attended
Location of school last attended (suburb/town/state/country)
Dates of attendance (for example: from 05/2009 to 06/2011)
month year month year
Names of other schools attended and their locations
If more space is needed, please attach a page marked `Previous Schools’.
In the year before school, has the student been in non-parental care on a regular basis and/or attended any other educational programs?
If yes, indicate any of the following that apply and show if this was part time (less than 15 hours per week) or full time (15 hours or more per week).
Part time Full time
Long Day Care (with a preschool program) Part time Full time
Long Day Care (without a preschool program) Part time Full time Postcode
Family Day Care Part time Full time
Part time Full time
Other formal or informal care Part time
Full time
(eg occasional care, playgroup, other relative, nanny, friend, neighbour)
Preschools usually operate on school days and in school terms, and provide structured early learning to children in the year or two before school.
Long day care services offer all-day care for most of the year for children aged 0 to 6.
They may also offer ‘preschool programs
specically for children in the year or two before school.
Name of preschool/long day care service
4Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Family details
B. Parent/Carer 1 with whom this student normally lives
If applicable, copies of any relevant family law or other court orders must be provided.
Title (eg Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr)
Gender Male Female
Relationship to student (eg mother/father/carer)
Family name
Given name
Country of birth
Aboriginality No Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Please choose the group that best describes your occupation
Mark one box only. If you have retired or stopped work in the last 12 months, choose the group in which you
used to work.
See page 16 for more information and examples.
Group 8 Have not been in paid work in the last 12 months
Group 4 Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers
Group 3 Tradespeople, clerks and skilled ofce, sales and service staff
Group 2 Other business managers, arts/media/sportspersons and associate professionals
Group 1 Senior management in large busi
ness organisation, government admini
stration and defence, and qualied professionals
What is the highest level of schooling completed?
For persons who never attended school, mark ‘Year 9 or equivalent or below(mark one box only).
Year 12 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent Year 9 or equivalent or below
What is the highest qualication completed?
No non-school qualication Certicate I to IV (including trade certicate) A
dvanced diploma/diploma Bachelor degree or above
Does this parent/carer speak a language other than English
at home
No, English only Yes
If yes, what language(s) other than English are spoken at home?
Please write the actual language(s) used, for example, Swahili (not African), Punjabi (not Indian), Auslan, Aboriginal English,
Torres Strait Creole.
Main language other than English spoken at home by parent/carer 1
Other language(s) spoken at home
Interpreters may be available during school interviews. Would an interpreter be required? Yes No
5Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Family details
Parent/Carer 2 with whom this student normally lives
If applicable, copies of any relevant family law or other court orders must be provided.
Title (eg Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr)
Gender Male Female
Relationship to student (eg mother/father/carer)
Family name
Given name
Country of birth
Aboriginality No Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Please choose the group that best describes your occupation
Mark one box only. If you have retired or stopped work in the last 12 months, choose the group in which you
used to work.
See page 16 for more information and examples.
Group 8 Have not been in paid work in the last 12 months
Group 4 Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers
Group 3 Tradespeople, clerks and skilled ofce, sales and service staff
Group 2 Other business managers, arts/media/sportspersons and associate professionals
Group 1 Senior management in large busine
ss organisation, government adminis
tration and defence, and qualied professionals
What is the highest level of schooling completed?
For persons who never attended school, mark ‘Year 9 or equivalent or below(mark one box only).
Year 12 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent Year 9 or equivalent or below
What is the highest qualication completed?
No non-school qualication Certicate I to IV (including trade certicate) Advan
ced diploma/diploma Bachelor degree or above
Does this parent/carer speak a language other than English
at home
No, English only Yes
If yes, what language(s) other than English are spoken at home?
Please write the actual language(s) used, for example, Swahili (not African), Punjabi (not Indian), Auslan, Aboriginal English,
Torres Strait Creole.
Main language other than English spoken at home by parent/carer 2
Other language(s) spoken at home
Interpreters may be available during school interviews. Would an interpreter be required? Yes No
6Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Family details
C. Parents/carers with whom this student normally lives
Name to be used for all correspondence (eg Mr and Mrs A Black, Ms B Green)
Residential address (eg 1 High Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000)
Is this the residential address of the student to be enrolled? Yes No
Correspondence address
If you have a correspondence address that is different to your residential address please write it below (eg PO Box 51, Sydney, NSW, 2001).
If the school needs to contact a parent/carer, please specify, in order of preference, who to contact
If there are any special conditi
ons or times relevant to any contact number, please include this in the comment box next to the number
(eg Mondays and Tuesdays only).
Phone number (mobile)
Phone number (home)
Phone number (work)
Contact email address
Phone number (mobile)
Phone number (home)
Phone number (work)
Contact email address
7Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Family details
D. Parents/carers not living with this student
Complete only if applicable. Copies of any relevant family law or other court orders must be provided. Please print and attach additional
pages if required for multiple parents/carers not living with this student.
Title (eg Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr)
Gender Male
Relationship to student (eg mother/father/carer)
Family name
Given name
Aboriginality No Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Please choose the group that best describes your occupation
Mark one box only. If you have retired or stopped work in the last 12 months, choose the group in which you used to work.
See page 16 for more information and examples.
Group 8 Have not been in paid work in the last 12 months
Group 4 Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers
Group 3 Tradespeople, clerks and skilled ofce, sales and service staff
Group 2 Oth
er business managers, arts/media/sportspersons and associat
e professionals
Group 1 Senior management in large business organisation, government administration and defence, and qualied professionals
What is the highest level of schooling completed? For persons who never attended school, mark Year 9 or equivalent or below(mark one box only).
Year 12 or equivalent Year 11 or equivalent Year 10 or equivalent Year 9 or equivalent or below
What is the highest qualication completed?
No non-school qualication Certicate I to IV (including trade certicate) Advanced diploma/diploma Bachelor degree or above
If there are any special conditions or times relevant to any contact number, please include these in the comment box next to the number
(eg Mondays and Tuesdays only).
Phone number (mobile)
Phone number (home)
Phone number (work)
Preferred email address for correspondence
8Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Family details
D. Parents/carers not living with this student (continued)
Residential address (eg 1 High Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000)
Does the student sometimes reside at this address?
Yes No
Correspondence address
If you have a correspondence address that is different to your residential address please write it below (eg PO Box 51, Sydney, NSW, 2001).
Additional emergency contacts
E. Additional emergency contacts
Please nominate two people over the age of 18 years who may be contacted in the event of an emergency if the school is unable to
contact the parents/carers listed in Section C. Ideally each contact should be someone who lives near the school. Please ensure that you
have discussed with these people their willingness to be emergency contacts.
CONTACT DETAILS (rst preference)
Family name
Given name
Relationship to student (eg neighbour/aunt/uncle)
If there are any special conditions or times relevant to any contact number, please include these in the comment box next to the number
(eg Mondays and Tuesdays only).
hone number (mobile)
Phone number (home)
Phone number (work)
CONTACT DETAILS (second preference)
Family name
Given name
Relationship to student (eg neighbour/aunt/uncle)
If there are any special conditions or times relevant to any contact number, please include these in the comment box next to the number
(eg Mondays and Tuesdays only).
hone number (mobile)
Phone number (home)
Phone number (work)
9Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Student details – additional information
F. Special circumstances
Are there any special circumstances about the student seeking to be enrolled that the school should know prior to enrolment?
(eg living apart from parental supervision, subject of a court order, subject of bullying by others, out of home care arranged by the state,
pregnancy, mature age, asylum seeker student living in immigration detention, eg community detention).
Yes No
If yes, please provide a brief description of the circumstances. Write in the spaces below.
G. Students with additional learning and support needs, including disability
Does the student require support for learning because of disability? Yes No
Legislation and NSW Department of Education policy recognise that adjustments may be required for students with special needs,
including students with disability, so that they can participate at school. School personnel and parents work together
to identify the adjustments that may be needed to meet the students learning and support needs.
Is there anything tha
t you do or modify at home that may help us at school to me
et the student’s educational needs? Yes No
If yes, please specify
Please indicate any learning adjustments that may be required to allow the student to participate at school (complete only if applicable)
changes to learning programs and/or teaching strategies
communication, eg speaking and/or listening
modication to equipment, furniture, learning spaces and/or learning materials
support for personal care needs,
eg hygiene, mealtimes and/or health care needs
l support to engage safely with other children and teachers
other (please specify)
Please indicate if the student has any of the following
autism a hearing impairment a language disorder
a physical disability difculties in learning acquired brain injury
behaviour disorder intellectual disability mental health disorder
a vision impairment other (please specify)
Has any previous education provider prepared a documented plan to support the student’s additional learning needs? Yes No
If yes, please provide details
10Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Student details – additional information
H. Student medical details and health conditions
It is essential you inform the school before your child is enrolled if he or she has any medical conditions. This must include any known allergies.
You should also contact the school as soon as you are aware of any newly diagnosed allergies, other medical conditions or changes to an
existing condition. This will assist the school to support the safety and wellbeing of your child and allow planning to occur to determine the best
way to meet the individual health and support needs of your child. This is important information for your child’s safe participation at the school.
Note: Where the words ‘your child’ are used, they should be taken as a reference to the student seeking enrolment.
Student’s Medicare number Student’s Medicare card reference number
Medicare card valid to date
month year
Doctor’s name/medical centre
Doctor’s address (eg 1 High Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000)
Doctor’s phone number (work)
Please provide the name, address and phone number of a
ny other doctor or medical specialist who may currently be treating your child
for any allergy or other medical condition you may list when completing Section H. Attach an additional page if required.
Allergy / medical condition Doctor’s name Address Telephone
If your child has a documented plan to support any health or medical needs from a previous school or organisation
(eg preschool, occasional care, etc) please provide it to the school as an attachment to this form.
If your child has an allergy, please specify in the box below. For this allergy, answer the 11 questions that follow (where applicable).
If there is insufcient space, please attach additional pages clearly marked ‘Section H’.
For any additional allergies your child has, please answer each of the 11 questions (where applicable) on a separate page for each
allergy. Attach this additional information (clearly markedSection H’) to the back of this form.
Allergy to
1. Has a doctor diagnosed this allergy? Yes No
2. Is this a severe allergy (anaphylaxis)? Yes No
Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening, allergic reaction.
3. Has your ch
ild been hospitalised with a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) or any other allergy? Yes No
4. If yes, which hospital?
5. Does your child have an ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis? Yes No
6. If yes, is this plan attached? Yes No
7. Has your child been prescribed an adrenaline autoinjector (ie EpiPen®)? Yes No
If your child has been prescribed an adrenaline autoinjector, you will need to provide the school with one
(and r
enew prior to expiry date).
Each time your child is prescribed a new adr
enaline autoinjector the doctor should issue an updated ASCIA Action Plan
for Anaphylaxis. It is important that any updated plan is provided to the school.
11Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Student details – additional information
8. What is the expiry date of the adrenaline autoinjector that will be provided to the school?
month year
If not known at the time of completing this form, the school will require this information on enrolment.
9. Does your child have an ASCIA Action Plan for Allergic Reactions? Yes No
10. If yes, is this plan attached? Yes No
It is important that any updated plan is provided to the school.
11. Please list any other medication prescribed for this allergy
The school will require further det
ails in relation to prescribed medication on enrolment.
Parents of children who require their child to be administered prescribed medication at school must complete a written
request. The school can provide you with a copy of a request form. Information is also available on the Department’s website.
Please identify and provide details below of any other medical condition for which your child is being treated. (If more than one condition
or insufcient space, please attach additional pages and include answers to all 7 questions that follow).
Medical condition
1. Has a doctor diagnosed this condition? Yes No
2. Has your child been hospitalised with this condition? Yes No
3. If yes, which hospital?
4. Does your child have a documented action plan from a doctor (eg asthma action plan)? Yes No
5. If yes, is this plan attached? Ye
s No
6. Is your child taking prescribed medication for this condition? Yes No
7. If yes, what is the prescribed medication?
The school will require further details in relation to prescribed medication on enrolment.
Parents of children who require their child to be administered prescribed medication at school must complete a written
request. The school can provide you with a copy of a request form. Information is also available on the Department’s website.
12Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Student details – additional information
I. Student’s history relevant to risk assessment
The NSW Department of Education has a responsibility to assess and manage any risk of harm to its staff and students. This application
gives you the opportunity to provide schools with information that will help facilitate the smooth transition of the student into this
specic school setting. This may include preparing a behaviour management plan or other appropriate strategies directed at meeting the
particular needs of the student. The action taken in response to the information you provide will help ensure the safety of this student,
other students and staff.
To your knowledge, is there anything in the student’s history or circumstances (including medical history not listed in Section H) which might
pose a risk of any type to this student, other students, or staff at this school?
Yes No
If yes, please provide a brief description of the students medical or other history which might pose a risk of any type to him or her,
other students, or staff at this school.
Please provide names and cont
act details of health professionals or other relevant bodies that have knowledge of these issues.
Does the student have any history of violent behaviour? Yes No
If yes, please provide details.
Has the student ever been suspended or expelled from any previous school? Yes No
If yes, was this for:
Actual violence to any person? Yes No
Possession of a weapon or any item used to cause ha
rm or injury? Yes No
Threats of violence or intimidation of staff, students, or others at the school? Yes No
Illegal drugs? Yes No
Are you aware of any other incidents of the kind listed above in which the student has been involved outside of the school setting?
Yes No
If yes, please provide a brief outline of these incidents.
13Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Personal information, consent, and declaration of accuracy
The personal information collected on this application is for purposes directly
related to your child’s education including processing this application.
Any information provided to the NSW Department of Education (the Department)
will be used, disclosed and stored consistent with the NSW privacy laws.
Certain information is required by the Department to meet its duty of care and
other legal obligations under public health, education and child protection
legislation and for meeting data collection and reporting requirements under
Commonwealth – State funding agreements which may involve evaluation and
assessment of student outcomes.
Information may be disclosed to NSW State and Commonwealth government
agencies and other organisations for the above purposes and as authorised or
required by law.
Information will be stored on a secure electronic database. You may access or
correct the information by contacting your child’s school. If you have a concern or
complaint about the information collected or how it has been used or disclosed you
should contact the school.
If you choose not to provide some requested information it may have a detrimental
impact on your child’s enrolment, resourcing of the school or meeting your child’s
educational needs.
Further information about the collection of information while your child is enrolled
at a NSW Government school, and how we protect your privacy, is available on the
Department’s website or from your school.
Publishing student information
The school/Department may publish information about your child for the purposes
of sharing his/her experiences with other students, informing the school and
broader community about school and student activities and recording student
participation in noteworthy projects or community service.
This information may include your child’s name, age, class and information collected
at school such as photographs, sound and visual recordings of your child, your
child’s work and expressions of opinion such as in interactive media.
The communications in which your child’s information may be published include but
are not limited to:
Public websites of the Department including the school website, the
Department’s intranet (staff only), blogs and wikis
Departmental publications including the school newsletter, annual school
magazine and school report, promotional material published in print and
electronically including on the Department websites
Ofcial departmental and school social media accounts on networks such as
the school’s YouTube, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Parents should be aware that when information is published on public websites
and social media channels it can be linked to by third parties and may be
discoverable online for a number of years, if not permanently. Search engines may
also cache or retain copies of published information.
Permission to publish
I have read the information about publishing student information (above) and
I give permission I do not give permission
for the school/Department to publish information about my child in
publicly accessible communications. This permission remains effective until
I advise otherwise.
Online services
The Department provides students with ltered access to the Internet. Students
also have access to a secure learning portal.
After logging into their portal, students
have access to a personalised email account and online applications. These
resources enable students to collaborate with peers, publish online, and securely
store their data for access within, or outside of, school.
When accessing some online services, data, including your child’s name and les
they have saved, are stored with the online application service provider in a location
outside of the Department’s network. The Department has worked closely with
online application providers to assess privacy impacts and data security controls.
Information about student privacy for parents is available from https://
or from your school.
I give permission I do not give permission
for my child to have access to online services provided by the Department.
This permission remains effective until I advise the school otherwise.
I have provided information about the learning and support needs, including health
condition(s) and/or special need(s) and/or history relevant to a risk assessment,
related to the student listed in Section A of this application form.
I consent to the school/Department of Education seeking information from previous
schools, other NSW government departments, public hospitals, health professionals
or other organisations that may also hold information related to this assessment for
the student named on page 1.
I consent to the health professional(s) treating any medical or health condition
identied in this application, to provide the school/Department with information
about any condition that has been identied in this application. This may include
any other aspects of the students health that may impact on the condition or on the
health and safety of this student or other students at school or on staff at the school.
Declaration of accuracy and signature
I declare that the information provided in this application is, to the
best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.
I have read and understand the information in this application
including about the collection of personal information, publishing
student information, online services and consent.
Where I have given personal information about people other than
myself or my child(ren) I have done so with their authorisation.
I am aware that if information I have given is false or misleading, any
decision made as a result of this application may be changed.
Signature of parent/carer
(at least one of the student’s parents/carers must sign the application to enrol)
Print name
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
/ /
Signature of second parent/carer
Print name
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
/ /
14Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Yes No
Residential address
(eg rates notice, rental agreements, electricity accounts etc)
Evidence supplied
Yes No
In area?
Yes No
In addition, for students who are not Australian citizens,
more information is required.
Passport or travel documentation no.
Country of issue
Current visa sub-class (if applicable)
Previous visa sub-classes (if applicable)
In addition (for temporary visa holders) Authority to Enrol code
Medical/emergency plans sighted and copied
(eg ASCIA Plan)
Yes Not applicable
Disability or other support needs, including any personal learning
and support plan sighted and copied
Yes Not applicable
Yes No
Up to date Not up to date
Any family law, AVOs or other relevant court order sighted and copied
Yes Not applicable
For parent not living with student (Section D p7)
Shared parental responsibility
Receive academic report
Principal’s checklist
1. Enrolment interview conducted? Yes No
2. Special circumstances, additional
Yes Not required
support needs and student history assessed?
3. Risk assessment required?
Yes No
If yes
, risk assessment conducted? Yes
4. Is personalised learning and support
required for this student?
Yes No
If yes:
Consultation with parents/carers conducted Yes
Planning to personalise learning and support completed?
Yes Not required
Behaviour Management Plan (violence) developed?*
Yes Not required
Behaviour Management Plan (other) developed?*
Yes Not required
Individual Health Care Plan developed?*
Yes Not required
Emergency response plan developed?**
Yes Not required
5. Communication of documented provision/s
and plan/s to relevant staff?
Yes Not required
* It may be necessary to defer thenalisation of enrolment until this
action has been taken. This may require development of an interim
plan until all relevant medical or other information has been obtained.
Consideration must be given to all special needs when developing
behaviour management or health care plans. Any deferral should be no
more than reasonably necessary to collect the required information.
An emergency response plan must be included in the student’s
individual health care plan where the student is diagnosed at risk of a
medical emergency.
** Where a student has been diagnosed at risk of anaphylaxis the
emergency response plan will be the ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis,
which will be provided by the parent, completed and signed by the
treating doctor.
On the basis of the information provided on this form and gained
from the required assessments,
I accept, or
I decline this application to enrol
Signature of principal
Print name
/ /
day month year
SRE and SEE participation letter returned
Not applicable
Record of evidence - all students
Original documents must be sighted.
Photocopies of evidence related to student identity and their
residential address may also be required.
Student Identity (name and age eg birth certificate, passport etc)
15Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Application to enrol in a NSW Government school Information Sheet
Having trouble with this form?
If you need assistance with English please call the Telephone Interpreter Service on telephone 131 450 and ask for an
interpreter in your language. The operator will get an interpreter on the line to assist you with your conversation. You will
not be charged for this service.
When you come to the school to enrol, please bring
these original documents with you:
In addition
If your child is the subject of family law matters you will
need to provide:
Copies of any family law or other relevant court orders
In addition
If your child has health, disability or other support needs
you will need to provide:
Copies of medical/healthcare or emergency action plans
Evidence of any disability or other support needs,
including any learning and support plans
In addition
Non-Australian Citizens
If your child is a permanent resident but not an Australian
citizen you will need to provide:
Passport or travel documents
C urrent visa and previous visas (if applicable)
Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions
If you have a complaint, compliment or suggestion or are concerned
about any aspect of our services we’re keen to hear from you.
We encourage you to contact the school to talk about your concerns,
as most problems can be solved by talking to the school e staff,
your childs teacher or the school principal. They know your child and
are best placed to help you. Also, it’s best
if you let them know about
your concerns as early as possible.
We will deal with your issue thoroughly and fairly and we have a clear
process for resolving problems.
Further information, including access to our Complaints Handling
Policy and procedures, is available from:
In addition
Temporary visa holders
If your child is a temporary visa holder you will need to provide:
Passport or travel documents
Current visa and previous visas (if applicable)
Authority to Enrol issued by the Temporary Residents
Program Unit. This is required for visitor and temporary visa
holders (other than sub class 571P referred to below)
A uthority to Enrol or evidence of permission to transfer
issued by the International Student Centre (if holding an
international full fee student visa, sub class 571P)
Evidence of the visa the student has applied for
(if the student holds a bridging visa)
Need more help? Contact your school or visit www.schools.nsw.edu.au
How to complete this application form
in the box like this:
1 2 3 4
Write as clearly as possible in the box
Note: In every Government school, time is to be allowed for Special
Religious Education (SRE) and/or Special Education in Ethics (SEE). Schools
offering SRE and/or SEE will provide you with a SRE and SEE participation
letter to complete and return to the school.
All applicants must complete sections A, B, C, E, H and I
You may be required to complete sections D, F and G
Use a black or blue pen to
When you are asked to mark a box, put a tick or a cross
l in this form
When you are asked to put information into boxes, put a
single number in each box like this:
Please print as neatly and legibly as possible like this:
Attach any additional information securely to the back of
this form. Clearly indicate which section (A–I) this
information refers to.
If you require another application form, you can download
additional copies from:
Proof of students residential address
(eg council rates notice, residential lease, electricity accounts,
statutory declaration etc)
Birth certicate or identity documents
Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation
History Statement (required for all students enrolling in NSW
16Department of Education | Application to enrol in a NSW Government school
Parent occupation groups
The main purpose for collecting this information is to promote and implement the National Goals for Schooling by informing State and Commonwealth
Governments on matters that may affect resourcing to your child’s school and preschool.
You will need to use this table to complete the ‘Occupation Group’ section on pages 4, 5 and 7.
ve groups listed here are used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to classify occupations. Please choose the group (1, 2, 3, 4 or 8) that
you think best describes your occupation.
If you have retired or stopped work in the past 12 months, choose the group in which you used to work.
You have not been in paid work in the last 12 months
Drivers, mobile plant, production/processing machinery and
other machinery operators
Hospitality staff (hotel service supervisor, receptionist, waiter,
bar attendant, kitchenhand, porter, housekeeper)
Of ce assistants, sales assistants and other assistants
Of ce (typist, word processing/data entry/business machine
operator, receptionist, of
ce assistant)
Sales (sales assistant, motor vehicle/caravan/parts salesperson,
checkout operator, cashier, bus/train conductor, ticket seller,
service station attendant, car rental desk staff, street vendor,
telemarketer, shelf stacker)
Assistant/aide (trades’ assistant, school/teachers aide,
dental assistant, veterinary nurse, nursing assistant, museum/
gallery attendant, usher, home helper, salon assistant,
animal attendant)
Labourers and related workers
Defence Forces ranks below senior NCO not included below
Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, shing, mining worker
(farm overseer, shearer, wool/hide classer, farm hand, horse
trainer, nurseryman, greenkeeper, gardener, tree surgeon,
forestry/logging worker, miner, seafarer/
shing hand)
Other worker (labourer, factory hand, storeman, guard, cleaner,
caretaker, laundry worker, trolley collector, car park attendant,
crossing supervisor)
Tradespeople generally have completed a
4 year Trade Certi
cate, usually by apprenticeship.
All tradespeople are included in this group.
Clerks (bookkeeper, bank/PO clerk, statistical/actuarial clerk,
accounting/claims/audit clerk, payroll clerk, recording/registry/
ing clerk, betting clerk, stores/inventory clerk, purchasing/
order clerk, freight/transport/shipping clerk, bond clerk, customs
agent, customer services clerk, admissions clerk)
Skilled of ce, sales and service staff
Of ce (secretary, personal assistant, desktop publishing
operator, switchboard operator)
Sales (company sales representative, auctioneer, insurance
agent/assessor/loss adjuster, market researcher)
Service (aged/disabled/refuge/child care worker, nanny, meter
reader, parking inspector, postal worker, courier, travel agent,
tour guide,
ight attendant, tness instructor, casino dealer/
Owner/manager of farm, construction, import/
export, wholesale, manufacturing, transport,
real estate business
Specialist manager ( nance/engineering/production/personnel/
industrial relations/sales/marketing)
Financial services manager (bank branch
nance/investment/insurance broker,
credit/loans of
Retail sales/services manager (shop, petrol
station, restaurant, club, hotel/motel, cinema, theatre, agency)
Arts/media/sports (musician, actor, dancer, painter, potter,
sculptor, journalist, author, media presenter, photographer,
designer, illustrator, proof reader, sportsman/woman, coach,
trainer, sports of
Associate professionals generally have diploma/technical
cations and support managers and professionals
Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science,
Computing technician/associate professional
Business/administration (recruitment/employment/industrial
relations/training of
cer, marketing/advertising specialist,
market research analyst, technical sales representative, retail
buyer, of
ce/project manager)
Defence Forces senior Non-Commissioned Of cer
Senior executive/manager/department
head in industry, commerce, media or other
large organisation
Public service manager (section head or above),regional director,
re services administrator
Other administrator (school principal, faculty
head/dean, library/museum/gallery director,
research facility director)
Defence Forces Commissioned Of cer
Professionals generally have degree or higher quali cations
and experience in applying this knowledge to design, develop
or operate complex systems; identify, treat and advise on
problems; and teach others
Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science,
Computing professional
Business (management consultant, business analyst,
accountant, auditor, policy analyst, actuary, valuer)
Air/sea transport (aircraft/ship’s captain/of cer/pilot,
ight of cer, ying instructor, air traf c controller)
Group 8
Group 4
and related
Group 3
clerks and skilled
ce, sales and
service staff
Group 2
Other business
and associate
Group 1
in large business
and defence,
and quali